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" LOIIGVA, A.R., inzh.
Hydraulic book for the gVladimirete" T-28 tractor. TraktA
a e1 I khozmash. )0 n0-10:32 0 160. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Pribaltiyakaya mashinoispytatellnaya stantsiya.
(Tractors-Hyd.raulic equipment)
L ~02
ACC NRi A116010352 "'10MCF.; CODE:
AUMOR: Lon~ce~,__L. (Graduate physicist)
ORG: UVOJM,--Prerov
TITJI,: Light distribution in the iinage t)f a Circular l1rhtitir -,urftr,,. Yard, M.
001MCF: Jemna mechanikA a optikaldno. 1965, 46-47
TIONG TAGS: light radiation, optic. rf-oarch, optic optlr 1w;trimwot
A BST RA CT: Imagine by an exactly and approximtely ellipsoidal mirror was stud-
ied in the case of a more goneral distribution of the crater brightness, ex-
pressed by the raAial function f(r). nic general formulas derived for imaging
by a mirror element and zone were applied to a quadratic and corAne brightness
drop of the lighting surface, uhich permits a further precisioning of the com-
putations of mirrors for professional 1)rojectorr, and slide projectors. Torether
.with the formulas derived in Parts I and II (ibid, zio 11, 1963 and No 5, 1964),
a complete set of formulas Is thus available to compute mirrors of various de-
greeo of precision, In conclusion, an analyais of the brightness distribution
of connonly.used sources is given. Orig. art. has: 11 figures and 28 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: O5Oct64 ORIG WF: 002 / OTH IVY: 004
SOV REF: 002
Card 111- S UDC: 535.232.1:535-87: 778.23
LONICEKp Z., promovan7 fyzik
Effect of the thickness of a deep non-sphorical mirror
on its properties. Jemna mech opt 6 no-3:73-75 lbr '61.
1. Ustav pro vyzkum optiky a jemne mechaniky, Prerov.
promovany fyzik.
Distribution of light in the Image of a circular lighting
surface. Jemna mech opt 8 no.119 384-397 E163.
1. Ustav pro vyzkiua optik7 a jemne mechariky, Prerov*
j,cN.-f'Fe., 'Zrl., pro-im,wany lyz--f-
-i, 'A
I - -1,, j,,e (if a "*rcu,,ir livh*-ln?-, -,!rf, -a.
. Lstrlbut I on of - i,, , i,,o 1, It
Pt,2, je,,Lra rLe--n oF-, 1,, 1~12-13~7 PY
1. Resnarch lnstlUv,~-) .,.f Opt~,:.q anJ Pro-:~1.71.on Yll(ichari,~s, I.rarov.
Problems -,~ hylrcelynax'c~ Lnd n,a3a ~n sieve
teih. 8
7, -1 , vy
extrac'4ors. 3.
142-1 cC) 165. (KRA l8r6)
Mendeleyeva, f9felra nppa-.atc-.
LONINO V.S., inzh.
Improvement of the snap hooks of body belts. Ener etik 11 no.8:33
Ag t63. ~MIRA 16t10)
Methods for studying X-t-T-,%Z +-U type processes. Prib.i tekh.eksp.
,no.2:37-40 S-0 136. NLRA 10:2)
1. llektrofizicheskaya laboratortya AN SSSR.
(Photography, Particle track)
Dependence of the registering properties of a nuclear emulsion on the
temperature. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. I kin.. 2 no.1:13-14 Jew-7 157.
WaA 10:3)
1. Xlektrofizicheskaya laboratoriya Akademil nauk SSSR.
(Photographic emulsions)
AUTHGR3: Lonina, B.A. and Popova, A.K.
TITIE: Adhesive Application of Emulsion Layers on Glass Before
Photographic Processing ~Nakleyka emullsionnykh sloyev na
steklo do fotoeraficheskoy obrabotki)
PERIODICAL: Pribory i Tekhnika Et--sperinenta, 1957 No.4
~2 - 9' (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Stripped emulsion layers have been -,-:idely used for
recording high-speed, charged particles (Ref.2). The article
gives a detailed descriDtion of a method of"glueing" the
emulsion layers onto class before photo-raphic processin3.
