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LEWANDOWSKA, Janina; SIELICKAt Bronislawa Use of an auto-vaceine in allergic dieemseo in children. Pre- liminary commication, Pediat. pol. 38 no.10:897-903 0 163. 1. Z I Kliniki Pediatrycz'nej AM we Wroclaviu Kierownik.- prof. dz! m6d. H. Hirazfeldowa i z Katedry Mikrobiologii Waterynaryjnej WSR we Wroclawiu Kierownik: prof. dr mod. A. Skurski. (VACCINE THERAPY) (ALLEgGY) LEWANDOWSKAO Janina Side affect of drugs in children. Pediat. pol. 38 no.10; 933-941 0 163. POISONDIG) (PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY) ANTIBIOTICS) (ANTIHISTAMINICS) ~ TETRACYCLT11E) (VITAMINS) CHLORAMPHENICOL) (ERYTHROMYCIN) isULFONAMIDES) (ANTITUBERCULAR AGENTS) LWANDOWSKA, Janina; MATHEISEL, Krystyna; RUDKOWSKI, Zbigniew- Finger-sweat test and examination of chlorides in the saliva in children ~th bronchial asthma. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.43: 1640-1643 26 0 164. 1. ~ I Kliniki Pediatrycznej Alcademii Medyczne we Wroclawiu (Kierownikt prof. dr. med. Hanna Hirszfeldowa ideceased]). 'Jell i;Ol i'j!* Aar ` n a (7% the Aj:pearf-j.~e Gf l!!Ukrj"3-94--!Utjnln,,; 2-ri srme ai,59aaes In chillruni, 1'edlLA. "o!, 39 nca~l?;.t,-~949 Pg 264 Is ' e we 0c aA f VIlnlki !-ediatrp.,rrje" T~adrp"-L Medyuzr. Wr I iu j Chlerr,wn.lkl I)rOfb dr. med. Ps Hlr6z,-Peldwa [deceasedj)t, i~r,~.----.-,!~' CHILHANO A.; BlA)CH, B.j LEWANDOWS~~J. Radiologic changes in reticuloandotheliools of the Abt-IRtterer- Siwe type. Pol. przogla radiole 29 no.4:373-379 JI-Ag 165. Is Z I Kliniki Pediatryaznej AM we Wroclawlu (Kierownik: prof. dre mod. T. Nowakowski). LEWANDOWSKA,, Janina; ZDEBSKA, Eugenia Rupture of gastric ulcer in an infant. Pol. przegl. chir. 37 no.7s722-724 J1 165. 1. Z 11 Kliniki Chorob Dzieci AM w Krakowie (Kierownik: prof. dr. B. Halikowski) i z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Krakowie (Kierownik: prof. dr. J. Oazacki). HALIKOWSKI, Boguslaw; oraz wspolpracownicy: EJSMONT, Leokadia; FOLTYN, Halina; KUROWSKA-TAYIDR, Alsksandra; LEWANDOWSKA, Janina; STOPYROWA,, Janina; WYSZKOWSKI,, Jerzy Clinical syndromes in changes of the extracellulAr osmolality and volomia associated with severe pneumonia in children. Pt.l. Pediat. Pol. 40 no.7:657-668 Jl 165. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob DzIeci AM w Krakowie (Kierownik: prof. dr. mod. B. Halikowski). LEWAMOWSKIp Januszpmgr.inz. Block diagrams- of pneumatic contronars. Pomiary autwatyka :Kontroia 8 no.2173-76 F 162. t KOPYBGg Zbyelaw; LTSZICOWICZ, Adela; LSWAIMWSKL, &YatYna; STABROWSKI, gieezyslaw Diffuse soleroderma in an infant (Sclerodermia diffusa). Fedlat. polska 32 no-7:847-853 JuV 38. 1. Z Oddsialu Dzieciecego Szpitala Wojewodzkiago w Zielouej Gorze Syrektor expitala: dr made Zo Pieniezny i z Od4Pd&lVNiemowlecego Woj- owodskiego Bspitala Ikisoiecogo w Ponanim, Dyrisktait szpitala; dr mod. Me Szenic. Adres: dr Z. Kopyoog Zielona Gora. u1. Xoniusski 39 m 1- (SCIEREM NBOHATOMM, cooe reports (Pol)) SZCZF-PSKI, Olech; GONGIOUWICZ, Maria; LWANDOWSU, Krystyna memwakl- Significance of additional staphylococcal, infections during in- fant diarrheas. Folski tygod. lek. 14 no.41:1835-1838 12 Oct 59, 1. (Z II Kliniki Chorob Dzieciecych A. M. w Poznaniu; kierownik: doc. dr med. Olech Szczepski). - - - . , !---;'0DIARJMA, in inf. & child, - (S~wIyLOC0WI;-n0TCTIbNS, in-f4. & child) LEWASWOSKA, Krystyna; MILIA, Jan A case of mediastinal pneumothorax during the course of whooping cough pneumonia and septicemia. Pediat-Polsim 35 rio.2:211-215 7 16o. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Dzisci A.M. w Poznaniu. Kisrownik: doe. 0. Ssasepski. (SMIOIKIA in inf.& child.) (PNBUMONIA in inf.& child.) (VHOOP11G COUGH compl.) (PNNNOTHOW in inf.& child.) A 0 L 6,31.1h 02! r, 13.4 b4VTO ';Tuvzy4ska S., blyszkuy.-Aa Kq W61nlak W., Lowandowoka K. Dr-ter- minativa of Folio Acid by file floe Qf filreploWelli rai ca 1M(_If,:_ ,Orywc4aniv Jam4ti followcau pay pomlwy StrvjjW;;cwi,, F'~tx-fflj It". I'V400111YO Cherticzny. No. 2, 1054, pl). Dl--Dd, I fig., I, tab. (ksirli: u. -cd of dt:,-rmm;ng acid by o.--inn tmPtuuo-cm Faecalis it. It lma3 found pa:;~ Me to r.1511plA Y tho vpmth nat?llum by ri:im,ving from it:., compm*Ali,,~12 thf_- ba.-ik:. nu~rh-nt, Ow, llvi-r' v,"Ar.1cl, ond fniliv ncid. 0141intim conoWration v( tht. tr;~i-n c~A.Ailf-:hvll, A im:Lhol jy v%14-jim.4 of oUr-laff)., c."eill Irm'hwa V11:11T11111, V;lj:Wjl Jim 1w mod for m1crOW0)Of;1LA (1111".116114fi(Al ro)[c of id, aa 'well ,z.; fel- d0ol-nilutor olhoe vilminIn.; of rrwip 11. 111k; m(Alli-A !ArAlplif1r, and fllt, ;1;:i,%-rz4-Y 1)f 3663 577.10 Ba Afteroblo- Tuszyfiska S., Myszkowsl6i K., Wofmiok W_ Lewandowskg logical Method of Oelerruining Vitamin Us It-ii-MITtv-1tamin Preparations. ',mrobl6logicina metoda oznaczania witaminy Ba w preparalach tamlnowyc~'. Przemysl Ch~ernlczny. No, 11, 1954, pp. 577-518, WIPJowl I fig,, I tab, I A microbloing1cal method of determining vitamin Bq complex in mul- tieltnra:n preparations, using Saceharomyces carlabergensis 41.4.0 on the basis of the AtWn test.. How to prepare casein hydralysate free of vita- min B4 using ultraviolet rays Is described iogether with optimal concen. Irallon of strain dispersion and the technique of homogenLous Inocu. Intion. As a means of saturating. with oxygen, uniform shaking of sampl;.;i wag performed at constant temperature, This inethod FnAkes It possible in determine the vitamin Is In multivitamin P:eparations containing large quantities of vfti;min P" (thiamine). W T' RM i'u TUSZYNSKA, St; MTSZEDWSKA, K; WOZNIAK. W; LIWAIIDOWSKA. K. Ilffect of vitamin P on capillary resistance in vitamin C deficiency in guinea pigs. Acta pbysiol.polon. 