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?A - 2907 On the Conditions for Total Continuity of the Resolvent of a non-selfadjoined Differential Operator. &SSOCILTIONs Moscow Physical-Technical Institute. PRESENTED BYtA.N.KOLMOGOROV9 Member of the Academy )UBMITTEDs 25.9.1956 LVAILAtLE: Library of Congress ,ard 313 AUTHOR: Lidskiyq V.B. 20-2-9/62 TITLE: On the Completqness of the Sy tem of Eigenelements and Adjoined : Liements of a ~otaiiy oontinu u*perator. (0 poinote sistemy so- bstvennykh i prisoyedinennykh elementov polne nepreryvnogo opera- tora) PERIODICAL Moklady Akad..Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol- 115, Hr 2, P*P. 234-236 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This paper examines the totally continuous operator T = A + iB, which in Hilbert's ((;ilbert spaoeRf, where A and B are self-ad- acts s) - + joined operatorst A - (1/2 (T T'F)'. The author proves a theorem on ; those conditions under which the system of eigenelements and ad- joined.elements of the operator T is complete. For the proof of this theorem the author uses the theorem by Fragmen- Lindelef, in order to estimate an integer function occurring here. Of special importance in this connection is the estimation of the increase of the integer function. The theorem reads as follows: The self-adjoined operators A and B be codefinite (i.e. the quad- ratic forms (Af,f) and (Bfpf) do notalter the sign) and the oper- ator B have the finite trade SPB - ;-5; I A4- I 0'Q. In this connection S SM1 ( the/4 are the eigenvalues of B. Then the system of the actual and the aajoined elements of the operator, T - A + iB, which refer to the zeros of the spectrum, is completely in the domain of the va- Card 1/2 lues of operator T. LIDSKIY, V. B. Doo Phys-khth Sci -- (diss) "Conditions of completeness of the system of =idicvi subspaces in non-self-adjoint operators with discrete speatr4'e" Mos, 1968. 9 pp (Aced Sci USSR. Department of Applied I~ath of Yath Inst im V. A. Steklov), 150 copies. Bibliography at end of text (18 titles) M, 36-58, 109) AUTHOns Lidskiyj V#B* 20-119-6-8/56 TITLEs Theorems on the Completeness of the System of the Eigen- and Adjoint Elements of Operators With Discrete Spectrum (Teoremy o polnote sintemysobstvennykh i prisoyedinennykh elementov operatorov a diskretnym spektrom) PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR91958PVOI 119,Nr 69pp 1088-1091(USSR) A-BSTRACTJ Lot T be a completely continuous operator in the separable Hilbert space it and let it satisfy the condition (T? .) < co Tp where Ifs is an orthogonal normed base in Theoremi Let T - A + iBp where the self-adjoint operator& A and B are assumed to be definite. Then the eigen- and adjoint elements of T belonging to the points different from zero of the spectrum form a system which is complete in the range of T. If this system is completed by a base in the subspace of the solutions of Tf a 01 then the arising system is complete in From this theorem another one is concluded. The author gives examples for the application of the theorems to the in- Card 1/2 veatigation of integral- and differential operators, ENE PHASC I BOOK Ej?~OITV1011 sv/29Q) Hpokovokoye matematicheskaye obshchestvo Irru4y, t. 8 (Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society, Vol 8) Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1959- 518 p, Errata slip insertede 2,050 copies printed. B(I.: A.F. Lapko; Tech. Ed.: S.S. Gavrilow; Editorial Board: P.S. Aleksandrov., I-M. GellfaA4, a& O-N- Golovin- PWOSE: This book is intended for mathematicians and theoretical physicists. CQVUAGB: This book contains a collection of articles by leading Soviet mathe. maticians, on problems in pure and applied mathematicas All articles vere vritten in 1957 and 1958. Among the topics discussed are: anwlytic - operator functions, fuaction spaces~ nonstationary plane flow of a viscous non-tcompressible liquid, root spaces', products of grouts representatio4j3, oidinary and partial differ- ential equations, 3rd and 4th orderlinear equations,.hmogeneous spacits, speew tral theory of operators, and generalized tandom processes. References acccw~, pany each article. C ard 1/3 Tro4oactions of the Moscow Hatheliatical (Cont.) savlaq6s TprX OF CONTENTS: al Repreoentations.of Analytic-opeiator Funetions of One lAft-pendent Varie,tble', 3 Rqiqnftj%~ B 0A. quasielliptic.. Spaces: 119 TAij~zli,enskaya, ' 0 *A* %-- Solution In the Large of the Cauchy Problem for Non~-stationary,-Plane.:Vlow,of a Viscous Non-compressible.Liquid .71 .14dekiX, V*&' Conditions for the Completeness of a System of Root '44PW o~-4elfwadjolnt IOyerstoro With Discrete Spectrum 83 06'Having N pansion of the Tensor Pro4u6t of Irreducib "le Napark, M,A., Ex Repreaent~tions-',~fi a Proper Lorentz Group by Irreducible Representations 121 V.A'.- A Sti4dp of Systems of Ordinary P~fferential Equations Ww% Si4darity 155 Borovikov,.B.A. Pandamental. Solutions of Linear Partial Differential 40tions With Constant Coefficients 199 I.- J 2. 60 LIDSKIY, V.B. ions of completeness of a system of root-subspaces in non-self-conjugated operators witb a discrete spectrum. Trudy Mosk.mat.ob-va 8:83-120 '59, (MR4 13:2) (FunctiorAl analysis) 6 16(l) AUTHORs Lidskiyp V.B. SOY/20-125-3-5/63 TITLEt Non-Selfadjoint Operators With Trace (Nesamosopryazhennyye operatory, imeyushchiye sled) PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR#1959,Vol 125t Nr 3,PP 485-487 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to M.G. Kreyn Z_Ref 2-7 the trace of an operator C in OD the sum2- (Cf,,Lfi) 9 where Lf, is an orthogonal normed jml basis. Theorem : Let C possess a trace. Then,independently of the basis it holds 00 OD z0fi"fi) - AS i.1 Sul where As are the eigen values of C. 