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3 (f k0 IZ I 3/103/62/023/006/r,01/012 16 D230/'.)300- "'T" ,**,: znd Ietov. (Svere-lovr,%. I:oscow) .J '-".-cory of he anal-,'cal c1cr.;- of zc-ulat-crc t 'n J.: .,vto-latilwa i telcucl-hani'ta, v. 23, no. 6, 1962, 71:;-720 I'll detailed evar-iination of the nroblem nl-rcz~(;y con.- Wered 'L)y 1-c-ov #,Avtomati,:a i tclen 11--hanilca, v. 22, no. 4, 1961), conccrnin,; ti-c -malytical desirfn of An optinun regulator u0 ( x which minimizes the f'unctional I . c0 ry ~,U :Eor the motion zc(~:Oqt) 01" tile nystc-m d,,-./dt A-x mu, t,-,c syn- Dols have thcir usual cleaning. The scalar 13 the controllinG --ction 4-s conditioned ;3y ~nagfnitudc u dc--cribirn- ju Card(1/2) 5/103 2/p23;/006/001/012 Theory of the malytical design ... D230 308' 1he 4ollation nrocedure is as follows: the o-)timun control u*(M) A formulated fo~ the f7unctionaf and -for the function of tl,-,c s-stem, .7 without accountin,,-, -117or the limitation and 4L-,Iicn one assurcs thant, UO(IO . u*(x) Jr. or IU*j uo (x) . f or ' u* (4) uo Lor u The -)roblen, ic analyzed in detail; conditions f or t iIIII, esC -,,.c C o f L.hC above assum?tio-as are c-.~-Aained in tem. S of the dynczu-c ud-s-.- theory. The detemination of the ops--imun control uo Uci-i-It- prograrx-ii-nil, reduceq to solvi-a" the equario~ 0 r cop.tinuous 'unction v(x'j - min J ~,,x,Z condition o'A continuity i5 ,,CC of the various conplexitiez of tic ;ro:)- A- c3tablinhad. The e;C4ZtC_ X b, lem is established and analyzefl --pAurther in d 4' means o an There are 4 fitures. 2ebruary 2, 1962 k1lard 2/2 __LETOVO A. M (Moak") .,__-,A. Analytical design of controllers. Part V. Avtom. i telex. 23 n0-1111405-1413 N 162, (MM 15:10) (Autmatic control) (Electric controllers) LETOV A.M. prof., doktor fiziko-matematichookikh nauk Automation in astronautics. Hauka i zhixn' 29 no.llt28-29 N f62. (MIRA 161l) (Automation) (Astronautics) IXTOV A M prof . EXOCUtive Council of the Inte.rnational Fqderation of Automatic Control. Vast. A14,SSSR 32 4o.11:121 14 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Automatij control) ". IZTOV, A.M.,, doktor ftz.-,matem.nauk Meeting of Executive Council of the International Federation cn A4tomatii Control. Veot. AN SM 33 no.6s94 JS 163. (IGRA 16:7) (No subject headings) LETOV, A.11. (Moscow) "Optimal control and stability". report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and APplied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64. LETOV, A.M., doktor fiz.-matem.nauk Second Conference of the International Federation of Auto2atic Control (IFAC) in Switzerland. Vest. AN SM 34 no.3:ICO-101 Mr 164. (KIRA 1714) LETOV, A.M., do~zcr I I ReFular sessicn c," tLe Lxf-,,Clt'L:e Of thO `riternatirnal Federation of Automatic Control -n V-Fk,.;w. Ve3t. A, S.-ZR '34 no.10:97 0 104. (MIF,'i 17:11) LVTOV, G.S. -I.- Construction of tarbagan burrows. Izve Irkogosepr4otivochum. inst. 8:46-63 150. (MMA 10:12) (XWO?S) SKMOV, V.P.; LWOV, G.S. Outbreak of pulmonary plag" In Giobigan in the Kongollan Psopla's Republic., M105-106 159. (MIRA 1317) (GICHIGAIF (NONOOLIA)--PLAM) -=R!, G.S.; ABRAMOVA, S.G. Plalmouaz7 plague outbreak In Bukhmarin DIstrict. Ity.Irk.nanch.- lool,protivochum,lufft. 20rlQ7-110 159. (MIRA 13:7) (BUEMEIN DISTRICT (NONGOLIA)--MOUN) LITOV, 0*8-*;_ USOVA, Te.Tao Flaps outbreak among marmot hunters in the viclutiy of Urt- Golyn-Man-Kisas INV. Irk.gon.uauob.-tool.protivoebum. lost. 20t111-115 159. (KnLA 13t6) (MtT-GOLTN-ULAIF-XISA (NOIFGOLIA)--PLAGU31) LETOVP GOS LETOV19 G.I.j HAMONTOVA, E.V. I,- Yater vole in Tuvq. Isv. Irk* goo, naucho-isslo protivochum, I= to 21t298-303 159. (MIRA 141Z) (TUYA AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE-WATER VOLES) .I I MAMCUTOVAR F.S.; LETOV, G.S. IMPOTtance of the rodents of Is;-ia in t-q epizootis-13o7,y of in!,tz- tious natural forus diseases. Drkl, [r?, gor. protivochum. inst. no.5tl7-19 163 (MIRA IP,:I) EP 1 -46-- 'A 3. . Tr 1 n r, IZTOVV L,K. Cards for abstracts are important means of laproving the operativeness of information abstracted. IM no.5:9-1.1 163* (WRA 16t 11) KORSAKOV, V.I.; LETOV, L.K. "Construction catalog" as a form of reference book of materials. NTI no.7:12-14 165. (KRA 18-0) M -.01 LSTOV, N. A. --- --- -- Shakhtnye kompressornye stants1i i vozdukhoprovody. Mosi-va, llgletekhizdat, 1950. 139 p. diagrs. Bibliography: p. (130 (Mine compressor plants and air ducts.) DLC: TN303-14 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering -In the Sov-"et Union. Library of Congress, 1953. LEMVI N. A. Selection and OPeration of Utetrical ZyAlatnt in 11ines, (VjbrrI eklij.1cat'natulya clektroustanavok bbakht), Molotov, 14-,Iotrvgiz, 1950, 364 pp. with a?etches. T m 0 4 0 ' 0 - * 0 A 0 i 1 . . Sol IN rINIS 4548. MMON UF a AL MT11NO AACHINZ3 WITH CUTTER Ac~ OF K I ZEL 941 M. Lotc v, NA (Ujol (Coal), 1910, (1), e-1, ~ 009 'he colittor bor to a lotating rpIddle carrying a mnKh-r of' .00 disco alorW its long4h. A cutting to:,th Is insertod In each 400 Itso. The 9*4u*nco cf operations Is as follows: a N)rIzontal 1900 000 hole Is bored at the b so of the somm. The cutter bar to l goo 4 00 than Insortol PrJ trtnavartcd rVat-&,r io a, to m r 60 . 