6 no.1:99 106 1955. 1. Z Zekladu Bodanta Organopreparatow I Witamin. Kierownik: ngr. I. Iwanowsim, Instytutu Lokow w Warnsawle.Dyrektor: prof. dr P. Xubikowski. (CAPIT-TA IS, resist.,eff. of*'vitamin P on In exper.scurvy) (VITMN P, effects$ on capillary reolsit. In exper. scurvy) (SCURIT, experimental, off. of vitamin P an capillary reslet. In) r2 Fill", TUSZYNSKA, ST.; MYSZKOWSKA, K.; WOZNIAK, W.; TAUTT, J.; LEWANDOWSKA, K. Xffect of sulfoguanidine on degree and order of inhibition of synthesis of digestive thiamine, rybovlavin and nicotinic acid amide in rat. Acta physiol. polon. 8 no-3:556-557 1957. 1. Z 7.qk-]Adu Badania Organopreparatow i Witamin Instytutu Iekow w Warezawle Dyrektor: -orof. dr P. Xubikowski. QITAMIN B COMPLXX, metabolism, I eff. of sulfoguanidine in rate (Pol)) (AMIDINNS, effects. sulfoguanidine on vitamin B complex metab. in rats (Pol)) IV D o all -A MINIM WALPOZAK, MiGC2701&WjMACIFJWSKIt Jamesi FELLMM, Krystynal_MANDOWID, i=mfi Familial adrenogenital myndrome vith salt depletion. Pediat. Pol. 40 no.8025-830 Ag 165. 1e Z II Kliniki Chorob Dzieci AM v Poznaniu (Kierowniki prof. dr, mod, 0, Szotopmki). LWANDOWSKA, Maria; UNGER, Janusz Early results and complication of the treatment of pulmonary tuber- culosis by thoracoplasty. Gruzlica 27 no.4:299-306 Apr 59. 1. Z Zakladu Ftysjochirurgii SDKL w Sanatorium im. dr 0. Sokolowskiego Kierownik' Prof. dr mod. W. Rzepacki Panstwowy Zespol Sanatoriow Przeciwgrazliazych w Zakopanea Dyrektor: dr mad. St. Frankel. (THORACOPIASTr) LEWAMMSKA, Ma Streptomycin-resistance phenomenon in pulmonary resection performed under the protection of vionycin. Postepy hig. zed. dow. no.2:55-56 160. 1. Z Zakladu Ftyzjochirurgii S. D. L. w Sanatorium im. dra 0. Sokolowskiego v Zakopanem Kierownik: prof. dr Wil Rzepecki. (STREPTONrCIN ther) UNMONECTOW) (VIONYCIN ther) LEWANDOWSKA, Maria Anesthesia in I-stage bilateral resection. Postepy hig. ned. doav. no.2:74-75 160, 1. Z Zakladu Ftyzjochirurgii S.D.L. Sanatorium im. dra 0. Sokolowskiego w Zakopanem Kierownik: prof. dr Wit Rzepecki. (PNEUMONECTOMY anesth & analg) (ANESTHESIA INTRATRACHEAL) LEWANDOWSKAP Teresa; GWIAZDA, Zygmunt Determination of thionyl chloride in a technical product. Chem anal 6 no,1;29-35 161. (EEAI 10:7) 1. Analytical Department, Institute of Organic Indust27, Warsaw. (Thionyl chloride) IEWANDOWSKA-ROGOZINSKA$ Danuta; SURKONT, Wanda Conservative treatment of bronchiectasis. Pediat. Pol. 40 no-5; 505-507 My 165. -~t. -7-U ~X STANMEK, lazer; GREGOR',ZYK, Jam.:m-, gea ;.L-.,~Jnn%s of Ic-,r St~idl,e3 an effe--.~ f ps-lon, IC-requency on bloch6mical disorders in guinea p-1125. 1. Effe-ct on the activity of alanine and aspartage am inotransfe rase in the blood serurp and IIvqr of the guinea pig. Med. dosw. mi1kro- blol. 16 no.40.17-353 t64. 1. Z' Katedry- i Zakladu Chemii FIzjo1ngi-.~.znej Sla--ki.ej Akademil Medyt,znej -.r Zgbrzj-RjkitnI~y (Kierowiilka- prof. dr. S. 1626rieViCT). STANOSEK, Tozefj GRSGORCZYK, Janusz; LEWANDOWSKL-TOKARZ, Anna Biochemical obanges-in-guinea pigs under the Influence of large donee of hydrocortisonse Is Effect on serum proteins and protein fraction level and on the relative veight of the liver in guinea pigs, Jbdoor. Pol. 16 no,,1:89-96 -Ta-Ft65 1. Katedra 1. Zaklad Chemii Fizjologioznej Slaskiej Akademil Me- dyaznoj v MbrzirRokitniczy (Kierounikt prof. dr. So Jozkiewica)o GRWORGZYK, Janusz; LEWANDOWSKA-TOKARZ Anna:. STANOSEK, Jozef; GLAB, Maria, Studies on acoustic stress with the effect of simultaneous hori- zontal mechanical low-frequency vibratior on biochemical changes in guinea pigs. Mod. pracy 16 no.2tl2l+-129 165. 1. Z Katedry i Zakladu Chemii Fizjologicznej Slaskiej Akademii Medyaznej w Zabrzu-Rokitnicy (Kierouniki prof. dr. S. Jozkiewiez). GFDIJRCZYKp Janusz; STANOSEK, Jozef;. LEWMIDO'gSf',A-T,,')FA.RZ,~nn~,i Biochemical changes in f ulnea pigs treated with large doses of hydrocortisone. 11, Erfee . (n t-he activity of alanine amino- transferame and aspartate a,,,jnotransferase in th^ blood serum, and in the liver and of gamma-glutamyl transpetidase, in the blood serum. &dokr. Pol. 16 no.2%189-194 Mr-Ap165. 1. Katedra i Zaklad Chemli FIzjologIcznej Slaskiej Alcademii Medycznej w Z-abrzu-Rokitnicy (Kierownlk: prof. dr. S. Jozkiewlez). W. LEWANDOWSKA-TOPBZ.vJ=A; GREGORCZYK, Janusz; STANOSEK, Jozef; INICZ, Anna Studies on the acoustic stress action with simultaneous action of horizontal mechanical vibration of lower frequencies on bio- chemical changes in guinea pigs. Pt.2. Med. pracy 16 no.4:278-282 165. 