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"Ir-ve'ti~-Btiar: of the
LO~,'SADZE, D. Y. , Cand Tech Sci (d,ss)
stress-defori,,iation condition uFon transverse rolliL-~-, a,~~j
pp w~tjj illustrati(Dns;
ing." Dnepropetrovsk, 1960. 2r _C
of' Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Tnst of Yerrous Metallurgy); copies;
free; (KL, 18-60, 151)
OKLET, L. H. -. LOHSADZE, D. 14.
Deformations and strains in transverse forging. Izv.v7s.ucbeb.
zav.; chern.met. no.3:44-50 160. (MIR& 13:4)
1. Gruzinskly litekhnicheekiy institut.
(Forgingr (DeformationskMechanics))
A060/A 10 1
AbTHORS: Okley, L. N., LoMsadze, D. M., Luzin, Yu. F.
TITLE: Plerceability of steel mark 20 as a flunction of temperature
FERTODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. 11, 1961, 33, abstract
11D197 ("Snromebt, Tr. Gruz. politekhn. In-t", 1959, no. 3(64)
TEXT: The effect of temperature upon the plerceability of steel mark 20
was verified both under laboratory and plant conditions. On the basis of the
experiments, a curve was constructed expressIng the dependence of the critical
reduction upon the temperature. The tendency of steel mark 20 to fracture under
oblique rolling Is reduced as the temperature Increases.
K. Ursova
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
NOZAIP, Aleksandr Davidovich; .LOMADZE,, Dzh2!g~,,Blk~ bj
(PrinrVples of rolling mill practice] [Osnovy prokatnogo
proisvodstva. Tbilisi, Gos.12d-vo uchebno-pedagog. lit-ry
"TSodna,m] 1961. 430 P. (MIRA 16:9)
(Rolling (Metalwork))
ML~-I, L.1111.; LCKSA =Z.-E -
Process of dingons-I rolling withowl. mandrels. Trudy GPI
(Gruz.] no.4:93-99 16Z (MIRA 1'7.-8)
71JITERIN!"', A.I.; LMSADZT, Pzh.11.
-, - - I -"--
Deformation PT~07~esz dur"rig, tM rolling of' pipe on wn
mati.-3 mill. Tnidy G!'.T [Gruzj nri.42-101-lWi 162'
QuRlity of clinkers has b--en improved. 75emant 31 no.5:16-17 S-0 16A
(MIRA 18t1;)
1, Rustavakiy taementnyy zavod.
T,(t:,'j~,AD7Z, 0. T.
tj ';'crLI-,olo7ida1 Chan7es Ln t-- Testicle.- Durin e
r . I I - .~
D-fatrcphy ani Reversibility of Chanrles -after --estoration of the Nutritiond
Lovel of Fee-~Iin~,." Caryl 1','crl Lci, TbiliA -'Aatc, -e lical Inst, T"Wili.A, 11;53.
(RZ.hBiol, No 7, Arx 55)
Nov 55 - -)urvey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations
SO: Sum. !;o. 704, 2
Defended at USSR Higher Educational institutions (16).
Ab.3. ur
Au t ho r,
t I-tu
ArAwttl-q. DISOP-SCS C6U!;e-'r'
by Vtriwet; an(i ritckottsiae,, R-2
/ a No. 16818
RzBiol., Noe 4~ 1051/1
V,-ter4yj~-.7*y Institute.
L5-10tlyu Gruz. ZOO+. a,
tie afflicticn of pe,
f evpr was registerAd in 12 rayons of Georgia.
kpplyi-c.;! the dry Rielkettsia burneti antigerl
- - - 471 ;- rccm-
:,x~-xainedl by ru&ni I-P -r
It, 12C, ht~,i(j' o I-'
at i; I ~' a C' --, 2
she'-:p Y)ercelt) pnuitivu rc.-,ults we-ce,
O~tained. Azong Cattle Q-fever is --b-
Served throughout the ontire year, but a mass
-i'mfestation of the =Iiwan if, Ob.rerved In
-TbUi3i, '1957,
r)],~s of Farm Wmals e rilst--ases CauseLi
0! 7J.ruses R
* and Rinket-csiae.
Ito, 47 1959, N'(). vi'as
Crl~, Pub.
f';ecr'!!ia I;li(: enr--ier of Lbis discase
- s d 'r ~ 17 -T~- - I
ll~zu jy t1,;- q ricinus tick.
LOMSA=j R. 17.., Candidate Vet Sci (diss) -- "Material for the study of Q-feever
in cattle under the conditions of the Georgian &SR." Kirovabad, 1959. 16 pp
(Min Agric U991R, Azerb Agric Irmt), 150 copies (KL,I;o 2P, 1959, 119)
USSR/Iruclear Physics - Electrons, Pair Feb 4o,
Nuclear Phyeics - Neutrettos
"The Pair Theory of Nuclear Forceo," Yu. Lomsqd7e,
M. Markov, Moscov State U, Phys Inst Imeni P. N.
Lebedev, Aced Sci USSR, ~ pp
"Zhur Eksper I Teoret Fiz" Vol XIX, No P
Shave that the neutrotto and antineutratto lead to
different lava of reaction In the theory of pair
nuclear forcen (apin of neutretto
D171!"SAD. I",rl! . V .
Atn7ic PhYsics
Disgqrt,--' lon: a r r e ' i r~ T n ,,~ -ri:- Two I p n s -' n r.::
of ''e Tl-on-j of 7n-.,si-S Tr.~' r7erl
5 Anr 54 (V,rl--rn, yn Yof,~vn -!i r '"4
1p r"I
S'): `)ITM 213, 2c 3on I(lq/.
Category : USSR/Theoretical Physics - Quantum Electrodynamics B-5
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizikal No 2, 1957 No 2946
Author : Iomsad*;,e, Yu. M.
Inst "Wore's-B-STIMUte, Academy of Sciences USSR
Title : On the Singularity of the Electromagnetic Potential in the Higher
Approximations of Pertuxbstion Theory.
Orig Pub :Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1956, 30, No 4, 707-712
Abstract :It is shown that the singularity at the origin in the potential of
the electromagnetic interaction between electrons r4ptween an
electron ard a positroa) does t,~t exceed (1/r) In r, re -
gardless of the power n of the charge used in an arbitrarily high
perturbation-theory appoximation (r is the three-dimensional dis-
tance between particles). Thisresult theoretically allows the
existence of bound stationary states of systems of two oppositely-
charge particles, " actually observed in nature (hydrogen atom)
positronium). The singularity at the origin In the interaction po-
tential is determined by imvestigating the asymptotic behavior of
the S matrix for the scattering at high momenta. The proof is
Card 117
Category USSR/Theoretical Physics - Qaantum Electrodynamics B-5
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Mika, No 2, 1957, No 2946
performed by using the mathematical induction method. It is shown that
in the transition from any n1th approximation, reduced to its final
form by the usual method of renormalization and regula-rization, to the
next approximation, namely the (n +2) nd, after eliminating all the
aingularities in the (n-t2)lnd approximation by using the same method,
the asymptotic approach to zero of the scattering S-matrix is weakened
by a factor not stronger than logarithmic. This, in conjunction with
the fact that In the second approximation the potential behaves at the
origin like 1/r is indeed a proof of the above basic premise stated by
the author. It is nc*;ed that in the non-relativistic,say, fourth-order
approximation,the singularity of the electromagnetic potential at the
origin is strengthbned to 1/r3, and this leads to a certaLn difficulty.
However, a consideration of the interaction potential at the origin (which
is equivalent to a consideration of the S matrix for the scattering at
large momenta) in the non-relativistic approximation (i.e., in the ap-
proximation of small momenta) is internally self-contradictory.
Card 2/2
Lomls~)Pz_&, Yu.~,).
TITLE On the Potential of the Pair-Theories of Nuclear Forces.
PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 110, fasc.4, 545-548 (1956)
Issued.- 12 / 1 9-5-r
Here the problem of the elimination of singularities, which is new in the pair-
theory, is solved. These singularities occur in the pair-theory (contrary to
what is the case in the no-pair-theories) already in the first non-vanishing
order. For-measons of concreteness a pseudoscalar coupling is assumed:
x9(x) ' gl((x) 5 If (x) (x) (x). Here _y(x) and T (x) denote the
operators of the,((opinorial) nucleon- and meson field respectively and it holds
that Y (X) - y x) ~4; H denotes the hermetically conjugated operator. The
character of singularity at zero of the interaction potential of two nucleons
is determined in the most simple manner by investigating asymptotic behavior
in the case of high-momenta of the S-matrix of the scattering of these nucleons.
In the pair-theory no longer three, but four lines originate from each point of
the diagram: two nucleon- and two meson lines (in each case one input- and one
output line). Each point may be looked upon as a superposition of one point in
each case of the nucleon- and meson line sequences. Other computation rules
for the S-matrix were taken over without modifications by the pair-theory.
To the scattering of two nucleons in the first non-vaniehing order (up to
"commutation") there corresponds a univocal diagram. The element of the
Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 110, fasc.4, 545-548 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1646
corresponding S-matrix is reduced to a "relativistically covariant" form in
the usual manner. All 1-integrals (which are in general divergent) are re-
duced to a relativistically covariant form. A certain infinite part can and
must be included within the constant X of a -contact term" having the form
(x) r5 (x) For this purpose the additional term
(X) - xg(x) + 6'k (X) ] 2 is introduced into the
g V (X) Y
HAMILTONIAN. Thereby a second diagram is added to those of the first non-van-
ishing order. The sum of the elements of the S-matrix corresponding to these
diagrams diverges only logarithmically. However, also this divergence can be
included in a constant. Next, the definite form of the 3-matrix is given. The
assuming of other types of coupling than the pseudoscalar one leads to the
same results.
Consideration of relativistic effects and of the recoil of nucleons does not
do away with the shortcomings of the pair-theory of the interaction of spinor
fields. Though the present theory describes real conditions also for the case
of very small distances correctly# it is necessary that either the constants
g and f for the coupling between nucleon- and meson field be equal to zero,
or the contradiction between theory and reality is due to the shortcomings of
the usual perturbation theory (of the first order).
Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal )Fizika, 1959, Nr 10, p 19 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Lomsadze, Yu.M.
TITLE: A New Approach to the Problem of Constructing a Theory of Nonlocal Fields
PERIODICAL% Dokl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. i khim., 1957, Nr 1,
pp 3 5
ABSTRACT: The author reports on an attempt to construct a theory of nonlocal fields
by introducing the concept of "the function of the region" of four-
dimensional space-time, as well as the derivative of such a function.
In the quantum theory of the particle such an approach leads to a
peculiar principle of 4ndeterminacy having the following form:
4S x 6 ya zc a t - A , where At is the time interval during which
the coordinates of the particle can be measured with errors of x, ay,
and '_~ z, while X 4 is a volume of the four-dimensional region. It is
shown that no internal contradiction arises in the case of free particles
Card 1/2 and quantum fields; but the simplest attempt to construct a theory of
A New Approach-to the Problem of Constructing a Theory of Nonlocal Fields
Interacting quantum fields leads to the incompatibility of the equations of motion.
However, it in pointed out that the S-matrix formally obtained from these equations
nonetheless satisfies all the requirements usually made of such a matrix: invariance,
unitarity, and causality. (Cf. RZhFiz, 1958, Nr 2, 2693, 2699).
Yu.M. Lomsadze I,/
Card 2/2
Translation from; Referativnyy Zhurnal., Fizika, 1959, Nr 10, p 17 (USSR)
AUTHORt LoTnaadze, YU
TITLE: A New Method of Solving Equations of Motion in Quantum Field Theory
PERIODICAL: Dokl. I soobahch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. I, khim., 1957,
Nr 1, pp 23 - 25
ABSTRACT, The author reports on a new method of solving the Tomanaga-Schwinger
equation by introducing two generalizations of the usual conception of
"the sum of an Infinite series": the generalized sum and the I-sum
(RZhFiz, 1957, Nr 9, 21881; 1958, Nr 2, 2693). The method is applied
to pair theory, electrodynamics, and the PS(FV)-variant of pion theory.
The so-called modified series which are obtained In all cases prove to
be not only renormalizable, but apparently also (after carrying out the
renormalization) absolutely convergent, at any rate in the event of great
Card 1/2 momenta of "real" particles. It is noted that the possibility of the
A New Method of Solving Equations of Motion in Quantum Field Theory
emergence in the S-matrix of new Infinities because of the additional complex poles
arising in I-summation, can be fully eliminated through correct procedures of cal-
Yu.M. Lomsadze ~~/
Card 2/2
I L'
Double -meson annihilation of an antiproton according to the
theory of parity. Nauch. dokl. vys. skoly; fiz.-mat. nauk-i no.l:
80-83 '58. kMIRA 12:3)
l.Uthgorodakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
(Particles, Xlementary) ((b=tum theory)
Significance and correctness of the modified excitation method
in the quantum field theory. Izv. vva. ucheb. zav.; fiz. no.l:
88-96 158. (MIRA 12;8)
l*Uzhgorodak17 gosuniveraltet,
(Yield theory)
Translation from: ReferatIvnyy ZhumalFlzika, 1959, Nr 10, p 17 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Lomsadze, Yu.M.
TITLE: A Possibility of Treating Elementary Particles as Bound States
PERIODICAL; Dokl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. i khtm., 1958,
Nr 2, pp 4 - 6
ABSTRACT: On the basis of the most general considerations, it is pointed out that
in the framework of the modified method of perturbations (of, e.g.
abstract 21842) between the nucleon and the pion, there must exist a
speoific interaction capable of leading to a strongly bound state in the
PS(PS)-variant, as well as in the PS(FV)-variant, of the theory. This
provides a ground for the assumption that involves treating hyperona as
strongly bound states between nucleons and pions.
Yu.M. Lomsadze
Card 1/1
Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal,,Flzika, 1958, Nr 10, P 17 (U33R)
AUTHOR3.- Lend'yel, V.I.,-Lomse
TITLE: Application of the Modified Method of Perturbations to N-P-3cattering
Using the PS(PS)-Varlant
PERIODICAL: Dokl. I soobahch. Uzhgorodak. un-ta, 1958, Nr 2, pp 7 - 9
AWTRACT; The presence of neutron-proton scattering was calculated using the
symmetrical PS(PS)-variant of pion theory in a first non-vanishing
approximation of the modified method of perturbations (cf. e.g. abstract
21842). Adopting the modified method of perturbations apparently some-
what improves the agreement between theory and experiment In comparison
with the usual method of perturbations, although it is not possible to
achieve complete agreement. If it be assumed that the coupling between
the nucleon and pion fields is only effected through the PS(PS)-variant,
the modified method leads to a resonance peak of the cross section in the
vicinity of -J4 Bev energy in the laboratory system.
Card 1/1 Yu.M. Lomsadze
Translation from; Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 7, p 36 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Krivskiy, I.Yu., Lend'yel, V.I., Lomsadze Yu.M.
TIM:: On a Possible Explanation of N-P Scattering
PERIODICAL: Dokl. I soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t 1958, Nr 2, pp 11 - lit
ABSTRACT: It is suggested that an ordinary 21on beam contains, in addition to the
usual pseudo-scalar plons, an admixture of scalar pions that form
~an-isotopic sextet together with the former. Using the Hamiltonian of
H(x) - Ig
+ 9 T
the neutron-proton scattering process (the nucleons not being polarized)
is then calculated by the usual method of perturbations. In the case of
the constants g - 7.6 and g' - 0.96, it is possible to achieve sufficient-
ly satisfactory agreement between the magnitudes of the differential, as
well as total effective cross sections and the experiments In a wide
energy range from - 100 to - 600 mev, If it can be admitted that the
C"'Vd principle of the independence of nuclear forces is violated while re-
Card 112 taining their symmetry at high energies, and if one assumes that T 3
Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1(,',59, fir 7, p 46 (USSR)
AUTHORS- Krivskly, I.Yu., Lomsadze, Yu.M.
