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LISITSKIY, I.V. AMM"w"MOMM"waw Welding the electric motor abaft of a piIger mill. Proizv. opyt v obl, svar. no.1:110-111 '56. (MINA 9,:10) (Sbafte and shafting--Welding) 77~ LISITSKIY, K. Z. Industrial oil reclamation* Mostva Gostoptemzizdat, 1943. 15 p. (51-4936Y) - --- -- -M LISITSKly, X. Z-0 Instructions to mechanics and the heads of the workshops on the salvage of used lubrication ofiles Moskva Gostoptexhizdat, 1944. 15 p. AGNOV, Te.A. OSM, R.N.; PAT=OV, I.P.; CEIKAVTSU, N.A.; KAZTRIN, I.T.; PUKS, G.I,; VLADZI23w UTPA.P.- PATSUKOV, I.P.; AVIO13Y, A.Y.; WPOTAX, G.S.; PMW. G.G.; KOZOUWVA, A.A.; LISI TAKOBI, M.A.; BILYANCHIKOV, G.P.-, IVAHOV, V.S.; R.N.; Ru- KYANTSEV, V.A.; ZITJM. G.K,; BMZFWAYA, V.D.; LIVINA, Te.S., vedushchiy red.; TROFIMOV, A.V., [Manual on the uses and consumption standards of lubricants] Spra- vochnik po primenenUu, i normam raekhoda smazoahnykh materialoy. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ryt ig6o. 703 P. (M33A 13:4) (Lubrication and lubricants) Emr1OV, Ye.A.; SIXITSYN, V.V.; OSHER, R.N.; CHMVTSEV, N.A.; PATSUKOV, I.P.; USOV, A.A.; FUKS~ G.I.; VLADZIYEVSKIY, A.P.; AVDEM, A.V.; ARZUI,LUIOV, Sh.P.; PMOV, G.G.; KOZOREZOVA, A.A.; K.Z.(deceased" YAKOBI, M.A.; BELYAVCFIKOV, G.P.; IVAI.,IOV, V.S.; ' MOfT6'rT'S.;"Rb1AYANTSEV, V.A.; TROFD,,,'UK, V.A.; BERSETADT, Ya.A.; ZILIER, G.K.; BEREZHNAYA, V.D.; KLEYM~OVA,K.F.,; TITSKAYA, B.F., ved. red. Nanual on the use ant] norms for tho oxpenditure of lubricants) Spravochnik po primen-aniiu i normam raskhoda smazochnykh mete- rialov. 2. perer. i dop. izd. Moskva) Khimiia, 1964. 855 p. (MIRA IS: 3) 85-58-4-4/36 A07SM: Lisitiskiyj N. Leader of tba Leningrad Model Airplane Dxilding Te~m, Trff.8; L=Iagrad-HelsIn "- (Uningrsd-X~ellsinki); Success of Soviet Model AJ--- Dime Rxilders (Uspelsh sovetsldkh eviawdelistov) Py,wrODICAL: Kvyllya rodiny., 1958.- Nr 4j, pp 2-3 (USSR) AWMAr,"Z: Leningrad and HelsIWd aircraft modelers recently acmpeted in the Pim'-fah capital. The Leningrad team made a good sbowing and made up for its loss sustained the year befvze to the Helsinki team. There are 2 tables and 4 pbotogra]*s ohowW Leaingrad team members - V. Abramov, V. 81manov, N. Nblegov, an& N. YeWn. .A.VAUAM: Library of Congress 1. Airplanes-Model test results card 1/1 SOV/85-58-12-24/38 AUMOR: Lisitskiy, N., Leader of the uSEIR model Aircraft Builders Team TME: Victory of Soviet Sportsmen (Pobeds, Bovetakikh sportsmenov) MaODICAL: Kryllya rodiny,, 1958, Nr 12.. p 20 (USSR) ABSTFJM: The author reports. on the V axropeau Glider Model Championship (piston engines) held In Bacharest, at fainbzen airfield. Contestants included team from Poland., Romania, Yugoslavia., and the Soviet Union, The victorious USSR team consisted of 4 young model airciraft builders. There is 1 photograph of -the Soviet team, Card 1/1 REBRIN, S.P.; LISITSKIY, P.A., red.; KOIOGYM, V.Z., [Parquet planks, their design and use; practices of foreign enterpriies] Parketnye doski, ikh konstruktaii i primenenie; iz opyta zarubezhnykh predpriiatii. Moskva, TSentr.biuro takhn.informataii Glavstandartdoma, 1959. 23 p. (MMA 13:1) (Parquet floors) 141 71Z&1~ - C 1( T Ionasovich; LISITSKIY. ISVIU, G.Ya.# redalctor; SACHRYA. A.Z., takhnicheakly redaktor (Storing'drugs; am-al for pharmacies and pbarmacautical varehouBes] Khranenie medikamentov; posobie d1la aptek i aptachnykh skladov. lzd. 2-e, perer. i dop. Moskva, Goes izd-vo meditainakol lit-ry, 1954. 209 p. (MLRA 8:3) (Drugs-Storage) LISITSKIY, Ruvim Markovich -~q.AA4 [Medical supplies; instruments, apparatus, articles for care of the sick, dressing materials, eveglasses, natural mineral waterojiMedi- tsinskoe tovarovedenie; Instrumenty, apparatura, predmety ukhoda za boltnym, perevyfazochnyo materialy. ochkovaia optilm, naturalinye mineralinye vody. Izd. 4-ce. dop. i ispr. Moskva, Kedgi2, 1956. 199'p. - (MLRA 9:11) (MEDICAL SUPPLIES) PALIN, A.I.; J~q~T_qKIY, R.M.; KHOLSHTEIN, R.Ya.; KLIMOVICII, T.P-, otv. red.; SEYILET'OV'A.,- A.P., otv. red.; GERSHTEYN, G.Ye., red. (Handbook on prepared drugs] Spravochnik po.gotovym lekar- atvennym formam. Sost. A.I.Palin, R.M.Lisitakii, R.IA. Kholahtein. Otv. red. T.F.Klimovich, A.P.Semiletova. Riga, Glav. aptechnoe upr. M-va zdravookhraneniia Latviiskoi SSF~ 1962. 390 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Pharmacy--Handbooks, manuals, 9U.) . .............. AMMORMERM FILIKIN, A.U.;,LISITSKIY, R.H. Review of P.E. Rozentsveig's handbook OMaziual of drug prescrip- tions*. Aptech. d6lo 12 n-o,3:86-87 lly-4063 (MDU 17 'Z,) . . :~-- 7, ~-:z - .:. Ijl;!.~ 1. 1 - - p ~ ~" ,-, I, -, ~ LISITSKIY -,-.,.,--P-ro-vizor Rome pharmutoyo Sov.ahslcht, 11 no-n:45-,~6 N 162s (MIn 151l1) (Coal minere-Diseases and hygiene) Subject Card 1/1 Author Title Periodical Abstract USSR/Aeronautics - bibliography Pub. 135 - 21/27 Lisitskiy, V. G., Eng.-Major AID P 5582 Photogrammetry Vest. vozd. flota, 6, 84, Je 1956 Critical review of the book "Photogrammetry" (Aero- fo-togrammetriya), by N. K. Karpovich, published by the Defense Ministry of USSR, Moskva, 1955, 180 pages. Institution None Submitted No date W I r-_ViA(d)/E* 4519~4i6 EWT(I)/E R(7i)/EWT(m)/EPr- (q)1 (J)/T/FCS(k)/EWA(c)/EWA(1) RPL M E 0 ACC NN AP502606T Wk JV1 SOURCE CODE: uR/0405/651000/002/ o62/oo68 AUTHOR:, Lis (Moscow); 14qzhsnoy,& G. _(moscov) ORG:,.nbne TITLE: I f condensed.substwi.ces by the flow )f hDt-pa= SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhaicheakiye probleaq goreniya i v,,.ryva, no. 2, 1965, 62-68 TOPIC TAGS:, explosivC'ign'ition, ign ition theory, ignition delay/pyroxylin no 1 ABSTRACV: Previous s'tudies of the ignition of-condensed explosives by the flow of not gases have not accounted for the.heat exchange conditions. Therefore, a new apparatus was designed in which the heat exchange between the explosive and the gas is ZM-Wuj~ecl uncle r. c6wt rolle d conditions. Ignition of cylindrical charges of pyroxylin ito. i, m6?-1.8 cm:in diameter d exid with a &naity p = 1.5 by the fl-o-VO-F-ho' .4/CM3 gases .