1. Z Katedry i Zakladu Chemii Fizjologi.cznej Slaskej AM w Zabrzu- Rokitnicy (Kierownik: prof. dr. S. Jozkiewicz). R - ET"I'l %' I I' IFS ( v) -3 DD ACC NRI AP501i66 SOURCE CODE: Po/oo56/65/oi6/005/0701/0701 AUTHOR: Gregorczyk, J. - Gregorchik Ya.; -Tokarz - Levandovska-Tokazh ._a_ Levandowska- Ge-- qj~anosek, j. -- Stanosek, Yu.;,Ne a J. P ORG: -Inat QtpiatULL_SileGia AM, Zabrze-Rokitnica-(Zaklad Chemii Fizjologicznej S1.. AM) TITLE: The effects of physical work and work under conditions of ngLgg~-and y1bXAtJqn on the human organism. I. Behavior of serum alkaline phosphatase, aldolase, and lactic dehydrogenase activities SOURCE: Act& physiolDgica polonica, v. 16, no. 5, 1965, 701-708 TOPIC TAGS: human physiology, working condition, man, medical experiment, biologic vibration effect, noise effect ABSTRACT. An experiment was performed on 62 workers employed in a large industrial establishment in Silesia to study the effects of stress on the human body. Of these, 37 worked under stress of noise, vibration, and dust, and the remaining 25 worked without noise or vibration. All the workers were in good health prior to the ex- periment. Evaluation of the results obtained showed that there was a statistically significant Increase in the activities of serum aldolose and,lactic dehydrogenease in workers subjected to stress. The serum alkaline ph~~phatase showed a decrease in the L 10734-66 ACC NRt AP5027166 activity of this enzyme. It is assumed that the stress factors studied produce changes In the sugar metabolism of the body. OrIg. art. hast- 4 tables. [081 SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: 09Dec64/ CrTH REF: 0191 ATD PRESS: L -10465-66 EWT(1)/FS(v)-3 DD A:C- -CH S6-Uh-(:fE- - 6-De- -PO/005~-/6~/-O'f6/ 05V076 Ro AP5027167 C 9/0714 -3C AUTHOR: GregQrc&gk, J. Gregorchik, Ya. (Member of physiological chemistry dept.); jAwandow kst-ThImrT.. A. Levandovska-Tokazh, A. (Member of physiological chemistry Zlept. II, SMose1c, J, Stanosek, Ya. (Member of physiological chemistry depL); ~Qlabt M. Glomb, M. (Member of physiological chemistry dept.) ORG-. Department and innUtuteviphyfilgiggical Ch Zabrze -Rokitaica. (Katedra I Zaklad Chemil Fizjologicznej 81. AM TITLE: The effects of physical work and work under conditions of noise vibratlon ~n- the human organism. 11. Behavior of aspartic and alanine aminotransferase, Gamma-glutamy, transpeptidase, lactic debydrogenase, and L-Idytol dehydrogenase activities SOURCE: Acta physiologica. polonica, v. 16, no. 5, 1965, 709-714 TOPIC TAGS: human physiology, working condition, man, medical experiment, biologic vibration effectp noise effect ABSTRACT: An experiment was performed on 49 workers employed in a large industrial establishment in Silesia to study the effects of stress on the human body. Of these, 25 worked under stress of noise, vibiatlon' and dust .. and the remaining 24 were employed as designers woricing without noise or aZt'ian-A Astistical evaluation of the results showed a 26% Increase In the activity of aspartic transaminase and a statistically significant decrease ACC NRs. "W27167 in the activity of lactic dehydrogenase (46%) in the workers subjected to stress. IIe in- crease in transaminaaes to cons!dered as a possible increase in the transamination process in workers subjected to stress. Orig, art. has: 1 table. (081- BUD COM SUBM DATE: 29Dec64 OTH REF: 017/ ATD PMS: e H U-) Card 212 L-"~MIDOIWI )KN-TIIF. ARZ. Anna; GfV.GORCZYK. Janusz; STLNUSEr, Jozef; lkwf,i~ncfll Anna Examination of the effect of prolonged low frequency vertical vibration on biochemical disorders in guinea pigs. 11. Effect on the levell of total lipids, cholestarc! and phnspholipidn In the blood serum and on the ascorbic acid level in the adrenal gland.e. Mod. donw. mAcrobiol. 17 no.1:71-75 165. 1, Z Katedr-r i 74-1kIndu Chemit AzJologicnej Slaskie Akademi-I 14edy(:znoj w Zrbmu-Ttokitnicy (I%ierownik: prof. dr. S. Joakie- WICZ). ISWANDOWSKI, Andrzej Management of the most severe forms of tetanus based on a case. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.20:753-756 19 *q 58. 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. N. w Poznaniu; kierownik: doc. dr Jerzy, Borszewski) Adres: Poznan, III Klin. Girurg. A. M. (TETAM, ther, management of a ver7 severe case (Poi)) STENGM, Krzysztof; SZUBMT, Zdward; Andrzej. Treatment of thronbophlebitis witli*panth6jjn-hydergine (PH 203) Polskis wewn. 28 no.5:819-822 19580' 1. Z III Xliniki Chirurpicznej A.M. w Poznaniu Xierownik: doe. dr med. J; Borasewski i z I lliniki Ginekologiczno-Polozniczej w Pozna~in Ilierownik: doe dr med. W. Michalkiewics, Adres autora: Poznan, III llinikR Chirurgiczna, A.M. OIRGOT ALKALOIDS, there use hydergine in thrombaphlobitis with N N-diethylleucinon-p- amino benzoic acid. methanesulfonate tPol)) (AMINCBENZOATES. ther. use N,3-diethyllaucinon-p-amino ben0le acid methaneoulfonate in thrombophlebitis, with hydergine (Pol)) (THROMB I ~ ITIS. ther.* hydergine & N,N-diethylloucinon-p-amino benzoic acid methanesulfonate (Fol)) LEWANDOWSKI, Andrzej Our observations an the treatment of severe forms of tetanus with lytic cocktail# curare and continuous controlled respiration. Przegl.epidem. 14 no.2tl63-169 160. 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Poznaniu Kierownik Kliniki: Doe. dr Jerzy Borazewski [deceased] (TETANUS ther) (HIBERNATION ARTIFICIAL) (CURARE ther) (RESPIRATION ARTIFICIAL) GEDLICZKA, Otmar; Y"ZYNSKA, Antonina; SKAWINSKI, Stefan; SZNAPKA, Zbigniew; LEWANDOWSKIj Adam; ZONTEK, Franciszek The brmsulphalein (BSP) halft-tize (t 1/2) ir rabbits fonowing hemorrhage. POI. tyg. lek. 18 no.40:1481-1482 30'8 !63. 