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LOSKMGV,A.Y. Alectric furnace encased in a water cooled container for heating under a microscope. Zap.Vaes.min.ob-va 84 n0-3:374-376 155. (KI" 8: 11) 1. Leningradskiy GosudarstvewW universitet (Kicroscopy) (Ilectric furnaces) W:5aTOY, Alekea f hniclLr Vo I, I Mich; VUROBIYAV. P.I., s-petsiallrqy redaict,;:-, M W atu do ~~ktor izdatellstva; XOTLYAKOVA, 0.1., tekhniches;i.v reda~:tor [xmergency and rescue wor1k "in maritime transportation; problems in practices at sea] Avaritao-apasatellaoe delo na morakom transporte; voprosy morskoi praktiki. laningrad, Izd-vo "Horskol transport." 1957. 291 p. (MURA 10:10) Walvage) (Shipwrecks) (Kercbent mariae-Safety measures) LOSKUTOV, A. V. Cand Geol-Min Sci -- (diss) "Crystal liferous auaz+-z vei- of Novaya Zemlya." Len, 1959. 20 pp, (Min of Higher Education USSR. Len State Order of Lenin Univ im A. A. Zhdanov), 150 copies (KL, 43-59, 122) -18- LOSKUTTOV, A.V. Healing quartz cr-fetals. Trudy NIIG& 96:164-173 '59. (MIRA 13:5) - - -..(QIartz crybtals) - 4 LOSKMOV, A,V. Intorferometric study of quart; inclusions. Trudy UIIU 96: 174-180 159. (YIRA 13:5) (quartz) (Interforomter) i~,/ LOSKUTOV A.V. Liquid and polyphase inoluslor,-t in natrolits. Mat. p0 min. Koll. poluost. 2984-95 '62. (MIRA 16--4) (N%trolita) U -N 's. LOSKUTOVP A.V. Mineralogy of the hydrothermal veins in the Soustov Mass~-P of the Kola Peninsula. Mat. po min. Kol'. Poluost. 3:168- 187 162. (MIRA 17:3) SOURCE CODE: UR/0026/66/000/006/0090/0096 ACC AR. AP7007052 Ai1iHOR:Loskutov, A. V. -(Candidate of geological kid mineralogical sciences) 6M: none -TITLE: Geological aqualungists on Medved' Island SOURCE: Priroda, no. 6, 1966, 90-96 TOPIC TAGS: geologic survey, silver / Medved? Island ABSTRACT: The valuable work of Soviet aqualungists in the White Sea area -near the Kola Peninsula on uninhabited'Medvedt Island is described. In the 1700ts there wan mining work on this island for exploitation of rich veins of natural silver, but the mines were abandoned centuries agog having been completely depleted. The purpose of.the visit of the -aqualungists was to investigate the parts of the veins which 'Were believaid -to outcrop in the sea below the water level; some veins could be traced on landg but only for a few meters above the water& Dives were made to Aepths of about 35 m; divers rtayed below up to 1 hour* It wan-possible to obtain additional information on the geology of the inland and the lo- .*ation of tha vainas but tho.doposito in general are not worth exploit&- -tion for silver or any accompanying mineralae Despite the presence of pits on land there.were, no piles of debris; the waste rock apparently _Cdrd 1/2 ACC NR. AP7007052 had been dumped in Vie seat but it could not be found in the expected place* InsteadO it had been carried away by the surf and littoral cur- rentse Unfortunatelyp only a modest amount of information is given on I.the equipment used by the aqualungiats, its per;ormance.and the problem encountered in underwater work. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. EJPRS: 3814601 SUB CODE: 08 I Card 2/2 NUM, -zz- 8.3 4 2 8 s/i88j6o/ooo/oo1/O02/O1O B019/BO56 AUTHORS: Medvedev, V. I., Loskutov, B. P. ----------------- TITLE: The Effect of Fluctuations ~n a Two-channel Phase Indicator With Frequency Multipliers2,1 PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 3, fizika, astronomiya, 1960, No. 1, pp. 27-38 TEXTs In the introduction, the authors discuss applications of the phase- measuring methods of electrical and nonelectrical quantities, suggested by Academicians L. I. Mandel'shtam and N. D. Papaleksi. In the present paper, the authors calculate the conversion of a signal with noise in a system consisting of a nonlinear four-pole (frequency d?ubler) with a LX1 quadratic characteristic of the form y = a 0 + a1x + a 2x and a linear element (filter) with the transmission function C(p), using the theory of random processes. Formula (7) is derived for the spectral density of the average power of the random processes at the output of the frequency doubler, and relation (13) for the signal-to-noise ratio at the output of Card 1/3 83428 The Effect of Fluctuations in a Two-channel S/18 60/000/001/002/010 Phase Indicator With Frequency Multipliers B019Y33056 the frequency doubler is set up as a function of the noise-to-signal ratio at the input of the doubler. In the diagram of Fig. 1, the results of a calculation carried out in accordance with (13) are graphically represented for various ratios between the transmission bands of the input and output circuits of the doubler. Experimental investigations of the distribution of noise voltage at the output of a multiplier channel consisting of one, two, or three frequency doublers showed that the non- linear conversion of a normal narrow-band noise led to an increase in the excess of the curve, the excess coefficient being doubled when the number of successive doublers was increased. The authors experimentally determined the phase error caused by noise in a two-channel phase indicator with L frequency multipliers as a function of the noise-to-slgnal ratio at its input. The character of this function was found to be linear, and it was shown that the phase error due to noise is increased with an increase of the signal frequency. Further, the law of the increase in the phase error was found to be the same for all phase differences measured from 0 to TT There are 12 figures and 15 referencess 14 Soviet and 1 British. Card 2/3 jlz RO 83428 The Effect of Fluctuations in a Two-channel B/188/60/000/001/002/010 Phase Indicator With Frequency Multipliers BO19/BO56 ASSOCIATION: Kafedra teorii kolebaniy (Chair of the Theory of Oscillations) SUBMITTEDt May 14, 1959 LX Card 3/3 TITENKOV, D.P., glavnyy vrach; IA)SKUTOV, D.P., samestitell glavnogo vracha; VINOGRADOV, S.G., vrach; K1191 ff ",.V., vrach; XOSSAKOVSKAYA, A.T., vrach; PnI.TSOVA, A.M., vrach; SOLONOVICH, A.G., vrach; CRUWA, A.V., vrach; SAPUNOVA, Ye.A., medsestra. Overcome shortcomings in hospital construction. Gor.khox.Mosk. 27 no.11:4-5 N 153. (KLEtA 6:11) 1. Moskovskaya 2-ya, klinichaskaya infektsionnaya bollnitea. (Moscow--Hospitals) Riz xoj~~'- MARGULIS, A.Sh., prof.; BLESHENKOV, A.M., WsKUTOVq F.A.; BARNGOLITS, S.B.; FILATOV, N.L.; KCROTKOVA, L., M., red.; LEBEDEVI A., tekhn. red. (Economic evaluation of the work of industrial enterprises based on their accounting records] Ekonomicheskii analiz raboty predpriiatii; po danrqm ucheta i otchetnosti. Avtorskii kollektiv pod rukovodstvom A.Sh.Margulisa. Moskva, Goefinizdat. Pt.2. 1961. 315 P. (MIRA 15:6) (Industrial DAnagement) (Accounting) - 'Y F. m TMKUTOV 1962 4 metanurgy POPOV, Tee P.1 LOSKMV, e=Mj. TUSa *On 801144justlm Cw*vol Syst~ Without Sawmbing TenUtIve Action.9 ?"or to be onsented at the 17AC Cangm"v to be he2d in Ba"19 Sidtfer2ad, 27 Ana to h sop 63 gq --!%T"Ld)' ~-W)fEWT)~k)/Ew0khVE"Pk1) GD KCC NRt AT6016441 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/0007CO-O-["-38/0350 AUTHOR: Popov, Ye. P.; Loskutov, G. M.; Yusupov, R. M. ORGi none Ji, TITLE: On self-adjusting control systems without test perturbation effects SOURCE: International Federation of Automatic Control. International Congress. 