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TAZHOV. U.N.. kand.medonauk medicine and pharmacy In Koldavla durtag the period of feudalism. Apt.delo 7 no,1:58-61 A-F '58. (KZU 11 :3) (MOLDAVIA-PIAM(ACT) YF,ZHOV$ II.M. socialist cometition. In _pharmaceutical -enterprises and in institm- tions. Zdravo'o!&ranenie 2 no-1:13-16 Ja-r 159- (IGU 12:?) 1. Chien Prezidiuma Reopublikanskogo Kamitata profiioyuza meditsinskikh rabitnikov. (MOLIAVIIL-MUG IMUSTRY) -A LATREWITEV, M.F.: TFZMV, '4.Y., insh. Increase lumber transportations by miued railroad-vaterwrq communIcations. Rech.transp. 18 no.12:11-14 D 159. (14IFA 113: 4) 1. Zaudatitell glavnogo diapetchera Volzhakogo ob"yedinennogo rechnogo parokhodstva (for lavrentlyev). (Lumber--Transportation) (Inland water transportation) (Railroads-yreight) ZHIQACHI K.Fd- YEZ-HOV? A.; F KELISHTMp M.Z. IN Effect-of additives-of water sIoluble cellulose ethers on the p--.rme(- ability and mackianical propertie's of oe=eAt stone, I-.;v-, v7$. uc~--eb# iavo; neft' i getz 3 noolO,.27-30.160* (faR& 14:4) 1. Moskovskiy institut neftekhimiche6koy i gazovoy prmquhlennosti imeni-akademika I.M.Gubkina. (Cell-tilose others) (Cement) 01 ~,Rts~Llq *C*O*Mk t*tUft$ d &0 9=UUI*d dZfdg Of 1144CI 1,1411d. Pro'", a. No, 4. 'file OtItfAtion rMI(ed It Mon tic JfA (tow toml emaUilk-Atban (not his than 4% cmulska Immd on fifwr wt.) duflat brid sking. Fmulilk-itim can dwceaw StAml ctmgumpOm mild Cnit duriagilling. Themahlon hAs the ecoup(s.., 6-1 kg. JiArMtio, 0A1 kg. Almin. OAN ka, 40' W. CAUMic, 014 At 1. of wott. At. Mud GUSEV, V,; YEZHOV. If. % SIGALOV, 1. Construction of 2zrge-pinel buildirgs for childrents pTeBchool institutions in Kiev,. Zlill.titrol, no.1218-31 16.,,, (x[RA 18:2) 1. YEZHGVO V.A. 2. USSR (600) 4. 1303AYa Valley - Geolo&r.. Structural 7- Report an the, activities of the variometric party in the northern part of the Kayurgazinskiy and the southern part of the Meleuz Districts of the Bashkir ASSOSORO in 1944. (Abstract) Izv. Glav. upr. geol. fan. no.3., 1947 9. Uonthly List of Russian Accessions$ .Libra-r7 of Congress, March 195,3, Unclassified ------------- wwq~ SF ,V,, V.I.; ~TZH()Vv V.A.; BORISKOVAI, P.I. Preparation of a demulaMor based on C15 - C20 synthetic &"Pb&t'c alCO11016- Uch- ZAP- Nord. goo* un* no,2706-38 163. Some recomwndations for the preBorvation of a penicillin micelle and retention of.its feeding value. ibid,:,'49-42 (HIRA 19: 1) J.d YEZHOV, V.A. Reconstruction of the Donets coal basin during the Great Patriotic War; 1943-1945. Yost.Lonun. -11 ne.14:22-36 156. (MM 9:10) (Donets Basin--Coal minox ana mining) BMWICHj A.B., red. [decsased]t YSZHOY4-VLt--red.; MANRODIRl, Y.Vol red*; OVSYANKIN,, V.A,p red.; MUM, V.G., red.; VOSTOKOVAJ E.S.0 red.; USEMA.. L.I.j,, (NistoriograpbV and source description of the history of the 2aboring c2ass of the UeS.S.R.) VoprOV7 istoriagrafli i istoobnikovedenila istorii rabochego klass&.SSSR,- Le Izd-vo Laningr.univ.1 1962.. 172 p. (14-IRA 15:5') 1. Leningrad. Universitet. (Labor aW-Uboring classes) V.I.- YEZHOV, V.A. RUMYANTSEVI Use of technical phenoxyacetic acid asa precursor of phenoxymethyl penicillin. Med.prom. 16 no,5:51-4,2 Mv 162. (MIA 150) 1. Saransk iy azvod meditsinskikh preparatov. ~(PENJOILLIN) (ACETIC ACID) vltji~iy-.,111.?~ MIMI 1;N4711 ISHOV V*D ZHDANOV, S.1- Cyclic voltmetrY with the PE-312 elsctron polarograph. Zav. lab. 28 no.9:1(158-1060 162o (MIRA 134: 6) 1, Iwtitut alektrol:himii SSSR. (PolarograPbw) YZZHOV V Por further improvement of the work of the Office of Supply for Peat Industry Workers. Torf. vrom. no.2:1-4 154. (HLRA 7:3) 14 Torfrabsnab. (Peat industry) tektul. nauk,, YEZMV# Velso inshe OnGtructl0n- Irov. v prolzr, I duaing poroum~gyyvum ma a @trot* mat. tool:60-85 159. 