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Lipoproteins in the blood serum of patients with seraresistant
syphilis. Vast. dorm. i ven. 38 no.1t41-4-4 Ja 164.
(MIRA 1718)
1. Kafedra kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof.
D.A. Trutnev [deceased]) Voronezhskogo meditsinskogo instituta.
G-reactive protein test in the clinic of skin diseases. Vest.
dorm. i, ven. 38 no.4:22-27 AP 164. (MIRA l8t4)
1. Klinika kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - doktor
med. nauk B.A.Zenin) Voronezhskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir.
prof. N.I.Odnoralov).
ThoracoAbdominal transpleural apprq'a:ch in owgery in s lenomegaly.
Frobl. gemat. i perel.krovi 5 no.102-36 Ja 160. fmLVd 14:6)
1. 1z kafedry gosp~tallnoy khirurgii (zav. - deystvitellnyy chlen
AMN SSSR prof. B.V.Patrovskiy) I Moskovskogo ordena Lenim medit-
sinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova.
LUBASHF,VSKjy, N.J. (Moskvaj, Zubovskiy-ballvar, d.37,komn-52)
Thoracoabdominal transpoeural appraoch in splenomegalia.
Grud. kbi . 1 no.5:99-102 S-0 t6l. (MIM 150)
1. Iz kafadx7 gospitallnoy kbirurgii (zav. - daystvitellnyy
chlen ANN SSSR, zaaluzhenmyy deyatell rialki prof. B.V. Petrovskiy)
I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina maditsinakogo instituta imeni I.M.
Non-oxydizing ceraydc flux for arc welding. p. 29.
ZVARACSKY SBORNIK. (SlovenakiL akadende vied) Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 8,
no- 1, 1959-
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EUI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Uncl.
LLMAVSKIY. V.I., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, doteent.
---- llmlkvAmmm"
Technological promises for regular flow of production in mechanical
workshops producing in lots. Trudy LIZI no.6:7-31 '53. (KLRA 9:8)
(Kachine-shop practiep) (Industrial management)
SZUMAN, Jerzy; GCRSKI., lach; LR~~Uzul~a
lnfluence~of the season upon the growth rate of goose feathers.
Roc~~ Wyt Szkola Rol Poznan no.-12:79-95 162.
.10 ZWa- Hodowli Droblu i Zwierzat Futerkowych, Wyzaza, Szkola
Ro3iiiezajo i *anzowe Laboratorium Badavese Przemys:Lu Jajczarsko-
Drobiarakiego'. Poznan.
SUMANI Jerzy; DORUCHOWSKI, Wojciech; ~UBAWA, Urazula
I'valuation of mashes produced by the Polish rodder industry for
feeding broilers. Pnczniki wyz szkola rol Poznan 17:209-224 163.
1. Department of Specific Animal Breeding, College of Agriculture,
Poznan, and Central Laboratory of the Egg and Poultry Industry,
POLAND/Cellulose and Its Production. Paper.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 19, 1958, 66226
Author : Brejdy~pnt-Miroslawska Marie., Lubawsia Janina
Title Cellulose Manufactured by the Polish Industry and the
Extraction from It of Acetyleellulose in Laboratory
Orie; Pub PrzeGI. papiern., 1953, 14; No 3, 65-68.
Abstract On the basis of the comparative acetylation of 3 forms
of wooe, cc-11ulose of the Polish industry before and af-
ter refininr, by cold and hot alkali according to the
method of Yayme and Shemkan, conclusions have been made
concerning the possibility of the use of Polish callulo-
se for acetylation.
Card V1
*64f Physics Spectral analysis
(lard 1A Pub. 43 45/62
Lubchenkof A.: F.
-n-t-16 -W -and- Vra-W more -euire 9
Izv. AN SSSR. Ser..fiz. 1816s 718-720# Nov-Dee 1954
'Abstract In order to investigate the effect of a medium on the absorption and lumines.
:vence spectra of molecules the author generalized certain aspects of the
quantum electrodynamice of a vacuum in anisotropic media. The electromag-
netic field in the tested dielectric is described by a wave function with
the idea of a secondary quantum. The wave function of the molecule+ sol-
vent + field of radiation system was determined in an adiabatic approxima-
tion. Results obtained are listed, Seven references: 4 USSRt 1 USA
Institution t Acad. of So.$ Mrs SSRI Physe Inst.
Stibmitted I
USSR Physical Chemistry. crystals. B-5
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 8, 1957, 25915
4uthor A.F. Lubchenko
Title 3Light UaVrpt on and Radiation by Impurities at E~ccita-
tion of Their Local Vibratioii Levels.
Orig Pub :Ukr. fiz. zh., 1956, 1,.No 3, 281-293
Abstract :The shape of ligftt absorption and radiation bands of im-
purities at the excitation of their local vibration levels
was investigated. It was shown that the electron vibra-
ting bands of impurities (their changes with the tempera-
ture and solvent nature) were described witL the same ans.-
lytical expressions as the "alectron-lattice" bands (See
the foregoing abstract). A considerable overlapping of
electron-vibration bands may be expected in case of 1&r-
ge molecules (aromatic compounds, dyes), thus continuous
wide bands will be observed in their absorption and radi&-
tion spectra. The temperature dependence of the shape of
these bands was studied.
