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G16- SWULAMS (in ca;o)4, Given Names Country: Rumani a Academic Degrees: A'fillt~tion: Rose eri- -grch Centqr,._tQr Bacterial V rtilizers (Centrul Exp mental do Ingrasaminte Naoteriene Source: Bucharest I Sti-inta si Tohnica , No 7 , Jul 1961, pp 26-27. Data; "How the-*Edible Mushroom" Myoelium Is Obtained." Authors: MULTEESCU, N., Chief Researohei- (Ceroetor Principal*) LIJ BR C.', Researcher (Corootor). MATEESCU P N. , cercetator principal; LUBRICI, C. , cercetator How the micelle of esculent mushroomB can be obtained. St sl Teh Buc 13 no.7:26-27 JI 161. ACC NKI AT6019b32 SOURCE CODE: ii~/3174/64/000/050/002.4/0027 - (Junior TAUTHOR: Lubroyin,--L andidateof geographical sciences); ~Impnov., research'a-so"C"i"ate) / ORG: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (Arkticheskiy I antarktiche~kiy i. nauchno-isaledovatellsIqy institut) TITLE: -tides in the reiton of the Novolazarevskaya station,,,,, 8OURCE: Sovetskaya antarkticheskaya ekspeditslya, 1955-. Informatsionnyy byulleten', no. 50, 1964, 2.4-27 WPIC TAGS: ocean tide, i~ntarctic climate, sea tee / Z-17 &--,',U 91 'ABSTRACT: The fluctuation of the sea level at the No V azarevskaya. station was observed be- tween January 10 and February 5, 1963. A MarlUANvas used to record the height of the tide The observations were carried out at 1 lim north of the station, in L4gernyy Bay, a frcsh-wate~ basin on the northern edge of the Schirmacher Ponds. The bay Is separated from the open so by the lee shelf about 80 kin wide. The marigraph was installed on Ice 2.5 m thick at a d1st4qj A of 50 m from the shore. The depth at the observational place was 25 m. By comparing the fluctuations of sea level In the open sea and in the bays in the region of the station it was foun~V~7 Card 1/2 t cz ACC NR: AT6019032 ~'Iat the character of the tides does not substantially differ, therefore the authors assert it the bays situated along the northern edge of the Schirmacher Ponds and separated from the sea by the wide ice shelf freely communicate with the sea. Thus, appreciable areas of the ice shelf are floating. The depth of the sea~~'Qer the shelf is rather appreciable, which was con firmed by data of a geomagnetic survey performed in 1963. Orig. art. has: I table and 3 figures. SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 06May64/ ORIG REF: 004 kh MACHONj Jozefj inz; GEBICKI, Zbigniew, mgrop inz*; CIRYLOWSKII Jerzy, inz.; MATYSZCZAK, Stanislaw; KALUZNY, Jan; SKAISKI., Jan; PROM, Leon; 37RUVOWICZ, Wieslaw,, inz.;_JjQaEEZL Czeslay, mecho Works distinguished and rewarded in the 5th General Polish Competition in the field of saving electric power. Erergetyka przem 10 no.4:146- 1" Ap 162. 1. Zaklady Azotowe im. P. Findera, Chorzow (for Machon). 2. Przemysl Weglowyq Gliwice (for Gebicki). 50. Fabryka Sprzetu Elektrotechnicznego, Szczecin- (for Cyrylowski and Matyszczak). LUBSANOV D D; ZILOTIN, Yu.V., red.; RATOTSYRENOVA, tekhn. red. (The 40th anniversary of the Buryat A.S.S.R.; articles] Sorok let Buriatskoi ASSR; sbornik statei. Ulan-Ude, Buriatskoe knizhnoe Izd-vo, 1963. 137 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Buryat A.S.S.R.-Economic conditions) 6--vol 11/? Intf-mal Led. Jiily ~Q RX-110PTA rDICA see 3803, RADIOACTIVE IODINE IN TREATNiENT OF THYROTOXICOSES (Ruasian text) - L u b a k a y a 1. 1. PROBL. ENDOKR. 1958. 413 (93 -98) Tables 4 Data on treatment of 15 patients are presented, Out of there, 37 patients suffered from grave thyrotoxicoeis and 120 from thyroloxicasis of average severity. The total duse of Iodine per course of treatment varied f rom 2 to I I mc. and was adm inistered In 2-3 doses with an interval of 5-6 clays: 138 patients received one course of treatment, IS patients 2 courses and one patient 3 courses. As a resuLt of this treatment re- mission or a considerable improvement took place in 85.3% of patients (the pa- tients were followed up for 3 to 14 months). Improvement was noted in 697o of cases at the end of the first month after treatment, while in 17% of patients positi- ve results appeared only in 3 monthb and even later. Insignificant improvement was found In 10 patients, absence of any effect in 3 and symptoms of hypothyroid- Ism in 2. After treatment with radioactive Iodine (1131) a temporary exacerbation ofthyrotoxicosis, requiring special therapy, was noted in I 11%of cases and a reduced number of leucocytes in 32%. Temporary thrombocytopenia was noted In 50% of cases. Administration of 'cortin' makes It possible (to a certain extent) to prevent the appearance of leucopenia and thrombocytopenia. (VI, 3. 14) LUBSKIY, I. Radio Clubs With the members of the All-Union Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy at the Voikov Secondary School. Radio No. 4, 1953. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Uncl. IVBSKIY, I. (g. Boykovo, Berezanskogo rayona, Kiyevskogo oblusti). Why doult we have transformer colls? RucLio no.9:16 s '53. (mTRA 6:8) (Radio-Transformers) LUBSKIY, I. (Voykovo. liyevskoy oblasti). Rearrangement of the wRodina-479 receiver's output stage. Radio no.10:55 0 15). (HUU 6:10) (Radio--Repairing) SLISKOVIC . T LUBURIC t P. Stratigraphic aspects of bauxite in Hercegovina and southwest Bosnia. Bul-sc Youg 9 no.1/2t6-7 F-Ap 164. 1. National Museum of Bosnia and Hercegovina, Sarajevo (for Sliskovic). 2s Geplogio and Paleontological Institute, University of Zagreb (for Lubaric), PAPESI J.; LUBURIC, P.; SLISKOVIC, T.; RAJIC, V. Geclb~ic ralAtionii of'th6-wid6r environs of Livno, Davno, ind southwestern Boania. Geol glas BiH 9s87-122 164. 1. Submitted June 11, 1964. MUFTIC, Mineta; LUBURIC, Petar Lithostratigrt!phic and tectonic relations of the Uoustrine Neogene'in Bosnia and Herpegovina. Ge6l glag BJH ?t103-130 163. SLISKOVIC, Teofil; PAPES., Josip; RAIC, Vidj LUBURIC Pero Stratigraphy and tectonics of Southern Hercegovim, Geol glas Bill no.6:LII-J-40 162o L v 6 C, /i (~~ (7, V /I RUMANIA/Magaetism - Ferrites F-6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizikaj, No 3., 1958,, No 6136 Author : Lubusca Elena., Constantinescu Florica Inst '-Yo-t-GTVWr' Title Variation of Magnetic Properties of Mixed Ferrites Cu NJ as a Function of the Cu/Ni Ihtio Orig Pub Comun. Aced. M., 1957., 7o No 4., 413-420 Abstract Starting with the nickel ferrite of the type NiFe 204'ZnFe2O4 which is characterized by very low losses at high frequency current., and from the ferrite of copper of the type CuFe2P4' ZnFe204,P which is characterized by high permeability., the authors have developed a series of mixed magnetic farrites of the type NiFe2O4'CuFe2o4'ZuFe2o4 and have established the variation of the magnetic properties (,U, tan 6 ) as functions of the copper ferrite to nickel ferrite ratio. Card 1/1 LEMMA, A. LUBUSKA, A. Thermomagnotic investigations of the phenomena occurring during the heatirg of hardened steel of the NC4 tYPe- Blulet - P-6 45 Vol. 23, no. 12, Dec. 1956 HUTNIK FOLI-.IC-.',,L 6G--,Z:CE Narszav,la, Poland So: East -European Accessicn. Vol. 4, No. 3, Yarch 1957 L . Adam W 9-00-02~ Strain hardening of bainite, Mechanika Gliwice no.16: 43-47 162. I* Instvtut Metalurgii Zelaza i Katedra Metalomiawstua., Politechnika, Gliwicp. LUBUSKA, Adam Zbigniew, dar inz. Gauses of the differences of the relation value P ,/R in construction steels isothermically hardened PQ r thermally improved. Przegl mach 22 no.21:672 lo 11 k63. 