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Now developments in disc-type lamps with light-emitting-electrodea.
Svetotekhnika 7 no,3s2l-24 Mr, 161. (KMA 14:8)
1. GorddaretvanVy optiche kiy institut.
,(,Electric lamps)
---- "Newwwolim*H
Jffect of arsenic admixtures on the acidity of steel and iron.
Ylsevet*l metalloved. I no,3s523-528 '55. (MM 9:6)
l.Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut metallov.
(Iron-arsenic alloys)
-w- - - - ~.,- -,. 0.
Considering the secondw7 extinction in polycrystals. Fiz. met. i
mstalloved. 17 no.ltlO-19 Ja 164. (WRA 17s2)
1; Fisiko-takhnicheakiy inatitut AN 'JkrSSR.
Acmam NRo AW1307 5-,/0-1-26/64/017/001/0010/0019
AUTHORs Levikov; Ye. A.
TITLE: On the computat on of secondary extinction in polycrystals
SOURCE: Fizika metallov i motallovedej, vo 17j, no* 1, 1964, 10-19
i~ TOPIC TA033 polycrystalp single crystal,, laminar model, grain size, distribution
function, absorption coefficient
ABSTRACTt The author studied the effect of secordary extinction on the intensity
of x-ray refloction from polycrystals. Relations were obtained that would make
possible the study of secondaz7 extinction at any grain size* A laminar model was
used for the theory, consisting of a plane specimen with plane grains of the same
thickness (T), arranged parallel to the surface of the opecimens The grain size in
the plane of the specimen was assumed to be considerably larger than the thicknosse
The orientation of a block in a coordinate system hkl, (with corresponding indices
a, and h) was deacribed by a distribution function nh-(k,,k) (k Wing the unit
a C
Yeator alorqj which n. was a minimum) such that it integrated to unity over all
solid angleso The orientation of the grain was described by a distribution func-
tion nh(kg) which integrated to ph - the recurrence factor for the h-planse The
effective cross section for scattering as written in the form
PA (kA, k)
us (kh, k)
where 1. is the intensity of incident radiation,- The average value of this cross
soction is given by -h A
:t j n' ' (kg. kh) A us (k4. k) d Q.
where Is is a contour through the grain. Repreaenting the contour integral by wh-j,
the average cross section is written in the form -& . w~q - - a
ve being the volume of the block. The following eVroreions are derived for the
coefficients of reflection and transadesion
ho I
A 09- k1k)
(kjr kA) SKr
+ P. +
Ar-CMIO11 XRo AP4013087
where G*r (kg. kh) ju + O"lr),-
and are direction cosines,
and P. is the coefficient of absorptions and Y. k
In the limits of largo and small grains rospectivolys the expression for the
coefficient of reflection is reduced to
2~. p.
Expressions are obtained for the av6rago value of the coefficient of reflection
by taking the first moment with the distribution function* An approximate
expression is obtained for by means of an expansion in powers of W h/
Noting the possibility of reflection by monolayer grainss the following expression
is derived for reflection from the upper layer of thq grain in the case of large
Q11A QA1"
The secondary extinction manifested itself in the intensity of reflection from
coarse-grained polyarystalse Orig& arte hass 50.formulasp 2 figures,, and 2
A=IATIONs risiko-takhniahookly institubj, AN Ukraffi (PWsioo-tecbnical Institute
- ---------
US"odicine - Melanin Nerve te'lls, Sep 49
"Nerve Cells in the Human Brain Which Contain Melanin," I. I. Cutner, A. M.
Levikova, 3 PP
"Dok Ak Nauk SSSRN Vol LVIII, No 1
Used tons of embryos (3-10 months) and tons of brains from both children and
adults for the study. Showed that coos of melanin accumulation begins
In its first phase (prepigmentationM the prenatal period,, and is completed
In its second phase (pigmentation) In the first months and years (not later
than 2 years) of life. Submitted by Acad L. A. Orbeli 4 Jul 49.
PA 2/50T86
LEVIKOVA, A.V.-j, maditBinakaya sestra
Use of Bruns' paper in mud bath centers. Mod. sestra no-5:56 My
161,, (MIRA 1/,t6)
1. PolWinika No.1 Hinisterotva, sdravookhraneniya RSFSRj, Moskva.
State capitalism during the transitional period. Vop. ekon.
no.3:236-244 My '62- WIRA 15:6)
(Govezment ownerehip)
"SafritY meaauTpi In the trarsopoitation: diatribution,. ard
Of 9aD fueIrl by ii.A. Pmvtewcd b A.. L6vin. Gaz.prom, 6
no.9:54-55 `61, &IRA 14,12)
(Gas as fuel)
(Neehaev, M. A.)
kand. takhn. nauki M=HANOVAp T., inzboj
ONSMAp G,,j, insh.
Using gas burners ftr drying buildings. Zhil.-koa. khos. 11
no,3.ls22-23 N 161. (MMA 16t7)
(Gas burners) (Drying apparatus)
1,FVINV A#, inzh.
Planes of vertical takeoff and landing. Kryl. rod. 16 no.21
24-25 F 165, (?CRA 18: 3)
MANFSCU, Lop prof. emerit (R. Vilcea); BF.TAN, Mircea (Galati); MUNIEANU,
Dumitru (Biatrita); SACTER, 0.; SIM10N, A. (Iasi); EVIN
,,4Pgandru,-fTallin, U.S.S.R.); HADIRCA, Los prof, (Bre&Nza
LIVIU, Petre (Pucioasa); GRECU, Eftimie (Bucureati); SENA,
Dorin (Caransebes); SIMDVICI, Dan (Iasi); ILIE, Nicolas
(Gaiesti); BOICESCU, Vlad (Craiova); VOICULESCU,. Dan (Bucuresti);
POPESCU, Adrian (Sibiu)-, PFSTROIU, Daniel (Tirgu Jiu);
NANUTI, Ion (Timisoara); MUSTA, St. (Oradea); POPESCU, Adriana
(Sibiu ; IONESCU-TIU, C.; 1AZAR, Maria (P. Neamt); FOCSEKFANU,
M.I.; ACU, Do (Cluj); ZAMFIRESCU, Tudor; MOCANU, H. Ovidiu
(Iasi); GEORGESCU, 0. (Craiova); HWAN, C. (Bacau);
IACOMI, loans (P. Neamt)
Proposed problems. Gaz mat B 15 no.3tl22-127 Mr 164.