00w ?Ax1?4ntLa elct. Thl !jta loft x J"tbnj; above It then go :~ 0011 falls by Its own wo4jht. L) 00 i0 0 a 0 0 9 0 0 0 00000 0 0 ore 9 0 0-0 0 00 0 000 goo Voo moo go 019 010 0 0 0 0 0 a 6 0 aa000000 00 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 000000 LETOV, N.A. Technology Electric equipment for the stationary installations of 7ines, Mookva, UgletekhizdAt, 1952- Monthlz List- o-f Russian Accessions, Library of 6onerese, December 1952. Unclausifted. LETOV$ R. A. Letovj N. A. - "Modern Methods of Protecting Mining Shaft Equipment from Corroaions Min Coal Industry USSR., Acad of the Coal Industry.. Moscov, 1955 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya Letopist., No. 23j, Moscows Jun 55, pp 87-104 LLLATAHTS, A.M., redaktor; AHUNTAN, A.A., redaktor; GUB12XAN, I.D., redaktor. DOKUNIN, Aj.. redaktor; ZLSADTCH, B.I., redaktor; ITAINXILD, G.I.. re- daktor; 1VTD! N.A., redaktor; HICIAMID, Z.H., redaktor; LIMITS, I.I., 4'~" =tor , LOKSHIN,"Im.r.', r - MORIN, G.I., redaktor; SUMCHENKD, V.A.. redak- tor; TOPCHITIV, A.T.. reclaktor; SHIVALDIN, A.S., redaktor; SIROVA, V.A., redaktor; ANDREYEV, G.G., takhnicheskiy redaktor; PROZOROVSKAU, T.L., takhnicheakiy redaktor. (Materials and equipment used in the coal industry; a reference manual) Materialy i oborudovanis, primeniaemye v ugollnoi promyshlennosti; spravochnik. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat. Vol-l-Vaterials] 14aterialy. Pt.2. 1955. 544 P. (MIRA 9:5) (Coal mines and mining--Equipment and supplies) LALATARPS, A.M., redaktor; ABRAMTAN, A.A., redaktor; GRIBUMAN, I.D.. redaktor; DOXMIN, A.T., redaktor; EASADrCH, B.Z., redaktor: IVAHZW. G.I., redaktor; LETOV, N.A., redaktor; KKLAM, Z.H. rmdnktor; LIVSHITS, I.I., reda1CZ_0T-,MX5H1X, V.A., redaktor; HONIN, G.I., redaktor-, MCKENKO, V.A.. redaktor; TOPCHITIff. A.V.. redaktor: SHIVALDIN, A.$., rodaVtor; SUROVA, V.A., redak~or; A01WEV. G.G., takhnichookly redaktor; FROZOROVSKATA, T.L., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. (Hatnrial and equipment used In the coal Industry] Katerialy I oborudovania, primeniaemys v ugollnoy prowyehlennouti; spravochnik Moskva, Uglmtakhlxdat. Vol.1 (Material--Wholesale prices in effect as of July 1, 19551 Haterialy. Pt. 1.1955. 786 p. - Obtpvye tserq, vvederqe a I itulta 1955. g. 192 P. [Microfilm] (KLHA 9:1) (Coal mining machinery) (Coal mines and mining) LAIATANTS, A.M., glayn" redaktor; ABRANYAH, A.A. , OtT6t9tTOnnyy redaktor; GURUMN, I.D., redaktor; DOKUIN, A.T.. redaktor; ZASADYCH, B.I., redaktor; IXTOV, N.A., otvetetTennvy redaktor; LIVSHITS, I.I., redaktor; 14 V.I., redaktor; MRIAMID. Z.H., redaktor; MONIN. G.19, redaktor,- SUMCHIRKO. V.A., redaktor. TOPCHITZV, A.B., redak- tore, SUVALDIN, A.S.. redektor; YICGURNOV, G.P., redaktor,- LYUBIHOV. N.G., redaktor izdatel'stya; AHMYXV, G.G., takhnichaskiy redaktor; PROZMOVSKATA, V.L., takhnicheekil redektore C Material and eqyipment used in the coal industry; a reference manua]J Materialy i oborudovanis, primeniaemye v ugollnoi rro- mushlennosti; spravochnik. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat. Vol.2. LyquIP- ment] Oborudovanie. Pt.l. 1956. 455 p, (HLRA 10:4) (Coal mines and mining--~Xquipment and supplies) IAIATANTS, A.M., redaktor; ARRANTAN, A.A., redaktor; GUBZRKAN. 1.D., redaktor; DOOKIN, A.T., redaktor; ZASADYCH. B.1., reds k t or; LjMQL,.Iw&wp. radaktor; 1ITSHITS. I.1., rodaktor; 14MIN. V.A.. redaktor; MIIAW, Z.M., redaktor; MONIN. G.I., redaktor; SUNCHIJK0, V.A.-. TOPCHITIV. A.Y.. redaktor; SHIVALDIN, A.S.. redaktor; TBOMNOT. G.?., redaktor; LYUJBIMOV, N.Gs, redaktor izdatelletva; PROZOROVSKATA, V.L.. takhnichs- skiy redaktor [Materials and equipment used in the coal industry; a reference manusI3 Materialy i oboradovants, primenteemye v ugollnot promyshlennosti; spravochnik. Moskva, Ogletakhtzdat. Vol.2. [Iquipment] Oborudovante. Pt-2- 1957. 485 P. (MM 10:9) (Coal mining machinery) WAYARTS, A.M., glavrryy red.; ABRAKTAN. A.A.. red.; GURNIOUN, I.D., red.; DOXIJKIN, A.V.. red.; 7ASADYCH, B.I.. red.:,LXTOV. N.A., red.; LIVSHITS. 1.I.; L=111Y, V.A.; KNIAKED, Z.W_.j'-K01Tnt# G.I.; SUNCHINKO. V.A.; TOPGHIIXY, A.T.; SHEYALDIIJ. A.S.; TXGURHOV, G.P., red.: LTUBIMOV, M.G., red.1zd-va; ?ROZCIROVSKATA. V.L.. (Materials and equipment used in the coal industry; a hant1book) Materialy i oborudovanis. pr1meniasmye v ugollnot promphlennosti; spravochnik. Hosirva, Ugletakhizdat. Vol.?. [Squip,mentj Oborudovacie. Ft-3- 1957. 655 p. (MIRA 11;2) (Coal mines and mining-Equipment and supplies) IZTLINA, MO., inzhener; BLAGONALENDIN, V.Te., inzhener; ROGUSLAVSKIT, P.Te., kandidat tekhnichesklkh nauk; VOROKKOV, I.M., prollessor, GITINA, L.Ta., inzhener; GROMAIT, Y.B., inzhener; GOROMOV, N.V., doktor tekhnichookikh nauk (deceased]; 1KNISTU , I.S., kanjilat tekhnicheskikh nauk; DCVZHIK, S.A., kandidat tekhnicheek-ikh nauk- DUKELISKIY, M.P., professor, doktor khimicheakikh nauk [deceasedi; DTIHOVICH)Iff, A.I.. professor; ZHITKOV, D.G.. professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk; KOZLOVSKIT, N.S.. inzhener; IAKHTIII, Tu.M., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; UVENSON, L.B., professor, doktor tekhni- cheskikh nauk [deceased]; LEVIN, B.Z., inzhener; LIPKAN, V.F., inzhe- ner; MARTYNOV. M.