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1, BOND&PIEV, L.G. More on the "paleogeographical puzzle of Lake Issyk-lul'." Trudy Otd,geog.j Tian.fiz.-geog.sta.AN Kir.SSR no.1:129-141 158. (MIRA 12:2) (Issyk-Xul', Lake-Paleogeograpkv) BONDdMV, L.G. Unusual form of gluier relief. Trudy Otdegeog.i Tian.fi2. geog.sta.AN Kir.SSR no.1:149-152 '58. (MIRA 12:2) (I)zhetymbel' Range--Glaciers) BIAGOOBRAZOV. V.A.,-_BM L G ZHEVNIKOVJL. N.D.; POGODINA, G.S.; IW___, ~ TOKOBAYEV'o M.M.; CHUMICHEVAq G.D.; SHCHERBAKGVt M.P.; ZABIROVj R.D.9 kand-geogr. nauk, red.; MAGOOBRAZOVp V.A., red.; SKRIPKINAq Z.I.t red.izd-va; ANOKHINA, M.G., tekha. red. fThe Naryn River basin; physicogeographical features) Bassein reki Naryn;fiziko-geograficheakaia kharaktoristika. Frunze, 1960. 288 p. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Akademiya um k Klrgt=koT ssRj Frmm. Otdel geograf ii. (Naryn Valley-Physical geography) EONDAREV L.Q. Recent advance of one of the largest glaciers of the Tien Shan. Mat. gliats. issl. no.2:21-ZB '60. (MIRA 14:11) (Nortbern Karasay Glacier) I BONDAREV, L.G. 1~ Decrease in the size of Southern Karasay Glacier daring 1943-1957. Mat. gliats. issI. no.2:57-61 160. (MIRA 14:11) (Southern Karasay glacier) .BONNUMV,-L.G.-, .- Tntaresting shore Illness Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. est. i tekh. nauk 2 no.10:1.19-122 160. (MIRA 17:3) BONDAREV, L.G. Separation of valley glaciers' affluents in the regressive phase of glaciation. Izv.Vses.geog.ob-va 93 no-5:426-4,31 S-0 161. (Tersksy Ala-Tau-Glaciers) (KIRA 14:10) BONMUV, L G. Salt balance of Issyk-Kull and problems in determining the length of the time of existence of the lake. Rab. Tian'-Shan' vysokogor. fiz..-geog. sta. ilo.5;1-32 162- Clay karst in the southwestern part of the Issyk-Kull Basin. lbid.:131-135 Western European encyclopedias about Kirghizia. Ibd-:143-148 WIRA 17: 10) BMAREV. L.G. Underwatervalleys at the bottom of Issyk..6Kull. Friroda 51 m.6: 197-98 Je 162. (14IU 15:6) 1. Tyant-Sham'skaya vysokogorimya fiziko-geograficheslmya stantsi7a.. Krigizakaya SSR., sel, Pokrdvka, (Issyk-Kull-G olo&7) BONDAREV, Lev Georgiyevich ZABIROV,.R.D., otv. red.; FO j MENKO, V.L., POPOVA, M.G., tekhn. red. [Outline of the glaciation of the Akshiyrak massif) Oohefki po oledeneniiu massiva Ak-Shiirak. Frunze, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kirglaskoi SSR. 1963. V2 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Aks*jmk Range-Glaciation) BONDAREV, L.G. ~ ZABIROV, RD. Fluctuations of glaciers in the interior of the Tien Sh&n in the course of the last decade. Rab. Tian'-Sban', vysokogor, fiz.- geog. sta. no.6;7-21 164. (MIRA 17:12) EONDAREV,-)~.G. Problems of the Quaternary history of the development of the relief in the region of the Akshlyrak Massif. Rab. Tianl- Shan'. vysokogor. fiz.-geog. sta. no.6:97-1.13 164, (MIRA 17:12) 17(13) SOV/177-58-4-19/32 AUTHORS: Gurvich, G.I., Lieutenant-Colonel of the Medical Corps, Candidate of Medical Sciences, and Bondarev, L.I., First .1fiieutenant of the Medical Co`i-ps TITLE: .3tudy of the Fatigueability of the Flight Crew (K izucheniyu. utomlyaypmosti letnogo sostava) PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Wr 41 pp 64-66 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals with the objective calculatinG of the fatigueability of the flight crew. Fortbeirinvestiga- tions, the authorsused the method of quantitative evaluation of enduring static work, which had been suggested by Fessard, Langier and Nouel in 1958, and A.S. Shabanov had already successfully been employed b (1939), V.V. Rosenblat (1949, 1951, 1953 and N.K. 5 Vereshchagin. Based on the results of 126 tests on flying personnel, the authoisconcTuded that the indi- ces to be studied after carrying-out various kinds of Card 1/2 SOV/177-58-4-19/32 "tudy of the Fatigueability of the Xilight Crew flight operations undergo considerable and regular changes. It has been ascertained, that any flight or "lifting" in the altitude chamber resulted in reducing the values of indices (Figures 2, 2a). The systematic study of the efficiency of the air-crew by the above mentioned method, besides other data, makes it possible to determine more objectively the fatigueability of pilots, which results from navigation work. There are 2 tables, 2 graphs, 1 photograph and I French reference. Card 212 USSR/General Problems of Pathology. Allert7. U Abo Jour: Rof Zhur-Diol No 8, 1953P 370811 Author DO Inst Title Allergic Manifestations in Penicillin Therapy. Orig Pub: Vrachebn. delo. 1957, No 7, 753-754. Abstract: A ran, 29 years old with right bronchopnewnonia and sulfaninide derimtitis) receiving injections of a solution Of CaC12 and penicillin (1; intramuscu- larly every 4 hours in doses of 100,000 units) de- veloped on the 6th day a severe allergic reaction. Following discontinuation of penicillin) and increase of CaCl administration of adrenalin and diriedrol, the con.91tion of the patient improved. Card 1/1 BONDAREV, L.S. ,;Ow '~O-lbffi "6s, , characteristics of septic processes caused by penicillin- resistant staphylococcal strains. Vrach.delo no.5j539-541 My 159. (MIRA 12 -12) 1. IlinUm infektsionnykh bolezney (sav. - dotsent S.L. Arez) Stalin- skogo meditainskoge Instituta i oblastuaya klinicheskaya bollnitsa im. M.I. Kallnina. (STAPHYLOCOCCAL DISEASE) B(NDAREV, L. S., - (TissR) "The Percentage of Certain Trace Elements in the Blood with Botkin's Disease and Obturated Yellow Jaundice." Report presented at the 5th Int'l, Biochemistry Congress, Moscow, 10-16 Aug 1961, BORDAREVI L.S. Manganese content in the blood in BDtkin's diseaoe and mechanical jaundice. Terap.arkh. no.6:47-50 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz kafedry infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent S.L. Erez) i kafedry biokhimii (zav. - prof. A.0. Voynar) Stalinskogo medl- tsinskogo