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-- LEONTSIYEV,,-ILL., doktor sel:skokhoz.nauk
Wood strength in connection with various moisture content. Der.
prom. 11 no-4:14;,15 Ap 762. OURA 15:4)
1. NTITEV, N4kifor 1,92ntlyevich. Prof., d-oktor Bellxhoz. nauk; BOYKO,
I,.I., red, izd-va_;MWVA, R.Ye,,,tekhn. red.
(Effect of moisture on the pbyeicomechanical properties of wood)
Vliianie vlazhnosti na filiko-mekhanichookis ovoistva drevesiny.
Moskva, Goolesbumizdat, 1962. 113 p. (MIRA 16:2)
(Wood--Moisture) (Wood-Tooting)
LEONTIYEV, N.L., daktor 881'skokhoz.nauk
Phyaical and mechanical propertie3 of pithy wood. Der. prom. 12
no.4t15-16 Ap 163. (MIRA 16tlD)
Changes in the physical and mechanical properties of wood
along the radius of the stem. Der. prom. 12 no.12:8 D 163.
(MM 170)
Yl'.'/, N
3 ti. nr. Standartizatsi in 27 ).1:29-51
LEONTIYEV, N.L., inzh.
At paper enterprima in France. B=. prom. no.3:30-32
mr 164. (MIRA 170)
1, Direktor Serpukhovskoy bumazhnoy fabriki.
n r) a
Order or
03 llda~r-
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qL*,O 0591. 1\%e a'L'l OrL
. ,k ef0a \,*10 a\3.c.,L,0w to
e \,*-,O CO ate 5 r't'. If k'5.
-x,a . Tc
0 - e tic - acto tao 6eto. &Vr~ Ce
ev-~' 11 'aa'r cot%$ at-%ot, jOT%(%- -70
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O-4e'C Ot Ot t e e 'r,3, X- C. e"'(% -,te --'T% -1,)
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a:, I, 'k 0 0 a tV0 90 e a e4 1, 0c
rptA bg tj'L eVL1 ako Cb 0
0t txNe to'r e0%a-"0S
'0a5 'L Ot e
\b, e -%, e e '4 k
0t tolrfol.
Theory Relative to the Analysis Of Foundation,, (cont.) V
Engineering coefficient of the base) -- E Ob /W 1 0
's of the layer;
(the compression-strain f V 0); b is the thickne % are the
wherein. k ~Ob H/120 , I the base F, and v nts are
coefficient) n E 0
t (the shear strain r the surfac Wriace displace"ne
q is the load distributed OvC -and base-5 the differential equation
st,nts. Since the beam deflections minated from
elastic con the reactive pressures q can be Cli so that now
identical, ns based on equation (3), .1 (4)
for the beam dcflc!ctiO 4 d2V .4 PL
d V ~ 5--E, -I
d t4 3
X/L. L =V1~ l_VOZ) /Eob
whe rein FObj4L 4
F, bHL- s =
0 W (1-vo Z) EI
r -1 f(-1+- v~ te for the trans-
O)F-1 rs substitu
.rmulation of the bounc 1,ry conditions the autho rse force 11 thus:
In their f c, (!,(~rted by the bearn. a ,generalized transve (5)
verse for El [V,,i (~) - 2rZV' Mi
C-ard 3/5
SOV/124- 57- 5- 5979
Engineering Theory Relative to the Analysis of Foundations (cont.)
On this basis a solution is given for an infinitely long beam being acted upon by a
concentrated force and by it moment. In the case of an absolutely rigid beam being
acted upon by a centered resultant load P0, i.e., %i.,herein V = Co, it emerges from
equations (3) and f5), and from the assumed cond::'on of equilibrium, that the
entire undersurfa~e of the beam is being acted upon by the constant reactive pres-
sures q -- kC., while the ends of the beam are being acted upon, in addition, by the
concentrated reactive forces Q 2alCo; in these latter two expressions
a and C = P0 1 - Vo2 (6)
0 2 Eob 1/6 -4 6 (1 -7,, ~ I / H I
An analogous solution is given for a moment load. Increasing the thickness of the
layer brings the calculation results. in all cases, nearer to those obtained for a
homogeneous foundation analyzed with the classical equations of the theory of elas-
ticity. For a flexible beam of finite length it is proposed that equation (4) be
solved by the method of initial parameters. It is stipulated that the beam ends are
acted upon by zero bending moments and that both the beam displacements and the
generalized transverse forces acting underneath the beam and beyond the beam are
continuous. The authors propose also an analog of a tWO-layered base, its tipper
Card 4/5
SOV/1 24-57-5-5979
Engineering Theory Relative to the Analysis of Foundations (cont.)
layer a Winkler layer, its lower layer identical with the layer of tile reference
analog. This somewhat more complex model eliminates the shortcoming inherent
in the reference analog, namely, the presence of concentrated reactive forces at
the ends of the beam due to the discontinuity of the displacements.
M. I. Gorbunov-Posadov
Card 5/5
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 11, p 167 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Leont' yev, N. N.
TITLE: Practical Method of Computation of a Thin-walled Cylindrical
Pipe on an Elastic Foundation (Prakticheskiy metod rascheta
tonkostennoy tsilindriclieskoy truby na uprugom osnovanii)
PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Mosk. inzh. --stroit. in-t, 1957, Nr 27, pp 47-69
ABSTRACT: The title does not fully cover the contents of the article. A
greater portion of the paper is devoted to the presentation of
principles of an engineering theory of shells by V. Z. Vlasov and
the utilization of trigonometric series in deriving displacement
functions for the computation of a closed circular cylindrical shell.