The cleansing of the glass and the treatment of its surface
with a solution of the followinC composition are described:
liquid glass 10 ml, gelatine 4 g, chrome alums 0-?5 9, ethyl
alcohol 60 ml, thymol 1 C, distilled water 1 000 ml. The
solution is prepared in four stages. After 2 - 3 weeks, the
emulsion layers are fixed to the prep8red Clas3 by the same
solution at a temperature of 20 - 25 C. The method was used
for 10 000 CM2 of emulsion layers,2400 - 600 ~, 11-Lick. Only
8 holes were formed, occuping 2-cm There are 3 references,
2 of which are Slavic.
ASSOCIATION: United Institute of huclear Research
Cardl/2 (Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh is-Iledovaniy)
Adhesive Application of Emulsion Layers on Glass Before Photographic
, SUBMITTED: February 16, 1957
AVAILABLE: Library of Congreso
Card 2/2
T ~"WtT'11'11T
z k*;, I ; 0 - I ~ ~. %
Medical Tnstrur.6nts and Apparatum
Wnrker3 or th,! 'Trasnogvardeetn" plant Ln th,!! 3tru,7gle t-1 --ave -witlo!rials. 1:!!d. pr~,m. N'~. 3,
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Augu-st 1~52 195X, Uncl.
1 . TINTNOV, D. 0.
2. USSR (65))
4. Medical Instruments and Apf-aratus
7. 1-9--chanization of producticn of hypodermic needles; work experience of the
tlKrasnoL,varadeets" Medical Instrument Plant. Mled. prom. No. 6 1952.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Fpbruirry -1953. Unclassified.
Over-all size and connection dimensions for bodies of electric
measuring instruments. Standartizatatia 24 no.2:16-19 F
16o. (14IRA 13:5)
(Icleotric instruments)
VALIKOV, A.S.; FUX5, G.I., prof., dokfor; LONiriov,G.D.
Selection of additIonal resistances of P-lectric neaql,r~ng
instruments accorciing to their power rating and hull
chAracteristlcm. 17v,TPI 1~7122-24 165o
Waluh 19:1)
Recent movements along old faults in the western Caucasus and
their effect on ~qdrographT waters. Ixvov7souchebezav.; geolo i
razv. 2 no.P:17-21 Ag 59. (MIRA 13:4)
1- MOOkOvski7 gosudaretvanny7 universitet.
(Caucasus--Paults'(Goolomr)) (Caucasus--Rivers)
LO-7-,--.AI, F.
~.A~AI, F. - Plan for i-ic-lific:--ition -,,ml crm:)1,Ainn ~,f flum-arian 'Ialllowil L;t,,in~ard
No. 162 "El.?ctric Hott-'alater Heatar~s," p. 151, Vol. 11, no. 5, :,.%.1 1?--,6
VILLAVC-iSSAG Elektrotechnik-il Erye5ulet)
S~URCE: East Eumpean Acce3sicns L13t (EEAL) Vol. 6, 1957
101'a-II, F.
Icat J3 vie 51tuatirn in rer-;,rd to funr-r, : c,,~tq-.Jt~ t.hf~ r,-?
p. lLb (Villaram;a . Vol. 5, ro. 4/,1: Tu1.y/Auj-. 1957,
Lonthly Index cf East &ircj~ean Accessicr s ( ) * r. Vcl. 7, nr:. 2,
Februar-f 15,58
7 * ~: V ! T',.'
.. .. .-II .
Frrril(- ,~ij-rrncjv.,3zk.,,; -.Lri c)'hitu-tr:.r
1; 1 . . al J~":
~ - 76 (! i' l;!~;i.l!.,) !Ildajc;~,, Vol. :.(), 'o. 1/:', 7.
