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AMUR.. e~~dj 54 K. Leal-"rL41- -surveying- in~, TOPId I%jjg-. a.eria-i p~(itc)gri~hy,"~oh6t6gram4~try, geodesy, aerial surveying, oceanography, pact ice, ice drift AMTELACT: In an extensive article, the author derives formulas characterizing the accuracy of photographic surveying methods for bunching the planned base during aerial surveying in oceanagraphic"Investigations, when the movement of its point is neglected. This analysis shows that ignoring this movement in regions with tides can lead to considerable inaccuracies in the determined rate and dir- e-tion of drift. A method of bunching is then described which takes into account i the movement of the points of the planned hase. The accuracy of this method fulfulls the requirements of oceanography, while the time required is oniy slightly greater than that required for bunching an imtobile base. Methods are i Card D 37 7 iZ~ M`-V506 64~ 54 also-proposed which enable the drift of ice for seas without tides to be calcula- tedr.* Under specific conditions, from the data of a single aerial mapping, survey. In a-Jdttiorv,, the average drift speed of ice during the time between repeated aerial surveys or between the exposure of overlapping pairs of photos on a single j WI-al-pho-tography -n-trip -can, be.. determined on sea&_-with. tides. Since the lack Of Is, rt the 7t of the points on free-ft' i~nu6iiftii i movem oating ice complicates these ~7`1, 'calc6lations, vari6u criteria for selecting ice floes are suggested which tend j't t: uce_thlis.nonuniformity. Orig. art. has, 71 formulas, 5 tables, and 5 to rein igures. ASSOGI=ON,. Gosudatstvennyy okeanograficheakiy institut, Moscow ('-tate IZAMIKO, NZ. , . .1.1~ -1 Horizontal control extenslon In aerial ~F in :~,-sanographia resear.~h. Trudy GORI no.82,1-03-5,5 N, I p -L8 GRUSHEVSKIY, M.S.; LAZAIMIKO, 11.11. "vM=WOw"ww Studying Leningrad floods and their forecasting. Trudy GOIN no,41: 142-157 '57. (MIRA 11:9) (Leningrad--Floods) --L&ZAMNKO~ NoPepinzh. ThoughtB on the principal problem# Zdorov'e 5 no.2:3-4 F 159. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Direktor Nikitovskogo dolomitnogo kombinata. (Nikitovkr---Industrial hygiene) LA4RRENKD) I - I . -- `~ -, -". , --- - - - I - ` , -, -. 4 - . . I .: - I I- ., -: ~ ,f . .. I.!, ,, , : ~ . ill - ~ " :, I , . - " . - -. . :- I . i. - -*~'7 1 : ..' , ~- LAZA.R=O, II.P. Middle Cambrian Yagetides (trilobites) from the northern part of the Siberian Platform. Sbor. ot. po paleont. I biostrat. nri.14-. 5-16 '59. (MIRA 13:3) (Olenek Valle7-Trilobitee) (Xuonamka Valley--Trilobites) DEMOKIDOV, K.K.; LAZAMMO, N.P. Receitt data on the stratigraphy of Cambrian deposits on the veBtern slope of the northern Kbaraulakskiy Range. paleont.i biostrat. no.16,.11-22 159- (14IRA 13:3) (Kharaulakskiy Range--Geolot,7, Stratigraphic) DATSENKO, V.A.; UZAnI&O, N.P. Ifew data on the Cambrian stratigraphy of the northweatern Siberian Platform (Kbantayka-Kulyumbe interfluve). 'Trudy HIIGJL 114:55-61 16o. (MIRA 13:11) (Siberian Platform--Geology, Stratigraphic) LAZARENKO . Ii.. P. New Lower Cambrian trilobites in the Soviet Arctic. Sbor, at. po paleont. i biostrat. no.29.