2d, Basel, 1963. Diskretnyye I sainonastraivayushchlyesya sistemy (Discrete anJ-a-&--p-ffv;e-sy-s-16ihs); trudy kongressa. - Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 338-350 TOPIC TAGS: auto natic contro theory, self adaptive control, optimal automatic control A)3STRACT: A self-adjustAng control system Is one which during operation (1) determines the ~dynamio characteristics of the system by automatic search or calculates them from measure- .Vints; (2) by some test determines the adjustment, parameters, or regulator structures ine6essary for standardizing (or optimizing) the system; and (3) carries out the adjusting, pa- rameter, or regulator structure values derived. The literature contains very little Informa- tion on the synthesis and analysis of self-adjusting control systems for essentially stationary plants, while the drawback of many proposed systems is that special test signals must be used a Card 1/2 L 04993-67 'Add NR. to check dynamic characteristics of the signal. The present authors propose one of the pos- sible principles for creating a self-adjusting control system for a certain class of nonsta- tionary plants. The chief merit'Of the principle Is that It can take into account conditions both internal (system jiairameteisi) and external (noise and control effects) In system opera- tion. The report gives only the basic features of the proposed principle of designing a self- adjusting control system, but It Is to be hoped that this principle can be applied in many cases where it Is desirable to use natural oscillations of a system without Introducing perturbing test signals. The genoraf0'aso and Bioveral particular cases are studied and some of the points In- volved are discussed.. OrIg. art. has: 28 formulas and 2 figures. SUB CODE: 09, SU13M DATE: 29Sep65/ ORIG REF: 006 2/2 omm/kiscelianeous-4iichine tools _Card 1A Pub- 103 -:12/23 Aith&a LoskutovG. V. a -Wi". Title UPPV r cutting tools Periodical I Stan. i instr. 2) pg-;~2j Feb 1954 Abatrac+. i A Jack-like contrivance for the support of cutting tool:) improvised by workman~Z. A, Khaykin and D. 1. Kardapolov is briefly doscribed. In to the cutting operation the device can also El.nd application during the machining of objects the configurations of which allow the use of cutters of greater sweep, e. g. machining of crankshaft necks. The mechanical and economical advantages of the'contrivance are listed. Drawings. Institution Submitted lissR/ M-igineering Dies Card 1/1 Pub. 128 Authors Loskutavj Go V, Title Fixture for machining the slot in the actuating Icey of an eccentric press Periodical Vest. Mabh. 99 83-841 SeP 1954 Abstract A description is presented of a fi-cturej desigied by Re F, Postikov, for turning lathes which permits simultaneous machining of slots on six actuating keys of an eccentric press. Drai-rings. In3titution Subn--i U cd gin u -~~MY 0- NO LOSKUTOV, - G.V-., -- Inshener. !~, 7 ~i , V~ I ~ - . Device for improving a rigid and durable hold of a tool. Vent.mash.34 no.4.-75-7,6 Ap 154. (MLRA 70) (Machine tools) USSR/ Enginearing-frools Card 2 1/1 Autbors I Loskutov,, G. V.0 Engineer Title I Machinist, A. P. Vantkurov's radius cut-off tool Periodical t Vast. Mash. 34/5, 55 57, May 1954 Abstract I The*shortcomings of present-cutters, such as defomation of the work through banding of the.toolo are reviewed, Vantkurov's innovation consists of using a tool of high-speed stealj sharpened on a radius in accordance with a special design. By this method the rate of feed has almost been tripled. Table; drawings. Institution Submitted I Ali ~---S N;, ~' -FL'-'v -) j ~ C, PONDMAREV, A.I.; OSTROUMOV, B.A., x1oktor khimicheekikh nan , redaktor; LOSKUTOV, I.P., redaktor; RIVRAYEVA, N.A., tekhaicheakiy redaktor. Nothods of chemical analysis of minerals and rocks] Metody khimi- chaskogo analiza mineralov i gorrqkh porod. Moskva, 12d-vo Akademii nauk SSSR. Vol.2 (iron ores, titanomagnatities and chro- mites] Zhel~MWerudy, titanomagnetity i khromity, 1955. 343 P. (Iron ores) (Chrondtes) (MT-RA 8:11) (Titanomagnetities) LOSKUTOV, K.; ZOLOTMIN. P. i aviateldmik Our experience in the use of a motor winch. Kryl.rod. 10 no-3: 18-19 Kr 159o (KER.A 12:4) 1*0 Nachallnik planernoy stantaft g. Toahkar-Ols, (for Loskutov). 2. Planernava stentsiya g. Yoshkar-Ola (for Zolotukhin). (Gliding and soaring) WSMOV, I.; ZOLOTUKRIN, P. . Chassis for the AI glider. Xryl.rod. 4 no.8:9 Ag '53. (MLHA 6:7) (Gliders (Aeronautics)) LOSKUTGV,K.; BONDARENKO,N., instruktor-letchik; ZOLOTUKRIN,P., avia- --tekhfilk Some problems in elementary training of glider pilots. Kryl.rod. 6 no-8:7 Ag'55- (MIRA 8:10) 1. Nachallnik Yoshkar-Olinskoy planernoy stantaii (for Loskutov) (Gliding (Aeronautics)) AID P - 4716 Subject USSR/Aeronautics - Civil Aviation (glider stations) Card 1/1 Pub. 58 - 11/14 Author Loskutov, K.., Head of the Glider Station, Yoshkar-ola .Title : Glider-pilots of Yoshkar-ola Periodical : Kryl. rod., 6, 16-18, Je 1956 Abstract : The author describes the activities of the glider station of Yoshkar-ola (Mariyskaya ASSR). Different modes of launching the gliders are discussed in some length. Improvements made i 'n the details of the con- struction of Gliders A-1 and BRO-9 are indicated. One photo. Institution : None Submitted : No date LOSKUTOV, K. Gliding clubs instead of glider stations. Kryl.rod. 11 n0-9:12-13 5 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Nachallnik Yoshkar-Olinskoy planernoy stantsii. (Gliding and soaring) -240), 21+(4) SOV/139-59-1-16/)4 AUTHOR: Loskutov, K.N. -j TITLE: -an--thWIH7~`F'8?7~ltra viol e t Radiation on the Photoconductivity of Silver Bromide Crystals (0 vliyanii U11trafioletovoy podsvetki na fotoprovodimost- kristallov bromistogo serebra) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vyssh,-'.kh U-.helnykl-l Zavedeniy, Fizika, 1959, Nr 1, pp 97-101 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Putseyko and Terenin (Ref t) found thatq if crystals of thallium. halides are illuminated with modulated visible light and continuous ultraviolet radiation of mv, then the periodic photoeffect is intensified. Putseyko and Neyklyar (Ref 2) found the same effect in silver bromide and chloride in experiments on photoconductivity and photoeffect. The present paper reports studies of this effect on silver bromide crystals prepared by allowing the molten salt to flow into a space between two glass plates. After solidification, one of the glass plates was removed and the crystal was illuminated with modulated visible light from a double monochromator, produced in the experimental workshops of the Leningrad Card 115 State University. A stabilized incandescent lamp of SOV/139-59-1-16/34 On the Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation on the Photoconductivity of Silver Bromide Crystals 500 W was used as a source of light, The light beam was modulated by means of a rotating disc with apertures. Continuous irradiation with W = 365 mVL was produced by means of a mercury lamp PRK-)+, and this ultraviolet light fell on the side of the crystal opposite to that illuminated with modulated visible light, The intensity of ultraviolet radiation was controlled by varying the current through the mercury lamp and adjusting an iris diaphragm between the mercury lamp and the sample. The ultraviolet intensity was measured by means of a selenium photoelement. Photoconductivity was measured by means of an a.c. amplifier. The author describes first the volt-ampere characteristics of silver bromide obtained in fields up to 100 V/cm, Linear and, in some cases, concave downwards volt-ampere characteristics were obtained; two typical curves obtained without ultra- violet irradiation are shown as continuous lines in Fig 1. On ultra-violet irradiation the volt-ampere characteristics were shifted to new positions shown by dashed lines in Card 2/5 Fig 1. Ultra,violet radiation did not produce the same results in all crystals,, In some of them the photocurrent SOV/1"19-59-1-16/34 On the Effect of Ultra7iolet Radiation on the Pijhotoconductiv~_'t-j of Silver Bromide Crystals rose on irradiation, in others (approximately half (.