012A 12112) (Gypsw3) (Ingulation (Eleat)) YEZMV, V.I. Using,available means for improving the economy of peat enterprises. Torf. prom. 36 no.5:5-7 159. (MIRA 13:1) l.Mosobleovnarkhos. (Peat industry) --I(Ezllq~~V. I., MILAVY-0, YFI. A, and SARKISOV, A. KII. (Fost-graduate Studentv A-..- UnU-n nnT!tute of Experimeental Veterinary lab-dicine, Candidate of Veterimry Sciences, Proressor) Antibiotic polynVxin for acute gastro-intestinal diseases. Veterinariya Vol. 38, no'. 9, September 1961, pp. 62. SARUISOVp A.Kh.,, prof.; DZIIILAVYAN, Kh.A.,, kand, voter. nauk; aspinint Antibiotic pollqrxin for acute gastrointestinal diseases. Voterinariia 38 no.9,.62-66 S 161, (MIRA 160) 1. Vsasoyuznyy institut eksperimantalluoy voterinarii, YHZHOVP V.I. Effect of --antiblotico on - tho- pan, urelladis -agnt - in caperi- - ments in vl.tro andion animals Antibiotiki 8 no.7:62q-/625 JP63 (MIRA 17:3) 1* Laboratoriya ant;ibiotikov( zav.-- prof. A. Kh. Sarldsov) Voesoyuznogo instiluta eksperimentaltnoy veterinarli. 14 V7, 1 --L- 38644-66 EWTM IR(c) M-4 ACC NRo AE6021C43 SOURCE CODE: UF/0058/66/000/00~~T/ii6j,' AUTHOR: jezhov9 V. T.S- Sheloputs' D. V.- TITLE: Analysis of losses determined by the conditions for matching acoustic and J electric circuits SO(MCZ: Ref zh.Flzq Abs. 21454 REF SOURCE: Sb. Elektroosazhd. met. i ul'trazvuk. mikrodefektookopiya kristallove Novosibirakp 1965, 123-136 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic equipment,, electroacoustics., piezoelectric transducerp coupling circuit ABSTRAM. A general analysis is presented of the operation of the radiating and receiving converters in an ultrasonic line circuit. Also considered are the losses introduced and the conversion losses due to mismatch between the input and the output of the acoustic-and electric circuits. A-formula is obtained to determine the general losses in the ultrasonic circuit and its application to the case of connection of piezoelectric converters without and with tank circuits is conaidered. The results .of measurements of the transfer coefficient agree within 1 db with the theoretical curves. V. B. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 I Card IT L 38845-66 EWP(J),/EW(1.)/?%T(m)/T/W1(w) IJP(c) DI/RM/Ml -ACC-NRs M602la42 SOME CODE: uiVO058/66/000/002/HD64/1064 61 AUTHOR: Yezhoy, V.__I..; Sheloput, D. V. ff _-MMw~-the re TITIE: Calculation ok~ flection coefficient of acoustic waves from the boundarY between a sample and an intermediate 'Layer SOURCE: Ref zli&Fizp Abs. 2H428 REF SOURCE: Sb, Uektroosazhd. met. J. ul'trazvuk. mikrodefektoakcpiya kristallov. Novosibirsk.. 1965 141-145 P_ F_ 6 V TOPIC TWS:A acoustic reflectionj transition element, sound transmission., ultrasonic wave,, circuit delay line, epoxy plastic/ ED-5 resin ABSTRACT: The necessity is noted of 1wering the reflection coefficient from a iran- sition layer in order to broaden the transm,4ssion band of ultrasonic delay lines. In -view -of -the -tact --that- it-. is -extremely difftq1tAV' to produce quater-wave- layer, - the- ati )efficient by reducing the th3akneas eqA is usually made to lover -the reflectioii c4 of the transition layer. An experiment; is made with ;ri;;14; ep oxy 20 - 40 Mcs has shown that the tranwAssion coefficient at the lower frequency drops 10% when the layer thickness is increased 6 fold (frcm 0-5 to 3 Wp whereas at 4o mcs it decreases by.30 B. [Translation of abstract] %. SUB CODE: 20 Card 1/1 a~VRATIIII UfA6ll=Tl;.rWIZl rim I m"Sulm YEWOV THe Thmtmimt of terminal statas in a auto poisonings. Sov. Kir. nc,.1&56-57 JTa-T 163. Olwm-A 16S31 1e. Iz kliniki travmatologii,iortopedii (lapolnyayushahiy obya- -nnostizaveduyushchego..