(air$ nitrogen ar .gon, or carbon dioxide) was studied'at the gas temperature To = 250-370C, gas velocity u = 90-270 cm/sec, Re = 150-550, and an ignition delay time t3 = 15-95 see. The i ition delay, was. deterrained as..a function of To, the temperature .of the pyroxylin charge TH, and the heat t.ransfer coe.fficient a. 14athe- matical treatment of"Uge eiFerimental results within the similitude theory yielded Cq,d: 1/2 UDC: 536.46 LI-SITSKIY, Ye.F.j professor; KROK. G.S., asaistent. Zmbryonic development of ebiks in an indoor-type incubator ("Ukrgigiuxt"). 20:29-36 149. (Imbryology-Birds) (Incubation) (Poultry) (MM 9:11) 11SITSYM. .-MWofessor, doktor. Jffect of environment on the embryonal development of chickens under various incubation conditions. 21:27-42 152. (MM 9:12) I.Xafodra, gstologil I subriologil lharlkovskogo voterinarnogo institilta. (31abryolog7--Birds) LISIMIY, le.F., professor, doktor vaterina;rnykh nauk. ~M- --- --nmonwrlymon processes in the bone and cartilage tissues in bone transplantations and fractures. Sbor. trud. Ihm 1. yet. iust. 22: 87-98 454. 1 (KLRL 9:12) 1. Kafedra gistologil Mmrlkovskogo vaterinarnogo instituta. (Bone grafting) (Regeneration (Biology)) (Cartilage) LISITSYN, As Improving trade in the city. oov.torg.34 no,3;/p3 Vr 161s (11-aRA 14: 2) 1, Zaveduyushchiy gortor-otdolm., rqDelogorsl:. (Belogor3!---.,.Gtail trade) SWRICHEV,. Viktorin Arsonlyevich-, LISITSYN I A.A., inshener. reteenzent; FBTISOV, M., Inzhnner, red or; UUAUJI, A.JX,, Inzhener, redaktor; POLISKAYA, R.G., takhnicheekly redaktor. [Repair of automobiles] Remont avtomobilei. Izd.2-a parer. i dop. Moelara, Gns.nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1955- 614 P- (Automobiles-Repairing) (KLR& 8-.10) LISITSTN, A.A.. inzhener; PARAMONDV, V.I., inzhonar. '-wwNwwMMww" Experience in introducing WX mechanized moveable mine supports. Makh. trud. rab. 10 no-8:11-15 Ag '56. (KLn 9t10) (Mine timbering) AIRTSANDROV, B.F., inzh.; BALYKOV, Y.K,, inzh.; BARAKOVSKIY, V.I., inzh.; BOGUTSKIY, N.Y.. inzh.; BUNIKO, V.A., kand.takhn.nauk, dotsent; VATILOV, V.V., inzh.; VOLMOVSKIT, S.A., prof., doKor takhn.nauk; GRIGORITEV, L.Ya., inzh.,- GRIDIN,* A.D., inzh.; ZAWN, L.N., inzh.; KOVALRV. P.P.. kand.tekhn.nauk; KIMMITSOV, B.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; KUSHITSYN, G.I., inzh.; LATYSM, A.F., inzh.; LETBOV, R.M., doktor teklm.nauk, prof.; LMYTRS, Z.M., inzh.; LISITSYN, A. *A.-, inzh.; LOIRMIN, K.A.. inzh.; LYUBIMOV, B.H., inzh.;-WMUEff-IlYH-, K.S., inzh.; MALKHA-SOYAB, R.V.; MIMMMIN, M.H., inzh.; KITNIK, V.B., kand.tekhn.hauk; HIEMYEV, lu.A., lnzh.; PARAMONOV, V.I., inzh.; ROKANOVSKIT, Tu.G., inzh.; RUBINOVICH, Ye.Te., inzh.; SAMOYLYTM, N.D., kand.tokhn.nauk; 3=0y, Y.K., inzh.; SKOLDY- RXV, A.Te., kand.tekhn.nauk; SMAGIN, Y.T.. inzh.; MIAGOVSKIT, Te.S., kand.takhn.nauk; FET011, L,H,, lnzh,; FRBNKELI, B.B., inzh.; FaRKAH, A.A., inzh.; MORIN, V.N., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; CHW- YMOY, B.M., inzh.; CHUMNIMIN, S.I., inzh.; IKOV, V.N.' inzh.; SMYAUV, B.M., inzh.; MISHKIN, N.F., kand.tekhn.nauk; SUILIBERG, I.L., inzh.; SHORIN, V.G., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; 6HUMMg I.G., doktor tekhn.nauk; -IMMIS, N.A., inzh.; TERPIGOREV. A.K.. glavnyy red.; TOPCHITEV, A.V.,; LIVSHITS, I.I., zamestitell; ABRAKOV, V.I., red.; LADYGIN, A.K., red.; MOROZOV, R.N., red.; OZERNOY, M.I., red.; SPIVAKOVSKIY, A.O., red.; FAYBISOVICH, I.L., red.; ARKHANMI'MY, A.S., inzh.i red.; (Continued an next card) .77777 ATAWSANMOV, B.F. ---(continued) Ca rd 2. BILTATAW, V.S., inth.i red.; BtKWOVI, Lj.,-inzh., red.;.VLASOV,- V.K.. inzh.. red.; GLADILIN, L.V., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; GREBTSOV, N.V., Inzh., red.; QRZCHISHKIN, F.G., inzh., red.; GOY- CHAMICH, I.Y., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; GUDALOV, V.P., kandeiekhns nauk, red.; IGHATOV. II.N., inzh., red.,- LOKAKIN, S.M., doteent, kand. tekhn.nauk. red.; MARTUOV, M.V., doteent, kand.takhn.nauk, red.; POVOLOTSKIY. I.A., inzh., red.; SVETLICHNYT, P.L., inzh., red.;='- TSEVICK, L.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; SPERANTOV, A.V., kand.tekhn. nauk, red.; SHETLiM, G.A., inzh., red.; ABARBARCHUK, F.I., red.izd-va; PROZOROVSUYA, V.L.,; KONEWIYLTA, M.A., [Xining; an encyclopedic handbook] Gornoe delo; entaiklopedichookii spravochnik. Chleny glav.redaktoii A.I. Baranov i dr. Moskva, Gqs.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomm delu. Vol.7. (Mining machineryi Gornye mashiny. Redkol.toma A.V.Topchiev i dr. 1959. 618 P. (Mining machinery) (MIRA 13:1) -~,~ISITSYN,, A.A.; IMIMCHMO, I.Z.; PETROV-, P.A.; SD4AWOVSK1Y9 V.L. Dynamics of the number of suslike in areas under rodent control in the plague focus of the northwestern Caspian Sea region. Sbor. nauch. rab. Elist. protivochum. sta. no.,1*155-165 159. (MIM 13:10) (CASPIAN SEA REGION-SUBLIKS) (RODENT CONTROL) (PLAGUE) KLD(CHENKO,I.Z.; LISITSYN,A.A.; MOYCH",V.G. Dynamics of the guslik population in previously disinfested areas. Trudy probl.i tem.sov. no.5:39-44 '55. (M1RA 8:12) 1. Rostovskiy protivochumnyy institut. (Susliks) LISITSYNp A.A. Problem of Predicting the Number of Mimselike Rodent's Sb. Nauch. ftb2t Privollbsko-y Protivospidem, Stantaii, Astrakhan', No 1, 1953y pp W-151 In his studies the author took into consideration all the.factora cont- rolling the numbers of small rodents. A quantitative index is used to develop a long term prognosis which is reduced to a formula. (RZhBiol, No 2. 1955) SO: Sum. No. 639,, 2 Sep 55 LIBITSYNO A.A.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye..N. Reviews, criticism and bibliography. Zhur. nikrobiol. epid. i immun. 40 no.5sl57-161 ?ty 163. (MIRA M6) KIROVOV, N.P., prof.; KARPUZ1DI, K.S.; KLIMENKO, I.Z.; KOLESNIKOV, I.M.- LISITSYN A A.* NELIZINA, Ye.N.; SMANOVICH, F.I.; SHIY%it"t). ~LEV, M.G.; NIKOWEV, I.M., red. (Sources and carriers of plague and tularemia] Istochniki i perenoschiki chumy i tuliaremii. Moskva, Meditsinap 1965. 194 P. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Rostovskiye-na.-Donu nauchno-isaledovatellskiy protivo- ehumnyy insti-tut (for all except Nikolayev). LLMITSM. AMW-'.'l'-Vj 1--otection foz- grinding machlree. no.4226 AP'164 LISITSYNP A.F. Determination of the distance of a shot according to the pellet density in the lesion. Sud.-med.ekspert AP-Ja'63. (GUNSHOT WOUNDS) (MM .16:7) L S07/132-39-4-1/17 AUTHORS: )bselevicI4 L.V., Lisitsyr.., A.I., Luchir., IT.S. and Pyatnov, 7. 