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D'YAKOVP V.G.; LEVIN, I.A.; CHESKIS, Kh.I. Electrically welded pipes used In place of seamless pipes for petroleum refineries and petrochemical plants. Mash. I neft. obor. no.4tl6-17 164. (MIRA 176) 1. Gooudarstvennyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy I proyektnyy Institut neftyanogo maohinostroyenlya. L 1?929-65 Zn(m)/LWA(d)/F.-IP(t)/~WP(k)/&iP(b) ?f -4 SSD/ASD(m)-3/ASD(f)-2/ AFtMQiAf7G(p) JD/J'rt/.Td*B ACCESSION fill: A11404,3246 3/1137AV - 10/009/1055/1058 SOMICE.- Hof, z',1, -ota:lvr"ira# Abs. 91366 AUTHOR: Levin, lo A Makalmovas fit F* TITLE: Fon-a-t i In c,,% -ondency toward intorcrystallino corrosion in unstabilized stainless Iteels -CITED SOMCE: Tr. ncz,. n.-t. t ieonktn, in-t neft, mashinostr., vy*p. 2,- 196iij, 121-T-,-., TOPIC TiGS- stala~a i itoolp eoreosion, chrome-nic'kel stoel,_J~ austonitic stoolj :-,rLir, boundary, Cr, 11,10 Cr chromNu-i-carbido, cold stool 1,14, itool 25-10 working - TRANSLATION: The procoz9o3 ahich control the rormat-ion of a tendency towaili; 1nter-ry.9talline corrosion in Cr-Ni stools 18-8 and 25-,.'(- woro itudied, It was found thar, ty-.1:3 proco3s is connected with Wie appoaranco of Cr carbide in the ,,rain boundarios. Values obta'.necl foi activation energy confirm Vk-~_c, in sor." cases the activation aner7.,y reflects the process of C diff'.31on and in other cases ti.e nroco3s of Cr diffusion# The offoct of cold working on .Card 1/2 L 17929-65 ACCESSION 1;:',: A,,4041246 speed of forma- o of 6 tendency toward Interery3talline corrosion 'Invest'. -it was ', od. it was ontablished that cold %jorkInF,, brings about a anal! ineroase In -ae rate oIL formation of a tendency toward intorerystall~no corrosion (by 1,5 to 4 times) for stool with a smal'. a3tiVdLian anorgy; and a considerable acoolaration in the rate of ).-.-.ation for stool with a larp ,9 activation energy, SUB r3ODE; M- EITC L: 00- Cord 2/2 ~z:: 7;rzV L 21118-62 EWT(m)/V-1P(b)/VdA(d)/i~dP(t) B$D/A8-D(f)-3/,A5:)W-3 XJ'J1JDb,'B ACCESSION NHS AR5000602 S/0137/64/000/008/1069/1069 SOURCE: Ref. xh. Metallurgiya. Svo too Abs, 0144 AVMOR: Lqving'l, A,; imovap Go Fe TITLE: Effect-of cold workin with compression on the formation of a tendency toward intdrerntNilne corrosion austenitic stools CIMD SOURCE; Tr. Goo. n.-i~ i proyektne In-t nofts mashinoutrop zo 19640 136-139-'--' .~TOPXC TAGS: cold working# compressiong metal corrosionp ~intererystalline corrosion# austenitic steel/ ateel, OM118K9 6 I~TRANSLATIOHt Samples of steel OKK18N9 in the form of rods mm long', 18 mm in diameter,, after hardening# were subjected to a compres- ,sion of 10% and than hold for varying periods of time in the itemperature interval 475-5750. The samplos wore then turned down to .a diameter of 10 mm and subjected for 24 hro to the action of a stamdard solution by the AN method (GOST 6032-58). The presence of .interorystanine corrosion was determined by the appearame of cracks cc ------------------ L ~oiT(m)/FWA(d) /T/~:vP(0/ eWP It WtWA(c) lj?(c) n~-WiD!W-B ACCESSION NR: AP4047505 S/0129/64/000/010/0022/0025 AUTHOR: -LAvin, 1. A. ; Kochergina, D. G. TITLE: The efftet of t the intercrystallim Corrosion of forritie- n"!*Mftle *"at* %YFILCE: W&UUovadmi4e I terrw,hemkava ~,br.~ty)tk,~ -nolallrrv. " 10. 1004, 22- 13, #xd WtM MR of ins* (ac Ing p 25 11 _kyotenotc steol. titanium TOPIC TAG,9-. tnterSnpta ~ne ABSTWT The effeq of Ti on ii-ite r~ r -, sta I I ine , -)rrlqi,).n )f fe rr It ir mug ten it ic Kh2lMand Kh21r4GM2k-'$vaa found berzefit ial witti, regard to irrflsion ~FR)B!,Ine only when it is present in sufficient quantit-,eg Sperimens without Ti riartkened fr-im 950C were endowed with satisfactory reststance to intercrystalline corro- Kl~)ri when exposed to critical ternperitures. nther opecirtiens with 0. 284 to 0. 61% I i displayed a tendency to inter~-r,,,F;talline corrosion upon annealink7 frnrri 1250C for 15 to 30 seconds although they were sufficientiv reRistant aftpr ariditional L )-6201-63 ACCESSION NR: AP4047505 heating at 460 to 850C, An increase in the amount of ferrite lowered the relliat- ance to acid attack. Although enhancing the formation of ferrite, T1 inhibits carbon diffusion reducin corrosive strength as a result of carbide precipitation during temper haEAtnin , ~t( aged the mint- g.\ Additions of larger amounts of Ti incre mum heating time at which the tendency to intercrystalline corrosion appeared after hardening from 1050C. Grig, art. has- 3 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: GIPRONEFTEMASH SLTBMJTTED:00 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: MM NR REF SOV: 003 OTHER 000 C.vd-- 20 LEVi-NO I.A. houses for highly volattle' and aggressive petro- T71 him. no. 11 E;- )ell of vare taper. I neftek 7-29 164 nhemltml producto. liar (~IJRA 18t2l Ty institut pD proyaktirovaniYu pred- 1. rA)uudarBtvenn7y boyuzri prilatly IsItuestvennogo zbidkogo topliva I ga2s, KOCHM(Ulm I D,G#; KLIN(Nt J,Ya,j Determ.1ning the atructural, comonen't responsible Afor the formation of the tendency to intercrystalline corrosion In fe"ite-austenitic steels. Trudy ?GKHM 28t87-90 164. (PUTRA 19:1) ACCESSION NR: AP4043487 S/0133/64/000/008/0734/0735 AUTHOR: Ley.1nI. Maksimova, G. F., D'yakov, V. G. TITLE: Corrosion resistance and possible uses of are welded pipes made of steel Xh17N13M2T SOURCE: Stall, no. 8, 1964, 734-735 TOPIC TAGS: steel, steel Xh17N13M2T, corrosion resistance, -steel corrosion, are welded steel, steel pipe, welded steel pipe ABSTRACT: The corrosion resistance of argon-shield arc-welded seams of pipes madoof, Kh17N13M12T steel, which are widely used in processes involving fatty acids, was tested to evaluate the applicability of such pipes In certain branches of the petroleum and crude oil industries. The corrosion resistance of pipes 1. annealed at 1050C as in the regular manufacturing process, 2. additionally annealed at 870C, and 3. additionally annealed at 1100C for 3 hrs. with subsequent water quenching, was determined In acetic, caproic, capric, stearic and sulfuric acids and 112S-saturated 0.03N hydrochloric acid. In addition, the weld-searn resistance to Intercrystallite and point corrosion was tested in a sulfuric- acid solution of copper sulfate and by determining the protective-film failure potential In Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4043487 0. 