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.AUTHOR DZYALOSHINSIM.. I.Ye-*,LIFS11IT9)Y9.M- 56-7-59/66 TITLE A Bhase Transitio.. R__Tc_c-5-n&7.-_fffd-in Sodium SaltyeL-@.r. (Fazovyy perekhod vtorogo rodav natriyevoy aelitre - Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Eksperim,i Teoret.Fiziki,1957, Vol 33,11r 7, pp 299-3ol (Usn) AB5TRACT Thebresent paper investigates this phase transition in connection with the measurements carried out by M-O.Kornfeld and A.A.Chudinov, Zhurn.Eksp.i Teoret.Fiz.,1957,Vol 33, Nr 7,PP 33, These aathors in- vestigated the temperature dependence of the elastic constants of sodium saltpeter mear the point of transition.Below this point two molecules are located in the elementary cell of the NaN03 -crystal, the two N03 groups having two different cryBtallographical orienta- tions.Above the point of transition all differences between the N03 groups vanish,because each of them may,with the same degree of pro- bability,assume one of the two possible orientations. The volume of the elementary cell is here reduced by one half. Thus, the transition is connect6d with the order of the NO groups. The here discussed phase transition is described by a paMeter it , which, In the case of all transformations (to which belong also the translations) of the symmetry group (of the phase D3 corresponding to the high tempera- ture) are transformed 11XV unt: Lnotion sin R(x+y+z). Herefrom it follows that in connection with the development of the thermodynamic potential the term which is proportional to 3 is lacking,so that this transition is actually realizable as a transition of the second Card 1/2 kind. For the determination of the modification of the elastic coef- Mt 24- PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/1787 Landau, Lev Davydovichjand Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich Lifshits Mekhanika (Mechanics) Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1958. 2o6 p. (Series: Teoreticheskaya, fizika, t. 1) 35,000 copies printed. Ed.: B.L. Livshits; Tech. Ed.: S.N. Akhlamov. PURPOSEt This book may be useful to engineers, scientific research workers, and vuz students in the field of mechanics. COVERAGE: The book is the first volume of the new edition of the authors' Theoretical Physics. The book discusses equations of motion and their integration, impact of particles, vibrations about a position of stable equilibrium, motion of a rigid bodyj and canonical equations. The succeeding volumes will be: 2) The Theory of the Field, 3) Quantum Mechanics (Nonrelativistic Theory), 4) Relativistic quantum Theory, 5) Statistical Physics, 6) 4ydro- dynamicB, 7) Elasticity Theory, 8) Electrodynamics of Continuous Media, and 9) Physical Kinetics. The authors thank 1,Ye. Dzya- loshinskiy and L.P. Pitayevskiy. L. Pyatigorskiy is mentioned as having contributed to this field. There are no references. C&Ed@ LIFSRITS, Ye. M. Statistical Physics, by L.D. Landau and Ye.M. Lif- shits. London, Paris, Pergamon Press; Reading, Mass. Addision-Wealey, 1958 @84 P. Diagre. (Theoretical Physics, Vol. 5) Translated from the original Russian: Statisti- cheBkaya Fizika., Moscow, 1951. L M BITS) Ye. M., and LANDAU, L. D. 0 Quantum Mechanics, Non-Relativiatic Theory, Vol. 1, Course of Theoretical Physics, Translated from Russian, by J. B.Sykes and J. S. Bell. 515pp. Perge-mon Press Ltd., England; for US end Canada, Addison We&jey Publ. Co., Ins. Reading Mass, 1958. 53-64-3-5/8 AUTHORSz Deryagin, B. V., Abrikosova, 1. 1. Lifshits, Ye. It. TITLEt The Molecular Attraction of Condensed Bodies (14olekulyarnoye prityazheniye kondancirovannykh tel) PERIODICALs Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, 1958, Vol. 64, Nr 3, PP- 493-528 (USSR) 1'' ABSTRACT: The present survey is divided intot introduction, the theories of molecular interaction between micro-objects, and a cri- tij* of their use with macro-objects, the theory of molecular attraction between condensed bodies, the method of measurement (the principal scheme of measurement, the objects of measure- ment, the microweights with inverse binding for the measure- ment of the interaction force between solids, the beam of ba- lance, compensating and follow-up systems, the constructive shape of the apparatus, the process of measurements, the ad- justing, the regulation and calibration of weights, the meth- od of meas4rement of the distance between the bodies to be investigated, the preparation of the surfaces to be investi- Card 1/2 gated), the r,isults of the measurements. The discussion of 53-64-3-5/8 The Molecular Attraction of Condensed Bodies the results (the analysis of the measuring results, the com- parison with theory, a comparison with the macroscopic theory of molecular attraction, the use in the theory of coagulation and in the theory of dampdning). There are 19 figures, I table, and 27 references, 12 of which are Soviet. !, .; ;" . f@ I ' I - '@.' Y.- f6lec-ules-@-_Wgne:Cic properties 2. Molecules--Theory Card 2/2 Ye. bt. "Superfluidity", Scientific American,Vol.198, No. 6. June 1958. When liquid helium is cooled to 2.2 degrees above absolute zero, ito flows without friction. A Soviet physicist describes how this strange fluid exhibits the of individual atoms. Flui-i mechan.-L-s, 1-y Lev. D. Laridau ancl 7]. :-:. Lif'shitz. London, Perganon Press, Peadin-I '!,nss., ".Adi son-: 'eslev Pub. Go., 1959. XII, 53(, P. rrraplis. (Theoretical Phycics, Vol. Trarislatod frcm original ltisoian: '%el-hanika sploshrifth sred. IMoscow, 19511. Bibliograr%hical footnotes. run I BOW M3W=T=K 307/3405 Soveshchanlya po voprosan koamogon1l. 6th, Moscow. 195T vnei@_Iskt1chsskaya astrononlYa 1 koamloal-Ya; trudy saveshchanlya Uxtragala&tc Astronomy " Cosmology; Transactions of the 6th Conference am Problems of Cosmogony. June 5-T, 1957) Moscow, AN 333R. 7.959. 2T3 p. Sr ta, slip inserted. 1,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya, nauk =32. Ed. of Publishing Rousez X@V. Sansonanko; Tech. Rd.: G.N. Shavch. anko; Zdltorlal Bo&Mt D.A. Frank-Kamienat&kly (Rasp. Id.) Pro- fessorl D.A. Vorontsov-Vellyaminov, CorT*spond1rig-Rember. ?URP033: The book is intendad for astronomers and physicists studying problea&3 of' general cosmology. COMUCES: The book Is a colleatIon of papers an Cosmogony read by scientists partI61pating In a conference hold In Moscow on Juns 5-T, 295T. The papers review recent chservational and theoretical work In extragalactic astronomy, gravitational theory. theory of relativity, red shlft@ radl o antronom7, formation or chebleal I ' t thermodynamics or the universe, entropy. ate. No are mentioned. There references following most of.the reports. ftrk@ryan, 13,Y . Spiral GalaXy X 101 51 -PLiz-Viriov, D.Ya. Reliability of ObservatIonal Data In xrtrfi@ galacTIF-Tatronomy 70 V.X. " P.V. Sheheglov. Application or ZloctrOnit- 'op-triia kaiii;a. to XiCr_.,@@Zti._Atronm' 89 VitkovIch. V.V. Discrete Sources of HAdic, Emission (Radio Star&) ror their Study 94 ZxPerimental Verification of the General Theory of R624tivity (3u=uLry or Report) 214 nanov--A A. Spatial. Won-ho=geneous Distributions of the @ 116 it;or Gravitating rarticlea Smarod1nM -1 Isotropic Models of the Universe 131 1___ LirshIts.