1. Katedra Metaloznawstwa, Politechnika, Gliwice. 86498 S/07Y6 0/03 0/011/003/02 6 B001 Bo66 /C~) AUTHORSt Nikishin, G. I., Voroblyev, V. D.# and Lubuzh, Ye. Do TITLE: Physical Properties of 1,4-Dialkyl Cyclohexanes PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1960, Vol- 30, No- 11, pp. 3548-3554 TEXT: The authors synthesized in a previous study (Ref. 1) 1,4-dialkyl benzenes according to the scheme R-// Br \,Z13r..4,-21ig + 2RBr -R + 2MgBr (R - normal alkyl radicals 0 4 U9 They hydrogenated in the present study p-dialkyl benzenes, and studied some physical properties of the resultant 1,4-dialkyl cyclohexanes hitherto unknown. Hydrogenation was conducted in a rotating autoclave at 210-2300C, at aninitial pressure of 110-130 atm, by means of a nickel catalyst; their separation was carried out chromatographically. After purification on a column filled with Card 1/3 86498 Physical Properties of 1,4-Dialkyl S/079/60/030/011/003/026 Cyclohexanes B001/B066 silica gel, the resultant dihoxyl-, diheptyl-, dioctyl-, and dinonyl cyclohexanes were recrystallized from alcohol. The melting points of dihexyl- and diheptyl cyolohexanes were determined at a constant tempera- ture of 0-20C (Table 1). This table also compares the properties of the resultant octyl- and dodecyl cyclohexanes with those of the monoalkyl cyclohexanes corresponding to them with respect to the molecular weight. The physical constants of 1,4-dialkyl cyclohexanes (with normal radicals) approximately agree with those of the monoalkyl cyclohexanes corresponding to them as to molecular weight. Diagram 1 shows the direct proportional ratio between the melting point, D 420, nD20, and the number of carbon atoms in the alkyl radical of lt4-dialkyl cyclohexanes. The mean exaltation value of the molecular refraction (A MR-) is +0.10. The viscosity values D are given in Table 2 (Ref. 2). Diagram 2 gives the logarithm of the viscosity as a function of temperature. Diagram 3 illustrates the dependence of the logarithm of viscosity of 1P4-dialkyl cyclohexanes on the number of carbon atoms in the alkyl radical, Diagram 4 shows the dependence of the molar extinction coeffioient E of the 2925 owl band in their molecules on the number of CH2 groups. The infrared spectra Card 2/3 86498 Physical Properties of 1,4-Dialkyl S/079/60/030/011/003/026 Cyclohexanes B001/Bo66 of all compounds show intense,bands at 1375 and 1450 ci- 1 corresponding to the deformation vibrations of the CH 3 and CH2groups. In the spectrum of diisoamyl oyclohexane, the 1375 cm-1 band is split into two bands (1350 and 1385 am-1)v which is indicative of branching. There are 5 fig- ures, 3 tables, and 10 referencess 3 Soviety 2 US, 1 German, 5 Britishp and I French. ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheekoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (InBtitute of Organic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: January 2, 1960 Card 3/3 SHUYKW~ N.I.; LEBEDEV, B.L.; POZDNYAK, N.A.; LUBUZHI Ye.D. .zz- Catalytic alkylation of tetralin in the presence of metallic aluminum. Neftekhimiia 1 M.1:39-45 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN SSSR imeni Zelinskogo. (Naphthalene) (Alkylation) SHUYKIN, N.I.; POZDNYAK, N.A.; LUBUZH, Ye,,D- Catalytic alkylation of tetralin. Report 5: Alkylation of tetralin with primary alcohols of Composition C7 and higher. Izv.AN SWR, Otdokhim,nauk no.6:1098-1102 Te 161. (MMA 14:6) 1. Institut organicheskoy kbimil im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR.. (Naphthalene) (Alkylation) FREYDLINAI.R.Kh.; YEGOROV),,Yu.P.; GMOVSKAYA, Ye.TS.; TSAO I CTS'ao I]; -- LIJBUZH, Ye.D. Rearrangement occurring in the process of the thermal telomeri- zation of ethylene with silicon hydrides. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. khim.nauk no.7:1-256-1261 J1 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Ethylene) (Silicon hydridea) (Polymerization) S/02oJ61/136/002/016/034 B016/Bo6o AUTHORSt Yegorov, Yu. P. and Lubuzh, Ye. D. TITLEs Application of Infrared Spectra in the Region of CH Stretch- ing Vibrations to the Determination of the Structure of Alkanes, Aromatic Hydrocarbons, and Compounds Containing Heteroatome PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No. 2, pp. 342-345 TEXTs The authors wanted to determine the range of application of infra- red spectra in the region of CH stretching vibrations. They examined various considerably ramified alkanes, mono- and diphenyl alkanes, some alkyl tetralins, alkyl naphthalenes, alcohols of a normal structure, n-alkyl bromides, ketones, and silicon hydrocarbons synthesized at their Institute (Refs. 12-17)- Prom all these substances they prepared solutions in CCI 4 0 - 3 g1l), and the respective spectra were taken in the 2800-3060 am-' region by an ~jVt.-12 (IKS-12) spectrometer with a UP Card 1/4 Application of Infrared Spectra in the Region S10201611136100210181034 of CH Stretching Vibrations to the Determination B016/Bo6o of the Structure of Alkanes, Aromatic Hydrocarbons, and Compounds Con- taining Beteroatoms prism, Table 1 gives the charaoteriatios relative to the bands of the antisymmetric CH vibrations in the OR 2 and CH3 groups. It was noted from Table I that the half-widths (491/2) of 2930 and 2960 cm7I bands are only little changed in the types of compounds investigated. As there is a linear relationship between the intensity at the band maximum and the number of OR 2 and OR3 groups, the integral intensity of the band was thought to represent a linear function of the number of groups. It was established furthermore that methyl-substituted alkanes (2-methyl-, 3,5-dimethyl, 2,4,6-trimethyl alkanes, and others) differ only little from n-alkanes as to the intensity of infrared bands. "T-shaped" alkanee (e.g., 4-ProPyl heptane and 5-butyl nonane) on the other hand, have a coefficient A - 100 (A denoting the effect of groups X (X - C6H 5' OR, R3Si, Hal and others)upon the adjoining methylene groups of the aliphatic R chain). In this manner, 1-33 of the C92 group per ramification are "lost" for the intensity of the spectrum. When determining the structure of Card 2/4 Application of Infrared.Spectra in the Region of B/020/61/136/002/016/034 CH Stretching Vibrations to the Determination B016/BO60 of the Structure of Alkanes, Aromatic Hydrocarbons, and Compounds Con- taining Heteroatoms compounds containing several radicals on the aromatic ring,-but only in para and meta position, one must take account of the effect of the ring upon each of