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SO-4/2416 -1 Bool@ 7 xats.1i t'VP osno-ve produce USSR Gas 21000 SSSR aa n4 P to Ya.."'5-h rayono ions of tae 1959. osnab7, vos 9 astern P4 Gostopte'2alizdat Y 8&. . T. D - Gaz li-V (SaPplyin c 0") 140"cov, ZY ve to'P & yuel Gasif i Science s i 'e cIIt,-I Soil rintecl- Te chnical _Opie s P 'anning Doctor Of 'P ...-Iri-ansy @& - *N* V- Trof imo" inten&e& for @IIV tec 14 ,ova, TeC11- V rticles is for iaeers) -fef re tjon of a 1 0.6 .11 as ion - tie ,3 yasificat on ,_Iec PrBOL'ne-,), fuel G lyiaS researcb 9 it, soli robleM Of 5a'pp ificat' Yugo scientif'c lali%ing the 'P M t1-le EVIS LI and nt's Spec dLescribeS deri-vecl_ f rO 'Inclivjax)@ 'Ja"ity ta&e cles the'ic gas -1 Gas' tile q U natilra ositsy involve& -Lon of artl@ syn f oal clel) @Jcs c@ witft s Tais COIIP- 's Jac!' S C e conola PACs of t@ae ,,.,at area. re giol andL the r thanX r,ovz egionLs f The iola Of tlie rocess &XIct - ,astera Is to 0 stribIl f1cation P eaell t S -pro e oli& tile the C11 gpsi tbctic ga of a 3 0 teredi -f e re n ce d-tsr-xls -,C e S. articles Ieac tI scielic s of Coa @ suvo-i 0 Inical a-ad type tioa anu -of Tec ro&IJc Doctor in the 'J thuler) article card, 1/4 Supplying the Eastern TAX.E OF CoW=TS: Regions Of "lie USSR (Colt. SOV/12416 From the Editor V010nikliin Soviet Uni I Yu-V Problems of Supplying the 3 on Wit Eastt-.-171 Regions of t' @ Gas Produced Throllgh the Gas,f, * he Al'tshUler, V.S. and pI.V. cation Of Solid RIels 6 Solid RL.1 and ' Shishako-,. "f"l-'IiPux7Ose Utilization of Bk--ipka Gas by C-as-c-hemice.1 Plants , L.V. prospect, of DevelOT)Ing 13 Bro, Coal Deposits Of the Eas@ Zr - Open at 14'n'ng in the Major Sbishakov, N.V. "e P"gions of tile ussa 21 As the Ra So-lid IIL'Oln the E--st-rn p,.Cioll, Of the W Material for Producing PLL@l PAS USSR Used Lebedev - Y-V-. 48 and J.p. Bogdanov Yo 0 Cbalnical Products * Trends in Converting Synthetic Gas Feygin S - A. 71 Produc' -' V'S' Al'tshuler and N.V. Shishakov. -'ng Righly calorific cia' Econoluic AsIx-cts of card 2/4 S From Solid Awls 91 Supplying the Eastern Regions of the USSR (Cont.) SoV/2416 Shafir, G.S., and V.S. Alltshuler. Experimental Study of-Semi-coking and Gasification of the Itatskiy Brown Coal Under Pressures UP to 30 ATM 110 Derbaremdiker, M.I., and B.L. Rozov. Gasification of the Nazarovskly Coal Carried Out Under Pressure 12L Alltshuler, V.S., and G.S. Shafir. Gas Formation Process Taking Place Daring High Pressure Gasification of Solid Axels Carried Out to Obtain Domestic or Industrial Gas 127 Kazakov, N.I. Chemical Characteristics of Tar Yielded by Thermal Con- version of the Nazarovskiy and Itatskiy Coal 145 AlItshuler, V.S., and V.V. Lebedev. Method of Producing Domestic Gas by S)mthesizing Water Gas With Methane 155 Card 3/4 SUPPlying the Eastern Regions of the USSR (Cont.) SOV/2416 Lebedev' V.V. FAghly Prolific Continuous Process Yielding Hydrogen With the Aid of Metal and Steam 172 Kislykh' V.I., and N.V. Shishakov. Application of Catalysts in the Gasification Of Carbon by Steam 18,( Pislmen., M-K., V.G. Yermakov, and Yu.1. Belyanin. Gasification Carried out With Solid IL-at Carriers 200 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TP735.R92537) TM/fal Card 4/4 10-2o-59 41 Hills- AE t. t 15 s's s1p I b -@! -.. I A Ila -sop LEBEDEV, V.V.@ POPOV, V.14. All-Union Conference on the Coordination of Scientific Re- search on the Use of Fuel Gases in the National Econonrf. Gaz. prom. 4 no.9:54 S 159. (MIRA 12:11) (Gas an fuel--Congreases) LAVROV, Nikolay Vladimirovich; KOROBOV, Valeriy Vladimirovich; IFILIPPOVA, Vera Ivanovna! LBBMEV, V.V.,; IVANOVA, D.A., red.izd-va; BRUZGULI, V.T., [Thermodynamics of gasification reactions and of synthesis from gases] Termodinamika reaktaii gazifikatsii i sinteza iz gazov. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1960. 97 p (MiRA 13:7) (Gases) (Thermodynamics) 85b83 S/139/60/000/004/038/044/xx E031/E413 AUTHORS: Lebedev, V.V, and Makirov, A.Ye. TITLE.