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0 %V. .. ........... sow oauses of disorders in enzywtic decomposition of desoxyribo- nuclooproteins following whole-body gamma irradiation. H&Uobiologila I uo.08 4--837 161. (MIRA .15:2) ?GAHM RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL FXACT) (IMCLEOPROTEINS) XERMLkYLYVA Enzymatic dacompositidn of desoxyribonucl"protolw# Biokbi7dia 26 no.5sSW-908 S-0 161. . (14 IRk U.: 12) - I (NUCLF.MROTEIM) ~ (ENZM4W) I ~:ACCESSMN KRO. AP3002631 S/02181/63? AVMOR: YarvmlOevav W. V0 :6g protolno 'TITLE-. Disint 6o of animals acid tata~V body g %-ArMW iSOURCE: BioRhimiyag v,, 28# no..3* 1963PA07-W 1 TOPIC TAGSt.-MI'disintegratlonp DNA sta~~Maftttov.-_# Ono ana#6 ~irradiation, ine .ftbated rabbit tissueo hl 96 ABSTRACT: In stadying possible ways, of acamulat it radiosensitive tissues of anintals 3 to 6~ hrot atteri. i Ji tblai preisence, of 4 )1 rre1i3,-.v.NA t,in Liloth~11~1&o-ses ot I nntiv no t.L!L IL Wo an or I(IIII T a uo- sup 7" 1 Card V2, - --- --- -- Mi -YERM,OL~YLVA, N.V.; I'07DIMUMV, A.L. 1,4Dcalization of sol"ble DIIA in the lymphoid appendix t.fiwie in the early stum-3 of whole-body gnn-,,.a irradiation. Radiobiclcgiia 5 no.1:147-148 165. 18:3) L 1347-~O EWT(w)APF(c)AWPQ RPL RM1W* ACCESSION MR-. APSCr24383 667.643! AETWR-. BogatMv, P. H S. a. Shabanovey No Vol fir"s 94-le TITLE-. A-ustbod fi)r producing enawl jo'ClAWS 22,* No. 17336~2i~ 16. $7 ByuUetent izabret SOURM. enly I tovaftykh sz~akq4t nom 15~ TOPIC TAM: enanal, protective coating, polywier,dorgalwa vium q~oupound ABSTRACT: "is Author's cartif1vte Introduegis a meth6d foe, pr(mlipcIng enamel basedi sulfionated g91 intwaind aolvezitr3. Thi ofi* chlo" _Zetf a crass-LI*106 agent, P~ physicei and naelmnical prolmrtles of the coating, a" lap 11 bj~uaing an aluminuml NOMOChelAtO aluadnum dllsobutoxywowacetoacetat*)~ as the !8_116*-11magent 0.1wA)CIATION. 111one wDimmED: 02ftirG3 EKCW 00' 0C : r~,UB CODE., HT i P10 REF GM 0CG 011M 000.. um~w owl FM )MV9IAYEVAj-,N. V. "Fermentative Reduction of DNP Under the Influence of General Gavcn-RaAi-ati*o-'n*-.'ff Maximum acceleration of the feimentative reduction of desoxy- ribonucleoproteids (DINP) occured in rabbit-tiss%ie cultures 3 hr after with 1000 r from cobalt-60. candidate dissertation listed In Ne"telOw nidlols"- no- 71 19". "W article did not state aMelf1cally mat aggres 9w ~Favd. We winotated titles deal with atudi4s an rudiatlaft p"s1d1qW,, redistim bloebwdstry, ca&lned traum and the irXluence of radiation an 1g ntivo prooesm,, radistion alcroblolW *n4 ImmokcCr. and radiation pharmeolqW. o. r., fir) -tc and Disca:z~.- Agriwiltiiml- Crov!! In the '.rc, I e.. Za-shchita rvuotenii ct voi. 7, nr.. 1~31, pp. ~.o: ~-Uru 51-r)0-53j 15 ':~~,C. 1953 USSR/Disoases of F."rm Animpas. Diseases Caused R-I by -Virusos and Rickettsiae. Abs Jour t Ruf Mhur-Biol. , Vo 20~ 1953, 927110 Author tYormolagamn. P, Ye. Inst : urknon ricullf-ur-R-1-Institutu. Ag. Titlo iSono Peculiarities of the Epizzotology of Non-Typical Fowl Fox In Ashmabad. Orig Pub iTr. Turk-mo s.-Idi. in-ta; 19579 90 3N~344- 1,Lstract :No abstract. Card : 1/1 I .-1 .4 1 1 : 1 1' V11. 4P I. -,I I M A I I F111VIMI I 1MR11 ,I ... ... .... N4 0 L_ A VGV4, S, A. drop& user cm _04o. or p"' ~n 'm VL A 10 Zt- Seart , ............... 11. diritinct potaropaphiic waves were 4 and 7.25. : In the: Ist nave, she is lath with Tising PH. In the 20nd wa-vc is rists with pH. The lot half-wave po- (ential, 7,, Aws with PH; 1he2ml,vj,fdlbin1t1alV,thr" remaim coust. r-minple of dittl (at I V, - 0.6 ) ~ P14 rk,- 1.24,- 1.4", 1.52 Y.; is - 10,2 (plt;1-6); 22.8, A5.11, n - !.78 (P~ 5.5). 