-29-78 162. (MTRA 17:2) BORSHCHEVAY N.A.; LAZARENKO, N.P. Stratigraphy of the sediments of the Kuonamka horizon in the northern part of the Siberian Platfor% (Cambrian of the Sukhana Depression and the Kuoyka Upland). Inform. sbor. NIIGA no.32: 8-20 162, (MIRA 16:12) NK naukj, n a V i a and -m rII&S L k~, a N:- ra t; z4a b i - -5. 14-niryva gl- "fl rqi'. (1,11RA 3.8:5) WARENKO. 0. The "Ordzhonikidze" Collective Farm is being built. Sill bud. 9 no.8:19 Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) l.Starshiy inzhener upravleniya stroitellstva Sumskogo oblastnogo upravleniya selfskogo khozyaystva. (Samy Province--Farm buildinge) LAZAMKOp P.P.; USUICH, M.P. Intestinal obstruction as revealed by data from the Semashko Orsha City Hospital. Zdrav.Belor. 4 no-3:33~-34 Mr 158. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Khirurgicheakoye otdoleniye Orshanskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy im. Semashko (glavnn vrach M.P. Usevich). (ORSBA--IETZSTINES--OBSTRUOTIONS) 9 9 > S.F.; VOL, A.Te.; ROKU, V.G. High-strength corrosion-resistant malleable allov. TSvet.met.29 no.11:70-76 N 156*, (MLRL 10:1) (Copper-aAuminum-nickel allo7a--Testing) AUTHOR: TITLE: Lazarenko, S.P. and Romu, V.G. 136-4-12/23 bi~Me~tals.~(O Plakirovannykh Metallakh). PERIODICAL: "Teve e Metally" (Non-ferrous Metals) 1957, 110-49 PP. 56 - 60 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: After a brief account of the uses of bimetallic sheets and strip the authors describe two methods of producing clad steel. One method is for welding copper billets to steel billets followed by hot rolling; in the other earth moulds with a steel core are filled with brass, this being also followed by hot rolling. The first, after testing ~y backwards and forwards bending to fracture and bending to 180 round a bar two sheet-thickaesses in diameter, and tensile testing were found to give good results indicating good adhesion bet- ween the copper and steel. Strips produced by the second meth- od showed no seDaration between brass and steel when tested by bending through 180V with the brass both inwards and outwards; no cracks were2observed and special tests showed that a stress of 10-20 kg/mm was reqaired to cause separation. It was shown that to avoid the clad layer creeping off during rolling small Card 1/2 reductions should be used in the first passes. Some recommen- dations are given on selecting the method of cladding for diff- erent sizes of strip or sheet and thickness of the cladding. Clad Metals. (Cont.) 136-4-12/23 There are 12 references, of which 5 are Slavic. 3 figures. AVAILABLE: Card 2/2 14�-7-13/22 cot S.P. and Romu, G. JUTHORS: Butomo# D.G., Lazarenle TITLE: Production of copper with a low oxygen content. (Poluchen- iye medi s nizkim soderzhaniyem kisloroda). PERIODICAL: "Tsvetnyye Metally"s 1957t NO*7, p-er-.70-75 (USSR). The present article is based on material obtained by the Central Research Institute of the Ministrl of ShiDbuilding of the USSR together with the "Krasnyy Vylborziietsll works on the production of copper with an oxygen content 1.10 a (1956) Awshalom(Avshalom)(Ref 17).,h2.1018a (1956) The authors finally thank 1. S. Shapiro for discussions, I. V. Galkin for establishing the electronic-plant, and K. S. Mikhaylov for preparing the scintillators.There are 11 figures, 2 tables, and 17 references, 10 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: September 6, 1958 Card 3/3 o) AID F - 1782 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 20/26 Author Lazarenko, V. V Title : Method of calculation of pi~e-lines for pumping viscous oils with preheating Periodical : Neft. khoz., v-33, no-3, 8o-84, Mr 1955 Abstract : A graphical method is suggested for the calculation of the amount of preheating necessary for pumping oils of different viscosities for different distances. Charts Institution: None Submitted : No date 26882 8/081/61/000/013/022/028 B117/B203 AUTHORSi Degteva, T. G., Nosov, Yu. A., Ya. F., Fedorova, V. G., Kuzlminakiy, A. S. TITLEs iging of rubber packings in oil PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, ~o. 13, 1961, 653, abstract 10331 (Tr. N.-i. in-ta rezin, prom-sti, .ab. 6, 196o, 69-83) TEXTs The authors developed a quick method of estimating the service life of CJ(R-18 (SKN-1.8) packing rings in oil at -200C. Tests were made in special imitators simulating the packings of machines. Rubber rings originally compressed to 10-30~o aged between 60 and 800 C. Deformation and radial compression were periodically measured. A contact pressure of 2-5 kg/cm 2 is sufficient to make the packing completely tight at 20 0C. In this connection, ~100% of the permanent elongation (E) is accumulated, and the stress nearly vanishes. ifter finding the kinetic curves for the accumulation ofE , the authors determined the apparent activation energy Card 1/2 S, 1 61/000/013/022/028 0018, ~B Aging of rubber packings in oil B117 B203 of aging and the service life of packings in joints at 250C, the latter being about-10 years (considering the correction factor). The service life was practically calculated for E80a. For packings operating at -600C, the critical value of the contact pressure required for a perfect seal rose 2 from 7-5 up to 13 k9/cm Leakiness is related with the loss in elastic properties of the rubber. [Abstracter's notet Complete translation. Card 2/2 SOKOLOVAI Ye. I. (deceased] ~ BRAYNZAROVAI G.T.; BOCHANOVA, N.S.; ZHIKHAREVA, V.I.; ZAKUMBAYEV, A.K.; ISAYEVA, M.G.; IMAMBAYEVAJ. U.A.; KRIVOSHEYEV, Yu.O.; KUDkYBEW,3'OV,, Zh.D.; RAKHMETCHIN, S.; TYUTYUKOV, F.M.; SHIM, P.S.; VOLAZAIENKO4 Ye I - GARANKINA, A.I.; DIYACHENKO, R.; kWrUMKJV-,&#.r-.ft_,._iand, tekhn. nauk, nauchn. red.; SHUPLOVA, M.A., red.; LEVIN, M.L., red.; ROROKINA, Z.P., tekhn. red. (Food industry of Kazakhstan] Pishchevaia promyshlennost' Kazakhstana. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo AN KazSSR, 1963. 172 p. 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Alma-At&L. Institut eko- nomiki. (Kazakhstan--Food industry) 1l 9 111! ?T1 i"IT11A11 0-11 pa All r_S_1F 1- ft Cc W tL -L Af" A! 00 Doub4seltes, a OOW SWUP of minerals from the Donet, b i R n. as . K. lAttalroko. Cear Inv: 'T' MO-1 S S 11 ( 1140) (i in u . . ts n . , WinIctS, Intesculatioun and tudividual mitmes in the we vicim mind the encto%ing rocks, At u.)mv plares it forin. l typica folialrd-radial agrvilate% pyloplivilit, so 4 Tit%- plivi. pfolteftirn are: hatditvi 2.5, 1,. gi, 21',2-S. V lWarlYIwhile vviin and hisive, llr%il,lr, IIIW]Alr4 11,11 'C 0 it 111" e .1 vwi fast Ah., 11'a llov 1.