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AKRAMOVSKIY, N.U., ARROLIDI, L.Y., BEI-BITEITKO, G.Ta.,730ROSEWIUS. U.S., VDMHCHADIII, II.K., DAL* Sox*, DITAXONOT, A.M., KIRICHEUKO, A.H., KIRITANOVA, Te.S., KMHANCHINOV, I.Y., KRTZHAIZOTSKIT, O.L., IJMIEVA, B.G., LIKHAH-V. I.M., IWIITOVA. M.K., NIKOLISKAYA, M.N., NOVIKOV, G.A., PORTFUKO, L.A., RYABOT, H.A., TER-MINASYAH, M.E.0 OHEXNOV, S.A., SHTAKELIBERG, A.A.; PAVLOVSKIY. Ye.N.. eked., glavnyy red.. VINOGRADOV, B.S.,Cdeceased]. red.; KOZLOTA, G.I., red. izd-va,; PEVZIM. R.S., tekhn. red. [Animals of the U.S.S.R.] Zhivotnyi mir SSSR. Moskva. Vol. 5.[Mountain provinces of -%ropean Russia] Gornye oblasti evropeiskoi abasti SSSR. 1958. 655 P. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Zoologicheaki3r institut. (zoology) - - -- --- -- -- - - Morphological and functional anal7sis of Clausikiidae and some problems concerning their systematics and phylogeny [with suzmar7 in English]. Zool. zhur. 37 no.5:750-754 My 158. (MIRL 11:6) 1.Zoologicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad. (Mollusks) KRYZHANOVSKIY, O.L.; LIKHAID-17, I.M.; POPOV, V.V.; STRFJXOV, A.A.; SHTAU-LIBERG, A,A, "Invertebrates of the Zeravshan Valleyfl by R.A. Alindzhanov, TS.G. Bronshtein. Reviewed by O.L. Kryzhanovskii and others. Zool.zhur- 38 no-5:736-791 MY '59. (MIRA 12:7) (Zeravahan valley-Invertebrates) (Alimdzhanov, R.A.) (Bronshtain, TS.G.) LIKHAREV, I.M. Snails and their control. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 5 no.4:32- 33 AP 16o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Zoologicheakiy institut AN SSSR. (Snails) LIKHAREV., I. M, A new species of Clausi.Iiidae (Gas tropoda, Falmnata) from Burma. Trudy Zool. inst. 30.,-U-13 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Bu@-Cjausiliidae) . ., @ @- -ILL.- @ r@- - 11 LIEHAREVV 1. M.1 RIDELI, A. New terrestrial mollusk of the genne Ozychillus Fitz. Astropoda, Zonitidae) from Transcaucasia. Trudy Zool. inst. 30314-16 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Zakataly @reserve 7onitidae) LIKHAREy n FAVIA)VSKIY, Ye.Neffl, esak, glavny7 r*ed.; STRELKOV., A.A., red.toms; BYXHOVSKIY,, B.Te., -red.; GROMOV, I.M.; red.; MONCHAWKIY, I.S;, red-i;-SXARIATO,:O.A., red.; MMKELIEERG, A.k., red.; ZENDELI, M.Te., tekba,red, [MOIAtisks ClaJailildae) Klauzilildy (Clfumi@lidae). Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1962, 317 p. (Pauilk'SUR, So 83. Molliuski, vol.3. no.4) iMW 16:?) 1. Direktor Zoologicheskogo instituta AN 46SR (for F@vlovskiy). (Clausi4lidae) LHIIAREV, I.M., doktor biolog. nauk Mollusks and their practical significance; conference in Leningrad. Vest. AN SSSR 35 no-5, UC@-131 My 165. (MIRA 18 6) L110iREV, I.M.; STEKU)V, A.A. New Mocene Clausillidae in Ciscaucasia. Faleont. zhur. no.2: 228-133 165. (MIN 18:6) 1. Zoologicheskiy institut All 39SR I GeoiogichesM.y institut AN SSSR. L -Im ENA (h) PP@4/pob ACCESSION Ng: AP047861 Of A 005/0031/0037 St i's KOK AUTHOR- Ry* lov V.- Aj@ lab Ji" @JITLE: Pxperlmentalinvestigatio6 of transient processes 1n a parametric generator, SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet.-Vestnik. Serlya 3. FIzIka, astranomlya, no. 5, 1964,.31-37 TOP I CTAGS: -parametric-generator, transient process, semiconductor diode, genera-1 tor-cap acitance ABSTRACT: A method Is described for obtaining curves for the establishment of os,cillations,.on the plane of.slow u,V variables, by strobing the trajectories on the@phase plane-0, Themethod Is-then used for an experimental Investigation of transient proceises-In a semiconductor diode parametric generator. The abbrevlat- ed equation for capacitance change was solved on analog computer MR-7, the results: being given'.In the form of projections of Integral curves on the plane of slow U,v variables* Measu.-ements were made to show the dependence of establishment of oscillatfoo an detuning and an the nonlinearity. Starting up Is oscillatory for ajystem with predominantly nonlinear reactance and Is aperlodlc when nonlinear cc 1/3 L ACCESS 1014 FIR1.1 -AP4047861 resistance Is considerableo The family of, u,v-plane's obtained from the analog computer Is illustrated for.the case of pure, nonlinear- reactance and various de- grees of detuning. it Is pointed out that the basic systemattcs can be clarified by solving the Inverse problem: from the form of the u,v plane ccncluslons can be" drawn as to the limiting mechanism In various modes of operation of the generator.' The u vwplane,is' obtained by strobing.the phase-plane. This Is done by applying the osci I I a-fory- function -and:the same shifted through 90* to the def lection plates of an oscilloscope, the trace:belng brightened once per period to show only the x,y-po'ints.located on the'u-v-curve,-the distance between successive points In- dicating-the rate'of-change of u and v. The strobe-period Is tied to the ref r e ence-signal, In this case the pumping voltage. A block-diagram of the circuit arrangement is@shown. A balanced generator based on two D-809 diodes was studied in the frequeni@y range 110-125 kc, the pumping voltage being modulated by rec- tanqu I a r. pu I ses., @ The dependence of . amp I I tu de on . detun I ng I s shown and t he fam I I of integral curves.on the'slow-varlable-plane for 4 points of this curve Is com- pared,with-that obtained from the analog computer. At small amplitudes, good ag.reement.was.found with focal s,ingularities but at large amplitudes there was signif icant. deviation from the theoretical (pure reactance) due to the strong Is also applicable In other cases effect of,nonlinear conductivity. The method such as -f requency- multIpI lers and dividers,but I s - I Iml ted to a f requency of several se thelength of.the.strobe pulses must be somewhat less than the period Ord LIKIWIMV, K. K. --- - - -- --- -- - "Computation of Special Steel Parts by Theory of the Stability of Pressure Limit States,N Vest. Hashinostroy., No. 3, 1948, Docent, Cand. Mach. Sci. 00, 00.4 004 0, :0 0 0 a :0 oo 0 0 On the MdW fA On*000" L%wm of TM ftNL Ukhamv. (ZIMPlAkAys t,6tmmkWiyv,, 1940. Vol. 16, 1342111147). [in R,mmian). Thp causes ol's-mwe In dw of Into strew mmmW with many tyr*e of taw" i num,h no mi,, ronokUwmi, unt a j,wA i,m is valml. 