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MZLINIKOV, G.B.; LUBITANOV I.P. Prediction of the biological regimen in the Dnieprodserzhinak Reservoir. Dop. AN URSR no.2:191-195 '57. (ICU 10: 5) 1. Dnipropetrovalkiy nauknvo-doslidniy Institut gidrobiologii. Predstawtv akademik AN IJRSR D.K. Zerov. (Dneprodzerzhinsk Reaervoir-Fresh-water flora) Bioecological characteristics of benthonic fauna of the middle Dnieper in connection with hydraulic construction work. Trudy probl. i tem. sov- n0-7:161-187 '57. (mm io:4) (Dnieper River-Preah-water fauna) Tu- GRY 1 T L T .-t 'tna ..-L y 13 AT-j'31PERACT 3''l JL di I n i~ c' f t lb of Al n s c r "r a i Lo c cc. -, c r(. oll C D - .LMTANGY, I.P. llft~~ orr~~- 8U of Simferopoll Reservoir (Crimea) during the first two years of Its existence, Hauch,doklevyseshkoly; biol,nauki no*lslz-15 158 (MIRA 110) 1, Predstavlana lustitutom gidrobiologii Dnepropetrovskogo goaudarstven~- nogo universiteta im- 300-letiYa vossoyedinenlya Ukrainy a Rossiyey. (BIWEROPOL' RESERVOIR-FRESH-WATER FAUNA) LUBYANOV, I.P. - -k Bottom fauna of the Greater and Lesser Utlyug Rivera and factors governing its existence* Nauchodoklevysoahkoly;biol.nauk1, no-3: 7-13 '58. (14IRA 11:12) 1. Predstavlana institutom gidrobiologil Duepropetrovskogo gosudaretvennogo universitate, imeni 300-latiya vossoyedineniya Ukrayny a Roaslyey. (Utlym River-Yreah-water fauna) AUTHOR: Lubyanov, I.P. 21-58-7-26/27 TITLEj Benthonic Fauna Distribution in the PAl River -;n Conre,--- tion with the Presence of a Reservoir Cascade (Raspros- tranoniyo donnoy fauny v roke Palo v ovyazi s nalichiyorr. kaskada vodokhranilishch) PERIODICALt Dopovidi kkademii nauk Ukrainslkoi RSR, 1956, Nr pp 793-796 (USSR) ABSTRAM The author describes some regularities in distribufion of benthonic fauna in the five reservoirs of the Pse"l River (a left tributary of the Ihipr) and in those sections of the river which are not yet controlled by hydraulic engA-- neering structures. He presents the latest data on the qualitative and quantitative composition of the benthonic fauna in the system of reservoirs in question. The author advocates that corresponding meagures should be taken to improve and enrich the natural nourishment basis of these reservoirs on account of the useful invertebrates whic;h are absent there. There are 2 tables and 3 Soviet references. Card 112 21-5B-7-26/27 Benthonic Fauna Distribution in the Pool River in Connection with the ,Presence of a Reservoir Cascade ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidro-, biologii (Dnepropetrovsk Scientific Research institute of" Hydrobiology) PRESENTED: By Member of -the AS UkrSSR, A.P. Markovich SUBMITTEDs No date indicated NOTE: Russian title and Russian names of individuals and institu- tions appearing in this article have been used in the tran:;- literation. 1. Aquatic animals--USSR 2. Inland waterways--USSR Card 2/2 MELINIKOV, G.B.; IRYAN V, I Formation of zooplankton and bentbonic fauna in Simferopol' Reservoir in the Crimea (with summary in English]. Zool'. zhur. 37 no. 6;820-831 Je 958. (MIRA ll..-?) 1. Sauchno-isoledavatellskiy institut gidrobiologii Dneprapetrovskogo gosudaretvenaogo universiteta. (Simferopol' Reservoir--Fresh-water fauna) MILIEKOV, Forecasting the biological regimen of Dneprodzerzhinsk Reservoir. Vop. ikht. no.13:90-107- 159. (MIRA, 130) l.Nauchno-iseledovatellski7 inetitut gidrobiologii Dnepropetrovskogo goeudarstvennogo universiteta im. 300-leti7a vosso7edineni7a Ukrain7 RossiTsr. (Dneprodzerzhinsk Reservoir-Presh-water biolog7) .1 LUBYANOV, I.P. Benthonic fauna in bottom-land waters of the middle DnieDer in the future inundation grea of Dneprodzerzhinsk Reservoir. Zool. zhur. 38 no.11:1612-1619 N 159 (MIRA 13:3) 1. Research Institute of Hydrobiology, Dnepropetrovsk State Univer.sity. (Dneprodzerzhinsk region--Benthos) (Kremenchug region--Benthos) LUBYANOV, I.P. Discussion of problems concerning the interrelationships of biology, physics, and chemistry at the Dnepropetrovsk University. Nauch-dokl. vys.shkoly:,biol.nauki no.4:227-228 160. (MIU 13;11) (BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH) LUBYkTQY,I.Z,, 1- Nfect of industrial waste waters on the bottom fauna of Dneprodzerzhinsk Reservoir. Vop. ikht. no.15:173-182 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Institut gidrobiologii pri Dnepropetrovskom gosudarstvennom universitate. (Dneprodzerzhinsk Reservoir-Benthoo) (Water--Pollution) - LUBYANOV, I. P. - Some data on the composition of the bottom fauna of Molochnyy Lagoon in the Sea of Azov region. Biul. MOIP. Otd. biol. 65 no.1:55-60 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 13-7) (140LOGHNOYEj LAKE,-BENTHOS) ----LUBYANOV I.P. _kaiid.biologicheakikh nauk Hydrobiological research In the middle course of the Dnieper River in connection with the construction of the Lneprodzerzhinsk Hydroelectric Power Station. Vest. Dnep. nauch.