~f about 100 samples studied) it fell. The effect of ultra- violet radiation was greatest when photoconductivity due to visible modulated light was smallest,, The effect of ultraviolet radiation was expressed in terms of a ratio 4J/Jt~ where 6J is the increase of photocurrent due to ultraviolet radiation and J.-jI, is the photocurrent due to modulated light by itself, Figs 2 and 3 show the spectral. dist'ributions of photoconductivity due to modulated light by itself (continuous ourves), and due to modulated light and ultraviolet irradiation (dashed curves) as well as the wavelength dependence tijlj (chain curves), Figs 2 and 3 show clearly that Tra.- violet radiation ma decrease or increase the photo- conductivity, Fi ~ shows the dependence of !,J/J~ on J~,; the curve of Fig & indicates that with increase of' the photocurrent intensity the positilre effeA of ultraviolet irradiation denreases and. the negative effect-, increases. Card 3/ 5 The effect of the intensity of the ultraviolet radiation itself on the change in photoconductivity whi(-.,h it SOV/139-59-1-16/31+ On the Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation on the Photoconductivity of Silver Bromide Crystals produces is shown in Fig 5. The results plotted in Fig are obtained for the same wavelength of modulated visible light. The region A in Fig 5 represents the positive effect of ultraviolet radiation (increase of the photo- current, shown in Fig 'I), and the region B represents the negative effect (corresponding to the middle portion of Fig 3). The author concludes that the negative effect of ultraviolet radiation occurs in all crystals, but to observe this effect in some crystals one would require very highintensities of the modulated light beam and the ultraviolet radiation. To explain the observed effects the author-suggests that -the ultraviolet radiation increases the quantum yield of photoconductivity and simultaneously shortens the "displacement" of photo- electrons. At low photoconductivities the increase of the quantum yield predominates and the photoconductivity At high photoconductivities the degree of the Card 4/5 arises. photoelectron "displacement" predominates over the SOV/139-59-1-i6/3L On the Effect of Ultraviolet Radiation on the Photoconducti-ity of Silver Bromide Crystals quantum yield rise. Acknowledgement is made to P.V. Meyklyar for suggesting this subject and for his advice. There are 5 figu-res and ~ references, 4 of which are Soviet and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Permskiy Pedinstitut (Peru?Pedagogi(ial Institute) SUBMITTED: Octobe.- 13,,, 19,5~8 Card 515 AUTHORi -Loskutov, K. N. S/058/62/O(*0A/O43/136 A061IA101 TT=, . On the reflection factor of silver bromide crystals PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 6, 1962, 1 - 2, abstract 606 C'Uch. zap. Permsk. gos. ped. in-t", 1961, no. 28, 161 - 166) The spectrum of the total reflection of AgBr single crystals has been studied in tti~ range of 400 - 600 m/.L. The result is represented graphically. 7he reflection maximum in the spectrum is observed at 480 m/.t, where it attains 23% (18% at 410 m/4 and 21% at 600 m/4. Spectra obtained at 19 and 500C coincide. Tne measurement accuracy is 2 - 3%. A double monochromator of LOU, featuring an added MSO-cured integrating sphere, was used for the measurements. A 03Y -22 (FEU-22) photomultiplier was the receiver. L. Kislovskiy [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 LOSKUTOV, K.N. Effect of ultraviolet light on the photoconductivity of AgBr. Uch. 161. (MM 16t5) 1. Permskiy gosudaretvennyy peda&ogicheskiy institut. (Silver bromide crystals) (Ultraviolet rays) (Photoconductivity) L- 67LfO-65 W. (1)IM(k)IM (m)/EEC (t) /W(q) /34P(b) Pz-6 1 JP (c) IAn C (a ____7_ a) -5/AFWL/%4R4(i) IAS(mp) -2/ESD/(t,) /RAEM(t ~/ESD ('" ~100AJ~pWj~o. ACCESSION NRi AP4043876 S1013976 143/0146 70 AUTHOR: Aoskutov, K. N. 6Y TITLE: On the question of excitation and extinction of photocon- ductivity in r single _AqBL _ggystaLE! SOURCEt IVUZ. Fizikat no. 4, 1964, 143-146 TOPIC TAGGS: phol-ocurrent carrier, ultraviolet irradiation, silver halide recording medium, quantum yield, photoconductivity, elec- tronic transition ABSTRACT: The author presents a semiquantitative explanation of the influence of a constant exposure to ultraviolet on the photoconduc- tivity of AgBr crystals due to intermittent illum-ination, an in- fluence which was observed by the author in an earlier investigation ,'TZ,,;. vu7_ov SqSP,, Fizika, no. 1, 97, 1959). The various electronic transitions that can occur for AgBr crystals are listed, and the Card 1/2.- -1 1- 7-,'-----1 11- L 6740-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4043876 degree to which these transitions are excited by modulated long- wave light and by constant ultraviolet light is discussed. It is shown that the effect produced by the constant ultraviolet illumina- tion depends appreciably on the ratio of the intensities of the modulated light to the ultraviolet light. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 13 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Permskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Perm Polytechnic ___I n~i tu te) SUBMITTED: 20jul62 ENCL: 00 SUIB CODE: OP, NR REF SOV: 008 OTHER: 001 cam ~L 28471-66~ -EWT(1)AwT(m)/T/EWP(t)- fjp(c)- -AT/JIY/jd ACC NR: AP600969k SOURCE CODE: UW0181/66/008/00 31095910961 AUTHOR: 1joskut9y Kj,, ORG: ftrm' Polytechnic lnvtitute~ Permskiy politekhnicheakiy institut) TITLE: Quantum yield of internal photoeffect in single-cry AgBr SCURCE:: Fizika tverdogo telap ve 8) no, 3p- 19660 959-961 TOPIC TAGS: internal photoeffect., quantum yield,, single crystal, silver compound, photosensitivity, photoconductivity ABSTRACT: In view of the importanc e of the quantum yield for silver halides, In con- nection vith the theory and practice of photographic sensitivity, the author presents the results of determination of the quantum yield of the internal pbotoeffect in single erjstals of AgBr grown by the method proposed by V. K. Subashiyev (FTT v. 6, 1956, 1964). The photoconductivity in the visible region was measured by a method described in an earlier paper by the author (Izv. Vuzov SSSRO Fizikap No. 1, 97.