these radicals. Results indi&ated the Buitability of infra- re s d spectroscopy for the determination of structure of hydrocarbon' with a long aliphatic chain. The value of, qualitatively connected with the electronegativity of the X groups. Thus, the series Cl >, Br > H3C-0- > OH > C< C I OH7> R3Si > C6H ~ > 'H3 >C01 1 shows how 0 the coefficient decreases. R Si is, however, more strongly electro- 3 negative than phenyl. There are 1 figure, I table, and 24 references; 10 Soviett 9 UBp 1 Canadian, and 4 British. ASSOCIATION: Institut drganicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy, Academy of Sclences USSR) PRESENTED: July 20, 1960, by A. N. Nesmeyanov, Academician SUBMITTED: July 12, 1960 Card 3/4 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: 240.51 S/02o/61/138/004/011/023 B103/B203 Vdovin, V. M., Sultanov, R., ~ubuzh, Ye. D., and Petrov, A. D., Corresponding Member AS USSR Organosilicon compounds with hydrocarbon bridges between the silicon atoms. Alkylation-of w-cyano-alkyl trimethyl silanes by means of halogen methyl trimethyl ailanes Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 138, no. 4, 1961, 831-834 TEXT: The authors studied the production of bridge disilanes (CH 3Y.3 Si_R _Si(CH 3)3 containing a cyano group in the hydrocarbon radical. R. Such diailanes may be used for producing various polymers. These compounds have so far been obtained with difficulty, The authors point out that the cyano group bound to the P-carbon atom (with respect to Si) can be trans- formed into various functional groups without separating the cyano-alkyl radical from the Si atoms The reaction was conducted according to the scheme (CH ) Si (CH ) CH CH Na , L(CH ) Si(CH ) CH(Na)CN1 3 3 2 n 2 ether 3 3 2 n Card 1/5 40 S/6'2' 61/138/004/011/023 Organosilicon compounds with hydrQcarbon,,.. BlORB203 XCH2Si(CH 3)3 P a (CH 3)3 Si(CH 2)n CHCH2Si (CH 3)3 +NaX, (1) under the conditions I CN c' alkylation of acetonitrile, where n Is 1 or 2, and X is Cl, Br, or I. r~fte structure of the compounds obtained was studied by their infrared spectra. The frequency 2238 am- 1 of disilane nitriles lies in a region characteristic of the cyano group, but is a Iiiiie lower than its value in 4.v-nitriles (CH 3)3 Si(CH 2)n CN (for n -2 and 3, 2249'em-1). This may well be reconciled with the reduction of the frequency of an electronegative group with increasing branching of the radical bound to this group. Besides, the structure of the compounds produced was confirmed by their transformation into ketones. The highest nitrile yield was obtained according to reaction (1) for (CH 3)3S'CH2, (about 40 ~6). In the case of (CH3)3 SiCH2 C1, the disilane nitrile yield was lowest (about 20 %). In parallel to reaction (1), numerous by-products were formed which corresponded to the dimer of the initial 0-cyano-ethyl trimethyl silane. The dimerization of silicon- Card 2/5 2L.Oc-i S/020 61/138/004/011/023 Organosilicon compounds with hydrocarbon... B,03/~203 free nitriles under the action of sodium is known, and was confirmed by an additional experiment. From the two structures a8cribed to such dimers, (A) and (B): RCH 2 -C-CH-R RCH 2 -C-C -- R ~ I I I (A) NH C N (B) NH2CN the authors choose (B) on the basis ofIspectral data, where R--CH2Si(CH 3)3' Here, they find the frequency 2201 cm- (apparatus W-12, IKS-12) which they consider to be that of the valency group - ONN. This frequency is reduced, apparently owing to a chain of conjugate groups. The frequencies' 3400 and 3448 am-I correspond to the symmetr.'Ao and asymmetric stretching vibrations of the NH2 group. In the infrared spectrum of the solution of this substance in CCI 49 the frequency 1630 am -1 is characteristic of the - G - C b o nd .The ultraviolet spectrum of this substance i;howed an intensive frequency 248 mA (E -46500). In the alkylation of the &L-nitrile of the type NC -CH - CH - 0 - (CH ) S1 - (CHO a different reaction occurred: 2 2 2 3 3' Card 3/5 2 W51 S/020/J/138/004/011/023 Organosilicon compounds with hydrocarbon..,, B103/B203 y-hydroxy-propyl-trimethyl silane and an acrylonitrile polymer sere formed. In a control test (without XCH 2Si(CH 3)3 ). a y-alcohol wa8 aisu formed according to scheme (4) (a =ether, b -polymer). Decomposition of the systems -Y-C-C-C-M(Y - electronegative, M - electropositive atom) was thoroughly studied by A. N. Nesmeyanov and co-workers (Ref. 14: Izbr. tr. (Selected papers), Izd. AN SSSR, 1959~ P. 549, 678, 684), and is a characteristic of these systems if M is a metal. In a special experiment, 'the authors found that the alcoholate (CH ) Si(CHj = ONa formed in the 3 3 2 3 reaction did not react with XCH2Si(CH3) under given conditions. There are 1 table and 18 references: 10 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc. The three references to English-language publications read as follows: Ref. 8: S. Nozakura, S. Konotsune, Bull. Chem. S6c., Japan, 29, No. 3, 322 (1956); ibid., 29, No. 3, 326,0956); Ref. 10- R. A., Show, J. Chem. Soo., 1956, 2779; Ref. 11: H. Adkins, J. Whitman, J. Am. Chem. Soo., 64, 150 (1942). ASSOCIATION: Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry imeni N. D. Zelinskiy of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Card 4/5 C8ERNYSHEVj Ye.A.; BUGERENKO, Ye.F.; LUBUZH, Ye.D.; PETROV, A.D. I Synthesis of X -organosilyl of propylphosphinyl chloride and of ethyl eater of propylphosphinic acid. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.- nauk no.6-.1001-1005 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Institut organicoaskoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Silicon organic compounds) (Phosphinic acid) CHELfTSOVAI M.A,,; U-TSZUK-YUY [Wu-TSung-yd]i_LUBUZH, Ye.D. Syntbesis and properties of cZ.,c,(~bi-,(p-benzy,3.biphonyl). Izv.AN &9SR.Otd,khimonauk no.8:1.470--1473 Ag 162. OIRA 15:8) I* Institut organicheakoy khimii im. N.D.Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Biphenyl) PETROVO A. D.; KAPLAN, Ye. P.; KaAKOVA, Z. I.; ~UBI~Zqj_Ye. D. Synthesis of o-allql and o-ax7l biphenyls. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. khim. nauk no.1;161-166 163. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N. D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Biphenyl) L n226-63 71 ACCLSSION AITR; AP3000123 S10062163100010051082210831 AUMOR; Xegorov, ~Yu. P.; I-Vshchevua, K. S Lubuzh, Ye. 1D.; Vdovin, V. M.; PetrovP -,A. D, TITLE: ~rganosilicon compounds with hydrocarbon bridges between the silicon atoms SOURM: AN SSSR. Izvestiya otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 1963, 822-831 TOPIC TAGS: organosilicon compounds, polycondensation, polymerization, polymer, A structure,, IR spectroscopy, aluminum. chloride, alurninum bromide ABSTRACT: Thq, feasibility of oyathesizing polymers having alternating p-xylylene or p-pheny ene,'radicals and silicon. atoms in the backbone by the polyco-nTensation of 1,4-bis(trimethylsilyl)yylylene or 1,4-bis(trimethylsil~3)phenylene in the presence of an A 11 or AI,2Br6 catalyst haa been established. OThe structure 2C"6 of 04, previously prep=ed products of the catalyt "ati -various a,t4--bis(trimethy.',silyl)aLt-.ane;3 as well as of the thermal pS~~ri~zatiop of 1,1-dimethylailacyclopropane and 1,1-dimethy1nilacyclobutane have been studicl by M spectroscopy. The structure of the polymer of 1,,I-climethylsilacyclopentane, Card .11 CHEL ITSOVA , M.A. ;PETROV, A.D.; LIJP'U'Zll, Yo.D.; YERIM-MWA, T.I. Syr , nthesis and scle(.tlve hydroVenation of tri- and pentaphemyl- alkaines. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. kbim. no,1:124-133 165. (m,IRA 18:2) 1. Instltut orranicheskay khImii iin. N.V. Zglinskogo AN SSSTI. CHERNYSfEV, Ye.A.; DOLGAYA, M.Ya.-, LUBUa, Ye.D. Addition of arylfluorosilicon hydrides to styrene. Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. kh1m. no.43650-654 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Institut organicheskoy khimii im. N.D.Zol-inskogo AN SSSR. LUBYAGIN, I. Help to improve !he accounting on collective farms. Den. i kred. 19 no.7:69-71 r61. 1 1 (MIRA 14:7) 1. Upravlyayushchiy,Slobodakim otdelexii-yem Gosbanka Kirovskoy oblasti. (Slobodskoy District-Collective farms--Accounting) (Banks-&nd Mnking) 15-57-10-14643 Translation from: Referativnyy zln=al, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 10, P 213 (USSR) ADMOR: Basic Equations of Ground Water Drainage in Heterogeneous Soils (Osnovnyye uravneniya dvizheniya gruntovykh Yod k drenam v neodnorodnykh gruntakh) PERIODICAL: Tr. Aralo-Kaspiyak. kampleksnoy ekspeditaii AN SSSR, 1956, Nr 7, PP 197-221 ABSTRAM: When ground waters are draining In strata of varying Wrmeability, the strongest movement occurs in the stratum of highest permeab.lity. Pressure difference causes ground water to drop from layers of low permeability to layers of high permeability. The great range# of permeability in various a4qifers allows only vertical seepage from strata of low permeability into a layer of high permeability, and only horizontal seepage into a layer of high permeability. Examina- tion of a region where a layer of high permeability lies Card 1/2 15-57-10-14643 Basic Equations of Ground Water Drainage (Cont.) between two layers of low permeability makes it possible to establish the following equation of flow balance: !Yx = (wl + w2), where Q is the inflow to a separated element of flow from a stratum of high permeability; w 1 and w are the vertical com- ponents of speed of movement in adjoin?ng strata. There is also Darcy's law: ak 92 dx where a is the thickness of the aquifer of high permeability, and k Is the seepage coefficient of this horizon. These equafions form a system of cumulative differential equations. Numerous problems are solved. Equations for a sloping level are given and problems are broken down Jnto their component L parts,'for which relatively simple solutions are offered. Card 2/2 A. F. Vollfson L 54F17-65 FBDIEWr M/Ewo (v)/EEc (t)/EEc-4 Fo-h/Pe-5/fte-2/Pi-4 GW/WS-4 ACCMION IMI AP5014498 UP/0141/65/ooe/002/0219/0228 AU7710M MmR0k%Pj_G Aq 9Ls1jg*m F..0,1 Krot1k0Y,_Y*_L I FAU __Y, A,--I. Iif ,_M.l Gtrezhngnj# nov, V. ]L4 P2orKfir~yeyj ljqhkVjj -)(; Tkoits- Fedoneyev, L. I.; V. I1!pz!qkiLiaj_Z. P. !TI=s Observation of the radio ecliyas of tbe moon at millimeter wavelengths AGURGEt M. Radiofizika, Y. 8, no. 2, 1965, 219-228 TOPIC TAM radioastrononW, lunar eclipse, brightness texperature, lunar surface !material ABSTRAM The radio emission from the moon was measured during the eclipses of 7 IJU4 and 30 December 1963, by a procedure in which toe antenna was - tpibri6di thj:ly, gomparea, with a standard signal which consisted of the. difference between the- emission of a section of the sky of fixed altitude and a mountiin' slope having a tempemture close to that of the surrounding air. The work van done; at Mt.-Aragats in Armenia (3250 m)' on T *July..jand in UsurtWs (Prikmorbkiy kr4 on 30 December. Beyeral- refinements were intr6Mwed to correct for tkie'taffitidir- of the height of the moon 4uring the time of the eclipse. The max1pone relative drop of effective tesWerattire was 17%. 6 A 2%, 5 2%, and 3 1 2% at wave- 7- 'i Card 2/2 L 54817-65 Acassiox NRs Ar5o14498 lengths 1.2, 2.1, 4-0, 7-5, and 16 mm'In the eclipse of 7 My and 22.5 t 2.%, 12 1 2%, and 6 1 2% at wavelengths 1,2. 4,0, and 6.o = In the eclipse of 30 Decem-~ her. The beat Weement between the cbseryation data and the theoretically pre- dicted cmwse of the radio br4ftw=.tqTx4ure drit ffie aclipop, for a homogly?us model - ' (k-tber,-~ of the moon, is obtained if T/b - (6 1 1.5 and 1.0) x 107. T - (kD*) mal. conductivity, p--density, a--specific heat, b--tangent of dielectric loss angle of the lunar material). This value of -r1b agrees vita previously obtained value 1 measured by a different method. "We thank the birector of the Institute of Pb7sic Armenian AcaftT of Ociencesp At 1. Al~kharWm for the opportunity of performing the work on the high-nountain base of the Institute wid for help." Orig. art. hais 2 figures and 1 table. [021 ABSOCIATIM radofizicheakly Inditut pri 00 rlkwskm vinivermitate (ftdioybrales Balentifta Research Maxtitate at the GoOkly ftiver 1 00 MCLI 00 MM COM AA, N P" "Ti 006 OW I Ook ATD PRM81 4029 I Card 94, KAHENSKAYA, S.A.; KISLYAKOV, A.G.; KROTIKOV, V.D.; NAW/,OV, A.I.; NIKONOV, V.N.; PROFIRIYEV, V.A.; PLECHKOV, V.M.; STREZHNEVA, K.M.; TROITSKIY, V.S.; FEDOSEYEV, L.I.; LUBYAKO, L.V,.; SOROKINA, E.P. Microwave observation of lunar radio eclipes. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radiofiz. 8 no.2;219-228 165. (MIRA 18-.6) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy institut pri Gortkovskom universitete. LUEtAIETaly, S. L., Lecturer Ullianov Agricultural Institute "For the realization of the principle of deva3tation.11 S3: Veterinarila 26 (3), 1949 p. 35 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 * * 0 9 0 * LUBIAII,MSKTI, S. A., Cand. of Vet. Sciences Ully-anov Agkic. Institute ~ . "Veterinary-sanitary evalvation of meat in acute fom of leptospirosis of.calves.11 SO: Vet. 26(g), 1949) p 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13-Y4~ N U.17'7- -'~ V,N LUBYANETSKIY, Slivkop kfrikantov, Chevskfy arav "DiBtinguished JubIlists, Stepan Georglyevich Dyrchonkov and Boris Kbatlampiyevich I*dvedev" Veterinariya, Vol 29, No 12, 1951 -rIA."fL. V - 4 ~k 41, 3 0 41 4,3 LUBYANETSKIY, S.A. Doe Agr Spi -- (qiss) "Veterinary - sanitary -(-, x ~ -P, ~-~ 13 -0, ~~ -Cto .1 ewhada44ttm of meat product's-jtof:~~ani~jhals~--w -sarc~ospor]i-(Fi~osi - ' Ullyanovsk, 1956. 36 pp 20 cm. (Ploscow Vet Aca~AW Min of Agriculture USSR) 260 copies (KL, 10-57, 104). li 0 _,-. -- Iib ---- MW-LUSMWTSM~~A.---~kr--V ~ I ---- ---- --- ---- --- - ~ - "To, the comparative appreciation of laboratorial methcds of me4t determination in sick animals." Veterinariya, Vol. 37, No. 5, 1960,,p. 66 .Lu 1,6, .,C ~~+ . - IV LUMMT-Slqyl__~ -.