-issl. inst. gidrobiol. 1223-12 160, OMIRA 1402) (Dnieper River-Fr~sh-water biology) (Dneprodzerzhinsk Reservoir-Fresh-water biology) LUDYANOV, I.P., kand.biologicheskikh nauk Bottom fauna of the middle Dnieper wter system in the Kremenchugg- Dneprodzerzhinsk secticm. Vest. Dncp. ciauch.-Assl. ins' -* gidrobiol. .12,.71 Go, (MIRA 34:12) (Dnieper VaIley-Benthos) LUBYAVOV, I.P. Studying radioactivity of benthal fauna in fresh water. Radiobiologiia 2 no.2s255-258 162. 1 (MIRA 15:4) 1. Nauehno-issledovateliskiy institut gidrobiologii, Dnepropetrovsk. (BENTHOS) (WIOACTIVE, SUBSTANCES) M LUBYANOV, I.F, 9 Characteristics of the bottom fauna of the Kallmlus and Gruzskoy Elanchik Rivers of the northern shore of the Sea of Azov. Zool. zhur. 41 no.4:498-502 Ap '62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Research Institute of Hydrobiology, State University of Dnepropetrovsk. (Azov Sea region-Benthos) LUBYANOV, ;.P. Semiconductor devices in hydrobiological research. Vop. ek9l. 4'..1.25-M 162. (HIRA 15:11) 1. Institut gidroblologii universiteta, Dnepropetrovsk. (Hydrobiological research) (Semiconductors) LUBYANOV I.P. -1 ---, Bottom faura of the Berda River and Berda Reservoir. Zool. zhur. 43 no.12:1767-1772 164 (,*,1,IRA l812) 1. Nau(~lir!c,-Irjol.i3dovatellskiy in8titut gilrobiologll ftlepro- potrovskago gosudarstv,. ..ogo univei~site-u-,. LUBYANOVI I.F. . ........ robleMS of teCILliCal by4jTSbjoJCgj aa rf-~-t-,j t, f. -4L _j water supply sistems against biological rT-ergrcywti.. Gj- zh~~-. I m.103,1,1 165. (NRA 18?5) A. Nauclino-IssItidovatellskly JtiztituL g1drobic.2cgill ~r-P.-propei-ro"-kogo gosudaretvennogo univorsitet;a. NOROKIIA, Yu.M.,- LUBYANOV, I.P.; 130CCLYUBOVA, M.M. Results of studying e---n te-chnique fcr pr-lef2ting water conduits from Dreisigena and ccr-rosien. Elek. sta. 31 rio.W9-33 Ag (wRA 19-,81 SKABLAIqOVIcH' J.A"' (Skabalanovych, I.A.1; LUB",YAN-OY. M.F. [Lublianyi, M.F.] Underground vater level along the coastal line of the Kakhovka Reservoir during the first tvo 7ears. Geol. zhur. 19 no-3:7&-84 159. (MIRA 12:10) (Xakhovka Reservoir--Water, Underground) LVMANSUYA, G. Iet the Pioneers' orchards blooml IUn. nat. no.10:24-25 0 158. (mm 11:10) 1.sekretarl. Tullskogo oblastnoge komitets, Veasoyuznoge Laninskoge Kommunisticheskago soyuza molodeshi. (Tula Province-Fruit culture) LUBIANSKAYA', M.G. 36870. LU-BYANSKAYA, M.G. i SHATALIN, A.S. Nekotoryye biokhimicheskiye pokazateli krovi bolInykh giperotonicheskoy boleznfyu, lechennykh radonobymi vannami i1i umipolyarno-otritsatellnoy ionizatsiyey. Trudy Uzbek. gos. nauch.-issled. iii-ta kurortologii i fizioterapii im. Semashko, sbll , 1949, c. 263-69 SO: Letopis' Zhurml'Nykh Statey, Vol. 50, Moskva, 1949 LJJ-BYANSKAYA, M.G.; SEMASHEV, R.T.; SEPETAVt, A.N. Hydrogeological conditionB of the producing strata of the loaryn monocline. Neftegaz.geol. i geofiz. no.8:35-39 164. (MIRA 1?:g) 1. Sredneaziatskiy filial Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta prirodnogo gaza. LUBYA.NSKAYA, M.G.; TALIPOV, Sh.T. Determination of fluorine in aqueous solutions. Uzb. khim. no.1:38-27 160. (MM 14:4) 1. Sredneaziatakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni V. I. Lenina i Uzbekskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kurortologii fizi- oterapii imeni Semashko. (Flourine-Analysis) M LUBYANSKAYA, M. G. Cand Chem Sci - (diss) "Determination of small amounts of fluoride ion in aqueous solutions." Tashkent, 1961. 10 PT); (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education U7bek SSR, Central Asintic Polytechnic Inst); 250 copies; price riot given; (KL, 5-61 sup, 176) L11 BYANS KA'~A 14, G e- Physical properties and chemical composition of Tashkent natural therapeutic water. Trudy Uz. gos. nauch.-issl. inst. kur. i fizioter no-15:39-45 159. (14IR1k 14:9) (MINERAL WATEFS) -L-KACHEVA, _~UBYANSKAYA, M.G.; SHlFYl T.V.1 ISKULOVA, G.G.;. NER, I.Y. Liver functJon in hypert-qnkon. Trudy inst.kur. i fizioter. 132103-109 155. VIver function in hypertension treated with hydroac-rolonization by IFrofessor E.A.Cherniavski.ils method. Ibid. t2lcj--23.8 Livar function in hypertension treated with radon barhs. Ibid.,. 275--278 (mIRA !8:2) LUBYANSMO G.A. (g. Gorno-Altayek) ----------- Two experiments with a mirror galvanometer. Fiz.v shkole 22 no.601-53 N-D 162. (MMA l6t2) (Physics-Experiments) (Galvanometer) -I'Llt VOROB'Yli.T. A.A.; GONCHAROV, B.S.; 19- -1 MARKOVICH, A.Y. Relation of the blood level of a specific anatoxin and the degree of Immunity to tetanus toxin in white mice immunized with sorbed tatetanus anatoxin [with summary in English] Biul. eksp. biol. i med, .43 no.2:63-66 If 157 (MLRA 10:5) .1.:Iz"Vo3renno-morskoy meditsinskoy akademii. Predstavlena daystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR F.F. Zdrodovskim. (TETANUS, immunology, relation of blood anatoxin level to degree of immun. to toxin in white mice immun. with anatoxin) (Rue) LUBYANSKIY9 Ya.N.