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LOZINSKI, J. Nev therapeutic agent in hemolytic diseases; with special reference to pernicious anemia. Poleld tygod. lek. 6 no.11: 353-366 12 Mar 1951, (CLML 20:11) 'R -Ma J BAROYAR, O.V. - IDZINSKAYA, I.T. Yellow fever; an aid for the general practitioner. Zhur.mi)-robiol. emid. i immun.29 no-3:111-117 Mr 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz Inatitutn virneologii imeni Ivnnovskogo AMN SSSR, (YELLOW FEY (RUB) G A F Country ,USSR C at r,,, -. I-1icrobiolo a-. Gararal Vicrobiology. Growth and v3 0 ry Dovelopcont OP Yiarobtul Fopulatl*n Abs. Jour -.Hesf Zhur-W-01-, ',To 2~, 1958, NO 10~607 Author -,Petrikova V. 141-11., Lozinskaya T. Y. Sera Inatitut. I Stavropol of Vaccines and Title 'The Problem of Finding a Method of Producing Rageneratic ut Filtrable Forms of the Diphtharia Orgarilaw Or Ig Pub, Sb. nauchn. tr. S-tavropol'sk -n.-i. in-t vaktain i syvoroto1c, 1957, m 4, 209.2t4 Abstract An attempt, vas made to produce regeneration of filtrablt forms of th6 diphtheria bacillus by means of saving .40110dion ~9408 containing a botLillon culture filtrate prepare4 according to the Calmette method into the abdominal cavity of a young rabbit weighing 170-180 Vans. Positive results--the growth of the secondary culture ou solid riedia-Vare obtainmd in three out of 11 experiments, which considerably exceeds the number of positive results obtained through the use of the Suknev regeneration method or frequent passages through fresh nutritive media (1:9). When collodion saos containing a filtrate of a bouillon culturo were sewn into the Wodominal cavities of guinea pigs, they died Card: BAROYAN, O.V.; 1OZINSKAYA, T.M. some pF6 ilems in the eDidemiology of yellow fever. Vop.virus. 3 no.1:3-11 Ja-F 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Institut vyrut3ologii imeni D.I.Ivnnovskogo, Mosk7a. (YELLOW FEVER, epidemiology (Rug) BAYUUr A.G.; LOZRISKAYAp V.S. Studying the possibility of producing lightweight sintered ny-terials from andesite busalts of the Maritime Territory. Soob.DVFAN SSSR no.,13:51-55 160. (MM 14:3) 1. Dallnovostochnyy filial im. V.L.Komarova Sibirskogo otdeleniya All SS SR. (Maritime Territory6--Basalt) (Stone., Cast) HINTZ, R.; LOZINSKI, J. Poisoning with Filix me. extract. Polski tygod. lek. 7 no. 40:1261- 1263 6 Oct 1952. (GIML 24:1) 1. Of the Intern&l Department (Head-Head-Physician-Prof. Witold Or- lowski. M.D.) of Warsaw Himicipal Hospit*1 lo. 2. J Ofeavy- mloer,6 in Flysch Aafenfan smodMoaes f, q tile Pieniny klippen belt. jjw Lorht~ki (C-41. N11isingavid Mut.' Krakmv). A(la ("col. mary).-DOwn. fif tim IWAVY lflilkCrAli itt"' giVk-ft fo, 1'-' ~;tm )lv-s. Garo", Arcon, tmirmahw, wid 'Llar"fite I)("- julfillutvil. NM KUBICKI, Stefan; S!:"LIBER, Marceli; LOZINSKI, Jan rognosis'in-'-collagenoses. Polski tygod. Lesions of internal organs'& p lek. 13 no.52:2119-2123 29 Dee 58. 1. (Z Oddzial-u Chorob Ilewnetmnych; Kierownik: prof. dr Stefan Kubicki. i z Oddzialu Dermtologicznego; Kierownik: dr Marceli Stauber; Central- nego Szpitala Klinicznego M6V w Warszawie). Adres: Warszawa* ul. WolosIm 2. Centralny Szpital ninic-mny gsw. (GOLIAGRI DISFASES, pathol. lesions of internal organs & prog .,n. (Pol)) LOZIffSKI,Jan,- WOYTOWICZ. Jerzy A case of Siberian distomiasis. Polski tygod.lek. 1.5 no.26: 998-1001 27 Je l6o. 1. Z Oddzialu Wevnetrznego; ordynator: prof. dr med. Stefan lubicki 1, x laboratorium Analitycznego Centralnego Szpitala Ilinicznego X.S.W. w Warozawie; kierownik: dr farm. MiecMlaw Trzaaki. (OPISTHORCHIS infect) P/014/61/040/003/004/005 A221/A126 AUTHORS.- Biernat, Janusz; Glowacz Kazimierz; 1ozin'ski, Jan; Pilch, Wladyslaw and Stachurski: Jozef TITLE.i Production of commercial concentrates of zircon ; J.1menite and monazite from indigenous sea sands PERIODICALi Przemysl Chemiozny, no- 3, 1961, 149-150 TEXT8 In this article a method is described by which zircon, ilmenite and monazite concentrates can be obtained from sea sands. For several years the Instytut Metali Lekkich (Light Metals Institute) carried out investigations in that direction but without auccess. The authors managed to develop the method by which a product of standard purity can be obtained. The final zircon concentrate is obtained by separating same from rutile by means of flotation. Before floating the mixture of zircon and rutile grains must be specially treated with 0.4% solution of fatty acid salts at 950C. By doing so selective adsorption takes place and fatty acid unions are adsorbed by zircon Card 113 P/014/61/040/003/004/005 Production of commercial ... A221/A126 grains. After this treatment the grains are washed first in water and afterwards with diluted sulfuric acid. Fatty acids adsorbed are now converted into fatty acids hard to solve. Fatty acids are not wetted by waterp therefore zircon grains are becoming hydrophobia. From the mixture so prepared, titano-magnetite, ilmenite and garnet are removed by magnets and the remaining grains diverted into flotation chamber. Before flotation this mixture contained about 70% zircon, 14% rutile and 14% of other opaque minerals. After flotation the concentration of zircon is increased to 97% with 87% efficiency. Obtaining ilmenite concentratai From the sea sands treated with magnetic enrichment, a mixture of ilmenite and titano-magnetite was obtained. This mixture was roasted in CO atmosphere at 7000C. The product of this treatment was subjected to another magnetic enrichment from which two products were obtainedt The titano-magnetite and ilmenite with 50.25% of T102. Monazite separationi In sea sand samples 0.1% of monazite was detected. In the concentrate obtained there were 90.97% of monazite, 1.5% zircon, 0.9% of garnets and 6.63% of opaque minerals. (Abstractor's note% No details of monazite extraction are given.) The authors concludeg Polish sea Card 2/3 5-- Production of commercial ... P/014/61/040/003/004/005 A221/A126 sands are raw materials for commercial concentrates of zircon,, rutile, ilmenite, monazite and titano-magnetite. Zircon and rutile are separated by. flotation. Separation of ilmenite from titano-magnetite is achieved by reducing roasting and magnetic separation. There are 6 references, 3 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publications read as followss Non-Ferrous Ore Dressing in the USA. Documentation nr 54 Published by the Organization for European Economic Cooperation, Paris. H.H. Dunkin, Ore Dressing Methods in Australia and Adjacent Territories, Melbourne, 1953- K.L. Sutherland, I.W. Wark, Principles of Flotation, Melbourne 1955. ASSOCIATION: Katedra Przer~bki Mechanicznej Kopalin Akademii Gorniczo- Hutniczej (Mining and Metallurgical Academy, Chair of Mechanical Processing of Mined Raw Materials) Krakow. SUBMITTED: 15 December 1960 Card 3/3 BIERNAT, Janusz; LOZINSKI Jan Hydraryl ion concentration affecting the,yield of flotated zirconium In-the zirconium activation process. Przem chem 40 no.10:602-603 0 161. 1. Katedra Przerobki Mechanicznej Kopalin, Akadamia Gorniezo-Hatniczej, Krakow I Katedra Mineralogii I Petrografil, Uniwarnytet Jagiellonski, Krakow. KUBICKIq Stefan; KARLINSKA,, Anna; LOZINSKI,?,,p. Kimelatiel-Wilson syndrome verified by kidney biopsy. Pol. arch. mad. vownet. 