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ors. 10 old LUGOVSKIY4,,SPr9eY..Ivanovich; DYMCHUK., Gennadiy Konstantinovich; DROBOT., Boris YakovIevich; AVRaICHUK, Rostislav Nikiforovich. Prinimali uchastiye: NIARIYE24KOV, V.V.; BAKIROV2 U.Kh.; NIKITIN, V.S., kand. tekhn. nauk2 retsenzent; STEBAKOV, B.A., gorn. inzh., otv. red. [Ventilation of mines and strip mines] Ventiliatsiia shakht i karlerov. [By] S.I.Lugovskii i dr. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nedra,n 1964. 306 P. (MIRA 17:5) LTIGOVSKIY I. doktar tekhn.-vuok, prof. - - - --- I Heat exchange in deep level chamber3. Sbor.nwuch,trud. KGR: no. 21slO2-105 163. (MIRA 17!7)1 SHKUTIA, E.I.;.,LUGOV3KIY, S.I., dcktor tekhn.nauk; OHINYANSKIY, I.B., gornyy inzh. Potentials of mine ventilat-.on. Gor.zhur. no.3:26-30 Mr 165. (V,T?,A 18: z) 1. G3avnyy inzh. Upravieniya gornodobyvayushchey promyshlennosti Pridneprovskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Shkuta). AZAREVKO~ B.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; APAITASIYEV, V.D., kand. teldm. nauk; BERMAN, 14.Ya... inzh.; VAVILOV,, M.P. inzh.- VMIIK,, A.B.~. inzL.; GOLUBKOV3 K.A.; GUBKIN, S.L~ akademik [deceased]; GLEEVICH, A,Ye., inzh.; DAVYDCV, V.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; DROZD, V.O., inzh.; YEWOLAYEVI N.F., inzh.;*Z11TJKEVIG1i-STOSHA, Ye.A., inzh.; KIHILD:, N.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOVYNEV, M.V., inzh.; KOGOS, A.M., inzh.; KOROIEV, A.A., prof.; KUGAYENKO, 14.Ye., inzh.; LAS SKI141, A.V., inzh.; LEVITANSKIYj B.A., inzh.;-LU-WYSKIY-,-V-1i" inzh.; I-EYIIZOVICII, I.M., kand. teklm. nauk; OVCHIL-tOV, M.S., inzh.; PASTEOAK, V.I.,, inzh.; PERLIlly I.L., doktor tekhn. nauk; POEEDIN, I.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; ROKOITAN, Ye.S., doktor tekhn. nauk; SAFIYAN, M.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; SMIR11OV, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; SV,1?310V, V.S.; SOYOLOVSKIY, O.P., inzh.; SOLGVIYEV, O.P., inzh.; SIDORKEVICH, 14.A., inzh.; TRETIYAKOV, Ye.M., inzh.; TRISHEVSKIY, !.S.., kand. tekhn. nauk; KMIXIN, G.N.., inzh.; TSELIKOV, A.I.; GOR013INCEENKO, V.M., red. izd-va; GOLUBCHIK, A.M., red. izd-va; RYMOV, V.A., red. izd-va; DOBUZHINSKAYA, L.V., tekhn. red. [Rolling; a handbook] Prokatnoe proizvodstvo; spravochnik. Pod red. E.S.Rokotiana. Moskva, Metallurgizdat. Vol.l. 1962. 743 p. 1. Akademiya nauk BSSR (for Gubkin). 2. Chlen.-korr('e"'spMor~e':n~"Akademii nauk SSSR (for Smirnov, TSelikov). (Rolling (Metalwor))-Handbooks, manuals, etc.) Lf V3 Cz ~IUSK,Oy, VIV*. Additional conditions for ship rolling on waves. Trudy TSMIMF no.7:50-71 156. (KIRA 11:2) (Stability of ships) 124-58-9-9910D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 9, p 62 (USSR) AUTHOR: Lugovskiy TITLE: Problems of the Nonlinear Theory of the Rolling Motion of Ships (Voprosy nelineynoy teorii bortovoy kachki sudov) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Leningr. korablestroit. in-t (Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute), Leningrad, 1958 ASSOCIATION: Leningr. korablestroit. in-t (Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute), Leningrad 1. Ships--Roll Card 1/1 LUGOVSKIY, V.V. Differential equation for rolling in the case of a ship's heaving with a given stability diagram. Trudy TSNIIHF no.15: 22-33 158. (MIRA 11:8) (Stability of ships) 1OW, 31(5) AUTHOR: Lugovskiyp V. V. (Leningrad) $07/179-59-4-3/40 TI.TL.,",,: -- ~OnS7`eady'I~Ieson Ships Rolling in Lateral Surf PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk. Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 4, pp 22 - 28 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The steady resonant conditions in calm sea at lateral rolling of the sbip with any form of stability diagram and any damping law are here investigated with the help of the formulas taken from the monograph by N. N. Bogolyubov and Yu. A. Mitropol'skiy (Ref 8). It is shown that in calm sea not only the zone with a wave frequency almost equal to the frequency of natural vibrations of the ship is unfavorable'with respect to lateral rolling, but also the zones with a frequency amounting to twice and three times the eigenfrequency. The period,of additional resonance vibrations of the ship is nearly equal to the period of rolling in calm waterp while the amplitude and the phase are determined by uncomplicated formulas (2-5), (2.9), (3-7), (3-8), (3-9), (3-10) at any form of stability diagram and at ahy damping law occurring in practice. There are 8 figures and 9 references, 8--of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: June 9, 1958 Card 1/1 LUGOVSK Study of the effect of the finite, in comparison with wave length, lateral dimensions of a ship on the disturbing moment during rol- ling. Trudy LKI no.26:111-117 '59. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Kafedra teorii korablya Leningradskogo korablestroltellnogo instituta. (Stability of ships) LUGOVSKGY, V.V. "On the Study of Hydrodynamic Forces in Limited Amplitude Pitching." report presented at the 1.1th Annual Scientific Technical Conference on Ship Theory, organized by the Central Administration of the Scientific-Technical Society of the Shipbuildinfr Industry, 13-15 December 1960. g o II LUGOVSKY, V. V. "The application of the methods of the nonlinear oscIllation theo.-7 to the analysis of ship oscillations in a seaway." Paper presented at the Intl. Symposium on Nonlinear Vibrations, Kiev, USSR, 9-19 Sep 61 Politechnical Institute, Leningrad LUGOVSKIY, V.V. kandtekhn.nauk Study of h-Irodynamic forces during ultimate amplitude roLling. Trudy TSNMF 7 no.35:40-48 161. (MnA 14%12) (Ships--Hydrodynamic impact) -LUGQBLU,-Ut&Uy-Yaail-tyujahj_STUPAKOVA, L.A., red.j TIKHONOVA, Y Ye.A., tekhn. red. (Standards of the stability of merchant ships in various countries] 0 normirovanii ostoichivojAi grazhdanskikh mor- skikh sudov v raznykh stranakh. Moskva, Izd-vo "Morskoi tran- sport," 1963. 