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SKAVRONSKAYA, A.G.; GOLIDINA, L.R. Effect of levomycetin on the intensity of protein and nuclalc acid synthesis in Eacherichia col-i B. Zhur. raikrobiol. epid.. i i-un. 40 no.5sl3g-143 My 163 1. Iz Instituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei AMN SSSR. SKATROUSKAYA, A.G.; FLADKlN, G,Yc.; BOHIMVA, N.B,; ZAIVFJK~ L.A. Rffect of ga=a irradiation on the auxotrophic ffititants of Escherichia coll under the conditions of changing synthetic activity, Radiobiologiia 3 no, 6i85&-865 163. (MIRA 170) 1. Institut epidemiologii i mll~robiologil imeni akftdemlka N.F.Gamalel, 14oskva. -9 -,BQLJ-'-.Ql4V, .; G-'tDhJ--f, red. [IWTnter rape for feed] Czim~i rape na lkorm. Moskva, K010s) 1965. 58 P. (MILU 18:8) BORISOVA, N.B. Winter rap, as a promising crop. Zeml8delie 26 no.12:67-69 D 164. WIRA 1&0 1. Dedinovskaya opytnaya stantsiya po poymennamu lugovodstvu Vsasoyuznogo nauchno-i.9sledovatellskogo instituta kormov. YAKOVLEVY G.P., BORISOVA, N.B. A E- and 8Cj- effects in strong magnetic fields. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 16 no.6:943-944 D 163. NIRA 17:2) 1. Urallskly gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M.Gortkogo. W(m)/ ES(~)-AFFTC/ASD~-Mi/K -L.3:0VM3 ACCESSION NR: Ap3w3936 q/020/63/003/004/682/0586 AUTHOR: Skavronskays.-A-.0.; Fradkin, 0. Yej Borisova, N.'B.; Zamcbuk, L. A6) Gol Idina L., P. TIM.-. Influence of the Intensity of synthesis of nucleic acids and albumin on the lethal and miutagenic effects of g=a radiatLOn SOUM:1 Radiobiologiya, V. 3, no. 4, 1963, 582-586 TOPIC TAGS: ga=a radiation, nueleic acidp albumin, mutageneaisj, synthetic proo- I ess, intensity,, radiation, DNA.,.=. ]-ABSTRACT: The influence of the intensity.of synthesis of nucleic acids and albumin on the lethal and mutagenic effects of gmma radiation vas examined by reproducing the process of mutability and varying the intensity of the synthetic 'processes, In this way the role of individual cell components in determining and changing the hereditary traits.of microorganisms was examined. Experiments here conducted with E. coll B.cultures In a glucose salt "minimal" medium using q C060 gamma-ray source Levomycetin vas used to vary the intensity of the' 7ahetic processes in ;he cello.,It was fo=d that the lethal and mutagenic. C,;,d !1 10714,~63 ACCESSION NR:' AP3003936- effects of radiation increase under 'the action of gama rays against-a background 1- of an almost complete block of albumin synthesis and of retarded nucleic acid synthesis. Irradiation of the culture under conditions of retarded albumin synthesis and negligibly stimulated DNA and RNA synthesis leads to sorne lessen- 1 Ing of these effects. The presence of a correlative relationship between the Intensity of DNA and IRNA synthesis, on the one hand, and mutagenic and lethal action,of gamma irradiation, on the other, confirms the genetic role of nucleic acids and attests to the dynamic character of the functioning of the cellular genetic'structures. Orig. art hasi I figure and 2 tables. I-ASSOCIATION: Institut epidemiologii imikrobiologii im. akad. N. F. Gamaleya, AMN SSSR, Moscow'.(Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology, SSSR) SLMMMD: 17JU1162 DATE AOQ: 15AUS63 EXCL: 00 SO CODE: AM no MW* SOV: 001 Oc~ Card scnlar 3,,stc,-i Fil,, al ln CU id ran Cand .51 -~~Xcal -:~St 10/ 53 - 1 -0.5 CC), 7iol, C', 2 1 514) Sorvey of jcic,~i,.tifi-c aW Techn~ c,-tl. DI Fc ',er Edue Lional Ii~sti. !Jan,.~, (r) . J oil BORISOVA. N.Y. (Moskva) I 'TI "- .- . ...... . ... ~~. Zzw Changes in the cardiovascular system in severe bronchophoumonia in.infants. 7911d. i akush.- '21 no.3.