Three specific illustrative problems are examined: A cylindrical
pipe partly filled with a liquid and supported on both ends by
rigid diaphragms; an analogous pipe equipped with a third rigid
diaphragm mounted in the center, and a pipe supported at both
ends and subjected to distributed radial loads applied along its
generatrix. All computations are carried through to a final
Card 1/2 numerical answer; it is shown that computation of such pipes by
Practical Method of Computation of a Thin-walled Cylindrical Pipe (cont. )
the standard theory of the flexure of beams results in greatly underrated values of
stresses. A solution is also given for a cylindrical pipe supported by an elastic
N. A. Alf utov
Card 212
LB())",Y'NV, N.N., dota., kandotokhn,nauk
Stability of closel cylindrical ahells. Nauch.dokl.vys.shkoly: Btroi.
no.1:26-14 1 58. (MIRA 12:1)
1. Rokonandovuna kafedro3r stroitellnoy nekhaniki Hnskovskogo inzhenerno-
9trottellnogo instituta imoni V.V. Kuybyaheva.
(Elastic plates and shells)
LUXASH, P.A. (Moskva); IXOPTITIV, N.Y. (Moskva)
Calculation of a spherical rigidly-supported shell. Inzh. abor.
25:154-163 '59. (MIRA 13:2)
(Ilastle plates and shells)
VUSOV, Vaoilly Zakharovich (deceased]; LF-ONTIM, Rikolay Nikoloyevich;
Wnstically supported beams, plates, and shells] Balki, plity
i obolochki na uprugon oanovanii. Moskva, Gos.lzd-vo fisiko-
matem.lit-ry, 1960. 491 p. (KIRA 13t4)
(Structures, Theory of)
KUZIMIN, HikolayLeonidovich, kend.takhn.nauk; LWSH. Petr Andreyevicho
knnd.takhn.nauk- MI=OVSKIY, IoBIf Tefimovich, kand.tekhn.
nnnk; nd.tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.;
KHALA so N. red,izd-va; GARNMIN, Te.X..
[Designing elements made of thin-walled rod and shelle]
Ranchat konstruktaii ix tonkostannykh stershnei'I oboltehek.
Hoakvs, GosAzd-vo lit-ry po stroit.. arkhit. I stroit. mate-
rialam, 1960. 260 p. -(MIRA 14:4)
(Structural franes)
LEOIITIYEV,--.,NA"-koM.takhn.nauk; SOBOLLV, D.N., kand.tekhn.nauk
------ --
Approximate calculation of an arch dam for the effect of lonaitudinal
seismic loading. Gidr.stroi. 32 no.7:30-34 J1 162. (MA 15;7)
(Dams) (Earthquakes and buildiz*~)
NAZARENKO, O.K., kand.tekhn.nauk; IEONTIYEV, inzh.
Electron-bean welding in Indlistry. Mashinostroenie no.6:41-52
M-D 163, (MIRA 16:12)
/V, IV.
r.ZD 71r. ~jq:L-5 17 June
qQAt!y&v, Avtomaticheskaya
Nazarenko, D. K., A. G. Poved, and V
3, Mar 1963, 88-89, S/125/63/000/003/010/012
_Icctric V,'_,lding Institute imeni Ye. 0. ?aton has developed an experi-
n,,_ental unit for ellectron-beam welding in which the vacuum chamber is di-
vidcd inw two compartments. In the welding compartment a vacuum of 1.10-
Lo 1-10--" nim 'Eig is maintained. A higher vacuum of 1,10-4 to 2-10-4 mm Hg
is mod-tair0--d only in the electron-gun zone. Experiments with 1X18H9T
0 rani thick showed that complete penetration can be achieved
wit'-~ a 25-1W accelerating voltage and a beam current of 350 ma. The depth-
Lo-vA6`XA ratio of the weld was found, to be lower than with welding in a higher
vaali,_1111. Z.01VO-Ver, this could be the result,- of faulty design, for the focusing
lc~ns was located too far away from the weld. [ND]
Card 1/1
V.'.~ I
"."et *t-,:,--,-.--fl,. -, - . ;, ,
. . I . . 0 11 -
;7..., O.'~ .,*-! 16. . (m.,ftk -L,8,,6';,
... . 5A -1 --, -~ A 1- 2 ly, , y 6 ~ I ~ -c -, ~r. ~ t-, ~ -y -i. % nr.y y - r~.q '.,i ~ .
03c)~')o EWT (M)/E*--/P(w)/F'elP(V)/EWP(J)/EWP(k) IJP(c) FF)N1WW1EM11'?M
AP6012124 SOMICE CODE: Uti/0413/66/000/CO7/00/.3/r,04/.
AU~';`ORS: Loontlyov, N N.- 11alakhovskiy, A. B.; Zakha 14. A.; G. G.;
Yomiko-- N
P. 0 'L1~0-v 1 -2- )v. T.
ORG: none
TITILE: A blower blado. Clans 27, No. 180289
SOURCE: izobrotoniya, prozqahlonnyyo obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 7, 1966p 43-
TOPIC TAGS: blado profile, rotor blade, industrial blower, ventilation fan
A:333TIULCT: This Author Certificate presents a blowor blado fastonod by a shaft
and a coupling section to the aloovo of the The design increases
'.he oporating reliability under altornating loads, The shaft, at the point of
"-AstoninG to the blado, has a longitudinal cross cootion made up of two frustum
of a cono, conbinod along the onallor bases. Those frustum aro coatod
with the ontiro b1ndo by an overall layor of glacs-roinforcod plastic.1) This layor.
is tightly drawn together by means of a split inpo'*r-o-d--m-o-t--a-l--b-u--sh-i-n--C-a-nd a diB-
orIgaging coupling coction (see Fig. 1)s Those units are coatod with a subsequent
Card UDC: 621-631-4-2530-
L o8999-67
ACC la: AP6012124
Fig. 1. 1 - nhaft; 2 - disengaging coupling
section; 3 - glass-roinforcod plastic
layer; 4 - tapered split bushing;
5 - oubsoquont layor of glass-
reinforced plastic; 6 power spar;
7 - auxiliary spars; 8 disks
layer of plastic dopositod on tho framovork to produce the operating profile of
the blade. The blade framework includes a power spar and auxiliary ap4ra which
4. rm (in '.he transverse cross section) the operating profile. The blade carries
on its end part a set of balancing disks. Orig. art. hast 1 figure.