- dotsent N.K, Studentsom)-Kirgizekogo gosudarst7ennogo meditainski)go instituta i Kirgizakoy respubli- kanskoy klinicheekoy bollnilWy (g4vWy vrach - S*D* Rafibekov)o (PV,[SWBG) IS Kubanskaya risovaya dpytn*ia stantsiya,~(for Y6zhov). (Rice) KOVATIEV, V.A., doktor med. nauk; YEZHDV, Yu.S,, kand.,med.nauk (Moskva) Role of adrenal cort" bormones (glucocorticolds) In the pathogenesis, prevention and,,troatment of pulmonary edema in mitral stenosia. Sov. med. 27 n008:31-36 Ag 164. (MB A 18.-.3) L Iiboratoriya anestezlologlt (zavo- doktor med. nauk V.A. Kovanov),Instituta sordechno!-nosudistoy khirurgil (dir.- prof. S..A.. Koleanikov) AMN.SSSR, niluchnyy rukovoditell akadeinik A.N. Bakulev. KOVANEV, V.A,; YEZROV, Yu,$, Pulmonary edema in heart surgery, Grudn. khir. 5 no. 3:85-89 My-,Te 163. (14IRA 17:1) 1. Iz Instituta aerdechro-sosudistoy chirurgii (dir. - prof. S.A.Kolesnikov, nauchny.-i rukovodttell - akademik A.M.Bakulev) AMN SSSR. Adres avtorov: Mosk7a V-49, Leninskiy prosp.., d, go Institut serddchno-sosudistoy kh1rurgii AMN SSSR* ROVITOV, A.Sep prof.; KOTUIEV, V.A.,; Clinical aspects of acute pulmonary edema during anesthesia and mitral commissurotomy. Sovet. med. 27 no.6:20-25 Je'63 OURA 17:2) le Iz otdola priobretennykh porokov aerdt9a ( zav. - pro f. S.A. Kolesnikov) i 3aboratorii anesteziologii ( zav. - dotsent Ye.A. 'Damir ) Instituta serdecbno-sosudistoy khim-gii (direktor- prof S.A. Kolesnikov, nauclmyy rukovoditell - akademik A.H.BakuleT) A121 SSSR. ROVNOV., A.S., prof.; YEZHOV, YU.Se Premedic-ation of mitral sUncsis patienta vit-h predispoaL ition to mall- monary edemao Vest, khir. 9.2 no.3:112-116 Mr 1.64. (MIRA 17:22) 1. 1z otdeleniye priobretennykh prokov sardtsa (zav. - prof. S.A. Kelesnikov).i laboratorii iniesteziologii (zav. - dotsent Ye.A.Damir) Irstituta sordechno-sosudiatoy khlrurgii =1 SSSR (dir. - prof. S.A. Kolesnikov,-nauchnyy rakovoditelt - akademik A.N.Bakulev). Adres avtorov-. Moakva, Leninskiy prospekt.. 8, Institut cardechno-sosudistoy kbirurgii VN SSSR.. USPLISUyA, BULyGIM, 1. 1.-; YEZHOVAs A.A. selection of chemically resistant matertale for beaters and teach of rotors of Kolloid mills used for preparing concentrated mineral and btyric emdsions of DDT, MTsG, and Im. (Trudy] RIUIF (KERA 13:8) no.165-.68-77 159- (Strength of materials) Ik2!IIRwFR S I; W~ - WAIt M InKOM, -A. YR. ---YEZHOVA, -,V. YE 2. Ugm Wo) 4. Cotton Finishing 7. Emulsifying dyed cotton, Tekst.prom. 12, no. 12i 1952, 9. MonthjX Lint of Russian Accesaiop2., Libr4rylof Congress, Parch 195,3, Unclassifted. RNM T ITI! - ~jeDoSltlon Of MUILlIaVeL C01iLiFk5 lil ait eje.~.Lric fleid - - I ~., * Biological characteristics of dysentar7 pathogens in a rural localitY. Zhur.mikrobiol.(mid. I immn.,supplement for 1956-4870, '57 (HIRA 11:3) 1.,I% In stituta opidemiologii J mikrobidlogii imeni N.F.Gamalei MI SSSR. (SHIGILLA) MMOVA, G.G. -Identification of enteropathogenic Nacherichia coli with the aid ef an acceleratiO bacteridlegice Wthod. Zl~. m1krobiole-40 no.72 82-85 J1163 (14IRA. l7d) 1. Iz Instituta epidemiologil i mikroblAog-li imeni Gamalel AMN YEZHPIA,-G.G.- Use of dry quinosol.medium for the microbiological diagno6is of diphtheria.. Lab. delo 10 no.3-.168-169, 164. (MA 17:5) epidemiologii i mikrobiologii im. N.F.Oxamalei ANN SSSR, 14oskva. .X P:ZHOVA., G. G. ; YA KIININA, N.A.; KII(VITSKAYA, T.A. 0--agglutinins in the blood of children with colle:v~e-rf?.i.-. Mur.mikrobiol.lepida i iraaun. 41 rio-5,.128-133 MY 164- (MIRA 18t2) L Institut, epidemlologil i m1krobiologii imant Gawilui AYN SSSR I Institut pediatrii AMN SSOSR. , I -N C! ;neectlons 1r. 3f: "IF Ml no t t 4, 'SSF _:-c b 10 1 oF i r~amalei LLM77-66- JK-.