1. Z U K3Aniki Chirurgicznej AM w Krakowie; hicrowniki prof. dr %T. Ossacki. (SULF013ROMOPHTHALEIN) (LiVER RRICTION TESTS) (HEMORRHAGE) (BLOOD VOLIME) PIETRZYK, Ignacys- SOWINSKA, Barbara; LEWANDOWSKI, Adam Effect of fractures of long bones on the composition of blood proteins. Chir, narzad. ruchu ortop. pol. 27 no.4:457-462 162. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM v Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr I J. Oazacki. (FRACTURES) (BLOOD PROTEIN DISORDERS) GEDLEZKAj OtMr; SKWINSKIq Stefan; SZNAPKAj Zbigniew; UVANDOWSKI Adam Peripheral venous preomn-e in post-hemorrhagic states. polski przeglq chir. 35 no,1:49-55 163. le Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM v Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr J, Onzacki, (HEMORRHAGE) (BLOOD PRESSURE) (VEINS) PCJA-,Aim LE",11AINDOWSKI, Andrzej Plant Phy=-al Ghemical Laboratory of the TEVIA Send-Conductor Factory (Zakdadowe uaboratorium Fizyko--L;heniczne 'Narsaw ,0 Pi lad elektroniki, No 9, 6optember 6. 'sroclaw p p p 499-507- "Surface Preparalk-lion of Gormanium Dice for 3emiconduc- tor Manufacturing", LEWANDOWSKI, Andrzej Surface preparation of germanium dice for production of semi- conductor parts, Przegl elektroniki 4 no.9:499-506 S163 1. Zakladowe Laboratorium Fizyko-Chemiczne, Fabryka Polprze- wodnikow TEVA. Warszawa. M 0 0 O-OU #11:41 '1 11 w ji 4 ft I " a a A m A 0 $9 is it U 1, V. it a 3 IVA I 'I " J; Q 00 0 A lxwunfjuw~!~ ks Af. Wni6rchowski 0e I 00 j 00 j 00 Is a At u It N it u #1 61 act 0 A I iso -00 of so ::: =09 zoo ZOO coo .0 see -so SOO troo &$*.ILA WALL"* Ac offeArwe CLSISIfKATOCO 13roo 9 1~ S'. A t... -EARS lip-OWD OW-JAC 3 As , a a 4 0 u 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 : : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000.0 0 0 0 0 * 00 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a ei~ a * fu 4 4 AWIS, -I 00 -as 00 ChenticA proptartles and clolitamill"tim toll natumat ferric g1ki. Arch. I.h. by*ualdvalt. Anscluo'k-wit" $'w $,was, -7771". - It (ill is ilh likl)~IOVI .1 $.I . . , CA, 16. 4517; 33. 010. -The Cligni'l Ite .1oh., m, 04-afir,lws t1w 1".i. -I tim-it rract6m- will% Aig -all- t,, lud ditm t l i tff o the 1 f h l t i WO e n g 4*111 ert le%. Alla r cm.s cv t c yt t I'lei-wher h b Mi I A ! 0 ar , IF 019. "I'dirl c y i j 0 goo w !p re 0 00 goo t woo so 41 too too* U 0 AV 00 Il ~101'1 I FU 0 0 a v am q is a 1 11, Im N A I 0l cl IS Is at 0 to of .1 0 099,00 0 0 0 0 0 H&O a 0 :94 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 444~ 60600 e ~~ 0 0; 0 0 0 0 *is e 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 00 0 1 411 0 0 0 0 0 0 * O's 0 0 0 0 s e 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 01 Cb~m" Md a-my it sow I I on W forrk I p4W P94A I I PrOmm-:~IMM49OWbithoblotat aim mist-. imilk lootir in a jJ6 'do esso be detected by disma4vins ImicaM32.11SHIM. 1. this way it Ispoto. N" Am posommov of the IwW. tontroo t in a 0011114110 wow 4*1 with "MWO M4.1,1V than hr thr 114"r "Iffbad. Ifol"Od A. C-4 CMmd*fiWC$ of @liver forft, A Lewasidowski(Univ., Pomu'powild). RogsNikichm., summary).-The formAtIclo of Ashe'rrits rinio Ile( Ith and AXjO in the presence a# water at 2D6 is dcxri1xA. Edward A. Ackcrmww 6-- I/ 11CI 14 00 At go 0 06 0': ':00 so .00 00 oil. =06 NA! 1.M0. Ills m"I in sust-114111" an I Coo :0 '~j ,W~tj, Intrrlrrdiatr stage tit AN' FrOllf), I'mil-wor 0 0 '60 :0 " of Of 00 0 0 0. 0 0" a '06 00 00 Of '00 0 0: =00 '00 400 ee it 001 t v *14 1 0. 000 so goo r) 0 00 410 699:6990:: LEWm' DGWS'KT-,---A, Analytical 11bot. Vol. I NO. 1 Jan. .1954 Inorganic AnalYBis 4 1. A 4mLlut to 1, "m n d--a--w a It I r Uloem. CTe-#n-,-T9631, t2;-'?~-Srz Omer LO detect Al a few drops of the exanimcd solution are aced on a piece of filtor*Paper. wilkh Is then r.!unersed for, 11 min. in Iftf 'Nlf, solution contain- Ir Ce Np After the paper has ing 1 11 nt of NJ bce,% 14LI1.1 i~ water'antr dried superficially, a mixture of NaF or I(F and an indicator is sprayed on it, so colouring the spots containing Al. A Us of sensitive Indicators sounu of jVhIch are capable of detecting 10 p.p.m. of Al is given. Elimination o I interfering ions is discuued; Ti, Zr, Aln. Ukle, Ta a rid l~ N6 interfere most. S. K. L'%CHOWSC 'i., Z'! f P 7,-1 r, TR 7- IS vk-;j Quantita(iyo determination of small Iinantitics 01--mine. A. m"ki and W. 10-Iczewmki (Recn. Chem. 19:H, a*msunniurto-a-T%-p-M-c'a-witli a micryTilv--tte on a strip of filter papar near a narrow Wrigoe attached I,) the bottons end. The paper It impregnated will-, uranyl Ivrrory-mide or dithizone. Ifi-10 Ship is then Ismij, over a glycerol-water 11 -, 1) bath at lfg)- lilt tile tonpe end tOuching th-, murface of Ilse water. Water diffugei upwards producing a tile murl:iLe of whirh ij concri. of Zn in the salution. Estimations of few lign f~f zn 1~ , file xna de by this Inethod in under 30 rain. with ;in accur 'e Itt'N' 14 +2-1 TMATIVIIIISFT, A. LEWWWRSKII A. Oznaczanle olowiu metoda. impregnacyjna. Poznan, Panstwowe Wydawn, Naukowe, 1955. 20 p. (Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Nauk. Komisja Matematyczno-Przyrodnicza. Prace, t. 7, zesz. 5) (Determination of lead by means of im- pregnated filter paDer. A. Lewandowski and others: QuantitiLtive determination by the method of filter paper chromatography. English and Russian summaries. bibl., diagrs., tables) Poland. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Vol. 6, No. 4~-April 1957 P1138. Direct MO. xv, "71-Wo-1he tccbntqua of measuring areas In quant, paper-chromatographic analym 0l T I discussed. The method %a demonstrated with several cations and gives results with an error of ** - of Nil . ce S t C d C f o 5 t 4. ier . s an m a n o u r po , ( r ll %Vb t t t d th - x ure) were co ec e a m on e same paper ( man No. 1) by using butanot - acetone - cone. HCI (20:60:20) as eluent and rubeanic acid as spot indicator, A mixture of butanol. acetone, cone. IINO. and 140 (20: GO: 10- 10) was used to elute At"* in the presence of Fe"' (on 'WhAtman paper , No. 31 and, after dettrinining At uith the aid of the luorine reaction (against phenolplithalain), I ts of Fe were dcvel,))wd with lQ-'e(CN).. 0 111 valent lvad %vj!j determined %ina, (nn htunktell paper No. 0). from a so inammoniurn I. , acetatt). by ushq a foivent mixtore of butanol. ethanol and 11,0 (70:20:10) with addition of aMmonimn acetate undo I I~S a% indicator, POLAND/Inorganic Chemistry - Complex Compounds. C. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 9) 1957, 30321 Author : Krause Alfons, L inst Title : Spontaneous Crystallization of Goethite and Its Prepara- tion from X-Ray Amc)urphous Hydroxide of Trivalent Iron. Orig Pub : Thill. Soc. amis sci. e lettres Poznan, 1954-1955 (1956), B13, 125-130. Abst : Goethite (alpha-Fe.,0j*E40) was obtained by an accelerated method from x-ray amorphous Fe(OH)j at moderate temperatu- re, on regulation of nuclei formtion and crystallization at a corresponding concentration of OH- ions. Card 1/1 POLM/Kinetics. Combustion. Explosions. Topochemistry. Catalysis. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Eblmlya, No 8, 1957, 26231 B-9 Author Alfons Krause,.~ ~wando) Henryka Rorecka Title Preparation of Goethite ( -Fe20 -%0) on X:-ray-Amorphous Iron Orthohydroxide with Application o? Seeding Orig Pab Roczn. chem., 1956, 30, No 1, 51-58 Abstract The formation of yellow crystalline goethite (I) in the result of aging of X-ray-amorphous gel of iron orthobydroxide (II) in an alkaline medium is accelerated by the presence of seeds of the goethite phase, especially at a raised temperature. The percentual content of I is determined by dissolving the dried precipitate I + T-T in 32.5% HN03, in which I is insoluble. A higher alkali concentration and a longer heating increase the I content in precipitate. In the authors' opinion, TI ,%cc,-lerates the formation of I catalytically. Frest (2 to 3 days old) seeds of 11 produce the strongest action. Card 1/1 -!-777 203- i,j-rons Krause, Pu-izel,--, Lowardowski and Henr7vka Forecka- llotrzyw--n u (a- 1.20)n z Qent!,e-nobezpostacioi,,e-o Ortoumdorotlanl~l-i 'Felazowe-o z Za-tcsovmnic~-, Szczc.l)-'Lonl-i, "Roemiki C'he-viii, Vol '30, 'To I, Warsaw, U156. Pulblisln;~d from -the Rooearch LaborTtory of !nor,-anic Ch-miotry =6 ~*-.e llul::earch T-aborator7,- of ficneral Cherlstry, Poznan University, 30 R 5 Do b r) Poland/Analytical Chemistry Analysis of inorganic substances G-2 Abs Jour : Referat- Zhur - Khimiya, 110 3, 1957, 8430 Author :Lewandowski: A. and Kielczewski, W. Inst :Ndt glVell Title :Microchromatographic .Quantitative Estimation of Copper and lead by the Impregnation Method Orig Pub :Roczn. chem.. 1956, Vol 30, No 1, 275-280 (in Polish with summaries in English and Russian) Abstract :Microgram qudntities of' copper (I), I and zinc (II): lead (III), and III in the presence of II have been determined by paper chromatography. Whatman No 1 paper was used, im- pregnated with uranyl ferrocyanide or barium iodate (IV). A technique is described for the washing and development of the spots formed by the reaction of the cation under inves- tigation with the impregnating reagent; a method based on the Impregnation of the paper with IV is also discussed. It has been established that the amount of the unknown sub- stance is directly proportional to the area of the spot which is produced. The amount of substance in an unknown Card 1/2 -14- _3 v , ~.- 1 11 ~. -11 - - 11-11 %, . - - - I ~ I I - - . . - ewandowski. Andrzel. An investigatiOD e al 1 ~ ---- on-li O:A' L Ibrado Y n 81-97 i of Comparison. Arc - es) (Polish and Russian sMmari . I ali A geometric method is described for determining Clu ,e alternating character of the solutions Of a tatively tb on of the form z"+ 9)(X, xl)=O. The differential equad son of the direction of the method involves a cOmParl iane of the system velocity vector In the phase a with the direction o?'the phase velocity efUM9 studie I tem. Thus in or of the linear approximation of the. sys vec, a special c=j by Com*ing the two systems, the author is ible to determine aregion of Wtial conditions starting from which the motion is non-alternating W vanishes at t arroaches e most once as the system Xull ri=) m LaSalle LEMMOIKSKI, A.; Vol klDISK-7, H. Cationite paper. III. Quantitative detemination of alkaloids in y-.llow lupine.. P. 321 CMU ANILITYCZNI,. (Komisjn Analitycona Polskie Akademii Nauk i Noczelna Organizacja Techniczna) Warszawa. Polnnd. Vol. h, No. k, 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI)-LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959 Uncla. LEWANDOWSKI, Anzelm; WITKOWSKI, Henryk Use of cationits paper for eotimations of atropin in plant material. Mat abomia 4:3-10 161. 