Card. 1/1
USSR Physical Chemistry. Molecules. Chemical Bond B-4
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 8, 19f97, 25769
Author : A.F. L4bohenko
Title : Light Absorption in Molecular Crystals Containing Different
Molecules in Elementary Cell
Orig Pub : Optika. i spektroskopiya, 19.16, 1, No 7, 867-875
Abstract The theory of light absorption by lolecular crystals, the
elementary cells of which contain molecules differing by
atom arrafteemont, but of the same chemical composition, is
developed. Concrete computations were carried out for crys-
tals, in the cells of which there aramloculas of two dbs-
criptions. It is shown that; if t1le molecules had the same
sight-symmetry and the arising of exiton states was possible,
the total number of zones equal to the summary ntuifoer of
molecules in the cell(correfiponds to each nondegenerate exci-
ted term of the colecule in the crystal. The rules of selec-
tion and the polarization of split components at the absorp-
tion and combined scatterinf; of light in stilbene crystals
Card 3 1/2 - 17 -
USSR / Physical Chemistry. Molecules. Cht)mical Boiid B-4
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, 11o 8, 1957, 25769
Abstract t are discussed as an example. It isfbund that four transi-
tions in the crystal correspo:ad to each allowed transition
from the normal state into the excited one, two of these
transitions are polarized along the monoolinal axis b, and
the two others are perpendicular to b; each oscillation
type appearing in the spectrum of combined scattering is
split in the or7stal in four vibrations, two of which be-
long to holosymmetrical oscillations and the other two of
which &re not holosymmetrical,
') A
Card rl~ -
~14Y)slc .1. rIptj,z9
., Y,.; " , 3 57, Nj 2340
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika .4. 19
Author : Lubchenko A.F.
:'_~he ~Theorjot Dlspersta~ of Sol-ati,.xs
Orig Pub :Dopovldi AN MR., 1-956~, No 3, '253-258
Abstract :The dispersion curves of impuxity centers axe calculated, and their variation
with temperature am-1 vith the oat'are of the solvent, is itvestigated; the cal-
culations are based. or- the adiabatic approxi:matiaa. It is shown that in the
case i4hen. the absorption cux-yes 9-re shaped like the Gaussian exror curve, the
dispersion curves cs~r be described by expressions similar to those of the dis-
persion curves of fh-_ f~,se molecule vith allowances for the Do er effect.
. Ppi
At lowex, temperatux-es, the abs~_-rpti= curves bec-,mes asymm9tric, the dis-
persion curve al-so displays an, asymmetry. In the case cf weak bonds or at
very low temperature, when the absw,ption spectrum breaks up into a system of
lines similar to the lines of the atomic spectra, the dispersion curve cor-
responding to each individual absorption line is' of the form. x/(1 + x2).
Card 1/1
USSR / Physical Chemistry. Molecule. Chemical Bond B-4
Abs Jour t Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 8, 1957, 25770
Author : A.F. Lubahenko
Inst t Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian UR
Title i Absorption Spectrum &nd Spectrum of Combined Light Sc&tte-
ring in Phenanthrene and Tolane Crystals.
Orig Pub Dopovidi AN URSR, 1956, No 4, 336-340
Abstract The theoretical-group computation of spectra of absorption
and combined light scattering in phenanthrene and tolane
crystals is carried out. Tile computation was based on the
theory of A.S. Davydov (Theory of Light Absorption in Mole-
cular Crystals,'Kiev, 1951) and the x-ray-struotural data
(Basak B.S. Ind..J. Phys., 1951, 24, No 7- Robertson J.,
Woodward I.,.Proo. Roy. Soo., 1938, A164, 436). It was
shown that two exiton zones corresponded to each excited
state of the phenanthrene molecule in the crystal, and that
G a. 1/2 - 19 -
Category : USSR/Optics Spec4oscopy K-6
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 195~ No 2425
Author :Davidov, O.S., Lubchenka,_AF_,_
Title :Radiation and AYS-Orption of Light in Molecular Crystals, Owing to the
Formation of Localized Excitations
Orig Pub :Ukr. fiz Zh., 1956, 1, No 1, 5-14
Abstract :A theory la developed for the radiation and absorption of light by molecular
cry6tals when localized excitations are formed in the crystals. The 'wave
function of the crystal + radiation-field system! (neglecting the interaction
beti~een the field and the crystal) is selected to be the product of the wave
function of the radiation field in the secondary-quantization representation,
the antisymmetrized product products of the 'wave functions of'the- individual
molecules making up tl;e crystal, and the wave t=ctions of the harmonic osciL-
lators describing the oscillatory state of the crystal. The probability of the
transition of the system from.on~ quantum state into another is calbulated from
the equation Wd XI (2 -n /h) ~ g:H I , where PE is the ctensity of the finite states
in 4 single interval of energy E, HI is the matrix element of the energy of in-
teraction between the dield and the crystal, and-d cl is -the solid-angle element.
Expressions'are obtained for the radiation intensity gir and for the absorp-
tion intensity T~ia of light p4larized along the axes of the Caup-hy ellipsoid
1/2 jl.~ . 11~7clze
/ 21 ';
Category USSR/optics - Spectroscopy
Abs Jour Ref Zhur --Fizika, No 1) 195~ No 2425
when localized'excitation is produced in the arystal,,, a simple relation3hip
is found beltween Ixxir (or Ixxi' ), the indices of refraction nxi()),k ) (i = 1,
2, 3), and the squarts of the cosines of the angles that determine the orien-
tation of the dipole moment of the transition relative to the axes xi of the
Cauchy ellipsoid. The latter makes it possible to determine the orientation
of the clipolemoment of the transition relative to the axes of the molecule
from the experimental values of IXiO, or IFir (for a known crystal structure).