180 p. (MIRA 16-7) (Stability of ships-Standards) LUGOVSKIY,_jtV.,.kand. tekhn. nauk; FADDEYEV, YU.I., kand. tekhn. nauk Calculating the rolling of ships using the nomograms of a series of model experiments. Sudostroenie 29 no.8:26-30 Ag 163. (MM 16:10) (Ships--Hydrodynamics) (Ship models-Testing) 11 3684-7-66 rr, Vakif i-T ijp(c) EM/',-'w V ----LL AT6014313 SOURCE CODE: UR/e-_752/63/000/049/0036/0073 AUTHOR: Lugovskiy, V. V. (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: none TITLE: Hydrodynamic investigation of the mutual effect of longitudinal and sideways rolling of ships and the swell of the sea SOURCE: Leningrad. Tsentrallnyy nsuabno-issledovatellski institDt morskogo flota. Trudy, no, 1.0, 1963. Gidromekbonika sudne MydromecgEiFc-s of ships), 3~-'73 TOPIC TAGS: marine engineering, vibration theory, boundary layer theory ABSTRACT: The article is an attempt to study the mutual effect of longitudinal and sideways rolling of ships moving at any arbitrary course angle with respect to the swell of the sea, by strict and generalized methods of the theory of rolling and the theory of nonlinear vibrations.~PLinearization of the boundary conditions for the T-ree surface of a liquid makes it possible to obtain generalizod relationships for the hydrodynamic forces acting on the moving and rolling ship* The formulas found for the inertial damping, hydrostatic, and agitating forces are brought, in the articles into a mathematical Card L 366h7-66-- ACC NR: AT6014313 form which permits their practical use. Simplification and solution of the system of differential equations obtained for the rolling of a sbip makes it possible to clarify the'effect of the Interconnection of vertical and sideways rolling of a ship on the amplitude factors, Orig. art, has: 119 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE-. none/ ORIG REF: 025/ OTH REF: 009 L 05659-z:,7 swT- W /EWP IJF(e) DV1iFW 1 ACC NRt AT6025571 SOURCE CODE: UR/2752/66/000/072/0032/00hl 'AUVIOR: _J""Auy.,--~(Doctor of technical sciences) i 'jw ORG: None _i< 0i TITLE: Approximate determination of the damping coefficients for heaving and pitching of finite amplitude SOURCE: Leningrad. 'Ivrsentrallnyy nauclino-isrledovatcl'Bkiy_institut morskogo flota, Trudy, no. 2, 1966. G ekhanika sudna (Hydromechanics of ships), 32 k;'Mk, "S TOPIC TAGS: ship, vibration damping,SW%~b engineering, motion mechanics T CT: Approximate formulas are derived for the damping coefficients of forced eaving and pitching of a Michell vessel on the surface of a heavy, ideal, incomprea- sible liquid at zero velocity. The formulas are derived with respect to two systems of coordinates, one coinciding with the'undisturbed surface of the liquid and the other connected to the oscillating vessel. While the expressions given in this paper are for heaving accompanied by pitching, a similar method may be used for deriving ap- proximate formulas for determining the damping coefficients of pitching accompanied 1by heaving. However, these formulas are extremely complex and less convenient for ractical purposes than those given in this article, Numerical values are given for ~ I ~the complex coefficients appearing in the formulas which give satisfactory resultS for paritime cargo vessels. Orig. art. has: h figures, 34 formulas, CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: None/ ORIG REn 004/ OTH REF: 0011 ACC,NR, AR70666-8i SOURCE CODE: UR/0398/66/ooo/67ii/Aoi4/Aol5 4/Ao15 AUTHOR:' Lugovskiy, V. V. TITLE: Approximate determination of damping coefficients for-yertical.rolling and pitching-at a finite amplitude -ISOURCE: Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abe. 1lA85 -r. Tee.ntr, n.-i. in-ta morek. flota, vyp- 79, 1 -41 REF SOURCE: T 966, 32 TOPIC TAGS:, forced vibration, vibration damping ABSTRACT: Approximate'formulas are derived for Michel's coefficients for the damping J' of a vesaella vertical rolling and pitchirg, baacd on the calculation of finite I amplitudes of vibrations under boundary conditions. A vessel's forced vertical vibrations and pitching on the surface of an ideal incompressible gravity solution at zero speed are investigated. The vessel's hull form is expressed as a functioir- of its waterline and midship frame forms, assuming them to be continuous and limiting I' functions with zero first and second derivatives on their countour boundaries. Considering the vessel's sides to be vertical within draught variations, and its rolling-and pitching tff-c&Im water and regular waves to be nearly harmonic, numerical evaluation are obtained which show that the derived formulas for the damping coeffi- ci&nts provide good results for seagoing transport vessels with a characteristic vateY6 line form in typical vertical rolling and pitching conditions. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE., none Card 1/1 UDC: 629-12:532.5.041 ACC NRg-' Am6ol6145--CN) Monograph UR Lugovskiy, Vitaliy Vasil'yovich Nonlinear problons on the soawort~inoss of ships (Nilinoynyyo zadachi morol-hodnosti korablya) Leningrad, lzd-vo "Sudostroyoniyo". 66. 0234 p. Muu., biblio. 1,900 copias printed. TOPIC TAGS: ship,hydrodynandes, shipbuilding engineering PURPOSE AID COVERAGE: The book presents solutions to nonlinear problems related to the seaworthiness of ships In relation to rolling, and describes mothods for the calculation of the characteristics of rolling, based on the solutions presented. The book may be used as a textbook on the thoory of rolling by graduate and under- graduate students at shipbuilding institutes and faculties, and may serve as an aid to workers at scientific: research and planning organizations of the shipbuilding industry. TABLE OF CONTENTS fa-bridgej: Preface - - 3 Ch. I. General problems related to the motion of ships in waves 17 Ch. IT. Hydromachan1cal, problems in the nonlinear theory of rolling - - 31 Ch. Ea. Nonlinear theory of rolling of ships in regular waves 69 UDC ACC NRt Mi6016145 Ch. IV. Mlethods for the calculation of ~he amplitude of roll 106 Ch. V. Some problems in the nonlinear theory and the calculation of the amplitudo of pitch - - 150 Ch. VI. Nonlinear problems in the interrelation of differont types of rolling motions of ships in waves 217 Bibliography 227 SUB CODE: 13 suBm DATEt lojan66 MIG REFz" 108 OTH REF: 042 Cord 2/2 LIJGOVSKOY, D.I. Technology Luminiscent illumination of buildings. Mosk-fa, Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1950. Mgnthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. CHUMAYOV, Yuj.; LUGOVSKOY, E.V. Mixture of isomeric phenylpyridines. Metod.poluch.khim.reak. i prepar. no.7-41-44 163. (WRA 17:4) 1. Kiyevskiy politekhnicheskiy Institut. LUGOVSKOY, F. Improvement of working metbods and conditions in factories. Mest- promA khud.promys. 