-'0: Molithly Ifl(!(,x of Easi, 1!11;1*f-)I(,.,I"l -.Cf*";"icjllS V101. t-1, ::o. 11 i;ow-l~rr 1~-,,7.
Modification of the MSZ-4690 "apparatus with electric motor for household
and similar uEe.~' P. 54.
VILLAIIOSSAG. (Magyar Elektrotechnikai Egyesulet) Budapest, Hungary.
Vol- 7, no. 1/2, 1959.
Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI). L.C. Vol. 8. no. 27,959.
Standardization. Villamonsaq 9 ra.4:107-108 Ap 161.
ifiliYAT, Foren.~
.I jot,. JO no.6:!*,-14-185 Je 162e
0 -
LONKA I . Ferenc
The spring 1960 session of the CEE In held in.Budapeat.
Villamossag 8 no.1:22 Ja 160.
LONKAI, Fereno
Standardization. Villamossag 8 no.5(6:177-178 Itr-Je '60.
LONKAI, Ferenc
Exhibition arranged by tha Hungarian Bureau of Standards at t,*jP,
Budapest Industrial Fair. Villamosaag" 8 ro.E /)t271-273 Av,-S
LONW, Foreno
Standardizat:iona Y:Lllamossag 8 no*2-3:92-94 F-,Mr 160,,
Standardization. Villamossag 11 no.3:89-90 Mr '63.
1,(IIY,kT , Frireni
Safety stamiar Is It ac", !,:m, I " -,-, I r~ ~llr I ~,'t ~, I, -,. -
I . 1 , nc.
regard to the qu-lrittr~ns cf' 7' - 1
8:237-242 AK '61,.
LONKAI, Ferenc
New conduit colors prescr.,bed in Section 10.6 oil MZ 100
"Safety Regulations." Villamossag 12 no.91278 S 164.
Standard presceiptirsns for 1eqkage flux and aerial in7,erv-'~S.
Villamossag 12 no.11:343-344 N 164.
prescription by the International Commission on Rulas for the
Approval of Electrical Equipment for plug connectors.
1A)NKAI,, Fereno
Decree issued by the Kinistry of Hewrf Indust:- J.
y on mgulatIng
the contact protection of household electric appliances.
Villamossag 12 no.12t376-377 D 164.
LOHKAI, Ferenc
"Contact Protection Regulations." Reviewed by Ferenc Lonkal.
Villamossag 13 no.1:24-26 Ja 165.
LONKAI, Ferenc, okleveloo gopeoziriernok
An account of the Second Conference on i',lectrothermics. Villamossag
13 no.2:4G-48 F 165.
LONKAI , Ferenc
MSZ 161-64 "Electric cooking and heating devics3; technical and
tes.ting spicifications." Villamossag 13 no.4:120-121 Ap '691.
Problem of simultaneous use of DDT and HCH with emphasis on the economical
factor. p. 181
KOZM-OPfEI, Budapest. Vol 8, no. 1/2, 1955
SOURCE: EEALj, Vol 5j, no. 7.. July 1956
51. The mst important factors of output, performance and economy in the
sa,,,--,niU llndustr7 .- A kihozatal, tvliesitmeny es gazdasagossag lc&fbnto9QLbb
tcnyezoi a Direaziparban - by J. Lon1kai. Celood. Indhistry, - Faipar Vol.
1) 1100 Itp 1)1)4 1114--118, April
Or-i~) instrument in the right for raising the level of production In Vie
wide-3proad use of tachiiical rdrdma. 7ho qijestion of tirc%lnioal minina for
the ~aw_mill indiistry in respect to output) performance and ecanorv is dealt
*,441 th. Technical minima should be e3tablished for the ltywer and upper limits
of the bladn thicUess, for tho shape of saw-tooth profiles and Nrther for
rhar~pendng saw bladc3, Feed should be fixed for each machine and checked
Ustenatically. -The relatioasUp of speed and frama lift can be determined In
Accord--ance with the given performance, respactive4 tha rzateriale Finally.*
vho arrangement and over-,5izo of blades should be prescribed with the greatast
acc,)xacf. In addition to the above, special attention must be paid to the
requirenents of the driving equipzent and power tranndasion in order to ensire
the anticipated parfomance. .11 ~ . 111;
"Our Next Tasks in Sawmilling", P. 199, (FAIP&I, Vol. h, No. 7, July
1954, Budapest, Hungary)
SOs Monthly List of East European Accessions~ (EFAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12,
Dec. 1954, Uncl.