1. -z_~ TITL.Ej: The Ancient Zircon-Ilmenite Placer in the ileso- Cenozoic Deposits of 7.7est Siberia. PERIODICAL: Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 1959, TTr 41 pp 1-4 (US)SR) ABSTRACT: The Tuvxmskoye zircon-ilmenite placer -uas dis- 0 - covered in 1956-1957. It is located on the water divide of the rivers Tom' and Yaya in the region of northe-m spurs of the Kuznetskiy Alatau moun- tain range. The Paleozoic foundation of motamor- phic rocks of the region is covered by an erosion crust, 15 to 70 M thick formed under continental l od from the I.UdOle-Carboni- conditions durinG a per ferous up to Upper-Cretacoous aw.1 even Paloor~-Ono times. This crust covers both slopes of the -uater Card 113 divide of the rivers Tom' and Yaya. Zircon -Md r- 3011/13'1~ 59-4-1/17 Z The Anci`2nt Zircon-Ilmenite Placer in the Meso-Conoz6-ic Deposits of West Siberia. ilmenite w;;.-re found in this stratui-ii fci~med by the metamorphic rocks and the erosion orust. In Pale-- ogene time, this weathered cr,ust ias aCain eroded by the tramogressing sea, the.clay fraction was i,iashed away in the sea and the coarse--rained frac- tion was deposited in the coastal area. Tnese de- ts at present are divided into three oLtites, by posi w I their granulometric composit-ion, the Simor-ovskaya, Thai Llariinskaya and Tun-anskaya suites. Tb-. rLru elements are found i.,iainl-v in thic Tur,an:-:kaya -ujtr_ cotipased of variously -rained sands. Conul-ulonal selective concentrates can be obtained frora these sands. The TuGans'_'oye deposit a=. be ex-ploited by Card 2/3 openclast mining. -4-1/17 SOV/132-59 The Ancient Zircon-Ilnenite Placer in the liteso-Cenozoic De- posits of Vlest Siberia. ASSOCIATION: Mlinisterstvo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR. (The "i ~- nistr,7 of GeoloGy and Conservation of I.Tineral Reoources of the USSR. (Yeselevich, Lisitsyn, Gire dmet (Pyatnov) Card 3/3 LISITSYN, A.I.;. TALANTSEV, A.S. NOW c4ita on the netallogerq of the western slope of the Urals, Bov, igeole.8 no*2:3.26-130 F 165a (MIRA 28.12) 1. Urallskoys geolngicheskoye upravleniye. ------ LISITSYN., Pmatoliy Ivanovich; ZVORYK3NA, L.N., red.i -va; BOLDYREVA, Z.A., tWZ-.r-ed * (Sinking-vartical shafts; conection of examples and probims] Pro- khodka verti"llrqkh stvolov shakht; sbornik primerov i zadach. Mo- okv.a. Goo. nauc'bno-tekbn. izd-vo lit-x7 po gornomu delu 1961. 85 PO (Shaft sinking) WRA 24:n) LISITSYN., A.I. --------------- I Fvaluation of bory.Uium-bearing granitic P89matites- Razved. i okh. rxidr 27 nd.8:14-17 Ag 061. (mm 16..7) 1. Urallskoys geologicheakoye upravleniye. (BeryUium) (Pagmatites) I Tim ITSYN 9 A. I. t "Peology of rare elemeat depogits.0 Reviewed by A.I.Lioitan. Soy.- (MIRA 15:7) geolo 5 nci.5:154-156 My 162. 1. Urallskogoye geologicheskoye ujYkaylerlye, Wetals,Rare and minor) XOGANER.- V-; .1~~ITSYN..- A-* SVIDLER p B. Electronic control of fuel injections. Za rul. 20 no.12:22-23 D 162. (MIRA 15:12) -1. T.Sentraltnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut toplivno:y apparaturyi Leningrad. (Axitomobiles-Puel systems) (Electronic control) LL 97 7 S/170/63/006/001/009/0~15i B187/B1O2 AUTHORS: Obukhov, V.J., L i a it Mnl_Aa__Ij- TITLE:------- -----Sf)tirk-t(rmpera-ttire--n.t the Vieakdown-of solid dielectrics 66 PERIODICAL: Inzbenerno-fiz~cheskiy zhurna~l, v. 61 no. 1, 1963, -72 TEXT: lkpproximate calculations are given'for the temperature*in the final stage of the breakdown of NaCl single crystals, in which the. electron temperature and the ion temperature have balanced out, as well as for various other characteristic values at the final stage. It is assumed that the broken down substance is in the state of a neutrally charged plasma. ',The calculation is based on the energy balance for the process of channel formation.: The results show that in the state of discharge the temperature first rises. After'it has reached its.maximum value it decreases again 'because the energy supply lags behind the rate at which the channel widens. The maximum temperature increases with the average field strength E and as the inductance of the discharge circuit decreases. Th* process continues until the rate of radiant, heat pfoduction equal thq rate,of energy release in the.discharge;.'. Card /015- .4/170/63/006/001/009 Spark temperature at the .-B 167/B102 'At C e~ increase of temperature. T. - T (I -'e ),A hannel.and limits furt I e ~-7m 3TEk 0--3-107 x -1? where t is the time, M Na + Mci)/2,x is' the M m 0 neutralization oX!the chlorine ions,in is the number degree of 0 ..molecules ..forming,' I.e. ihe~effective compensation of T and T takes.' e place at T' 10000oK.forqx;~- 1% after 10 see and.for x i-. 6.01% : -8e I . .. . after-10 a o,; -in'the initial 'phase T -> T Towards the rid of 'the e e e -9. first 10~ see, I -.2a, U =-.63 Mv and the channel radius r - 1R, the electron velocity in the field directi6 ijs 8.105 cm1sec, x 0.01% and i T = 30000K The ressure in the. channel can be estimated by p-YN(l+x)kT. .,..,The.*functi* p(t)', 1(t)!, and the oharaote~rbtic-values of the' one X(t energy balanae dr e tabul4ed, There are 2 fi, gttx~ea and 1 table. AS SO C IAT ION: - '~o~itekhnicheekiy inatitut imeni S.M. Kirova, g. Tomsk - (Polytechnic Institute imeni S.M.- Kirov, Tolmek) SUBMITTED., September 25:t' 1962 L--.,--Card 2/2 6 8 - 16, 5EWT(N)/EPA (0-21EWA (m)-2 Pab_IO/Pt-1.0 wke) ACCESSION hT,: AR4045744. S/0275/64/000/007/AO5'1/AO51 ~O Alca i yeye, primeneniye. Svodny-*j- ton, Abs. '1A297 z Vl,~OE, R2-.f, zh. Elektror ; AUTHOR: Llaitsy*n, A. I. TITLE: Malpetic and accelerating systems of a 10-Mov ,~avoguide qyqlA:c agcoler, OITED SOURCE: Sb. Slektron. uskoriteli. M. Tf 'lash. qhkola, 196,t, 147-152 i.'OPIC 'TAGS': ac4alerator, vivaguide oydUc aocO_erator A ISITIAMP . Data is submitted on the nagnetic sy9tem cf a wavogaide cyclic izcelerat~lr, in which E-30,5 steel is uned and which 13 saDplierl with 5G-i.-ps pmer. ,ta:,uits _-T a calculation ,)I' fundamenta, permmters of tte magntttlo sy3tcun are ~;41bulaLcd; the table shotci that theirt Ere optL:ntun cpujt cncilkaf)_~3 L)etafx, n ace-31eration al Eil Vt~% . Taciii,~_c.ii charai,,~aristin.3 of wn acce..arat- iing system consisting of a vaci;tzi onvolope c;L~6~,t, ,liven; req..uirements for thi..3 system are considered. A KIII-ot gun Dparating at an Anjection voltage of 25-30 kv is used as an I'ljoctor. Oq COM; ENCL; W '-Caret -Pt--7/Pab-~10 ijp'(~) 64/ 59 0'6'0- ACCESS OF HR.