2 no.7:5 JI '61- ( KT Pj, 151: 1 ) 1. Sekretarl Stalingradskogo oblastnogo komiteta profsoyuza rabochlkb mestnoy promyshlennosti i kommunallnogo khozyaystva. (Volgograd--Factories) - ----------- - L'I. V -'s /(, 4; ~/ 6-- p - - U33qCoamochoml a try. c.;._,ocjjc~ujj stry. Ifydrochomistry. - D A ai Y ..'us Jour Referat. zhurn, chimiya. No 6, 195,1, 18914 Author B.Ye. Karskih G.P. Lugovskoy. List All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Asbestos, Mica, Asbastos-Cement Pi-oducts a,,d Projection of Con- structlOn of Micn. Industrial Concerns. Title Method of Studyinfi,, :_,.nd Characteristics of Inclusion3 W Muscovi Le of ~~Lrusko- Chu.,skiy R,~glon Orig Pub. Tr. Vses. N.-1. In-t. Asbesta, Slyudy. Asbastotsement Izdeliy i Projektir. Str-vL: Predpriyatiy Slyud. Prom- sti, 1956: vyp_ 4, 39-90 Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 -26- LUGOVSKOYY G.P, Scorzalite from pegmatites in Sibfuria. Zap.Vses.min.ob-va 94 no.2t2l2-217 165o (M2A 18:5) GCRZHEVSKAYA, S.A.; LUGOVSKOYj G.P.,- SIDORENKO, G.A. First find of samiresite in the Soviet Union. Dokl. AN SSSIP 162 no.5:1148-1151 Je 165. (laRA 18 s 7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut minerallncgo syrtya. Submitted March 17, 1964. IUGOVSKOT. I.G. Modernization of the vacaux plant of the Odessa Petroleum Refinery. Khim.1 tekh.topIA masel 5 no, 11:42.A6 v ,6o. (MIU 13: 11) 1. Odeaskiy neftepererabatyvayushchly zavod. (Odessa--Petroleum, refineries--Equipment and supplies) WGGVSKOY, K. G. - - - , lugovskoy, K. G. - 'Tases of distribution and specialization of the socialist agr-1- cultural industry," Trudy Sarat. ekon, in-ta, Vol 11, 1949, p. 183-218 SO: U-5240, 17, Dec. 53, (Latopis 'Zhumal Inykh Statey, No. 25, 1549). all zon. S o t s . -v fj S. SO: Let"Opiv, 2,111ura-1111-c"Ch SN-latcy, Vol. 14, Moskva, 19,1.9 LUGOVSKOY, K. (I-. Agriculture & Plant & Animal Industry Postwar advance cf agricultuxe in the Saratov Province. Saratovskce obl. ~:oz. iv-d-vo, 1950- Monthly List of Rus~,ian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, 1952. UINCILIISSIFEED. f LUGOVSKOr, Ko (Saratov) Economic problems of the intensification of aVicultures Top* ekon. no.12:144-148 D 160. (KIRA 13:12) (Agriculture--Economic aspects) .LUGOVE&Mlx=rltin-GrJgulygy-ich-_D~.OZDOV, B.T., red.; GERASINOVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red, (Problems of the planned development of agriculture in an economic region] Voprosy planomernogo razvitiia sel'skogo khoziaistva v ekonoricheskom raione. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo planovo-ekon. lit~17, 1961. 113 P. (Agriculture) (MMA 14: LUGOVSKOY, Konstantin Grigorlyevich; 'tYBAKGVA, V.D.., red.; MASMOVA2 Ye.S., (Economics of socialist agriculture] Ekonomika sotsialisti- cheskogo sel'skogo kboziaistva. Moskva, Ekonomizdatj 1963. 669 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Agriculture-Economic aspects) WGQVSxOY M.P. Getting the population and public organizations to cooperate in sanitary and prop4lactic work. Zdrov.Kazakh. 16 no.12:39-42 156. (PUBLIC HXAWH) (HLRA 10:2) luGcN'sK-CYl :",. V. Z9737 ~~yekhanizat3i,ya 3trOityOl'3tva-nyeotlozhnoye rayeropriyatiye dlya Dal'n~--Yzqye-fr.o razviti.ya syellakoy elyel-trifflatsii. Bicirotyelfhnilm i myelioraUsiya, 1~49, No. 3, S. '07-78 So: Leto,,As' ilio. 40 LUGOVSKOYP M.V. N/5 f ~63.21 Ekspluatatsiya Gidromekhanichaskogo Oborudovaniya Sellskidh Gidroelektros- L9 tantsiy (Operation of Hydraulic Equipment of Rural Hydroelectric Power Stations (By) Ml. V. Lugovskly 1 A. A. Glebovich. Moskva, Sellkhozziz, 1953. 255 p. Diagrs., Tables. "Literaturall: p. 254. BCELODZYUK, G.G.; STEPANOT, G.N.; DRIATSKIY, N.M.; IONTOT, L.Ye.; KOVALET, S.M.; BLOKHIN, A.S.; DVORTSOT, L.D.; LUGOVSKOY, N.Ye.; MERKULOV, A.G.; SMIRNOV, B.P.; ROGINSKIY, E.M.; ffADOPUTT97WAYA. I.A.; IZRAILIT, S.G.; GRANAT, M.B.; ZARIN, S.A.i; FMGROVSXAYA, L.N., red.; MARKOCH, K.G., (Multichannel apparatus for high-voltage telephony on overhead lives and cablesJ Mnogokaaallnaia apparatura vyookochastotnogo telefonirovaniia po vozdushaym i kabel'nym liniiam sviazi. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam oviazi i radio, 1959. 511 P. (MIRA 1~4:1) (Telephone-Aquipment and supplies) WHIN, A.S.; BORODZYUK, G.G.; LESHCHINSKIY, A.A.; OKSMANv A~K.; KOSHINSKIY, O.F.; MANUSHKIN, A.Ye.,* MILEVSKIY, U.S.; DRIATSKIY, N.M.; VASILOYEV, V.V.,- LIVOVICH, A.A.; ORLEYEVSKIY, M.S.; MOROZ, I.A.; OKSIAN, A.K.; KFELI.. G.S.; SOROKIN, M.F.; BUTLITSKIY, I.M.; VASIL'YEV, L.N.[deceased]; GINTS, Yu.R.; VASIL'YZV, KIRILLOV, Ye.V.; STRUYKINA, N.S.; LEVINOV, K.G.;BLOKHIN, A.S., otv. red.; GURIN, A.V., red.; SLUTSKIN, A.A., tekhn. red. (K-1920-frequency telephone system) Sistema vysokochasi~ptnogo telefonirovanila K-1920; Informatsionnyi sborni4 [By]A.S.Blokhin i dr. Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1962. 319 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Telephone) MOOVSKOY, P. V., Engineer--MORCYTICRO, V. N., Engineer "Electric Fusing of Cutting Tools with Scrap High-Speed Steel." Stanki I Instrument, 17, Nos. 10-11, 1946. BR-52059019 3/137/61/000/0()1/0 28P43 A006/AOO1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1961, No. 1, p. 26,# 1Zh192 AUTHOR: Lugovskoy, V.M. TITLE: About the Effect of External Zones on the Deformation Seat PERIODICAL: V Sb. "2-ya Nauchno-tekhn. konferentsiya aspirantov i mladsh.nauchn. sotrudnikov (In-t machinoved. AN SSSR), Vol. 9', Moscow, 1959, pp. 3 - 13 TEXT: The author presents a quantitative evaluation of the effect of ex- ternal. zones on the deformation seat in forging and rolling. Calculations are given to determine the effect of external zones on the mean specific deformations pressure in the case of compressing a strip by a smooth die and in the case of compressing a bar by two smooth rigid dies. It is shown that the theoretical values obtained on the basis of the formulae derived are in a satisfactory agree- ment with experimental data. There are 7 references. L. G. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 1/1 LUGOVSKOYI V. M. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Study of the stressed state in deformation with small contact surfaces." Moscow, 1961. 