+"~ I I I'lowl.11., 09 weakly Isfroclitoic, lxp. It is only teddy attatk~,l 1-% mineral acids. Tfi~ mincials contain the chIntooid no. vleu%, ffAIS1". bot aliffrr from file chloritoid. ltv 11-1 low cowe"i of lutsr'. The grarfal fol"1111.1 t, filt'At, so .14(V C A; I,- f - 1. 4*%- - 1.2 - . A - 6*.rh It -: 1- NII l ot RSW II M % 00 4 ' , '. , g. 4 Na. W I il. I he Im-111141 'I; 11"U'SIO'I'Sil N:111'# I ,"I, s t sponds to he .-chloyllife of V2. V. S.,- The minerals were formud during the 0-ing %taxrs of th, hydrothermal promvs, they aft, alo t-, 1w tml,d in Ot, arra of &N-eloliment of anthracitcq in the (mm of slickvii- side owtinp on cottli and clay shalr--%. livre tht-y are plot, ably secondary. Analy%cs of :1 minplcs und (of the T, so -00 '90 I i so so -64111 14 zso so ZOO '00 1). W. i1curvi ,Al YOAD LIALLURGKA'L LIT'E41AURE CLASSIMCA12' S.4.4" .1, L j 0 rw 0 H a I A] An "pit ON64 via Ind KV111 ItRI490 n 1 00 0 0 a *is 0 0 9 0 0 0 000600 6 00 a 0 0 0-04 0 0 0 0 0 000 660 0 0 0 0 0 6 00 1 * 0 .0 so 0 go so 0 0 * 0 0 ir. 'k T - 11 - '_, ,: ; ., . . ~ t I, ., Silver-,ear-inr tatrahedrite f rom Nal olnaya Tarasoma in the Doneta Bauin. E. ?. Liza.,vnko (Co,-m*,. ren4l. AcaA. Sci. 1941, 31, 475-0-7). The c),cosition of the Af-bearinr tetrahelrite at Ziiur-Avka (,,-a[-oljwya Tara:;ovka) can be approx. e-proz~~,' .4 (5b,As)2j3,3-6(Cu2,AC-2,Fe,'Q'n,'1[7)S. It has d' 11.1" P. C.A. i. IAZARENKO, Ye. Ke "On the Hydrothermal Formations of the Korobkov Area of the Kursk Ivagnetic Anomaly,," Dokl. AN SSSR, 42, No.6, 1943 Dept. Mineralogy, Voronezh Univ. ;;&r jck~- dAly #zr x1ftannal larsadaus of do ZftwM L-0 at uls Ilonk T - -'. "". ';". VETS"S.. "If"441-L 4iA73)-V.*:J.' =tions of the area am desclibed, The minerskqOW composition of the hydrothermal rticksistabuUtedimcwderofqu&nLptedominame. Thernainty t are quarugrite, udcactous h-m-tite. carbonAte, Cbtji*al a -ed the o FF PU t , I r, A ( f , N& X, Cu, A gj)A " = *& 1. '.. AM-7 Ge. Sa. Pk As. V. ,li~ Cr. Un. Fe, Co. and Ni. St&M in the formation of the depWts an bday discussed. J~ O-M-B. Gres from the Don Bdvla, t 10011, Mineral. L'Yov. Vniv.). lapilki 11hyA,hrom Mttu. tww. ru.4e mintral.) 75,.1:m rhe ores are Mated to sandstones and withto of the Lower ATILl Middle Carboniferous, or with Permian dolotnitm, "-. ivti.illy in the basin of Artemoysk. Two typical forma. Iirim are dlitiolpililIM: a first ankeritequArtz veln mineralizatic,it, with only local concretions of 1,b-Zn ores: :1 Nd is cluinacterizcd by an inilwatant inhirralizatityn n( mwimpyrite anti tetritht-drile I%Ngol'isaya, Tara,twit;i), '111d tulillangrTitt. (Pwitilovita). Calena. und eluilropyrile are tiII,"ved lit lit lr.m- i ry~ld. Ppm)i:jn dMomilet, GaIpma tIcrurs in CrYstak 111) it) 0.5 cm., usually only with ctil~ and ~-tjhrdron, vilb" rtra-vi usirrmcly fitic-crytt. "llici-chIrcif lit juili,hed wviiiiii, CrtnWir lk r1l'undalit III aut'.4r. and reaction