- Q, qn 1 -R C F ce-llr 42 V. 1T' r~ic-s of diphtheria I. i`lltu:-fls pr opc SOTTRCF-. 7hurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologil i Immimobiologif, no. 9, 1965, 36-42 )!;:t' FA,"S, toxicolog.y, to catiun was to stiady the xigenic Froperdev, pit I-- r ii )rs --a III:,, J.~Ijl ul, PC0jA'rLl(-:-- Ol kf a 1)11 1, 1, 1;: U~ -A L 100'1'7-~6 As A f th COM .1 C) T' ,R, SERCERV., A.V,; ZFRLITSOT~ ROMANSYM, M. Y*.!, YEZJiciv. G. I.? KUD-RYASHO'lp A. G.;, "IMERX-OVA, A.M. -Y+ hroblastosis fetalls In neVoorn foals. VeterInarlia 38 & no.8a5.9-fd Ag 761 (MIRA ISLI) lo Vo:5kQvsk&:y;i akadoird7a Jn,~.rll K.A. Tbaryaze-vra. ye.V.; YEZHOVA GREMINAp VitamiIn and amino acids CC02position of the Vitamin B12 fted preparation, Farm., L spirteprome 30 no.8:311-32 164- (MIRA 18:3.) 1,- veasoyuzny,y uauch'l*.'-LS8lGdovatel'AiY' inatitut formentnor i spirtovoy proWshlennostis L_IZ173-66 EPV(u)-2/EWTW/EWP(t) IJP(O) ES/WW/JD/JG ACC NIR: AP6004507 soupc-~ Cr;DE: LT/r~~8;7./r ~s/' none T LE :-7lectrolytic deposition f --r-I - quantitlies of -uraniun from solutions 1~ ~ SOURCE: Radiokhimiya, v. 7, no, 5, 1965, 625-627 `3 C 7 At, S :uraniuvi, electrolys's, electrodeposition, e1eci-.-op!at:,-.g gallvanic ceL.' UKII~dle' i,-.une, --ect-'rolyte ziin, 4 open!s dc current, --a e zz rof rne copper cat~odc 1%,351 wi, and a 5 rrn gap betwee- electrx)--'e-% art. has - I table, I L 507 P.Cc Ap&,114 ode) -e - g, 001. not ONE, USSR/Medicine Leptospirosis FD.2612 Card :L/1 Pub. 148 23/25 Author Yezhova, N. G. Title Leptospirae~carrying in grey ratz Periodical Zhur. mikroepid. i immun. 4, 101-103, Apr 1955 Abstract Investigations of grey rats In various localities in the USSR have shown that the grey rat is a carrier of the causative or- ganisms of laoth icteric and non-icteric leptospiroses. Bac- teriologica1 investigation of 82 grey rats during axi epidemic of leptospirosis among humans in the western Ukraine during 1951-52 resulted in the isolation of only five cultures of Leptospirae. All the strains isolated belonged to the Monyakrov serotype, L. -type Il._Leptosp irae of the same serotype were isolated from affected humans. Thei-t~-6sults-cf-the-investigations are presented on three charts. Seven Soviet references are cited. Institution Llvov Institute of 4idemiology, Microbiology, and Hygiene (Di- rector-CaxA Med Sci. S. D. Kiyuzko; Scientific Director - Prof. L. A. Chernaya) Submitted July 10, .1954 Al, 14-57-6-12834 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geografiya,-1957, fir 6, P 149 (USSR) AUTHOR-, Yezhova, N. G. TITLE: Serological Diagnosis of Leptospyrites in the Western Districts of the Ukrainian SSR (Serologicheskaya diagnostika leptospirozov v zapadnykh oblastyakh UkrSSR) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. rabot L'vovsk. n~-i. in-ta epidemiol mikrobiol. i gigiyeny. Llvov, un-t, 1956, pp 51-~A ..ABSTRACT:, -Serum from 900 patients in the ten western '6bjg~ats of the Ukraine was 5tudied-in-1955. A total'of 387 samples, received-from the L'vov, Volyn, Drogobycht Terri opo I I, ti-ans--- Carpathia, ChernoVtS70 Odessa, and Rovno oblasts gave a positive reaction to agglutination and lysis with diffe-rei-t serological types of lepto- spyrites. VolY4 and Lfvov oblasts provided the greatest number of these serums. The largest number of Card 1/2 14-5t-6-12834 Serological Diagnosis of LeptosPYrites (Cont.) -leptospyrite serotypes (up to eight) was also found in this area. The leptospyrites L. grippo-tyRhosa and L. akivami B. proved to be the prevailing serotypes in all regions . When 137 cattle serums were studied, it was found that very few of them registered a posi- tive reaction