WIFIX;SCU, Tudor (Buourosti),* IXVIN, Alexandru (Tallin, ACU, Dunitru
(Nasaud); SANDULACHE, C. (Ilegrosti); PHAVAT, V.V. (Iasi); SACUM, 0.,-
POPA, Eugen (Iasi); ZAMFIMZCU, Tudor; VOICUIMCU, Dwn (B=uresti);
IO1MCU-TIU0 C.; BOICE.30, Vlad (Craiova)- MAJAITI, Ion (M-isoara);
19STA, Stefan (Oradea); B.MDAN, C. (Bacauj; PETIMCU, P.`Anaota3io
(Graiova)i LUSNIG, Ohs (Ducuresti); BAINWOM, V. (2ucureati)
Solved probloms. Gaz mat B 16 no.2:6/4,-82 F 165.
Al,:'KHf N't N., ~rtnd. , ;" -. T., 1 1; ,P 0 , j (.1 t ~. (:) r 1.1 . ,;; "Je.
flee tj rig, of ~ 1,,)r..: I ~ !..- sr. , i r, * ', I r !;',- 7 nr . ": '~ff fn Mr I., r
( M 1. FLJI~ I a : 5 1
Translation from: Referativrrjy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, No. 12, p. 182,
f 25162
AUTHORt L-evin, A.A..
Tr=s The Practice of Adjustment of Dong-Distance Telemetering Devices
PERIODICAL: Waladochnyye I eksperim. raboty CRaW, No. 15, 1958, pp. 144-15o
The experience of adjustment of long-distance telemetering devices
of the OFtaW - "Blektropul'e systems, inoluOhl THY -56 (TWCh-56)~ Is generaliz-
ed. The main service characteristics of individual assemblies are given: error,
time stability, measurement range, reliability, etc. Some practical results of'
adjustment of primary devices-converters, transmitters, receivers and a comparison
of various types of these devices are given. rn the process of adjustment the
problem of direct reliability control of receiving device indications has been
cleared up. Methods of adjustment of telemetering equipment developed by ORGRES
and applied to the adjustment of all frequency telemetering aptems are briefly
described. The methods provide for an adjustAent of 1ndIvIduAl links of the
Card 112
TAKILITANOT, A.P.; LITIN, A.A,,, NAZOVICH, P.V., otv.rod.; MZM, A.B.,; TWINA, Y*~Log tekhnorode
[Uniform time and pay standards for oonstruction, assembly,, and
repair "orations in ig6o] Xdjnyo normy I rustsenki no strol-
tells" . sontashnys i remontno-stroitelinys raboty, 1960 g.
Koakva. GooAzd-vo lit-ry po strott., arkhit. i stroit.materialan.
Sbomik 24* EHolating operational Takelosbnys rabotys 1960. 46 p.
(MIRA 13.-6)
1e Rassia (1923- U,S,S.R,) Gosuderstvennyy koultat po, dolan
stroltellstvas 2o Normatlyno-Isslodovatellsicsys, stantstya Vo.13
(NIS-13) Ministerstva stroitallotya RSM (for Yowl'yanov).
3. fSentrallnoyi normativno-isoledovateliskoys byaro Xinisterstva
stroitellstya PMW (for Levin).
(wages) (Hoisting machinery)
TITLE latrix-eleatents of irredia-fffe 'unitary representations of the
group of Euclidean motions of a three-dimensional space and
their propert logo
PERIODICAL Moklady Akad. auk 112, 987-989 (1957)
reviesed 6/1957
It,the-Third. Rathematical.Union Congress Radov has presented an sAress on
the computation of the matrix elements of the irreducible unitary
representations of the group X(3sR) of the Euclidean motions of a three-
dimmsional, apace..The authors.earry out the computation of the same
elements with~the aid of an integral method. Here certain functions are
appearing which satisfy certain relations which can be denoted as
generalizations of well-known relations between Dean@! functions. The
authors give a theorem of addition and recurrence formulae for these
functions which originate in it.
INSTITUTIONt Military Engineer Academy.
Penoil shaped soldering bit,
Hauka i zhIzn' 30 no.5t6O VT 163,
(MIRA 16s10)
Mixed excavator brigades. Na strois Roo. 3 no,5:31-32 My 162#
(MM 15:9)
L Nacbel I nik otdela truda i zarabotnoy platy ~resta
Determining the economic efficiency of the widespread use of chemistry
in agriculture. Vop. skon, Ao,2s52-57 F 163, (KRA 1683)
(Agricultural chemicals)
IATCUp D.p prof. (Hunedoara); PETRESCU, N., prof. (Tg. Cartviwsti); CERCHEZ,
Hibu; ZENMISI,, I.,, prof. (P. Neant); TEODORESCU, Voltaire ( P. Neaxt);
IOKESCU-TIU.. C.; TOMESCU, Ion (Bucaresti); DURITREASA, Gh. (P.Neamt);
MIHAILESCUI D., prof, (Pitesti); DUMITRU, Acu (Cluj); MONTE, Alexandru
(Bucaresti j ANGHEIACHE,, Tudorica (Bucaxestif- POPA Al. (Pucioasa);
BRINZANESCUO V. (Bucaresti); LUSTIG, Ch. (W~;resti~; ISAC, E. (Tg. Jiu);
LEVIN. Alemmdru (Tallin, U.S.S.R.); SIMION9 A. (Bacau); AVADANZI,
Cor;~dli-(-~, Neamt),- SIMIONESCU, Gh.D.; FLONDOR, Elena, (Bucuresti)
Proposed problems in mathematics. Gaz, mat B 15 no.4:172-177
Ap 164,
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957. Nr 4, p 43 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Polikovskiy, V. I., Levin, A. A.