TITLE:. On Beta Interaction Betwe'6n the--Electron and the Proton. 1.
PERIODICAL: Dokl. I soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-ta, 1958, Nr 2, pp 31 - 33
ABSTRACT:. The authors suggest that a study of the e + p --). n + v process may
provide an answer to the question as to which of the 20 admissible
variants of beta decay theory are actually realized In nature. The
authors cite the results of calculating the above-mentioned process
for a number of variants of beta decay theory.
Yu.M. Lomsadze
Card 1/1
t/. 6,F / 0 S-3071/58-55 -7 -14 827
t/. 9 5- 00
Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 7, p 36 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Krivskiy, I.Yu., Lendlyel, V.I., Lomsadze, Yu.V,
%~ 1~ -
TIM ing in
j( -P Scatter the Light of the ion oublet Hypothesis
PERIODICAL: Dokl. i soobshch, Uzhgorodsk, un-t 1958, Nr 2, pp 39 - 42
ABSTRACT: The process of V +-p scattering is examined on the basis of the
hypothesis contained in the authors' -preceding study (abs. 14826)
but with a substitution of the PS(PS) variant for the PS(FV) variant
without affecting the results of that study. It is shown that it Is
possible to achieve agreement between theory and experiment up to energies
of 1'-1 200 mev in the framework of the usual method of perturbations if It
be assumed that the scalar pions in the beam account for approximately 1
or 2% of the total. In this case the coupling constant in the PS(FV) variant
corresponds exactly to the constant obtained for the P5(PS) variant In the
authors' preceding study an the basis of examining nucleon-nucleon
scatterings (with allowance for the equivalence theorem).
Card 1/1 Yu.M. Lomsadze
Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 7, p 36 - 37 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Krivskiy, I.Yu., Lend'yel, V.I., Lomsad-ze-, YuX
TITLE: Some Considerations Concerning Pion ParttyO
PERIODICAL: Dokl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk, un-t, 1958, Nr 2, pp 113 - 46
ABSTRACT: Since the hypothesis of the parity pion doublet (abs. 14826, 14827)
leads to satisfactory agreement between theory and experiment (mainly
in connection with nucleon-nucleon scattering), the authors proceed to
an analysis of the basic experimental and theoretical data available
at the present time. These data lead the authors to conclude that
pions have a pseudo-scalar character. The authors examine data con-
cerning neutral pion decay into two gamma quanta, negative pion capture
by the deuteron, '7( --p scattering entailing charge-exchange, and the
photoproduction of pions; they conclude that these data in principle
do not contradict the hypothesis of the parity pion doublet. The authors
suggest a number of experiments for the direct verification of the
existence of a slight admixture of scalar, mesons In the pion beam.
Card 1/1 Yu.M. Lomsadze
d 0
od Z
42 ~ I -- i , , i %; I I
V 0
v s
Rr- 0, Ad
B.., r, 0 r J53 001
. t o;j
pil G
00 001 "C.94 t C., 45 00 Ic
. A aq
a c t z i0 e 9 0
0.9 1 .08
IS t An
j5 *.- S. I ;-
44 1
AUTHOR: -Lomsadzej Yu.M. SOV/139-59--i-15/31+
TITLE: On the Principle and Validity of the 111,11odified"
Perturbation Method in the Theory of Quantized Fields
(0 sushchnosti i korrelctnosti modifitsiro,rannogo metoda
vozmushcheniy v teoril kvantovannykh poley.)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniyj Fizika,
1959, Nr 1, pp 88-96 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The principle of the "modified" method is to replace the
interaction representation of the Tomonoga-Schwinger
theory by a representation defined by;
S(g) = T exp i ~ d1+ ~c H (Nd (2)
Here d(g) is the new "modified" operator, replacing the
old interaction operator, T is the 'chronological
SYmboll~ H is the Hamiltonian of the system in 4--spaee
and all other symbols have their standard significance..
The conventional units h/27T = c = 1A are adopted.
One useful manipulative proparty of S(g) is that it
transforms a funotion of the remote past into one of the
Card 1/3 remote future according to.
1) [4- cc] = 2(g) 't L- col
On the Principle and Validity of "-.he "Modtfied" P-.~rturbation
Method in the Theory of Quantized Fields
The method is applied tD general quantized field thecry
and is shovm to have certain advantages over the intea-
action reprosentation in regard. t~) manifest covarianop.
and renormalization. renoTinalization
difflcultie~: wi.t.1) integration path!i deft-Iiined
to infirity aro ellminated,,, sin,~--o such paths aro firlite
in the new representation. The validity of the method,
while not rigorousl.y established., is shown "a be
plausibte by dis(,-.,assing its application to the
scattorIng inatrix arid showing how the vai-ious steps in
the prac~tical computation of ttils mati,ix would have their
counterparts in the well.- est abli shed intorartion
regesentation, Finally the method is applied to the
PS PS) and PS(PV) variants of pion theory; the results
obtained are corialstert with the experimental e-jidence
Card 2/3 for the ~-)f validity of the two
theories,, A,Anowledgemenus are made "-I-) Pi-:)fessor
On the Principle and Validity of the "Modified" Perturbation
Method in the Theory of Quantized Fields
D.D. Ivanenko, A.M. Brodskiy, G.A. Sokolik, Yu.A. Gollfand,
B.V. Silin, V.Ya. Faynberg and Ye.S. Fradkin, for their
There are 15 references, 13 of which are Soviet and
2 Italian.
ASSOCIATION: Uzhgorodskiy Gosuniversitet (Uzhgorod State University)
SUBMITTED: August 9, 1958;
After revision, December 14, 1958
Card 3/3
yva kyi, I.IU.J
Scattering of a neutron on a proton from the point of viev
of a 7 -meson pair doublet. Ukr. fiz. shur. 4 no.1:123-125
Ja-7 159. (MIRA 12:6)
loUzhgorodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
(Neutrons--Scattering) (Protons) (Mesons)
rroblam of the scattering of nucleons on nucleons at high energies.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. no.4:123-129 '59. OIIRA 13:3)
l.Uzhgorodakiy gosuniversitat.
LBVASHNV, Anatoliy Yev&,onlyevich;--1014SAD'Zg,__Yu.H., dotsonto otv,red.;
GAVRILOV, V.D., red.; MORO%,, S.K,,
[Elementary particles] Xlementaraye chostitay. liev, Izd-vo
Kievokogo univ. Pt.l. 1960. 1)5 (KIFLA 14:2)
(Particles (Nuclear physlcZ5
Lomsadze Yu, M.-
86/058/6 1/000/'uud/002-/044
On a possible theory of the quantum-,nfield of probability amplitude"
PERIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 8, 1961, 20, abstract 8A214
("Dokl.- I soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. n.", no. 3,
196o, 11-14)
TEM The theory of the quantum "field of probability amplitude" (qpPA)
considers the SchrSdinger equation of quantum field theory Ps the "classical"
bate) 0 (N, t)'of a
field equation of the probability amplitude (or vector of st
system of quantum fields. A commutation relatIon Is established between the
classical functional t (N,t) and the canonieally conjugate field n (N,t)'with
the introduction of a now constant 1, which here plays the role of Planck'$-
constant. An equation of.motion is derived for vector of state-of QFFA Y
MN),t)-in some special Z representation. For'solving the equation of motion
one can-usa a-perturbation method analogous to'the conventional method. The
entire discussion Is cast In nonrelativistic form. The author points out
Card 1/2
On a possible theory of the quantum ... A058/A101
the mathematical difficulties associated with the necessity of introducing a
supercontinuous integral from the functional of the funetional.
V. Lendlyel
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card P-/2
~V 0
AUTHOR- Lomeadze, Yu. M.
