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LAKERNIK, M.M.;.~~~ANOVICHP P.A.; SYCHKV, A.P. Processing slags by the electrothermal method. *vet. met. 36 no.7:19-24 Jl t63. (WRA 16:8) (Nonferrous metals-Electrometallurgy) (Slag) LIDOV. V.P.; MIWVIDOVAP N.V.; ORLOVA, VA. X~osion processes of turf-Podzolic soils in the southern Smolensk Province. Pochvovedenie no. 12t79-90 D 165 (MIRA 19t1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Vsesoyuznyy gosu- darstvennyy proyektno-izyskateltakiy institut Soyuzgiproleskhoz. Submitted February 22, 1964. 1-17.[)IjVp VaP,,,, MILUVL)OVAp N,,Vj CRLOIAp T.K.; ROZANITIO 13..7-0 -1 E3tabllshing e-rosim zzinas in izv,, 1,73,13- Geog. ob-,va 97 no.5sU7-1126 S-0 16-14. f,X-,-PA !&I-1) and IA.' 6" '-.,',YA "Plaster Cast in the Treatment of i1ounds in Aear Base Hospitals", Sverdlovsk, 1941. LIDSXIY, A.T. (Infected gunshot fractures (gunshot osteomyslitio)] Infitsi- rovannye ognestrelinp perelomy (ognestrelinyi ostemielit). :Sverdlovsk. Kedgiz, 1946. 98 p. (KM 14:2) (MACTURM) (OSTHOMMITIS) 7 - , -1~1~ -,~!e lk-~~ . 1. .4. ~ ---: --~--~,:. - - _-~ -N. ---~ -'41 LIU5.KlX, A-XvRn'~, TIMO-r-AyeVICU "Scientific Work of the Hospital Surgical Clinic of the Sverdlovsk Medical Institute," Vest. A. Wd. Nauk SSSR, No. 1, 1948. Academy of Medical Sciences. Hospital Surgical Clinic, Sverdlovsk Med. Inst. L,=- -Ae T---. Lids!E~y A~ T. "Surgerg of ulcerous infectionsj" (From material of the MIzdc from 4 j=rudy Gospit., khirurg. kliniki (Sverdle goso made i -t)s Vol. IV., 19482 1933-194TT P. SO: U - 3850v 16 June 53, (Lotopis 'Zhurnal InYM Staten. No. 5., 1949) LIIDSKIY, A. T. Lidskiy, A. T. "Stone forration in the kidneys as a complication in infected fractures d b-, "re-arms T _~ r rd cause ri;G-,- GoZ?it. khirurp. kliniki (5, e 1. p-os. med. Y 11 ~ ./j Vol. IV) 1948, p. 428-37 so- U-3850, 16 -June 53p (LetoT)sis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, 11o. 5, 1949) USSR/Meaicine - Tissue Transplants Avg 51 "Review of T. P. Vinogradovals Book 'Transplants oEr Humand Cartilage, I" A. T. Li&skiy, Corr Mem, Acad Vad Sci "Khirurgiyall No 8, pp 89, 90 Reviews Vinogradovals book%on her work with animals and humens dealing with the possibility of trans- planting cartilage taken from fresh corpses. Biopsy performed 2J-10 yrs after the original operation in cases of autotransplants and 2 wks-3 yrrs after the original operation in cases of homotransplants showed the viability of the grafts. 20IM0 1LTdSR/Xedicjue - Tissue Trmspl8nts. .Aug '53- (Contd) Book also reports on expts by N. M. Mikhelson, begun in 1935 and Ist published in 1943, in which he used cartilage taken 2-3 bra and even 12-18 bra after death of the donor- Biopby in these cases, after intervals of 2-3'wks to 3-5 Yrs, showed , . goo& results.- Book was published by Acad Ned ScIs 1950. 