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Regeneration following excision of the retina in rate. Doklaer
Akad. nimk SSSR 85 no. 2. 449-452 11 July 1952. (CLKL 23-3)
1. Presented by Academician A. I. Abrikosov 28 1952. 2. Insti-
tute of Animal Morphology imeni A. N. Severtsov, Academy of
Sciences USSR.
Transplantation of organs and the problem of tissue compatibility. Pri-
roda 41 no.7.33-39 Jl 153- (MLYA 6:6)
(Transplantation (Physiology))
Homo trans plan ta tions can be readily accomplished in tAlled amphi-bla,
but not adult tailless amphibia. However'. the heart of an adlilt frog can be prifted
onto another frog. In the case of marnals, only Ussues which have a low metabolism
(Cornea., cartilage, teeth) or organs which carry heavy functional load (kidneys)
can be successfully homotranspl anted. The immunological reactions to ti3sues f-om
another individual can be lowered by selecting a y!:urger donor and host, by actir1r.
on ',- he nervous system through the meaium of artificially induced sleep, or by
affecting the imunogenic system with the aid of acetylcholine and cortisone. Expts
show that immunological reactions to foreign tissue are not local, but gcneral, i.e.,
involve participation of thr whole organism contg an intact hemopoietic system
(spinal cord, spleen, liver).
(biantitative rules in the regsheration of the retina. Dokl.AN
SSSR 105 no.3:599-602 N '55. (MLRA 90)
1. Institut morfologii zhivotnykh Akademii nil SSSR. Predstavleno
akademikom A.D. Speranskim.
(Retina) (Regeneration (Biology))
~ 11. ~ ,
LOPASHOV, 0, v.: "The mechanism of formation of the neutral portion of the
eye during embryonic development." Acad Sci USSR. Inst
of Animal Morphology imeni A. N. Severtsov. -Moscow 1956
So..- Knizhnaya letopis' No 15, 1956, Moscow
Mechanism of formation Find origin of the Choroid In the amphibian eye.
Dokl. AN SSSR 109 no-3:653-656 J1 156, (KLRA 9s10)
1. Poitut morf ologii zhivotnyldi imeni A.W. Savartsova Akpdamii nauk
SSS . Predstarleno akademikon I.I. Shmallgaurenom.
(=Rom) (Amuu)
-t.!( ;vnccs
1,0PASTIOV, ~',. V. (!Iosccni) Institute, of Aninal `orpholo-T7, ""R ~-crl-- Of 7Ci
Caoaejt:~ of t~_e
"Comparative Studies of the Transfcr~mation t
Variou3 St3j,,P3 of Dcvf-,Lop,-P.(,nt in Vertebrates"
soviet paper presented at the 1~th Intl. Con~,rcrs of ZooLogy, London, Le-23 JILL 118
-,T,oPASIIOV, Georgiy,.YiktoroyirA*. DLM.AF, T.A.,; IGNAT'TEVA, G.M.,
red.izd-va; KOVALISKATA, I.F.,
[Mechanisms of development of the embryonic eye in vertebrates]
MakhDnizmy razvitiia zschatkov glaz v embriogeneze pozvonochnykh.
Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 223 p. (MIRA 13:5)
Embryonal induction and regularities of cazual relations
in developing embryos. Zhur. ob. biol. 22 no./+:241-254
J-1-Ag 161. (KLU 15: 6)
1. Institute of Animal Morphology U.S.S.R. Acadomy of Sciences,
G.M., red. izd-va; KASHINA, P.S., tekhn. red.
[Effect of high temperatures on silkworm eggs)Deistvie vyi3o-
kikh temperatur na grenu shelkovichnogo chervia. Moskva, Izd-
vo Akad. nauk SSSR,, 1962. 124 p. (MIRA 15:10)
(Silkworms) (Temperature-Physiological effect)
_LOPASHOV, Georgiy Vikto-rovie.h;- STROYEVA'Oll a Georgiyevna;
KHRUSHCHOVY G.K., otv. red.[deceasedi; ASPIZ, M.Ye., red.
Izd-va; POLENOVA, T.P., tekhn. red.
[Development of the eye in the light of experimental studies]
Razvitie glaza v svete eksperimentallnykh isoledovanii. Mo-
skva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 204 p. (NIRA 16:7)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Khrushchov)
LOPASHOV, G.V.p doktor biolog. nauk
International Embryological Conference In Ifelainki. Vent.
AN SSSR 33 no.12t62-65 D 163, (MIRA 17:1)
jql~01 I'G.V., red.; NEYFAKH, A.A.0 red.; STROYEVAYA, O.G.,
red.; IGNATIYEVA, G.M., red.
.[Cell differentiation and inductioa mechanisms; reports]
Kletochnaia differentsirovka i induktsionrwe mekhanizmy;
sbornik dokladov. Moskva, Ilauka,, 1965. 269 p.
(MIiLk 18:7)
1. Simpozium po kletochnoy differentsirovke i induktsion-
rWm mekhanimen. Moscow.. 1963. 2. Institut morfologii
zhivotrWkh im. A.N.Severtsova AN SSSR, Moskva (for Lopasbov).
SULIDI-KONWATOYEV ' Ye.D. (Moskva); YOZLOV, V.V. (Yxskva); BANIN11.1DIV, A.G., prof.
(Moskva); 1,01YAYLOV, A.A . doktor geol.-mJneral.nauk; KURCORK1,N) GoDep
kand.geol.-minoral.nauk ivoBkva); SLUTSEY, M.S. YAYLInS7,
Yu.Ya. (Moskva); LOPAISHOV G.V. doktor biolog.nauk (Mcisk-'ra)
-11-- -
Books. Pr1roda 54 no.2358..71,,103,108,,123-124 F 165.
(MIRA 18%10)
1. Institut morfologii z1iivotziykh All SSSR (for Lopashav).
BANOVAl AYaj XHANZHMAI Ys#B.p red.) SHILL30p V.A., red, iod-vaj
EMURCYVAp I.A.p tokbz. rode
[System of proparim the rye-broad dougb in an RoPsOatilin outfit]
Roshim prigotovlaniia testa, dlia rzhanogo khloba v agrogato N,re0a..
tilinao By A.O.Igorova i dr, Loningradp 1961, 16 pe (looningradskii
Dom nauabno-tokhniohookoi propagandy. Omen peredovym opytom. So-
riiai Mobopokerna4s, prov7shlonnostip A061) (MIRA 3.4110)
(Dough) (Baking-Equipmont " supplies)
YEGO11,5VA), A.G.;
No w strains o f jacti %I fr7, r
ration] liwyo prepa-
zakvasc;k. t~vA-,,aq TS,~:,ntr, il.-i.
~A 'L*7,F,)
Subarochhold hemorrbage. Neuropsihijatrija 2 no.1-2;1-34 1954.
1. lauropethijatrijaks klinika gedicinskog fakultata u Zagregu.
(Predstojnlk: prof. Dr. R. Lopasic)
Aller87 in neurolog7. Lijec. vjes. 81 no.9-10:613-624 '59.
1. Iz Klinike za ziveane i dusevne bolasti Madicinskog fakulteta
u Zagrebu.
Prof. Dr. Din-itrije Dimitrijevic. 10/19/1891-2/14/1961.
Neuropsihijatrija 9 no.2/3:236-2~9 161.