12 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Moscow Machine- Tool Inst imeni I. V. Stalin)- number of copies not given; price not given; (KL, 7-61 sup, 240~ ZAROSHCHINSKIY, M.L., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; LUGOVSKOY, V.M " inzh. Some works on the theory and technological processes of metal rolling. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mashinostr. no.8:102-lo6 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye ucbilishche imeni baumana. (Rolling (Metalwork)) S112 61/000/007/005/Od7 D209%304 AUTHORS: Tselikov, A.I., Lugovoskoy, V.M., and Tretlyakov,Ye.M. 7~ --- - - TITLE: Basic theory of diametrical rolling and cold rolling using two and three roller mills PERIODICAL: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya,pno. 7, 1961, 49 54 TEXT: The authors elaborate the problem of using three roller mms as opposed to two roller mills, for the cold rolling of metals. This method, they claim, can be used for the manufacture of cylin- drical objects with diameters ranging from 18 to 20 mm, giving a very low surface impurity product. The authors make the following assum-otions: The contact between the cylindrical work piece and the rollers takes place along a straight line, or in other words, the resultant displacement is the sum of the elementary rotations through an infinitely small angle. The plastic deformation of the material is shown in Fig. 1. The authors first consider rolling by using only two rollers, and then Fig. 1 will consist of a num.- Card 1/6 S/122/61/000/007/CJ05/007 Basic theory of diametrical D209/D304 ber of triangles representing thevarious zones of plastic deforma- tion due to the pressure exerted on the work piece. They state that these zones of plastic deformation must satisfy the kinematic conditions existing at the boundaries of the plastic deformation zone. This approach is recommended by the authors since it gives the upper limit of the pressure at the contact points, as opposed to the static consideration of loading which would only give the lower limit. They consider the equilibrium of the tight hand por- tion of Fig. 1 to obtain an expression for the contact.pressure. In the case of rolling with three rollers, and for section I-I 2k 2 1,08 In Y 711/'5+ 2 (21) -0,02) +1.3 7T-0.1 + 0,26]. (21) holds, where dy the pressure in I-I; k - plastic constant and 2r/b (b = height of contact). To utilize the equations obtai- Card 2/6 S/12 61/000/007/005/007 Basic theory of diametrical ... D209YD304 ned, the area of contact has to be calculated. In the case of hot rolling this is given by b 211r A r, V _+r where R - roller radius, r - radius of the work piece and 2~r de- formation due to rolling. It is not valid for the cold rolling of metals becquse it does not take into account the elastic deforma- tion taking place between the rollers and the metal. Therefore, to obtain a value for B, Fig. 4 is used to illustrate the zones of deformation. _'\1 and _'\2 are the local radial elastic deformations of the roller and work piece respectively. In order that the work piece be compressed by an amount r its center 01 must move to po- sition 02 by a distance equal to I + 2* b = b + b = _\' Z~ r + b + b (24) 1 2 R + r 2 2 Card 3/6 8/122/61/000/607/005/007 Basic theory of diametrical ... D209/D304 gives the resultant lenrth of contact taking into account elastic deformation. If tile absence in symuetry is neglected b _\~4q (k, (25) 2 " 2 i~ -+r applies, where q is the pressure per unit length of the cylinder, and kl, k 2 are constants, depending on the material of the work piece and roller. q = 2b 2P shovis the relationship between p and q. By putting this value of a in ]~q- (25) b 8(k + k Rr p (26) 2 1 2) R + r is obtained. The formation of cavities in the center of the cylin- der could be attributed to the very large stresses developing at the boundaries of the plastic regi.orls. Also 2k(1. + 1), (19) 719 170 Card 4/6 S/122/61/000/007/005/007 Basic theory of diametrical ... D209/D304 shovis that the maximum tensile stresses occur at the center of the work piece.1.7hon using throe rollers a cavity of diameter A (Fig. 2) is formed. The authors emphasize that that annuiar compression reduces the possibility of cavity formation in the center of the work piece, and, if enough tension is developed in the work piece, failure does not occur. Peeling is a great disadvantage of the cold rolling process, and this could be eliminated by using work pieces with smooth- surfaces. This method was successful when using steel J~Tx types 20, 45, ;., (ShKh)9, SIIKhl5P Y(U)12 and U8. The maximum sur- face area reduction was 75 5'o. Cold rol"Ling greatly increases the strenE,th of metals. The percentage reduction in surface area and are the yield stress of steels ShKh9 and U8. There are 10 figures, and 9 references: 8 Sovict-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. Tho referen- ce to the -.-,'n,-0_izh-language publication reads as follows: S). Jonson Identation and Forging and Action of Nasmith Anvil, "The 1,,'ngineer", 1958, v. 205, N5328. Card 5/6 0- Vs VIM. PHASE I WOK UPWITATION 50'1/5985 Rokatyqn, Is. S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, ed.. Prokatnoye proizvodutvol opravochnik (Rolling Industry; Handbook) Y. 1. ties cow, . Motallurgizdat, 1962. 743 p. E-rrata slip inserted. 9250 copies printed. Authors of this volumat B. S. Azaronko, Candidate of Technical SclQnces; V. D. lLfanaalyov, Candidate of Tochninal Sciences; H. Is. Brovman, En~,,Inoor; K. P. Vavilov, Flnglnocrj A. B. Varnik, En~jw)or; K. A. Golubkov, Enginoor; S. I. Gubkin, Academician, Acndo.-V of Sci6nm) 13=R; A. Yo. Guraviah, Fnr,,Inoorj V, 1. Davydov, Candidate of Technical Scioncoa; V. G. Drozd, Bnginaar; H. F. Yerzolnycv, Engineer; Yo. A. ZhukovAch-$topha, Enginoori H. M. Kirilin, Candidate or Technical Snioncos; 14. V. Koqnuv, Engineer; A. 11. Xogoo,-EnrAnoor; A. A. ,Ayonko, Engineer; A. V. Laskin, Engineer; D. A. Korolov, Professor; M. Is. Kur- Levitanakly, Engineer; V. M. Lu~;ovvkqy, Lnginaer; 1. M. Mayarovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences; M. S. Oycharov, EttgIncer; V. 1. Pasternak, Enginear; I.!L. Perlinp Doctor of Technical Sciences; I. S. Pabedin, Candidate or Technical Sciences; Is. S. Rokotyan, Doctor of Technical Sciences; M. M. Saflyan, Gandl- date of Technical Sciences; V. V. Smirnov, Candidate of Technical Sciences;- V. S. Smimay, Corresponding Momb~br, Academy of Sciences USSR; 0. P. Sokolovskiy, Card 1/J0 Rolling Industry; Handbook SOV/5985 Fngineor; 0. P. Solov'yov, Enpinoer; M. A. Sidorkovioh, Engineer; Yo. M. Tretlyakov, Engineer; 1. S. Trishovskly, Candidate of Technical Sciences; G. N. Khenkin, Engineer; and A. 1. Taolikov, Gorroaponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR. Introduction: A. 1. Teclikov, Corresponding Kenber, Academy of Sciences USSR; Ye. S.