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HEYMAN, M.K.;-LUK-IYANCHIKOVA, N.B. [Lukuianchy@oya, N.B.]
Effect of mobility fluctuations on @hotocurrent noise.
Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 no.10:1103-1-109 0 163. (MIRA 17:1)
1. Institut poluprovodnikov AN UkrSSR, Kiypv.
0A.-UP"'O FE-0, 1@-@ C'r 4 WIT
ka-D-MON-NR: _'AP a/0185/65/0-10/001/0027/0038
Lu Mark-evych 1. V. (Markevic
B @X@
mstig&U66'o ph current nolao of WS single crystals with various
=TTLE: Inx oto
WiTtOM -ftijOinyy.zhurnals Vf l0r'110- Is 1.96 i-27-38
TOPIC W-0-. _-cd@tih:461f ide- i-, sina rylst4 :1hoopurr4at -,.naiae. q-_etr=, photo-
C -crystals-equ@pped with-various obmia
electrodeff Mat I t 4.@ @Vaike h met noise was
itkireat ga a In ot er ;studies, the dmxt
geWated from t6g_`Yaltmie iwise of-wize :@easurement. The
apezt-rumm. of the photoresponse to a weak simsoidally modulatai light, of co-astant
intensity van plotted simultaneously with the noize spectrm meamu*ements. The
methods of preparlng-th-& photooensitive CdS crystalz and. of depositing the current
aontact.a on the crygtals dre described. The form of the inveatigated sm-aplea and
th@niir eleetroded, ia@illuztrated:in Fig. I of the Enclosure, which shcroz alzo the
L 18764-M W (M)/T/Z%TP(t) IJPI(c) JD
0 NR:@ Ap6oo3775 SOURCE.CODE: Uji/q
C 181/66/008/601/oi34/ol4i
_-@rAUTHOHSSS JAjklyanchikova, N. B.; -Ah
--pynkman, M. K.
ns'titUt?,'jqf__Semiconductors, AN UkrSSR, Kiev (Institut
Toluprovodnikov AN-UkrSSR)
TITLE: Low frequencynoise of:tbe pbotocurrent in single crystal
cadmium sulfide:
OURCE Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 8, no. 1, 1966, U4-141
TOPIC TAGS: pbotocurrent, cadmium sulfide.- single crystal, photo-
resistor, signal to noise ratio
ABSTRACT* This is -a continuation of earlier work--by the authors on
a the low irequency photocurrent noise of,CdS, (FTT v. 4., 1213, 1962)i
where it was- shown that the resistance fluctuations of this miteria
have a high spectral density (AO@)IN at sufficiently low temperatures,
reach:Lng values of.10 and-more.-Since the earlier investigations
@-were-confined'' t . mogeneous semiconductors, *the authqrs investigate
L 18764-66
the, magnitude and spectruin of the noise and thephotoresponse spectraj single-crystal.CdS containing inbomogeneities, at frequencies 1
A simultaneous study was ma 'f the distribution of the
400.0 cps de 0
optical resis.tande.and'the.relaxation times of the pbotocurrentalong
J.,the.samples. 'In some samples the inhomogeneities of resistance were
introduced artificially.,- The photosensitive CdS single crystals were
produced by.several methods, and were illuminated weakly with light
,of,wavelength ^1520 or ^,630 nm from which the infrared component was
cut out.. Most measurements were made at room temperature and in air,
although:some,were.made in vacuum and at othertemperatures. The
spectral-measurement apparatus was described elsewhere (UFZh v. 10,
.27, 1965). ThereBuilts. show that the resistance and relaxation-time
inbomogeneities of the,photocurrent greatly influence the form of the
spectrum'and the spectral distribution. The noise.spectrum exhibits
cbara:cte ristic peaks which are due to the presence of a narrow high-
:xesistance. region--ne-ar- one@-of the. electrddes- and suchan inhonzogene-
ity leads, -to- bigh values of (AN2)/N >> 1. _.There is no clear-cut ex-
@planationpf.these peaks as.yet. The authors thank Yl-yol-jaqhk=l@
for interest in--the. work and a discussion., ba&: iguresq
..5 f
.4. formulas, .: and T. table
165/ ORTG-REF: 01 OTH-REF: 020
SUB'CODE*., ---_--_-SUhM.,DATS1*' 05J'; 5/
@-@L,26064:�L6 -4EC(k)-2/E@j1W)/EWT(1) IJP(c.) At
2i@:_ ACC NRs AP6013521 SOURCE COD 66/000/002/0170/
Et UR/0120/ 0179
@:AWHOR: ava N. B#- Garbar,@N. P.
_Wk yanch@k4.._
OMVI. Institute of Semiconductors AN UkrSSR, Kiev (Institut poluprovodnikov AN UkrSSR)
Mnn Al&vicie for spectral measurements of low-frequency photocurre se
6OURCE:' PrIbory-i takhnika,eksperimenta, no. 2, 1966, 170-179
TOPIC TAGS: phatocondtictor, semiconductor device, white noise, noise analyzer
ABSTRACT: The,authors describe an instrument for studying the spectra of pbotocurrent the frequency range from I cps to 5 kc. The device has an extremely low in-
herent noise level and rapid response. A block diagram of the installation is shown
in the figure. Photoconductor Ro a 'nd series-connected load resistor RI are supplied
with dc voltage from battery H. A small wire resistor R 'is connected in series with
@the specimen for calibration., The noise signal is amplified by the preamplifier and
fed to the spectrum analyzer. After linear'detection of the signal and averaging, dc
,*oltages.appear at the output of the analyzer -which are proportional to the average
noise on the corresponding frequencies.@ These voltages are measured by a dc VTVH
A7schematic diagram-_-of the, preamplifier is,given. :This.unithas@sn amplification fact
Iorr of 1. 3.104 with nearly uniform frequency response in the working wavelength range.-.
UDCi.,. 612.317.'75~539~293-,-t--S;-3.21S
_6rd 1/21
L 26
ACC NRs 06013521
The spectrum analyzer Is a narrow-babd
amplifier which is d for simiLl-
20 fi
d ,
frequencies in the given range. Nea- RI: 44
surement time is considerably reduced 7
:' - I
.by the use.of this multichannel ana- V.U
CA 4
Awhitenoise generator in the
working frequency range is used for
calibratin the instrument. R3 is a
buffer resistor for eliminating the 1
I : @ :-, @. ;: 1,
shunting effect of the calibrating re--,.-.
sistoron the output.stage of the os_,@.
R3 4
cillAor. -In conclti@ion the authors
41 9)
.are grateful to H..K. Sheynkman for
interest in the work and cons a- +j 0;
i Orig. art. hasi
on 2 figures.