-, -AR S OZ15/ 000/640D-~AL' ,50URCE - Ref- th.'- Elektroy&ca A me pi~.menm~ya. 8vadrryy tom, Abs. 9A401 A I Olfshanskiy,, JL. P, AUTIHORt. 1-alp n 1, ~TITLE i1wit, resUtiunce of the accelerator c"-mber of dal ator mo 4J iTave C-Y lei, s E* S'b' -6 152-160 -uskorlte]A. M.': N~msh. shkol B1 kt, oYl. NOPIC TAGS: a?,,celdrator accelerator- hamber wavegtdde c-yelia. accel(frator !TRANSTATION;'An mrpro.~d m4te' caic~A,-A:" on of tb3 Input rEssIstance of the accelerator et-Vean "iwitbar. J-s presented; 'the calcuLition pemits to consider the match b ;.th-~ charrim-r amd the 4.'r.,Jv5rdt1;'Lng wavegaide ani &Isa to obtaim the parameters of ;!Uflla matuhing wavbguide tr;msf'omer. Tho charoteristir resistance of th?2 transmit- iting chamiel :L~.,~a-npumad to bu 525 chms; the alot posit...wi in the resonator centar 1:1p determined, A, quartsar-irave rin'tchin'a transTormer vith a reactive p:robe thaL. compensatea the:r:(iac!A-fe oomponent of the rea:,wmee-chwriber impedanco LF, intended ford, linal matching Estimatied reipilts aro,ln.goud agreement srith the exporimental data. 77 did C 11T SUR C ODS t ENOLt 00 ACMSSICH HR: AP4039734 5/0141/64/007/002/0330/0342' AMOR: Voroblyevs A. A.1 Bezmaterny*M, L, N.; Didenko, A, No; Lid~~y!q~q A. Is; Ol'shanskiys As Pe TITIZ: laminated dielectric coatings with large reflection coefficients SOURCM 1VLrZ. Radiofizika, v. 7,, no. 2, 1964,_ 338-342 TOPIC TAGS: dielectric coating, reflection cooffficient, ca" rescnator, raicro- wave equipment, dielectric permittivity ASSMCr: In view of varimm applications of laminated dielectric coating with lu!ne reflection coefficiejits, their reflecting properties are analyzed on the ba sis of a dalculaticn of tha reflection coefficient from a semi-infinite periodic medium, comprising an infinite waveguide of arbitrary cross section, one half of which is filled with dielectric layers, Such a representation neglects the.reflec4: 1tion frmi the second boundary of the layer and is Justified at the frequencies con-, sidered. The field outside the outerucost layer is then described as a sun of in- cident and reflected waves, and inside the layer by a wave traveling inside the dielectr1cs. Calculations show that for a given reflection coefficient the dimen- sions of the laminated coating decrease sharply with increasing dielectric con- Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4039734 stant of the Layers, and in the case of 'large dielectric constants (e. g. , barium titanate) I such layers can be used not only in the optical but also in the micm- wave bands. It is shown that a frequency exists at which the tangential electric field on the surface of the laminated medium vanishes, making it possible in somin I cases to replace metallic walls of cavity resonators by laminated dielectrics with- ctr j out distorting the field structure in the cavity. Tests, of laminated diele ic consisting of alternating layers of paraffin and foamed plastic placed in a rectan- gular wavemAde confirmed this assumption, and the cavity produced by shorting the', ends of this waveguide had approximately the same Q as a metal cavity. Slif~ht deviations from theory are explained. The use of dielectrics with large permitti- 2 3 vities (10 _ 10 ) will make it possible to reduce the total thickness of the sandwich to 1 - 2 an in the 10-m band and to several tenths of a millimeter in the millimeter band. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 11 formulas. ASSOCIMCN: None SUBII=: MlayU 124M: 02 SUB corc: EM NR REF SOVt 003 01MR: 04 Card 2/4 Lim Ka --.'A=SSI= Us Ap4q3qT34 %N=URE 01 U3 Distribution of electric field in a I stratified medium, for R = 1, A 10 CM, 62 = 1 61 - 1, L2 = 1.2 cm 0 (Hoj mode). (R reflection coeffic., A - wavelength, e dielectric const., L - thickness) Card ACCZSSIOK NRt AP4039734 EKCLOSURE t 02 Dependence of~the reflection coefficient \IK7 on the wavelength within the rejection band, at ER - 2 ex - 1, Lg 2 8 cm, LI. 2 c'm, a -- f--e- cin (H 01 Zde~. (a width of woveguid e) Card 4/4 ~,TITLE:--. 10. M6V ..waveguide synchrotron Atomnaya (tnergiya, v. 18,. no. 6, 1965., ~633-634 4votron, circular accelerator, electron accelerator,,', VOPIC TAGS.- synch. -:.,Ibigb 'energy accelerator, waveguide :~ABSTIRACT: After first-listirig some of the theoretical problems in-- tvolV*ed,1n- tbe,7design of accelerators of this type and dealt. with at Institut yadernoy fiziki Tom.-3kog6 politekhnicbeskogo instituta (Scien- Itif J.c Research Institute. of Nuclear Physics of the Tomsk Polyte bnic nstitute), the authors desc:vibe briefly the 10 MeV synchrotron con- ed and in ot,eration at this Institute since December 1963. The., a ng system is a rectangular wave ide bent in the shape of a. r ti 9u Ting, loaded with diaphragms on the outer wall. A standing H018 mode 6M lj 3466-&1 _NR._ ACCESSION' AP5( 1693~11F---77-7 e, 'is~ excited. in the wavegulde. The-radius of tbeequili- Ain the4/2 d brium orbit. of' the, electrons, on which, tlie phase velocity of the H018 wave is:e,qual to the velocity of light, is 13 am. The waveguide in- teraction-space meas -6 x 6,cm.: The system Q is approximately 30 ures 0 !the shunt resistance is approximately 0.07 Meg. The electrons are st accelerated to 3 MeV in the betatron mode by a Kerst gun. The bigk i-Prequency,electromagn,etic oscillations are ge .1 nerated by a pulsed ~10-cm generator 0f.5,000 psec, pulses of 400 W each. The operating pre -5 ure is. 2 x 10. ~ 111M Hg.,. Several of the control and construction fea- --brief ly,I de scribed 'We b k,theatudents of the Tomsk ~e. sare ban APO .. rtecbni,a Inititaite P,_1- Matyaz -A. A. Kushch, and~'-A..N. Persbin, who' participated in the, adjustments -;and,: startup of .,thet_ installation, -and al-so-Ye*' S.'Kovalenko and A. P.. 011ahanskiy-for participating in the developmentof tbe-accelerator theory, its de_s6ign,, and model test.' Orig.,art-. has:. 1 figure 'ASSOC IATION: None Card 2/3, f)IT,-?A, 'PA( a) WE ACC N-Ri 'AP5026823, SOLMCE CODE: UR/F86/65/000/017/0100/010l lid E. ~'~INWNTOR: BNO',yko; ':~~qtr Dqk 4J;; Mal~ts Y!k,:X? t V, V A. Vi,'Pavlyuchenkov, Vic TITLE!