L /-) V
Category : YUGOSIAVIA/Nuclear Physics - Instrumentsaild Installations. Method C-2
of Measurement and Investigation
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizilta, No 2, 1957 No 2989
Author : Lopasic Vatroslay
Inst : iciy ~oi Technology, Zagreb, Yugoslavia
Title :A Note on the Wire Loop Method for Locating the Median Plane in a
Cyclotron I.VLgnet.
Orig Pab :Glmsaik mat.-fiz. I astron., 1955, 10, No 5, 195-198
Abstract :Current-carrying wire loops, attached at one point to the float are
used extensively to investigate the equilibrium orbits in cyclotrons.
The article indicates a method for finding the median plane of a magnet
with the aid of such a loop. It is shown that the central point of the
circle formed by the loop lies In the median plane, if the position of
the float is independent of the current flowing through the loop.
Card 1/1
A. 'Ia.
f HA3Z I 7ILAjUI_-' I.;L,',ITID BJBLJO(,:I,',iHAL "~L'ICK?T AID 748 - I
BOOK 7,all !.'o. AF.; 2~~416
Authors: BOND',11 I , r
., ~'L. I .., Kand. o.-.' T,3ch. ;c OUL:011, L. , Kand. of Tech.
LO', ATA, A. Ya.,
Transliterated Title: Naladka, tokarny'Kh avtoriatov i r,oluvtonatov
Ori-inatin, k-cricy: None
Tublishin,' House: State 3c:entific aM T,.,chnieal !uhlinhin,r, of
Buildln~; Liter7tture- (MASH(-;IZ), Ki-,,cv
Date: 1950 No. pp.: 275 110. of cories: 7,5'_)0
Editorial Staff: Sivay, A. V., Uotsent - !~Iitor
Vasilenko, 1. 1. :;Iri7,. - ApFraiser
TU2FO3_--': This is a hand-book for machinists, foremen 7ind workers who set iip -!nd tune
auto.matic and semi-automat,ic lathes of *.Ius3lan ma?e, to fanillarize -At!,
construction o" these machines aml their vI..ust,:,,CnL.
Coverar,e: Basic tyl.-es of Aliosian automatir and sumi-a1J.Dmatic machine ',,oolr,, their
characteristics, their 3chi_nLit,ic layout.,j, their theAr merjt5 wnl :ihorf.comirwq
- .~-ilt Ath. Then this book dk.,5cribes t,i 1-t-til th,a ini-ril,tq], txyTical
are brieflr I
aussian autona4.ic and semi- ~ vatomat ic ;aachines and the
NOTE: See card for BOTDARI, '11. F. for ra:,,eg 2-3 of the rer-ort.
KRZHIVIT:KIY, B.N., dotaent, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; BONWI, M.P.,
kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. retsenzarit; IQf
4,ja., inzhener,
redaktor; RULENSKIT, Ta., tekhnichegkiy redaktor. _ -1-
[Fastening cutting tools on automatic and semiautomatic lathes3
Kreplenie Instrumentov na tokarnykh ELvtomatakh i poluavtomatakh.
Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostrolt. i sudostrolt.
lit-r7, 1953. 49 p. (MM 7:8)
On selecting the optimum spacing betvaen spindle bearings for
automntic and semi-automatic lathes. Stan. i instr. 26 no.9:
10-14 S 155. (MW 9:1)
(Bearings (Machiner7)) (Lathes)
.A,.A.JA., kandidat tokhzichookikh nauk; Mi'KD, H.S., itzhemer;
H'O"AAIS, M.G., isihener; KOSTENW, G.F., rodaktor: TRTASUIJOVA,
P.G., radaktor; SERDTUX, V.I., inzhoner, redaktor.
[Tha 1336m and 1336R turret lathes; directions for mintaimim
and adjusting] Tolmrao-rsvollvemye stanki 1336H i 1336R-, ruke-
vedstvo po obaluzhivaniiu i naladke. Izd.2-os. Pod red, O.Y.
Kosteake I P.G.Triasunova. Kisy, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.12d-v* mashl-
noatroit. lit-ry, 1956. 64 p. OuA 9: 6)
I.Kiyevakiy zavod stankov-avtomatov.
BMARI, Mikhail Pavlovich,.kandidat takhnicheikikh neuk:.ORLIKOV, Mikhail
Llvovich, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nj4k;.LCPA!fA, Aleksandr Takoylevich,
k:ondidat tekhn#heekith nauk; -retsenz'ent;
Sd~, redaktar.
[Repairing automatic and semiautomatic lathes] Naladka tokArzwkh avto-
matoy i po)uavtomatov, lzd, 2-os, parer. Kiev. Goa. nauchno-takhn.
Izd-vo meohinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 341 p. OCLU 9 15)
~p fit I ti
b4 A
Jillo 4 a
Bondar', Mikhail Pavlovich, Alel,,sanrir Yak-o%,le 1,11rh Lopata, and Hikhaii
Llvovich Orlikov
Tokarnyye avtomaty I poluavtomaty (Automatic and Semiautomatic Lathes)
Kiyev, Mashgtz, 1959. 450 P. 30,000 copies printed.
Reviewers: I.I, Kufturskiy, Engineer, and V.V. Korshunov; Eds.:
V.I. Leuta, Engineer, and M.S. Soroka; Chief Ed. (Southern Divi-
sion, Mashgiz): V.K. Serdyuk.
PURPOSE: This textbook is intended for students in technical and
trade schools.
COVERAGE: This textbook describes constructions of automatic and
Bemiautomatic lathes used In Soviet Industry. The technology of
machining as it applies to turning operations on different types
of lathes is discussed. Questions of maintenance and setup of
lathes, Bafety precaution*, and the organization of the work area
are examined. The authors thank A.I. Tereshchenko, S.M. Zamanskiy,
Card 1/6
III 11111N I III III mill I I 1111111111 11 1 1 11111111 1111111
Automatic and Semiautomatic Lathen SOV,,"3072
A.I. Rostovtsev, P.V. Levashev, and Ya.P. Mezivetskiy of the
Moskovskiy stankozavod Imeni S. Ordzhonikidze (Moscow Machine
Tool Plant imeni S. Ordzhonikidze) and the Kiyevskiy stankozavod
imeni Gor1kogo (Kiyev Machine Tool Plant tmeni Oorlkiy) for their
presentation of material on new automatic lathes. There are 13
references, all Soviet,
Foreword 4
Ch. I. General Information on Automatic and Semiautomatic Lathes 5
1. General concepts of the automation of metal cutting 5
2. Types of automatic and semiautomatic lathes and their
operating principles 10
3. Motion control 24
Ch. II. Standardized Units and MechanismB of Automatic and
Semiautomatic Lathes 27
1. Lathe bed 27
2. Headstock, spindle block, and table 28
3. Speed drive 28
Card 2/6
Automatic and Semi au tomat i (-, Lnthoi,' SOV/3072
4. Turrets 33
5. Spindle drums 36
6. Mechanisms for intermittent ttirninj-, and positioning of
turrets, spindle drumapand tables 38
7. Rests and mechanisms for driving rests 45
8. Clutches 50
9. Mechanisms for automatic blank fooding 57
10. Automatic clamping mechanisms for blanks 65
11. Hydraulic equipment 74
12. Lubrication 86
Ch. III. Single-spindle Automatic Lathes 88
1. Model 1106 automatic form and cutoff lathe 88
2. Single-spindle automatic form-turning lathes gil
Ch. IV, Single-5pindle Semiautomatic Lathes 146
1. Models 116-2, 1A16-2, and IB16-2 multiple-tool semi-
automatic lathes 146
2. Model 1730 multiple-tool semiautomatic lathe 161
eard 3/6
Automatic and Semiautomatic Lathes SOV/3072
3- Model 1722 semiautomatic copying lathe 177
Ch. V. Multiple-spindle Automatic and Semiautomatic Lathes 187
1. Kinematic la out, arranger.,,,ent, and operation of models
1261M and 1292 M universal bar-Btock automatic lathes
2. Kinematic layout, arrangement, and operation of'model,s
1261 P and 1262 P semiaut 'omatic lathes 217
3. Kinematic layout, arrangement, and operation of the
model 1265 automatic six-spindle bar-stock lathe 241
4. Kinematic layout, arrangemeilt, and operation of Model
1240-6 six-spindle automatic lathe 256
5. Kinematic layout, arrangement) and operation of model
1284 vertical six-spindle semiautomatic lathe 268
Ch. VI. Technological Process of Machining Parts on Automatic
and Semiautomatic Lathes 287
1. General Information on turning operations on automatic
and semiautomatic lathes 287
2. Establishing the sequence of operations 288
3. Selection and calculation of cutting regimes 298
4. Accuracy and surface smoothness of parts machined on
Card 4/ 6
Automatic and SerniaittomFitic Latnov SOV//3 0.