-(Profes-s-or -- [an-d- R-evi -1) -Abou book - "Er ever . -~ the pert opinion on veterinary sanitation vith fundamental technology for livestock products, by GOREGLYAD., Eh. S. MDRYASHNOV, V. P. and SHLIPAMVO Ya. P. Veterinarno- sanitarnaya, ekspertiza s osnovami teknologii productav zhivothovodstva. M., Sellkhozgiz, 1960 ... Veterinariya, Vol. 39, no. 2, February 1962 pp* 85 LUBY,UIETSKIY, S.A., prof. Lat us improve the veterinary hygienic training in the institutions of higher education. Veterinariia 41 no.10:98~-99 0 *64. (KRA 18;11) L Ullyanovskly sellskokhozyaystvennyy institute J,TJBYANIT3FJYP G.D., Jnzh. T~, OKB~-3195 ultrascm-L machJut. uriit for cleaning tlxead dividErs and, ring plates. Tekst.p-rom. 2-5 nc.2i6'6--7() Ja 165. (MIFLA 1834) Leril-rirvadskoye TSentrallnoye kon3truktorskoye byuro po ul't.raz-,u7kfwym i vyscjk-,chasTot-rqm ustap-ovkam. L*9=2__,-j~6 EWA(h)/EWP(k)/ EWP.(h JD _~WT (d)/EVIT _~WP(l)/ErIPM /E?;P(t) -ACC.-NR: - -CODE 0 OWN 16 AUTHOR - Keller, 0. K. (Engineer)l Lubyanitskiy, G. D. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Cleaning by means of an UZU4-01-1 ultrasonic outfit SOURCE: Priborostroyeniye, no. 1, 1966, 16 TOPIC TAGS: ultrasonic cleaning, ultrasonic equipment UZU4-01-1 ultrasonic deaner kBkRACTs The UZU4-01-1 ultrasonic cleaner comprises a generator and two baths. The 6r- develops transistorized generat 10 W at 16 ' 7,5% kc and 40OV; efficiency$ 6CO. One bath with a piezoelectric transducer is intended for ultrasonic cleaning, the other for rinsing.-Of three organic solvents -- freon-113, gasoline B-70, and trichloroethylene -- the first is considered preferable as it is less toxic, explosion-safe, and quick-acting (5- 20 sec are enough for cleanina, oil-contaminated parts). Cleaning the parts soiled with various substances (resins, rosin, flux, fate, etc.) is briefly discussed. Orig. art. has: .1 figure and I table. [033 SUB CODE: 13 SUBM DATE: none' ATD PRESS: qi~7_3 I Card 1/1 UDC: 62-868.8 GALIPERRII , Ada Nailmovna; SKAYA, Valentina Ivanovna; YXLI,r-,R) 02ea Konstantinovich; LUBYAII'IT~M,_Grigoriy David.ovi h; MORIN$ L.N., red. [Snian transistorized ult asonic unit with a 100 watt p. t;r capacity for universal te~~hnologlcal isel Malogabaritnair. ulttrazirukovaia ustanovka moshchnosiliv, 100 vt universallnogo tekhnologicheskogo primeneniia na polliprovodnikovykh triodakh. Leningrad~ 1965. 124 P. (14IRA 18:7) I'll 14 K S R 1,101. Kinetki of swelling rtjjjpqLrubberJn bfa~. mixturo . of saturafid vapaurs. G, _5TAR and 1--y- QWYANIT3911. Urhd;jyt Zapishi D.Inruss. Univ., 1053 No. - 14, 64-71; 1051, No.,'28M; Chem. Al., -The - 1955, 49, 619 -~ruitallcc-xvcight method ounined litsied ca dettrigilling- ,7G the COUTS" awltilill.-I tile cbanezs ~Uthe ~afmzitanvc of a &on- ;dcnsk:r of whidl tho (lip.1ccuic is,the Soldied liquA 4ixture. ')'he tatio beimen thl: quantity of liquid ;taken cmd the weight -f ruljbet i-, tucll that the ~Chaljgc~i in caymcitalle'! d) jwt vs":V41 th... limits of : tile ~rraight line Secti'll) 4 U Curve f,,r tile relation 'betwe'"I capa6muce and coulpoii'i'm of tile biliftry mixture. Th,: swelling oi mbbur in tilt! sjfinatud )repour-i of vlixmv~s of I-I.FlZem with ethyl nild With butyl alcohol ii StudiA, S106416010001006100211011 B02O/BO54 AUTHORSi LubyanitskiX, I. Ya., Miriati~ R. V., and Furman, Mi. 3, lof Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone by Nitric Acid TITLE; Oxidation Under Pressure. Oxidation of Cyclohexanol by Nitric Acid Under Pressure Without a Catalyst I PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennost', 1960, No. 6, pp. 15-20 TEXT: The oxidation of cyclohexanol with nitric acid in the liquid phase to adipic acid was first performed by N~ D. Zelinskiy who used ammonium vanadate as a catalyst, SeO 21 salts of metals of variable valence, V2051 combined Cu 2+ - ammonium-metavanadate catalysts, and ammonium-vanadate - sodium-nitrite catalysts were used later. Ye. M. Zillberman, S. I. Suvorova, and Z. S. Smolyan (Ref. 10) studied the effect of additions of copper, ammonium vanadate, bismuth nitrate, and of the combined Cu-V catalyst'. Further, the authors studied the positive effect of nitrogen oxides dissolved in nitric acid, of pressure (see the papers by S. S. Nametkin (Ref. 17) and M. I. Konovalov (Ref. 18)), of temperature Card 1/3 856hi Oxidation of Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone S/064/60/000/006/002/011 by Nitric Acid Under Pressure, Oxidation of B020/BO54 Cyclohexanol by Nitric Acid Under Pressure Without a Catalyst and concentration of the nitric acid, and of the quantitative ratio between the oxidized compound and the nitric acid. In the first step, the reaction temperature should be as low as possible., The temperature in the second step of oxidation has a considerable effect on the adipic acid yield. The reaction was conducted at an ENO 3 concentration of about 60~-, a molar ratio of ENO 3 : cyclohexanol = 6, and a temperature of 5500 in the first step. The oxidation was performed in a 500-cm 3 stainless-steel autoclave. The determination of adipic, glutaric, and succinic acid in the mother liquor and the wash waters was made by means of partition chromato- graphy on diatomite with the assistance of G. T. Levchenko and I. G. Solov'yeva. The pressure dependence of the reaction was investigated at pressures from 1 to 15 atm., In the pressure range 1-10 atm, the yield in adipic acid and liberated gas is not influenced by pressure, The adipic acid yield is slightly reduced at higher pressures. The pressure depen- dence of the yield in lower dicarboxylic acids is complicated., a distinct minimum occurring at 10 atm in glutaric and oxalic acid as well Card 2/3 856hi Oxidation of Cyclohexanol and Cycloi-exanone S/064/60/000/006/002/011 by Nitric Acid Under Pressure. Oxidation of B020/BO54 Cyclohexanol by Nitric Acid Under Pres.-!ur--- Without a Catalyst as in CO 2' The yield in succinic acid rises linearly with pressure, The pressure-dependence curve for the yield of the sum (110 + N02) shows the same course as that for glutaric and oxalic acid as well as CO . On the basis of the reaction mechanism assumed) the consumption of ni?ric acid is calculated, and the results are compared with experimental data (Table 4). The reaction mechanism assumed was also confirmed by the calculated composition of the gaseous reaction products. and a number of theoretical and experimental data. There are 3 figures, 4 tables, and 24 references: 9 Soviet.. 