1N sodium chloride. Ile remits of the tests were quite satisfactory. Under all conditions, the corrosion rate of the weld seam was practically identical to that of the base metal, varying from as low as 2-30p to 33mm/yr. (60% H 2so 4)' These pipes can be recommended for use in the petroleum industry. The pipe was maniLfactured at the Moskovsldy trubny*y zavod (Moscow Pipe Plant). Orig. art. has: 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Giproneftemash SUBMITTED; 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODEz FP, MM NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 `--L 51994-95 rprj;*)/VFT (6)/V-KP(f,-)/LWib)/EWA(d)/EWP(t MJW/JD/W_B ACCESSION NR: AT5012204 UP,/3078/64/028/00010087/0090 2 2 AUMOR: Kocharxina, Dt, Q.; Klinov 1. Y jL, (Doctor of technical sciences, Professor); Levin TITLE: Determination of the structural component responsible for the tendency of ferrite-aubten4tic, -steaks toward intercryst's Lino qorr,9sLgn -.,---.'-SOURCE: Moscow. Institut khimichesko-0 mashinostroyeniya. Trudy, v. 28, 1964. Korroziya khLmicheakoy apparatury (Corrosion of chemical apparatus), 87-90 TOPIC TAGS: steel corrosion, ferritic steel, austenitic steel, intercrystalline corrouion, biphagic alloy ABSTRACT; A technique was developed to determine the grains along the boundariev of which intercrystalline corrosion occurred in two-phase ferritic-austenitic steels. The samples were etched in potassium ferricyanide, which colors the ferrite grains but not the austenite grains# and photographed.,?his technique t& showed that the tendency toward Intercrystalli iion in qtgnium-free ferritic-austenitic steels appears primarily 'L corr:6 na th austcAite - ferrite io phase boundaries. This is observed in Kh2lN5 d gKjj~silteels after rapid cooling from a high temperature* Additional heating of these steels at 450- ins as well. ,.,'VOC,ruses the lose of corrosion resistance between the ferrite gra 2 MIN ---L,51994-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5012204 Hence, in these two types of steel, the ferrite component is responsible for the appearance of the tendency toward intercrystalline corrosion. The processes causing this tendency take place faster at the boundaries of the ferrite grains than at those of the austenito grains. The technique Ls applicable to other ferritic-austenitic steels, and in principle to other two-phaao alloys. Orig, art. hast 4 figures., ASSOCLMONi MoskovskLy institut khinicheskogo mashinostroyeniya-CHoscow, Institute of Chemical Machine Building) SURUTTED: 00 ENCL-. 00 SUB CODE-. MM NO REP SOY:, 000 01M t 000 &PJ4 t Card 2/2 77, IR F2 -1 N ,:ml '17Z STM TIM. LEVIN, I.A.1 VOLIKOVA, I.G. Methodology of faster testing of single-phase staInless steels for resistance to transorystallite corrosion. Zav. lab, 30 no.7016-819 164. (MIRA 180) 1. Nauchno-isaledovateliskiy i konstruktorskly institut khimicheakogo mashinostrayenlya, t 30053-65 iWT(m)lg?P(n)-21EWA(d)IW(V)ITIW(t)IrWP(k)IE6P(b) Pf -4/vu-j m?M/LSD-_3/=/1jV(c) MN JD 194 J0 WB ACCESSION NR: "5005067 B/0135/65/000/002/0014/0016 AUTHOR. Levint L A. (Candidate of echnical science0j.Hurashoyaj L. S. (Engine; 71' TITLE: The Interorystalline, corrosion tendency of OKhI3 teel and Its welding compounds SOIMCE.- Svirochpoye proizvodetvo, no. 2, 1965, 14-16 TOPIC TAGS: welding, steel welding, weld corrosion, Intercrystaffine co"oaion, anti- corrosion heat tredtment, steel corrosion/steel OKbIa- 1~ 1< ABSTRACT; The crude-oil processing industries make wide use of OKh13 steel, and since it is often used at temperatures up to 540C, It seemed advisable to study the resistanco-to Intercrystalltne corrosion of this steel and Its welding compounds. Tests showed that intercrystalline corrosion occurs either after one heating up to or above 900C or repeated heating to temperatures below 700C. After repeated heating this corrosion tendency disappears (at 600C after a few h6urs, at 600C after several tone of hours). Mgh eorrostion sUbility was found in welds produced with electrodes free from 1441LU article also presents recommendations for preliminary anticorrosive heat treatinent (as a function of the required operating temperahme) in cases in which Card 1/2 L 3000-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5006067 the operating medium to conducive to corrosion. "The welding compounds were produced' under the supervial -on of Eng. N. M. Koroley. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Gloroneftemash SUBMITTZI)i 00 ENCLi. 00 SUB CODE. MM NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER- 000 T 41 6 O~~(m)/EPF(c)/E7dA/-"~/EPR/T/&14P(t)/E7.4p'z)f (b)/FWA(c) Pr-;/p -4 owp DPTOT Mnrlapn ACCESSION NR: Ap6oogor UR/0314/66/000/003/0037/0041 0 AUTHOR: Levin, I.Ap (CWd1dft+.e 0~i.technicsl sciences); Volikovar is 06 (OandLdaw teel3n1cea sciences) TITLE: Influence of high-temperature heating on the corrosion resistance of Khl7T d Eb25T steel 77-14 - SOURCE: Xhimicheskoye I neftyanoye mashlaostroyenlye, no. 2, 1965, 37-41 TOPIC TAGS: steel corrosion, steel titanium content, steel structure, electron P microscopy, high temperature corrosion, steel beat treatment, intercrystalline c0 rrosion acid corrosion, Xbl7T steel, XhWateel ABSTRACT: Ile article ta devoted to a study of the Influence of the tempqi(ature and duration of heating on the appearance of a tendency toward Intercrystallinel borr"lon in Xhl7T and Xh25T steel. ne tests were carried out at the boiling point in the following solutions: 110 A CU00 '611 0 + 55 MIA if of 96% concentration, 2S04 160 9/1 CUS04- H 0 + 100 MIJA 1120.04 A 96J concentration + copper turnings. and a 65% IIN03 so?ution. To determine the tendency toward corrosion an a function of the content of tita 'um- carbon, andj!!!Mea, use was made of the ratio T1 It was found that a + 07 fL 48570-65 ACCEWON NR., APS009027 -it 1100C -and above causes a tendency toward intercrystalline corrosion. The heating minimum temperature of heating which causes this tendency in the steels being studied varies In direct proportion to Ithe above ratio, In inverse proportion to the holding time, and depends on the composition of the medium. Tempering of the steel at 760C even for 5 min. caused the steels to be stable to c9frosion, independently of the temperature and duration of the precedingIbeat treatment.tDTo account for the above relationships, the authors conducted a carblae-a-i~dke-19 ii-d metallograpblo and electron-microscopic investigations of the samples of beat-treated steel. An interpretation of the phenomena observed is given. "The carbide analysis was carried out by workers at the Analiticheskaya laboratorlya NUXhimmasha (Analytical Laboratory of NWChImmash) under the guidance of N.V. Kbakhlova; A.M. Shabanova took part in the eI;;UFo_W_niIFr-oscWy. Orig. art. has: 2 fizurea. 