'TheorAm s Let C - CR + i Cl possess a trace and let CR~:O Then the system of-the-eigen- and adjoint elements of C, be- Cara 1/ 2 longing to the spectrum points different from zero, is complete Non-Selfadjoint Operators With Trace SO-1120-125-3-5163 in the range- ofthe aperator. Theorem : Let the complete operator T possess only zero as spectrum point, the operator Tk is assumed to have a trace. Then (RA f, g) - ((E AT)- 1 f, g) for arbitrary fixed f and g is an entire function of-at most k-th order of growth and of-minimum type.- The author mentions M.S. Livshits, B.R. Mukminov. He thanks M.V. Keldyah, Academician, and I.M. Gellfand, Corresponding Member of the AS, USSR for their attention shown for the paper. There are 12 references, 9 of which are Soviet, 2 American and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut (Moscow Physico-Tech- nical Institute) PRESENTED: December 17, 1958, by M.V. Keldysh, Academician SUBMITTED: November 23, 1958 Card 2/2 Lev Vasil'yovich; TULAYEOV. Anatoliy Hikolayevich; SHABUIN, Mikhail Ivanovich. Frinimali uchastiye; ABRAMOV, A.A.; BOCM, I.A.; Y9VQRAFOV, H.A.; ZYKOY, A.A.; KARA33GOV, V.I.; KARIMOVA, Kh.Kh.; KUMYAYTSL'V, L.D.; NUTASOV, A.D.; SfM-BURA, M.R.; SHCHEROV, M.P. SOLOIKOV, V.A., red.; KRYUCHKOVA, V.H., [Problems in elementary mathezatical Zadachi po elementarnoi matematike. Moskva, Gou.izd-vo fisiko-matem.lit-ry, 1960. 463 P. (MIRA 14:1) (Mathematics--Problems, exercises, etc.) LIDSKIY V B You-self-conjugate operator of the Sturm-Liouville type vith a discrete spectrum. Trudy Mosk.mat.ob-va 9:45-79 160. (MIRA6 13:9) (Operators (Vathematice)) 7 3/020/60/132/02/09/067 AUTHO" TITLE: Summation of Series Over the Main Vectors of Non-selfadjoined Operato PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR ig6o, Vol. 132, No. 2, 275-2T8 P. P TEXT: Let C be a linear completely continuous operator in the Hilbert space tqr . Let ~"j Xa I be the characteristic numbers of C and let (1) be the system of the corresponding Eigen- and adjoint vectors (principal vectors) of C. To every f C 4a there corresponds the formal Fourier series go ~6) CS Card 1/2 32861) A S/044/61/000/012/0-15/054 C11I/C333 AUTHORt Lidakiy, TITLEi Non-selfadjoint operator of Sturm-Liouville type with discrete spectrum' FERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnalp Matematika, no. 12, 1961, 30-31, abstraov 12 B 133- ("Tr. Moak. Matem. o-vall~ 1960, 45-49) TI&XTs The author considers the non-selfadjoint differential operator L connected with the equation Y11 + PWY A y 2( _ 00 which acts in L oo). Assume that p(x) - q(x) + iT(x), where q(x) and r(x) are real functions which are summable on every finite interval of the real axis. Ccnditions are determined under which the spectrum of L is discrete, furthermore, conditions that the system of the corresponding radical 8ubspaces is complete. The following assertions are proveds 1. Assume that one of the following conditions is satisfied: 1.) q(x) Card 1/a 32860 S/OAA/61/000/012/015/054 Non-selfadjoint operator of . . . C1117C333 is bounded on every finite interval; lim q(x) - + cc, jxj -) ()0 2.) q(x) and r(x) are bounded on every finite interval lim r(x)= + 00 1-44oo (or - oo). Then L possesses a completely continuous resolvent and consequently a discrete spectrum. II. If q(x) is bounded from below in every finite interval and if q(x) lim I I = . > 0 Ix I--> Co for a certain c--' >0, then for the completeness of the system of eigen and adjoint functions of L in 0 ( - oo, + co) it is sufficient that lim I r(x) 0 x 1-4 co q(x) Gard 2/3 32860 S/044/61/000/012/015/054 Non-selfadjoint operator of . . . C111/0333 III. If q(x) is bounded from below, r(x) -- semiboanded, and if g(JO + lr(--" lim I I at 2EJ4 ~ o > o for a certain OC > .9 , then L possesses a discrete spectrum and a 3 complete system of eigen and adjoint functions. Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] E vr Card 3/3 I4DSKIY, Viktar Borisovich; OVSYANNIKOV, Lev Vasillyevich; TULAYKOV, -Infi=~yik6'layevich; Mikhail Ivanovich; SOLODKOV, V.A., red.; KRYUCHKOVA, V.N., tekhn. red. [Problems in elementar y mathematics] Zadachi po elementarnoi matematike~* Izd.2.., stereotipnoe. Voskva, Gos. izd-vo fiziko-matem. lit-ry, 1962. 463 p. (KMA 3-5:3) (Math9matics-Problems, exercises, ate.) LIDSKIY, V.B.. (Moskva), NEYGAUZ, M.G. (Moskva)- -- ---- -- -- - - - -- - - Use of the selection method in the case of a self-adjoint system of second order. Zhur. vych. mat. i mat. fiz. 2 no.1:161-165 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Differential equations) (Boundary value problems) LIDSK171. V.B. "The theory of ordinary differential equationBu by J.C.Burk-U2. Reviewed by V.B.Lidskii. Zhur.vych.mat.i mat.fiz. 2 no..4:728 ji-Ag 162. (I-MM 15:8) (Differential equations) (Burkill., J.C.) LIDSKIY, V.B. Smumability of series over the principal vectors of non-self-adjoint operators. Trudy Mosk. mat. ob-va 31: 3-35 '62* (MIRA 15:10) (Series) (Operators (Mathematics)) .,.,V,*tpi~_Boriso-VIQbuQ ANNIKOV, LIDSKIY Lev Vasillyevich; TUITYKOV, Anatoliy Nikolayeviml-SHAM1111, Mikhail Ivan-ovich; BAYEVA, A.P., red.; KRYIYCHKOVA, VA.- takhn. red. [Problems in elementary mathematics) Zada'chi po elementarnoi matematike. Izd.3., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Fizmatgiz, 1963. 415 P. (MIRA 17:2) .-I ~gi c a st.~~Ctul`e A a nT nn S 1"ia Dok lady v , 16 1 4 i 96 7(1~ 47r F iuriu iA(-jS: topological space, ordinary differential equation AYSTRV7: A real linear system of 2k differential equations is considered: Q M "' 2 W Is (1) Q (')I Y - 0, (1) i non-degenerate skew - symivi-. *ric matrix, Q' (t) = -Q(" 1 an;" Vt) ~S S, e t) S (t I ~h i,--h -te Pen(*, ~,e r V -'n !'a_ -IT- S f f- f Z 5 W _714-je marr-Ices -o"the- f -all Card- d_- 7=+ L 52356-65 .ACCESSION' NR: APS010821 istructur'e. o, t r f the regions of-stabili of (1) is studied'and it Is proved that fo .Y 'k> 1 there exists 'only a finite number of classes of topologically equivalent ,strongly stable systems. "The authors express their acknowledgement to F.