203T70 L4 n USSR/Medicine - Biwrs Jul 51 -"Treatment of Biirns," Prof A. T. Lidakiy, A. Ye. Norenberg, Dr Med Sci Sverdlovsk 01 "Sov Med" Vol XVp No 7, PP 12-15 Q bD 8- In the open, method 'of t:~es-tment, the burn is "04 H 0 heated by means of elec lamps and painted vith M4m04, alcoholic soln of brilliant &Teen plus no- vocain, etc. Treatment vith -tannin plus alc plus other forms a closed f ilm. Burn trauma disturbs metabolism, causing'acidosis . Contrary to foreign publications, tannin does not'produce necrosis of the liver (D. S - Sarkisov) . During World War 11, 2o4T43 USSR/Medicine - Burns (Contd 2) Jul 51 bentonite paste was used extensively. One part of tahnin plus 1.5 parts of streptocide Plus 7.5 parts of bentomite'piub 2-3 parts of bolled vater form a good mixt (occabionally tannin plus strep- tocide are replaced by tannoflavin) - Salves and plaster oft Paris bandages are of limited useful-,; mess and advantage. Filatov"s perforated fibrin films are effective in some types of burns, but there may be seepage so that application of a Sollux lamp is necessary. Tissue therapy, if ap- plied, should not be delayed - - One must not forget that in cases of extensive burns hypopr9teinemin Yu _iu'..-bzhinel-idze) Intraveno may develop 0 injection of diesol-ved 'dry plasma by t.~z, dri P 20~`T43_ E4 LIDSKIY, A. T., Prof* Page 2 of 2 pages USSR/M~dicine Burns (Contd 2) Jul'51 method has been successfully applied in authors' clinic. Secondary and late shock must be pre- vented. AntiseptIc effect of penicillin and grami- cidin in burns has been overestimated: It is bet- ter to rely bn cleaning with soap, ether, etc. The authors use swabbing with 0.25f ammonia 30 min after applying 2% scopolamine in the case'of sinall.burns. qith extensive burns, ane- stehaia by means of ethyl chloride is required. 204T43 7 7- LIDS1IY, A.T. on Controversial problems In the surgery of pulmonary suppurations. Test. khir. Grekova, Laningr. 71 no.5:31-40 1951. (GUG 21:1) 1. Professor. 2. Sverdlovsk. L IDSK IY, A. T. Excision (Surgery) Principles of modified lobectcmy in pulmonary suppurations. A. T. Lidskiy., Khirurglia, no. 1, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, April 1952. Unclassified. T,IDSVII, A. T. ~orabellnik(-,v I.D. "Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia." Reviewed by Prof. A.T. Lidskiy Kilirurtila No. 4, 1952. Monthl List of Russian,Accesgions, Library of Congress, Augrust 1952, Unclassified. IID~YTY, 1. -. .L - . 5869. enderaicheskiy zcb. ~Tatkiy ocherk patogeneza, k-linki, lecheri.,.----, ~rofilaktjki. sverdlovsk. kr.. lzd., 1954 6Cs 20sn.. 3.C00 ekz ir 6Ck E-41--lic-'r,.r. . 57-59. (55- 908)F 616-44-GD--.5 -(C16.3 SO: Knizhnya Letolds', crl. 1, 1955 LIDSXIY, A.T.. professor, zaalushennyy deyatell nailki (Sverdlovsk) "Diagnosis of acute stomach.1 Reviewed by Prof. A.T.Lidskii. Khirurgiia no.5.182-86 Ky 154. (MLEA 7:7) (STOXACH-DISIABIRS) LIDSKIY, A.T.. professor; KAMLIMAKM, YA.A., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk 5plenectomy as a method of therapy of certain blood diseases; immediate and long-term results. Khtrurgiia no-7:21-30 Jl 054. (MLRA 7:10) 1. Iz kafodry gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. zasluzhenW deyatell nauki chlon-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR prof. A.T.Lidekly) Sverdlovskogo meditainakogo instituta. (HEMOPOINTIC SYSTEM, diseases, Burg., splenectomy) LIDSKIY, A.T., professor (Sverdlovsk) -W Sur~ical