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; MOLEVA, T.I., inzhener; ITOVIKOV, F.S., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; OSETSKIT, V.M., kandidat tekthnicheskikh nauk; OSTROUMOV, G.A.; PONOKAREIIKO, Yu.F., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; RAKOVSKIY, V.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk-, REGIRER. Z.L., inzhener; SOKOWV, A.H., inzhener; SOSUITOV, G.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; STEPANOV, V.N., professor; SMIAKHANOV, M.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; ELIKIND, I.A., Inzhener; TANUSHE- VICH, L.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; BOKSHITSKIY, Ya.M., inzhe- ner, redaktor; BUIATOV, S.B., inzhenar, redaktor; GASHIIISKIY. A.G., inzhener, redaktor; GRIGROITEV, V.S., inzhener, redaktor; YFGU.TUIOV, G.P., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. redaktor: ZHARKOV. D.V., dotsent. redaktor; ZAKRAROV, Yu.G., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk, reduktor; KAMIIISKIT, V.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; KOVARKOV, Te.F., professor, redaktor; KOSTTLEV, B.N., inzhener, redaktor; POVAROV. L.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor: ULINIGH, F.R., redaktor; KLORIKIYAN, S.Kh., otvetstvennyy redaktor: GIADILIN. L.V., redaktor; (Continued on next card) BEnIXA, TS.O. --- (continued) Card 2. RUPPEITEYT, K.V., rodaktor; TKVIGORKV. A.P., glavnyy redaktor; BARABAROV, F.A., redaktor; BAUNOV, A.I., redaktor; BTJCY-7TV, V.E.. redaktor; GRAYOV, L.Te., redaktsr; DOY7,711o, A.7., re4aktor; ZAZV.I!D- KO, A.N.. redaktor; ZASYADIKO, A.F., redaktar; M.SNIFOVSKIT. -r.V. redaktor* .1.1-redaktar: DISHIN. G.L.. redaktor; YJAXIKOV- I Qy---u - -qT SKIT, G.I., redaktor; VILINIKOV, N.V., redaktor-, ONIKA, D.G., redaktor; OSTROVSKIT. S.B., redaktor; POKROVSKIT, NX., redaktor; POLSTYANOY, G.R., iedaktor-, SKOCRINSKIY, A.A., rodak"cr; SONIN, S.D., rodaktor; SPIVAKOVSXIY, A.O., redaktar; STANOWTKO, I.K., redaktor; SUDOPILATOV, A.P., redaktor; TOPCHIYEV, A.V., redaktor; THOTAITSKIY, S.Y., redaktor; SHF.VYAKOV, L.D., redaktor; BYKHOV- SKAYA, S.11., redaktor izdatellstva; ZAZULISKAYA, V.F., tekhnich')- skiy redaktor; PROZOROVSKAYA, V.L., tekhnicheskliv redaktcr. [Mining; an encuclopedic handbook] Gornoo delo; entalklopedicheakii. spravochnik. A.M. Terpigorev. Chleny giav.rod. F.A. Bara- banov I dr. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhr,.4Azd-vo lit-r3r po ugollnol promysh]. Vol.l. [General engineering! Obshchie inzhenernye svedeniia. Redkolleglia toma S.Kh.Eloriklian i dr. 1957. 760 p. (Mining engineer'.ng) (MIRA 10:10) FIIATOVI N.V., dotsent; LITOV, II.N., insh. Underground telpher with.& PGT-2 gyroscopic drive. Ugol' 35 n0-8- 37-39 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Sibirskiy metallurgichookiy institut (for Filatov). 2. Voesoyusnyy nauchno-iseledovateliski7 institut Gidrougoll (for letov). (Railroads, Suspended) (Kine haulage) WHATOVI N.V., dotsent., kFind. I,ekhn. nauk; 16-10" 'i ;nzw, Using locomotllveE .;A'th gyroflywheels in hy--raullc mines. Trudy VNIlGidrouglia no.4:104-111 164. ky"'~A 1~1:3.i 1. Sibirskiy metallurgicheqkly Institut (for Filatov). 2. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-lssleA(ovatellskly I proyektno- konstruktorskiy institut dobychl uglya s!ldravllch(,,qklm sposobom I Sibirskiy metn1lurgichpskly InstAtut (for Letov, Solovty,--V). PETUKHOV, I. A., kand.tekhn.nauk; LETOV$' ~',A., inzi. ~ re~ Poof control during first ca%-Ing at "Chellabinskugol" Combine mines, Ugoll 40 no-3t16-23 Hr t65. OURA 18:4) 1. Ural'OklY filial Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo mark"heyderskogo instItuta. IIFTIJKIIOVY I.A., kand,L-)khn,-,nuk, 31A. inzh. :),V,Rn limit of lim ~nvlrw -1 tt-rj ,""I r-,rif In ~bela6lnsk f Basin lonpwn113, no. 4-33-37 164. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Vsnsoyti-;.nyy niiiichTI-I-I..iJ'--IfioVFit.81'.3~-iy mark sheyderskiy Inatitut. I'M G-V ) .), . '~ . ; ., , I ~ w p - A . I-Ian 1 f.74 , ,~ ":, _"'i, - , , - . , - I -- - .. I . : * - , : , machinery i 11 ~ rgwall -- ) r , `,~ " - . !~ , - . - - - : ! ~ 7 r, o . 8 -. C ~~-7,) I~v.. LETCV9 G.S.; LETOVA G I ; MAMONTOVAp E.V. I r"- ,Water vole in ". Izv. Irk. goo. nauch.-issl. proti-voch=. imot. 21s298-303 159. (MA 1431) (TUYA AUTONOKOUS PROVINCE-WATER VOLES) I VOLKWI V.N.1 VOIAOVA, I.B.j IMOVA) G.K. Lithofacies characteristics of lower Mesozoic sediments in the southern Magdtogorsk synclinorium. Trudy Iab.geol.ugl. no.12 s" 161. (MIU 14:8) (Ural Mountains--Goal geology) t L--ZOIA, M.P. e?547 Letava, M.P. Metoly Isk--,sstvennogo Zarazheniya Khlebrrjrkh Zlakov Golovnei Sbornik Trudoy Fushkinsk Laboratorii Vsesayuz In-ta Rastenievodatva L# 1949 S. 223-32 30: Letopis NO. 331, 1949 DOBR023UKOYA, T.L.