114 turlIKA Is baml on tho mmimlAi-m of ifir-s. 1"-11410ndlity lutwom thW "w4t1littlilli uf OW 6641 on ONO mjw4mm wW thp rnsifnigutles of the -fiap6gwnred&. Liu* to defortualkwm in pmu of the nuk+Ank-W syst#zu. rometled in the discrem. TU tristionshipm brtwt*n the chmmelewistim of a "Uthwilid in terwm AM in mwnptwwtm AM OtinAllemi. out it dm4cn of elmrimon mtWiwsm7 1@w mvilwtvakin imts it. is C 441OW Kit -T ,U is AV PO Is 0 it act Itstmod 0 0 0 Too rIeD 0 0 0-0 0 *goo 0 lll@ 0 40 40 W a to It is a 41 .41 FW 0 0 i-00 100 loo of ago I ago too goo, goo woo moo tj 0 0 1, 00 AA A I a 04 a a W I V a I a 4 7 1 r 14 kAlW1,0 E V Now Speck@ for 111magiii-AzIs Com, T6sting. X. K. @,@kaya Z4bomlmrirs. IM. No. 3. 33S.345). kno Attomtda to inilwuvv flip if.vipni of fut Imillif in 4614119-41116 M1111wrOldon GM vrilwailly =101=1 Wki A 9WW gy=pf ""vonem is Iwolmmod whils nway Aw bp uAWA for tv"Is a. 111is lain thp(Onno(alikkk. w&IW tube with mukhoving conical murfw4nL Therom skm Islatpa am aw txmkW and have flip sanw migle. rvil@ corrm-tly rhoman anstim sact caryful rtmntring. the op"inwns Ivinmn rylovirwol UoIll ffmIum. 'nw -4411"'Alwn "( t"m ov. 9-11-j tO WIft. Whi t-I Ot@lg M dewrilw4f.- P. K. /V/ @7 X "alo o *goo*$ -0 e 00000 OW4? '1110 ? I ? I i A 00 "W'S"Als &NO 04401,1141, toll, M1&4f N.; method of 171 ) K l R tL rkh TM. vest" ar. an. u" (in . tI. 6j T Mashlaostroemiya (8111101111-C) the M achine Construction IndustrA Y. 30, vr Mar 19W P. 31-54, Jor testing of materials o;;@vos 0* , in the unlastRi. uniformly stressed 00 fest visit*, use of hollow tylindrica I n :poelmeno who" ends are Cc cut 'rh ations of 10- f t 00 xcvo. o concen Uf r of *free"* encountered in conicni .C 0 milid x1pecirrivas to thus eliminated. : Tests of mlid and red-hot stool. *to- : minum. allumin, brass. resins, and 0 jy urn. Formulae for calculation of L. (Q28) .ALAL! SICTALUMICA!, WINAURE CLASIWICATWO a Ail FO is It -950 n 0 09 K It of if It df I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 Of 9 0 0 0 0 0-0-010 0 * 0 * 004060 0 o *-R-RLAJL a a- A f i-04 00 -00 0 200 too roe Coo age V)Q-- 40.0v V-= An I a 'W 0 a V 41 Ir IM 'A 0 0 0 0 0 th 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 9 0 0 e 0 a 00 0 4f 9 0 a 0 0 0 *'* o 00 I.A.A.21 - -300 Use we 0 - - - - - - - - - - 4 PONOI--'=,V$ S. D.: BIDDTLN, V. L.: K.K.: KAKUSHBI 1--@"'Luvi@ N. FrEDOSM."VI V. I. Yachinery - Construction "Principles of modern methods of calculating durability of machine construction." Reviewed by Prof. A. A. Pelov. Vest. mash. 31 no. 12, 1951. 2 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 19A, Uncl. LIKUREV, K.K. 00000063 PHASE I Treasure Island Bibliographic Roport BOOK Call No.: Af58002 Authors: PON04MM, S.D.; BIDER4!AN, V.L.; L17HAREV, K.K.; MAYUSHIN, V.Y.; !IMLININ, N.N.; FEODOSIYEV, V.I. Full Title: FUNDAMITALS OF YODFRN METHODS FOR STRENGTH CMInTATIONS IN N%CHINE- BUILDING. (Computations of dynamic loads. Stability. Creep.) Transliterated Title: Osnovy sovremennykh metodov rascheta na prochnost'v mashinostroyenii. (Rasbhety pri dinamicheskoy nagruzke, Ustoychivos0. Polzuehest'). Publishing Data Originating Agency: None. Publishing House: (MASHM), State Scientific and Technical Publishing House of Literature on Machine Building. Date: 1952 No. pp.: 862 No. copies: 1C,000 Editorial Staff Editor: Prof. Ponomarev, C.D.1 Technical Editor: None. Dr. Eng. Sci. Editor-in-Chief: None. Appraiser: None. Others: Golovin, S. Ya., Eng., editor of literature on heavy machine building. Text Data Coverage: The three parts of this book discuss: 1) The strength computation of various machine elewent.9 under dynamic loads, 2) the stability com- putation of machine elements, 3) the creep computation of machine parts working at high temperatures. The first section describes the computation of the strength of moving machine elembnts, particularly 1/2 2/2 Full Title: FUNDMENTALS OF MODERN METHODS FOR STRENGTF W.TUTATIONS IN @!ACHIINF, BUILDING. (Computations of dynamic loads. Stability. Creep). Text Data Coverage: (continued) discs and wheels; investigates questions of elastic vibration in connection with various practical problems (harmonic, nonharmonic, quasi-harmonic, non-linear and other types of vibration); and analyzes the strength of elements under variable loads. ibe second part concerns methods of computing the stability of rods and springs (twisted and compressed-coiled), or rings andfLat shapes of curved thin strips, of the elements of thin-wall construction and non-symmetric profiles, of thin rectangular plates, and of rotating casings. The third section analyzes the questions of creep and relaxation of tension, permanent deformation, and aging of parts subjected to the action of high temperatures. Purpose: A textbook for design engineers in the Jield of machine building and studonts of the technical colleges and also for scientific workers. Facilities: None. No. Russian and Slavic References: 382 of total 409. Available: Library of Congress. LIM&M.1 K.--K-.----- - - - - - - - - - - - - I "Stands for Testing Materials During Triaxial Tension Conditions" an article in the - _2 Elements in Machine Cons book "Computing the Stability. Hardness an-d-.-Cme2epp of truct- ion", shgiz, 1953, p. 239. LIKHARL'V, K.K., dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nan . Testing apparatus for materials subjected to triaxial loads. LTrudyJ MM no.26:239-249 133. (YTRA 7:3) (Testing-machines) (Strength of materials) LIK-HAJU-N, K.K. Ponomarev, S.D. Viderman, V.L. Likharev, K.K. Malinin, N.N. Makushin, V.M. Feodoslyev, V.I. "Elements of Modern Methods of Calculating Strength in Machine Building" Moscow Higher Technical School imeni B FONOKARSV, S.D., doktor tekhnichaskikh aeuk, profersor; BIDERMAN, V.L.; V.M.. KALINIH. N.H., FBODOSOYEV, V.I.; POPOVA, 3.H., toklinichasikiy rodjiktor; RAMINVA, Ye.N#, takhniche- skiy redaktor [Calculations of the strength of materials in machine maaufacturel Raschaty na prochnost' v mashinostroenii. Pod red. S.D.Ponomereva. Mockva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo masbinostrott. lit-ry. Vol. 1. [Theoretical principles and experimental methods. Calculations for structural rod elements under statir load] Teoreticheakie oanovy i skoperimentallnya metody. Raschety atarzhnavykh alamentoy konstruk- teii pri statichoakot nagrazko. 1956. 