automatic and semiautomatic lathes 307
5. Technique of some operations performed on automatic and
Bemiautomatic lathes 312
6. Accenoories for automatic and oemlautomatic lathes 335
Ch. VII. Setting 'Up Automatic and Semi4utomatic Lathes 368
1. Calculating .and outlining the setup 368
2. Figuring cams for operation 373
3. Preparation of acceBRories 377
4s Analysis of setup sheet: 379
5, Tuning the lathe M
6. Setup adjustment 11
7. Causes of rejects and remedies 416
Ch. VIII. Operation of Automatic and Semiautomatic Lathes 423
1. Care of automatic and semiautomatic lathes 423
2. The use of coolants 426
3. Organization of work and the work place of the setup
man 428
Card 5/6
Automatic and Semiautomatic Lathes SOV/3072
4. Testing 432
5. Safety measures to be taken in the operation of automatic
and semiautomatic lathes 436
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 6/6
LOPATA, Aleksandr Takavlevich; TARTAKOVSKIT. Iosif Petrovich; BO".AROVSKIY,
F.P., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; KAT-WEKIT. V.V., inzh..
[Xey and toothed (splined) joints] S4onochnye I zubahatye
(shlitaevye) soodinaniia. Moskva, Gos.nnuchno-tekhn.izd-vo
mashinostroit.lit-ryg 1960. 129 p. WRA 13:5)
DVEIIIIIISKUY,L.M.; Z.,11-911SMY, S.M.; LOPA.A, Ajg,; I-W110, N.S.; ll'~'74N'IK,
II.D.; SKAHZIEW-Iff, ii.A.; TERESUCH121KO) A.I.; YOSTEI,`1-0, G.F.,
red.; TARASINYMICH, F.P., red.; KAPLII;SYJY, L.A., red.;
r OKA, red.
(The DmItipic-spindle 1261M iind 1262-1 nutomatic lathes and 1261P,
and 1262P ocmiautov,,atic lathes; hnndbook on adjuotnent and cerv-
icing]]-llnog,oshplnC,cl'TVe tokawic avtoil-.aty 12631.!, 1116111 i poluav-
tonaty 12662P; xt*ovod5tvo po rialudke i. obz;!uzhivaniiu. Izd.2.
Pod rod. G.F.Rosteriko, P. P. Tar,-. r;inleviclui i L.A. Kuplimlogo.
V0'3kV[t' VaJilciz, 1960. 170 P. (14I-,~A 15:11*1
(lzithes-Maintenancs and rcp~ir)
LOPATA .1 1. - - - -
Using cement trucks for s-ill liming. ~'Vt. transp. 42 no.10:
17-18 0 164. (,'URA~ -17:11)
1. Nachallnik Pskovskogo avtomobillnogo upravleniya.
GUM, 7,ofia,, mgx-; LOPATA,. Roman, mgr inz.
Obtaining inert ,arieties of Mon-.)cry-- tall ine -rrur--um-
Hu-bnik P 30 no.3--.81~86 Hr -63.
LOPA6T.t, S.
Multiplicity of orga4izations is harmful. Sov.torg. 33 no-5:30 My 16'.'.
OURA 13:11)
1. Zaveduyushchiv gortorgotdelom, g.Berdichev.
(Berdichev--Restauranta, lunchrooms, etc.)
LOPATA, 9. 1. -- "Chronic Firearm Osteo-Velitis of the Pelvic Bones."
LIvcv State Medical Inst. L'vov, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree
of Candidate of Medical Sciences.0
SO: Knizbnfrie letopis' , No. 4, Moscow, 1956
LoPATA, s. r.
Case of bilateral ankyloxis of the knee In faulty position.
Ortop.travm. I protes. no.4:62-63 Ji-Ag '55 (MLRA 8:10)
1. 1z L'yovskogo oblastnogo goopitalya (nach.L.A.Gprishko)
dlya Invalidov Otachattvennoy voyny)
(KIM, diseases,
ankylosis, bilateral)
I .II ~ ; "11 ;~); -
IDPATA, V.V., agronom
! .
More about fall Plowing. Zemledelie 5 no.12:89 D 157. (MIRA 11:1)
1,Podgorskaya mashinno-trak-tornaya stantsiya, Starobel'skogo ra7ona,
Voroshilovgradekoy oblasti.
A 3 00 D040/D113
AUTHORS: Mandellbarg, S.L., and IL-0pata, V.Ye.
TITLE: The effect of the magnetic field of the welding circuit on
the shape of internal welds on tubes
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya, svarka, no. 3, 1962, 1-6
T711T: Results are given of experiments in which it was revealed that the
ma.6-netic field forming inside tubes atrongly affects the depth and widtr,
of welds. The experiments were conducted in order to develop a technology
and equipment for welding tubes with straight and spiral joints. Tubes,
529, 720 and 1020 mm in diameter and up to 11.0 mm thick,were moved towards
or away from the welding rod. The depth and width of welds were different)
depending on the direction in which the tubes were moved and the tube dia-
meter. The data obtained explained difficulties experienced in welding
internal welds on tubes on welding stands operating on the principle of
moving the tube away from the welding rod. The following conclusions were
drawn: (1) The magnetic field of the welding circuit affects the suhaerged
Card 1/2
The effect of the
S/1 2Y06 2/000/00.`P/001 /008
D040 D113
arc inside the tube and deflect3 it in an axial direction. This phena-
menon is characteri3tic of single-arc and multi-are welding, particularly
when one of the arcs is supplied with direct current; (2) the use of the
welding system whereby the tube is moved towards the welding ioad,reaults
in better weld shapes and a higher welding speed on longitudinal oeami;
(3) in welding spiral welds inside tubes, the arc is deflectod by thu mag-
netic field along the tube axis just as it is deflected on longitudinal
straight welds, but the weld shape varies with the weld spiral angle and
is poorest at small angles; (4) welding with a.c. is the simplest means
of improving the shape of internal spiral welds; (j) the obtained data avi
of general significance and indicate practical means for the magnetic con-
trol of a powerful submerged are. There are 5 figures, 1 table and 3
Soviet references,
ASSOCIATION: Ordena Trudovogo Yrasnogo Znameni Institut elektrouvarki
im. Ye.O.Patona All USSR (Electric Welding Institute "Orcier
of the Red Banner of Labor" im. Ye.O.Paton,AS nrSSR)
SUBMITTED: November 5, 1961
Card 212
Connecting welding transformers in high speed double are
welding, Avtom.svar. 15 no.10:85-86 0 162. (MIRA 15:1-1)
1. Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut
elektroevarki im. Ye.O. Patona AN UkrSSR.