32 no.1:119-127 162. 1. Z Oddzialu Chorob Wewnetr-znych Centralnego Szpitala Klinicznego MSW w Warozavie Kierownik: prof. dr med. S. Kubicki i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej Centralnego Szpitala Klinicznego MSW w Warazawie Kierownik: prof. dr med. A. Kar-linska. (KIMMELSTIEL-WILSON SYNDROME diag) (BIOPSY) A LOZINSKI, Jan Obesity, (Classification, pathogenesis, complications, therap3r) Fol. arch. med. wevnet. 32 no.2:223-236 t62. 1. Z Oddzialu Wewnetrznego Centralnego Szpitala Klinicznego MSW w Warozawie OrdynpLtor'. prof. dr mad. S. Kubicki. (OBESITY) FRJBf(;Kl, Stef&n; Edmund; L%INSFI, Jan; WGUMSFA, Parin Crohn's disease in the light of observed cases. Pol. tyg. 19 no.41-.1567-156.9 1,2 0 t64 1. Z Oddzia-lu Chorob 'geumetrznych Centralmego Szpitrila lGini-z- nego 10~ w 'j!arszaw2Le (K-Terownik: prof. dr. mt-l-d. vrur. z Oddzialu CbArurgicznego Gentrainego Ozpi-tala Kliniezneg--,) KTd* w ItTarsoawle (KierownlIca dr. mad. F. Vlsniewski). V~ NASLAWSKA, Anna-, KUBICKI, Stefan, prof. dr. med. Lymphosarcoma of the s-L-cmach-2 clinical cases. Pol. arch. =ed. wewnet. 34 no.l2tl689-1692 164. 1. "**Oddzialu Wewnetrznego Centralnego Szpitala Klinicznego Mt w Varazawie (Kierownikt prof. dr. med. S. Kubicki). BIERNAT, Janusz;, LOZINSKI, Jan Hydroxyl ion concentration affecting the field of flotated zirconium in the zircon activation process. Przem. chem 40 no.10-.602-W3 0 161. 1. Katedra Przerobki Mechanicznej Kopalin, Akademia Gomiczo-Ifutnicza, Krakow i Katedra Mineralogii i Petrografii, Uniwersytet -Tagiellonski, Krakow. AIEKSANDROWICZ, Ryszard; IDZINSKI, Janusz Anatomical models made from laminates. Folia morphol 22 no. 2:195-199 163. 1. Zaklad Anatomii Prawidlowej, Akademia MedyezriL, Warszawa, Kierownik: prof. dr med. W. Sylwanowicz. ALEKSANDROWICZ., Ryszard; LOZINSKI,,,.Janusz Simplified method of preserving dry and wet anatomical preparations in synthetic resins. Folia morphol 22 no. 2: 201-205 163. 1. Zaklad Anatomii Prawidlowej, Akademia Medyczna, Warszawa, Kierownik: prof. dr med. W. Sy1wanowicz. LOZINSIa. JERZY Fletoda krytyki konponowanych terenow zielonych na przyk'Ladzie Parku 13 Wrzesnia w Warszewie. Zygmunt Helli-rig: Uwagi na. temat zaleznosci kosztow urzadzenia i konserwacji terenow zielonych od kierurikow korapozycyjnych. Andrzej Razniewski: Proba, porownania, terenow zieleni na obszarze Warszawy, Poznania, Krakowa, Wroclawia i Szczecina (na podstawie materialow statystycznych). Janina Flotynska: Badania glebowo-fitosocjologiczne dotyczace planu zadrzewienia cmentarza. w Itinkowie, w Poznaniu. Gerard Ciolek: Polscy architekci i planisc ogrodow. Warszawa, Poland, Panstwowe Wydawn.Techniczne, 1953. 51 P. Monthly Ust of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC., Vol. No. 9, September 1959. Uncl. LOZ32TSKIP T Heavy minerals in Flysoh Aalenian sandstones in the Pieniny nappes -belt. P. 15 ACTA GEOLOGICA POLONICS Warszawa, Poland Vol. 6., No. 1, 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) JAbrary of Congress Vol. 5, No. 6. June 1956 ;-5 Lozinski, J, Heavy minerals in sandstones of the Lmier and Middle Cretaceous in the Pieniny Klippen Belt. p. 119. ANNALES. SECTIO B.- GEOGRAPHIA, GEOLOGIA, 14INERLLOGIA ET PETROGRAPHIA. LuHin, Poland, Vol. 29, no. 1, 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFAI), LC, vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959, Uncla. N- WN LOZINSKI, L.; CARIBRODSKA, C. Habit phenomena in emotional Iqpothermia. due to restriction. Bul sc Jug 6 no.137-9 Mr 161. (KEAI .10:9/10) 1. Institut de PbyBiologie de la Faculte des Sciences do-l'Universite do Skopje. (Hypothermia) (Habit) (Biology) LOZINSKI,, T. WZINSKIj T. Zwiekszajqr plony zyta. (1. wyd.) Warsmias Panstwowe Wydawn. Rolnicze i Lesnep 195h- 51 P- (Let us increase the i7e crop. lst ed.) DA Not in DLC AGRICULTURE Poland So: Fast European Accession,, Vol. 6., No. 5, may 1957 -A, BRZEZINSKI, Stefan, mgr; I~QZINSKI. Tadeusz, mgr inz. influence of coking conditions on the quality of coke. Huta Lenina prace no.13:128-131 163. "PiaL;~~oi,t;Imia pravda", LOZIIISKII, A.A. Kurcxt Piatigomk. Piati:-orull') 1z(!. w!, 1947. 95 P. SO: LO, Soviet Geo-raph.1, Part 11, 19'1, Unclassified LDZDL9m# A* A** SOMURMS. 0. A. A wthod of complex babmtherapv. Sovet, mad.# II, o. xV 50. P. 12-3 1, Pyatizarsk, CM 19s 59 Nov.# 1950 14OZINSKIT, A.A. [Radon waters and their itherapeutic uses] Radenowye Yedy i metedilm ikh lachabnego primenonlia. Moskva, Medgiz, 1956. 82 p. (MlaA 9:5) ~UWN--"xRAFzUTIC USI) R -'MRN PLYATSKOVSKIT, O.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh uauk; LIVSHITS, A.S., Imndidat tekhni- cheskikh nauk; SHCMAKo X.I., inzhener; LOZINSKIY, A.B., inzhener; KRYUKOV, I.I., inzhener. Increasing the sturdiness of pilger mill rolls by means of weld seams. Test. mash. 33 no.11:87-6~ N '53. (HLR& 6:12) (Rolling-mill machinery) 13: LOZINUTY, A-. M-. Cand. Physicomath. Sci. Dissertation-.' ffInfluence of Atmospheric Dispersion on Star PositimirObtained by the 15-inch Astrograph of the Moscow Observatory, in Respect to Spectral Class of this Star." Moscow Order of lenin State U. imeni M. V. Lomonosov,, 30 Jan. 1947. SO: Vechernyaya Moskva., Jan. 1947 (Project #17836) LOZINSFIY, A. It. LOZIVSKIY, A. M. "The influence of atmospheric disperion on the C, rrdinates of zt;~rs - - - 0., in curnssuCluir"With their spectral class", Soobahch. Goa. astron. in-ta in. Shtr-rn- barga, Mos. 20-21, 1948, p. )-13, - BIbIi0F,: 7 items. SO: U3042, 11 March 53, (letopis 'Zhurna.1 Inykh Statey, 140. 7 1949) WZUSKIT, A.M. Proper motions of nine variable stars. Soob.GAISH no.81:20-26 132. MRA 7: 5) (Stars--Proper motion) (Stars, Variable) Lozinskiy, A. 1'. "Proper Motions of Five Short-Period Gepheids," Perei--ennyye Zvezdy, No 5, 1953, 324-326 The proper motions of these stars were established from comparison of photo- plates maae with the big Moscow astrograph at a 15-year interval. Reduction from. relative to absolute motion was processed by using tables by P. P. Parenago. RZhAstr, No 9, 1954) SO: W31128, 11 Jan 55 LOZINSKIYI A.M. Proper motions of five short-period Cephelds. Per.zyezdy, 9 no.5: 324-326 Je 154. (MLRA 7:8) 1. Ryazanskiy gosudarstvenW pedinatitut. (Stars, Variable) (Stars--Proper motion) VORONTSOV-VDL ITAKI NOV. B.A.; D0KUCHATEVA, O.D.; YEMICrI. Yu.I.; IMZARENKO, B.I.; KMMOVA, D.K.; KOSTYAKOVA, Ye.B.; LDZIIISKIT, A.M.-, MANDVA, G.A.; TSITSIN. F.A.; SHAROV, A.S. Observations of Arend-Roland's comet (1956 h). Aatron.tair. no.i8o-.2-4 Wy 157. (14IR& 13:4) 1. Gosudarstvennn astronomicheskiv institut im. P.E.Shernberga, Moskva. (Comets--1956) GINDIN, Ye - Z-. 2 WrM., - G. A.,O LOZU=,, A. M. and -~LABEUCHp A. G. -- I'qptical Observations on Artificial Earth Satellites." PP- 5-39 of the book. Preliminary Results of Scientific Research by Means of the First Soviet Farth Bate-Ultes and Rockets: Moscovj 1958. GIIMIN, Te.Z.; LNYKIN, G.A.; WZINSKITA--A.M.: MASWICH, A.G.; ALIPM. Ta.Z.; -GHMESMM, Ea.; SHOM-yes.; GUXIR~ A.M.; GORIODY, O.G.; KOTOTA, L.P.; KOSOV, I.I.; PX=V, A.V.; SMV, AoD.; CHOMY, V.N.; TAXOVM, V.I.; KEMYWY, A.A.,; MMIXOTA, K.P.j doktor fix.