881P p. (MLRA 10:3) (Strength of materials) Plasticity) AUTHOR. Likharev, K.K. 32-12-3W71 TITLE: _------------- On the Method of Settin&up Ad'hal Characteristics of Material Concern- ing Expansional- and Pressuit- otreas in the Direction of an Axis (K metodike postroyeniya deystvitellnykh kharakteristik materialov, pri odnoosnom rastyazhenii i szhatli). FMIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 12, pp. 1472-1477 (USSR) ABSTRACT; In the introduction it is said that in the case of a large number of existing characteristics concerning the roperties of materials uni-. ' on the expansional- and form data are still lacking (in the USSRY pressure stress brought to bear on certain materials in the case of the simultaneous production (and shape) of samples. In the chapter; The evaluation of the results of tests carried out in connection with tensile stress it is recommended to ground samples thoroughly, to examine them in order to, detect possible parts which are liable to break, and, in advance, to determine the presumed place of destruc- tion.'Suoh tests were carried out (by way of example) on the "Gagarin press" (a testing machine for stresses of up to 5 t which automatically records results). There follows a description of the Card 1/2 experiment, and results are shown in a diagram and a table. Or. the Method of Setting up Acb=3 Characteristics of 3 2-12-3 V 71 Material Concerning Expansiuaal- and Pressure Stress in the Direction ofan Axis In the chapter: Evaluation of the results of pressure tests it is recommended (in The interest of the unifomity of methods) to use cylindrical samples of 10 mm length and 10 mm diameter in the case of not very hard materials (such &,3 bronze, cast iron, etc.)p and in the case of harder materials (as e.g. unhardened or hardened steel) to reduce these mea-surements to 8 and 8 mm or to 6 and 6 mm. The front surfaces of the samples rijust be ground. Pressure should be applied in stages, and each time a new piece of paper saturated with paraffin must be inserted between the area of pressure. Using the "Gagarin press" as a machine for testing purposes is re- commended for less hard materials, wherews for harder materials a stronger testing machine (what make is not precisely said) is re- commended. Results are shown in three tables. There are 7 figures, 3 tables, and 4 Slavic references. ASSOCIATION: Moscow HIgher Tkbniml School Imeni. Bauman (Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche im.Baumana) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Materials-Tensile stress-Deteraination 2. Materials-Pressure- Determination 24(o); 25(2) . mAss I BooK mcnorrATrom SOVA037 Moscow. Vysaheye takh-1cheskays uchillshche Lanni N.R. BaU=A=&-__ R&Schaty a& prachnost' v asahinostroyenii; [aboralk] Design for Strength in Mechanical ZogEneering; Colleot@c or Aricles) Moscow, hashg1s. 1958. 244 V. (Serlers: It. . N@dr 89) 3.300 copies printed. Ed. : O.A. Nikolayev, Doctor of Technical Soleness, Professor. Hawred Worker In Science and Technology; Ed. of Publishing House: 'IrN S.F. Cheroyahova; Tech. r4.: S.I. Model-j Reneging Md. for Literature an Heavy Machine Building (Kaahgiz). Z.Ya. Golavla, Stioneer. PURPOSE: This collection of article& In Intended for engine atafta .i:rIA9a e in the machine-building industry and nay be useful to a ntlfl workers and senior students or mechanical engineering vt%Lzea. COVERA03* The articles cover the graphoanalytical method of designing circular symmetrically loaded reinforced plates. methods or designing rotating heated disks for transverse bendIngs and calculation of preloaded belleville springs. Also discussed aft differential equations for deformation or rubber-card shells or rotation, the theory or flexure of rubber-cord hose. and stability problems or elastic cylindrical shells. Results or experimental Investigations of strength and ductility or constructional steels and other materials are presented. Several articles are devoted to problems of vibrations In machinery. There are 78 references; 71 Soviet, 4 German. 2 Engl1shand I French. Alfutov N.A.0 Carulldste of Technical 3clencen; V.F. Sokolov, Engineer. Determining the Lower Critical Pressure for an Elastic Cylindrical Shell and Behavior of the Shall Following Buckling 95 Solution of the probld= Is claimed to be new and simple Examples of design are presented. A comparison In made @Ith results obtained by methods or other authors. XAPIZ ,A.A.. Candidat* of To-hnical Sciences, Docent. Inveatl- gation or Piexum of Rubber-cord Cylindrical Shells This article presents re"ta of work done In 1950 with V.L. Blderman at the Rauchno-Inaledovatol-skly Institut ahlnnoy promyshlennostl (Scientific Research Institute for the-TIre Industry). Ito possible to=& of al"t-14 equilibrium or a rubber-card flexible hose under Internal pressure are analyzed. Riders __ Idate of Technionl Sciences. DlrterOntl&l an, V.L., C" f Rubber-card Shells of Rotation 119 Equations for Deformation a The article Investigates general cases of deformation In rubber hose$, tires. attack absorbers, 41te.. subjected to internal pressure. A method Is preaented for analyzing & cylindrical longitudinally fastened shall Under arbitrary p*r1od1c loading. 3apozirkov, U.N., Engineer. Investigation Of 0PtL=L31 Dimensional Proportions in T and I Sections 14T The author finds conditions for most rational configuration of Ts I@ and I cross sections for castings or weldments designed for banding. V. K.K.. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent. am son Or Characteristics or Materials Under UnlaxIal Tan.j. and Compression 168 The article Is based on experimental dAta obtained at the Department or 03trength or Katerialsm at M@PTU (Moscow Higher Technical School izw:d M.Ye. Bauman). The author points out the necessity or establiLrang a method for complete testing or materials in venslon " compression In or-der to correct &Om& not too well-founded views On the characteristics at materials. Many stress-$train diagrams and tables showing the mechanical proportion of several materials are included, 24(6) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2397 Ponomarev, S.D., V.L. Biderman, K.K. Likharev, V.M. Makushin, N.N. Malinin, and V.L. FeodosWev- Raschety na prochnost' v machinostroyenii. t. II: Nekotoryye zadachi prikladnoy teorii uprugosti. Raschety za predelami uprugosti. Raschety na polzuchest' (Design for Strength In Mxhinery Construction. Vd 2: Some Problems iii the Applied Theory of Elasticity. Calculation Beyond Elastic