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8/128/62/0c)0/004/003/olo A004/A127 AUTHOR: Loskutov, VJ. TITLE: New Soviet computers PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, no. 4, 1962, 8 10 TEXT: The author describes a number of new Soviet small-sized computers three small-size digital and 2 original electrical analog computers exhibited* at the Moscow Exhibition of Achievements of the USSR National Economy (VDNKh). - The "Razdan-2" model is the first small-size transistorized Soviet computer. The; useful average time of the "Rai4an-0 computer amounts to 18 h within 24 h. The number structure consists of 29 mantissa digits, two digits for the number sign, five digits for order determination and two digits for the sign order. The number range (decimal) of the computer extends from :t 109 to t i0-8; it has 36 order code digits. The average capacity per second of this computer is 4,000 - 5,000 arithmetic operations. The author presents some technical details of the "Razdan-2' computer. The second computer being shown at the exhibition was the "Setun"' model, which is intended for small computin4 centers and- offices. The computer uses the ternary computing system which, fbfin the capacity view- ,---Card_ 1/2 S/128/62/000/004'/003/010 New Soviet computers Aoo4/Al27 point, is the most efficient. The calculations are carried out by 18-digit terna- ry numbers with fixed points, whbh corresponds to some eight decimal digits. The command system is of the one-address type. The average computing rate depending on the convergon frequency on the magnetic drum amounts to 1,000- 4,000 one- -address operations per second. The number and command input is effected in series. The electronic and switching circuits of the "Setun"' computer consists. of ferrodiode cells. The third digital computer exhibited was the "Minsk 1" model, an improved and modified design of the "M-3" computer. The arithmetic system of the "Minsk 1" computer'operates acoording,to the multiple series prin- ciple. The computing process is carried out with 30 binary digits, presented in the natural form with fixed point, the command system is of the two-address type. Thd capacity of the "Minsk I" computer amounts to 2,000 - 3,000 arithmetic opera- of the (USM) tions per second. The author then presents a description grid electric integrator, intended for the solution of some equations of mathe- matical physics. It is used in.the investigation of processesdescribed by equa- tions in partial derivations of the elliptic and parabolic type. Also the MH-11 (MN-11) analog-computer shows great prospects in the practice of labora- tory work. It has been developed for automatic searching of optimum solutions of preset criteria by the minimization and scanning methods. A brief description of this computer design is given by the author. There are 5 figures. 7ooo ZE T 1 -101 T _'1C' 42664 Lri/119,/62/000/011/002-/002 D201/D300 1"OS-1ruzov? V.!. !:.,C-! facili-;--s of. CO-1- k- - tech-nioue L Priborostroycniyc, 'no. 11, 19G2, 29-31 This i:; a s-zirvcy and short descriDtion of follow- L_ J_ L _3ovic' n 0 ) Tjn ln~~ '" C-clevclopcd. di-ital a-aO a-Li lo(r-co,,,)ut rs:'l iversal - com-' ',)U-Ler "Pw36,-_L.W' u)erationaj- speed, 4000-5000 arithMotical Oo)erations Der Second, -210ating decimal p-oint, c.~:terrial magnatic ~x,-.lands with rc-istration or L'..)C Storage of 1-20,000 nur.10c'.'n or CO! z -out s-.)ced of 2 '000 wordc jcr Cocli-ng: binary-decimal re systcm for out?ut, CD*.L~*11t-"'24~*3't --o": co.'~UlxaJs. al-.11ACIML: ture not r'rcater t1i_-n 211;0:~ at a4r rel. 1-vara. o-f 7Uj,. '~2ower con~,uzxp- i o-,. 2.5 to 3.0 liw. 2" L;mall, -4n-le adc-'ress, dirrital co-mputcr J __ 1~ _U_ L(;.rnqHb'1 (~;ctwnl 'Arst in thc, world to u-ne tex-aary ssystcm. ..'3. 000 to 4 000 0* tio11s/_--c:.. 'er-;cs~ operation, ferrite It pc;7z' - 0 " and diode switcliii-j- c,J.Icuit--. ""'talbiliZed 3-phase strix..)1y, power con- GUIU)tio-11 Icss than 2.5 3) ScricS -.-;roduccd vacuum-valve computer Card 1/2 S/119/62/000/011/00 2/002 liew facilitics Of Co-mut-ir", tr-Chnicue D201/D300 opcna ti'o-a, bin-n- y system. S7D--cd 2,000-3,000 oncratic-.12/ccc, c-,:tcr-na1 storarc of' about 66,000 ,nuzal)ci:s. Su?,-,)ly: 5--phar;z, 2C,,C) c/s, _,ta]oil-_,*~~,cd, CO-asumption lcs~s thMI 11.' 1-.W. 4) -mliqruc :;pc-~cJ*z,-,4,Cd ~'rid-intcucrator typ'.'. L.- 10(f . - - J. . col-.I)U,-Cr `or nolving )Vol L descri!)2d by imartial-Ceri- vativc c cuation-s of el I i ~)t ~ cz 11 -.)a ra")0lic typc 3 i-0, he at TPIL I y5icn- theory Of, ClacticiLy, Su:A-Crra.-acan hydrxulict;, acro- mid hydroCy-na-n- ics , radio c 1C ctr.-Lc~,I (nn"i-neeri-n-', C Ophy-c ic C; , nuc lc ar p ower CICC,,i 0-.1tics, etc. T'he grid, aas 2916 -nodes. '2wo more may :3e comaccted in --oarallel. Joul"Clary conditions are GCt either Ldy induc- tancc -ootential divider.- or '.)v rc3olver tran--fon.,ers. '2he transicn-" are frou, a C, 5) Yh,.: scri "s produced analog cor,[,)UtCrmH-11 irith zu_,Uom,~_tic sc~:xch o-_E t-hc solution sati's:,~_-Yiziu, ccrt~dn qtL vah,,~~- of tile -~)rcsclk: criteria realizcs i-:iany solutions -for di-Efere. vlaril"bic_- a-a(I "'luto-in"tic,".11', finC-n the optimal o-ne. The com-puter can `~C ur;ce~ 'or nolviu3~ of lf`c:7c ti, eq tio- u-- -0 t' L n L A ua as 0 if p L. C., C 9t".',. order. j-)-_cd: -Eull solutionS/sec; the conx.3uter haz -n few Clectro'..-Inc,im-lical com--,or,-;-ats. Sta-adarcl 3-phase 380/220 v sup?1y, cons-L7x.i-,)tio-n almut 10 1,;w. '21,,c mc~cho~-.ical .-)rcscrtation of every con,- .~-Litqr i- de,cri*.)oc7. crc 5 Card 2/.>' - LOSKUTOV, V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk Automatic laying-out of rolled stock. no.9sl3-17 S 162. (Rolling (Metalwork)) Yekh.i artom.proizv. 16 (NIRA 15:9) (Automation) AIA 3/121/62/000/006/001/011 D040/DI13 AUTHOA: LOSIWtOV, V.1. ------------ T1 New electronic coMputers PLIUOID1CAL: itanki i instrwi-,ent no. 6, 1962, 1-3 TLKIL A brief general description is given of the design featUres of 4 simll computers destined for local cowputing centers, scientific and industrial orga- niaationj, e-cc. (1) The 11 PA3APH-21-' (1111azdan-211), a universal di.-ital. computer Ath semiconductor elements and ferrites, has a binary system with a floatin-, coi-iviia, and perfor,.lis 5,000 operations/sec. The input is auto.-itated by means of a punched tape reader, and the output by r.,.eans of printing. wheels. (2) The _yHb 1~ ("Setin a ternar. ital canputer easily rearran-eable 'or ET y di-I I controllinZ production processes, has a sequential one-address system with fixed cwmzia; the basic element of the logic and switching circuits is a simple sriall ferrodiode; 24 different com:iiands are possible; the mean speed is approXLratE'.Iy 1,000 aritharetical operations/sec, and the accuracy equivalent to 8-figure- decimal numbers. The memory system has ferrite cores and a inagnetic storage Card 1/3 fta K J 3/121/62/000/006/001/011 New electronic computers D040/DllI3 druni. The interpretin-g pro-gram systein perwits usin.