L_ LA Q) 0- H E (IJ K 0
Category : USSR/optics - Spectroscopy
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957 No 2426
Author : Davidov, D.S., Lubchenko. A.P.
Title : Spectral Distrify ~tion ~Wf the Intensity of the RadAtion and Absorption of
Light by Molecular Crystals Upon Formation of Localized Excitations.
Orig Pub : Ukr- Piz. zh., 1956, 1, No 1, 15-28
Abstract : Calculation of the spectral distribution of the intensity in the bands of
absorption (AB) and radiation (RB) of light by molecular crystals upon for-
mation of localized'excitations (LB), and also of the average radiation life-
time (1r) of the LE. The calculation is based on the Weisskopf-Wigner method
(Weibskopf V., Wigner E, Z. PhYs-, 1930, 65, 18; 1930, L3, 54). Radiationless
transitions are clisregarded. It is shown that the shapes of the AB and RB of
light occuring upon formation of IE in the crystal depend on the crystal tem-
perature. At high temperatures, the AB and RB have the shape of the Gaussian
error curve. At lower temperatures the bands become asymmetrical relative to
the-line passing through the maximum of the band perpendicular to the frequency
axis; the absorption curve diminishes more rapidly in the red portion of the
spectrum than i:n the violet one; the luminescence curve acts oppositely. At
low temperati~res,_ the AB and RB are a system of lines similar to le lines of
the atomic spectra 4their shape is given by the expression 1/1 + x
Category : USSR/optics - Spectroscopy
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957,11o 2426
Interaction with acoustic oscillations may lead to a broadening of each of
the lines, so that some of the lines may overlap. The lifetime (1C) of the
local excitation depends on the nature of the crystal and on the temperature;
at high temperatures 1/t- ci + a" vhere ci and c" are independent of the
USSR/Physical Chemistry - Crystals B-5
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Yhimira, No 2, 1957., 3593
Author : Davydov A.S., Lubchenko A.F.
Title : Configuration of th persion Curves of Molecular
Crystals Corresponding to Localized Excitations
Orig Pub : ukr. fiz. zh., 1956, 1, No 2, 111-119
Abstract : On the basis of previously obtained results (RZhKhim,
1956, 67'[45, 67746) vere calculated the configurations
of dispersion curves (DC) of molecular crystals in the
region of localized excitations, at different tempera-
tures. At hid-i temperatures DC have a configuration ana.~
loeous to that of DC of the free molecule on taking into
account the Doeppler effect. On decrease of temperature
DC becomes asynnetrical in relation to straight line ex-
tending through maximum of absorption band, perpendicu-
larly to the frequency axis. At low temperatures, when
the absorption spectrum separates into a system of lines,
Card 1/2 34
Category : USSR/Optics Spe)troscopy K-6
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1957,No'2427
Author : lubehenko, A;F.-
Title --EfTect of theAnisotropy of the Solvent on the Absorption and Radiation
Spectra of Impurities
Orig Pub :Ukr. fiz. zh., 1956, 1, No 2, 120-133
Abstract :An attempt is made to use the disciplines of quantum electro-dynamics for an
investigation of the absorption and radiation spectra of solutions. Accord-
ingly, certain premises of quantum electrodynamics are extended to anisotropic
media. The system molecule + solvent * radiation field is analyzed. The wave
functions and the corre6ponding energy eigenvalues are determineclin the a-dia-
batic*4pproximation, and the wave functions corresponding to the local oscilla-
tions are a-eparateds the interaction between the admixture molecule and the
radiation field is considered as a perturbation. The transition probability
from one quantum state into another is calculated per unit time. Thelexpressions
obtained thereb established a simple relationship between the intensities of
the radiation K~r and absorption 1xia of light polarized along the Cauchy
ellipsoid, the Indices of refraction along these axes, and the squares of the
direction cosines, determining the average orientation of the dipole moment of
the transition relative t6 the-same axes. The expressions obtained for the
Card 1/2
Categgry : USSR/Optics - Spectroscopy K-6
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizik~, No 1, 1957,No 2427
probability of the absorption and radiation of light by the impurity center are
used to establish the connection between the Einstein differential coefficients
also for the case when the frequencies of the radiated and absorbed light are
not the same.
A/ ff
USSR Physical Chemistry. Crystals. B-5
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 8, 1957, 26914
Author : A.F. Lubchenko
Title iShape-if-Binds of Light Absorption and Radiation by Im-
purity Centers.
Orig Pub iUkr. fiz. zh., 1956, 1, No 3, 265 - 280.
,kbstract The shape of bands of light radiation and absorption by
impurity centers, corresponding to the transition of their
local vibrating states without koitation, and the depen-
dence of the shape on the temperature and nature of the sol-
vent is investigated. It is shrmn that in case of o-reat
displacements of atoms of the solvent from the equilibrium
positions at the transition of an impurity center from one
state into another (i.e., at high temperatures) the bands
have the shape of the error curve of Gausa. The bands
become asymmetric with the temperature drop, -the absorp-
tion curve decreasing towards the red end of the spectrum
Card 1/2
'USSR /Physical Chemistry. Crystals. B-5
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, 11o 8, 1957, 25914
Abstract : more rapidly then towards the violet end, &nd the r&dia-
tion curve having an opposite course. The bands transform
into systems of lines similar to atom spectra at very low
temperatures. The mirror symmetry of absorption and lu-
minescence spectra will be achieved the better, the less
vibration frequencies of the lattice depend on the elec-
tron state of the impurity. The mean radiation life time
of impurity centers in the excited state was computed for
various temneratures and solvents.