to-wgglutination and lysis. Card 2/2 1. Soloshenko sov/16-60-3-19/37 17 (2) AU1110113 I Y~ 2 11 ~Ov -1 on The Stimulating Action of Green ~Jold onthe MultiPliOatl or TITLE: s ires 1960,,\Iir 3, j=~wiobiolog al mikrobl.ologii, epidemiolog" i PERIObiCAL- ZhuM 79 83 1us':;R) illium corymbef6rum, ating action green mold (Penic ABSTRACT: To test its st'imul J~ -The mold had a Westling) was-cultured with 10 strains of Leptospira. definite stimulating action on the growth of-leptosPira, which began to multiply from the 2nd - 3-rd week, reaching a maximum during the 5th,- 7th week. By the 8th - 10th week their number was on the decrease. The control leptospira were culturod in tubes without mold and showed no alned with increase in growth. The richest growth with the mold was obt - at the Leptospira grippotyphosa. P .Lgglutination and lYsiS tests showed th mold did not inhibit these reactions in L. grippotyphosa. Thus, the mold may be used to accelerate the growth of. colonies in culturing specimens Card 1/2 from humans, animal s and objects of the external environment for diagnosis. *Tne lng Actlon Of Ore en No There .- Id on 14U1tiPJ.Jc'tJoJJ 'SOV116-6o A 13 1 table, I graph -3-19/37 SSOC-TAT'ON: L IVOVsk:t and 4 s of LePtOsPires of Y Ins"tut ep1d, .m1o1Qg1J OvIet references. emiolo ZMAOroblolo i mlkrobiolo.11 Plar(all 34, 1959 9191Yeny Card 2/2 t I-, hea A 3ri ws. rinei. 4-wit. 43017-325 Trudy Ferm f, YNZH07.40 H.No Work of feldsher stations in the Udmirt A.S.S.R. %drav. Roe.' Feder. 2 no.12:34-38 D158 (KIRA 11:12) .10' Iz kafedry orkenizataii %drAvookhraneniya I latoril meditai%W (zave - dots. M,,H* Vilonskly) Ithevskogo meditainskorgo instituta (UDMURT, A.S.S.R.-MMLIO EMIALM, RURAL) YEZHOVA, N. Ne, - C and Med -8- c i('diss)_ -,"Physical development- of - newly- 19 born infants --n the city of Izhev,sk in the years 1940 and 194!4-1 55." Izhevsk, 1060. 16 pp; (Bashkir State Medical Inst im 15th Anniversary of the VLKSM); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 18-60, 156) I A 7,V YEZHOVA, kand. zed. nauk Physical developient of newbom infants in a rural locality of the Udmurt A.S.S.R. Mrav. Ron. Feder. 8 no.20.6-18 F163 4= 17 %3) 1. Kafedra organizatsii zdravookhrahcniya i istoril meditsiny (Zav. dotsent R.M.Vilenskiy) Rheirskogo maditainakogo inati- tuta. 11; flrl~fft-gl - Moo Ye z HO USSR Pharmacology, Toxicology. Chemotherapeutic v Preparations, Abs Jour*. Rof Zhur-Siol., No 91 19580 42461. Author Gladenko, 1. N.; Fottushny, V., A.; Ye Inst Mr-ainian Instittitd of Experimental'Veterinary- Sciences'.- Title The Effect of Biomycin and,Levomyeetin upon the Hlgh6t' ff6rvous:A6tivity in Animals.~ Orig Pub: Byul nauchno-tekhh. inform'.-Mr. n-i's In-t.eks- perimf veterinarii,'1957, NO-3., 24-267. Abstract: -It waa demonstrated in experim4nts on rats With th4aid of the conditioned reflex method that bio- mycin (I) and levomyeetin exert an action upon the inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex. in moderate doses (25 mg/kg) this is manifested by intensification of the inhibitive processes .Card 1/2 FORTUBMWI V.A., kand.veterinarnykh nauk; GLADENKOY, I.N., kand. -voterinarnykh nauk; PROSTYAKOV, A.P., kand.btologicheikikh nauk; SHMOV, P.N., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik 0.1. "tarshiy laborant Use of antibiotio aerosols in diseases of,Iyoling pigs. Vetekinariia 37 nb.9:56-58 S 160. (14IRA 14:11) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut eksperimentallnoy veterimrii. (Swine--Diseases and peatil) (Aerosol therapy) (Antibiotica), FORTUSHNICY, V.A.; XEZHOVA, 0.1. Sensitivity of.pathogeaic micro:-~Organisma to antibiotics. Antibiotiki 6 no,5:442-442 147 161. (FJqA .14--7) Ukmiduhdy nauchnQ4,lasledovatellskly institut ekoperimentallnoy w0rinariip Kharlkov. (ANTIBIOTICS) ;I ." U , 1, - - MISHCfE,NKO, M.I.; KOVALfCffUK, V.A.; SAMOYLOV, A.V.; YEZHOVA, T.I. [lEzhova, T.I.] Appearatus for studying the movements of polymers and heat transfer:4n screw presses. Khim#prom.