SUB CODE*.- 0.9/_ SUBWDATE.- 14reb65/ ORIG REF: @004@ (YTH REr: oolk
ACC NR, AP6033562 SOURCE CODE. uR/oi8i/66/ooB/O1O/3OO4/3OO9
AUTHOR: Luk'yanchikova, N. B.; Sheynkman, M. K.*
PRG: Institute of Semiconductors, AN UkrSSR, Kiev (Institut poluprovodnikoy AN Gj=SSR)
TITLE: Photocurrent noise and superlinearity of lux-ampere characteristics in CdS and
PdSe single crystals
ISOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 10, 1966, 3oo4-3oog
TOPIC TAGS: correlated noise, photoconductivity, optic property, internal photoeffect,
loptic center, cadmium sulfide, cadmium selenide
ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (M v. 4, 1213; 1962) where it was
shown theoretically that the photocurrent noise can reach a large level in photocon-
ductors with non-constant quantum yield of the internal photoeffects, which depends
a eore
'on the filling of the adhesion levels, The prbsont paper is devote to a th tical
@and experimental investigation of the connection between this noise, as represented by
the quantity &-i2/n (n - photocarrier density, 6n 2 _its dispersion) and the super-
ilinearity of the lux-ampere characteristics of the current, as represented by a para-
meter cr,, in single crystals of CdS and CdSe. The single crystals used in the investi-
'gation were described in an earlier paper (uFzh v. lo, 27, 1965). The measurements
I'were made at 300K in air (CcIS) and at IX and 300K in vacuum (CdSe) . 7he theory is 1-
e to he usual photoconductor scheme., which calls for the presence of two types
of recombination centers and adhesion centers, and described in detail by the authors-
Card .1/2
ACC NR: AT6033562
:elsewhere (M v- 7., 1717, 1965 and elsewhere) . In addition a and Ar,2/n were measure
lin the same samples for identical values of n; cr was varied "With the aid of additional
infrared quenching illumination or by temperature quenching of the fnotocurre&,,. The
results have established that when m > 1 and An2/n > l.,,6n2/n first increases in pro-
,-,,@-p6rtion to m., but eventually this dependence can become nonmonotonic. The experimental
results were in qualitative agreement with the theory. The authors thank V. Ye.
@.@,,.,,.Lashkarev for discussion of the work. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 5 formulas-
SUB CODE: 2o/ suBm DATF,: oiAP2,66/ o-RiG REF: oo6/ oTH REF: o12
BOYARCHUK, I.., nauchnyy sotrudnik; DONETS, S. (Donetst, S.] , nauchnyy sotrudnik;
LUKIYAIIGHUK, A. nauhcnyy sotrudnik
Adjustable plow system for making furrows on hillsides. Mekh@* sill.
bosp. 13 no.8.-IO-11 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Ukrainskiy anuchno-issladovatellskiy institut mekhanizataii i
elektrifikataii sellskogo khdzyaystva.
(Ploi4s) (Soil conservation)
LUKOYANCHUK, A.A.,, inzh.; DOINETS., S.M.., inzh.
M15 rotary spreader of organic fertilizers. Kashinostreenie
no.la79-81 Ja--F 263. (MBU 16 a 7)
(Fertilizer apreaders)
CHUGIN, P.I., zootakhnik; LUKIYANCHUK D.I. vateriharnyy falldsher.
Our experience in eliminating sterility in cove. Yeterinariia
32 no.6:23-27 Js 155. (MIRA 8:7)
1.Kolkhoz imeni Shavchanko, Vinnitskoy oblasti.
Rewinding of an output transformer. Izm.takh. no.9:42 8 160.
(MIRA 13.-9)
(Electric transformars)
LIUKIYANCHUK) I. N. (Veterinary Doctor)
"Simultaneous inoculation of swine against erysipelas and plague"
Veterinariya, vol. 39, no. 8, August 1962 pp. 39
..,-@ -;I- --Ic.11-- 4i, -.-'I.* c
LUKIYANCHUK, M. I., Engineer
"Utilization of Scale and Methods for Its Collection in Toemotive
Fracticeeff Sub 18 Jun 47, Moscow Order of the Labor Red Banner Electro-
mechanical Inst of Railroad Engineers imeni F. E. Dzerzhinskiy
Dissertations presented for degrees in science and engineering in
Moscow in 1947o
SO: Sum#No. 457, 18 Apr 55
Y'ay we bear the mursur of Communist Touth L994pe parks (Ima7 our
Parke and orchards bloom.0 Reviewed by O.Inklianchuk ). Zuan.ta
praia-Sla 9 159, (NIR& 13'-8)
ZHODZISHSKIY, T@T,., kand.tekhn.nauk; KRASNOVSKIY, R.O., kand.tekhn.nauk;
LUKIYAWHIJK,.-L-@. inzh.; KURITS, F.K., inzh.
Roofing for industrial buildings from gas-ash silicate.
Prom.stroi. 43 no.1203-35 165.
(MIRA 18:12)
of tbe same po-eex-. Ybr@ equal weights, the capacitive generator requires an E of
only 24 kv/rm for, ecitfal power.. At atmosptieric pressure the capacitive generator is
64 times heavier. The effect of E variation is small because only gases were
considered and 'heir-E. are approximately equal. The dependence of Ob
V and @, on
the number'Of: pole pairs and gap width- is seen in Fig. I on the Enclosure. Since
there are nd- tfindings',:,the. output: of a capacitive generator.. operating at its maxi-
MUMJ is fixedin the design. All theoretical possibilities for pE are not obtain-
able in practiceo as construction is lirmted by providing stability and form for the
disks,, theprecision of@the gaps, and the stability of the insulation. The preci-
sion. of the.gabs ia-@'Ccntrolled bythe hardness of the disks and the minimizatioa of
their play. @ :F! on a construction point of viewf 'the uni0olar generator is simpler,
but, the bipolar type hassuperior electrical characteristics,, For outputs 25-40 kv,
the specifie power of capacitive generators is considerably larger than for other
:types. Orig..-art. hav 1 table, 5 figures, arA 12 equations.
CCrd 21,
Solvatochrcmism of some substituted nitrobenzenes and Hammett's
constants. 2hur. fiz. khim. 38 no.12:@964-2965 D 164.
(MMA 18: 2)
1. Sibirskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut.
LODOCHNIKOV, E.A., inzh.; IIJKIYANCHIIK. V.P.1 kand. takhn. nauk;
KUFA, V.A.,, inzh.@
Factors determining the unit power of large, capacitive generators.
Elektrotekhnika 35 no.11:8-11 N 164. (MIRA 18:6)
In the Coordinating Council on Veldirg. Avtom.evar. 13
no.2:92-93 F '60. 04111A 13:5)
S112 60/000/03/017/018
DO 4 2YD 00')_
AUTHOR: Luklyanenko, A.M.
TITLE. In the Coordination Coun6ll on Welding
PERIODICAL. Avtomaticheskaya svarka, !960, 11r 3, PP 95-96
ABSTRACT: On the 15th and 16th of December 1959, at the Institut elektro-
avarki im. Ye.0. Patona AN USSR (Electric Wel ing Ingtitute
imeni Ye,O. Paton AS UkrSSR) a conference took place of the
Coordination Council on Welding at which 104 thematic plans
of scientific research work for 1960 were examined. The
plans were presented by scientific research organizations,
higher educational institutions and plants. The President
of the Council, academician of the AN USSR (AS UkrSSR)_jjt,_
Paton delivered a report on the work of the Council for
1959 and gave a detailed analysis of the plans of scientific
research work in the field of welding for 1960. In 1960
special attention must be paid to@ developing the welding
Card 1/2 technology and equipment for mechanized arc and gas-arc
In the Coordination Council on Welding
welding in construction and field work; to the development
of production and automatir; weldine, linef4qfor d-Ifferent
branches of industryt, to the creation of new welding methods
of higher productivity; and to develope in 1960 and in the
years following, methods for the continuous checking of
weld quality. The conference noted that not sufficient atten__
tion is being paid to the cost, standardizatJon, noj@ma]U
.L _4..%tj2n
and unification, and also to the construction of produstion
lines. The conference decided to organize -,.i, yearly All-Union
conference on welding, starting in 1960, with the first to
be held in Kiyev on 15 - 20 November 1960.
Card 2/2
AUIFOR: Luklyanenko,--A.M.
TITIE: At the Coo-rdinationAouncil for Welding
PER,rODICALt Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1960, No:. 7, P.: 95
TM. The Koordinatsiomiyy sovet po svarke (Coordination Council for
Welding) considered in December 1959 the welding research plans of institutes,
colleges and industry works. Corrections were suggested to eliminate duplica-
tions and research of no practical or theoretical interest. VNIIAvtogen, TsNII-
MASh, VNUST, NKM, Tomskiy politelftnicheskiy institut (Tomsk Polytechnical In--
S+Iitlae) and other organizations have already amended their plans accordingly,
but, some have until now given no information to the Council. The importance of
the mat-ter is emphasized.