#,WQYA, M.Y.; STZPANOY, X.M., KHOXHRYAXOY, H.X., Wki AXWIXOVIGH. H.B., redaktor; doktor biologic~a~~ OSKOWVSKITV- G.Te.. redaktor; CHM13YA, Z.T., takhatcheekLy redaktor (Catalog of plant diseases) Opredelitall bolazhat rastenti. Pod red. NeX.1hokhriakova. Moskva, Go*. izd-vo selikhoz. lit-ry. 1956. 661 p. (Plant diseases) (miju 10:3) ACV- NXt AP600055i AUTHORs Lot Yfl, 55"-- :1%6" (Moscow) ORG: n one LEW- SOVRCE COM 'UR/0040/65/029/006/1116/112-ii --171 ~ TITLEt On a special case of suppressing ffrostat rotation SOURCE: Prikladnays matemattka i mekhanikat v. 29, no. 6, 1965, m&ml TOPIC TAGSs gyroscopic systemp spacecraft stability, perturbation, optimal control, asymptotic propertyl Bellman equation ABSTRACTt The stability of solid body rotat-ion achieved by means of a gyrostat- flywheel combination In studied analytically. The equation of action of the flywheel is given by '/1 (01* +.V11 U, (I w 1, 2, 3) where Ui is the engine momentum leading to the flywheel. A new variable in defined by s, me Alp, + J;(*,-+ pj) 1. 2,3). whichp when substituted in the flywheel- and gyrostat-equations of motion, yields A-' The probles consists of finding the equation Cr, . U10. 9) Q 1. 2, 3) ------1,-9627-66 ACC NRt where the above two equations are sati efied for any si# and the functional cc IM WdI is a miniz- for all motions generated in the vicinity of the domain + A, 'A'- io6f>W The solution in carried out by means of dynamic programming. The stability law is determined by the formula U, PPI, P~ and the dynamics of the perturbation motion of the aystem in obtained by integrating the closed system Ath'- sip# - soh- pp, The optimum stability of the solid body In a finite time is deterstined by a particular solution of -the Bellman equation. Orig, art# hass 33 equations and 3 figures- /7. oTH RErs oo4 SUB COM 26/ SUBM DLTEs 23Apr65/ ORIG REP: 009 4 9 0 0 0 * 0 0 * 0 to, v 11 W is 4 u A S L 9 L A SLOB 10 - . to, 7RI-1, P61010% **A 00 PRZCIDM FM TU $0R= 01' UU =JA ;.CCORMO Tu TUift 1 l *0 CAKIM TEWDV=. SM 81,tat ff-j&OML*M .Ty b1na 7f 32. In ee 00 RusAfts A method of testoing Um obalas in which ~m 4millm "O0 00 of briquettod samplso is measured Is damoribed. Ttw close relation lee 06 or wkdah is shown to wdst betwom coking properties and the o00 swell1tv Index enables the sorting of a large mngs of coals to be Boo ca"Led out on the basis of the &boy* toast. Sore examples of the goo 000 applimation of the procedure aro evion. .000 goo goo :0 0 goo goo goo see lee bee L A "TAK&WGINCAt LMNATM CLAiWKAYME so 'A It 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 '" '0 I 7 7 10 *96ww-- A, I I xils low goals so Nor, ,A L r. " j A a t MAIL L 1 0 A AL I j 1 A d 1 4 1 IL' - ,- - - - -L e - _ __ . _ - O I- To v Driemboatiam of &M Toughwo of CA* by Nnm of fAbsoraforry Sperlmolm (In Runian.) L U. Talts aiml a*: V. K. A 0 lAbor"t-rion fract.'ry % Lahurat r ; .13. ML 111417, p. 107-1ZOI. 400 0*4 Pirs)1-aws jorowthe : using samples which have affrady 00w htwn riamined Air miermtructurv on the plastian eter. 004 *6Z too J5 ;;00 t 011AL1,104"OL Ito t ;T. W" a.. do 48161, dool 4pV all - T" ~ -- . - __ - - _r 8 AS I I a sw 0 a a I or 2 u a AV 1 1 'r 4 rT 1 ' i a I ?A 0 T I ' s 0 0 0 ; 09 0 0 0 0 Wo 0 0 0 0 It's 16 o Is 7:6 2 0 0o o 01 0 0 00000 41 00 oe 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 00 66 0 L A P F a bt 11, 1* J." 13, 1 1 *0 a so w A t A M~IW for CbmAgration of Least C" Acrordbw to 11wir Clialkering Tradeary. On Russian.) K M Lettrys, and 7- & Tyabina. Xam"6karn j4 (Tsetory Laborainry), Oct. 1949, p. 1229-3232. thwribes method and apparatus for determini"Ir swelline tendencies of coal. Typical data are tabulated. showing how the different roalp mar lit thus clapsifled Into three wroups. A S L SITAUNGICA4 U711PAIM C&ASINKA1010 as 11-818w. "da" Islas* .140 S-N-7=7- 10 a' 4. a at a M at 1 11 ~11116 ave-re 0 1 V 0 0 A 4 so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Me 0 0 qPS see use I M BUSLIR, A-To. Ldeceased]; JJMU, Tole; flIKOIATIV. I.N. ?rospects for the utilization of Minusinsk Basin coals for the preparation of metallurgical fuel. Trudy IGI 10:66-73 159. MRA 12:12) tHinusinsk basin--Goal) kCoks) UMVA,jiX~; XOMVALOV, A.I.; X=n'IOV, A.S. ,rreparing mold&d coke from luznetok Basin lov-coking gas coals and their blends. Trudy 101 10193-103 '59, ()GRA 12:12) (rusnetsk Ansin-Coal) (Coke) LETOVAp V.K.; SPFP,,NSY.AYA? u.v. ...... I--- -.- Foming of a plas*,c xa.,a I.,, the layer prcois Of c,oking. Ti%dy ILGI 20:172-177 163. (MIRA l7s8) ~WMMIUW, I.G., kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk. Yield study of Instruments from the 'AeroUcpr1bor' plant. Sborestopo good*,nool:61-66 151. WaA 917) (Surveying--Inatrumonts) LROVALITSBY, I.G., kand.takhn.nauk. Solution of a basic geodetic problem on " . no.8:8-16 Ag 137. (Geodesy) % lox Ic lines. Geod.i, 7 (KrRA 10:10) 3(2) S07/33-3c-4-12/25 AUTHORs Letovalltsev, I.G. TITLEs fhe Transfo~rzation of Rectangular Space Coordinates on the Ellipsoid of the Earth (Preobrazovaniye prostranstvennykh pryamougolInykh koordinat na. zemnom ellipsoide) PERIODICALt Astronomicheskiy zhurnal,1958~ Vol 35, Nr 4, pp 627-633(USSR) ABSTRACTs The author gives formula,, for the transformation of two cartesian coordinate systems into one another, the origins of the two systems being two arbitrary but remote points on the surface of the earth which are given by their geographic: latitudes and longitudes. The formulas presented are in- tended for the discussion of moving objects (rockets, sput, niks) in the space. There are 6 figures, and 7 tables. SUBMITTEN April 26, 1957 Card 1/1 3W AVTHOR: U4.J.