6 Usi 5 British, 2 German, I Canadian, and 1 Austrian. Card 3/3 '~~AN~ITSKIY~Ija~.; HIRAM, R.V.; FURMNO H.S. 0, Oxidation of avclohezaaol and cyal Mxanone by nitric acid under pressure. Khims promo aoo 6:453-458 s l6o. (MIU 13 11) (C~clobexanol) (Cyolohexanone) (Nitric acid) S106 60/000/007/001/010 B020XB054 AUTHORS: and Furman., M. S. TITLE: Oxi of Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanono by Nitric Acid Under Pressure. Oxidation of CXclohexanol~y Nitric Acid Under Pressure in the Presence of.a Catal t PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyshlennoW, 1960, No, 7, PP. 1 - 5 TEXT: Nearly all publications concerning the use of catalysts for the oxidation of cycloalkanes and their derivatiV88 are written in the form of patents. The mechanism of catalysis in this process is unclear. Ac- cording to Ye. N. Ziltberman et al., Cu- and ammonium metavanadate ions have different effects on the yields of lower dicarboxylic acids. While the glutaric acid yield is reduced in the presence of Cu, the cxalic acid yield practically vanishes in the presence of ammonium metavanadate. These phenomena are also observed with the use of a combined catalyst; here, the adipic acid yield considerably exceeds the total attained with a separate use of Cu and ammonium motavanadate. The catalytic action of vanadic anhydride and ammonium metavanadate was also observed in Card 1/4 Oxidation of Cycl none S106 60/C)OO/007/00'/O-,O ohexanol and Cyclchexa by Nitric Acid Under Pressure. Oxidation of B020XB054 Cyclohexanol by Nitric Acid Under Pressure in -he Presence of a Catalyst idations of other cycloalkan-~-.s and aliphatl.:7 nompeunds with HNO x~ 4, 3' All o publications are in agreement as to the question. of the catalyst, dosage. In the present paper, the authors studied thesF pr-~blems by the example of oxidation of cyclohexanol with nitric acid, as well as the mechanism of action of the combined catalyst. 6,6--nitro.-hydroty-imino hexanoic acid (I) was synthesized as an intermediate to investigate the inter- mediate stages of the reactionj I was oxidized with nitric acid to adipic acid at 60-800 C. The optimum ratio Df 3omponents was at an HNOA concentration of 55% and a molar ratio 11NO :C H 011 the temperv!."* 3 6 11 in the first reaction stage (introduction of raw material) was 600C~ lni in the second stage (end of oxidation) 1OOoC. The total concentration of the catalyst was 0.01 moles/1 each, whtle thq ratio between the catalyst components was changed within the whole concentration range., Fig.1 shows the results of these experiments,, The optimum molar r&tlo CU:NH4VO 3 is 1, while other authors stated 5-5. To investigate the Card 2/4 Oxidation of Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone S/064/60/000/007/001/010 by Nitric Acid Under Pressure. Oxidation of B020/BO54 Cyclohexanol by Nitric Acid Under Pressure in the Presence of a Catalyst stages of the process with the use of a catalysts I was synthesized at concentrations of the combined catalyst Of 0-0-05 moles/I, and a constant moiar ratio Cu:NH VO 3 - 1. Fig.2 shows that, the yield in I mainly depends on the concentration of the catalyst, a concentration between 0.01 and 0.03 moles/1-being the optimum. In the oxidation of I with 67~6 HY05, at 60-800C7 I is quantitatively transformed to adipic acid (Table 1).' The authors studied the stability of glutaric, succinic, and oxalic acid in boiling with 43% ENO in the presence and absence of the catalyst, and give the results in TMe 2. They investigated the effel:~t of an over- pressure of 1-15 atmospheres on the oxidation of cyclohexanol with 60% HN03. Fig-3 shows the pressure dependene~e of the yields in dicar boxylic acids and C02, and Table 4 gives the mean yields in gaseous products per I mole of dicarboxylic, acids. Fig.2 shows that the effect of the catalyst is only noticeable in the formation of 1. Optimum over- pressure is 2-4 atm. The authors determined the reaction mechanism and the consumption of HN03 both theoretically and practically. G.I.Kostylev Card 3/4 Oxidation of Cyclohexanol and Cyal'ohexanone S106q601000100710011010 by Nitric Acid Under Pressure. Oxidation of B020/BO54 Cyclohexanol by Nitric Acid Under Pressure in the Presence of a Catalyst and Ye. I. Ishchenko assisted ir. the exper.imental part of Qc. investiga- tion. There are 3 figures and 4 tables.. j Card 4/4 s/o6 60/000/007/002/010 B020YB054 AUTHORS: Lubyanitskiy, I. Ya., Koetylev, G. I., and Furman, M. S. TITLE: Oxid of CXclohexanolland Cyclohexanone by Nitric Acid Under Pressure. Oxidation of Cyclohexanone and Its Mixtures With Cyclohexanol by Nitric Acid Under Pressure Without a Catalyst PERIODICAL: Khimicheskaya promyBhlennost', 1960, No. 7, Pp. 5 - 9 TEXT: The oxidation of cyclohexanone by nitric acid has been much less investigated than that of cyclohexanol. Cyclohexanone is oxidized with 61.3% nitric acid to adipic acid at 85-900C with a yield of 65-73% of the theory (Ref-7). The investigation of this reaction has gained con- siderable importance in recent years since the oxidation of cyclohexanone, like that of cyclohexanol and similar compounds, forms the basis of the industrial method of producing adipic acid (Ref.2). The authors studied the effect of pressure on the course and yields of oxidation of cyclo- hexanone by nitric acid, as well as the dependence of the yield in di- carboxylic acids on the composition of the cyclohexanol - cyclohexanone Card 1/3 ov Oxidation of Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone 3/064/60/000/007/002/010 by Nitric Acid Under Pressure. Oxidation of B020/BO54 Cyclohexanone and Its Mixtures With Cyclohexanol by Nitric Acid Under Pressure Without a CatalyBt mixtures during their oxidation by nitric acid. Pure cyclohexanol and 60% HN03 were used for the experiments at a temperature of 1560C. The oxidation of cyclohexanone without the use of pressure was conducted at 75-6000. The authors made experiments of cyclohexanol oxidation by nitric acid in the presence of urea nitrate. Table 5 and Fig.4 show the effect of pressure on the yield of cyclohexanone oxidation by nitric acid. Table 6 gives data on the yield in gaseous reduction products of nitric acid. The authors studied the oxidation of cyclohexanol under at- mospheric pressure and in the presence of urea, and found that under these conditions cyclohexanol oxidation begins at 700C only (without ad- dition of urea at room temperature), and that the adipic-acid yield drops considerably with increasing urea nitrate concentration (Table 7). The results of oxidation of cyclohexanol mixed with cyclohexanone are given in Tables 8 and 9, and in Fig-5. Cyclohexanone is oxidized by nitric acid at higher temperatures than cyclohexanol) the adipic-acid yield being much lower than with cyclohexanol. In the first step, cyclo- hexanol is oxidized to cyclohexanone; the end product is nitrous acid Card 2/3 Oxidation of Cyclohexanol and Cyclohexanone S/064/60/000/007/002/010 by Nitric Acid Under Pressure. Oxidation of B02O/BO54 Cyclohexanone and Its Mixtures With Cyclohexanol by Nitric Acid Under Pressure Without a Catalyst which, for its part, forms adipic acid. At lower temperatures, the pos- sibility of cyclohexanol oxidation by HN03 is determined by the presence of mobile hydroxyl hydrogen in the cyclohexanol molecule. In cyclo.