-mat. nauk, - otvetstve=37 red.; S11M, B*I., red.; PCDOLISKIY, A.D., red,; PRUSAKOVA, -T.A., takhn. red, [Preliminary results of the scientific research an the first Soviet artificial ae-r'.,h satellites and rockets; collection of articles in the Ilth section of tha,IGY program L(rockets and satellites)] Pradvaritel'up itogi naucbmyykh lealedovanii a pomoshch-liu pervykh sovetskikh*iskusstv~nu7kh qntnikov zemli i raket; ibornik itatel W razdal Irogramay MG - rak'sty i sputniki). Mookwa, Izd-vo Akad, nauk SSSR. No.l. 1958. 148 p. (MIRA lItIO) 1. Raseia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Mezhduvedometvanyyy komitst po jxwedeu1yuKazhduwrodnogo goofi-ichaskogo goda.-2, Chlen-kor- respondent AN SSSR (for Mikhaylov). (Atmosphere. U~per-Rockqt observations) (Artificial satellites) 80794 .2 a 0 0 SOV/169-59-6-6375 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1959, Nr 6, pp 140 - 141 (USSR). AUTHORS: Gindin, Ye.Z., Leykin, G.A., Lozinskiy, A.M., Masevich, A.G. TIrLE- The Optical Observations of Artificial Earth Satellites I PERIODICAL: V sb..- Predvarit. itogi naucln. issled. s pomoshchlyu pervykh sov. iskustv. sputnikov Zemli i raket, Moscow, AS USSR, 1958, pp 5 - 39 (Engl. Res.) ABSTRACT: The Astronomicheskly sovet Akademii nauk SSSR (Council. of Astronomy of the USSR Academy of Sciences) was put In charge of organizing the optical observations of artificial eaxth satellites. Sixty-six visual stations and twenty-four photo- graphic stations were established for observing t-he satellites, The visual observation stations began their activity at the time when the first Soviet satellite was launched, while photographic observations have been performed systematically since the be- ginning of 1958. The visual observation methods were deter-mi-ned Card 1/6 by the task-, they must establish the position of a satel.11t4E- en N 80794 s 169-59-6-6375 Me Optical Observations of ArtifIcial Earth Satellites the celestial sphere with an accuracy of 0.5 to 1 0 and the time within 0.5 to 1 see, and must report the observation results to the computer center within the shortest time. Two "optical barriers", each consisting of about 30 tele- scopes, were established to facilitate the observation of satellites having a low brightness and moving on.the sky with a velocity of 10 per 1 see, If the orbit is known only approximately. The barriers are located on the meridian and along,a vertical circle perpendicular to the visible orbit of the satellite,. The sight lines of the.telescopes are adjusted in such a way that each section of.the optical barrier is.covered twice. For determining the time of passage of a satellite with an accuracy exceeding 1 sea, the time signals and the signals given by the observer at the time when the satellite passed, are recorded on tape. After the termination of the observations, the tape recording is reproduced at a low speed and the precise moment of passage is determined by a chronoscope. The coordinates of the satellite are deter- mined by the sidereal maps of A.A. Mikhaylovis atlas or of A. Bechvarzh's atlas. W73en observing satellites of low brightness (15 - 8 stellar magnitude) 11P VV the AT-1 telescope is used, which is a small wide-angle telescope having a 50 mm objective lens and six-power magnification. The field of view is 110. Card 216 80794 SOV/169-59-6-6375 The Optical Observations of Artificial Earth Satellites The stations observing the satellites are provided with signals of the correct time-by feeding to-them second-tone-signals. On the basis of-observation data, the computer center informs the stations on the coming passage of a satellite. The station receives a-coded telegram containing information on the time and altitude of a satellite's passage in the meridional plane and In the plane in which the nearest point of the orbit is located. Observations of artificial satellites are also-performed on the territories of the Chinese People's Republic (MIR), the German Democratic Republic (GDR), Czechoslovakia, Poland Hungary, Rumania, and Bulgaria, where 45 stations are in oper 'ation. Further: observatories In-England,-Scotland, Ireland, the US and other countries were included in the v1sual.and photographic observation system'of the Soviet satellites. At some stations, besides'the visual observations, the positions of the carrier rocket and the sqqond Soviet satellite are determined photo- graphically byo'Zorkiy" c6inerasllrith "Yupiter,8" lensesP At the time of the satellites passage across th"ield of view of the camera, the shutter is oDened for a brief time interval (2 - 5 sec)._ The begin and the end of the exposure are marked by a chronograph. It is possible to determine by photo- Card 3/6 t 80794 sov/169-59-6-6375 'The Optical O~servations of Artificial Earth Satellites graphic observations the position of a satellite with an accuracy of 3' - 5' of are. The Council of Astronomy discussed the problem.of using light flashes of short duration on the object for a precise determihation of a satellite's position. The position of a satellite may be determined with an accuracy of 2 - 3 sea of arc v~hen using cameras with a long focal length (F - -1 m) for photographing-the'satellite. Usingthe data of these ob- servations for triangulation~vbn the earth's surface, the distance between different points (especially between continents) and also the shape of the geoid may be determined with-aft accuracy of 10 m.. HoweverS the photography of satellites is made difficult by the following circumstancest 1) the ob- servations are possible only at dusk; 2) cameras with a very great light power are required; 3) the setting of precise time marks Is complicated. These difficulties can be overcome if the satellite Is equipped with a light source producing brief flashes by which it may bephotographed*at night, It is expedient to;provide series.of flashes and not a continuous feed, taking into consideration that at least two or three flashes must arrive in the field of view of the instrument. In this way-it is possible to determine not only the position but also the angular velocity of a satellite. obviously, Card 6 M'" H6-5j -n- 80794 SOV/169-59-6-6375 The Optichl.Observittions-of Artificial Earth Satellites a pulse gas discharge lamp should be used as a light whose light sq4rce, output reaches 60 lm1w., The brightness of a satellite% )d'epends on the following reasons:, 1) changes in the satellite's chases, i.e. in the donfIguration sun - satellite - observer, 2) changes in the distance to th6 obserVer; 3) light absorption in the section of Its path from the satellite to.the observer; 4) rotation anLtIuMblill(f a satellites 5) changes in the state of the-satellite's surface. The determination of the period of rotation (tumbling) of the satellite's body and changes of period in time are of the-greatest interest. Another important problem is the investigation of the dependence of the brightness and color of a satellite on the state-of the earthts atmosphere. Fin-Ally, the