-G.v Candidate of Le t ovq;, I t,4 q~ SOV/154-59-4-7/17 -7fe-Mcal sciencesp Docent TITLE: Geodetic Investigations Made in Connection With the Investi- gation of a Trial-track Without Rail-joints (Geodezi- cheskiye raboty, vypolnennyye v evyazi Is issledovaniyem opytnogo uchastka besetykovogo rellsovogo puti) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyeshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geodeziya i aero- fotos"yemka, 1959, Nr 4# PP 57-60 (USSR) ABSTRACT: on the 22 and 25 kilometer trial-tracks of the Moocow-Karok- Donbass-railway line, investigations were made in order to prove the efficiency of a track without rail-points compared with those of the usual make. The geodetic part of these investigations consisted in the determination of the inclina- tions of the usual tracks and of those without rail-joints with a pre-determined accuracy at the beginning and at the end of the investigation. The performance of these experiments is described. A comparison between the results of the usual track-leveling and those of precise leveling showed that within the limits of the accepted accuracy in the determina- Card 1/2 tion of the inclination, the results correspond to each other Geodetic Investigations Made in Connection With the SOV/154-59-4-7/17 Investigation of a Trial-track Without Rail-joints (Table 1). This accur4cyp hOIFSTert could only be obtained in a chosen interval of 20 meters. If the interval is reduced to less than 20 meters the leveling accuracy must needs be increased. The s-~tidled verb made by chairs of RR transport and trangport eaw,:.jmV:s,' ar-d ty the clAir of electric rolling -stock. In the investigations participated: Professor K. ff. Smirnov, Docent 1. 0. Letovalltsev, and the Assist- ants V. S. Shcherbakov and V. V. Brikus (deceased). There are 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy ordena Lenina i ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta im. I. V. Stalina Oloscow Order of Lenin and Order of Red Banner of Labor Institute for Railroad Engineers imeni 1. V. Stalin) SUBMITTED: February 27, 1956 Card 2/2 T?101: 1,(?tovnl I tcr,,e I . GCuntl Ii '.,, o C ---T-ochnicnl Scien~cos ;3t(-roorr:jphll ?rojectinn of ';ho 3.,~h(~roil '(,,!or-'In;., t-) Cl r,2flniltion ~iv~ Storvoirr tf lch,,-:,,!:-ayr v opredclonil JL n ,,.;T'RA'T: In his fytwii,~s, dr.-gr7ninril the stereogra-h c of the .,nliproi, in a -enerrl --,my. 1- VrUg,~r con*~lnunl stur!403 r1922) 2), but inaccurac-i~-.,::, continljo,: to nff~!ct scientific- T-~ublir,;,Ltions. In 'h:-- pap~,r unier cons i,! r:ration, t now of th.~ llcrm-uln~ for t-e stcrQogr,,-,.phlc projection i.3 prr.,7,.mt,A. It wlzj obtnlno~ ,-s F, result of a furl.-i.,.- >f +h,~ ,,Pensrr:l' i-.'fL-lni4.*.,-,n Civen by Gawin, The fornnul-s "1.*,) are icrived. ~-!~rivvl the formula3 in t-p jamo for-i, thou-h by a diffornnt of lorivation. - It Ir, Tlr,-, th,it flpuso' cr,witituter, A l,n!7r,)nrr., -,rojectinn for tlj--! Tho fDriwilris (21) an(l (2-:')) ore derivei. Thi-,-,. thq connnxion bQtwQcn the ri,3ht-anglei coordin.--".Ps of tlv~ Card 112 stereograDhic prijection of the s-heroid to ~'lereo,17raphic Projection of Viv '~pherci(! 'h~_, ',Icflniti_,)n uu~; I ! f'i ni tio,i -,n ~ tht- r I irh on - r,' 1m. t#I.3 of f1h L uv~Oection. Soras_, :. i,rorq in ll IT:- T' '21 ~,:f Kril~-- rif~llllon.,;trrL~,~-',. - 7h,3 q',i;i n t ii cart be ta`-on A'rOM 30ecip.1 courd ina ' s can computed f rr~m t h er,-_'-tan ri0it-anr-I.- coordinatt!n, with the ur,_ of for-,ul_,~3 (15u) t.,ni (15b). differentintion of formula (-11) ."Jita rotr%r" to loncitu-.r- yiells f,.rmula ( ;3) for thr., apuroximati-m of th-_. ,he scaI9 for th-., r,?T)rqs.~nt;ttior) ~)f t*-r- ,i,~ t e rm by for:,-iula (15). --0.1 for scale for th-,- rerrcj-.,nfptirm ~,,j Ft fl,in-,l,i~:n t. t coor,linate.,3 c,in bp obtninr.-~ r determirtntion of ',*ae r(Anction .1' t~- --n! lonF-Ituclos the 7,en,!risl -n-Ahori `,,~ "-!-~-~:- :~- ~ referenu,t:j, ;) of vhich %rt~, Sov.: r!! rtj /2 ,_.qTOVALITSEV, LGOI doteent, kand.takhn.nauk Studying the accuracy of vertical intersection. Trudy HIIT no-107:95-97 160. (MIn 13:7) (4drographic surveying) L17ANOTp Mikhail Mikhaylovich; BELIKOV, Ye.F., dotsent, retsenzent; ..SHrWV, F.Ye., inzhener-geodaziet, reteensentl LETOVALITSET, I.G., dotsent, red,; TISILMNA, M.,red,isd-va; fM~ -NOVA, V. V. tekhns red.; (Surveying in construction] Geodeziia v stroitellstve. Moskva, Googeoltekhisdat, 1963. 312 p. (MIRA 16s6) (Surveying) f I t j vys. in-Alt LETOVALITSEV. 