~Iokotyan, Doctor of Technical Sciences; and L. S. Altahavokiy, Can- didate of Technical Sciences. Me. of Publishing HOUB01 V. M. Gorobinchanko, R. M. Golubchik, and V. A.'Rywvl Tech. Ed.t L. V. Dobuzbinakaya. PURPOSE3 This handbook in intended for technical personnel of m3tallurgical and machine-building plants# sciefftific research institutes, and planning and do- sign organizations. It may also be uneful-to students at schools of higher education. A COV9RAGE:, The fundamentals of plastic deformation of metals are discusand dong with the theor7 of rolling and drawing. Methods of determining the power con- sumption-and the forcer id-tollifij with plane surface or grooved rollo,aro Card Rolling Industry; Handbook SOV/5985 3 Fos tion of the no-slip section and the forward-slip section 73 4: Distribution of;deformation along the width of the rolled metal section and the spread 76 Ch. 5. Forces in Longitudinal Rolling (Ye. S. Rokotyan) [Abridged3 1. Formulas for determining the pressure of metal on rolls 80 2. General method of determining the average specific pressure of metal on rolls by theoretical formulas 96 3. Determination of coefficients and parameters included in formulas for calculating the pressure of metal on rolls 97 4. Metbod of torque calculation 116 5. Determination of forces at continuous billet mills (M. Ya. Brovna) 124 6. Determination of forces in rolling with square-shaped grooves (Y. M. Lu ovskop Ye. Tretyakov) 127 Ch. 6. Power_Consumj!~~qn in Rolling (Ye. S. Rokotyan) [Abridged] Card V19 BLLOV, Yu.M. (Leningrad); KASIFuVSKIY, N.P. (Leningrad); Prinimali uchastiye: SIIMIKOV, F.P., inzh.; MULIKHAINOV, N.I., inzh.; - JGQVSKOY V.M., tekhnik; TABARSITKOV, K.I., tekhnik; PETUKHOVY V.V., tekhnik Hard facing of iron mill rolls with a ribbon electrode. Av,tom.svar. 15 no.10:71-77 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Rolls (Iron mills)) (Hard facing) CHMKIVSKIY, Yu.S., kand. takhn.,nauk; LIJGGVSKOY, V.M., inzh.; MILOVZORCVj, A,K,j arkhitektor Pol7merio Msum-cament campositiona for the finish of buildings. From, stroi, 43 no.lOt3O-31 165. (MIRA 18:11) LUGOVSKOY, VA., iuzh. Some theoretical principles of rock cementation. Shakht. stroi. no.5:4-7 158. (KiRk 11:6) l.Kuznetskiy nauchno-iseledovatellski7 ugol'ny7 institut. (Rocks--Permeabilit7) (Concrete coatings) LUGOVSKOY, V.V., inzh. Using nuclear radiation for the control of rock cementation. Shakht. stroi. no.8:10-13 Ag 158. (yr-PA 2-L-9) (Mining engineering) (Radioisotopes--Industrial applications) (Gro,4tlag) AUTHOR: Lugovskoy, V.V., Engineer SOV-118-58-10-4/16 TITLE: To Improve the Technique of Opencast Mining in Kuzbass (so- vershenstvovat' tekhnologiyu na ugollnykh razrezakh Kuzbassa) PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiyatrudoybmkik-h i tyazhblykh rabot, 1958, Rr 10, pp 12 - 15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Due to a wrong initial approach by the planning institutes of the region to the problem of opencast mining in the Kuzbass, many mines must now be reconstructed, to exploit layers located at greater depths. Moreover, the problem of exploiting sloping layers was never satisfactorily solved. Serious consideration must be given to solve these problems without a drop in production. Until now the opencast work- ing of upper layers was done by drag-line excavators. Dump terraces were formed at the boundaries of the mines. These drag-line excavators cannot be used when steeply sloping layers are exploited and a new type with improved parameters must be manufactured. With the switch to deeper layers, the problem of transportatio--- of the stripped rocks becomes more acute: 30 to 35,000,000 cubic m of rocks must be moved an- nually. This exceeds by more than 10 times the volume of Card 1/2 rocks removed by trucks and railways in 1957. The problem SOV-118-58-10-4/16 To Improve the Technique of Opencast Mining in Kuzbass of creating new dumping terraces is also urgent. The author criticizes the working of railway transportation from mines. The system of utilization of excavators must also be changed: less than 50% of the excavators used, are used in coal ex- traction. There are 2 diagrams and 1 table. 1. Coal--Production 2. Mining engineering--USSR 3. Rock-~-Handling Card 2/2 IUGOVSKOY, V.V., inzb. Bolt anoboring in Norwegian and Swedisb mines. Shakht.stroi. no.2: 29-30 1? '59. (MIRL 12:3) 1. Kuzuetskly Nauchnn-issledovatellskiy ugol'ny7 institut. (Norway--Mine roof bolting) (Sweden--Mine roof bolting) SOV/118-59-3-16/22 AUTHOR: Lugovskoy, V.V., Engineer TITLE- On the Exploitation Techniques of Cutting Strata In Open Coal Mining in the Kuzbass (0 tekhnike vYyemki svit plastov pri otkrytoy razrabotke uglya v Kuzbasse) PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya I avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva, 1959, Nr 3, pp 48-51 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Kuzbass has actually about one hundred fields suit- able for open coal mining. When organizing open mining, one must consider that there are various seams, both thin and thick, having different inclination angles and being at varying, but considerable depths, depending on the wealth of the mines. Various machines have been designed according to the different geological condi- tions. The most effective and rational mining systems are: The worm-drilling system with hydromechanization, the plain hydraulic system and the mining system with various special combines preceded by loosening of coal, Card 1/2 drilling and blasting operations. The practical appli- SOV/11 8 - 5 9 -3- 16/02:12 On the Exploitation Techniques of Cutting Strata in Open Coal Mining . in the Kuzbass I cation of such teellmical means for working of coal in open mines, will considerably imp-rove the technical- economical conditions of work in the mines in the Kuzbass. There are 4 diagrams and 3 tables. Card 2/2 LUGOVSKIY, V.V., inzh. Kuznetsk Basin needs new types of excavators.Stroi.i dor. zaahinostr. 