- hexanone, the adipic-acid yield considerably depends on pressure (in contrast to cyclohexanol). The curve for this dependence shows a maximum at 2 atmospheres overpressure (see Fig-4); then; the yield drops with rising pressure. The yield in glutaric acid and C02 is practically inde- pendent of pressure, whereas that in succinic and oxalic acid is equally pressure-dependent. The yield of the sum N2 + N20 per 1. mole of adipic acid rises at an overpressure of 10 atmospheres; the EN03 consumption is also relatively high at this pressure. Ketones~ mainly cyclohexanone, are oxidized in the enol form; the oxidation of the hydroxyl hydrogen of the enol is coupled with the decomposition of the double bond on a free radical. R. V. Minati and L. A. Grigorlyeva assisted in the ex- perimental part of the investigation. There are 2 figures, 5 tables, and 21 references: 5 Soviet, 6 US, 4 British, 1 French, 1 japanese, 3 German; and 1 Austrian. Card 3/3 LUBTANITSIlYt I.Ya.; HIRM, R.V.; MKAN, H.S. Oxidation of cyclohexanol and cyclohexanone by nitric acid under preseqre. Oxidation of cyclahexanal by nitric acid in the presence of a catalyst. Xhim. prm. no- 7:529w 533 o-v 16o. WU 13:12) (cyclohexanol) (Nitric acid) ifi -. LUBTANITSKIY. I.Ta.; KOSTYLEV, G.I.; FORMAN. M.S. Oxidation of cycloboxanoae and of its mixtures with cyclohazanol by nitric acid under pressure without a catalyst. Xhim. prom. no. 7:533-537 O,-Y 160. (MIRA 13:12) (cyclohexanone) (Cyclohexanol) (Nitric acid) LUBYANITSKIY, I. Ya. Cand Chem Sci - (diss) "Study of the reaction of oxidation of cyclohexanol by nitric acid." Moscow, 1961. 12 pp; (Academy of Sciences USSR, Inst of Chemical Physics); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 199) ...LUBYAIFITSKIY, I.Ya.-,- GRIGORIYEVA, L.A.; TURIYAN, Ya.I. Electroreduction of 6,6-nitrohydroxyiminohexanoic acid on the drbppizig mercury electrode. Zhur.fiz.khim. 35 no.12:2820-2821 D 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Lisichmskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo instituta azotnoy promyshlennosti. (Hexanoic acid) (Reduction, Electrolytic) 777--'-----~-~'---I 27; KOSTYLEV, G.I.; LUBYANITSK a Formation of nitrophenols in the oxidation of cyclohexanol by nitric acid. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no./+:1355-1356 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Phenol) (Cyclohexanol) (Nitric acid) GOLIDMAU, A.M.2 kand.khimicheakikh nauk; ZAYTSEV, A.I.; KOSTYIEV, G.I.; IAWTANCHUK, L.S.; LUBYANITSKIY, I.Ya., kand.khimicheskikh na-uk; MOBRAZIENSKIY, V.'A-. khimicheskikh nauk; Prinimali uchasti7e: ZHADIN, B.V.; VESELtCHAKOVA, T.L.; SEDOVA, S.M.; TRUBITIKOVA, V.I.; KUPIN, M.I.; ZHUKOVA, Ye.I. - Preparation of adipic. acid in a continuous pilot unit. Khim.prom. no.5.323-327 MY 162. (NIRA 15:7) (Adipic acid) LUBYANITSKIX, L.Yjaq) KAMIRSKAYA Ye.K. Intermediate stages of the reaction of cyclohexanol -caddation by nitric acid." 32 no.11:3495-3502 N 162. (MIRA 15:1-1) (Cyclohexanol) (Oxid4tion) LUBYAIIITSKIX-j,-;-X4.* OpMmlm temperature of the oxidation of cyclohexanol, with nitric acid. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.4:860-865 Ap 163. (WRA 16:7) 1. Lisichanskiy filial Gosudarstvannogo proyektnogo i nauchno- issledovatel'skogo instituta azotnoy promyshlennosti. (Cyclohexanol) (Nitric acid) ACCESSION NRi AT4033531 8/0000/63/000/000/0017/0050 AvrHORI GoIldmans A. Me (Candidate of chemical sciences); Kosty*lev, 0. 1.; 'LubyanitakLy, IeYao (Candidate of chemical sciences); Minati, Re V.; iy, V. A.; Sedova, So He; Trubaikove, V. I.; Furman, Me So (Doctor of chemical sciences) TITLE: Derivation of adipic acid by nitric acid oxidation of the products of air oxidation of cyclohexane SQURCE- Poluprodukty* dlya sinteza poliamidov (Intermediates for polyamide synthe;is). Moscow, Goskhimizdat, 1963, 17-50 TOPIC TAGS: adipLc acid, cyclohexanol, cyclohexane, phenol, nitric acid, cy- clohexane air oxidation, cyclohexanol air oxidation, cyclohexanol nitric acid oxidation, adipic acid derivation, phenol hydrogen reduction, nitric acid oxidation catalyst, adipic acid plant, bulk reactor ABSTRACT: This extensive report reviews existing literature on adipic acid and its derivation, considers In detail the theory and mechanism of cyclohexanol oxidation with nitric acid (chemical equations ara'included) and reports the Is effect of various catalysts on the efficiency of the process. Card .1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4033531 Experimental studies of the process (equipment illustrated) were carried out at 1, 3.5 and 7 atm, lot stage temperature 70C, 2nd stage 1000, nitric acid concentration 57% by weight, weight ratio of (10M) nitric acid to organic raw material 4.5:1. Results are tabulated (see table I in the Enclosure). Special experiments concerned X-oil residue and its oxidation with nitric acid. Analysis of the derived adipic acid showed that double recrystallization (water) and activated carbon purification of the latter provides material satisfying all government specifications relating to production of the so-called"Aul salt (a polycondensate of adipic acid and hexamethylenediamine). Experimental con- tinuous production equipment capable of producing 100 kg of adipiC acid per day was assembled and used in a series of experiments to study design requirements and optimal process factors for industrial production. The experiments in- --volved cyclohexanol derived from hydrogen reduction of phenol and atmospheric air oxidation of cyclohexane. First stage temperature was 55 to 70C (60 to 65C for phenol-derived material)l second stage and blow-off column was at 100CS nitric acid concentration 57% by weight, weight ratio as above was 4 to 4.5:1. It is concluded that bulk type reactors are suitable for continuous nitric acid oxidation at atmospheric pressures Maximal yield of adLp1c acLd from phenol- -derived cyclohexanol in the presence of a catalyst was 1o25 kg per I kg of raw matejrial. "The method of dispersion chromatbgraphy on diatomaceous brick was 2A Card ACCESSION NRt AT4033531 developed by 0, To Levchenko, 1e Go BolovIyeve and I* Go Malkova of GLAP* V9 Re Ruchinskiy of GZAP also took part in the work." Orig. art. bait: 11 tables, 6 graphs# 7 illustrations and 14 chesical formulase -'ASSOCZATMN: None SUBMITTED: 120ct63 DATE AGQ: 06Apr64 RML: 01 SUB CODE: 00 No REY SOV: 019 OTHER: 012 ACCESSION hR: AT4003531 XNCWSURE: 01 Table I Oxidation of cyclohexanol at atmospheric pressure.(catalyst in % of the weight of organic raw material 0. 1 cu, 0. 2 W%V03) Yield of di- Nitric acid Composition of carboxylic consumption, Organic raw reaction gases,. acid,'g/g g/g of odipic material Vol. % of org anic acid raw materials glu- suc- adi- taric ci- hv~s No Pic a- acid nic Cyclohexanol acid from phenol [23. 2.6.. 7143 1',; 02 007 1.