--Ye-M-aravitational Stahilit7 In the General Theorr 141 Tr*TWn- Su=ary of Report) VITY !j=MT_ -A.Z. Relativistic Theory of an AnIsOtropIc XOn- ze1 _ ':_Homog@meouz Universe jjjIrOkOw_M.& Theory of Rod ShIft In Spectra Of Distar-c 175 Webtilae - _A_Str@c (s.=Lry or Repo my rt) 186 _-Vv_ con4itions or Formation or Atomic Nuclei CherdIntney -According to Data an Their Distributim 192 Frank-Famenetaklyo D.A. orizin or Chemical NJ=tnto From the - _P61ni or"Weir of t" Theory or Internal S*@ructunc and Stoll-ir Evolution 2LK) Problems of statiatizal Physics and Th,r=- dynamics or Gravitating Sys-c=3 .114 IdIls, G.H. Structural Infinity of the Universe " the &a a Typical Populated Co=Ic S.2 v ten (Sum. me" or Report) - - e 170 Remar-ks-on- the _j1ot1a"_jR. Som Grawth of LItropy 226- StwnykqvI5@h, K.P. On the Thermodynamics of the Universe 219 -G.I.- General Problem of Cosmology 243 1 C (4) AUTJ@ORS: Dzyaloshinskiy, I. Ye., Lifsh -U.., SOV/56-37-1-36/64 Pitayevskiy, L. P. TITLE: Van der Waals' Forces in Liquid Films (Van-der-Vaallsovy sily v zhidkikh plenkakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentaltnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 37, Nr 10), pp 229 - 241 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors find general formulas for the determination of the thermodynamic quantities (chemical potential) of a liquid film, and they find the limiting laws for the dependence of the chemi- cal potential on the thickness of the film. The difficulties in the generalization of the formulas derived for the vacuum in the case in which the interspace between the bodies is filled with any medium, are now eliminated because of the general for- mulaB (Ref 2) already derived for that part of the thermodynamic quantities of any absorbing medium which is conditioned by the electromagnetic fluctuation field with the wave lengths I.NSa (a denoting the interatomic distances). This field corresponds to those forces which have the same nature as the van der Waals' forces between the single molecules at large distances. At Card 113 first, the stress tensor in a stratified absorbent medium is Van 'der Waals' Forces in Liquid Films soy/56-37-1-36/64 calculated, and in the next part the forces of molecular inter- action between solids are determined. In the case of a metallic "intermediate layer" between the bodies, the force of molecular attraction passes from the law 1-3 at "small" distances to the law 1-5 at "large" distances. The authors then investigate a liquid film on the surface of a solid body. This film is as- sumed to be applied to a wall vertically arranged in the field of gravity. F(l) + ygz - con-st is the condition for the con- stancy of the chemical potential along the system, for F(l) is the part of its chemical potential p depending on the film thickness. Thus, g - go + F(l), 11, denoting the chemical po- tential of the "massive liquid". Further, g(l) + ygz - 0, the function g(l) determining all thermodynamic properties of the film. The authors then investigate some typical cases which ma be present according to the character of the function VW: (a@ If g(l) is a monotonely falling, everywhere positive func- tion, the liquid does not moisten the solid surface, and no field is formed. (b) If g(l) is a monotonely increasing, every- Card 2/3 where negative function, this usually correspondi to a liquid Van der Waals' Forces in Liquid Films SOV/56-37-1-36/64 which completely moistens a solid surface. On a vertical wall, a film with a thickness tending to zero at z ---> cois partiou- larly formed. This decrease in thickness takes place at first according to the law 1 -z-1/4, then according to z-1/3* Subse- quently# the contribution to the chemical potential caused by forces of nonelectromagnetic origin is estimated. Finally, some films of liquid helium are specially investigated. The authors thank the kcademician L. D. Landau for the discussion of the problems investigated here, and Professor B. V. Deryagin for the supply of his paperse There are 3 figures and 21 references, 10 of which are Soviet. LSSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: February 12, 1959 (initially), and March 27, 1959 (after revi- sion) Card 3/3 LIFSHITS, Ye. M. ElectrodynamicB of ContinuouB Media, by L.D. Landau and Ye. M. Lifthits. London, New York, Pergamon Press, Reading, Mass., Addison-Wesley, 196o. X, 417 p. diagra. (Theoretical Physics, V. 8) Translated from the original Russian: Elektrodi- namika Splosbriykh Sred, Moscow, 1959. Bibliographical footnotes. LIFSHITS) ---- - - ---- - - - -- - - - - - - Mechanics,, by L.D. Landau and Ye.M. LifshitB. New York,, Pergamon Press,, Reading, Hass., Addison-Wesley, ig6o. 165 p. diagra (Course of Theoretical Physics Vol. 1) -I-[ FSH I Tl @5' PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/43o8 Landau, Lev Davydovich, Academician,and Yevgenly Mikhaylovich Lifshits, Professor Teorlya polya (Field Theory). 3rd ed., rev. Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1960. 400 P. (Series: Teoretiche5kaya fizika, t. 2) 25,000 copies printed. Ed.: U. Ya. Margulis; Tech. Ed.: S. N. Akhlamov. PURPOSE: This book is intended for students at schools of higher technical education. COVERAGE: The book is the third revised edition of the second volume in a series on theoretical physics. The series will consist of the following nine volumes: 1) Mechanics, 2) Field theory, 3) Quantum mechanics (nQnrelativistic theory), 4j Relativistic quantum theory, 5) Statistical physics, 6 Hydrodynamics, 7) Theory of elasticity, 8) Electrodynamics of continuous media, and 9) Physical kinetics. The present volume deals with the theory of electromagnetic and gravita- tional fields. The material is based on the special and general theories of relativity and the equations are derived Car4-4/1q, __ Field Theory SOV/4308 on the basis of variational principles. The last two chapters are devoted to an account of the theory of gravitational fields., i. e.,the general theory of relativity. No previous knowledge of tensor analysis is required of the reader, as itis explained parallel with the development of the theory. The present third edition has been considerably revised b com parison with the second edition, which appeared in 19@ 8. The authors thank L. P. Gor1kov, I. Ye. Dzyaloshinskiy, and L. P. Pitayevskiy. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 8 Ch. 1. Principle of Relativity 9 1. Propagation velocity of interactions 9 2. Interval 12 3. Proper time 17 4. Lorentz transformation 20 aiZW-9--> S/056/60/039/01/19/0201 BOo6/Bo63 AUTHORS: Lifohits, Ye. M., Khalatnikov, I. M. TITLE: On the Singularities of oemo Solutions of the Gravitat.4onal Equations* /9 -I, PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekeperimentallnoy i teoreticheekoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 10), pp. 149-157 TEXT: The usikalloy applied cosmological solution of the Einstein gravi- tational equation is based on the assumption of an entirely homogeneous and isotropic mass distribution in space though this assumption is at most approximately satisfied. In the present paper, the authors wanted to clarify as to how far the properties of the solution and, above all, the occurrence of time singularities are connected with this assumption. 'This problem can be tackled most successfully by studying the general properties of the solutions to gravitational equations in the neighborhood of singularities. The eAstence of such solutions is assumed. Two particular classes of these solutions are given. One of them is a generalization of Card 1/2 S/056/60/039/003/032/045 B006/BO63 AUTHORS: Lifshits, Ye. M., Rhalatnikov, I. M. TITIZ: Singularities of the Cosmological Solutions of Gravitatio- nal Equationsro, PER IODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No. 3(9), pp. 800-808 TEXT: The sub-classes of cosmological solutions of gravitational equa- tions derived in Ref. 1 (Part I of the present paper) usually have singularities. The question as to whether the existence of singularities is a general property of cosmological solutions, irrespective of the as- sumptions made for the distribution of matter and the field of gravity, has not been solved as yet. The solution of this problem is related to the existence or non-existence of a general solution of gravitational equations. Thus, the authors were confronted with the following problem: Within the region of a singularity that is assumed to exist, the form of the broadest class of solutions to gravitational equations is to be found, and conclusions are to be drawn as to the universal character of Card 1/2 25204 S/056/61/040/006/025/031 B108/B209 AUTHORSs Lifshits, Ye. M., Sudakov, V. V., Khalatnikov, 1. M. TITLE: Singularities of cosmological solutions of gravitation equations. III PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 40, no. 6, 1961, 1847-1855 TEXT: In earlier papers (Refs. 1,2: ZhETF, jj, 149, 1960; ZhETF, 12, 8oo, 196o), Ye. M. Lifshits and I. M. Khalatnikov studied the form of the'. cosmological solution of gravitation equations near a point with time singularity. The general solution of gravitation equations with a fictLtious singularity may be represented (by a proper choice of a synchronous reference system) in a form in which the singularity is synchronous for the entire space. Such a solution must contain eight arbitrary solutions of the three spatial coordinates: 1) four "physically diSferent" functions, necessary to establish the gravitational field at a certain initial moment, 2) one function determining the initial hyper- Card 1/3 25204 S/056/61/040/006/025/031 Singularities of cosmological... B108/B209 surface in the geometrical structure, 3) three functions related to the requirement that the conditions goo - -11 goa - 0 (1) for the metric tensor (Refs. 1,2) permit any transformation of the spatial coordinates without involving time. The arbitrary choice of the spatial coordinates may be used to bring the first terms of the expansion for the metrios near the singularity into a form in which the spatial differential length is given by the formula dl 2 . g*dx Udx a dx adx b + (t _1)2 a dx2 + 2 (t -f) 2a. dxaCIX3 (5), ab 33 3 a3 where the indices atb assume the values 1,21 the quantities aab"3a"'330@ are functions of all three ooorainates. These statements, together with the results of Refs, 1 and 2 lead to the o6nolusion that the presence of a time singularity is not a necessary property of cosmological models in the general relativity theory, and that the general case of arbitrary distribution of matter and gravitational field does not lead to such a singularity. The authors thank Academician D. L. Landau and Card 2/3 25204 S/056/61/040/006/025/031 Singularities of cosmological... B108/B209 L. P. Pitayevskiy for discussions. There are 3 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTEDt Institut fizicheskikh problem Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences USSR) January 25, 1961 Card 3/3 21228 S/053/61/073/003/001/004 B125/B201 Dzyaloshinskiy, I. Ye., Lifshits, Ye. M.# and Pitayevskiy, L. P. TITLr.,t General theory of the Van der Waals forces PERIODICALz Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, v. 73,. no. 3P 19619 381-422 TEXTi A brief report is first given of the methods of the quantum field theory, and the general theory,of the Van der Waals forces is then ex. plained on this basis. Such a theory hda been-developed for*the first time by Ye. M. Lifshits. The application of the methods of the quantum 'field theory to the problems of statistical physics at finite temperature is based on a paper by Matsubara. According to it, the free energy can be calculated by the rules of Feynman's graph technique. Matsubarals technique can be appreciably improved by taking account of some general properties of the Green functions (A. A. Abrikosov, L. P. GorIkov, I. Ye. Dzyaloshinskiy, ZhETF .31, 799 (1959), Ye. S. Fradk'.n, ZhETF 367 1286 (1959). The following series presented.schematicall@ must be summed Card 0 21228 5/053 61/073/003/001/004 General theory of the.,. B125 B201 to calculate the.totpLl Greenjunotion of the photont + + + In ine case oi a spatially inhomogeneous eystem it has the form Z,p (r,, rj; En) 5)0 p (rj, r2 X (r4, rt; t.) dre drj +(r,, r3; tjnva(rs, r4; E.)Zj;&(r4, rg; t.) QY (2,8) X T11tv (r,, re; (r,, r,; drs drd drs dre + r),r -11 _ ) ; ) signifies the so-called polarization operator of the system. ( 1 2 n (2.8) or, in another form, Catd 2/16 B/053/61/073/003/001/004 General theory of the... B125/B201 drs dri Z',v (r,, r3; t.) 11-ja (rs, r4; X T,p (rjj.r2; + x (r,, r,; E.) + @ dr, dr, % (r,,, r.; E.) fl,,-, (r., r,; E.) ZO (r,, r.; + dr, dr, dr, dr. V (r,, r,; E.) Up., (r,, r,; t.) VX (r., r,; bit v X is an integral equation with respect to t@ h*aving the form Tp tj - ZOp (rl, r.; tj + + @ V., (r., r.; tonya (rs, r,; t.) Z%p (r4, dr3 dr,. (2,9) In the general case there is no expression in a closed form for the polarization operator. In the present case of longwave photons, the Card 3/16 21228 S/053/61/073/003/001/004 General theory of the.... B125/B201 polarization operator can be expressed by the dielectric constant of the body. To calculate the additional term to the energy of a condensed body, due to the longwave fluctuations of the electromagnetic field, a part describing the energy of interaction of the particle with the electromagnetic field2 H - H + H H A 0 int - 0 1 a (r)d3 is separated from the total Hamiltonian of the system. The series of the perturbation theory is represented by diagrams of the type of Fig. 7 or Fig. 8 for the free energy or the Green function of the longwave photons, respectively. Irr the koa X0, (4,43) 64A3R7 I/ j-(-0) eo'+2eo hold for the interaction force of emulsion particles at "small" and "large" distances, respectively. The theory described in the present paper is also suited for calculating the thermodynamic quantities of a thin liquid film on the surface of a solid. Simply E 2 - 1 is to be put in the earlier found formulas (e.g., general formula (4-13)) for determining @L. The function p(T,l) determines all thermodynamic quanti- ties of the film. A report is finally given of the negligibly small contribution of forces of non-electromagnetic origin (V. L.,Ginzburg is mentioned), and liquid helium films are.discussed. 