# 1959). This method yields the absolute values-of the yield from the spectral dependence of the photoconductivity. It is shown that in the case"of,thick crystals (kd >,4, where ' k is the absorption and d.the thiclmess of the crystal), the method reduceE7to the Platting of a simple curve involving the measured stationary photoconductivity signal obtained vhen the sample is Mind ed with a modulated beam of light. The investi- gation yields a plot of the quantum yield against the wavelength, which shows that with decreasing wavelength the quantum yield for AgBr increases from 0.22 at 45o rn d 1/2 4, 1 .0 ACC NR: A -1 ,1 1 ' L SOURCE CODE., '66/ooo/oo&163/01al, 5P,2! AUTHOR: looskutov) K. N. ORG: Perm' Polytechnic Institute (Permskiy politekhnicheskiy institut) TITLE: Change of quantum *lS-of the internal photoeffect in single crystals of -yie- AgB!r uAder the influence of additional ultraviolet illumination IVO~RCC I W'Z. Mika, no. 2, 1966, 163-164 TO11C TAGS; quantum yield, internal photoeffect, uv irradiation, spectral distribu- tion, photoconductivity, absorption coefficient,,,,jight reflection coefficient-, silver compound, bromide, photoeffect k.BSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier worl~(Izv. vuzov SSSR, Fizika, no. 1, 9T, 1959), where it was observed that constant ultraviolet additional illumination can either intensify or attenuate the photoconductivity of AgBr single crystals, A~d an elaboration of the explanation of this phenomenon was given by the author later (Izv. vuzov SSSR, Fizika, no. 4, 14-4, 1964). In the present article data are pre- sented on the influence of ultraviolet illumi ion on the quantum yield of the photo-' effect in AgBr, obtained by directly calculating the quantum yield both for the case of illumination with modulated light only, and for the case of simultaneous iuwina- tion with modulated and constant light. The quantum yield was calculated from the spectral distribution of the photoconductivity by a method proposed by V. K. Suba- shiyev (Ym v. 6, 1956, 1964). To determine the quantum yield by this method, it Is necessary to know not onlythe stationary photoconductivity but also experimental o !5A, T _365JA~ab_ ACC NR. AP60134T1 values of the absorTtion coefficient and of the reflection coefficient for each wave-! length. The photoconductivity 'was measured in the visible part of the spectrum by the method described in the earlier paper, the absorption coefficient was taken from a paper by V.-P. Meyk1yar (FTT v. 4.. 148, 1962), and the procedure for measuring the reflection coefficient was described by the author earlier (Uch. zapiskd Permskogo pedagogicheskogo institute, no. 28, 161, 1961). The results confirm the earlier as- sumption that the quantum yield of the photoeffect in the visible region can be in- creased by additional ultraviolet illumination. Orig. art* has: 1 figure and 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SM ME: 32Mar65/ ORIG REF: 007 Ca 2/2 fq IS LOSKUTOV, M. I. Cond 19-d Ici (diss) "Compareti-ze ev,~!,,mtisn of '*-- effectiveness of tran veqic 1 iprapqbic snd extraves-Lcal retropubic methods of prostatectomy pr stale hypei~~~ Smolensk, 1958. 19 pp (Min of Jfer~lth RSFS~R. Smolensk State I~ed Ins t), 220 copies (KL, .3,36,58, 115) LOSKUTOV T, .-, CIIINSKIY, V.I. . 1. L1_16.Ur- Automation of hydrogen chloride production. Biul. tekh.-ekon. inform. Gos. nauch.-issl. inst. nauch.i tekh. inform. 18 no.6:10-11 Je 165. (MIRA 18:7) Limits and methods of adenomectomy in adenoma of the prostate Urologiia 23 no.4:42-45 JI-Ag 158 (JIMA 11:8) 1. Iz kafedry obachey khirurgii (zav. - prof. G.G. Dubinkin) Smolonskogo meditainakogo institutas (PROSTATE, enopInams adenema, surip., limits & mathoda (Rua)) (PROSTATE HYPERTHOPHY, surgery, (Rua)) (PROSTATECTOIC adenomectomy. technics (RUO) LOSKUTOV) M.I., dotsent Diagnosis and treatment of sarcoma of the prostate. Urologiia no.3:61-63 162. (MBU 15:5) 1. 1z kliniki obshchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. G.G. Dabinkin) Smolenskogo meditsinskogo instituta, (PMTATE-CANCER) LOS.KUTOV., M.I.,-dotsent Favorable outcome of the treatment of mesenteric thrombosis. Trudy SMI 17:3-9 163. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Iz kliniki obshchey khirurgii (zav , ,Prof. G.G. Dubinkin) Smolenskogo gosudarst'vennogo meditsinsk o instituta. IMKUT.OVS _gIg I., _dptsent Giant elephantiasis of tI* scrotum in an adolescent. Urologiia 28 no.3:57-59 163 (MIn 17:2) 1. Iz kliniki obshchey khirurgii ( zave - prof* G.G.Dabinkin) Smolenskogo meditsinskogo instituta. PIVOVAMV, A.V.; WSKMV, H.P.- Use of the "single lineO method in plotting the characteriatic carves of photographic emulsions. Zav.lab. 26 no.12:1379 160. (MMA 13:12) 1..K,azakhski7 institut minerallnogo syrlya. (Photographic emulsions) LOSKIJTOV, P.I. Hew we got ready for winter. Avtom., telem. i sviazl no.1:27-28 J& '57. NLRL lo:4) 1. Nachallnik Novosibirskoy distantsil mignalizateii t avyazi Tomakoy dorogi. (Railroad~--Signaliag) LOSKUTOV, V., inzh. Innovation has been introduced but renumeration has not been granted. Izobr.i rats. no.5:30 14Y 160. (MMU 14-2) 1. Treat "Magnitostroy." (Magnitogorsk-Tectaiological innovations) ... WSKUTOV, V.;_FEDORCHIMKO, A. For wide use of devices for the establishment of technical standards. Sots.trud 5 no.2:87-92 7 '60. (KIRA 13:6) (Production standards) (Measuring instruments) LOSKUTOV, V. Planned work. NTO 3 no.6:46 Je 161. (YIRA 14.,6) 1. Zamestitel' predsedatel5ra soveta nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva tresta "Magnitostroy", g. Magnitogorsk. (Magnitogorsk--Steelworks) LOS-N-UTOV, V. There are many interesting tasks in store for us. Sov. foto 22 no.12:39 D 162. (MIRA 16-1) 1. Sekretarf pravleniya fotokluba pri Fravoberezhnom dvortse metallurgov, Magnitogorak. (Magnitogorsk-.Pbotograpby,-Societies, etc.) LGBKUTOTI V. (MAgnitogorsk) ~upeotion of photographie studios, Sovo foto 23 noa,6:25 Je 163~ (MIU 16:7) (Photography--fitudios and dark rooms) FEYGIN, N.M.; MASHKOVICH, A.M.; IDS TOV, V.A - __...-CSINNM, V.Ya. Four-position device for removing burrs frm plastic parts. Huhinostroitalt no.lt25 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:2) (Orinding machines) IJDSKUTOV,,,--YA,I- . , Universal die for upsetting heads. Mashi-nostroite.11 no.12-21 D 61. (14M U::L2) (Dies(Metalworking)) KAFRANOV, V.N.; WSKUTOVY V.A.i FEYGIN, M.M.; OS1NNYKH, V.Ya. Device for cleaning metallic reinforcements. Mashinostroitell no.2:20 F 163, (WRA 16:3) (Metal cleaning) 0'. . 1, LOSKUTOV, V-k..-FEYGIN, M.M.; OSINNYKH, V.Ya. Semiautomatic machine for cleaning plastic articles, Mashinostroitall no.91&q s 63. (MIRA 16:10) (Plastics machiner7) ININI ju-'Ju -1 1 ~1 ~2xj /-I ouvilun uuun: unpi-fij! UVI VVVI V~./ AUTHOR: Loskutov, V. A.; Prikhozhiy, B. I. 'ORG: None ~TITL-3: A device for installation and removal of large stamps on presses. Class 7, !No. 181602 !SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 10, 1966, 18 !TOPIC TA~GS: metal press, industrial automation ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. a device for installation and re- moval of large stamps on presses. The unit contains a lifting platform and an attach- ment for transferring the stamp from the platform to the press. Accurate installation of the stamp on the press is ensured by a beam mounted on the lifting platform for moving the stamp along a roller conveyor in the platform and the backup plate in the press. This beam is equipped with a drive and a mechanism for centering and fastening the stamp on the roller conveyor. Also mounted on the platform is a mechanism for orienting the roller conveyor with respect to the press. 