Limits. Design for Creep) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 974 p. Errata slip inger.,ted. 15,000 copies printed. Ed.: S.D. Ponomarev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: N.P. Chernysheva; Tech. Ed.: B.N. Model'; Managing Ed. for Literature of Heavy Machine Building (Mashgiz): S.Ya. Golovin, Engineer. PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineers, designers, and process engineers in the,field of machinery design and construction. It may also be useful to students, aspirants, and scientific workers. Cla,r#@ Design for Strength in Machinery Construction (Cont.) SOV/2397 COVERAGE: This book deals with some problems of the applied theory of elasticity and the calculation of plastic deformation and creep. Design methods for circular and rectangular plates, shells of rotation,and thick-walled tubes are presented. The theory of contact stresses, the design of structural elements made of rubber and rubberized cord, calculations of elastoplastic strains, and calculations of steady and unsteady states of creep are discussed. No personalities are mentioned. References follow each chapter. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface SECTION 1. DESIGN OF PLATES AND SHELLS 3 Ch. I. Theory of Flexure of Circular Plates and Its Technical Applications 7 CarZ:@@ LIKHAREV, K.K.; MALININ, N.H. Three-dimensional diagram for fatigue strength. Naucb.dokl.vys. abkoly-, masM prib. no.4:1M-no '58. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Statlya predstavlena kafedroy "Soprotivlenlye materialov" Moskovskogn vyssbego tekhnicheakogo uchilishcha Im. Baumana. (MaialR--Fatigue) LIMIkUV, X.X-,knnd.tskhn.nauk, dots. Structural characteristics of sealings of intermovable parts in high-pressure units, Izvvys,,nchfjbpzav.; mashinootr. no.5:73-81 '58. (MIRA 120) 1, Mookovokoye vyo Oheye tekhnicheekoye uchilishche im. Baumana. (Sealing (Technology)) LI kand.tekhn.nank, dotn. Sone ntructural characteristics of hl&-pressure unite. Izv. vys.w.hob.zav.; mashinastr. no.6:62-70 158. OURA 12:8) 1. Moolcovskoye vyaoheye tekhnichaskoye uchilishche in. Bamana. (Strength of materials) (High-pressure research) LIKHAREV, KA., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots. New strain gauges for measuring deformations caused by stretching and compression. Izv* vyse ucheb. zav.; mashinostr. no.11/12:81-88 158. (MIRA 13:3) 1.Moskovskoye vysaheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche im. Baumana. (Strain gauges) BONDARV, Yaje.-, LIKHARN, K.K.; POGODIN-ALW31M, G.I., prof. Reducing the friction of end plates during compression of eylindrIcaltest specimens. Zar. lab. 24 no.5:655 158 NIRA llt6) 1. Zapadno-Sibirskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (for BO'n6xev). 2, Hoskovskoye Vyssheye tekhnicheekoye uchilishche im. N.IL Baumana (for Ukharev), (Friction) son i-@ --@c-torizt cS r)@ Sifl) -uct tc, un 1- X- .t.-@j',Ch4ng and (341-r'Irpth of naterirlls) FOITOMARXV, Sergey Dmitriyevich, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, zaaluzhennyy doyatell nauki i tekhniki; BIIKWN, Vadim Llvovich; LIKHAREV, Konstantin. Koaetautinovich; KAKUSHIN, Vladimir Mikhaylsvr4;@@_;@:@' M.ALI= -"Hikolay NikolayeviclL. FRODOSOYEV, Vsevolod Ivanovich; CMOW;@OVA, N.P., rsd.izd-v'ai'; MOMMI, B.I., (Strength analysis in machine manufacturing] Raschety na prochnost' v manhinostroenii. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mnshinoetroilt. lit-ry. Vol.3. (Inertia loads. Vibrations and impact loads. Strength. Stability.] Inartsionnye nagruzki. Kolebaniia i udarnye nagruzki. Vynoolivoot'. Ustoichivost'. Pod red. S.D.Ponomareva. 1959. 1118 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Machinery--Design) 25(2) SOV/32-25-3-41/62 AUTHOR: Likharev, K. K. TITLE: Hydraulic Tensimeter for Measuring the Deformation in the Case of Extension and Compression (Gidravlicheskiy tenzometr dlya izmereniya deformatsiy pri rastyazhenii i szhatii) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Ur 3, P 359 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A hydraulic tensimeter was worked out based upon the principle of a "hydraulic lever". The device consists of 3 parts (Fig=): an upper part2 a lower part and a measuring tube connecting the two parts. The upper and lower part of the tensimeter are screwed onto the sample so that when it is deformed a shifting of its liquid meniscus in the measuring tube takes place. The tensimeter is filled with colored, boiled water (at a diameter of the measuring tubeti),3 mm), or alcohol (at,8 4 3 mm). The tensimeter which was constructed in the laboratory mentioned in the.Association has the-following dimensions: diameter of the working chamber - D = 100 mm, d = 34 mm, surface of the working piston 6946 mm2. A tensimeter of this construction which is provided with a measuring tube with an internal Card 1/2 diameter of 2 mm secures a 2200 fold intensification. SOV/32-25-3-41/62 Hydraulic Tensimeter for M asuring the Deformation in the Case of Extencion and Compression. There are 1 figure and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche im. W. E. Bau- mans, (Moscow Elgber Teabdaa SebaciL Lmeni N. E. Bauman) Card 2/2 40 4 - ---------- (k) /j! SOURCE CODE. -ACC NRz K K AUTHOR; Sukhov a, N. A. (Candidate of technical sciences, Docent)-;Likharev (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: None TITLE: A unit-for testing dislocation of compressed rubber damperal SOURCE: IVUZ. Mashinostroyeniye, no. 12, 1965, 24-26 TOPIC TAGS: shock absorber, test facility, strain gage, static load test ABSTRACT: The authors describe a unit for testin the dislocation of cylindrical and rectangul,ar parallelepiped compressed rubber dampers. The unit is designed to load th( dampers evenly at a given rate of compression for dislocation. The unit consists of a steel sleeve with cross-shaped cuts and a stress attachment. Two identical dampers are placed betveen two plates and set in the sleeve. The dampers are already under compression from a special clamp equipped vith an attachment for eliminating misaligr- ment. This clamp is removed after the dampers are placed in the sleeve. The machine transmits force through compression plates to the damper. Additional force car, be applied on the dampers from the bottom by a cross member. This cross member is cen- tered with respect to the sleeve by guides. Various plate thichnesses are used to CG,d 1/2 uDc: 62-567+620.1 LIKEAREV, K.K.; RYLOV, V.A. Eylcitation processes in a two-stage parametric generator. Radiotekh. i elektron. 