-, POLOSIN, AN. ~ ~ , , - , ~ "... , , ., ~ i ~- I ODtiimim conditions for the Btandarclization of scintillation aeru-- radiIometer. Razved. geofiz no.2:102-103 164. . (KIRA !8a'1) RIT I )/EfiTm I AJA. Pf7A' T`S-SION N-R: AT4049519 77 ~2/6,1/000 ~n I - UTNOR. La N. Ak IManskly, Ya. TTI LE -Accelerated processing of field dqta produced by radiometric measurements -ter n. CF: USSR. Glavnove upra% nive -ecilovii i n~., r:-r,. edr. r1;e0ftziche.3k. N, 'edka, no. 16, 1964, IOL-105 TOPIC TAGS: thoran decay, radon decay, ionization current, slide rule, gxmma logging. intensity scale module, ganim-a radiation, drive pipe, borehole radlometry ~3' - V .1.1!~27TIA(-T: MUng the systerm of E!qu:jt;rjjj-z requtrod F-)r ralrulhidm~ tlir- rnnrenltraltirm of n. and the formidar requ~!-w tjf, F-..p m"I "no fixed anci tv.'(~ plf!~' ~.i )n i!w',. The use -)f Lhe riiw- f~ ;Ljr F f -If-7' Card 1/2 L 24658-65 ACCESMON NP.: AT4049519 raAadon, followed by the construction of a now acale, which Indicates the magnitude of the -.)rrected tntenalty of gamma r-addation. Tht-- t1mv R-imle mo6jlf ralculated for ep-ch -i. ,v!t knnvm o,-)rrf,:,L"nn i'l" inil ~jrTJCUj_j Inr ;Jrig. art. !IaB 4 futfrjujms lzl~~ Ule ganjMa radiation of ABSO-CIATION: None fST-T3Mf,,=TED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ES, MA NO REF SOV., 004 OTH ER: 000 ACCESSION XH: AP4026247 S/0122/64/OW/003/0056/0061 AUTHORS: Noritsy*n,, I, A. (Doctor of tochnical sciences, Profosoor); Lubyanakiy, Yu. I. (Engineer) TITLE: Deformation of metals with electric spark discharges in a liquid ~-o. 3, 1964, 56-61 SOURCE': Veslunilc naahinontroyoniya~ n j TOPIC TAGS: electric discharge, metal forming., blast forming, metal shoot forming A13SMICT: The use of electric discharges in a liquid to form metal parts by a mothod shown schomdtically inFig. 1 on tho Enclosure was invosLL",ated. An RC circuit is'used to discharge electric energy into a fluid (durin!: a character- istic time T = RC), causing a shock wave which deforms the metal blnnk into the die. The amount of energy imparted to the shock wave depends unon thn circuil,r' used and. the distance and geometry of the electrodes. An overall officioilc:! of 3(Y% can be achieved. It has boon found-that the po3itivo oloctrodo shoul'A M conical and grounded while the negaLive electrode should have a comparatively large area and should be connected to the negative terminal of the energy supply. It was also determined that an optimum voltage exists for best results with a Card 113 ACCESSION NR: AP4026247 given discharge energy. For the intormodizate energy range (32250-7200 joule5) the U optimum voltage was found experimentally as 30-kv. The relation d K -2- jV0.5 IR was also establishod for a disk. Hore d = deformation of sample, K coefficient which depends an the electrode separation and material, D = die diameter, t = sample thickness, R = distance botwoon are and die, W = energy released during discharge. The use of this method to produce various cylindrical shape3 is also discussed. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 1 formula. ASSOCIATION: none SUB14ITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 20Apr64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE i N4tGP NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER:- 006 Card 2/3 ACCESSION NRj AP4026247 -C [V- =C part.E rrt die. Fig. 1. Schematic of process Card 313 INCLOSURE: 01 7A 6CkR _,KF7 0-0 Cf -9 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/67/000/001/0136/0136 INVENTOR: Noritsyn, I.A. ORG: none TITLE: Die-forging press, Class 58, No, 190212 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztay, tovarnyye znaki, no. 1, 1967, 136 TOPIC TAGS: high energy rate forging, electrohy-draulic forging, electrohydraulic forging press, explosive forming ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate intToduces a pulsed-action electrohydraulic forging ,press. To make possible simultaneous applicatio; of a static. - pressure, the table of the press can be mved'up and dowh by*a.hydraulic drive. [DV) SUB CODEt 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ATD PRESSI Card 11T)r 2621~299 -YY, k rt -~,UtJtUt !'N' !,W'*:~' MAZGAJ, Witold; BARAT, Kazimierz; BIMECKI; Vaclaw; UJGp Eduard Studies on obtaining magnesium oxide from serpentWte coming from Upper Silesian deposits. Przem chem 41 no-5:257-259 My 162. 