-A- 9erezin for his attention to this work." Orig. art. has: 20 f3rmulas. ASSOCIATIM Ho;kovsk'iy":fiz-.Ik'o-t~khnl-ch~eok-ly Instit't (Yoscow '.1hysicotechnIcal SUP"11TTED: 02Nov64 1 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: HA :NO REF SOV,. 005 OMERt -001 Card 2/2 7~y 7- AU; NRt AF(joo~W-( WURGIS rjuass UK1vZvv1OO1WO1WJL1W.~41UUov AUTHORz Lidskiyp Y.B. Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: Theory.oPperturbitions of non-self-adjoint operators ticheAoy fisiki., vo 61 no4 11 1--OURIE: Zhurnal vychisliteltnoy matematiki i matema 1966., '52-60 TOPIG TAGS% unitaM. s,pacq,. linear operatort eigeI,nvalue ABSTRACT: idea.,t1hat the secular equation i::-~,Det (XEY:- C (8)) can be the form U, y, the sub6titution.- b- 71" 11"n the operator A hadJordan cells of order the author Otains a simple proof of UDG 518t517.91/-2-4-~J, A C C N RVC50-50-0 T 7 the theorem concerning expansion into series of powers of for the eigenvalue A+ 8B where j\ (E) it; close to j-\ 0 0 ~he eigenvalue. of A correspoWing to the radical subs ace 3 .where A and D are two linear operatois in un-itaryN-diron- P 110. sional space si- He also itTrItea explicit secular equations for first approximations tothe eigenvalues and a.system for determining 0 approximatioas to the eigenvalues ofthe perturbed operator* Orig. art. has:-.32 formulas. SUB CODE% 12/ SU Bill DAM. OgApr65/ ORIG REN 00$ Card 2 /2 AC(; NR: ',?6034791 SOURUE CODE: Uj1/0039/6C7)o-71/Cb 1AUTHORS: Lidskiy, V. B. (Moscow); Prolov, P. A. (moscow) !OiG. none TITLE: The structure of stability domains for aself-conjugate system of differential equations with periodic coefficients SOU'RCE: 1-latematicheskiy abornik, v- 71, no. 1, 1966, 48-64 TOPIC TAGS: differential equation, system analysis, topology, linear system, operations research ABSTRUCI.: The topological structure of stability domains of linear systems is developed. The linear systems considered are those in the form Y - (S (1) =0, 2 where q(t) is a nondegenerate oblique Hermits matrix: Q*(t) Q(t), S(t), a Hermite matrix: S*(t) = S(t), Y is an unknowli colunin vector of order n, and differentiation is indicated by the asterisk. The stability of this systen. is analyzed for both real and com-alex cases. It is noted that in the case of Hamiltonian systems the corresponding proulem was solved by I. M. Gellfand and V. B. Lidskiy (0 struk~!~e oblastey ustoychivosti lineynykh kanonicheakikh system differentBiallnykh uravneniy s periodicheskimi koeffatsiyentami, Uspekhi matem. nauk,,Xp vyp. 1 (63 ) (1955), 3-40), Card UDC:. 511.942.4 ACC NR: AP6034791 and complex systems having a constant 0. matrix are dealt with by V. A. Yakubovich (Stroyeniye funktsionallnogo prostranstva kompleksrVkh kanonicheskikh uravneniy s periodicheskimi koeffitsiyentamij DAN SSSR$ 139, No. 1, 1961, 54--57)- In both cases an infinite number of domains of stability was found to exist. It is shown in the current article that highly stable systems with matrices Q(t), dependent on t, are diotributed over a finite number of conjugating components (domains of stability) in. both the real and comrlex cases. The authors demonstrate that, for the system to be highly stable, it is necessary and sufficient that in each proper subspace SP of the monodrome matrix Y(Cu) the Hermite form (If) f) be definite, where Yo (w) 1y (W) 1. It is also shown that in deforming the matrix of coefficients in this system, the loss of high stabili;~ occurs only with coincidence of multipliers of different order at the unit periphery of the domain. Algebraic formulations for computing the number of d-imains of stability and other characteristics are.given. Orig. art. hasi 20 equations and 5 figures. SUB CODE-g 12/ SWA DATEt 28W&y65/ ORIG REP; 007/ OTH REFt 005 2/2 Card LIDSKIY, Yu, (Lidslkyi, Iu.] Tortoise islands. Znan. ta, pratsia no. 10:12 0 160. WIRA 14:4) L (Galapagos Islande-,-Zoology) 0 -LIDSKIY, Yu. (ldclatkyl, IUJ Wonderful otone. Znan. ta pratsia no, 1:20-21 Ja l6i. (mm 14;4) (LOJxdngrad Pra7ince-Amber) /6,16 00 (lo 3 26220 B/103/61/022/009/001/014 D206/D304 AUTHORS: Krasovskiy, N.N., and Lidskiy, Z.A. (Sverdlovsk) TITLE: Analytical design of controllers in systems with random properties PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanikap v. 229 no. 91 1961p 1145 - 1150 TEXT: This is a short analytical analysis of a control system un- dergoing random changes and subjected to random interference, whose bloc diagram is Mufto-n in Fig. 1. In it z(t) is the controlled -vectorial quantityt z -M - th required magnitude of this quan- 0 tity, x(t) = Z(t) - Z 0(t) - error vector g(t) - activating force (~ +'~) - excitation of the regulator, T(t) - interference,')t(t) factor determining the random changes in the controlled load A. The quantity _t; is assumed to be known. If between the components xi of error vector x(t), there exists components not equal to zero Card 1/6 Analytical design of ... B/103,/61/022/009/001/014 D206/D304 the stage B produces an additional stabilizing force ),: which go- verns the transiento The aim of the present article is the analyti- cal determination of quantity V,. The law of control of t(X, n) will be determined from the conditions for the minimum of integral evaluation of quality. It is assumed that the equations of the ran- dom process in the system written in the coordinates x i of the error vector x(t), have the form dx i - + Tip 5(X,, 0.0 