10 no.12:224.4-2246 D 165. (I-TIRA 19:1) 1. Submitted January 19, 1965. ACC NRi AT6037043 SOURCE CODE: IJR/0000/66/000/000/0044/0054 AUTHOR:- Likharev, V. A. (Candidate of technical sciences); Dobrolyubov, L. V. (Engine er);_K`ob-z'_ N. (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE: Simulation of random numbers on an electronic digital computer SOURCE: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut. Teoriya i tekhnika radiolokatsii (Radar theory and techniques); sbornik statey, no. 1, Moscow, izd-vo Mashinostroyeniye, 1966, 44-54 TOPIC TAGS: computer simulation, digital computer, random number, random number simulation/ BESiv,-2M digital computer ABSTRACT: Methods are received of obtaining random number sequences with a given law of distribution by means of uniformly distributed random numbers. Output programs of the latter are presented on a high-speed DESM-2M computer. As examples, a description is given of the derivation of one-dimensional normal, exponential, Rayleigh and generalized Rayleigh laws, as well as of the results of Cord 1 / 2 UDC: 681.142.4 WCC__NR, AT6037043 the verification of the correlation of uniform distribution, of -the coincidence of normal and given distributions, and of an evaluation of the numerical character- istics by the method of confidence intervals. Orig. art. has: 12 formulas, 2 figures, 2 tables and.4 appendixes. [Translation of abstract] [DW] SUB CODE: 09/SUBM DATE:j0y/,W/ORIG REF: 005/OTH REF: 001/ 2/2 LAVSKLY, G..K.,. professor (Moskva); BORISOVA. V.V..(Xol3kva), @JMRHVA, 1.0., (Moskya) Myocardial infaret and capacity for work. Klin.sed. 34 no.7:46-50 Jl 156, (KLRA 9: 10) (KYOCAnI&L INFRCT, thero restoration of work-capacity) (Y,ORK, in various dis. capacity restoration in myocardial infarct) LMUM.. N. A. "The Effect of Certain Chemical and PbYsical, Factors upon the Activity of Charcoals" Zhur. Obshch. Khim., 12, Nos. 5-6. 1942. Lab. Sorption Techniquest Leningrad Chemico-Technological Inst.) -191+2-. MO 0, Illya Iosifovich; LIELMV, P.A., inzh., retsenzent; KOVIKOV, M.P., kand.takhn.nauk, red.; BAUKO. I.M., red.izd-va; TIKHANOV, A.Th., (Mechanizing assembly processes in the automobile industry] Makhanizataiia sborochnykh rabot v avtostroenii. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 109 p. (MIRA 13:3) (Automobile Industry--Technological innovations) GRINMG, A.Y.0 GRATSIANSKAYA, L.N., VOLITOVSKATA, R.N., KAKULOVA, I.D., ROZENTSVIT, G.7-,., ELIKIN, M.A.0 LIMIAREVAt Kole "Occupationhl diseases; a manual for physicinns,ff adited by A.A. Letavet. Reviewed by Aj. Grinberg and otherse' Gig.trada I profs save 2 no.4t58-61 J1--Ag 158 (MIRA 11:9) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASMS) (LETAVET, A.A.) - ----------- - - LIKHAUVA.--N.;- LIDINSFIYP K.p Ingo. Refrigerators Household refrigarator KhSh-YA.p Khol.tekh, 30, no* 1. 1953 MonthIZ List of Russian Accession , Librex7 of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. LIKHAR9VA, N., inzhener. Colorimetric testing of the machinery of home refrigerators. Khol.tekh- 30 no.4:16-18 O-D '53. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Zavod "Gazoapparat." (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) z - I .!,nQ_-, -@' - -- -I- . - .-.. - - ---. - @- Z- " - -@. I @ --5 , I LIUUJMVA, N., inzh. Determining heat conductivity of small isothermal appliances. Xhol.tekh. 33 no.4:29-33 O-D '56. (14IU 12:1) . (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery)--- (Heat-Tranominsion) AUTHDR: Likharevat N@. (Engineer) 66-2--@5/22 TITLE: Investigation of the absorption-diffusion type refrigera- tion unit. (Issledovaniye absorbtsionno-diffuzionnogo kholodilinogo apparata). PERIODICAL:-"Kholodillama Tekhnika" (Refrigeration Engineering) 19577FO-72, pp. 23 - 29 (USSR)"- ABSTRACT: Manufacture of domestic absorption type refrigerators was started in the. Soviet 'Union in 1950 by the Gazoapparat . Works. The first model had a useful volume of 45 litres.At the end of 1954 production was began of a new model of 65 litre capacity. The refrigerator is fitted with a manual switch for selting to 60, 75 and 90W. The unit is filled with - 750 cmJ aqueous ammoniac solution of 37 to 38% ammonia concentration and hydrogen to a pressure of 14 to 15 atmr. The design is briefly described and also the test results and the theoretical evaluation of experimental data'. Card 1/1 The test results of the evaporator and absorber of the 6.5 litre unit are sii arised in a table, p'.28. There are 5 figurest 1 table and 16 references, of which 8 are Slavic'. AVAILABLE: -/ ,, cI In 0 . / - ,A, /1,V'. 'r ' i - _14@,: /v UNHEITSOV, A.')*$ LIKHAREVA, ff.; YAKOBSON, V. Methods of testing home refrigerators [with summry in English]. Khol. tekh. 35 no.1:42-46 Ja-F 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Refrigerators--Testing) 1,11GIARE", N. V.: Master Tech Sci (diss) -- "Investigation of the absorp- -- --- FNFAZ@ tion-diffusion refrigerator". Moscow, 1959. 14 pp (Min Trade RSFSR, Inst of National Economy im G. V. Plekhanov), 150 copies (KL, No 7, 1959, 125) KRUGLYAK, Iosif Naumovich;FILICH121KOV. Ilikolay Arsenlyevich; GOLOVCMIKO, Konstantin Sergeyevich-LIKHAREVA N V inzh. retsenzent; YEVSTAFIYF, I VA. N*P.) red.; ELIKINID, V.D., t6khn, red. (Compressor refrigerators for household usel Domashnie kompressionnye kholodillniki. Moskva,, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo ranhinostroit.lit-ry, 1961. 166 p. (Refrigerators) (MIRA 14:12) VYSHL,LFMKIY) A.hl.p prof.; CIIUKAYEV, D.S., prof.; KMIAROV, II.S., prof.; SENATOV# I.G., dots.; RYABOV, V.I.; NYUGODOV, Ye.V.; GOROVIANKIN, M.G.; GAN) M.B., dots.,kand. tekhn. nauki retsenzent; RUSKIY,, I.D., dots., retsenzent;_Hn!@@@.' kand. tekbn. nauk, re- tsenzent; SHCHEGLOV, V.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; RUD%IETKBI., F.I., inzh., retsenzent; RAIJIJI], V.A., red.; ELIKINA) E.M., tekhn. red. (Equipment of public food service establishments; electrical, re- frigerating, and sanitar"j equi@mentl Oborudovanie prodpriiatii ob- shchestvennogo pitaniia; elektricheskoe, kholodillnoe i sanitarno- tekbnicheskoe oborudovanie. I'loskva., Gos.:Lzd-vo torg. lit-ry 1961. "7 P@ (MIRA 15:31 (Restaurants, lunchrooms, etc.