Card .3 A
Category: USSR Physical Chemistry - Crystals
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 29738
Author : Lub
Inst O'Acadewj of Sciences USSR
Title Calculation of Mean Radiation Life of Admixture Centers &-d Localized
Excitations of Excitation State
Orig Pub: Izv. AN SSSR, ser. fiz., 1956, 20, No 4, 388-391
Abstract: By generalizing the method of Weisekopf-Wigaer (Weisakopf V., Wigner
E., Z. PhYs., 1930, 63, 54; 65, 18), in the case of atoms and mole-
cules found in solution (solid as well as liquid, with low concentra-
tion of admixture), and also in the case of localized excitation at
individual molecule of a molecular crystal, the author has calculated
their mean radiation life I:' in excitation state. Non-radiation
transitions are disregarded and therefore the results hold either at
low temperatures or in the case of systems in which the energy yield
is of the order of unity. Formulas have boon derived which give the
dependence of C'L upon temperature and nature of the solvent, and also
the relationship between and hal -width of luminescence band (if
Card 1/2 -31-
Category: USSR / Physical Chemistry - Crystals B-5
Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 29738
the latter is of the form of Gauss curve of errors). Temperature
progression of '--- (T) is quantitatively in accord vith experimental
Card 2/2 -32-
Kater laly X Vassoyumaga navashchanlya p0 spektrookopii. t. It
14olskulyarnaya spektroaknplys (PAPers of the 10th Aai-union
Conrerance on Spectr-moopy. Vol. Is K,)Ieoul&r Spectroscopy)
(L-vov) lad-vo L-vovakogo )jnjv-t 1957. 499 p. 4 000 copies
printed. (Sarie5t Itat Viy.hW bir.-jk, vn.
Additional Sponsoring Agenoys Aka4emiya nAuk SSSR. Komisaiym PO
spektrookopil. Ed.s Oazar, 3 L:j Tech; Ed.: Saranyuk. T.V.;
Editorial Board% L&Msterg* 0:3 kead mician (Beep. Ed, Deceased)#
Reporent, B S Doctor or Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
Fabelinakly: EL., Doctor of PhIsical. and Kithetzatical Solantes,
Yala-~. V.A.. Doctor or Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
rormitakly, V.O., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Ra76Sdy, S.X-P
Candidate of Physical and Mathezatical. Sciences, Klimovakly, L.X;'
Candidate or nValloal and KLthamatical Solonals, Miliyanchuk, V.
Candidate of Prqslaal and Mathematical Sciences, and Olauberw",
A. Yo., Candidate of Physical " Mathematical Sciences.
Card 1/3o
averdlov, L.M. Calculation and InterprOtAtiOn Of the
Vibrational Spectra of Olarins 2TO
averdlov, L.H., and Ye. P. XrUUOV- Vibrational
Spectra am Potential Energr constants Of CYGIO-
propane W Dauterooyclopropaw 262
Oorb&. 1.S.. and A.A. Shishlovskly. The AnOWOU&
Dispersion of Light in Diluted Solutions 286
lumbahanko. As I Light Dispersion In the Absorption
R~# of Impurity Centers 289
Takovlev, G.R., D.S. Gorbanko-Oermen0y, R.A. ZOUk"A at Al-
St"y or Binary Azasriaium Sulfates Using Absorption
Speatra In Crystals 292
Vorobreva. N.A. Birefringertas of Some OiSanic Crystals
With A Long-shals Molecular Stru*Uwe 297
Card 19/30 W-M wmi~
AUTHORt Lubohenko, A.F. 21-5-4/26
TITM Calculation of Absorption'Spectra by Benzyl and Dibenzyl
Single Crystals (Raschet spektrov pogloshcheniya. eveta mono-
kristallami benzila I dibenzila)
PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrain6lkoi RSR, 1957, Nr 5, Pp. 439-
443 (USSR)
ABSTRACT% A group-theoretical calculation was carried out by the author
in order to determine absorption spectra-of benzyl and di-
benzyl molecular crystals. The author derives a formula which
is more general than Winston'sp (R4.3). Applying hie own
formula (4) to the case of benzylp the author comes to the
following conclusionst That to every excited state of benzyl
molecule correspond 3 exciton zones. In the case of a mole-
cular excitation of A-symmetry, the transition into the ex-
cited state of Al-symmetry is forbidden; transition into an
excited state of E-symmetry Is not forbidden, and its polar-
ization direction is perpendicular to the z-axis. To the
molecular excitation of B-symmetry correspond 2 excited
states A2 and E, a transition into the A2-state being polar-
ized along z and into the E-8tate perpendicular to z. The
Card 1/2 results of application of formulae to the case of dibenzyl
, zo- ~7177 1 - - t11
;~- --- -~z-K A-A-- - - ---
--- -
- . -,f: ,
LICht absorption and dispersion curves in molecular crystals during
eXciton formation [with summar7 in English]. Ukr. fiz. zhar. 2 nn.4:
310-321 O-D 157. (MIRA 11:3)
1. Institut fiziki AN URSR.
(Light- Seat to ring
(Absorption of light) (Rxcitons)
AUTUOR: Lubehenko.-A.F. 51-4-6/25
TITLE:, A Ws5`r_pTfo_n__an_d_e-M1ssion of light by impurity centres.
(Pogloshcheniye i izlucheniye sveta primesnymi. tsentrami).
PERIODICAL:"Optika i Spektroskopiya" (Optics and Spectroscopy)
1957, Vol.2, No.4, pp.439-447 (U.S.S.R.)