1. Instytut Fawozow Sztucznyehp Tarnow. MUGAS., Wito2d; BARAN, Kazimierzj LUC, Edward; KWIECIEN, Jozef; BIELECKI, Vac2aw..: Study on the preparatibn of the fertilizer dicalcium phosphate without applying the defluorination of phosphoric acid. Przem chem 41 no.3:145- 147 Mr 162. 1. Inotytut Nawozow Sttucznych,, Tarnow MAZGAJ, Witold; BARAN, Kazimierz; LUC,, Edward Ana3ytica'1 problem of determining P205 in fertilizer disodium phosphoranee -Przem ehem /A no.10:543-95 0 162. le Instytut Nawozow Sztucznych, Tarnow. MAZGAJ, Witold; BARAN., Kazimierz; LUCp Edward Influeene of fluoride upon the solubility of dicaleium phosphate fertilizer. PrZeM chem 41 no.10:561-562 0 162., 1. Inst7tut Havozow Sztuczn-ych,, Tarnow. BLW, Kazimierz; BIEUCKI,.Waclaw; LUG, Edward Obtaining of magnesium oxide from Sileoi4n dolomites. Przem cbez 40 no.11:653-656 N-161. 1. Instytut Nawozow Sztucznych, Tarnow. LUCAP Al. (Bucure .sti) Simple methods for the determination of erosion on the slopes. Natura Biologie 14 no.rIM-78 Ja-F 162.~ 1!; RUMANIA Ck, Al., Eng, Bucharest [affiliation not given] "Methods for the Combating of Soil Erosion on Agricultural Terrains." Bucharest, Natura. Seria Biologie, Vol 15, No 4, Jul-Aug 63, pp 41-47. Abstract: Describes the importance of combating soil erosion and r ale the methods to be used on arable terrains. Eva- luates the value of cultivations selected for the purpose and describes the agrotechnical techniques as well as the various systems that can be used for working the soil. Also discussas the effects of fertilizers and the special problem of soil erosion in orchards and pastures. Includes 6 figures and 5 references, of which 1 is Russian and 4 Rumanian. 1/1 - 9 RTY4ATTIA/Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. Abs. Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 11, 1958, 35749. Author Savenou Simion, Golgotin Tiberiu, Botez, Cornelia, Linde Julieta, Luca Angela Inst Title Mineral and Chemical Investigation of the Ores from Tsiblesha Orig Pub : Bul. Inst. politehn. Iasi, 1956, 2, No 3-4, 89-100 Abstract : Desctibes the hydrothermal, basically epithermal, suffide mineralization associated with the andesite and diorite massif of Tsiblesha. The following minerals were no'-led (in order of formation): the hypogenes pyrite, pyrrhoti- te, chalcopytite, sphalerite, and galenite, and the su- pergenes marcasite, covellite, chalcosine, and melnikovite. Vein minerals were represented predominantly by quartz, less often by calcite and siderite. The chemical composi- tion of the ores is cited. RUMANIA/Chemical Teclanolorj, Chemical Products and Their Application, Parb 1. - Processes and Pipparatus of C'Oemical Technology. Abe Jaur: Wfemt. Vmirnal Khimiya) No 10y 1958) 32824. Author : Simion Savexcu, Tiberiu Golgoviu, Angela Luca, Julieta Linda,, Anc, Bucur, lancu Erincu. Inst :Jassi Poly,~achnical-Institute. Title :Corroaive Propert,-_'es of Some Soils in Moldavia. Orig Pub: Bul. Inst. politchn. Iafi, 1956, 2, No 3-4, 101-104. Abstract: A comparative characteristic of aggressivity of various soils in the Jassi region with reference to steel, cast iron and lead is presented. The electrochemical mea- surements showed that the corrosion is exclusively of an electrochemical character under the experiment con- ditions. The leact corrosion was observed in the cac3 Card 1/2 12 S1081'621'0001 V6/002/117 B166YBIOI AUTHOR-O1 Golg6tiiw, Tiberin, Uihd-e,, Julietal Lucay Angel TITLEs The position of the transition elements in the periodic system PERIODICAL: ReferativW zhurnal. Khimiyaj no. 6j 1962, 5, abstract 6B9 (Bul. Inst. politehn. Iasi, v. 6, no. 1-2, 1960, 109-114) TEXT: In order that the relationship between the periodicity of the properties of the elements and the sequence of filling of the electron shells be more readily apparent, it is suggested that changes be.introduoed: in the position of the transition elements in the periodio table of Mendeleyev. It is proposed that the transition elements, and' the lantbafli- des and actinides as well, be grouped in accordance with the pattern of their formation into four d families (3do 4d, 5dy 6d) and two f families (4f and 5f, originating-from the 5d and 6d families, respectively). This suggestion allows for the fact that variations in the main properties of the transition elements (in the same way as the lanthanidee and actinides) depend not so much on the number of electrons as on their grouping. In the '.-Card 1/2 S/06 62/000/006/002/117 The position of the transition B166XB101 proposed version of the table, the aforesaid groups of elements are arranged after the elements of Group II. ~bstraoterfs notes complete translations Card 2/2 LUCA, A.; "I'ON' G. -- --I Results of three years of e7per:L-rents on the accessiblity o'L plants to swe less soluble phosphates, p. 281. REIISTA DEE CIIIIIIIE. Pucuresti, Rimania. Vol. 10, no. .5, May 1959. Monthly List of East Euuopean Accessions. (11MAI), I.C. Vol. 8, no. 9, Sept. 1959 Uncl. BEJENARU, C., dr.; SIM4CK, Elinabeta,'dr.; P-IDEA, Ana, dr.j-IUA ~j A. , dr. I ORUp Marianal, dr.1 BURDUJA, i1j, dr.j BELDIMAR, N.., dr. --- Gontribution to the serologiaal "tudy of animal leptospirosis In the region of Iasi. Microbiologia (Bucur) 10 no.2:147-152 Mr-Ap 16 5, 1. laboratorul regional veterinar, Lai (foi Bejenam, SiTzon, Badea, Lucap Oau). 