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ACC'NRs Fig. 1 - measuring thermccuple; 2 - therm"lement, Orig. art. has: 1 diagram. SUB CODE: 13o 14/ SUBM DAM 25,Tan65 2/2 LEEBEDEV3 V. V. Omsk State Veterinnry Inst, LEBEDEV., V. V.- "On the anthelminthic properties of carboc@v-,line, curbit see&, and akrikhin (atebrin) in cedtodoseE of dogs and geese." Omkk State Veterinar-y Inst. Qm,:k, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Gandidate in Veterinary Sciences) SO: Kni7bnaya Letopist No. 20i: 1956 USSR/Frr.,.i Anin-16. S,.-,c!ll Hornod Orttic Q-3 Ab,, Jour : Rof Zhur - Biol., Ile 11, 1958, No 90008 Author : Lckonlcin A.I., Lob a@@v Y.,Y-- Inct : Voronc7,h Univorrity, Society for llatuml Stuey Title One '4cthod Invcsti,@;rting the Ilrinldn- Ro-etions in LrrEc Horned Cattle. Orig Pub Byul. 0-v- yogtortvoi,pyt. pri Voroncnhslc. un-to, 1956, 10, 105-105 AbFtr.-ct .n inTt,-llrtion iF rropo:-cd which utilizcc@ -n -utcy.-,rtic ;,rtcr dispcnfor x..rlth rovr-.r-1 -@iodific-tionr. Thiz- inct,-11,-tion pcr-itf to @tudy tha Arinkim- rcrction, in -nkicl@-, to co@- putc the :7r--.ountr of virtor vhich th@y comimic rt, vrriouE fccelinZ;E -nd wriouF 1-cepiw- conditionf . Alro, it per:-.,i".s to ob-orvc speed rnd chcrretariftics of the p,-rticip-ting drinkin,- rcflcx. C.-rd 1/1 29 ,ri,, s 17 v Phannia-cology s-nd Toxict-lorry. Cholinergic Agents PifhPiol,j, .1.5 195 3. 3 Lel--adEv, V, V, Inatit%its B`-,'@jct of ArAcolirn or, Purtction,- 0-i" I-ho "atin leor - , @ tion of' the of' Dogs, Fr6e fa,,cm va-ulon and Dur.L-ig CRIG. PU3. Tr. J. Ll IBBEDEV, V.V. Pharmacology of acrichine, Farm* i toks. 21 no,2:71-72 Mr-Ap 158 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Kafedra fnrmakologii (%av. - prof. N.P. Go+orov) Omskogo veterinarnogo instituta. (qUINAGRINE, phArmacol. (Rus)) A=`11R-_-W?6004S50' SOURCE CODE: UR/0108/65/020/010/0036/0037 (Active member) AUTHOR: _Le ORG, Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electrocommunicationi (Nauchno-tekhnicheakoye obahchestvo radiatekhnild I elektrosvyazi) TITLE: Permissible Irregularity of the amplitude -frequency characteristic of C@P? recirculators SOURCE: Radiotekhnika, v, 20, no. 10, 1965, 36-37 TOPIC TAGS: recirculator, spectrum analyzer , frequency characteristic, radio si nal,' frequency shift AMTRACT: The frequency characteristic of a spectrum analyzer having a shifting mixer in the ring is considered. As the signal eing recirculated Is shifted along the frequency axis, its amplitude varies t khe irregularity of the real frequency characteristic. Simultaneously, the signal summation takes place; by selecting the shape of the frequency characteristic, a summation with a desirable weight function can be achieved. Formulas are derived which describe the connection between the frequency-characteristic shape and variations of signal amplitude with circulations. From these formulas, the effect of the characteristic irregularity upon the maximum permissible numbor of circulations is doduced. Orig. art. has, 2 figures and 10 formulas. SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: 07Dec64 / ORIG REF: 001 / OTH REF: 003 Card UD C: 6 11 @ OL.orlik,-e and harvestln@, of ruA-crops. , @'a3 . i-.6 -vo se I kho z i Ii. UZ[IO-Xooj)er at I vroi lit-r , U'l. 2) j. y -,:, 0 @', L@ I , V . i - , t'C @ 'V:anual and reference bok )n tie siloinE of the for-@r-e. ':o!@*-.,va, !II-L' .0. -,-r -.. : - - @ ; . . ]@ , @ .@ @ @, - , - I - @ @ 17@ @@' , ;@ ;' , 11 . . . . -. , ... .- , , ;"@ @ I ., - - , LZD37-DZ7, V. V. 7 0:1-10 ! olii - V s-5: "aucn ctcl@;,@t S. '707 i,-C, e@ S C- Lo-@ t o -,, il -s "o 'v. V. Ozelenenie sel'skikh naselennykh punktov fLandscaping of rural settlements ,7. Kuibyshev, obl. izd., 1952. 72 D. SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions Vol. 6, No. 5, August 1953 LEBEDEV@ 11. IV. Windbreaks, Shelterbelts, Etc. Afforestation plan for the Vetlyanka irrigated area. Les i step' 4, No. 2, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. --A4W, Uncl. @ .: @@- -Mf -*- -- - -. -:i-, @- w@ @ . . .@' - @ - - - - I -4- 13MKV,V.V., kandidat aellskokhozyaystvennykh naak; NIKIFOROVA.G.V., "=nac n@y sotrudnik; OLF.SOV,N.K., nauchnyy sotradnik Filbert variety testing at the Zakataly branch station. Trudy VXEII no.10:75-83 154. (KLRA 8:9) (Filbert) @ [ , - - I IGNATINKO, Stepan Vq@ijlyevich; LIBEDEV,_V.V redektor; PAVLOVA. M.N.. tokhnichaskly redaktoi- -- IWOW I - , LTraining and pruning fruit trees in the central part of the U.S.S.R.J Formirovanie i obrezka plodovykh derevIev v orednel polose SSBR. Moskva. Goa. izd-vo sel'khoz.lit-ry, 1957. 69 p. (Pruning) (MLRA 10:6) LHBNDSV, Vladimir Vasil'yevich [ShdIfe'rbelt- afforestation in irrigated areas] Zashchitnoe leso- rasvedenie na oroshaemVkh zemliakh. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry, 1957. 102 p. .(MIRA 11:4) (WindbreakEi. shelterbelts. etc.) F r b SHAMPAKIYA, Poll (Champagnat. Paul] VOROHOVA, kandidat seliskokhozvaystvennykh nauk, nauchnyy redaktor; IZOTOVA. Q,K.. redaktor; YELDCROBA. A.Y.. takhnicheskiy redektor [Pruning of fruit trees. Translated from the Englishj Obrezka plodovykh dereviev. Perevod a aagliiskogo. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1957. 158 p. (MLRA 10:6) (Praning) LARIGNOV, Aleksey Nikolayevich; LEBEDEV, Y.Y., red.; IWTKTA, Y.K., - (We'll complete the seven-year plan ahead of time] Samiletku vypolnim doaroohno. Moskva, Gos.iZd-vo sel'khoz.lit-ry, 1960. 85 P. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Sakretarl Ryazanskogo obkom Kommanisticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza (for Larionov). (Ryazan Province--Agriculture) LEDED.'--'V, V.V. RT-1151 (Ice accretion in Arctic rivers and seao as a function cf ne,-aLive air temperatures) Rost 11da. v Arkticheskikh rakakh i moriakh v zaltisimo3ti ot otritssntalfmi@@-i vozdukha. PRODUE!,ff ARKMII, (5-6): 9-25, 1938. (T?an,-latdon does not include illustxitions). LEBZDF,V, V. V. Gldrologlchanklye Issledovanlya i ragehety pri provelctirovanniimostov I trub. Leningrad, 1949. 30.1p. A practical manual for techniciAns and engineers engaged In bydrological research and calculation necessary for the designing of bridges for railroad and automobile highway bridges; published as a Hydrometerological 14ition. 1. Russian-Railroads-Bridgen Russia --- Roads-Bridges. 3- Russia Tunnels 4. Rassia-Road Research i. Hydrological Research and Calculations on the designing of bridges and tannels. ii. Titin I,-6Bz-D---V, V. V. GidroloSeiia i ..,idranetriia v zadachakhC roble"ns on hydrology and hydroiactr-z. Posobie dila vysshil,-,Ii uchc'onyldi zaveclenii. Leni.-.,;rad, Galdrotaeteoi-dat, 1952. 5060 T). SO: Rontha-v- List of RMgsien v ol. 6 E0. 7 October 195", IJQ 17- VladiMIA11mas" Iyevi "h* kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; CHEBOTARET, A.I.,---7-eclan.or; -5ULUMCHIK. A.k., takhnicheski7 reclaktor [Nomograms for h7draulic calculations; supplement to the book lltrdrolog7 and hydrometr7 In problems."] Nomogrammq dlia gidrologi- cheekikh raschetov; prilozhenie k knige "Gidrologiia I. gidrometriia v zadachakh.11 Leningrad, Gidrometeorologichaskoe izd-vo, 1954. 29 p. tables. (MLRA 8:4) (Erydraulic engineering--Tables, calculations, etc.) LUCHSH&VA, A.A.; WSMY, V.V.. kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; YASNOGCRODSKAYA, M.1w redaktor; SOLOVITCHIK. A.A.. tokhnicheakiy redaktor (Practical hydrometry; exercises in hydrometric observations] Prakticheakaim gidrometriia. Uprazhnenlia po obrabotke gidro- astrichaskikh nabliudenii.,Izd. 2-e. Pod red. V.V.Lebedeva. Lenin- grad, Gidrometaorologichookoe izd-vo, 1954. 335 P. (KL'RA 7:10) (Stream measurements) CROOTARLY, V.I., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; SKM, A.P., kandidat takhniebaskikh nauk; LRBIDIM, V.V., redaktor. -- .1 - (Hydrometrical Installations] Gictrometricheakie zooruzheaiia. Leningrad, Gidrometeorologichaskoe izd-vo, 1954. 368 p. (KLRA 7:7) (Flowmeters) (Hydraulic engineering) ,,,LEBTIMEV, Vladimir Vasillyevich; CKEBOTAREV, A.I., radaktor; BRAYNINA, - " 4.' -?t'J.`,-@f*kbnIc'I@eskiy redaktor. [Hydrolog7 and hydrometry in problems] Gidrologiia i gidro- metriia v zadachakh. Izd. 2-a. Leningrad, Gidrometeorolo i- chaskon izd-vo, 1955. 550 P. (MLRA 8:9@ (Yqdrolog7) I -- - I' .) 1- . KARAUSHXV, Anatoliy Vasilleyvich; PANCHURIM, Nikoley Aleksandrovich; MAKTAYET doJrtQr tekhnicheskikh neuk. professor, redaktor; - LYLBEDST V.Y., redaktor; VCLCHOK, K.K., tokhnicheskiy, redaktor [Collection of problems in hydraulics] Sbornik zadach po gidravlike. Pod obahchei red. Y.M.Makkaveevs. Leningrad, Izd-vo "Rachnoi transport,* Leningrootd-nie, Pt.2. 1957. 197 P. (MLRA 10:9) (Hydraulic engineering--Problems, exercises, etc.) LEBEDBY, nadimir Yaoilly8vich; TASIICGORODSKATA. M.M., red.; FLAUM, M.Ta*9 __t6khn._r6(f. ' [Hydrology and hydraulics in bridge and road construction] Gidro- logiia i gidravlika v moatovom 1 dor02hnOM OtroitOlletve. Lenin- grad, Gidrometeor.iod-vo. 1959. 387 P. (MIRA 13:3) (Hydraulic engineering) (Hydrology) . LEBEDEV, Vladimir Vasillyevich; DAVYDOVI L.K., doktor geogr. nauk, prof., retsenzent; YASNOGORODSKAYA, M.,. ., red.; BRAYNINA, V.I. t . red. w , ekhn [Hydrology and hydrometry in problems] Gidrologiia i gidrometriia v zadachakh. 3. dop. i perer. izd. Leningrad, Gidremeteor.izd-vo, 1961. 699 P. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Zaveduyushchly kafedroy gidrologii sushi Leningradskogo gosudarstven- nogo universite-a (for Davidov). (Hydrology) LEBEDEV, Vladimir Vasillyevicih [Hydrology] Gidrologiia. Leningrads Izd-vo "Rechnoi trans- port," 1959. 192 p. (Hydrology) (14IU 15:2) --- : ", -i-@ . I .. @-- ; LEBMEV, Vladimir Vasilly@evich; BELOUSOV, N.F.., inzhof nauchno rigd- _-_. 0 (Hydrological and water-management calculations for de- signing water-supply structures] Gidrologicheskie i vodo- khoziaistvanmye raschety dlia proektirovaniia sooruzhenii vodosnabzheniia. Leningrady Stxoiizdat, 1965. 395 p. (MIRA 18:12) 4'@2@00 B/1081188 @?1@016/001/007/007 BO1O/TtO77 AUTHORt Lebedev, V. V. TITLEt Discrete Representation of a Time-limited Signal PERIODICALs Radiotekhnika, 1961, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 75 - 80 TEXTs Referring to studies of V. A. Yotalinikov and K. Shennon, the representation of a time-limited signal by a finite series is shown which, contrary to the Kotellnikov series, describes the signal by using discrete values within a time interval O-T. The author discusses topics like estimation of errors, spectroscopic analysis, and references to the Kotellnikov series. The series in question can be obtained directly from the Fourier series for a function (F(t) which is defined for a time inter V/ val O-T and vanishes identically outside this integral, if summation is discontinued at a finite value of the summation index. Denoting the frequency connected to this summation index by f v transforms the Fourier f T f T v v series J(t) a + sin n(jit + @.oos nc,),t making use of the sums 0 n Card 1/4 Discrete Representation of a Time-limited S/108/61/016/001/007/007 Signal B010/B077 1P z i k-1 )sin n ci t -11 2 t@j(t )con n ci t which correspond to n k @;f(tk 1 k9 @n _k 0 k 1 k the integral expressions for T n' In' where tk - ktAt (At is a time element of interval O-T) into a new series 2fvT sin 6) T(t - k4t) Ct) - :@:I(k&t) - 1 %-1) with wV . 