4 no.8:13-14 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) (Kuznetsk Basin-Sxcavating machinery) I,UGOVSKOY*, V.V..' inzh.~ Rock cementation theor7. Izv.v7s.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. no.8: 13-21 159- (MIRA 13:5) 1. Kuznetskiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy, ugollnv7 institut. (Groutin,p) LUGOVSKOY, V.~'. Rock cementation practices (from "Gluckaufl no.47/48. 1958). Shakht.stroi. no-9:30-31 S 159- (MIRA.12:12)' (Prance--Tunneling) WGOVSEDY, V.V., gorn.inzh. Prospects in mining engineering and economic efficiency of open-cut working steep pitching Kuznetsk Basin ore beds without transportation. U901' 34 n0.2:34-37 F '59. (MIRA 12:4) (Xaznetsk Basin-Strip mining) SUZDALITSEV, V.D.; WGCVSKOY, V.V., gorn7y inzh. (g. Prokopl7evsk) "Importance of seasoilal baring operations in opencut mines" by N.A.Malysheva. Reviewed by V.D.Sazdalltsev, V.V.Ltigovskoi. Ugolt 35 no.1:60-61 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Glavny7 inzhener Yergacliinskogo rudnika (for Suzdalltsev). (Strip mining) (Mal7sheva, N.A.) -,- LTJGOVSKGY . Vladimir Vasillyevich, gorryy inzh.; BALIBALOV, I.A., red.; t:~.-'red. ---RUDIIIK, . . % (Improvement of the strip LUning of coal in the Yuznetsk Banin) Sovershenstvovanie otkrytoi dobychi uglia v Kuzbasse. Kemerovo, Kemerovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 43 p. NIRA :L5-..U) (Kuznetsk 'Basin--Strip mining) 31Q2-66 ACC NR; AP6009061 SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/66/000/001/0124/0126 AUTHOR: Kuznetsov, V. M. ovosibirsk); Lugovtsov, B. A. (Novosibirsk); ~her, Ye. 1. (Novosibirskf- ORG: none TITLE: The motion of gas bubbles In a fluid affected by a temperature gradient SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhanild I tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 1, 1966, 124-126 TOPIC TAGS: temperature dependence, gas bubble, gas mechanics, viscous fluid, tempera- ture gradient ABSTRACT: TAe authors investigate the motion of a gas bubble which is due to the action of surface tension'p a weightless visc Es fluid ith a temperature gradient. A theory Is i~r_oposed for be steady-state motion a bubbble in a field with a constant temperature gradi- ent in the case of smaU Reynolds numbers. The experimental results presented agree qualitatively with the theory. It Is noted that In view of the difficulties duo to We presence of gravity, which caused convective motion of the liquid and the emersion of the bubbles, the experiment is qualitative in nature. The results of the experiment are given in a figure. The bubble at rest started moving 5-6 sec after heatir- began, and, expanding as a result of vaporization, moved toward the higher temperature. Thus, the experiment agrees with the theory. The editor remarks in a footnote that prior to publication of this article, the Card T. iiqu-66 ACC NR. AP6009061 present authors became aware of the work of N. 0. Young, L. S. Goldstein, and M. J. Block (The motion of bubbles in a vertical temperature gradient. J. of Fluid mechanics, 1959, vol. 6, p. 3), but the editor was unable for technical reasons to hold up the publication of this article for the present authors to comparr, their results with those of the work of Young et al. The authors thank M. A. Lavrentlyev for a statement of the problem and constant attention to this work. Ortg. art.. has - I figure and 1 L formulas. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 02Aug65 / ORIG REF: 002 Cmd 2/2 .. KHRTMINY D.Z..-, KA,*,P.k.O'J, PJ.,3 UIGOVTSEV, I.V~ lj~;) rigy alum-inum ck.-Jpa '!,,jad of pawier In producing ferro--Allo7s.,-~i.Gcs.nw,tch.-i.ssl.ins'u.,nauch.i tekh.inform. 18 no.936-7 S 765. (MIRA 18~,10) SNEZHKO, F.F., kand.takhn.nauk; _LUQQU3W;-v~ ; SNEZK09 P.F., inzh. Imprcrring the technology of making ircn-boron-aluminum allcys. Stall 21 no*31239 Mr 161. (ML '-4; 6) 1. Novolipetakiy metallurgicheakiy zavod. (Iron-boron-aluminum alloys) ordl-C; to 'FAte-La].- of the Acute appendicitis acc of the Railroad flo!;pital. Sbor. nauch. zub. Sar. goj. ~iad. inst. 44:155-157 164. (1,11Wt 18:7) 1. Iz fakulltetgkoy khIr-t;r,--*,(-huskoy kllnil~,-. fa:kulfte-ta (zav. - prof. Ii.I. Golubev) S;-ralk.~,vskogo me-litsin- shogo instituta (rektor - dct-,--ent 11!.R. Ivancv) na baze khirur- gicheskogo otdaleniya d;-.rCz':,,,,oy n ) y dorogi KHARITONOV, I.B., assistent; IJJGOV'fSFVA, G.P., vrach; UPITSKAYA, '17.0., vracii Vesicoureteral reflux. Sbor. nauch. rab. Sar. f-os. med. inst. 44: 201-206 T64. (MUll IP-7) 1. Iz fakulltetskoy khirurgiclieskoy klin.,ki pediati-icheskogo fakullteta (zav. - prof. P.I. Gollubev) Saratovsko.go meditsinskcigo instituta (rektor - dotsent N.R. Ivarl-,,r) ra baze Dorozhno,,,, cheskoy bollnitsy Privolzhskoy zhele2noy dorogi (nauliallnilr- R.F. Nazarenko). ITEEDOCHETOV, L.S., dotsent; ILIGOVTISEVA, G.P., vrach; SOROKIN, A.-P., vrach Diagnosis of diverticula of the urinary bladder. Sbor. Sar. gos. med. inst. 44:206-211 164. 1. Iz fakulltetskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki pediatricheskogo fakullteta (zav. prof. N.I. Golubev) Saratovskogo me"IitS;Mskcu-, inatituta (rektor dotsent III.R. Ivanov) na baze Dcrozhnov cheskoy bollnitsy Privolzliskoy zhel-eznoy dorogi (nachalln.k - R.F. flazarenko). IjI,(c) .;GUI(CI-I' COIJ, AUTOI,i Ltigeovtnov, A. A. (Novonibirck) 0;~G: nonc PropaCation of weak shock waves in a marrnctic field ,SOILMICE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mckhaniki i tekhnichcskoy fizild, no. 4, 1966, 91-93 TO-PiC WiGS: shock wave propa(;ation, magnetic field, Reynolds. number, electric con- :dUctivit-Y, shock wave structure) magnetohydrodynamics ,IBSTPACT: The iEr~;ijc-~qh (?~dyn i.E3 bl~,~ d is that qf propagation of weak shock _ _ _y~r __2~i In_ _gjolvc L vzaves in an inhomo-encous conducting medium in the presence of a magnetic f ield. T'he wid'uh of 'the pciturbed region is assv.,icd small. compared with the characteri-stic d-i-r,,cn-! sions of 'he problem. 