x + dt - Ti1xl` "t xnP 71(t)9 91 n 1.2) Function cpi is assumed to be known and continuous. The function 01(t) is a random function determining the behavior Of stage A at various instant of time t. P[L/Q1 is assumed to be the probability of occurrence of L.under the condition Q and M[l/q] the mathemati- cal expectation of a random quantity 1 under the condition Q. De- noting by O(e) a quantity of a higher small order than quantity E. and by O(E) - a small quantity of the same S order, the random Card 2/6 0 26120 Analyti6al design of ... D206/D304 changes of Y~(t) are described by functions i(a) and q(al Fu~c- tions q(a) and q(a, P) satisfy q(a, - co) 0, q(af co) q(a). If q(t) can assume.only one of the values of (ai ... ak) then t7d' describe the process it is enough to know the transfer matrix //pi where P IT, (t + aj/-q (t) -ell = PjjAf + 0 (At), in FOX I (at) pil, q (cit. pil -elm a. < U-+1 -------------- if the function q(ap has the probability density q(ar p (oc, 7)dv, then IPA At p(~,v)dv+o(At). Card 3/6 Analytical design of 26220 3/103/61/022/009/OOl/Of4 D206/D304 It is further assumed that it is possible to peasure 71(t) and that it is applied to a tage B without distortion and delay. Interfbren- ce I at the input is assumed to be in the form of random pulses re- sulting in step changes of the output A x ~z& v~, where v. a ran- ji dom quan-tityp pi a.known function. The mean value of v is assu, i 1 1-1 1 med*to be zero, the dispersion M (v2j d2 0 and the correlation coefficients k (M (Viv k a a, are assumed to be known and il ij i j only the limiting case of the interference ---A co 0 Cri ---> 0 at 2 ai const is considered. if'therefore a certain function ~[xl A x1it 7tv ~] is given which determines th e criteria fo~ the' tran- 26220 -S/103/61/022/009/001/014'. Analytical design of ... D206/D304 where W W[xl(t)q soop xn(t)v jj(t)j ~(x(t)p.,q(t))] the problejh is to find-the function"S.= 50(xlp ee. xnpq) so that the solutions x(t) of sjst*em (1.2) and(I.1) satisfy the following conditions4 a) The iven movement x = 0 has a probability stability; b).Thd errors Tx io) possible in the systemo should reault in a process# assymptotically stable in its probability correspondingly x = 0; (3-1) for,a given control ~ =*,'-O(xt should.* c) The integral Eq. have a minimum when compared with its values determined by another In the 2nd part-ot the article an 'appr6ximate method of optiml- zing the function v is giveng in the third part the problem of the minimum r.m.e. error-is solved for linear systems. The authors ack- nowledge the help of A.M. Letov. There are 1'figurep and 32 refer- ences: 28 Soviet-bloc and-4 non-Soviet-bloc. (Abbtractorts.note:. 3 of the Russian-language references are translations from English The 4 references to the English-language publications read as fol, lows tellman R. Glicksberg, J. Gross 0., Some Aspects of the Xa-' R thematical Theory of Controll Processesp ProjectRand 1958; Tell- Card 5/6 -26270 S/103/61/022/009/001/014 of ... D206/11304 mant Glicksberg J., 0, Gross. On the 'Bang-Bang' control Problem... Applied Mathematics vo. 14p no. 1. April 1956; R."E; Kolmant and J.Z. Bertramt Control Systems Analysis and Design via ..the 'Second Method' of Lyapunovp Paper Amer. Soo. Mech. Eng. No. Nac - 29 1959; J.- LaSallev Time Optimal Control Systems. Proc, of,. the National Acad. of Sciences. vol. 45, no. 4', 1959. SUBMITTED: March 18p 1961 Fit. 8 10 ~A ZN-12 Z(tj q0 W44V x(V 1(t) C Z10 90) Card 6/6 I Lmm, W. "THE Meadows of the Masovian LowLmds in Respect to Phytohociology and Agricultural EconorW.ff p. 1912 (ROCZMI IIAUK ROLNICZYCH. SERIA A-ROSIMRIA, Vol. 66, no.2. 19532 Warsaw2 Poland). I I SO: Monthly List of East European Xecession.. Lib of Gongress., Vol 2, no 19 Oct. 1953,, Uncl. LIDTHE) WIodzimierz Grass seed mixtures for lea grasslands in the Ught of experiences and practige in southeastern Canada (Quebec ProVince). Postep;~ natik roln 9 no.1:221-134 A-F 162. 1. Katedre. Upravy Lak i Pastwisk, Wyzsza Szkola Rolniczap Wroclaw. k , - LIEUCHOWSKI, Leonard, rigr inz. ; i-AETYKA, tMarian, i.'Igr inz. Soute remarks on mechanization indexes in collieric3. liarllrjm orl-, W g . 16 no.2:57-59 F t65. ZHURAVM, -V.M.; LIDUMS A.K* Bolt2eva fastener for the lining of a ball mill. TSement,30 no,ltl9-20 JaF 164, (MIRA 17&8) 1. Rizhok:Ly toementW zavod. LIDUMS L, Methods of determining differential land rent on collective farms of the Latvian S.S.R. Izv. AN latv. SSR Ro.10:45-54 1( 52., (MIR& 16%1) 1. Institut akonomiki AN Latviyokoy SSR. Latvia-Rent(Economic theory)) atvia-Collective farms-Accounting) R EAPIAIMKAYA, Yuliya Moisayevna; JjIDVAjJ5Kjj__ AnajR)',jZ 14ikhaylovich, MANUSHIN, Nikolay Fedorovich; VOSKOBOYNIX, D.I., doktor te~ aauk, red.; MANOIE. M.G., red.; HURASHOVA, N.Ya., [Brief German-Ruasian dictionary of nuclear physics and technology] Kratkii nemetako-russkii slovarl po iadernoi fizike i iadernoi tekhnike. Hoskva, Gos.izd-vo takhaiko-teoret. lit-ry. 1958. 303 p. (Aiclear pby 9 ice -Diet ions ries) (MIRA 11:3) (Germaa language--Dictionaries--RuBsian) LIDWIN, A. LIDWIN, A. Scientific and-technical conference on network construction. p. 330. Vol. 9, No. 6, Nov./Dec. 1955 ENERGErYKA TECHNOLOGY Warszawa, Poland So; East -6uropeon Accession, 'f01. 5, No. 5p May 1956 LIDWINj Antonio mgr inz. Protection systems and safety relays of electric power networks in France. Pt.2. Energetyka Fol 17 nc..12:368- 372 D163. Pat, IJ fL _Vr- cylindler. 4CC ZZ"M N-4 AT"011151's S/2531/63/000/146/0053/0064 AUTHOR: Makhotkin, L. G. TITLE: Approximato estimate of thunderstorm distance from amplitudes of at- mospherics SOURCE: Leningrad. Glavn. geotiz. observatoriya. Trudy*, no.