- the druzli as an operator memory and conducting special operations,such as automatic conversion of numbers into semilogaritfunic form with floating cormia, conversion Of nUmbers from the decimal system into tertiary and vice versa, and computation of -fulic- tions such as sin x, I- x, ex. The data input is carried out by a photoelectric reader fro-m a five-position punched tape, th output by a printer, printing 7 digits/sec. The COIIpUrer occupies 20-25 m floor space, and is.controlled .Vrom a special panel. (3) The 11 PfHHeK -11, (111%finsk-il~) with tube circuitry consists of an arithmetic syziteii, operative 'ferrite-core storage, external m.a-netic tape stora-e input and output units, a feed unit, and a tinit for preparing input data. The basic units operate on the series-parallel Drin- ciple; the computing system is binary ivrith fixed coiiima and a two-address co!~I- ra&nd circuit producing 231 '.asic commands and 101 modifications.. The mean cemputing speed is 2,000-3,-'VOO arithmetical operatiors/sec, and the output da-za are printed by"a IgnM-20 1:32,24-20) high-speed printer on paper tape in one colum;i, in decinial-or in octa system, with a i-iiaxii-ima of 20 nill-,iber5/sec. Con- zrals are provided on the maia control board for switching the co-miputer over work addin- information and coimnands, reading the contents of any c o U- - I - Card 2/3 Netz electronic co:3puters S/121/62/000/006/001/011 D040/D113 of the jlicimory cells, and starting and stopping separace units. All equip;.1ent ia- placed inside five cabinets. (4) The MH -11 at-, analog catiputer with auto;,.uLtic :.icannin,; for PVGCCSS data) will be used for automazic 0 control. of industrial nroces6cs. It autoi.-iatical1v select6 solutions accor(:in;r 1-.0 pi-csot Condic-ioli-;, ;iiodtilates i.aulincar convelitional differential equation systeims up to the G-9th order, and also permits manual selection of parameters. The main components are an electric model, memory and computin., units, and'a 3pecial control unit for lo -ical operations. The scanning process is observed by an electron beara indicator with a screen showing up to four variables. The MN-11 performs 50-100 corkplete solutions/sec. There are 4 figures. Card 3/3 .-LOSKUTOV,, V.I..,-kand.tekhn.nauk Automatic control of oubway trainB* Hekh,i avtom. proizv. 17 no.2: 13-15 F '63. (KUU 16:2) (Moscow-Subways-Antomatio-train control) n~ j~R LOSKUTOV, V.1. Programmed control oikihe sand-sli~iger molding process. Lit. proizv. n0.2.-11-12 V .' 163. (mm 160) (Molding (Founding)) (programming (Electronic computers)) fa LOSKUTOV, V.I. measuring the temperature of liquid natals -with a pyrometer. Lit. proiz7. no.6:26-27 Je '63. (14IRA 16:7) (Liquid metals) (Pyrometry) LOSKUTOVJ. V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk New fields in the automation of processes of ment-P-1 work. '~'ekh. i avtom~ proizv. 17 no.10:40-43 0 i63. (,'-9-RA 17:1) LOSKROV, V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk Computers in automatic control systers. no.3:44-47 Mr 164. Mekh.i avton.proizv. 18 (MIRA 17:4) LOSKUTOV, V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk Computer control machine "Stall-10 for waste-free laying out. Stall 23 no.6:533-536 Je 1634 (MIRA 16:10) LOSKUTOV, V.I. - , " - New developments in research. Stall 23 no.9t830 S '63. ()MU l6t1o) 0 LOSKUTOV, V.I... kand.tokhn.nauk Automation of engineering and economic calculations by new means of calculating techniques. Trakt. i selikhozmash. no.2;21.-23 F 164. (MIRA 17-3) ACCESSION NR: AP4040463 S/0128/64/000/006/0019/0022! AUTILORt Loskutov, V. 1. (Candidate of technical sciences) TITLEt New computers SOURCE: Litaynoye proizvodstvo, no. 6. 1964, 19-22 TOPIC TAGS: computer, electronic computer, universal computer, specialized computer, digital computer, electronic digital computer,',; transistorized computer, integrator, ferrite core memory, complex mathematical problem, engineering problem, planning economic problqml business calculation ABSTRACT: Five new types of electronic universal and specialized conputers are described. The "Minsk-2," a medium-class digital electronic computer,consists of several separate units combined according to the user's requirements. It can be used for payroll disbursements* inventories, interplant.planning, statistics, and other business and economic problems. It is also capable of solving, Cord 1/4 1 ACCESSION NR: AP4040463 i all types of complex mathematical problems. The operational memory' of the "Minsk-2" is equipped with ferrite cores and has a capacity I of 4096 thirty-seven-bit numbers; the external storage uses a magnetic tape with a 400,000 number capacity. Four such storages may be connected simultaneously to the computer. The computer per- forms 5000-6000 operations per second, at the rate of 12 usec i for summations with fixed points and 72 lisec for those with floating- points; multiplications and divisions require 200 and 624 Usec, respectively. A special "program-interruption" unit makes it possible to bring large amounts of information into the printing unit simultaneously with the computations going on, which greatly increases the speed of operations. The "Minsk-22," which is under development, is a modification of the "Minsk-2" and is for use in planning, statistical calculations, and accounting. It can be fed from perforated cards at the rate of 250 cards pervinute, and can use I cards prepared for processing on "Strela" and "Uraill computers# Tha LntQrnal memory Lb tho oama AP in tha "Minok-2111 tho externAl storage has a capacity of up to 5 million numbers. The "Promin't" i'a recently devoloped small-size electronic digital computer for industrial use._'3 said to be easy and economical to operate. Its Card 2/4- \ u, ACCESSION NR: AP4040463 electronic switching and calculating circuits are transistorized. The "Promin"' is used for the automation of engineering computations! of average complexity. It can perform summations in I Usec and multiplications in 10 psec. The EGDA-9/60 is an experimental integrator for the solution of two-dimensional and symmetrical probleris described by Laplace equations. Its range of specialized operations is very wide, an*d includes stresses& hydraulics, potential fields, conformal mappingo and new problems of mathematical physics.~! The EASP-S is a specialized computer for investigating and designing! various objects operating under the effect of random actions. The NASP-S uses correlation and spectral analysis of data recorded and fed in the form of curves oi of voltages. It is used to calculate correlation and mutual correlation functions, functions of spectrali, and mutual-spectral density, Fourier series coefficients, etc. Separate units of the EASP-S can bousW independently as data units and transmitters, as a two-channel magnetic recording device, or as a delay line and a generator of sine and.cosine infralow-frequency voltages. The frequency range in the real-time. scale lies between 0 and 1000 cps,and in the computer scale, between 0 and 50 cps. Orig. agt. has: 4 figures. J_Car, _3 A ACCESSION NR9 AP4040463 ASSOCIATION: none SUBIJITTEVi 00 DATE ACQ: 06Jul64 SUB CODE: DP NO REF SOVI 000 lCard 4/4 ENCLt 00 OTHER: -'000 LOSKUTOV) V.I. Automatic control systems using conipu~ers. FrIbcrostroanie no.7: 12-14 J1 164. (MIRA 17:11) . ., kand. talldin. mu~, I _, V~ r ;r I - ~d vy-f M - i ty.-A-aetting An, the , "' us' - 'e i~r I RA - I av4.prc!-,,,V. 1-8 n,,.8:45-47 Ag 64. Mli ~ 7,.10) Accr-osicK rm: Ap4oo9591 S/0121/64/000/001/0026/0028 AUTHOR~*, Loskutov, V. I.