(Ukr.] no.1:33-35 Ja- Mr 165. (MIRA l8t4) B KH 0 T KOROLKV, B.A.; OKHOTIN, !.K.,; MARTS, T.F.; DFMABINA, Ye.I.; YEZHOVA, T.N.; -6~ 0 GU 0 ~E JK V GUTENKO.. V. 1. Clinical course of the defects of the interventricular septum ur and their surgicaltreatment under conditions of extracorporeal n blood circulation, Uch. trudy GMI no,1909-107 165. u (MIRA 18:8) . Iz kliniki gospitallnoy khirurgii GorIkovskogo gosudarstvennogo x 1 maditsinskogo instituta imeni S.M.Kirova. YUHOYAI V.A. Treating myopathles with adenosinstriphosphorte acid. Zhur.asyr. I Poikh. 56 no.4:325 156. (MIRA 9:7) 1. Klinika narvnykh bol4sney (zav.-prof. H.H.Piatnitekiy) Krymokogo meditsinskogo Instituta imeni I.V.Stalina, Simforor-oll (MUSCLES, diseases. th r., ATP (Ras)) (AD2NTLMOPHOSMTZ, therapeutic use, muse. dis. (RU 8)) YEZHOVA, V, A., Cand Med. Sci --,(diss) "On the.Significance of Oral Reflexez for the Clinic of Nervo s 1i it tnf e ropol u S 1957. 13 PP (Crimean State Medical Ins f Nervouz Dis t ~~ eases)-$ 200 copies (KL, 481-57,, -109) 68 YE Z USSR / HumaZ and Animal Physiology. Growth Physiology. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol#, No 15., 1958., No*' 69735 Author :1(2zhova, V.,A. , Inst : Crimean i9ffi-al Institute Title : Oral Reflexes in Newborn Infants Orig Pab : Tro M~ymako nod. in-t. 1957, Vol 17, 467-469 T Abstract : In 25 children from one to nine days of age., oral reflexes (suokLM, Epstein, Astvateaturov, Marinesco., Benedek, aml Gamper reflexes) were observed, Their dynamic depended on the sleeping and feeding times of the infants. The three latter reflexes were weak and quickly disappeared, la now- borns all oral reflexes are combined in a single physio- logic nechanism; later there is a strict localization of stimuli for each of them., andwith the continuation of growth of the cerebral cortex they are inhibited. A. M. Ryabinovskaya C ard 1/1 YLMOVA., le. 1,101clianova, 0, P,l YezhOV2, Ye. N. arid. Tum;.rkina) "he b;lprice of nitrogen and ch, trady Jr,-t.-, pitanly (~kad. its assimilability in alimentar-j dy st-ro;J-,Y,,, Ilau nauk SSSR), Moscow, 1948, P. 113-18 So: U-3566, 15 March 53, (Letopis 'Zhumal Inykh Statey, No. 13, 1916) P~ GRUBINA, A.Yu.; YENOVA, Ye.11. [deceassdl; KRAYKOp Ye*A,; MASISIUKOVA, Ye-.ff.-,--RAZUMOV, M.I.,- SEROYEVAO M.A.; SKIRKOI B.K. Influence of riboflavin on the course of ezp3 ental silloosis in white ret3. Vop. pit. 20 no.6-.40-45 N-D (~bIRA 15-.6) Iz Instituta pitanlya SR, Moskva. WIJ!D'USST DISWES) (L (mor-lAVIU-PiriSIOLOGICAL IZIUVECT) OLSUF YS "Vq.N.G.; YMMIYANOVIt O.Sj-UGLOVOY, G.P.'; SIMCHMIKO, ~V.S.; K110ROSHEV, I. G. YEF, Z HOVA Ye.N. BESSONOVA.. M.L VEDENEEMA, Yo V.; AREFIYIV, EQ S.S.; SHMANOVAp 0.14.; SORMA A 14 - BOWD1110, V Ye SUVOROVAR A# 0111MIMOVSKATA, V.A. STOLUROVAI, A.D.; BIZT,RC;A, K.A.;,BEFINA, R.F.; MYASNIKOV, Yu A.; aVACIIEVA, Z.A.; YMIAMYAN, K.K.; RAVDONIKAS, O.V.- SAMUM.- A.P. Optimal periods for testing skin reaction in subjects- inoeulFited - -T against tularemiavith a dry live Vaccine and vaccinal,'reactogenic and immunogenic properties of this preparation. Zhur# ndkrobiol. opid* i imman. 