TITLE: Some Refinements of the TsAGI Method of Fan Design Calculation
(Nekotoryye utochneniya metoda TsAGI, primenyayemogo pri
raschete ventilyatorov)
PERIODICAL: Tr. MAI, 1955, Nr 50, pp 57-67
ABSTRACT: Two analytical formulas are given. The first formula serves to
determine uniquely the size of the inflow port of the pump; the
second formula permits a determination of the pitch setting of the
impeller vanes of the fan. Bibliography: 3 references.
1. A. Shept--lev
Card I/ I
AID P 5183
Subject USSR/Engineering
Card 1/2 Pub. 103 - 5/24
Authors- : Levin, A. A., and Ya. V. Loginov
Title ; Machine for moking holes for piston wrist pins
Periodical : Stan. I instr., T, 20-24, Jl 1956
Abstract : Description and operation of the A940 machine-tool for
making holes in pistons to hold the wrist-pins Is given
by the authors, designers at the Experimental Scientific
Research Institute for Metal-Cutting Machines (ENIMS).
The machine was built by the "Stankokonstruktsiya"
(Meebine-tool Manufacturing Plant) for the factory for
automatic production of pistons (Zavod Avtomat in Moscow)
and Is capable of handling four pistons simultaneously,
finishing up to 400 pistons per hour. Three photos and
7 diagrams.
BtMO, Petr Ivanovich; KAPUSTIH. Ivan Illich; VLADZITNTSKIY. A.Pe, doktor
toM.n.nauk, reteenzent; j",,,A*Ae. inzho, rateenzast; RISHNNUOYs
I.L. lnzh.. red.-,, TIMANOV, A.T&,, takha,rade
[Calculating productive capacity of machine tools] Raschat proisvodi-
tellnosti rabochikh mashin. Moskva. Goo na uchno-tekha. izd-vo, mashino-
strotte lit-ry, 1958* 213 pe (Xlft 11:7)
(Machine tools)
Problems In the analysis of structural diagrams of automatic
production lines. Stan. I instr. 29 no-3:1-3 Mr 158.
(MIRA 32:1)
(7actorr management)
LIVIV, A.Ae, Inshe
- I
Selection of long-distance telsmetering equipment* Alsk eta.
30 no.2172-76 1 '59. (MIRA 120)
(Televetering-lquipme4t and supplies)
. IZVIN,, A.A.
Calculating machines and the structural analysis of crystals.
Vsot*AN SSSR 31 no.9sl3l-132 3 161* (MIRA 14 ilO)
(Electronic calculating machines)
(Crystallography, Mathematical)
KRIHM, T.Ye.; KASHEPAVp I.I.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk;
MPERT', M.P.,, kand. tekhn. neruk; KOPERBAKE,, B.L.;
CHERNIKOV, S.S.s kand. tekhn.nauk; BEU)Vj, V.S.; ZHURI112
B.F.; MONAKHOV, G.A... kand.tekhn.nauk; MOROZOV, I.I.;
MUSHTAM, A.F.; OGNEV,, N.N.; PALEY, M.B., kand. tekbn.
nauk; FURHAN# D.B.; LIVSHITS, A.L,, kand.tekhn.nmk;MECHETNER,
nauk; YAKOBSONp H.O., doktor tekbn.nauk; MAYOROVA, E.A.p
kand.tekhn.nauk; MOROZOVA, Ye.M.; ZU%1AN., V*G#, kandatekbno
naukj VAYDIS, V,A,j kand,tekbnonauk; VIADZIYEVSKIY, A.P., prof*,
doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; BELOGUR-YASEOVSKAYA, R.I., red.;
CIEEGAREVAq E.I., red.; ASVALIDOV, M.Ta., red.; KOGAII, F.L..,
tekhn, red.
[Machine-tool industry in capitalist countries] Stanko..
stroenie v kapitalistich6skikh stranakh. Pod red. i s pre-
disl. A.P.Vladzievskogo. Moskva, 1962. 822 p. (MIRA 15:7)
1. Moscow. TSentral'My inatitut nauchno-tekhricheBkoy in-
formataii mashinostroyonlyn. 2, EksperimentalIrvy nauchno-
isoledovateliskiy institut metallorezhuahchikh stankov
(forVladziyevskiy,, Belogur-Yasnovskaya, Chigareva, Asvalldav,,
Kogan). (Machine-tool Industry)
Mechanized cutting of rolled paper and rolled cardboard. Med.prom.
16 no.4:42-" Ap 162. (MIRA 15:8)
1. Madiko-instrumentallnyy zavod "Krasnogvardeyets".
GRINBFM, N.B.j ZAK, L.A.; ".
The BTA-PU-S noncontact tolecontrol system for over-all automation.
Priborostroenie no.5-8-12 MY 164. (HIPLA 17s6)
L 55921-65 JEPR/~_Z iELIA(bb)-2
ACCESSION NR: AP5012437 UR/02$t/65/000/002/0129/0133
AUTHOR i javln4j. A. - I!qliko skiy, V. 1.