2. Laboratorul de zoonoze al Institutului de igiena si protectia muncii,, laoi (for lkrduja, Beldimm ). LUCA MARIUS, Alex. -C.p conf, dr. ing. Use of mathematical methods in studying economic problems in mining. Pt.l. Graphic method of computation. Rev min 23 no.3:103-110 Mr 162. D tr wt -tho ai muoula molecule an the oubaity of the complex o9viz: ices formed with ther respec- i t U am Constantin Luca (Poly- e D Romonlat-77-- ~. ALeiI Mi ISS I ).--Complex~ Ions formed by! . P 3i a serks~ of 15 a6matic*amines wtm investigated. the solus. of the. resp. &mines., - Twenty-four complex kY lbas (4,moutiamlac.' 10 dlamibe. azid-B triamine low) could 'W. detected: &W the-dwompa., eousts. ~ thared detdt - A V. 'PURUCUSUM exists beta basicity of org. amines and i a ihe stability of the ~i ex t they form in Soln. with -Ag Ions. .- -.1atroduct radcali into the'NH; WA. diminitties the r of the complex Aj ions fomed with. the rap, %m1Z,%'14tKG stability, of tbe_ complex Ag Ions Is increawd by introduction of Me Into die aromatic nucleus, tf and -Inislied by substitution with Cl, NOl. and I on tlje I f 7be Aimini ad- stability ~ol the complex. lona formed by. AC with o-toluldlat and dliziethyl-o-tolukline' Supports the byppthesis ftt the Lower ba o-toluldin4 by.1j"Whindrance. FWh 4ssaugd C POPAI Gr.; NEGOIUp D.- LUCA C.; BAIULESCUp Gh. Spectraphotemetric study of the complex comUnation of Ga(III) with quercitin (i.e,, quereetin). Rev chimie 6 n0-1:87-94 161. 1. Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Section of Chemistry, "C. I. Parhon" University, Bucharest. CH&CIU117 E., prof.; PROTOPOPESCU, losefina, assist. prof.; ZAH&RIA, Maria; GEORGESOU2 1.; LUCA, Cecilia , The process of cancerous invasion as studied in tissue cultures of human cancer.of the cervix and corpus uteri. Rumanian M Rev. no.2:3-8 Ap-Je 16o. (CERVIX NEOPLASMS pathology) (UTEWJS NEOPLASMS pathology) --- --- --- - "Experiment in fighting larvae of the cockchafer (kmphiirallus solstitialis L.)."p. b4. (REVISTA P-ADURILOR, Vol. 68, no. 11, Nov. 1953, Bucuresti, Rumania) SO: Monthly List of East Europe-an Accessions, L. C., Vol. 3, No. 14, April 19~)b., Unel. LUCA, E, VASILEo M. g of e bob- ja.h "From the Experience of Yzchanized Pla~tin' 'Sh"iter ru P M.'(LIMLEEIE ROI--JUTO-SOVMICE, vol. 69, No. 6. June, 1954, Bucuresti, Sol Monthly List of East Raropean Accessions. (EEAL), IC, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 1955 Uncle GAVRILA, I., Prof.;'COMES, L., conf.; SWAN, I., dr.; 40LOVIV, M., dr.; GHIDALI, X., di.; PIRVU, C., dr.; IZPUR1ANU, A., dr.; CUCU, Al., dr.; BUCIU, M., dr.; URCAN, S., dr.- LUCA, I., dr. - 11-~~ Interpretation of blood sedimentation rates in infectious diseases. Mad. int., Bucur. 8 no.4:325-532 Aug 56. 1. Lucrare ofectusta in Clinica do boli contagiogike-dir. Cluj. (IRMTION, blood In sedimentation rate. determ. & relation to intensity of die.) (BLOOD SIMIMENTATION, In various die. Infect die., determ. & relation to intensity of die.) (COMMUNICABLE DISFASZS' blood in sedimentation rate: determ. & relation to intensity of die.) PETRCFVANU, Dan, lector (Iasi); CHIRIAC, V,,, prof.; AIUCANU, Aurora, prof.; MOINO, Maria; LUCA, E. ~, Observatims on the arithmetic mqm,Al for grade 6. Gaz mat fiz 15 no*7.-364-372 J1 '63o On wit Unit silo V 40 It 6 6 40 A It C b IEP Q 0 AR L A U a 00 s I ut p C, III m tell" 11.0W11- IND "t-l-$ -091 w"im" 01MA 0 90 stop 'W"JuA Al sum w"q M of WON 1, - ~ *mj - ro Jo IV )p oaxq 1 1 VIA P q m 1~ 91 PPU"Dd "m m If I &"W WPM" 1"' IF ,I 0 4r 03 mvpq" -ot monxwv )o OP" su-vmm4i vM1 4wv "A A-MUM 'uvJ'X APO ""m va 0 mqmqpmko OF III 09 :tr 0 it to to 0 a it 4 Of Of it of yf t i I 0-4 a Sl Of 4 1 It If 10 0 f 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4) W 11 U a Ida air Knott QQ*Qc~ I A. -, 1-1-s. J., 4- 1-. a - 4 ~ 0---t. t- -A) 0 A o 10- so A, 1-& V 0 j .4 W-M Ormammilk hAwflan With tow firlp of the hh"111111 oil "kAl. IN .4 1), V. AM) UA;Aw -JUIP. /~.I. A'Itteek. JI(xv, 3, ms-ij, frypwh.