32 noS6:92-98 Jo 161. (MIRA 1515) -de a prirodnoochagovykh Woktsiy Instituta epidemiologii i nikrobiologii imeni Gamalei AM SSSR, otdelov Usobo orasnykh infektFA Voronezhsi6y, Leningradskoy 1y -,, Moskovskoy, Smolenskoy, StalingradskoylTambovskoy., Tul-lskoy., oblastnykh sanitarno- dpidemiolo-icheakikh-sta:ntsiy i Omskogo institulta epidemiolovii, mikrobiologii I gigiyon (TU= ~(VACCIITES) AVDEYI.PV* V-N.; AUEKSANDROV, V.K.j GOL(Ulovy V.A*jjFZHOtFA ye V. Devices for the cOatznuOus looldng o0 through a 4 za-rlufacturad artic-i.. vac-aum. Ddkl. All BSSR 8 no.11*699-70-1 "1 164* --- (MIRA 18:3) 263914 S103 61/027/00,B/019/020 B124YB215 AUTHORSi Yezhovaq Yu. S., and Paning S. M. TITLEj- Preparation.of molybdenum and tungsten ground mioroseations PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no. B., 1961, 1044 TEXTs The following method was applied.for polishing and atching molybdenum and tungsten grouna miorosedtionot After meohanioal pollehingo,the mioro- section is eleotropolished in 10 12 %.NaOH for '15 to 20 eeo ai, an optimism 2 current density of 1 - 0.8 a/cm The current density is then reduoed to 093 0- 5 a/cm21 the mioroseotion is etohed for 10 - 20 asov th4I~n washed with waterg and dried with filter paper,. If colored oxile filmo form on the miorosection surface, it should be polished, again for another 5 - 10 sec'X since such films would disturb the structural ezamination. The above method was applied for obtaining microseations of - molybdenum and -tuzgeten wire of differen-t.diameters. The strueture of tungsten wire 40 micrzne in diameter is given as an example. [Abstracter's notes Essentially oomplete translation.] Card 1/1 SHIRTIER, M.G.; YEZHOVA, Z.P.; RYBKlNA, L.A. Bleaching with per acids. TekBt. prom. 25 no.12:57-59 1) 16-,. (MIRA 19: 1) 1. Sotrudniki Ivanovskogo nauchno-issledovatellakogo ini)tituta khlopchatobumazhnoy promyshlennosti. F_- L 10037-6 ACC NR: Ap6o,469a CA) SOURCE CODE: Ultfo_j~z-&fi 0 /00X! :07HOR: Shikhor,_M. 0, (Associate); -Yozhova, Z, F. (Associate); Rybkijia, Z% A* ,0',qG.* Ivanov Scientific Resoarch-Instituto.of the Cotton In4ust I jZjX_4;.!~I (Ivanovskiy ,n,~4ohfio-isi'l-id7o-v~tellskiy institut khlopchatobumazhnoy promphlonno3ti IVNITI) TPELIE: Bleaching with per acids !SOURCE:' Tokstilinaya promysblennost', no.,12, 1965j, 57-59 JTOPIC TAGS: textile. poroxy organic acid bleaching pow der ABSTRACT: Some of the problems of bleaching with per acids by the continuous saturation-steaming method wore examined using desized and scoured cambric. The fabric cnn be bleached with poracotic acid at not too high temperatures (60-7000 to modorate vffiitonoss which is retained, but little soil removal is offected. Mor13 uhiteness is obtained with-poracetic acid at low pH, but its stability is loss than in hydrogen poroxido bleached fabric. Scoured fabric is bleached more easily than unscoured. I Capillary properties are readily attainod by bleaching at low temperatures. Foracetic acid bleaching at 1000C causes substantial destruction of the fabric cellulose, hence it cannot be used at high towp6raturos, and at low temperatures it does not moot the oxidizing and surfaco activo requirements for bleaching desized cotton fabric, Orige ar' has. 15, * 4 tables. WrdCODEf 11 1 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REFs 001 uDcs 677.o64-2.2.-677.826 ROZEMLIDY B.A.; YEZHOVA-GUSEVAP-L.M.; NAZAROVA, T.A. Metric invariants of planes in hyperspaces. Uch. zap. ICPI no.208:278-287 163. (MM 17:6) ye 81,112- IrOl-~ v-) Category: USSR Physical Chemistry - Kinetics. Combustion. Explosives. Topochemistry. Catalysis. B-9 Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 4996 Author : Yezhovskaya-fthab t NavoyaksA, Vronakays- Inst : 0 sh Academy o ciences Title Minetics of the Reduction of Potassium Permangamte by OH-Ions Orig Pub: Buyl. Pol skoy AN. Otd- 3, 1954., 2., No 9, 451-455; Bull. Acnd- polon. sci. cl. in 44T-451 Abotract: In continuing prior work (R&Bhila, 1955, 11314) the