(Electric welding-Equipment and supplies)
Welding gas and petroleum pipeline pipes having a diameter of
529-630 M. with a bilateral spiral joint. Avtom. svar. 16
no.10:63..70 0 163. (MIRA 16:12)
1. Institut elektrosvarki imeni Patona All UkrSSR.
ACC NRI AP6036017 RC UR/0125/66/000/010/0044/0047
'AUTHOR: Mandel'berg, S. L.; Lopata, V. Ye.; Semenov, S. Yet; Rybakov, A. A.
iORG: Electric Welding Institute im. Ye% 0. Paton AN UkrSSR (Institut elektroavarki
,TITLE: Three-pass welding of helical joint tubes, 1020 mm In diameter, from both
iSOURCE: Avtomatichaskaya avarka, no.110,
TOPIC TAGS: vaE1&Uzg, helical joint tube,
arc welding ~7~4. _JuZA.
1966, 44-47
tube welding, steel tu welding, uwb=q z&azL
ABSTRACT: Several variants of submerged-arc welding of helical joint 15G2S steel i
tubes., 1020 mm in diameter with walls 10-12 mm thick, have been tested. The best
results were obtained with a-threerlayer weld applied from both sides. First, a
lstechnological".weld"is applied from inside in-order to ensure and maintain a correct
alighmnet of the faying edges. Theh a half turn later, the second, outside weld
and another half turn later the third, inside weld are deposited. The weld has a
strength equal to that of the base metal. It had a yield strength of 35.3-50.0 kg.
a tensile strength of 55.5-63.5 kg/mm2, an efongation of 20-29Z, a reduction of area;
of-58.5-72.5% and a notch toughness-of 3.1- '8.7 kg/cm2 at -40C. This method was
introduced three years ago at the Zhdanov Metallurgical Plant im. Il'ich. Tubes
2 UDC: 621.791.756
IACC NR, AP6036017
1020 -mm in diameter are-now successfully welded at a speed of 1.8 m/min. Despite
some operational complexity, the application of thiG method is justified by its high
welding speed, which is twice that of conventional two-sided welding of similar tubes
iand reduces risks of undercuts, porosity, slag inclusions* and other defects. Orig.
art. has:
figures and 1 table.
SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 27M&y66/ ORIG RM 005-
Card 21_2
roflex-s in bc,.-.s in Iiri.~ctin,,, thcdr flyin.-- activ-'L*U.-,.
IXCS~~rl.lj .,*,i-t, .
no.2:5420-561 '53.
Certain conditions Influencing the forivition of clazed frost
in the Memel region. Sbor.rab.po sinop, no.2 97-101 '58-
(141RA 12:6)
1. Gidrometbyuro Klaypeda.
OlAmel region--Ica)
LOPATCHENKO, O.L., aspirant
Cervical dystocia in labor. Akush.i gin. n0-5:39-43 161.
Wm 15: 1)
1. Iz kafedry akusherstva i ginekologii (zave - prof, A.I.
Petchenko) Ieningradskogo pediatricheskogo meditsinskogo
__IDFATM0,_1u.K~,_gorWy Wh.; KUZNXTSOV, Yu.7., gorzWy inzh.
Operations of the flexible KSTI-20A conveyer combined In
one unit with the wide-range NGorniakO cutter-loader.
Ugoll Ukr. 4 n0-5:27-28 Vq 160. (KTRA 13:8)
(Coal mining machinery)
(Conveying machinery)
LOPATENOK, ~..A. (Leningrad)
Imprints from the weapon on the skin after a shot from a ov
system pistol. Sud.-med, ekspert, 4 no.,4:1~1-52 0-,';-D '61~
(GIMSHOT WOUNIO) 041A 14:12)
Some conditions for blood stain formation an the parts of a
moving automobile. Sud.-med.ekspert. 6 no.1120-21 Ja-Mr 163.
(MM 16:2)
LOP,Ir-L,II:(JK2 A. A., jnd DAI~ILOV, -'-. !~.
"Cellulose derivativez dith demoxy- and a pa!,~er
presented o'. the (,)th ConL~;ress on I'll- Chemistry ond Ph,,-sics of 7;--IL-I!i P-11~7.erz,
2C) Jar,-2 Feb 57, 11.11oscov, L-iArGrad Polytechnic Inst.
AUTHORSt Danilo~r, S. N., Lopatenok., A. SOV17 9-285-12-4/41
TITLE: Anhydro, Desoxy, and Unsaturated Derivatives of Polysaccharides
(Angidro..., dezoksi- J. nenasyshchennyye pi oi,lvodnyyo,,
polisakharidov) 1. Desoxy Cellulose From Cyanoethoxyl CelluloHe
~1. Dezoksiteellyuloza iz tgianoetoksiltsellyulozf)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1958, Vol 26, Nr 12, pp 3184-3188
ABSTRACT: Deoxidized monoderivatives with moth,,/lone groups in the
place of secondary alcohol groups (desoses), and with methyl
groups in the place of primary alc~hols (methyloses) may be
found in Nature and can be synthesized in different ways.