*146, 1963. Atr-osfernoye elektrichestvo, 58-64 TOPIC TAGS: atmospheric radio noise, atmospherics, thunderstorm, lightning flash recorder, lightning, meteorology ABSTRACT: It is demonstrated on the basis of experimental and theoretical data that the logarithm of distance to nearby thunderstorms can be estimated approxima-- tely. The scale for estimation of distance approximately corresponds to a geo- metric progression vith the denominator 2. The work of lWanitov and Horner in this field is discussed. The possibility of,;such an estimate from a aifigle station using a set of very simple instruments (lightning' recorders) is confirmed by -the authors by computations. When several thunderstorms are situated along a single azimuth from the station it is only possible to determine distance to the nearer center of activity. Stations vhere lightning recorders are used: should--- always have several identical instruments with different triggering thresholds. Card 1/2 ACCESSION KR: AT4011518 Data recorded by several instruments greatly enhance the value of observations. Orig. art. has: 11 formulas, 1 figure, and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: GLAVNAYA GEOFIZICEESKAYA OBSERVATORM, 12NINGILAD (Main Geophysical Observatory) SUBMITTED. 00 DATE ACQ: 20Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AS i0' iau- S' &M~: 004L OV: 007 Card M LINK., A. Urgent problems in the safeguarding of labor. p. 1. ELEEKTROENERCIIIA Sofiya, Vol. 6, no. 5, IM Y 1955. Y a SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, LC, Vol. 1;, no. 10, Oct. 1955, Uncl. LIDZHI, L. LIDZHI, L. Comment on S. Serafimov and T. Likanov'r, Rukovod-stvo za uDr,,,7h nii no khimi(-hna tekhnoloi--lia na tekstini'e materiali M-ndbook on exercises in chemical technolor-y of textile material5); a textbook review. p. 1-,8. Vol. 5. No. 5. 1956. LZD. YRO14I,5-T-,6NOST. TECHNOLOGY Sofiia, Bulgaria 'So: &ast European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 3, Yarch 1957 BULOUIA/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application. Ceramics. Glass. Binders. Concrete. H-13 Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Minlya, No 5, 1958, 15352. Author : Dalev D.; Lidzhi &u Bayev K., Danchev D. Inst : Bulgarian Aca of Sciences. Title ; Use of Sodium Alginate to Ameliorate the Technology of Concrete Mixes Orig Pub: Dokl. Bolg. AN, 1957, 10, No 2, 117-119 Abstract: Na-alginate improves the structure of concrete, increases its plasticity and density, promotes e-Whanced IsLoernmbi- lity to water, resistance to frost and chemical stability. Na-alginate added in an amount of 0-01-0-05% of the weight of cement, increases compression strength at the age of 28 days up to 8%. Concrete with added Na alFd-te does not undergo stratification on jarring. Card 1/1 LIDZHI, M.;4BRINN%, AGRICULTURE Periodical KOOPERATIVNO ZEMEDELIS. No. 10, Oct. 1958. LIDOI, M.; T86KOV, A. The place of stockbreeding in a fuller and proportional use of the workers and the increase of the income of the-cooperators. P. 7. Monthly List of East European Accessions (SHAI) W Vol. 8,no, 3, March, 1959. Uncl. LIDZIII, Marko, starshi nauchen sutrudnik Fifth Scientific Conference of the Research Institutes , of Agricultural Economy in Socialist Countries. Selskostop nauka 3 no. 1:84-86 164. 0. HUNGARY / Chemical Technology. Chemical Pvoducts and Their J-11 Application. Fats and oils. Waxes. Soap, Detergents. Flotation reagents Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1_958~ 6075 Author t Liebe Otto Inst : Not given Title : Use of Alkyl Sulfonates in the Fat Industry and Chemistry of Household Products Orig Pub ; Olaj, szappan, kozmetika, 1955, September-October, 6-7 Abstract Laboratory investigations have demonstrated that the use of alkyl sulfonates, in -lieu of FAG catalyst formerly utilized in the Hungarian industry, in the cleavage of beef fat according to Twitchell, makes it possible to at- tain the same extent of cleavage twice as fast. Card 1A S/262/62/000/020/009/009 E194/E135 AUTHORS: Meurer, Siegfried, and .TITlEs High speed diesel enginp PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Silovyye ustanovki, no.20, 1962, 48-49, abstract 42.20.294.P. (Ehst German pat., cl.46a2 86, no.21998, September 25, 1961) TEXT: The diesel engine which is patented has a pre- -combustion chamber in the cylinder head. The chamber is in the shape of a sphere or other solid of rotation and it is connected to the space above the,piston by several.ducts which, at the point where they enter,the chamberl are nearly-,tangential to its inner surface. The nozzle fitted-in the chamber directs a jet of fuel along-the chamber walls where it is completely volatilised by air, which also passes along the walls. The fuel air mixture which~ ignites in the chamber is ejected into thespace above the piston along with fuel vapours. It is considered that,combustion takes place without preliminary dissociation, of.,the molecules and the engine i~uns very smoothly. Card 1/1 LAOstractor's notes Complete translation LIF.BENBERG,,qqp,-. prof. dr Aims and tasks of the newlv organized German Association of Agricultural Sciences. Postepy nauk roln 9 no.2:185-186 Mr-Ap 162. 1. Dyrektor Instytutu Hodowli i Mleozarstwa, Uniweraytet im. Karola Ma~xa, Lipsk; przewodniczacy Niemieckiego Towarzystwa Nauk Rolniczych, Niemiecka Republika Demokratyczna. LIEEENOW, W.; Stahmarm, G. Schonhagen. p. 18. (ARIPILE PATRIEI. Vol. 31 no- 7, July 1957, Bucuresti, Rumania) ,50; Monthly List of East -uropean Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6,, No. 12, Dec. 10,57. Uncl. LIEBENOW. W. The first glider contest in the German Democratic Republic. P. 594 (Kridla, Vlastii No. 19, Sept. 1957, Prhaa, Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of Fast European Accessions (EEAI) LC. V01. 