6 tab as and 2 formulas. liccEssioN YRI AnM5967 tM/0314/65/000/006/0037/003a 669-15-194 v "9.24'26 1 620.193*47: -Avmom ninov, 1. TA. (Dootor of tedmioal sciences); Loring I. A. (Candidate at 'technical scisnoes)l KoAerginat D. Gs (Engineer) torcrystalline corrosion of 21-5 stools in the solution# of_LqMlo and 'TITLEs In :acetic &aide 1SOURM XhInJoheskoye i neftyanoye -shinostroyaniyep no. 6j 1965p 37-38 ,TOPICUOSt steelp corrosionj corrosion resistance, acetic &aid, formio &aid/ Ml steels Xh2IK6W cteelp.~~N Tj~tesl, Kh2IW6X2T #G01 ASMOT& Tendencies 0~ steels M205j WINW, Kh2IX'5Tp and WlN6X2T to inter- .!cx7at&Uine corrosion in a standard oulfur-conmr solution and in boiling 50~ formic L ~:and acetic &aide were investigated. Some of the specimens were heated before the ilacid test at 12500 for 15 $Go- ifter they remained in the solutions for 100 hours ,they were beat at a 900 anglep and the bond was studied microscopimlly for the I earanoe of Interarystalline fissures. Rrp*rixenta w Ispp Wh the standard solution irevealed that the prollainary hosting and the ALtsaium'60atent in steel increased its tendency to corrosions Only titaniuu-free stool Xh2IN5 proved resistant to Iformic acid. Corrosion-induaing activity of acetic said was lower than that of the Card L 63-703-45 MSSION NRv AP5015967 Iformic, Speed of interorystalline corrosion was determined, aetallographically in Ifth! speaimens which underwent additional beating for different periods of time. The' re ition of the borrosion depth to the time of additional beating is shown in Fig. 1 1 the Enclosure, It was noted that in the ferrite-&ustenite steel$ M,21N5T and ,on jxh21N6W2T corrosion proceeded rapidly and to & greater depth, Stools 1h21N5 and M22IN61C containing 0.04-06090 carbon had the strongest resistance to interorysts.1- line corrosion. Origo artb hass-3 tatles and 2 figures*. 1ABBOUATIONt no" MWITTED 1 00 EXCLt 01 M COD31 HK 10 En 8071 OW rV11119S OW L, 61703-45, 'ACOM11CM RRo AP505967 ESCLO~s 01 44 0 P4 br Period of heating rig, 1. Variation, in the depth of intercryatallix* carr*gion in steel o the time of & WIM (melt No. 15) with respect t dditlowa batting at 6000 after testingi 1) in standard solution turing 46 ho-ars; 2) in 50% fonia soid during 100 hour$ L 45')70-65 EWP(~)/EVff (m)/E PF (c)/V PF (n) -2/E W,(m) /EWA (d)/E M~T/EWP(t )/EWP(k)/EW "(Z EWP(b)/'~WA(c) Pf-4/Ps-4/Pu-4 IJP(C) MJW/JD/H'-V/JG/~a/AT/WH 1ACMSSION JIB: 05olioO UR/0314/65/000/004/0035/0037 JZ (Engineeri !AUTHOft- Levin, I. A. (Candidate of technical sciences); Maksimova. 0. F. ,TITLE: Effect of cold defomatloAn the susceptibility to Intercrystalline .corrosion f steels of the ype ISOURCEr. Khtmicheakoye i neftyanoye vashinoo royeniye, no. 4. 1965, 35-3T riTOPIC TAGS- chromitm~nickellqtjjinjess stee titani containing steel, steel In- tercrystalline corrosion, deformed steel corrosion, Khl8NlOT eeel iABSTRACT: Several heats of KU811410T steel were annealed at 1200 or 1000C, cold t worked, and-subjected to sensitizing annealing at 500 and 525C (steels containing !O.o84%C and 18.2% CO or at 525, 550, and 600C for 5000 hr (steels containing i ~0.07% C and 1T.6%C) and tested for susceptibility to intergranular corrosion. In I isteels annealed at 1000C cold working was found to lower susceptibility. In steels ,annealed at 1200C, however, cold working intensified the intercrystallirk4ecorrosion. Such different effepts of cold vorking are explained by titanium carbidePATiO going into solid solutionNnly at comparatively high annealing temperatures (1100-12000. ~Since only carbon which is In the solid solution participates in the development of .the intercrystalline corrooloncold working sharply Increased the susceptibility :of steels annealed at 1200C to intergranular corrosion. Orig. art. has: I figure.~ -T':Ca,#-442 --- -IMS) L 45570-65 .ACCFSSION Nffi AP5011094"' ASSOCIATION: none 17-- SUBMTITD.- 00 EXCLt 00 No REF SOV:, 002 arm 001 BUS CODE: M ATD PM5 4OU 14202-66 LVT(r0/9PF(c)/FXA(d)/3P1 MIN' /J.-WINIAW" a XM%%%W NR: AP5014129 UR/0365/65/001/003/0257/0264 620.196 669.15-194:669.24126 - 'V- ~ i AUTHOR: Levin, --l-L-A-1 -, Kochergina, D. G. If TITLE: IntercMtalline corro!~L* ferritic-austenitic type steels OKhrl_M~5T c and OXh2lN6H2. I, Conditions for t d ccurrence of the tendency toward inter- crystanine corrosion SOURCE, Zashchita metallov, v. 1, no. 3, 19650 257-264 TOPIC TAGS: corrosion resistant steel, Intergranular corrosion, ferritic steel austenitic steel ABSTRACT: The cha cteristics of intercrystall ra Ane corrosion and its suppression were studied for the two phase steels -OXb2.lN5TIThnd OXMNMJ~ Twenty-seven heats were prepared, with the C contents ranging 90M 0.04 to 0.20%, Cr from 20.4 to 23.6%, Ni from 4.9 to 6.4%, Mo from 0 to 2.67%0 and T1 from 0 to 0.61%. These were cast into ingots of,dimensions 120 x 120 x 300 mmt and were further processed by i ~forging and hot rolling to a final thickness of 2 mm. These shoots vere subsequent- ly heat-treated by quenching from 950, 1050, 1150 and 12500C and then fully anneal-. ~L(~~ 1/3 - --------- L h202-66 ACCESSION M AP5014129 ed; the effects of this treatment on the appearance of 6-ferrite and on intercrys- tallinevorrosion were noted. The tendencies toway4 Intercrystalline corrosion do- termined by using the AN GOSTa 6032-58 standardsl~technique, and curves were pre- sented in which the time io-r the appearance and Luppression of intercrystalline corrosion was given as a function of the temperature of full-annealing. In the ferritic-austenitic steels, intercrystalline corrosion tended to appear immediately after quenching as well as after subsequent annealing. It began at first at the 6 .grain boundaries of the ferrite-austenite phases; after full-annealing in a critical ,temperature region, the tendency toward Intercrystalline corrosion appeared among the ferrite grains alone, and then after a period of time it began among the auste-, nite grains. The 'ferritic constituents were found to be responsible for this type of corrosion in the forritic-austenitic steels, therefore, the stability of these steels to grain boundary attack was determined the composition of this phase. Ti- tanium was of value in suppressing intercrystalline corrosion in these steels, prin- cipally because it affected the composition of the ferritic grains. The higher temperature region for full-annealing also alleviated intercrystalline corrosion@ ~Guppression of intakrystilline corrosion in the critical temperature region (full-! annealing) was achieved by adding about 2% No to the ferritic-austanitic stools. Card 2/3 t-L 4202-66~ e, ACCESSION'NRi' APS014129 The best resistance to intercrystalline corrosion was gotten in the 0.04-0.09% C steela,.without TI.,_quenched from 9500C. Orig. art. hast 5 figures, 3 tables. 