--. Fuel.-injection sygtem. for internal-combustion engines. Class 46, No. 1744W .,(Announced by1he-Central Saiiintific-Research,and Design Institute for Fuel Equipment fQr A1avzQU"U_ -:'~aia_-URM MY_17~6~-- n~ le aq!q. StatiqPAM_Eq ~ne a (Ts nom4 is ,Wtral n6uch ~struktorskiy,institut toplivnoy appar avtotraktornykh i statsionarnykh dvigateiey) *idlit~h izobretenly 1 tovarnykh znakov, no. 17, 1965, 100-101 TUIC TAGS: internal combustion gngj,49, fuel dispersant, fuel injection., fuel in- :,'JeA6:r, engine fuel system 77 .-ABSTRACT: -An Author CeAificate has been issued for a fuel-injection system (see Fig.:-. 1) for inte;-nal-combu~tion engines '_ which contains plunger-pump sections, suc- ~~*ion lines cennected to a fuel tank or booster pump, injection lines connected to ~,n6zzles, electr,oiiagnetic.metering de4ices, and an electronic control unit. For im- r and proved uniformity accurady-in:distributing fuel under all engine operating con- aitions, the elei .-tr6magnetic metering'devices are installed along the suction lines L~_Card 'lJpL I=_ 621,43.g3M . - I ~ .11 - 'I!., ~- 1 7 T11 I ACC NRs AT6026437 N) SOURCE CODE: UR/3210/66/000/004/0154/0164 JDIHNIEU AUTHOR: Semenov, 0. A. (Candidate of technical sciences) Ljj~~~, (Engineer); Odintsov, B. P.(Engineer); Nazarova, Z. M. (Engineer); Siromashenko, A. . (Enginee ORG: n one TITLE: Optical investigation of the stressed state in the rolls of the EhPT-75 tube mill in connection with its conversion to twin-groove rolling SOURCE: Ukraine. Ministerstvo vysshego I srednego spetsiallnogo obrazovaniya, Metall- urgiya I koksokhimiya, no. 4, 1966, 0brabotka. metallov davleniyem (Metalworking by pressure), 154-164 TOPIC TAGS: metal rolling, rolling mill, stress analysis, photoelasticity / EC-6 epoxy resin ) /N PT 7k~ 1e0J_4.11V1; ABSTRACT: The conve of the currently operating cold-rol tube mills to twin-groove operation makes it possible to increase their productivity by 50-75%. However, the simultane- ous rolling of two tubes greatly Increases the working load on the elements and components of the mill. This raises the question of assuring the operating reliability and strength of the rolls in these conditions. To resolve this question, the authors investigated the stressed state of r-4 1/2 --L--04726--67- ACC NR: A'T6026437 the tolls by the photoelasticity method, a method which consists in that the load-caused change in optical properties at points in a model of an optically translucent material may be measured and qXpressed in quantities mathematically associated with the stress. This method was used to i4estigate single- and douhle-groove roll models constructed of an optically active mate- rial based on the ED-6 epoxy resin and built and stressed in accordance with the conditions of geometric and stress similarity. Findings: an analysis of the cross-sectional distribution of stFesses in the rolls indicates that points along the contour are subject to the highes stres- sesJA comparison of the curves of contour stresses for single- and double-groove rolls shows -that ihe maximum tensile stresses in the single-groove roll are roughly 20% higher than in the kentically loaded double-groove roll. Therefore, the double-groove roll may withstand highefr loads. Therefore also, the replacement of the single-groove rolls with double-groove rolls is, from the standpoint of roll strength, definitely feasible and does not lead to an in- crease in the stressed state of -the roll given the same working load. Orig. art; has: 5 figures, 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 13. 11/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 004 2A J No 77- ~ (a) 11.7 AUTHORS- Germanov, A. I., Volkov, G. A., SOV/7-59-3-7/13 Lisitsyn, A. K., Serebreanikov', V# so TITLE: Rea,,,1ts :ft-,sm Investigating the Oxidation-reduction Potential of Subterranean Waters (Opyt izucheniya okislitellno- vosetanovitellnogo'Votentsiala podzemnykh vod) PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, 1959, Nr 3, pp 259-265 (USSR) ABSTRACT: During the period from 1951 to 1957 the oxidation-reduction potential was determined more than 300 times of subterranean Waters 'f3!OM (Soviet) Central Asia, Kazakhstan and the Caucasus. DeterminatioAlwds carried aut-by means of LP-4--, LP-5-, and P-6?-type pot~entiometars of the "MOSKIP" plant. Samples were in most cdeds taken from,bore-holes anoi more rarely from springe;9- and only for.-puzpose8,of comparison from water-courses on',the'surface.. Certain precautionary measures were taken when taking:samplese(Fig 1) in order to el-iminate the influence exeroised'by the oxygen of the air. Besides the oxidation- reduction pdtenlvialp also pH'and temperature were measured, a chemical analysis was oarried outq and the gas content was investigated (Table). The oxidation-reduction potential is Card 1/2 between +550 and -480 millivolt referred to the normal hydrogen An Attempt at investigat4ng the Oxidaticn-reduction SOV/7-59-3-7/13 Potential of Sutterranean Waters electrode; in oxygen-containing waters it is + 300, in hydrocarbonaceous waters it is between ~-30 and -480 mv. The highest value of ~- 550 my was fou-nd in water-containing oxygen of pH 2. Water containing oxygen is found in depths of up to about 1000 m; the biochemical oxidation of organic substance may be found in even greater depths. There are 3 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografiip mineralogil i geokhimii AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute for the Geology of Ore Deposits$ Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geochemistry, AS USSR Moscow) SUBMITTED: July 1062 1c,158 Card 2/2 UDINTSIV, G.B.; LISITSIN, A.N.-, NMOCHROY', Tu.P. Nquipment and methods use~d in d9termining the thickness of unconsolidated ma-rine deposits *nd studying the.bottom structure of seas and oceans. Biul.Okean.kon. no.2,41-46 '58. (MIRA 12t5) (Deep-sea deposits) LISITSYN, A. P. Aug 52 USSR/iv4too 11BOttom-Dredger Ocean5O and possibilities of its Application. in:.0cennolgraphic Investigati olis 'A. P.: Lisitsyn, -G.' B. RdWt_sSyV-j4orcow Ins't of Oceanol) Acad Sci USSH fiffeteoroliGidrol" No 8, pp 44-46 Describes constructiai of a new improved bottom dredger, designed by -the authors. It has a cap- turing area of 0.25 Bq m, vt of 150 kg, and a ,velocity of descent of'170 m/Min. It was tested ~on deptbs from 20-to 414M W, and provedvery satisfactory. 