SUB CODZz 131 SUBM DATE:. 12Feb65
, ~ 7-,
Work In the educational workshop of a rural school. Politekh.
obucb. no.2:31-34 7 '58. (KMA 11:1)
l.Srednyaya shkols No. 49. stantglya RogovskAys Krasnodarskogo
(Technical educAtion)
LEONTIYEV, N.N., inzh.
Experimeni-al short driven piles for construction in the region of
Bratsk. Sbor. nauch. trud. LISI no.37:35-41 162. (KMA 16:3)
(Bratsk region-Piling (Civil engineering))
SUKACHEV, V.N., akademik; LEONTIM, 0.1., prof.; VOSKRESENSKIY, S.S., prof.
Founder of historical geography. Priroda 54 no-5:119-121 My 165.
(MIPA 18:5)
1.U'NT'YL:.V, O.K. K-o4,-ai-A 60/49TJ7
Jul/Aug 49
Agrakbanekly Peninsula
0001100t Data on the Agrakhanskly Poluoetrov
(Nn Ija 0 K Leontlyev, T. N. Morosbkina,
last of OcAs4ol; ;;ad Sol UM, 4 pp
~jz Ak Nauk SM, Bar Geog I Geoflz" Vol So 4
Indicates egurces of the entry of alluvia to form
Ue A4E~akhanekly Poluostrov. Discusses genesis of
Akle Cooplicated OCOUNulative coastal fdMtIon an
* basie of morphological'date collected during
Qispl,an Rxpedltlon of Inst of Ocesnol, Aced Sol USSR,
1& 1948.- Submitted by Aaad F. P. 8birshov " Feb 49.
4W; .66Am7
see Bottows
"Rebuilding of the Profile of an Accvmulatiye
Shore Dmfflzg the Lowering of the Sea Level,"
0. K. Leont'yey, 3 Yp
-Dok Ak Nauk SSSR' Vol LVI, No 3
Lowering of Caspian sea level bis greatly incrsand
alluvial accumilation on Its shoress and bottain
erosion vithin the, itidto of the undersiater shore
slope. It Is consider,64 a cause of-the Choking
of harbors of the West Caspian, noted for past
10 years. Submitted 24 Fab 49.
USSR/Geography - Caspian Sep 52
"Stopped Benches and Their Geological VApping,"
0. K. Leonlyev, Chair of Geomorphology
Vest Mos Univ, Ser Fizkorat I Yest Hauk, No 6,
pp 95-99
Describes beRch relief of part of the Caspian
shoreline, the boundary of the outcrops of.original
rocks at the bottom of the sea and the structure
of the stratoisohyps on the surface of the barren
Maw. &In'
1. LEONT I YEV, 0. K.
2. us3R (600)
4, Shore Lines
7. Staggered bench and its geological mapping. Vest. Mlosk. un. 7 no. 9, 1952.
9. I'lonthly List of Russian Accessions UbraU of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified.
----- -
1. 1 N. A. 9 KCH I NA I 'A. !~ . ) .:,,, C. Ke
2. USSR (400)
1,. Physical Geo7raphy
17. "Physical ~eop,,mphy." Part 2, N. '). Podot)eOov, qeviewed h.,,, N. A. rvoz,!et9iy,
A. S. Korina, 0. K. Leont'Yov, !7ov. knir~.-t No. 1., 1953.
9. Lonthly List of Rugsian Accpnslons. Llhrar~ of Conpre!l!~, April -- 1953, Uncl.
History of the Cuspian Sau In the recent nvalynihn AGd ttt- prnt-rhvulynian
periods. Izv.AN SSSR Ber.geog. no.4:64-74 Jl-Ag 153. (Mlaa 6:8)
1. Inatitut olcoanologii Alrademil nauk SSSR. (Caspian Seu region)
USSR/Geography Publications
Card 1/1 Pub. 45 - 14/20
Autbors i Shlyarrdn , B.
Title On the 0. K. Leontyev and P. V. Fedorov article, "History of Caspian Sea
in the t;-it;6-r"~iid'Pbb't-Khyal~nsk Period"
Periodical 17-v, AN SSSR, Ser, geog. h. 89 - go, July - August 1954
Abstract Critical review of the book entitled., "The History of the Caspian Sea
in the Later and Post-KhvalynBk Bra",
Institution : ....
Subndtted I go*#
IZONTiM , b.K.
Bottom accretion forms in a shore zone. Trudy Inst.okean. 10:
142-150 '54. (KLRA 7:11)
1. Moskovskiy gosudaretvannyy universitet im. Lomanosova.
(Seashore) (Shore lines)
USSR/Geophysics sea coast dynamics FD-1151
Card 1/1 Pub. 129-15/23
Author : Leontlyev, 0. K.