- Determination of the Parameters of the Distribution of the Dimensions of Particles PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 196o, No.4, pp.60-65 TEXT; The scattering properties of a cloudy medium can be used as a source of information about the distribution of the dimensions of the particles composing it. A similar problem was investigated by K.S.Shifrin (Ref,l) and leads to the inversion of a special form of the Fourier integral. The particle distribution curve is obtained by numerical integration with respect to the angles of scattering of the experimental distribution curve for the intensity of the light, In the present note an attempt is made to modify the problem and, using experimentally measured intensities of light scattered through three angles, establish the parameters of the distribution function. The use of a parametric representation of the particle distribution function simplifies the problem considerably. The distribution function for the particle dimension is taken in the form r-In(r) AO'e-cr dr (2) Card l/ 3 8508-':-' 5/139/60/000/004/038/044/,,a E031/E413 Determination of the Parameters of the Distribution of the Dimensions of Particles where c (greater than zero) @L (an integer greater than or equal to zero) are parameters of the distribtition and A is a normalizing constant. If the medium consists of suspended reflecting particles, the intensity of scattered light depends only on the character of the distribution of the particles according to their dimensions. The assumption that multiple scattering has negligible influence leads to Eq,(5) for the intensity of light scattered through a small angle P. This type of integral has been calculated in explicit form by Shifrin for ji = -2(1)2, and leads to the expression for the intensity of the form 111 (a. c) = a- (il + 3) (Pli + 2(k) (6) where a = 21Tp / X, X is the wavelength, and k z: 1/(@jj+c2/4c,2) The functions obtained (yo ... (p4) are far from being sufficient to determine the parameters of the distribution fun-ation because U can have values greater than 2. Expressions for T5 '- (plo are Card 2/@ 8,50 8 3 S/139/60/000/004/038/044/-Xx E031/E413 Determination of the Parameters of the Distribution of the Dimensions of Particles quoted. With the relations given, Eq,(10) is arrived at which can be used for the experimental determination of the parameters 11 and C, assuming a dis tribution of the forin (2) above.-, (OL, C) 41@2 n c11+1T it 0 11 , \2 aiL+5 g+2 (k) (10) o The method is less strict than Shifrin's but it leads more quickly to the answer, There are 2 figures, 2 tables and 8 references, 7 Soviet and I English, ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti imeni I.M.Gubkina (Moscow Institute of the Petrochemical and Gas Industry imeni I.M.Gubkin) SUBMITTED: August 22, 1959 Card 3/3 77, 83357 J fo 10 S/l39/6o/ooo/oo4/oi4/033 E032/F5i4 AUTHOR: Lebedev., V.V,. TITLE-. On the Conservation of MesonieCharges PERIODICALn Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Fizika, 1960, No.1k, pp-135-138 TEXT- The Dirac formalism has two disadvantages, namely, the nonconservation of the mesonic charges of nucleons and the fact that it cannot be used to formulate a relation with scalar, pseudoscalar and pseudo-vector meson fields, i.e.. fields which preserve their properties on time reversal, It is argued in the present paper that these difficulties can be avoided if one uses the generalized Dirac equation h 4X + hc grad -X + Mc2 0 i -3 ?@ t i 1 3 (6) where -/ is an 8-component nucleon wave function. The formalism based on this equation predicts many of the properties of the particles which can be described by it. It is possible that these particles are in fact nucleons, There are 9 referencesz 3 Soviet-, 6, LEBEDEVI V.V.; ADONIN, A.N.; GABRMLOV) L.V. Problems in using gas anchors. Trudy KF VNII m.5:92-104 161. (NnA 14:10) (Oil wello-Equipment and supplies) ADONIN, A.N.; LEBEDEV, V.V. Some problems of gas separation at the intake of a deep well pump. Trudy KF VNII no.5:105-116 161. MR-A 14:10) (Gas, Natural.-Separation) v IEB3DE,,-?, V-V @_,_ --,;- GAVRILOVAP A.A. Kinetics of hydrogen production Solid fuels. Trudy IGI on 'ron oxides based on (Hydrogen) 1(6l'r3oon7-314 oxide'61. the use of (WRA 16:7) .) (FUel) -57 LEBEDEV A/ V GAVRILOVA, A.A. Kinetics of the reduction of iron oxides with carbon. Trudy IGI 16:295-300 161. (MIRA 16:7) (Iron oxides) (Carbon) LEBEDEV, V.V.; GAVRILOVA, A.A. Kinetics of the fornmtion of hydrogen from water an iron. Trudy IGI 16:301-306 161. (MIRA 16:7) (Hydrogen) (Iron oxides) (Steam) LEBEDEV, V.V.; POLYAKOVA, V.N. Production of'synthesis gas from methane on metallic oxides. Trudy IGI 16-46-50 161. (MIRA 16:7) (Methane) (Gas as fuel) (Metallic oxides) LEBEDEV , V..,V. - Prospects for pumping large'quantities of viecous petroleum vith a deep well pump. Trudy KF VNII no-11:153-158 16?. Foaming in oil wells. 