2. Universytet im. Adama Mickievicza v Poznaniu, Katedra Chexii Ogo3nej. U K, 6 0001 110~ 001 Ar4i.B'66 sso-beva": e71-0 -foot lost - 591 40,06Y. !~,jjgerO A96,5919,62.v ~On 0-.,re'h Ito as Ito. t j.-4 e ~"ail 0-jeo 4,avtv~ vX q. 6 Tbe of .0 tlo'ao -voo Of tjqjjj exts,13. -0 a 601VIL 'f 0TV, .tte at VLSI %04 ~r-1118 00TI .110, 1110r b-1 oJ 6 xx ISO MLYM ill ~ 4 VA &_4. oxxt es.6 by 1. t,,,res 13019 at 96U a sice se'Ace 6011U.10 t ITO %5 .9-re t-~Dg I- ix" %1jrj.G1v 01N1 2 * at se-99, 00 te 0 by JOT thpj a, TO, Y-1 ITO% t ve Se& h-roayl -x st a Y,- 4 .11 JAIA oic *01 syte& 0u of 6.3ea t 0.5 ilt'h v86 , . 9' 0.1 , i.01%, stv be j.ST1. 64,% Sol OT 0 0 Ut 4 a 0114 0 f 001'a other JOIST tai'vNe 2, t eon e COX& S/081/63/000/003/007/036 Selective ion exchangers. Il. Ion-... B144/bI86 2+ 7 ml 1 N HNO (in the presence of Pb the volume of the 2 N KI solution added is increased to 8 ml). To remove the other ions, the column is washed with 200 ml I N HNO or KC10 then-25 ml 2 N NH OH (to decompose BI-) and 3 4 4 75 ml water are.paseed through It# and BI is washed out with.1 14 H so 2 4 solution. This method is used to separate BI from Pb, Sn, Zn, Ug,-and Fe.- The experimental error is ~2-5~.. For the previous communication, see RZhKhimj 1960, no. 12, 47112. `Abstracter's note: Complete translationlo] 10 Card 2/2 LEVANLOWSKI, Anzelm; SZCZEPANIAK, Walenty- 'Ton eychanger specific for titanic ions. Chemia stosow 7 no,4%603-608 163. 1. Katedra Chemil Ogolnej, Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza, Poznan. LE-WANLMSET. A. (Torun) A certain modification of Hilbert's axioms of order. Rocz prace matem 8 no.1:93-97 163. TEWANDOWSKI, Anzelm Alfons Krause. Hauka polska 11 no.l.-41-43 JA-F 163. 1. Unlwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza, Poznan. LEWANJOWSKI P A.; Mji--jdUwAj 14, Experiments in chemical control or iron bacteria in arainso hocz nauk roin rosl 88 no.W23-2A 'b4. Ame &j UMMOMig sylvesterp dir 2100 of Gameral chamistlyp Uaiversity of Pemm (Katedrs, ammil agolmej Univermytotu Im. Ao Micideviomp Pomm) (for boU) Vsrsawv Cbmwis, mslWma No 3, Mmip-Jimme 1966, pp 611-616 Operris gaidea and bydrazides as ebrumst4Wrsphlo serbents. Part 3s moditylM of wozpti~ preportiou of ferrie exide.0 POLAND LMANDOWEKII Anzelm, prof , dr; DOROZALSU, Aleksandra, dr. Department of General Chemistry, Universityl~(Katedra Chemii Ogolnej Universytetuim. A, Mickiewicza), Poznan - (for both). Warsaw, Chemia analitycznay No 6j November-December 1965, pp 1261- 1266, "Determination of copper by the impregnation method." An attetipt at econoric evaluation of the state farms in Poznan voivodeship. p. libi HOWE ROLNICTWO (Panetwove Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Lesne) Warszawa,9 Poland. V01. b. no. 131 JU1Y 1959 Y,OnthlY List of East t;uropean Accessions (MAI) LC., Vol. 8,, No. 9,, September 1959. Uncl. LBWAMMKIp B.) mgr inz, nt Curre t and developmnt trends in the production of capacitrtlPdars., Przegl elektrotech 38 no,10:"9-452 0 162. 1. Pol-itechnikap Warszawa. IZWANDOWKIO Bogumil., mp, inze nPrinciples of designing hydroelectric plants* edited by the Polytechnic College in Amig. Reviewed by Bogumil Lawandowski. Coop wodna ~2 no./+sl57 Ap 162~ LEWANDOWSKIP Bogumil; RYBINSKI, Jerzy Retention period of air bubbles in aeration reservoirs. Gaz woda techn sanit 37 no.8s257-260 Ag 163. 1. Department of Hydraulic Construction, Technical University, Gdanak (for Lewandowski). 2. Institute of Hydraulic Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk (for Rybinski). f-T J~OgUq I aW, COMPIlting Of ~ne 7al!in an ~l 57--~- F 165. . . . . . . . . . . . . .LEWANDOWSKI, Edmund, mgr inz. '-f-1--ine address. Przegl elektroniki 4 nO. 10/11;55:L-552 0-11 163. 1. D-,rrektor Goneralny, Zjednocznie Przemyslu Elektronicznego i Toletechnicznego, Warszawa. LramwSKI. Henryk Conservative therapy of complicated infla ums, tions of the mastoid process. Otolar. polsks 8 no.2.*123-132 1954. 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryagologiesuej AkademA Kedyosnej w Lublinie. Klarownik: prof, dr mod. B.Dylewskl. (KAR013)ITIS. complications, otitle media. tber.) (OTITIS MWIA, complications, mastolditis, thef.) LWANDMKIv H. Edeceaaedl FUrther studies on'donservative therapy in Uflawation of the mastoid process fn children. Obolar polska 15 no.2sl79-184 1619 1, Z 93'niki 01.81amg0logiasnej AM w Lublinie Klerowniks prof. dr med. B. Dylevski (YASTOnIT32 Ix int & child) RATURO, Piotx., m9r inz.j BUTOWSKI, Jerzy, -inz.; LEWAIMOWSKI,Hubert inz. New designs in the Wood Machine Tool Factory, Przegl mech 23 no.15s441-444 10 Ag 164 1e Wood Machine Tool Factory, Bydgoszcz, LZWA'NWI.,IS-Y,I, J. ; PDIECYT, T. A few data concerning the dike of Brzeg DoIny. p. 87. (GOSprid2rka Wodna, Vol. 1?, No. 2, Feb 1957, Warsaw, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions LC, Vol. 6, No. 9, lurr 1057. Urica. I'Masuria as a region suitable for ralsin~ cattle." (p.92) NOWE ROLNICTWO (Panstwowe V~rdawnictwo RoInicze in Lesne Vlarzawa, Vol. 3, no. 4, Apr. 1954 SO: EAST European Accessions List, Vol 3, no. 8, August 1954 -7' LEWANDOWSKI, J. The basic principles of building in the field of cattle breeding. p. 3.2 (Budownictwo Wlejskie) Vol. 7, no. 2, Mar./Apr. 1955, Warszawa, Poland SO: MONTHLT INDEX OF EAST EMOPUN ACCFZS33DNS (EHAI) LC, VOL- 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 R- Improving the transportation of rolls of paper, p. 84. (PRZEGLAD PAFIERNICZY, Lodz, Vol. 11, no- 3, Mar- 1955-) 'Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), W, Vol. 4, No. SOr Ak, Jfin. 1955, Uncle UWAMMSKI,J. -------- For proper organization of work in setting traps. p.28 LAS POLSKI. (Ministerstwo Lesnic6 crax StowarayszonL& Rsukowo- 1I.Techiewe INsynierew i TechnIkow Lesnictwa i Drz4nmLctw&'A" -.