41 ASSOCIATIONi Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledo 'vatel'skiy instItut neftyanogo ma shino.stroyeniya(All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Petroleum En&i~eqring)l SMMITTEDs 02Nov64 ENCL: 00 WB CODE t MH No REP SOVI! 010" OTHERS 002 3/3 I mljl ~~TI - ~~, x . W. "Invest igat ion of an Automobile With Individiial Drive." Thesis for degree of Cand. Technical ki. 5ub 1) Crt 50, Mob-o-,; kit,~.rotlve YezKe,nics Inst SummarY 71, 4 SeP 52, Dissertations Presented for Degrees in Science and NngineeripZ in Mosrow in 1950. From Vecheray oskva. Tali-Dec. 1950 _7 AUTHORt Fallkevich, B.S., Doctor of Technical Zciences, !~:ejin.L Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Kuznetsov, A.P., Can- didate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Some Problems in Gas-Turbine Automobile Construction (11eko- toryye voprosy gazoturbinnogo avtomobilestroyeniya) PERIODICALs Avtomobile'naya promyshlennost', 1959, Nr 2, pp 5-6 (USOR) ABSTRACT: The "Automobile" Department at the Moscow Institute of Automobile Engineering has started developing the theory of the eas-turbine automobile in order to establish how best to design and operate it. The article deals with the general theory of gas-turbine power plants for automobiles and describes the characteristic features of the current (USA, England, France, Spain, and Italy) turbine-driven vehicles. There are 6 graphs, 4 tables, 2 diagrams, and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATIONj Mookovskiy avtomekhanicheskiy in3titut (Moscow Institute of Automobile Engineering) Card 1/1 FALIKEVICH, B.S.. prof., doktor takhn.nauk; LZVIN, I.A., Imnd. tekhn.nauk Utilizing power circulation in traction tests of motor- trucks. Isv.vya.ucheb.sav.-, mashinostre no.3:100-106 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Moskovakiy sytomakhanicheakiy inatitut. (Motortrucks-Testing) IEVIII,, I.A.-,,--kand.tekhn.naukt dotsent GrapboanalytIc method for plotting traction and fuel-saying characteristics of a motor vehicle vith a hydrod-fnamic tranamir-ion under steady operating conditions, Izv,vya*uehobe zav.; mashinostro no.9:94,-98 161. (HIRA 14:12) 1. Moskovokiy av-tomekhanlaheskiy inatitut* (Motor vehicles) DIVAKOV.. N.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; LENIN I.A. karid.takhn.nauk Efflelent drlvv ~or the medium I'm. rearmost ~Xles of the 6x6 motortruck. Avtoprome 28 do.8.18-21 Ag 142, (MIRL 1693) 114- Moskovakiy avtomekhanichefdaf fwtitut. (MDtortrucka--Axles) LEVINP I.A., ImnA- tekhn. n&3,1- UtIng, 4draulic torqua.cmarters In braking motor vehicles. Avt..prox..29 no-11:12-13 N t63. (KM 16%12) 1. Ncskovskiy avtomekhanicheakiy institut, 'rVIN, I.A., kwid, Akhn. naLk Effizient degree or differential locking ,*,:!- motor vehicles. Avt. prom. 30 no.3414-18 *' 164. (MIRA 17,6) 1. Moskovskiy avtomeVMnic~hlakly Inst'll,,it, ACC NR, AP6025592 GOURCE-CODEt /o4i3i66/000/013/0024/0024 :INVENTOR: "Pavlov, V. V.; Levin, I. A.; Birnbaum, 0. Be 'ORG: Non* e A unit for testing aircraft parts under conditions of artificial icing and Class i7, No.-183222 Izobreteniya, proeWshlemWe obraztey, tovarrWye znaki, no. 13. 1966, 24 TOPIC TAGS: flight simulation, simulation teat, test chamber, ice, rain ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a unit for testing aircraft parts under, conditions of artificial Icing and rain. The unit contains a closed chamber vith a refrigeration assembly% a water distributing unit, heaters and a control panel with measuring and recording Instruments. The chamber of this unit Is equipped Vith a horizontal frame for mounting test parts. This frame is rotated by an electric -motor mounted in the center of -the chamber to simplify design and set up flight simu- 'lation, by rotary motionq uDc: 621 i-ACC Nib AP6025992 3.-,chamber; 2,.frame; 3-parts to be tested; 4--electric motor; 5-damper; 6-blover SUB CODE: 13/ SM DATE.- 05jun64 (Pustular and fungous skin diseases] OnolnichkoTys i gribkoVe bolesni Itoxhi. [GortkiiJ Gorlkovskoe obl. gos. isd-vo. 1952. 41 p. (K[2A 9:1o) (SKIN--DlSnSES) - I. A, Optimal utilization of typical ro3orvoirr, fol- -products. Noftopor. i neftekhIn. nc.9t2L-31 164. (: hA 1,/.. 10) 1 a Goewlarntvonnyy soyunrCri institut jio , royoktirovaniyu pradjriyatiy iskuuotvewioLo ziddkogo, todiva i gaza. LEVINO I. A. Now type of Gaseous Discharge Vacuum Gauge AU, StaIM gkd, Nauch, 2=n Mgsk, 2=rr. in-ta, 1954, PP 181-190 The effect of extending a discharge over a long bimetallic (W-NI) vire in a narrow tube of molybdenum glass is exploited, The instrument, the current of which is proportional to the pressure.. allows readings from 10-5to 100 mm Hg with satisfactory accuracy. tRZhFiz, No 5, 1955) SO: OW. No. 639, 2 Sep 55 LIVIN, ~--A--- Measuring labor Productivity at an electric power plant. Sots.trud 5 no.2:122-123 7 160. (MUU 13-6) 1. Institut ekonoolki AN BSSR. (Ilectric power plants-4-%.bor productivity) LEVIN... I.A�,jnzh. Ways to allmiruate mMAi labar in conBtruction. Makh. stroi. 19 no*8:3-6 Ag 162o (HIRA 16:7) (construction equipment) lanyt I.B. Ucnoxio effIcienny in the uso or gsup :!n vit!et of tbt ',kits I it(P. Ruislan Sbriet Smialint RapuWlias Gir. prima -1 (HIPA 1?27) 0*0,00**000400*00 0 0 0 94006000090090 0 0 * & - *j;iiOOqww;-- a Al v a v 8 P A? a id a b 0 04, ` RL- A,W-AfA. iii I AW so -00 040 *00 00 ic~ lee so Vo 09 by low Tompm. 1*0 0: IAW166- (Stanki i WIMUMS, 1947, vl. moo * a! 11m- ptk. 17-151 (Abmlv%M~ bxbx Ancrismi.-w. foe* 1040. vol. 4, May. OS-63).'In the wuwWbw of high. carbon aW hilth-alv; toot w"s the pnomm of nsid&W too foal k- *be allabable hwd~ of the too6. moo VXP&dvwMs 10 R"wk 1110110"ad th" the fromfornmaim 09 of I he molv4sits con lis 66 1" lamplWUMN jlw~m hbovem hardnem 4100 ~00 Ir stul 14metv lift- of ihs idol. In llw wrmWv"wni w6l"I 00 9 # hp tools we a sunseloil as Wr C. aml t4upgot isa, an 0 in"I x" (Uquw sat"IM) &I lei- C. goo lee tfill 0 VIE in" "Wing 1,1020, -11 a.