2z fv , k - 2fvT + 1; 63 sin -1 (t - k&t) v X T the convergence properties correspond to that of a Fourier series. According to (5) it is possible to describe a function limited to the time interval O-T by 2f vT discrete function values of the basic time intervals. Fig.1 illustrates the approximation function of (5). A simple calculation is only necessary to show that (5) goes over into a Kotellnikov series if the interval T approaches infinity keepingto v fixed. The error of (5) is estimated by the method of Fourier series; here, the error is connected with the residual energy of the signal above the limit f v The author Card 2A 88 80 Discrete Representation of a Time-limited S@1108V611016100110071007 Signal B010/B077 concludes his paper by giving the spectroscopic separation of the signal represented by (5); he Bets (@(t) - ?(t)A(t) with A(t) - I within t'he interval O-T and L(t) - 0 outside of it; q(t) denotes the periodic function having a period T. The spectrum of T(t) is calculate'd from 00 y(v)A(cj-v)dv (7), where A(cj) denotes the well-known spectrum of A(t), and 9(cj) the spectrum of q(t) which can be represented by a-kourier series if a Dirac 6-function is used., The following series is obtained f T v sin T(,@;-2nn/fl from (7) for the spectrum of the signal (5): (_Vcj)- T_y(n) T (p, -2 it n/ T) _f T v y(n) is the coefficient of the Fourier s-@ries for y(sj). There are 2 figures and 13 references: 12 Soviet and 1 British. SUBMITTED: February 1, 1960 (initially), March 4, 196o (after revision) Card 3/4 S/IW62/ooo/oWooVoo A055/A1O1 AUTHOR: Lebedev, V.V. 15@_ '___ I TITLE: Graphical calculation of automatic gain control filters in recetving systems PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyaz'16, , no. 6, 1962, 10 - 21 T M Starting from the well-known equation characterizing the frequency properties of the automatic gain control (for small increases of the input sig- nals), the author deduces two formulae giving, respectively, the distortion of the modulus and of the phase of the amplifier output voltage for different modu- lation frequencies: 14) (92 )1 = I I are tg R sin T_ 1/1 + 2 R cos (P + R2 (_ I + R cos CP where is the amplifier frequency response, is the modulation frequency, y is the phase shift of the output voltage envelope, q? is the phase shift in the AGC filter and BW R (2) e'q , W being the frequency response Card 1/3 ,9/106/62/000/006/002/003 Graphical calculation of automatic gain .... A055/A101 of the AGC filter and B 1 being the rigidity of the control. The au- thor plots the graphs of ;fa3and IV as functions of R ( a) for different fixed values of y (two sets of graphs are reproduced in the article). These sets of graphs permit plotting the frequency response of an amplifier with AGC for the case of any concrete AGC-filter [the R (92)-axis being replaced by the @2 -axis]. On the basis of the plotted graphs, the author analyzes the following problems: 1) AGC stability. 2) Operation of the AGC in pulse receivers (the case of simple RC-filters is examined in particular). 3) Transients: the author compares various filter-types in the AGC-circuit, giving the sam6 permissible phase distortions at a determined frequency (620, from the point of view of the setup time (the compared filter-types are the simple RC-filter, the filter of the second order with phase correction o(, = 0.24 and the double RC-filter rC 1 T2 = 242). 4) Demodulating properties of the AGC. In the last part of the ar- ticle, the author describes a method1br calculating the AGC, this calculation being divided into two independent parts: 1)Ensuring the required stability of the output level of the signal. 2) Calculation of the AGC filters that permit obtaining the required phase-frequency characteristic. The author calculates a Card 2/3 s/io6/62/000/006/0()2/003 Graphical calculation of automatic gain .... A055/A1()1 simple RC-filter and a filter of the second order w1th-phase compensAtion. Three @umerical- examples of AGC-filter calculation are reproduced at the end of the article. The Soviet personalities mentioned in the article are: Ya.Z. Tsypkin, G.P. Tartakovskiy, N.I. Chistyakov and A.A. Rizkin. There are It figures and 1 table. SUBMTTTED* January 12, 1962 Card 3/3 y LEEEDEV, VGv, A nonlinear problem on automatic gain control. Radiotekhnika 17 no.608-41 Je 162. OURA 150) (Radio) 14BEDEV, V.V. Use of a recircillator for the contraction of frequency-modulated signals. Radiotekhnika 13 no.11:62-70 N 163. (YJRA 16:12) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi imeni Popova. KIST-Illsv, B.P.; BALASHOV, V,L.; FnLCHIN, A.A.; LEBEDEV, V.V. Separation of barium and itrontium by the exchange rm@thorj in the system amalgam - solutioni. Hadiokhimlia 6 no. 1,114- 117 164. (MIRA 1726) L 11386-65 At@-CESSION NR: AP4046677 S/0109/64/009/010/1776,11780 AUTHOR: Lebedev, V. V. 12 TITLE: Signals sunuped by a recirculat-or. ISOURCE: Radiotekhafka t elAtrouLka, v. 9, no. 10, 1964, 1776-17'30 TOPIC TAGS: recirculator, recirculating stbrage. signal storage, summabillty, sqr-namble signals ASTRACT: A theory is' developed to show that a recirculator can be used as a storage device for a broad class of signals. Regarding an arbitrary signal as S(t) c A(t) sin 8 (t), where A(t) and 0(t) are its amplitude and phase, respectively,! conditions of its "phase sunu-nability" are analyzed. The recirculator is able to perform a cophasal sun=-atioa of all signals whose phase increment over the dclay-line time T is a multiple of ZF. Of all possible functions describing the nrne variation of the signals to be summed, two types (a) continuously time- I n386,65... -ACCESSION MR: AP(0@46477-,-- --7- ---- -- r3 ar furittions~and~.