third problem is the change of the state of the sh-t-ellitels surface.under the influence of the atmosphere and extraterrestrial agents. For solving the aforementioned problems a precise quantitative determination of brightness changes of a-satellite and observations over a possibly great section of its trajectory are necessary. Presently, two methods are used for measuring a satellitefs brightness. The first method consists In a Card 5/6 UK this 80794 SOV/169-59-6-6375 The Optical observations of Artificial Earth Satellites comparison of the brightness of the satellite's trail with the brightness of the trails of neighboring stars on a photography obtained by a stationary camera.. The second method consists In a visual comparison of the satellitets ae-", brightness with the brightness of stars located along its path. Both methods are used at Soviet observation stations. L.V, Terent'yeva Card 616 tt-~. np.1%al, I- -..LOZINSKIY, A.M.: MASEVICH, A.G. Optical observations of artificial earth satellites in the U.S.S.R. Mezbdunar. geofiz. god n0-5:23-28 '58. (KRA 11:10) kArtificial satellites) m LOZINSKIY, A.M. ; POWBED, V.V.; SMIRDOVA, A.N.; SULIM, V.A. Cameras for pbotograpbing satellites. Autron. tair. no-191:3-5 my 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Artificial satellites) (Astronomical pbotograpby) LOZINSKIr. A.M. On the article OTying photographic observations of artificial earth satellites to astronomical time." Biulosta.optonabl. isk.sput.Zem. no.4:11-12 159. (MMA 13:6) 1. Astronomicheskiy Sovet AN SSSR. (Artificial satellites--Tracking) (Time signals) J 23 3(l),29(3) AUTHOR:.- Lozinskiy,A. SOV/33-36-1-31/31 TfTLEs Settin-ar-'on--the Questions of the Photographical Observations of Artificial Satellites of the Earth PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, 1959,v01 36,Nr 1,pp 199-200 (USSR) A:BSTRACT: On November 24-27, 1958 in the Pulkovo Observatory the seminar on photographioal observations of artificial satellites of the Earth took place which was organized by the Astronomic- Council- of the Academy of Sciences of the, USSR. Pres6tt'vete representatives of the stations for photographical observations at the 1. Astrophysical Observatory AS Gruz.SSR, 2. Astrophysical Observatory AS Kaz SSR, 3. Azerbaydzhan University, 4. Astro- physical Observatory AS Arm.SSR, 5. Observatory of.the Irkutsk University, 6. Observatory of the Kiyev University, 7. Astro- nomical Principal Observatory AS Ukr.SSR, 8. Astronomical Observatory of the Leningrad Universityt 9. Observatory of,the Llvov University, 10. Observatory of the Kazan'. University imeni Engellgardt, 11. Astrophysical Observatory AS in the Crimea, 12. GAISh (Moscow), 13. Astronomic:. Councij~ '. AS USSR, 14. Rostov- na-Donu State University, 15. Tartu State University, 16. Tomsk State University, 17.-Observatory of the Uial University, 18. Card 1/2 Uzhgorod State University, 19. Nikolayev Section of GAO-AS USSR, !Ad~j V: - -~i 2~_ -M, -'i4~t4 Seminar on the Questions of the Photographical SOV/33-36-1-31/31 Observations of Artificial Satellites of the Earth 20. Pulkovo Observatory, 21. Observatory of the Khar1kov State University, 22. Riga State University,.23- Observatory of the Odessa State University, 24. Astronomical Observatory AS Uz.SSR, 25. Astrophysical Institute AS Tadzh.SSR. The opening address was given by A.G.Masevich, deputy-chairman of the Astronomic Council AS USSR. Rq6ftsi---- V.I?.Prosku-rin (Institute of Theoretical Astronomy D.Ye.S~chegoley chiaf of the Station for Sputniks of the GAOi, L.M.Zatsiorskiy ~GAO)q I.I.Belozemtseva (chief of the Station of the Leningrad University), B.A.Firago (GAO), A.M.Lozinskiy (Astronomic, Council) ~ - A.N.Deych (GAO), A.A.Kiselev (GAO), R.L. Khotinok, A.I.Klimishin (Ltvov), V.I Garazh Khar kov), O.I.Bell- kovich, L.A.Urasin (AOZp Kazan'), M.i.Abele ~Riga;, V.P.Tsese- vich (Odessa Observatory). Exchange of experiences with the Aare of E.Ya.Zablovskis (Riga), T.B.Omarov (Alma-Ata), M.S.Fedchun (GAO AS Ukr.SSR), A.A.Kiselev (GAO), V.Davydov (Astronomic Council), , - V.1f.Tiyt (Tartu), Ya.E. Eynasto (Tartu), L.A.Panaiotov (Pulkovo). Card 2/2 USCOMM-Do-61,368 GIVDINr Ye.Z.; LEYKINI G.A.; LOZTNSKIYt A.M.;. LURt7Ej M.A.; MASEVICH, A.G.; SMFI-TAYA, O.A.; SPT86VT-,--f~.Ye.; SLOVOKHOTOVA, N.P.; TOLISKAYA.9 V.A.; TSITOVICHp V.V. Brief report of the Astronomical Council of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. on visual and photographic observations of artifical earth satellites in 1957-1959o Biule eta* opt* nabl, isk.. sput. Zem. no. 6:1-33 160. (M]M 14:2) (Artificial satellites--Tracking)- 3/006/60/CZ) ~,'M,/00 I B012/BO51 AUTHORt U... gil.4 TITLZ: Chronicle P'--'RXODICLL: Good..iy& i k.rt-CI-fiY-- 15'~C. ?:.. 8, pp. TEXT: Frou VAy 10-14. 1960 th. b..t.Y- C-11m I',' -t.1 a tril ( Id i koil t flziki A-kad-" rAuk SS_ t.19at. go- h. Co.zit too of Ggodo.y and of the ~cxdomyuof 04 f th t6,/ xy '11) andtbe Larograll:ms %riche oksys laborutoriym *,antit as, U= flaikL Z-11 AMaror-v-=Otry of tho USSR (Lal~ ratar7 for A 1 , Phy..Jc. E.rth of tt. A5.aasa)v ---f production or,;.Ii'matlons. research centers, testing "d ... arZanilations, elat t on i..$. and r,*n. af the A-d..Jy.,.:ukSS5- (A dmy of ,not, I 5 as. USM), Sibirzkoye otdoleaiY* AV SMR ( b ri Do;,ect=o at or the Card 1/6 AS USSR). Lkadooll mauk Lkrainokay, -ru--lask As. miss r ,ci ..... bayd.L.n.kay M ( .1 Ih Kra., I r a raaor y a 3 R), - alq~.Ivtvo i sk . Lito-kay., smm-.ydzharckS "i sp.tsial-.0,po obrat"am-17. S=a (31nir-ry of Hi~h.r f "a ::;and, S~,*i 1.~duc,tlo, ..,the =SSL inisterstva geoloelii i tod;y.g (L io as I Li-r.1 okhr try f Go, oa and Prv r-tia. .. H.aourc*.), stnadart =or i Lt..rlteI-nykb pritaraw ;ri Saveto at". SSM (Co..Itt.. a Sta,m4s.rd., and Los, a"'a.; I..t ru".0ts of the Council of UI-i--*ru NII TTS. C;a!.Iarotv.n,7~ 1'.., totSovota IllaistrOT SSSR ?a -*.~-.I..Agii i ... hL.-royenin (state Cocnitte* on Autoaxtion m,ad umeblue, con struction of the C- oil of Mint.tor. USSR), as voll as rorrementatives of 'ho fact. ri .. at the Uo.ko'.kiy a.-.rkhoz ON-o. So~.rkhcia) and the Lni~ar.J.%iy so ".rkhax (L.nlagrad 30, &rkhoz) that ;rad... g-11-ric. appar.l. aD '1441:o; ;a- ~c. _( (Imstitut toorst~ 70 It Zho_ ostronoxil AS =R (~..tltut. f -b~ ... t1cmi. A~tro~-Y-.f thl is t!.., spoke about th. E,%rlence WitI, D ter=la--ze jc-.e dr the V4 Cro,itatio-1 Fi:I S.rIem Ob..".ti.n. of th. L"ond i.d Card 2/6 Third Irtificial 3. K. yaav.kly (7V11:0) sp*k :bout D:ItTin.ti.. a? U-,. Wla. -o.' Ac..I:r ti an of th. L. L.nincrad". pokq about th.b-H!,h- I of VXIIU .d.1- a IN r-Er'12'. the OVIabout the -D..-gz 5. 1 ...... kIlGrari2oter-, ju. S33a (In As U;33) working ) roc (d7lf'D-t-roiain0lmlit,l~ tion, .93a..tbe St... Y.- A, Rom.,_]c about "T,~. Theory of D.ter= Ing Zravitational Accolomtion on th. Sva'!~, Ltaus, ut Strl,c So: ~M-1,-st--...e., rabio errors already publ-lxhai in rgporbs or submitted al far pubil-t on y a... authors. Among ll.*,* or* ,,*rby (L".I.kly poll khni.b..kiy in.-Lt4t m?.1":(Porcokly Cosudarot-acyly.unly..relt.t a. Leal .Cmdo iy 0 mudarotveany7 univo-itot Card 3/6 (Leningrad Stote VnIver2ity)). L. 4. -,~,-FaL,1_3Voke about -he Erroro of Interpolation ofj~.ravlty A.I.rr.