Until now only few syntheoos of deoxidized celluloses of
the formula (C 6H.005-x )n I)ave been published, predominantly
with methy! groups obzained by way of toey! ethers and iodine
derivatives. To obtain these celluloses also their iodine
4privatives and their unsaturated compounds were reduc~ed
(Refs 1,2). The general synthesis of the deoxidized oelluloses
with methylens and methyl groups were realized hy
Card 1/3 P. P. Shorygin by the cleavage of other with sodium, especially
Anhydro, Desoxy, and Unsaturated Derivatives of SOV/7 9-28-.12-4/41
Polysaccharides, I. D-3soxy Cnilulose From
Cyanoethoxyl Cellulose
in liquid ammonla (Refs 3~,4). Shorygin and his cooporatora
used the csea7aga reasti~n of the ethers with Na in liquid
ammoria also with methylated sugars, methyl cell-lose, benzyl
9thera of colluloue and acetyl c"llulose (Refs r-Q). Positive
results were obtained in the deoxidation of coliu--ose only in
the caae of methyl colluloso, however~ only a partially de-
oxidized methyl nellu].,)se resulted. First the authors processed
the industrially prDd-.~ced ethyl cellulose (Ref 10) (46.8~ZC H
2 5
with Na in liquid arnmonia, yet no suffirient separation of
the e'.hoxyl groups nc-.~urred, Based on theoretical considera-
tiors an easier separation of 'the cyancethoxyl groups could be
expected when ueing nyan:iethoxyl cellulcse. Cellulose actually
completely loses tuh~Bse groups, partly as acrylic acid, with
methylene ani partly methyl groups forming in the place of
alcohol groups in the glucose members. Desoxy cellulose is
formed so the fina,' product. Part of the Qyanoethcxyl groupi
separates under the formation of desoxy groups, another part
Card 2/3 as acrylonitrile, due to the reversible cyaraethylation reac-
Anhydro, Desoxy, and Unsaturated Derivatives of SOV/79-28-12-4/41
Polysaccharides. I. Desoxy Cellulose From
Cyanoethoxyl Cellulose
tion in the alkaline medium. The presence of desoxy groups
in the reaction product is proved by the analysis of the
final product, its acetate and nitrate. There are 1 table
and 13 references, 8 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta
(Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet)
SUBMITTEDs January 6, 1958
Card 3/3
AUTHOPS: DE:atlov, S~ N.. LoPate-n-ok., A. A. SO'1/79-28--12-5/41
TITLEz Anhydro, Desoxy: and Unsaturated Derivatives of ',Polysacchari-`~--
(Angidro.., dezokai-- i nenasyshchennY7e pxoizvodnyye
pol."sakharidov) II. Synthesis of Anhydrocellulose From Esters
of P-Toluenesulfonic Anid ( '!I. Sintez angidratsellyulo--y iz
p--,-oluo--1.9u-','fokisIoLnykh efirov)
PERIODICALi Zhu:~-nal obAhohey khimii, 119581 Vol 28, Nr 12, PP 3189-3191
ABSTRACT: Besides othez syntheses of anhydrocellulose (Ref 1) only one
paper exists (PPf 2) in which its synthesis is described in
the form of itF3 mixed tosy! and acetic ester from the mixed
azetio and tosyl ester of cellulose on the action of caustic
soda in meihyl alc;~hol. The COMDOSitiOn Of inhydrocellulose
corresponds to the formula (C H. 0 For its synthesis
6 10
-X n
the tosyl esters of the collulloge (c6,,lo
were treated with sjdium ir liquid ammDnia or with organic
bases (piperidine etc.) (Ref 3). The use of piperidine yielded
fi-nal produnts which were difficult to characterize (Ref 4)-
Card 1/3 Samples of anhydrocellulose are described in the experimental
Anhydro, Desoxy, and Unsaturated Derivatives of SOV/79-28-12-5/41
Polysaccharides. II. Synthesis of Anhydrocellulose
From EsterB of p-Toluenesulfonic Acid
part, which were obtained on the action of sodium in liquid
Ammonia on tosyl cellulose, the composition of which could be
proved by its analysis and that of its acotic esters. As the
tosyl groups in the cellulose enter mainly the primary, partly
also the secondary, and only to a small ixtent the tertiary
alcohol group, the authors could determine the position of
the anhydride nucleus in the above anhydrocellulose samples
with high probability. On the action of sodium on liquid
ammonia the p.-toluenesulfonic acid separates under the forma-
tion of the anhydro nuclei from the tosyl esters of cellulose
which contain more than I tosyl group per 1 glucose member;
the other tosyl groups are subjected to hydrolysis. There are
2 figures and 5 references, 1 of which is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta
(Leningrad Technological Institute imeni Lensovet)
Card 2/3
AU111ORS: Dunilov, S. H., Anikcyev,'t, A. N., Lopatenok, A. A.
TITLE: IsomerIzation of' 11pi voxy,,.i I dehyd(I XV. AcId Trams-
f'oumation.,3 of' Glyceraldehyde -An(! Its Halo-Derivat Ives
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obolichey ichluill, i)6o, Vol _50, Nr' 3,
'(W-72 (USSil)
ABSTRACT: Ol,tho-sacc hat- In Ic ac-Ld was obtlaltied by S. N. Danilov
and A. M. Gakhokidze (thi,; jouvriai, lc)16, Vol 6, 706
Ber., .1956, Vol 69, p 21 -'150) In reaction of' 2-halo-
,3 vi h.- _113 e fe
titut-ed monose,.; with lead hydroxLde. It vv . ex ) c
therefore, that i,,iotio.3er, containing llt)SLib~itltuted
liydt,oyyls at C I aml C,~l alth other hydroxyls replaced
by SUb.'~titL1Pr1f3 -ftable In I'M alicallne medium, ',-1111
Uiomerlze ,~Irrillawly In ve,'ict'Lon alth Pb(011), into
o-s,acch,,irLn1c ziel,1. I t w, -,howri thzl" (d f- 1 ) j". I Y -
ceraldehyde (V) 1,-,omei~lzed In i,c,'iction wIth fre~shly
~ prec 1pitated Pt)(011) Into 1,10-.1c aci(i (VI) whel.c.-n-1
Card 1/
I,;omerization of'
IA;3 hatc)
and 1, 1 , ~-t v I ac et gave
hydracrylLe a(.1d (III which Was trans-formed 'urther
into acrylic acid (Ifl
I ) It 1 VJAC)2
(VII) (11)
GII I If: IIC00 11
(E(prit Ion (:or it I( ion C a r, cl /6
Card 216
1"'Olne I, lz'.) Ion of' Hyd roxy;t I dchyde;;
clym --CHI
C11011 C11f)11
M (Vill)
i'.J,. t j
sov/'(~) -o -A j
f Mill
The oxidation-vaduction of' I and 1-1 proceeds, heve wtth
the partLcipation of' C1 a t om In Cj-po~.;Itlon w1f;h veopect
to the aldchyde group, ind the reaction can be expl:l 1,11' d
by the fourmatIon of CL-p-1uco,,;idc:3 (VII). The ox I
a t -redLlCtIOn Of the V takc-,
between the aldehyde -illd the - -11. c r-cll -..-i 1
'.. I , 13 ~ A101 r, ~ .., j;
the of, V Into Iric 11 1- I I c a n I)e I n 1, Q P -
preted ,is proceedLng, thuouj~h t i e_Lucol; Lde
Conn Ide v Ing the- above the format Ion of sacchar I ri I c,
-IcA(I'll froln r7iorioses can be explal-ned 1,y the GL - ~j 11 (1
j,111CO", Ide, compomidn .ff-~-Icohcil fmvtl(~Ip~,11,e
Card 5/0 c0efly Ill the Ox Idition-veduct Ion tX.,in,,f'ovm,.0Joti.-. of"
J.,,orriertz,,01- ton of' flyd roxy,'i 1, d(~-hydei
a I do se.,, , la I if-, I I e -t,, I,hQ V01,111;OJon oc 0-~"acch"Irl III u, 1d;,
(IX) Frorri 2-11"110 (,an 1)(,~ bc.,3~ 1.0pre.3ented a;,
j,olng tlivoilf.11 CL- J', I U i~ 0 ") I d QS .The follow1riv,
of sacc-1-irtrinic ziciu follmatlon ave advanced: (a) 1,;0-
me v iz a t Iof uldo.-,p-o Int o iii-sacchaT'LIIIC ZIC111 [30eO
through -gluco.,,Ide compounds (X); (b) the f'oviriatlon
of isosacchavlnlc~cld po3olbly takes place with the
pat,tIcipation of -jTlucooide ketoseo (XI) witli migration
of' the 11 atom Into -pooltlon; (c) the formation of
sacchaL-1-nic acid,,3 from keto.,,(--L; goes through the
coolde, (XII); (d) the formatlon of p-sacchavinic
ancid (117 Ito sugr[re-sted structure will be confirmed)
riloul ", ~:(Aohexose can I)e vepve-,ented a, goinkr, through
< > w1th r1lirl'ation or cfl,of~-cjf <
Vad1cal to the four-th cacbon atorn.