2. A modification of this device in which provision is made for lining up the axes of the stamp and roller con- veyor while the stamp is in motion. The -rive for the beam contains a transmission mechanism, e. g. a chain drive system.combined with bevel and screw gears equipped with;- 1 1/2 UDC; 621-983;621-979-783t65 X g .862. 4 . _~:~ _'~ _;;~ . T; 4i Y~ i ACC NRt AP(6)0179~6 a slip clutch which transmits reciprocal motion through lead screws. The beam has holding devices, one with a left hand thread and the other with a right hand thread mounted so that they move along a horizontal screw with double right and left hand thread. 3. A modification of this device in which provision is made for matching the axes of symmetry of the stamp and press. The mechanism for orienting the roller con- veyor is made in the form of fingers mounted on a frame. These fingers go into holes in the bac4up plate on the press which is equipped with clamps to'fit over the fingers and fix the position of the platform with respect to the press. CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 27Jan62 BELOV, N.S.; BIRYUKOV, I.Y.; VERBLYUDOV, N.N.; GORBUNOVA, M.N.; YESIPOVA, M.M.; ILIIGHEV, A.I.; IGNATIYEVA, N.Ya.; KOVACHEVICH, P.M.; LYTKIN, A.M.; JRDOT. A.Ya.; LOSKUTOV, V.G.;WZYUKOV, A.S.; MIROSENICHMiKO, I.Ya.; Iff ornvrlrr."~, OSIPOV, P.M.; PMOV, N.G.; PETRACHKOV, M.I.; PINEVIGH, K.M.; POPOV, B.B.; POTAPOV, P.V.; PRWXIN, F.Ye.; PUKHOV, A.F.; CHUSOVITINA, Ye.I.; ANGELISKIY, N., [The Kuznetsk Basin in the sixth five-year plan] Kuzbass v shestoi piatiletke. [Kemerovo] Kemerovskoe knizhnu3 izd-vo. 1956. 125 P. (MIRA 16: 12) (Kuznetsk Basin) I I - -: - - . . - - - LOSKUTOV, V.I. US14 grld electiric integrator for solvir,,g problems cf hydraulics in petroleum production, Neft. khoz. 41 no.4:24-31 Ap 163. (MTRA 17:10) LOS&UIOV, V. I. Determination of pressures in a pulsating flow. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostrolt. lit-rY. 1952- 87 P- (54-18349 TJ955.L.6 1. Air-pumps. 2. Manometer. LOSKUTOVt V.I. 3513. LOSKUTOV, V.I. Opytraboty. Talovskoy Oporno-Pokazatellnoy NTS. Voronezh.. Kn 12 D.,, 1954- 48- (7) s.s. ill. 20sm (Paredoviki Sel'skogo Khozyaystva Voronezhakog Obd.) 3,000 ekz. 84)k.-(54-57989) P. 338.1 mts U7.396) SO: Knizhuaya Latopist, Vol. 3, 1955 L-OSKUTOv. V. i. MIRONOV, K.A.; SHIPETIN, L.I.; LOSKUTOV, V.I.. kandidat takhni- - EffTf,-r2lPN, daktor. cheakikh nauk, retsen28nt, [Thermotechnicalmeasuring instumental Teplotakhnichookis izaaritelluye pribory; spravochnye materialy. Moskva, Goa. nauohuo-takhn. lzd-vo mashinostroit. i sudoetroit. lit-ry, 1954. 497 P. (MLRA 7:8) (Measuring instruments) LC IM&A-1-i kanaidat.tekhnicheakikh nauk; ...4% Upr ' r r61 C'z"eint; SHRIDLIR, Yu.I.,,kandidat PCPOVA, S.M.. takhnichaskiy redaktor YLKCIBSON, B.M.. inzhener. tekhnicheskikh.nauk. redalctor; [Laboratory apparatus for measuring liquid and gas consumption] pribory dlia izmerenlis. raskhoda zhidkostei i gazov. We 2-oe, ispr, I dope Moskyal Goes nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo mashino- stroit. lit-ry 1955. 253 P. (MM 9:7) Orlowmeters) AUTHOR: Loskutov, V. 1. 113-1-2/13 TITLE: Mathematical Machines for the Solution of the Problems of Underground Hydraulics in Oil-Producing Industry (kat'ematicheekaya mashina dlya resheniya zadach podzemnoy gidravliki v neftedobyvayushchey promyshlennosti) PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1958, lir 1, PP. 4-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The selection of the most favorable position of a lift frame, the determination of the extent and limitation of irrigatiDn, the study of the distribution of oil-containin_- layers, the determination of mutual connections between drill-holes, all this wants difficult and tedious calculations. Until now these problems have been solved by means of approximation methods, ceitain conditions having had to be made, especially because of the boundary conditions. Now for the solution of many of these problems, which belono to underground bydraulics, a special mathematical machine was developed. This m,.-hine, type)m -C was put to work and operates according to the electric model principle. The differential equations occuring are solved by Card 1/3 connecting, accoraing to choice, systems of wire-resistanceq Mathea-atical Machines for the Solution of the Problems of 119-1-2/13 Underground Hydraulics in Oil-Producing Industry capacitances and inductances, and then neasuring the distribution of volt-.1ge and current, respectively in this system. As furthermore a Illo.,Iic" brain is built-in in this machine, which can store up to parameter values, any problem with new initial conditinns or boundary conditions, respectively can easily be repeated. For taking-in initial- and boundary conditions a special 75o-channel system (with valves) was developed. Each of these channels can be included into the calculation operations as often as wanted and at any time (according to a time plan). In order to guarantee the greatest possible security in the operation of the machine the functional blocks as well as the supplementary apparatus are equipped with an automatically 9perating error-signal-station which indicates where an error had been caused. For the solution of the hitherto greatest problem the machine needs about 6o KW of power. In normal operation the machine needs 6-8 operators, the program designer being included. There are 8 figures. Card 2/3 / 1~ Mathematical Machines for the Solution of the Problemo of 119-1-2 117 Under-round Hydraulics in Oil-Producin- Industry AVAILABLE: Library of ConGress 1. Hydraulics 2. Mathematical computers-Application Card 3/3 AUTHOR: Loskutov, V. 1. 119--58-4-1/15 TITLE: Automatic Cbntroli by-, Math;~matichl Machines of Lo~,-omdtive Train Operations. ''.. (Avtomaticheakoye upravleniye poyezdnoy rabotoy lokomot'Lvoy pri pomoshchi matematichesk1kh mashin) PERIODICAL: Priborostroyenlye, 1958f Nr 4, Pp. 1-5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Control is carried out in such a manner that the differential equation of motion of the locomotive for the distance to be coTer-.d by it is solved by the computer and that, on the strength Of such solutions, the locomotive is adjusted to the most favor- able driving. The block dia4;rm of the "artificial engine driver" is as follows: Computation block - control block - feea block - operation block-" programming blocle' for scanning the distance to be oofered - "programming blook" for the limitation of speed - automatio signal receiver. In No-irember 1957 such an artificial engine driver was teated on a self-propelled car on -the line leading from Kuybyshav to Bezymyanka. Card V2 The "engine ariver" automatically regulated the various speede Automatic Mathematical Machines 99.10comotive 119-58-4-1/15 Train Operations*. according to the speed schedule. Also stopping by mearz of a braking process in two stages was carried out by this artif -Joial "engine driver". On the basis of the carves obtained the operation of the entire scheme c9n be acairately followed. At present the model of the "engine driveV' is taken apart and all parts are once more