4 -1-3 is to be Card 13/16 21228 S/05' 61/073/003/001/004 General theory of the... B125YB20J expected for the actual thicknesses of*the helium film, and 1 - z-1/3 for the film profile.. There are 13 figures and 30 referencesi 15 Soviet- bloc and 15 non-Soviet-bloc. The two most recent references to English- language publications read as follows: 'L. G. Grimes, L. G. Jackson, Philos. Mag. A, 1346 (1959)- 1. A. Kitchener, A. P. Prosse@r, Proc. Roy. Soc. A 242, 403 (1959). Card 14/# LANDAU, Lev Dtivydovich, akademik; T-TF~"TI'a,-Yavgeniy-Mikhay2.gyich,, prof.; MARGULIS, U.Ya., red.; AKHLAMOV, S.N., tekhn. red. [Field theory] Teoriia polia. Izd.4., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo fiziko-matem. lit-ry, 1962. 422 p. (Their Teore- ticheskaia fizika, t.2.) (Field theory) (MIRA 15:3) f LANDAU, Lev Davydovich., akademik; LIFSHITS, Yeygeniy Mikhaylovich, prof.; LIVSHITS, B.L., '-E'lu., (Quantum mechapics) Xvantovaia makhanika. lzd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva2 ?i2matgiz. Vol-3. [Nonrelativistic theory] Nereliativistskaia teoriia. 1963. 702 p. (MIRA 17:1) LIFSHITS, Ye.M.; KHALATNIKOV, I.M. Problems in relativistic cosmology. Usp. fiz. nauk 80 no.3,. 391-438 Jl 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Cosmology) (Relativity (Physics)) .1 - - LANDAU, Lev Davydcvlr.-h@ akademik) 1.1-F51ITS, Yevgeriy Mikhayir@-,rlch, Prof.; VIRKO, 1.3.1 red. - - @ - I I - .-. - (StatisLical phyt3lcs] fizika. 12d.2., pe- rer. IW3cm, Nauka., 1964. 5(,7 p. (14IRA L8-.1) @- @ @ 1@ @ .,@: - ------I -- 11 1. -... I..... "I AH5023895 JTAM/EM BOOK EXPLOITATION UR/ 531 Landau, Lev Davidovigh; 14jahits Ynvasni I vlavich Theorati6al physics.-.v. 71 OIL jif 01, at tit oratichaskaya fizika, 'to 71 Teoriya uprug6oti) 3d ads, rev@ and enl. Moscow, ltd-vo "Nauka", 1965, 202 p. illus.. index, 670000 copies printed, TOPIC TAGS#. elasticity theoryl elastic wave, dislocation, heat con- ductivityt,viscosity @PURPOSE AND COVERAGEi This book is Volume 7 of a series "Theorsticall Physics" published by Izd-vo "Nauka". The theory of elasticity is 4 separatabook in this third edition of the above work. The preceding edition (1953) included hydrodynamics and appeared under the title Hekhaaika sploahnykh ared; (this book was translated by-J, B. Sykes and Wi. 114 Reid of the Pargamon Press undet- the title Fluid Physics I Addison-Wesley Publishing Company# 1957). The third edition contains a few relatively minor corrections additions and a now chapter on the microscopic theory of dislo_ tions. As this book is intended primarily for physicists, such -L-3866-66 JAH5023'895 j7- special problems is complicated mat tical methods for the th;oryl "of elasticityt the theorz-of shellso t cetera, are only briefl discussed. The pro0ems of he;T eon uctivity, viscosity.of solids,1 theory of elastic vibration and waves are given consideration. i TABLE OF CONTENTS (abridged)s Preface, 7 Notation 8 Cho 1, The basic equations of the theory of elasticity 9 Cho lie Equilibrium of bars and plate 61 Cho 1118 El-astic waves 130 Ch. IV, Dlslocationsl@-- 156' Sectioii-27, Elastic"deformations in the presence o' f' die" locations -- 156 I;:17 9'!@-T AM50238 5 Section 28* The effect of the stress field on a'dislocation 165 Settion'29, Continuous distribution of dislocations 169 Section@30,' Distribution of interacting dislocations 174 /I 'Section 31#' Equilibrium of a crack in an elastic medium -- 179 Ch, V. Heat-conductivity and viscosity of solids 185 Subject index, -203 o SUB CODEt ME* MA SUBHITTEDI 30Mar65 NO REP SOV: 000 7 OTHERv. 000 7. creep, SIP- -Card---,'3/3 ..J Fr LANDAU Lev Davydov-lc,-q.,. akaderlk; Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich, prof.; VIRKOI I.G.19 red. (Mechanics] Mekhanikao Poskva, Na-uka, 1965. 203 p. [Theory of elastic-ityl Teor@'.la up,.uF,,osti. Moskva, Nalikat 1965. 202 -L8.8) LAIMAU, Lev Davydovich [deceased]; AKHIYEZ&q, Aleksardr 121ich; LIFSHITS - -yevgeniy Mikhaylovich; LUTHI-OVA, V.*-,'a., red. [General physics course; mechanics and molecular physics] Kurs obsbehei fiziki; mekhanika i molekuliarnaia fizika. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 384 P. (MIRA 19-1) LIVSHITS, Ye.Y.; MAYEVA, N.I. Spectrum analysis of chromium for impurity content. Fiz. sbor. no.4:491-"3 '58. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR, Khar'kov. (Chromium--Spectra) 180), 7(6) AUTHORS: __Lifi@k t@p Ye. V., Konovalov, V. G., OI)OV/32-24-12-24/45 L _@ __1 Yerko, V. F. TITLE; Spectral Analysis of Binary Iron-Chromium Alloys (Spektrallnyy analiz binarnykh splavov zheleza s khromom) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol 24, Ur 12, PP 1483 - 1484 (US',R) ABSTHACT: A method is described for determining chromium in iron (0-1-30% Cr), and for deter7nining iron in chromium (0.1 - 1% Fe). Unalloyed samples, thin metal films ( to 20 p), and dispersions of chromium in the surface of irun-chromium alloys(to a depth of 750 P) were investigated. The metal films were obtained by evaporating the alloy on an aluminum mipporc and in a high vacuum. The standard solutions were prepared by dissolving the material and were determined using the porous cup electrode method of Feldman (Felldman) (Ref 1). A (j-12 spectrograph Card 1/2 and a IG-2 gene.-ator were used. The analysis of Spectral Analysis of Binary Iron-Chronium Alloys SOV/32-24-12-24/45 the unalloyed samples was carried out in the usual vray. The accuracy of the method is � 6%. Comparison of the analytical results with those obtained chemically (by II.V.Sivokon') shows a satisfactory agreement (Table). The analytical results on the dispersion of the chromium (Figure) weve used to calculate the diffusion coefficient for chromium in iron. The -netal films on the aluminum support were investigated in a local analysis using a go,.erator, and these r:--sults ivere found to agree with the analysis of the solutions. N.I.Bugayeva and L.N. Mosova participated in the experiments. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 1 reference. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tel-,hnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk USSR (Physical-Technical Institute, Academy of Sciences,UkrSSR) Card 2/2 5 (2), 24 (7) AUTHORS: Lifshits, Ye. V., Bugayevaj N. Is SOV/32-25-8-17/44 TITLE: Spectrum Analysis of Chromium for Establishing Its Contents of Impurities PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 8, PP 952 - 954 (USSR) A,BSTRA.CT: L. N. Mosova participated in the present paper. An analysis method has been elaborated for metallic cbromium (I) with a spectrograph of medium dispersity. The determination of im- purities (Im) which are difficultly volatile, is effected by directly fractionated evaporation of the sample in a dc arc (DA), and that of the readily volatile (Im) by enrichment ac- cording to the evaporation method (Ref 1). The (I)-sample is transformed into chromium oxide (II) before the determination. It was established that Cd, Big Pb, Sn, and Sb evaporate consid- erably faster in the first 5-20 seconds from the crater of the carbon electrode in the (DA) than the basic substancee A19 Fe2 Sig Ni, and Mg evaporate in the same way as does (I) during a longer time period. Two series of standard samples (SS) are being used, one for the determination of Fe, Al, Sig Ni, Cog Card 1/2 Mg, Cu, Be,-and larger quantities of readily volatile (IM), I Spectrum Analysis of Chromium for Establishing Its SOV/32-25-8-17/44 Contents of Impurities the other series for the (I)-analysiB of readily volatile (Im). The article contains descriptions of the fo?.lowing: preparation technique of the (SS) and the samples, analytical lines, sensi- tivity and determination accuracy of the analysis (Table). The purity of alumothermic (I) was made for the elements Al, Fe, and Si. (I) served as inner standard and nickel was also in- vestigAted. An ISP-22 spectrograph was used. For the determina- tion of readily volatile (Im) the above-mentioned method was applied (Refs 1,2), the metal sample was transformed into its oxide. The evaporation temperature of 15000 proved to be the most favorable; they used an evaporator system FIAN and an ISP-22 spectrograph. From 1955 to 1957 several (I) analyses were made according to the developed method. The determination accuracy is given with a probable mean error of approximately 12%. There are 2 figures, I table, and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk USSR (Institute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR) Card 2/2 fy 1 7- 34437 S/'185/61/006./006/016/030 2/7-0 (10Y11WI., /f3g) D299/D30.4 AUTHORS: @p Yehorovp A.M., and Zahorodnov, O.H. TITLE; Measuring high-frequency field strength in a plasma by means of the Stark effect PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 6, no. 6, iq6i, 793 -- 796 TEXT: A method is proposed for measuring paramete:rs of plasma virave- guides which has the advantage (over existing methods) of in-vroduc- ing only very small perturbations. The Stark effect is used for de- termining the mean field strength in plasma waveguides in a magne- tic field. First, the radial distribution of the electric-fi.eld com- ponents in the waveguide are determined, and -Uhen the p Ihase velo_,ituy of the wave and the field strength at the waveguide axis. The -strength measurements were based on the Epstein-Schwartzschi-id for- mula: Av @hE (n,@ - nt - nl(n V ii Card 9 8jr2PZe (n2 )2 S/185/61/'006/006/0,16/030 Measuring high-frequency field D299/D304 for the static Stark effect. It was found that the magnitude of the Stark line broadening was considerably greater in the experiments conducted, than line broadening due to other factors which could therefore be neglected. The diameter of the plasma waveguide was V@ 20 mmt the plasma density varied between 1010 - 1011. The field strength was measured by the broadening of the H Y - line,@ This line was selected because it was more suitable for the operating condi- tions of the spectrograph used in the experiment. The discharge spectrum was recorded on photographic plates of type "Pankhrom"', the exposure varied between 30 minutes to 2 hours. A figure shows a typical line shape. The line broadening@ due to the experimental apparatus, was taken into account be means of a calibration device, incorporating a thyratron. From formula (1) followa that the field strength E = 2,31 # 103L @, where AA is expressed in A, and E- in kw/cm. The obtained values of E are listed in a table, together with the values of til. The described method is effective; its ef-- feet'Lveness increases with higher field strength. The use )f photo- electric recording ensures much greater speed of measurement, There Card 2/3 S/185/61/006/006/021/030 D299/D304 AUTHORS: Yerko, V.P., Lifshits'. Ye.V., Konovalov, V.H., Dubyns'kyy, I.11., and Buhayova, N.I. TITLE: Spectral analysis of magnesium-beryllium alloys PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 6, no. 6, 1961, 837 - 842 TEXT: The present work was prompted by the need to develop L,agne- sium-beryllium, alloys for protective coatings of heat-transfer ele- ments.. Binary and mutlicomponent magnesium alloys were investiga- tedq with beryllium (as basic addition), aluminum, calcium and zir- conium. The admixtures were determined by the method of spectral analysis of solutions. As a control method, the spectrophotometric method was used for determining beryllium. Sodium and potassium we- re determined by the method of flame spectrophotometry and photo- electric recording of spectra. The beryllium concentration in bina- ry alloys was determined by the three-specimen method. The multicom- ponent magnesium alloys were analyzed for Alt Bet Cat Zr (basic ad- Card 1/3 V// S/18 61/006/006/0?1/030 Spectral analysis of magnesium- D299YD304 ditions), and Fe, Cu and k (impurities). The calibration curves are shown in a figure. The results of spectral- and chemical analy- sis were in good agreement. As a direct method of analysis of the binary alloy, magnesium and beryllium were distilled simultaneous- ly in a high vacuum. Such a method made it possible to prepare a series of sufficiently homogeneous samples with a berylhum concen-, tration of 0.0003 to 6 .0 %. Prom a table it is evident that the re sults of direct analysis of metallic specimens and of analysis of the solutions were in good agreement. The*spectrophotometric method of determining the beryllium concentration in the alloy, involved the use of sulfosalycilic acid and of trilon B(B) (the latter for the purpose of cancelling the effect of magnesium). The spectropho- tometer C-(P -4 (SF-4) was used. The optical density was measured at a wavelength of A = 317 mp. The method permitted the determination of a beryllium concentration of 0.005 - 10 %. The data related to the flame spectrophotometric method used for detecting the presence of sodium potassium in the magnesium alloy, are listed in a table,, There are 1 figure, 5 tables and 7 references& 5 Soviet-bloc and 2 non.