*29 6.035 1004 a 0,02 from cyclaheoiane, 9,s 10 ~ 1, 11 10 j 32,03.1 -1.29 0.110 1,04 4/4 LTJBYANITSKIY, I.Ya. Kinetics of cx.idaticn of cyclr'-~e=nona and 3-mtbylcyclo- hexanone with ammonium metavar-adate irt acid media. Kin. i kat. 5 no.2:235-239 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Gosudarstvenn~7 nauchno-iseledovateliskiy i proyektsnyy institut azotnoy pronyahlennosti i produktov organicheakogo sinteza, Severodonetskiy fi3ial. LUBYANITSKIY, I,Ya.; MINATI, R.V.; FURMAN, M.S. (Moscow) Kinetics of conversion of-6,6-nitrohydroxyiminohexanoic acid to adipic acid. Zhur. fiz. khim. 36 no.31567-574 Mr 162. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut azotnoy promyehlennosti. GOI. L(JBYANITSKI,7. I.Ya.; -.M.; TRUBI'llf"V', r. FIJTI~IIANY - ll-)rhanl on of cataly~ds -f cyolohc-xan. ' (-.Y.! da tif,n by ! - ~- - - f-.. -- :. Zhur.prilcl.khim. 37 no.7:1563-1569 J".1 164. ~., - -L., -. ", , , " LUBUNITSKIY,-J.Ya.; ZAYTSEV, P.M.; ZAYTSEVA, Z.V. . - -. . ~, -.- -.1; - . - I I Polarographic study of the aci-nitro conversion of 1',2-nitrocyclohe:mno! and 1-nitrocyclohexene. Elektrokbimiia 1 no.8:990-992 Ag '65. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Gosudarstvennyy Inatitut azot-noy promyshlennosti, Severodonetskiy filial* PYATUNIN, B.V.; SANACHIN, A.V.; SULTANOV, B.Z.; LUBYANSKIY, ABATUROV, V.G. - ....... Preliminary data on the crookedness of holes in case of boring with hydraulic-percussion equipment. Razved. i okh. nedr 31 no. 2:48-49 F 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Severo-Kazakhatanakoye geologicheskoye upravleniye (for Pyatunin). 2. TSentrallno-Kazakhstanskoye geologicheskoye upravleniye (for Sanachin). 3. Sverdlovskiy gornyy insti- tut (for Sultanov, Lubyanskiy, Abaturov). LIJ BYANS KIY .-XL.-N. Methodo for the accelerated processing of the field dqt.-- of radiometric measurements. Geo;#. razved. no.16:101--05 164. (MIRA 18:2) LUWNil~-,14-10' 1nzh. Gazli-Ural gas pipeline is a great construction of the seven-year plan. 5troi.truboprov- 5 no.6:1-5 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Gas., liatural--Pipelines) lUBYAITYY, I.Ya., inzh. (g.Pereyaslav-Khmel'nitsVy) Operation of the Trubezh drainage and Irrigation system. Gidr.i mel. 12 no.2:16-18 F 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Trtibezh Valley-Drainage) 11UTHORS: Goncharenko, V.; Lubyanitskiy, N. SGV-107-58-8-23/53 TITLE: Radiofication of tho Crimea Oblast, (Iz opyto radiofikataii krymskoy oblasti) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1958, Nr 8, Pp 18-19 (U.GSR) ABSTRACT: The receiver described is fixed-tuning circuit using a cry- stal detector and two transistor triodes as AF amplifiers. The set can be used as an "ether radio-point" in conditions where a wire-broadcast network is ir-practible. The coil is adjusted to a nearby local station and the whole set can be assembled on a panel and inserted into a loudspeaker ca- binet. Torch batteries in series or a section of an HT bat- tery can be used as a power source. A two-beam L or T an- tenna may be used. Sets of this type have been used by the authors in the Crimea oblast), but they suffer from low se- lectivity. Efforts are being made to produce a similar set v.-ith better selectivity. There are two drawings and 1 cir- cuit diagram. 1. Radio receivers--Design 2. Crystal detectors--Appl.l'cations 3. Transistors--Applications 4. Radio receivers--USSR Card 1/1 JKORZH, A. (UB50YI) (P,-Bnllshoy Tokmak); LUBYANKO, V. (selo Uzin, Kiyevskoy oblasti) Surprise visit by ropresentatives of the periodical "Radio." Radio no-7:12 J1 158. (MIRK 11:9) 1. Nachallnik radiostantaii v Bollsho-Tokmakskom rayone (for Korzh). (Radio clubs) LTUBYAKOT, I., inshener (gorod Bratsk). Im ".. I- i~ An-2 at the construction site of the Station. Grazbd.&Y. 13 no.9:33 S '56. (AeromLutice in agriculture) Bratsk Hydroelectric Power (KLRA 9-:11) LUBYANOV, I.P.; NOROKHA, Yu.M. Prevention of allga growth in the water reservoirs of electric power plants. Elek. sta. 35 no.302-37 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:6) LUBY13%70V' 1. F. Freash-Water Pauna - Dnieper .Peservoir Benthonic fulinq of the Dnieper Reservoir and the problems of biologicRl propagation. Zoc'-'.. zhur. , 31, No. 3, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russion Accessions, Libr,)ry of Oongress, October 1952, 1311CL. 1 . "" TUllt'TEILI, P.A.,Prof.; LUBYAINOV, I.P. "I 2. u'-;j"a (6oo) 4. Fresh-Water Fauna 7. Acclirmatizing fauna serving as fish food in reservoirs and other water bodies of the southeastarn Ukrainel Prof. P.A. Zhuravell, I.P. Lubyanov, 4b.khoz. 29 no. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL -1953, Uncl. LTJBYANOV Iq?j Formation and ways of directed change on beathouic fauna of small reser- voirs in southeastern Ukraine. Zool.zhur. '1~12 no.6:1074-1083 H-D '53. (MLRA 6:12) 1. Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut gidrobiologii Daepropetrovakogo goeudaretvennogo universiteta. (Ukraine--Yreah-water fanna) (7?raeh-w&,',qr fauna--Ukraine) LUBTANOV, I.P. Benthonic fauna of the Holochnaya River. Zool.zhur. 33 no.3.- 537-543 MY-Je 154. (MA 7:7) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidrobiologii Dnepro- petrovskogo gasudarstvennogo universiteta. (Holochna7a river--Fresh-water fauna) (Presh-water fau- na-Molochnaya river) lUBIYABOV,I.P. Wash of Dnieper River bottom fauna and the significance ofthis phenomenon in the formation of fauna in the Middle Dnieper. Dop. AN URSR no.2:179-183 155. (MIRA 8:11) l.Dnipropetrovslkiy naukovo-doslidchii institut gidrobiologii. Predstaviv diyaniy chlen Akademii nauk URSR V.G.Kaslyanenko (Dnieper River-Fresh-water fauna WBIYANOV,I.P. - , , Characteristics of bottom fauna c1istribution in the Middle Dnieper. Dop. AN URSR no.2:182-187 155. (MIRA 8:11) 1. Dnipropetrovslkiy naukovo-doelidehii institut gidrobiologii. Predstaviv diysniy chlen Akademil URSR V.G.Kaelyanenko. (Dnieper -River--Fresh-vater fauna) WBYANPV, I,P. New species of amphipod, gamaridae in. the middle I)nieper. Dop.. UN URSR no.4;412-414 1,56, (KLRA. 9:12) 1, Anipropetrovelkly n;(Iinatitut gidrobiologii. Predstavleuo ako4#mS,- komAkademii nauk USSR V.G. Uslyanenkoe (Dnieper River-Amphipoda) LUBYUNOV, I.P. -- Distribution characteristics of benthonic fauna in the Vorskla River (vith Inglish sumwy in insert]. Zool.zhur. 35 no.4:501-510 Ap 56. (MLRL 9-.8) 1. Sauchno-iseledoratellskiy institut gidrobiologit Daspropetrovskogo gosudaretvannogo universitsta, imeni 300-letiya vossoyedineniya Ukrainy a Rosaiyey. (Torskla River-Fresh-vater fauna) LUBYANOV, I.P. Contribution to seasonal changes in the benthonic :Eauna of ponds in the Ukrainipn Steppe [with English summary in insert]. Zool.zhur.35 no.12:1791-1798 D '56. (MIRA 10:1) 1. Nauchno-isoledovateliskiy institut gidrobiologii Dnepropetrovskogo gosudaretvannogo universiteta imeni 300-leti7a vossoyedineniya Ukrainy a Rossivey. (Sinellnikovo District-Fresh-water fauna) (Fish ponds) V 0 ~ LUBTANOV, I.P. currence of malarial mosquito larvae following the refilling of the Dnepropetrovsk Reservoir. Med.parax. I parez.bol. supplement to no.1:22 157. (KIRL 11:1) 1. Iz Mauchno-iseledovatellakogo institute gidrobiologii Dnepro- petrovskogo universiteta. (DxmoPNTRovsK RsuRvoift-KosquiToss)