- New electronic calculal5ng machines for enginiering and industrial uses SOMCE: Stanki i instrmento'no. 1. 1964,, ~26-28 TOPIC TAGS: digital ccmputer., 'transistor,. Input tape, memory core storage, single address ABSTRACT: The range and operational features of two digital conputers have been described. The first, called the "Xinsk 211, Is constructed an the block princip3a and fully transistorized. It has a double ncmenclatiire, a dual-address control systemp and a computation speed of around 5000-6000 op erations per second. It emsists of a central control panel, input tapes, central. calculator, magnetic memory core, magnetic storage, high-speed digital print-out type BEM-20, and two output Punching machines of the type PL-20. The ferrite core storage capacity is composed of 096 37-digit numbers in the limits 1 x, lal9. Information transfer speed -from the storage element is 2500 words per second. The secoad conputer is called the "Pranin"I and is capable of solving ordinary differential equations Card ; 1/2 ACCMIOU NR: ABOM91 of the third order and algebraic equatims of the seventh order. It has a single address syntem and is fully trannictorizede A five double-digit system a3.1mrs 31 operations. Addition takes I seep multipUcation, 10 sec. The machine covers a nmber range from 10-10 to 3.09,, Orige art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMTM: 00 DATE Acq: Web64 ENCL: 00 SUB CCDE: CP NO MW SOV-:- 000 a=R: ooo Card 2/2. R, Mi LOSKUTOVP V.I. Nw management processes in the machinery industry. Stan. i instr. 36 no.110-6 N 165. (MIRA 18.-!I~ LCSKUTOV, V.I. Automatic control systems with the use of computers. Lit. proizv. no.8.-23-26 Ag 164. (MIRA 18:10) F!-T(-j)/EED-2/aiP(1) 7 T?( C T-C-CESSION NR: AP5011638 UR",jl 18/6510f) 104/0044/0048 AUTHOR: Logkutov, V. 1. (Candidate Of technical aciem, I TITLE: New computing means for engineerine calculations SOURCE: Mekhanizatsiya i avtomati zats Ilya proirvodstva, no. 4, 1965, 44-48 I'OPIC TAGS: special purpose computer / Promin digital computer, EC,DA-n/60 integrator, EMSS-7 quasianalog simulator. analyzi-r, iterator-I mathematical device ABSTIR-ACT: Soviet-made special-purpose computers and sir-,rilified mathematical e,- i~,neq for use in local laboratories, etc.. , a!-e briefly deg, j lbed. A rili,_onductor -element digital computer "Promin' " is interioe-d for ordinary engmeering calculations in the 10-10-109 range (differential Pq!iations up to the 3rd nrder, algebraic equations up to the 7th order). An electro-hydrautic EGDA-9/60 integrator is intended for solving Z-vartable symmetrical problems describable by Laplace's equations. The processes simuiation involves a special clectro- paper with bridge -method -measurea equipotential lines, An electrlc 4uasi-an&log simulator EMSS-7 is intended for calculating beam-type systems Card 1/2 L 57855-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5011638 (bending moments, torques, torsional angles. etc.). A later modification of this simulator also permits designing variable -stiffness baro, constrained-end frames, etc. An electronic analyzer EASP-S serves for calculating correlation and c roe s correlation functiors, spectral - and c ro 9 R - 6pe ct r al -d e n s i ty fu n c ti a n s 1~ ~1;:--~r -series coefficients, etc. Electrical simulators MPT-9, MN-7, IPT-5 P-re intended for investigating the processes describable by ordinary differential 111-1a'101119. An "Iterator-l" dewice, operating in conjun,.ztion with an anaiog -11.1,1e, computes the values of unknown quantibeo by the method of successive a.pproximations. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 6 formulaa. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ji~z~ NO REF SOV'* 000 OTMR. 000 Card 2445MA AC NH: AP6008987 SOW= COVEE;' UR/03:21/65/000/011/0003/0006 'AUTHOR: Loskutov, V. 1. (0) ORC: none R TITLE: New control processes in the machine buildiruz industry SOURCE: Stanki I instrument, no. 11, 1965, 3-6 TOPIC TAGS: industrial automation, machine Industry, automatic control system, com- puter application ABSTRACT: The author considers computer systems for controlling complex production units in large plants and factories. Three types of systems are discussed: 1. con- trolling computers for localized technological units; 2. centralized systems for automated control of production subunits; 3. centralized systems for automatic ac- counting and dispatching in industrial enterprises. The controlling computers for localized technological units are designed for reception of initial information on the state of the unit and for converting this information into control signals. Central- ized systems for automaIted control of individual shops and the plant as a whole are more complicated with respect to the controlling algorithms and engineering problems. Each.of thelthree categories of control systems is illustrated by a block diagram with UDC- 681.14 'Card 1/2 . F. A::7E;3S!0N NR: AP5014206 ;4A). 62 i AUMOR., Khorev, A. I. (Engineer); Gruzdeva, L. A . (Engineer); Manuylov, N. N (Engineer); Loskutov, V. M. (Engineer); Vikhrov, G. S. V TITLE: -High-strength veldepeylindrical shells of VT14 alloy SOURCE: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 5, 1965, 28-30 TOPIC TAGS: VT14 alloy, titanium, alloy, titanium- alloy welding, titanium alloy heat treatment, titanium alloy property ABSTRACT: The effect of heat treatment, 4on the mechanicall Prouerties of v-1d-1 J -) i n t sn VT I h alloy s h e Jet-s-FET _A1 14 o , I I _7117 __t__i7)_ h as '-st plates 2.:5 mm thick were milled to a thiclk~ness ~)f m-m., ~xcep' -1 narr-'r strip a-long the edges to be welded. The plates vere welded, annealed at 871-,"C for 15 min, aged for !6 hr either at 1,-80 or 520C, --n-1 then h-f annealel a4- 71,17 or 850C for 5 min. Tensile and bend t-sts s~,ove-! 2,_lndition (without h-f annealing) failed at a strength cf either the veld (in a brittle manner) or the baF,,e metal. H-F an n e F_ I e ds p e c ir, t~ n, s 7-125 kg/=.n The bend duc- always failed in the base metal at a strength of 10 2 Card 1/2 5 f~' 9 5,5 -5 5 AC MESION IIR: AP5014206 Itt --ad-higW as--t-hat--o-0--as-aged---------- :t d~-dji amea" eai~dfis~ specimens. The-experience gained in these experiments was used in fabrication Of shalls 197 mm in diameter from sheet 2 or 2.5 mm thick. The sheets were rolled, welded, annealed at 850C for 15 m-in, and machined to 1.15 or 1.5 rum thickness I,xceut for the weld and vcld-adjoining area). Th-n th~, shells -were ag-", al~ Dr 520C for 16 hr after which the weld and weLd-ad~oinint_; zones -'rere h-' 'f~ '-za~ th(- e at 750C for 5 min. Shells sge-J 9.t L, high 2 -ompared to 130-14'; kg/=2 ---r she'ls ag-~ q' -r H~wc-v-r, ELi.1 the shells failed in a m-anner In ,!'f -11 Jrig. art. has: 3 figures and E tables. it A7, ASSOCIATION: uone SUBMITTED- 00 EFCL: 00 SUR CODE- IMA 000 R 'Or, 4nv":, LOSKMOV, V.P. Dissipation of potential from the shaft of an operatitg turbogenorator. Nnergetik 4 no.9:15 8 056. (~Uft q: 10) (Blectric generators) LOSKUTOV, T.P., starshiy elektromonter (Deballtsevo Donetskoy obl.) Locating short-circuited turns in generator rotor windings. Enargetik 13 no.11:3Q-31 N 165. (MIRA 18:11) DT-?MIDCFIY., V.P.