(b)-,continuously fze tions, atsuramable funct wquenqy -ati&ana Yze e out: quencies 7T can be continuously tim: 0--surnmed in a recir6ulator having a circulating time Ti, G-haracteristics of the class of frequency-summable signalls are described; the freqxiency-summation recirculator is held stAtable for operation aa a spectrum aralyzcr and as a storage-type filter "or isolating a desirable signal from ncise. L -thor wishes to thank 1. S. Gonorovskiy for his attention and help in prepariag the article. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 18 formulas. ASSOCIATIO1,4: none SUBMITTED: 07Aug6i 'ATD PRESS: 3114' ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: EC, DP NO REF SOV.- 006 OTHER., 001 Z/z RTP@j , J@ - - - I @ ekhr . nauk ("os h-vj ' ; '):,7 i- I I.' I V . , inzh. (IMosh-va ) Gi!@Ac@ of ul, tvio corr,--Alnp- st-e-ac-'-, -@f @;Ys telas wi, th oper at ive, a c . i., ler-A." -,L(; h e 3 t'vo 11 o . 8: 8- 3"; Ag 1164. (MIlbA 17:111 I-ACC-NRI- AP6033396 SOURCE CODE: UR/0293/66/004/()05/0731/0739 AUMM Kolchin, A. A.1 Lobodev, Ve V.; Skrobtsov, G. P. ORGs. none TITM.. Geometric factor and the directional diagram for single crystalline detectors and for a coaxial telescope SOURCj3t Xbsmichesklye issledovaniya, v. 4. no- 5, 1966, 731-739 TOPIC TAGSz radiation detector, coincidence counting 9STRACT: The authors are concerned with the interpretation of the number of nuclear particles recorded by a detector in terms of the intensity of radiation* For an isotropic radiation, the geometric factor is given by -'N where'I is the intensity of particles and N is the number of recorded pulsas. For a.n- single infinitely thin detector with an area S and for an isotropic radiation, IV MsinkosOdOdq, (2) .ACC NRt AP6033396 Vnere e is the zenith angle, azimuth, and r =-J(- S. The authors calculate Pfor two cases; cylindrical and square base detectors of finite thickness. Next, they derive r for a coaxial telescope (two thin coincidence detectors), Finally, they derive a directional diagram for tho'case vhen the radiation is anisotropice Orig* arts hass 6 figures and 20 equations* SUB CODES 03/ SUBM DATES zwebM/ oRiG REFS 002 Card MTF L1520_65 rl(j)/,WT(M) E-r-F(c)/PPF~n)-2/L'PR/LVP(J)/T-2/Et,/P(b) Fc_h/Pr_h/P9_h/ pu-4- ir YMM/mr-1 ACCESSION NR: AT4=19o S/0000/64/000/000/0118/0124 AUTHOR: Lebedev, V, V.; Krichko, 1. B. TITLE: Thermodynamics 9,? the reactions of niabium tantalum and hafnium oxides with carbon and methanep 7 7 SOURCE: AN5S�R. Institut goryuchikh lskopayemy*kh. Gazifikatslya I piroliz topliv (Gasification and pyrolysis o fue ; s6orn-Tik statey. Moscow, lzd-vo Nauka, 1964, 118-124 TOPIC TAGS: nioblum oxide, tantalum oxide, hafolum oxide, carbon, methane, metal carbide, free energy ABSTRACT: The thermodynamics of 18 reactions between the oxides of niablum, tanta- lum and hafnium and carbon or metha `!were studied and the variation of the free energy with temperature Is __Nanei all of them. Because of the absence of plotted fo thermodynamic functions for carbides, metal oxides and metals at temperatures above 400OK, the free energy is calculated only up to 4000K. The reaction of the forma- tion of metal carbides from Ta 0 Nb 0., Hf02 and methane proceeds more completely Je51w,tg 5 than the reaction of metal oxi s carbon at the same temperature. The loga- rithmic values of the equilibrium constants of the reactions of Ta205, Hf02 and &T5Mth methane and carbon at 800-4000C are tabulated and plotted. Metl-a ne is a 2 L 15206-65 ACCESSION NR: AT4048190 C-) preferable for obtaining metal carbides because the equilibrium constant for the combination of metal oxides with methane is higher by several orders than that for carbon. The equilibrium composition of gases at different reaction tem-pera- tures is tabulated. The variation in the degree of conversion of methane at different temperatures during Its reaction with Ta205 and Hf02 until the formation of tantalum and hafnium cr tantalum and hafnium carbides is plotted. For these reactions, It Is characteristic that the conversion of metal oxides to carbide proceeds at lower temperatures than their conversion to metals. The complete conversion of Ta205 to TaC proceeds at 1300K, to metal at 1500K. For hafnium, this temperature difference Incre3ses to 550K, the two temperatures being 1450 and 2GOOK. Orig. art. has: 9 figures, 2 tables, I formula and 18 chemical equations. :ASSOCIATION: none SUMMED: 014A@-r64 NO REF SOV: 016 Card 2/2 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 00@ SUB CODE:TD,OC,IC sov/86-58-10-27/4o AUTHOR: Lebedev, V.V., Engr Maj TITLE: Adjustment of Engines with Turbo Starters (Regulirovka dvigatelya s turbostarterom) PERIODICAL: Vestnik