2TMEi The gist of the theory of the rquantum "field of probability ampli-
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no, F3, 1961, 20, &bstraot BA215
("Dokl. I. soobshoh. Uzhgorodsk. ui-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. n,", no. 3,
1,060, 15-17)
TM: 'The author disoussex-the-physical m9aning of the vector of state
Y (Z (N) , t) `(of. abstract 8A214) of the qu&ntum "field of probability amplitude'!
lyo(Z(N), t) should be understood as-the amplitude of the probability of finding
ident to measurement of a system at time t a giv*n probability dlatftbution
Z(N) in terms of the filling functions N. Inasmuoh as the quantization or the
"probability amplitude field" is offooted with the aid of antibommutators and
the filling,numbers can assume only the valuss 0 &nd 1, the given veotor of
state can be interpreted In the same sense as thn vaotor of state of conventional
quantum field theory. V. Lend'yel,
Abstracter's notet Complete translation]
Card '1/1
AUTHOR- Lomsadze, Yu. M.
TIME: Problems of I-summation of a series in the perturbation method
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizlka, no. 10, 1961, 24, abstract IOA255
(V sb. "Probl. sovrem. teorii elementarn. chastits", no. 2, Uzh-
gorod, 1959, 182-19*, Engl. summary)
TEXT: Problems are discussed which are related to the applicatf'on of an
approximate method, "modified perturbation method proposed by the author (RZh
Fiz, 1957, no. 9, 21881; 1958, no. 2, 2693; 1959, no ' 10, 21842; 1960, no. 2
2702), to renormalizable versions of the quantum field theory, iri particular to
the PS (PS) variant of the meson theory.
[Abstracter.'s note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Lomaadze, Yu. M., Lend'yel, V. I., KrIvskiy, 1. Yu.
TITLE- On the problem of nucleon-nucleon scattering at high energies
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 10, 1961, 24-25, abstract 10A256
(V ab. "Probl. savrem. teoril elementarn. chastits", no. 2, Uzh-
gorod, 1959, 195-210, Engl. summary)
TEXT- The consequences of the hypothesis on existence of a scalar t-mesol',
triplet In addition to pseudosealar-mesons, are-studled in detail. It is shown
that an assumption of the 'presence in & 1-moson beam of 1-2% admixture of
scalar T-mesona does not contradict available experimental data; moreover, it
is possible, even in the framework of the perturbation method, to obtain oharac-
teristlos of a number of processes concordant with experiments. In pe.-ticular,
the followiiig results are obtained on the'j~asis of this bypothesis.- 1) correct
ratio of cross sections for processes of 1-meson scattering on deutrons,
2) good value for the Panovsky,ratio, 3) correct ratio of oross sections for
photoproduction processes, eta. Experiments are proposed for detecting scalar
-je-mesons. Considerations are presented an violation of charge independence of
Card 1/2
On the problem of nucleon-nucleon scattering ... AOO1/A1O1
nuclear forces at high energies. Total and differential cross sections of N11-
soattering (calculated to the first approximation of the perturbation theory) A~
agree well with experiments In the 100 - 600 Mev range.
V. Lendlyel
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Lomsadze, Yu. M., Lend'yel, V. I., Krivskly, 1. Yu., FuBhchich, V.I.,
L. P,, Ernst, B. M.
TITLE: On applying modified perturbation method to interpretation of nuclean
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 10, 1961, 25, abstract 10A257
(V sb. "Probl. sovrem. teorii elementarn. chastits", no. 2, Uzh-
gorod, 1959, 211-216, Mngl. summary)
TEXT: Differential effective cross sections for all types of NN-scatter-
Ing have been determined in the first non-vanishing approximation of the modified
perturbation method (consistiziF in a special summation over all simplest barion
loops inserted Into Internal t-meson lines of the Feynman 2nd-order graphs);
assumptions are made on existence of scalar t-mesons and violation of charge
Independence of nuclear forces at high energies. The cross sections calculated
for the range 100 - 600 Mev agree sufficiently well with experimental data.
Thereby the refiults of the preceding study (abstract IOA256) are additionally
substantiated. An interesting possibility is discusaed that at sufficiently
Card 1/2
On applying modified perturbation ...
great coupling oonstant, the scattering cross seation may be completely in-
dependent of its value.
[Abstracter"s note: Complete translation]
Card 212
~ ~/ tl,~-o 0
AUTHOR: Lomsadze, Yu.M.
UILE: On calculation techniques in a new mathf-;,i ct' "stvrng"
the theory of
FERIODICALI. ReferativnTy zhurnal, Finka, n~,.. 6, 1961, (D,-,~',
i soobshch. lJzhgcrsd-,k Ser.
21~ - Y))
TEXT - The author devp1cpa a method of cai~~Ala*.Inv !.Y,,i mali ix
the S-ra,vix In pre-zentatlon In. whl-h *he ln~eractlon of IPIL!j-z~ t!' 11--
diagonal. The meth3d c,=31siz in expanding the S-matrix in A- ~~-ries in --f JL3
the energy operator cf' llh,~ free me~-on fleld ( 'this expa-n5icn cn,----ill
th,~ 2expansion of the matrix element. of a ~r-anstticn In powei,6 of
ant). As an example, the au",,.rr
/S , where g is coupling c!ms
tion of a harmonic oscillator being in a field of ext~lrnal rorces.
[Abstrac-'ev's note: Corriplete translation]
Card 1/1
SIO"1816 1/000/O061/k7,G6/(x'-- -3
AW I /Al 0 1
At MHORS: Lend'yel, V.I., Lom.3adze, Yu.M., Ernst, B.M.
TIME: The application of the "strong" coupling methoi to a simplest mcdel
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, n% 6, 1961,30, abstrac-~ EA315 ("D~~ki,
I soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. n.", 1960, r0. 3, 31-
TMT: To check the relativiptic method of strcng coupling In :he field
theory (abstract 6A314), the author ccnsiders an example, the equation of a harmo-
nic oscillator placed Into a field cf ex-.ernal forces. 11 is shswn that already
the first approximation, In a case of a strong external field, makee !t pcEs!ble
to find the wave function at t - 0 with a very high precision.
[Abstracter's note? Complete translation]
Card 1/1
LWADZEq Yu.M.; LEND'YEL# V.I. Elendlielg V.I.]; ERNST9 B.M.
Parity doublet of T17-sooons and Chev's- approximation metlod.
Ukr. fiz. zhur. 5 no.6:773-776 N-D 160 (MIRA 14:3)
1/ 1. Uzhgorodskiy gosudar tvennyy universitet.
Problem of theradiative decay of a Tl-seson. Mr. fiz. zhur. 5
no.6.-777-780 N-D 160. (141RA 140)
1. Uzhgorodaki7 gosudarstvennyy universitet.
(He sons-Decay)
LOMSADZEp lu.M.j LEND'YEL# V.I. [Loandlielg VeLl
All-Union Conference on Elementary Particle Theory, Ukr. fiz. zhur.
no.6t865-868 F-D 160. (KIRA 24:3)
(Particles(Nuelpar physics)-Congresses)
Behavior of the total arose sections of TF-scattering at high
energies. Zhur, eksp. i teor. fiz. 39 no.4:1154-1155 0 160.
(MM 13:11)
1. Uzhgorodskiy gosudarstyenny7 universitet.
S/058/61/OW/0 11/001/025
0 0 A058/AlOl
AUTHOR: Lomsadze, Yu.M.
TITLE: Concerning possible variants of (~_decay theory
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no. 11, 1961, 25, abstract 11A274 (v
sb. "Probl. sovrem. teorii elementarn. chastits". no. 2, Uzhgorod,
1959, 69 - 79, English summary)
TME: This is a conference report (RzhFiz, 1961, 7AI97). The author exami-
nes the feasibility of applying a relativistically invariant renorma~lzation and
regularization method to pseudo-scalar and pseudo-vector variants of ~ -decay
theory, 11' ----.~,e + v and irr - -, e + v + y processes are investigated within the
framework of interaction variants .
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
Lomsadze, Yu. M., Maksimov, B. 1.