treatment f thyroid diseases in the Urals. Probl. andokr. i gorm. I no-2:32-38 Mr-Ap 155. (M1RA 9:10) 1. ZasluzhenmV7 edyatell naukl, chlon-korrespondent Akademii meditsinmkikh muk SSSR, prof. A.T.Lidskiy (Sverdlovsk) (GOITER, endemic, surg.) (HrPERWROIDISH, surgnry) %%y) I I- I - KHMROV, V.V., doktor meditsinskikh nauk 'Ind"le goiter.8 A.T.Lidakit. Rerviewed by T.T.1hyorov. Probl. endokr. k gorm. Moskva 1 no-3:123-124 My-Je '55. (OnITIR) (LIDSKII, A.T.) (KLRA 8:10) LIDSKIY, A.T., prof., zaoliizhenrq deiatel'nanki (Sverdlovsk) History of strumectom7. Probl.endok. i gorm. 1 no.6:113-116 H-D '55. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent A1411 SSSR. (TMOID GIAND, surgery, hist.) LIDSM, A.T., prof"'sor (Sverdlovsk) Certain arguments for surgery In the acute stage of cholecystitis. thirurgiia, Moskva ao.5:19-23 My 155. (MBA 8: 9) 1. Zaslushemigy de7atell swild e-blea-korrespondext ANN SSSR (CHDLWfSTIT1S, sarg. Indic.) LIDSKIY, A.T., professor (Sverdlovsk) Bndemic goiter. Soy,xed, 20 no.8:18-25 Ag 156. (KLRA 9:10) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akade'mii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (GOITER. spidemiol. andemic,.control in Russia) jt.ID�KIT A.T., professor (Sverdlovsk) Fortol hypertension as a surgical problem. Xhirargiia. 32 no.6: 3-13 Js '56. (KLU 9:10) (HrmuNsioN, PCRTAL,.surgo. in animals & man) .i.- LIDSKIT, A.T., professor wMalignant growths of the rectum" bp S.A.Zholdin. Reviewed by A.T. Lidakile Khtrurgila 32 no,12:79-81 D .156~ (KIaA 10:2) (RICTUM--UNCIR) (IHOIDN, S.A.) , prof. (Sverdlovsk) Thrombophlabitis. 21 no.10:98-103 0 '57. (HIRA 11:1) (THRON"HuIBITIS clin. aspects, diag. & ther.) LIDSKIT, A.T., professor (Sverdlovsk). Surgery of thoracic organs. Nauka. L zhizn' 24 no.3:14-16 Mr '57. (MLRA 10:5) 1. ZaslushenMy doyatell nauki, chlon-korrespondent Akademli meditsinakikh nauk 888R. (CMMT--SURMW) I LrDSKIY A.T ,,prof., zaaluzhannyy deystell nauki ency surgery for elderly and old people' by P.Y.Eysirov, S.D. Goligorekii. Reviewed by A.T.Lidakit, Xhirurgiia 33 no.11:143-145 N 157. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Chlen-korre8pondent WU1 SSSR (SURGICRY) (AGED-MWICAL GARB) - ~ I , f - I / . LIDSKIY, A.T. - V%-.- - ~ "Anastomoses and collateral circulation passages't by B.A.Dolgo- Seburov, Reviewed by A*T-Lidskil. Arkheanategist, t embre 34 no.5:99-101 S-0 157s (MIRA 11:1) (BLDOD VNSSAW) (DOLGO-SABUROV, B.A.) I.-RIRS-Pill A T. 9 pr ofe (Sverdlovsk$ Bankovskiy per.. d.8, kv.31); SHELOMOVA, zed.nauk; SHULUTKO, M.1., kand.mad.nauk Some problems in lung surgery. Vest.khir- 79 no- 9:110-120 S 157. (MMA 10: 11) 1e Ix gospitalinoy khirurgichaskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A.T.14dakiy) Sverdlovskogo meditsinskogo institute i khirurgichaskogo otdeleuiya Averdlovskago gortubdispanserae (LUIDS, surg. review) LIDSKIY, A.T., prof. (SveAllovsk) The most Important dissates of vessele of the lower extremities. Pelld. i akush. 24 no.7:7-11 Jl 159, (KCRA 12-.10) (SIMNITUS, ZDWZR-DlSZiSXS) LIDSKIY, A.T., prof. .. -:,-, :, OProces&ings of a conference of the Che3yabinsk Medical Institute devoted to the topic., Primar7 sutures combined with the use of antibiotics in ourgez7.