vozdushnogo flota, 1958, Nr 10, PP 70-73 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a discussion of the adjustments necessary in jet engines, and of pertinent phenomena and difficul- ties. The superadded fuel fed to the accelerating engine must be strictly controlled; at ground level, the superadditions must not exceed the safe figures which, for early engines, are about 170 to 70 percent above normal. The fuel-air mixture, excessively rich in fuel, leads to faulty engine operation; the engine must then be stopped. At low speeds, the accelera- tion is controlled by the automatic pickup device (avtomat priyemistosti), and at high speeds by the Card 1/3 AdVUstment of Engines with Turbo Starters sov/86-58-10-27/4o hydraulic decelerator (gidrozamedlitell). The accelera- tion of the engine is delayed for a short time while- the automatic pickup device is being taken over by the hydraulic decelerator. The engine pickup is adjusted by tuning the automatic pickup device and the hydraulic decelerator. When the adjustment of the automatic - pickup device is changed, the acceleration of the en- gine changes only within the range from low speeds to 3,000 rpms, and when the tuniM of the hydraulic de- celerator is changed, the acceleration changes at speeds above the cruising value. Within the range from 3,000 rpms to the cruising rpms, the acceleration of the engine develops highest valuesand, practically, does not depend on the adjustment of the above devices. A substantial change in the tuning of the automatic pickup device may result either in an excessive supply of the super-added fuel or in an insufficient supply of fuel with ensuing difficulties In both cases. With the 'ailtomatic pickup device (at up to 3,000 rpms), the Card 2/3 Adjustment of Engines with Turbo Starters sov/86-58-10-27/4o 8-to-10 see. periods of acceleration are recommended in order to get the most favorable fuel superadditions. Some details on the adjustment and tuning are giverr. The reliability of the starting of turbojet engines on the ground depends also, to a large degree, on the a- mounts of the fuel superadditions.- Engines with high- power tarbo starters start relatively easily, except that some difficulties may occur in the spring or fall, but this can be remedied by taking adequate measures; details are given. The change in the fuel pressure be- fore the fuel nozzles, at about 300 rpms, affects the starting operation very greatly. The change in the adjustment of the automatic pick-up device affects the starting, too. If the automatic starter and automatic pickup devices are tuned to exceBBive or to too small fuel superadditions, unsatisfactory starting may re- sult. Three graphs. Card 3/3 LEBED.EV V V inzhener-mayor _:_@ , , , I Take--,)ff boost of the engine. Vest.V.:)zd.F:L. no.2:71-78 F 161. (MIRA 14-7) (Airplanes-Jet propulsion) PEPMAKOV) V.A., kand.tekhn-nauk; DANHYITKOVA, N.I., inzh.; LERiMEVj,_V.V.j,- inzh. Use of models for studying the aerodynamics of the gas channels of T.P-90 and TP-100 boilers with T-shaped arrangement of the components. Teploenergetika 6 no.5:45-52 My 161, (MIRA 14:8) 1. TSentrallnyy n&ichno-issledovetel'skiy kotloturbinnyy institut imezxi I.I.Polzunova i Turbinno-kotellnyy zavad. (Boilers) YELETSKIY, V.S.; LOEDEV, V,V. Transistorized doubJr. d--pulse gerterafz@r, Bi-ul. tekh._ekOrL. info=. Goo. nauch.-ifird. inzit. tiauch. i tcjkh. inform. 17 no.2-43-44 164. (MIRA 17:6) AUTHOR: Lebetlev, V.V,, 32-3-47/52- TITLE: A Dev,ze for Irwestigat-ing Reaction, 7Tr.-1,oc:.'ty by the Autoff"ati-, Recording of Kinetic Cur7es (Ustanalyka. .21ya -_*_-u&henjya skorosti reaki-si-y s a.,vtcinaticheskoy zap!_,-j'yL: k-_'neiALcheski!,h kri-rjkh) PERIODICAL Zavoilskaye. labormtorlya, 1958, Vol. 2i4-, Nr 3, PP- 372--373 (USSR) ABSTRACT, A -method of investigating _-edoz,--cns of metals was worked Th@, Flevice necassary for this purpose con3@_sts, as may be ze,;A-i from a _nchemat'ical dravirg, Ji.-c-, yriinclple of two systeirs which '@e .1 e vr rjan connected. in the flrat sysil-em 'here ara two thre - ay f a a , e t s by in a arL3 o f -;h ch ' N, 'z vvo Fj @,r s tl c rz - ca n b e s epa ra t e d ax, i z- V or respectil-7-21y. Ona of 'he partv, wmcng other things, contains a suct-ion p-=rp; The feeding arr-angement fo, - lvd.-ogen and r Ltrog,,3n, oonn.-,@ct'.on yrith the 3.tMcsP',,_erc-, a rheometer, eto. , vinilst -a ',he --econd tlner-, Is a :0,eain the apparatus est,ablishdng @!ontart v@th the and co(ler, as vrell as a sy,-t,-@m by mean5 of lrydrogen during, reduction Ls recor-le". The in-.-e.-@`,-igation 4r@ measur-Lng t1hp conSuMpt4 o r Car,' 1/2 of 'nydrogen (or f*@cffing o-rer '@;he heated me-1:-al A Device for Inwr-*tigating Reacti::).n. Vr-lc),::i-,';y 1,,, Automatic Rpcox-J-L@-.g of Kinetic Gunren oxi3r., wii-'-dh Is neuessa)@@ for By mearw. of a suitable a3--.i.-4=ent of the '@'aucatn -.hp. metal Yr-Ith 3t-eam from 'he steam gen-@!ratuor can again be ox-!.di-zed so t*-iat Jilydrogen ip@ prod-,.icea. A @-unre sho,,,ring vrate= lr@ the reductlor, of inagnetite at 4500 C an-] a table of 4;1.-.t.@ a-ferage reduction ve- loc-itien thierefrom .15 g-11-i-ren. There. are 2 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: IrIS t`@,11-e of Mineral Fuelo P.S, USE-P. iskopayemyl,"i kkade-mi-J.1. nauk. SSSH) AVAILABLE: Ll:rjrary of Copgres@7. 1. Hydrogen r-orrumptio-.i--~2leasureire,-,t -tite a gm 3 -Reductioa M Card 2,/2 S.