examined. Following this, it will be sub- jected to a durability test. There are 5 figures. Card 2/2 LOSKUTOV, V. I. "Mathematical and Gontrol Machines in lhil Transportation, Zheleznodarozhnyy transport rRallroad Transportatio-n7, 1958, No. 7, Pages 48 53. v, AUTHOR: Loakutov9 Vq~MMI*.WWftWMA"W_X2Q SOV/119-58-8-1/-16 TITLE: Cybernetics as a Means of Promoting Technical Progress (Kibernetika na sluzhbe tekhnicheakogo progressa) PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1958, Nr 8 pp. 1 - 6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: One of the possibilities of making use of applying cybernetics in practice has been realized by the mathematical machine "Strela" which is being produced in the USSR. A priliminary program of the tasks to be performed is auto- matically transformed on a special keyboard from a decimal - to a dual system. All data are fixed on a punch card. These data are taken over by the computing section by which they are passed on to the operative memory in form of electric pulses. From there commands are transmitted to the control center, where the operations transmitted according to program are arranged in their proper order. For this purpose an arithmetical machine, a block for standard programs, and the operative - and storage - memory (partly on magnetic tapes) are used. Inter- mediate results are again fed to the operative memory. After Card 113 the second process of computing is completed, the final solution Cybernetics as a Means of Promoting Technical Progress SOV/119-58-8-1/16 is produced in form of a table of numbers based on the decimal system. A further form-of applying cybernetics is the use of improved mathematical machines for the automatic control of production prooesses. In this case the operational scheme is approximately the following: The process of operation to be automatized must first be split up in form of a system of equations into the respective mathematical and logical algorithms. In this way the fundamental form is fixed. As soon as the dynamics of the process or-operation changes, this change is.taken up by tranaducereg -fed into the machine, and worked out (.by way of the information block to the transformer). At.the same time, however, the said .chang* or modification is stored for the purpose of.a later control in -the- "memory". By the aid of this control block the pulses obtained are dealt with in their proper order by the automatic computer, and solutions are passed on in form of para- meters (pulses) to the automatic device for comparing values. -11ere those parameters which are the most advantageous are selected and the "best" parameters are passed on to the control mechanism. Card 2/3 A further form of application may be found in such apparatus SOV/119-58-8-1/16 Cybetnetids as a Mdaits of Promoting Technical Progress sis middol pbysiologioal functious as e..g..,the electrosimulator fte the investigation of metabolic functions and the electro- 4iIIUl&tGr for functional tests of the heart. There Are 3 figures. 1, Ma-themati6al-computers--~Operation 2. Cybernetics--Applications 3. Recording devices-Performance 4.'Control systems--Performance Ca�d 3/3 SOV/121-58-10-7/25 AUTHOR: Loskutov. V.I. TITLE: '- --TT1e--7o-r-kT-ngprinciple of the VPRR-2 Computer for Determining the Cutting Conditions in Metal Cutting MRchine Tools (Osnovy raboty pribora VPRR-2 dlya oprede le n i y arezhimov rezanlya na metalloobrauatyvayushchikh stankakh) PERIODICAL: Stanki I Instruiltent, 1958, Nr 10. pp 20-22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The VPRR-2 computing device, development b,,lr the -Scientific Research Institute for computer Engineering (Nauchno-issiedovatel'5kiy 1nzt1tut schetnogo mashinostroyeniya) is intended for the COMDUtation of the cutting conditions in machining operations of various metals. A brief description was given earlie-r (Stanki I instrument, 1958, Nr 8, p 28) now followed by a discussion of the working principles, circuits and components. The device operates on the principle of a compensated electrical network. its purpose is to solve a system of equations in which the rate of feed3 the rotational speed, the machining time, the cutting speed and some special quantities are stated Card 1/4 t SOV/121-58-10-7/25 The Working Principle of the VPRR-2 Compuzer for tb-- Cutting Conditions in Metal Gutting MachLne for'-each of the basic forms of machining (turningg milling and drilling) in terms of the cutting force, the diameter of the workpiece and of the CUtter, the tool life between regrindsv certain.constants representing the material of the tool and of 1-1 he workpi,ece and other variables. The basis of the computer is a system of equations obtainled by taking the logarithms of the original equations, Thus a system is obtained (equations 1) wherein each consists of a sum of terms equated to zero. Most of the terms are'products of a variable and the logarithm of another variable. In. the VPRR-2 device all the magnitudes are represented by electrical,voltagesp varied by means of potentiometers. Those quantities which enter with their logarithm are set up with the help of potentiometers having a special winding which ~Jelds a voltage equal to the logarithm of the isplacement. Ordinary variables in the logarithmic equationsg namely the exponents in-the original Card 2/4 equations are set up with the help of ordinary SOV/121-58-10-7/25 The Working Principle of the VPaR-2 Computer for Determiming the Cutting Conditions in Metal Cutting Machine Tools proportional potentiometers. The multiplicating of two quantities is accomplished by a cascade unit consisting'of two potentiometers. Thus, eachterm in the equations is represented by a voltage fed through a corresponding resistance to a common busbar, whi.-h is connected to the null indicator. By.the compensation through the adjustment of one of the potentiometer sections-9 the current through the indicator can be-made to vanish. This adjustment., indicated by a scale constitutes the solution of the equation. The device consists of seventeen potentiometer sections, The potentiometer units producing a logarithm and the product of a quantity Card 3/4 S 0 V/19 1 -5 8 -10 -7/-~ 5 The Working Principle of the VPBR-2 Computer for Deterrj,4-ning tLe Cutting Conditions ix- Metal Cutting Machine Tools and a logarithm are illustrated (fig'.4-and 5). The basic circuit of the complete unit is shown in Fig-3. There are 5 illustrations including 2 photos and 1 table. Card 4/4 25(2), 28(2) SOV/119-5e-11-4/'15 AUTHOR: Loskutov, V. I., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Mathematical Machines and Their Importance for Science and Economy (Ilatematicheskiye mashiny i ikh znacheniye dlya nauki i narodnogo khozyaystva) PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniya, 1958, Nr 11, pp 8-12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: From the extent to which Soviet computers are being used the importance of these devices may be recognized! 1) Differential Analyzer : This device consists of 24 integrators. Nearly all the blocks are automatized. This is the largest device of its kind. Location: Kiyev University. Use: Solution of difficult prob- lems of science and technology. 