229TIO~ Photography., Submarine Photographing the bottom of the sea.. Priroda 41 No. 8, 1952. Koaihk List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congressp November 1952. Unclassified. LISITSYN) A. P - Seashore of old buried coastal lines, Dokle AN SSSR, 84.1 No - h, 19" 2. Lithologic traces Month,3r L;st of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1952,,Unclassified. N I PA 243T65 Sh6re: Lines-, 7 JanAeb 53 Ancie~t Shore Lites on the Bottom'of the Sea," A. F. .::Lisitsyn and G. B. Udintsev3 OceanologyIInst, Acad Sci USSR fliz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geograf" No 1, pp 23-31 A.Complete StUdY of the Principal laws-governing the tectonic "develo pment of the earth's crust necessitates a knowledge of the important features of geological history of seas ani oceans, the bottoms of-which occupy 7/10ths-of the earth's surface. 243T65 j ~M LISITSYS V.p- UDUMb-0, GoB* long core gWlea of .9rius &*OsitSL,(Sut6b:'O,r,) Ourrent sethods of obtaiuiug 28 no,1:91-92 053- (Borbg) Biui,yov. Otd-900 LIS1TSYN. A.P.-. PZMMIN. V.P. Recent carbonate dtq)osits in cold water seas (author's mumary). Biul.NOIP. Otd.geol. 2B no.2:82-83 153. (MLRA 6:11) (Carbonates (Mineralogy)) UDINTSIV, G.B.; LISTITSYN, A.P. on" Study of the stratification of recent marine deposits vith the aid of a sounding device (author's summu7). Blul.NOIP. Otd.geol. 28 no.2:83-84 '53. OGRA 6: 11 ) (Deep-sea deposits) L I Petrographic are" of coarsely fragmental material in recent marine deposits (author's summary). Biul.XOIP. Otd.geol. 28 no.2;84-86 '53. (MLOA 6:11) (Okhotsk, .4sa, of--;-Deep-sea deposits) (Deep-sea, deposits--Okhotsk, Sea of L. LISITSYN. A.P.; UDINTSET, G.B. ;2. ussR (6oo) 4. Deep-Sea Sounding 7. Maximum depth of the ocean,, G.B. Udintaev,, A.P. Lisitsyn, Priroda 42 no. 4, 1953. q.. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL .195~, Uncl. 1. UDINTSEV, 0. B.; TT5Tr:,'Y',;, A. P. USSR (600) Sedimentation and Deposition 7. Study of the stratification in contemporary oceanic sedimentaticn by means of an echo sounder. Dokl. AN SSSR 88, No. 5, 1953. 9. -Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified. * . - -~- -- - 1. ~ 1% ~ ~ L ~' -, ~ 1-r"ll I- -"". . ! . -. , I~~: . :! -- LIBITSYN,,&.P.; UDIMSEV,G.B. Now model of a bottom dredger bucket. Trudy Gidrobiol.ob-va no.6:217-222 155. (MLRA 8:9) 1. Institut okeanologil Akademii nauk SSSR (Dredging,(Biology)) LISITSYN,A.P. Data on the distribution of particulate matter In the Xurile- Kawhatka Trench. Trudy Inst.okean. 12:62-96 '55. (RLRA 8:9) (Kurile Trench--Marine biology) LISITSYN.A.P. Atmospheric and water-borne suspended matter as raw material in the formation of marine deposits. Trudy Inst.okenn.13:16-22 155. (Ocean bottom) (MIRA 8:11) M LISITSTN,A.P. Transport role of marine ice. 114 JI-Ag'55- Biul.MOIP. Otd.geol. 30 no.4:111- (MIRA 8:12) (Arctic regions-Ice) _7 Dhftlbudm OQUft P. 'L Tijft Da"y gerws S". % P. I eV the vestem 9 5 W 103, 479 OA*a. Nauk 5 k"W, _ K - ching in 5% NasCOo soln.) -5m Mal L. 4ilts 21 0 of f j u itli I,, is AIX 1 . o s e r e . C the . 4 z YY ~mill-,ramflar silts 35.4% of coarse al~etes 7.470, of ~j .4 i small-gmuktr muxis 3.2%. of mpm sand.% 1.990, as an s widely. In the single samples. Its - ut it l b =I A t 61% 2 7 t 13 h Zd f 9% . . , . . o so e aut or o th SIOs cm- g!raph shows the steep decrease of the authh;enic Aents with Increasing diams. ol? the partieles. The d1d or. source of the authigenic SiOt Is the plaukt(in-cliatomacecius t b id of M d f f e n. ~ S. oun or a c . pp material; no Indleation was ' 57131)d the hi hest A 33 td Th d (C . . c . ompson Barnes an g , known SLOs emen. dissolved In: sea water from 'iE'e-Beemj- % . 1:Sea with 12.6 MgSA pert. Velitoralsedimentsararela- tively low in authlemIcSiO, (on!,yS% rr=.), while thecen- tral reglow show the highest SiOt contents, us shown by ~-msp. Pwikularly, interesting is the distribution of authl- senk SiCh on the W. and B. iope of the submarine ShIr- shova Range. with a rain. aloug the crest of this,mage- -The dLatormaccous shells are vi ibi croded and even redis- 1 S :1 n rM ~ W 4 . t to 40M m., d. Mez-, rs0ved In the dee"A Wdim . rukov C.A. 50, 2219h). --The; bfn(h content Is about OxN, all of the sqthigenk Si% is biogenle, W; B., - , , , LIZUNDV, N.V.; LISITM, A.P. Composition of suspender matter in the BerlW,, Sea~ax determined by spectrographic.analysisi, Dokl. AN SSSR 104 m0.4:593-596 0 155. I.Laboraterlya mineralogil i gookhinii red*ikh elementev Akademii nazxk SSSR. Predstaylezo akademikem N.M.Strakhovym. (Bering Sea-Watdr--A~*j is) 15-57-4-5284 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 4,. p 171 (USSR) AUTHORS: Sysoyev, N. N., Mikhalltsev, I. Ye., Udintsev, G. B., TITLE: The Potentialities of Studying the Thickness of Uncon- solidated Marine Sediments by Seismo-Acoustical Methods (Perspektivy izueheniya moshchnosti,rykhlykh morskikh otlozheniy seysmoakusticheskimi metodami) PERIODICAL: Buyl. Soveta po seysmol. AN SSSR, 1956, Nr 2, pp 52-58. ABSTRACT: The authors examine the potentialities of seismo- acoustical investigations of the floor of the seas and oceans. The apparatus for these studies (EKhO-52), which permits the use of either reflected or refracted waves, was designed and built at the Institute of Oceanoloy (oceanography and all related and pertinent sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in consultation and cooperation with the Acoustical Card 1/2 Institute. The apparatus includes a detector with a The Potentialities of Studying the Thickness (Cont.) 15-57-4-5284 sensitive element of Rochelle salt, a specially constructed ampli- fier, and also an 8-loop oscillograph MPO-2 and an electronic oscillograph EO-4 with a -photographic recorder. The apparatus was tested in the eastern part of the Black Sea and produced satisfactory results. Reflections were obtained from four horizons at depths of 180 m, 330 m, 470 m, and 570 m. The question is raised as to the possibility of forming tsunamis during underwater landslides. Card 2/2 L. L. V. LISITSTN,.. "JO .Netbods for collecting and studying suspended matter in water for geological purposes. Trudy Inst.ok*aa. 19:204-231 156. (W-11A 10:2) (Sedimentation and deposition) KANATIff, V.P.; ZINKIVICH, N.L.; UDINTSET. G.B.; LWS aANPANTSMOV, Design of a pinten'core sampler with an automatically stabilized piston. Trudy Inst.okean. 19:232-237 156. (MLRA 10:2) (Boring machinery) LISITSYN, A.P.; PETILIN, V.P. --'A:0 00'6 PYWZ4 for preliminary treatment of ocean bottom samples on board ships. Trudy, Instooksane 19:240-251 156. (MLRA lOt2) (Ocean bottom) (Borings) BOV/14-57-i-12-25581 Translation from: Referativn zhurnal, Gedgrafiya, 1957, Nr 12, p 36 WSSRTY AUTHORS: Lisitsyn, A. P., Kanayev, V. F. TITLE: cal Analysis of Coarsely Fragmental Material at Sea (Mekhanicheskiy analiz grubooblomochnogo mat-eriala v sudovykh usloviyakh) PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta okeanol. AN SSSR, 1956, Vol 19, pp 252-261 ABSTRACT: The authors:note-that iceberg and ice-transported marine deposits are very.common in navigable-ocean waters, that they are found in-certain zones, and that they are important in the formation of deposits on the bottom of oceans and seas. Studies of the laws governing the distribution of the coarsely frAgmental material found in these deposits have b en conducted during the cruises of the vessel "Vitya5l' since 1949. The authors`desc3~ibe the method used to analyze Card 1/2 LISITSTN, A.?. s,-)". .'s # ~, Processing results of the mechanical analysis of ocean bottom deposits. Trudy Inst.okean. 19:262-287 156. (MLRA 1W) (Ocean bottom) LISITSYN. A.P. Water content of b9ttom deposits of the western regions of the Bering Sea. 3)okl.AN SSSR 107 no.3:455-458 Mr 156. (MIRA 9:7) LInstitut, okeanologii Akademii naWc SSSR. Fredstavleno akademikom N,X'Ptrakhovym. pe;lng Pea--Sedimentation and deposition) 611: LISITSYN. A*-F-l Moisture variation is long vertical samples takea from the Bering Sea. Dekl.Aff SSSR 108 s9.2:313-316 Wr 156. (KraA 9:9) 1.Prodstavloze akademikom N.M.Strakhovym. (Bering Sen-Sedimontation and deposition) -7 __ - _.i_ z ~-e- z v~ I- _f _- I-- __ - - - ZNIVAGO, A.Y.; ItISITSYN, A.P. "*VAMWA%MWV"w-_ Nov data on bottom relief and sediments In the eastern Antarctic seas. lsv.AN ja-7 '57. (mLaL lo -. 4) 1. Institut geografft AN SM i Institut okeanologi AN SM. (Antarctic Ocean--Ocean bottom) J7 i' UDINTSIV, G.S.; LISITSYM. A.P.; KAMA T, V.7.; ZZMVICH. N.L.: GANPAWSMT, Piston tube vith rigid frame for.obtaining high quality saxples of marine depositst_Zemlevedenie 4:263-266 (KEDA lOz9) 37 (Deep sea deposits) (Scientific apparatus and instruments) AUTHORSt 2D-6-10/48 Lisitsyn, A.P., Mikhalltsev, I.Ye., Sysoyev, N.N., Udintsev, GoBe TITLEt Now Data on the Thickness and on the Sedimentary Conditions of Soft Deposits in the Northwestern Part of the Pacific(Novyye dannyye o moshchnosti i usloviyakh zaloganiya rvkhlykh otlozhe- niy severa-zapadnoy chasti Tikhogo Okeana) nRIODICALs. Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol, 115, Nr 6, pp. 1107 - 1110 (USSR) ABSTRACTs At present the Institutelfor Oceanology, AN USSR, investigates the thickness of the slack deposits on the bottom of the seas and oceans by seismic-accoustical methods. It is referred -4o former expeditions on board of the ship "Vityaz". In these in- vestigations detonations of explosive charges of 400 9 up to 120 kg served as sources of the elastical oscillations, These charges exploded according to the operational method either at the surface of the Yrater or in a depth of 1 m or in depths bet- ween 50 and 70 m. The reflected waves were registered immediate- ly at the point of the explosion or in different distances from it. The'receivers were let down into depths of 30 to 150 m. The Card 1/3 recorded signals were amplified and registered by a magnato- Now Date on the Thickness and on the Sedimentary Conditions of Soft DepoAts in the Northwestern Part of the Pacific electrical oscillographv The present paper investigates the da- ta obtained from the registration of the reflected waves imme- Aiately at the point of the explosion. The evaluation of these data gives evidence of theexistence of several interfaces in the soft layer of deposits and these parting surfaces lie in dif- ferent depths below the bottom of the sea. Southeast of the middle part of the Kuriles in all measuring points 2 to 3 re- flecting layers were ascertained and the depth of these layers under the bottom of the sea is different in every point. One of these parting layers reflects the waves twice as much as the bovtom of thesea. This partingFnterface was ascertained in a very far distance from the Haway underwater-ridge to the height of Zenkevich. Then the behavior of these layers east of the Japanese island Honshu (Khonsyn) and in the Philippines ditch is discussed* The results of these investigations obtained so far are not plenteous and their interpretation is not concluded yet, Nevertheless the following can already be saidt These re- sult3 are in good conformity with the results obtained by sonic altiiketer and the accumulation of the deposits in -the north- western basin of the Acifio takes place irregularly. There are Q&rd 2/3 1 figure, 2 tables and 2 feferencee, 1 of which is Slavic. New Data on the Thickness and on the Sedimentary Conditions of Soft Deposits in the Northwestern Part of the Icific ASSOCIATIONs Institute -for Oceanology, All USSR (Institut okeanologii Akademii nauk SSSR) PRESENNDS March 20, 1957, by D.I.Shdmuftkov, Academician SUBMITTEN March 7t 1957 AVAILABLE# Library of Congress Card 3/3 LISITSYN, A. P. Rroi2e;3ses of Contemporary Sedimentation in the Bering Sea. The author describes methods used in the analysis of bottom deposits and discusses the influence of rivers (Yukon, Anadyr', etc.) on the process of sedimentation. The maiil climatic, hydrological and y bydrocbemical peculiarities of the Bering Sea are pointed out. Three types of sediments are analyzed in special sub- chapters: terrigenous sediments, biogeneous sediments, and Volcanogenic deposits. OcesmolTaphic Research of the Northewestern Part of the Pacific Ocean Moscow, Izd.