7, no. 2, February 1958 LIEBHART, Stanialaw; KRYSTOBIK9 Jarzy Doaulfin therapy of Infla-tory dissaaeB in gynocelog7 and ob5tetries. Polaki tyged. lek. 16 no.6:214-217 6 F 161. 1. Z I Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kabiecych Wydzialu Lokarskiego A.M. W Lublinie; kisrowniks prof, dr nod. Stanialaw Liebbart. (SULFONANDES ther) (GYNECOLOGY ther) HUNGARY PAIRrIFA, A., JUFASZ, Ma~,d_~Iene, L IF University of Veterinary Sci- ences, Department of Epizootloloey chairman: ','ESZA?OS, J.) (Allatorvostudo- manyi Egyatem, Jarvanytani Taanszek), Budapest, and Friedrich Loeffler in- stitute of thle Cerman Academy of Agricultural Sciences (DAL __ Deutsche Akademie der Landwirtschaftswissenschaften) (president; ROHRER, H.) Insel Riems bei Greifswald [original language version not given]. 11 isolation of a Bovine Hernesvirus from Calves With Respiratory Disease and Keratoconjunctivit~is. Prel-imInary Report. 11 Budapest, Acta Veterinaria kcademiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, Vol XVI, No 3, 1966. pages 357-358. Abstract: [English amicle] Two to four weeks after recovery from epidemic pneumoenteritis, . involving 1-4 month -old calves and caused by type 4 bovine adenovirus, about half of the surviving animals developed severe kerato- conjunctivitis followed by ulceration and total loss of sight. Out of 5 samples taken from the discharge, one virus strain was isolated other than the type 4 adenovirus: bovine herpesvirus. The isolation and properties of the latter are described briefly. Attempts to produce keratoconjunctivitis in calves with the isolated virus were unsuccessful. This, however, does not exclude their possible pathogenic role under different conditions. Atten- tion is called to the need of examining the incidence and possible etiological role of undescribed herpesviruses in the numerous respiratory and ophthal- mological affections of calves encountered recently. No references. [Manu- LIXBERWM, Lwy One-sided dominance-, -problem of benry dness. Qyer=ekgy*ff&vz&t 5 no.6:161-169 June 34. 1, A Budapeiti. Oryostudomanyi Igyatem I. ssamn Oy9r=kkIInIftj&n&k koulamenye. (Igazgato: dr. Gegesi Kies Pal egyateml tans ) (HAEMNESS.) P.-LUMMM Lucy Cases of educational guidance. Gyermekg7og7aszat 7 no.4: 104-107 Apr 56. 1. A Budapsett Oivostdud. 11gyetem I. as. Gyarmakklin. (Igas. -Dr. Go si-Xiss, Pal) kozl. rCHITLD PSYCHOWtrY psycbotber.,, problems of guidance & councelling in unusual cases. (Run)) (MIRMAL HYGI M child guidance & councelling, problems in unusual cases@ (Hun)) LIEBERMAYN,Iucy P. Phediatrio concepts in child psychology. Acts. mod. hun. 15 no.l: 257-263 960. 1. ist Department of Puediatrioe,Univeroity Medical School,Budapost. (CHILD PSYCHOWGY) MMOS, Zoltan, dr.; LIEBERMANN, Lucy Ch personality changes after tuberculous meningitis, G7ermekg7*ffavz&t 12 no.121353-356 D 161. 1. A Budapesti Or7ostudomanyi 1gyetem lisz. Gyarmekklinikajanak kozle- man". Igasgato: Gegesi Kies Pal dr., 4kademikus, egyatemi tanar. (TUBERCULOSIS MENINGEAL psychol) 17- F. LIMELM, Lucy An accouat of;my study trip to the Soviet Union. Magy, pszichol sz--mle 19 no.3047-351 161., 1,44agyar ologiai Szemle".szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja. KISS, P. Gegesi; LIEBERMANIT..-IAMY- Personality disorders accanpanied by vegetative (somtic) symptoms in childhood. Icta paediat. acad. sci. bung. 3 no.2:99-11+9 162. 1. First Department of Paediatrics (Director., Prof. P. Gegesi Kiss), University Medical School, Budapest. (CHILD PSYCHOLOGY) (PERSONALITY) I RM, Palj, akademikus; Pj, LIEBERMANN, Lucy Diseases of the organs developed on the psychic affect of the envirowent and their treatment in childhood. Biol cry koal XTA 3.3"noo3s253-296 662. 1, Budapesti Orvostudomanyi. Egyetem 1. as. GyermskkliAkaja& 2. "Magyar Ooztalyanak Kozlemenyel'N szerkeazto bizottsagi. tagja (for Gessi Kips). U (Budapest, VIIIIS, Bokay Janos u.53) P. LIEBEWANN, Tmr Sphere of activity of the Subcommittee on Methodology. Nagy pezichol ozemle 17 no,2:152-154 160o 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia PazichologW Bizottsaga Modozertani Albizottsaga e3noks; %gyar Pszichologiai Szemlen mizerkeszto bizottoagi tagjao P.LIEBERKAN.-N Lucy Tafko of the Subcommittee of Methodology. Magy pszichol szemle 17,no*3:290-292 160. le Magyar Tudoma~yos Akademia Pezichologiai Bizottsaga Modozertani Albizottsaga elnoke; *Magyar Pezichologiai Szemls" azerkeazto -iizottsagi, tagja. V An account of the International Congress of Psychotherapy held in Viennas August 20-271, 1961. Magy pezicho2 szem2e 19 no.2:20:1-207 !62. 1. Budapesti orvostudomanyi Egyq%em I. sz. Gyemekklinikaja; ",Magyar Faziohologiai Szemle" azerkeazto bizottsagi tagja. GEGESI KISS, Pal, dr., akademikus; RETI, Laszlo, dr.; HARSANYI, Istvan, dr.; LjMRWN.,,-_L4qyj,; GARAI) Laszlo; PERCZEL, Jozsef, dr.; KARDOS, Lajos, dr..- MOLNAR, Imrs, dr.; HORVATH, La3zlo Gabor, dr.; LENARD, Ferenc, dr.; SALAMON, Jeno, dr. Hungarian achievements in the field of psychology in 1961; also, remarks by Laszlo Reti, Istvan Harsanyi, Lucy Liebermann, Laszlo Garai, Jossef Perczel, Lajos Kardos, Imre.Molnar, Laszlo Gabor Hwvath, Ferenc Lenard and Jeno Salamon. -.YAU pszichol szemle IT, no.3:274-314 '62. li Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Pszichologiai Bizottsaga elnoke, es"Magyar Pszichologiai Szemlet' foszerkesztoje (for Gegesi Kiss). 2. PYAgyar Pazichologiai Ssem2aff aserkessto bizotteagi tajga (for Liebermann, Kardos, Molnar, Lenard). 3, "Magyar Fazichologiai Szemle" technikai szerkesztoje (for Lenard). GEGESI KISS Pal dr - )~~I.EBERM.ANNLuoy Personality disorders accompanied by vegetative (somatic) symptoms in ohildhood. Magy pezichol szemle 19 no.2:3.29-149 .162. 