2) Electric Models These models make the mathematical model-representation of various dynamical systems in the natural time-scale possible. At present the following linear and nonlinear modeln are being produced in the USSR: .9 M-~8 and &tldro. Card 1/3 3) Electrointegrator X-r-S A SOV/119-56-11-4/15 Yathematical Machines and Their Importance for Science and Economy This device consists of a network of resistances and condensers with 20 000 tapping points. By means of this device the V1insk,_ye Oil Fisd2A . (Tatarskaya ASSR) was analyzed for the purpose of 1) obtaining an idea of the extent of oil deposits in the country, and 2) of determining the distribu- tion of pressure at the place where oil was found if the height of boring towers is reduced by the half without caus- ing a reduction of production figures. 4) Digital Computers "BESU" This group comprises the machines 'IrTPG-RA 1, (Strela), yP A -A 11 (Ural), 11 CSTSK 11, -, norOA A,, (Pogoda) and K'PAC-TAJIJI " (kristal~. These devices perform up to 100 operations per second. A special machine is at present be- ing built for a computing center; it will perform 20 000 operations per second. A further machine with 2 000 - 2 500 aingle-bank operations per second is in the stage of being developed. Computers, computing devices, mathematical machines, and mathematical devices will in future have to be used to an increased extent whereever a plurality of simple counting Card 2/3 operations is necessary, and their summation, checking of ,OV1 13-55-11-4/15 I.-lathematical MricMnes and "heir D.,,portance for Science an.1 Eaonomy intermediate balancee, and storage of results is required. In a similar manner problems of financial administration, sales organizations, as well as problems of a statistical nature and transport problems can be solved by means of this machine. A further and very important field of applica- tion for these computers is the control of automatic systems, in which they serve as control elements. There are 3 figures and 9 references, 9 of which are Soviet. Card 3/3 _5 IDSKMW, V.I., kand. tekh. nauk. . Automtio engineer. Avtoz., telem. i oviaz' 2 no.11:8-21 N '58. (mnu n:.i2) (Railroado-Autematic train control) II~5Ux-IJAA_-_R,.kmnd. tekhn. nauk Calculating and regulating machines used ia railroad transDortation. Zhel. dor. transp. 40 no. 7:48-53 Jl '58. (HIRA 11:7) (Railroads--Electronic aquipment ) (IMectronic calculating mchines) XN~ ZHOKHOVSKIT, Mikhail Konstgntinovich;%~l YJ . kand.tekhn.nouk, P ._0 4"VW11 fiz.-matenat.neuk, rr r0 retsenzent; VOLAROVICH, M.P.. 0 red.; ALAVBRDOV, Ta.G., red.izd-va; TJVAROVA, A.F.,, [Theory and design of instruments with unsealed pistons] Teoriia i raschet priborov a neuplotnennym porshnsm. Moskva, Gos.nauchno- tekha,izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 203 P. (MIRA 12:12) (Measuring instruments) (Pistons) 28(2) MUM __La1P._u_t_o_v-, -7-. 1.. Candidate of SOV1119-59-1-4120 Technical Sciences, Chief Specialist of the Gosplan USSR TITLE- The Near Future in Computing Technique (Blizhaysheye budushcheye vychislitel?noy tekhniki) PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 1, PP 5-6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to the 7-year plan the production of computing machines is to be increased by the 4.7 fold and amount to 2.1 billion rubles in 1965. In the near future rapidly operating machines will be produced in series and perform 5,000-20,000 operations per second. This means already a considerable success as compared to the figures 100 and 2000 which are characteristic of the machines "Ural" and "Strela", etc. Within 2-3 years, however, so great a progress must have been made that machines can be produced which perform 100,000 - 200,000 operations per second and which have a capacity of storingapop-32,000 figgres. Particular attention deserve those machinefi which render possible ant-, economical analysis of the process to be automatized. The best solution of this problem seems to be an intensified network of the mathematical computing centers over the whole Card 1/2 country and to entertain a staff of qualified mathematicians Wx x -The Near Future in Computing Technique SOV/119-59-1-4/20 working with the most modern machinery in the mentioned centers. Mathematical control machinery has a great future. These machines are inserted in the automation system and can automatically control any complex dependence of the individual parameters of the process to be controlled and compute and (or) transmit the correct results through control signals with the necessary speed. Such machines are to be employed particularly in the fields of oil petroleum., chemical, and nonferrous metal industry as well as for technical problems of railway transport. As soon as the mathematical problems of the processos to be controlled are definitely worked out and as soon as it is possible to insert corresponding transducers into the course of the process there will be sufficient information for the control machine to guarantee an increased output and reduce the production cost simultaneously with an improvement of quality. ASSOCIATION: Gosplan SSSR (Gosplan USSR) Card 2/2 16(1) SOV/119-59-9-1/19 AUTHOR: Loskuto j,,._9andidate of Technical Sciences 1~~~ TITLE: The Eleotro-meohanical Machine "Integral 111 for the Integration of ordinary Differential Equations PERIODICAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 9, pp 1-6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: First an introductory on the historical development of the above type of machines, especially in tsarist Russia, is given. Thus, in 1911, the first differential analyser for the integration of ordinary differential equations up to the fourth order inclusively was constructed in Petersburg in the mechanical workshop of Vettser. In 1939 a mechanical differential analyser with 6 integrators was constructed under the direction of I.S, Bruk9 Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, in the USSR. The most efficient machine of this kind is "Integral 111 which was developed and constructed in the Soviet Union and is at present in permanent use at the Kiyevskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. T*G., Shevchenko (Kiyev State University imeni T.G. Shevchenko). This uniq1le machine was developed under the supervision of A.A. Bednyakov, Engineer. "Integral III contains 24 integrators and is adapted for the mechanized solution of Card 1/3 systems of ordinary differential equations with given initial 0 - V T The-Electro-mechanical Machine "Integral 111 for SOV/119-59-9-1/19 the Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations conditions (as are found in the automatic control of production processes and in other branches of science and engineering). The precision attained with this machine equals that of the numeric integration using four-figure numbers. The parts of the "Integral 111 are listed. The structural scheme of the machine consists of 4 sectors which are controlled by a main switching board. Approximately 1 hour is required for the solution of one problem. Results of the solutions are ejected either as table of the requirea functionst or in graphical form. The minimum space required for the assembly of the of the machine is 250 m2. Without wiring and feeding devices the machine has a