-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication Card 2/3 I . " . S/1'9 61/006/006/021/030 Spectral analysis of magnesium- #,, D299YD304 reads as follows: H.V. Meek, C.V. Banks, Chemistry, 22, no. 12, 15129 1950. ASSOCIATION: Fizyko-tekhnichnyy instytut AS UkrRSR (Physicotechnical Institute of the AS UkrRSR, Kharkiv) Card 3/3 3444C S/185/61/006/006/022/030 tr' rip D299/D304 '@'@UTHORS: Tj fahy_taj_,_Yz_V-_r Yerko, V. F. , Buhayova, N. I. , and Mosovaq L.M. TITLE: Spectral analysis of certain pure metals PERIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizychnyy zhurnalp v. 6y noc 69 19617 846 - 850 TEXT: Methods are described for spectral analysis of pure metals, used in the spectrum laboratory of the Physicotechnical -Lnstitute of the AS UkrRSR. The following metals were investigated with re- spect to 7 to 20 impurities: Manganese, chromium, beryllium, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum, zirconiump zinc and iron; silicon- was also in- vestigated. The impurity concentration ranged from 10-1 to 10-4 %. The analysis of pure metals is based on the method of powder-oxide analysis. In order to increase the sensitivity of analysis of the concentration, the following methods were used: Fractionation in a d.c.-arc, evaporation from the melt (the so-called globule arc), en- richment by means of impurity distillation, and chemical methods of Card 1/3 S/185/61/006/006/022/030 Spectral analysis of certain ... D299/D304 concentration of impurities. First, the method of fractionation is considered. The specimen, placed in the graphite electrodeq formed the anode of the arc, whereas the cathode was formed by a graphite rod. Preparation of the specimens, Conditions of the analysis and Sensitivity of determination of ,the concentra ion are given in a table. The sensitivity varied between 3 - 10*-i to 1 . 10-4%. The me- thod is accurate to within � 10 - 20 %. The impurity concentration and the sensitivity can be considerably increased by using a distui- llation met-%od, developed by S.L. Mandel'shtam et al., whereby the processes of extraction of impurities and of their spectral excita- tions were separated. The authors used this method for detecting the presence of readily volatile impurities in chromium,, The vaporiza- tion temperature was 1500OC9 the duration - 90 seconds. The sensiti- vity of detecting Pb, Big Sn, Cd and Sbg was 1 . 10-4 %. The globule -arc me'Uhod yields high sensitivity; it is mainly used for analysis of metal oxides with moderate melting point and which have (in the melted state) high electrical conductivityo The authors analyzed (by this method) nickelt cobalt, and iron of high purity. The sen.- sitivity of this method is by one order of magnitude higher than Card 2/3 S/18 61/006/006/022/030 Spectral analysis of certain ... D299YD304 that of the fractionation method; the increase in sensitivity is particularly noticeable in the detection of readily volatile sub- stances. The method of chemical enrichment of the specimens with subsequent spectral analysis of impurity concentration was used 1"or beryllium, molybdenum and iron of high purity. The method involves the separation of the basic element by means of a selective reac- tion. The use of the spectro-chemical method makes it possible to considerably increase the sensitivity of analysis, which reaches i . 10-6 % for certain impurities (with an error of � 20 %). There are 2 tables and 9 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCIATION: Pizyko-tekhnichnyy instytut AS UkrRSR (Physicotechni-- cal Institute of the AS UkrRSR, Kharkiv) Card 3/3 LIFSHITS, Ye.V.; MOSOVA, L.N. Spectral analysis of pure iron. Zav.lab. 28 no.11:1329 162. (MMA 15:11 ) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR. (Iron-Spectra) 1-IMITS, Ye-T. [Lifshyts' IH.V ] YMOROV AjI. [IFhorov, A.M.); 2WMMDN-OV.9 O.G. tzabor;*v, O.H.1 I @bavuring the atrength of a high,-frequency field in a plasma vith the aid of the Stark effect. Ukr.fiz.zhar. 6 no.6:793-796 )@-D 161. (14IRA 16'5) 1. Fiziko-tekhn4pheokiy institut AN UkrSSR Kharskov. (Electric fieldo) (Plas= (Ionized gase"s)) (StArk effect) YIRKOJI V.F. Lffzko,, V F If LUSHITS, Ya.V. [Lifshytell Esvol@ KONUNALUV, V:G: KonoValov, V.H.1; DUBINSKIY, IJG4 [Dubynalkyi,, I.H.]; BUr,AIEVA,, N.I. [Buba*va, N.I.) Spectrum analyois of magnesiura-beryllium alloya. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 6 no.6: 837-842 N-D 161. (MIRA 16-5) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR, Kharlkov. (Magnesium-beryllium alloya.-Spectra) ILI@FSHTT@@ [Lifsbyts'..'IE.V.); YEIMO, V.F. LIErko., V.F.); BYGAMA.. N.I. [PAihsjova., N.J.]; MOSOVA., L.N. 114osova, L.M.] Spectrum analysis of some pare metals. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 6 no.6:846-850 &-D 461. (MIRA .16:5) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut AN UkrSSR., Khargkovo (Metals) (Spectrochezdstr7) ACCESSION MRs AP4010407 S/0185/63/0O6/0lZ/13Z6/1334 AUTHORi I4fnhy*tslp 30-Vol Kry*vulyas So Soj.Veoje So TITLE# Measurement of high-frequenoy field intensity in a plasma by means of the Stark effeat SOURCEs Ukrayinalkysy fize zhurnalt ve So no* 12, 1983, 1328-1334 TOPIC TAGS: field intensity, field strength, high-frequency field, plasma, magnetic field, H sub beta, Stark effect ABSTRACTs The present work was carried out to determine the dependence of the intensity of a hieh-frequenoy field on the high-frequenoy power introduced into a plasma wave-guide and the absolute value of the intensity of the high-frequency fields Broadening of the K sub beta line due to the Stark effect was measured to determine the field intensity# As was to be expected, E Is proportional to the square root of w, where w is the high-frequenoy power. "The author is grateful to Oo He Zahorodnov and Ve He Padalets' for valuable advice and to V. Be Ivanov for interest in the work and discussion of the results*" Orige art* hast 2 formulas and 6 figures* Card 3/2 ACCESSION MRs AP4010407 Kharkov ASSOCIATIONs Fi%y*ko-tekhniohny*y insty*tut AN URSR.A(Physioatoohnioal Instituto AN URSR) - ' SUBMITTEDs' 229av63 DATE ACQt 20Jan64 ENCLs 00 SUB CODEs Fit NO REF SOTS 006 OTMs 002 Card 9/2 ACCESSION NR: APW17399 5/0285/,64/009/002/0207/0209 AUTHOR: 14,]f@sl* TITIZ: On the possibility of spectroscopic observation of electron beam melting SObTLE: Ukrayinslky*y fizy*y zhurnal, v. 9, no. 2. 1964, 207-209 TOPIC TAGS: el-3ctron beam, electron beam melting, electron-plasma interaction, sractroscopic observation. plasma spectroscopic observation, electron ionization ABSTRACT: The possibility of continuous observation of electron beam w1ting by the plasma emission spectra is considered. The plasma is forwd as a result of ionization by an electron beam of the gas and of the vapors of tho m1ting matal. Atomic excitation originates both from collision with the beam electrons and from vibration excitation caused by the beam passing through the plasma, Card 1/2 ACCESSIO,N NR: AP4017399 As a result of these excitations the plasma electrons obtain energy enough to ionize and excite the plasma atoms and ions. The method is applicable in the caso when the pressure in the malting chamber is enough to form the plasma. "In conclusion I thank V. E. Ivanov and A. K. Berezin for valuable discussions." Orig. artiole has no graphics. ASSOCIATION: Fizy*ko-tekhniohny*y Insty*ty* AN URSR, Iffiaelcov (PkWs:Lcs -Technical Institute, AN URSR) SURaTTED: 25Jul63 DATE, ACQ: 1%Lar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: IS, PH NO REF SOV: 003 OTHERt 001 Card Z/Z 97 d'- SDC/'W/ASDF_3/AM@3/0!1t P WE "UT19MIROW ij C /W-bG a) P(c JblifWIJGI -ACCESSION. VIRr: 05602171 :8/0032/65/031/001/0059/'C" w ..AUT11ORt Lifshfti@ Ye@ V. t on-of.