-Arszava, Poland Vol.29, no.3, Mar.1955 Montbly Hot of last Surop*an AccemsLons (SFAX) LC, Vol.9, n9.2, Feb. 1960 uncl. Fnergy lnssps in elertric cablr-s. r). 199. Vol. 11, no. )!, Jul.v/Aurr. 29"". '-.'ars-awp, Poland) SO: "onthly List of Enst Furrmem Acressionc, (E7,AL) Lr. Voi. 6., no. 12, Drc. 1957. Uncl. LLVANM%FSKI, J. TECHNOL4MY Periodicals: FROOLAD TErRIICZ?Ff. Vol. 79, no. 191~ Oct. 15?58 Ir IEWANDOWSKI, J. Causes of 40 per cent of the fire accidents in industrial establishments. p. 898. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EW) W, Vol. 8, No. 2,, February 1959, Unclass. POLUM/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their E34 Application. Dyeing and Chemical Treatment of Textile Materials. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Rhimiya, No 11, 1958, 36418. Author : lAwandowski Jerzy Inst : Not give-n-- Title : The Uselessness of Artificial Sources of Radiation for Deterne-ning the Light Fastness of Dyeing. Orig Pub: Przem w1okienniczy, 1956,, 10) No 3, Biul Labor Koloryotp 5-6. Abstract: The determination of the light fastness of dyeing by means of artificial sources of radiation does not give hopeful results, in view of the essential difference between natural sunlight and artificial sources of radiation. Card 1/1 S/263/62/000/003/002/015 1004/1204 AUTHOR: TITLE: A sensitive pressure measurement system PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk. lzmeritel'naya tokhnika, no. 3, 1962, 29, abstract 32.3.182 P. Polish patent. class 42 k, 9/01, no. 42338, October 20, 1959 (Uklad do po- miaru cignich) TEXT: A sensitive element for measurement of low pressures (up to 2 kg/CM2) and rarefactions is patented It consists of a pressure pick-up in the form of a cavity bounded by two circular plates (one stationary and the other movable), and a flat spring which takes up the displacement of the moving plate. These variants of elastic plate joints and different methods of fixing the spring are given. The effective area of the pick-up is 3 times greater than that of a membrane of the same diameter. The plates of the pickup may be made of plastic and they may be used therefore in an aggressive medium. There are 3 figures, (Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 P/034/62/000/002/004/004 D265/D302 AUTHOR: ;,ggagd Janusz Master of Engineering TITLE; Blockdiagrams of pneumatic controllers PERIODICAL: Pomiary, automatyka, kontrola, no. 2, 1962, 73-76 TEXT: The author presents a muthod o;f analyzing the pneumatic control circuits by separating its elements which are classified into two main groups: The membrane- or lever-type amplifiers and the dynamic type R-C elements (Resistance-capacity). By representing a pneLuatic system in the form of a blockdiagram these elements can be coupled together giving all possible canbinations of differentiating., integrating and proportional circuits. The electrical analogs of elementary pneumatic devices are an- alyzed and a detailed analytical treatment presented for the case of an integrating regulator for an analog computer. A Sunvic type PI regulator is also studied in detail on schematic and block diagrams* There are 15 figures and 5 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The Card 1/2 P/034/62/000/002/004/004 Blockdiagrams of ... D265/D302 a references to the 4nglish-language publications read as follows: J.G. Truxall Control engineer's handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. New York, 1958; W.T. Thomson, Laplace transformation. Longmanal Green and Co., London, 1957. L// Card 2/2 P/034/63/000/P02/004/004 D201/1)308 AUTHOR: Lewandowski usz? Master of Engineering T ITLE , Construction of structural diagrams of hydraulic drives, PERIODICAL: Pomiary. Automatyka. I(ontrolaq no. 2, 1963, TM,(T: By considering common features of various types of hydraulic drives the author showG that they all can be reduced to a typical bloc diagram of a control system with a transfer function U represented by the characteristic equation of the 4th order, the i c ons t ant sof which*may be rcadily modified according to the type of the actual drive system or easily determined experimentally. Diffi culties which Might be encountered in the evaluation of the area of the distribution piston or of its effecti-~e mass are said,to be beyond the scope of the article. There-are 4 figures. Card I/L D235/D306 AUTFOR: Lewandowski. J x3z Master of Eng-Encorf- 'r'--'TI,Z: A pneumatic simulator for analyzing aut o-matic c systems - Part I PZRIODICI.~L: Pomiary, Kontrola, Automaty'l-r-a-, no. TEXZ T - A short description of a pneumatic analogue sir-~,,latcr given followed by an example explaining the application c'-f sirdulator for solving control problems. 'The simulator was recently by VCB GerHte und Regler -%,.