Card 1/1
AMHOR: Luklyanenko, A.M.
TITLE: At the Coordination Council for Welding
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1960, No. 8, PP. 95 - 96
TEXT: A conference on gas-electric cutting was convened at VNIIAVTOGEN,
in Moscow, on April 15, 1960, on recommendation of Koordinatsionnyy sovet po
svarke (Coordination Council for Welding); 23 delegates from 13 organizations
took part. The problems of cuttiTg -with Itpenetrating are" were discu-,sed in the
main part. This process is highly productive and many industrial plants in the
USSR have started using it. The penetrating are cuts stainless steel, aluminum
and aluminum alloys and copper of 80 - 100 mm thickness;,,".it is applicable to cut,
ting magnesium, brass, titanium and other metals. More e-x'tensive use of themetbr
od is hampered by insufficient production of equipment, measuring devices and
thorated tungsten electrodes. Besides, some problems connected with the process
must yet be studied. The conference took the following decisions: 1) to consid-
er the supply of perfect cutting equipment and electric power equipment for the
industry an urgent task; 2) to approve production of the first Soviet gas-elec-
Card 3/3
J S/125/60/000/008/011/012
At the Coordination Council for Welding A161/Ao29
tric cutti by VNIIAVTOGENpd to speed up the.@evelopment of a cutting-
layout machine with program controlX@equipped with compa@ent units for cutting
with penetrating are; 3) to ask the organizations concerned to speed up the de-
velopment of simplified equipment and to deliver the experiment units to indus-
trial plants for tests, and at the same time to raise the output of already exist-
ing patterns with accessory component units for gas-electric cutting; 4) to re-
commend all organizations developing or using penetrating are clitting to send In-
formation to VNIIAVTOGEN for coordination; 5) to ask GNTK RSFSR to arrange with
the Gosplan RSFSR measures for increased output of thorated tungsten, hydrogen,
and argon-hydrogen mixtures for gas-electric cutting; 6) to recommend VNIIAVTCMI
to publish in the course of the first six months of 1960 the terminology draft
for gas-electric cutting suggested at the conference; 7) that the distribution
of work to different organizations, as discussed at the conference, is to be ap-
proved. In accordance with a decision of the Coordination Council, several or-
ganizations convened during 1959 conferences for: a) discussions of scientific-
technical reports on work in progress; b) discussions of major tasks for the
nearest future; c) discussions of basic trends of research; d) coordination of
work on separate problems. The Coordination Council decided to publish in a
symposium the major decisions of the coordinating conferences convened in 1959.
Card 2/3
At the Coordination Council for Welding
In April 1960, Bulletin No. 3 of the Coordination Council had been published,
with'information on proceedings of the 1959 conferences on the following topics:
1) equipment for gas-electric cutting; 2) air-arc cutting; 3) brittle failure
and vibration resistance of welded structures; 4) welding of heat-resistant and
scale-resistant steel; 5) welding of high-strength steel and the cold-cracking
problem; 6) practical application of mechanized welding assembly lines and mod-
em auxiliary welding equipment; 7) the prospective further mechanization of
welding and development of welding in shielding gas in the ship building indus-
try; 8) the corrosion resistance of welded joints in stainless steel; 9) a
second scientific- industrial conference on the results of research and practi-
cal application of automatic vibro-arc surfacing.
Card 3/3
AUTHOR8 Luklyanenko, A.M.
TITLEs At the Coordination Council for Welding
PERIODIICAL8 Avtomatichaskays, evarka, 1960, No. 9, PP- 87-88
TEXTs A conference on power sources for aro welding was convened. in May '1960
at Vseaoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovateltskiy inatitut slektrc-evaroihn-ga-cborudo-
vaniya (All-Union Scientiflo Research inatit-ote of Weldiag Equtpment).. Re-
ports of VNIIESO, NIAT, TanirLELEKTROM, VZESO, the SXB of the LIvh-,jK'nJ'.ajI
Sovnarkhoz and other organizations were read and divoueeed. Prc@grebe in de-
sign and production of direct ourrent feed sour.-'es for aro welding. Va6 noted
in the conference decisions@ '-.e.Inew reaearch aEd desJ_87. or-gan'-zat.Lons and
new ;lants, and more intensive work with D.C. sources at Instit,@t elektrcB@var-
ki im. Ye.O. Patona (Electric Welding Institute im. Ye.O. Paton), NIAT,
TsNIILELEKTROM and other institutes. Yet it vas stressed that the praot-loal
application of highly effective new equipment ia often delayed for long
Card 113
S/12 60/000/009/015/017
At the Coordination Council for Welding A16iyA.130
a time; series output of automotive welders (the most nommon being the, 300
amp type) with the internal combustion englne is still not organized; the
control equipment for the welding generatorz is obsolete, or generators Sis
even supplied without any control eauipment. The deciaionG included the
following pointal Standardization of the systems and components of @varicus
typee of generating equipment must be speeded up ao as to make pc-asible the
start of series output after not more than 1 to 1-5 years' px4@iparat_-*n; the
oemiconduotor valves must be improved and their nomenclature inareaesd to In-
elude valves for higher ourrents for welding rectifiers; the Mos%icw CitY
Sevna:rkhoz must be approaahed to organize series output of selanium reo*41fiere
of better quality and in sufficient quantitiest the Gosplan of the USSR must
be asked to organize the production of modern control equipmentj special en-
gineering offices for welding technology muet be organized at VNIIE30 and at
the SKB of electric welding equipment of the Lithuanian Sovnarkhozi the
VNIIESO must b.3 asked to work out recommendations for the application of the
existing D.C. welding transformers for automated ahielded are welding.
Further development trende were markedt increauing the D.C. 6ourses nomerala-
ture for new welding processeel developing high-power D.C. souross for
Card 2/3
At the Coordination Council for Welding AJ61/A130
automatio welding (with fusing gas shielded electrode, submerged ar--, etc.);
particular attention must be drawn to the operation quality and efficiency
of equipment; the maximum possible economy of ferrous and nonferrou: metals
must be considered in new designs.
Card 3/3 1
S/125 -61/000/001/015/,16
AUTHOR: Luklyanenko. A.M.
TITLE: At the Coordination Council for Welding
PERIODICALi Avtomaticheskaya evarka, no. .1, 1961, 78-79
TEXT: The Institut metallurgii im.A.A.Baykova (Metalliirnrinal Institute im.
A.A.Baykov) convened a coordinating conference on the application of ultra-
sonics in welding, in accordance with a decision of the Koordinatsionnyy so-
vet po svarke (Coordination Council for Welding). The conference took place
an September 7-8. 1960; 23 delegates from 12 organizations participated.
The agenda was the following. 1) Plan for the coordination of the work on
the stability of the quality of *joints with ultrasonic welding. 2) Inspec-
tion methods to check the stability of the mechanical strength of joints.