IlCommemorating the Work of Professor Leonid Mikhailovich Perelygin.
Tr. From the Russian", P. 2o2, (FuFAR, vol. 4, Ito. 7, July 1954,
Budapest, Hungary)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EFAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12,
Dec. 1954, Uncl.
Possibilities of Introducing the system of wages for quality in the sawing
Industry. p. 80. FAIPAR. (Faipari Tudamanyos Egyesulet) Budapest. Vol. 5,
no. 3, Mar. 1955.
SOURCEs East European Accessions List (EEAL), Library of Congress
Vol. 5, no. 6, June 1956
Lo',.xm, J.
Practical application of the Feldr.z,nn-51hapiro t1heory of cutftLn', Lnhe
s-nwinE-; industry, p. 171, FAIPI'T, (Faipari Tudomanyos Eaesulet)
Budapest., Vol. (-.., Fo. 7, July 1956
SR'ACE: East European Ace,-ssions List (1;7`.AL) Libmiry of '.':_)i-,,
701. 11,2 Nio. 1.1, November 1~,:6
Principal factors of developing Hungary's wood industry. Faipar 10
no.lOs290-292 0 160.
1. "Falpar" ozarkeazto bizottisagi tagja.
,,% Trenda in the dev-slopment of manufacturing fiberboard and chip
board. Faipar 22 no.10:289-295 0 162.
1. OFaipar" szorkeszto bizottsagi tagja.
POLV.M/Or,,-=ic Chrimiotry. Natural Compounds and tlicir E-3
Syntlictic 'HomologiAcs,
Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Khimiya, No 6, 1957, 19323.
Author I!cjor S. 'Xodi-Al.-oweld E., Lonkowski P. Lu!~aiowicz W.,
11adon. Zborucki Z.
Titlo i Modification of tho Synthosia of Toatostoron,~:.
Orig Pub: Frzom. Chom., 1956, 12, No 5, 287-288.
Abstract: A nodiMd synthasis of tcatostoronc, is dovolorod (I).
From tho scnicarbazono of dohydroopinndrostorono acotatr,
icolatod rom noutralizcd products of cholostorinc dcgra-
dation lk~ with a yicld 91.5j") dohydroopiandrostoronQ is
obt-Anod. By oxidrition of tho 1~At,ir, nccording to Onp.n-
avror, by moana of cycloh,;xanonj and ilu:Anum isoprc,)y-
lat,~~ in toluc;n-) --indroatt-,ndi=., .3-17, yioid 90%, whi-~h
is trqnsformod into tho ethyl other of 3--cnclc (II) is
Or. r 1/2
Chmictry. 111,1tural Compounds and thcir
Synthotic Homologuca.
Abn Jour, Rof Zhur-Khiniya, No 6, 1957, 19325.
abil-Anud. By tho raduction of II by mcanc of LiAl!! is
obtainod tho cthyl othor of onolc 1 (III)q tho yir~!~ is
ncarly juantitativo. Acutyl,~tion of III (0117CO)20 in
pyridinc londa to tho -cotatc III, m.p. 128.-130"- BY
huaC.n- tho lattur in aectow; in tho prcccnco of an acid
lootat.-) 7, ylold 5Y/3, is obtainad.