-,-I%"bk sourml or ermr include heittiiig (,r fbe 44fal by the bmise CIJIrT"I 'Ind by ril'Onstly or hcatcd OWN ormachineff. v6ith Conicquent dif Ifien ol1he&PirAI.EffMCAn IgCMiRlitti/W hYC%W-4X!n-4fiOO goo so OxIb"th tishis two Idomical 10mis, Oft being emfvv,f 11"d f"OhIt'lincd 0 the tcmP, (""Rd in IN W' vr, =09 1 4*0 sea Snq1jYiIy'cmn he Increawd by nraftt o( a sLcrict if vark-thle %hunts cowwctcd acmii the b4fincing use 00 rc4ht4n&-s. With propcr choice of the shuni msis. '7 r4o 00 Unct:%. values of MIN oLmy he read directly. A. W. 00 o0 .00 00 0 To, goo 0 1,00 i me* 0 j. t:eo '00 to 00 1 ! SIN. I L A #11ALLOWCAL 1.11FRAT"I CLASSPOCATOOR WO Is ii T- *0 ti I.A C~P- it U IN 0 a doe, or 0.1 U IS ,170014C Kaifu man lift ;a is 0 0001 0 0 0 0 * 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 o 0 *if 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & a 0 4 9 SsT~4 0 00 $o' *000000000000000000*0 V40*40*0600000009 --------------------------------------------------- RUMANIA/Optics - Physical Optics. Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 3) 1957) 7763 Author : Luka, Iliyesku, Reus. Inst Title Contribution to the Determination of the Maximun Effectiveness of a Fluorescent Screen. Orig Pub Bul. Inst. politehn. Iazi) 1955, 1, No 1-2, 33-38 Abstract No abstract. K-5 Card 1/1 - 54 - IGAIIAIAP K-10 Aba Jour t Rof Zhur Mike, No 8, 19~81 No 19381 Author t Luca Mnil, Fetrescu V., Iliesou Ghoj Rous No Inst 3 R73 given Title : Concerning the Problem of Experimental Determination of the Effectiveness of Filters Used in X-Ray Technology. Orig Pub s Bul. Inst..politehn. Iasi, 1956, 2, No 3-4, 165-173. Abstract : Unlike the method of Destriou end Korn (Dostrinu G., Physique Appliques des installations a rayons X, Faris, 1945), the coefficient of effectiveness of the filters for X-rays is determined as s ratio of the rolative change in the effective voltago on the X-ray tube and tho relative change in the current in the ionization chambers. The quantities that enter into this definition characterize more completely the reel conditions of the operation of the X-ray tube end ere more accessible for meesurement Card 1/2 t/C 19 e E~ I RUMIA/Optics X-Rays. K Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 1, 19050, 2363 Author Luca, Emil.,- retrescu, V., Iliescu, Ch. List Title On the Effectiveness of a System of Filter Combined i-tith a Fluorescent Screen in X-ray TechnoloQr. Orig Pub Bul. List. politcha. Iasi, 1958, 4, No 1-2, 253-26o Abstract An investigation was made of the dependence of Vhc coefficient of effectiveness Y of a filter plus fluorescent screen system on the thickness of the alimlinum filter (0.5 2.5 nun) and on the voltage U on the x-ray tube (60' 92 kv) at a current of 32 milliamperes. For filters of definite thickness,,y reaches a maximuln at a certain optimlm value of U. As the filter thickness Lncreases these in- crease in maGmitude and shift towards the la7ger U. I.Ya. Nikiforov Card 1/1 - j.43 - S/05 8/62/000/006/075/136 A061A101 AUTHORS: Luca, Emil, Petrescu, V., Bgrbulescu, D., Savin, Gh. 'TITIE: A study of dielectric absorption and dispersion of the dielectric constant in barium ferrites with Bi 20 3 addition PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6, 1962, 21~, abstract 6E201 ("Bul. Inst. politehn. Iaqi," Ic,160, v. 6. no. 3-~I, 239-244, Rumanian; Russian and French summaries) IEXT: A study has been made of the change of E and tanS of barium ferrite with Bi 203 addition in the frequency range from 30 cps to 10 Me at temperatures from 65 to +1500C. Two zones of dispersion of 6 were detected. one below 30 cps and the other in the range from 500 kc to 5 Me. A maximum of tan8 was observed near 3 Me. At this frequency & grows with temperature con- siderably. fAbstracter's note: Complete translatlon] I Card I/I 3/058/62/000/010/066/093 fj Zf, el e) Ao6i/A101 AUTHORS: Luca, Emil, Reus, N. TITLE: The dielectric properties of some heterogeneous mixtures of ferrites and paraffin oil PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizjka, no. 10, 196?, .87, abstract lOE208 ("Bul. Inst. politehn. Ia9i", 1961, v. 7, no.. 1 - 2, 205 L 210, Rumanian; summaries in Russi an and-French) TEXT: The dielectric properties of some heterogeneous mixtures of paraffin and ferrites in the powdery state were investigated. Using mixtures of Mn-Zn ferrite or Ba ferrite with an addition of 1.5% B1203 , experimental curves were obtained for the change of 6' and tanS in the ranges from 100 cps to 10 Me and from -30 to'+150C. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 8/058/63/000/003/104/104 Ao66/Alol AVVMRS: Luca, FnIL Luca, I., Vasiliu, Anastasia TITLE The effect of ultrasonic waves on liquid dielectrics and on some heterogeneous mixturea of ferrite - paraffin oil, glycerol paraf- oil, and monochlorobenzene paraffin oil ~_1963;= ODICAU -11eferaUWW-Zhu~r -no-.,- ~&_-1963 63;=_`a-traCV3W -("Bul. Inst. politehn~ Iagilt, _v. 7,_ - no 3-4 20 Rumanian; Russian and French summaries) TM: It is established that ultrasonic fields'with frequencies bf~720, J,200 and 3, have nor'; considerable effect upon the penetrability of hetem- geneous mixtures if the thermal effect is ignored. It was observed Viat ultra- te-thq:iassoo~atioii-o"lycf-,rol-=d,---laoQhl,orpl~ezizerle dispersed TUDORAII, Petre, ing.; LUCA, Gheorghe, ing.; APETREI, Gheorghe., ing. Determining the adherence of some Rw=ian and foreign enamels by using a sensitive quantitative method. Industria usoara 9 no.8:296-299 Ag 162. VASI1ESCU) M.; LUCA, Gb. On the behavior of rocks traversed by the water delivery gallery of the V.I. Lenin Hydroelectric Power Plant, Bicaz. Studii cerc mec apl 14 no. 6:1303-1322 163. 