TITLE, Calculation of the pressure characteristics of centrifugal pumps and
fans at zero flow rate
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Energetika,i transport,'no.. 2, 1965, 129-133
TOPIC TAG90 centrifugal pump pressure, centrifugal fen pressure, zero flow
pump operation- a.p.tI =' 1 m-" _p- u-m"'p, a p e r a t i a n
ABSTRACT: The "toting theory of vane devices (pumps, fans, etc.) does no
i supply the pressureefor flow rates which are substantially smaller than those
for which the device was designed. Consequently, if one could calculate the
pressure for even one such low-flow operating point, this would permit a'much
more exact estimate of the entire pressure characteristic than is the case at
the present time. The case of zero flow rate probably corresponds to the most
characteristic point of this kind, and the authors therefore investigated the
mechanism of fluid motion at the input of a centrifugal wheel during zero flow.
This to followed by an outline of the method for the calculation of tht pressure
Card 1/2
generated by the wheeL based on the model of the fluid motion. Calculated re-
suits are in good agreement with experimental data published by M. 1. Nevel'son
(Tsentrobezhnyye ventilyatory (Centrifugal fanq3, G03energoizdat, 1954). The
"cellent agreement seems to indicate that there is no need for the introduction
of an experimentally derived coefficient nor does one have to include any coef-
ficients describing losses (their influence on pressure within the framework of
the calculation seems to be negligible). During the operation of fans within
casings, additonal factors appear which affect the pressure; however, this issue
was not investigated. Orig. art. has: 18 formulas and 3 figures.
suBminn.- MugO ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: IE
NO Aff SOVt 005 OOMER- 000
CarJ-- 2/2
-L-4517-66---- E*T(1)/F-WT~M)/EPF(--)/T
ACC NRo- AP5024140- ,SOURCE COVE: UA766-96/65/000/010/0071)
AUTHORI jPolikovskiy, V. I. (De eased; Doctor of technical sciences; Professork
__AL_Aw,&Candi"te.of technical ~sclences
ORG: Is cov,Aviation Institutel-Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy instItUt)
Tr=: On o"ration of pump.%%A ~iovers at regime of re-iuced feed
SOURCS: -Toploenergatika, no..10, 1965, TI-74
TOPIC TAGS, fl /bluwe.r, auction pump
ABSTRACT: It is gener&lly known that the flow.of fluid at -ihe pump auction lose$ its
,regularity when the feed.rate is reduced. A reverse flow develops and penetrates
.,continually deeper into the auction pipe. The flow acquires a clearly defined swirl,
especially at the
periphery, which increases in intensity as wall as in penetration
farther'from the periphery toward the axis and upward toward tne flow. In many cases,
such disturbances'of th4 smoothness, nature, and regularity of flow at the auction
are noticeable only at low flow rates Q 11 + 12
The results and notations from (Ref. 2) and from M. A. Neymark
'(Ref-31 UMN*.j, v. 4 (1954)) are eseentially used in the paper.L
There are 2 Soviet-bloo and I non-Soviet-bloo references,
PRESENTEDs January 2 ioian
1, 1961t by A. N. Kolmogorovp Aoadem
SUBMITTED# January 13, 1961
Card 4/4
Calmaatlon of the proton affinity of methane and its howologs.
Zhur.strukt.khis. 3 no.6t721-723 162. (KIRA 15M)
1. Institut obohchey i neorganicheakoy khimii imeni N.S.
Xurnakova AN SSSR.
(Methane) (Protona)
Use of higbspeed electronic computers for calculatLons in X-ray
diffraction analysis; reviev. Kristallograftia. 7 no.4t64"56
Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15s11)
1, Institut obahchey i neorganicheskoy khimli imeni NeS.Kurnakova,
(Electronic digital computers)
(]( rays--Diffraction)
AUTHOR: Levin, A.A.
TITLE: On the classification and separation of levels in an
external field
PSHIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, v-13, 6o.4, 1962, 580-581
TEXT: The classification of levels is based on the following
property of representations of point Srpups of symmetry of the
second kind (i.e. containing only one rotation): all irreducible
representations of each such group G occur in pairs; the
operators of the representation D(g) in each such pair coincide
over 11 alaments of tho first kind (pure*rotations)
g' - jgj~g' I Tnd differ in sign over-all elements of the
secon kind g" = g"IS" (transfokmations which arc not ppre
1 2
rotations). .~11 characi..'r..-lof irreducible representations of
points groups of the second kind can be divided into throe classes:
the characters of the first two classes coincide in pairs over all
pure rotations and differ in sign over elements of the second kind;
characters of the third class are zero for all elements of the
second kind. In the case when the group G of a symmetrical
Card l/ 3
On the classification ... E031/E413
quantum-mochanical field is of the second kind but does not
contain an inversion, a unique determination of the evenness or
oddness of the levels cannot be made since the character of one
and the same irreducible representation of such a group can be a
positive number for one element of the second kind and negative
for another equivalent alement of the second kind. However, the
energy levels can still be classified by observing that the
characters of the irreducible representations of the levels fall
into three classes, of which the first two can be divided into
conjugate pairs of lovels. The levels of the third class,
corresponding to characters zero for elements of the second kind
are called "neutral", being neither even nor odd. If the group
of symmetries of an external field is of the second kind, not
containing an inversion, even and odd levels of a free atom can
ach be separated into three classes - even, odd and neutral -
nd the following rule can be formulated: if some even level of
a free atom is separated in an external field into n, even,
n2 odd and no neutral levels, then the same, but odd, level of
the free atom in separated into n2 even, n, odd and no neutral
Card 2/3
On the classification ... F-031/9413
levels. Quantum transitions in fields without a centre of
inversion will be considered later.