--- Y PAO a 1 9 0 u I At 10 a I to q0 4 0 0 4 p ~** * 0 0 0 It 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 Grindine, ..nd Pollshim- Invisible cr,;c,,-. in chrurdum,-J'A~-I ~-n-irto. Monthly Lint of Rus3lan IVKASHEWCHp Sergey IvanoviobLJERI losif Bentya;Linovich; SHAVELISKrf, A.Ye., Y-e.G., tekbn. red. (The main econoLic problem of the Soviet people and bcrd to solve it] Glavnaia, skonomicheskaia zadacha, sovetskogo narada i puti ee reaheniia. Minsk.. 19620 16 p. (Obabohostvo po raeprostraneniiu politicheakikh i nauchrqkh znaall Belo"Is" skoi SMI no.1) (F.IRA .15t3) (Russia--Economic policy) IMINj Ioag.-Denlyaminovich; PEKELIS, Grigoriy Borisovich; . ........ YANCHENKO, Aleksandr Paylovicb; VJ=Af N.I., red.; PEXELIS# O~D.j red.; DAVIDOVICH, Z., red.lzd-va; KOVALENKOt A., takhn. red. (Power engineering in the WIAte Russian S.S.Re and its potentials] Elektroenergetika BSSR i ee rezervy. Minsk, Izd-vo AN BM, 1963. 215 P. 04IRA 170) "Ij fFl."k red. arml y:A 7, of lj~e uperation.,; of the:--ral pwu., 1.iulnt-:31 ~r,)-Uonllcstl ant-liza khozinistvenritA elclatelluxiti tell,.~,qkh clektrotantoll. 1, On ;,O:;kvtl) "Firiirry)" I . I LEVIN, I.F. Plastic materials from molasses (from 'Zucker#* no.11, 1956). Sakh. prom*30 nooll;78 N '56. (NIA 10:2) (11olasses) (Plastics) !.G. * I - N, '.*p dat.~(~nt '. - .4 1 L.~- - - Do tarmiaUig -the c oc, ;Ifi z --1e n t, of tra ~- in EL I-e- -ra " ::. -.- Ura3. eloktrcrekh. inat. inzh. zhel. dor. tr&nsr. no-5:12'7-13? 162. (MIRA 17;8) IRVIN, I.I., prof, [decessed] , PERLINA, F.I. Acute rhematic usningitle, Trachadelo uoo6:573-577 -To 158 (MIRA 11:7) 1. glinika lnfektiomWkh bolesney (save- prof. 1-1. lievin (deceased]) Duepropetrovskogo, usditsinokogo Institute I Perwaya Corodskaya ieekm- tolonnaya bol$nltsao (MBRINGITIS) (nimmo n7m) I ' ; 1 - SO's so 0000 ls 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0JIL AL -, 14 " 05AilA19 n 14V0 0 0 u i ... ........ -00 CA-* Of rd*4 406flotallm of take mo bdebwork k '4 1943, No. 2 0 r u o - W*. H-C,A 00 v j 00 A moo 0o 00 z zoo 00 I* 0: 00 -00 .00 00 401 of So too 0 0 a 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 00000000000000000000000000000000000*00 ::: : 0 0 00 LIVIN, I.I., Inshener. at&. 24 Individual regulation of the steam temperature of a turbine. Zlek no.10:54-55 0 153. (KLRA 010) (Steam turbines) -A, Subject USSR/Engineering AID P - 1905 Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 10/25 Author I Levin, I. I., Eng. Title ; Reconstruction of multipass steam condenser Periodical : Energetik, No.'s, 17-18, F 1955 Abstract i When an electric power plant was enlarged a new steam turbine was installed. To meet the higher requirements of the new turbine, the old 5-pass condenser was reconstructed into a 3-pass condenser, The author provides a performance chart with figures for before and after of the reconstruction of the condenser. Three diagrams. Inatitutiont None Submitted No date VTF,-F-r-7. 771t r- U.- n, Subject USSR/Electricity AID P - 1957 Card 1/2 Pub. 29 - 6/25 Author Levin, I. I., Eng. Title Np;5V;;;;r"5"burning coals with culm on a chain-grate stoker Periodical : Energetik, 4. 17-19, Ap 1955 Abstract : The author describes the boilers of one of the heat and power plants equipped with chain-grate stokers of the MR-1 and TeKKB types. Culm content of the coal is 40 to 60%, which necessitates much physical effort by the personnel in rabbling the coal and re- sults in much loss in unburned matter. Improvements were introduced by the author who designed a kind of f1breaking up baffle" and a 11rabbling pipe". He gives a detailed description of the device and of its performance. The efficiency of the boiler has been markedly increased. Four drawings. Energetik, 4, 17-19, Ap 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 29 - 6/25 Institution : None Submitted : No date AID P - 1957 LIMN, 1*19, inshener. ,-NMI -- -- -- Anxillary dondeaser, sPerating on steam bled from the turbine. Inergetik 4 no.3t13 Mr 156. WaA 9:6) (Condensers (Steam)) LEVIN, I.I., inzhanar. Reduction of losses in buring anthracite on chain grates. Inergatik 4 no,7:12-15 J1 156, ()URA 9:9) (Combustion) (Furnaces) LZVIN, I. I. The SM-5 salt extraction combine for salt ponds. Diul.tSkh--ekOZ6 informo no.8s49-51 160. (XIRA 13 t 9) (&at Industry-lquipment and supplies) LEVIN, I. I., inih. = ------------ Remodeling of the ToKKB-2500 coal dust separators Teploener- getika 8 no.9:40-" S 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Kharlkovenergo, (Separatoro (Machines)) (Coal, Pulverized) ism, I. I.,, inzh. "Fxperienoe in the &dJuBtsent and operation of safety devicen for boilers* b7 T. 1U. Voinitskii, V. 1. Z"hiy,, S. S. Ptodbort. Reviewed by I. I. Levin. Zlek.sta. 32 no.9t92 S 161. (MIRA 3,010) Boilere-Safety applianoes) Voinitskii, V. IU.) Ershiv, V. A.) Rodbort, S. S.) I LEVAO I.L, inzh. -- -11 Intensification of the grinding operation ventilated SUM and ShK ail-Is. Blek. eta. 35 no,2;9-15 Y 164, (MIRA 3.7:6) 0 RABICHKVA, LJ4.; LAZAFXV, V.I,; ALYUSHIN, Ye.I.; POLKTAU-V, G.S.; Prinimali uchastiye: TARASOV Xe.I,; AMU, P.I.; SYROVEGIM, N.Y., nauchnyy sotrudnik;,LMN, I.Kh.j, nhuchr" sotrudnik Obtaining liquid zinc in the electric smelting process. Sbor, nauch, trud, Gintovatmeta nool8:175-186 161. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Rachallnik elektrotermicheakoy opytnoy ustanovki Belovskogo tsinkovogo zavoda, (for Tarasov), 2. Starshiy master claktrotermi- cheskoy opytnoy ustanovki Belovskogo tainkovogo zavoda (for Afonin). 3, Gosudaretvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiyinatitut tsvetnykh meWl (for Syr" (hgina tallurgy) (LiqLLid metals) e- TEYWIDMNIO I A.1.1 KOTLYARENKO, V,V.; Prinimall uchastlye: RABICHEVA, L.M.; SYROVEGINA, X.V.; IXnN, I,Kh,j GAVRILENY.Ot A.F.j HYABOV, A.V,; ALTUSHVII, Te.I.1 MARCHENKO, V.G.; BOIDTIN, L.G.; AFONINO P,I,; SEVERIYANOV, G.N. Heat exchange and the condensation of zinc vapor in drop con- densers. Sbor. nauch. trud. Gintavetmeta no.19:536-549 IQ. (MIRA 160) 1, Sotrudnikl Gosudaretvennogo naucbno-issledovatellakogo ' intitituta tsvetnykh metaUov (for Rabicheva, Syrovegina, JAYIn. G&-.Tilsnko,, Ryabov). 2. Belovokiy tainkovyy zavod (for Alyushin, Marchenko, Bolotin, Afonin,, Severlyanov). RABICHEVA, L.M.; MARCFMMO V.0,; SYROVEGINA, K.V.; -~- FELIMETSGER, V.1, [Investigating and introducing the electrothemic method of producing zinc] Issledovanie i vnedrenie elektrotermi- cheakogo sposoba polucheniia tainka. Moskva, 1963. 80 P. (MIRk 17:5) 1. Moscow. TSentrallrVy institut informatsii ts%,etnav me- tallurgii. 1.. ism 2. USSR (600) h. Asbestos Cement 7, Cutting Asbestos-comenb slabs with a circular saw. Elek. sta. 23. No. 9. 