-25-26 Mr 156. OLRA 9:7) (PIUMONIA) (CMIOVASOULAR SYSOM-DISFASIS) (nWANTS-DIS&M) BORISOVA, N.Y. Spontaneous gangrene of the leg in a 3-week-old child as the result of birth injury,* Pediatriia 36 no.6:91 Je '58 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Iz kliniki detskikh bolezney II Koskovskogo meditsinakogo institute. na baze Detskoy klinicheskoy bolinitsy No.l. IMANTS (RW.BORN)--DISRASBS) NGRM) W BORISOVA, N.Y. (Moskva) Clinical aspects of the encephalic form of poliomy'alitis. Zhur. nerv. I psikh. 59 no-7:785-789 159. (MM 12:11) 1. Klinika nervnykh bolezney detskogo votrasta (zav. - prof. D.S. 7uter) II Noskovskogo gosudaretvennogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir dotsent M.Ge Strotkina) na. baze Detskoy klinicheekoy boll- nits; -(glavnyy Trach Ye.V. Prokhorovich). (POLTOMYXLITIS, in inf. & child, encephalic form (Ras)) STEPAKOVAj, MX*; BORISOVAp N.F.p,nauk Acute diffuseiu~ tive peritonitis as a complication of ohronio nephrosonephritis in children. Pediatriia 38 no.12: 17-20 260. (KM 102) 1. Iz 2-y khirurgicbeekoy kliniki (zavo - prof. Ya.Go Dabrov) i pediatrichookoy kliniki (zav. - prof. M.I. Olwskiy) Hoskov- skogo oblaotnogo nauchno-issledovatel0skogo klinicheakogo inati- tuta imeni M.F. Radimirskogo (dir. - P.M. Leonenko), (KIDNEYS-DISFMES) (PERITONITIS) ZHUKOVA, Ye.K.; BORISCRA9 N.F. Encephalitic syndrome in acute poliomyelitis. Zhur.nevr.i paikh. 60 no.7:782-788 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Hlinika nervnykh bolezney detskogo vozrasta, (zav. - prof. DOS. Futer) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute imeni N.I.Pirogova i patologoanatomicheskoye otdeleniyp Detskoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy N0.1 (glavnyy vrach Ye.V. ProkhorovAch). (POLIOMMITIS) (ENCEPHALITT43) OSUPISHIK, Y.Y.; BORISOTA. N.G. ,-.- ... High-quality seeds guarantee good crop yields. Zemledelle 8 no.2:60-62 7 160. (MIRL 13:5) 1. Glavnyy agronom Kalushokogo oblastnogo upravleniya sel'skogo khozyitystva (for Oftaptsbin). 2. Zaveduyushchaya oblastnoy kontrollno-somenn laboratorlyey (for Bortmova). 07 1 Ofteld crQps) BOAISOVA, N. I. Defended his Dissert,,,~tiun for Candidnte Agricultural Sciences in th~ Soil Institute, Academy of Sciences, LISCIR, 1,1'6scow, l(.53 Dissertation: "Use of the R,.,dioactive Isotope of Phosphorus D32 in Agrocherucal Investigations" SO: ReferativM Zhurnal Khimiya, No. 1, Oct. 195.3 (11/29955, 20' Apr 54) Use of phosoboruds' evaluation of tmwer of the brat" to thq*kt Chemiml Abstraots Kfivii: and 0. A.; Vol. 1.8 No- 5 U.S.S.R.. fog. 1953 Mar. 10, 1954 0, 111-10,-Elpts. with PO-labeled Ca phosphat'."- Soils and Fertilizers fertilli~r an oat cultures show that the fertilizer 13 better...,... tifillied wben npplied totally than vvhem disttibuted Unt-', formly ovrt the held. A smaller amt. of the Wit PhosPbate:- Is Its; allized with local fertilizer than with utillom dlQ.;- tributipm Kos-I-Poi 77t, ~k -6a % gypir!kjto.- 11. V. Xz!jj.~itov -,t - -- - - -,I V i m, L N Kurchn., a. ' Y - - ; . It u-ts-S.1y. A - Pt" M=OV 2NAI- P P -rikm it Alcmind Eurgii, Inly 1-5, I 1,1 1 Wd. xhi--4. xl'40 Q%lGmW) 178-2-IT2 (englikh 5unimary. 2W4).-71t,c=Pn. and YieM tire girtn'tar the spOlattio-n products d Ag b=barded iilth M'-Wml~em. 2S,0~4u,T~V. dtaltri"Is. ,.%,. nj sen-ed. The prothwq ylOds rzpid)y ilrcrt4~,td with at.'no, passinIt throsgh Amin. iii tht;cgico of at. no. approi. kvial to 25-8. 'Ile lvia Klv~* smtimt wa_- fo=4 to be 0A3 x wMcl qmxtmmd~d toO.Volthrm-mkritmil WhrliAg "it irr,,di-atM by 4Fz&,-Ax.V. P"- toni, tl-.L cross'StZrion forth, fommtio nml.-I c", lirbt unrlt! was bcliered to be the usult of processes in . frcqD an ext-lita Iml padt"Ininatc,4,; Tal f 11 -' bith--o unknown wuz dtircted: I~olurmx I - - BORISOV, Iv.; BORISOVA, W. Iv. -'a." ~.