-, LOSKIUTOV, V.V.; CPEDIYA, O.K. Time of the formations of the Yashil'-Kull Lake in the Pamirs. Sbor. trud. Tadzh. fil. Geog. ob-va SSSR no.2:9-18 '61. (MIRA 14:11) (Yashill-Kull Lake) LOSKUTOV, V.V. Uoeful bco~- !,:-, ~i- '~n Oi proce--?Sez. Yashirlo- stroitell no,11;43-44 N 163a (14TIRA 16., 1-1) LOSKUPOV, V. V. Shlifovallnoe delo. Odobreno...v kachestve uchebn. posobii2 diia remesl. uchilishch. Pod red. A. 1. Kiseleva. Sverdlovsk, Mashgiz, 1948. 287 P. diagrst Grinding and polishing. MY DLr,: TJ1280.L6 SO: Manufacturing and ~-Iechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress., 1953. eLIL -r0 V V/. V - 2A OV, A.A.; KOSTMO, X.I.; M&WULIS, D.K.; DICXIYANOVICH, A-N', inzhener, redaktor; WSKUTOV, V.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, reteenzent; DUGINA, redaktor. [Diamondless dressing of grinding wheels] Bezalmaznaia pravka shlifoyall- nykh krugov. Pod red. A.N.Demlianovicha. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd- vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1952, 77 P. [Microfilm] (MLEIA 7:10) (Grinding wheels) 0 ~5 k' V. V YASHOMITSYN, P.I.; LOSKIM94-1J., kandidat tekhnicbeakikh nauk, retsenzent; BUMVALOVA, inzhener, redaktor; 13UGINA, N.A., tekhnicheekiy redaktor [Higb-speed grinding] Skorostnoe shlifovanis. Moskva, Goo. nanchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1953. 110 p. [Microfilm] (MLRA 7:10) (Grinding and polishing) Mp LOSKUTOVO V. V. EEMAKOV. S A - , LOSKUTOV, V.V., LJCBEM , H.S., in2hener, reteenzent; SRO 6daktor. [Grinding] Shlifovallnoo delo. Izd.Z., Ispr. I dap. Sverdlovsk, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. ixd-vo mashinostrolt. i sudostroit. lit-ry. [Uralo-Sibirskoe otd-nie] 1953. 319 p. (mraA 7:7) (Grinding and polishing) NIrLITIN, IT.T.; CH30PUIWYKII, A.K.; POKHUOV, I.D.; LOSKMOV, V.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redak MeRTW`redaktor. .tor; DUGINA, N.L.. to -nT [A~tomatla control of dimensions during grinding] A-vtomaticheakil kontroll razmerov pri shlifovanii. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. issd-vo Hashinostroit. lit-ry, 1954. 23 P. (MLRA 8:1) (Grinding and polishing) V4.1 l' S A AIMAMOV, A. T. LnR IJTOV. W-&.-retsenzent; MANIJKHOV, T.Y., nauchrW redaktor; Ahwax, X.M., ZeMmicheskly redaktor [Karine pipe systems) Sudovye sistemy. Leningrad, Goo. soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit. promyshl., 1954. 376 p. [Microfilm] (MLRA 8:3) (FArine pipe fitting) PODOMAREV, Viktor Terentrevich; LOSKUTOV, V.V.. kandidat takhaichookikh nauk, red&ktor; DWIIL, rodaktor. (Highly productive methods of -.p3ok*proizvod"'e1'nye .L C~j 4 matedy zubofrozerovwdis. Izd.2"s, V.V.Lookuteva. Moskva, G*s.x&uchno-tskhx,izd-v* machl"stralt.lit-ry. 1955, 110:P. (Goax-cutting machines) (MLRA 9:6) KUVSHINSKIY, Vladimir Viadiluirovich; LOSKUTOV, Y.Y., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, retsousent; BLARKMAN, 9.T.~~iA"e";~er, redaktor; DUGINA, N.A., tekhnicheakiy redaktor. [Killing] Frexerovanis. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhnicheakoe Izd-vo mashinostroit'elinoi lit-ry, 1955.298 p. (Hw 9:5) (Killing machinery) , LOSKUTOV,_ V.V., kandidat tekhnichicheskikh nauk. UNNOP-1 Calculation of threaded feed boxea. Trudy Ural.politekh,inst. no.42:5-21 '35. (MLRA 9:8) (Screw--Cutting machines-Ze,ilga) LOSKUTOV, Vasil~V Vasillyevich; GIAYZER, L.A.,kandidat tekhaicheskikh I~M ~ 19fai, ritsenii A.I.,inzhoner, redaktor; KITAYBY, V.I.,inzhener, redaktor; TJHMAKDV,-N.A..tekhnicheskiy redaktor; DUGIRA, N.A.,tekhnicheakiy redaktor [Polishing of metals) Shlifovanie metallov. Moskva. Gos. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo mashinostrait. lit-ry, 1956. 351 P. (MIRA 10:4) (Grinding and polishing) L C -3 KJ 1-1 V V'I I'l L 1y' I AUTHOR: Loskutov, Vasiliy V. Call Nr: None given TITLE: Gear-cutting Machines (Zuboreznyye stanki) PUB. DATA: Gosudarstvennoye nauchno-tekhnicheskoye izdatel'stvo mashinostroitellnoy literatury, Moscow-Sverdlovsk, 1957, 75 pp., 15,000 copies ORIG. AGENCY: Nauchno-populyarnaya biblioteka rabochego stanochnika, Nr 26 EDITORS: Editor-in-Chief: Bezukladnikov, M.A.; Editor: Illnitskiy, I.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Reviewers: Kuvshinskiy, V.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Reviewers: KuvshinBkiy, V.V., Candidate-of Technical Sciencesi and Vitenberg, Yu.R., Eng.; Tech. Ed.: Sarafannikova, G.A.; Corrector: Voronova, S.S. PURPOSE: This book is designed to promote the technological level of tool machine operators and to develop their theoretical and practical skills. Card 1/4 qi Gear-cuttipg Machines Call Nr: None.given COVERAGE: The book covers construction features, kinematics and settings of various types of generating gearcuttIng nigehines. Basic formulae are derived and methods of precision setting are described and substantiated. 7he author outlines the history and development of gear- cutting techniques and stresses the importance of the hobbing process in the modern gear-cutting industry where rapid production and great accuracy are required. No personalities are mentioned, and there are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 3 The Method of Gear-tooth Generation - its Meaning 6 Forming Involute Gear-tooth Profiles by Generation 8 Types and Classification of Gear-tooth Cutting Machines by Code Numbers 11 Motion of the Gear Shaper and the Gear Blank During Gear Cutting 14 Card 2/4 Gear-cutting Machines Call Nr: None given Gear Shaper 5A12 Setting Gear Trains in the 5AI2 Gear Shaper Set-up of a 5A12 Gear Shaper Helical Gear Cutting With 5A12 Gear Shapers Some Types of Gear Shapers 51932 Hobbing Machine Hobbing Cylindrical Spur Gears Robbing Cylindrical Helical Gears Hobbing Worm Gears Differential Versus Nondifferential Gear Cutting Set-up of a 5932 Gear Shaper 17 20 27 28 30 35 38 48 54 61 68 Card 3/4 Call Nr: None given Gear-cutting Machines Types and Uses of Gear Cutting Machines 71 Comparative Study of Performance Data of Gear-cutting Machines 73 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 AR R p~_ LOSKUTOV,.,Vladiair..Vasil-!yevich; KHORDAS, Georgiy Saulovich. Prinimal uchastiye: LAZAREV, F.L., inzh.. TABOVSXIT, V.Ya., nauchnvy red.; MIKITINA, R.D.,. red.; TSAL, R.K., takhn.rado (Thermal calculations of ship systems) Teplovye ra.schety,sudovykh, si. tam. Leningrad, Gos.soiuznoe izd-vo suAostroit.promyshl.. 1958. 19; P., (Ships-Heating and ventilation) (MIRA 12:4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sovl4m Loskatov, V. V. Shlifovallnyye avtomaty i poluavtomty (Automatic and Semiautomatic Grinding Machines) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1959. 292 p. 14,000 copies printed. Reviewers: B. G. Breyev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and V. 1. Kitayev, Engineer; Ed.: M. A. Thistov, Engineer; Exec. Ed. (Ural-Siberian Division,, Mashgiz): L. A. Konlsfiina, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: B. 1. Model'. PURPOSE: This is a textbook for personnel at plant trade schools specializing in grinding. COVERAGE* General information on the grinding of metals and grinding machines and tools is presented. A description is given of the setup and operation of special-purpose (such as tbread, gear, and crankshaft %Anders), auto- matic., and semiautomatic grinders. vo personalities are mentioned. There are 23 references, all Soviet. BOTARSKIT, Lazar' Tedrisovich; KORSHIKOV, Nikolay Petrovich; LIBERM. B.S., Inzh., retsenzent; YEGOROV, I.S.. inzh.,, retsenzent; SHUNATRY, B.K., kand.tekhn.nauk. retsenzent; LOSKMT. T.Y., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; SHARIN. Tu.S.. red.; LUGINA, H-A.,; BLIKIND.,V.D., (Technology of the manufacture of.machine tools] Tekhnologiia stankostroeniia. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1959. 371 P. (KIRA 13:2) Nachine-tool industry) T LOSKMOV, V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk ine systems. Sudostroanie 25 no.4;16-17 AP '59. improvements in mar (mIRA 12:6) (Marine engineering) LOSKUTOv,.'V.V,.,,dotsentjk Imnd. tekhn. nauk; SAGLLOV, V.I., dataentp kand. -111.1-1---- .-- te.k1m. - nauk High-speed grinding of barrel-shaped rollers. TrudY Ural. politekh, inst* no*112'.34,-41 161- (MM 16-.7) (Grinding and polishing) ALEKSANDROVO Aleksandr Vasillyevich; 130GACHEVj A.Lp kand.tekhn. D,iKUTDV7-V-V.q kand.tokhn.naulcp retsen- nauk, retsonaent; L zent; EYKHGORIT, L.G.,, Timichnyy red.; OSVEIISKAYA, A.A.,, red. MASTOVA, N.V... telclm. red. (Ship systems]Sudovye sisteuq. Leningrad, -cudpromgiz, 1962. 428 p. (NEU 15:8) (Marine engineering) p-, LOSKUTOV, Vasiliy Vasillyevich; TRUSOV, A.A., inzb., retsenzent; --r-W. [Polishing of metals)Sh2ifavanie motallov. Izd-4., perer. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 279 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Grinding and polishing) (Metals-Finishing) LOSKUTOVv Vladimir Vasillyevich; KHORDAS, Georgiy Saulovich. Prinizal uchastiye LAZAREV, I.L., inzh.; ALEKWTDIWVy AN., dots,j kand, tekhn. nauk) retsenzent; MOMLISTLU A.A.) inzh.; GUSIKOV, *M.G., nauchn. red.; OZEROVA, Z.V., red.; SHISHKOVA, L.M.,, tekhn. red. .1 [Hydraulic calculations of ship systems] Gidravlicheskie raschety sudovykh sistem. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1963. 311 p. (MIRA 17:3) M R;Iv'R 'IRIN 51'."..'7'i -T.E. -7 _77 LOSKUTOVI V.V. Machine for milling herring-bone gears with end cutters. Mashinostroitell no-1200-31, D 163. (MIRA 17:1) V. V. STIAL VOTYA.K.OV, L.D.; 1LINITSHY, T.T_ ',CSjTTrll' II!, G,!' (Machine tools; a methodological manuall Vetauorezhu- shchie stanki; uchebn,:--retodlcheE;koe posobie. (Werdlovsk, Urallskii politekhri. iz,.-t,. 1963. 72 p. G! Iu., 17-.9) LOSTJTOV, V.V., kand .. te~,jin.. nauk, dotsenf, IC19-ing hobbing cutters. lzv. vya. ucheb. za7.; mash' ncstz-. no.11:156-161 163. (MIRA 17-10) 1. Urallskly politekhnichaskiy instiiu*.. LOSKUTOV V.V., kand. tokhn. nauk ~1- ~ Diagnoal. milling of' 25-26 Ap 165. . i . . . .. ~, ~n- nst: A ~,! If7 --` -- - i - - . i,I*.;i:,,A Vi. tk '826" - -414 -- -I i1! , ~. 1. LOSKUTOV, YU. 2. USSR (600) 4. Electric Motors, Synchronous 7. Elimination of huming from a synchronous electric motor. Radio no. 12, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessj2np, Library of Congress, L-larch 1953. Uncla3gified. v , - --- --. - . f --, : -~~ ~. .... ttt~ , 1 *,-- LOSKUTOV, YU.M. Polarizing properties of Cherenkov radiation. Yeat. Mask. un. Ser. mat., makh., astron., fiz. khim., 12 no.5:101-104 '57. (MIR& 11:9) l.Kafedra statisticheskoy fiziki i mekhaniki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Volarization (Light)) (Cherenkov radiation) AUTHOR SOKOLOV A.A.g LOSKUTOV YU.M. PA - 3000 Ting On the Polarization Properties of Cherenkov Radiation. (0 poly&rizatsionuykh evoystyakh islucheniya Cherenkov&.- Russian) PIRIODICAL (USSR). Eksperim. I Teoret. Fiziki 19579 Vol 32, Nr 3, pp 630-632 Received: 6/1957 Reviewed: 7/1957 ABSTRACT For the investigation of theme polarization properties is dopendease on the spin of the charged particles the authors here make use of the methods developed in the paper by A.A. SORMOV and I.M. TERNOV (Zhura.ekep. I toor. fin Vol 31, P 473 (1956)). When computing linear polarization it Is necessary to split up the amplitude of the Yeator potential of the secondary quantized photon fitld into two somocasts which are vertical to each other; dp~+03 P2'12 + p3q3902 - ezoio 31! 1 - a 011,03-4-P2J Here -Z0 - /T, denotes the Wt vector characterizing the motion of the photon. Who& lavestigs,tiag the eiroular polarization, CAU 113 the vector potential suet be d1v1d*d Into two somponeats, I a PA 3000 On the Polarization Properties of Chereakov Radiation. different manner: -4, a + I A a i + a I - ~Jqj + 0_,q_,, 30 Also the wave function which describe* the motion of a froe, electron Is explicitly written down. When the problem. is molved'aacordiag to Dirao's theory (1.*, by baking electron spin into account), the aforementioned wave function Nf will represent a four row matrix. However, when solving th& probles of XLEIV-GORDON (i.e. in the sale of spialeas particles) it in necessary to confine oneself to two wave functions: The expressions for the intensity of the particles with and without spin are explicitly written down. It Is also shown how the polaritation effects are taken into account. In the same of spinless particles radiation within the entire frequency interval i:o:trictlyolinearly polarized. In the classical approximat radiation in the sea* of CARD 2/3 r-1 777MMIMT-11~T-Z' PA - 3000 On the Polarization Properties of Cherenkov Radiation. particles with semi-whole spin is linearly polarized exastly as In the ease of spluless particles. Consideration leads to a zonpolarized addition to the radiation, whish does not vanish at the threshold value of the radiation. However# the 11searly polarized part of the radiation vanishes at the threshold value and Inereases witb Increasing energy of the elestroa proportional- ly with rospeot to (E-E 0). Here E denotes the energy of the elestroa &&d Z0 the aforementioned threshold value. (10 illustrations.) ASSOCIA920N.- Mossom, State University. FMOTSD By *- - OUJUITUBt 3. 1. 1957 AVAILA=: Library of Congress. CAU 3/3 ;Z 0 0 AUTHORs Lookittovi Yu.M. SOV/155-58-4-17/34 TITLE: ft-the-Cherenkov Electron Radiation With Oriented Spin (0 Che'renkovskom izluchenii elektronaii a oriyentir'ovannymi spinami) PERIODICALs Nauchnyye.doklady vysehey shkoly. Fiziko-matematiche6kiye Ifaukip 1956773T 4P Pp 103 - 108 (USSR) ABSTRICT: The author inve&t4~&tas7.tb&-,1&nearr and circular polarizat 'ion of Ahe GITerenkov.electron rad-iatton with oriented spin. As &t=tin&.-..poi t the s"her, usee the, f ormulaa-. a:L Sokolov and others ~ Refm6 9..7.,The value of the intensity of _radi&tien pax- uni-t, of-langth is explicitly calorlated in botIr caaese The--obtained formulas together with an ex- py"ston. for- the phase disp:4memontivf two, erladiric ve'otors 11=~-r Qlarizatlaw . rander possible a characterizing two., ..V .momplete description of.the-radia-tion polarization. The'be- Amvior on the -threshold (characterized by the mifiimiim energy quantity of the electron under which the considered radiation -starts) is analyzed. Card 1/2 On-the Cherenkov Electron Radiation With Oriented SOV/155-58-4-17/34 The,-author-thanks Professor A.A. Sokolov for advioes. There are 10 references, 8 of which are Soviet, and 2 American. ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy goeudaretvennyy universitet,imeni M.V.Lomon6iova (Nospow State University imeni H.V. Lomonoaov) SUBMITTED: April'14, 1958 19 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Loskutov Yu M , Kukanov, A. B. 56-2-27/51 TITLE: On the Polarization of the Radiation Emitted by a "Super- light"-Magnetic Moment (0 polyarizatsii izlucheniya "sverkhavetovym" ma~,nitnym momentom) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol 34, Nr 2, pp 477-482 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By means of the method of quantum electro-dynamice the authors investigate the problem of the polarization of the irradiation emitted by a "superlight" magnetic moment, which moves in a ferro-dielectric. Expressions are given for the intensity of radiation per unit length. The takin,,,- into account of the magnetic permeability of the medium does not change the character of the polarization of the radi--tion in the dielectric. The first chapter deals with the polarization of the radiation emitted by the majnetic !aoment. An expression is put down for the vector potential t of the quantized electromagnetic field in a medium with the characteristics EM and jiM. The amplitude A of the vector Carol 1/3 potential is decomposed to components which characterize On the Polarization of the Radiation Emitted by a "Superlight"- 56-2-2-1 151 Magnetic Moment certain polarization states. Also for the operator of the interaction energy as well as for the probability of the radiation emitted by the ma&-netic moment expressions are put down. Then the intensity of the radiation per unit length is calculated by averaoin- over the spin states. An expression is also put down for the threshold radiation. The radiation is partly polarized and different from zero also at the threshold value. The letter circumstance is caused by the spin-flip and is a pure quantum effect. The polarized as well as the unplolarized part are of the same order of magnitude. The second chapter investigates the energy losses in motion in a ferro-dielectric. Here it is made a condition that the direction of the magnetic moment coincides with its direction of motion. The equations of the field potentials are put down in detail for this case. Finally the expressions for the energy losses are deduced and divided into Cherenkov- and ionization parts. There are 8 references, all of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University (Moskovskiy --osudarstverinyy Card 2/3 universitet) .On the Polarization of the Radiation Emittea by a "Superli--ht"- 56-2-2V51 1 Magnetic Moment SUBMITTED: August 219 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Dielectric radiation-Polarization 2. Mathematics-Theory Card 3/3 56-34,-4--47/60 AUTHORSx SokoloT, A. A.; Loskuto7 TITLEs On the Chexenkov Radiation of Longitudinal Polarized Electrons (0 cherenko-skom izluchenii prodoltno poiyari- zovannykh elektronov) PERIODICAL& Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki~ 19582 Vol. 34; Nr 49 PP. 41022-1,023 (USSR) ABSTRAM The piesent paper generalizes the results of a previous paper by the same author (Ref 3) dealing with the polari- zation properties of Cherenkov -radiation for the case of longitudinal polarized electrons. For their caloulaiions the authors used various formulae given in the book by A. A. Sokolov and D. D. Ivanenko (Ref i). Cherenkov radiation wiil consist of three partss Wmax Wmax w (e2/2c 2) ~ ws)Lj*,0)dcj _ (e.2 /2 c. 2~ (W,-,(&)) + 0 % 0 + w A), w w quaniti-.,,rz;d~ longitudinal 6r, ~~_TMM On the Cherenkov Radiation of Longitudinal Polarized 56-34-4-47/60 Electrons vih ere wk, (w) ,-oe 4t) deno tes the (completely linearly polarized) classical part of the radiation; 2 2)1-.~; ~.2 (r 3 % -2) quantumlike0l, ,61 12 C, p .. n' - the completely unpolarized quantumlike additional term; 2/' -1 nio_ k -~ If wiongi-cudinal ;P)( n)cos 0) character-- lZes the longitudinal polarization of the photons. It is interesting that this part of the radiation is pro- portiondl not to A. but to k2 . The following formula holds for the degree of circular polarizations I M) -= s(hn4.Vcp). P y'..."WWW'(w) + W..1 There are 4 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONz Moskovskiy gosudarst,reanyy universitet (Moscow State University SUBMITTED: January 18, 1956 '-Rika' , Ca.nd phys 1!ath Sci - (d-ss) iipolarizaUon LOSKUTOV, YU.M. U and spin effects of bozons and ferfdons.11 Mos) 19591 8 PP Mos State Univ iin M.V. Lomon*v. Physics Faculty) 150 c o -,-,ie s . Bibliography at end of text (15 titles) (Ely 35-59) 111) - 7 - 66603 SOV/139-59-,11-20/29 AUTHORS: Sokolov, A,A., and Loskutov, Yu.111. TITLE.: On the Theory of Bosons and Fermions with Oriented Spin PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1959, Nr 3, PP 132-142 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Lee and Yang (Ref 1) have predicted that in the nase of' weak interactions parity is not conserved. In phenomena involving the neutrino (fermions with zero rest mass) the nonconservation of parity may be explained with the aid of the two-component theory7 or with the aid of the theory of Dirac particles with oriented spin (Ref's 2, 3). In the latter case, and for positive energies (s *---, 1.9 neutrino)9 it is necessary to retain the solution wit's,, one spin direction (S - S), and for negati, 're energi,~js (e = -1, antineut-pino~ with the other (S-1 = _S). ThIs may bp achieved if the wave function q satisfies both the Dirac equation and the additional condition given bv Eq (1) (Ref 4), or OL - pi) `1 0 here 1. 1 (or -1) both for C = 1 an = -1~ The quantity Card Be = S-, is proportional to the projection of spin onto 1/2 the direction of the momentum p. In the present papel- an attempt is made to generalize this result to particles 66603 SOV/139-59-3-20/29 On the Theory of Bosons and Fermions with Oriented Spin with spin 1 (bosons, vector field) and zero rest mass. The theory describes charged bosons and fermions whose spin has opposite directions (relative to the momentum) for positive and negative energies. A discussion is given of the invariance of vector equations with respeot to G, P and I transformations. It is shown that in the theory of vector particles with oriented spin the result TCI = const holds. It is also shown that the helicity is not conserved under charge conjugation but it is conserved under space inversion so that I = const both for particles with positive and with negative energy. Card Moreover, T / const and CT = const. 2/2 There are 1+ figures and 11 references, of which If are Soviet, 2 German and 5 English. ASSOCIATIONt Moskovskiy gosuniversitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: April 4, 1959 '~-K 68870 LIS-00 S/139/59/000/05/012/026 903?-/zll4 AUTHORS: Sokolov, A.A., Ternov, I.M.,and Loskutov, Yu.M TITLE: On the Transformation Properties o e Pseudovector PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyj Fizikaq 1959, Nr 51 PP 72-80 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Problems connected with the spin properties of particles have recently become more important in view of the discovery of the non-conservation of parity (Ref 1). The present paper introduces the 4-vector of polarisation of Dirac particles by a covariant method and investigates its transformation properties. The transformation law is shown to be of the form given by Eqs (11+a-2). The results obtained from an analysis of the transformation properties are used in connection with phenomena in which parity is not conserved. In particular the Xpe decay is discussed and it is shown that in the laboratory system, the spin of the p meson makes an angle m with the direction of its momentum which is given by Eq (21)t Card where 0 12 is the angle of emission of the )i meson. 