197-207 (MIRA 17:3) , V. V. , Sutur:-, s Primary suture of tendons in digital and wrist flexors. Uch. zap. V. t. jr-osk. maj. inst. 2, 1951. 2 9. Monthl List of Russian'Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953(, Uncl. LEBEDEV, V. V. Diesertation: "Change in the Protein Serum of Patients 'Ath Craniocerebral Second Moscow State Medical Inst imeni Rabotnik, Moscow, 18 Jun 54) Content of the Cerebrospinal Fluid and Blood Trauma in the Acute Stage." Card Fed Lci, I. V. Stalin, Moscow, 28 Jun 5L. (Yeditsins@dy SO: SUM 318, 23 Dec. 195h L1OFADJCV.-V.V. (14oskva) Affect of artificial hibernation on organism in carebrocrunial injuries. 52-53 JI-Af 159. BRAIN wds. & ini) (HIBERNATION, ARTIFICIAL certain functions of the Eksper.khir. 4 no.4: (MIRA 12:11) eff) LEBEDEV, V.V. (Moskva) Closed injux7 of abdominal organs. Fel'd i almsh. 24 no.8:12-18 Ag '59- (ABDOMEN-WOUNDS AND INJURIES) (MIRA 12:12) LKBXMV, V.V ; VELIKORSTSKIT, D.A. (Koekva) Contusions of the thoracic cavity and rib fractures. Felld. i akush. 25 no.3:15-.21 Mr. 160. (MIRA 13:6) (CHEST--WOU19DS AND INJURIES) (RIBS-FRACTURE) BAKULEV9 V.V. :x- the wargical treatment of acute myocardial &Periments n infarot. 38 no.1:48--55 J& 160. (KM 13:10) (ERM-IMMACTION) IEBEDEV V.v (Moskva., B.Stroganovskiy per. d.5/36,kv.6) Heart wounds and their surgical treatment. Grud. khir. 1 no.5: 115-126 S-0 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Iz Institute. grudnoy khirurgii AMN SSSR (dir. - prof. A.A. Busalov). (HEART-WOUNDS AND I14JURIES) BAMM, A.N.; LEBEIEV, VV,,_(Moskya, ul.~hchukinakaya-Noyaya,d.1l,ky-25) Surjical treatment of myocardial infarct in the acute stage. Grud...khir. 3 no.1:3-8 Ja_F f6l. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Is Instituts, grudnoy khirurgii (dir. - prof. S.A.Kolesnikov) ANN SM. I (HEART-INFARCTION) (HEART-SURGERY) BOGOLEPOV, N. E.; LEBEDEV, V. V.; SUPIRO., L. B. (Moskva) Indices for the early hospitalization and moving of patients with cerebral insults. Vrach. delo no.7:10-14 J1 '62. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Klinika nervnykh bolezney (zav. - Prof. N. K. Bogolepov) Vtorogo, meditsinskogo instibuta imeni N. I. Pirogova, neyro- khirurgicheskoye otdeleni7e, travmatologicheskaya klinika (zav. prof. 1. 1. Sokolov) Instituta imeni 1-1. V. Sklifosovskogo, Mos- kovskaya stantsiya skoroy pomoshchi. (APOPLEXY) LEBEDEV, V.V. Surgical treatment of cerebral insultus. Zhur.nevrA psikh. 62 no.8:1160-1166 Ag 162. (MIRA 15.-12) 1. Neyrokh1rurgicheskoye otdeleniye (zav. V.V.Lebedev) Iravmatologicheskoy kliniki.(zav. - prof. I.I.Sokolov) Instituta iLeni N.V.Sklifosovskogo (glavnyy khiri=g - prof. B.A.Petrov) i klinika nervnykh bolezney II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (zav. kafedroy - prof. N.K.Bogolepov) imeni Pirogova. (APOPLEXY) LEBEDEV, V. V. kand. med. nauk; ISAKOV, Yu. V. (Moskva) Gaseous composition of the blood in severe craniocerebral trauma. Vop. neirokhirurgii no.1:19-23 '62. (MIRA 337) 1. a khirurgicheskaya klinika Instituta imoni Sklifosovskogo i krinika obshchey khirurgii II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo insti- tuta imeni N. I. Pirogova. (BRAItl-WOUITDS AND PURIES) (BLOOD, GASES I1111) (SKULL-WOMIDS ATTD INJURIES) LEBEDEV, V.V.; ISAKOV, Yu.V.; FUOOV.SidY, G.A. Shock as a result of fv,,nioce:-f?I,,i,a1 injurico. Vc-p. rieiflokhir. 20 !--=@ je:') no.6:1-6 IL-D 164. 1 @ . - - 1. Ordena Trudovogo Kramogo Znaraeril tifitictinci--if3a]edovfttellskiy institut skoroy pomoshchi i-meni SklifoBovskogo, Moskva. LFMDEV@ V.V. Metlod for the quantitatl-i-u deternnuration of f@arlxm tetra- chloride in the inteatinal jvdr-a. Gig. i qan. 28 nci.61-55--56 J.d akf k=l where n = the number of UFS components, ak = the coefficients of intensity, k = the ordinal number of UFS components, C (x) (l + 335X2/@2)-l and exp (-. -,X210 2 for the Lorentz and Gauss Card 2/4 3o915 S119216110021000-1002.10CY+ Computing the spectra of D228/D304 forms respectively, P =A Hl/4Hr. X = H - Ho/,&H r 6H, = the resolution between the UFS components,L H = the width of individual lines between the points of maximum Inclination., H the field correspond- ing to the center of the end component, and the magnetic field's alternating value. Two methods are proposed for examining experi- mental spectra: The direct comparison of observed and theoretical spectra, and the use of nomograms for analyzing unresolved EFR spectra. In the latter the true values ofP =&Hl/LH, are plotted along the x-axis and 4Wk/AH AH /,6H_rA"@(k-l ) /4H r@ anl I@_/!' alent, s r@ 1 1 the y-axis; k and 1 are the component numbers., I and I' bein.