--Equipment and supplies) LIKHATSKIY, I.V. inzh. Investigating dynamic processes during cutting. HashinastroerAs no.6s.12-16 N-D 162. (KM 16W 1. Kiyevskiy pol-itekhnicheskiy institut. (Metal cutting) LIKHATSKIY, M.P. Restoration of worn out components by built-up welding. Energ. i elektrotekh. prom. no.1:68@-69 162. (MIRA 15:6) (Slectric machinery6--Repairing) SHENGELIYA, I. D.; VAKHTANGADZE, S. K.; SHENGELIYA, G. G.; SMIGELIYA, N. A.; ARSENASHVILI, S.' Sh.,*_LIKHE.CHEV, L L_-___ TITew clav-lime wall blocks, . '.1 @@Iy- -4' :1 1'. , -ttA YI: 5) . ;.;, '-V. @ .2 1. . ;: 041, SOURCE: Ref. zh. Turbostroyeniye. Otdellrwy7 vypusks Abs. 3.49-86 AUTHOR: Likherzaki Ye., Ye, TITLE: Some effectsof the flow of a turbulent stream behind circular grids CYTED SOURCE: Tr, Tsentr. n.-io avtomob* i avtomotorn. in-ta vyp. 67, 1964, 6-41 TOPIC TAGS: gas flows gas flow velocityt flow throueh Woe, flow through grid,, gas separation,,turbulent flow temperature, measurement, viscous gas flow I rA ABSTRACT: Separation and a decrease in temperature of the retarded gas in com- parison with the Initial temperature are obsenzed in a turbulent stream on the inner wall of a circular cylindrical tube. The design r3cherne of K. Vammart and N. Klaukens is cited to explain the first, effect, but the minimum of the stream kinetic e-aergy,, not the maximum of the flow, is used as.the additional condition determining the separation radius. Because of this, a better correspondence between the calculated and measured values of the separation radius is obtained. The axially symmetric laminar flow of a viscous gas is considered. The equilibritm ,Card 1/2 s/0281/64/000/001/01M/0115 'AUTHOR: Daych, M. Ye. 0-loscow); -Likherzak. -Ye. Ye.- (Mosoow) TITLE: Turbulent effects in a turbine stage SOURCE: All SSSR. Izv. Energetika. i transport, no. 1, 1964, 109-116 TOPIC TAGS: turbulent effect, turbine flow, stagnation temperature, axial vane grid, radial derivative, axial dorivative ;ABSTRACT: - -erimontal and calculated relationships characterizing the unoven dis-: :tribution of b-ra&mation tomporaturos in the viscous gas behind the vano grid of a @,turbino aro presented. 'E'valuation of turbulent offoots in a turbine is carried out .to achievo botter undorstanding of the actual Gtruoturo (thermal and dynamic) of @turbirie flo-.-,. '27ro rolatod problonis ariso in calculation of the uneven distribution of sta.,ne,;-Jon tGmporatu.-us through the radius of a stago. The first problem is that of- dotermin-4nS, the method of oaloulation, permitting an approximation of the magni- .tude of the specified nonuniformity vinich is dependent on basic modes and geomotri- cal paramoters of a stage. The second is the insertion of related correction into ,the acrody-aamic calculation of flovr turbulence. By experimenting, several pro- ;limina.ry appraisals of the energy distribution behind the axial-type vane grid are. i '-@ard 1/2 ACCESSION IM: AP4024449 Pade. The current in the ring duot behind the grid is assumed to be stabilized, .,two-dimensional (radial velocity component or 0) and axially symmetrioals @.Dorivativos in the axial direction are omitted, when compared to derivatives in the it ,radial direction. The current in this grid is assumed to be adiabatic, and radial Darp-meters in front of the grid - uniform. In conclusion, the authors note that ,ihe method proposed for evaluating stagnation temperature inhomogeneity in the nozzle grid is entirely approximate and its error must be tested thoroughly with experiments, When experimenting with grids and high-spin stages with large U num- i bers, it is necessary to zaeasure'the stagnation temperature in the gap and behind ;t@e sta--e. Accumulation of experimental material will permit determining the degree' of offect of those or other structural and.gas dynamic factors on the effect of ,uneven temperature distribution. ASSOCIATION: none- SUBMITTED: 15Apr63 DATE ACQs 16Apr64 ENCLs 00 'SUB CODE: Al, PR NO REP SOVz 004 OTEM s 004 Card 2/2 LIKHIDIXO, N.A. "W"Maleftem"S" Device for measuring the fall in water level at the scraea of a water intake. Vod.i My 156. Mu 9: 9) (Water meters) 11W AUTHOR: Likhid ko I N.A. 130-12-22/24 TITIB: Thawing of Frozen Ore-in Heated Sheds(Razmorazhivaniye smerzsheysya rudy v teplyakakh) PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1957, flo.121 PP- 34 - 35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author criticises proposals mde recently by V.I. Chernyayev and Yu.A. Noskov for 3breaking up frozen ores because these produce masses 0.187 m in size (Metallurg, 195?, No.1). He outlines proposals made by himself, together with G.M. Posypayko and G.A. Andryushchenko at the Cherepovets* Works which have enabled the efficiency of heated buildings for this purpose to be improved by allowing higher temperatures without damage to rolling stock. The proposals provide for water sprays for brake cylinders and air-distributors. Special spray fittings have been made (Figs.1,2,3,4) and the use of these, together with sprays for the wooden sides of wagons, has enabled the temperature to be raised from 65-?0 to 125-1300C. The new procedure has led to a reduction of thawing time of twenty wagons of concentrates from 46 to 12 minutes, with corresponding decreases in power, bla8t-furnace gas personnel costs and water consumption of 4 160 to 1 220 kWh, 184 180 to 73 660 m3, 620 to 200 roub-tes and 11 500 to 1 200 m3, respect- Cardl/2 ively. The cost per wagon is said to have fallen from 264.44 Thawing of Frozen Ores in Heated Shade 130-12-22/24 to 93.86 roubles and 147 050 wagon-hours have been saved during the season at the Works. The concentrate is obtained in a form not requiring further preparation. There,are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Cherepovets Metallurgical Works (Merepovetskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod) AVAILABIE: Library of Congress uard 2/2 % BOGOVOLOV, A.G.; BRATSLAVSKIY, I.N.;-LIKHT .M." inzh., retsen- zent; STMOHRIKO, inzhi, red. .... [Handbook on optional equipment] Spravochnik po nestandart- namu. oborudovaniiu. Mosk-va, Mashinostroenie, 1965. 338 p. (MIn M 5) --- :.-, II ti, GOLIDIN, M.M.; 7UYEV, V.P,.,-, P017014A. . 4 . . ) ChMffSHEV, V.Ye., irzh. retzenzr,-nt@ YARKOV, A..M., inzin., [Adjustment and operall!@,:,P. of automatic Pliies cr)r:-.pos;-,d of standard units; a handbcok] lialacclkp I ak.