1.74. v. The ratio K:- iditIll, 0. Coots. - CF,W X 10" (4V.1; Ik V2r1e%?KM1k-'bA(, WiXtht confil, of 111C 1111fural. Thr fw.~Siftturv 61 thir Iwo wavi" CAD;1ot tip flitcrilli-11 (4) a ki-ti"'Cliol On the bas i of the i1quitkiwe tit r 1111110 colica, of the hirfilt"t, lbe rriluction Ir Irroverilb1c, acrording to CiltO,ClIO 2111 2~ - C41W.C11,011. N. Thall 'A 2 S. A. USSR/Chemistry - Acrylic Acid., Hathyl Fzter Chemistry - Vapor Tension 54B "Relation of Vapor Tension of the Methyl Ester of Acrylic Acid to Temperature," S. A. Yemolaeva.. I. A. Korshunov, Gor'kiy State 2 pp "Zhur Prik Khin" Vol XXI, No 3 The vapor tension of the ester vae determined for temperatures 10-60 0, using the descrited apparatus. P was thert plotted against t and log P against_j, From these curves, the mole- T cular heat of evaporation is 9,,630 cal/gm mol and the bollingg point at 7b0 mm pressure is 99-50 C. From these data, Truton's constant was calculated to be 25.8. Submitted I Apr- 1947 PA 70T12 004 *so 00 SMOMM gsum IL okk 13 P,W. S. PWAOW~I-p AE A, A. 841"&~A4 tf"Nalwo CL&SWICATIN 141400 wit 0-T 404 MAII 'o it OUR 0 0 o 0 o 0 a o 4o 0 0o o 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 .0000000000000*0600000000 v 4 Apo Poore a t'r 6- fa Ye R M 0 (-Fl'( F- V A, it's 0 so A I v 0 p w I N 0 9 a I 1 0 000*00090 00*0*00 see moo fo* as ::a MM P OM 0 MI 9, )Islay$ *G,A A. _L_A -A-# A 2 091111"Wiffsp Is SI A A a -L-AL-A.--r A~ S I_? .9-1 U A *_ 0 2 in a AS 11 A of 41 is i4,'_IL_ I. I M _ A fem %du ob"IffiW* "A" sot diffIre" was& w6 INM odlb~ IL It, .-Do 1. KOVNO". of momwo"t ow o p. C. A. ^ TMM hi dw modon. obtai ned by trieft cooWmas oW hmAwmd mwdmtt wM 7 the , . with h dr l nb d b U 6 2% 16 e octO s" im t w y y y pwtv of IS 1foJ4 baft the filitates Wi4b 10 powto #4 .00 won md ox the Ow side M=vomb -am ot bir *t og 7 Ego 1p 6*6 400 '0e too -'eq too ILA OFTALLOGICAL ILITERAT(Of CLAWK41401 glass.- it i I 11 at It) As I Is 4 0 P T ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 'a's J Z4! A 00 A oe 0* All 00 fed 000 eowl Mf) W.'D'W " W. " W. " " F 17 1. Is u It 1: 1 p P, 0 T F M a L 11 J, Q CL A 2 A, A , 7.1. - TA A Lkyp4Vf -of- .P/ Thal PWO loom CA asioNit &"OPEN" 4( so 1"d me zhar. IVIAW. X0,01firp I-oil OW-Trutwat of Ish wk1k I 612%u lose NA011 4"11111". at owl 141"s am to 7.&%~ Tbr Dow 4% NW11 of Orb* M low 7.7% Acoff eke vors .8%, fiCtNil" lobille 4% NaXI)a #IV" 6.7% "d ". 119,6001 :116~ flu"aw, 4% suloww1shi-6% lllillgivt-*44t*fyitMoiilAibi#Md 161101 di Awgiels IN 01' IffAiMtOl. 114PA14115 191V~ WMI pop I aw. k oilot. of 4% NA.C4 at 00 24vv 6,16% AAWI On Awn. 4d a4d"" Edit,; Obv "tw" milli. (Win Is tifiti= by:* 11U. lint *10 01. WAll la.'Me u( 111W -ur.W ,a. loyndyWo of lbir SwuJim-t swvv. of 4rol' casly 0. Acol"40 wbrniss At airwital aim WIN4%. 11CWTO AviNdalowd in want pyrulywis mine fidly twilgirian too She rattly ckuvt41.wviyUlnI cwip4s. in the nmajul linki- 041; h"id" Atmi. 414*% 111^1# 01*1 0.4% MILWI arv Ne"wif (now tho 411wit-ttrAffif Owthfoct. Is frorflo: 400"s. CL&S"FICAll" "all 0 1.00 are 0 also i;tlo its* see An a I a no a 4 2 1 w 0 8 A a 3 a 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 011) 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IST44 0 0 0 0 00000 0 00,00 411 0 0 0 0 0, 1 (-T!!Lyn~ lbyid computatlon of analyels b7 meam of nomogrems, Sbor. trud. TWZJM no.12:236-144 1376' (NIBA 13: 10) (somoffaPhO ARZ.WASKOV, B.P., in2b.-isyeks tell - *80:* tarshiy inzhener- 11 proyektirovshchik.; F~~Ji6 , 0 * : , Improve the qualltY of last ruments. Put' Iput. khox. no. 8:43 49 #56. 