7he magnetic Reynolds nmiber is also assum ad so thalk-, thei induced magnetic field can be neglected. The conductivity of the rred,-ur,,i is aGGu:-.,eA isotropic. Tlic solution method is sin. ilar to tha~t employed by I. B. Keller (J. Appl. Filys -, 1954, v. 25, no. 8) and by others. The m ethod used is essentially that o 'L characterist-ics. Equations for the discontinuities of the pressure, density, and. velocity on the shock front are obtained and are shown to go over into the standard equat tions of ordinaxy gas dynamics when the nagnetic field or the electric conductivi-! ty vanish. The author thanks B.. I.- Zaslavski or useful advice and a discussion of the work. Orig. ai-t. has: a. SUB CODE: 2o/ suBm DATE: looct65/ ORIG REF: 0031 OM REF: 001 Card S/207/62/000/003/006/016 1028/1228 AUTHOR: Lugovtsov, B. A. (Novosibirsk) TITLE: Propagation of a shock wave in a reservoir of constant depth at a large distance from the place of the explosion PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy mckhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 3, 1962, 31-39 TEXT: The flow generated during the passage of the shock wave is described by means of the so-called A '.equations of short waves". These are non-linear equations, obtained from the general equations on the basis of the assumption that the essential variation of the magnitudes describing the disturbed motion takes place in a small region contiguous to the front of the shock wave. The advantage of this approach is that it simplifies the equations of motion without neglecting the non-linear terms, which are essential for the description of the propagation of the disturbances. The author begins by deriving the equations of the sort waves, and then determines with their aid the assymptotic variation of the pressure at the front of the shock wave and the motion behind the front of the shock wave; in the latter case, the equations of motion being non-linear they are solved by means of particular solutions. The author thanks S. A. Khristianovich for having directed the work. There are 2 figures. SUBMITTED: February 5, 1962 Card 1/1 UZAK, M.A., in2h.; '~~U=YA N.P., inzh.; PELEVIlls K#I&# inshe Manufacturing varped blades for steam turbines, Xnergomshinostroonle 4 no-3:36-39 Mr 158. (Steam turbines--Blades) I (MIRI 11:5) of I-vuf'-Htiy'.=7rj 1 D-YkotDv anl 'CW~ .b"yk U.~A R Y -&dd&ndftsU=dm 4S, 'FW3klf.M""b"'k Nf. R=S of &Ilphatidc dWo carripmda left UftmmtW1jd film IV Ify tolysid Id I - butoarcyclorta"n*. carbolylk acid *flit Its 11OWD I - A. Wyalitutov soul N~ A. IMip,vtokiva IA. /11111-400V Nfifift V1111J., L*11111glati), 140p. I X4"' I 1 1 ;Pit Client- ) JO. 2AU-4-( IPAR). cf. C,A. 44. 724M. -.1faillux 311 ff. boxyim diijOl with Mull. fu N Hiso4with atirrifiguntd"Oelt" MAn- f(welled, (Iwlltllrr~ "futralitating, and ollsom diviss. gayt WOMO fluOll; ronen. and acidification of the remIdut with I(M~ ;IfJ1j thorough *%Ill. with Hito pire ItIcky Yrilowilh cryqtalq, %bich after repelited Cryoffl, listen, 111011- C.It.. ol. Ill$ Illip, (viehl. .5.7 1. The mnpd~ It att 46d. t .114). Ill 1, I"Foltill is 11 Sol, stiving a CHO fret"Ist trot. 144111ing q 'ofth,404I.-Iss. tit 101 Ill 1110M 1110), tind 4 P. 05"'Opiles VIA wft,i rexp,. det-Volp. jqx* f1forn HI()fft 11 h,. I doultir binui, oddl 2. if, ciftvAorisa III-ClICIa, and reacts with KPINO, 7111. 0"alv4i,t (If the p-itist.wheny1hydrnt"Ile .do 4 ri, k,w its N 1 41 it 11.141,41-1r I .. I lip 1.1, .,*it, r If diffivillf1v frMOTAIII? tiolnotisr, %% ill 3'r KS 114 l-, If KIvr #1" flat MfIrrmyt coollul. . Intl JIM virbi 14,111011103 iM 1 " an meld Which amralrd tit he vloe cis AvOll, givilic it manct-A It I I vd-Iv.Iq c.1 I Fj poser was very slow with hot 01 VII.F471" Intl 21 N ll~~ 1. xiv- Coliltdcfe hydrolvda Ill I III.. TIChling file -saoir If ti-lal"I ai she hydratnur), .1. rll :&I Ittltill, tilt- viAl.1 ..f It wall "A"r etude. and :WN";, pote p1miuct * lo-I's IIIII, 'I'llf 1whavi'm of 11 atific"to ill stnlrvllfr i4lh.klo(a lim P"uv 1,( 2 ItIA" of .11OXClItcliscl 10, Lr~ //I?,- k C4711, , " V Firrination of aide- ( I I( It ItH. If dairmccink acid and its trustaffn4dons in the hydrolysis 2-bittitityly-l-ripparl.wiforylic acid. thid. 21424-M1. - U if IVIII) ~Al mV 2W ~ A. I tit 3 Ili .... .. 11,NCOMINII, Il0AJ-%~-.,W hW-- ul~ IN It', u-J.'11). Ili, I- h, -AJ tit, wasobtaulvd, alth"t'gh it, ..-15m, - ma g-1 liftwlition Willi 28 X. I and 23.1, int. ZJ'; AO)II vv~ -0- uldrhydo-w.isik utid Oli, N 1-~'l -S'. 1 14444, wh.h ull pull.fillig forturd N fro"Irp, ol. 110 "', I frool I I'l I ~. fill. lpV4.1-all YJIM #J lbil, W.14 part .( ill, (1- 11 flukt."fit-f '10 It"t I-1111-til., m-fit"flult aul"Itill", Ida tt;..v .4 .'0 .11.1 1.41 1". two. B.-iIIIII, I Willi (I I A Ir"dily X-- It 4. file tw., Al- .,blal.led m 1". by stirring 3 firm. 41 1-111 tv,141" %fill lv~' A It. PKIII.I.2, x1j,"Al.all" jf,J%e 4 vicar "it. Which W.I. Ili, iav,% --ic p.,t I " A,. I it Ii C40h lu trijo-vt i.-II, al"I tilt, filliji, %1111 .$tit,ig tt'.6f.'I Willi *113.11 virlh.1 It 1;1; 11""JI 11A)'. tliv ;Nut I.Slf -.1 Ili, lav.11'.1VIM. -It, .1 .... I 1'. 1.1 .. .... I I'll I lial'.311 %I 111 101, , ht )11 .411.1 -t'. I I. A I., fit I I... .- -M.I. 54. Idl Ila .. ~. I., .~N. o I it, S'. V-11WIl SITAIVIVII a. Ilems M.-mi.A ,III 111,- -1.1 .-AtImiltur Of the kh) 1, 1. pfir"'Imit 0,-1r, 1, It I is hydittlyzed with hot I WIA ,, mil'I I it, -N. t. -,".I atilt irsid. with liw, the ruissr.l. 4-11. givell I)II 11.111ding lfVV of the cryst. ftime, of U, in. 148 5W; murc mAy Ile obt.mud blion Oie im-ther ljqil,w by swid ilvalml,tit itils j ir.j. , Of Ouncial arid. 'I lie Ifisittr sit. 155' ott r,pul livatutig; of fluitts Sultriamst. 1441. ,oltm 114,11ing thr 111111vt 01111 lliM), :.* hra. pravr 11 0., V)SIC); 11.1 X Iscid Save Only u vely low Yield K4 Ills kills 13-8 S. JJ With JIN) 111). 10% NA()jI '..5 111%., firUITAIII.1114111, stud mmm. KSVC 25% Of the Mid ClIfid(J. ki"tAttli 11~ file in. 188 Ju) ubuin.l 1,% 37-,' yi,W by brilrolvaliso Ills, 13 Itilm-F uilb 11411 Ing Wphetudiltithaleio with It"o I Willer licuttah" %kill 3% N.Mll .10 NIIIIA I hilled to yiew "fly of thil Acid alid mlly Ow Iti(Ort wlvi is,. cov"t.t. C.. M. K-J,slorl DYAKONOV, I.A.; LUGOVTSOVA, N.A, A04--, n "Ar, Reactions of aliphatic duaso-compounds with unsaturated compounds. V. Formation of aldehydosuccinic [proPan-3-al-l-carboxylicl acid and i'ti"transformations during the hydrolysis of 2-11 -butoxycyelopropane- [U.S. tranal. 