-,,-,DLat;.itr4 -La av- tomaticheskikh linii lz u.-.Jov; spravochnc@ posobie. Moskvaj IlashllM3tr)er-;,6, P. OKIRA IKHIN, N. T. Furnaces Complex mechanization of the supply of fuel and the removal of ash and slag. Za ekon. top., 91 No. 1, 1952. Monthl List of RuBsian Accessions,, Library of Congresaj March 1952, Unclassified, T Ws N. T. LIMIN, N. T. A Device for Poliship&Worn Commutators of High-Speed D-C Generators, (Prisposobleniye dlys Shlifovki Defektrykh Killektorov EystrokhodzWkh MashIn Postoyannogo Toka), pp. .16-17 The author describes a machine recommended by the Bureau for the Organization and Rationalization of Electric Power Plants and Networks for grinding and polishing commutators of 3,,000-kw turbogenerators. (Drawings). SO: PROMYSHIENNAYA ENERGETIJU, No. 11, Nov. 1952, Moscow (1613006) if. V. IIT)eev@-,lop.ient of the Theory of :jwLers an-d ?er-nOljllJ Furjctic2s in the Works of Russian and Soviet -lathematicians.11 Cand Phys- Nath Sci, @Ioscow Order of T--nin 3tate Poltova, 19@41. (KL, 'To 12, INar 55) 30. Sum. No. 670, 29 Sep ')@--Survey of SclentUle and Technic-11 Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher @@ducational Institutions (15) LIKM,-V, V,_ - @ _ _ - @ _ - @ _. I . - @ - .1 - --- - I . - - -1 "The Development of the Theory of Numbers and Bernoulli Ainctiorm in the Works of Russian and Soviet Mathematicians.N Cand Thys-Math Sci, Moscow Order of Ienin State U im9ni M. V. Lomonosov, 7 Jan 55. (VM, 22 Dee 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at 'USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556 24 Jun 55 LIIHIN, V.V. - --@, Basic stages in the development of Bernoulli Is thearjr of numbers and functions. Trud7 Inst. ist. est. I tekh. 19:411-43o '57. (Bernoullian numbers) (MIRA 11:2) IjIMN, V.V. I------ L_@_ Theor7 of Bernoullian functions and numbers and its development in the works of Russian mathematicians. lot.-mat. tool. no.12:59-134 ,59. (MIRA 13111) (Bernoullian numbers) t j,TKIII',, V.V., kand. fiz.-matem. .-auk. dotnent Generalized Beimoull an n-Lmbers and Punctions. Nalik. zap. P)lt. derzho inst. 13 r,0.3:3,21 163 (11,11-19A 18:1) Application of Berncullian numbers to the th-ecrzy of numbers. lbid.e.22-31 . T. Lilchin;t '12t. E.. - al., 1955, 18. 51-55 ; Reftrat Z97-IM67. TrMT;, hh@tr. Nfp. 52NO-11,6v tittibits inhalcil " E.vmUiou IJ - Cnoiximni, 14% of nai'litlienic acid for 4 Isr. diffly fC)r 104) (13)r ,,i,iin Uke ifirm ofan i ve-ol of 40U.-IM6 pariicluns per vid; of air. A VC 4k-v'!(ojKA 'jy@trup%h; chatiVe.,i in the liver, spicen, und mrdi4c muyf+!!- Soum rIjiI1i;;4,q were ob-served to Wive, in additiru, (if the Imig,' awl f (at in tho Mv=ktc anti blsAgi f pure 1*@ctrcitcmi@ i(Aly timic!r xmilar coitditmwi uf test of dhl isirt lmd to similir reactioni that the *1,.*dc :atitwl (if " EI)IIII-don 13 - is due tu the prC."encn. of maj,"'t I't-nic azid. (Rvs@ian) A. V. TSELUYKO, Yu.I.,- SADAKH, A.F.; BDBOSHKO, V.S.; DDDDKA, V.G.; LIKIIININ, A.I.; Prinimali uchastiye; PMER, A.N.; LOLA, V.N.; KSENZUK, F.A.; BONDAREV, L-V.; REZNIKOV, Yu.N.; KLEKL', A.E. Study of the henting of metal in a holding furnace. Stall 25 no.5.-462-464 My 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proypktnyy institut metallurgicbeskoy promyshlennosti. BCRCDAX T,4L#,,kands kh-1-m. nauk;.-Ra4AZAI-IOVICII, N.P., kand,khIm. nauk; POLOVKO, V,NIP11ra@. tokhn.'nauk,- CHISTYAKOVA, Ye.A.; LIKIiITSKAYA,-V.,S.,, inzh. P?wification of commercial lactic acid. Pishch. prom. no.1% 9&-102 165. (MIRA 18:11) SILINJI P.M.; LITVAK, I.M.; BARABANOV, M.I.; LIKHITSYJY, M.D.; BODNAR1.9 S.G.; ROSTRIPENKO, YARGVENKO, O.A.; MIROSHNIK, A.P.; IVASENKO, G. Accelerating the sedimentation in settlers. Sakh. Prom. 36 no.7:9-17 J1 162. (KIRA 17:1) 1. Moskovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy promysh- lennosti (for Silin). 2. Kiyevskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut pishchevoy prorqshlennosti imeni Mikoyana (for Litvak., Barabanov., Likhitskiy). 3. Lannovskiy sakharnyy zavod (for Bondarto Ivasenko). 4. 2-y im. Petrovskogo sakharnyy zavod (for Rostripenko). 5. Gindeshtskiy sakharnyy zavod (for Sofronyuk). 5. Krasnyanskiy aak-harnyy zavod (for Yarovenko, Miroohnik). LIKHITSKIY M Kh inzb.; LITVAK,.I.M., doktor tekhn. nauk; I 11-t , eYP.",., kand, tekhn, nauk Effect of sme factors on the rate of the settling of first carbonation juices. Pishch. prom. no.1:32-37 165. (MIRA 18:.U) .... .....I.............. C.. Va. Cmdon and A. L. Hkhmaji.K 42, Aiig. 31, 1917), Crl@"'e 11: Irl"', (M nitif reatli1v mid.-I.-I -I "m ly ttlatilwall %0111 "IlLoti fivilroxide fuld 11-SO'l aii, (I, "Rime 11towitud, imm. it %I itfs 11 C at "('Uttal oih, ff I-( d (if tv'inifie'll Ill."' trea till g t lie sojii C) hi the jim-mire III c -1 r-m tollp., ,3"* cd I: x c v 7;4 fly healinf, "i ized %%ittl all n1kali InArmid" "r'sN111, im, in newinlittd pr-discl h 11wril IVANOV, A.A., daktor tekhn. nauk, MARYUTA, A.11., inzh.; YURTAYEV, A.V.,inzh.; LIMMAN) V.P., inzh. Discrete automatic control system of charging ores into a mill. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 6 no.10:111-115 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gornyy institut imeni Artema (for Ivanov, Maryuta). 2. flovokrivorozhskiy gornoobogatitelInyy kombinat (for Yurtayev* Likhman). F IAMIN, P.Z., inzh.; LIKHMAN., V.P., inzh.; STRELETS, S.V., inzh.; MRTAYEV, A.V.,"" Inz Automatic control of lubrication. Mekh. i avtom. proizv. 19 no.4-. 37-38 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:6) g 0 0-0 4 1 4 1 A f a is u 1) W is 16 it III a it a a 36 is v Is i 0 q'A j--c_9- A it I t L &-it -f_ Q- I_" Z - -7.- At A 00 lit ..0 )W, 04,015% "'C"I", Ma 00 A; C A l Tb f =lot oxygen Shown by the b"UWYI*d bloo of the embryo. 1, 1. Likhniskaya god 1.1. r_ 5, 320- Ck Z m. exlr.1939.1,9M.-Theliern44yscdWt)a of the mistlitr appeared to PG&Wss a greater istrinity for 00 0 than that nt the vInIrrvo. Isloure 0 00 1 as 00 00 00 00 0 so g I AT s d . 