rint.. Chvm. analy-A-% ihow mily trak-t-A of As, but 0.50-0.7q~, Sit. Arse7topyrtle occurs in indistinct cry~tah With 0 111) anti (114). with rough %urfuces. The inint-ral 6 ttAnetinies ;t,inol. with sphaktite, the latter rviriclird in the central parts, arseunpr ate in the %albinds vt the wins. Ankrrilr. often predominant ovvr quartz, Is anat her characterhtic inineral xt~l. With 2rSV"Vj)yriIV~ Ckahopyrile, only imixtrtant front Nagol'na, ticcurs in inicitrwopir grain%, perhaps replacing sphalcrite. lor3lly included in y ",III Vr tt,tr-ahviritt. The choln. allaly%k -h,twA 1 Ax crill tent nf 11 Xle: . D. at IT." (prehomelvI 1, 4, 1:1, W. Vilel SCSOLEV, Vladimir; VTALOV, O.S., professor, doktor; IAZARMO. Ye.K.' dotsent; PORFERI MV. Y.B., professor, doktor,, so F-w- professor, doktor. (Petrology of the eastern region of the complex Korosten plutonic rocks) Petrologlia vostochaol chasti slozhnogo Norosten'skogo plutona. EL'vovJ, Isdanie Livovskogo goo. univ.. 1947. 139 P. (Lvov. Univeraytet. Naukovi zapyaky no-5). MM 9:5) (Norosten-Rocks, Igneous) LAZAM, IKO, YE. K. PA 15T97 W-,W*Ineral Deposits Ayr 1947 Galena "The Mineraloa of the Donets Basin,," Ya. K. Iazarenko, 5 PP "Zap Vee Min Ob" Vol MV, No 4 Deposits of galenite, areenopyrite an& obaloopyrite. 151m ,ft., 30 ye,-,.rs of Lazaren~-o -e. of r.-.i --ralo;7y in thr .ov,,.t ri~lf~, b 1 t ::: s SC --"C,5-), 16 lunr, ~3, (%cb, -.1", 1 'llur!l R oil 0" It I t I It 1 11 T. k k 1 k _n f s A m N Oc w u4j fl ' ' ' - .. ., . ' 00 00 Ulvalle, from Upsum bodi; *f the Arfeinfivak Difitila. el, *0 11 a 1--tiatellk., VAI'My ACI.I. I lamin a 66. usillefAmcurba, 11.0111c, -60 '11161 hile-fibrous Assrerga Iris ill sypsuill. VArijbit with 11,0mmitent. ~%AJJY- in WAIrt kil.2t[ A.'014'1'. A"Iysis:CAU14.21; 141SO11.30., Xii.06,38; IYN 00 42.95; 1140*28.81. 11.0-12,96; inall.0-10176. The 00 N440 cautaut Is asimewhat fewer than to U10alte flow In. 00 i,L .... I K- I.. .. , . I j - I :,,,. ., I ..." ' 00 N _iN ".0 00 00 It I-mlig fir"I'l Of lid, fell'tic ill file W.,I,,~ "I lite %dt 1w,14 .4 .21 L:Vvv 30-4 O'g- Al S L A, OETALLURGICAL LITERAT1,019 CLASUPKATIGh t I tie 0 t L If '71 t a pw 0 4 -1 w IN 7 j u-, IS K) it" iw 09 if 64 K It K it c It K L" n i fie Ale 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0- =/Minerals Deposits May 49 "Boranatrocalcite (Gaylussite) From the Gypsiferous 3trata of the Artemovek Region of 'the Donets Baslup" fe. X. Lazarenko, Lvov State U imeni, Ivan Franko, 2*'pp *Zc& Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LVIJ, No 2 Boxonatrocalcite vas discovered by students of Ll vov U In a gypsum quarry an outskirts of Artemovsk. This flad to of interest, since only other deposits k~dwn are those at Inderka and the Kerch Peninsula. 52/49T93 USSR/Minerals (Cmtd) may 49 Describes Artemovsk deposit and, includes table giving results of chemical analysis. Submitted by Acad D. S. Belyankin., 14 mar 49. 59/49T93, Mineralogical characteristics of donbasaite. V. K. Flank Sim, tfl&., Lvm, hidy iuk S..N.S.M. 72. 771 nr A. 33. LW I I knilmmitr i. i group 4 el.iy mmm,k, i %iruil,ir to Littlinitr mkil chlovilt-, oeeurtang on the -Ifhlntt~ of uail -arbonate harizons in the Nagni'uyl CILtin,. .1 tt Zillion AISONIMS400-NIO 0lD,lSJAJo.1 -All t0IlM AlSi(w,) IN, itnotmiki'lit, .1~ Laidin(tv and Alclilmitc. 