Application of Schwinger's variational method to the pair theory
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Plzika, no. 10, 1961, 24, abstract IOA254
(V sb. "Probl. sovrem. teorli elementarn. chastits", no. 2, Uzh-
gorod, 1959, 30-36, Engl. summary)
TM: In complete analogy with the known methods, a system of equations in
variational derivatives has been derived for-the Green one-nucleon and one-meaon
functions in the isotopically invariant version of the theory with Jr-meson pair
coupling. This system, in view of its non-linearlty, can be solved only approxi-
mately. The system of equations for vacuum functional has been also derived and
solved in the form of iterate integral.
V. Lend'yel
[Abstracter's notei Complete translation]
Card 1/1
L+~ (4 q oo
AUTHOR: Lomsadze, Yu. M.-
TITLE., Notes on the theory of the quantized "probability-amplitude field"
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 4, 1962, 37, abstract 4A293
("Dokl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. n.",
1961, no. 4, 9 - 14)
TEXT: The author examines the question of the physical meaning of the
state vector In his proposed theory of the quantized "probability-amplitude
field" (RZhFiz, 1961, 8A214 - 215). He indicates a relativintically Invariant
formulation of his new theory.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
o s/b58/62/ooo/Oo4/Oi4/16o
AUTHORS: Krivskiy, I. Yu., Lomsadze, Yu. M., Khimich, I. V.
TITLE: Concerning the correspondence principle in the theory of the
quantized "probability-amplitude field"
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 4, 1962, 37, abstract 4A294
("Dokl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. n.", 1961
no. 4, 15 - 18)
Tl,A'T: The authors prove a theorem of equivalence between the conventional
quantum-field theory and the special case of their proposed theory in which the
probability-amplitude field is being quantized (RZhFiz, 1961, 8A214 - 215)-.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
AUTHORS: Lend'Yel, V. I., Lomsadze, Yu. M., Ernst, B. M.
TITLE: Parametric correlation in the effective range theor-I using
14andellshtam's dizpersion relations
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 7, 1962, 29, abstract 7A274
("Dokl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. n.", 1961,
no. 4, 19 - 21)
MT: The authors proceeded from the analytic characteristics of the
energy variable of the singlet amplitude of fixed angle p-p scattering, and used
a new form of approximation of experimental data (in accordMice with the general
scheme of Cini, Fubini, Stanghellini - RZhFiz, 1960, no. 4, 7765) to determine
more accuratcly the coupling constant f2 which turned out to be somewhat less
than the universally adopted value f2 _ 0.08. They also succeeded in determining
the parameters of the effective range theory, and found them to be very near
those specific to the Yukawa potential.
V. Lendlyel
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
1/058/62/0GO/005/016/1 15
TITLE; On utilizing a possible analyticity of matrix elements in field
coupling constant
PE.KODICAL: ReferativnTj zhurnal, Fizika, no. 5, 1962, 34. abstract 5A316
("Dokl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. n.",
1961, no. 4, 22-24)
TE)`T: The autlior proposes an appoach to solving the problems of strong
--nteractions. The method is based on the assumption that matrix elements In
coupling constant g are analytical in the vicinity of g - 0. The author propose5
to utilize "he solution of perturbation theory and to construct its analytical
continuation, by means of Mittag-Lefler expansion, in the region of large
physical values of interaction constant.
A. Brodskiy
rAbstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
AU711ORS: Khimich, I. V., Lomsadze, Yu. M., Krivskiy, I. Yu.
TITILE: U(x)-uN(k) representations in quantum-field theory
PORIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 4, 1962, 37, abstract 4A295
(I'Dokl. i soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. n.", 1961,
no. 4, 25 - 27)
TEXT: The authors establish a connection between functionals in different
representations of the new strong-coupling method proposed earlier by one of the
authors (RZhPiz, 1961, IIA247).
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
A U 'iil 0 RSL Xrivskiy, I. Yu., Fhimich, I. V.
TITLE: Some aspects of the new method of "strong" coupling in the theory
of quantized fields
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 5, 1962, 34, abstract 5M'j',15
("Dokl. 1 soobshch. Uzhgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fiz.-matem. n.", 1%1,
no. 4, 28-.32)
The method of strong coupling suggested earlier by one of the
authors (RZhFiz. 1961, 11A247) is discussed. The possibility is considered of
a consequent calculation, within the framework of this method, of Green's
functions, in particular, Green's function of a single particle.
FAbstracter's note; Complete translation]
Card 1/1
AUTHORSt Kuahtan, V.I., Lomsadze, Yu.Y., Shuba,
TITLE: On the theory of generalized functionals
PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 4, 1962, 87,
i ooobshch.
abstract 4B412.
fiz.-natem. n.", 1961, no. 4, 116 - 121)
TEXT: In quantun-field theory there exist so-called sin6ular
functionals, e.g. the I -functional S 1-1;(X) - I (x)l aith the property
that 0
~-""(X) 137 r";(X) - it (x)
J 0
if the functional (continuous) integration extends over an oper, set of
functions containing IN 0(x). A definition of sin.-ular functionals is given
Ln the following way (as in the theory of generalized functions): The
singular functional (or, as the author terms it, hyperfunctional) is a
Card 1/2
On the theory of generalized functionals S-5/044/62/0-0/004/07'/099
. co
linear continuous functional over the space of basis functionals (the
infinitely often differentiable and finitle functionals with natural
~OPGIOCA. The support of the sinuular functicnals is defined, and a
procedure is developed to regularize divergent functional integrals in
which the functional in the integrand has in discrete "points,'
singularities of the type of a "pole".
FAbstracter's note t Complete translation.41
Card 2/2
MARKS, G.[Marx, Gyorgy]j doktor fiz. nauki TOT, Bela(Toth,Bela, translator];
ERDI, K red.- JPMZADZE Yu.M.)~~~hmy, red. perevoda;
KHUT, Etifut, red.
[Introduction to quantum mechanics) Vvedenie v kvantovuiu
mekhaniku. Perer. i dop. izd. Budapost, Izd-vo Akad. nauk
Vengriip 1962. 346 p. Translated from the Hu'sigarian.,
(MIRA 15:7)
1, Budapeshtskly universitet (for Marks). 2. Uzbgorodskiy
gosudarstvennyy universitet (for Lomzadze).
(Quantum theory)
Y 0 D234/D3Ucj
AUTEORS: Khimich, I.V., Lomsadze, Yu.11. and Kryvc;'I,-yy, 1.Yu.
T IT L IE: Some physical consequences o-.12' the theory of quantized
ficld of the probability amplitude
PZRIODICAL: Uhrayins,hyy fi--yclinyy zhurnal, v. 7, no. 9, 1962,
T EXT The authors refer to their I)rcviou-- papers where
Lhe above theovi was formulated (Dohlady i soobahcheniya Uzhgorod-
--'.o,yo u-niversite-ta, ocriya fiz.-nat. nauk, no. 4, 15, 1961; Yu.M.
Lom-adzc, as abovP, no. 3, 11, 1960, no. 4*, 9, 1961, Nucl. PhyS. 36,
1962) and derive an exprcssion connecting the proMbility of tran5i-
tion from the initial to the final state, (lefincd by this thcory,
with the Qxperimentally obscrvcd probability. It is --tated that the
matri:: element in the new theory can be obtaineO. irith any approxima-
'tion in closed -~27orm, according to' the perturbation method dcvclo-)cd
in the papers quoted -j,:)ovc. The nc,;,- constaut I can have any value.