SUBMITTED: February 24, 1962
Card 3/3
. 0-
Neohenism of the addition of proton to methane. Zhurestruktokbine
1, no.1sl1lo"116 Ja-? *63. (MIU 16 s2)
L Institut obsbobey i noorganichookoy kbimii imeni N.S. Kumakova
AN $Me (Methane) (Plvtoms)
Us& ok symotr7 in the method of maxJ-1- overlap. Zhur.strukt,
khim. 4 nos5a739-743 S-0 163* (MIRA 1641)
1. Inatitut obahchty i neorganicheskoy kbidi imani N.S.KurnakovA
Theoretical examination of the stereochemistry of complex compounds
of elements with F-elactrons. Part 1% Conversion of the f-orbital
of the central atom. Zhur.strukt.khim. 4 no.6s930-934 N-D '63.
(MIRA 17:4)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheakoy khimil imeni Kurnakova
On the relative stability of isomers In 10~02 molecules.
Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.205%-362 S 163. (MMA 16s11)
1. Institut obahchey I neorganichoskoy khimii in. N.S. Kurnakova
AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom I.I. Chernyayevym.
~ ~~ - - - - -~ --I - 04 lhw~;~-
LOCating the Lost hybrid orbi-,als Of the aontral atom 1r.
M-tJYPe Molecules. 7hur.aLr*ikt.khiV,. 5 no. 2128&~,q,
Mr-Ap f6.1. (KRA '--?.6' Ic
10 lnstltJt Ob3hc.i,,3y i neorgaracho3koy kjjty-~., Imarj,
All 33!LP,. K --, z - ak o-. oi
Theory of tho locqtlon of t1m mrst stable conflWaration c"
mxK molecales by the wthod of mriximun overlap. Zhur.strukt.
khIm. 5 no. Z029-331 Mr-AP 164. OCRA 17%6)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganichenkoy khtmil Imeni N.-!.
rn=.,A~ova A4 S39R.
Application of the variatlon-iteration method for the
determination of the most stable configuratlon of KAk
molecules. Part 1i Molecules of YIX 4 In approximation of
X -bonds. Zhur. strukt. khim. 5 no.4:654-655 Ag 164.
(MIRA 180)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii Imeni Kurnakova
Real-ization of an "algebraic" method for finding symbols trl a large
computer. Zhur. strukt. khim. 5 no.6t9O2-9O5 X-D 064. (WRA 18s4)
1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimil imeni Kurnakova AN
SSSR i Vychislitelinyy tsentr Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta.
substitution of ligands f".= the v',,wpc)lnt, of oriented
valencies. Zhur. neorge khIm. 9 no.5t!290-1292 Py '64.
(mipi, v, 9)
1. Institut obahchey i neorgan-lcheskJy khfffdi. Im H.S.
Kurnakova AN SSSR.
Axpertmental study of the X-criterlon by means of sLn electronic
computer. Zhur, strukt. khim4 6 no,11137-140 Jk~-F 165.
(FJRA M12)
1. Vyohislitellnyr TOentr 14ookovdkogo gosudarstvann6go
univormitata i Inatttut Obahchey i noorgsn!aheiskoy khimil
imni NoBjurnakovs, AN US& Submitted My 23, 19634
Spin-orbital InteracUcc with self-corialstency for molecules
with open shells. Zbur. strukt. khIm. 6 no. 4t614-618 Jl-Ag 165
(mIRA 19:1)
L Institut, obahchey i neorganicheskoy khImU Imeni N.S. KuiT~akova
AN SSSR. Submitted December 30, 1964.
L 37662-M EW(k)-2/9dr(d)
A-ACC NR. AT6012347
SOURCE CODE: UR/0000166/0001000/0098/0109
VTHOR; Akopyan, N. F.; Bukea, P.; Levin, A. A.; Skoropietsevat So Fe
ORG: none
'ITIT'LE: Real noise rejection In the reception of tele-signals and ways to enhance it
by adaptation (6
SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhaicheakaya konferentsiya po aredstvam promyshlennoy
tolernekhaniki. Moscow, 1963. Promyshlennaya telemekhanika (Induatrial
telemechanics); materialy konforentaii. Moscow, 1zd-vo Enorgiya. 1966, 98-109
TOPIC TAGS: remote control system. telemetry system, signal noise separation
ABSTRACT: The nature of noise in tele-sytitems using h-v power lines as carrier
channels Is examinedi t rane mi o sion -adaptive systems are discussed in general
terms. Estimated and experimental noise -distribution curves (duration va. noise
level) for an EPO-400 h-f tole-station are shown. An experimental noise
(4Z-124 mv) vs. time (0-2000 sac) curve exhibits fast and slow noise-level
variations; the noise was measured on a. carrier channel connected to a 400-kv power
ACC NRt AT6012347
line. The noise level Is clearly correlated with the amount of power transmitted by
the line. The effect of noise level on the flow of errors in the tole-channel is briefly
discussed. Usually, the rate of Information transmission decreases when the noise
level increases, which may result in an operational paradox., the information flow
may stop (under system emergency conditions) at the moment when the information is
most needed. Hance, the transmission process proper should be automatically
optimized; a transmission-adaptive system matches the and-apparatus parameters
with the variable traffic capacity of the channel. The adaptation efficiency can be
evaluated by: (a) the decrease in the number of errors against the decreased trans-
mission rate and (b) the decrease In apparatus reliability as a consequence of the,
increased apparatus redundancy. Orig. art. hasi 7 figures and I formula.