ABSTRACT: Theoretical paper. Phototransitions in impurlty centres
of an isotropic dielectric are cont3idered. It is assumed
that the absorption region of the impurities lies far from
the absorption region of the dielectric, i.e. that electrons
of the dielectric are more strongly bound and their trans-
ition frequencies are much higher than those of impurity
electrons. The nuclear vibration frequencies are taken to
lie well below the optical transitions of the impurity
electrons. These assumptions make it possible to use the
adiabatic approximation (W.Pauli, General principles of
quantum mechanics, Russian translation, Gostekhizdat, 1947)
and to calculate the wave-function of the impurity-dielectric
system after emission without taking the interactions of
electrons among themselves and with the atomic vibrations
to be small. The density of the impurity centres is assumed
to be small and their mutual interactions are neglected. The
wave-functions of the impurity optical electrons, which de-
pend on the normal coordinates of crystalline and local
Card 1/2
Absorption and emission of light by impurity centres. (Cont.)
vibrations, cannot, in general, be calculated. The matrix
element (which involves these wave-functions) of the dipole
moment of transitions enters calculations as a parameter. The
shapes of the absorption and luminescent bands obtained in
this paper are somewhaL different from those obtained earlier
(A.S.Davydov, Zh.Eksper. Teor. Fiz., Vol.24, 97, 1953;
S.I.Pekar, Zh. Eksper. Teor. Fiz., Vol.22, 641, 1952;
A.F.Lubehenko, Ukrainskii Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol.1, 265,
281Y 1956). When the absorption or luminescent band is a
sum of separate electron vibration bands then with decrease
of temperature a decrease occurs in the intensities of the
long-wavelength end of the luminescent band and the short-
wavelength end of the absorption band. There are 9 references,
7 of which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the
Ukrainian S.S.R., Kiev. (Institut Fiziki AN USSR, Kiev)
SUBMITTED: August 10, 1956.
AVAILABLE: 14brarY of Congress
Card 2/2
Propagation of electromagnetic waves in molecular crystals
with exciton-phonon interactions. Part 1: Absorption a'nd
dispersion of electromagnetic waves. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 3 no.5:
575-586 S-0 '58. (MIRA 12:2)
1. Institut fiziki AS USSR.
(Crystal lattices) (Electric waves)
Propagation of electromagnetic waves in molecular crystals with
weak exciton-phonou interactions. Part 2: Natural optical activity
[with summary in English]. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 3 no.6.-701-711 N-D '58.
MRA 12:6)
1.I,nstitut fiziki AN USSR.
(Crystals-Optical properties)
AUTHORSt Lubeheako, A.F. and Rashba, R.I. 51-4-5-6/29
TITLS. Exciton States of a kolecular Crystal Containing Diffarent
Moleculen (Ob eksitonaykh soatoyanlyakh mole~ulyarnogo kristalla,
soderzhashchego razlichnyys molakuly)
FZRIODICAL; Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1958, Vol IV, Nr 5, pp 580-585 tUSSR)
ABSTRACT: Davydov (Ref 1-3) developed a theory of absorption of light by
molecular crystals and proposed a method of calculation of a number
of split components and their polarization in absorption of light
by crystals containing identical molecules. Anoth-3r variant of
this calculation method, which leads to the same final results, was
described in Ref 4. The present authors extend the results of
Refs. 1-4 to the case of the crystal whose unit cell contains
different molecules and discuss the possible exciton statas of
such a crystal. The differences between molecules may be due to
their chemical structure or due to the fact that they belong to
symmetrically independent lattices. The possibility Of Superposition
of molecular excitations -with near eigenvalues of anerry in states
Card 1 2 with k - o is investigated. It is shown that such a superposition
Exciton States of a Molecular Crystal Containing Different LIolecules.
occurs only -when the representations of local groups, to which
the internal molecular wave-functions belong, may be obtained by
reduction of one representation of a factor-group. Several special
cases are dealt -with in detail. They are: k1) crystals with a
lattice of the trans -azobenzene kC6H5N-NG6H5) type which belongs
to the space group C5 ; (2) crystals with a Gth lattice;
(3) crystals of the silver perchlorate with benzene (C6H6--AgClO4)
type which belongs to space group V1.7 The paper is entirely
theoretical. The author thauka A.S. Davydov for advice. There
are 7 tables and 8 references , 5 of which are Soviet and 3 American.
ASSOCIATION.-Institut fiziki AN USSR kInstituta of Physics Academy of Sciences
of the Ukrainian SSR.
SUM-ITTED: July 8, 1957
1. Light - Absorption Theory P. "rystals Molecular
Card 2/2 excitation
XJ THOR. Lubchanko, A.F.
Ics of Lolecular 'rys4A-ls in the Exciton
Absorption Region (Ob opticheskikh kharaktariBtikakh iaolelculyarnylt-.
Icristallov v oblasti eksitonnogo pog;loshcheniya)
PERIODIGAL: Optika j Spektroakoplya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 4, pp 404-414: (USSR)
TITLE z In the weak-coupling apprtmimation the author obtuias 6enaral expressiona
for the extinction coefficient K, the refractive index n and the
gyration vector y of molecular crystals in the exciton abuorption regicz,
Calculations of the dependence of n, K and Y on the incident-light
frequency were carried out for an isotropic crystal, reg,arded as a
Debye continuum, with the Born condition for d e f in it i o n of 4iiamx
at T = 0. Dependence of n, K and I on the effective excit,-,n raaa?
in an isotropic crystal -was also determined. The author thanks
Z19YI-POV ;or- VeIuAblc d1sc&ss1cA1.r,
24(5) SOV/56-35-6-27/44
AUTHORS: Davydov, A. S., Lubchenko. A. F.