- the amplitudes of components k and 1 recorded in a first derivative form. The combination of both methods allows the parameters of unresolved spectra to be determined with sufficient accuracy when both Oie spectrum structure and AH r are known, or when only one of Lhese quantities is known. The desired parameters can apparently i)e eval- uated even if there is absolutely no information about a partially Card 3/4 Computing the spectra of 900 Yj9 15 S/lq2/61/002/006/002/004 D228/D304 resolved spectrum. Thus, the authors conclude that the forei-oin- procedure will enable different EER spectra to be satisfactorily deciphered and processed which in turn will increase the possibility of applying the EPR method to solving scientific problems. Due acknowled-ement is made to V. V. Voyevodskiy.. A. Ya. Povzner, and others on the staff of the Matematicheskiy otdel IKhF AN SSSR Mathe- matics Section, Institute of Chemical Physics: Academy of Sciences USSR) for their advice and interest. There are figures, 1 table, and 10 referencesi 7 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-,Soviet-bloc.' The refer- ence to the EnE-lish-language publications read as follows-. J. G@ Pow"Les et al, Proc.. 1hys. Soc. 77, 729 (1959). W. Gordy et- a!, Pro,_ Nat. Acad. Sci. USA L@6, 1124 (196i); D. Libby et al, J. Phys@ Cliem. Solids 18, , 316 (1961). ASSOCIATION; Institut khimicheskoy fizilri AN SSSR (Ins'Uitute of Chemical 1hysics, AS USSR) SUBMITTED, July 7, 1961 Card 41'LL '@17803100610131019 9@0 A.2.2/9 d-14 2 2-v B110 B208 AUTHORSt Tevetkov, Yu. D.,-Lebadev, Ya. S. Voyevodskiy, V. V. TITLE% Study of free radical reactions. III. Recombination of fluoroalkyl and peroxide radicals PERIODICALs Vysokomolokulyarnyye soyedineniyap vs 3y no. 6p 1961, 882-890 TEXT: The purpose of the present paper is the investigation of the recombination reactions of fluoroalkyl and peroxide radicals under ex-1%_ clusion of oxygen diffusion. The dependence of the radical recombina- tion on the ratio of the amorphous and crystalline phase was studied on Teflon with different degree of crystallinity. Teflon samples in the form of films or chips were irradiated by a yCo 60 radiation source at -60 Mrad. The free radical concentration is in this case S/1 -10 18 1./cM3. Polymerization took place on the oil bath, the electron paramagnetic resonance was studied at 100C to determine the free radicals. Card 1/10 23770 S/190/61/003/006/01.7/019 Study of free radical reactions. B110/B208 III. Recombination of ... The kinetics of the recombination of the radicals A and AO 2 was determined at different temperatures and degrees of crystallinity (74 and 46 V.) (Fig. 1). The relative concentration I was referred to the.initial concentration - 1: 1 (x =@RO 214kO210+"A - LRj/[Rjo. The reciprocal concentration as a function of time (Fig. 1) approaches linearity asymptotically corresponding to the bimolecular recombination reaction. In polymers with crystalline and amorphous phases (polyethylene, polypropylene, Teflon) recombination proceeds according to the bimolecular law with different rates in the amorphous and crystalline phase. Assuming that Mcryst ' Cj; Dlam . c 2 in the case of Teflon, the mean concentra- tion cmean = CIa 4 c2(1 - a), where a - degree of crystallinity. c 1 and c 2 depend on the time; /'@t - -k 02 (2). According to lim (1/1) 1,2 1,2 1 ,2 t-o Card 2/10 23770 S/190/61/003/006/013/019 Study of free radical reactions. B110/B208 III. Recombination of ... I + (I - a)k2 t initially a rectilinear section appears in the coordinates reciprocal concentration-time (Pi6. 1.