1. Bu4a~esti Orv6stu46manyi ~gyetem I. sz. Gyemekkl4nikaja. 2. Magyar Tudomanyos.A.kademia Pezichologiai Bizottsaganak elnoke; ."Magyar Pozichologiai Szemle" foozerkeaztoje (for Gegesi Kies). 3. "Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle" szerkeszto bizotteagi tagja tfor P. Liebermann). KISS, E,__Geg"i; LIEBERRAIRT, Lucy Interpretation of some personalit.- disorders in childhood. Acta pediat.4 no.1;1-22 163. 1, First Department of Paediatries (Director, Prof. P. Gegesi Kiss), University Medical School, Budapest. (CHILD BEHAVIOR DISORDE~S) (PSYCHOSPMLTIC MEDICINE) (GIARDIiSIS)- (STOMACH ULCER) (DYSPEPSIA) (ASTHMA) (EFILEFSY) (BUGEPRALITIS). (ACROMEGALY) (SOCIOPATHIC PEF40NALITY) KISS, P.Gegesi; LIEEERMAIIN Lu Ch the influence of pre-trial, investigative and forensic procedures on the personality of child and adolescent criminals. Acts, paediat. acad. .9cie Hung, 4 no.3:249-271 t63. 1. I.Kinderklinik (Direktor: Prof. Dr.P.Gegesi Kiss) der Medizinischen Universitat, Ikidapest. ~IGARY ;T GN GEGW~51 KISS, Pal, and P. LLOBS-MON-Lacy, of the Childrengs Clinic *10 1 ~.r 19 szamu Gyamekklinika) of the Budapest Medical University (ELaap~~;sti Orvostudomanyi Rgyetem). '!Difficulties in the Evaluation of Certain Childhood Personality Dis- turbancos" Budapest, A MTA Biologiai es Orvosi Tudomanyok Osztalyanak Kozllmenvei, Vol 14, No 1, 1963; PP 15- 39- Abstract: In evaluating children's personality disturbances, a so-called "total diagnosis" is imperative. This includes the evaluation of vegeta- tive, psychological and environmental picture. Authors present 6 case histories of children ranging from six to 16 years of age. In each case there is a description of the complaJnt, symptomology, medical history, psych�logical findings (biological factors, intellect, emo- tional state, environmental state), diagnosis 'and therapeutic resultz, if any, The general conclusion is that it is not possible in every case to carry out in practice a therapy indicated by theoretical considerations. HWIGARY GEEGSS1 KISSI Pal, ~LD., Professor, Academician, and P. j.12BEEjMAL1N, rL,=_Yj1 of the First Pediatric Clinic at the Medical University (Orvostudcaanyi Egyetem I. sz. GyermekklirLikaja) in Budapest (Di- rector: GEGESI KISS, Pal). "General Behavioral Disorders Daring the Infantile Age" Budapest, Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle Vol 20, No 1, 1963, PP. 1-46. Abstract: Eighteen ewes of behavioral disorder in children were do- scribed in detail.and an analysis of the clinical findings was pre- sented. The effects of familiy environment, schools, and other in- fluencing factors were discussed. Finally, medical and psychologi- cal methods for correcting the disorders encountered were reviewed. No references. A ME" GEGESI Kiss., Pal., dr.. egyetemi tAmm.. akademikup; F-Lmmums. Lucy- Significance of school injuries in the disorders of personality in childhood and adolescence. Magy pszichol szemle 21 no.l: 1-40 164. 1. No. I Childrerr's Clinic, Budapest Medical University. 2. Director, No. 1 Children's Clinic, Budapest Medical Univer- bity; Editor-in-Cbief, "14agyar Pszichologiai Szemle" (for Gegesi Kiss), GEGESI KISS, Pal, dr., akademikus; HQhAIIYIj Bola, dr.; IMR~IiAj Lajos, dr.; HCRVATH, Laszlo,,Gabor, dr.; F. LBIEWW44 Lucy; BaiCZU, Jozaef, dr,; LEI&M., Ferenc., dr.; GSRSZKA, Janos., dr.; SEVMIIII, ---rzsebet, dr.i KARDOS, Lajos, dr. The 1962 work of the Committee on Psychology., Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 1-bgy pszichol szemle 20 no-3:337-386 163. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Fszichologiai Bizottsaga elnoke "Magyar Pozichologiai Szemlell foozerkeaztoje (for Gegeoi Kiasi- 2. "Magyar Fszichologiai Szemle" szerkeazto bizottsagi tagja (for Horanyi,, Bartha, Horvath, P.Liebermann, Lenard and Kardos). KISS 7 1'. (;!~' ~-. 1 1 ;' , r 1.11 -.~ 4 IA' -'! Y . . 30"na t.11 C ! O.vlyl It c ) al 1 2env fol ~,'i p --rorsmr., I i ty d --- , r-d,_~ -- ' ~. childhood. Acta pa~-diat. a--ad. sci. I'lun.g. ", no-2:1331-159 I "i'. 1. First Department or Paedlatrics (Director: Profensor P. Gego_* Kiss), University 1'.1edical School, rlidapest. GEGRST "'IS P.; LIMIMMANN, Lncy P. Significance of harmful influences of the s:~hool in persmality disorders in childhood and adolescence. Ac-ta paediat. Acad. sci. Ihmg. 5 no.3-- 245-302 2614 1. 1 Kinderk.11-nik der Medizinis3hen Uni'vers-1tat aidapest. 7 5.- t rc t7 d1sturlkinne ol thfi normial 1%-, 3 -1 v 3 In Z!i, -'- ldl.~Ood and i 164. -xi - ---- ---- - ---- -- - -- wwwi6p uIven Names Countr7: Cnot given-7 Academic Degrees: Cnot given2 Affiliation s Cnot given_7 Sourcel Budapest, Magyar Pszicholoogiai Szemle, Vol 18, No 3, 1961, pp 347-35 Datal "Report of a GtUdy ToUf &A ShO SOViAit Unions" C;fibususpl at G-M414. I psychology and Psychiatry Visited.2 GPO 981643 KISS, P. Gegesi; L*EM4ANN, Lucy General disorders of attitude in cfiiidhood, Acta pediat. acad. oci. Ipmg. 3 no-4t297-347 162. First Department of FaediAtTico-(Director, Professor P. Gegesi Kiss), University *odical School.. Budapest. (CHILD BEIUVIOR DISORDERS) GXGF.Sj Kiss, pal, dr., egyatemi tanar, akademikuB; ~~JQHAML LUCY "MWMWAV General behavioral abnormaltities in childhood, Magy pazichol szemle 20 no*1:1-46 f63. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Kgyetem 1. szo, Gyorzwkklinika igazgatoja; "Magyar Pozichologiai Szemle" foozerkesztoje (for Gegesi Kiss)a, 2. Budapepti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Ie sz. Gymekklinika; *Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for P. Liebormann). I M? ,rX,qj KISS, Pal., akademikuaj- P. LMMRMAM, L~iey Difficulties in dia"ing oertain disorders of personality in alli4hood. Biol orv koal MA 14 no*1:15-39. 