TITLE: Electromagnetic 'Waves in Cryptals in the Region of Exciton
Absorption (Elektromagnitnyye volny v kri3talle v oblaoti
eksitonnogo pogloshcheniya)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958,
Vol 35, Nr 6, pp 1499-1507 (USSR)
A13STRACT: Pekar (Ref 1), Ginzburg (Ref 2) and Agranovich and Rukhadze
(Ref 3) investigated the propagation of light waves in the case
of spatial dispersion. They showed that in frequency ranges
near the exciton absorption band, waves with the same frequency,
propagation direction, and polarization may have different re-
fraction indices. Only the transparency domain was investi-
gated in this connection. A reduction of the amplitudes of
electromagnetic oscillations during their passage through mat-
ter is a consequence of 1) scattering of the wave and b) of
energy transfer fron, the wave to particle motion (Genuine
absorption). In the present paper only genuine absorption at
crystal temperatures near absolute zero is investigated, name-
ly for a frequency range that coincides with the exciton ab-
Card 1/3 sorption band. Because of the connection between genuine ab-
Blectromat;-notic Waves in Crystals in the Re~,,,ion of Exciton Absorption
sorption and the innermolecular excitations and oacillations
of the molecule, the absorption band broadens also at tempera-
tures near 00K. Davydov (Ref 4) showed that an excitation in
molecule crystals by light waves occurs in two different ways:
a) as a localized excitation and b) as an exciton excitation.
The absorption bands according to a) have nearly a Gaussian
distribution and are independent of crystal structure, those
according to b) depend essentially on crystal structure. Thus,
investigation of the band structure of exciton absorption of-
fers a possibility of investigating crystal structure, of the
dependence of the ener.-Y of tlie exciton state on the wave vec-
tor of the exciton, and of exciton interaction with lattice
oscillations. Davydov (Ref 5) as well as Davydov and 11ashba
(Ref 6) developed a theory of the structure of liGht absorption
bands by basin,-, on the example of a onedimensional crystal
and on a more general case, without, however, considering the
dependence on refraction- and absorption coefficients. In the
present paper Vie authors develop a theory that furnishes re-
fraction index and absorption coefficient in absorption bands
corresponding to exciton excitations. They operate with the
Card 2/3 model of the pure molecule crystal, in which molecules are able
Electromagnetic Waves in Crystals in the Region of Exciton Absorption
to perform only translation- and rotation oscillations of a
certain (average) value. It is shown that knowledge of the
structure of the absorption band may be instrumental in de-
termining the sign of the effective exciton mass. Furthermore,
the conditions are given which lead to a zero refraction in-
dex at the short wave side of the excitation band. Electro-
magnetic waves of these frequencies are totally reflected,
they penetrate only very little into the crystal surface.
This total reflection is found to vanish with rising tempera-
ture. There are 3 figures and 6 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow state University)
SUBMITTED: June 26, 1958
Card 3/3
H.K.; LASIMARN, Me., skademik, I.V., red.
izd-va; KAT M CHUK, A.A.,
(Photoolectrical and optical phenomena in semiconductors. Works
of the First All-Union Conference on Photoelectrical and Optical
Phenomena in Semiconduators hold at Kiev, November 20-26.19571
Potoelektrichaskie i optichaskia iavlouila v poluprovodnikakh.
Trudy Pervago Vassoluznogo soveshchaniia po fotoolaktrichookim
i opticheskim iavleniiam v poluprovodnikakh, Kiev, 20-26 noiabria
1957 go Kiev, Izd-vo Akad.nauk USSR, 1959. 403 P. (MIRA 12:11)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Xomisaiya po poluprovodnikam. 2. AN USSR
(for Lashkarev).
- -PASECHNIK, M.V. [Pasichnyk, M.V.1; W . .; MENTKOVSKIY, Yu.L.
Nintkovalkyi, IU.L.] - __Aj
Ninth International-Conference on Mgh energy Yhysics. Ukr.
fiz.zhur. 4 m.6.-816,830 N-D 159. (KERA 14.10)
(Nuclear physics-.--Congresses)
Relationship between polarization and electromagnetic field Intensity
in the region of exciton absorption. Fiz.tver.te2a I no.5:709-717
NY 159. (Yin 12:4)
1. Institut fisiki AN USSR, Kiyev,
(Excitons) (Crystal lattices)
Propagation of electromagnetic waves in molecular crystals in weak
exciton - photon interactions. Part 3: Vagneto-optical effects.
Ukr. fiz. zhur. 4 no.2:183-200 Mr-Ap '59. (XIU 13:1)
I.Inatitut fiziki, AN USSR.
.(1zoitons) (Photons) (Crystals)
-24 (33, 24(4), 24(2) SOV/51-7-1-12/27
AUTHORS. Brodin, M.S. and Lubchenico, A.F.
TITLE; The Effect of Temperature on Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in
Crystals in which Excitons are Forined (Vliyaniye temperatury na
rasprostraneniye elektr-a&Lnitnykh voln v kristallakh, v kotorykh
voznikayut eksitony)
PERIODIGALs Optika I spolctrookopiya, 1959, Vol 7, 11r 1, pp 83-88 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors discuss equations which give the refractive (n) and
absorption (t) Indices for crystals in which wwitons may be formed.