1,G.,, kand. tokhn. nauk, doteent General method for reducing directions and lengthn in TI,,sB!r:g from an ellipsoid to a plane. Orthodromic correction formlilne. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; geod. I aerof. no.4:3-11 163. (MA 17:9) 1. Moslkovskiy Institut Inzh#,nsrov zhl~br?znod-~rozhnoro tr%inrporta. LE-TO-VALITSEV,--I.G., dotsent, kand. Lekhn. naik I '. -~ . -.., Certain surveying problem2 in . b zp.- . geod. i aerof. no.4:11-25 Ir,4. 1. Moskovskiy Institut inzhenero-/ zI.- lezrcAoroz~mcgo LETOVET A.A Status and development of research on prevention of occupational diseases in new branches of industry. Vest.AM SSSR 16 no.9:44-52 161 e. .(INDUSTRIAL HYGIENFR)MARCH) (MIRA 14:12) LF.TOUI Sandor 6;11;~ Wage typo$ to be applied among the workers, Munks. 13 no,4: 11-12 Ap. fOs 1. Ssakozervezatek 10razagos Tanacoa munkaver oeztalyamk MnIntrAta sa, LETOVSKY, Ctakar, dr. .......... - I From the experiment to a new method, Prace mzda 13 n~j,2;14- '78 F 165. 1. Sevurocesky priimysl kamene National Fnterprise, Liberic. - 71 V.ttww"A (Worhmew. It lose, a 48 66111961).-In an at rwlwv j 0 - 1, 110~X14f4MAJ, OWIrl. 12.&Zh ift IICO! t. S.). 40sho-4.0*4 Naomi". MzM Kv --JEL-MW v 7 Distr: 4E2gtj) Tech. e 3-10, 9 altroethylbenXemm 36- CJ14CO m solvents 6-10%. Mimi with SM g. 32% NAOCI, 40 and ed 3 bre. at 451, cooled to 00, crystals of p-ONCGHr CO,N& (1) the 99trate treated with t, scidded and stiff (U) KVd. &- both acids in 96% crude #-OvNIMZ yield. The I U ratio is in proportloo to tm comps. of the urtin ujLn. 11 (187 g.) reduced with 108 . CM4. Fe Im. :N. A. the solo. umk4e allt. ith Nn Fe(OH)4 S8 9epd., the jUtmte evapd,, and=MW &OH &e4 75--W% ~-HeNCACOX, M. 144 cz CS Zi ln:,,`;~~ 'o.- 2~Aarncy and 4 ~u 7 .~,ar~ lac i F-L L~ Wt Pra,, o. dl, -1. :~'-.'ryl'Ln-oc, .1 d 5- nos an ryl -L - Ytos 11 r - i Vt-)- I r0 oc~ T),) !L32-11,.37 ~.nstvact h.0 2n-,l ed -Z 7: Coa - r3,-)r- red b- cr, cf cnole- -.c'r of ln'-a-'ornyl-)~-env1- a C~ r .;o of P,"f nrociuccd O.`ne:3; ot-lVichloroacetate -,ror--.;cod 2-a-.,;-_'no-b.-ot' r..- u ic).,,yca_,bon:, 1., . 'Clio-:)--) 1-ionyl -,-,yr i. dinez -y~,z-,7~yzzoc~, to fre,-; acido. ..-u. av-ion cill' -~L- ~ rzter3 :-~ro(luccd n-L roduc,~ion a.*'.ir;,-i-..,.(;~,.-..-,-Lez-,;ors, _-.e were, tes-vcd fo-., tical, an--.ieptions. "hey S'- ow a efl'oct in nicc -.-,~.o -in--'ected by t-o _nfjuOnza F', ?11-8 viru3; t'-c; d,-,jo ussod wa3 1 .5 mr- ne.-r day. l-, T 10.3 '.Jcs~;crn, L, Czech referencos. Wanu3crint recefived 23 Anr 616). Y,!','. 11, YOI LMNSKA, Z S '3 i I p a rjj,j evrtluallc.- Df the P-~ticn nxd i~-w of tetraver!ne ~Tolfa" I I I A in .11nical Jaw Elur,,,ory. Czas~ ntr-mnt. 18 nc).J.19'6'~-,269 MrI65. J. Z Wd~Jalii Chinirgill S7-cr!kr~,.,I3J K;K !'r.1 v War57awie dr. F. BA.dftnowll(~z),, :, IV h'i 'niki Q, M~,wnot rzny '-. P~~-a-foml i Mwiv, zriol w War.--awle Me- rownlk,- prof. J:. M-~li. Z. ~~'-AL z Zakladu Y.Ikrobl,:)- lcgli T~,~ftrjkirj w War2zawie (Klero-wrnik: prr.f. dr. r-t. F. Li-30WKI, Antoni; lio.~i0*43Kly jur"T . I .,() I u ~!;.' 0 LO Labor acculovttion u-nd ;in-.; t~-:j i , .1i 1.11 t" , f f i , . " i r. ": , 1~~ol. xia.4s469-473 162. 1. Z Oddzialu Polami--twu i 0hurob Kobl,~cych Szpitala M.Lrym.rki Wojonnjj Crdynatar: ir mud. A. LetO'40',A. (NA'I"~iM CHILL)MAr-I (OXTrOC i:. I Wieslaw; LLTOIJ55KI, Arvoni Rk--zate j.ZT~--r tvoatZ7~,,,nt of eer-;!--1I ca-nci~.- in 13t Objtetric t~rid Gynocoic,,;Jcal Clinic of the Acad-cind? of Yedicin-~ in GInak. pol. no-4:475-.479 162. l, Z I Klintki i Chorob ioblocych M.' u Gdan-;ku -Aarowni'z: prof, dr. mod S. Flatl,~r. (Cavix ~ - LITOW311, Antoni HIM, Jerzy. Fatal case of multiple embolism of the branches of the pulmonary artery caused by morphotio components of the amniotic fluid in labor; so-called amniot L- fluid of various branches of the Dulmonary artery. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no-30:1157-1161 22 July 57. 1. Z oddzialu polosnioso-ginakologicznego i s pracowni anatomo-patolog- lcznejk 7 SzpItala Ylarynarki Wojennej. Adres: Gdansk-Oliwa, ul. Polanki 117. (PULKONART MOOLISH AND THHOMBOSIS, etiology and pathogenesis. morphotic components of amniotic fluid, fatal case (POW (LABOR, complications, pulm. embolism by morphotic components of amniotic fluid, fatal case (Pol)) (AMNIOTIC 7WID, morphotic components causing fatal pulm. embolism (Pole) L 1142i-156 DIP(j)/- -I/M T -P(c [13/J1j/E$/W/K,/rfM ACC NR% Ap6o23143 SOURCE CODEi P0/0046/66/011/001/0013/0028 AUTHOR; Latowski, Francis-tek; Niemiec, Jan.. V ". ORG: Institute for InorF_4n1c Chemistry and Hot urgy of Rare Elements, Wrocla Poly-technic , Wroclaw tInstytut Chemil Nieorganicznej I Metalurgii Pierwiastkow Rzadkich Folitech i Wroclawakiej) TITIZ: Diagrams of electrochemical equilibria in U-H sub 2 O-CO sub 2 system at 25 DEG SOURCE.