1952. 9. Monthly List Rf Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified. _UVIH, Imm.j IVLNGV, A.P. Separate determiration of the indices cf jibaorptic-1, ard sast',pring feur turbld modlm. (Irt. 'A. vyektr. 18 no.'%9j'0-.r123 My 165 00 (MIRA I&JO) L 07221-67_ VIT (1) GW ACC NRt AP6027314 SOUkE CODE: UR/0428/66/000/002/ AUTHOR: Hanich, P. Ya : Yelistrataw, 1. F.; 11XS~A H. K,; Levin,_!_.!~-; Lamanosava, T. .; Makarevich.-S. A. ....... ORG: none TITLE: Optical characteristics and light field parameters of lake water SOURCE: AN BSSR. Vesti. Seryya fizika-matematychnyckh navuk, no. 2, 1966, 109-114 TOPIC TAGS: optit property, water, light diffusion, light refraction ABSTRACT: This work examines methods and certain results of defining the optical parameters of lakt water and also studies the light-field in that medium created by direct and diffus~t radiation sources. To measure total light attenuation by water the authors used a transparency meter which is described in the text. Light attenuation is given for 13 wavelengths on 5 separate days. Maximum transparency Is shifted towards longer wavelengths in comparison to seawater. To evaluate visibility of objects under water both the total index of attenuation by the water and the relations between indexes of actual attenuation and dispersion must be known. A formula Is de- rived and tabular data given which show that change in lake water transparency occurs in such a way that the absorption-to-dispersion ratio remains the same. Washing-out of a collimated beam of light is studied by having an underwater light source send a L 07221-67 )eam vertically downward. The receiver is moved vertically and horizontally to meas- ire illumination in planes perpendicular to the light source axis, Background radia- :ion diffused by the water was studied with a light source and a brightness meter ihich turned at a polar angle of 0 + 180* and at an azimuthal angle of from 0 to 75'. ?atterns of change of brightness with depth were photoelectrically measured with a ;pecial. underwater light source, direct photography of which, with subsequent micro- )hotometry, gave the same result. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas, 2 tables, and 4, Eigures. ')UB CODEs 20/ SUBM DAM 230ct651 ORIG REF; 007/ OTH REF: 004 4 ~ A Al 1 41 B7RG.-!-R, G.5, feme-11,111; Y-echrml!rm a liqlI'M -,fT dc~,,t no.3? I.o,9-13A, 'I IM71 it 2 7 112m) Goss) 1~viw., I.N. Industrial testing of dieleetric separation. TSvete met. 36 no.738-13 Jl 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Ueotrostatic separators) MIN, I.M., kandidat meditainskM nauk. Photosensitivity of the skin in poliosqelitio. Pediatrila, no.6z 10-13 N-D 155. (MIJU 9 16) 1. 1z f1sloterapavtIcheakago otdoleniya (zukaxoditelf-I.M.-Levin) Laningradakogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo detakogo ortopedichookogo Institute. Imani G.I. Turners (dir.M.N. Goucharova) (POLICKYXLITIS. pbysiol. skin, Photosensitivity) (SK,N. pbysiol. photosensitivity in polio;) - ; DASIFTANSKff, Te.A., redaktor; IANOVSKATA, M.P., redaktor Isdatelstya; ATTCPOVICH, N.C. takhnichookiy redaktor [Blectrio equipment of ore dressing plants] Alaktrooborudovante obagatitel'afth fabrik, Moskva. Goes nauchno-tekhn. Izd-vo lit-ry po oberaoi I. tevetnol, metallurgii, 1956. 285 p, (Kw 10:1) (Illectric machinery) (Ore dressing) LEVIN, Isidor Markovicb: PETRUSHEVS I.M.,, red.; Z&VIYALOVA, A.N., red.; - -UIMMIMUYAP leabaj.teklms red, (Planning and the analyois of work and wages in an industrial enterprise] Planirovanis i analis truda i zarabotnoi 1.1aty na promyehlennom pred- prilatii. Moskva# Goo, Izd-vo planovo-okon. lit-x7, 1961, 232 p. (MIRA 14:11) (Moscow-Industrial "ann ement) (Moscow-Wage paymnt systems) LAT1N,1sIdor Markovich; TOR3UNOY.,A.I., redaktor; YURKAN. G.V., takhnicha- 'ziikiy redaktor [Planning the Increase In labor productivity in enterprises] Plantrovanie rosta proisvoditeltuosti trude na prodpritatitakh. Moskva, Isd-vo 22nanis,s 1936. 47 P- (Tsesotusnos obahchsstvo po resprostramenitu politichaskikh I nauchnykh snanit. Bar. 8, Akono- mike. pronyahlonnosti, vypel, no*8) (HLRA 9:11) le Nachalinik planovogo otdola Glavetankaproma Mintsterstva stankostroitallnoy I Instrumentallnoy promyshlennosti SSSR (for lavin) (Iabor productivity) LVIN. Isidor gmrkovich; BASINI. S.. reds; SHIRIM. 0., takhn.rpd# 11 [Planning work and wagon in industrial enterprises] ?Isnirovacle truda i sarabotaoi platy as proo7shlsnvykh prodpriiatilakh. Xoskva, Lion. isd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1958. 189 p. NMA 11:4) (Wages) (Industrial menagement) LEVINP I,M.,, inzh, Efficiency of boilers under pressurization. Inergetik 13 no.l.-Q,-12 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) ISVIN, I.HO Possibilities for reducing costso Pat' I put. khoz. no.6:5-7 (KLRA 12. 20) Js 159o I.Nachallulk PHS otgntsiya Znamenkav Odeasko dorogi. lRailroade-Cost of operati-33 (Uilroade-Track) LEVIN, I.M., lnzh.; BOWGRIE, I.A., inzh. Weldc4 shafts of flue gas pumps. Inergomashinostroanie 6 no.2:43 1 160. (MIRA 13:5) (Boilers) LUIS, Isidor Markovich; TASIN, Tasiliy Afeneslyevich [Production planning under the now prolsvodstva v novykh usloviiakh. stromenliu polit. i nsuohn,suanti (RUBMID-200nomio P0110y) conditions] Planirovenie Moskva, Ob-vo po raspro- RSrSR, 1959. 42 p. (MIRA 14t3) LEVIN, lzraill X-Oi6eyevichl DOTKACIIIKs IoLiif Azarlyevich; ROLVATIS, K-F-, kan(F-71ekbn. nauk; MANSKIY, S.I.,, kand, tokbn. nauk; BRAUDE, I.Ye., inzh.; GOTGELIF, I.H., kand. tekbn. nauk., reteenzont; POSTOL4DVS=, S.N.8 imb., retsenzent; KOFk',CV, A.M., inzh.; LARIWOV, OJe., tekhno reds (Flue exhaust and ventilating fans for high capacity electric power plants] Dymososy i ventiliatory moshchmykh elektrostantsii. Moskva,, Goo. energ. izd-yo, 1962. 