--, curve 1), which corresponds to the square recombination in the amorphous zone, as well as a section correspinding to the square recombination in the crystalline zone in the case of higher t-values. According to (2) the straight line corresponding to the recombination in the crystalline phase cuts off the section 1/a on the y-axis. The degree of crystallinity may thus be determined from the recombination kinetics. Table 1 gives the degrees of crystallinity calculated from the recombination kinetics io2 and and thect-values calculated from the specific weight (according to d 2.00 + 0.3la(g/CM31). Their agreement confirms the model suggested and the equality of the initial combination in both phases. The different stability of the radicals in amorphous and crystalline phase is confirmed by their decrease in concentration by 25-50 ;-; during Card 3/10 23770 S/190/61/003/006/013/019 Study of free radical reactions. B110/B208 III. Recombination of ... prirary heating of the irradiated samples to 150-2000C, and constancy of the concentration of repeated heating. According to (2), the rate constants of the recombination reactions at different temperatures and degrees of crystallinity can be determined from the linear anamorphisms of the kinetic curves of the type of Figs. 1, a and 5-. The recombination of fluoroalkyl radicals takes place in a measurable rate only at' temperatures whidh are by 50-700C higher than in the case of peroxide radicals. The following is written: peroxide radicals: @2000� 3000 flit 10 OXP RT (A) 06 -10-13-exp 12000 � 2 000 aT RT fluoroalkyl radicals: k(46)- 10-3-expi kr - L- (40,000 4, 000)/RT k(46) -10-7-exp @-(30,000 3,000)/Rfl. at Card 4/10 23770 SlI901611003100610I31019 Study of free radical reactions. B110/B206 III. Recombination of ... The activation energy of peroxide radical recombination is 26+3 kcal/mole in the crystail--tio 11-3 Ill the amorph-3-1:; 7alups of 20 - 40 knal/mol.e are obtained for primary alkyl radicals in various hydrocarbon polymers, The re3ombination of long-life radicals of solid polymers is not determined by their structure but by the poperties of the mediums movement of the segments of polymer chains. In the amorphous phase with high chain mobility the rezombination rate is determined by rotation of small chain parts. In the crystalline phase with firmly bound chains it is determined by the rotation of long chain parts. In the re- combination rate of fluorcalkyl radicals the high values of the pre-expo- nential factors are remarkable, which have al&o been observed in other polymers (Tabl,e 2). The aotivation energy and the pre-exponential factor highly differ for various Teflon samples, which was also observable in many reactions of the solid phase and of the electric conductivity. The linear dependence log kc (Ej exiszing In this -lase is called compensation dependence (Fig. .1). The potential barripr of the segment rotation of the polymf--r chain probably decrea3es with a rise in temperature, which Card 5/1o 23770 S/190/61/003/006/013/019 Study of free radical reactionso B11O/B2O8 III. Recombination of ... explains the @:ompensation dep,lnden3o anj the high pre-exponential factors, whose real valuee ar-z 10-8 arl'i 10-0 cm,/ sec. The high values obtained experimentally are thun a reoult of* tho change in activation energy with temperature ris". The quthors thank G. G. Titova fpr her assistance in some experiment.-:5. There are 3 fid-ures, 2 tables, and 13 referencess 8 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Sovlet-blo3. The most important references to English-language publicationg read as l'ollowst Ref. 4t S. Ohnishi, I. Nitta, J. Polymer Sci.9 i.Q9 4519 1959. Ref. 5@ Z. Kuri, H. Ueda, S. Shida, J. Chem. Phys., 329 371, 1960. Ref. 73 J. A.' Sauer, A. E. Woodward, Rev . Mod. Phys,, .12, 68, ig6o,, ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics AS USSR). Institut khimicheskoy kinetiki i goreniya CO AN SSSR (Insti- tute of Chemical Kinetics and Combu stion of the Siberian Divi- sion AS USSR) Card 6/10 28654 /15-70 S/020/61/133/006/021/022 "5- B103/B101 AUTHORS: Lebedev, Ya. S., TBepalOY, V. F.j and Shlyapintokhp V. Ta. TITLE: The possibility of using the method of electron paramagnetic resonance to record the active centers in the oxidation of hydrocarbons in the liquid phase PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 139, no. 6, 1961, 1409-1412 TEXT: The authors studied the applicability of electron paramagnetic resonance (epr): a) for determining free radicals; b) for measuring the steady concentration of these radicals in the oxidation of hydrocarbons. A continuation of these studies will probably contribute to the knowledge of the kinetics of processes of other types. From the measured values it is possible to determine directly the rate constants of the elementary reactions that constitute parts of the entire process. Since the concentration of the radicals is low, their determination under steady conditions is difficult. For this reason the active radicals could not be identified during the oxidation of hydrocarbons in the liquid phase. 