Title : Morphological analysis as one of the principal methods for studying the
dynamics of sea coasts
Periodical ; Vest. Mosk. un., Ser. fizikomat. i yest. nauk, 9, No 7, 119-130, Oct 1954
Abstract : The author shows that morphological analysib in sea-coast investigations
is a method by which the investigator can obtain the answer to a whole
series of Ye.7 important questions requiring clarification in the study
of dynamics sea coauto and lake shores, He states that the science
of coasts is a nev branch of gemorphology; namely, a discipline inter-
mediate between oceanology and hydrotechni s. The main vorkers in this
new field are: V. P. Zenkovich 11946-1953 A. T. Vladimiro 1950 .9
V. V. longinov (1950-1954) V I Budanov lb5l), A. S. Ioniv R95fl,
0. K. Leontlyev (1951-1954~. 'Mo;p7hological analysis consists of: analysiact
the arrangement of coastal terraces and embankments; analysis of the ele-
ments governing the outline of coasts: analyais of the profile of coastal
terraces of underwater coastal slopes. The author describes the sand bars
of Baykal, Azov, Black Sea, Caspian, etc. Twenty-two references
Institution : Chair of Geomorphology
Submitted : August 5, 1954
,IAQKEL'M..j 0109 KOns taut Inovich; ASTROV,A.V., redaktor; ZWKOTICH,V.P.,
I 7r
prZONWO F~i' ~tor; SHCHUKIU,I.S., professor. rodaktor; KIZITIR,
V.V., taiLicheskiy redaktor
[Geomorphology of seacoast and sea bottom] Geomorfologiia mor-
skikh beregav i dna. [Moskva] lzd-vo Moskovskogo uniT.. 1955.
377 P. (HLRA 9;3)
(Ocean bottom) (Coasts)
14FAM I Yrkv. 0. K.
Terminology used in studying seashores. Trudy Okean.kom.1:141_149
'56. (XLRL 10:2)
1. Moskovskly gosudaretvannyy universitet.
Nesting of the coastal section of the oceanography comission in
the presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Izv.AN
OSSH.Ser.geog. no.2:160-162 Mr-Ap '56. (XLHA 9:8)
A special genetic type of sbore witb mud flats caused by
solian tides. lzv.AN SSSR. Ser.geog. no.5j8l-90 S-0 156.
(MLM 9til)
1. Geograficbeskiy fakul'tat Moskovskogo gosudarstvannogo
universitsts, Imeni M.V. Lomonosova.
Basic geomorphological features of the Sivash IRgoon. Yest.Hook.un.
Ser.biol.,poch.,gool.,geog. 11 no.2:185-194 '56. (MIRA 10:10)
1. Kafedra geomorfologii.
(Sivash-Physical geography)
O.K. kandidat geografichaskikh nauk; AYBUIATOV, N.A.;
OBZLMW, V.A., akadexik.
New data on Proval Bay. PrIroda 43 no.6:87-89 Js 156, (XUU 9:8)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy univervitet imeni N.V. Lomonosova.
(Baikal, Ieke)
14 -57-6-11875
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 6,
p 34 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Leont!yev, 0. K.
TITLE: Classification and Geomorphological Mapping of Ocean
Shores (in Connection With the prepar*ation of Small-
Scale Geomorphological Maps) ZK- voprosu o klassifi-
katsii I geomorfologicheskom kartirovanii morskikh
beregov (primenitellno k sostavleniyu melkomasshtabnykh
geomorfologicheskikh kart),7
PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Mosk. un-ta, 1956, Nr 182, pp 59-79
ABSTRACT: Most of the exi3ting classifications of marine shores
have a common disadvantage of being unsuitable for
geomorphological mapping. The author proposes to
divide the shores Into certain genetic types so that
th,eir differences can be indicated by accepted symbols
on small scale geomorphological maps. This division,
which is not a classification In the full sense of the
Card 1/4 word, the author proposes to call "cartographical
Classification and Geomorphological Mapping (Cont.)
classification." A--Shores of normal development (formed chiefly by
wave action). I, Abrasional (withdrawal of the shore linel. lat
class. 'Shores which the sea has altered only slightly. Types: 1)
ingressive inlet, 2) straight (fault or contact). 2nd. class,
Shores which the sea has altered and where highly abrasional forms
predominate. Types: 3) ingressive inlet, with adjoining accumu-
lative forms in the corners of the inlet, 4) indented abrasional,
5) large inlet abrasional, 6) straightened abrasional. II.
Abrasional accumulative (the frequencies of abrasion and accumu-
lation produced a commensurate dffect). 3rd. class. i Shores which
the sea has altered, with clos-ed and open depositional forms.
Types: 7) inlet with open and closed depositional forms, 8)
straightened, complex. III. Depositional migration of the sh.ore-
line towards the sea). 4th class. Depositional shores. Typess
9) straight, 10) inlet ingressive, 11) straightened, with an
adjoining terrace, 12) straightened, with a bar (lagoonal). B--
compound development shores. a) Potamogeton (where rivers have
participated in the formation). 5th class. Delta shores. .4
subclass of delta shores formed by a strong wave action. Types:
C a rd 2/4
Classification and Geomorphol6gical Mapping (Cont.) 14-57-6-11875
13) shores of obstructed river mouths.. 14) straightened shores in
,deltas with many islands, 15) shores of full deltas with a bar. A
delta shore subclass is formed b slight wave action. Types: 16)
shores of beak-shaped deltas, 17T shores of blade-ahaped deltas, 18)
shores of small blade-shaped deltas with many islands, -6th. C145a.
Shores of alluvial plains. Types: 19) shores which project near
river mouths, 20) straightened shores, b) thermal-abrasional (formed
by the action of warm water on frozen. rocks and ice), 7th. class.
Shores formed by thermal action alone. Types% 21) Ingressive inlet,
22)' straightened by thermal action, 23) secondary inlet. 8th. class.