T'lic authors quote the expressions for t1he matrix element in the case
Gard 1/2
L-4/10 5/62/007/0 0 9/0 02/00 6
Some physical con-'equcnccr, D234/0303
of 1 2, in the Eirn't a-CAL sscco-nrl -I?,-)rO=I;L,,atio-n. Thcy concluclc that
in thc i,.;-w thcory han no ade--itional difficuLtics ill
m the umial quantized, 1-iclcl theory. if thc. errors in
comparison , J. th I j.
dctervAning, tac initial momenta of tlic Tparticles are sufficic-atly
omall, the cf-;cc'L-ive cross section given by the rm., theory for any
proccss is the sa,.:ic an in tl-..c-, imital theory, up to the second appro.,:- /0
imatiou (for I - 2). It. is lou-,41 that :~or finC.-in'-, 1 o,?ccial
mc,ats Lire nocco-Iciry, ill ;Aiich l.n(-. initial staLc 0-1Z t1he syolccla would
contain suZ-4':iciciitl,,-r distant -uiomcut-a. The basIc ide.1s tv-!
basis ojE the iiew theory are An es.-c.,.'L:ial fcaturc of the
liew thcor-,, is sta;:cd to I)c the f~ict -4-14at it a~,Iy dCr~~ C Of
I U1 c
accuracy in mcarjurin,r' the com.,plete sot of physical quantitics
rio absolutely exact measurement. The authors c;~~-)rcss their gr.,ti-
tudc to Ya.A'j,. "'morody-n-s'hyy, 3.L. Yoffc, Il.l. Podhorctolkyy and i,.D.
Tolstoy for discussion.
AS 3 C C 12xT 10 1 iUzhhorods1hyy dcr7,hu-nivcrsytct (Uzhhorod State Uni-
3U.M."ITTED: January 20, 1962
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Lendlyel, V. I., 4omsaaze, Yu. Lt., Ernst, B. 14.
TITLE: A more exact determination of parameters of the effective
radius theory with the aid of Mandeletam's dispersion
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekoperimentallnoy i teoreticheekoy fiziki, v- 43,
no. 3(9), 1962, 974 - 976
TEXT; On the basis of the Mandelstam dispersion representation for
scalar NN-scattering amplitudes, M. Cini et al. (.Phyu. Rev., 114, 1633
1959) have proposed a function F(6j) which makes it possible to dotermine
the coupling constant f 2 by extrapolation from the r6gion (,)~,O to the
non-physical point W = -112. (z is the square momentum of the nucleon.
To approach that pole the authors suggest an "inverse" polynomial of the
form w A 4 A F(,.)) + A F 2(w) + A F3(w) + At the non-physical
0 1 2 3
point -1/2, the function F(-1/2) - -1/ 2. Extrapolation df experi-
mental data on low-energy pp-ocattering distribut.ion led to the coupling
Card 11/2
A more exact determination of... BIOB/B102
constant f . 0.058 4 0.005. The following parameters of the effective
radius theory were calculated; aequiv " -17.6*10-13 cm, r = 2.80-10-13c1-4
P = 0.045, 0 - 0.0127. These numerical values indicate that the nucleon
interaction potential at low energies is a Yukawa, type potential. There
is 1 table.
ASSOC~ TION: Uzhgorodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Uzhgorod State
3'U,Bj.IITTED March 29, 1962
Card 2/2
LQ!t!ADZE, Yu.14.; LENDOYEL, V.I.; KRIVSKIY, I.Yu. [Kryvslkyi, LIU.]
=C;Hp I.V.
Third All-Union Confer-ince on the Theory of Elementary Particles.
Ukr.fiz.zhur. 7 no.4:4A8-454 AP 162. (MIFLA 15:8)
(Particles (Nuclear physics))
AUTHOR& Lomoadze. Yu. M.
TITLEs 4uantization of "free" fields In the generalized quantum
SOURCEI Uzhgorod. Universitst. Nekotoryye problemy sovremennoy fIsIkI
yadra I elementarnykh chaatital abornik otatoyl no. I# i957t
6 - 13
TEXTt In a previous work (Yu* Mo Lomeadses Nauohnyye sapiski Vsk-
gorodskogo universitetat v. 189 P- 93 0957) the author d9veloped the
fundamentals of a generalized theory for a "freem quantized spinor
particle and a "free" classical electromagnetic field. The theory Is
based on the assumption that,the conceptiona,of "wave function" wA
"field" refer not only -to -the point xis, in t a space-time continuum but
also to a region O'therein with the volume A. is designated elementary
length. These fields are now quantized in a relativistically covarlant
manner. For the purpose of quantizing the free electromagn*tia fields
Card 1/2
8/861 57/000/001/001/013
Quantization of 11free".fields In the A066YA126
iteoperator in the Heisenberg or interaction representation in deft*ed
by a commutative relation, whereas the "free" spinor field is quantized
with the aid of an anticommutative relation. Finally, the author coasi4kM
the possibility 'of developing a generalizea, rtlativistically oovarisnt~
theory of interadtion between quantized fields* It to stated that no
diffioultiec are encountered with a quantized particle interacting with
a olaosioga electromagnetic fieldy not even in the similar oasq of a wA*j6-
electron systems The interaction of a sulti-electron systin with a quan-
tized electromagnetic field is,j howeverp.problematice
.SUBMITTEDs October 149 1956
Card 2/2
S/88 57/000/001/002/013
AUTHORSt Lomsadze, Yu. M., Maksimov, B. I.
TITLEi ~n idea of developing a non-local field theory
SOURCEI Uzhgorod. Uni'versitet. Nektoryye problemy sovremennoy fiziki
yadra i elementarnykh chastital sbornik statey, no. 1, 1957,
14 - 16
TEXT.- The hitherto vain attempt to develop a non-local field theory
free from inherent contradictions is attributed to the fact that the
very conception of non-locality is incompatible with the ordinary Cauchy
problem. The equation of motion for a non-local field is chosen in such a
manner that the quantities which determine the state of the field and
which are given on a discrete set of points or regions within the space-
-time continuum can be determined uniquely. The equation of motion reads
-\/I (X) . ~ S (x - Xi) IV (Xi) (2)
on the right-hand aide of which summation is taken over all tile points
Card 1/2
An idea of developing a non-local ..... A066/AI26
of the chosen set. A detailed analysis of the equation reveals that the
latter results in inconsistencieu because tile group property is disturbed.
SUBMITTED z October 14, 1956
Card 2/2
A1JT11ORt Lomoadze. Yu. 14.
TITLE: An effective method of calculating the S-matrix in quantum-field
theory. Part II
SOURCEt Uzhgorod. Univeraitet. Nekotoryye problemy aovremennoy fiziki
yadra i elementarnykh chastits; sbornik statey, no. 1, 1957,
19 - 38
TLXT: Part I of the present work (Yu. M. Lomsadze. Nauchnyye zapiski
Uzht-,orodskogo univerniteta, v. 10, 151 (1957)) presented a method of
solving the quantized equation of motion (Tomonaga-3chwinger equation).
The formalism developed there allows the function f (g, p) to be expanded
in a greneralized MacLaurin series with respect to g. For g - 0 the ex-
pansion possesses derivatives with respect to g of any order. The expan-
sion is intended to lead to an initial function f (g, p) that fulfills
comprehensive prerequisites, of which the most important is that f (g, P)
be analytic. This can be achieved by introducing a "generalized sum" and
Card 1/2
An effective method of calculatine Ao66/A126
and an III-sum". The aim of present work is to prove the validity and
applicability of the mathematical forma3ism. employed in the previous paper
and to illustrate it by a simple example. The modified series is shown
to be both renormalizable and convergent in the ordinary sense of the
term. If real particles have large momenta, then the modified series will
be absolutely convergent. There are 13 figures.
SUBMITTED- October 7, 1956
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: -Lomsaaze, Yu. 1.I., Maksimov, B. 1.