2 types of active centers take part in the oxidation of hydrocarbons: Card 1/5 61@ 0 @ S/02 61/139/006/021/022 The possibility of using the ihethod ... B103/B101 hydrocarbon radicals k and peroxide radicals R6 2' At a given initiation rate the steady concentration is known for several substances. It is approximately equal for the following substances: cyclohexene, methyl cyclohexene, 1-octene, dihydromyrcene, ethyl linoleate, digeranyl, tetralin, ethyl benzene2 cumene, n-decanal, and benzaldehyde. Under d(RO ) W- wi 2 0, and i steady conditio.... dt (RO2 F-k, (1). Hence, the steady 6 concentration of the R6 21 at a given initiation rate, is the higher the lower the rate constant of R6 2 recombination. An increase of the constant to the threefold increases the steady concentration only to the 1-7-fold. In aromatic hydrocarbons, tetralin and ethyl benzene, in which the peroxide group is located at a secondary hydrocarbon atom, the recombination constant is by 1-2 orders of magnitude higher. Among the substances mentioned the cumyl peroxide radicals recombine with the smallest constant. In order to prove the existence of the peroxide radicals their concentration must amount to at least 1-10 15 to 5-10 15 radicals/CM3. The authors studied Card 2/5 28654 3/020/61/139/006/021/022 The ponsibility of using the method... B103/B101 cumerie since they expected the highest concentration in this substance. They used an epr-spectrometer HX@-2 (IKhF-2) with high-frequenoy modalation of the magnetic field (A. G. semenov, N. N. Bubnov, PTE, 92 (1959)). During the oxidationg oxygen was continuously bubbled through tha hydrocarbon. The following substances were used for the oxidation: 1) a2obicisobutyronitrile, II) dioyolohexyl paroarbonate, III) cobalt stearate, and IV) cobalt acetate. Differwnt initiators give identical spectra. The spectrum is a wide, almost symmetrical singlet +2 oersteds) with a g factor of 2.015 tO.001. According to the shift oithe g factor and the effective line width, this spectrum is similar to the epr spectrum of the peroxide radicals in the solid phase. In control testa in which.isopropyl benzene was replaced by ethyl benzene no epr spectrum was observed in any of the initiators mentioned. Besides, epr absorption disappeared when the oxygen supply was stopped and when nitrogen was blown through for a short period. Ad 1) The authors calculated the steZ concentrations of the cumyl peroxide radicals at different initiation rates from the known values w i and k6 of Eq. (1). These concentrations were also measured between 70 and 900C and a Card 3/5 28654 S/020/61/139/006I./021/022 The possibility of using the method... B103/B101 concentration of I) between 0.05 and 0-55 mole/l. The absolute values of 15 16 3 the concentrations of (R6 2)meas lie between 2-10 and 4.10 radicals/cm The measured steady concentration of RO2 radicals was close to the calculated one. In experiments with II) the authors measured concentra- tions of 4-10 15 to 2-10 16 radicals/CM3. The rate constant of decay of II) into radicals is unknown. The authors assume that its decay rate is equa.L to the decay rate into radicals. Thus, they calculate theinitiation rate and find that the measured concentrations of the RO2 radicals are 1/4 tc 1/2 of the calculated values. Since this rate is unknown in experiments with III) and IV) the meaf;ured and calculated radical concentrations could not be intercomrared. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 11 references- 4 Soviet and 7 noi-Soviet. The four most important references to English-language publi:ations read as follows: Ref. 1: H. W. Melville, S. Richards, J. Chea. Soc. 1954, 944; Ref. 4: ff. R. Cooper, H. W. Melville, J. Chem. Soo s 1951, 1993; Ref. 5: L. Bateman, G. Gee, Trans. Farad. Soo... 47-, 155 i'951); fef. 6: T. A. Ingles, H. W. Melville, Proc. Roy, Sac., A218, 163 (1953). Card 4/5 28 %201611139loo610211022 The possibility of using the method ... B103/B101 ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: May 20, 1961, by V. N. Kondratlyev, Academician SUBMITTED: May 20, 1961 Card 5/5 LEBEDEV,, Ya.S.,; TSVETKOV. Yu.D.; ZHIDOMOV, G.M. Analysis of asymmetrical lines, in electron paramagnetic resonan e spectra as a method of studying internal movements in polymers, Zhur.strukt.khim. 3 no.1:21-27 Ja-F 162. (MM 15:3) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR i Institut khimicheskoy kJnetiki i goreniya Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Fblymers-Spectra) 8/844/62/000/000/089/129 D204/D307 AUTIMRS: Tsevetkov, Yu. D., Lebedev,.Ya. S. and Voyevodskiy, V. V. TITLE: A study of radical recombinations in irradiated teflon 6OURC,z: Trudy 11 Vsesoyuznogo soveshchaniya po radiatsionnoy khi- mii. Ed. by L. 6. Polak. Moscow, @zd-vo AN 366R) 1962, 521-525 T EXT Th e kineticu k..,erl Btudied of the recombinations of fluoroal- I r@@yl (11) arid peruxide (RO2 ) radicals, formed when polytetrafluoroe- thylene (teflon) is ii-radiated with @- rays, in vacuum or under 0 2f as this field is as yet incompletely expl ored. BPR spectroscopy was cmployed to follow the reactions in specimens in which the degree of crystallinity,cx, was 46 or 7411% The reactions were always of the, 2nd order, but tile velocity constants (kO) depended ono(. Thus for' i radicals, with Q = 74@,-, ko - 10 6 . and with I W., k 0 = 10-3 cm3/sec. A linear relation was observed between log kO and E effl Card 1/2 A study of radical ... S/844/62/000/000/089/129 D204/D307 the effective activation energies, which were between 30 3 and 65 + 5 and between W + 2 and 26 f- 3 kcal/mole for A and RO 2 r,Ldi- calS respectiveiy. The pre-exponential constants were anorialously high. To explain tile observed phenomena, it is suggusted that the activation energy, which apparently depends on the potential barrier for the rotation of polymeric chain ments, decreases with in- 0 OeR creasing temperature (180 - 27UOC for and 110 - 2000C for ftO 29 i.e. for teflon irradiated under oxygen). The theoretical results may be of use in the study of solid state reactions exhibiting a compensatin6 effect and abnormally high pre-ex,)oncntial multi- pliers. There are 2 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: In,@titut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SS'Q'H; Institut khimi- cheskoy kinetiki i goreniya. SO AN SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics, AS USSR;.Institute of Chemical Kine- tics and Jombustion, Siberian Branch of the AS USSR) ,Cekrd 212 KUZSW14SKIY, A.S.; NEYMAN, M.B.; FEDOSEYEVA, T.S.; @PEDEIV, Ya.S.; BUCHACHENKO, A.L.; CURTKOVA, V.F. Transformations of free radicals in r(-irradiated polyisoprenes. Dokl. AN SSSR @46 no.3:611-614 S 362. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Nauchno-isslednvatellskiy institut rezinovoy promysh-tenwsti i Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademik;m V.N. Kondratlyevym. (Radicals (Chemistry)) (Gamma rays) (Isoprene) LEBEDEV, Ya.S. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of a fluorallyl radical. Kin.i kat. 3 no.4:615-616 JI-Ag '62. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. (Allyl compounds--Spectra) S1192VG210031100.51r)011003 D267/ "308 -AUTHORS: zhidomirovi GJ;. , ]@ebedev Tsvetkov, Yu.D. TITLE: Form of line in the electronic parwqagnetic resonawe 0 vl spectra of pe2oxide ty-,;)e radicals in oriented poly- mers PERIODICAL: Zhurnal stnikturnoy khimii, V. 3, no. 5, 1962# 541- 545 It was shown in an earlier paper that the spectrum X, of peroxide radicals (ROD in oriented specimens depends on the oricntation of the specimen in the magnetic field, To calculate the line form in the c.p.r. s-pectrum. for or@entcd specimens the authors assumed that (1) the pcroxidc radical has an axial sytmictry of the g factor and (2) the symmetry axes' of this factor are distributed randorily in the plane S at right angles to the orientation direction of polymer chains. The calculation has been carried out to the end for the-case of an infinitely narrow individual line, when the ex- ternal magnetic field is parallel to the orientation axis. It has CIrd. 1/2 3/19 2/6 2/003/005/00 I/WJ3 Form of line D267/D308 bee-a sho,-ni that the Ifor-m of the e.p.r. line can be used for deter- mining the degree of orientation of the chains (such e-SUM'ation has been carried out For a Teflon @,vpecimeti ovionted by strotchiiig). The paper eiids with a discussiou of the -1tracture of pero3ride type ra-di- cals (on the stren,,th o' the data sho@-ring the temperature dependence cz. of the form of e.D.r. 13.