163m. 1, Budirpesti Orvoatudemam~i-Fgyetew-I. as-w GYermffkk1i-ui~mja& 2., OA 1~&r Tudomanyos Akademia Biologiai es Orvosi Tudomanyok Osztalyanak Kozlemanyeilt szerkeszto bizotteagi tagja (for Gegesi Kiss)# KAPAS, Janos, dre; LIXBERMAM, Todor, dr. az orvostudomWok candidatusa Case of carcinosarcoma bypopbary=. KW. oebesset 7 no.6: 472-474 Dee 54. 1. Budapest Povaros BaJesy-Zoilinszky Kozkorhaza gageoestal7anak (roorvom: Liebermann Todor dr.Yes ProsecturaJauak (Foorvos: Jankovich Lazlo dr.) kozlemanye: (PHARYNX,-neoplasma carainosarcoma of bypophary=) (CARCINOSARCOMA bVpopharynx) LIN A I'm Unusual findings in thrombosis of cerebral sinuses. Ful orr gepegyogy 4 no.2:74-76 June 58. 1. A Fovarosi. Bajcsy-Zsilinsz1-4 I-orhaz Ful-orr gegeosztalyanak (Foorvos: Liebermann Todor dr.) kozlemenye. (SWUS THROMBOSIS, case reports unusual case (Hun)) LIBB"I-MM, Todor, Dr. "~~~orMtToZ'of nnsal apex. Pal orr gegegyogy 4 no.2:95-96 June 58. 1, A Fovarosi Bajcsy-ZsilinszIq korhaz Ful-orr-gege oaztalyanak Foorvos: liebermann Todor dr.) kozlemenve. (MS3, surg. plastic, for correction of nasal apex, case report (Hun)) LIIBM~M, Todor; BAGI, Tame Epipharyngeal plasmocytoma. Pal orr gegegyogy 4 no.3:124-3.29 Sept 58. 1. A Bajosy-Zsilinszky Korhaz Ful-orr-gego-os2talyanak (Foorvos: Li~bermnn Todor dr.) es Prosecturajanak (Foorvos: Jankovich lasz1o dr.) Kozlemenye. (PHARYNX, neoplasms plasm cell uVeloma of naeopharynx (MM)) (XUWML, PIA,9ML CWZ nasopharynx (HuA)) LIEBRIMANN, Todor, dr.; SAGI, Tamae, dr. Tmor of the outer ear obstructing the acoustic canal: otological case of benign cutaneous lymphudenosis. Borgrogy.vener.Bzemle 35 no.6:279-282 D '59. 1. A Bajee~-Zsilins)q korhaz Gege-julosztalyanak (Foorvos: Lieberrann, Todor dr., kendidatus) tie Prosecturajanak (Foorvos: prof. dr. Jankavich laszlo) kozlemerWe. (LYMPHOM case reports) (BAR, 3XT3MIAL neoplasms SIKONYI, Janos, dr.; LIEBERNMpTodor, dr, Utogenic meningitis with isolated thrombosis of the transverse sinus caused by Klebsiella. Orv.hetll. 101 no-39:1395-1396 25 s 16o. lo Budapestl Bajcey Zailinszky Kozkorhas, Gageezeti Oaztaly ea. II. Belooztaly. (SINUS THROMBOSIS case reports) (XLZBSIET-T-A infect.) (KININGITIS case reports) LIEBEMANN) Todor, dr. Experiences with the "past pointing test" by Liebermann. Orv. hetil. 102 no.37-11741-1743 10 S 161. 1. Fovarosi BajcsyZsilinszky Korhaz Ful-Orr-Gegeosztaly. (NEUROLOGY diagnosis) LIELFELD, ALFRED. "Polscy inzynitttowie. Warszawa, Iskry. 1957. 266 p. (Polish engineers) MiDW Not in DLC SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 lanFEU, -,AUred, inz. Book and culture and knowledge in engineering. P3~xegl techn 84 no.1,5: 3 8 34 -Ap 162.. I - - - - - ---- -- - -- - - - - - LIEBFELD, Alfred, inz. Technological unemployment and the 1125-30-60 Now" demand. Przegl techn 85 no.33:6 16 Ag'64. Father of mAss proda:,-"~On of cottf~n arld '4eaPora. techn 85 no.52tg 27 D 1--4o FT8 Rudolf Z, Ijtbtetd J Repart on the Work a4 the Sanitary Engines- rhas "b-Secilien a-Mal"Oring Sden" at the First Ca"gress *I redisb 11411081". .3prawosdanto a prac Podsolig)i Tachniki Banitarnej Beko*jl Nauk Intyelery)no - Hudowlanych Plerwasego Kangreau Naukl Pol,klel". Oat. Woda I Techalks, &Wtuna. No. 5. 1931. pp. 129-133. The situation of "nlt&ry engineering In pre-war PoL2ad. The priictial'MMUcation of sanitary eniiine*rft curled the &IW= of clan distinction and the boursealsie. Post-war revolution. Subjects of work intended to contribute toward, the Implerntutation of the six-year PLan. and how this :work can be Pracdcally appited, The rec"Uty for ckme cowdination of the program of scientific raicarrA with professional tr'jiolng, This coordination can only be carried out by a scientific Lnsdl;ution. my. by the sanitary engineering nuclew% of the Academy of licience. - LIgi3FFJjD. J. (GAZ, WODA I TECHNIKA SANITARNA, Vol. 28, No. 3, mar. 1954, Warszawa, Poland) "Some coefficients applied indesigning town vater-supply systems." p. 79. SO: MONTHLY LIST OF E AST EMPRAN ACUSSIONS, L.C,, Vol. 3, No. 4. APRIL 1954 LIEBFELD, J. ,,History of the water-suPPlY system iri Lublinp " Gaz, li,oda I Tecbnika Senitarnal Warszawa, Vol 28, No 7, July 1954, P. 206. SO: Eastern European Accessions Listo Vol 3, 11o 11, Nov 1954, L.C. LIEBM,n-,--J.- --- ... . .. Water supply in villages. p. 6. (Budownictwo '--Iirj-3kIe, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1956, Warsaw, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Acces.-3ions (EEAI-) LC, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl. LIFOFEM, J. 11 Problems of suDplyinE 'hp nopuLation and industr:r wV.. w,,jtpr !Ind V e canalization of used water in Gooi~)odqrl-~ Lt~M. o.13, WODNIA (Naczelna Ort:ani7acj,7-1 Technicznl) Vol. 16, no. 1, Jan. 1956 So. East 4,uroponn Accessions Ust ~!Ol. 51 'No. 9 September 19116 LIEBFELD, J. LIEBFELD, J. A conference on water supply for agriculture. P. 564. Vol. 16, no. 12, Dec. 1956. GCSFODARKA WODN,%. Wars7awa, Poland. SOURCE: EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS LIST (EEAL) VOL 6 NO 4 APRIL 1957 LIBBFELD; J. LIENELD., J. A discussion. meeting concerning the publiBbing plan of the Sanitary Engineering Section of Budownictwo i Architektura for the year 1956 and the following year. P, 35. GAZA, WODA I TECHNIKA SANIT ARNA. Warszawa,, Poland. Vol. 30., No. 1, Jan. 1956 SOURCE: Fast European Accessions List (ERAT) LC Vol. 5., No. 6,, June 1956 LIEDFELDj Jej RUDOLF, Z. I--------- Eugeniuaz Gorecki., H.S., Eng.; an obituary. p. 112* Activities of the Lodz Branch of the Polish Association of Gas., Water-supply,, and Sanitary Engineers-, p. 3-13. M., WODA I TECHMM SANITARNA Warszawa Vol, 30, no. 3.,- Mar. 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (ERAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5, no. 8, August 1956