-Itut go1,7iucn-i1,-,1 2. Steam generetors-Applicr-tion SOV/126-7-6-9/24 ArTHORS: Amonenko, V.M., Vasyutinskiy, D.M., Lebedev, V.V. and Shapoval, B. I. TITLE: Vacuum Distillation of Metals with Condensation on a Heated Surface PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallo,edeniye, 1959, Vol 7, Nr 6, pp 862-867 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The properties of heat-resisting alloys are influenced to a considerable extent by ;he purity of the starting materials. Vacuum distillati)n is a promising way of purifying such materials. Tie authors describe their use for purifying iron of th@ method developed in 1952 at the Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy nstitut ANUmSSR (Physico- technical Institute, Ac.Sc. *Tkrainian SSR) for vacuum distillation with condensation of the metal on a surface at a high temperature. The authors consider this more efficient than published methods and they have used it successfully for purifying beryllium (Ref 5). The distillation of the iron was effected in a working vessel (Fig 1) with evacuation by an oil diffusion pump (2500 litres/sec) and a type VN-2 backing pump. Card 1/4 0.5-3 litre alundum or beryllium-oxide crucibles wound 5@ T;" JiV5 @.A SOV/126-7-6-9/24 'Vacuum Distillation of Metals with Condensation on a Heated Surface with molybdenum or tungsten heating coils, contained the metal. The heated column directly over the crucible was generally lined with thin iron sheet, on which condensation occurred. The temperature of the column surface was chosen such that iron condensed while the impurities remained vaporized: the lower part up to 13000C, the upper to about 11000C. Assuming as a first approximation that the condensing metal and impurities form an ideal solid solution, the authors apply the Knudsen-Langmuir equation to calculate rates of evaporation. From a crucib Ie at about 1580*C evaporation of metal occurred at 1 g/cm hr., 75-80% of which was recovered at a column temperature of 1250-13000C. Tables 1-3 show compositions before and after distillation (single and double) of armco, electrolytic (single only) and carbonyl irons, respectively. Purification from Mn, Mg, Cu, S, P, N2 and 02 was good and somewhat less so from aluminium. Considerable contamination from Card 2/4 evaporation of crucible material was possible, but with double distillation the impurities could be reduced to SOV/126-7-6-9/24 Vacuum Distillation of Metals with Condensation on a Heated Surface 0.01%. The resistances of some long-needle single crystals of iron in the condensate were compared at OOC and at low temperatures in the laboratory of B.G.Lazarev, acting member of the Ac.Sc. UkrSSR: the ratio values agree fairly closely (Table 4) uith those of Itleysner (Ref 6) for the purest iron and indicate that the needles were 99.996% Fe. The authors have also studied the purification of high-carbon (7% C, 73% Mn) and medium-carbon ferromanganese. The same apparatus was used, evaporation temperatures being 1100-14000C. Rates of evaporation tended to fall through impoverishment of surface layers with manganese and formation of a graphite layer. Lower iron contents were obtained when baffles (Fig 2) were fitted in the column. On the lower baffles, kept at about 10000C, almost all iron condensed, the manganese condensing mainly on the middle baffles (750-8000C). Table 6 shows the composition of the condensate from the third and fourth baffles. A carbon content of under 5 x 10 3% is inferred. The purity of the manganese after a single Card 3/'1 distillation is over 99.96%. SOV/126-7-6-9/24 VAcuum Distillation,of Metals with Condensation on a Heated Surface There are 2 figures, 6 tables and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet, 1 English and 1 French and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR (Physico- Technical Institute, Ac.Sc. UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: July 22, 1957 Card 4/4 SOV/126-8-2-14/26 AUTHORS: Amonenko, V.M-,'Shapoval, B.I. and Lebedev, V.V. TITLE: Temperature Dependence of Internal Friction and Elastic Constants of Pure Iron PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedenlye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 2, pp 249 - 254 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors point out that in investigations of the internal friction of iron (Refs 1, 2), the purity of the metal has been insufficient for studying the nature of the internal-friction peaks. For the present investigation the authors used iron vacuum-distilled by the vacuum-distillation method developed at the Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UkrSSR (Physico- technical Institute of the Ac.Sc. Ukrainian SSR), in which iron vapour condenses on a surface heat&d to 1 200 - 1 300 0C and covered with 8ure-iron foil. Evaporation was effected at 1 600 C from alundum crucibles. The distilled iron, remelted in a high vacuum, was poured into 5-kg ingots (cast-iron moulds) from which 120 x 15 x 15 mm pieces were cut for shaping into test Cardl/4 sov/126-8-2-14/26 Temperature Dependence of Internal Friction and Elastic Constalts of Pure Iron pieces - 10 mm in diameter and 100 mm long. Their 20-mm long working length was turned down to a diameter of 3 mm. Before tests, the specimens were vacuuth annealed at 900 OC for two hours and cooled. in the furnace. The composition of the metal was: 0.00390' each C, 08; 0.00100 each S, P. Al; OM010.10 