instituta. (JAUNDICE) (IWATITIS, INFECTIOUS) (MBGAKESE) BONDAREV. L. S. (Donetsk) Metabolism of trace elements in Botkin's disease. Klin. med. no.2:66-71 '62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Iz kafedr- infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent S. L. Erez) i lcafedr7 biokhimii (zav. - Drof. A. 0. Voynar) Donetskooo tnst-ltiita (Air, A, M*, --na ~A -',I 'T tsinakv- t6ifnij t*f (HEPATITIS, 1101r-TIOUS) (TRACE EL&4ENTS IN THE BODY) BONDAREV, L.S. f ---F - -.. ~, ~ - --,~ Content of copper in the blood of patients with epidemic hepatitis. Zdrav. Bel. 9 no.1:43-46 J163. OUHA 16:8) (COFFER IN THE BODY) (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) TSELUYKO, Yu.I.; SADAKH, A *F.; BDBOSHKO, V.S.; DDDOKA, V.G.; LIHININ, A.I.; Prinimali uchastiye: PEMER, A.N.; WLA, V.N.; KSFTZUK, F.A.; .BD.NDA.R-EV,_L.,V.; REZNIKOV, Yu.N.; KLEKLI, A.E. Study of the heating of metal in a holding furnace. Stall 25 no.5:462-464 My 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Nauchno-issledovntellskiy i proypktnyy institut metallurgicheslcoy promyshlennosti. BONDAREVP M. [BDndar-isvp Ho]o inzh.; DMWO, M.,, insh. Installing *relin*, floors. lkd.mat.i konstr. 4 no.6:53-51+ N-D 162. (Floore) (MIRA 15--12) BONDAREV, M. The "sold out" notices of the house of culture. Sov. prof- soiuzy 19 no.22:23-25 N 163. (MRA 17:1) 1. Direktor Doma kulltur7 Zaprudikhinskogo sovkhoza, Novosiburskay obl. I NAVIOT, Abram Yudellyevich; BONDAIREVJ M-ariya Mikhayloyna, ZARETSKAYA A.I., ved. red.; STAMSTINA, L.D., tekhri. red. (Solubility of gases in water under pressure] Rastvorimost' gazo-f v vode pod davleniem. Moskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 146 p. (miRA 16:11) (Gas, Natural) (Solubility) USSR / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their 1-29 Application. Fermentation Industry. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, 10251 Author : Bondarev, M.V., and Shpritsn-n, E.M. Inst Title A Rapid Method for the Determination of Alcbhol in Grape Pomace Orig Pub Sadovodstvo, vinogradarstvo, i vinodeliye Moldavii, 1956, No 3, 50-51 Ahstract A modification is proposed for the Bryun and Vezin appara- tus for the distillation of alcohol in the presence of water', vapor from grape pomace. The laboratory apparatus consists of a conic wide-mouth flask of one liter capacity, a glass sleeve with a detachable perforated bottom, an air-cooled condenser and a receiver. The distillation of the alcohol from the pomace specimen is continued until the receiver has Carx 1/2 (Illst. "Magilrach," Kishinov) USSR / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their 1-29 Application. Fermentation Industry. Abs Jour :Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 3, 1957, No 10251 Abstract ;been filled to nine-tenths of its capacity and the alcohol content is determined from the specific gravity after cor- rection for the volatile acids present. A sketch and des- cription of equipment for the distillation of alcohol from pomace and must is given. Card : 2/2 ------------ F-~:- `4A prolait of All-UDIOn Stitb Stindlid OST)lOymsking Jj-.-V'-B-b~darcv and N. L. Ltyrzlima. EsJilij~1 &tTite. NO 1. wa 1 -11 V, 'T fcr 34-5f 057).-A clit. evoluatiou if tbc -rT- ccl a Ca tartrate prcpn. corag. hygrix-acapk H,O 3, u1sal. cdmlose 10, and tm-uak =ld rot ltss i-han -;S gmdt:i or resp., is pr~rrlt., 005, 051 1,0 0 ol. 0 5 5 to OPP 0 1,9S 69 0-4, Sp~ 6.OT VO.,6; 601, 6,9~ Oe v .1 510). -T ~o e'vo," 6:q D~ !S~kA .4 ~IDO , r. 9~ ~ -.,~ 0 0 ve CS De 03~ CG ve 0 - vx 1, - 00,c~q. . -C O~j % e-Ie 1,0 -ce~~ ).Sl~-Ovr "s ~,06 j3S~ fz~j-0-e 61 ) T. V C, '01 -~Jvv A~O 5 Os 6 10 Te~ e~O e. 0 .010 '00 05- C . 7~ 9 .., r- ANe g.. , , - s () " , e 9:~,- to ICA 065, O.C~5 p cp 6. k 'Ge j O)U'~- , 1 0 -,50 S'Q ~~ ~,5 ~ 0~~ 52~ OT o~411 k, 00'0- 00-0~ 00~ It 3-a, S-"c o-, c, e'B el %50 s e 0 O-f~o e 6. oe e ~o I OW. 5s ,,To rO ve -00 00 ,b, OT v '59 WIT WbI se -01~~ 0~ C)T 'T oe kx,-o e',-' e-~,, eNp, e~,o k;~~ ~~ 0 . el co'c" INO e~ b 0 e-c~ ~, ,N- k;o. 09 oTe qe 0 O~ kxo 070 oo 0 e q); T CIV OtN. e v.-P eo e fO.,.VON)P o-; C, "o OT -\-e IOT !o9- T e 0 'OP e 06. 've 05 *9~~ p ~~C, '9 6f,~: ~~ 61 60 ~ k, rIv ee 0 97c, -~,sc) I - 0 5 , ve "V Te s e, u, )S, kx, 3:,1;o ClIc- (,\o veS, e tie ,,,5 IDS -r 0 0 .c"o 5v,$ e 0, t\0 e ~- :,3 os X~ -VT 0, O~ e Oo3 V I 0 6 -v0 qp, O'sl-' s lb ke6. t~ OJ~ 4~O , Ce I ;~. IA 1, ~~ -f -ce( e Ca 5 '9110 qe ;o I , e e 0 S 0 -,,e ~~p oll If'o $ ~~relp c,-vl, fie .0 e -11 OC, s o ~ue o ~ge& 'lle.5 T CO 5,cp ,p0 e-4 et- oca:" e Concrete Reinforced with Thin Twisted Wires SOV/97-59-1-9/18 material. Fig.1 illustrates metal anchoring wedges for tensioning of twisted reinforcement, and Fig~2 shows the testing of this reinforcement to breaking point. In addition to tests on twisted reinforcement comprising 2 x 2.6 mm diameter wires, a sin~,le wire obtained by separating the twisted wires was tested. Results obtained in these tests are included in Table 1. Tests to define the modulus of elasticity were carried out by means of tensimeters. Fig.3 gives a graph of the reduction of the modulus of elasticity during increase of tension of the reinforcement. The use of a deformation graphobtained for a given section of reinforcement under given stress, is recommended by N.M. Boginyy (Beton i Zholezubeton, 1956, Nr 3) for obtaining precise values of stresses in reinforcement by measurement of its elongation. Practical tests to obtain the value of the strength of adhesion of twisted reinforcement to the concrete are described and illustrated in Fig.4. Fig.5 shows the machine used for pulling out the reinforcement from the concrete. The results of these Card 3/4 latter tests are given in Table 2. Further tests of twisted Concrete Reinforced with Thin Twistod Wires SUV/q7-:jq-1-q/1E" and tensioned reinforcement were carried out in concreting yards; for example, In Zhdanov factory for prostrossed concrete "Azovstallstroy". Fig.6 shows the layout of the slab and reinforcement during testing. The results are given in Table 3. Similar tests were carried out using 5 mm diameter ivires of non-periodic profllo i,lark GhikITIJ 4987-56. The results of these tests showed that twisted reinforcement is as advantageous as reinforcement of' nop- periodic prof Ile. Similar results were obtained by Candidate of Technical Sciences E.U. hatts. There are 6 figures and 3 tables. Card 4/4 BONMnV, N. commmication on ultra-high frequencies. Radio no.9:19 S 156. (MT-'PA 9:13.) 