Card 2/2
DiEsertation: "Analysis of Complex Regulating Systems." 27/h/50
Inat of Automatics and Telemechanicsp Acad Sci USSR
SO Vechelryaya Moskva
oum 71
Doe Tech Sci
L 07087-67 EYIT(l)
ACC NR: Ap6oi8996 SOURCE CODE: UR10109/66/oli/oo6ho5l/iM
AUTHOR: Krasnushkin, P. Ye.; Lon
ORG: none
TITLE: Methods for exact calculation of uniform periodic waveguiqcs-
SOURCE: Radiatekhnika i clektronika, v. 11, no. 6, 1966, 1051-1065
TOPIC TAGS: waveguidc, periodic waveguide I econ VP- 6~0 10 F_ Pj?0j'n 6 f) r10AJ
ABSTRACT: Calculation of a pe riodic"bead - shaped"wave guide consisting of short
lengths of cylinders on a digital computer is considered. Known methods of
calculating wave numbers and normal-wave shapea are classified into two groups:
1,; ~ W) (q) 11;
(A) Those based on solving this equation: I in these methods,
11 jl~ W) N)
the frequency w represents a parameter in the operator A; hence, the dispersion
takes the form: ipj((o, q, b, and (B) Those based on z-periodicity conditibn:
B9(1) (q, W) e-ftj Br(l)(q, (o) where z if; the input coordinate of any
1171p(q,w) Ills, 17,(0 (q, +D'
Card 1/2 UDC: 621.372.8.001.Z4
-1' 07087-67
ACC NR: AP6018996
"bead. 11 Neither of the above groups can be economically used. Therefore, a
combination method (C) to suggested which consists of two steps: (1) An analytical.
step partitioning the "bead" into several regions separated by interfaces; by
solving the first boundary problem for each region, a functional relation,
(H/!));L, = (Yp,(')) (EAM)h-l, can be established; here, Hiand Ei are the
functions of distribution of tangential components of fields H', and Er over the
j-th surface of the region; the above field components are joined at the interfaces
of the regions; (2) A computer step which includes truncation of corresponding
matrices (scalar products) and calculating them on a digital computer. A modern
computer can calculate dispersion curves coo ?I -f quicker than these curves can
be measured (difficulties of Isolating modes at higher frequencies). Orig. art.
has: 4 figures, 16 formulas, and 5 tables.
SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: 30Dec64 ORIG REF: 018 / OTH REF: 010
Our ways or achieving profit-bringing operations. U901' 37
no.6-.19-40 Je 162. (MIRA 15:?)
1. Shakhta "Abaahevskaya 3-4" Kombinata ugollnykh predpriyatiy
Kuznetskogo kamennougollnogo basseyna.
(Kuznetsk Basin--Coal mines and mining--Costs)
LONSHAKOV, N.P. (Sverdlovsk)
Design of a third-order control.iYetem of optiz= response witb
three limitations. JAv. AN SS.039. Tekh. kib. no.5:149-156 S-0 163.
(MIRA 16:12)
y of the -,kin In ccm,.,jl1cr(Yion3
Morphology and histochemistr-
following smallpox vaccination. Vest. derm. i ven. no.5:36-
43 165. (AURA 18:1-1)
1. Kafedru komMykh ~ venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof.
I.S.Beyrakh) I TSentraltnaya nauchno-isaledovateliskaya
laboratoriya (zav. - Ye.D.Golldberv) TorTskogo
meditsinskogo instituta (nauchnyye rukovoditel~ rabUty - prof,
I.S.Beyrakh i nauk L.I.Korochkin). SubmitLea I-lay 14p
"Medicinal oubstances" by Hold Kuo-chfin and others. Reviewed by
G.S. Lonshchakov. Apt. delo 10 no. 2:87-88 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 11+;.4)
(Est Kuo-mfdN)
Study of medicinal plants in China. Apt. delo 9 no.3:86-89 YY-Je
160o (MIRA 24:3)
1. Otdel vostochnoy meditainy (zav. P,I.Ibragimov) Inatitute
krayevoy eksperimentaltnoy meditsiny (direktor G.M.Makhkamov)
Akademii nauk Uzbekskoy SSR.