half-orler was ascertained of the reaction of reduction Ku(T+) Ma (&) (00 and 200) and of Ma (6+) --> Mn (5+) (-10 and 00)0 and the I-at order of the naction Ma (5+). --~> Ma (4+) (20-300)- Energy of activa- tion of these reactions 1.9, respectively, of 9,3 11.2 and 23 kcal/ mole. Ia the presence of benzene there is formed dipheayl., which ind1cates the presence of free radicals. The authors propoge an ionic-radical mechanism of the reaction with participation of rvAi- cals OH and 0. Card 1/1 AMANNrrAZOVV K.;-YEZIASHVILI, A.G. A ww outcrop of upper Jurassic deposits in the central Kopot-Dag. Dokl, All SSSR Ul no. 5:1163-1166 D 16-1. (14IRI, 14:12) 1. Inatitut Seologii AN Turkaenskoy SSR L-Upravleniya geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministroy Turkmanskoy SSR. Predstavlena akademikom A.L.,Yanshiwjm. (Kopet W--Geology,, Stratigraphic) Izv.AN Turk.SSR Ser.- Gravity_collapse structures in Kopet-Dag- i 16-.5) fiz.-tekh.,khim.i geol.nauk no.3t89-96 162. M.P. r l..Upravleniye geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete M%istrov Turkmonskoy SSR* (Xopet-Ddg--,qeology, Structural) (Gravity) YE, ZI ASHV A. Some problems of t~ha tectonics of the western and central parts of the Kqpet-l~~g, Trudy Inst. geQl* All Turk. M 4t200-231 062. (MIRA 160) (K pet-Dag-GeploU. Structural) YEZIASIIVILI, A.G. Nature of Lower Cretaceous sediments in the frontel ,,,ona of the Kopet-Dag. Izv. All Turk. SSR. Ser. f Ichim. i geol.nauk no.5:60-65 165. (MIRA 18-.11) 1. Yuzhnaya KarakurasMya goologicheshaya ekv-peditsiya GPGK Turkmenokay SSII. Submitted June 20, 196,4. Kul 9 ~!"9, r 161; ~,c;voltkcnr),, e~jluzhby 1 4 as i I v A o'llivivy"y In . I ie Gruzi--o,4!y poll Leylir ~11 heekikh nauk (Tbilisi) t tekhaic-- K.U.. kandida curves. Zhal. j1,1 gmail radius (MM 9:5) -:~~F,~Xoert=nce with reinfOrcing track dorl. tranop. 37 no.2*81*-82, and turuouts) a- *71311 Pailroad -CuL YEZIASliVIL~,.M. 1_1. de rail - on curves along the ins Arrangement, of gaard rails Trudy GFI [Gruz.] no.7:47-54 '63 )BZIKASIIVILT. V.'D. (TWJAI:1~1') sz-.~-.-~--~~;Z~~- A vrob-lein in the dy-r9LTics Cf a wlth -var-lable mat~qs. 1~I MhohinovedeznLa no.5:41-47 165. (IME'A 18:~J) SOV/333--59-2-23/2E AUTHORS: Boyko, M.Xe., Gulunov, V.S. 'fezikov, i.&T. Engineers Prikhod henko, M.M. and SakhV V~-Msr TITLE: 1~tom the Experience of,Operation of Recuperative Soaking pits (Opyt ekspl4atatsii relviparati-wykh nagrevatellnykh kolodtsev) PERIODICAL: Stall, 19591' PNr 2~ I A pp 170-1?5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The development of the soaking pit practice on the Chelyabinsk Works is described.. The recuperative soakino pits fired with a mixture of coke-oven and blast furnace gas (cal. value 2100 k cal/0) with air preheated to 650-8000C are heatingingots from an average temperature of ?8000 (for 88-90% of ingots) to 1120-12900C (lig.1). The weight of the ingots varies from 2.65 ton to 6.2 ton (average 5.1 toa). Main points: the introduction of the removal of liquid slag, using additions of a carbonaceous --s-- (60-65% -,oke breeze, 30-35 quarl".7, sand and 5-7% of lime) in an amount of 1.1 - 1.2 ton after every 14-16 charges and experimental heating of ingots in a low Card 1/2 oxidising atmosphere (air ex.cess coefficient 0.,85-0-90) SO'V/133-59-.2-23/26 From the Experience of Operation of Recuperative Soak-Ing Pits which reduoes the formation of sc-ale, by 30% but with a 6 increase in the consumption of fuel. There are 4-49o 5 figures, 2 tables and 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Chelya'-hinskiy Metallurgicheskiy, Zavod (Chelyabinsk Works) 30; Mont List of Russian Acc4aaions Library of Congress, -TuUO.1952 VM., Uncl.