Glacial (shores made of glaciers or of continental ice), Typeas
24) glacial. 9th. class. Thermal-abrasional and depositional,
Types: 25) inlets with open and closed depositional formap 26)
straightened complex. C) biogenic (formed by the cumulative a~fton
of organiamsi. 10th. class. Zoogenio shores, Typess 27) coral
ahores. llth. class. Phytogene shoran. Typedt 28) mangrove
shores, 29) read shores.--The maps must show not only genetic typesp
but also types of original variations (riassic, firth, estuarian,
Card V4
Classification and Geomorphological Mapping (Cont.)
~iord, skerIyo araliano dalmatian, fault-block) volcanic), the
nature of tte rocks which compose the shore, the da th or shoaling
of the off-shore bottom and (if the scale allows it~ the direction
of alluvial migrations, the nature of vertical movements, ate,
This classification can only be used on maps drawn to the scale no
gre�Lter than 1:1 000 000. The author included a ayatamatic geo- -
mczVIvlcO#dl map of shore types for parts of the northern and central
Cae pian Sea.
Card 4/4 K, 0. Lange
*~"cn and morphology of the shoreline zone of the northwestern
side of the Caspian Sea. Trudy Oksan. kom. 2:35-50 157. (KLRA 10:9)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstyannyy universitet.
(Caspian Sea region-Physical geography)
Genesis and regularities In the development of lagoon shores.
Trudy Oksan, kox, 2:86-103 157. (KLRL lotg)
1. Xoskovokiy goeudaretyannyy universitat (for O.K. Leontlyev).
2. Treat Dagneft' (for V.K. Iaontlyev).
(lAgoons) (Geology. Structural)
w -.- -
The origin of some Islands of the northern part of the Caspian Sea.
71.r~ Okean. kom. 2.,147-158 '57. ()MA 1019)
1. Moskovokly goaudaretvennyy univermitst,
(Caspian Sea-Islands)
UNKOVICH, Veavolod Pavlovich; ISONTIYXV, O.K., otyetetvannyy red.;
ILIIIIA, U.S., red.itd-va; POIXSITSXAYA, S.Ms,
[Morphology and dynamics of the Soviet shores of the Black Sea,]
Horfologiis i dinamike sovetskikh beregov Charnogo morias Moskva,
lad-vo Aked.nouk SSSR. Vol.l. 1958. 186 P, (HM& 110)
(Black Sao)
Genetic classification of the relief and the principles of making
large-scale geomorphological maps. Izv. AN SSSR.Ser.geog. no.1:115-120
Ja-F 158. (MIRA 11:2)
I.Geograficheskiy fakulltat Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta
im. H.V. Lomonosova.
(Fh7sical geograph7) (maps)
Classification of land forms and legend for large-scale
goomorphological maps. Sov.geol. 1 no.11:54-75 N '58-
(HIRL 12:4)
1. Moskovakiy gosudarstvenW universitet imeni-H.V.Lomonosova.
(Physical geography--Kaps)
rrinciple stages in the history of the
the Volga-Ural interfluve during the
Much. dokl. v7s. shkely; gool.-geog.
southern part of
recent Quaternaler period.
nauki no,3:79-b9 '58.
(MIRA 12:1)
I.Hookovskiy uniTersitet, geografichaskiy fakulltet, kafedra
(Volga Valley--Geology, Stratigraphic)
(Ural Valley--Geology, Stratigraphic)
AUTH0113; Leont IY2-y0 Doctor
7 h -Ka I a)
TITLE: The Variations in Coastline
Lagoons (KolobatelInyye
vaniye larun)
of Gooeraphical Sciencis; Lnontlyov,
Vovement and thp Formation of
dvlzheniya poberezhiy i formiro-
PERIODICALi Priroda, 19511, Nr 10, PP 87-90 (U:;10
ABSTRACT% The authors discuss rising and sinkint; coastlines, the form-
ation of bars and lagoons. They show that bars, and sub-
sequently lagoons, can form alonLr sinkin,; couitlines and not
only on rising ones, ao has been a-sumed heretofore.
There are:! map and 1 fijure and 4 references, 2 of zhich
are Soviet, 1 German and 1 'English.
ASSOCIATIGI: Inatitut okeanologii Akademii nauk 35311 (The In-
stitute of Oceanology, of the USIOR Academy of 3ci,:!n--es -
1. Beaches--~eophyuical factors
Card 1/1
Use of radioisotopes in studying littoral sand drifts. Biul,
Okean kom. no-3:73-79 159. (MIRA 13:4)
1. Geograficheakiy fakulltat Moskovskogo gosudarstvannogo
(Radioactive tracers) (Beach erosion)
Study of drift in the coastal zone of the northwestern Caspian.
Trudy Okean.kom. 4:18-30 '59. (MIRA 13:4)
1.Moskovskiy goeudaretvanW universitat.
(Caspian Sea--Coasts)
The extent and age of the Neocaspian transgression. Trudv Okean.kom,
4:81-90 '59. (MIRA 13:4)
I,Nookovskiy godu4atetvannyy universitet.
(Caspian Sea--Coast changes)
Mechanical compositimn of qedlinntn As azi Indicator of the dyna-7ics
of the northwestern coastal zono nf tha Caspian Son. Yont,Mogk.
'e0g. 14 no.1:197-205 159.
un.Ser.mol., pochv., gool., P
(141ml 12: 9)
1. Kisknvskly gosudarstvnnWy univorsitat, Ywfedru goomorfologii.
(Canpian Sea--Beach erosion)
BASHENINA, Nina Viktorovna; IE01iT!.IL'V,-Dlag-Konstantinovich-.