Business accounting as a;means of realizing the requirements
of the economic laws of socialism. Trudy KAI 50:37-63 159.
(MMA 14: 5)
I-C.-, ,., ..1.,. --
"The Desensitizinp Action of the 3100d-R0D1,'IC0Tnent Oneration.11
Cand 1"Ied Sci, Kazakh Nedica.1 In9t, Alvt-Ata, 195~. ('IUh-rU0I, :00 ?, 5f;T) 54)
Survey of Scien+'-fic and Technical Diqqi-rtations Definded at U333R
Higher Educational !:~,titutions (10)
SO: S-Lun. No. 481, 5 ?-!,Tr 55
Effect of certain factors on the course of toxic edema of the
lungs In rats. Pat.fiziol. I skep.tersp. 2 no.3:49 )~r-Je 153
(MIRA 11:7)
1. Is kafedry patologicheakoy fistologii (zKw. - sa4lyshevzqy
dayntell nauki prof. O.S. Glozman) K&%Akhokogo zeditsinskogo instituta.
Effeot of hypothermia on the development of experimental nephro-
caloinoigis in rates Arkhopat. 23 no-4837--42 161. (MIRA 14:6)
lo Iz kafedry patologicheskcrr fJziologil (zav. - prof. 0.S.
Glozman) i kafedry patologioheskoy anatomli (zave - prof*
P.P. Ocbkur) Kazakhskogo meditsinskogo instituta.
USSR/Diseascs rf Farm Animals - Diseases Caused by Bacteria R-2
and Fungi.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol4, No 14, 1958, W31
Author : Lonshkov, G.A., Shcherbakov, G.P.
Inst : ---~
Title : Experiment in the Hyperi=nization of Steers with Preci-
-Ditated Antigen for the Purpose of the Production of
Serum Againut Swine Erysipclas.
Orig Pub : Inform. byul. biol. pror:4-3ti. 1957, No 2, 17-19-
Abstract : No abstract.
Card 1/1
BLECHOVA, Dagmar; LONSKA, Vera; HEROUT, Vladimir; KLADZURA, Stanislav
Contribution to the recognition of intra-uterine infections. Sborn.
ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. univ, (Hrad Kral) J+ no.5:623-627 161.
1. Porodnicko-gynekologicka klinika; prednosta prof. Dr6c. MUDr.
J. Pazourek Ustredai mikrobiologicka laborator; prednosta prom. lek.
V. Lonska Ustav patologicke anatomie; prednosta prof. DrSc. MUDr.
A. Fingerland.
LNTALOVSKA, Z.; LOTTSKA, V.; teclmika spoluprace KARNIKOVA, Iva
Penetration of tetracycline antibiotics into the saliva under
pbysiological conditions. Ca3 lek. cesk. 102 no.15090-394 12 Ap
1. Stomatologicka klinika lekarske fakulty KU v Hradci Kralove, prednosta
prof. dr. L. Sazama Ustredni mikrobiologicka laborator KUNZ v Hradci
. , , . .' ~ 7 . , ., -r.
MUDr. --------
Contribution to the use of plastic materials in public
health. Cesk. zdrav. 12 no.4:201-203 ApI61+
1. Fakultni nenocnice 11radec Kralove.
Dependence of the association of rhodamines on their molecu-
lar structure and tix nature of the solvent. Opt. i spektr.
11 no.2:278-282 Ag 161. OURA 14:8)
(Molecular association)
Amyloidouis of the larynx in brucellosis. Vest.otorip. no.503~-
84 162. (MA 15t~,)
1. Iz kliniki bolomey ukha, nosa i gorla (zav. - prof. A.0.
Shuilga) Orenburgskogo meditainskogo instituta.
WY4 Sm ly, A. S.
Assembly of equipment in the paper industry, Goslosbumizdat, 1949-
54. 2 V. (50-56612 Rev.)