3) Future applications of ultrasonics in fusion welding. The conference ap-
proved a plan of coordinated work to ensure a steady quality of joints in
ultrasonic welding which provides fori 1) Development of inspection methods
Dard 1/3
5112 61/000/001/015/016
At the Coordination Council for Welding A16iYA133
to check the steady ouali+v of joints; 2) Inspection of the stability of
mechanical strength in aluminum joints, and in materials that are difficult
to weld by other methods (stainless steel with aluminum, titanium, circonium,
and others); 3) Determination of the peculiarities of the formation of
joints to elucidate the optimum process conditions; 4) Improvement of equip-
ment; 5) Development of instruments for measurements of the basic parameters
in ultrasonic welding processes; 6) Development of a method for checking and
automatic quality control of the joints in-the process of their formation;
7) Investigation of auxiliary heating in ultrasonic welding processes; 8)
Investigation of new systems to feed the ultrasonic waves to the spot of
welding. The IMET im.A.A.Baykov AS USSR, MEI, MVTU, LIIVT, KATI, IMASh AS
LatvSSR, Institut akustiki AN SSSR (Institute of Acoustics AS USSR), TsNIIChM
and other organizations will take part in the work. The conference approved
a method for chacking the strength stability of test specimens. Investiga-
tions were stated to be necessary for the selection of a material for links
transmitting the ultrasound to the workpiece. This method should ensure a
maximum stability of acoustic properties during operation and cause minimum
power losses. The application of ultrasonics to control the crystallization
in fusion welding was discussed, and the conference passed the following re-
Card 2/3
At the Coordination Council for Welding A161/A133
solution: a) To continue experiments in this field,- b) It is important
to determine the expedient application for ultrasonic welding. It is desir-
able to arrange the experiments so as to help to solve this problem and to
provide fundamental data for the technology of sounding the joint during
welding. c) The problem of ultrasonics application in electro-slag or bath-
slag welding had been studied most extensively. Oscillation transmission
through filler wire suggested by the IMET AS USSR may prove effective. d)
It is desirable to convene a small-scale conference after new data have been
obtained. The desire was expressed to convene the following regular coordin-
ation conference on the application of ultrasonics in welding by the end of
Card 3/3
AUTHORg Luk'yanenko, A.M.
TITLE: In the coordination council for welding
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, no. 3, 1961, 104 - 106
TM: Information is presented on three coordination conferences: Ij A
conference on the standardization of welding electrodes for mass production.
electrode tests and appraisal was convened on October 14, 1960, at TsNI.-HTMASh.
Delegates from 10 scientific research institutes, 4 sovnarkhozes and 19 enter-
prises were present. The conference decision after discussion of reports
ed 6 points: 1) Positive experience of the Leningrad Sovnarldioz in -1,he
zation of the electrode production and reduced electrode nomenclatun . 2, Elec-
trodes produced by some of the USSR plants are not inferior to the bea-t foi:aign
electrodes In respect to the mechanical properties of weld metal, but rheir -.e@@h-
nological properties are frequently inferior to the foreign electrodes. 3,@ 1-Te
electrode specifications must be revised urgently and coordinated with the
(GOST) 9466-6o) standard. 4) Particular attention should be paid ti, the electrode
properties causing health hazard. 5j An electrode commission nrast be organized P--
Card 1/4
In the coordination council for welding A161/A133
at the coordination council for welding. 6) The state standards for ele_-trode
coating components must be revised and complsmented with specification5 for rut-
ile, hematite, mica meal, potassium silicate, powder iron, etc. 11) A 2oor-21DF_-
tion conference on the welding of 'heat-resistant, and refractory Etas! --und allsys,
also in October 1960 at TsNIITMASh, heard reports and information oil the resu-1 -ts
of work done in 1960 and took decisions incl,.iding the following. 1) in-_--rtant
investigations have been conducted but the strength equality probleme have riot
been oompletely solved. Intensive research and experiment wzrk is to be oontln-
ued. More work must be done in the welding technology for joining different
steel types, welding pipelines on Bite, and the development of nonoxidizing elec-
trodes. 2) Systematic research is necessary of the welding of nickel-free waate-
nitic Cr-Mn steel. 3) WeldLng experiments with new steel types and alllc.78 are
delayed by the slow supply of test welding wire a2-A base metal. These problems
must be urgently solved and the experiment plant of TsNIMERMET. must Start the V/
production of new wire types. 4) A conference will be convened at TsNI1CkiM4ET
during the first quarter of 1961 to coordinate the work on welding new heat-re-
sietant steel and alloys, and a similar conference will be convened at N13-02Mh
on welding of new austenite-ferrite steel. III) A conference at the lns*.�tut
elektrosvarki im. Ye.0. Patona (Electric Welding institute im Ye.C,. Paton) cn No-
Card 2/4
In the coordination council for welding A1611A133
vember 17, 1960, discussed and approved thematic plans for research and test work
for 1961; 122 plans of research institutes, higher education schools and indurs-
try plants were considered. B.Ye. Paton, Academioian of AS UkrSSR, Chairman of
the coordination council, reported on the work done by the council in 1960 and
tasks for 19d, and analyzed the thematic plans submitted for 1961. The confe-
renoe discussed the report and the conoluzions of the work commissions, and noted
in decisions that the paramount problems of the list approved by the GNTK SSSR
(GNTK of the USSR) for 1959 - 1965 are included into the thematic plant. The
themes include strict economy of nonferrous metals, welding of steel with a low
nickel content and of nickel-free stainless steel; development of a new produa-
tion method of two-layer and three-layer steel billets for rolling using the
electro-slag welding process; mechanization and automation of build-up welding
in all industries, and development of now matheds of wear-resistant, corrosisn-
proof and heat-resistant ocating with vaouum, induction heating and elaatron b,?am
heating; automatic and mechanized weld checks inclitding investig&tions of the
methods of producing visible images of defects. The Importance of modern u-niver-
sal and special butt wqlding machines, spot welding machines and other was
stres.sed, and work mentioned that has been done in the production of ribbed pipes,
special multieleotrode welders, walders for cast iron pipes, and others. Fields
Card 3A
In the coordination council for welding A161/A133
were listed in which the work done was not sufficient, e.g., heat resistance of
welded joints; elimination of hot aracking of heat-affected metal and purely au-
stenitic welds, new weldable medium-alloy steel; =dernization and improvement
of equipment for mechanical build-up welding, new shielding gasen; economy of
metal in frame structures; technological convenience and dependability of joints;
brazing;. work safety. The council reco@mended to include these problems in the
plans of the Electric Welding Institute, NIIKhIKKAShj TsNIITKASh, VNIMSO, RAT
and other institutes. Duplication of work was eliminated and sufficiently stud-
ied topics deleted from the plans. Some organizations failed to submit their
plans or submitted them too late, or not in accordance with the requirements. The
coordination council suggested, therefore, that all organizations submit their
plans in future not later than in July, and in a similar form. Fifteen thematic
conferences are planned to convene during 1961 to coordinate the thematic plans
of organizations working on similar or interrelated problems. The coordination
council has worked.out recommendatirn3 for orFanizations and industry plants con-
cerning the further development of welding- LAbstracter's note: Essentially
complete translation.]
Card 4/4
-EWT(d)/ENT(tn)/EW0(f)/j-2- wz
ACC NR' AP6006396 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/002/0:L41/0141
AUTHORS i Baykov,,,B. P.; Bor dukovi V. T"; Rmch, R. S.I:Luklyanch nko@ B. 3,
ORG: none
TITLE: Equipment for supercharging jnje nal comb opgines, Class 46, Noe
inq4ced by Central Scientific Research 6- @Tsentral'W
178243 Za -01 lnst&@Ute
.-nauchno-issledovatellskiy dizelfrVy inatitut)
.SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 2, 1966, 141
TOPIC TAGSs. internal combustion.engine component, supercharger.
ABSTRAM, This.Author Certificate presents equipment for supercharging internal
combustion engines, containing two-turbinea operating in the exhaust gases from
the angined One turbine drives the supercharger compressor and the other drives
a blower which draws air through the engine condenser (see Fig. 1). To,increaee'
the efficiency of the.engine at partial cycleq, the turbines'are inserted in series
,along the gas passage.