1 (Milu 11 -.8) (Naosuring instrumonts) 1~-TMOLILYVA, S.S.0 ZARAKOVSKATA, A* I* L, Uarch for a method of amlysing a vdzture of volatile 00140- Sbor.trud. ?Sffl= noel3:94--206 159* WRA 13: 10) (Acids, Orgunic) (Wood-Cbesistry) T. A.-- IIA quadrl%tic Systz:-, of S,;--ctlans '4'sa Irl ti-.e Solution -)f Cartaln of Llrie~ar Gea!,utry ;-.A Cani Phys 1j, -Nath ScL, Cbla3t Pe Inst, 4 t v 5 21 Oct 54) Surve.,r -,f Sc~leritific nd Teclv-dc~,-l Diss,-,r-~(Aion3 Dofeci-Ad ilt IJ3SR iii,,,rher Eduetional Irstif.uti:ms (10) SO: Swn. No. 481 May ., 5 ' 55 YERHOLAYLVA, T. A. Defended his Diasertabion for CRndidate of Technical Sciences it the J!oscow Chemicotechnological. Institute, Moscow, 1953 Dissertation: "Preparation of Titanium-Containing Polyester Resins and Paint and Varnish Coatings ',Based on Them" SO: 'Referativrrry Zhurnal.. Khimiya, No. 1, Oct. 1953 (W/29955, 26 Apr 54) PffAud 4 3 suo'R corre%.manolins Jirlyctj Vk file.4 1 Ific pr~khle Cl' rer, meat o( 2 BuO grmiL-, M. Kninkpof ---maul -al - - m 11 /~~I ~ ---T -- - v I , -- -Z k KISI '1 -8-- -, ummmmmm-~- - Interaction between btttyl orthotitmate and fatty acids of vegetable oils* Zhur.FrIkI.khIm. 30 no.]ZIMO-1825 :Q 1570 (KIRA 11:1) (Datyl titanates) (Acids, Tatty) curav, V.S. I 101,011VA, T.A. Forvistion of quick drying **sting on the polyester resin base,, from semidrying oils and butyl. ortho-titanate. Zhur. prikI. khim. 31 no.iali-li6 A '58. (MIRA 1114) (Drying oils) - Z/011/62/018/001/011/014 3112/9453 AUTHORS: Termolayeva, T.A. and Anufriyeva, N.S. TITLZ: Proportion of ru-t-ile white produced by hydrolysis of aqueous solutions of titanium tetrachloride PZRIODICAL: Chemie a chemicke' technologie, 1961, Vol.18, No.1, P-33, abstract Ch 61-448 1 Lakokras. Nat*rialy, 1960, No.1, pp.38-41) TEXT: The effect of TiC14 concentration, number of added nuclei of crystallization, concentration of crystallization catalysts and temperature of fusion on the properties of the produced titanium pigment were investigated*. Rutile titanium white, produced from TiC.14 was found to have poor weathering resistance (similar to anatase titanium white). In other physical or mechanical proportion it is superior to the anatase type. 4 tables, 4 literature references'. tAbstractor6a note: Complete translation. Card 1/1 YERMOLAYEVA, T.A. ------- Modification of titanium dioxide for pigments serving different purposes. Lakokras. mat i ikh prim. no.5:46-53 '61. (MIRA 15:3) iTitanium oxide) (Pipients) S1081162j fOOO/024/030/052 Bi I q/B1 a6 AUTHORS: yjirmolUeva, To A,-, Borodina, go L., Abrarisong D. L-p Smetankina, To A., Anufriyeva, No So, Potapova, M. P. TITLE: Modification of titanium dioxide in the rUtile form to improve its physical and technical properties PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Ihimiyat no. 24(IX)o 19629 903t abstract 24P625 (Lakokrasochn. materialy i ikh primeneniye, no.1, 19,62, 20-25) TEXT: Inves4igations were made to find modifying substancen (MS) for improving th; physical and toohnical properties of titanium dioxide in the rutile modification (rutile) (I)p to develop a method of applying MS to the surface of I, and to study the effect of US on the properties of I. It was found that the effect of MS was much greater when they were. mixed with I by additional wet grinding in a ball mill or in an a paratus with stirrer (mixing machine) (adapted for further inventigations5 than in the dry procedure. I consisting of 70% particles < 1p, or I in a finely disperse form (with -85% particles