~ Nukleonika, v. 11, no. 1, 1966, 13-28 TOPIC TAGS: electrochemistry, chemical equilibrium, carbonate, thermodynamic property ABSTRACT: The diagrams of electrochemical egullibrll-pH for the system U-1120-CO2 at 250C are presented for which the total carbon te ctivities a 1 V112C03) + HCOJ) + (CO5-)] in solutions equal tr,: 10-3, 10-2 t 10_1 I O~,, and 1000 were accepted. Additionally, threa-dimensional. models of equilibria in E-pH-1og [(H2CO3) + (HC0J) + (cO5)1 coordinate system and thermodynamical corrosion conditions of uriLnium in carbonate solution are given. Orig. art. has: 11 figures and 2 tables. TB .Med on authors' Eng. abst.) [NAI 1; 1 SUB CODE: 07 / SUBH DATE: 23Oct65 / ORIG REN 001 / OM M7t 011 SHUSTOVA, L.N.; LITROVICH, S.L. Unification of the registration of coli bacilli In sanitation and bacteriological examinations of food products. Gig.1 man. no.3:32-35 My 154, (MLRA 7:3) 1. Is Moskovskoy gorodskoy sanitarno-spidemiologichookoy etentsil. (Isherichia coll)(Food-Bacteriology) LETSENK09 I.F.9 KRAYTS, Z.S.,, BDKDMYt A.P. Vinyl asters of phosphorus acids. Kbimiya i Primeneniye Foafororganicheskikh Soyedimniy (Chemistry aM application of organophosphorus cormounds) A. TX. ART707, Ed. Publ, by Kazar Affil. Acad. Sci. USnR, Hoscow 1962,, 632 pj). Collection of comolete Dapers presented at the 1959 Kazan (,onfnrence on Che-IdSU7 of :r9anOPhoBphorus Comounds. C'. IZTSIUS, P.K. IC L.- Design of frame for horizontal loading. Ixv.vyv.ucheb.zav.j stroi. i arkhit. 4 no,60-13 161. (MIM 15:2) 1. Voevoyuznyy zaochnyy inzhonornc~ institut. (Structural fr=ei) [JORISOV, V.V., inzh., red.; 11FI-11ROVSKIY, B.S., kand. voyen. nauk, red -LETSKAYAJ H.M.p inzh., red.; SHIFRIN, A.Sh., lnzh., red:! Aff- MIKO, L.-D., inzh., red.; DYATIM, T.D., lnzh., red. [construction specifications and regulations)Stroitellnye norq/ i pravila. Moflkva, Stroiizdat. Pt.3. Sec.D. ch.11, Pt.3. SecsM. ch.4. 1964. (MIRA 1814) I* Russia (1923- U.S.S.H.) Gosudarstvannyy komitet po do- lam stroitel'stva. 2. Goastroy SSSR (for Borisov). 3. Na- uchno-isoledovateltskiy inatitut organizatsii, mekhanizateii I tekhnicheskoy pomosbchi stroitellstvu Akademii stroitell- stva i arkhitektury ScL9.-R(f'nr ~'#-mlrovskiy, Shifrin). 4. Go- idnrstvennyy proyektno-1zye"zaA. I sk4-~- naucbno-issledova- tellsUy institut Grazhdanskogo Vozdushrogo Flota (for Letakaya). 5. Proyektnaya organizatsiya Gn!mr1arstvennogo komiteta po sudostroyeniyu SSSR (for Dyat-ovjj&idenko). LEVINY A.I.; LETSKIKH, Te.S. All-Union Conference on Copper Refining. TSvet.zaet. 34 no.9:86-88 S 161. (MIRA 14:10) (Copper industry--Congreoees) LEVINP A.I.; LMKIXH, Ye.S. . .1 Interuniver"? ,## conference on the alectrodeposition of nonferrous metals, ; I ,met. 36*no.lOs82-84 0 163. OaRA 161l2) W, LEVIN, A.I.; LRTSKIKH, U.S.; KJKHIN, V.A.1 NOMBERG, M.I. Balance of bath voltage and vays to improve the operation of electrolytic calls in copper electrolysis plants. TSvet. met. 35 no.1102-57 N 162. (KCRA 15:11) (Copper-Blectrometallurgy) LETSKIKHjjqq,4.j_WIN, A.I. Anodic processes in the electrolytic refining of copper. TSvet. met. 36 no.7:29-35 J1 163. (MMA 16:8) (Copper-Blectrometal-lurgy) (Passivation) KOCHEROV, M.; LrrSKM, Yo.S.; V.A.; L"EIIII, A.I. Batb voltage brilance and ways of perfecting copper foil pro- duction. Izv. vyB. ucheb. zav., tvvet. mot. 7 no* 509-44 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Kafedra tokhnologli e1ektrokhImIchf:vk!kh proizvodstv Urall- skogo politekhnicheakogo instituta. LAYINj A.Li-LUMM. U.3.; MUKHIN~ V.A.; NOMBIM, M.I. Balance of cell voltage and ways to economize electric power in the electrorefining of copper. Isv*Vyo, ucheb,, sav.; tevet, not, 5 n0,11 62-71 162,, (min 15:10) 1. Ural'skiy politeklmicheakiy institut, kafedra tekhnologii elecktro- kbimichaskikh proisvodstv. (Copper-Elogtrometallurgy) Ki rav LETSKIMI) E. S. (Ural polybechnical Institute i - v~ "A consideration of peculiarities of the anode process during electrorefining of copper. of Report presented at the Intervuz Conference on Electrodeposition of Nonferrous Metals) Ural Polytechnical InBtitute 1m S. M. Kirov, Sverdlovsk, held from 27-30 MaY 1963 (Reported in T~Vetnyye Metally) No. 10, 1963, pp. 82-84) JPFZ 24,651 19 may 64 Ln,SKIY, E. K. "A Learning Automatic D4vice of the TAbular T."." Report submitted for the S3-mposi= on Principles in tho D?sign of Self-Learning Systems, Kiev Ukr SSR, 5-9 1.%y '1961 IVANOV., A.Z.; KRUG.. G.K.; KUSWIZV, Yu,M,; IETSKIY, S.K.; SVEGMNSKjy, V.B. --, Self-teaching control system. Trudy HU no.":47-156 162. (Automatic control) (14IRA 16:5) NFITUSHILp A.V., doktor takhn.nauk,, profi; KRUG,, G.K., kandotakhn.nauk, doteentl LETSKITp EA., otarshiy inzhener Using nlearning" oyatems in the automation of complicated production processes. Izv.vy9,ucheb*zav.; maahinq9tr. no.12: M-129 161. (141M 15: 2) 1. Moekovskiy anorgatichaskiy institut. (Automation) KRUG, G.K. Ohekva); LET%-IY$ IE.K. (Moskva) Table-type learning automation, AVtOX.i tOlsm- 22 no.10:1360 1366 0 161. (Automatic control) (:0-A 14:10) Lt 585,-~'3-63 EKr(d)/r-;iP(~l)/E,'IP(k)/E'PP(h)/EO-2/Ehp(l) F(r-4/Pf-4/Pq-4/Pk-4 B57G6- ACCESSION NR: AP5012877 UR/0280/65/000/OOZ/0074/0080 .AUTHOR: Letakiy, E. K. (Moscow) *C/ TITLE: Problem of storage capaclt~_of a table-type learning automaton jjP (c SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Tekhnicheakaya