1. The Traian Vuia Institute of Applied Mechanics, Rumanian Academy, Bucharest. Thermal calculation of with thermosiphon. Rev locomotive equipped no.8;403-.411 Ag 262v t RUWIA/Cultivated Plante. Cereals. M Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol.) 110 17, 19581 77623. Author : Jura, Ermil;, Luca,-1- Inst : Institute of-TVonomy, Timisoara. Title : Increase of Ilarvest Yield of Corn by Mears of Different Treatment of the Seeds. Oria Pub: Anuarul luerar, stiint, Inst. agron. Tiraisoara, Ducuresti, is 1957, 123-131- Abstract: Tests were conducted in 1953-1955 on the Chala farm west of Arad on dark-colored alluvial clayey and alluvial sandy soils with the Fister variety. Studied were: effect of heatina the seeds in the sun before sowing (varianut 2), sowing with swollen and then dried out seeds (variant 3), sowing with wet seeds (variant 4) --A with seeds without treat- Card 1/2 RIZMIIA/Cultivated Plants. Cereals. r Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., Ila 17, 1958, 77623. 1 inent (variant 1). The second and third variants exert a favorable influence on the weight of the ears, percent of grain, and on the increase of the number of ears. -- A. F. Khlystova. Card : 2/2 M 35 RUMANIA/Acousties - Ultrasonics Abs Jour : Ref K!lLx - Fizilca, 110 7, 1959, 16339 Author : Luca, I., Popescu, C., Plesaj D., Popaccu, I. Inst : Title : II-Westigatioli of the Effect of Ultrasound on the Production of Suar Beet mid SiLL-iflowers. Orig Pub : Studii si cercetari stiLA. Acad. RPR, Fil. Iasi. fiz. si stiinte telin.; 1957, 3, uo 1, 43-64 Abstract No abstract. J. Card 1/1 LUCA, I. Continuous steel casting. p. 94. IMETALUIRGIA SI CONSTRUCTIA DE MA3INI Vol. 8. no. 1, Jan. 1956 Rumania Source. EAST EUROPUN LISTS Vol. 5, no. 10 0rt. 1956 TECHNOLOGY PMODICALt NETALURGIA SI CONSTRUCTIA DE 14ASINI- Vol. 10, no. 10, Oct- 1958 LUCA, 1. Saving of metals in siderurgy, II. p. 665. Some cuiTent problems connected with saving steel. p. 890. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol, 8., no. 4. April 1959, Unclass LUCA, IDan; POTEC, Ioan� COTEA, Valeriuj FILIP, Dumltru; ANGIIEL, Gheorghe Raclioaotivit,7 of the wLnes of the Cotna-ri vineyards. Studi-f -fiz tehn Iasi 22 no.2,34?--352 163. ---- - --- -- ----------- - --- 9/058/63/000/003/104/104 A0661AI01 AUTHORS: Luca, Emil,, I~ Vasiliu,,:Anastaaia TITLE:, The effect of ultrasonic waves on liquid dielectrics and on some ,heterogeneous mixturen.of ferrite - paraffin oil, glycerol paraf- 1 fin oil, and monochlorobenzene paraffin oil PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 3, 1963, 63, abstract 3Zh384 (nBul. Inst.:politehn. Iagill, v. 7, no. 3 -.4, 1961, 203 206, Rumanian Russian and French summaries) TEXT: It is established that ultrasonic fields*with frequencies bf'720, 1,200 and 3,000 ka have na', considerable effect upon the penetrability of hetao- "I Seneous mixtures if the thermal effect is ignored. It was observed that ultra- sonia.waves promote the association of glycerol and monochlorobenzene dispersed in the bulk of paraffin oil, -This leads to the separation of the two components of the heterogeneous mixtutre. The effect increases with increasing energy of the ultrasonic-field [Abstracter's notes Complete translationl I Card 1/1 LUC.A.. I.; FILIP, D. Influence of ultrasonics on tobacco seed germination and the development of plants from seeds treated with ultrasonics. Studil biol agr Iasi 14 no.2:363-369 163. -LUCA, Ion; TIBU, Margareta; POTEC, I.; VISCRIAN, I. Radioactivity of the Cotnari soil in the Iasi region. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 13 no.2.