IMKIY, A.S.; NIKOIATIV, N.I., redaktor; GRODNITSKATA, U.N., redaktor Is-
datelletva; VOIKHOVER, R.S., takhnicheskiy redaktor.
[Installing machinery in plants of the paper Industry] Montash
oborudovanita prodpriiatit bumashnot promyshlonnosti. Noskya.
Goolosbumisdat. Pt. 2. 1954. 366 p. (MM 7:10)
(Papermaking machinery)
Seismoncope with increased sensitivity and time recordIng
accuracy and undistorted form of the aelariogrum. Top.dln.
toor.mapreanism,volno no.2:308-311 '59- (MMA 13:5)
Logging apparatus with magnetic susceptibilit7. Frikl. geofiz.
no.33:213-224 162, 114MA l5zlO)
(Magnetic prospecting-Electronic equipment)
Adequatometer for measuring the dynardc characteristics of
vision and hearing in man. Biofizika 8 no.2t255-257 163.
(MIRA 17.10)
l..Kafedra biofiziki Leningradakogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
im. A,A. Zhdanova.
ACCESSION 11H.- AP4042481 S/021-7/64/009/004/0523/052.5 ...
AUTHOR: i1akarovv P. Od- .,A, _!~_J_Zokov, B. No
TITLE,.- Ultraso'nid'.eiffect'on a single atratch receptor
SOURCE: Biofiz' ikap ve 9. no, 4, 1964m, 523-52-5
TOPIC "-,LAGS: ultrasonic offent, a I.- i=lus raechanoreceptor, stretch
receptor, frog,-.van dor Waala bond
ABSTRACT: In an earliez, inveatig;,,tion of ultrasonic dynamics it was
dc-monstrated'.that an ultrasonic e':'foct is incapable of producing an
adeauato stimulus in a nerve 9-nd a single nerve fiber* The present
study was carlAed out td- find whet-her an, ultrasonic eff eat can
produco an adriquate stim1us in a infichanqre-optors such as a stretch
.vecaptor. Thealeotrical activity of a fro,; stret-ch receptor was
jnvootigated under various ultma~)rtic conditions, Aftor tho muncle
with the norvo uas remov0d from-tha frog., o~ia sensory axon leading to
ithe itroteh reeoptor was Inolatod and all othor nerve Mora were out,
Tho propexad misole was omrod with a, phyaiologioal a0lution In a
~t 13970-65'
moist charfoor and fixed in the proper position for focurd Ultrasonic;
radiation. Ultrasonic intensity varied up to 100 wt/cm . duration
ranged from 0.1 maeo to 10 see, and tha frequency was I mc. The
with the preparation was thermostated at 130C- ecePtor
eloctrio activity was recorded by an EITO-1 oaoillograph. Findings i
show that the functional stato of the stretch receptor deponda on
ultrasonic intensit-. The frsquenay of receptor impulses increases
"Ilt'a low ultrasonic. intensities and decreases with high ultrasonic
Intensities,- An adequate stirmlus in tho stretch receptor can be
yroduced by ultrasonic effect, The mechanism of ultrasonic stLmula-~
tion, of the stretch recoptor is no~ knovm., but may be related to
5 -f i-gureg
-ASSOCZAITION: Kafedra biofiziki Loningradskogo gosudarstvennogo
_~universiteta Im. A. A. thdanova (Biophysics Department of the
Zeningrad State University)
S ILTB 1,a T06jun63 EXCL: 00 -.---SUB CODE: LS_
-09) o.:7 001
L .31345-65 EaT(M)/Ef1P(J)/E11P(k) k-4 RIM
e!ESSION N.R., AP5005999 "/0217/6V0l0/0GtNl8l/0194
xunlop, ffakarov,, :Pi 0.: Lonrkiy. A. V.