total weight of 25 t. The power consumption is 100 kw. Each variable of the equation to be solved is represented in the appropriate scale by the angular displacement of a certain shaft. The differential analyser can be adapted to solve one or the other system of differential equations by suitable combinations of mathematical devices contained in the machine. The functions appearing in the equations may be given graphically or be integration of auxiliary differential equations. By means of an Card 2/3 integrator of the type described here, integration may be carried The Electro-mechanical Machine "Integral I" for SOV1119-59-9-1119 the Integration of Ordinary Differential Equations out with respect to any variable, which increases the mathematical possibilities of this machine considerably. In the differential-integrator described here the functions are inte- grated by menna of a friction meohaniam (integrator). Special blocks and devices are used for the introduction of the necessary constants into the differential equation and for the performance of algebraic operations involving variable quantities. Reducers are used for the multiplication of quantities with constant coefficientst and also for other operations. The individual parts of the machine are then dis- oussed. Solutions of the problems solved by means of the differential analyser may be determined in graphical form or in the usual numerical manner. The machine described here does not replace the universal electrbnic machines, but complements the computers available at present. There-are 7 figures and I table. Card 3/3 18 W SOV/128-59-11-10/24 AUTHOR: Loskutov, V.I., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE- Computor for Estimating Cupola Charge PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 11, pp 19-20 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Cast iron castings make about 80% of all castings pro- duced. Simplicity of manufacture, low costs and their mechanical properties ensure for the cast iron indus- try a leading role. In order to obtain the proper kind of cast iron in each individual case the chemical composition of the initial material kharge) from which castings are made has to be considered. For this pur- pose, a computing machine has been developed. Its ope- ration is based on the assumption that the most comp- lex charge consists of 9 chemical elements: carbon, si- licon, manganese, phosphorus, sulphur, chrome, titani- um, nickel and copper. On the other hand, cupola pro- duction chiefly encompasses the following sorts of me- tal: ferrosilicon, side iron scrap, forging iron, foun- Card 112 dry iron, foundry iron of another brand, alloyed foun- M M ME SOV/128-59-11-10/24 Computor for Estimating Cupola Charge 0 dry iron, alloyed foundry iron of another brand, scrap iron proper and scrap steels On page 19, the author gives 10 formulae by means of which the chemdlcal compo- sition of the charge can be determined, depending on the product to be obtained. Photographs of the compu-- ter and its internal structure are given in Pigs 2, 3 and 4. There are 1 table, 1 diagram and 3 photographs, Card 2/2 LOSKUTOV, V. Cybernetics in the service of technical developments, Tr. from the Russian. p.293 NERES ES AUTOMATFIA. (Merestechnikai as Automati-,alasi Tudomanyos E~ysulet) Budapest, Hungary. Vol. -i, no. 10, 1959 Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9. no. 1. Jan. 1960 Uncl. N AUTHOR: Loskutov, V. I. 5/128/60/000/005/001 /004 A104/Al 26 TITLE: Computer for the calculation of thermal operating conditions in cupola furnaces PERIODICAL: Liteynoye proizvodstvo, no. 5, 1960, 12-13 TEXT: The article describes a computer for the calculation of thermal operating conditions in cupola furnaces, desgined by the Tbilisskiy nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut priborostroyeniya i sredstv avtomatizatsii (THIISA)(Tbilissi Scientific Research Institute of Instruments and Automa- tion). The computer helps to determine the fuel consumption and to adjust the required air blast in the furnace. The equipment consists of two func- tional computer units, the first calculates the coke consumption at given temperatures of the liquid cast iron and the composition of flue gases. The consumption is done with the formgla: r 60 CO P = 8 + are tg_2.16 J75mr-T 0 - 4] 7-5 The second unit calculates the air consumption based on the amount of flue Card 1/3 Computer for the calculation of... S/128/60/000/005/001/004 A104/A126 gases. The calculation is done with the formula: 200 - 3 20 - P C02_ 0.4 TOU where P - indicates the coke consumption in kg; W - the amount of air to be blown in; C02 - percentage of carbon dioxide in flue gases; and t - given temperature of liquid cast iron at the cupola spout. The cupola temperature is controlled by a system of measuring instruments comprising a photoelectric color pyrometer and an optical-acoustic pyrometer. Initially the computer will be used as an aid to select and maintsin proper casting conditions. However, the functional unit scheme foresees direct input of initial calcula- tion data through appropriate converters from pickups. This will improve the operation of the computer and enable the personnel to correct immediately every deviation from the norm. At the same time the TNIISA completed a model containing two computers, one for the calculation of the thermal operating conditions of the cupola furnace and one for the calculation of the cupola furnace charge. There is 1 photo. Card 2/3 Computer for the calculation of... Card 3/3 S/1 28/60/000/00~,/001 /004 A104/A126 PiKure 1 t Total view of computer developed by TNIISA ~ VM~11~ M', LOSKUTOV,_Y~- The role of computing machines in the improvement of labor prq- ductivity. Sots.trud 4 no-7:26-30 J1 160. (MIRA 13*8) (Electronic calculating machines) (Efficiency, Industrial) 4 '20 g g LOSKUTOI ,-~--v Numerical methods for controlling metal-cutting machine tools. Stan.i instr. 31 no-7:3-5 J1 160. (MIU 13: 7) (Machine tools-Namerical control) .111k~ S/62 61/000/000/001/014 'D234YM303 AUTHOR: loskut.pv, V.I, TITLE: Present state and prospects for the development of computers and control devices SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhnicheakoye obahchestvo priborostroitellnoy promyshlennOBti. Primeneniye vychislitellnoy tekhniki dlya avtomatizatsii proizvodstva. Trudy soveshchaniya, provedennogo v oktyabre 1959 9. Ed. by V.V. Solodovni.- kov. Moscow, Mashgiz, 1961, 20 - 51 TEXT: A general description of present types of computers, Soviet and American, with tables of chief technical parameters. A short description of information machines and logical machines, chiefly American is given. Control devices (called "controlling computers" by the author) are discussed in general termsq followed by several examples of devices for special purposes, such as applications in petroleum industry, determination of optimum heat regime, automatic driving of trains, tea prod-action, etc. There are 4 tables and 13 figures. Card 1/i LOSKUTOV2 V.I.; ALEKSANDROV,, V.V., inzh., red.; BARANOVA, Z.S... inzh.., -re. izd-va; MODEL') B.I.p tekhn. red. [Control computers]Upravliaiushchie matematicheskie mashixq. Moskva, Yashgizp 1962. 387 p. (MIRA 15:10) (Electronic oalculatillf machines) (Automatic control