-291-293 162. LUG A, L Electric furnace, and direct reduction of iron ore. II. n-556 PETALUEGIA SI COIZTPUCTIA DE MIASPINII. OUnisterul Industriei lfbtalurgice si Constructiilor do Masins ni Asociatin Stiintifica a Iniiinerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rominia ) 13ucuresti,~ Rumnia Vol) 11, no.7, July 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LCI Vol.9, no.2, Feb.1960 Uncl. LUCA, 1-11. LUCA, N. Portal cr~-.rie for builft,.gs naounted with lar,:e panels; a discussion on wh-t are the very best machines for mountLig prefabric%ted parts. P. 633 No. 10, 1956 LDUSIRLA COJISMUCTIILOR SI P.. DkTbRIALL-LGR DE C&O-TRUCTU 1ECH"'OLOGY RUMMM" So: Enst European Accession, Vol. ~, No. 5, UlY 1957 L-U,C-,Ajl 1-1, A construction-yprd polygon for the production of large slabs. P. 35h. (TIMUSIRD. COUSTRUCTILOR SI A MATERIAMDR DF, OON571UCTII. flo. 7, 1957, Rimilania) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EIEAL) LC. Vol. 2, No. 12, Dec. 1957 Uncl. LUCA, M. Systematic analysis of the complex processes of production as a basis for introducing technical standards and complex organization of mining enterprises. p. 437. REVISTA MINELOR. (Ministerul 11inelor, Ministerul Industriei Petrolulul si Chimiei, Directia Ezploataftlor Miniere st Asociatia Stitntifica a Liginerilor si Tehnicienilor din Rominia) Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 10, no. 10, Oct. 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (ETAI) LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. LUCA, Marius Alex. C., conf. dr.. ing. Use ofiftthematical methods in studying the economic mining probleA Rev min 13 nQ.5tI92-199 My 162. -LUCA, Marius Al. C., corif. dr. ing. Practical ways o~ solving mining conveyance problems by the distribution method. Rev min.-14 no.1:1-8 Ja 163. M LTJC.A Al. C., conf. dr. ing. Economically optimum solution of mining conveyAnce problems by mathematidal methods. Rev min 13 nqhl2:5~8-W D 162. - I LUCA, Marius Alex. f,., conf. dr. ing. I -i The tb6or~tical grounds of the simplex calculation method, Rev min 13 no.41l52-159 Ap 162. LUCA., Marius Al, C,p confo dre ingo -- On the units used in the technical standatdtzation of labor* Rev min 12 no,6-.247.-253 Je 06.1. LUCA , Mari-as Al. C. Relationa ueed in t~-- mining lnlurtry for calculating work norma. Rev min 16 no.1:13-22 Ja 16,15. LUCAp N.; CONSTANTINESCU) B. Investigations on the cerebrospinal fluid in poliomyelitis. IV. Amino-N changes in the cerebrospinal fluid. Rev. sci. med. 5 no.3/4: 199-203 160. (POLIOMYELITIS cerebrospinal fluid) (AMDJO ACIW cerebrospinal fluid) (NITROGEN cerebrospinal fluid) Vol ~Iv, N'> 2, F,I. 42 Con-'ucted 2. arbolp of Lir., Grxin," T. 'MMr. typ Er. rp 3. or ra.-its," Con: Zj! er -tt nm7 ee Lurel. 4- "beiard t.1- M217. r-ii- -T-'D!P-R, -1r,Fr; P;~ 1-2-23- "Th. %relmrit Soltllpn-ntof ltnba4-tl " ~zro^ LAur~ktm Of Cr !ZA.4-4. ~~4,2 jilvraat -I , f~ &I F~Pnlulu!,di stat): P, 1~1- 6. "S111con, thp, 3,discoverl of Plarent V,," Y. S-,*CInIT; Ip 16-3t. 7- "7%e L~Is ftne. th. I!rht," C-rf ?.1. !1,7111; pp 19. 6. "Comblln�3 i%;r :?,,j Cmrtrj~tfcn of' t,-r-' or Xotor Vehle:ea," 20. "SoI^rv) Ir. of D. RnEr ar.6 11. "(311&nt rxcevn=cq' F.?'IL 4:XCIU, vnr-; ~;) Z~. 12. "A Str'co F!ri ir t1v N131h!' of the ~-'ddlo An Itinbra:7 trmuth tli~ Tterm :act Univ; 7; 37-33, L-4 4'_ 1L. "Ibt Fru!ti f' liixr an! F-11-w*,' ,. STA~ML, ~~mgr. P; .9;-25. 15. "The 1,onunlin-v of ~I-Ia '11~tal L, Si,.,.d,' i,. -;rH7lj )f;r; pv MISON-CRIGHEL, N.; PINTILIE, G.; CONSTANTINESOU, R.; LUCA, N.; COSTA-FORU.. D.; SOLWOMOVICI, A. The effect of blood sugar changes on intermediate metabolism in patients with asthenic neuroses. L Effect of the administra- tion of glucose and insulin. Rev. sci. med. 8 no-3/4:111-115 163. (NEURASTHENIA) (BLOOD SUGAR) (GLUCOSE) (INSUI.M~ (PHARMACOLOGY) (METABOLISM) - (MENTAL'DISOF[DERS) ' PINTILIE, G.; GOSTA-FORU, D.; MISON-GRIGHEL, N.; GONSTANTINESCU, E.; LUCA Nq SOLOMONOVIGI, A. The effect of blood sugar changes on intermediate metabolism in patients with asthenic neuroses. II. Effect of treatment with increasing doses of insulin. Rev. sci. med. 8 no.3//,: 159-162 163, (BLOOD SUGAR) (INSULIN) (NEURASTHENIA) (PSYCH&O, MANIC-DEPRESSIVE) (METABOLISM) (CITRATES) LUCA, -P., dr.; MOAITTA, dr.; dr. Mitral infantillsm Dr, a cllpicskl vasO. MAd. intern* (Bucuro) 16 no.10:1275-1?77 0C 164 WGA., F.; POPOVIGIR 51 Hepatocholangitis with Yriedlander's bacilli. Had. int., Bucur. 9 no.11: 1723-1727 Nov 57. 1. lucrare executate, in Sectia do boli interne, Spitalul Unificat Resita. WHOUNGITIS, case reports hapatocholangitis with Klebsiella pneumoniae infect.) (LIV3R DISELSES, case reports hepatocholangitia, caused by Kleboielle pneumoniae infect.) (KLIBBIBIJA PN3UMONIA3, infections liver & bile ducts, causing hepatocholangitis) - I:.CA,P., dr,,- RALABUI, Gh.conf.; GEORGESCU,, L.., conf.; MEHAq T.dr.; BOLOVEDFA, M. dr.; BRABORESCU, -Elisabeta, dr.;I;UFT.E.Ciim. ii Association of Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosiv vrith pheo- chromocytoma,, adronalectomy. Med. intern. (Bucur.) 10 no-5: 62 5-628 My 164 1. Mcrare efectuata in Sectia do cardiologie si-Sectia do chirurgie, S.M.S,, Resita. LUCAS S., dr, Au%Lli=7 devices for tensile toots of thjA tbreads, Metrologia I apl 6 no#2.:84-88 Ap-je 959, i - I LUCAx St. ..... .I.-- "Gowumptiqn. cooperative system in Rumania, 1950-1961.11 Reviewed by St. Luca. Problem aeon 16 noi,9:145-149 S 163. t