Card ---UDK:--621.43.068.9-713.1 O@1.43.052-713.1
Jig-boring device. Av.prom. 26 no.8:80-82 Ag 157. (MIRA 15:4)
(Dril.ling and boring machinery)
CATMORY CultLyatud Plantij. Potatces, V!Etgetahlas, Cucurblte. M&
ABS. JOUP. KhBiol..% No.' 23 195:8. No. -104711
AUTHOR Lu%'ybnjnko, D. Yes
INST. Iriatitute of Vegetable
TITLE t Tha Influence of Fertilizers an the Yield oflAuzkmelons
in the Forest Steppe of UiwaiDe.
,;'aichn. tr. Ulkx. n.-i. in-t ovoshche-,Odstva i kartofelya,
.19.57, 4, 37-43
I ABSTRACT lu 1,;51-19.53, 4a the expArivants &t Voikovsk8ya Experi-
ir&;ntal Bass of the Institute, applicatiou under fall-
plowed land of 20 tone of m4aure eza manure together with
mineral fertilizers at the rate of W-1-5t P205
60. K20 45
kilograms@na. in the congitions of Ukrainian' forest steppe,
contributed to a consid6rable lneraaae in the yield of
muslaaelon!;. "clacement into planting holes 3 tons of hu-
5 kilograms Of P20- (PC) Dt s0eding time, led to
Rn increaBo in the gr6j& yiila of from 4.7 (1951) to 57%
Mineral fertilizers aloni@s under fall-plowed land
Ciroving and Potatoes.
Card: 113
ABS. JOITI. RZhBiOI.Y N*. 1195t., 11n.
ABSTRACT in the FMOUnt Of N@5 ,P2Ci- 60, KpO 45 considerably low-
firea the yitlr,, ane. with 6tj awou"nt of each brmponent
smaller by 15 Hlograms, produced a negfitive result in
1951, and 8 aegligible increase in 19@2. Placewen, of
P, (1 alone in the planting holes, resulted
_5 kg of P20D)
in the lowsring of the yiela. Tbt4, alit'hor axplains the
negative affect of mineral fertilizers by the poor toler-
anct of mu@kmeloa to acid environment, and a=ioniuiri sul-
fate and P. do acidify the soil. On degraded chernozews,
Card: 2/3
I.ABS, JOUR. RZhBioi. 11n. 223' 19,rP,. NO- 104711
ABSTRZACT the 6Qded acidification is especially noticeable with the
increese& amountv of fertillzorp and v)ith abundent pro-
eipitbtic,n in the first half of thti vogetatJoa period.
V. branlehnlkov
Card., 313
@,inzhoner; SIZOV, V., inzhoner.
Contribution by efficiency workers of the Loninsk mine. Mant.ugl. 5
ne.9.,20-22 5 156. (KWA 9:10)
(Kusnetsk Basin-Coal mining machinery)
Corrections in the rate of pay, for engineers and technicians,:Fix
coal mineo. Sote.trud 20-2:131-132 F '57- (MLHA 10:5)
l.Pomoshchnik glavnogo inzhenera po organizatsii truds, i zarabotnoy
plat7 shakhty no.46 goroda shakhty.
(Coal miael and mining) (Wages)
Bonuses for coal miners. Sots. trad no.12:134-135-.D 157.(NIU 11:1)
1. Pomoshchnik glavnogo Inzhenera po organizatail trada shakhty
No.46 tresta "Aitemantratsit".
(Coal mines and mining--Production standards)
1. A.
L@TF 1 yr!7@,70 A.: "The je' rrt of irrir-zi@i,n anrl
n ',nc-,)r(,-vArOv:;Ic n
lrh@-rll-ov Oree:@ f La@,or Pnnmior An@lr,
r 0
I nr'(. (Picsertation for illc Pc-rcc cf
in Ai-Iriev-1tural Scienc,@J,
L.B... iki'TANEUM LA,
New location of Sisymbrium wolgense M.B. in Dnepropetrovsk
Province. Ukr. bot. zhur. 14 no-1:57-59 157. (MERA 10:5)
1. Daipropetrovelkiy sillalkogospodaralkiy institut, kafedra
(Dnepropetrovsk Province--;isymbrium)
Ivan Nikandrovich [Luklianenko., I.11.1; MOSKOVCBMKO,
Vgtr lvanovicf@, SMMUDIKO Ivan Mikhaylovich,, dots. kand.
takhn. nauk; GONCHAR, A.S. tHonchar, A.S.], red.; BOYKO, V.P.
[Boiko, VOPO]., tekhn. red.
[KI-Ins and drying apparatus used in @@e ceramic indusU7;
._*XWlee of designs] Fechi ta susharky keremichnoi pro
i*slovosti; pryklady rozrakhunkiv. Xyiv@ Derzh. vyd-vo
lit-ry z budivnytstva i arkhit. WiM, 1961. 198 p.
(MIRA 15:3)
-.Jeeramic industries) (Kilns) (Drying apparatus)
Anticoagulant therApy of vascular diseases of the brain.
[with summary in French], Zhur.nevr, I pslk@. 58 no,2:19f@-193 '58.
(MIRA 11:5)
1. KlInicheskoye otdaleniye nervnykh bole?ney (zav. -Prof.
Ya.N. Korganov) T gorodskoy bolluitay (glnvnyy vrach A.V. Goreshnyak),
(BRAIN,blood supoly,
dis.,biBhydroiycoumarin ther. (Pol) (Rua))
cerebral vase. dis. 0-1) (Rua))
LUKIYANMO, I-V- (Rostov-ua-D;.,n-,i)
Resistance and permeability of the blood vessels in anti6oagulant
treatment. Vrach, delo no.1:146-148 -Ta 162. OU@CA .15-2)
1. Otdeleniye nervnykh bolezney 1 gorodskoy bollnitsy (zav. -
prof. YA.N.Kor anov) Rostov-na-Donu.
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 318 (USSR)
A UT14ORS: Malltsev, V, F., Luk'yanenko, L.P.-
TITLE: A Photocolorimetric Method for Determination of Large Amounts
of Silicon Contained in High-alloy Steels and in FILIXes Employed
in Electric Welding (Fotokolorimetricheskiy metod opredeleniya
bollshikh soderzhaniy kremniya v vy5okolegirovannykh stalyakh
i flyusakh, primenyayemykh pri elektrosvarke)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. o-va chernoy metallurgii. Ukr. resp.
pravl. , 1956, Vol 4, pp 111- 114
ABSTRACT: 0.1 g of steel is dissolved in 10 cc of a mixture of HN03 and
HCI (1: 1). The solutions is placed into a Pt dish together with
35 cc of a 10% Na0H solution; after heating the dish for three
minutes and allowing it to cool, 15 cc of HN03 are added and the
entire solution is transferred into a 200-cc flask. I cc of the
solution is placed into a 50-cc flask to which 20 cc of 0.125-N
H2S04 and 2.5 cc of 5% ammonium molybdate are added. After
an interval of 3 minutes, 7.5 cc of 8-N HZS04 are added, fol-
lowed, after a one-minute interval, by 10 cc of a 4% solution of
Ca rd 1/2 Mohr's salt and a sufficient quantity of water to raise the level
A Photocolorimetric Method (cont.
of the solution to a predetermined mark. Two minutes after Mohr's salt is
added, the solution is placed into a 20-cc vessel,.where it is analyzed color-
imetrically under a red light filter. In order to determine SiO2 in fluxes,
0.1 g of the material is fused in a Pt crucible with 4 g of K2C0 3 and Z.5 g of
borax for a period of 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 900-9500C. The melt
is then leached with a mixture of 350 cc of water plus 10 cc of HN03 and 50
cc of a saturated solution of H2C204. After transferring the solution into a
500-cc flask, 17 cc of 0.15-N H2S04 and'5 cc of 5676 ammonium molybdate
are added; three minutes later 15 cc of 8-N H2SG4, 5 cc Of CuS04, and ZO cc
of a 77o solution of thiourea are added; the solution is then placed into 10-cc
flasks where it is analyzed colorimetrically under a red light filter. At an
SiOZ content of 20-40%, the absolute error amounts to 0.5%.