PIOTROVSKIrs Mikhail Vladimirovich; SIMUOV, Yuri~
Gavrilovich; VYS?a:-:K2;TSEVA, V.S.; ZAI-%I'T5YAYA, I.P.;
Prinimali uchantiye ZOIUN, L.V.; ORLOV, I.V.; ZVOIJKOVA,
T.V.; FFDOAOVICH, B.A.; SHATALOV , Ye.T., retsenzent;
teenzent; YMIAKOV., M.S.) tekhn. red.
[Methodological guide to goomorphological napping and
the carr-.,-ing out of pomorphological surveys at sealer, of
1:50 000 - It25 000 Mth legend)]Metodiebeskoe ruko-
vodstvo po geomorfologicheakomu kartirovaniiu i proizvod-
stvu goomorfologicheekoi s"emki v masshtabe 1:50 000 -
1:25 000 (s logendoi). Pod red.V.V.Basheninoi. Moskva,
Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 1962. 202 p. - [Legend; supplei.,.ants
VIII-[XI]1Legenda georrorfologichoskoi karty sovetskogo
Soiuza masslitaba 1:50 000 - 1:25 000; prilozhenie VIII-
[XII 1960. 25 P. (MIRA 15:7)
2%NxOVICH# Veevolod Pavlovich;'LIONTIM, O.K.,; IONIN, A.S..
red.izd-va; DOROXHIMA, -
[morphology and dynamics of the Soviet shore of the Black age]
Morfologiia i dinamike eovetskikh beregov Chernogo moriso
Xoakva, Izd-vo Ikad.nauk SSSR. Vol.2. (Northwestern section]
Severo-sapadnais chast'. 1960. 214 p. (mIRA 14:2)
(Black Sea--Seashore)
International 0,valogloal Congress. 21st. 1960.
lbrakays. goologi7a (MrIne Gealo&y) Moscow. Ixd-va XM 23m. 195-50.
205 p. 2.500 copl-ta printed. (3arleas Do!Llacy aoretakikh
g"logova problem& 10)
141'torlia Boardz F. 1. Bezrukov. Rasp. Ed.j A. V. Llivs-0. V. P.
ZonkovIch and 0. B. Udintsevi Ed. of rubil-M-a Howses V. 3.
3heyncanj Tech. Zd.z V. Karpov.
rMU=Ri This book Is Int"ad for goologicts and oce=oj;r:.,%ars.
COVIMAOEs , The bftk contains IS articles rcpr*a*ntlnZ t-%* r-rt3
given by Soviet geologists zt VAe 21st. Jnt*rvzLlc..-iP-l roal;-jeal
Congress. Individual articles deal wl-th Wis botlcm
sedimentation. and tectonics of ceo!as (Wootern Ftc!llo t7.1
Southern Indian), as well as the gocmoryholczy a:)d tootcnic3 of
the Black and C"plan Some wid Soviet oc~tor3 or t,,7 r,it.,*.
AM IngIlgh, r162=1 MACCIMP&M102 each article. So parzonalitles
1. r="ts of
It -ac a. i5 ri~~aj~ Crust U.~Ior
Sea& and Oceans 35
Saldova 11h 11 Stratleraphy r S*d1--vnt-, t.-to
torn Pacific &n0 o Par F-,jtevv Sass or the
a d th
VSSR According to 3ea-Dattex For"Initord 59
L'al;jXna -Ar. Por=ation or Sediments In the, Southern
TaRT a and Indian Oceans 69
a od In
lapl~j,A_R., and N A. Belov. Bottom Sedimentation Con.
M--na in the Aratfa Ocean 88
ftftftrRX~,~,-L- and Ya. P. leprc:~tflov. BOLL- O*c~-o-phcjczy
Tactonle kr*blc=a of the black "a 94
Solovyev V 7 L 3 Kulak~~jn, and 0. V.j,-Iq~va. Roller a.~d
As. 105
Ocrehamovleh D vp Recent Sh*ir Deposits In the Kargin&I
!aonova, M. V. The Ooolcj7 or the Barents Sea 5
Oorahkovs, T. 1. Sediments in the Norwegian Sea 132
Taj=jLv*_j,V. Study of Whe Disgsntsi* or 3=e Kerins
sediments 140
Zankavleh, V. P_ 0. K. Leor.tlrev, &no To. N. Neve3skly.
'IRi-u-knc* ZF-Iho the
Deve2opoent of the Coastal lone of Soviet 303z .54
.!Ybulatov. W. A.. Y_L-ralotot, and VL 2~jpkovich. Some
-r~ _-
Streams ong Shares 164
Mudanov, V. X..-A, 3.-- looln. P.&.1~plln. and V. 3. Kadvodev.
Recent VoFfloal Mo~ev, nts of Saaanores 11 tne SZ~viiruirivn - 175
.Jj0,t,,#v. 0. X. Typ:a and Forwation or Lagoono cn ReCo"t
amorea ISS
RTCHAOOV, G. L; '~ d~NT'YIV,__Q.X, _
YAIA stages in the development of the relief of the eastern
Gineawasian plains area. Ixv.AN SSSR.Ser.gsog. no.4:73--82
Jl-Ag 160. (MIRL 1317)
1. Hoskovskiy GosudaretvanMy universitet imeni X.T.Lomonosova
Geograflobeeki,y fakulltet.
(Caucasus, Northern--Geology, Structural)
uONT,Y1.7, O.K.
Certain regularities in the formation of lagoon shores and their
geological Importance. Izv. vve. ucheb. zav.; geol. I razv. 3
no.7:13-22 J1 160. (MIRA 130)
1. Moskovskiv gosudarBtvennyy univereitet im. X.T.Lomonosova.
Forms of outer barriers along the shore of the vestern coast
of the Caspian Sea. Vest.Mosk. un. Bar. 5: Geog. 15 no.4:32-37
J1 - Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9)
1. Kafedra geomorfologii Moskovskogo universiteta
(Caspian Sea-Coasts)
LEONT 'YEV,__UeZ-X=A_tarjtinov IOVA, LA.,, red.; GEORGIYEVA, G.I.,
'---i-ekhn. red. JCh;PETII
(Fundamentals of seashore geomorphology] Osnovy geomorfologii
morskikh beregov. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 1961. 416 pi)
OURA 15:
Prinoipal features of the morphology and evolUtion of the Caspian
shore or northern Azerbaijan. Trudy Okean.kom. 8r3-32 161.