Cam 2/2-
L 37659-66 EWP(k)/EK (d)1DM(h)1&T(1)LEWP(V) ID C D
ACC NRs AT6012355 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0202/0208
AUTHOR: PrangishvW. Z. V.; Zak. L. A.; Levin, A. A.; Grinberg, N. B. 6 1 1
ORQ: none B4
ITLE: Unitized contactle8s tale-autornatic BTA-FU-S system for mining industries
E: Nauchno-takhnicheskaya konferentsiyapo aredstvam promyshlennoy
chanilii-. Moscow, 1963. Fromyshleanaya tolemakhanika (Industrial
-hanics); mat; riil-y-li;nfe rents ii. Moscow, Izd
-vo Energlya, 1966, 202-208
TQPIC TAGS: automatic control, automatic control system, automatic control theory,
iniostrW automation / BTA-PU-S automatic control system
ABSTRACT: D veloped by IAT "Red Metallist" plant, the BTA-PU-S automatic
J22 "
control syntax -19 intended for automating production flowlines and transportation
lines in the coal and mining industries. The system is connected (via contactless
transducers and amplifiers) with level sensors, machine and mechanism controls
(flight and belt conveyers, rolls, etc.), position limit switches, contactors, etc. The
system tolerates parameter spread of its elements, permits interchanging its
I Cgrd 112
Ix"Iltil A.A.
kni.-n. 10 165. (MIRA 186)
'Ussn/Analysis of inorganic Substances G-2
Abs jour.: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 6, 1957, 19629
Author : A. B. Levin, V. A. zihostakov
Inst : Vr_ara Polytechnical Institute
Title : Fractional Detection of Chlorino Ion
Orig Pub: Tr* Urallskogo Politel:lm. In-ta, 1956, sb. 57,
57 60
Abstract: For the fractional detection of Cl- it was pro-
posed to iise the solution of Hg00332 us precipi-
tator and the-solution of Jig ( 0 )2, that produc-
~ed with Cl- the precipitate C012 insoluble in
diluted ENO as a reaEent for Cl & The solu-
tion o~ BaPo"')- is recommended as precipitator
r Solution of Na2B407 is used to elimin-
Card 1/2 - io6 -
/_ P/11 /Y /~
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal,
Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 323 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Levin, A.B.
TITLE: Another Version of the Fractional Reaction Employed in the
Detection of Aluminum Ions (Variant drobnoy reaktsii otkrytiya
ionov a lyuminiya)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Ural'skogo politekhn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 69, pp 126-128
ABSTRACT: The author introduces an importa .nt correction into the frac-
tional reaction for determination of N134,, a reaction employing
NaOH for the precipitation of the second group of the fractional
analysis, as well as for the formation of aluminate, zincate,
and chromate. After separating out the first cation group in the
form of metals by the action of powdered metallic Zn in the fil-
trate, the second group is precipitated with the aid of alkaline
carbonate in the presence of HZOZ. The precipitate contains the
basic 1Zn carbonate and AQOH)~, while Cr passes into solution
in the form of Na2Cr04- The Mn is in the form of Na2Mn03 -
1. Aluininum ions--Detection K. K.
Card 1/1
Fractional (drop) reaction for the detection of antimony.
Trudy Ural. politekh. inat. no.g/,slC)6-3.09 160. (XUtA 15s6)
L&UU,, I&I... doktor selookokhoxyaystvennykh nauk,, prof0 IJM N A B
Praotices in the safttenance of .dairy cattle under the conditions
of mechanised, livestock farm. Isy. TSKIIA no.207-67
162. (Dairy farms) (Farm mechanization) (MM 15:9)
AP50 P 6P.
'MF: -AGS: rotor blade flapping, coe-xixi rotor
.......... ..........................
A&STRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a M!Tth-t -,f Os-rvinw
ping in rigidly mounted blades of coaxial ritors. 7h P met A 7.
flapping-vngle inluLvtive pickups mouwred Dr, ^%.-!1 r- r, ' -. : %
ntr-,ling biade , rTwr
approach of the upper w)11 ' rF
h, rizrmtal sveep which des-ribes t1e.,le r,%VV',nA
Fcyr thla, using a gav-toottie,,' Y, -.age genera' r 7
--T.- pos i 1~ i ve. vr) It age i s fed t o -)ne xL; 71 q. e
the other pair.
Af'r'~-SION MR: AP5017880
, KITTED: o,6jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AC
Card 2/2
ACC NRt AR6022468 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/66/000/003/D019/D019
AUTHOR: Lerner, B. L.-, Levino A. E.; Ytrokbing B, A.
TITLE: New apparatus incorporating an intemediate stage of magnetic recording as
the basis for further improvement of the MOV method of seismic prospecting
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizj Abe. 3DUB
REF SOURCE: Tr. Nizhne-Volzhak. n.-i in-t geol. L geofiz., vyp. 2, 1964, 7;-78
TOPIC TAGS: seismic proppecting, geophysic instrument
TRANSLATION: New apparatus) developed at the Design Bureau of the Nizhnevolganefte-
geofisika includes a seismic station equipped with an SS-24-61H magnetic recorder, a
PSZ-2 seismic recording converter and an MS-4 magnetic integrator. This stationary
instrumentation is used to process the data which were magnetically recorded by the
method of directionally controlled reception. One machine, the PSZ-2 can process sale-
mograms recorded ai 9 or 10 simultaneously operated stations. A. Fedorenko.
UDC: 550.834
jZYU#-A.F,; MASrYAYEVO N.Z.j kand. tekhn. nauks rotuenzent;
GALKIN, Yu.M.p kand. tokhn. nauk) red.j VASIL'YEVA,
I,,A.s red.izd-vaj GORDEYEVA, L.P., tekhn. red.
(Reliability of the electrical equipment and devicou of
motor vehicles and tractors] Vadezhnoutl avtotraktornogo
elaktrooborudovaniia i priborov. Moskva, Maahglz,, 1963.
114 p. (MIRA l7t2)
AVTNOB: lievin, A. G. and Jbrachlkov, V. D.
TIM: Byalustion and Xrvpin of Precipitation (K mtod1k ucbeta I karto-
grafirovenlya os OTI
PERMICAL: Trudy Mavuoy geofiticheskoy cbmervatorli,, 1956, Nr 64,, pp. 1T-23(um)
ABSTPAM: M~rdroimeteorologists worting in renote regions of Asiatic USSR have
ecimpared the results obtained vith a Tretlyakoy precipitation re-
corder and those obtained with an ordinoy pluviamter. It vas
found that a *kYlamter vith a conical protector does not perfom
satisfactorily, partlaularly in winter when a large part of the
snow Is blown rm. Tretlyakov's recorder gives better results.