1. Silicon--Determination 2. Steel--Analysis 3. Welding fluxes--Analysis
4. Colorimetry--Applications
Card 2/2
Ddterm@@I@r `tilft-c@,o-n 'dioxide-In electric welding flumes by
means of photometric colorimetry. Zav, lab. 24 no.5:537-538 158.
(MIRA ll.-6)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskly trubnVy inatitut,
(Silica--knalyeis) (C-olorimetry) (Flux (Metallurgy)-Analyels)
AUTHORS: Malltsevp F.V., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, and
TITLE: Comparative assessment of the electrolytic methods of
separating carbides from stainless steels, in electroly-
tes containing thiosulphate andthiourea
SOURCE: Soveschaniye po khimicheskomu kontrolyu proizvodstva v
metallurgicheskoy i metalloobrabatyvayushchey promyshlen--
nosti. Dnepropetrovsk, 1958. Xhimicheskiy kontroll proiz-
vodstva v metallurgicheskoy i metalloobravatyvayushchey
promyshlennosti; [doklady soveshchaniyal [Dnepropetrovsk]
1,960t 277 - 280
TEXT: The authors compared the separation of the carbice phase
from IX 18H9T (,IKhl8N9T) steel by anodic solution in, a) an electro-11-11
lyte due to B.M. Popova and A.F. Platonova (I N X01 in 0&2 N HCl
and 0-5 % Na 2S20), and b) a similar electrolyte in which the thio-
sulphate was replaced by 1 % of thiourea. Using (a)p the Ti and Ni,
Card 1/2
Comparative assessment of the ...
contents of the Ti carbide deposit varied between 0.19,- 0.23 and
1.2 1.5 @a respectively. Using (b), the corresponding figures were
0.11 0.12 and 0.032 - 0.060 %. No such differences were observed
when carbide separations from a steel not containing Ni were carr-@
ied out, In a second series of tests polarity was periodically re-
versed during the process, in such a way that the specimens (IKhN9T
steel) remained at the positive pole twice as long as on the negati-
ve. Using the tiosulphate electrolyte under these conditions, Ti
and Ni in the carbide were found to be o-13 and 0.76 % respectively
(loss contamination with Ni), whilst the corresponding va ueo
when using the thiourea electrolyte remained relatively unchanged
(0.12 and 0.018 %). Further work on the processes taking place on
the surface of the specimens during the electrolytic process is
thought worthwhile and the use of thiourea in place of thiopulphate
is recommended. There are 1 figure and 2 tabless
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy trubnyy institut
(All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Tubes)
Card 2/2
Rapid photocolorimetric determination of alujanum in
copper-zinc alloys. Zav.lab. 27 no-7-.807-808 161.
OMU 14 7)
.1, Ukrainskiy nauebno-issledovatelOskiy trubnyy institut.
(Aluminum-Analysis) Uopper-zinc alloys)
AUTHORS: Dolinskaya, L. A., Rizol', A. I., r4alltsev, V. F., Nekrasova, S. Z.,
Ardreyeva, Ye. M.,_Luklyanenka,_IL.@
TITLE: Investigation of phenomena ocqurring In cold-drawn stainless pipes
during heating
PFRIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 9; 1962, 73, abstract 91449
(In collection: "Proiz-vo trub", n.0, 6, Khartkov, Metallurgizdat,
1962, 127 - 133)
TMM: The authors studied the effect of holding time upon temperature
limits of the recrystall.-L' 7.ation range in the treatraent' of colddrawn I X 18 H 9 T
(lKhl8N9T) stainless steel pipes. Branches of these pipes were heated In a la-
boratory Silit furnace at 600 1,2000C, every 500C, at a rate of 600 - 800 de-
gree/min. Heating was performed with.3 hours 10 min holding, then the specimens
were air-cooled. During the investigation of heat treated specimens, the authors
determined microstructure, HV, mechanical properties at 6500C, the content of
bound Ti,.the number of interference spots (pricks) on the lines of radiographs,
Card 1/2
Investigation of phenomena occurring in... A006/Att0i
and stresses of the II order. !Changes in the stresses of Ii order were deter-
mined from the width of interference lines. X-raying of,a-rotating specimen waq
carried out on a YPG -5 It (URS-50I) ionization unit. jrl heating to 7500C the
first recrystallization grainsappear in the pipe structure. The temperature of
7500C may be considered as the onset of recrystallizatio.n@of the specimen. Heat-
ing of deformed,steel is accompanied by Its softening manifested in a reduction
Of crb, (rs, and hardness, with'simultaneous increase of e and removal of stresses
of the II order. Softening of steel begins before the appearance of new graing,
whilst the deformed structure is preserved (phenomenon of recovery). It is com-
pleted at 8oo - 8500C. When heating to over 1,1000C, a decrease of the mechani-
cal properties of the steel is observed, which is caused by intensive grain
growth. The determination of bound Ti contained in the specimens, depending on
the heating temperature, has shown that there are maximum amounts of bound Ti in
the steel at temperatures corresponding to maximum hardness (9500C in the case of
3-hour holding and 1,0500C in the case of heating without holding). If the steel
is heated over temperatures corresponding to hardness maxima, Ti carbides are
T. Rumyantse-va
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
A.MHORS: Luk'yanenko, L'. P., M.-altsev, V. F., Diomidova, L. A.
TITLE. Comparative evaluation of electrolytic and aoid met-hods of titanium
carbide isolation out of 1XI8H9T (lKhI8N9T) steel
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1962, 5, abstract 5.:27
@V sb. "Proiz-vo trub". Khar'kov, Metaliurgizdat, no. 6. 1-962, 1,64-
TEXT: To isolate carbides out of IKh18NqT steel cylindrical samples were
cut out, heat treated and converted into chips. An Ig portion of chips was
dissolved in 120 ml solution of HC1 and F12304 of 3, 4, 6 and 8-normal concentra-
tion at a slow boiling. Electrolytic dissolving was dbne in an electrolyte of
the following composition: 74 g KC1, 10g thiocarban,,.de and HC1 per 1 1
water; it lasted 4 hours at a current density of 0.02 a/crn2. The isolated Ti
carbide& were baked, fused with K pyrozulfate, the fusiorBwere leached in H2r'04,
the jolutions were put in a 100 m! retort and water was added to the mark.
Using the color reaction of Ti with.HR02, the Ti content in-solutions v;as
determined by means of 423K -M (PTA-44). It has been found that the Ti carbide
Card 1/2
Comnarative evaluation of electrolytic ... -A-052/A10
isolation by dissolving chips in an acid can be applied only to determine the
relative Ti carbide content in steel, since the curves obtained both with this
and the electrolytic method have the same character. For dissolving chips it is
better to use 8-normal H2S04-
L. Vorob'yeva
rAbstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
Photom-etric determination of manganese in high-alloy steelSand
alloys. Zhur. anal. khim. 20 no.3?.394-396 165. (MURA 18:5)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i konstruktorsko-tekhno-
logicheskly institut trubnoy promyshlennosti, Denpropetrovsk.
Cand Agr Sci - (diss) "Formation, shaping, and maturing of winter
wheat grain as a function of condition of cultivation and variety."