- i ie r, There are 3 ficrures. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy kinctiki i goreniya SO i'V,.: 11ovosibirsic SSSR (Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion, Siberian Branch of the iZ Novosibirsk, USSR); Institut khipticheskoy fiziki AN 3SSR (Insti- tute of Chemical Physics, AS USSR) SUBMITTED: June 17, 1961 Card 2/2 U1331 61oO Gs I'N 4 -e-4 0' 01 0-o Vk ,jel I -CLO. BY. tr'jGV-' Ge V;'J"CI -ji. &e@>-`- tree .4. e a es-TSA eVT 'Ge -'I'do o -T@e 0Y. 0111 -aa""ave' -4 e A TO-t 'be .olv W ,,Go@ %e& rS ,Va 0,,- r'ol@ Be Y 0 O'A ot 0 te "I & O-e 'oo", Gola S.Ato *a lf@ 1'.@te I& a oo", a.ew &va NV. &i.0- ace .0@. 1,01N 131@6 &-ro 0 rTe. VI I re'(O . a jj@ J.9o'? tTs' s uo'p' bo %VVI Be& a oil ec 0.5 ODII eik eT is'G -re. .0 -@o OAS' OV t-a% V oll tr eo@ 0J.13"? 9re. & .00 ,lee &x,00- SeV ke @:O ot aveO GOv &-, 13, ,,Ge To. S 'bl . V@,e& ,ji k se. VT yje - 0 " q 9.T ce i eso is e C, ,ee g@ S-vo ot tol Epc' 0'@ api av'? ,,6,r a %L'o , ve-r ec k'TN" & O'C@. atT"'0@11 "" 00 A, ov, a% evec a'? ,q e Ve 009'.1) ,..v - a-,,6VeTV -ro ,t 't ,Be vT V'T to -,a ;0 eVT 13, c'j'o I ie 8, ;jelle &*ae ,,go 0 s-IC %etM je% tVe oveO % 0 d kjo j@.e p -ro tte& ve ro%@ to 2 eT VB.-V& j 5/02 62/146/003/013/Cl9 Coriversions of free radicals ... BI 01 YB1 44 isoprene at room temperature, owing to quick radical recombination. At -1960C, cis-polyisoprene showed a spectrum similar to that of' trans- compound. The concentration of free radicals at -1960C was highe -r than at room temperature. The kinetics of disappearance of free radicals is described by an equation of second degree and corresponds to the recombination R* + R' --> stable product. As the slope of the straight lines representing the "reciprocal concentration of free radicals versus time" depends on the dose, it is concluded that in the case of high doses the recombination is impeded by steric hindrances in the amorphous part of the polymer. The following effective constants of radical disappearance have been calculated: Dose, r-10-6 10 20 37 47 Kef 9 sec-1.104 6.25 4.33 3-34 2-74 Calculation of the degree of cross linking according to P. L. Flory (J. Chem. PhYs-, 11, 521 (1943)) showed that at 10 Mrad about 600 isoprene units were between two cross links, that the number of cross links increased with the dose, and that at 150 Mrad 1.2 isoprene units were between two cross links. The steady decrease of K with increasing Card 2/3 Conversiom of free radicals ... S/02 62/146/oO3/013/019 B101 YB144 number of cross links also proves that with increasing density of the network thf@ mobility of molecular chains is impeded and the recombination .of free radicals is rendered difficult. There are 4 figures- ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut rezinovoy promy8hlennosti (scientific Research Institute of the Rubber Industry). Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Lkademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: May 21,,-.1962, by V. N. Kondrattyev,, Aoademi6ian, S_UBMITTED: May 25) 1962 dard 3/3 .LEBEDEV, Ya.S - CHERNIKOVA, D.M.; TIKHOMIROVA, N.N.; VOYEVODSKIY, V.V., otv. red.; BUTOMO,N.N., red.izd-va; SIMINA, G.S., tekhn. red.; POLEVOVO, T.P., tekhn. red. [Atlas of electron paramagnetic resonance spectra; theoretical- ly computet rrulticomponent syrmetric spectra]Atlas spektrov elektronnogo paramagnitnogo rezonansa; tooreticheski rasschi- tannye mnogolcomponentnye simmetricheskie spektry. Moskva, lzd- vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 228 p. (MIU 15:12) 1. Akadeniya nauk SSSR. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki. 2. :@abo- ratoriya khimicheskoy radiospektroskopii Instituta khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (for Lebedev, Chernikova, Tikhomirova). (Paramagnetic resonance and relaxation-Spectra) BUCFACHE.IKO, Anatoliy Leonidovich;.LEBEDEV, Ya.S., red.; DOROUDIA, I.11., tekhn. red. [Stable radicals] Stabilinye radikaly. Vioskva, Izd-vo All SSSR, 1963. 170 p. (MIAA 17:1) (Radierds (Chemistry))