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14-57-6-12486 Translation fromi Referativnyy zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 6, p 110 (USSR) AUTHOR: Lukin,_ V. N. TITLE,A Chilopois linearis on the Boger (Sagebrush Type Land) (WillopfilA lineFyy na bogare) PERIODICAL: Izve Otdo -yestestv. nauk. AN TadzSSR, 1956, Vol 15, pp 89-94 ABSTRACT: Chilo sis linearis (Bignoniaoeae) is a drought-re- a stan plant whl-ch grows in dry areas from Southern Texas to California. It has been tested on the bogar lands of the collective farms imeni Molotov and "Moskva" in the Ordzhonikidze Rayon* Observations made over a six-yoar period have shown that it is possible to grow Chilopsis linearis on the bogar land, and thus to provide decorative gree er-y for those populated areas of Tadzhikistan which lie at 800 m to 1200 m above sea level. The author recommends that Card 1/2 two-year old seedlings be grown in the nurseries and Chilopsis linearis (Cont.) 14-57-6-12486 then planted wherever needed. He notes that although the Chilopsis Itself is not resistant to frost, its exceptional ability Eo -pro- duce shoots enables it to regrow rapidly even after freezing, to flower, and to form fruit. Since the Chilopsis has large flowers of various colors, blooms for approximately 100 days and forms at- traotively shaped bushes, it represents a very desirable decorative plant. Moreover, its long pliable branches can be used for basket weaving. Card 272 N. Ya. T. - 0 USSP./Forestry - Forest Plants. K-5 Abs @Joui : Ref Zhur - Biol.; No 3o 19581 lo623 Author : Lukin, V.N. Inst : Natural Sciences Division, Academy of Sciences TadzhSSR Title : An Experiment in Planting Protective Forest Belts on Tadzhikskaya SSR /obespechennaya/ Unirrigated Land. Orig Pub : Izv. Otd. yestestv. nauk. AN TadzhSS.R, 1956, No 17, 55-70 Abstract : Field-protective forest belts, planted with various arbo- real-brushvood species and oak in rows and in nests, were created on the fields of three kolklozes of Stalinebads- kiy rayon in 1949-1953. This experiment indicates the pos- sibility of growing forest belts on the unirrigated well cared for /obestiechenneya/ bogara of the Tadzhikskaya SS.R; a large assortment of trees and underbrush have been deve- loped for use in these forest belts. The belts have a Card 1/2 Uson./yorestry - Forest Plants. .Abs Jour - Ref L!Iur - Biol., No 3, 1958, lo623 K-5 positive effect on the accunadation of moisture in the soil and on increasing the productivity of agriculturza crons. The use of cover crops for oak nest so-wing on bn-g-xa Ir-nds not only failed to Justify itself but even W,re extremely negative results and led to the death of all the young plants. Card 212 USSR/Soil Science - Cultivation) Impm vement, Erosion. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 22, 1958, 100108 Author 0.,@.@@Ostyayev) V.M. Inst Title Tillage of Boggy Soils Without the Use of a Moldboard. Orig Pub Khochagin kishloki Tochikiston. 1957, 110 9, 45-47 (tadzh.); S. kh. Tadzllikistana, 1957, No 9, 46-48 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 LUKINP V.N., mashinist; VLADIMIROV, A.N., mashinist-instruktor .--- - - Simple method for converting to one section operation on the VL8 electric locomotive. Elek. I tepl. tiaga 7 no.6:35-36 Je 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Depo Petropavlovsk Yuzhno-akallskoy dorogi (for Lukin). 1. (Electric locomotives) , - , J_- i % 1- 1.6 110 TT T IP(r) JD L 36399-b(3 tV L kJ. E:;WV A% HI I f -1 V-11 --- ACC NRi AP6018780 SOURCE CODE: UR/0070/66/011/003/0472/0474 AUTHOR: Finkel', V. @.; Serebryakov, S. V.; Lukin, V. P. ORG: Department of Physics, Siberian Metallurgical Institute (Kafedra fiziki, Sibirskiy metallurgicheskiy Latitut) - k@ TITLE: The possibility of the existence of Rayleigh waves-in cubic single crystals ISOURCE: Kristallograftya, v. 11, no. 3, 1966, 472-474 TOPIC TAGS: -cubic crystal, metalloid alloy, Rayleigh wave, single crystal, elastic wave, elastic stress, metal physics ABSTRACT: Mathematical conditions for the existence of Rayleigh waves in cubic metal crystals am set forth. The conditions for the propagation of these waves on (100) planes, in [1001 directions, were stipulated in terms of the existence of positive roots in the known equation i --.�",R ) (I _. - R2- R10 -A). where R-pelleaq, wis density; c is speed of the Rayleigh wave; 011, 012 and 044 are elastic constants. A similar problem was derived for the (110) planes and (1101 direc- @Tions, since this problem has never been solved quantitatively. The potential energy UDC: 548.0 ACC NRt AP6018780 resulting from elastic stress on cubic crystals was given and the coordinates were transformed so that x and y laid in the (110) plane and z was normal to the plane. T I stress components were obtained by partial differentiation of the potential energy wi respect to the strain components. The mathematical conditions for the existence of the Rayleigh waves were developed for -two cases: ess 0. *a /Ox - 0 this corresponding to the wave propagation in the (1101 direction on the (110) plane; and the propagation of the waves in the (1001 direction on the (110) plane. Calcula- tions were made on the basis of the above mathematical conditions and 33 metallic and nometalli'c single crystals were tabulated, the results giving the existence or nonex- Istence of the Rayleigh waves for (100) and (110) planes and [1001 and [1101 directio Orig. art. has: 1 table, 14 formulas. ISUB CODE: 20*11/ SUBM DATE: 29Apr65/ ORA REF: 001/ OTH IMF: 004 LUKIN., V. P., (Dep. Ministerz of Apparatus Construction and Means of Automation) "Review of Trends of Development Apparatus Construction Pnc Means of A.utomatior and Problems of Science," paper read at the Session of the Acad. Sci. USSR, on Scientific Problems of Automatic Production, 15-20 October 1956. Avtomatika i telemekhanika, No. 2, p. 182-192, 1957. 0015229 LUKIN, V.S.; PEWOZrHiKov, B.F. Mass sink formation in the city of Severourallsk as a result of the change in the regime of underground waters. Izr. Vass. geog. ob-va 96 no.3t241-244 164 (141M 17 t8) ILKIIJ, V.S. Muskrats within the city boundaries of Yungur. Okhr. prir. na Urale no.2:121-122 161. (ITIRA 17:7) . . LUKIN, V.S.; IIYZIIIKCV, D.V., kand. geol.-r-iner. nauk; TWaSHEV, A-.V#Y- UORKINI F.I., red.; MEDYINA, N.F., takhr-red. (The Kungur lea cavejKungurskaia ledianala peshchera. Sverdlovsk, Akad. nauk SSSR. Uralfskii filial, 1961. 46 p. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Eauchny-ye sotrudniki Yungutskogo statsionara Urallskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (for Lukin, RyzhiJ