KharIkov, 1961. 15 PP; (Ministry of Agriculture Ukrainian SSR,
KharIkov Order of Labor Red Banner A5r Inst imeni V. V. Dokuchayev);
200 copies; free; (KL, 7-61 sup, 252
In Tatarstan, Zashch.rasteot vredi bol. 7-no.615-.6 Je 162.
MMA 15:12)
1'. MxvM agronom Minieterstva proisvodetva i sagotavok sellsko-
koho,vay tvennykh produktov RMR (for Nikulina). 2. Sekretarl
parti-ynoy organizateii Ministerst7a proizvodst7a i zagotovok
oeltakokho@7aypt7ennykh produktov Tatarskoy ASSR (for laklyanenko).
3. Korrespondent zhurnalal "Ushchita rasteniy A vrediteley i
bolezney": (for Heypert)e
(Tatar A.S.S.R*@Plantsj Proteetion of)
LUKIYANE , 0- V- " I I
Simplify and lower construction costs of flush pipes. aor. khoz. Hook.
31 no,303 Xr 157, (MMA 10:4)
(Bawer pipe) (Plumbing)
LUKIY -- . .. akademik,, laureat Leninskay premil, deputat
Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR
What the'scientists are working on at present. Grazhdo av. 20
no.1810 J& 163. (MM 16.-4)
Fertilize the entire area under winter wheat. Zemledelie
26 no.1:23-26 Ja'64. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Vsesoyuznaya akademiya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni
Lenina (for Luklyan,-Ao). 2. Krasnodarskiy nauchno-issle-
dovatel'skiy institut, sellskogo khozyaystva (for Dragalin).
3. Kubanskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Simakin).
4. Krasnodarskoye krayevoye upravleniye proizvodstva i
zagotovok sel'skokhozyaystvennykh produktov (for Dubonosov).
.P. akademik (Krasnodar); CHERNENKO, S.F., prof. (Michurins1r);
LrMCHENKO', G.R., knad. sellskokhozyaystiennykh nauk; KORENIKOV, V.A.;
BAXHTAD%E, K.Ye... akadepik (Stantsiya Chakva)
Great strides of Soviet science, lUn, nat. no*12:3, 27, 31p 33, 35-@36
0 162, (MIRA 16:5)
1. Chleny@mkorrespondenty Vsesoyuznoy akademii @qllWwWwqWtvem**h
nail imeni Lenina (for Korengkov, Slivanov), 2, Daystvi tellnyy
chlen Akademiimauk SSSR (for C46rnigovskiy)q, 3. Rukovoditell
laboratorii Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-iseledovatellakogo instituta
mekhaniz4tsii selldcogo khozyaystla (for 14ibrovskiy)*
(science news')
LUK IYAN I-X0, - P. P.
IfResults of 'Work in Selecting lust-Resestant larieteis of Winter *,*Ieat", Selektsi.Ya
I i seilehovodstvo, No. ill 1936.
-MSR/Modicine --Wheat
Mar/Apr 40
'*Variation of the Nature of the Types of Winteri
axd Si r Wheat. by Means of Variation of the
L4 Conditions During the Vermlization Stage," -
1!*. P. al
_ Luklyanenko, laureate of the St , in Prize,
Cand Agr Sci, State Selection Sta, Krasnodar'.
"Agrobiologiya" No 2
I Nigh spring temperatures greatly affect vernal
of Voroshilov wheat if this high tem-
ture period is during vernalization period.
ller,. types of wheat,if subjected to lov tem-
I-MR/Madicine, .-Wheat (Cont'd) Mar/Apr 48
'A"raturee during'vernalization, showed greater
:'.**sIstance to freezlng@ ' Ei6scribee effective
Unthod. for. classification of various@'typee for'..
P@rP`Osee of selection.
14 AMR- -1./49T66
"Selection and Area Allocation of Varieties of 16.7-Inter @;Jjeat for Different
Rotation Forerunners.%" Agrobiologiya, No-3, pp. 37-44, 1955
Krasnodar State Plant-Breeding Station
Translation 2030158 -
USSR Cultivatecl Plants. Cereal CrVB. M-3
AbB Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958,, No. 58522
Aut hor i@@Izmp@g @F- L.
Inst Not given
Title Application of Miohurinla Yathods in the Selection and
Seed Groving of Winter Wheat in the Xubant
Orig Pab @1 Miohuwinsk. ab. Krasnodar, "Sove Tuban"', 1957, 129-141
Abstract @I No abstract given
0 ard 1/1
Country : USSR
Category: Cultivated Pl-nnts- Grains.
Abs Jour: RZhBiol., No 11; 1958, 48843
Author Luk'yanenho, P.P.
Inst :-1ERFn-o-cTa-r-Sc-rL.-R5-s- Inst. of Agriculture
Title :Winter Wheat Dezostanya 4.
Orig Pub: Byul. naucano-toldin. inforra. Krasnodarsh. n.-i.
in-ta 1957, vYp. 1, 18-22
Abstract: This variety was brought out by the Krasnodar
Selection Station. It is distinguished by better
resistance to d,-,-.Tping off, high vinter resistance
and productivity, higher physical and milling and
bread-banking qualities than Novoultrainka 84. Under
poor agrotechiiia-ml conditions Bezostaya is inferior
to Novoukranial-m- 84. An improved elite variant of
Card V2
Country, : USSR
Category: Cultivated Plants. Grains.
Abs Jour: RZhBiol., No 1958, 48843
the Bezcstaya -variety, the Dezostaya 4/1 strain,
was obtainod which is more productive, adaptable,
and resistant to damping off. Its yield surpasses
both the original variety and the Novoukrainka under
al.1 agrotechnical conditions. -- A.F. Khlystova
Card 2/2
USSR/Cultivated Plants Grains, M
Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 18, 1958, 82265
Author Luklyanenko, P.P.
Inst -W
Title A New Variety of Winter Vaeat
Oria Pub Vesta. s.-,kh. ,auki, 1957, ITO 3, 113-11'(
Abstract Krasnodarskaya selection station prod cod a variety of
winter wheat Skorospelka 3 by meaus of crossing winter
wheat Konred x Fullkoster,266287 with spring wheat Klin
33 (Argentine). It was adopted in districts of Krasno-
darskiy and Stnvropol'skiy k@ays and Groznenskaya Oblast'
Skorospelka has a tendency to produce new forms which
deviate considerably frDm the basic type. As the result
ofsselection from among these sports, F 15 prod,.,.ced aii im-
proved form Skorospelka 3b which differs considerably
from the original vatiety iA the morphological type of
the plants, yield, fast matuxing and the q:ctality of the
Card 1/2
CATEGORY : Cultivated Plants. Cereals.
ABS. JOUrt. t MhBiol.., N* -23, 195 8, Nm. 104616
AUTHOR 0. Luklyanenko, R. V.
IFST. M4 I., @ 'f"*" @ Resaarch institute of Agricalture.
TITLE Placement of Winter Wheat in Field Crop Rotations.
OPIG. PUB. : Zemledeliye, 1957, Vo, 7, 21-26
ABSTRACT : Data of Krasnoder Scientific Research Institute of Agri-
culture. In Kuban', the foundation of corredt crop rota-
tion should be the bed and the turned bed of perennial
grasses (alfalfa, ;esparcet, and red clover). Introduction
of perennial grasses contributes to the beouring of high
and stable yields of winter wheat and corn.
Card: 1/1
CAIRE,-'! ORY 1. ctiltivated plant,3. Grains.
A33. j0UR- 1 RZBiol., go. 21, 19%, NO- 95906
AUTHOR : Luklyenenka, P.P.