These equations are given for weak coupling of excitons with the lattico
vibrations. It is shown that with increase of temperature these equations
tend to assume the form of the usual equations for n and X in classical
crystal optics. This tendency increases with the Increase of the
effective exciton mass and with the increase of the strength of the
exciton-phonon interaction. Using Xramers--Kronig fomulas the authorn
calculated the dispersion curves for anthracene and atilbene and
compared the calculated curves with experimental ones kFigs 1, 2).
It man found, in agreement with the above conclusions, that the
differences between the calculated and experimental curves become
Ca rd 1/2
The Effect of Temperature on Propagation of ElectrcmaZnatic Waves in Crystals in
which Excitoas are Formed
smaller as temperature inarsaaes. At a given temperature the agreement
between experimental and theoreti--al curves improves on transition fr=
the electronic absorption bands to near electron-vibrational Itends.
Acknowlelginents are made to A.F. Prikhotlko and A.S. Davydov for
theirs,avice. There are 2 flGtrea, 1 table and 13 references, 11 of
which are Soviet, 1 trandlation fx-cm German into Russian and 1 English.
SUEMTTED.- July 23, 1958.
Card 2/2
S ov/a; 1 -7 2 1
Lubch=kg4 -A.F.'
Theory of the Faraday Zffect in tho R.-)Oion of Exciton. Absorption of
Ught by I..olacular Crystls
1 -3-U C D I CAIU Ciptilca 11 spekw-)s~coplya, 1959, Vol 7, Yr 3, pp 332-340 (TJSSR)
Th,3 author nras,3nta a theory of tho Faraday effect in molecular crystils,
in -.ihich excitons interact waa'--cly vilth the lattice vibrations and -which
can have any value of the absorption factor. The gyration vector-which
deterAnes rot,~,tinn of the plane of Polarizution in an external wagnetic
iI,.Ad, iu calcul--,t-301. Fomiulan ara obtained Anich give the disporsion
or tkio Vardat coefficient for crystals of higher and medium syngonlas
and the values of th,) refractivo index near the exciton absorption bands.
Tho puper is entiraly theoretical. -',-c knowl ad pent is made to A.S . Davydov
fcr his advice. Thero are 8 Soviet references.
D,~zu%ab--r 15, 1958
AU THOR : - SOV/51-7-3-9/21
TI T LE Theory of the Linear Karr Effect in the Region of Exciton Abaorption
of Light by Molecular Crystals
PERIODI=:Optilm I spektroskopi~a, 1959, Vol 7, ITr 3, pp 341-348 (USSR)
ABSTRACTs The author develops a theory of the linGar Karr effect for molecular
crystals in which excitons interact -weakly with the lattice vibrations
and which can have any value of the absorption factor. Equations are
obtained vhich give the propagation of light, In the exciton absorption
region, in the presence of a constant uniform external electric field.
The author calculates a third-rank tensor -which determines the optical
anisotropy and f I Ads the magnitude of birefringence in crystals of
cubic and inediun syngonies on propagation of light along the direction of
the external applied electric field, which is parallel to the axis of the
highest order. The paper is entirely theoretical. Acknowledgnent is
made to A.S. Davydov for his advice. There are 7 references, 4 of which
are Soviet, 1 translation from German into Russian and 2 English.
SUFMITMD: December 15, 1968
card 1/1
AUTHOR: Lubchenko, A.Y.
TITLE: On the correlation between collective- and extra-
nucleon motion
PERIODICAL: Ukrayins1kyy fizychuyy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 2, 1960,
TEXT: Recently, attempts were made to consider the case of inter-
mediate coupling by the Tamm-Dankov method. In the present article,
an attempt is made to calculate the correlation between the motion
of extranucleons and the collective motion for the case of non-ful-
filment of the criterion of the adiabatic approximation; the method
followed has proved successful in the theory of the solid state:
V.M. Buymistrov (Ref. 6: UFZh, 2, 12, 1957). For simplicity, a
spheric-symmetrical nucleus with one extra-nucleon is considered;
its Hamiltonian is 2 2
H Ho Rok(r) 0(,t' Y2 + 12L
X2 B 0~4'+ C 10(" I'l
S/185/60~(100(05/0 02/0 17/0 22
On the correlation... D274/D304
Ho is the operator of the extra-nucleon; all the other notations are
analogous to those of A. Bohr (Ref. 1: Dansk. Mat. Fys Medd., 26,
14, 1952), for 'A u 2. In solving the equation HI = iV , the vari-
ational method is used. The extremum. of the functional
I lip 3 - ~-Y *Hj dr (3)
is sought, with the condition
o dT
M*'V mia mm :~~A
M is the totality of quantum numbers which characterize the state
oJr the nucleus. After some c-wmputations, an expression is obtained
which leads to complicated integro-differential equations of the
Euler-type; such equations cannot, practically, be solved; therefore
a direct variational method is used iihich leads to the expression
Z 2
I [Y) MHOT mdr + 2 Vidr
i . 0 "U. 0
Card 2/2
On the correlation... D274/D304
- .1 1 ' [ ~,~"'12ejdrS I y. .12 Vidr� ~j y.12 T~,xdr]' jKi,
2 f~_ E
_0 (7)
where M, 2(T,1,)2 M, 2T
'Ki I yMj2(VyA~1)2dr +~(j I ~ dr I d r) 2]
where m is the wave function of the extra-nucleon; the plus-sign
correspbuds to Vl, and the minus-sign to V2. In the limiting case
of strong coupling, when the last term of Eq. (7) can be ignored,
the functional obtained is similar to that for the adiabatic approx-
imation. If (for weaker coupling) the last term is taken into
account, this leads to a reduction in the energy of single-particle
levels as compared to the energy obtained in the adiabatic approxi-
mation; for different single-particle levels these reductions in
energy will be different; this cannot be obtained by changing the
value of Vo only. There are 7 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-
Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication
reads as follows: A Kerman, Phys. Rev.., 92, 1176, 1953.