TITLE: Some preliminary calculations in pair theory
SOURCEz Uzhgorod. Univeruitet. Nekotoryye problemy navremennoy fiziki
yadra i elementarnykh chaotita; abornik statey, no. 1, 1957,
39 - 54
TEXT: Part Is The scattering of(II - and,r4-mesons from a nucleon. On
the basis of the pair theory, the cross sections for the scattering of
pions and muons from a nucleon are calculated in first non-vanishing
approximation of a perturbational method developed by the first-mentioned
author in previous papers (Nauchnyye zapiski Uzligorodskogo universiteta,
v. 18, P- 155 (1957); Nekotoryye problemy sovremennoy fiziki yadra i
elementarnykh chnstits; obornik statey, no. 1, 1957, P. 19)'. A compari-
son between the differential croau sectiono obtained by the modified per-
turbational method and thooe obtained in the usual first non-vanishing
approximation indicates that almost the sarae results are achieved with
Card 1/2
Some preliminary calculations in pair theory Ao66/A126
muon energica of up to 155 Mlev and with much higher pion energieo. -
Part II: The scattering of an antinucleon from a nucleon inT-mecon pair
theory. The same method was used here to calculate the cross section for
the scattering of an antinucleon from it nucleon. The differential cross
section recorded for the scatterine of an antiproton by a proton exhibits
a resonance peak at a definite energy of the antiproton. A similar maxi-
mum was obaerved in Part I. These maxima permit a qualitative interpreta-
tion of the multiple production of pions. - Part III: The-application
of Schwinger's variational methodta the pair theory. Assuming that the
Green function of a meson is independent of the mesonic field averagcd
over the vacuum operator, and that it is a given function of the coordi-
nates, the authors consider the system of equations derived by them in one
of the above-mentioned publications for the Green function of a nucleon
within the framework of the pion pair theory. From the Green function of
a nucleon within a classical mesonic field they derive an integral func-
tional for the Green function of a nucleon in a quantized mesonic field.
There are 4 figures.
SUB14ITTED: October 16, 1956
Card 2/2
S/881 57/000/001/01110!3
AUTHORt Lomsadze, ju. M*.
TITLEt The relation between intersotion potential &M 8-"triX
SOURCEt Uzhgorod4 Universitet. Kokotoryye problemy movromennoy fialki
yadra i alementarnykh ohastits; abornik statey, no. 1, 1957,
M - i1o
TEXTs When t - t' the one-dimonsional Dirac-Pok-Podolsky equation
(Phys. Ze. d. Sowjetunion, 2, 466 (1932)) assumes the form
MM a M MM d M 0)
Y, T, --Wj-cj. + TI'xo+ -~ Yj rx7- + T4 19i,+Y4 DI (x) +(5)
T, D X. t)
The nuoleon-nucloon interaction potential is regarded as an operutor that
does not act on the dynamic field variables and by means of which one
Card 1,13
The relation between interaction
IM 0) a (1) 0 (2) XO+ V1. n
4 Y1 + T4 "0 +Y1 Y' + *4
(1) D,(x) (2 ) D-(xf)
if the terms,74 4
S/881/57/000/0010, 1/u I
In Equation (5) are replaced by it.
It is demonstrated that with an accuracy up to the first non-vaniohing
approximation the interaction potential
S.-.11- d3xjd3 efdt 1r.*, v~iv' (7)
together with Equation (6), furnishes the same 3-matrix as tha:t obtained
from Equation (5) without limitations. The calculation of the S-aatrix
is limited by the followingi 1) The theorem of conservation of energy
'in the initial,and final states is not used; 2) onl:, those elements
are considered whioh correspond to Feynman graphs and furnish irreducible
ye presentations. The potential is usually dependent upon the three-di-
meAsional vector of the distance between the particles and on their*mo-
:.~nentum operators. The singularity in the zero interaction potential can
be defined asymptotioally by the behuvior of the 8-matrix it the momenta
Card 2/3
S/8 57/000/001/011/013
The relation between interactiin ..... 6 IA12
are large. It is shown that an interaction must exist between nucleons
and pione.and also between electrons and photons, which permits a new of coupled steady states. There is I figure.
SUBMITTEDr October 15P 1956
Card 3/3
3/88 IJ57/00*01/04 21,04
AUTHORs Lomeadze, Yu. M., Maksimov, B. I.
TITLEt Investigation of potentials in theories with "non-linear" neson
SOURCE& Uzhgorod. Universitet. Nekotoryye problomy sovremennoy fisiki
yadra i elementarnykh chastital abornik statey, no. 1, 1957&
111 - 141
TEXTr Part I: Theories with triple meson coupling. It in shown that
it is possible in theories with triple meson coupling to give a finite
representation of the 3-matrix of two nucleons in first non-vanishing
approximation of the perturbation theory by renormalizing the constants
of the "contact" terms. The singularities of tY, -otentials are . con-
sidered for several varieties of the theory W' . mesonib field and
pseudoscalar met3onie field). The singularitir are uf the types 17r-7
and ln(r/r7). - Part M Theories with quas~zuple meson coupling. The
S-matrix can again be represented in a finite manner, and, in analogy
Card 112
3/88 1j57/000/01/012/013
Investig,Aion of potentials ii, A0661AI26
to Part 1, Lhe Ongularities of [ke potentials have the form I/rIl and
Some varieties of th(! theory lead to attractive and repulplye
pottqtials. - Part Ill: The fi)iite forin of the scattering matrix *&a
r.gaii be attained by ronarmalizing a auffiaient number of oonstanto of'
4,he loontaot'l.terme. The elimination of all infinites requires a u1ni-;
num number of oonatants. An analysis of the singularities in the various
v,--:jeties of the theory indicatea that in the case of 'a 2m-fold spinor '
meson coupling and of an r)-fold psoudoucalar-meson coupling the singulari-
ties have the form ln(r/rbm-,-2n-1). There are 14 figures.
SUBMITTEDs October 15, 1956
Card 2/2
LOMSADZE, Tu.M., dots., otv. red.
(Program of and abstracts of papers read at the All-
Union Intermiversity Conference on Quantum Field Theory
and Elementary Pnrticles] Programma, i tezisy dokladov
Vsesoiuznoi mezhvuzovskoi konferentsii po teorii kvanto-
vykh polei i elementarnykh chastits. 2d, Uzhgorad,
Uzhgorodakiy gos. univ., 1960. 70 p. (MIRA 16:10)
1. Vsesoyuznaya mezhvuzovskaya konferentsiya po teoril
kvantovykh po;sy i elementarnykh chastits. 2d, Uzhgorod,
(Quantum field theory)
(Particles (Nuclear physics))
LOMSADZE, Yu.M., dots., otv. red *) PILIPOV, le., tekhn red.
(Program of and abstracts of papers read at the All-
Union Interuniversity Conference on Quantum Field
Theory and Elementary Particles] Programma i tezisy
dokladov. Posviashchaetsia 22 s"ezdu KPSS. Uzhgorod,
Uzhgorodskii gos. univ., 1961. 117 p. (MIRA 16:10)
1. Voesoyuznaya mezhvuzovskaya konferentsiya po teorii
kvantovannykh poley i elementarnykh chastits, A
Uzhgorod, 1961. (Quantum field theory)
(Particles (Nuclear physics))
fe . red. -
[Theoretical introduction tothe group concept In the theory of
elementary particles]Teoretiko-gruppovoe vvedenie v teoriiu
elementarnykh chastits. Mookva, Vysshaia shkola, 1962. 181 p.
(MIRA 16:3)
(Particles (Nuclear physics)) (Groups, Theory of)
KUSHTAN, V.I.; LOWADZE, Yu.M., dotsent; ROM,~NKO? G.D.
Principle of invariance claimed relative to the inversion cf
each constant in 'the theory, and its consequences. Dokl. I
soob. UzhGU. Ser. fiz.-imat. i ist. nauk no.5:20-24 162.
(MIRA 171:9)
KOVALICHUK, A.Ye.j IMCALZE, Yu.M., dotnent., 3HUBA, I.M.
Use of the method of strong coupling in solving Soln's model.
Dokl. i soob. UzhGU. Ser. fiz.-rnat. i ist. nauk no.5:26-30 162.
(MIRA 17: 9)
LOMSADZE, YU.M.P dotsent
In t t,
Renormalizat.lon of weak four-fermlon
soob. UzhGU. Ser. fiz.-mrit, riau~
Possilhility o' det.ncting ~rd
the scattering aTj)P';udo! ,-n
Certain conclusiuns drawn form the theory of the quantum field of the
prc(bWlity amplitude, Ukr. fiz. ibur. 7'no.9067-974 S 162.
(MIRA l5il2)
lo Uzhgorodskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet.