-Ierke (VEB Instn=Ient. a7rd Aanufacturing Plant) at Teltow. One of these instruments is at thc Laboratorium, urzadzen' automatyki, katedry przyrzad6w precyzyjnyc~--, (Laboratory for Automatic Control Equipment at tl"le Dep-artfMr~t of Precision Instruments) Warsaw Polytechnic. The simulator is of solving differential equations of the sixth order including those of the partial derivative type. It is possible to obt~Lin frequency response and stability criteria of a given system. simulator is supplied with air at 120 nun H20. The scheTiaatic diz,:l,-,- of the simulator is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of the lard 1/6 fFl C ard 2,/ Ftn. 1)23~/D306 z C, A' ~-: 7,~ ---------------- -11 JU-1 9 ~!,! 1, Uf - pneumatic simulator... 33043 R P/034/60/000/G01/002/G6- D235/D306 ain c-lcr.-~ats: frequency generazor, amplifiers, nte,-,rati clement, proportional, reset and derivative md a-~) o" -.--:~nt for, setting the diesired value. There are also 2 L~Q record input sigmal"s and. the response of the 'loc' I 4s I - 6, at t1ja bottom of 'che diagram, represent -he controlled system. Their time constant can be coziti-=ou_~Iy -adjusted. Below these elements are amplifiers. To simLIatc ~_, .;ystem, elements representing the system are connected by rubbc-r -,--ubing. The response of any part of the system can be checkcd '-'y I.onnecting it to one of the 13 liquid manometers shown in the ce:i- :er of the diagram. To illustrate the application an example is ;oLved as sho-.,7n by the block diagram in ~~ig.4. I'lathematic'ai soiu- :ion is given by K(3) I + TS (k-.~ I ~k3Tvs+l I+TS Ts) 1 + Ts To solve the problem on the simul- 2tor, connections were made as shown !3 ard 3/6 '11~r + 4P'-4jOZ 4p, ZIP, T: tll~ 4P2 ko Fig. 4 t 33043 i~ P/034/60/000/001/002/003 A pneumatic simulator... D235/ '306 by the dotted lines in Fig..I. For step input & p, the output 16 P3 is given by (A s + B) It plat' OP3(S)~ rssDs2+Et.+1 (4) where the capital letters denote the constants depending on -Lir.,.c, constants of the particular elements, and are definec' by -2 - T11; C = T TVTn; D = T Tn + TvTn + k2kTVTn; E - Tn tac solutioa of this problem, is not dif-ficult, ncvert",c- I'SS tIlle 7-LYsis of t'-,--i problem is very laborisus azid i1c is Z-,-Z accou.?Li.;I,-;,;J on the ;L.~c-iator. The L~uthor %-,rith ci---s- ~Ac:ncntt. o.2' thu sinula-co--~, '~'h~~ S-.rL- LIC Ca;jacity clement (int,2-atfn,; e-, s hw-m in 7. The equation 13 - inf for the element is given as cited sure; P by Uocent H. Let;kicwicz in hit, --urc o-. 1:'M; "Cz'-',o-.iy schen-iat6w bloku,.r work /ch cr f;i(I(- o,", pneuriatyc-.-aych urzadzeii automazylki" 0 V Card 4/-- 3 1104 3 TR P/034/60/0 0 0/0 0 1/002/ u Pneumatic simulator... D235/D306 (Elcmeii,,~s of Pneumatic Bloc-Diag-rams in i~Litomat`"c ControL) .itrjictc,:I'3 note: No further data given_7 in V. d Pk fl MI UP - WO) IM _~RT, d t ahere adiabatic index; pO(Pk)O pressures in steacy statcs: R -.gas content; To absolute temperature; t - time; E-3 - as by. acceleration due to gravity; 2 V(p - pk)j, Ik specific density of air in space V; ,-(l - coefficient of flow for El. The time constant T for the element is given by T VO Icrof Imi The values of symbols used in equations in this article are: K(s) - transfer function; T - time constant;, IC - gain coefficient; s - Laplace's transform operator;.t - time.' Z7Abstracter's note: 7 represents the construction of element I in Fig. 1_7. The Card 5,6 A pneumatic simulator... )~'4043 R P/034/60/000/001/002/003 D235/D306 remainin- elemerts will be described in Part 11. There are 9 figures. AS.'-~OGIATION: Katedra przyrzad6w precyzyjnych politechniki vlarszaws- 1,:icj (Department of Precision lnstrument~,, 4arsaw Polytechnic) C arLL MARCZYNSKAq Antonina; IEWANDOWSKIO Jerzy; GORNIAKI, Antoni Doterminations of the half-life of bromosulphophthalein (T 112 BSP) Jn the serum of patients with cholecystolithiasin. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.21:753-755 24 Vq 165. 1. Z Instytutu Onkologii, Oddzial w Krakowie (Kierownik: prof. dr. mod. Hanna Kolodziejska) i z IT Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Krakowie (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. Jan Oazacki). LEWANDOWSKI, Jerzy (Krakow, Kopernika 21.) -4"vPWWv"-! 09%lerifffluence of potassium on the healing of wzunds. Polski przegl. chir. 30 no.4:319-323 Apr 58. 1, Z 11 Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. M. w Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr X. MIchajda. (WOUNDS AND INJURIBS, experimental eff. of dietary potassium on healing of wds. in rats (?o1)) (POTASSMM. effects on healing of exper. wds. in rats (Pol)) Z*?-"--* JIIDLINSKI.Jerzy; MRUK.Jozef; 1XWA.ND0WSKI,Jerzy Insulems, of ths pancreas simulating epilepsy cured surgically. Polski tygod.1sk. 15 n0-19:721-723 9 My '60. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Nerwcwyah; kierownik: prof. dr. V1. Jakimowlez; Klinlki Chorob Wevnetrzvych; kierownik:prof. dr. T. Tempka i II Kliniki Ghiriurgicznej A-.14.w Krakowis; p.o. klerownik., doc. dr. J. Oazacki. (IIPIIMU diag. ) (ISIAT CELL TUMOR diag.) JUAHMMI. Jerzy Fastness of color and the requirementa in the field of coloration. Przegl w1okien 26 no,4:199-201 Ap 162. 1. Ccntxa3.a Importowo-Eksportowa Chemikaliow i Aparatury Chemicznejp Warozawa.