- - On some petrographics, chamicalq and physicomeaYAnical properties of marbles in &1gariao Godishnik biol 54 no.2--159-2-~12 v59/*0 . ~ ~; :-a, (publ. 1611. 1 .i AcTions t lurchato-. 2. 1.. Pkbod-v, T. It., 507/56-35-1-7/59 Chistyaka., L. V., S010717*v. T. Z. TITU t Secondary Nuclear Reactions in ais=uth ~.l Load During Sftbezd=.ot by Prolotm of High jno..7 (Vtorichnyy. yadertylo reaktoll. as ViSmuto I ovintse pri boztardtrovko ;rotsnazi vyseltikb on,rgly) Mt=ZCLL% Zhurmal eks;.rizentallncj(i filLki. t950, Vol 35. Br 1, Vp 56 - 63 ABSTRACT. Zn the present paper vt;erizenta are described which had Already been carried sut In 1951 - 1152, -!;a results "d evaluations of hLch are, however, ;,4blisnod only :09. 21("3) and Pb(Z.S2) see ba~tsxd.d with ; f energies of fret 160 to 460 Uof. ani astatine loot.;$* (9o45) more obtained, the production of which we# Inv*,. Sleet" by a ra4i*ctanioal method. With %1A. *It*;tIon of At I. b4ch me& also obtained fret lead. - it sea possibll Is obtain IL card 113 astatine isotopes from bis--uth. J(A I ). 6.10-29.2. -29 2 2;t1?.-3(cS ;ThwAt.iso1op*j !Gund "a noa~lj all a.9 -.2 - T alt, Ata*4(K):T. Z5 Lul 2o (s.9).T - 25 an1At2*6(r):: - 2,5 hl At2o7(..Z 90%): ~T - 2 bj At2oa(K)ST - 60 hi At2*9 (3.1 95%):T . 5.5 h, M21*(C)%T - 6.1 hi (For the .-scttlity or P*21* T . 140 d), -? prod . - 7.5 b. The auction or*wa section f A a lead was ~ i0-3 c.. Th &.t--.7. ..Svavor*;i to explain the phenomena abaor-d tj tho.1 to be &*result of a o0candary reaction of the capture or fission prolucto or LL-ftuclot). The produotion of light astatine Isotope. tierA be xplitt.d ty PtFff of hleh-vn.rgy ;Totono with a fotjowing : ; I -=;rl:u* I'll several ..ulr... The or**& mention to, h. duction of *-;arttcl*s eith X>20 Xo1r froo blA=th Irr*414ted with 480 1UT protons 1. d*ttr=:..d fr~ he as-&tine yield to zounting to (5 to 6). 10, 25, 2 (P*rfil*v "d Q$trcu=dv (Bar ft) obtained (1.5 -! .6).Ic!'; C-rd 2/3 c32-) In conclusion Profes"r. -d Z.Y.. Fooor"abuk are thwzk*4 for their -d"~Q ~.d discudsiO.~Q- ?b r. are 2 figures. 4 tablet. and 12 r&rerorcos. 2 of afti-h sr. 3.,I.t. Mul-ro: r.bruary 20. 195a Cord 31) BORISOVA, N. I., P. M. CIIULKOV, B. V. kWCILkTOV, V. 1. limcip- L and V.M. SHUBKO 'Research on the Content of Radioactive Strontium in the Atmosphere, Soil, Food Products, ancl Human Bones." Soviet Scientists Concerning the Dangers of Nuclear-Weapon Tc:sts, p. 62, Publishing House of the Main Adminstration for I.he Use of Atomic Power Council of Ministers USSR, Moscow 1959. 21M SOV/56-37-2-6/56 AUTHORS: 1~orisova- N. I., Kuznetsova, M. Ya., Kurchatova, L. N., Alekhedov, V. N', Chistyakov, L. V. TITLE: Recoil Nuclei in the Disintegration of Silver by Fast Protons PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, vol 37, Nr 2(8), PP 366-373 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper several experiments carried out in the years 1951/52 were at first discussed, which aimed at the direct determination of the ranges and angular distributions of the recoil nuclei of some disinte~,-ration products of silver (of. Ref 7). Figure 1 shows the special containers used for the -iZi- vestigation of angular and energy dietribution. The tar'me'U8 used 2 were silver foils (0.5 mg/c'm, impurities: ME, Si: Ye, Al. Pb < 10-3%, Au < 10-3%) which wert; iri-adiated by protons Uart-'~.- cle current - 0.1~4a). The followinv-, was investigated: 103 104(p+,K), T I t"106(K), T = 6 d; Zr69'P+,EN Ag + Ag - 70 m4n; A~r' 90 + 82 + T - 80 h; Nb (P ,K), T = 16 h; Rb81 - Rb (P K), 6 h, and Card 1/3 SOV/56-37-2-6/56 Recoil Nuclei in the Disintegration of Silver by Fast Protons Se73(p+,K), T = 6.7 h . The angular distribution of the products was investigated with the e%ception of selenium for the three directions: forward, backward, and at 900 to the proton beaz,, (forward: 5