(Quantum field theory) (Probabilities)
A more accurate presentation of the effective radius
with the aid of the Mandellstam dispersion rel4ions.
teor. fiz. 43 no.3:974,976 162.
theory obtained
Zhur. eksp. i
(MA 15:10)
,1. Uzhgorodokiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet.
Goneral principles of developing a theory of the quantized field
of the probability amplitude. Izv, vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. no.4:
26-33 163. (7-!L~A 16:9)
1. Uzhgorodskiy gosudarstvannyy universitt-A.
(Quantum field theory)
ACCESSION Iffit AFIM146 8/0058/63/000/006/mM/Ma
MURCH; M., Fixikav Abs. 6 3163
AUTMR: .1posadzep Ya. M.
TIM: Fooeibility of disolosing and utilizing the analytic properties of the
scattering aMlitude Ln maternion -qxce
CIM SOURCE: Dokl. i socbshcb. Yzbgorodsk. un-t. Ser. fft.-watem.-i istor. n,,,
no-'5o 1962t 69-72
TOPIC TAGS: spinor field.,, quaternion fioldf Lorentz transformation . vave
equation, scattering.. four-space
TRANSLATION: Lorentz transformations of the spinor quaternion field are consider-
ed. A vave equation -that coincides formally vith the Dime eqmtion,, in vhIcb. the
numerical matrices are replaced by Vaternion matrices# is written down for such
a field.
Card 1/1
l5jul 63
ENCL: 00.-
Making use of the possible analy-ticity of r.,atrtx elements with
respect to the field coupling constant. lzv.vys.ucheb.zav.; fiz.
no.3:119-122 163, (MIRA 16:12)
1. Uzhgorodskiy i~osudarstvennyy universitet.
Fourth All-Union Gonference on the Theory of Elementary Particles.
Izvovysouchob.zav.; fiz. no-31190-191 163. (MIRA 16:12)
1. Uzhgorodskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
Physical nature of the theory ol th~.- quaiitlzod
ability amplitude. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz.
fiild of [iroy.-
no-4;11)-119 '()3-
1. Uzhgorodakiy gouudur3tvaraiyy univerLiitet.
(4uantu:,i 4'iold Lhoory) (Prubabilitios)
17178-63 Ewr(1)~*(m)/FGC(w)/BDS AFFTC/ASD
60110605 _i_e? -
AUTFLOR: Lomsadzeju. M.;'Kry*va'~X~, 1. Yu.: Khimich. 1. V.
TITLE: 'Fourth All-Union Conference on the Theory of Ele~entary Partiiles-/Weld
1n,Uzhgorod from 26 to 29 November 19627
SOURCE: UkrayLnelkyy OLcycMyy churnal, v. 8, no. 5, 1963, 601-605
X TAGS: elementary partLcle, Regge pole, quantum electrodynamLca, quantum
fteld theory, unified theory of relativity, photonuclear reaction, gravitation
ABSTRACT. The authors describe the proceedings of the Fourth All-Union Conference
Ion the Theory of glementary!Particles, held in Uzhgorod on 26 to 29 November 1962,
jaj1d preceded by,& four-day (21 to 24 November) seminar of theoretical physicists,
eialiste in tho (jold ofelementary partLcles. At the seminar eminent special-
s lectured on recent developments in the fLeld of strong interaction, high-
rgy quantum electro4ynamics, problems of the spatial-temporal description in
i!ft relatLvLstic,quantum theory, pseudo-BuclLdean space-time at small distances,
Jlljd.~ d
the unified theory of relativity.. The discussion during the conference proper
wa.aconcerned with such topics as Regge volephtronk interactionso weak and elec-
.tromagnetic interactiona,'~gravit tion theory, the group approach to~and systemati-
I Zatio'n of elementary particles, and new ideas and generalizations of the quantized,!
fidld.'the'ory. The conference also included a section on photonuclear reactions,
amsemMar to commemorate the eminent Danish physicist Niels Bohr, and a seminar
'jonith4 philosophical problems of the contemporary theory~of alementary:particles.
The proceedings of the conference are being prepared for publication.
SUBbUTrED t 00 DATE ACQ: IS Jun 63' ENCL: A0
11 ..;qr4
ACCESSION NRI AP4010405 S/0185/83/006/012/1304/1312
AUTHOR: Lomsadze, Yuo Me; Kry*vs*ky*y, I* Yu.I.Rmanko, Go Do
TITLEs On the poseibi'rity of a specific Interaction between the 3-states in the
quantized probability amplitude field theory .
SOURCEs Ukrayinal" fix, thurnal, ve 6, no. 12, 1963, 1303-1312
,TOPIC TAGSs quantized field, probability amplitude, qu&ntm mechanics, quantm
theory, quantum, E-state, G-st&te, S-matrix, S-operator, wave function, interaction
Hamiltonian, Hamiltonian
ABSTRACTs This article is a continuation of work by the authors in developing the
quantized amplitude probability field theory* It is shown that two types of
interaction Hamiltonlans exist In the rramework of that theory. Those of the first
type, corresponding to absence of interaction among the B-states entering into
G-states, with any arbitrary degree I a 1, 2, 3,..&. of the internal chaotic state,
for characteristics of processes usually observed experimentally, lead to the auto
results as conventional quantited field theory and therefore cannot determine the
value of the universal constant I realized in nature. Those of the second type,
which have no analogy in quantized field theory and which correspond to the
Card 1/Z
ACCESSION no AP4010405
occurrence of a specific interaction among the E-states belonging to one G-state,
in addition to Interaction of the firet types lead to physical effects which depend
on the degree I of the internal chaotic state of the partiolesi that degree can in
principle be experimentally determined* Since the effects are small, they can be
observed only after a substantial Increase In experimental precision* It probably
will be easiest to detect them In processes of particle decay. The authors are
cordially grateful to Professor Ve L. Boj~ruysvrch for valued stimulating
remarks and also to Yee Ve Kysry*ohuk She Kazinets' for aid in making
certain calculationse Orig& arto hast ulass
r 23v t*t
ASSOGIATIONt Uzhgorodskysy dershuniversy .t (Uzhgorod State University)
Card 2/2
ACCESSION N'R: A?4020305 ;S/oi39/64/boo/bo1/b1l4/bl21
AU?HoLs: Krivskiys 1. Yu.1 Lomsadze, Yu, H.
TITLEi Problem of discrete stationary states,in the iheory of a quantized field of
am. litude of probability
SOUiCE: IVUZ. Fizika,, no. 1, 19a, 1lb-121
TOPIC TADS: discrete stationary sta;-.o, quantized 4eld, amplitude of probability,,
wave function, harmonic oscillator,, 1VdroL;en atom,,:energy spectrum., universal
cons'ant I
%I , discrete energy state
ABSfRA^vT: In the framework of the recently constructed new quantum theory--the
theory of a quantized field of amplitude of probability and the theory of quantized
field of a wave function--the authors study the,treatment of discrete stationary
states in examples of a harmonic. oscillator ard-a hyt1rogen atom (and hydrogen-like,
atoris). They show that the results of the now quantum theory with respect to the
enerey spectrum4of a kWdrogen atom (and hydroeen-like atoms), for any value of the
universal constant I - l.,2,3,-e*., involved in this theory, are identical to the
results of the iisbAl quantum theory. They also show that the scheme of MUM
6~di /2
Accsssim NR: AP4=3%
:electronic shells of atoms coming from the now quantum theory with any I coinoldoe
'precisely with the scheme comir4 from the usual quantum theory. They indicate the
,theoretical possibility of determining the value which is realizable in nature of
the now universal constant I on'the basis of special experiments with atomic
electrons. They discuss cartalA details relative to the treatment of discrete
energy states in general in the new quantum theory, OrU, art* has$ 18 formulas,
ASSOCIATION: Uz1ijorodskiy goauharitvanny*y universitet (Vibgorod State University)'
SUBKITTAO: 043op62 DATE AGQs 3L%hw64 .-ENCL: 00
Card 2/2