Tj,-;@,T. t Aqxta. Salences
1"I'YUG : !,-auie Results of Winter Whoat Selection
ORM. PUB. : Do?,I. VAMITIL, 1957, F0.11-t 6-12-
ABURACT A datalled evaluation ,is gJ,-,Yerj aocording to
yie,ld, mnturing times, flour and bread-baking
@Ovope2."tios Of slew ve-rie'U68 of Ivinter vibeat
raised at tbo Krandarsk So-iontifte Researoh
ImUtOntei of Agriaullwre. The neir lubanskaya
60 Tavioty axr,-eadv its pArentai forms (Novo-
akrainska 84 and Odeaa@mya 1) In produativity
"'his -r
I - axiety unites tho high :rloux and bread-
baklkig qualities'of Ndvo-Arainka 84 with the
winter hardinGas rof Odeaskaya. 3. There are
CARD: 1/2
ABS. JOUR. FIZBiol.., Yo, 21, 19'54- N095906
ALIHMM;T '-fOvlas in tho Seleotion nurserins whioh are
highly resistant to rust, making It possible
In receat years to develop for the moist
noutheru po2tlon of the xegion (kray) varie-
tioa, at least 20-25% more productive that t
those dlBtrieted aurrently,. simultaneously
having high t1our-milling and broad-baking
C,LID: 2/2
.4LbrqAl,BNm P P.9 akademik,
_01 - ft@@
Now winter bteat varietios resistant tO lodging. Dokl. Akad. agil-
khoz. 22 no,3:3-6 #57. (Wheat--Varieties) (MIM 10:6)
IUKITAN M 0, P.P.,akademik
Principal reaults of work in breeding winter wheat. Dokl. Ak-d.
:d+)llldioz. 22 no.11:6-12 157. (MIRA 11:4)
1. Irnanodarakiy neuchno-iseledovptellskiy Institut sel'skogo
LUKIYANEKKO, P.P., akademik
Ilethods for breeding frost-resisting varieties of winter wheat
Zor the steppe regiop- of the Northern
Caucasus. Agrobiologiia no.2--.169-176 Mr-Ap 162. OURA 15 :4)
1. Krasnodarskiy nauchno-igsledovateliskiy institut sellskogo
(Caucasus, Northern-Wheat-Froat resisTance)
Developing winter wheat varieties for intensive farming.
Zemliadelie 24 no.12CU-23 D 162. (KMA 16: 1)
I. Krasnodarskiy na chno-iseledovatellski-y institut sellskogo
lchozYaystva. Daystvitel'nyy chlen-akademik Veesoyuznoy akademii
sellskokhozMstvannykh nauk imeni lenina,
"PL-thod of Crossing Geographically Remote Forms in Winter Wheat Breeding."
report submitted for the llth Intl. Congress of Genetics, the Hague, Netherlands,
2-10 Sep 63
Gro'sBink uncastrated wheat by pollination with mixtures of wheat and
-ye pollen. Agrobiclogiia no,4.*483-491 Jl-Ag 164.
(MIRA 17:3-2)
1. Krasnodarskiy nauchno-issledovatellskly institut sellskogo
,LUIK.t,YAN.ENKO, F.P., akademik
Methods of wheat breeding. Agrobiologiia no.2:163-
173 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:11)
1. Krasnodarskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut
sellskogo khozyaystva, Krasnodar.
Strain renovation time for winter wheat in the Northern
Caucasus. Agrobiologiia no.32326-334 Yq-Jo 165.
(MIRA 18: 11)
1. Krasnodarskiy nauchno-issledovateltokiy institut
sellskogo khozyaystva.
L UKIYANENKP_,,_ V.A., assistent
Technique of traction of the mandible In a surgical treatment
of ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint. Stomatologiia
42 no. 2:31-34 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Iz kafedry Idiinirgichaskoy stomatologii, (zaveduyushchiy
prof. G.I.Semenchenko) Odesskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni
LUKIYAITENKOY V.A.p assistent (Odessa)
Treatment of an@ylosis of the joirt. Probl.
c@el.-lits. khir. no.1:69-72', 165. 18:10)
LUKIYANENKO, V.A., assistent
Surgical treatment of ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint.
Trudy Nauch.-issl.inst.stom. no.10:25-33 162, (MIRA 15:10)
LUKIYANENKO, Viktor Grigorl@evich; ORYATIVISKIY, Valentin Nikolayevich;
-SOKOVA, Mariya Ivanovna; TITOV, Vladimir Yevaenlyevich; NOVIK,
A.M., red@; FATUSEVICE, S.M., tekhn. red.
[Comparative tables for antifriction bear@ngsl Sravnitellrqe
tablitay podshipnikov kacheniia. Kiev, Gostekhizdat USSH
1962. 146 p. WIRA 15:71
(Bearings (riachinery))-Tables, calculations, etc.)
UJKIYANRTK kand. med. nauk
; -I p
Pathogenesis of traumatic osteomyelitis of the mendible of
gunshot origin. Stomatologiia 43 no.2:44-50 Ja-FI6/+
(MIRA 17 W
1. Kafedra chelyustno-litsevoy khirurgil i stomatologii (na-
chalfnik-- prof. M.V. Mukhin) Vbyenno-meddtsinskoy ordena
Lenina akademii imeni S.M. Kirova.
Materials for the study of the ne-,7-al repdation of the cam-pla-=m'.
function of the blood. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 52 no.11:92-94
N 161. (@aM 15:3)
1. Iz otdela immmobiologii (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen MUT
SSSR N.V. Zhukov-Verezhnikav) Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii
(dir. - prof, I.N. 14ayakiy) ANN SSSR, Moskv-a. Predstavlena
deyetvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR N.N. Zhukovym-Verezhnikovym.
Clinical observations of the use of intraosseous ostaosynthesis in
.the treatment of fractures of the mandible. Stometologiia 36 no.3:
31-33 YT-Je 157. (XLRA 10:9)
le Iz Imfedry cholyustno-litsevoy kbirurgii i stomEttologil (nach. -
prof. K.V.Xmkhin) Voyanno-meditainakoy ordena Imaina akademii iment
RPTA_ 1 13/7 S,ir,,er-y_Ju1Y 59
E MEN' See 9 -0
text) - Lukyanenko V. 1. - STOMATOL. 1958, 3 (15-21) Tables 2
Illus.@ L L
i. The type and extent of the fracture should determine which methad.of osteosynthes-
is should be most efficient. Intra-osseous fixation of fragments by means of a
eof the man-
metal pin is most effective in linear fractures of the body and angle of the man-
and also in
dible, in comminuted fractures not exceeding 2-2.5 cm. in length, and also in
@ture and ex tra_
linear transverse fractures of the ramus in young people. Bone suture and extra-
1-uted fracture..
osseous suture are most effective in linear fractures and in comminuted fractures
re is no gr. at
in the region of the ramus, angle and condyloid process, when there is no great
@ar fracture, of
damage to the bone. Kirschner wires can be recommended in linear fractures of
@'tion of frg_
the body. angle and ramus without major damage to the bone. Fixation of frag-
thick (I .5_2m
ments in adults can in the majority of cases be.done by means of a thick (1.5-2 m.)
wire, or by 2 or 3 thin wires. Fixation of fragments by means of periosteal clips
to useful in comminuted fractures involving major damage to the bone (over 3-4
cm.). It may be sometimes advisable to apply simultaneously various surgical and
,_p@rthopaedic methods of osteosynthesis.
Conditioned *flex regulation of in-, ologleal reactions, Zbur.niL-ro-
biol.epid.i immm. 30 no-IO.-53-59 0 159. (MM 13:2)
1. Is kafedry fisiologii vysahey nervnoy dayatellnosti Nookovskogo
goeudarstvennogo universiteta i Sukhumekoy madiko-biologichaskoy stan-
teii AMU OSSR.