1. Predsedatell Gorodskogo komiteta Dobrovollnogo obshchestva sodeystviya armii, aviatsil i flotu, gorod Tenakiyevo, Stalinskoy oblasti. (Radio. Shortwave) IRLOBYSE[EV, A.; ; SAPOZHRIKOV, F.; ROGOVIN, N.; ACHUSOV, D.; VISELOT, N.-, GROBOKCPATEL, S.; BABINSIIY, K.; PBSTOVSKIY, A. Semen Iosifovich Kazarnovskii; obituary A. Drobyshey and others. Elek.sta. 27 n0-5:63 my '56. (HLRA 9:8) (Kazarnovskii, Semen losifovich, d.1956) BONDAREV, N., inzh. Conference of electric power plant builders. Energ. stroi. no.27t92-98 162, (Electric power plants--congresses) (MIRA 1599) -BONDAREV, N.A., inzh. More about the structure of the power-supplv section. Xlek. i tepl. tiaga no.6:46 Je '58. (MIRA 11:6) byuro Mookovskogo uchaetka energosnabzheniya Oktyabrtskoy dorogi. (Electric railroads--Substations) OORDM'VSKIY, A.V.; RENARD, Z.V.; Prinimali uchastiye: BONDAREV, N.A.; SEDELINIKOV, - . ~ V. P. I Reduction of some elements by a redox polymer,Zhur-*'rn. 36 no.2: 264,272 F 163. (kMU 16:3) (Polymers) (Oxidation-reduction reaction) I* SVEDE-SHVETS, N.I.; BONDAREV, N.A.; SHASRKOV, V.N. Devices for measuring the temperature of wire during drawing Sbor. trud'TSNIICHM no.30:17-22 163. (MIRA 1L10) (Wire drawing) (Thermocouples) oil I I )fit it 4 it YJ , 0 1 h If Of X if 0 it Q a 0 *A* I A L 1- 0 1, 111'- 1-) At is m iv PIC, llt~! The influesit of aiirtnallne and thyrroldin on the ex. d6bilAty of the canbral cortex. N. 1. llqAjWc%-. J. Physiol. 11. S. S. R. 25, VIN-9(in Gcrfi-ian, -00 Intravenous injectiom of O.OM5 nig.,1kg. of adrmaline (1) reduce the escitabitity (11) of the mottar ernters of the cerebral cmtra. Snudler doses inctrim 11. %ubdural injectiotisolleatmashaMdropiall. Thedimtaction 600 00 'If thyrroidin vaums a reduction in 11 while inimvenint, so in oction sumlitnc3 inma~cs and sumetitnes dr,-rmwi U =00 j S. A. KariAla a** 00 coil 00 go 0 0 as 00 '00 1009 ~*90101.vjsr 09 1 q-0 0 8*0 '00 z '00 J, C. '90 '00 A $ a - I L k AITALLURCKAL LiTtRAIURE CLASSIMA11014 too It S.000i -11 Oat VIA131owt! alkali am 0%, M I W IN 0 a a 3 2 T 0 -"A v "L --tiv-111 -lit- *, a, A, It K a it it o[ w n I ju ad 0 0 Aw 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 a 0 a .0 if 0 a o 0 o 0 o o & 0 o 0 o 0 : o 0 o 0 o 00 0 0610 90 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 r q : 0 BQNDPJ~EV, N. I. Bondw7ev, N. 1. "Some errors in the teaching on. pathogenesis of psyckdatric illnesses," Voyen.-med. zhurn., 1948, No. 12, p. B-13 SO: U-2888, Letopis Zhurnallnykh Statey, No. 1, 19h9 13014DAff'W3 N. I., PWF UM/Kedloine Psychlatry Jul/Aug 48 .Medicine Biography "In Memory of Viktor Petrovich Osipov," Prof H. I. Bondarer, Maj Gen Med Corps, 2 pp '"Nevropatol i Polkhtat" Vol XVII, No 4 IL/1077' ,Obitaary of V. P. Osipov, eminent psychiatrist and lieutenant general in Medical Corps. Photograph. 14/49TT5- BONDAREV,. X. I.p Prof. UgSR/Medicine - Therapeutic-Sleep Dec 51 "Sleep Therapy and Psychiatric Practice," Prof N. I. Bondarevj Leningrad "Sov Med" Vol XV, No 12, pp 9-12 Discusses in detail methods and results of apply- ing therapeutic sleep (induced by drugs) at the Psychiatric Clinic, Mil-Med Acad imeni S. M. Kirov. Describes the use.of ordinary pBycho- therapeutic methods in that connection. States that very good results were obtained by treating wit~*therapeutic sleep cases of tetraethyl lead poisoning. 204T58 "D H. (-Unillgrad). I.P.Nc-rWheevski 53 no.6.-403-406i; 0" "0 45th ariniveruarv Je '53. Of hin death,, ZIMr.nCvr. i v5 21-11. (14erzheevsklio 1,,n P~Avjovjr '11, 1838-1gos) (WU 6:6" B&LINSKIY, I.H.; BONDARRY, N.I., red.; TIMOFEM, red. [Lectures on psychiatry] Lektaii po psikhIstrii. Pod red. II.I. Bondareva i N.N.Timofeeva. [Leningrad] Mcdgiz, 195B. 215 P. (FSrOHIATRY) (MIRA 11:4) MARKOVA, Ye.N., otv. red.; AVERBUKH, Ye.S... red.; BLINOV, Ii.I., red.;.,BONDAREV,,N.I., red.; BORZUNOVA, A.S., red.; ZFNEVICH,"-G"V.-,-*'i~68.; ENUKHD;, S.S., red.; I-7-ASISHCFEV, V.N., red.; PERVOMAYSMY, B.Ya., red.; POVORIVSKIY, Yu.A.., red.; POLIKARPOV, S.N., red.; SIBIRKIN, N.V., red.; FEDOTOV, D.D., red.; CBISTOVIGH, A.S., red.; ZACHEPITSKIY, R.A., red. [Problems of psychiatry; anniversary collection of articles dedicated to the 60th birthday of Professor Izmail Fedorovich Sluchevskii] Problemy psikhiatril; iubileirjyi sbornik, posviashchennyi 60-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia profes- sora Izmaj-la Fedorovicha Sluchevskogo. Leningrad, Meditsina, 1964. 434 P. (MIiU 17:12) BONDAPEV, Nilclay lvancvi.c,'I; !'i ~(,rj-rc,y w ISVINA, L.M., rec.. [Brief manual on the epre of patAents with nertal Olseases' Kratkoe posobie po ukhodu za bolln~mi, pri psikbiclu-skikh zabolevardiakh. Tashkent, Medit,,Awi, 1~-.;65. 105 r-,. lip..Q) YEDOROV, S.A. L. B2LW&M. E-4-44, gornyy inzhonerl otvetotvennyy redaktor; ERMMKOV. N.T.. gorny,7 inthen6r, retsentent; KOVALUKO, N.L. tekhniehookly redaktor. LDeepening mine shafts by the usual methodej Uglubka ntvolov shakht obyehnymi sposobami. Sverdlovsk, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. iz4-mo lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi netallurgii, 1951. 403 p. [Microfilm] (MLBIA 10:5) ,JShaft sinking) .MOROV, S6rgey Alekseyevich, profeasor, doktor; BnwnAkU m,&, redaktor-, LIJCIXO, Tu.V., redaktor; KOVALSNKO. N.I..-f-ek-hnicheskiy redaktor [Major mining operational Oorrve kapitallnya vyrobotki. 2-3 perer. i dop. W. Sverdlovsk, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry Do chernoi i tSVetnoi Mets'llUrgii.1954. 