An analysis of the vertleal distribution of precipitation indi-
cates a zonal pattern, ftere first the ma total of precipitation
Increases, and then Almimishes vith a cbmap in elevation. This
factor should be taken into account in CalcajpMiag precipitation.,
'Both t"es of meters give nearly identical (j 2$) results in smasur-
tug liquid pmcIp1tat1on,, thou& Amplag tbw minUm months Tretlyakov's
Cwt 1/2
3vaustion and NVYIng Of PIVeYltat:Lcn (Cmt.) 36-64-3/7
gaup'Te.g.Tes a correcrtion by adding 10-10. hsthors S. V-
Wesnikp Pe is Koloskovt 0. p. Kulladn,, T. S. Ab&l'Yev,
D. L. SokolovskiY, and B. V. shostakovich are nentioned. Th8re &re
5 figures, 4 tablesip and 1) referencess au Soviet.
AVAUANZ: Library of Congress
Card 2./2
Vernal transition Of air temperature through e In the north-
eastern region of the U,S*S*Ro Trudy Tsip no.67:148-152 158.
(mrRA 11:6)
(Atmospheric temperature)
Reduction of the precipitation layer over the area around a mobile
rain center. Sbor. rab. po gidrol. no.1:48-55 159.
(MIRA 15:2)
1. Severo-Vootochnoye geologicheskoye upravleniye,
leningmdo Glamp WofizIchaskays observatoriya
Voprosy obahchey I sinoptichaskoy klimtologil. (Problems in General and Synoptic
Climatology) laningriA., Gidrometeoisdat.. 1966. 141 p. (Series: Its: Trudyv
vyps 88) Strata slip Inserted. 1,000 copies printed.
Additional Sponsoring ~Npncy: USSR. Sovet Ministrov, Olavnoye Uprxvlenlye
gtdrometeorologicheskoy sluzbby.
Ed. (Title ftge): 0. A. Drozday, Doctor of Geographical Sciences; Ed. (Inside book):
T. V. Ush6kova; Tech. Zd.: M. Ya. Flaum.
PURPOSE: 7his publication to intended for meteorologists adspoptic climstologists.
COVERAM This issue of the Main Oeogrephical Observatory's Transactions contains
12 articles dealing with vind-caused redistribution of precipitation, ice &a-
cretion under various relief conditions, the charexteristics of snow deposJt-
ions, and forest shelter belts. The microcli ic peculiarities of a large city
.-z\jblems in General and Synoptic (Cont.) SOVIW9
Shekhtmn, P. B. Influence of a Large City Upon the Temperature,, Air
uumidity,, and Precipitation 43
Mikhell,, V. M. Variability in the Beight of the Lower Boundary of the
Lower Cloud Level 59
Drozdoy, 0. A. The Velocity of Moisture Spread Over a Given Territory 69
Grigorlyevat A. S. Relationship Between the Average and the Turbulent
Tm.nsfer of Moisture Over the European USSR 73
Voroblyeva, Ye. V. Many-Sided Use of the Characteristics of the Forms
and Intensity of Circulation in Fbrecaeting Monthly Temperature Anomalies 96
Daginov., V. I. Climatic Changes in the Central Chernozem Ob2,&sts in
ffikollakiyj K, N. Formatioa of Secondary Cyclones Over the Southern
INegions of the Kmanoyarskiy Kmy 125
Card 3/ 4
Problems in Oenerml and 81noptic (Cont.)
Agafonova, 0. M. Variability of the Tht -qw/wg
'a, ptecIpItation DIrIng the
4rii2g-auumer P0rIOd Over the Arid Regions of SuropeAD and Asiatic USM
in Relation to the Variability of the Elements of Total AtmOsPhOric Circula-
AVAu,IZ: Library Of Congress 133
card 4/4 JA/dwm/fal
DaTRIMWA, Natallys Georglyevas;IMIX A.G.,; PIOTROVICH, Y.T.,; XCRNILXM,, T.B., red.; I I.M.,
Dissents of vater economy and runoff forecast in the Amur Basinj
Illamenty vlagooborots i prognos stoke v Prismarle. Koskys, Gidro-
meteor.lid-vo, 1960. 210 p. (MIRA 14:1)
(Amur Valley--Runoff)
MI14H, G,P,,- LEVIN, A.G.
Use of alodtron models In forecasting floods resulting from
rainfalls. Meteor. 1 gidrol. no.12:14-18 P 160. (MIRA 13:11)
(Yloods) 0:1ectronic analog computers)
PUSMMf B.S.9 kand geogr. nauk; POPOV, I.V.9 kand. geogr. nauk; OBRAZTSOV,
I*N.q indi.; FEDOROVp Nefigg k&W* tekbe, nauk; GRUSHEVSKIyt H.S.0
kand, tekbn. nauk; MVOSEZrq B.Z.# insh,pj POMp 0*V,# star,
nauobMy sotr.; PMSH9 N.V.# land. tekbn.u&ukj MM A G kud.
tekbn. naukj ZHIDIKOVp I.P.9 inth.1 UVRILOV9 A.W.'q'M=g~ogr. naukj
XONDRATIUVOLY9.9 kand. tekbn.mukq'red.; URYVAIZVp V.A., kand. tekbn.
naakp red.1 SWIibA, M.K.v red.; SOLOVUCHIKp A.A., tekbn. red.