Card 4/6
Isomerivation of flydruxyameiipleo. r/
Card 5/6
llocit /Oil
C1120 Ioil
IMCII lic -1
;/ ulym
\0 it
1 c1[,
Isomerization of fiydroxyaldehydes. XV Y-8 2 4 8
S 0 V /7 9 - -2 0 - 3 - 2 /,'-, 9
Ion exchange resins KU-2 and 'EDE-10 were used In the
,?xperiments. There are 10 refevences. 2 U.S., I
-in, 7 Soviet. The 2 U.S. references are: M. Gibbs,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., '~2, 3964 (1950); J. Sowden, Adv.
Carboh. Chem., 12, 76 (1957).
ASSOCIATION: Lensoviet Leningrad Technological Institute aria' Institiite
of fligh-Molecular Compoundz;, Academy of Sclenj,,~.~. USSR
(Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni
Lensoveta I Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedinenly
Akalcemii nauk SSSR)
SUBMITTED: Januar-Y 18, 1959
Card 6/6
Transformations a&cyanoathoxyl- and tos7lxylito]L under
conditions of deo dation and anhydridization of cellulose.
Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.11:3611-3614 N 162. (141RA 15:11)
1, Leningradskiy tekhnologichaskiy institut imeni Lensoveta.
(;Ylitol) (Cellulose)
LOPATENOKI Al.,k.; LOPI.TE1011, An.A.t d experimental
cellulose derivatives an . I -al
synthesis Of jodinated ts obtained for posisibie us in Surgi-
checking of the produc ~St. 8 no.5t2l-28 S-D 163* (MIRN 17;6)
practice* Rap. khir. i an
A case of utijizing corpso fauna for establishing the time
of death. Sud. tried. ekisper. 7 no.1&47-50 Ja-MrI64 (141RA 1784)
Synthesis of iodinated cellulose derivatives and experimental
checking of the products obtained for possible use in surgical
practice. Eksp. khir. i anest. 8 no.5:21-28 S-D 163. (MIRA 17:6)
L 1352-66 EWP(j)/Ewr(m) FjA
kassim NRI APS024396 --UR/0286/65/000/015/0080/0080
/.1 41.11 678 743 22-4
'7 4
44 k,
a be
z8volos _~Y X-7__1_*PUd:n.
okay& N. A.'.
is atentova. H. A-44,s%
ITLE: A we hod for producing pojrLRXLA1orid~ ,,2'rC.... 39, tq,17,U43
SOURCE: Byullaten' lzobretaniy I tovarnykh znakov. no. 15, 1965. 60
ITOPIC TAGSs polyvinyl chloride, foam pia-stic 44101
~BSTRACTs This Author's Certificate introduces a method for producing polyvinyl
Ichloride foam by mixing polyvinyl chloride resin with a plasticizer and additives
band then saturating the resultant mass with inert gas under pressure and beating It
in a high-frequency current field. The processing is "do independent of the nois-
ture-content of the resin by vacuua evaporation treatment of the plastic waas be-
fare saturation with the inert gas.
Rii;CIATIOMi VladLnirskly n4achno-issladovatellskly Instftut dat tichpakikh w61
CVI&divdr Scientific Research Institute of tic Resins)
IMF BOVI 000 0"MR1 000
X bit.
r C 0: Lr.
V. SLn.-Lin. f(",
Treatment of whooping cough with synthomycetin, Felldsher & aimah.
no. 12851 Doe 1952. (GIML 23:3)
1. Professor.
1`~U'-4y Of the i-,Y:lr,:carbr,,r '- 'i'-i,7 of :.-/C(-
_Qx, c,,. . ,
,- ~bp-~:ter--a.
lalogl!a 33 no.2.,23(,-23 Mr-Ap 164. (M:,.iA 17!12)
1. Institut biol.)gli vnUtronnikh vod 4jj 5,;Oft.
'[Experience in mobilizing internal Droduction resources in the
Kalinin Distric of the city of Leningrad] Opyt mobilizatsit
vnutrennikh rezervov proizvodetva v Kalininskom raione
g. Leningrada. Leningrad, 1955. 54 p. (Leningradakii dom nauchno-
takhnicheakot propagandy. InformntRionno-tekhnichaskii listok.
nos.6o(748)/6l(749)/62(750)) (MIRA 10:12)
(Technical education)
Everyday work of the public cooperation commission. Zhil.-kom.
kbos. 6 no.8:19 '56. (MLRA 10:2)
1. Sakretarl partbyuro partiynoy organizatail pri domoupravlanii
no.12,g. Kalinina.
(Kalinin--Apartment bouses--Managament)
EvsP=wuqP.*oAftg of open-hearth furnaces. Stall 23 no.~:379-380
Ap 163o (~UA 26:4)
1. Chelyabirwkiy metallurgicheakiy zavod.
k .- (Opero-hearth furnaces--COOling)
LOPATIN, A.B., inzhener; TOMILIN, D.S.. inzhener.
Testing secondary circuits on ifibreased voltage. Blek. eta. 28 no.6:
51-52 Ja 157. (Electric insulators and insulation) (MMA 10:8)
WPATIN, A.G., inzh.; PLAKSIN. 1.11., prof.
Zffect of alkalits on the flotability of gold. Bauch. dokl. vyi.
shkoly; gor. delo no,1:209-213 '59. (MIRA 12:5)
I.Ohlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for rlakein). Yredetavlona kafedroy
metallurgii blagoroduykh metallov Moskovskogo institute, tvvetnykh
metallov i zolota. im. M.1. Kalinina.
(Flotation) (Gold)
. L -
TIOPATINP A. G., Cand Tech Sci (diss) - - "invest t--,ation of t-.,- !f'prt of c~-rta!n
reagents on i~old flotation". Moscow, 11'~r:O. 17 pp (MlIn H',---her and In~er :',pcc
Fduc RSFSR, Krasnoyarsk Inst of Nonferrous Metals Im M. 1. ~'al!nin), 150 copi(!G
(KT, No 1r), 1960, 135)
AUTHORS: Lopatin, A. G. ,
TITLE: Investigation of A(L;or-pt Loti Layei-2 of Xaiith( 1-(2 1
Gold by Mean- of I o t o 1),_~
PERIODICAL: _LzvQ0tj_y,1 vyj"011kh ucht"bilykil T.; !,n: i Y: I
ttwtallui,L~iya, i~)()O, Ur 1, 1
A-,ISTRACT: I.'.')OIMYI xanthol:,en'! tit-::
ruag,ento viui,e ti.,~ud to vu,~Jctil(,n ~i
gold powder, muLih -0.4. +0.~, mm. Tho-, of'
xanthoj,renaLe on L-)Id 1. to bu ',_h(- 01,
Mii' ~' 2X +11_.0+0.,50.,---2AiiX-f 2011
However, thi2 reaction appll.e~; only to thlii iay,_~r~; in
presence of free areao of m,,Aallic gold. The nature of
Card 1/4 subsequent layero depends on t-he diffu:;ion of Ir-lold ion.3
Investigation of Adsorption Lf,~yers o.L'
Xanthogenate on Gold by Means Gf S07""i I" t~ C 7
Radioactive Isotopes
through '~he ~nnthogenate filin. Th._~ rate diCI
'Ll 4 1.
decreases with the thickenin,', of the "-'1hJ_*.1,_- c-ly :i
very thin lay~~v ccjn~;i,;to of gold -,Ji.