744 P. (MM 8-.4) (Mining engineering) BONDAREVp N.M. 2523,8 BONDAREV, 11.1'. 150-Letnornu Yubilcyu Kafedry Psikhiatrii Voenrio- l4editsinskoy Akademii Imeni S.M. Kirova. Nevropatologiya I Psikhiatriya 1949, No, 4- S. 62-68 SO: Letopisl No. 33, 1949 --- - -- --- - --- - - UGORITS, I.I.; LAVRENEN10, K.D.; BONDARU, N.M.; PLLTONOV,,N.A.; ACHUSOV, D.I.; MKHITARTAN,'%-.q-.vwl&MTKH, A.I.; MLLTUTIN, I.P. VULDIMIROV. P.N.; MOSIMSKIT. 7.A.: GELIFAND, M.Z.; KLBAVAT, N.M. BESPROZVAMTYY, I.A.; KIKINA, R.I.; TRETNIKOVA, Ye.M. Nikolai Nkolaevich Rommov; obituary. Elsk.sta. 27 no.4:63 AP '56. (NLRA q: 8) (Romanov, Nikolai Eikolaevich, 1906-1956) Ecivil"Ollf, I.T.; lUlOP%GLlfJ',IY,- P.S.; LAVRENLIM09 K.D.; LQNDAli6Vo lldl-; li,,OG'-']'OV, Ya.I.; P;`l.,TOl:C,V, N.A.; SlfIJf2UlOV, i.S.; -J. S-V--.6TlYAl;U! t V.I.; ERISTOV, V.S.; DR!-S'lt-V, V.L~,. li~,ZIEJ N.V.; 1111-1111TSIXul-lov, L.14; PiLATONOV, V.-'..; SBUT'li"J." tji., ROZATTOV, K.A.; LIVSHITS, A.Ya.; LO!"M", N.A.; :-;'-,'STROV, P.S. S.mvei Dorisovich Fo:-,ellson. Gidr. staoi. 31 no. 1:50-60 Ja 161. (*s-'l]--!-. 14:2) (Po.ol'Loii, jorgoi Borinovicb, 1~--11-1~60) BMDA,Tj-V, b. N. ("HURTTIOWIL~Ii, Iii. B. and B01MAIW, 11. N. "Sympatheticulgia of the eyes in the light of anatomic data", Oftalmol. zhimial, 1948, 11--o. 4. 1). 157-61. SO: fletopis Invkh State,,, lio. 10, 1949). S U-30h2, 11 March 53, ~ Ba,IDABBV, U.N., inzhener; IPIJYSM, V-0. Flashing signal device with a breaker employing photorestators. Svototekhnika 2 no.6:19-21 N '56. (KM 9:12) 1. Laningraskiy sayod elektricheskikh chasov. (Signals and signaling) 28(4) AUTHORSs Zaytsev, P. V., B SOV/131-59-1-8/12 TITLEs A Gas Discharge Device (Gazozabornoye ustroystvo) PERIODICAL: Ogneupory, 19599 Nr 1, PP 45-46 (USSR) ABSTRACT; It was the object of this work to eliminate the short- comings of the usual electric gas analyzers. Within 10-20 minutes after starting, these were so much dusted that their readings became very inaccurate. They are very difficult to clean. Figure 1 shows the design of such device equipped with filters. The authors have worked out a device (Figs 2 and 3) which works without a filter, the water performing the function of a filter. Thus, the gas discharge pipe does not get soiled so much and its indications are more accurate. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Boroviahskiy kombinat ogneuporov (Boroviohi Kombinat, of Refractories) Card 1/1 3011MITO N.T. ---, Measuring temperatures of metals in a converter during blowing. Trudy inst.Um.stand.. mer i imprib. no.42:73-75 160. (MIU 14; 1) (F~rrometers) BONDkRFV N.T. starshiy prepodavatell I , - Development of the theory of the motion of a solid particle on it rotating inclined plane. Izv. vys. ucheb, zav.; mashinostr. no.7:10-15 165. (MLRA 18:12) 1. Submitted May 4, 1963. " BONDARMV, N-ye.,,podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby V., - --11--w--W"-" , Graph recordu of the utilization of sanitary transportation. Voen,v-iwdmzhwrv nQ96;17-lf3 Je '59, kHIFA 32;9) (WOUI= AND SICK transportation, organiz. in Russia (Rue)) JUNDAILut'v, "atr -Lila --~iaktor; I'lujili-Ill, ?17773~~,)r I.N., tl!-dillicnesicly radak tor ;L'I)ef ornpt lon of 1;,.J. I i iV4:3 ~ ii t cia Vorkufn li)a, vwizes ef these dofonibtlon nnd :id,,.hods -)revpAl%q-, 1:,clij i1oformatail zdanil v raione Vorkuty, ilc:-- :)ricriny 1 -netod.,,, Molil-we anal. " '~7 (Urkuta -,_P,.,,.otvetotvennn recl.,- SHAMAWY, I.K., red. izd-va; RYLIN, BOIWARXV P. telchn. re4. [Hateriale mi fundamentals of theories about the frozen zones of the earth$s orust] katerAa17 k oEmovam .ucheniia o merzl7ldi zonakh zemnoi ko:L7. Xoskya. No~4..1958. 248 p. (MLRA 11:10) 1. Akademi7a nank SSSR. Institut merzlotovedeniya. 2. Akademiya uauk SSSR (for ShapoTalav). (Prozen ground) BOND ~~. Settling in connection with thawing of icy soils in the bottom lands of the Ob River in the region of-Salekbaraa. Trudy Inst. merzl. AN BSBR 14:70-79 158. (MMA 11:8) (Salakharda--Frozen ground) (Soil mechanics) . BORDAMM, P. D. , -.- - ~ --w- ~-, -, -' I - - I... General engineering and geocryological examination of perma- frost regions of the UsS.S.R. and congtruction methods used on permanentl;y frozen ground. Probl.Sev. no.3:24-50 '59. (KIRA 13: 4) 1. Institut merslotoVedenlya Ia. Y.A.Obruchava AN SSSR. (Frozen ground) (Low temperature engineering) KIM) M.V.; BITADZEy M.A.; TEYOULOV, B.F.; ZYDELI, A.I.; KUSIMMI, A.P.; LAZMEV, N.N.; MI-LAVIYEIT, D.M.; BONDAREV P.D.j. kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchnyy red.; OSENKO,L.I.I., red.izd-va; RODIONOVA,WN., (Erection of foundations under permafrost conditions; from practice used in the Norilsk region]Vozvedenie fundarmntov v usloviiakh vachnomemlykIll gruntov; in op~ta Norillikogo raiona. Moskva, Gonstroii-Mat, 1~162. 53 P. WIRA 15:9) 1. Russia (1917- H.S.F.S.R.)Krasp&yarskiy ekonomicbeskiy ad- ministrativnyy rayon. Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva. (Foundations) Olorillsk-Frozen ground) BONDAREV, P.D. -------- Problems of experimental construction in permanently frozen ground. Osn.,I fund. i mekh.grun. 6 no.2:13-14 164. (MIRA 17:4) BONDAREV, P.D.; 'USKALOV, V.P. Prinimala uchastiye BRODSKAYA, 0 SEN K 0 , L. M . . r e d . [Characteristics of -the design and construction of foundations in frozen ground] Osobennosti proektiro- vaniia. i ustroistva fundamentov v usloviiakh merzlykh gruntov. Moskva, Stroiizdats. 196,1. 150 P. (MIRA 17:12) 2852 Bondarev, P. G. Issledovanie MellchRnizma, -nreobra nkyoshepo vrashRtellnoye dvizlipnie vala v vintovoye s besstunenchatym izmeneniem shapq. Novocherkasek, lc?54. 18 e. 1 1. ill. 20 sm. (M-vo Byssh. obrazow!n1ya SSR. Novochorkas. politeklin. ir-t Im. S. Ordzhoiikidze). lot') Ekz. B. t8. - (5h-51-'901) BONDAREV, P. G. "Investigationcf a Mechanism That Converts Rotary Motion of A Roller Into a Spiral Motion With Stepless Variation of Pitch," Cand Tech Scl, Novocherkassk Polytechnic Inst, Min Higher Education USSR, Novocherkasak, 1955. (KL, No 2, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sun. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 BOIMAREV, P.G., starshiy prepodavatello kand.tekhn.Dauk Specifying formulas for calculating straight bevel gears according to bending stresses. Trudy NPI 46:96-101 '58. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Rafedra teorii makhanizmov i detaley mashin Novocherkseskogo ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni politekhnichaskogo institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. (Gearing, Bevel) 87651 S/191/60/000/012/013/016 B02O/BO66 AUTHORS: ond Zusmanovskaya, L. L., Kut1kov, A. A., ~; inova, Pyatnitskiy, A. A. TITLE: Mechanical Properties of Caprone at Low Temperatures PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No. 12, Pp. 43 - 45 TEXTt To study the effect of low temperatures on the mechanical properties of polyamides, the0authors made a number of mechanical tests on samples cooled down to -60 C. Samples from 'IS" ("B") caprone resin were tested which had been cast in an autoclave, in a hand-operated injection press, and in.a. press with hydraulic drive, since the type of casting device applied is known to have a certain influence on the mechanical properties of products. Besides, different casting methods and heat treatments were used. In the low-temperature tests, five stages were distinguishedt 1) Temjerature-change stability test according to VOCT 928-56 (GOST 928-56),'2) test of samples cooled down to -50 0 C, 3) investigation of the reversibility of original mechanical properties of samples which had been briefly cooled and then brought to normal Card j/3 87651 Mechanical Properties of Caprone at Low S/191/60/000/012/013/016 Temperatures B020/BO66 temperature, 4) determination of mechanical properties of samples which had been subjected to several cycles of temperature change in the range of from + 20 to -6o0C, and 5) determination of mechanical properties of samples kept at -600C for 100 hours. The tests for tension, compression, static bending, and impact strength were made according to COST 4649-55, 4651-49, 4648-56, and 4647-55 (for normal temperatures). The limits of tensileg compressive and static flexural strength were determined on a 50-t tearing machine "Amsler". Impact strength was tested by means of a pendulum hammer (GOST 4647-55). The samples were cooled in an MNC-500 (M-PS-500) device of the firm "Nemall. All caprone samples stood the temperature-change test according to GOST 928-56. The tearing strength increased slightly at low temperatures (up to -600C) with falling temperature, the specific impact strength dropped appreciably, the limit of compressive strength increased slightly, and the limit of static flexural strength dropped considerably. The mechanical properties of caprone regenerated at normal temperature, irrespective of the fact whether it had been kept at low temperatures for a short or a long period, once or repeatedly. In the impact test, uncooled samples do not break but bend and crack between two supports (Fig.1); "frozen" samples Card 2/3 87651 Mechanical Properties of Caprone at Low Temperatures 5/191/60/000/012/013/010' B020/BO66 are distinguished by high brittleness (Fig.2), and samples which had been cooled and then brought back to normal temperautre behave like uncooled samples (Fig-3). Maximum tearing strength at low temperatures is observed in samples which had been previously treated with paraffin in a vapor bath, maximum impact strength in samples which had not been treated with water or vapor. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 4 references: 3 Soviet and I German. Card 3/3 BONDAREV, P.V.-. Sbornik zadrich i uprazhnenii po rezaniiu metallov i metallorezhushchemu instrumentu. Dop. v kachestve uchebn. posobiia diia tekhnikumov. Moskva, Easogiz, 1949. 266 p. lh5 deagrs. Bibliograpl-y: p. 266. Collection of nroblems and exercises in metal-cutting and metal-cutting tools. DLO: TJ1230.B5B SO: Maniifreturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviot Union, Library of Congress, 1953. - aOIDAHV,. MK., -dotsent. leading role of state property in the development of collective farms. Nquk.zap.Kiev,un, 15 no.9:99-109 156. (MLRA 10:7) (Collective farms) 3/598/61/000/006/003/034 D245/D303 AUTHORSt Bondarevp SaNop Orobeyt N,Ya.p and Sokolon, I.I. TITM Feeding molten magnesium into a titanium reactor SOURCEs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii, Titan i yego splavy, no& 6p 1961. Metallotermiya i elektro- khimiyaltitana, 21 - 22 TEXTt Feed of Mg to the rejotor is effected b 2 methods: 1) using a heated ladle discharging ,Mrough the base; 25 Using a container built in the reactor cover. Use of molten Mg feed reduces reactor heating time and increases the hourly furnace output by 10 - 15 The degree of utilization of the Mg is increased and filling the reactor also increases. When using the 2nd method, the formation of Ti sub-chlorides in the reaction volume is al*ost eliminate and inert gas consumption is reduced. The consumption of electricity per ton of the Ti sponge made is reduced by 20 - 25 %. There are 2 figures. Card 1/1 DAVIDSON, A.G.; DATLIN, S.V.; KIRICHENKO, G.A.; KOROTXOVA, Ye.N.; KRAVCHENKOp D.V.; ORLOVA, A.S.; ADARRIOVA, A.A.; ARKADIYEV, V.G.; BARDIVA) Yu.Ya.; BODYANSKIY, V.L.;-BTNDA~~Eu~;- GLAZACHEV) ~.V.,- DAYYDOVA) B.A.; IVANOV, tr.,- KARPUSHINA, V.Ya.; KREXOTEN'.. L.P.; LANDA, R.G.; LEVITSKAYA., G.0 - LIPETS, Yu.G.; LOGINOVA, V.P.; ONAN, B.S.; PEGUSHEV, AX .; i4WTUNOV, N.V.; TOKAREVA, Z.I.; KHUDOLEY, V.F.; MILOVANOV, I.V.,, red.; MIKAELYAN, E., red.; Y.UKHIN., R., red.; SVANIDZE., K.p red.; KL3140VAR T.#.~~. red. [Africa today; concise reference book on politics and economic conditions) Afrika segodnia; kratkii politiko-ekonomichoskii spravocbni . Moskva, Gos. izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1962. 