* Reviewed 1W A-T, Lidekli. Ahlrargila 35 no.1:140-143 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:2) (SUTURES) (ANTIBIOTIGS) LIDSKIY, A.T., prof., zaaluzheianyy dayatell nauki Review of G.V. Golovinla "Yeam for accelerating the healing of fractures.' Xhirurgiia. 35 no.10:140-144 0 159. (KIR.A 12.-12) 1. Chlen-korrespoudent AMN SSSR. (MmTns) LIDSKU, A.To, prof., zaaluzhenuyy deyatel I nauki (Sverdlovsk) "Lung cancsr*'by I.G. Uglov. Reviewed by A.T. Lidakil. 37 no.lItI40-148 N 159. (MIRA 13-3) 1. Cblen-korrespondent AMY SSSR. (UGLOV, 7.G.) LIDSKIY, A.T., prof., za7luzhennyy deyatell nauki (Sverdlovsk, Bankovskly per., 31),1 Studies of the pathology and surgery of the thyroid glands Vest*- khir. 82 no.6:11-19 Je 159. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR. (THYROID GIAND--DISFASMS) TAMaM) A'.' T:,(Prof.) -- SvexxUovsk "Principal Points in Complex Treatment of Obliterating Diseases of Peripheral Arteries." Report submitted for the 27th Congress of Surgeons of the USSR, Moscow, 23-28 May 1960. w 9 A.T., prof. Varicoie veins. Worm's 6 no.8:14-15 Ag 160. (MIRk 13:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR, (VARIX) LIDSKIYq A.T. Obliterating atherosclerosis and the underlying principles of its differential diagnosis and treatment. lhirurgiia 36 no-3:85-93 PIr t 60. (MIRA 13:12) (ARTERIOSCLUMIO) Prof... zasluzhennn de7atel' nauki (Sverdlovsk) Mutual understanding and assistance between Burgeons and thOra- peutiots in modern clinical medicine, E:Linomed. 38 no*8943-47 Ag 160. (MMA 13 911) 19 CUen-korrespondent AM WS% (SURGEff) (THMUMTICS) LI W IYI MOP prof. (Sverdlovsk) r,egenterial, pygmia in the modern treatment of mwgima infections. Test,khire 85 no.100-9 o 16o. (KMA.13sl2) (APPENDIOITTS) (BUTIMUA) LIDSKIY A.T., zasl. deyatell naukiy prof., red.; VINOGRADOV, V.V., ~~~ZAMMLROVA, A. I. , takhn.' red. (Difterential diagnosis of the p'rinqipal surgical diseases in tabular form) Differentsiallnaia-,diapostika vazbnoishikb khirurgicheakikh zabolevanii v tablitsakh. Moskva, Medgiz 1961. 271 p. (KIRA 15:31 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR zaveduyuobchiy kafedroy gospitalln'by khiritigii sverdlovskogo imditsinskogo instituta (for Lidskiy). (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL) (TUMPEUTICS, SURGICAL) I-LIDSKIY,, A. T.J.....Prof. Treatment of acute cholecystitio. Klin. mad. no.6:145-148 161. (MIM 14--.12) 1. Zasluzhenny7 deyatell nauki chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR. (GALL BLADDER-DISMES) LIDSKIY, A.T., zasluzhennyy deyatell naukil prof. "Errors in surgical practice.and ways for preventing them" by R.I. Krakovskii and IU.IA.Gritsman. Reviewed by A.T.Lidskii. Sov. med. 25 no.103155-517 0 161. (MIRA l 5::L) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AMN 533R. (SURGmy) (WKOVSKII, N.I.) (GRITSMANY IU.IA.) UDSMI A.T., prof. (87erdlovsk) Iffe0tiVe methods of treatment for obliterating'diseaBes of the per~~erai vessels under ambulatory conditions. Khirm- giia 37 noa50-7 My 161. (MIRA 14s5) (BLOOD MMZ&-DISFMES) LIDSKIYP A. T., prof. (Sverdlovsk) Perforating ulcer and ulcerative hemorrhages as subjects for emergency surgery. Khirargiia 38 no.7:65~-70 31 162. (MIRA 15:7) (HEMORRHAGE) (PEPTIC ULCER) (MEDICAL EMERGENCIES) a -- - - - 9 - - - -- .- --- , I - -- --- -- - - - -- - - - - - LIMM, Aif. Maa7o on the clinical physiology of blood circulation'* by V.V. Parin and F.Z. Meerson. Reviewed by A.T. Lidskii. Khirurgiia 38 no.lOtl36;-138 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) (PMIOLOGY) (BLOOD-GIRGULATION) (PARIN, V.V.) (HURSON, F.Z.) BLINOV, N.I., prof. (Leningrad); GROZDQV, D,Mt prof,(Moskva); GOLIDGAMMER K 'K.,, doktor med.nauk(Moskva); DRACHINSKAYA, YO.S., prof.(Leningrad); KORNEV, P.G., zasl. deyatell nauki, prof.(Leningrad); LEVIT,, V.S.,, zasl, dayatell nauki, Prof. (deceased]; LIDSKIY A T zasl. deyatell nauki p f.(Sverdlovsk); V ro NAPALKOV, ~57-,-za-s-l. deyatell nauki prof.(Leningrad); PETROVOB.A., prof.; PRIOROV, N.N.[deceased]; SAMOTOKIN, B.A., dots.(Leningrad); SELITSOVSKIY, P.L., prof.Cdeceased]; FRUMM, A.P., prof. (deceased]; KHOLDIN, S.A., prof.(Leningrad); SHAKHBAZYAN, Ye.S., prof.(Moskva); SHLAPOEERSKIY, V.Ya., prof.(Moskva); YUSEVICH,Ya.S., prof.(Leningrad); VISHNEVSKIY, A.A., prof., red.; GOLIDGAMMER, K.K., red.; BELICHIKOVA, Yu.S., tekhn. red. (specialized surgery; manual for physicians in three volumes] Gbastnala khirurgiia; rukovodstvo dlia vrachei v trekh tomakh. Pod red. A.A.Vishnevskogo i V.S.Levita--Moskva, Medgiz. V61.2.[Abdodinal cavity and its organs, spinal cord, spine, pelvis, urogenital system] Briusknaia polost' i ee organy, spimtoi aDzg, pozvonochnik taz, mo- chepolovaia sistema] 1963. 717 p. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Akademii meditsinskikh nauk (for Kornev, Priorov). 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademli meditoinakikh nauk (for Lidskiy, Petrov, Kholdin). (SURGERY) LIDSKIY, Arkadiy Timofeyevich, prof., zasl. d6yatell nauki; '- - KOKIN, N.M., te~hn. red. I 1 .1 [Surgical diseases of the liver and the biliary tract system] Kbirurgicheskie zabolevaniia pecheni i zhelchevyvodiashchei sistemy. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 1+95 P. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AMII SSSR (for Lidskiy). (LIM-DISEASES) (BILIARY TRACT-DISEASES) I *- -* 11 '~ I ~ - . , . - , I ; LIDSKIY, A.T. (Sverdlovsk) --, - -,- f-, ~ - - . , - Book review. Grud. khir. 6 no.2t111 112 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 18t4) LIDSKIY, A.T., zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, prof. (Sverdlovsk) Review of the book "WdIgnant tumors; vol. 3.11 Vest. khir. 92 no.5;131-137 My 164. (MIRA 18: 1) LIDSKIY, A.T.,, prof. (Sverdlovsk) Raview of P.M. MedvedevIs monograph "Elephantiasis of 'the extremities and the genital organs," Vest. khir. 93 no.11: 3.42-144 N 64. (MM 18:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR. GUERGRITS, A.Yao2 prof.; KRAKGVSKIYy N.I*, prof.; 1VANOV, S.S., dotsent; LIDSKIY, A.T., prof., zasluzhennyy deyatell naukd Reviews arxI bibliography. Sov. med. 28 no.8:152-157 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Lidskiy). . ~17. .- . -~t Limily, B. I. -- [Practical manual on the treatment of internal diseases) Fraktichaskoe posobis po lekeretvennoy terapit Ynntrennikh bolesnei. Kiev. Goo. meditsinskee Isd-vo, USSR, 1957- 422 p. (MLRA 10:6) (XIDIGINI) MALIOTAKOV, D.I., kand.tekhn.nouk,; B.N.. red.; -is"'d -- -Mmemv PWZHIMM, T.L., red.; CHMUMUH, No 9 09 L.V., red.izd-va; SHUTAR, S.Ya., [Mechanization of drifting in mine construction] Mekhani- zatsiin gornoprokhodahaskikh rabot pri stroitelletys shakht. Moskva, Ugletekhisdat, 1959. 293 P. (MIRA 12:6) (Coal mining machinery) KMOVSKIYj N.R. (Sverdlovsk); Limm, E.A. (Sverdlovsk) Analytical design of controllers for systems with rand= pro- perties. Part 1, StatW V* pnblem, metbod for solution. Avtom. i telem. 22 no.9:1145-2-150 S 161. (MMA 14:9) (Automatic control) 2Y242 S/103/61/022/010/001/018 D274/b30l AUTHORs Xrasovsklyg N. N,v and TITM Analytical desip'of controllers for random systems Optimum-ountrol equations. Approximate method of solution PERIODICALS Avtomatika i telemekhanika, v. 229,no, 10# 19519 1273-1278 TEXTs . Optimum-control equations are derived on the basis of the general method- of the authors in part I of the articlot, (Ref. Is A*tomatika i no, 9, 1961), The concepts and notations are the same an in part Is In Rof. I (op. cits), ralej were formulated which go- vern the'search for the optimum-control law which minimizes the inte- gral performance-criterion it m (W Ix (j), t x0, i10, to 01 dt mint of the stochastic control-system Card 1/5 Analytical demign.of... ~d~z At 29242 S/103jel/022/010/001/018 D274/D301 CP lose$ 9 (09 9 -7 ~,Cxliooop xnt Yj -7 (Io3) By these ruliag i'si determined from, the condition rdm wi MIDC dm (VO) +0)] =0.. (1o4) di where'vP is*-positive-defini top optimum Lyapunov-function. The partinl differ*nti,al equationalare derived which are a consequence of of Eq. Them's equatioba yield II,(x-q4, (X, Q) + dog (iq, P) (TO '(x, 11) + Card 9/5 Analytical design ofoo, 29242 S/103J61/022/010/001/018 D274/D301 n au (X, q) OTj 11) n DIV (Z' (II&J) + LW 0 and + I at The optimum functions vo and 0 are determined by equations (1.8) and (1.9), whereby the conditions of the problem are satisfied by that solu- tion of the equations, for which Vo is a positive definite form. In general, the solution of Eqs. (1.8) and (1.9) is very cumbersome. Hence, the following approximate method is proposeds Instead of system (1.2)(1.3), the auxiliary system dxj 71- IX, q, (XI ~11' (2.1) is considered, where the parameter I& is introduced, so that for Ot the functional 03 ~ F (X, J,,O) di 0 can be readily minimized, and that for %~ varying from zero to unity, the functions ~Y and E pass continuously into the functions cp and U.) By differentiating Eqn. (1.8) and (1.9) with respect to equations can Card 3/5 29242 3/103/01/022/010/001/018 Analytical design of**@ D274/D301 be obtained which describe the variation in the solutions A~ 0 and with varying 1~91, In particular, VO and t 0 can be sought in the form of expansionss - V10 = YJ ak (0) tA, (z, TI), tO bk (D) Ck (_r, q) (2.2) In terms of a system of functions ~ k(x9 _9 ) which satisfies Eqs. (1.8) ana (1.9) in approximating finite combinations of Eq. (2.2), (in the meal,... square approximationj for example). The conditions of such an approxima- tion yield the equations for the change in the coefficients ak and b k with respect to -vcL . This method is also convenient by the fact that, proceeding from the stable solution of the problem for 0, and vaiT- Ing continuously the parameters of the problem and the solution i4th IJ 9 it in possible to obtain that branch of the solution to Eqs. (1.8) and (1.9) which also given (for each ~9' ) the solutions ensuring the passage of the trajecto of the transient process along the pre-assigned motion z M WO W 01. An example is given involving the choice of a con- 0 Card 4/5 29242 S/103/61/0,22/010/001/018 Analytical design of... D274/D301 troller for a second-order systems There are 4 Soyiet-bloc references. SUBMITTEDt March 189 1961 Card 5/5 3 26 S/10 61 022/011/001/014 D271 D306 AUTHORS: Krasovskiy, N.N., and Lidskiy, E. A. (Sverdlovsk) TITLE: Analytical design of controllers in a system with chance properties. III. Optimum control in linear systems. Minimum mean-square error PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, v. 22, no. 11, 1961, 1425-1431 TEXT: The authors aim at determining an optimum control law for linear stochastic control systems and analyze conditions, in which a solution is possible. It is assumed that the automatic control system is defined by a linear motion equation in terms of usual coordinates, a variable4L(t) describing chance properties of the system which is of a Mar.Kov character, and of a random pulse func- tion representing interference. Transients are evaluated by a mi- nimizing integral, and the problem is, therefore, that of finding a control law which would ensure a probable asymptotic motion sta- bility of X = 0. The method used is based on Lyapunov's optimal ,Card 1/ 4 31261 S/103/61/022/011/001/014 Analytical design of ... D271/D306 functionsvo; one of the conditions whichVo must satisfy is the Silvester criterion, Two cases are considered: A) When the variable S(t) can assume a finite number of values, B) When the function q(n,S) Z-Abstractor'B note: Not defined in the present paper-7 has n a density p(4bS). The functionj)o is of the form4)0= Z bij(I )x ix jo J,J=l The coefficients bii(V are determined by a system of algebraic equations in the case A)vand in the case B) a system of integral equations can be obtained which extends to stochastic systems the equations first derived by A. M. Lyetov (Ref. 4: Avtomatika i tele- mekhanika, v. 21, no. 4, 59 6, 1960 and v. 22, no, 4, 1961). The method for approximate solution was previously described by the authors, It is illustrated in the case of the system Aefined by a linear motion equation. A parameter # is introduced-qt= 0 when there are n independently controlled ohannelef and ~%-- 1 when only one control affects all coordinates. When +-- 0, the optimal func- Card 2/ 4 6 S/103 61 022/011/001/014 Analytical design of ... D271 D306 n 2 tion is of the form 0 biiX i When4~>O, a system of diffe- rential equations is obtained of the form: (b (m) b(M)p 11 nn (4.6) These equations must be integrated in the interval 0.