layers become poorcr in Lon.;3 :Ind 4
alone is deposited du(-, 1.1-o
molecular interaction. Film. fovmation 1,y
the follo, '-j ing, factors: 3s
a neutral medium PH Th,_-
M. D. Ivano,i:~kiy in corinecti~oti L 1 1,
on platinuj;i. A
xanthor,t_,na t ~2 a rid ,.:i ~i! i idc- c: I J,.; 3 1
j~Lt,~ nct tk2
bot h on j-
U _,old and :eii c
~3odiwn oull'ide _J~; P,
j j,':, I
d e p r e s r, i n C, n p1 I IL; 1-4
film, ,,,,h4ch may Le dl,,-, 111-o
"Urface `orrr..~O(Aon o V A! i
an d A S~
These facts are confirmed L,.-v ~U 1 -1 oit of
Ca rd 2/4 films by 11,:iCll and ~h" 'lc
Investigation of Adsorption I.-?.yer-s of
Xanthogenate on Gold by Mc-ai-.! of P
Radioactive Isotopes
that of a solvent, thf2 latter acts oil th(!
the collecting aCent from 1A ~,nd :,Old
sulfides. Ho,,-jQver, this de~;orption -io Lin-d
at a level of' about ',?,-:)-3 iflonolawer.; of th,~ film- The 3
tests conducted .Ath 33~ and Aul'-)3 that L11ndur t-h-
action of alkali no Lold into colution,
desorption was limited to the upper layer~3 of the
However, NaOS picked up a ccn~3tant quantity of L;old 1.5-10
g-ions, whith were p1lobably presu-nt- in th.--- film in th-~ form
I C) by
of gold ions. An intQn~;iv,~: diu-301"Ing f f-o I d
desorption with cyanide provoo a struct,i.,,~ Of
the xantho.c~enate film and the pruL;encu of ta 1. -a I - e a
which are rapidly attacked by Nal-31N. Wiih
0 :~Of, ci-A.,
xanthogenate concentratlons, thc, film, !,-r
thickness but also in width, covt-rir',~;
delaying, the dissolving a(-,' ot'
undcrstanding of the natUP11 QV the fiiIII-. pyi~ldii,~~-
Card 3/4 used as deoorbent, No ChQmical rf-~actioll involvud,
Dc!ejtloution of Adoorption Lly~--I-L;
,-nf-hocenate on Gold by W~ans of'
ctive Isotopes
the de.1-orption io cojnp.1vt(--.
the rej, C).
_,ular coricentrations
flotation, xant-hof,en-ate fovm:, o j v tp -
the stoichiometr1c, i(mic rallio ~),L` X
layer i:3 moot ~;tabl,-, 01,1 the metal
growth of 1,,iyers in
as thu upper layers are IeL;.~ 'Jo
repellQnt proper"es. Tii
3 references, 1 Sovi(2t, 1 U. S. , 1 U.K. ic U . S7
referericui; are: J . Lejri ,Pr~-,Fjrillt(2,1
of 'Se-corld Illt~21,rmtlonal of S~illfrw;~
London, Buttevvjort-h.,; Scionf-lfir,
A. M. G,-iudin, Schuuianri, J. Phy~--- 40,
ASSOCIATION: Kra.-,noyir~~k In,-.titute of Nonf~3.-vojl-,
t4 - .
Chair o1' of' ii
ISUBMITTED: October 23, 1('69
Ca rd 4/4
Studying silver compounds in Maykain deposit ores. TSvet. met. 36
no.100-74 Ja 163. (KMA 16:5)
(Maykain region-Ore deposits) (Silver compounds)
Effect of alkalis on the floatability of mative-gold.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tsvet. met. 3 no.3Q8_44 160.
- I - (MMA 14:3)
:1. Krasnoyarskiy institut tovetnykh metallovp Kafedra metallurgii
(Flotation) (Gold)
AUTIHM : Zinov'yev, 0. S.j Lopatin# A. G.; Trubetakoy, A. I.
TITIE: Transistorized nanosecond pulse generator
SOURCE& AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdoleniye. Izv. Seriya tekhnicheskikh nauk,
no- 3, 1963, 109-112
TOPIC TAGSt pulse generators transistorized pulse generators test instrument,
tunnel diode, nanosecond pulse generator, pulse shaper, short pulse generator
ABSTRACT: Generators of various types of electrical pulses are indispensable
for tuning and testing of nuclear electronic equipment. In this article a brief
description and calculations are given for a nanosecond pulse generator based on
tunnel diodes and a transistor. The generator consists of a master stage, shap-
ing circuit and am
0 _plifier. The master stage is a multivibrator based on tunnel
diode TD, (fig* 1)p the pulse shaper is a driven multivibrator based on tunnel
d-iode TJJ2. The pulse repetition frequency of the master stage is determined by
the inductance of timing coil L, or L2. oscillations are generated according to
Card ' 115
the cycle 613 FA(f ig. 2). Formulas with application of approximation of tunnel
diode characteriatics by a piece-wise exponential function were used for cal-
culation of the repetition frequency and duration of the pulses (B. N. Kononov,
A. S..Sidorov., Tunneliny*ye aiody* i ikh primeneniye v trigVerakh. V sb. "Pol-
uprovodnikovy*ye pribory* i ikh primeneniye" pod red. A. A. Fedotova, vY*P. 7,
Izd-vo "Sov. radioll, 1962). The duration of the pulse is equal to tho time of
change in current in the inductance from I, to 12 on the section ar of the volt-
ampere characteristica.
U it - 13 S_ U, - E 4- ( U' - + (5)
ul - U, 10. U, - v, Us - U, U, _,C
The duration of the pause is determined by the time of change of the current in
the inductance from 12 to 11 on the eacti on A6
112 Iri H,
fit a Rh
Card 2/5
ACCESSION XR: A!040091~0
The Fenerator has an output pulse duration of 10 nsec at a repetition frequency
in two bands from 100 kcs to 2000 kcs and 2 mcs to 10 mcs. Calculated parameters
dilffered from experiventally obtained values by leas than 10%. Orige art. has:
2 figures, 8 formulas and 1 table.
ASSOCIATIONs Institut radiofiziki i elaktroniki Sibirskogo otdaleniya AN SSSR,
Novosibirsk (Institute of Wio Physics and aectronice of the Siberial Depart-
ment of the Academv of Sciencesp SSSR)
SUBMITTEDs 27DGo62 DATz AoQ, loFab64 ENCLs 02
Card-. 315
25 C UNRP. D,
17 fa
P, R11
R, c CI
201.1 0.1 S
nig L I
-4 T
L of RA j
5 680 F000
2 R c.
1 ,D
U 3 Gw rm
Figs I principle circuit rr the generator Cq HA aynchronization;
L3,, i -- outputj 9 switchj Tj tranais tor type P-418
Card 4/5
Ac=ral; Na t Ap4wq]sO ENCLs 02
V, v
Figs 2 volt-aqmrs charaoteristics of gaUiun arsenide diode*
I in niUiamps; u in *Olt$
i -'? 29 N
ACC NR, 6007899
AUTHOR: Lopatin, A. 1.