(MIRA 1415)
1. Institut okeanologii AN SWR.
History of the formation of the coast of the gulf Kara-bogaz-Cr:)l.
Trudy Inst. okean. 48:34-66 '61. (MIRA 15:1)
(Kara-Bogaz-Gol (Gulf)--Coast changes)
Objectives and feapurea of gemorphological studies in prospecting
for ini ralB. Vop# g. no.52t28-34 161. (MIRA 14:6)
5:010gy, Economic)
Some results of structural and geom phological, studies in the
Volga Delta in comeotion with prospacts for findin oil and gas.
TQD.geog- no*52:35-44 161. (MIRA 14:6)
(Volga Delta.-Physical geography)
Role of the river factor in the dynamics of the western share of the
Caspian Sea. Vest. Moak. un. Ser. 5s Geog. 17 no.6;0-55 'N-D
162. (Al 16:1)
1. Kafedra geomorfologii Moskovskogo universiteta.
(Caspian Sea region--Runoff)
(Caspian Sea-Coast changes)
"On the effects of the relative change of sea level on the accumulative Bea
shores development"
Report to be submitted for the 13th General Assembly, Intl Union of Geodesy
and Geophysics, (IUGG), Berkeley, Calif., 19-31 Aug 63
:Leont'yev, Oleg KonstantinovLch
iShort course in marine geology (Kratkiy kurs morskoy geologiL).
Moscow, Izd-vo Hook. unLv., 1963. 463 p, Muse, biblio., map
Textbook for universities in the RSFSR.
TOPIC TAGS: marine geology
PURPOSE-AND COVERAGE:- This book was written for a tudents of oceanog--.I
raphy at the Department of Geography, Moscow State University. The'
book deals with the general principles of marine geology, describes,
the topography and structure of the ocean floor, and analyxes the
processes producing them. Several chapters are devoted to the
sedimentation of the ocean floor. Major structural elements such
as Cho contLnental shelf, the bathy-al, region, and the abyssal plains-
are discussed. The last chapter deals with the practical applications
of marine geology and defines some of the principal future7problems.
The book is dedicated to the late geographer,-oceanographer, and :
mariner, Rear Admiral Ne No Zubove The author thanka V, Fe Kanayev,
V. V., Yee ZhaLnq As I* Dubanin, and Go Ve TsytsarLn for valuable con-ta
U. mantes
M= P--W-
Shore types and several development features of the
Albanian coast. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 5tGeog. 18 no-5:38-44
S-0 163. (MIRA 16:11)
1. Kafedra geomorfologli Moskovskogo universiteta.
-'-ibd Al-
Rellef and tlo~ geo3oplcal etxu~!ture r.,f the Caspian Sovi 'Ant.
Monk, un. Sjer.5~ Goog. 2~ r~;.5~27-39 S-0 164.
(MIRA 18~'O
1. Kafedra gecarrxfologil Mcrkovs~ogo wniversItata.
-1 -------- wwwwass.
(Natural ennditions governing tht, fo.-.Fition of corists
of the Ca.,pian sea] Prlrodnye usloviin formirovanlia bere-
gov Xanpilskogo morin, Baku, lzd-vo Akad. nauk Azerbnid-
zhannkol MR, 19b5. 204 p. 4-11RA 19:1)
OrIgin and t~e age of the Baer knol)e. Izv. Ali S~W. -,707.. geog.
no.2:90-98 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18--4)
1. Moskov-,kiy gosudarstvennyy univertiltet.
Dmitril Gannadlevich Panov, 1909-1965; an obltuaz7, Vest. Momk-
un. Ser. 5: Geog. 20 no.6:85 N-D 165. (VIRA n:1)
Conet-ming E.N. Kazancheev's letter. Vest. Monk. un. Ser. 5:
Geog. 20 no.6:91-92 N-D '65. (MIRA 19: 1)
L d
zrlo~r tYcl presf,nt-day ci' The ra t
a A 7, r Ib no.-- :-2c--,.31
( -C !,I I P : 5
r..,,. i i t r a r i jN A
LEONTIYEV, O.Kof prof.
Basic elements of the bottom relief of the world ocean. Pr1rcda
54 no.8:28-35 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:8)
1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova.
LEONTOYEV, prof.; 111KIF"hOV, L.'~., k;ind.rooj_-raf.nauk
Modeling of natural prorumses. J--r1r(Aa 54 no.10:49-52 165.
(MIRA 18:10)
1. Moskovskly gos,idarAvennyy im. M.V.Iomonosova.
LEONZIYZV, 0. P. Cnnd Tech -- (diets) ".,tudy of thot pos-31bility of me6suring
the ~cohA of firednmpf by electrical methods." Alm.-Ata, 1957. 16 pp with
dinp-ma (Min of Eigher Educ7ition USSR. Kazakh Itine Metallurgical Inst). 120
copies (KL, 5-58, 101)
f 1 -. i_.
I -; - -
New dust meter. Priborostroonto no.4:18-20 Ap 157.