TITLE. ..Ef f act of ultrasound on nerves and _individu~tl nerve fibers
t flzika, v., 10, not
0 1, 1965, 181-184
-TOPIC TAGS: vltras'ou d, biologic!al effect, ner
ve, nerve fiber, blocle
I getzvity'. im
-trica pulse propagation,,- stimulation threshold
,tt; Q er_r~to -determine. the-af facts, of Asou
TRACT ultr nd 'on -bioetec-i
r I c a 1 a c t-i v i t -fror. and
y: qf ne~trdl isolated aciatic nerves of r
individual f ibeirs of thuse nerves were exposed. to ultrnsound,(frequan--
i4el I rite; -intensity, 100 watts/cm ;'impulst rate, 30 par,sec; pulse-
.'Liength ratio, 10; duration of exposure, -2-5 min, effective distance,:
i:_4 CM). Chamber temperature was W. Itrasound was focused by
rja an s- of a :plartic _(orranic gla,fis): lens-. Uhen-the temperature effect
And.boundary layer effects were reduced,_it wits found that ultrasound
_c a u. s e dehangda in'the furictionni condttion of the nerve. Hosrever
pUltrasound impulsee failed to-initiate propagation of excitation i n
Individual nerve fibers. -The stir-sulation threshold of nerves and
ACCESSION NR: AP3009492 S/0188/63/000/005/0058/0066
AUTHOR: Lonskly, E. S.; Shlrokov, Yu. M.
TITLE: New types of connection of local operators with dispersion matrices
SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Vestni-R. Seriya 3. Fizika, astronomiyalL. 5,
1963, 58-66
TOPIC TAGS: matrix algebra, mathematical operator, matrix function, operator
equation, vector function, vector calculus, matrix element, matrix, local operator,
dynamic moment
ABSTRACT: A method for obtaining S-matrices for'the' non-relativistic case by means
of a two-body Heisenberg matrix element of the local operator is analyzed at length
in the present paper. It, is shown that the direct application of methods given in
an earlier paper by one of the authors (Yu. M. Shirokov, ZhETF, 44, 203, 1963)
allows one to obtain all the phases of dispersion except one, namely the S-phase.
In the present paper, a significant amplification of this method is derived, allow-
ing one to calculate even the S-phase with a high degree of accuracy. Until re-
cently, the only expression for the relationship between the matrix elements of
local operators and the dispersion matrix was the reduction formula of Lehmann,
Zirrinermann, and Symanzik (Nuovo Gimento, 1. 205, 1955; 6. 319, 1957). Consequent-
Card I
__ . - _ V 2
ly, it was assumed that matrix elements of local operators have immediate physical
meaning only in a mass envelope. The present paper is an amplification and analy-
sis of results obtained with particular application to the non-relativistic case.
The method of dynamic moments was used to obtain a dispersion matrix with the lo-
cal operator Arxt) for non-relativistic particles dispersed in the outside fiel 'd.
Thus, the result of this analysis is the proof that the whole dispersion matrix can
be reestablished cco ding to a given Heisenberg matrix element of any scalar,
local operator A x,t) for the diffusion of one particle in the outside field. This
can be accomplished with accuracy up to the constant (i.e., independent of the
energy and transmitted impulse) phase factor. The proposed method Is suitable for
.relativistic and non-relativistic cases. Orig. art. has: 45 formulas.
DATE ACQ: O8Nov63 ENCL: 00
NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 004
card- 2/2
ACCESSION NR: AP4033632 S/0188/64/000/002/0032/0042
AUTHOR: Kaminakiy, A. K.; Lonskiy, E. S.
TITLE: Computation of the sensitivity of thick-ealled ionization chambers
SOURCE: Moscow, Universitet. Vestnik.. Seriya III. Fizika, astronomiya,
~no. 2, 1964, 32-42
.TOPIC TAGS: ionization chamber, gamma radiation, electron, eleetron path,
.nuclear physics
ABSTRACT: A general discussion of various types of ionization chambers and their
principle of operation is followed by presentation of a method for computing th!
!sensitivity of thick-walled ionization chambers for measurement of the illtens4'y
.of gamma radiation with an energy 0< V.1