-vct AN SSSR, 195b, 146 p. Its: Trudy ~.2. This collection of articles reports the reautts of observations made -'In the Pacific by -the Institute of Oceanoloey of the Academy of Sciences, USM. In 1949 the Institute launched a systematic five-year program of scientific T-ploration of certain hydrognaphic peculiarities of the Soviet Pacific A-rot. 'Me operations were carried out as a "Complex Oceanographic Expedition," using the Act-r-boat Vityaz' as its base. The Ibcpedition worked in collaboration with the Hydrographic Institute of the Soveit Navy (141S), the Pacific institute of Piscatology and Oceanograpby, and some 40 other institutes of the Academy of Sciences. Between IS)49 and 1954, 18 trips were made, covering about 12,0,000 miles. Among the subjects of direct concern were: Meteorology, hydrology, oceanogr&phy, hydrochemistry, sedimentation, geography of the littoral, geology and contcurs of the sea bottom, fauna, -plankton, microbiology, and gravimetry. Tweenty-eight aut%ors contributed to the collection which consists of 211 articles/ Ther are 6 gables, 23 diagrams, 3 llus. (photol of littoral) 4 maps. no references. fK, -T" ~j V All i,' P~ 161 No SAO 1 UN 00 po 2 a UO 0.4 i hull !i - Pi 4.4 0.4 10, oil 3 KO juti.444 1 12-.1 12G.. 10 oml i I !. o 1 11111! 64 at. a,-. a i o0 1 A . -.- "Jill so -Z, 'ox A . 19 V 1UTRORt. Lisitsynt A.P.v Zhivagot A&V* 10-50-2-2/30 TXTL%e' Submarine Relief and Sediments in the Southern Part of the Indian Ocean (Rellyof dna i osadki yuzhnoy ohasti indiyskogo oksana) First Report (Soobahchaniye 1-ye) PERIODIC&Ls Isventlys, Akadexii nauk SSSR - Seriya geograficheakayag 1958 Ir 2, pp 9-21, (USSR) ABSTRAM During the ssoon& voyage of the Antarctic expedition of the vessel "Ob",organized by the AS'USSR',cbmplex oceanographic research work was done-in th6'southern part of the Indian Ocean between 20 and 1000 east-longitude (Figure 1). A profile has been prepared of the Indian Ocean comprising the area from the Antarctic to the mouth of the Ganges along 970 east longitude. Sonic-depth measurements have been carried out in the eastern and central parts of the Atlantic Ocean including Romansh Depres- sion and areas meet of the! Central Atlantic Ridge, the northern part of the Indian Ocean from Colombo to the Arabian Gulf, the Red and the Nediterrean Soa. Research of the sea bottom was carried out with the Soviet self-recorder sounding dev~oeq NEL-5. The following Soviet scientists took part in the expe- ditions A..?. Lisitsyn, A.V. Zhivago, A.F. Beresnevq Ye.I. Gordeyev, Card 1/3 S.'Ye. Alferov, P.N. Foxinykh, V.V. Shiporin, A.F. Shmyrev, L.I. 10-58-2-2/30 SUbmarine Relief and Sediments in-the Southern Part of the Indian 0--ean First Report Kuvarzin and Ye.I. Sidorov. A detailed, characteristic picture of the 'bottom relief of the Indian Ocean is given in Figure 7. Apart from the discovery of the morphological type of the bot- tom, the research of the submarine relief made it possible to correct former mistakes made in marking the coastal line, to establish the limits of some voicanic elevations and to map a number of new upheavels. A pronounced predominance of the vol- canic type relief on the bottom of the southern ocean has been discovered. The well-preserved forms suggest a reoent origin. In many areas a process of sedimentation is taking place in the irregular structure formed by volcanic activity. This process of accumulative leveling is only beginning. Only kn ind.'-,ri- dual sections of weak vulcanic activity does this propess for-m even-wavy plains. The echog:rams give a good picture of "he thickness of the surface sedimant3 and their 94-rat4 fisatzon. Especially clear recordings have been obtained for the deep- water zone south of the isles of "Kroze" where a thi-,knesa of about 15 m has been recorded for several layers. The importani, Card 2/3 part played by disjunctive dislocations was disclosed, as far as 1. Oceanograpk,,T 2, Indian Ocesm-Characteristies 119--58-2-2/30 Sdb*marine Relief and Sediments in the Southern Part of the Indian Ocean First Report the formation of big and minor relief forms of the shel-f and matrix slopes of the Antarcti-. is concerned. Big rupt-j~res and upheavals accompanied by minor breaks and dislocations of the rocks give evidence of powerful tectonic tensions existing in the wide zone of-contact between the continent and the oceanic bottom. There are five graphs and two charts. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut okeanologii AN SSSR (Institute of Oceanography of the AS USSR) Institut geografii AN SSSR(Institute of Geography of the AS USSR) Card 3/3 ZHIVAGO, A.V. i kand.gool.nauk; LISITSTH, A.Pe, kand.geol.nau)c Mottom relief and sediments of the Southern Ocean. Inform.biul. S:ov.antaa*.ekxp. no-3:21-22 '58- (KIRA 12:4) 1. Koakovskly gosudaretyennn universitet i Inatitut okesnologii AN SSSR, (Antarctic regions-Ocean bottom) AUTHORs Lisitsyn, A.P., and Zhivago, A.V. 10,58-3-4/29 TITLEj Bottom Relief and Sediments in the Southern Part of the Indian Ocean (Rellyef dna i osadki yuzhnoy chasti Indiyskogo okeana). Second Repw,.,-' (Soobshcheniye 2-ye) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Hauk SSSR, Seriya Geograficheakayaj 1956, Nr 3, pp 22-36 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The article is the 2nd report on the second passage of the Soviet naval Antarctic expedition in 1956/57, covering a consi- derable part of the Indian Ocean and its Antarctic areas. The authors present the following detailed description of the bottom sediments discovered: 1) t-irrigenous sediments, 2) vilcanogenous sediments, 3) organogenous sediments, 4) chemogenous sediments, 5) red deep-water clay. Examinations and analyses have been car2ied out by Lysitsyn, A.P. Morozova, A.P. Zhuze, I.P. Svi- renko, N.A. Minskiy, N.S. Dobronravoza, Z.A. Glagoleva, P. Usha- kov and G. Belyayev. There are 4 Maps, 1 table, and 13 referen- ~Card 1/2 ces, 4 of which are Soviet, 5 English, and 4 German. 10-58-3-4/29 Bottom Relief and Sediments in the Southern Part of the Indian Ocean. ASSOCIArIONs Institut okeanologii AN SSSR (oceanographic Institute of the AS USSR), Institut geografii AN SSSR( Geographical Institute of the AS USSR) AVAILABLEi Library of Congress Card 212 1. Indian Gaean bottom - Analysis 2. Sedimentation Indian Ocean