[Investigation of vinsteady flow of water in the Tvartsa end Oredesh
Rims] IsaWavaniia neustanovivabegosia. dvisbeniia vodly na rokakh
Tvartes i Oredesh. Pod red@ LE.Iondratleva i V.A.Uryvaeva. Lenin-
gradv Gidrometeor. imd-vo, 1961, 287 p. 6 obarts (in pocket)
(KIRA 14s8)
1. Lenl rad. GoadaretyemWt gidrolog:iobaskiy institut.
TT~9-rtsa River-Bydrology) (Oredezh River-Bydrology)
5/777/61/000/000/004' 5
AUTHORS: Pukhov, O.Ye., Vasil'yev, V.V., Gresdov, G.I., KArandakov, r'. V. ,
Proskurin, Ye. Au Levin, A. 0.
TITLE-. Device for the visual observation of the voltage distribution in 1601ric-
grid models.
SOURCEs Voprosy vychslitollnyy telthniki; mashiny, ustroystva, elementy iAkh
primeneniye. Md. by A.M. Novik. Kiyev. Go4tekhi&dat USSR. 1161;.99-104. f
,e TEXT- The paper proposes a device that provides s~ reading of the most signifl- i
cant voltage values in electric analogs and thus afford al representation, for example,
of the maximum values and the general character of the variation of banding 146ments
in an electric analog of a stressed beam. The voltage@ to be measured enter 9 multi-
channel commutator, where a control block governs their successive entry in' he
imput of a cathode-ray indicator (CRT) over a time v . The scanning of the T ,
Is synchronized with the beginning of the commutation, and its duration to seletwir
to equal the commutation period of the entire ensemble of the voltages to be T.4".
ured. The 3 alternative versions of We arrangement differ in the type of the com-
mutator used and the method of the synchronous scanning along the axis of the
abscissas: (1) An electromechanical commutator with a step-by-step switch.
Card 2/7
Device for the visual observation of the .... S/777/6110001000/004/005
(Z) An electromechanical commutator with a collector. (3) An electronic commuta-
tor. An experimental investigation of these 3 types of commutators denotes their
respective advantages and shortcomings: Advai%tjj!*: Type (1) -simple design;
permits the use of stock types of step-by-M-pswitches; type (Z) - relative freedom
from noise; type (3) - total freedom from noise. Types (1) and (2) - direct voltage
commutation with a transmission coefficient equal to I in all channels; type (3) -
elevated commutation rate. Type (1) - commutator can be stopped at any step of the
switch; type (2) - can operate with the ordinary 307 (E07) indicator; type 13) - no
mechanical contacts, no rotation. Shortcomings: Type (1) - requirement for an in-
dicator with prolonged image persistence; type 13) - awkward design if ordinary
electron tubes are used for the commutation with a Large number of points. type&
(1) and (2) - requirement for mechanical contacts and rotating parts; type (3) - need
for equalization of the constants of the component gates and of the amplification
according to channels to prevent a scatter of circuit and tube parameters when
tubes are replaced; typo (1) - significant noise effact# during the tn~tlon of the
switch. ALL three types do not permit the reading of voltages when the Letter vary
with a frequency that Is close to the scanning frequency. ' Thsr~ are 6 figures.
Card Z/Z
Nuxerical prediction of water level In the Volga River bel w the
Stalinpvrad Hydroelectric Station by the electrical analog metMd.
Meteor. I gidrol. no.8:38-41 Ag '61. (MIRA 14:7)
(Volga River--flydrology) (Electronic analog computera)
Special hydrometric observations In the after bays of hydroelectric
power stations. Trudy TSIP no.113:112-144 161. (MIRA 14:9)
(Stream measurements) (Hydroelectric power stations)
ACCESSION NRs AR4034741 8/0l24/64/000/000=0/VO26
.30URCEs Rofe sho Makhanes Abs. 3v142
AUTHORs Levin* A. 0.
T'ITLEt On am method or aleatrLoal modeling or the equation or vibration of a
CITED 80"018 Tr- Seminars PO metodam matem. modelirs L teorii ol*ktre teepsy', In-4
kibernetiki. AN UssR, vy*p, 1, 1963, 73-78
PPIC TAGS3 slastioltys vibrations girder vibration# 00mPuters sleatronic *amputee,
elsotronio modeling
TRANSIATIONt For modeling the equation or vibration of t~* girder
:where EJ in the rigidity or the girder, x is the spatial ooordi"te, y is the gag
in the girder axis,.m(x) is the mass of a unit or length of the girders, t Is the
1~imws k is the coeffialent charaoterising the dispersion of ozwrgy# q is tao linear
fload. It is written in a final differential form
64 do d
Fj r + A:f- n + A -q(S. 0
ire F
1!izL which oases is the final differential operator equivalent to the operator of
differentiation,, h Is the pitoh of transverse differences, and A is the error of the,
final differential approximation*
-To set equation (1) written for a concrete point I an an islectronio modeling
machine, it to presented in a form which doos not ocutain derivatives
(01 dis + Vidt
This equation can be used for various boundary conditions* Equation (2) is easily
modeled on UN-7 (with three oonoontrated masses), and UPT-9 (with eight oonoontrat*d
-masses) continuous operation mathematical maohirLase
C.,~_2 3
KALININ, G.P., doktor geograf. nauk, prof.s LEM A.G.p kwid. tekbn.
n auk
Preoal=lation of a h7&6&&ph by the water budget method
using an elsitronic oomputero Meteor. I g1drol. no.7:3-10
Jl 164 (MIRA 17:8)
. -1. Moskovskiy gomWaratvennyy =iversite". i TSentrallny7 in-
0 atitut prognozov.
Woulation of 1o8$00 in the forecasting of rata floods.
Trudy TSIP no*13032-55 164 (MIRA 17ts)
Fnrecafj t! ng fqdrograf 1., c I' rld it r j. ,,d5 by rivqnv C~Ar ~ , e,~ , -- r; , ':
analog computers. Tim-~y 'nit' nc.!3,-1:4,/.w-78 16t..
~9 RA .1 ' I" i'