~y of lot-i%ling r II... exict.tri. Deft- I-1~ 0 I;rror. of ~Ah. i.p ventatlon and Interpolation f in S. V. Shche ov reported on -i'reli=1nary RuGul's of na Antarctica-, --- ~~~~Qrx In An 0f %be L.rtb Crust I. the tm,rotinm he ru't'r:,. t .14.. ~A..WHI' 1. Z11!!trtq I P. TPoke .out the -Fre;-ti- -d Us. A-,inetric zxperts-. The recozo:,clation. altl.n by the Cont-oc. are ...tio~a`d.From April 19 to .2, 1960 t Scientific w4 Technical Conference of the lorkerm of the T~ . ;ooin --coati. -1 tt. 3--yIng f the Gl.ny. Cp-I. AY. -e l-, khrazzy 1.1.trA Ukmiikcr SR (".in wd; A'r. A 9f it I it.. Utniaters Ukr&" keys SSE) was h!il 1. 1~12.~.Ic:k.'T'ht.h.,Cth' stao.' of -he topographic-CWIM -d :ur-yIng work in the crA;nnix:tl A: Af the 01-gool.gira C"a I.vr olorlys Uko,3511) mond the ittr duCtl A, of new Card 4/6 U~hnlq..s an.- t.cU, 1.g4 Q 1. .d cinn 'r.A Athe Coar. renz. It was tated that the extent .1 he work ,ad b. Anne ider.bly ithil F.rt.r. .r., th-, I !h*.n _11.d are art ... I'. and the I~gj c.1 i-ffi.i.A-ly quIPP* ap!.ratust t,..rv4tion3 the atro- d w!th 1. A, a large scale are jobotogra;h and to; P bin. , I.. sufficiently As., !Ai's f I t t. direction, technical and nattric.1 uply. by a .1 am his 4 rece.'an In the Its I try f., and t e r SS Vologii. I ckhr-Y a dr Ss ogy and Pr~..,-atj-m of 21-m1 urces .1he USSI). Secor-ndationa - given to 1c;r,,v this It-llo=* Per %be q11 of the 'h C..r.r ... . C .1.1 to convene nei..tifi. and technical confert in Is, ?,-, Ipr IA, ..-.1 for the ezc g: a' Aria, '.. he the -A rd or P.--nt P.rl.dic.l ... ..k.4 to furnish . ..cti -fax top.6r. phic and geod,114 1, P. . I .. .:,r1 ob.*-.ti.... T-=. ;.rLl.i At A th Ccnf re o Card 5/6 of the top ... r1c.heyd.rekyx elu%hba -532 ( Su"#,yInj Service of the Clav,;eologi y& UkrSSR) to do ovetrit.~lIng paA.1b. In order to c&rz7 cut the revolutions of h: 21stpArty Cong-ax of the CFSV -d the n.- of the Central Co., It!. of %C?SV A Jun Card 6/6 3,11-30 S/033/60/037/005/021/02q E032/E314 AUTHOR- Lozinskiy_,_ A_)j_ TITLE. On the-Photography of Cosmic Rockets 0. ~___ PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 37, No. 5, Pp. 937 - 938 TEXT:: A modification of the Abele plateholder (Ref. 5) is described. In thIs modification the motion of a satellite is followed by continuously displacing the plateholder, the telescope as a-Ahole remaining at rest. In this wayq it 1z possible to keep the imetge of the object fixed relative to the photographic plate. Wben the cosmic object moves with an angular -velocity of .111 see-)., then the Oefective exposure time can be increased up to 9 min. There are I figure and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION. AstronomIcheskly sovet Akademiya nauk SSSR (Astronomical Council of the Academy-of S ,71 _e _n c- _e, s'-, TU-S-9-R7 - SUBMITTED: July 12, 1960 Card 1/1 S10301611000100510111012 B105/B202 AUTHORs Lozinskiyo A. M. TITLEs Observations made by artificial earth satellites PERIODICALs Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vestnik, no. 5, 1961, 117 -- 118 TEXTs The author presents observations made by artificial earth 8atel- lites. In the USSR visual observations are made at 96 stations, photo- graphic observations by means of WAO-3c, (NAFA-3s cameras'are made at 27 stations. From January 31 to February 4, 1961 a.conference of the heads of the Soviet stations for visual observation took place at Moscow. The conference had been convened by the Astronomicheskiy sovet Akademii nauk SSSR (Astronomical Council of the Academy of Sciences USSR). The following reports are mentioneds A. G. Masevich analyzed the work done by many stations. He underlined that the data collected during 3 years are only insufficiently utilized; The visual and photographic observa- tionB of the artificial satellites are evaluated at the Inatitut teoreticheskoy astronomii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Theoretical Astronomy of the Academy of Sciences USSR). Yu. V. Batrakov described the methods used for this purpose. I. D. Zhongolovich presented data Card 1/3 S/030/61/000/005/011/012 Observations made by... B105/B202 permitting the'solution of-eA,pimber of geodetical pToblems; G. G. Lengauer, Pulkovo, presented the des'i~n 'of a simple apparatusly means of which-the accuracy of the visual observations can be increased. The model of an im- proved apparatus for observations was presented by Ya. E. Eynasto (Tartu); V. A. Merkushev (Novosibirsk) made these observations by means of a 10--sec universal device to which a telescope of the type AT-I (AT-1) is attache8j, b B. Ye. Tumanyan (Yerievan) uses telescopes o'f the type TAK (TU) and ".I~ V. I. Kuryshev (Ryazan') uses telescopes of the type AT-1; Yu. Vi, Y--&kimov (Kazan',) and L. S. Liygant (Tartu designed an automatic recorder of the reading values; L. d. Bukhantsev ~Blagoveshchensk) spoke about the obser- vation of weak US satellitesi V. Kb. Pluzhnikov (Karlkov) designed a device with a mobile point light source; V. N. Ivanov (Krasnodar) reported on a device for the training of observers; A. A. Logvinenko (LIvov) spoke aboit the semi-automatic comparison of stop watches with contact chronometersi.. K. K. Lapushka (Riga) spoke about observations of the satellites by means of a rebuilt camera. of the type MK-45 (MK-75); B. A. Firago (Pulkovo) spoke about the methods of increasing the accuracy of visual observation of the weak satellites. At the stations of Krasnodar and Tartu the bright satellites were photographed by means of the WDA-6-50 (NAPA-6-50) cameras; Card 2/3 Observations made by ... S/030/61/000/005/011/012 B105/B202 G. A. Monin designed a casing for the 40-cm astrograph of the Krymskaya astrofizicheskaya observatoriya (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory); M. K. Abele and K. K. Lapushka designed an automatic guiding camera; Kh. I. Potter (Pulkovo) designed a casing for a long-focus camera. A special meeting dealt with problems of photometry. Measures for improving the observations were outlined. It was decided to evaluate the results of measurements obtained by observation of the artificial satellites by means of electronic computers "'Ural". Card 3/3 LOZINSKIY, A-11- __ Conference of the managers of stations of optical satellite observa- tions. Biul.sta.opt.nabl.isk-sput.Zem. no.10:31-33 6o. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Astronomicbeskiy sovet.AN SSSR. (Artificial satellites--Tracking--Congresses) Lomisny, A.M. Using a fixed camera for photographic determination of coordinates of artificial earth satellites. Biul.sta.opt.nabl.iskesput.Zem. no.11:10-11 '60. (MIRA 14:12) (Artificial satellites--Optical observations) (Astronomical photography) LOZ;HSKUj.-~---- - Preliminary investigation of the XIM-3 measuring machine. Biul. sta.opt.nabl.isk.sput.Zem. no.2,.,s&-8 162. 