--diffu.41-o-n---proeesses-by--the-mothdd of --localized- spootralt anadysL _@7 SOURCE: ZavddsMya iatoratoriyap' V. j@-,'no* 1 1%@ @59-60. ..'t nicle @-TOPIC,TAGS.' Aiffusionann6alin .-spec ram;aftalysis. molybdenum. chror!@@ .01 ABIMUCT; The moth- ad air localized . spectral analysis is investigate the _--process __ Pf intardiffusion in @ triple layer samples of molybdenum, ' chromiwm, and n1c'kel. The sample'serves as-one aloe whil-ea- stool- knife edge- placed parallel to@tha surface of thle.sample, along the x axis it used as the other elea-.'@ trode. By'neasuring.the relative intensities of the appropriate spectral lines at@ different posit;iotis-along the are, Cho concentration -,5f a particular element as a function of depth (x) can be determined. The method is applied specifically to r vaeump-r-ondensation of. d@_ al @Ofit_- I -W-ftu- -Zl@q 'an n o'-, mo 1kc- Y a =,-j iit i6iii@vith - d ijith - ar sMov!@. and:shown graph Tor samples before and after annea ng ur forlm ho'u@s. Orig. arthas: diagr=4 Card 1/2 11IFSHITSO Ye.v. Study of diffuuion prwiomm.-I by the I@Ietflf)'I of locoll analysis. 7av. lab. 31 no.lt59-(,0 *,65. .tllllf@;, ii':3', 1. FIzIkc-teRhMchojkiy 3notitut, AN MOSOVA, L.N.; LIFSHITS, Ye.V. Spectral method of determining boron in nickel. Zav. lab. 31 no.2:113- 184 165. (@a RA 1817,. 1. Fi2iko-tekhnichaskiy institut AN UkrSSR. ABS'r determinine, rjnwities. in metallic niobilimt I`b *ts e"Yn ITI bi '79h a on 141- Co.' ior 211', ah.dispersi _apedtro-::_--, 7 ping a me gral TIf4 m0hod of'frxQ9 *aporimtioiFis employed to,avoid difficu.1ties the band st@-,.Ictar @e:oflhe, @iobiumaeotrum-, A do are (2@O V 10 a) is used to, p obtid- n@ the s'RO c;tr=. -The , anaIjUo pairs of lines are given for each of the IMPUri- 4- tieii-l. Analrais- was made of -three -standard eamplest ILhe results of which are given in n table. The method of fractional vnporization cannot be used for tantaium sincef.. it J.s less volatile than niobivz, so the method of complete combustion of the sample + iLit.@ h" s v--reproduoibility Or the analyllis@ result ig. of 12 diagrame tiabl G-oa., 1/2 --IJP(c) AT IRR: AP5017 Woo5V65101910011001910c@ 5- 53309 AUTHORi Lifshitep Yes Ve Y@11 of the interaction between charged particle beams and VITIZi Spectroac4ia isiu SWRCUt Optika, i spektrookoplya., ve j9p no. 1, 1965,, 19-25 TOPIC TAGS: plasma beam interaction.. plasma diagnostics.. spectrum ansUsis ABSTRACT: The purpose of the paper is to assess the possibility of using spectro.- scopic methods for a qualitative investigation of processes involved in plaGMEL-beam interaction and for a quantitative determination of the main parameters descr the interaction. The author analyzes theoretically a spectroscopic method base oni_. the comparison of the emission of identical spectral lines produced 17 the beam and' the plasm., in both the linear stage of the interaction and in the saturation stagel,I It is shown that :rrom the known expression for the ratio of the emission Intensi- ties of the beam and of the plasmabeam system, and from known basic characteristicii of the emission (excitation functionp effective excitation cross section),, it Is possible to determine both the basic plasma parameters such as temperature and 462@ sityj, and their time dependence. Orig, art. hasi 18 formulas* C,,d L 2@568_66 EPF(n)_2/E:WT(1 ZETC(f ACC NRz AT6008861 'EWG(m) IJP(c) 'ATIGS SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0207'/0221 . AUTHOR: Lifshits, Ye.-.V,, Berezin, A. K.; Bolotin, L. I.; kalo, Yu. M. 4xg ORG: none TITLE: Spectroscopic investigation of the interaction between beams of charged parti- cles and a plasma SOURCE: All UkrSSR. Magnitnyye lovushki (Magnetic traps). Kiev, Naukova durrka, 1965, 207-221 TOPIC TAGS: electron temperature, ion temperature, plasma physics, charged particle, electron bewn / Ajlt@-4Xn ABSTRACT: The authors consider the possibilities for spectroscopic analysis of the fundamental processes which take place during Lnteraction of cfiarged part cles with-a t/plasma and determine the basic parameters and relationships which are characteristic for this interaction. The electron temperature, ion temperature and rf field strength are determined. The measurements were made for instantaneous and time-averaged values An electron beam (with a current of 12 a and an energy of 20 kv) was passed through a discharge tube in which the pressure was varied from 8.10-4 to 10-2 mm Hg. The cur- rent pulse duration was 4.5 psee with a prf of 50 cps. The beam was 20 mm in diameter. The density of the plasma formed during passage of the beam through the shock tube L-2-3568-66 ACC NR, AT6008,861 Ireached a value of 6.1011 cm-3. The plasma and beam were located in a constant mag- netic field.with an intensity of 1200 oersteds. The shock tube was filled successive- ly with argon, heliumt hydrogen, air.and mixtures of gases. A detailed description iz given of the experimental procedure and analytical formulas used in measuring the elec tron and ion temperatures. Orig. art. hast 9 figures, 4 tables, 8 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ , SUBM DATE: 20Oct65/ ORIG REro. 009/ OTH RM 006 -L-29622.~66--E7iT(I)ZETC(f)----IJP(c)- ACC NR- AP6018736 SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/006/1087/1093 AUTHOR: Lifshits, Ye..V.; Berezin, A. K.; Lyapkalo, Yu. M. ORG: none B TITLE: Spectroscopic investigation of the interaction of plasma with charged SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheakoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 6, 1966, 1087-1093 TOPIC TAGS: plasma, plasma oscillation, plasma high frequency oscillation, plasma electron temperature, plasma ion temperature, electron beam, charged particle beam ABSTRACT: A spectroscopic study was made of processes taking place in the inter- -action of beams with plasma in order to establish quantitatively the main parameters of the process and their interdependencies. Electron temperature, ion temperature, and high-frequency field strength were determined experimentally. In the electron- temperature measurements, a 12-amp, 20-kev electron beam was passed through a dis- charge tube at pressures from 8 x 10-4 to 10-2 mm Hg. Pulse duration was 4.5 usec, frequency 50 pulses per sec and beam diameter 20 mm. Plasma density with passage of the beam reached 6 x loll per cm3. The process took place in a constant magnetic field of 0.12 emu. 7hd discharge tube was filled successively with argon, helium, hydrogen, and air. High-frequency oscillations generated by passing an