3 d 0 11 JJ uleakilling 41 61 -u *4 IS t uses -0 0 -00 .00 A 0 as 0 '06 ago A 0 *0 bee, be 414-ILA a[VALLUNGINCAL LITERATURE CLASSIFKATIO46 - - ... -- - ------ --- -: - *:---, =._;@ -- - I - --- - - I we 0 .1cs- 111.,411 Z ... it 106! fit F An A k (W 0 0 0 1 W IM I a a 3 1 tv I, as 09 a It aft Iffliton #!In A" on 0 0 9 0 0 a 0 9 4 elf IS 0 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 : 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 a 0 Ole * 0 6 * 0 0 4 0 9 0 & 0 4 * 0 0 0 LIMMITSKATA, I.I. Conference on the problem of compensatory adaptations. Iriziol.zhvr; 44 no-8t785-788 Ag 158 (MMA 11110) (ADAPTATION (BIOLOGY) LIKHNITSKkYA. I.I. (Leningrad) Conference on probleme of clinical phyetology. Fiziol.zhur. 45 no.lOsl288-1290 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) (MEDICAL RESNARCH-CONGRESSES) KHVILIVITSKAYA, Mariya l"ifavne'. PrinlmAli uchastiye: ADAMOVAq A.V.; BO- GOMAZOVAp V.P.; KALINIRA, Ye.V.; LIIMITSKAYA, I.I.; MIMTUMOVA, Ye.V.; MIKWIDVAl N.Y.; SADCrYvM-IA.I.; SELIKOV, Ye.A.; SOBOLEVAp A.Vq ULOYANOVA, L.S.; MUSTINA9 S.B.j DaMOv A.G.v red.; KRARASH, G.A., tekbn. red. (Adjustment of the body following pulmonary resection] 0 prisposcip- bliaemosti orgsni*@a posle rezektsii legkogo. Leningrad, Gos. izd- vo mod. lit-ry Medgist 1960. 170 p. (M3RA 34;9) 1. Kollektiv klinicheskogo otdela LeniOgradskogo nauchno-issledova- tellskogo instituta-ekspertizy trudosposobnosti i organizatsii truda invalidov (for all exciept,lbvilivitskayat Dembo, Kharash). . CiMIGS-SURGM) GRORG:EYJffSXAYA, Lidlys Metveyovna; LIMITSKAYA, I.I., red.; EHMSII, G.A., takhn. red. [Regulation of gas exchange in chronic cardiac and ventila- tion insufficiency; transport of gases by the blood] Regulistaiis gazoobm9na pri khronichaskoi serdechnoi i ventilistsionnoi nedo- statochnosti; transport gazov krovIiu. Leningrad, Goe.izd-vo med. lit-ry. Leningr. otd-nie, 1960. 223 P. (MIRA 14:5) (RESPMATION) (HKART FAILUM) (LUNGS--DISHASF-S) - IJKMTSKAY.Ap I.I., Leningrad Gonference on problem of water and oalt metabRiam. Fisiolszhure 46 no.,6t771-773 Je 160o (MIFA 14:2) (149TABOLLSY,-CONGRESMES) LIKHNITSKAYAp I.I.; MIKIRTUMOVA, Ye.V.; SAZONOVp K.N.; GERASIN, V.A. Methods for deterlaining the minute volume of the blood in physiological and clinical investigations. Fiziol. Zhur. 46 no. 7:883-886 Jl 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. From the clinico-experimental Department,9 Institute of the Work Capacity Expertise and the Invalid Labour Organizationg _ and the Chair of Hospital Surgery of the Pavlov Medical Institute, Leningrad. (BLOOD VOLUME) LMIMTSKAU, I.I., dotsent Characteristics of the hemodynamics in hypertension in elderly and senile persons. Trudy LIETIN no,423.13-123 16o. (MIRA 16:2) (GERIATRICS) (HUMMSION) (MOOD-CIRCULATION, DISORDERS OF) TSKAYAj,1*.1.v dbtsent Characteristics of the respiratory function in elderly and eenile persons. Trudy LIETIN no4t63-170 160. (MIRA 1612) (GERIATRICS) (RESPIRATION) KHVlLIVITSKAYA, Mariya losifovna. Prinimali uchastiye: -- LIKHNITSKAYA, A.I.., dots.; KANXIEV, N.N.; KANAYEV, I.N.; iid. [Methodological fundamentals of disability evaluation expertise in chronic nontuberculous diseases of the lungs] Metodicheskie osndvy ekspertizy trudosposobnosti pri khro- nicheskikh netuberkuleznykh zabolevaniiakh legkikh. Lenin- grad., Meditsina., 1964. 150 P. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Zaveduyushchaya otdeleniyem funktsionaltrykh metodov issledovaniya Leningradskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta ekspertizy trudosposobnostl i organizateii truda invalidov (for Likhnitakaya). S H KLI IDV 3 V. L. , a s s is te n t ; 1,1 KHNITS KAYA , 3 , Id c, ts en L; i2t I G INA , N. as vi liter 1, Importance of the sex factor in a,rI-P-reat,,d Jr the respLm- tor7 capacity of the lungs. Trudy LIETIN no,16:250-1261 1@4- (141RA 19: .1. KaragandinsHy meditsinakiy InstitilL (for Shki,iov). 2.. Lenin- gradBkIy nauchno-isolodovatollskiy inat-luit. ekspert Iy ,rt:,;ospCsob- nostl i organizatsil truda Jnvalidov (for Likhnits@.n@ra.). 3. Gosu- darstvennyy institut dl.ya usovershensWovanlya vrac:hey im. SA-i. Kirova (for Pugina). BOMASH, TA.F.; KANAYEV, N.N.;_I@PWITSKAYA, I.I.; PARILOVA, V.A.; TIMESKOV, I.S.; TRETIYAKOVp A.F.; FRIDW, S.Ya-,- Cdeoeasedj; RrNKEVICH, V.S. (Methodological fundamentals for using functional studies in practical expertise] Matodicheskie osnovy ispolIzovaniia funktsionalInykh isoledovanii v ekspertnoi praktike Leningrad, Meditsina, 1965. 228 p. (@IRA 18:12) BXUWVSKIi, V.Ye.; VASILENKO, M.I.; VELIER, R.L.; VERBLOVSKIT, A.M.; VERNER, B.F.; VOYDAIODVSKAYA, Ye.N.; VOLISKIT, A.N.; GLAZEDVSKIY, A.A.; GRANOVSKIY, B.L., GREYVER, N.S.; GUDIKA, N.V.; DOLGOPOLOVA, V.I.; XARCHICTSKIT, V.A.; KOVACHWA, Ye.B.; KUDRYAVTSE7., P.S.; IZBEM, A.K.; LISOVSKIY, D.I.;,;Xj )@".P.; MATVEYEV, N.I.; MELINITSKIY, A.B.; . @X;= MIROKOV, A.A.; MIEHRnVA, A.A. ; MURACH, N.H.; 0091, A.B.; OLIKHOV,N.P.; OSIPOVA, T.B.; PAVLOV, V.P.; ROTINTAK, A.L.; SAZHIN, H.P.; SMTUKOV,N.N.; SIDOROV, P.M.; SOBOLI, S.I.; KHEYFFTS, V.L.; TSETHER, V.M.; SHAKHNAZAROV, A.K.; SHEYN, Ya.P.; SHEFOMMITEV, S.D.; SHERMAN, B.P.; SHISHKIN, H.N.; SHLOPOV, A.P. Georgii Ivanovich Blinov. TSvet.met. 28 no.6:62 N-D 155. (MIRA 10:11) (Blinov, Georgii Ivanovich, 1911-1955) -LIXIMITSX&YL, I.I..-doteent Use of the water toot In disability evaluation as a method for studying functional distrubances in patients with chronic pneu- monia and brouchectasis. Trudy LIETIN 2:123-130 159. (MIRA 13:7) (MICAL TESTS) (LUNGS--DISXLSES) (DISABILITY STALUATIO11) ,, LIMNITSKAU I.I. doteent Water balance in patients with chronic nonspecific pneumonia and brouchiectasis and its significance in solving problems of work organization for these patients. Trudy LIETIN 21131-135 .1 59- (MIRA 13:7) (IONGS-DISMASM) (WATM IN THE BCDV (DISABLED-MA ILITATIOR, ITO.) GERSIMNT, G.V.; SH-,VEIEV, @'.Jf T)6pe.ndence -)f t..hc prDrorl reqnsvne of thr, iuditGry re;@@r)r. of the zorttix In in a v-hk-',n-Y .51,,ate Ofi tempovil of the signal. 7hur. -,r V 164. ys. rerv. delat. U 1. Lvtboratoriyu fiziologil slukhcvogri analj..,atora Instit"It-1 fiziologii Am. J.1 . avlova KOVALI, V.A., inzh.; KRYUCITOV, LV., inzh.;.JIKHNITSKIY, G.V., inzh.; PMSVYAMK, A.V., -inzh.; SPASSKIY, K.F., New wraighing imstrunents. Mekh.i avt=.proizv. 15 no.11:46-48 N 163.. (MMA 14: 11) (Scales (Weighing instruments)) DASHEVSKIY, T.B.; @OVALI, V.A.; I!I@WTSKIY, G.V.; MUMZIt G.F.,- RMTER, I.N. Dimensioro'l series and standard types of weighing equipment for metalluriical plants. :'Izm.takh. no.4122-27 Ap 163. (min 160) (Weighing machines) 2. MR (600) 4. Babbitt Metal 7. Method of melting and pouring babbitt by means of hydrogen flames Mor. flot. 12. no, 32. 1952, 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified.