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on the mechanism of chain growth... s/195/61/002/005/023/027
radicals. The study was made with the help of radioisotope
tracer technique using carbon monoxide labelled with C14 carbon
(9000 pulse/min per me). In the tests, a mixture of Cl4kO + H2
(in the 1:1 by volume ratio) was passed over freshly prepared
iron catalyst heated to 295 OC, the reaction was allowed to
proceed for various periods and the products were then separated.
The radioactivity of the separated hydrocarbons was then plotted
against the reaction time and the number of carbon atoms in the
synthetiBed hydrocarbons. The results obtalned indicated that
both the condensation and polymerisation mechanisms are involved
in the synthesis of the products. The actual mechanism prevailing
at any stage of the reaction was found to depend on the
experimental conditions. A general scheme was formulated for the
various reactions that can occur when a stream of carbon
monoxide/hydrogen mixture is passed over iron catalyst heated to
about 300 OCS
Card 2/4
I M9,
On the mechanism of chain growth ... S/195/61/002/005/023/027
Carbon chain growth by Carbon chain growth by
polymerisation mechanism condensation mechanism
-4 0
C Le Fl;tC H 2-Off r-HJ IN(2 I100
CH CH 0 W,%
Scheme 2
Card 3/4 growth by polymerisation mechanism
Mechanism or chain propagation in the aynthasio of organic
compounds from CO and H2 on iron catalysts. Kin.i kat. 2 no.5i
780-787 S-0 161. (KM 14:10)
1. Institut neftekbimicheakogo sinteza AN SSSR.
(Chemistry,, Organic--Synthesis) (Catalysts)
Mechanism of the carbide-forming reaction of fused iron
catalysts for synthesis from CO tind H2e -Neftekbimiia
3 no.1:97-103 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16:2)
(Iron catalysts) (Iron carbides)
(Chemistry, Organi"ynthesis)
a6e led ethyl aic-r-I
F3 in~
involve the InEermeclaLV 14.
L ~than the R r-r 6 f 1 7, 3-
Institt-t nefte~iimicht~,;'Vc7z- lopuiiiv~va, A!-,
7~1 r z-jt nL-unical gvrithesis tns, ituCe A!~
SU RKITTED: 03AuS64 ET117i.- 0 1) RUB WDE: OC
REP SOV: 006 OTHER- 002
2/2 ------
ull p
1 0 - 11~A
It X
9 Nit
Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgii. Nauchnyysovet po
probleme zharoprochnykh splavov
Issledovaniya.po zharoprochnym splavam, t. IV (Studies on Heat-ra-
sistant Alloys, vol. 4), Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1959. 400 p.
Errata slip inserted. 2,200 copies printed.
Ed. of Publishing House: V. A. Klimov; Tech. Ed.: A. P. Guseva;
Edltorial-Board: I. P. Bardin, Academician; G. V. Kurdyumov,
Academician; N. V. Ageyev; Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of
Sciences; I. A. Oding, I. M. Pavlov, and I. F. Zudin, Candidate
of Technical Sciences.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for metallurgists concerned with
,the structural metallurgy of alloys.
COVERAGE: This is a collection of specialized studies of various
problems in the structural metallurgy of heat-resistant alloys.
Some are concerned with theoretical principles, some with des-
criptions of new equipment and methods, others with properties
Card 1/12
Studies (Cont.) SOV/3355
'~ . I
of specific materials. Various pffifibmena occurring under
specified conditions are studied 'and reported on. For detal '18,
see Table of 'Contents. The articles are accompw-'I,dd by a num-
ber of references, both Soviet and non-Soviet.
Oding, I. A., V. S. Ivanova, and Yu. P. Lihe ov. Role of the
Surface of Separation in Creep-: Fuptu~re Fal-1-ure of Metals 3
Davidenkov, N. N. On One Contradiction in the Theory of Cold
Shortness j 13
Osipov, K. A. On the Diffusion and Heat Resistance of Metal
Phases 21
Pavlov, V.~A.I M. G. Claydukov, 0. L'Datsko, N, 1. Noskoval
and I. A-Piereturina. Effect of Structural Peculiarities
..on the Behavior of Metals at High Temperatures 26
Card...'2'/ 12,
Makagon,,M. B., v. ye.- Panin, and V. F. Sukhovarov. Con-
cerning the Stimulating Effect of Stress on Weakening 50
in Deformation
Rozenberg, V. M. ;Reiationship Between Deformation in the
Grains And Displacement along the Boundaries During Creep 58
in Nickel
Popov, L. Ye. On the Equivale .nee of the Effect of Rate and
Temperature of Strain on them Process of Plastic Flow 64
Dekhtyar, I. ya., V.,S,. Mikhalenko'v, and E. o. Madatova.
Card 3/12
Studies tCont.)
Effect of Flaws in the Crystal Structure on Certain
Prop~3~jies of Metals and'Alloys
Borisov, W. D., V. V. Nemoshkalenko, and A. M. Fqfrer.
Structure,of the Energy Spectrum of Chromium and Iron
Electrons In Iron-Chromium Alloys
Klotsman, S. M., and A. N. Orlov. On the Mechanism of
Diffusion Along Grain Boundaries
-A;- er;--and Ab. N. Orloy;"' Spectrum -'Of_ Oseillatorr- '5,1
Men" N
Fr4pquati~~,,.q:~~--.the,..Simplest's-Form-o:r-~an. Ordered Alloy
Plishkin, Yu. M. Conditions of Bquj:ft .~j~~i'-of a One-idi:-
mensional Model of Binary Alloy
Lysak, L. I., and L. V. Tikhonov. Change in the Fine Crystal
Structure of Niobium During Plastic Strain Hardening
Gurov, K. P. On the Relationship Between the Energy of
Card 4/12
Studies (Cont.,) SOV/3355
Activation-of Self-diffusion and the Debye Characteristic
Temperature-ofiMetals 117
dertsriken, S. D., and M.- P. Fryaniohnikov. _Dependence of
Self-diffusion Parameters on the Type of Crystal Lattice
and on-the Presence of Small Admixtures of a Second Com-
ponent 123
G-ertsriken, S. D.., and N. N. Novikov A Study of Small
Changes in Volume During the Annealing of Deformed Nickel .134
Borovikova, G. P., and M. I. Korsunskiy. On the L-'jeries
'Spectrum of Germanium
Davidenkov 'N. N., and B. I. Smirnov. An Investigation of the
Width of X-ray Lines of Molybdenum Deformed at Various
Tempex~atures 147
Gertariken, S. D., T. K. Yatsenko, and L. F. Slastnikova,
Card 5/12
Studies (Cont.)
Investigation of the Diffusion of Cobalt and Iron Along
the Grain Boundaries 152
Bokshteyn, S. Z., T. I. Gudkova, A. A. Zhukhovit6kiy, and
S. T. Kishkin. Effect of'Stress and Strain on the Dif-
fusion..Process 158
Shinyayev, A.,Ya. Diffusion Characteristics and Heat
Resistanc6 of TWo t6 Eight Component Nickel Alloys 165
Arkharo~,, V. I., S. M. Klotsman, and A. N. Timofeyev. The
Effect of Small Admixtures.on the Coefficient of Dif-
-fusion in Polycr~stalline Materials
Y 170
ArAar6v V. 1.1 M. M. Belenkova, M. X. Mikheyev,
ft. Llt'Mol8eyev,-and I. P.'Polykarpova., Concerning Changes
in the Effect of,.Various,.Admixtures at Different Stages
of Aging of Alloys 176
Postnikov, V. S. Internal Friction of Pure Metals and Alloys
Card 6/12
Studies (Cont.) SOV/3355
at-High Temperatures
Dekhtyazt, I. Ya., and V. S. Mikhalenkov. A Study of the
Mobility.of Atoms in Nickel Alloys by the Internal.
Frigtion Method 188
Rakin, V. G,, and N. N. Buynov. Precipitaftons as an Aid in
the Experimdntal Observation ot Sources of Dislocations. 193
Zhurkov, S ' N., and A. I. Slutsker. A St~dy of Submicroscopic
Defects in Metalb Through the Scattering of X frays-at Small
Ajigles 197
Polotskiy, I. G.; and T. Ya. Beniyeva. Effect of Heat Treat-
ment'on th'e Elastic Properties and Internal Friction of
Nickel-Base Alloys. 202
Billdzyukevich, I. A., G. V. Kurdyurov, and L. G. Khandros.
Aging of Some Heat-resistant Alloys of Iron-Nickel-
C romium Base 208
Card 1/12
Studies (Cont.)
Gulyayev~ A. P., and I. V. Chernenko. Effect of Plastic
Deformation a-t Low Temperatures on the Heat-resistant
Properties of Type 18-8-Ti Austenitic steel
Savitskiy, Ye. M., and M. A. Tylkina. Reo~ystallization of
the Refractory Metals Titanium, flafnIum, Tantalum, Rhenium,
and Tungsten, and Their Alloys
Gridnev, V. N., V. I. Tiefilov, and A. K. Butylenko. Effect
of Structure on Plasticity of Chromium
Ageyev,.N-. V., and V. A. Trapeznikov. Production of Pure
Svechnikov, V. N., Yu. A. Kocherzhinskiy, V. M. Pan,
.Ye. Ye. Maystrenko, and A. K. Shurin. A Study of the
Chromium-Niobium-Vanadium System
Grum-Grzhimaylo, N. V., and D. I. Frokoflyev. Constitution
Diagrbm of the Ternary System Chromium-Tungs t e n -Molybdenum
Card 8/12
Studies (Cont.) SOV/3355
Zakharova, M. 1.,, 14, N, IgnatQval L, N. Semenovay and
N.-A-. Khatanova. Investigation of Phase Transformations
in Iron-Vanadium and Iron-Chromium Alloys
Zudin, I. F., and 0. A. Bannykh. Effect of Chromium,
Molybdenum, and Tungsten on the Time and Temperature De-
pendence of the Hot Hardness-of Ferrite
Bannykh, 0. A., and I. F.- Zudin. Hlgh Temperature.Creep
Strength of Complex Alloys of Ferrite with Chromium,
Vanadium, Tungsten, and Molybdenum
-PridpLntsev, M. V. Some Problems In the Theory of Heat
.0ding, I. A., and V. N. Geminov. New Method of Extrapolating
Long-:time Strength Properties from Short-t~me Endurance
Test i)ata
Stanyukovich, A. V. Investigation of Plasticity Properties
Card 9/12
Studies (Cont.) SOV/3355
by Testing at Constant Rates of Deformation 298
Pines, B. Ya., and A. F. Sirenko. Investigation of Dif-
fusion Creep in Cermets 301
Bal'shin, M. Yu. Some Problems in the Theory of Sintering
and Creep 311
Grigorlyeva, V, V., and V. N. Klimenko. Properties of
Chromium Carbides and of Cermets Based on-Them 317
Svet, D. Ya. Radiant Emissivity of Metals 323'
Frantsevich, I. N., and V. A. Lavrenko. High Temperature
Oxidation of Tungsten, MolybdenUm, Tantalum, and Rhenium
in the Recrystallized and Work-hardened States 329
Arkharov, V. I., and B. S. Borisov. Effect of Alloying
Elements on the Scale Resistance of Alloys and on Bond
Strength in Oxide-phase Lattices in Scale. Effect of
Nickel and tpe Combined Effect of Chrome and Nickel on
the Bond StrIength in Hematite 340
Card 10/12
Studies (Cont.)
Arzhan'yy, F. M. On the Character of Changes in the Micro-
hardness of-Structures of the Systems Mo-Be and Mo-Al 343
Ignatov.. D. V., and R. D. Shamgunova. Structural and Kinetic
Investigation of the Oxidation of Nickel and Chromium and
~_Alloys Based on'Them 346
Fedorchenko, L M.., and N. A. Filatova. Alloying of Powdered
Metals by Diffusion Saturation 352
Borovskiy, I. B. Some Results of the Application of X-kay
Spectral Analysis .for the Study of Micro volumes of a
Substance 360
Sotnichenko, A. L. Multi8pecimen Vacuum Machine for Creep
and Creep-ruptuie Testing of Metals _367
Berlizov, Ye., M. Device for Creep and Creep-rupture Testing
of Micro-specimens in Vacuum at Constant,Stress 372
Card 11/12
Studies (Cont.)
Bystrov, L. N., and L. I. Ivanov. Device for Measuring the
Heat Capacity of Metals and Alloys at High Temperatures 375
Rudnitskiy, A. A. Precious Metal Thermocouples for Measure-
ment of High Temperatures 380
Osipov, V. Gwl State of Stress in the Deformation of Round
.Blanks 385
Mekhed, G. N. Determination of the Resistance of Metals and
Alloys to Deformation at High Temperatures 392
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 12/12 VK/os
AUTHORS: Oding, I.A., kibArov,.~n.~ (Moscow)
TITLE: Susceptibility to cracking of nickel under static
tensile loadIng
PERIODICAL. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya.'Otdelen:Lye
tekhnicheskikh naitk, Metallurgiya i toplIvb, no.6,
1962, 125-130
TEXT: An investigation was made 'of the irreversible damage
uced in 99-Va' pure nickel specimens under static tensi
prod le loading
at room temperature. The test specimens, 63 mm, long, 8 mm gauge.*
diameter, were annealed at 900% for 2 h6uro under a vacuum of
5 x 10-5 mm Hg and then tested in WM-4 P - (IM-40 test machine.
The cracking of test specimens was studied 1) by measurement*and
subsequent analysis of changes in the density after tensile'loading
and after recrystallization-annealing; 2) by examining the stress
vs. elongatiq"n curves; 3) by metallographic analysis of unetched
surfaces by 6ptical and electron microscopy. The results showed.
that the damage started long.before the moment of failure. iThe
nuclei of.cracking are in the form of submicroscopic cracks~400 to,
Susceptibility to cracking E040/E451
500 A wide. These submicroscopic cracks developed on reaching a
7 to 9% residual elongatign,while at failure the residual elongation
was 40 to 45%. The true,strbas corresponding to the deformation:
at which the incipient submicroscopic cracks developed was of the.~
order of 23 :t 0.5 kg/mm2. .,A method was developed for determining
the critical value of true 4tress and of the residual deformation
corresponding to the appearance of the first irreversible micro-
cracks:. this point iq,indicated by atbreak in the curve obtained
by plotting the specimen cross-section area against its elongat ion
under varying Btress. There are 6 figures.
SUBMITTED; may ill 1962-
Card 2/2
mw~~, ~_,
Apparatus for determining small changes in density of metals.
I Zav. lab. 29 no.lotl261-1262 163. -(MIRA _16s12)
1, Institut, metallurgii imeni A.A. Baykovac
ACCES310.N' NH,:, 'AP3003511 S/0020/6,1/151/001/0092/0095
S SSSR); Ivanova, V.-S.; Liberov, Yu. P.
A AUTHORS: Oding, L A. (Corr. mcm. A
TlTLE: Basic assumptions for a correlation between the criteria for static and
cyclic strength of metalzi-
SOURCE: A14 SSR. ~Dokladj, V. 151 no. 1, 1963,-92-95
I TOPtC TAGS: metal fatigue strength, static strength, s~atic-fatigue strength,
correlation metallurgy, elasticity theory, nickel, armco iron
ABSTIUCT:_ .In thp-ir.-attempt at establishing i correlation-between the static
and cyclic -strength, the authors use parameters which are indicative of equa-
valence-of the onergy.state of metals subjected to mechanical stress under cfiffer-
L, which
ent loading conditions. They determine the conditions for cyclic rupture,
are equivalent to the static increase of stress, by using the diagram of fatigue
rupture tOg6ther with the damage curve, introduced earlier by Ivanova (DAN, 119,
-no. lo 1958, 71), which gives the formation of first submicroscopic cracks.
~.Thus it-becomes possible to predict the fati 14TUpture on the basis of static
data. There is good agreement between e coretical and experimental values
(Card 1/2.
ACCESSION NR: AP4019812 S/0279/64/000/001/0113/0119
AUTHORS: Odings 1. A. (Moscow); Liberov, Yu. P. (Moscow)
,TITLr,--. Defect accumulation and the formation of submicrocracks during static
1 elongation of Ameo iron
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Metallurgiya i gornoye delos no. 1# 1964) 113-119. and
insert facing P, 47
:TOPIC TAGS- Armco iron, iron, iron.defect, submicroscopic defect, static tensiorlp
submicroscopic fracturing of i n, it-on plasticity, 31,14-P testing machines tensile
:test, MIM-8 microscope., Tesla BS-242 electron microscope
'ABSTRACT: A series of experiments was conducted on Armed iron samples 63 mm long
~.and 8 mm, in diameter. The samples were annealed at 850C for 2 hrs and were
stretched in the 1144-P testing machine at room temperature and at the deformation
velocity of 2%/minute. The electrical resistivity of the samples was measured for
the first time after this treatment, and then was measured again after the samples
were annealed at 4500 for 4 hours. The metal structure was studiedwith the H3X-8
'microscope and with the Tesla BS-242 electron microscope. The results showed that
AccEssioN NR: AP4ol983.2
the deformation of Armco iron led to the accumulation og crystalline lattice
defects and to the formation of subnicrocracks 400-900 A long, The process of
cracking started at the residual elongation of 7-9% under the force of 32-33
kg/mm!2. The accumulation of dislocations,, and the development of cracks produced
a vatiation in specific electrical resistivity and in the length of the curved
section corresponding to the plastic region of the metal. At certain critical
values of the residual elongation and of the stress applied, the metal plasticity
I was lowered due to the appearance of submicrocenters of metal failure. These
critical values have to be accounted for during the selection of mechanical and
thermomechanical methods of working the material, Orig, art., hass 2 figures.
SUBMITTED: o8jun63 DATE ACQs 31Har64 ENCU 00
Card 2/2-
ACCESSION NR: AP4029833 5/0279/64/000/002/0085/0091
'AUT11OR: Oding, I.A. Obscow); Liberov, Yu. P. (Moscow)
TLTLUI The appearancelof+submicroscopic cracks in statically deformed plastic metals
SOURCE: AN SSSR Izve HatelLurgiya i gornoye delo, no.2, 1964, 65-9L
TOPIC TAGS; strength, plastic metal, deformed metal, density,' electrical resistance,
mechanical characteristic, aluminum, copper, nickel, Armco iron, stress
ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the density variations, specific electrical re-
-sistance, and mechanical characteri6tic3 of technically-pure metals such as aiuminum,
copper, nickel, and Armco iron for the purpose of determining the kinetics of the
building up of crystal and lattice defects in the process of static tension at room
temperature. This led to their hypothesis that the appearance of the first contin-
uity of the breakdowns of the material in the form of submicroscopic cracks became
established in advance of the final breakdown. The results were presented in a
,table. It was fo'und that during static tension of technically-pure aluminum, copper,
nickel,.and iron, the first submicroscopic cracks arose long before the final dis-
Xuptio":n of-the samples with residual expansions equal to 0.15-0.30 from the expan-
ision value attained at the moment of breaking down* The critical values were estab-;
Card _1/2
lished for the applied tensile stress and the elongation in which the first sub-
microcracks arose in slip bands at the places of dislocation build-up near obstacles.
The experimental by determined values of the tensile stress and the length of the
submicroscopic cracks agreed with the theoretically calculated values. During defor-
mation in the supercritical region, the recrystallization annealing of the deformed -
samples did not lead to a completeireturn of the density of aluminum,copper, nickel,,
and Armco iron. The value of the tensile stress must be considered in the develop-
ment of deformation treatment methods directed to the renewal of structure and the
hardening of -metals* -Orig. art. has: 2 formulas, 7- 1 igures, and table.
SUBMTTEDs IOJul63 -DATE ACQ; 30Apr64 ENCL:. 00
cord 212
N.A.; KUDRYASHOV, V.G.; BERLIN, Ye.11., red.
[Role of dislocations in the-hardening and the failure of
metals] Roll dislokatsii v uprochnenii i razrushenii metal-
lov. Moskva, Hauka, 1965. 179 p. (MIRA 18:10)
1. Moscow. Institut metallurgii. 2. Laboratoriya prochnosti
Instituta metallurgii im. A.A.Baykova, Moskva (for all except
L 2723346 EWT(m)/T/EWP(w)/9ff(t) I~P(c), JD.
ACC NR: AM6003228 Monograph j j
Avanova. V. S.; Gorodivenko, L. K ; qeminov. V. N.; Zubarev. P~' V.; Fridinan, Z. Gi_
1.1harny- Yu. P.; Terent'Xev._y.,_Z.; Vorob'vev, No Ani, Kudryashovl V. G.
Role of dislocatioPin the_kqen&theniri and failure of metals (Rol'dislokateit
v uprochnenii I razrushanii metal ov Moscow,.Izd-vo "Nauka'j, 1965. 119 p.
illus., biblio. Errata slip Inserted. 4500 copies printed$!
TOPIC TAGS: metal, alloy,* metal strength, alloy strength, dislocation, disloca-
tion theory, thermomechanical treatment, metal,failure'
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book is a continuation and development of the ideas
of the late Profess~d -1.--A. Odine n the theory of dislocations. This theory
served as the basis for the elaboration of new methodi of strengthening metals
and alloys. In the -first part (Choi. I-IV) of this monogeaph the role of dis-
locations'in the developmant of plastic deformation and the generation of flaws
Is discus ed. In the second part (Chap. V-VII), the theoretical premises for
metal and alloy strengthening with thermomechanical treatment and the eff et of
this treatment on the mchanical properties of metals and alloys under st:tic
And cyclic loads are roviond.
-Card-, UDCt *669.018.25:669-17:
L 27233-66
ACCNR: AM6003228
Foreword -- 5
Ch. L Regularities of slopping and strengthening on the different grades of
deformation -- 7
Ch. II. Formation of submicroscopic flaws during deformation as a result of
multiplication of and interaction between defects of the crystal lattice -- 29
Ch. III. Effect of grain size, temperature, and deformation rate on the charac-
teristics of metal fluidity -- 46
Ch. IV. Mechanism of bXittle runture and regularities in ihe defectibility of
metals during creep-kA 73
Ch. V. Basic premises for the developmen of methods of material strengthening
by means of tbPronmPrbonical treatm 103
Ch. VI. Effect of basic technological fa'~tors on the effect 6f strengthening in
thermomachanical treatment 119
Ch. VII. Increase of cyclic'strength under combined thermomechanica*1
treatment -- 148
References 170
SUR CODE: l1/ SUBM DATE: .06Aug63j ORIG REP: 180/ OTH REFs 238/
Card 2/2
'13-1,14* Dpm, Dy -for Polvvittyl Oiltnidc. Orgarilelieskie
1) sra7n) .1 % .4
dii. 0 ivinilkitlorida. IWT- 77 1~ llmlikO
t0vil and B. D. Cordonn . LeVA-Zles -PromyWWn"
U S S R,
Problc-ms of crt-ating altractiye and fa5t dyc%; teats and strue-
turcs of a-to ches; plabulwyanine a Jul atbraquinone plgmenU.
Tablos.. 2.rt f.'-.
A.;4~ ~I.BiROVA, R.A.
e. . L
Rapid chemical analysis methods of artificial astrakhan mule of
viscose fiber. Log. prom*' 17 no.lOtW-W 0 157. (MIRA IWO
(Par, Artificial-Testing)
TSVZTIWVA, N.A.,/nauchnyy sotrudnikj LIEEROVA R A., kand.tekhn.nauk;-
PIMIKOV, I.V., kand,tekhn.n%F~~~~
-Manufacture of artifigial patent leather. Mauch.-isel.trudy
VNIIPIK no.P'23-3.1 f6O. . I (MBA.,16t2)
jLeather, Artificial) (Urethanes)
39771 ' -
~94.* , Losev,
AUTHORS: Da skevich, L*A*,_Ljbor_Q_Vat_R I.P.
TITLE;~_- Effect.of polyfunctional alcohols on the properties
.of,polyurethafie resins
PERIODICAL: Chemie a chemick" technologie.', Prvehled technicke' a.
hospoclgr'skq"literatury, v-19, no-7, 1962, 322,
abstract Cli 62-4397, (Lakokras.materialyg v*21 no.2,
1962. 22-26)
TEXT: Polyester-urethane films with excellent elastic properties
are obtained,from polyester-urethane resins if synthesized from
1 4-butylene glycol or diethylene glycol. Part of the glycols was
replaced during synthesis by about-10'to 15% glycerol. It was
shown that the excess of toluylene diisocyanate, required for the
synthesis of the polyester-urethane resins, was affected by the
chemical nature of the alcohol and,by the number of free hydroxyl-
groups of the polyester. When 1,4-butylone glycol was used,
an excels of 40% of the-,diisocyanate gave beat results, while in
the case of diethylene glycol and 1,3-butylene glycol, optimum
Card 1/2
on 9, 1 r,r,o r,() S n,~
Ref. zh. Kbimiya, Abs. 6S29~;
L r o v a R A Dubasova L. M. Shrevd r V V
co-iicrplle storage tanks
F I ;s led r Vs e s i-, ir-t nlennchn-
a -ne
:~f the PB-l 'f2 -4 and I-elir P brands of polvvinvIchloride and SKN-26
-~j PF-1, PF
v t c 111hht'r wrt.. ;tudlv~4 P)- 'i
P 7i.1
LIBEROVAP R.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; DUBASOVA, L.M., nauchnyy sotrudnik
Manufacture of film materials based on vinyl chloride
copolymers. Nauch.-issl. trudy VNIIPIK no.l4sl26-134 163,
(NM M12)
m) /BDS ~A D r4 Rwv
L 13~16-63 UR/%W0)/UF(c)/Wr( '/P P
87/03C2 63 02;~QV=j'022
AUTHCH: )C~oroshaya, Ye.S., Lykova, A.N., Liberova,, R.A. and Polinakiy, S.L,
TITLE: Quick analysis of free hydroxyl groups in 1~olyes rs
PMIODICAL: Zavodskays labomtortya., v.- 29~ no. 5,, 1963~ 549
TEXT. The,proposed quick method is applicable to solutions Qf polyesters
Won dicarboxylic acids and glycol
base* 9,1 used to make polyuretbanePfo
.N ams
lues andvarnishes. The method. consists.of acetylation of the polyester and
titration of the 6,xcess acetic anhydride.
AS~OCIATIOX.: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovateltakiy institut plenochnykh
materialov i iskusstvennoy kozhi (All-Union Scientific Research
Institute of Film Materials and Artificial Leather)
-Card 1/1
2677-66 DIT
ACCESSION NR: AP5022230 UR/0191/65/000/009/0064/0065/-
AUTHOR: Liberova, R. A.- Dubasova, L.
TITIE: Increasing the light resistance-of plasticized polyvinyl chloride resins
SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 9, 1965, 64-65
TOPIC TAGS: polyvinyl-chloride, light aging, stabilizer additive, resin I
ABSIRACT: Several organic compounds containing keto and hydroxy groups wem
studied as stabilizers for plasticized polyvinyl chloride resins. Film samples
of the latter were tested fortensile strength and elongation as a function of
the amount an* nature of the light stabilizers added. Whle the tensile strength
was not appreciably affected by the additives, the elongation was, indicating
that structural changes took place in the polymers. Based on the change in
elongation, one can select the most effective light stabilizer and establish
its optimum amount which insures a constant elongation. As a result of the teetsti.-
the light stabilizers can bearranged in the following order of decreasing
stabilizing effectiveness: 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone; tetrahydroxysebaco-
phenone; 2,4-dihydroxysebaeophenone; diphenylolpropane; 2,47dihydroxyacetophenone;!
ethyll orcinol; dihydroxyphenylcyclohexAne, "All the compounds tested were
------- --- -
L 2677-66
syn.thesized and recommended by Z. V. Popova.", Mg.'art. has.- 2 figures,
USSR/Soil Science. General Problems
Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Bioli, No 13, 1958, 582~517G. V Borin
Author :-Liberovskiv Yx
Inst : got-given-.
Title : Utilization of Aeromethods in Soil Suience
Orig Pub Pochvovedeniye, 1957, No 61 1-10
Abstract The contents of a report given at the All-Union
Interdepartmental Conference on Aerial Surveys
are,,brief~y,presented:(25.Xl-l.Xll, 1956). It -
was shown that on the basis of the physical pro-
perties of the upper horizons of soils it is
possible to determine the propertied of aoils as
a whole. The position of the given soil contour
in relation to the relief, form, ind dimensions
of the contour are the basic indices in the sur-
veying of the eoils. Preliminarily it is neces-
Card 1/2
AUTHOR: Libers -A,-
TITLE: Balanced instrument based on Lindek-Rote's circuit
PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurmal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,
no. 9, 1961, 19, abstract 9 A130 (Nemetskiy eksport,
1960, Tochn. mekhan. i optikat 19-20)
TEXT: Two instruments made by Karl Marx Works making
meaimring instruments and accessories in Magdeburg (GDR) are descri-
bed# 1) An electronic indicating instrument with a photo-balanced'
amplifier for measuring the thermocouple e*m.f. The amplified cur-
rent is measured by a magneto-electric measuring mechanism with a
3 mA working current. The scale of the instrument is calibrated in
millivolts or directly in 00. The maximum input resistance of the
instrument is equivalent to 10.0 /mV. The error does not exceed
1 0.5%. speed of response is 2 sec. The front panel dimensions of
the instrument: 192 x 96 mm; weight - 2j5 kg. 2) 2-1 3- or 6-point
Card V2
Balanced instrument... D209/D302
electronic recorder. The lowest range is 0 - 5 mV, permissible
error of indication � 0,57o; permissible error of recording � 1%.
Speed of response is 2 sec; the period of arm drop: 245, 5, 10 and
20 see. The chart width is 120 mm, chart speed is adjusted from
20 to 1200 mm/h. The front panel dimensions of the instrument are
288 x 192 mm; weight v- 17 kg. Z7Abstracter's note; Complete trans-
Card 2/2
CULTIVATED FLANTS. Fodder Gragaus and Roots.
FEF 2HUR BIOLOGIYA, NO. 4, 1959, Xo. 15689
Moldavian Sci.RessInate of Agric,
TIM-1 atmowinpr -fip
Stubble .1d,Sowings of Fodder I
Crope in the 11orthern Part.of the Moldavian
83R. I
ORIG, FUB. Byul, nnuclino-tekhn. infOrM, Mold. n.-i. in-ta
kh KI's
.TA yeArs 9MOX16ANt ?3799kpitatlon , lame
ABSTRA.CT .. I'' 0
green mass yields of preceding crops
were obtained; 2009 centners/heatare of torn
forage, up to 220 c/h of vetch
for green -1
rye and vet 'ch-oats mixtures; after them corn, 1
as a postmowinE crop,' produced the hiLzliest
- 336 11 -yield of
:crob ( reaching a/' the crop
sudan grass with VetCh being In second place.
In dry years the crops Were considerably
.lower, especially of corn;*sudan Erass and
CARD: 1/2
f #A4 I
-W o1 v
Of annual fodder crops under conditions of the nX Vern oldavian SSR,"
LIBERSHTM, 1. 1. Cand Agr Soi -- (diss) "Post-mo
pogst-harvest sowing:S
Mos, 1959. 20 pp (All-Union Aoad Agr Sci im V. I. Lenin. All-Union Soi Res
Inst for Fodders im V. R. Villyame), 150 copies (KL, 43-59, 126)
Growing sunflowers In the Moldavian S.S.R. Zemledalie 7 no-3:68-70
Mr 159. (MIRA 12:4)
1. Noldavokiv nauchno-iseledovatel'skly inatitut sellskogo kho-
Stubble crops in Moldavia. Zeriledelle 7 no.6:44-47 je 159.
(MIRL 12:8)
1. Moldavokly nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sellskogo
(14oldavia--Field crops)
Soybean growing In Mofiavia. ZemledaU~ 7 n0-12:38-41
D '59. (14M 13:3)
1. Moldavskiy nauebuo-49sledovatel'skiy institut eal'skogo
khosyaystva. Zemledmlie.7 no-1208-41 D 159.
(KMA 13:3)
Keane for increasing-ve'ge~table oil production in the Moldavian
S*S*R. Kael.-zhir.prox. 25 no.1:9-10 '59. (KIRA 12:1)
' iaBERSHTSYN oeIlakokhoz,npukj SININAp Vol radqj KAPITSAV Vol
-~~ ~sred~,
[How to got two-crop yielda in a year] Kak poluebitf dva urozbaia
v gods Kiohinev Goo.izd-YD RKartia iholdoveniaWceg" 1960. 86 ps
?Fie3.d cropo) (KIRA 14:6)
GCRDIYWO, V.A.. kand.ssllskokhn2,.vaystvennykh nauk; LIB LPTH, --- I.I.,
kand.sellskokhozyaystvenn3,kh nauk
".soybean" by Y.3.Zuken. ILeviewed by Y.A.Gordienko, I.I.Liber-
obtain. Zemledelis 8 no.9 93-94 S 160. (MIRA 13:8)
(luken, V.B.)
GORDIYENKO, V.A., kand.sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk-;-LIBERSHTEYN, -- I.I.,
kand.se1Iskokhozyaystvennykh nauk
"Gultivation of sunflowers" by P.G.Somikhenko and others. Reviewed
by V. A. Gordienko and 1. 1. Libershtein. Zemledelie 23 no.10:
91-92 o 161. (14IRA 14:9)
(Sunflowers) (Semikhenko, P. G.)
GORDIYEN110J. V.A., kand.sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; LIBERSHTEYN, I.I.,
u~ soalU kand.seliskokhozyaystvennykh nauk
More oil from each hectar of sunflower plantations. Masl.-
zhir.prom. 28 no-4315-16 Ap 162. MRA 15:5)
1. Moldavskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut selektsii,
semenovodstva i agrotekhniki polevykh kulltur.
(Sunflower seed oil)
11BFmHTKYN,1.I.. ]car-].ae2#akokhoz.nauk
Applying,herbicides to soybean fields. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bo2e
7 no.86-27-28 Ag 162. (MIRA 13:12)
10 MDldavokiy inatitut se2ektaii, semenovodatav i 4rotekhniki
polevykh kullturo
(Mo2davia-Soyboan) (Mb2daviam-Weed control)
LIBERSHTEYN I I. kand.sellskokhoz.nauk
Corn as a stubble crop in Moldavia. Zhivotnovodstvo 24 no.5:L;3-20
yq 162. (MA 16:10)
1. Moldavskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut, selektsii,
semenovodstva i agrotekhniki polevykh kulltur.
GORDlYMIKOP V.A., red.; KU!,,SllNlK, 1'.S., red.; KIE.~SOV, P.T., kand.
V. T
sellkhoz. nauk, red.; KUI~OVKO, P., red.; LATCHENKC, It. ,
red.; LIBERSHUYN, 14., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.;
M.F., kand. sellkhoz, nauk,
red.; PISKUNENKO, I.I.p kand. rakon. nauk., red.
[Brief work results for 3962] Kratkie itogi rabot za 1962
god. Kishinev, "Vartiaincildoveniaske," 1963. 72p.
(MIRA 17:10)
1. 141oldavakiy riauchno-isulcdovatel'sk"- institut sulektsii,
semenovodstva i agrotekhnilhi Folevykh kulltur.
Parther studies on the action of antiallergic drugs on
pathological manifestations in pregnancy, vith special
reference to halltra.; ,'hortions. Polski, tygod. lek. 6
no.25-26:786-795 25 June 51. (CUML 21:1)
1. Of the Research Center for the Pathology of Pregnancy
of the Obstetric-Gynecological Clinic in Wroclaw and of
the Institute of Medical Microbiology.
Application of the now group characteristics to establishing of
paternit7. Polski tygod. lek. 7 no- 16:457-461 21 Apr 1952.
(CLML 22j4)
1. Of the Institute of Medical Microbiology of Wroclaw Medical
The behaviour of 8Dombs test and other serological reactions In
different diseases. Arch. im-n. ter. doew. 4:81-92 1956.
1. Instytut Immunologii i Terapii Doswiadczalnej PAN we Wroclawiu
(Dyrektor: prof. dr St. Slopek) Zaklad Grup Krwi (Kierownik: prof.
dr. B. Popielski)
(HEMAGGLUTINATION, in yar'ious dis.
Coombl test)
Effect of blood transfusion on the appearance of leuko-agglutini
Pol.-med. wevnet. 32 no.7:8U-805 162.
1. Z Wojewodzkiej Stacji Krwiodawstwa v Katowicach Dyrektor: dr med.
Mac I P-j
GABRYS, Antonl; La .......
Sarolog!6 abid"es In cats for tcmPP-asmosIs. W.".11:1- Pzr5Z-74-10
no,,4.-389 164
1. Wojewodzki Zaklad Higieny Weteryraryjne4~ Katowice.
LIBERT, A.L., inih.
Unsoldered and unwelded pipe sleeve connection3. Sudostroemie
28 no.3:56-57 Hr 162. MRA 15:4)
(Mqrine pipe fitting)
Taberculin-trypan test; increase of sensitivity in the method of
detection of allergy. Pi*obl. tuberk., Moskva no.1:46-51 Jan-Feb, 52.
(CM 21:5)
1. Docent for-Pertik. 2. Of'tho Children's Division (Head--Docent
I.M. Fertik) and of the Department of Microbiology (Consultant-
Prof. V.M. Barman), Ieningrad Scientific-Research Tuberculosis
Institute (Director-A.D. Semenov).
LIBERTI evelos kohoinernok
GompariIson of the production and quality of tube materials cast in.
closed and open molds. Koh lap 93 no.9:395-399 S 160.
1. Ainni Vasmu.,,Acelm.
AUTHOR: Libertiny, Ga'bor, Dipl.met. eng.
TITLE: A Comparison of the Production and Quality of Tube
Ingots Cast in Open and Closed Moulds
PERIODICAL: Kohaoszati lapok, 196o,/,No.lO, pp-456-459
TEXT: The production of tube ingots of 332.5 mm diameter and
1400 mm length in A35-29CsB quality rimmed steel presents many
difficulties. The introduction of closed-end moulds led to
improvements in quality and recovery and the purpose of the
present study is to compare advantages and disadvantages of closed
versus open end moulds. The first criterion of a good tube ingot
is the formation of a minimum 15 min thick sound skin. The depth
of the skin is - in otherwise identical steel cast into a given
mould - a fraction of the pressure acting at the zone of solidifi
cation. The pressure is the sum of atmospheric and ferrostatic
pressures and, in the case of closed moulds, ii is increased by
the pressure of CO that is liberated in the zone of blowhole
formation during solidification and partially trapped under the
lid. This reduces the thickness of skin especially near the top
Card 1/3
A Comparison of the Production H/014/60/000/010/004/004
if the gap between lid and mould is partially blocked by frozen
steel. For this reason, the 0 concentration of the melt should
be increased; from experience it was found that the slag of open-
hearth charges should contain 15% FeO against the 13% maintained
when making steels for open-ended moulds. Sulphur segregation
reaches 300-400% under the head of ingots cast in open moulds and
may cause internal cracks in the rolling of steels with 0.05% S
(i.e. thepermissible maximum). By restricting the time of
solidification U.e. from the end teeming to the end of rimming)
to 1.5-2 min in closed moulds, sulphur segregation can be limited
to 120%. The distribution and composition of non-metallic
inclusions is discussed with reference to H. Hoff, H. Lessing and
G. Masing. Experience showed that the surface of ingots cast in
closed moulds is more likely to show defects and inclusions which
lead to fine surface-cracks in the piercing process. This, and
the larger number of inclusions, the iron loss in slags of higher
FeO content and higher mould maintenance costs are more than
offset by the 25% increase in recovery of tube. Further improve-
ments were obtained by after-desoxydation with aluminium powder.
Card 2/3
A Comparison of the Production H/ol4/6o/ooo/oio/oo4/oo4
Too small (less than 0.15-0-18 kg/ton) aluminium addition
Increases the viscosity of the steel and results in an ingot with
heavy segregations, too high (more than 0.24-0.30 kg/ton) addition
desoxydizes instantly, the steel behaves like killed steel and a
deep pipe is formed. By adding the optimum 0.18-0.24 kg Al/ton
steel, the depth of pipe is negligible, sulphur segregation is
less than 70% and, since open ended moulds are used, surface
quality Improves. The method has been used in this form for
casting sheet material and recovery increased from 67.6% to 77.5%.
At present, 0.1 kg Al/ton steel is used in tube ingot production
primarily as a control over time of solidification in closed-end
moulds and, as a result, recovery improved. There are 12 figures,
1 table and 2 German references.
ASSOCIATION: Dunai Vasmu (Danube Iron Works, Steel Plant)
Abstractor's Note: This is the second part of the paper, the
r, first part of which appeared in No.9,
pp. 395-399; this is an abstract of the
Card 3/3 complete paper .1
[-ACC N-R. - AM6030478
Libetorf, Garolld Borisovich
Mechanical units for high-speed cutters (mekhanicheskiye ustanovki bystrokhodnykh
katerov) Lenizigrad. Izd-vo "Sudostroyeniye", 1966. 293 p. illue., biblio.
2600 copies printed.
TOPIC TAGS*.- marind engine, marine engineering, marine equipment, inland vessel data.
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: The book has been prepared for engineers specializing in
power units for cutters; it will also prove useful to students in higher education-
al institutions. Problems are presented in the design and testing of power plants
for cutters. The types of power plants now used in high-speed cutters are high-
speed diesels, carburetor engines, and gas turbines. A brief description of the
basic designs of cutter engines, reversing and reducing gear, and flexible
couplIngs is given. Design considerations of the shafting, with specifies on
high-speed and water-jet-propelled cutters, are presented. Other problems dis--
cussed include: depreciation of machinery on plastic cutters; noise and vibration
damping; maintenance of individual mechanical units such as lubricating, cooling,
and heating systems; remotecontrol systems; and the synchronization of separate
support systems. The author expresses appreciation to A. A. Rikhter,
0. S. Rozhanskiy, and A. M. Radov for their review and comments. There are 24
references, 20 of which are Soviet.
uDc: 629.124.82-8
TAKE OF COMMM (Abridged):
Preface - 3
Introduction - 5*
Explanatibn of symbols - 6
Ch. 1. Layout and.selection of mechanisms 8
Ch. II. Enene characteristics - 23
Ch. 111. Basic peculiarity,.of cutter engines - 36
Ch. IV. Reverse-reduction and angular drive - 70
Ch. V. Installing main engines and auxiliary mechanisms on cutters 94
Ch. VI. Propeller shafting - 112
Ch. VII. Mechanical support systems - 165
Ch. VIII. Remote engine control - 226
Ch. IX. Engine-noise-reduction measures - 253
Ch. X. Testing,a cutter's mechanisms - 253
Ch. XI., Some problems in the further development of cutter mechanisms 288
lAppendix - 291
lReferences - 292
SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 19Mar66/ ORI6 REF; 021/ OM R17: 003/
Card 2/2
KRASUCKI, Florianj LIBERUS, Zyg,'tyd
Conparison as tD econony and mobility of locanotives used
in undergrourA mines. Gornictwo Gliwice no.12s2l7-234 164.
Hamman-Rich syndrome diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis).
Fediatriia 4 no.?M~6 J1163 (MM 16:12)
1. 1z kliniki khirurgii detakogo vozrasta (ZELV# prof& NeVe
Zakharov) Saratovskogo meditsinakogo instituta,
Suppurative peritonitis as a complication of spleen infare--
tion in septic andocarditise Pediatriia 4 no.7:71-72 J1163
(MIRA 16:12)
1, Iz kliniki khirurgii detskogo vozrasta (zav. - prof. N.V.
Zakharov) Saratovskogo meditsinskogo Institutas
"Fbotoebomical Reaction In the Region of Electron
Affinity Spectrum of Chrowus Ions In Solution,,"
Dok. AN, 28p No. 3P 1940. Fissarjovsky Iust. ftsical
Chem.; lead. Sci. Ukranian SSR; Dnepropetrovsk.*
DAP12 B. Ya.; FMSAYA, B. F.;
inst of Physical Chemistry imeni L. V. Pisarzhevskiy, Acad. of Sci. (-19hl-)
"Reactions in the Spectrms of Electron Affinity of Ions of Divalent GhroM4 um
and Iron." Zhur* Fiz. Khim., Vol. 17,, No. 4,, 1943
"Electron Affinity Spectrum of Cbrcm= Ions p " Icta Phys. j,
Vol. X11. No. 5. 1944. Aced. of Sci. of the Mr. SSR,
Fissarjovsky Inst, of Fhys. Chem.j, lab. of Photoches.
13RUK9 A.31, professor, dsktor tovkhzicheskikh xauk; GKBXAN, X.Ta.,
doteent, kmadidat tokhaichook-D& nauk; KOROBOT, I,I., inzhener;
ZHDANOVSKII, K.T., lashener; L OIF, S.A., iazhouir.
lavestigating the aer*dymmic properties of bulk piles of coke.
Stall 7 zos2:101-1051-147; (XLRA 9:1)
AUTHORS: Baranov, A. V., Liberzon, E. A., SOV/156-58-4-46/49
Starobinskaya, R.'
TITLE: Partial Pressure of the Nitrogen Oxides in the System
HNO 3-H2so 4_HNOSO 4-H20 (Partsiallnoye davleniye okislov azots,
nad sistemoy HNO 3-H2so 4_HNOSO 4-H20)
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly imiya i khimicheskaya
teklinologiyat 1956, Nr 4, PP 789:7xgh3 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The partial pressure of nitrogen oxides in the system
MTO 3-H2so 4-HNOSO 4-H20 in dependence on the composition of
the liquid phase and temperature was inveatigated. The
investigations were carried out according to the dynamic and
static methods. With rising temperature the partial-pressure
of the nitrogen oxides increases. The dependence of the
partial pressuze of nitrogen oxides on the content of nitric
acid in the mixture is expressed by the following equation:
P A C The dependence of the partial pressure on
Card 1/3 total ~ 3 no 3 *
Par tial Pressure of the Nitrogen Oxides SOV/156-56-4-46/49
in the System HNO 3-H2 so 4-E[ffOSO,4 -H20
the concentration of sulfuric acid is calculated according
to the following equation:
P A C- 19
total 4 H2so 4*' The concentration of sulfuric acid exerts
considerable influence upon the partial pressure of nitrogen
oxides; it was investigated at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 700 C-
The family of curves is given as follows:
P A C-9 The results prove that the absorption of
total = 5 H 2s0 4'
nitrogen oxides from nitrous gases is complete at a temperature
of 30-400 C and a sulfuric acid concentration of 70 %. A
possibility of obtaining concentrated nitric acid from nitrous
gases was described. There are 4 figures and I Soviet referance.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra tekhnologii neorganicheskikh veshchestv
Dnepropetrovskogo khimiko-tekhnologicheskogo institute,
Card 2b (Chair of Technology of Inorganic the
Partial Pressure of the nitrogen Oxides SOV/156-58-4-46/49
in the System HNO 3-H2 so 4-HNOS04 -H20
Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Chemical Technology)
SUBMITTED: May 23, 1958
Card 3/3
Ref. zh. Khimiya. Abs. SIL-1-
n lini -, T. P.
0 R, Baranov, A. V. , liberzon, E. A.. Timosheako. Ye., me a
T he concentvation oi-dEU-te a-it-r-ic acid in the presence of caiciuxn naTate
Sb. 36, IM3, 45-49
TOPIC TAGS: nitric acid production, nitric acid concentration. calcium nitrate,
azeotropic mixture
TRANSLATIO14: The authors studied the concentration of HNO in the vapors above mix-
S of HNO~ + ll,,O - Ca(NO and found th3-t (-onr-ertrated is
ra:~. )n ro;
Diagram lor _iqterr:~.ninlr
pomt of mixtures of HNI il,0 Ca,'Nf-! in re'aton 'kj
T h e s e ed 7
Cord 1/2
1- 1942o-65
ACCESST01; NR: AR404,3179
"'13 C'DDE- IC ENCL: 00
,i ~- 1" ~~ 21/2 1
LIMZOK, G.Ta.. professor (Fergana)
Hemorrhages of the bralu etas in hypertension. Soy. zed. 18 no.11:
17-20 1 0-54. (MLRA 7:12)
(HYPIRTENSION. complication
ceIrebral hemorrh.)
(GEUBM HIMORRHAGI, complications
LIBERZON G.Ya. (7ergana)
Cerebrovnecular changes in hypertensive cerebral bemorrhpgeso
Arkh.pnt. 18 no-2136-43 156 (MIRA 11:10)
le Is Ferganskoy oblastnoy bollnitsys
vase@ changes in hypertensive hemorrh. (Rus))
(HTPKRMSION, complioations.
cerebral hemorrh., vase. pnthol.chauges (Rua))
LIMZ2!~ Gr.Ya. (Fergana)
Pathogenesis of hypertonic cerebral hemorrhage. Zhur.aevrs i psikh.
56 no.6:446-453 156. (KMA 9:8)
(GSHMAL HEMMMUGE, etiol. and pathogen.
hypertension, pathol. & mechanism of pathogen.)
cerebral hemorrh., mechanism of pathogen. & pathol.)
LIBBS, an levi 4 Boris Borisovich; SWO, GeSe, red.
- - 4;.- "Em
lZaL~~-.-LaR&6fA, N.B., tekhn. red.
(Prevent-day metbods of cleaning tanks of oil tankers] Sovremeum.7v
metody ochietki tankov neftenalivnykh sudov..Nookwao Izd-vo "Kor-
skol transport." 1958. 101 p. (MML 31:10)
(Tank vesucle-Cleaning)
LIBZRZ%,4.T&*q profs
liiolrs in the diagnosis of neuralglass Sav.zed. 22 no,601-38 Ja 158
(MIU 3.1:9)
1, Is kafedry nervnykh bolezney (save - profs GoTae Liber'son)
Blagoveshchenskogo meditsinskogo inatituta (dir. - dots. SeGe Ptitsin).
(UUUWIA, diag.
diag. errors (RUB))
LIBERZON, G#Ya.. prof, (Blagoveshchensk)
Clinical picture and Pathogenesis of microfecal loss of cerebrhl
function in hypertension. 36 no.902-86 $158 (MIU.11:10)
L Is kAfedry nervnyldl I)olezney (zave,- prof, G*Ya. Liberzon)
ilagaveshchenskago meditsinskogo instituta (dir, - dots; S.Ge' Ptitsyn.)
microfocal cerebral funct., clin. poitures & pathogen.
(BRAIN, pathol*
microfocal funct. loss In hypertension, clin.picture
and pathogen.(Rus))
LIBERZON, G.Ya., prof.
Pathogenesis of cerebral hemorrhages of varying etiology.
Trudy Gos.naticb-Isal.inst.psikh. 25s631-W 161. (KM 15sl2)
1. Kafedra ndrvnykh bolezney Blagoveshchenskogo gosudarstven-
nogo maditsinbkogo instituts. (zav. kafedroy - prof. G.Ya.
Liberzon direktor inatituta M.K.Nadgeriyev).
SUPRON, L.F., dots., otv. red.; ARINCHIN, N.I., prof., red.;
GELIBERG, S.I., prof., red.; KLEPATSKIY, B.I., prof... red.;
IkI a~, prof., red.; ROVIKOV, I.I., kand. med.nauk
red.j FLAZUMOVICH, A.N., assistent, red.
(Abstracts of the reports of the Fourth Scientific Session
on the Problem: PIWsiology, Morphology and Pathology of the
Cardiovascular System] Tezisy dokladov Nauchnoi sessii po
problems: Fiziologiia, morfologiia, i patologiia serdechno-
sosudistoi sistemy. Grodno, Grodnenskii med. in-t, 1962. 207 p.
(MIRA 17: 10)
1. Nauchnaya sessiya po probleme: Fiziologiya, morfologiya i
patologiya serdechno-sosudistoy sistemy, 4th) 1962* 2. Zave-
duyushchiy kafedroy patologicheskoy fiziologii Grodenskogo me-
ditsinakogo instituta (for Supron). 3. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy
normallnoy fiziologii Grodenskogo meditsinskogo instituta (for
Arinchin). /+. Kafedra normallnoy anatomii Grodenskogo meditsin-
skogo instituta (for Novikov). 5.Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy mikro-
biologii Grodenskogo meditsinskogo instituta (for Gellberg).
6. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy obshchey khirurgii Grodenskogo medi-
tsinskogo instituta (for Klepatskiy). 7. Zaveduyushchiy kafed-
roy nervnykh bolezney Grodenskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (for
Liberzon). 8. Kafedra biokhimii Grodenskogo meditsinskogo in-
stituta (for Razlimovich).
Some characteristics of folded structureq in th6,"hkeean ore
region. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 14 no.5:375-3/8 158. (MIRA 11:5)
l.Institut geologii AN AzerSSR. Predstavle'no akademikom AN Aze
M. A, Kashkayeme
(Dishkesan District-Foids (Geology))
Haterials on faults and ore deposits in the Dashkeoan ore-bearing
province. Izv. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. geolo-geogs nank n0-2:3-20
159. (MIRA 12:8)
(Dashkesan region-Ore despolts)
(Daahkenan region-Paults (Geolog7)
,- LIBERZONI_I. Cand Geol-Min Sci -- (diss) "Structure of the
in-Cr-usive complex and ore field of Dashkesan.11 Baku, Publishing
House of the Acad Sci, AzSSR, 1960, 24 PP,( Acad Sci, AzSSR.
Inst Geology im Academician I. M. Gubkin), 150 copies, (KL,
3o-6o, 137)
Prototectonics of the Zurnabad-Dashkagan intrusive complex. Izv.
AN Azerb, SSR. Ser. geol.-geoge nauk no-3:77-82 160,
(MIRA 13:10)
(Azerbaijan-Geolog7, Structural)
(Azerbaijan-Rocks, Igneous)
Structure of the southern margin of the Kusary-Divichi
synclinorium in the Khanagya section. Uch.zap*AGU.Geol._geog.ser.
no.5-.21-26 159. (KM 14:6)
(Kuba District--Geology, Structural)
Basic characteristics of the distribution of endogenetic deposits
4- 4-he nashkeserore zone. Zakonom,rampolem.iskop. 7:261-265
,6/+. (MIRA 1726)
1. Upravleniye geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov
Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR.
EWT (1)/I~WA (h) /63/
i ',-ACC NR, AP5025700 SOUBC& CODE: 0/0286 ooo/q8/oo48/oo48
INVENTOR: Liberzon.;-Ka 5b.
0R0: -none
TITLE: Tr-ansigtorized onverter of d-c into.three=phase a-c.- Close 21, xo. 1747o2
SOURCE: Dyulleten' izobreteniy'i tovarnykh znakov, no,.'18,,1965, 48
I TOPIC TAGS: inverter,.transistorized pkrcuit
ABSTRACT: The proposed inverter takes the form of three single-phase inverters (sve
ffigure) uii-ifilng feedback"transformers synchronized by means-'of 'a master oscillatoi-
.and connected in a halfvwave coincidence cireuit~ To improve reliability and achieve
!separate frequency and voltage control over a wide range, I a,ne wi.nding of the feed-
!back connected through two separating diodes to th"collectore, and
!Athe other winding is connected to'the bases ofthe transistors.., The central points
1/2 uDc. 621.,314 _5_7_62i,_182~+
Fig. 1PL Three phftse inverter
1 -.Master oscillator; 2 - additional d-c
voltage sourqe, 3 feedback transfomers,
of the.irindings are Ponnecied to an additional lov'd-c voltage source. Orige art.
has: 1 figure.
SUB 00 DE F-Ej Ar C-/'S UB M,DATE: 08Apr64/.L ORIG REP I.60d/, OTH REF:. 000[ ATD PRES S:
L 11328-6 EWT C1
ACC NR, AP6035740 iTR70
(AsN) SOURCr CODR, -4T3-Y6'6-[o6VoT97oY 6270 f 03
IUVFN701z- Liberzon, K. Sh.
ORG! none
TITLE: Transistorized inverter with a relay characteristic. Class 42, No. 186768
'SOURCE: Izabreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tova-rnyye znaki, no. 19, 1966,
TOPIC TACS: inverter, transistorized inverters -q AJY1-7 7-a ei zer
7*/?0945 oreemeoe 77? ti &
ABSTRACT: A sensitive transistorized inverter with a relay characteristic is
described. The inverter is based on a multivibrator with a transformer couplllng
Feedback windings and a rectifier have been added to provide a rectified negative
feedback between the main power transformer and the intermediate transformers.
Orig. art. has: 1 figure.
SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 15Aug64/
C,,d UDCi 621,314,572
ACU NR' AR6035209 SOURCE CODE: UR/0274/66/000/008/AO16/AO16
AUTHOR: Liberzon, K Sh.
TITLE : Frequency stability of a transistorized two-transformer oscillator
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Radiotekhnika i elektrosvyazl, Abs. 8A101
REF SOURCE: Nauchn. tr. vuzov Povolzhlya, vyp. 2, 1965, 299-319
TOPIC TAGS: * transistorized oscillator, frequency stability
ABSTRACT: The dependence of a trans istoriz ed-oscillator Is frequency on the
various circuit parameters is established and analyzed, and conditions under which
frequency depends only slightly on load current are determined. It is assumed that
the oscillator is designed on the basis of an extended two-transformer oscillator
cirenjit. The equivalent circuit and input equations describing the operation of such
i an osciiLazz6r.
are developed. The magnetization curve of the switching transformer
core in the oscillator is approximated by a linearly broken curve, and the input
characteristics by a set of parallel straight lines, which is accurate enough for the
majority of power transistors. It is shown that the dependence of frequency on load
is minimal when the following relationship is satisfied
Card'l'/2 UDC: 621.373.42:538.56
interconnecting the load current Im, the power supply voltage E, the collector
resistance rk, and the characteristics of the core material (through coefficient f,
which characterizes the inclination of the hysteresis-loop branches of the switching
transformer). One of the methods of satisfying this equality is to connect an
additional resistance into the collector circuit. In oscillators whose oscillation
period increases with an increase in load, the frequency stability can be improved
by increasing the primary-winding resistance. Experimental results are given
showing that with variation in load current from zero to the rated current it is
possible to produce power -oscillators with a frequency stability of not less than
1-2016. There are six illustrations. The bibliography contains 15 titles. [Trans-
lation of abstract] [DW]
'SUB CODE: 09/
Card 2/2