1-carboxylic acid. J. gen. Chem. U33R, 150, 20, 2048-2059 Z119-21301- (MLRA 3:11) (BA - A II Ja 153:28) C# Reactions of aliph2clazo Pouwnds wl,,th u turated compounds. V,,. et= th , Y, Xrl @&or. 1. A. Dynkmov and N. A. Lugovtsova (Leningrad State univ.). J. Gm. Chem. U.S.S.R. 21. lr211-J;.xl93lxHnjtl. traiv-1.4fitm). &c C.1.40,4311h, VIII. Dfaso"aticester with allyl btomide. 1. .~. VyAktmuv and N. B. Vinu- (l.timigrad State Univ.). Ibid. W33-42. Se C.A. 46, 44W. B. R. WGOV I YER D. Repairing the wave band suitch. Radio no.5:60 NY' 55. (Radio-Repairing) (XLRA 8:6) LUGOVIYER, D "tenitw camera with a bayonet look. Sov.foto 21 no.6:32-33 ~ Je 61. (KM 14: 6) (cameras) LUGOV"YER D* -=:==~ 8 Remote control of a camera. Sov.foto 23 no.3:34 Mr 163. (MJPA 16-A) (Photography-Equipment and supplies) I N - LUGOV I YIM, L.; XUMOR, B. Viewfinder for photomicrograpbLy. Sov. foto 20 no. 12:29-30 D 160. (MIR-& 14:1) (Photomicrography--Igquipment and supplies) LUGOVYIGI, F. Devide for bending the blades of a screw eypeller. Miss. ind. SSSR 34 no.4t49-50 163. (MA 16:10) 1. Sverdlovskiy nWasnoy kombinat. ib .20,00 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICALi ABSTRACT: 1M.., V. A., Lu;1,bv,;:!~,;1, V. Vllwly (,,vollwl '0 Sta 19c, (-10)1 (liscm) ., N1 9 ~,j The author:i cl~,~i the 'and expediency c)f' and of, mangaiiese ove concenti-ateo from Dz11c-zdInc1,-- Cor-mation. The characteristic 1'eature of' these cancentrateo io the presence of considei-able arfiountL; oi' barium and ,3ullfur. The chemical composition of Initial material is shown in Table 1. Card 1/9 A.uglomeration of l'inely Ground Concentrates 776ci 6f Mahganese Ore SOV/133-6o-2-1/25 Table I.. cofirlpolfitlwl oll' Initial mILL-el-1-ai I&Tert,fl Mn S10'. Alj(~ ca 0 Mgo BaO 111n coneonTrwrf' 1 1 27 48 22 81 5 73 28 62 ~.22 0,,1j 3.11 1 (j 062 0 1 . . . . . 29 15 : 24:,,A) 5 )9 26 0 4:26 Of) 0,32 1 3.3.1 0:4 ():o,,A 2t, 3 Softening of concentrate (under small load) begins Card 2/9 at 1,140-1,1500 C, and complete melting* at 1,2200 C. (-W Ylvw'y Gro"Ild Coneelitrates 776ol 01 SOV/133-6o-2-1/~25 The welUjit per cubic meteS of dry granular material f or'sample I = 1.95 ton/yri ; for sample II, it = 1.89 tozi,~iO. The granular composition of samples was identi- k.iai, -and of fractions generally was 0-1.0 mm. Tile authors discuss the following: (1) results of labovatory investigation of agglomeration; (2) industrial tests; (3) experlmental manganese- .-J1.1con smelting from agglomerate and from briquettes; (4) te(~Iinlcal and economical characteristics. The of' this investigation are given in Tables 3 and and the following conclusions were made: The ~ilnterlng and briquetting processes are practical, ,and the not cost of the manganese- silicon smelted Crom afr,~rlomerated products Is somewhat lower when the ~s used. 1hirther investigation should be directed sinter I toward, (a) rational technology of production; (b) finding, a low-priced comenting material for brlquott- Card 3/9 ing; (c) develcpment of technology of drying and roasting Agglomeration of Finely Ground Concentrates 776ol of' Man-anese ore SOV/.133-60-2--1/25 brique"Ites; (d) study of possibility of pelletizing firiely grolaid concentrates. Table 3. Results of laboratory investigations of sinterins Dzhezdinck manganese ore concentrates. (A) 0 Conditions and performance figures; (1) composition of charge (%)z (a) 14n concentrate; (b) dry (0-2 nun); W dry return (0-10 mm); (d) dry small coke (0-3 mm); 2 moisture in charge M; (3) initial temperature of ch'arge (OC~; (11) height of cl,,arge bed MM); ~5) weight of 1 m Qf dry granulai, material ~ton/m (6) vacuiim (mrn water column) '-I) initial) (b) temperature of waste average during the process; ,-a2 ( C): (a) maximum; (b) average during the process; 'M amount of waste gas (m3/m -sec.; (a) initial; b average during the process; (9 linear speed of :31nterini-, in mm/min; (10) specific productivity (ton/nL hr);(11) yield of sintering products (~ of weight of charge ; ~lfl yield of sound agglomerate %,of weight of Card IV9 charged. 13 re:3ults of Impact tests: yield M of nS fractio i (mm); (14) drwn tests: yield (%) of fractions Agbglayo,~i,~' - A" Flncdy Gcouriai C -a C. 776oi of M~411;,:1_110. I SOV/1 33-6o -2-1/25 C. Cl C, C13 - 0 0 - C, 10 4 In U~ :k; ca cn cl- lz I- I- ~ C'l IC) C4- C, - Cl) C4 C-1 Card fi-j,"oinc-ratlor, of, i~-in,-,j 7 7 6 oi so"/ CII I Card A[-glortlevation of Flnely GPOHIld C01-iCO '(7601 of' marif~uriutie On.. 0 v/1 Table 5. Re,,;ult-.~; of bi,icluettIrip, of Dzlic-zdJrick mane,anese ore concentrates. (1) Nr experiment; (2) compos -*.tIon of Chan -:e ("10; (3) concentrate of fractioiw Onn); (11) coke (0-1 mm); (5) ceuientinC; (6) reoldual IIquId from d1stillatI.oa of alcoliollc licillol-s; (7) pitch; (8) COMINIC-tirij, ot, briqueLtes to Iriol"A; (11) dry. Card 7/9 Card 8/9 - 1 y " ~' f' 7 1,9 - I I I too - - - 29i 2.6 r 2 100 - - - - 750 6,5 12.5 3 60 40 - - - 7r~) - 49 4 SO 9) - - - 751) - 66 5 40 rg I - - - 7 M -13 6 - - - 1 5 7 4o 7 100 1 - 59 ; 7 4-5 28 8 100 2 - ; 50 4-5 44 9 100 3 - M) 4-5 109 10 IM 4 - 750 4-5 147 11 too 4 - 'ri Q - 110 12 l(g) 4 - '100 - 97 13 jig) 5 - W) - 120 1.1 104) 4 - 78 15 to) 5 - loi; I rv ry) 1 '50 - 88 17 F 750 - 115 18 42.5 42.5 15 2 250 - 103 19 42, 5 42, 5 15 3 250 - 143 1 ) T 00 - - - 3 .9)0 - 42 21 10f) - 5 50o - 75 22 100 - 6 ri)(j - 91 23 1 w - 6 if 0 - 6 f 24 I(X) - - 6 250 - 56 25 rif) 50 5 T 4) - 110 26 50 50 6 910 - 152 27 1 42.5 -12.5 15 - 6 250 - 67 28 42.5 42.5 15 - 7 250 - 90 77601 5 Agglouieration of Finely Gvound Concentrates 776oi of Manganese Ore SOV/133760-2-1/25 ASSOCIATION: The woric was done at the Ural Scientific Research Institute for Mechanical Concentration of Mlinerals (Uralmekhanobr) and Central Scientific Rooearch In- stitute of Ferrous Metallurgy (TsNIICh1,1). The in- dustrial tests were made at the plant NI of Goroblalfrlo- datsk Mining Administration (Goroblagodatsicoyl nICIOUpravloniye. Credit 1.9 given for their particip--l- tion to L. G. Moshinskoiy, V. N. Peshkov, A. M. Gurevich, G. B. Shirer, S. D. Shifrin, N. P. Lyakishev) T. V. Lugovykh, A. A. Rozhnovskly, and T. V. Teplyakova. There are 8 tables; 4 figures; and 5 Soviet references. Uralmelchanobr Card 9/9