1/3 The appearance of a transverse component of the p meson spin in the laboratory system has also been considered by 68870 S/139/59/000/05/012/026 B03 2/Blll+ On the Transformation Properties of the Spin Pseudovector Ascoli (Ref 9) but differs from Eq (21) by the factor given by Eq (23), which takes into account relativistic contraction of the transverse components of the spin. In fact, the axial spin vector characterises the circular polarisation in the plane perpendicular to its direction. For the longitudinal spin component this plane is perpendicular to the velocity of the particle and hence the polarisation remains unaltered. In the case of the transverse component, on the other hand, the velocity vector will lie in this plane and hence the polarisation will change. For par 'ticles with zero rest mass, the angle m vanishes, i.e. if the axial vector ,I is parallel to the momentum vector IS in the given inertial frame, they will remain parallel in all other inertial frames. This can be used to characterise the neutrino and the anti-neutrino by different values of $1 namely s = - I and s = +1. If the polarisation of Card the neutrino is characterised by its helicity, i.e. by 2/3 the rotation of the component of the vector 141 which is perpendicular to the momentum, then in transforming 68870 S/139/59/000/05/012/026 E032/Ell1+ On the Transformation Properties of the Spin Pseudovector from a left-handed system to a right-handed system this rotation is conserved7 i.e. a left-handed neutrino will not transform into a right-handed neutrino. In fact, in such a transition the momentum (polar vector) changes sign while the axial spin vector remains unaltered. However, the same direction of the axial vector in the left-handed and right-handed coordinate systems correspond to opposite rotation (circular polarisation). Card It follows that space inversion conserves helicity. 3/3 There are 12 references, of which 7 are Soviet and 5 English. ASSOCIATION; Moskovskiy gosuniversitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: May 1+, 1959 Al Y4 l, . 240) AUTHORS: Sokol", A. A., 7ornav. 1. It., Lookutov, Yu. 9. - -- TITLEt ----------- --- On the Problet of the Covulant Doterclnatjon~,of ttle S;1n ft.udovootor voprowu a kovarlantno. opre4ol9nli pnowdo- v PERIODICALS Zhurnal skoperimentallnoy I toorotleheskoy flslklt 195?, Vol 56. or 3, PP 9)0-932 (USSR) ABSTILCTs Th. present paper (-L4tter to the Editor-) Is b ... d upon a,m earlier paper by Sokolov (Refs 1-3). It has already been shown that the larigitudtn o1 rization of free Dirac partlcl~s Can be describs4 by the o orator (N')jk. This o;.r&tor occurs ; an Integral of notion with the ol4rn value %f.7h* "thors on d.&Ior to cannect with thr vafte'.0b" I not only langitudInal 'Mri tion but also tranavaroal polarization a. well as the z ties apcn*nt of the spit vector. Proceeding from the *3v# function for positive energy In tonsideratt= i)f %be spin state equations are derived for the aceponects of the spit Y tor. The transversal and the %in. compon4nto which do not :: a ur an integrals of motion. can be represented as zoom value Card 1/2 d3., K - k.IV-I-r R jY*V sol/56-36-3-4a/71 On the Problem of the Covartam Determination of the Spin-psou davoctor It further holds that ii - ko f-MM" @0N 4p, 52 - k. rT--s" *in 6 15 . k.. 14 - ikel *"area special cases are Investigated. There an 7 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIC103 Mosk ,skjZ goomdustyeaftyy unlyeralles (Mosooe state : Univ rsi t7) I SUBMITTM October 27, 195a We N- POPOV, Yu.A.,- _LOISKUTOV, -Yu-M- Theory of unit-spin polarized particles. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; fiz. no-3:20-27 t6l. (.'Mk 14:8) 1. ~bskovskiy gosuniversitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. (Nuclear spin) TERNOV., I.M.; LOSKMOV, Yu.IL,- KOROVIN&, L.I. Possibility of polarization of an electron beam due to reativistic radiation in a magnetic field. Zhur.eksp.i teor.fiz. 41 M-4:1294-1295 0 1611. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Mookovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Electron beams) (Magnetic fields) 0 SOKOLOV, Arseniy Aleksandrovich, prof., LOSKUTPS-0-lurJX- Mikhaylovich; TERNOV, Igor' Mikhaylovich; LARIlr,-S.I.., red.; SMIMIUVA-,-R-.T.- tekhn. red. [Quantum mechanical Kvantovaia mekbanika. Pod obshchei red. A.A. Sokolova. Moskva, Gos. uchebno-pedagog. izd-vo M-va proav. RSFSR, 1962. 591 p. (Quantum theory) (MIRA 15:3) y,- B125/B102 AUTHORS: -Kerimov, B. K., Popov, Yu. A., Loskutov, Yu. M., Galkina, L. P. TITLE. Polarization prope rties of LL+-meson decay electrons PERIODICALi Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya III. Fizika, astronomiya, no. 2, 1962, 29-35 TEXT: The polarization properties of electrons from the J + 'y + decay of a longitudinally polarized charged muon at rest were investigated with two variants of weak four-fermion V-A interactions. In the Lee-Yang version of the interaction Hamiltonian, the transverse polarization of electrons polarized in the plane perpendicular to that of decay is sensitive to a possible non-conservation of time parity; in the Feynman-Gell-Mann version, however, there is no polarization. If the state of polarization of decay electrons is described by E g the Te Be Be Tse probability of electron production is given by Card 1/6 B11861621000100210041013 S/188/62/000/002/004/013 Polarization properties of B125/B102 dke (g,g_l + glg+,) .-;173 + dW= g.+g"W, - 2 (2n)4ch*124 Se (8) with + i (919-1- 1 - 9- 19 1+) W21 2 W., (I - -rj) (I :F s,.%) ((q2 - 3k',2 2seqlz,) (3 S, Cos+ 2 + 812e (k, :p s,q) 1, (cm. 151), W Poe 71) (q2 k2,) sinO, in the Feynman-Gell-Mann version, and with Card 2/6 -N Polarization properties of ... S/I 881621000100210041013 B125/B102 W,, (I + sfie-ti) I(q' - 3k') (3 - s, cos 6) + 8kIj + + 2 (1 + s, cos 6) qk, s,-q,) + -r,, I'-' (k,2 - q") (3 - s, cos (10), K, W3 = � 2sin 0 _LO'_ (q2 - k,2) Tj~ (2%k,q + k' + q2) I Ke W, = 2 sin 0 (-r 0 (k,2,, Oe in the Lee-Yang version. G+ GA + G+GV, -r1 (G+ G, + G+C,,,), A V A V (G 4- Gv - ~G + (G+ GA V A GA), -r,2 G+ Qv) V A Cos 0 q ko. - K, Ke C S,.kO, K, - E, The squar~-o~_ihe modulus of-the constant g yields the probability of the -0 s/,k~,is the spin vector electron being in the ys e state (Be = + 1). Card 3/6 Polarization properties of ... S/188/62/000/002/004/013 B125/B102 of a muon at rest. The transverse polarizations P 3 and P2 of electrons polarized in the decay plane (y=O) and perpendicularly thereto (T=r/2), respectively, are given by P 3,2 ' V1 3,2 /(W14V_1). Wo = W1+W_1is the total electron-decay probability, and P, = (T,,,-W_,)/Wo is the 2 2 2 = 1 is longitudinal electron polarization. The relation VP~+P~+P~ 1 2 3 valid for a completely polarized electron beam. If the beam is partly formed by unpolarized electrons, the fraction P. of the unpolarized state 1_ VP2!