ORG: None
TITLE: Measurement of the displacement of the worked piece during ex losive forming
SOURCE: Samolotostroyanlye I tekhnika vozdushnogo flota, no. 2, 19650 90-97
TOPIC TAGS: explosive forming, chronometer, time measurement, metalworking
ABSTRACT: The author makes a detailed analysis of the discrete method Allasuring the
displacem nt of a worked piece. The method is based on the measurement of-tTrEo'hit-~-rvaFs-
correspon&Wg to the arrival of the worked piece to a prescribed point. The pulse-counting,
IELq ~Qffichettio-impul'snyy ldirononietr. Fizmatojz, M.
chronometer described by.t),j,_.jja n
1903) is used for the measurement of short Intervals of time. The analysis shows that the
.method employed is the most convenient and accurate one. In order to improve the accuracy'
in the ineasuremetit of very short intervals of time (10-4 - 10-5 see) it is necessary to employ
pulso-counting chronometers with an oscillation frequency of Clio generator of the sLandard
frequency ofthe ordor of 101 - 107 clia. The greatest accuracy lu the deternifnation of the
instant the worked piece arrives at the prescribed point Is providad by clectric contact
sensors. In cases where leakage from the electric contacts Is possible, It Is necessary to
use highly sensitive contactless switches. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 3 tables.
lip C)
SOURCE COD Ult/0420/65/000/002/0090/0097
SUB CCLDY,- 13 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIQREF: 005
Aq":..T4,ouuo 44
&.V Aqq.-Zi~a- ITTI
-TIt uj.. I Z.1
P. 4..z
jo .31pvv..~ -1... 11 -1:
1:111C 1: PZ:911: P.;
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(717TT77~AM we 7wal as I -TU4zq.L Jo *40PIPUV3 -Jum"c TT/'# P-3
low-t-V Aq :;Vpt.yl
r.ql.w I- .... a4.2 Y.
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r--i-Aq4 j- -a-ptp.-zi -i.o-a
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.4) J. 0a, T.j2ad, T V
... dad -1-OTT-J -1V -14-9 --I--4--H P..
T--4 uno 9.14
7. q29T -41 '6W !~M .1 'ZOVKIS"
(xsgn) gq-I-TgT dd 1* X '6S6T '-'tTmm I
'A"-P-- 4'IAUR-4.-
3 T.2 -%L I wutz
lk )l I ". 1111 1 fA . I . ( 1 J, i: i i i r I y: i e. )
I r -/ ' 1, r,,,,Tr, c 4 , i ' n , ~. i! t r,~~a tn on !, - f , r i,,) n ilo i i r , r r -i. ( ; . 1 U I- ~ - ~ ~, ~ I t i r - .
yra 1~~,q . Antil Ir' ot.] 'ki I n no. ~ ; 7.,'11-7r2 Ac 165.
(,,,I ~:,
LOPAT1149 A.I.
ClInInal value of -.he an'.-4blotlc sensitivity test of uret:-.ral
'&!or& in nongonorrhea-4. urethritis. Urologiia no.4.31-34 16,1.
(rURA 17-,10)
Late results of treatment in nonvcm-r-rhoal urethriti3.
Vest. derm. i ven. no.2:61-63 164. (141PA 17:11)
- - , ' y:7
y A.I. (Uosuriynk); !.'AKA,`-EV'C: p I.T. (Us.-,ur-,
Late results of t-teatment of chroric nonr-onorri,.eal ppro~3v%tit-is
with paraprostitic, novocaire-irintildotic blocK. UrOlG;-!iI
no.6:Y~-I,l 16",4 (!.1,A 18:11)
AP6006440 SOURCE CODE: UR/G420/65/000/003/0084/0085
AUTHORSs LoMtinj A. I.t Balyberdin, V. V.; Chl-chenko, V. S.- Fo-manko, V. I,;
Ivanov. G-.-M-Tiab`cffMnpaY, F. A ; Kirichenkov R, F.
Offis nor*-is 2
TITLE: Radiotechnical method for measuring the motion parameters of the blank
during shoot metal atamt)ing K,
SOURCEs Samoletostroyenlye i takhnika vozdushnogo flota, no. 3. 1965# 84-85
TOPIC TAGS: metal stamping,, test instrumentation,, URF instrument
ABSTRACT: A mostly qualitative description of a radiotechnical method for measuring
the displacementAU the die during sheet metal stamping is briefly presented. The
method consists of attaching a metal "flag" to the die and using this flag to par-
tially block the path between two ultrahigh frequency waveguides, one of which servel
as a transmitter and the other as detector. After calibrating the change in trans-
mitted UHF energy as a function of flag position in the gap between the guides, this
curve can be used to interpret the die motion (position or velocity) an recorded on
an oscilloscope during a a~amping operation. Arq centimeter range UHF generator can
be used. A sample calibration curve and a sample stamping curve are presented with-
out details or apecificatiom-3 as to operating ranges, accuracy, etc, Orig, arts has
3 figures,
13/ SUBM DATE- none/ ORIG REF- 001
&V ME'a R-
L 0782-66 EWT(1)ZKffh)4TJW (1VM111~SrIP (k) ---IJF~c -D
ACC NR, AP6018611 URCE CODE: ~A70AVWMOWV1610710-109
AUTHOR: Lo din, V. V.; Chumachenko, V. S.; Gurov, Y. M.;_Trubcha-
2atin, A. I.;.-A ber
ninov. F. KiR ko, R. F.; Fomenko, F. I.
iORG: Kharkov Aviation Institute (Khar'kovskiy aviatsionnyy institut)
,TITLE: Investigation of an electrohydrauli source and some of its potential appli-
'SOURCE: Samoletostroyeniye i tekhnika vozdushnogo flota, no. 4, 1966, 107-109
TOPIC TAGS: electrohydraulic effect, shock wave, electric discharge
!ABSTRACT, The authors describe a highly efficient coaxial electro-
1hydraulic source for industrial use. A diagram of the device is
.shown in figure 1. The annular aluminum electroddJ2 is fastened
Ito textolite base 1 by bolts. Stainless steel ele6trode 3 is fas-
itened to the base inside the aluminum electrode and located on its
central axis. Voltage is fed to the annular and central electro I
from a battery of condensers through a controllable discharger.
The electrical discharge between the electrodes develops in the
!form of individual spark channels. A schematic diagram of the ex-
1perimental unit used for testing the source is shown in figure 2.
1 Figure 1
Card 1/3
L 40782-66
&INR; 18611-
- AIY60
:Voltage from regulator 1 is fed through step-up
~transformer 2 and high-voltage rectifier 3 to
condenser battery 5 with a total capacitance of
6 pf. The charging voltage in monitored on 4
electrostatic kilovoltmeter 6. The current in
the discharge circuit is registered by a low-
-inductance Rogowski loop with an integrating
circuit connected in the coaxial cable. The
signal from this integrating circuit is fed to
one channel of an oscillograph. A capacitance
,signal from the voltage divider is fed to the
second channel of the oscillograph through a -471
75 Q'impedance matching resistor. Analysis of Figure 2: 1-voltage regulator; 2--
the oscillograms shows that the cyclic frequen- step-up transformer; 3-20 Kv high-
cy of the discharge is 925 Kc while the induc-
tance of the discharge circuit is 0.2 ph. The -voltage rectifier; 4-60 KR dis-
current amplitude of the discharge reaches 16 charge resistor; 5-IM-20- ftondenser~'
'Ka when 10 Kv is applied to the condenser D batte ; 6--S-96 kilovoltmeter; 7--
1plates. Water velocity is a linear function discharger; 8-electrohydraulic
of discharge voltage with the approximate equa- source; 9-D6-2 voltage divider; 10----
Rogowski loop; 11-integrating cir-
ition W=4V+l ) where W Is water velocity in m/sec cuit; 12-OK-17M double beam oscillo"!
and V is voltage in Kv. At a distance of 3 m graph
Card 2/3
-L 40-782-66-.---
ACC NR~ Ap6olMii
from the source, the cross sectional area of the water stream is no more than three
j~times that of the source. Orig. art. has: 4 figures.
SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 007
Card 3/3