011RA 15:7) 1., Astronomicheskiy sovet AN SSSR. (116asuring instruments) (Astronomical photography) LOZIMKrY., A.M. Method for directing the declination axis of a parallactic stand toward the pole of the visible orbit of an artificial satel,lite. Biul.sta.opt.nabl. isk.sput.Zem. no.,25all-12 162. (~aRA 15;7) 1. Astronomicheald.y sovet AN SSSR. (Artificial gatellitas-Optical observations) LOZINSKIYY A, Me Photagmphic observ tions of artificial earth satellites. Biul. sta. opt. nabl. isk. sput. Zem. no.30:13-15 '62. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Astronomichookly sovet AN SSSR. (Artificial satellites-Tracking) g; L 45142-6C--iWff(1Y/FTt1P(-M)- - GW--- AR6027533 SOURCE CODE: UR/0313/66/000/005/0030/0030 AUTHOR. Lozinskiy, A. M. ORG: none TITLE: Method of determining the major axis of artificial Earth satellites on the basis of few observations SOURCE: Ref. zh. Issledovaniye kosmicheskogo prostranstva, Abe. 5. 62. 209 REF SOURCE: Byul. st. optich. nablyud. ISZ, no. 43, 1965, 6-7 TOPIC TAGS: artificial earth satellite, artificial satellite orbit NI/ ABSTRACT: A method of determining the draconic circling time of artificial Earth satellites (Pu) from observations of a single station is proposed. The observations should be carried out with instruments whose optic axis always lies.' in the plane of the parallel of the given station. (Translation of abstract] (DWI SUB CODE: 22/ C,rd 1/1 ACC. NR: AR6028745 SOURCE CODE: UR/0269/66/000/006/0010/0010 AUTHOR: Lozinskiy, A. M. TITLE: The accuracy of det;aiinining the coordinates'of artificial Earth satellites from photographs uade by the NAFA-3s/25 camera SOURCE: Ref. zh. Astronomiya, Abs. 6.51.80 REF SOURCE: Byul. at. optich. nablyud. ISZ, no. 43, 1965, 12-13 TOPIC TAGS: camera, aritificial satellite observation, satellite tracking, root mean ,square error, observation error ABSTRACT: An evaluation of the accuracy of determining the coordinates of an artifi- cial Earth satellite (AES) by means of an NAFA-3s/25 camera was made in the following manner. Images of special control stars, obtained simultaneously with those of AES were pictured on the same frame near the image of the AES- The coordinates of the coatrol stars were determined by the Turrier method; by comparing them with the catalog (Boss) positions it was possible to judge the accuracy of the observations. From 85 photographs obtained at the Zvenigorodsk station, rc-t-mean-square errors were cal- culated with respect to a and 6 and values of + 4", 8 and + 4", 5 were obtained, r spectively- Root-mean-square errors of one conditional equation for a reference al were + 3", 3 and + 3", 4, respectively. Real errors in the observation of the AES may be somewhat larger because of the errors in time recording. [Translation of Card* 1/2 522,61:629.195.1 UDC :,r�rrorr " ill i i i I I I I t t ACC NR. AR6029286 SOURCE CODE: UR/0313/66/000/006/0013/0013 .AUTHOR: ---. Lozinskiy, A. 14. TITLE: Accuracy in determining satellite coordinates from photographs taken by tho 1NAFA-3c/25 camera SOURCE: Ref. zh. Issledovaniye kosmicheskogo prostranstva, Abs. 6.62.119 REF SOURCE: Byul. at. optich. nablyud. ISZ, no. 43, 1965, 12-13 TOPIC TAGS: photographic astronomy,-# ,stellar photography, tracking photography, satellite photography, photographic equip- j ment, mean square error, error measurement, error statistics, spaceborne camera / NAFA-3c/25 spaceborne camera ABSTRACT: An evaluation of the accuracy in determining satellite coordinates from photography made with the NAFA-3c/25 camera ~-as made as follows. On frames with satellite pictures, and not far from them are special control stars which are measured simultaneously with the satellite pictures and the reference stars. The Turner method is used to determine control star coordinates which are then compared with catalogued positions (the Boas catalogue) so observation accuracy can be judged. The mean square errors for a and 6 were computed from-85 photographs made at the Zvenigorod Station and were found to be ! 4.81, and ! 4-5 11, respectively. The mean ACC NR, AR6o?-9286 square errors for one conventional equation for the reference star were t 3.311 and � 3.411. The real error in satellite observation can be somewhat greater because of possible errors in time registration. Xh. P. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE., 22,03 2/2 1OZINSKIYI B.R. Reactivity of the organism in chronic suppurative parawsal sinusitiis. Zhur. ush. nos, i gorl. bol. 21 no-4:70.Jl-~Ag-.'6L4* . AMIRA.15:1) 1. Iz kafedry bolezney ukha, gorla i nosa (zav. iv prof. K.G. Borshchev) Ivanovskog meditsinpkogo instituta. Z81NUSITIS) LOZINSKIY, D. A. Tumors Role of active connective tissue in the neoplastic process. Uch. zap. Vt. mosk. zed. inst. 21 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -190, Uncl. LOZINS~ir D A.,- SAVCHENKO, YO.D. Primary actinomycosis of the stomach. Arkh. pat. 23 no.2:71-73 163.o (MIRA:14:2) (STOMACH-DISEASM) (ACTINOMYCOSIS) h5m S/562/62/0.0010111005/008. AUTHOR: Lozinskiy, D.N. TlTLE: Algorithm for computing the c9nditiona I probability of lose in switching networks at limiting'loacin SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut problem peredachi infor- matsii. Problemy peredachi informat-aii. n0-.11. 1902. Voprosy teorii pererabotki i raspredeleniya informataii. 98-10. TEXT: All algorithm is given for a two itage. network with rejection and free hunting. The demands.folio'w independent Poissorl --distribut ions at each input relay with identical, intensitii~n, and the duration of each connection has an .exponential distribution.* Using P P Pl~ TT (l Yi) CL 0 al i=O conditional probability of.loss, the authoi propon esa giinple Card 1/2 Algorithm for computing the ... method of calculating it for the case zero or infinity. The method reduces partitioned quasi Jacobian of the density simple numerical examples are given. SUBMITTE'l): April 2U, 1961 s/562/02/000/011/005/008 t140/tI35 where the load to the Inversion of a of.,transition. Some LOZINSKIYI F. F. Efficiency of the performmee of grab cranes in the formation of sugar beet surface silos. Sakh. prom. 36 no.10:37-38 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) I. Chernovitskly sakharnyy kombinat. (Sugar beets-Storage) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) LOZINSKIY, L. I. lrysipeloi& of the foot* Vast* vans i derm. no.4:57 Jl-Ag 154. (MIRA 7-8) 1. Is Kiyerskor ballnitsy im. Kalinina. (FOOT--DISR"13) (ARYTHRIKKIA) -L-42303=0_- - ff~NT(d)/EYIT(m)/EWP(v)/ETI/EWP(k)/e~~;P(.h)/,-.*,;P(I P(t'~ Tjp(c) jpA~j ACC NRi AP6o163O7 SOURCE CODE: UR/0380/66/000/001/00961/0106' AUTHOR: Gonebarov, P. P. V.