(KLUA 10:5)
(Measuring instruments) (Mine dusts)
1- -1 --- - -- - -- - "- ;,-
l2ec rification of mine dusts and its determination. Test. AN
Kazakho SSR 13 no,4t86-90 Ap 157o (MIRA MO
(Mine dusts)
Electrification capacity of mine dust. Irv. AN YAzakh. SSR. Ser.
gor. de:La nool:98-104 158. (MMA 16; 5)
(Kim dusts--Zlectric properties)
lip',OYPITIN, O.P., gornyy inzhoner
IllectrometrIc measurement of the duet content of the air.
Borlbu a oil. 3:207-2V '5Q. (HIRA, 12: 9)
Xlectrification of dust inarticles In an air flov. Trudy
Inst. gor. dela AN lasakh.SSR 4:169-176 160. OGRI 13:9)
(Mine dusts) (Electrostatics)
Efficient method for dimension cutting of unedged boardr,.
Der.prom. 11, no.11:20-22 N 165.
(FIRA 18:11)
1. Voronozhskiy lenotekhmicheskiy institut.
red.; BERNGARDT, N.Ye., tekhn. red.
(Manual for joiners and earpenters]Spravochnik stoliara i plot-
nika. Voronezh, Voronezhakoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 271 p.
(MIRA 16:3)
GOLUB, Andrey Katvayevich (Holub, A.H.3,KUGHMNKO. R.I. kand.khim.
nauk,; LPONTITXY, P,P,,red.; BALTASNA, ;.Te. Deliasna,
O.IZJ, red.; red.
(Methods of classification and terminology in inorganic chemistry]
Systematyka i torminologila v neorganichnil khimii. Kyiv, Vyd-vo
Kyivelkoho univ., 1959. 147 p. (MIRA 13:1)
(Chemistry. Inorganic--Nomenclature)
ILIARIO11OV, Valentin Fedorovich;_ja~~LIPPIY~V P.I., red.; FIDOSEMA,
(loryashma: sketches about young builders of the Lotles WoodpulP
and Paper Combine) Koriazhj-ui; ocherki o molodykh stroitaliekh
Kotlasekogo ts9lliu1ozno-bur,;j.,,,hnogo konbinata. Arkhangellsk,
Arkhangollskoe knizhnoe Jzd-vo, 1959. 46 p.
(MIRA 14:2)
(Kotlas-Poper industry) (Building)
ZAMORIY Petr Konstantinovioh (Zamorii, P.K.1; BEZUGLYY, A.M.,
lbe=Mylp A.M.], dots., otv. red - -2,L-Elaont'lev, F.D.),
redol YBEVICH, M.IjYinevych, M.I. , tekhn. red.
[Quaternary sediments of the Ukrainian S.S.R.] Chetvertynni vid-
klady Ukrainalkoi RSR. Kyivv Vyd-vo Kvivslkoho univ. Pt.l. 1961.
548 p. (UkraLine-Geology,, Stratigraphic) (MIRA 15:6)
Dendrologic resouriss of ancient parks of Molda7l&, fthr. MOIL
no.38106-123 165, (MZRA AxJO)
The Mull Park. Btul. Glay. bot. ULU no,29;3-13 157. (KIRA 11:1)
1. Botaniohookly mad KoldAvokogo fillala AN SSSR.
(T~rrnovo Distriot-Arboretuss)
LondscAping and lsvaling prinoiplas In plAnning exhibitions at the
Botanical Gordon of the Acadnmy of Scio-ncos of the MoldsvIAn S,S.R*
In Kishinev. lav. All Mold. SSR no.10:13-29 163, (MIRA let5)
Manufacturing house components to be used in building private
homes, Gore i sell. stroi. no.12:6-6 D 157. (MIRA 11:2)
l.Kaohallnik Glavnogo upravleniya mestnoy promyshlennosti Vooobl-
(Architecture, Domontic)
(Buildings , Prefabricated)
I30NTIYNV, S. . - --
Prefabricated houses for villages. Sell. stroi. 12 no.10:4-5 0 157.
(KMA 10: 11)
1. Nachallnik Glavnogo upravlaniya mestnoy pronyahlennosti Mosgor-
(Buildings, Prefabricated)
(Architecture, Domestic--Designs and plans)
IntensIfy the intmduction nf frame buildini,- lzi villagns.
Naulm i sellkhnz. 9 no.8:7"'-?3 I~tl, '59.
1. Nacballnik Upravlfinipt netalloobrabatyvapishchey proriysh-
lonnnstl lio3oblispoll-ova.
(Reinforced concroto conotruction)
(14oucow Province-Ilnuoing, Ibnal)
S/I 30/6 2/01-0/001/003/01- 4
AUTHORS: Leont'yev, S.A., Senior Master, Sud'ya, V.P. Chief of Shift
TITIZ: Experiences In assimilating the large strip rolling mill 2500
PERIODICAL: Metallurg, no. 1, 1962, 27 - 30
IEM Information is given on the operation of rolling mill 2500 inten'ea
for hot rolling of 115-250 mm thick, 1,000-1,600 mm wide slabs into 1.5-10 mm
thick-and up to 2,350 mm wide sheets. Advantages and aeficiencies of the mill
are described. Among the advantages are; fuelling of the 5 continuous prehea*,-
Ing furnaces with natural gas; the use of an evaporation cooling system, tne
use of liquid-friction bearings for the backing rolls of the roughing section;
reductorlese drive of the seventh to tenth stands of the finishing section. De
ficiencies are: poor wear resistance of bottom girders-of furnaces; insuffici-
ent Insulation of evaporation pipes; unsatisfactory arrangement of charging
devices. In the roughing section the authors criticize: Insuff1clent, power _f
the scale-breaker driving-motor; the use of cast iron working rolls Instead of
steel ones; large interax1al distance between the rolls of the first vertt!~A.-
and second roughing stand; cast iron parts of transmission gears on the main
Card 1/2