+ 2~ 2 +P_+ is given by Po W +p! . The polarization of the decay electrons 1 2 3 is closely related to the ratio between the constants G A and GV. As a phase shift A = GV e- 16 ) exists between constants with equal modulus, cos t~, 0, and N2 - sin4. If 6 IT (GA - -GV) (V-A interaction), the Feynman-Gell-Mann and the Lee-Yang versions are equivalent. If 6 /7rF the following if; foundi In the Lee-Yang version, part of the high-energy Card 4/6 S/18 62/000/002/C)/', 13 Polarization properties of ... B125YB102 electrons (Ke 1~> koe) are polarized transversely to the plane perpe-, -ular to that of decay. The existence of transversely polarized high-e..-A~ electrons characterizes the degree of violation of the time parity Ln (10). In the Lee-Yang version, P, 1 -(.3-- 2x) cos + (2x - 1) cos 012 +sin2 0 sin' a. W, for Ke koe and in the Peynman-Gell-Mann version, P0 0. If G. and GV are not equivalent regarding their modulus, and if k oe /K e -i. 0, the Lee-Yang version contains transversely polarized electrons both in the :decay plane and in the plane perpendicular thereto, while the Feynman-~ Gell-Mann version has none. If ~e -* 1, the fraction of unpolarized electrons is zero in the Feynman-Gell-Mann version, but tends toward (1-111) in the Lee-Yang version. The lifetime r of the muon at rest in 6 6 versions (2) and (3) is ((4-3/(1-cos8),j0-02)-10_ and (2.15�0.02)-10- BOG, Card 5/6 V, S/188/62/000/002/004/013 Polarization properties of B125/B102 respectively. If 0 = Tc, 'C' is the same in both versions. P is very 2 sensitive to phase shifts. It is noted that the investigation of transverse polarization is an appropriate means for choosing the interaction Hamiltonian. A. A. Sokolov is thanked for discussions and advice. The English-language reference is: Sokolov A. A. Nucl. Phys., 9, 420, 1959- ASSOCIATION: Kafedra statisticheskoy fiziki i mekhaniki (Department of Statistical Physics and Mechanics) SUBMITTED: MaY 5, 1961 Card 6/6 IJDSKUTOV, Yu.M . POPOV, Yu.A. Theory of'vector particle'i with oriented spin. Zhur. eskp. i teor. fiz, 43 no.l-.326-33 j' J1 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1, Mookovskiy gooudarstvemyy universitet. (Nuclear spin) (Wave me3hanics) s/18a/63/000/001/010/014 B164/B102 AUTHORS: Kerimov, B. K., Popov, Yu. A., Loskutov, Yu. M. TITLE: Electron polarization on g+ meson decay (II) PERIODICAL; Moscow. Univernitet. Vestnik. Seriya III. Fizika, astroriomiya, no. 1, 1963, 62-65 TEXT: In continuation of their study of the decay'probability of resting longitudinally polarized p; mesons ([t-+- --> e-+ + \7 + :~;) (WIF no. 2, .29, 1962) the authors calculate the decay probability-of moved longitudinally polarized WL mesons and the degree of longitudinal (P1) and transverse (P2 and P 3) polarization of the electrons 'produced. The calculations were made on the basis of the Hamilton operator for V-A interaction given by Yang and Lee (Phys. Rev. 105, 1671, 1957) and by Feynman and Cell-Mann (Phys. Rev. 109, -193, 1958). The proportion of the non-polarized electrons in the beam is calculated from P P2 + P2 + P2 0 1 ~ 2 3 Card 1/2 Y S/18P,/63/000/001/010/014 Electron polarization on B164/B102 The expressions obtained are equ valent for the coupling constants GA - -GV - (V-t,,-. interaction) .In this case (Feynaian-G ell-Mann) P. .01. For G . G e 6 / n, different expressions are obtained. It is shown k V that the measurement of the transverse pblarizatio~ P, and P of the V 3 electrons and of P gives indications of the-interrelation between the. 0 coupling constants and,therefore, of the time-reversal 'invariance of the weak interaction. .-ASSOCIATION; Kafedra statisticheskoy fiziki i makhaniki (Department of Statistical Physics and Mechanics) SUBMITTED: June. 23, 1962 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4041444 S/0188/64/000/003/0101/0103 Soko I ov, A. A.; Te=ov, 1. M.; L.Pskiatov, Yu. M. TITLE: The problem of radiation damping of betatronic o-scillations SOURCE: Mosew.' Univeisitet. Vestnik. Seriya 3. Fizlka, astronomiYa. no. 3. 1964, ICI-103 TOPIC TAGS: betatron, betatronic oscillation, cyclic accelerator, radiation damp- ing, quantum theory, cyclic electron accelerator, electron accelerator, electron radiation, electron oscillation, electron motion, parabolization ABSTRACT: After the demonstration of the influence of quantum fluctuations of radiation on the movement of electrons in a cyclic accelerator. the development of the quantum theory of electron movement acquired theoretical and practical signi- ficance. Recently, in a paper by S. A. Kheyfets and Yu. F. Orlov (ZhETF, 45, 1225, 1963), an attempt was made to obtain not only fluctuation activation of betatronic oszillations, but also classical damping using a nonrelativistic approximation in f addition to the,quantum method. These authors feel that one cannot obtain radia- tion damping in either the or the quantum case because quadratic terms in r-and dr are neglected in the equations of movement, i.e. "paraboliza- Cord 1/3 dt, ACCESSIO N NR. AAW444 tion" of the potential energy describing the betatronic oicillations is carried out. The present authors then point out that."parabolization" of the potential energy actually takes place in both the classical and quantum calculations. 'Never-' theless, in spite of the assertions of S. A. Kheyfets and Yu. F. Orlov, with the i help of the classical theory*the authors at once found an expression for, radiation damping: q WWA 2 X X + yx+(O;X~_ -E J They then review*their previous work on the application of quantum theory to the excitation of betatronic oscillations, and show that the criticism of Kheyfets and Orlov concerning the origl'n of classical damping cannot be applied to the ultra- i relativistic case of "fred' betateonic oscillations. Attention is-drawn, in this connection, to the work of Gutbrod (Zs.'f. Phys., 168, 177, 1962). Taking Into account all the terms of 'the analysis, one can obtain the following expression for the change in-the quantum number s: 6 ,LS- WKA dl 48 VtTA Rl-.& (I .. ;qf~- (*T_ I-q'-E (2) Al ki where W is the-classical 'expression for the energy;!being radiated inaunit of Card 2/3 N ~~gk lq w, ACCESSION NR: AP4041444 time. In conclusion, the authors remark that the quantum fluctuations 6f the radius have great practical significance. In this regard, if the first quantum term in the right hand side of equation (2), corresponding to the quantum fluctu- 1 ations, is neglected, then the square of the amplitude of the radial f.luctuations rapidly vanishes In the presence of relatively large energies. Acutally- however, the amplitude-of the vertical or axial dscillations tends toward a smqII positive limit. it also follows that the effect of classical damping begins tQ decrease at; energies on the order of 400-600 Mev. The article is followed by a brief rebuttal by S. A. 10icyfets. Orig. art. has: 9 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra teoreticheskoy fiziki Moskovskogo universiteta (Department of Theoretical Physics, Moscow University) SUBMITTED: 070"3 ENCL: 01 00 SUB CODE: NP NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 003 CO _td- ~g' -1, 1-4 LOSkIJTOV, Yu.M.; L. DE Ut PE141YA AUERBAKII Fpr14CIeS. 77,.r. ucheb. zav.; Dynamic model of elementary fiz. 7 no.6:140-149 164. (MER-A. 18:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni 14.V. Lomonosova. 5~.