183 p. (141RA 1534) (Electric power plants--Ventilation) ZHUDOV, V. F., inzh.; inzh. Wall slabs based on agloporite. Stroi. mat. 8 no.9:25-26 S '62. (MIRA 15:10) (Ligbtweight concrete) (Concrete walla) L �4491-62 ENT(l)/EPF(c) IJP(c) mi/GG un/oo5l/65/018/005/0920/0923 XOM;.NR1 AP5012 ~35 5.35-343L +535.328 .1AUTHORS: T&Oin.. X. M.; Ivanov, A. P. FTLEt - On the separate determination of the absorption and scatter- ,,ing coefficients of turbid media ISOURCH: Optika I spektrookoplya, v. 18, no. 5, 1965, 920-923 TOPIC TAOSI~ light absorption, light scattering, optic measurement ABSTRAM It Is pointed out that the presently used methods or Measurement of the:scattering coefficient by means of various nehelo- metric systems do not take multiple scattering Into account, and con- sequently cannot be used for turbid media. The authors therefore consider the met general wnthods for measuring the absorptive capa- cities of a substance, not limited by eonditions of illumination or by the choice of the region in the medium where the photometric measuremente are to be made. The optical properties of a turbid i ,volume are characterized by its absorption coefficient, the scatterin&I .1 Cod ACOMSION' IMS-Tt AL AMU oofftoient#,,.And-.C,.goattering runotion. transport equation Is .,written down for the propleati a Or 112h RThIs medium and Integra- i - 11 ~' i - ,tion of thle eq- fiat 16h--yTe- Ids, after some transformation, a formula ,for the determIjultIon of the absorption coefficient from experimental ,measurements of the-mftignitude of the Illumination. Various BImpli- .'Ifications of this formula are discussed. The method proporsed was used to masum unWw-1xbora;t=y -conditions the absorptions and acattering coefficients In tap water and In tap water mixed with milk. :This mixture was chosen because milk can be aosumed to be a scattering imelium but weakly absorbing medium, go that the absorption ropMrient. ,of the mixture should remain constant In all cases. The tents 13how that the scattering coefficient ranged from 1.92 to 5.45 m while ~the scatterin% coefficient remained almost constant In the range from I ii.86 to 1.92 1 e., within + 3 per cent of the average. 'The authors ,thank V. P. koziov for a diWcusalon.' OrIg. art. has: 8 formulas wil A 3 S 0 GI A"I'l 0 N INONE Cord PA L 64491a-65 ~~Acmssiog NRt AP5012635 ;SUBMITTED: o6jul64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OP 000 OTHER: ~-NR AEF SOvs 006- it L 1 1, 1A9, p. Ili-20 So: U-';1241, 17 Dece.,~)Ar 1):,3, !i 'Zi,,Ani;aj~ In,Irlk! -i r, t a toy , 2, 1 BERGXHp O.S.; LMN, I.N. laboratory equIpment for the flotation of airbubble floes. TSYet. met. 38$ J& 165 (KTRA 18:2) S/137/62/000/0,02/026/ii,,j AOO6/A1Ol AUTHORS: Berger, 0. S.,.;_Levln, I. N- TITIX: Experience in laboratory separation of tantalite concentrates In a capacitor field with liquid dielectric PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, no. 2, 1962, 6, abstract 2GI12 ("Izv. AN SSSR Otd. tekhn, n.", 1961, no. 4, 115-117) TEXT: The authors studied the process of separating minerals, based on prevalently using repelling forces. The mechanism of dividing the minerals in a separator of a given typeis as follows: a non-uniform electric field is induced between two charged plates. The gradient of strength-decrease In this field is oriented from the electrode center to the periphery, perpendicularly to the force lines of the field. The mineral particles are polarized and affected by the electrostatic attraction (or repulsion) forces and pondero- motive forces. The latter are directed towards a decrease of the field strength for minerals with a lesser dielectric constant than that of the medium, and towards a higher field strength if the dielectric constant of the mineral Is higher than that of the medium. Particles with a lesser dielectric conntant Card 1/2 S/ 1371621000100 2102611 W, Experience in laboratory separation A006/AIOI are electrostatically repelled from the electrodes and driven off from the tic-ld by the ponderomotive forces; particles with a high dielectric constant are electrostatically attracted to the electrodes and slightly affected by pondero- motive forces. The particles with a lesser dielectric constant perform then a zigzag motion, by tearing off the lower electrode and falling again upon it. Such a motion of particles assures peculiar refining and yields high-purity products. In the e~xperiments, a kerosene-nitrobenzene mixture was used as a dielectric liquid. The experimental results prove the high efficiency of the method for refining some hard-to-concentrate crude tantalite concentrates. A. Shmeleva [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 LEVIN, I.P., tokhnik (stantsiya Shcharbialm) Stand for the asoambling and dismantling of the piston group of tha D50 diesel motor. Slak.i tePl-tiaga 3 no-11: 32-33 N '59. (MIRA 13:3) (Diesel locomDtives--Maintenance and repair) - LEVIN, I.P., tekhnik A universal mmhins tool for repairing cylizeer,caps of the D50 diesel engine. Elek, i tepl, tiaga 6 no.llslA~15 N 162. (KRA 161l) (Machine tools) (Diesel engines-Repairing) POIROVSKIT, V.V. (st.DolOhOVO Mookovskor oblasti): MJTKRVICH. N.V.; 1XIM I.R,. (Tashkent); IVANOV, S.I. (Moskva); ROKABOT, P.A. Q.Zeys Amurskey obSAi. shkola rab*chor solodeshi). Laboratory excercises in phrelco. Fix. Y shkole 16 me.4:63-66 ii-Ag 156. (XLRA 9: 9) I.Stalinskaya shkola No-3 (for Fskrovskly).2.Pervays areduraya shkola (for Rutkovich). (Physics-Uporiments) USSWPharmcologyj, Thxicology. Chemotherapeutical Preparations v-7 Abo Jour Ref 2hur - Biol.p No 5., 1958.- No 23421 Author Inst State Institute of Ophtalmology Title The Treatment of the Penetrating Lesions of the Eyeball with Combinations of Antibiotics Orig Pub Sb. Infom. matod. materialov. Goo. n.-i. in-t g3Aznykh bolezueiO 1956, No 4* 81-84 Abstract In various cases of eye injurieso accompanied with endo- phthalmitio., pub-producing iridocyclisis., dropping out of the irisp traumatic cataract., antibiotics were administered under the conjunctive penicillin in a 50 000 U/dose in 0.5 ml of dis- tilled water with I ml of 0o3% ol;iZcin solution) or 50,000 units of penicillin in 1 ml of distilled water and 30.000 units of streptomycin in 0-5 ml of a physiological solution. It was found, that a combined use of antibiotics abolished the infec- tion in the anterior segment of the eye; best effect was ob- tained in endophthalmisis. Card 1/1 SOSIPATROV, T.M.; LEVIN, I.S.; TEFANOV, L.F. Determination of the specific electris conductivity of electrolytes with a lamp voltmeter. Zay.lab. 29 no.0459 '63. (KRA 16'*5) 1. Sibirskoye otdoleniye AN SSSR. (Electrolytes.-Conductivity) ,t. - -62 - - M)IE i-F ~-r 4 RIM _~jj!L4-. EP L ACCESSION HRi APS008008 S/0186/65/007/001/0110/0113 'AUMOR: Kletenik, Yu. B.; 1!!vinl. S. TTTM Reaction of mono -2 -ethylbeWph sphoric acid ."with tributylphosphate in n-octane ISOURCE: Radlokhimiyaj v. 71 no. 19 1965, 110-113 TOPIC TAGS: othylhexylphosphoric acid, tributylphosphate, octane, heat of reactf 1% ABSTRACT- The purpose of this article was to study the Isomolar series of mono-2- !