electron beam through a plasma were measured within the 600-2000 and 2400-7500 Mc ranges. L 29622-66 ACC NR, AP6018736 Oscillations within these ranges occurred at pressures ot 5 x 10-3 and lower, the averaged electron temperatures being 88, 65, and 66 ev at 5 x 10-3,-4 X 10-3, and 3 x 10-3 mm Hg, respectively. The electron temperatures at higher pressures (1 x 10-2 mm Hg), where no oscillations.occurred, were 2 to 3.5 times lower. Measurements of the radiation intensity were conducted to determine the character of its relation to the current pulse. The shape of the luminosity curve suggested that it is a result of high-frequency plasma oscillations and, to a greater degree, Wf - the collisimless heating 'Of plasma elec trons. The ion-temperature measurements were based on profiles of the spectral lines of ions and atoms. A.table summarizes the results from ion-temperature measurements for oxygen, helium, hydrogen, and air and hydrogen. At higher pressures, high-frequency oscillations did not occur, while ion temperatures were about half the values given in the table. The temperature rise apparently is caused by both collisions and the effect of a constant electric field. A profile widening observed in the case of hydrogen atoms is attributed to the high- frequency Stark effect. The authors thank Ya. B. Faynberg for a continued interest in the work and for valuable discussions and V. Ye. Ivanov, L. I. Bolotin, and V. G. Padalka for interest in the work and discussion of results.' Orig. art. has: 4 fig- --'Ur-esand 2 tables. [FPI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 260ct64/ ORIG REF: 011/ OTH REF: 005/ ATD PRESS: Card 2/ 2 -Ljr,SlIIT3,_ YU. B. 'RYZIIOVj O.S. (Moscow) ItOn the asymptotic type of flow in the vicinity of Laval nozzle centre". report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. - -.@ @ :,@ 1, . I...:L 4 -'1"'- 2"Y - " , -, @ . I . V. . @, a @-, - - 7 .1 . p. @ .; 'i , , , " I . . I . - - @a, --a - 1 - - . -. .- - NR: AP4012078 S/0020/64/154/002/0290/0293 AUTHORS-: Lifshits, Yu. B.; Ry*zhov, 0. S. TITLE: Asymptotic type of plane-parallel flow in vicinity of Laval nozzle,.center, SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 154, no. 2, 1964,290-293 TOPIC TAGS: gas dynamics, Layal nozzle, plane-parallel flow, hydro- mechanics, hydrodynamics, Cauchy problem, subsonic gas flow, tran- sonic gas flow'. ABSTRACT., The following differential equation is derived for @describing gas flow in the vicinity of the Laval,nozzle centeri d7 -6F-5n7+6F3+7F7 +T2 An attempt was then made to construct only those-fields of the fluid flow which do not possess singularities in the deriVatives of the velocity components along-the coordinates on the V characteristic in the center-of the nozzle. The streamlines at the points of Card 1 '3 ACCESSION NR&.;AP4012078 0 ..intersection With C,. characteristic also do not have any singularitie@. @The gas travel in the intake portion of the nozzle between the :axis'and the denter of the CP characteristic is expressed by one of @the connecting singular points A (0,0) and C(n2, -n (n+l)) of the iintegral curves of equation (6):with an initial segment located to* 'the left of theNe axis. The point A corresponds to the %V axis; the. ::transition through the point C denotes the intersection of the CO 'characteristic in the., physical plane. The nature of the singularity 1_!of the flow on the CP characteristic is defined,by decoTposition of the function in the vicinity of th6;point C to 4n + a,Ar + as (AF)l ++ b, (AF)h .'.:.,The coefficienis 91 depend only upon n and the arbitrary constant b and the exponent X of.the first term ..of the,iieregular part is .0;tlained by + 21,k Card ACCESSION NR: AP4012078 Calculations 'showed that a solution to equation can be obtained with an exponent of K - 20/11 (n = 11) which will yield an analytic @gas flow in the vicinity of the CC characteristic. This flow will be obtained with A2 = 0.111 Al (A2 and A, - arbitrary constants),. whereupon the*velocity with a shock wave will remain sup@rsonic. @Flows. with K 4/3 and 20/11 can be considered as having an asymptotic nature in the vicinity of the nozzle center, but which ..can be realiz6d with other forms of walls. The peculiarities in them do not originate on the wallsp but in the flow itself, at the. point of intersection of the sound line with the axis of symmetry and they then!shift to the duct's exhaust,part. Orig* art* has: 15 a quations.: ASSOCIATION: Card M Vy*chislit'elfny*y tseutr Akademii nauk SSSR (Computer center, Academy of Sciences SSSR)* 3/@ ACCESSION NR:- AP4016500 S/0020/64/154/005/1052/1055 AUTHOR: Lifshits, Yu. B.; Ry*zhov, 0. S. TY-11-r. Causds of the fol-umtJoil of- ahock waves in de Laval nozzles SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 154, no. 5, 1964. 1052-1055 TOPIC TAGS: de Laval nozzle, Laval nozzle, supersonic nozzle, shock wave, shock wave,formation rocket:motori rocket motor jet ABSTRACT: The causes leading, to the generation of shock waves near the de Laval nozzle throat were analyzed by O.S. Ry'k zhov (Prikl. matem. i mekh., 27, no.'2 (190) 309) on the ei@mple of one special solution of a system of equations des- cribing the transonic flow of gas. The present article is devoted to the examina- tioa of a more simplified class of solutions of equations for transonic flow -ULa+L".0' Card 115 ACCESSION NR: AP4016500 In this-particular case, x and y are dimensionless cartesian coordinates, and the dimensionless 4untions u and v are propoFtional to the vector component of the in- .duced particle velocity along these axes. A discontinuous solution of equation (1) .produces the following cauchy problem. Suppose that, at y = 0, i.e. on the flow's :axis of symmetry. we have. . . . - . I u.- -.Ajxj*4,;,0,x-@0; u-Azj?QA0n. x>0, v.0 - (A, > 0. A, > 0). It is assumed that the-values for the exponent k are contained within the interval 1 .'k 2. Discontinuou's solutions of system (1) describe a flow with &_shock yava. Such equations should satis`fy,, in addition to the initial data of (2), supplemen- tary boundary conditions on the wave front: the equation for the shock polor line 2 (V, :7. UJI (U. + Uj card 2/5. ACCESSION NR: AP4016500 and the relation U'!@12 + 02 U3 dX2 + V3. dy It is easy to ahow that the unknown solution to the cauchy problem is salf-modelinj U. 92 ("'If (E), v = Y3 ('-"g Q) xlY', a - 2 (2 - k). wherein the equation for the wave front has the form m tz,=* a constant* The initial data of (2) leads to the requirement that the integral curve of dF -4F - SnT + 6F2 + 7F7 + 7-1 -F) IF Yielding the field of flow near the nozzle throat, would begin and terminate in its sinplar point A (0,0), which correGpoads to the x axis. This curve is defined 0 near A by the exp@nsion 2 3n"-7n+4 (4n' - 7n + 2) (3n% - 7n + 4)+ IY 2 n3 F3+ 2 Card 3/5 ACCESSION NR: AP4016500 As concerns the boundary conditions (3) and (4), they assume the form F2 + F3 2/0, T2 Ys 2n (7n 5). the plane FqY If 0