326 p. (Africa-Politics) (Africa-Economic conditions) BOTIDAREV, S.D.; OROVEY, N.Ya.; SOKOLON, I.I. Pouring liquid magnesium into a titanium reactor. Titan i ego splavy no.6:21-22 161. (Titanium-Metallurgy) (MIRA 14:11) S/137/62/000/006/035/'A63 A o o6 /A -1 c, -1 AUTHORS. Bondarev, S. N., Orobey, N. Ya., Sokolon, I. 1~ T 171, 2 -. Teeming liquid magnesium in a titanium reactor PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 6, 19"2. 14, abstrast "101 0 , k. QG (In collection: 11 Titan i yego splavy", no. 6. Moscoa. AN 3SSR, 1961, 21 - 22) TEXT, Pouring and filling-up Mg in the reactor was carried out by t~wo variants. 1) wit1n the aid of a heated ladle with bottom discharEp, 2) i,,irb the aid of a container built into the reactor lid (dosage cup), When the Process is conducted by variant 1, a special frame is fixed for mounting the ladle with the discharge tube. Mg was poured from the vacuum Mg-electrolyzer ladle into a ladle preheated to 7500C. The reactor was heated to 750 - 8000C, Afilled with inert gas, and Mg was potired in. After its utilization to 55 - 6N~, ,h!6 was added. When the process was conducted by variant 2, the dosage cup servinrt as a reactor lid was heated with the reactor to 750 - 8000C and Mg was po,,ired through it. Mg was filled from the vacuum ladle of the electrolysis shop, 7ne Card 1/2 S/137/6Z/000/006/035/163 Teeming liquid magnesium in a titanium reactor A006/A101 charge and filling-up of liquid Mg offers the following advantag~?Ei: i. 7he ing time of the reactor decreases 1.5 - 2 times. 2. The coefficient r--f lisin-g Ng -ncreases by R - IN. 3. The metal quality is not impaired, 4. Lo-wer J . ~!c are almost not beIng formed during operation with a iosage cup, El t pr,wer consumption per 1 ton of sponge decreases by 20 - 25%. Th.~! cyclic eftl- ciency of the reactor increases by 10 - 15%, 7. The Ti-sponge production c~_z,- are reduced. G. SvodtsF-va [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] C',ard 2/2 IVANOV, P.S., inzh.; BOW)ARIV, V.A., inEho Sectional revn~ or'c"ed"c6ne rat m URSK elomonts made by the centrifugal process. Krepl. gor. vyr. ugoll. shakht no. 1:153-158 157. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Veesoyuznyy nauchno-looledova tall skiy institut organizatBit I mekhanigataii ahakhtnogo stroitelletva. (Mine timberiv4g) (Reinforced conormte construction) 9.3150, q 24.2120 77839 AUTHORSt SinellniVov, K. P.. Tolak, V. T., N-xrov, H. I.. EucLy. Yu. P. TITM InVe at Ij',;,L Iona of Ion Cy",otrzn Renonance in a lw~.Twr vlaama PMODXCAM Zn--1 t,,kh.i.h-koy fI.Iki, 1960, Val 30. N, 3, pp 203-2M (11.13H) -i am -o~o ABSTRACTs The heat.lnr up or p1. a tuuier ion ey~lotmn t nancep whvr~ the Senn Awlilli,: d1rectly the onerry or tin, el~.atpie rj~ji, 1. a pr..~b. .1,1.h one could hopt? to ut3lize ror attUnInr. Ugh ionic Ulmrevatur(lm, TtWory developed by SUA Ig" escr) IndietxLcd tiatt at plam_,% denaltIca of 10 c~ and morp, one could generate nr,,l thesmalize no- called Ion cy~IoLron Vrkvrn. The authorn, therefore, Iny~nt2raLcd the Son cyclotron,~cao~pnot In I 10 - d o o r de h la it d Card 1/ sman o r w n p g .1r, y y c urdrr 11 Implue condltlwis, unInF a devIon dcoorlbed on Ple.L. ASSOCIATIONI Phyalco-TechniCal Inatitut - eASukrSSR , Khar k- (Fixiko-tekhnicheekly Inst ItUt AN IJSSRj Xharlkov) SUBMiTTED: October 22. 1959 Card 11/11 AUTHORS: TITLE: 3 72 56 S/057j62/032/005/003/022 B102/B104 Nazarov, N. I., Yermakov, A. I., Lobko, A. S., Bondarev, V._A., Tolok, V. T., and Sinellnikov, K. D. Examination of ionic cyclotron waves PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 32, no. 5, 1962, 536-540 TEXT: The authors continued previous experiments (ZhTF, 31, 254, 1961) on the excitation and propagation of ionic cyclotron waves. In an apparatus schematically shown in Fig.-1, a powerful h-f discharge in hydrogen and deuterium was studied in a range near ionic cyclotron resonance, and the conditions of forced resonance excitation of ionic cyclotron waves and of their propagation along the magnetic field were determined. Polarization and attenuation of these waves was also measured. The dischar e took place in a tube of molybdenum glass (2 m long, 60 mm thick5 arranged in a solenoid which created a quasi- constant magnetic field. The arrangement was such that two field regions were presentk one for resonance excitation and another for the damping of the ionic cyclotron waves. The overall length of the coil was Card 1/3 S/057/62/032/005/003/022 Examination of ionic cyclotron waves B102/B104 1.5 m. The field was created by discharging a capacitor bank with a total -2 capacity of 2.25-10 f, which could be charged up to 5 kv. The field reached 20-25 kilogauss within 5 msec. The exciting electromagnetic field had a wavelength of 16 cm. The resonance circuit had a quality factor of 400 with an 80-kw generator (3-30 mc/sec~, and the maximum voltage in the circuit was 30 kv. Hydrogen of 10- -10-4 mm Hg was blown through the evacuated (1.10- 6 mm Eg) discharge tube, and after a long- time aging of the system with h-f discharges, voltage and probe-signal oscillograms were recorded. At the moment of resonance load, the generated wave starts traveling along the constant magnetic field. Its magnetic-field distribution and phase variation along the field were measured (Pigs. 5, 6). The wave was found to be circularly polarized; the polarization vector rotat.ed in the same sense as did the free ion in the magnetic field. The damping process was studied wit1f waves-traveling in a region of magnetic field~b equal to that of the cyclotron waves. Damping was found~to set in only at a certain distance with various field geometries, which cannot be attributed to collision damping only. At H yelotron damping becomes more effective. There are cyclotron' i? Card 2/5 S/057/62/032/005/003/022 Examination of ionic cyclotron waves B102/B104 figures. ASSOCIA.TION: Fiziko-tekhnichoskiy institut AN USSR (Physicotechnical Institute AS UkrSSR) Kharlkov SUBYITTED: June 3, 1961 Card 3/5 S/781/62/000/000/001/036 AUTHOR: Sinellnikov, K, D., Tolok, V. T., Nazarov, N. I., Mkayev, 1. 1., Bondarev, V. A.t Bugay, Yu. P., Loginov, A. S., Kononenko, V. 1. TITLE: Investigation of ion, cyclotroif resonance in a dense plasma PERIODICAL: Flzika plazmy i problemy upravlyayemogo terinoyadertiogo sinteza; doklady I konferentsii po fizi ke plazmy i probleme uprRvlyayemykh termoyadernykh reakt5iy. Ftz.-tekh. inst. AN Ukr. SSR. Kiev, lzd-vo AN Ukr. SSR, 1962, 3-8 TEXI'. Ion cyclotron resonance heating of plasma, whoroby field energy 18 transferred to the ims directly, is a promising method of rapidly attafning high ion temperatures. The articl.,, describes investigations of ion:cyclotron resonance in a plasma produced by direct dischE,.rge in a glass tube 60 em long and 6 em. in diameter. The discharge was produced by a reclangular voltage pulse of duration UP to 800 miaroocconds and current up to 500 amp. Tho &ischarge tube was placed in a magnetic field produced by a solenoid fed from a capaci- tor baak with maximum stored energy 40.000 J. charged to 5 M The time required for the Card ,;/2 q/781/62/000/1000/001/036 Invesiigation of ion cyclotron resonance In . . . magn?tic field to reach maximum was 4.7 X 10-3 see. The experiments havc shown that there exist optimum values of hydrogen Pressure and dischirge current for the absorption of high frequency power by the plasma. The half-width of the resonant curves increases monotonically with. increasing gas prossure, indicating that the accelerating ion interacts strongly with the ne"tral atoms. An increase in the disobarge curre. at and consequently in the iondensity in the discharge also shifts the resonant peak towarl magnetic field values below the resonant field. Density measurements in the hydrogen plasma have shown that at 300 amp X 101".am-l a plasma of 6 d3nsity has a lifetime of 150 microseconds after the. termination of the discifiarge. It is also noted that the resonant peak becomes asymmetrical with increasing plasma density, this being possibly due to the diver- sion o.~; part of the high frequency power to the generation of ion cyclotron waves. It is aluo likely that at densities above optimal the screening of the plasma against the high frequency field CDMCS into play. Thei,,e are eight figures and five references. The English language references are: K. S. W. Champion, Proc. Phys. Soc. 70, 446, B, 212 (1957), and translated articles by T. N. Stix and R. W. *Palladino. card Mil I: W-ta, mg. Flo 10- "Mr-401- BONDAREV. V.A. Nitrate content of corn. Veterinariia 41 no.11:69-72 N 164. (MMA 18-.11) 1. Vaesayuznyy nauchno-issledovatellakiy institut kormov. A": ei~~z a prc,f..-, .1110 f."D- wi K T f.,l Yef jm~ v.1 GLIN [General heat a 'jjb,rv*;-y rrajj%j.-~,1 ob. If Bondare-1. '. dr. Minsk..- ~'965. I p. 1,1 7!,A 1'., 10) Ch ;'-i-! VITT, S.V.; BONDAREV, V.B.; POLININ, V.L. 'Separation of close-boiling mixturgg on a capillary chromatograph with flame-Yofiizhtion detection. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. Khim. no.7.- 1145-1150 Jl 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1, hatitut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. *11%. VITT, S.V.; ZHARIKOVA, N.A.; PASKONOVA, Ye.A.;jM'p , V.B. KUylation of toluene by alkyl halides and the ratio of the formed isomers. In. AN SSSR Ser. khim, no.11:2099-2101 N 164 (MIRA 18.-l) 1. Institut alementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy Ah' SSSR i In-gti- tut biokhimii i fiziologii mikroorganizmov AN SSSR. 3- S/190/62/004/005/019/026 B11O/B108 AUTHORS& Koleunikov, 0. S.,~Suprun, A, P,, Soboleva, T. A.9 Yershova, V. A., Bondarev, V. B.' TITLE: Carbochain polymers and copolymers. XXXIX. Copolymerization of 111,2-trichlorobuta-1,3-diene with other unsaturated compounds ARIONGAL: Vysok-omolekulyarnyye soyedinaniya, 4, no. 5, 1962, 743-748 TEXT: Doterminations wore made of Abe relative activities of 1,1,2-triT chlorobuta-1,3-dione and styrene (1000; 25:751 50'501 75t25; and 9000) and of the composition of their copolymers at low degrees of conversion (5 - Z;). On the basis of the relative activities r 0-07 10.03 (styrene) and r2- 1.16 ZL 0.08 (triohlorobutadieao), the composition of the copolymer; ras plotted versus the composition of the monomer mixture. In order to- raise the softening point (-5000) of polvtriohlorobutadions, 1,1,2-tri- Card 113 S/190/62/004/005/019/026 Carbochain polymers and copolymers... B110/BIOB chlorobuta-1,3-dieno was copolymerized rith aorylonitrile, vinyl cbl6ride and bicyclo-(2,2,1)-hopta-2,5-diene. During bulk copolymerization with acrylonitrile at a ratio of 50350, only 10 molo~; of a3rylonitrilo radi Is Ica was added to the copolymer. Thereupono copolymerizatlon was also carried out in a rater-oil omulsion (1.80) with moreolato an an emulaifier, and benzoyl peroxide and ammonium pornulfuto so initiator.q. With the use of a=oniu-,i persulfate, only trichlorobutadione homopolymero could be obtainedl from mixtures of 10 - 80 zole~* of trichlorobutadiono and bonzoyl peroxide. I:Z With ac--jilonitrilo radicals of lose than 40 Mole~;, the copolymer was co.-pictoly soluble in toluene, while with more than 40 mole';'-, it was only partially soluble.. Extraction of a partially solifolo copolymer with toluene save tro fractionst (1) 88~4 by vei~ght of a whites powder, soluble in toluene and containing 39 molpl,~* of aorylonitrilo radicals; (2) a yellowrpov,lor, soluble only in dimethyl formamide and containing 65 mole% of aoryibzitrilo radicals. Either powder possessed a low softening point, but their thermomechanical curves differed considerably. The copolymeriza-! tion. of 1,1,2-trichlorobuta-1,3-diene with vinyl chloride was also carried out in an emulsion, whereby solid lumps and la=oes were obtained at the Card 2/3 3/190/62/004/005/019/026 Carbochain polymers and copolymers ... B110/B108 same time. Their softening point is 500C. The co polymerization of 1,1,2-trichlo.-obula-1,3-diene with bicyclo-(2,2,1)-hepta-2,5-dione was carricd out both in bulk and emulsion. Bulk polymerization was done with ~,.l mole; of benzoyl peroxide. Polymerization in.emulsion lasted 15 hrs at room, em- , perature, and,in addition,10 hra at 5000, resulting in lic3ht- yellov, to dark-broym polymers. At a ratio of 36-5.mol0'a of trichloro- butadiene to 63.5 molol;;'p of bicyaloheptadiene, the softening point of this copolymer vas 130 - 1400C. It was soluble in toluene and dichloroethane. There are 2 figures and 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut alementoorganichookikh aoyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organio Compounds AS USSR) SUB:ZITTFD: April 17, 1961 Card 3/3 VITT, S.V.; _~PRA~ _-Y!~,!;.,_?OLININ, V.L.; ROZENGART, M.I. Determination of xylene isomers in complex hydrocarbon mixtures by qapillary gas-liquid chromatography. IM Ali SSSR. Ser. khinf. no.-U-2043-2045 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii imeni N.D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. ACCTSSION NR. AP4035814 G/W20/64/156/001/0099/0101 ALF2111OR: Nesmeyanov, As He (Academician); Kochetkovat, No So; Vitt, So V.; Bondarev, V. B.; Kovuhov, Ye. 1. TIME: Alkylatio'n of ferrocenes SOURCE: :AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 156, no. 1, 1964,t 99-101 TOPIC TAGS: ferrocene, alkylationp Priedel Crafts, ethylferrocenej diethylferro- cone, triathy1ferrocene, tort butylferrocene,, butyl forroceneo preparation, IR spectra, 1114B spectra A16TRACT: In this work ferroceaer, were alkylated to give 80-90% yields, in comparison with the Friedel Crafts metbodo wbich give 20-30%, of alkylates. Ferrocene was reacted with ethylbromide in the presence of equimolar mounts of AlCl3 and LiA1H4 In n-heptane; the reaction products were water extracteel and the o:rgafiic portion subjected. to vacuua distillations The 100-130C (at I n= Hg) fraction contained ethylferrocene and. isomers of diethy1ferrocene., arid the 13e-150611= fraction contained a mixture of isomeric triethylferroceneBe Monoo) di- tri- and tdtra-tert-butYlferrocenqs were similarly Prepared, IR and MiR Cardi 1/2 ACCIESSION NR:. AP4035814 indicated the third and fourth tert-butyl group is attached to the second g ring. "NME spectra were obtained on IM 40 megacycles by iE. 1. Fediny*m and P. V. Petrovsk, for.which the authors express their sincere appreciation. Orig. art. has: 2 tables, ASSOCIATION: Inatitut element-3organicb~akikh,soyedineniy Akademii naidc SSSR (Institute of Oiganometallic Compounds 1A,cadeV, of Sciences Sssri) SUBK[TrED. oyeb64 ENCL; 00 SUB CODE: 00 NO MW SM 005 OTM: 003 Card 2/2 VITT, S.V*; ZPARaCkrA, N.A.; PASKONOVA, Yed.;. BONDAREV, V.B, Separation of isomerin allyl bewensu by grei chtovitography, Zhur. anal.. Mims 20 no.W50-855 t65. (m:lm -1.8m) 1. Institut ~z-nyTdlnenly AN SSSR J. In-stitut bdukhirdli j. fiziologii mik-r,c,.t:-rgrn-S=u,, AN SSSR, Moskva. M L ACC NRt Ar-6o24538 SOURCE CODE: uR/oo89/66/ooi.OO1/OO22/OO26 AUTHOR.- Safronav,, Ye. Ya.; Briskmanp B. A.; Bondarev, V. D.; Shi ahoy p._VA_~~4/z ORG: none. TITLE: Investigation of thermal deformations of fuel elc n SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya., v. 21, no. 1,, 1966) 22-26 ITOPIC TAGS: reactor fuel elementp thermal stress, temperature gradienty shell de- ~formation, reactor neutron flux ABSTRkCT: The authors investigated the temperature differentials in the walls of a metal-clad fuel element of hexagonal cross section under conditions of a radial neutron-flux gradient. An analytic solution of the differential equations showed that -the temperature drop can reach 40c. The experiments were made on an electrically heated dummy fuel rod (AND-5000/2500) cooled -with tap,water. Formulas are derived for ,the dependence of the temperature drop on the current, with allowance for the tempera- it4re dependence of the dummyo-rod resistance. The procedure for measuring the stresses in va:rious points of the 'cladding is described in detail. Plots were obtained for the deflection o-~' the rod agailist the temperature op, of the distribution of the de- formw.'Jion along the height of the rod, of the distributions of the temperature and of the deflection over the perimeter of the central section of the rod) and of the de- Lormatibn distribution over several sections of the rod. At temperature drops -25C, vhe~maximum deflections in the central section of a rod was 0.6 - 0.7 mm. It is con- 1/2 uDc: 621.039-548 ApGo24538 0 eluded that in view of the small gaps between cladding of neighboring fuel elements, the thermal deformation imposes a limit on the attainable reactor power. Orig. art. has:, 6 figures and 13 formulas. su com: 18/ sum DATE: 17Nov65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 001 Card SUKUMINKO,.Ye.I.; BONDAREV, V.I. Performance ot a turbodrill as a function of the physicomechanical propertiet-of olAy =As, Trudy KF VNII no.1113-13 163. (MIRA 1783) RZV_ Me inzhenere hi"iANW- Operating the boiler room without accidents. Bezop. trade, v prom. 1 no.303-34 Mr '57. (MLIRA 10:4) 1. Nachallnik kotellnogo otdola Me-Uralmashmavoda. .(Boilers-Safety appliances) BONDAREV, V. i., Cand of AEric Sci -- (disc.) "DILest ability and !~Ietb- boll.i3m In 1-Mmature Sheep of the Prekos Stock. in the First Year Aftear Birth"I Kiev, 19~5,), 16 pp (Ukminian Auldemy of AEricultur-,l 5cleneceO (KL, 2-60, 115) BONDAREV, V.I. Stratigraphy of Ordovician deposits of the southern and of Nova" Zemlya. Vaygach Island, and the northwestern Pa7-Khoy. Sbor. at. po paleont. i biootrat. no.13:7-14 '59. (MIRA 13:3) (Novays, Zemlya-Geolog7, Stratigraphic) (Vaygach Island-Geology. Stratigraphic) (Pay-Kho7 range--Geology, Stratigraphio)