~thylhexylphosphoric acid MEW and tributylphosphate (TBP) in water-saturated ;octane solutions. Measurement of the heats of mixing was done in an adiabatic ~calovlmeter with an isothermal jacket. The heats of mixing obtained cannot be used !directly for the determination of the heat of the reaction of M2EHP and TBF because in addition to the heat of reaction there are heat effects due to the dilution of lcmr,xments; in addition to this, a significant amount of the water phase is liberate !ed upon mixing of the homogeneous components. This indicates that the complexation process It acempanied by dehydrat-ton of the components. Two molecular compounds Card 7 L 44294-65 .ACCESSION KR: AP5008009 ;appar,ently exist in wbich the ratios of K2EHP to TBP are 1:1 and 2:1. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. ASSOCIATION awe SUBMITTED: 02Jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GC, OC ,NO REr sov: 007 OTHER: 024 ."do 9~- 1 Card 2/2 CHIZHOV, D.G.t KOGTJV, G. I.; JAVRZNXNKO, K.D.; SPIRIN. S.A.; XMIRASOV, A.M.; IVANOV, H.I.; UFATXV, M.Ta.; GRISHIN, I.K.; KOSTIN, M.Y.; POPOV, V.I.; ZAQCRODNIKOV, P.I.; MOTOT, P.N.1 KAZIMIN, A.V.; FOXICHBY, G.I.; TIRSHOV, P.I.; HBSHGHICRTAKOV, V.I.; TSYMOV, LHTUCHXY, L.I.; BBLXIN, M.N.; OBOLONKOV, M.I.; BATININ. B.A.; BURIYANOV, B.P.; KAHATOV, P.I.; KOKCRXV, S.V. Nikolat Alakeeavich Andreev. Blek. sta. 27 no.10:62 0 156. (Andreev. Hikolai Alekse6vich. 1897-1956) (MIRA 9:12) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 a SO 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 "I AJA' "Al 2161' T xf: so 0 of 4 L AA as A -lop 411" 01, lot, 00 ------ -00 so A CQ 7 .00 1. 14, IAM4111. (k(. CUM. 104. (1', A 4 R 1 7. ~'Jj I . -00 419111V nice WWI bW onvolvest I be orpos, oil the quisonvactimar 9 skiisr, from an eq. secloo. al the I"Ifite ennogId. #.1 the otallasics" by Al. caslidattion of IS i A, 00 00 i 10 it. Ilocor 0.6 9. of tbc ciample in a =in-mt. tlVQd-tV4ttWa 1101k. SM -W ad. Of $&Kia HISAir end I I so of IIIIN) Aiterh a colm- Itil", it it. in M.lial" And (as I-m Illicit ftj 1.11o. 1!- 1 1. 0: bra, Abase its rival calightic, NMI AM so the loss astiss ~161 0 cn~ off cavild, 4sclaraut 44, 4 is NMI hdhr I blisonshly. at MAPS of 0 Al Orr Asonso, addA NO ml, vairic. Me# I hioush a 11toorbron Ion - 00 it- Mi end wassh with water. Tramferthellitrairtocirtaund- Wittiest &A, said 11.11 S. o-phrovirk it. isminar-110. chAr 400 andredutifictZlossin. of and weighed *IkNt filter No. 2, *"h 3 josavara coach soccort 00 (41imst two ad 1. city of 1116, NMI sivilth a, larim. We .4 A, go j arme tion" WOW.' itiar" ifor vi cat jaharnainthfanor crothasul 00 the srovrcv~tim due Io the kadirAcitin at the phriscouthrrioll see with the 1^ disring the oaticlation. The "vervvtoran a. soll jr node Itom the curve y - 1, 1*1- ar wh"r y I. the actual 0 ravair"I #4 14varownib"nar in le A&I I I* the 4-onic,"I sh lateral hom, the assina, in"". 111brissinjairwrishoriecoly 1).,% 1. then 11 ics ialmichi ice r*k,, frosin 4 - 144.Tj Is Nicely a *0 it *-jjW Mlenj r4 phenjonjin-vOir in the mist, in % end ; 'ei s? and Irivri an arvarcery cal I", Other firsulswIs iss CnAr I 6 1,9e ntbr*-rnr Ion "oil 1"IrIffir with the di-In #4 phen4roolurne -r Ohio Involo-al It. Z. K doggish as ato-ILA all still&liwl ctilwlcstooo to, !'.00 i-v,: ".ago. all cpo,'$. a" All. 's, dis. V-T- T- 0 IF -I 4--1r1 I A'Ap A I a IONaa a I or 7W 17, 'So *0 'S 0 :~q 09 0 0 0a6 04 64 0060 0 ~7 0 0 0 0 04 "S S or 01T,61 10000*000000400000 081 1 1 1 ! 1 0 a L-A A-JL-.F- a a A L-M-1 jo to If IF 0 1 00 lll~ln flit "#too ~O!X'11 Mi aim 101' ..9 C A-- AL -0 -8 -A- 00 411-ft"d 00, of 9- GAGOMW wootW for dottooorowbing carUsde Is UWO MsthmCnatc %'. 1. Khnorknkil anal 1j. UvIn. Org, 414 & iS CAwm. Jxj. (VAL.S. R.) 00 bated an the conilev-slion I-# varbaAak with formaldehyde, Iscon a O.&s. #ample in to rod. of aiwW IIOAc and ovol to toons killp.Fip the vr"-1 with a two look .0 %jQfTff PISITUICII with 4.Ttutir and an exhao%f tubir whirb ft ronnect441 to a gownsclet, A 4mall tufar corox. 1) 2- ail- ".213 o. cer.t. N4N(h it attached 1o the latjollsol elf Ifor T- 161twon the 114%0 C111, igloo the wr--l he alawit 10 min.. drop the Ns%O, tarnpir into the .4n 1-Y mead 4 a at&** rod in the T-tutw arvi collect the NO In the % tometto, above r011. C.-c-letv decompa, 4 NAMN taken Plawe InSIMMI:MP-0 min. 11w%cxTI""4r t X) In culvil. from:% K 0 (2.4212.1,4 - 10.49119. $'X1". I:r,.l + 11)15 whoor is I% wt. of XON(70,. V 6 Vol. of NO of rINIVIN " 1 11 Is bwanarttle pteourr in ron", I It owns ormp.. S L owl. of samptor and it 1% % of Na%(h In tht -ample of PUSCh, The method wat checked with pore And pteaturtiots moitts. of crude anthracrivirs and domm an a i ArvurAvy of I All. Analysit ink" IA hr., It. X. K. ARSO-IL& MCI&LLVR64CAt Lltl#atWg CLIkiWICA?44 pip U A, 0 ojo 0 00 0 a 0 0 : 0 0 * o 0 0 to 0 0 0 9 A 0 o* ;~A 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.00 00 too -041 -641 -460 .00 X99 400 use goo 11.08 1, ts* ::96 not goo Not KUZNNTSOV, V.I.; ISVIN, I.S. 'k Colorimetric determination of Indium. Isv. Sib.otd. AN SSSR no-7: 131-132 '58. (MIRA 11.-9) 1.1notitut geokhlmil i analitichaskoy, khlmii imeni V.I. Vernadskogo AN SSSR i Zapadno-Sibirokly filial AN SSSR. (Indium) (Colorimetry) LZVIN, I.S.; POIA)VIEKINA. R.A., POLUMNA, O.M. Completeness of the precipitation of indium from tin-containing materials. Zav.lab. 26 no.2:148-149 16o. (MIJU 13:5) 19 Vauchno-iseledovatellskijr Inutitut oloya Zapadno-sibirskoga filiala Akademii nauk 553R. (Indium--Analysts) I AUTHORSt T1TLEt 25343 S/C2o/61/1313/006/019/019 B103/B215 Levin, 1. S., and I'likhaylov, V. A. Separatien of indium fro-a tin by extrotcti~.-n with alkyl- phosphr-ri: 4cidj PERIODICALt Akademija nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. '38. no. 19161, 1392-1394 TEM The authora studied the extraotion of indium from tin by isoamyl- phosphoric anil isoamylpropyl-phoophor-1c u~~ids, oimp:r- and efficient methods have, so far, not exiated. A mixture of theje ar,.Ula waa producod - by interaction between isoamyl alculiol and phosphoric acid anhydride (P205 1 iso-AmOH - 1 t 2). and it was usually applied -4n the forz; of a 20% (by volume) oolutiot. of the extracting agent In tt~ncqr.q or toll!ene, The extraction took 3 min at 20:30C and a ratio betwoen ;r6anic (0) and I aqueous (A) phasei 0 1 A 1 2. In some exper.4rients. in 114 and Sn113, 123 radioisotopes were used. It was found tha4 in chloride solutions, indium and Sn2-t in a wide range of acid.1ty cannot be separated ,by one single process. This, hLwever, is well possitla in sulfuric Card 1/4