Card 3/
S / C-S A 5 Uki 5SR
Scattering of -f -quanta by the nuclei of a solid. Fii.
tver. tela, 3 zio.8:2275-2284 Ag 161. (MIR& 108)
1. Inatitut fiziki AN USSR, Kiyev.
(Gamna rays--Scattering)
(Quantum electrodynamics)
kUTHORSt Dzyub, I. P., and Lubehenko, A. F.
TITLEs Resonance scattering of light from impurity centers in a
PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 12, 1961, 3602 - 3613
TEM A theory of resonance scattering by impurities is developed. The
shapes of the excitation and resonance luminescence spectra, their temper-
ature dependence and other solid-state characteristics are studied. T he
theory is based on the following assumptionsi The solid is considered a
dielectric solvent containing impurities in such a low concentration that
interaction between impurity centers may be neglected. An arbitrary dis-
persion law is valid. The system consists of thelbolid solution" and the
radiation field, the absorption range of the solid being far from the im-
purity absorption range. The excited .~.mpurity level 11 be not.degenerate,
and far from the other electron levels, which are neglected. Resonance
scattering of light, owing to the perturbation HI is described by
Card 1/7
3 1 1/61/003/012/007/028
Resonance scattering of ... B102/B108
where 1 denotes all the
0 s s 0
quantum numbers'ofthe -ground states of optical impurity electrons. If
-this sequence of transitions is characterized by 09 1, 01, the transitio'h
pirobability amplitudes b0, b1, and bo, are given by
bl=c., exp(_'-4-1'-(E,-Ejj-expj with
2 'h 2
A2 (5)
12 pM9
is proportional to the intensity of the incident*, quantum flux. y, and
are the wave functions of the optical impurity electrons and of the other
electrons, respectively; P denotes the displacement of the solvent
n.uclei from their equilibrium p9sition, w is the frequency of the normal
oscillations of the solvent, n the population of the phonon field. Eq.
(10).determines 'the resonance scattering probability for arbitrary frequerr-
cy dispersion of the normal oscillations of the solution, arbitra
and arbitrary temperature. For the excitation spectrum,
87C7 - 12 NIj(WV)-4- I~J (16)
W (,-e) ' -., 1 (10 He 11)
Card 4/7
Resonance scattering of ... B102/B'108
results, if
E., (2fi. 1) w- > I
is fulfilled. The'phonon part of the excitation spectrum, defined by
Oj 2
(W.,) =Ree dx
C79 3D -I- Wa 6Da2 CO DA
iB-e +---4-...]
4B4 ____~2_B2)3 (2B2)1
is thus Gaussian. If (15) is not fulfilled (low heat release), the ex-
-curves. 'he resonance luminescence
citation spectrum is a sum of Lorentz
spectrum is given by
Sj dg Re. j dxF (x, y), QI)
0 0
Card 5/7
Resonance scattering of...
S IBi/61/003/012/007/028
F(x, y)=exp '?j--1Y-i-g(x)-4i V sin X.*COS�.,-Y
2 2
or, if no frequency dispersion is present, by
(2 lb-.)
Si (2a)M
W1 - MWY -i-
f. M=-CO
b, ~,2,
a a, I is a Bessel function of W-th order of an imaginary
with Z~S 1 Ill
S 2
argument., If (15) is not fulfilled and Y-~sl (n +1)
8 ---
b'r c'g'
Si e-.
44 8 A
Card 6/7
Resonance scattering of ...
S/120 61/003/012/007/028
It is then shown that the shApe of the resonance luminescence spectrum
depends to a considerable extent on the shape of the irradiation spectrum.
A. S. Davydov is thanked for discussions. There are 15 referencest
7 Soviet and 8 non-Soviet. The four most recent references to English-
language publications read as followsz Huang Kun, A. Phys. Proc. Roy.
Soc. 2049 406, 1950; M. Lax. J. Chem. Phys. 20, '1752, 1952; R. Kubo,
Y. Toyozawa. Progr. Theor. Phys. 11, 160, 19-55; G. N. Watson. Theory of
Bessel Functions, New York, 1945.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut fiziki AN USSR Kiyev (Institute of Physics AS UkrSSR,
SUBMITTEDs June 29, 1961
Card 7/7
..AUTHOR: Lubchenko, A.F.
TITLE. The Cotton-Mouton Effect in the Region of Im'urity
wAbsorption of Light,
-Vol.10, No -583
~PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya 1961 .3, pp-379
'TEXT: It was shown in a previous paper (Ref.1) '-that in the
-presence,of'a constant external magnetic field directed along the
'OZ axis, the polarization of a solution due to a light-wave'can be
:written down in the form
In this expression e is the dielectric constant of the solution due
-to all virtual transitions other than that under consideration (it
is assumed that t is a slow function of frequency), E is the
electricvector of the light-wave H is the z-component of the exter-
nal magnetic field, Z exp Mo H.~m is the the
.Card 1/i6 nr
o, kT..
~The Cotton-Mouton Effect in the S/051/61/010/003/003/010
~energy of the ground state of the solution due to the external
magnetic field, m,m 0 are the magnetic quantum numbers (the field in
~vhich the,impurity egntre is located is looked upon as A_
perturbat ion),