kibernetika, no. 2, 1965, 74-BO TOPIC TAGS: automaton, learning automaton ABSTRACT: A table-Lype learning auternaton (Soviet term) conibincs a search device that determines optimal valucs of controlling variables according to an algorithm with a storage which sets, in table form, the functioll connecting cyclically contrallt-d input and controlling pararneters of the Process. The j.nfluence of the search device upon the iitoraj;e permits chw-iging its capacity in accordance -Arlth variation of charactexistics of 1he plant; howe-Ver, a large capacity Is required for such systems. It is sht'-)Wn tI.,it, for a certain class of plant, an acceptable storage capacity combined with the above function (in table Cord I /Z ACCESSION NR, AP5012877 A forin) rewilto in the beat control. - The nuinimurst of thn average modulm; of th~- irror in determinizig the controlling p-ararneter in tanod as a criterion, for rj~~Ivcting f'w,~ -caj)~'tcity of tht, tabic (or storajg(!). A ---3impleut alinriLbr-ri ut;i-', in the ATT-4-IM table automaton in conOdored, These conclusions are offcrt,,d; (1) The, uoc of the above variable storage ma-f rcdktcu~ the er-or of pi- :dictlon and, therefore, the tlrw-~- of tie-arching the optirnurn; (2) The otorage capacity of a table automaton can bc d(Acrininc-d from thr, equation (4,9) obserybig t1w conditiona (4. 1); (3) The uve of a sum of average nioduli of er-rors au a critcrion perinitu extending the theory over a Yeetar-representation case: x;j. Orig. art. han: 4 figures and 4Z formulan, ASSOCIATION: none s -~~T -09ju-163----- vUTD CODE: DP UB ----------- NO REF SOY: 007. OTHER: 001 LET3KIY, K. M., (3RUSLAVOrS., A. 1. OWIW " Vitamins Zffect of vitamin A on metabolism. Part 2. F-ffect of vItamIn A deficiency on phosphorolysis in the liver. Ukr. biokhim. zhur. 22, NO. 4, 1950 Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1952. ';Nr-LAS3rFI:- . - I MMULJ,"-ALPATOVA 0 N. Training specialists. Avt. transp, 42 no.lls43-" K 164. (MIM 17 s 12) LFTSKIY, L. - -..-. Improving quallficaticns of techniclana by correspondence courses. Avt.transp. 40 no.10%47-48 0 162. (MIRA 151l1) 1. GorlkovskJy zaochnyy avtodorozhnrf tekhnikum. (Highway transport workers) LETSKIYp V.B. Transformation of the leucocYtea of peripheral blood obtained from patients vith aoute retioulosis in explants. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 8 no.12:30-36 D 163. (MRA 17s9) 1. Is taitologicheskoy laboratoriya po izucheniyu leykozov (zav.- prof. V.V. Akkerman) i gematologiohookoy kliniki (zav.- prof, Sj. Sherman) Laningradekogo instituta perelivaniya krovi (dir,- dotsent AeD. Belyakov, nauohnyy rukovoditall - chlen- korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.N. Filatov). LETSKO, A.P, [Liat3ko, A.P.] .11 ... 1--- ., ~ - Hotion of raw peat in a scri,,w presa. Vastsi AN B5M. Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. no.31lOl-104 163. (MIRA 16:10) LETSKO, A.P. (Liatako, A.P.] Mechanical treatment of sun-dried peat by a perforated screw-preqn. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. Fiz.-tekb. may. no.2s86-97 163o (MIRA 17#) BELIKEVICH, P.I.; KAUHGVICH. V.M.; U'1'SKO. k.?, -....................................................., Piezothermml pLotice from/peat. Dokl.AN BSSR 6 no.4t240,W Ap 162. (KMA 15W 1. Institut torfa AN BaM. (Plastico) (Peat) BELIKEVICH, P.I.,, doktor khtm. nauk; LE':~)Wp A.P., inzh.; NAUMOVICH, V.M., doktor takhn. nauk Peat plastics as a new building material. Torf. prom. 39 no.5:17-19 162. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Institut torfa AN BSSR. LETTKE, Kazimierz., W Development prospects of Czechoslovak tranatt shipping. Te*h gosp maraka 13 no.6.- 165-167 is 163. 1, Spedrapid, Gdynia, LETTLp A,; BLAS99p B.; RAZA~ J. Preparation of antigens and vaccines against gas gangrene. J. hyg. epidem. 6 no-3:343-357 162. 1. Institute of Sera and Vaccines, Praha. (GAS GAZIGME) (ANTIGMIS) (VACCIHM) WTL, ~.j NEKV.ASIIDVA, K.; MORAVEC, K.; PMERA, A.; STWSKAL, A. Effects of products of heat degradation of glucose on grovth and an formation of soluble antigens of Clostridium tetani. 1. First report. J. hyg. mpldem;. (Praha) 8 no.3001-306 16,14. 1. Institute of Sera and Vaccines, Pragues JTTTN-F-,, F. Tasks for technical develovirent of the vehicle tndljstrj durin- th,~ second-Fivq-Year ." Ian. P.33. Warmuvek Yezopazdasavi 'Japok. Budapest. '101. 3, no. 2, Feb. lct6.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAL) LP, Vol. (, no. 7, Jul-v ll?r7. Uncl. 1,MI&R. Ferencs dr., egyetomi tanar,, tannzu;cvezqto; 1'. PIAGANY1, Marta, I.. okleveles gepeszmernok; PAULOVIrS, (rxe, okleveles gepeozjr#,-rnok Effbet or machining matching surfaces on the dynamic rigid'&ty or machine tools. Gep 15 no*5:19(~-194 MY 163. 1. Budaposti Muszaki Egyntem Gopgyartastechnologiai Tanszek. 2. "Gap* roazorkeaztoje (for Lattner). - IZTTM Fereno dr., tanszekvezeto egyetemi tanar The reform curricull- of the machine-building technology section. Gap 15 no.3:122-124 Hr 163* 1. Budapesti Ruezaki Egyetem, Gepgyartastechnologiai Tarizeke; *Gep0 foozerkeoztoje,