-Ya. (Moscow none (Moscow); Lozinskijjj_M,Q.,.,. (Moscow); F,-renat3, ITLE: Stereopbotogrammetric measurement of extrusion-intrusion icrorelief appearing during the plastic deformation nickel--,.. OURCE: Masbinovedeniye, no. 1, 1966, 96-106 TOPIC TAGS: surface property, vyto-to-k deformation, nickel C'ARtC%-\*~Vn ABSTRACT: The su act of the investigation was nickel of industrial grade, Brand NP-24,(of the following c mposition, %; 0.02 iron; 0.01 manganese; 0.03 copper; 0.015 zinc- Ynd 0.014 sulfur. This brand Is the '~ Aftes mechanical working, the base of many beat resisting alloys, samples were annealed in a vacuum at 1100 for 1.5 hours. The transverse grain size was 0,22-0.28 mm. Tests were made of the kinetics of the deformation of tbe n 1 s during elongation tests in a vacuum in a Type IMASb-58 unitilkaet asa',onp1stant rate of 1200%/ hour, at 200 and at 8001"0- A met5_o(T__is dederibed for the quant-itative evaluation, using pbotogrammetry, of the deformation microrelief on the surface of the Cq;d 1/2 UDC: 620.1622/546-74:~39-37/ 8 L 42303-66 NR- Ap6ol6307 samples over a wide range of temperatures, Microphotograpbs and steroscopie photograpbs are given of samples of nickel deformed at a oonstant rate of elongation of 1200%/bour at 12.5 and 24.2% at 200, and at 7-5 and 18.3% at 8000. Orig. art. bes: 1 formula and 9 figures. SUB CODE-MIS UBM DATE: 26Aug65/ ORIG REP: 007 Card 2,2 S/123/61/000/02/014/017 a4J /.2 9 A0051A001. Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1961, No. 2, p. 28, # 21226 AUTHOR: Lozitskiy, L. P.- TITLE- An Investigation of the Heat Exchange Between Gas and Blades of a Turbine by the Method of the Regular Heat Conditions PERIODICAL: "Izv. Kiyevsk. politekhn. in-ta", 1960, Vol. 30, pp. 73-86 TEX!r: Results are presented of experimental Investigations of the coeffi- cient of heat exchange between gas and blades of a turbine; the investigations were required for the calculations of cooling of the components of the,gas turbine stream section. The experiments were conducted with cascades of reactive blades of two different profiles; hereat, the effect was investigated of the Re-number (75,000 - 375,000), the relative pitch in the cascade (0.45 - 0.75), and the angle of incidence (from -360 to 210). The investigated blades were made of an alloy of lead with antimony. The blade aspect ratio, whose magnitude is needed for calcu- lating the heat emission coefficient by the regular condition method, was deter- mined from models of the present profiles made of plexiglass. From processing and Card 1/2 88589 S/123/6i/ooo/oo2/bl4/0l7 A005/AO01 An Investigation of the Heat Exchange Between Gas and Blades of a Turbine by the Method of the Regular Heat Conditions generalizing the experimental data, the criterial coorelation Nu-CReO-55 was derived, where C is a coefficient allowing for the shape effect, the pitch, and the angle of incidence (the author presents its values by graphs). The analysis of the exDerimental results makes it possible to consider as expedient the application of the regular thermal condition method to similar investigations. G. Gogotsi Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract, Card 2/2 MITULIHSKIY, Yu.T. [14itulynalkyif IU.T.]; LOZINSKIr, L.S. [Lozynsllcyi., L.S.] Concerning a certain method for recognizing printed symbols* Mr. prats' z obehys. mat. i tekh. 3:45-4-1 161. (MIU 15:2) (Translating machines) (Information theory) PoKrebiiskiv, S. B, . i,07)rl~iki%. I -71-E: Lnformation sorting,, b~ rn-ans of m-,lanc,'lc !If'F K0-rnettka, r,;), Pit, TAGS maznetic taT.,~e Qt,'IT-f M,'1-7 (~tjC tar)fl "()ntjnLjolczll,- tapc. sorting 0 C LN 'M 0 N None sTjB--kffr-rED: 150ct64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: DP -NO REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 003 Card 1/11 -- -L 1287,3_66 - EWT(d)/EEC(k).2/EWP(l) .., IJP(c) BB/GG ~A& AP5019457 SOURCE CODE: UR/0378/65/000/003/0058/0062 AUTHOR: LozLnskiy, L. S. ORG: none TITLE: Internal sorting of information in a limited memory SOURCE: Kibernetika, no. 3, 1965, 58-62 TOPIC TAGS: digital computer, computer memory, computer theory, data processing t6CI ABSTRACT: The article compares methods for sorting information inside a working memory--studies the collation method in a limited memory, and sets up criteria for using collation, tree sorting, and matrix sorting. A table compares various sorting methods. The collation algorithm is examined and the number of shifts required to sort a given quantity of information is given. This quantity was computed on a digital computerd for blocks of 1024, 2048, and 4096 phrases. This analysis coupled with a comparison of collation and other sorting methods, leads the author to- the following conclusions: (1) with no reserve memory and small blocks! of phrases to be sorted (:g500), the P-operator method of Bose and Nel- son is usable; (2) matrix sorting is most effective in sorting phrases UDC: 51.681.142 Card 1/2 L -12873-66 ACC NRI AP5019457 by low-order index; (3) for high-order indexes and a limited reserve memory, tree sorting (Hoare and Hibbard methods) is convenient; (4) for high-order indexes when there is a reserve memory of at least 5% of the volume, of.the block to be sorted, collation employing group shifts is the fastest method. Orig-. art. has: 4 figures, I table, 5 formulas. SUB CODE: O9,6W SUBM DATE: 15Jan65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 009 a Card 2/2 H W V AFANASIYEV, V.,N.; LOZIMKIY, L.S.1- POGREBINSKIY, S.B. One class of standard operators for computer systems oriented on the solution of economic problems. Part 1, Kibernetika no. 4s76-82 Jl-Ag 165, (MMA 18:12) 1. Submitted April 24, 19659 I-- 1) J-tj r" C ~"nf ACC NRI AP6001197 SOURCE CODE: UR/0378/65/000/005/0021/0025 AUTHOR: Lozinskiy, L. (lAboratory Chief); Pogrebinakiv, S.B. (ChiefDesigner) ORG: SKB, jMtitute of'Qybernetics, AN UkrSSR (SKB Instituta kibernetiki AN UkrSSR) TITLE: A fast sorting algorithm SOUR CE: Kibernetika, no. 5, 1965, 21-25 TOPIC TAGS: digital computer, data processing, Information storage and retrieval, computer memory, algorithm ABSTRACT: This'a I rmat"L/1) epre- rticle describes a newly developed method for sorting nfo senting a: generalization of the confluence method for information registered on magnetic tape. The authors describe in considerable detail the formation of the initial groups, the confluence of the ordered groups, and the algorithm for the search of the next output word. Pertinent expressions are derived for the calculation of the sorting time for Internally ordered initial groups of varying size. The new method secures a high sorting efficiency since it allows the optimum matching of speed of the continuously operating magnetic tape with an operative memory using the confluence approach. Orig. art, has: 12 formulas, 3 figures, and I table. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 12Nov64/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 001 UDC: 681. 142. 1. 01 Card ACC~, NN: AP6001198 SOURCE CODE: UR/0378/65/000/005/0026/0029 AUTHOR: Lozinskly, L.S. (laboratory Chief) ORG:. SKB. -institute of Cybernelica, AN UkrSSR (SK Instituta ldbernetiki AN.VkrSSWj TITLE: Internal sorting of information SOURCE- Kibernetika, no. 5, 1965, 26-29 TOPIC TAGS: digital computer, data processing, Information storage and retrieval, computer memory b(d h e are severa ABSTRACT: Among the numerous methods for iliformation th I machine metho ds carrying out sorting in the operative memory of the computer. T. Schick compared earlier (Communications of the ACM, v. 6, n. 6, 1963) the sorting by sentences and the sorting by signs of magnetic disk files of the IBM 1311 unit. The present article compares the sen- tence and sip sorting within. an operative memory with arbitrary access. A brief survey of the sign and sentence, sorting is followed by a comparison of the two alternatives from the memory volume standpoint and productivity. The analysis indicates that from the point of view of memory size it Is advisable, In the majority of cases encountered in practice, to use the sorting of sentences; however, the opposite Is true If the confluence, choice, or exchange, or some other approaches are employed which utilize large memory reserves, or if the size of UDC- 681.142. 1. 01 Card 1/2 L 14597-& ACC MAW 001198 the sentence exceeds significantly the size of the sign word. If maximum productivity is required and there are no stringent limitations on the volume of the memory, in most cases the sorting by sign, should be utilized. Orig. art. has: 10 formulas and 3 figures. SUB CODE; 69/ SUBM DATE: 27hftr65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 004 Card 2/2 L -1465'4-M Errr(d)/EEC(k)-2/T/EWP(1) IJP(c) B]3/GG/JXT Rut; NK: AF6004248. SOURCE CODE: UR/0378/65/000/006/0049/0054 ,AUTHOR: Lozinskiy, L. S. Pog binskiy, S. B.. Yarovitskiy, N. V. ORG: none TITLE: Methods and equipment f r carrying out associative searching in analyzing unordered information 16cl SOURCE: Kibernetika, no. 6, 1965, 49-54 TOPIC TAGS: mathematic analysis, data analysis, algorithm, magnetic drum, infor- mation storage and retrieval, computer memory ABSTRACT: The authorJ\ describe procedures and devices for anallziM large guanti- ties of disordered infdrmation without preliminary sorting. A statistical algo- ritEm is proposed for analyzing each sentence with respect to its characteristic or~ key. Examples am given to illustrate application of -this algorithm to specific problems. A brief description is given of the organization of equipment used in carrying out this algorithm for recording a large number of sentences on a magnetic drum with respect to addresses and sentence characteristics and for retrieval of UDC: 681.142.1.01 Card 1/2 IL 14654-66 ACC NR: AP6004248 this,infbmation with respect to sentence characteristics. A method is proposed lbr estimating the required associative memory volume and specific examples are giv- en to illustrate application of this'method. Orig. art. has, 4 figures, 1 table, 7 formulas. _SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 07Jul65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 001 Card 2/ X. FZ' e'Modlficatloa 0; the optical activity of peptones. Lc~ ~:'Chemical ~Abptracta ozinskiltStatr UnIv.. Skopje. Yugoslavia). -Fac. &7:14n 'ROA-Yief. id. nal., Ayusuaire I; 283-00(1948)(Frelir"I'l % 1954 *summary).-rhe optical rotations of soins. of Nitrek's or 2 Witte's peptone, varying In cancn. from 3.6 to 0.36% Biblogical Chemistry were detd. initially and after intervals tip to 70 firs. at 51, 67, and 72*. In general there L% a -Jight increase in optical alue reached in 20-30 rotation with heating, with a ma.z. v. hrs. After 60-70 hrs. a decrease In optical rotation occum which is more marked in th.-- more concd. sobi5. 5 t~ 30941. LOZINSKIY, L. YA. Fibrindzno-Nekrotich-eskiy Bronklotakleit Prksepse-Vmcheb. Pelo, 1949, No. 10, stb. 947-48. I- t N 5 V, ~y 3L- ~ iv. IA)ZINSKIY, L.Ys. (Kiyevokaya obl.) ibrome of the nasophar7nx. Vrach.delo no.10:1099-1100 0 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Skvirskiy protivotyberkulezny7 dispanaer. (NABOPHARYNX-TUMORS) -g- 1OZINSX1Y. L.Ya.-, 300DINDVA, 11,T11 Toxic allergic neuritis of the optic nerve during streptoo7cin therapy. Probl.tub. 36 no.1:115-116 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz Skvirskogo protivotubarkuleznogo dispensers (glavnyy vrach L.Ya.Lozinskiy), Kiyevskaya oblast'. (NMV11S. OPTIC, die. toxic allergic neuritis caused by streptozVcin (Rue)) (STR7WTOMYCIN, inj. off. toxic allergic neuritis of optic nerve (Rue)) WZ INS KIT, L Ta. Tuberculosis of the pituitary gland with acute hemoblastocytic reaction and universal capillary toxicosia. Probl.tub, 36 no.4: 114-118 '58 (MIRA 11: 7) 1. Glavn7Y vrach Skvifskogo rayonnogo protivotuberkuleznogo dispansers Kiyevskaya oblastlo tANEMIA. IZUKOERYTHROBLASTIC. etiol. & path. pituitary tubere. with capillary toxicosis (Rua)) (PURPURA etiol & pathogen. pitLta.ry tuberc.. with hemocytoblastic reaction(Rus)) LOZINSKrY, L-Ta. Iffectiveness of therapeutic pneumothorax in conjunction with antibacterial therapy. Vrach. delo no-1:73-75 159. (KIRA 12:4) 1. Skwirskiy protivotuberkalezxqy dispauser K evskoy oblasti. (PNEUMATHMUZ) (TUMCULOSISI LOZINSKIYt L.Ya. F~audodysenterial syndrome in pulmonary tuberd6loois. Vraoh. delo, no.2.- 83-V F 163.. (KMA 14:3) 1, WAvirskiy protivotuborkuleznyy dio er (4yevsR*' oblast'). pans (TUBMGULOSIS) (INTESTINES-DISEAS43r LOZINSKIY, L. Ya. Phenomenon of pulsating rale in the diagnosis of destructive forms of pulmonary tuberculosis. Vrach. delo no.U.-144-145 H 161. (MIRA 1/,:.1l) 1. Protivotuberkuleznyy dispanser, Skvira. (TUBERCULOSIS-DIAGNOSIS) IDZINSKIY, L.Ya,, 7 __ z Causes of 4eath in fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis and the thanatological neture of cardipulmonary i4dufficiency in this form. Probl,tub, 41 no.3%64-70363. (MMA 160) 1. Iz Skvirskogo protivotuberkuleznogo dispenser& Kiyevskoy oblasti. (TUBERCULOSIS) (COR PULMONALE) (DEATR--CAUSES) LOZINSKIY, L.Ya. Brief remarkp to R.E. Ermiohinina and V.IA.'Levitin's article "ThrombDeytogram in tuberculosis of the lungs." Lab. delo no.10:612-614 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Skvirskiy protivotuberkuleznyy dispanser (glavnyy vrach L.ta,. Lozinskiy), Kiyevskaya. oblast'. LOZIN$KIY _L.y4 Thrombocyte count of the peripheral blood in pulmonary tuberculosis. Probl. tub. 42 no.1003-57 164. (MIRA 18:11) 'I. Skvirskiy protivotuberkaleznyy dispanser (glavnyy vrach L.Ya. Lozinskiy; nauchnyy rukovoditell prof. I.I. Fedorov) Kiyevskoy oblasti. )~_%jMXIX,.-M.-yAoktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; PRIBYLOVP B., kand. tekhn. mukj CHMMINy lu... inzh. At the congress in Uipzig. NTO 6 no.6:57-59 Je 164. (MIRA 170) - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - L 075-66 EWP(e)/EWT(m)/SOP(J)/T/ITC(m)-6/ZWA(l),/SWP(v) IJPW TG1W1r'S1RK1 HR. AT6008655 'WH SOURCE: 71/0000/65A00/000/0113/0123 AUTHORS: Lozinskiy. M,_ G., (Moscow); Vishnevskiy. G. Yal (Moscow); Paylov, A. 1. (Moscow) ORG: none TITIZ: A itudy of thetemperatureland time dependence of the strength and durability of sheet glass plastics AG-48'Tnd ZY-S"'under tension, compression, and shear in conditions of programed iGe-sided heatinz,,- SOURCE: Vsesovuznoye soveshchanive Tm voprosam staticheskov i dinamicheakoy-- (Thermal strength of materials and construction elements); materialy .-,.soveshchaniya..kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965, M-V3 TOPIC TAGS: glass plastial, glass product, s".thetic material, thermal property, heat stability/ IMR-11 haterial testing machine, AG_4S glass plastic, EF-S glass plastic Ar 16 ABSTRACT: The authors describe the IMASH-11 machine which was designed and developed at the Moscow Institute of Machine Science (Institut mashinovedeniya) for the purpose of-determining strength and deformation properties of sheet /3 Card 1/2