each N21 Mg; 0 - 0 070/0 Mn; 0.008-,.' Ni; 0.0006% Cu. The tests were carried out in vacuum in a resistance furnace (Figure 1); for the measuring circuit the system proposed by Tsobkallo and Chelnokov (Ref 5) was used and test-piece oscillation was produced by a self-oscillating system (V.A. Zhuravlev Ref 4). The relative deform@tion on the test-piece surface did Aot exceed 5 x 10 Figures 2 and 3 show internal friction as functions of temperature. Figure 2 refers to pure iron without (Curve 1) and with (Curve 2) a magnetic field of 100 oE. Curve I in Figure 3 refers to armco iron and Curve 2 to vacuum-distilled armco iron. Card 2/4 The internal-friction dependence on the temperature was sov/126-11-2-14/26 Temperature Dependence of Internal Friction and ElaL'stic Constants of Pure Iron found to be similar for 99.99910 iron as for other metals; but the absolute value over the whole temperature range is several times that for arinco iron and other metals. The high value for pure iron is due to losses in magneto- niechanical hysteresis arising in periodic deformation in the range of very small strains. The application of a magnetic field reduces the value greatly. The results showed that not all the carbon in the iron is in the form of solid solution. From the internal-friction measuring technique the dependence of the elastic constants on temperature were obtained (Figure 4)j for the moduli of normal elasticity and shear the relations are almost linear in character. There are 4 figures, 1 table and 8 Soviet references. Card '7S./4 SOV/126-8-2-14/26 Temperature Dependence of Internal Friction and Elastic Constants of Pure Iron ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekh-nichoskiy institut AN UkrSSR (Physico-technical Institute of the Ac.Sc.,, Ukrainian SSR) SUBMITTED: June 9, 1958 Card 4/4 C@e va 0 67660 SOV/126-8-6-7/24 AUTHORS: Gumenyuk, V.S. and Lebedev, V.V. T @-l t t Hi h T ITLE: ures empera Electrical Conductivit of Iron a g PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 6, pp 847-850 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The object of this work was to measure the resistivity of high-purity iron in the range 20 to 1450*C. A compensating method with a PPTV-l potentiometer and M-21 galvanometer was used, current stabilization being secured at 1A with the aid of a barretter, The test pieces (Fig 1) of the type proposed by Kan and Lazarev (Ref 4) were in the form of 3 to 6 mm diameter and 50 to 100 mm long cylinders with slivers bent back at either end (for voltage tappings), The test-pieces were suspended in the hot zone of a special ceramic-less resistance furnace (Ref 5). This (Fig 2) had a system of horizontal spiral heaters supported by tungsten rods enclosed in a system of molybdenum-sheet cylinders. Its working space was 200 mm bY 35 mm in diameter, giving a temperature up to high . 2500 C at 6 W. Temperature was measured with platinum/ Card 1/2 platinum-rhodium and chromel-alumel thermocouples and a 6 7L"' 6 0 SOV/126-8-6-7/24 Electrical Conductivity of Iron at High Temperatures type PP instrument. The furnace with the test piece was placed in a vacuum chamber at lo-5 to lo-6 mm Hg. The results for distilled iron (Ref 6) are shown in Table 2 and in Fig 3 (curve 5). For comparison Fig 3 also shows the resistivity vs temperature curves for armco iron (curve 2), the corresponding curve (3) obtained by Mokrovskiy and Regell (Ref 3) and by Salldau (Ref 1). In contrast to the results of Mokrovskiy and Regell the present investigation showed that the resistivity of iron in the delta-range rose with temperature and more rapidly than in the gamma-range. There are 3 figures, 2 tables and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet and I German. ASSOCIATION:Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR (Physico-Technic4l Institute.XAS UkrSSR) SUBMITTED: June 26, 1959 Card 2/2 82632 S/126/6o/olO/02/002/020 Min E073/E335 AUTHOR: Lebedev, V.V. TITLE: Determination of the Coefficients of Heat Conducti-vit2L of Metals in the Range of High Temperatures PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 196o., vo-i. lo. No. 2, pp. 187 - 190 TEXT: A method is proposed of determining the coefficient of heat conductivityl'bf metals and alloys at temperatures above 800-900 OC, which permits taking into consideration relatively simply the thermal losses of the active part of the specimen caused by radiation. An equation is derived for determining the thermal conductivity of a specimen material from the tempera... ture distrIbution in its centre inside vacuum (Eq. 0)@ p. 189). By using this method, the coefficient of heat conductivity was measured for a molybdenum rod in the temperature range 900 - 2200 0C. In a plot, p@ 189, the results obtained (Curve 2) are compared with those of other authors (Curves 1 and 3 - the latter based on results of Osborn, Ref 2). The author states that the strong dependence of the thermal conductivity of Mo on the temperature obtained by Osborn seems unlikely since Card 1/2 82632 S/126/60/010/02/002/020 E073/E335 Determination of the Coefficients of Heat-Conductivity of Metals in the Range of High Temperatures extrapolation of these results to room temperature yields excessive values of the coet',L'icient of thermal conductivity. The measured values of the electric resistance and of the heat conductivity of Mo for various temperatures are given in the table, p. 190, which also contains Wiedmann Franz ratios calculated from these values. In the temperature range under consideration, the obtained values of the ratio XJO/T are less than the theoretical ones and show little dependence on temperature, with a minimum in the tempera- ture range 14ooib 1600 OC. Acknowledgments are expressed to V.S. Gumen for his assistance in carrying out the here described work. There are 1 figure, 1 table and 8 references, 2 Soviet and 6 English. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR (Physics-technical Institute of the Ac.Sc,, Ukrainian SSR) SUBMITT D: February, 27, 1960 Card 272 yu I - .050-1 -5 Olt 'CIO oo CO e5 ef@ C es 4c7s-c e LN 6e t a, evl e. C te se, 1 IWO ;,s %,&26 oce re 9 se. ol e. ovc@ .9,1:, " oC4 0 r,- p;VP &Je, . Op. 'ILI, Ov t vo V-0 es - os,: V4 0 16 t,, Jr ot .00 S I IL)'9 Cl 00 0 a, "CLe oi, e ooe 9 be ()6/ I' 10 D2 74/D OAS -c1c -COCN5 e- roe, SO e-C 06 ' Te Vis - s ov& V"e tollo O@cg - r-xic- 3.5 0 r_'t tj J-L116 ot CT yLa O-C -C@ Va ravlli:111@1 1-111.1 all"a T@5) ,,,te aete ctr.@ te-clal ttle i:vl ec, "ae TL 0'r ale 'aa il@ 99 Cewpo ot ,.3-sts a, bl e X,@e ate 0 -re -e ol;,c e 'oe .,@ Oa3 -V oas 06 V 06 0 e e ete-C t @o 0 (It . 11 :. 0 0, .0 ef';1 'CLS 9 olls Y 0 er@pe C@a at e @,e -re Vqs@ e sip ote t ,tte a 0 ae (@e 6 -a tye O'tj OLa at eq eT 0 teo 1 0 t t O,ot Go, C.& 27966 /010/015 S/I.B5 61/006/004 A3 tltiermal cO-Rducr-ivity (4) DeterTv C12T + 2 li ) . - !@jC2J (5) 02, or (12T f 0 2 (6) 12 ,where S2@c2 S-1 S2 0.) C-1 C2 0 (T T all rLs_ f or (7) colld-Itlo the (5 2. nter Of 13 s ing- fro'a Sq. T u 1 ar the ce O-ae Obta-Las AT -- Tm - 2 -Ou lie the temPer-atilre di-str'bllt' Tillis 9 by Card 3/4 2-t966 S/185/61/006/004/010/015 Determining thermal conductivity... D274/D303 the specimens, one can find f 0.) from Eq. (7), and then find The above method was used (as an applicationj for determining the thermal conductivity of a molybdenum rod at temperatures of 1000- 140000@ The measured values are given in a table I together with the values obtained by Osborn by means of Worting s graphic method, There is good agreement between both results. There is I table and 8 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 most re- cent references to English-language publications read as follows: A.G. Worting, D. Halliday, Heat, 1948; S.C. Jain, K.S. Krishnan, Proc. Roy. Soc,, A 222, N 1149, 167, 1954; S.C. Jain, K@S. Krish- nan, Proc. Roy. Soc., A 225, N 1160, 1, 1954; K.S. Krishnan, S.C. Jain, Brit. J. Appl. Phys@, 5, N 12, 426, 1954@ ASSOCJATION@. SUBMITTED-. 1@ %.lard 4/4 Fizyko-tekhnichnyy instytut AN USSR, Kharkiv (Phys- icotechnical Institute AS UkrSSR, Khar'kov) September 19, 1960 jl@g 2 1043" 'Ito, 11 @-q 89939 S/126/61/,, 11/001/002/019 E032/E314 AUTHORS- Gumenyuk, V,S,,.anu,.Iebedev, V.V. TITLEi Study of the Thermal and Electri@:al Conductivity of Tungsten and Graphite at High Temperatures PERIODICAL- Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1961, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp@ 29 - 33 TEXTo. A description is given of an apparatus for the determination of the thermal and electrical conductivity and their ratio for metals and alloys in the temperature region 900-2 200 0C. Data on the temperature dependence of the thermal and elecArical canductivxty of tungsten and graphite are reported as well as the values of the Wiedemann-Franz ratio in a wide temperature interval,, Empirical formulae are put forward to represent the thermal conductivity of tungsten and graphite as a function of temperature. The thermal conductivity was determined by the method described in a previous paper (Ref. 5) and is based on the following considerations. If a short and a long rod of the same diameter and chemical composition Card 1/9 89939 S/126/61/011/001/002/019 E032/E314 Study of the Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Tungsten and Graphite at High Temperatures are heated in a vacuum by an electric current to the same temperature, then the shorter red wLI1 require a hizher current owing to additional heat losses at the ends. The thermal conductivity of the material can then be calculated from the formula Px 2 (12 _ 12) X = - 1 2S2/N T where X is the thermal conductivity, (9 is the resistivity, S is the cross-.sectional area of the specimen, ,n T is the temperature drop over a lvngu)x , I is the current necessary to heat the short specimen, II is the current necessary to heat the long specimen. Card 2/9 89939 S/126/61/011/001/002/019 E032/E314 Study of the Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Tungsten and Graphite at High Temperatures Thus, in order to determine X it is necessary to measure (I and 1 1 on the long specimen and I and Z_@T on the short specimen. These quantities were measured with the aid of a special device. The specimens were placed in water- cooled holders, one of which was free to move when the specimen expanded so that no stresses were applied to the specimen. The distance between the holders could be varied between 0 -and 150 mm and the potential difference across defined sections of the specimen were measured by means of molybdenum or tungsten contacts. The whole system was placed in the vacuum chamber in a vertical position, the vacuum being of the order of 10-5 mm Hg. The potential differences were measured with the AC potentiometer P-0-:3 (R-56), while the temperature was measured by the optical pyrometer OnrV,V--