111-Y ml 01.11 ."Cerif"I Ny mt alkall Ak -mill -w,m tit, 1'. 162''. with Li'Ouploll."W'~. it-tit i, higlm-r than in Lanlinite. the Sinh vanti-tit In., r I'lir intmiuALOr tyl.- of dunIm,,ife livtvv~,11 k-linif~ 'alul Oll"fite i, A". luty d6till"t ill flu- valdnilklinu. Itu'rolu, t,fle't 6 t.I_1vvd it Kbi In ISM" foll ... %..I I,y Wong Cluthcritill: reaction ist 8M-UW*, and " wrik exo- thermic prakat 1100to Tlu- water lo%& ajpfs)450~ i, OAK!'; - Tilt oOk-11 motm-16L, ate l1ram iho~nf lv".1.T,wit,tyjw than by k.stilinite.". twt-Ltllv in l1k,twirfita- liull of Ow imlex ellivilniii. mail lhe Innell hishi-f bit'-fling, `V 6 inuch 1.4flirr th.ow tit At vithwit, . fit 0.- 11tv, but . I- ra 'RIgraill some 10,14's of the donIxts,ite, .1r.- 11'ar tho~ .11`.Init~, "Witn'lophyllit"mid .1ni-ite, fail %.,.I t. it It (It, m. W. Fo'l TA7ARId 0, -To, X. _ _ i~ , kW, 1 7 . *P-W6 ~4 .. I Current tasks facing Soviet mineralogy. Kin.abor. no.5:3-12 151. (KM 9:12) 1. Goauuniversitat iment Ivana Franko, LIvow. (Kineralogy) La"Mo. YO.K. 1, mm"aft Apatite from pe&istite volne of western Volhynia. i(in.abor. no.5:344-346 151. (KCAL 9:12) 1. Gosuniversitat Imeni Ivana, franko, Llvov. (Volhynta--Apatite uumlo, Te.K.; LWKO. TO.M. aResearch Is mineral forming solutions; temperatures aad aggre- gate state' by I.P.Brmakov. Reviewed by I.K.Lawaranko, N.M. Lailko. Kin.sbor. no-5:359-368 151. (MLU 9:12) 1. Gosuniversitet Imesi Ivana Fraako, Llvov. (Mineralogical chemistry) (Zrmakov, N.P.) IAZLMKO, Ye. 1. ftikwo*i~--,* , - 'a. i~Lg . ~ ~ - ,titerature o& the mizeralogy of the Ukraiae for 1950. Kim.sbor. no.5:369,-374 151. (MM'.9:12) 1. Gosuniversitat imeni Ivana Franko, LI'voy (Bibliograpby~--UkT&ine-Mineralo&7) (Ukraine-gizeralogy--Bibliagraphy) LAZAaNKO, Ye.K. Donbassite from Berezovsk in the Ural. Doklady Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 84, 781-4 152. OKMRA 5: 7) IPA 47 rLo.17:8597 '53) 1. Ivan Franko State Univ., Lvov. CHIRVINSKIY, P.R., professor; IAURENKO, Ye.K., redaktor; LIZUNOV, G.U., takhnichookiy redaktore [Average chemical composition of the principal minerals in voleazic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks] Srednii khimiches)dy soetav glav- nykh mineralov izverzhennyth, metanDrfichookikh i osadochnykh porode [Lvov] Izd-ve Xharikovskogo gos., 1953. 94 p* (M1RL 8:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent hkademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR (for Lazarexiko) (Mineralogy) (Rocks -Azalysix) LAZARMO, Ye. K. "News About the Mineralogy of the Salt-Bearing Deposits in the Neighbor- hood of Truskavets" Mineralog. sb. L'vovsk. geol. o-va, Ito 7, 1953, 85-96 The cryptocrystalline variety of zinc blende and brunkite from the neighborhood of Truskavets in the nearer Carpathians (RZhGeol, 1954, 377) is contained in sandry bituminous clays. The light fraction of these rocks consists of quartz, calcite, gypsum, sericite, and clayey minerals; the heavy fraction is mainly brunkite, gabmt galenite, pyrite, and marcasite. In addition, barite, celestine, and anhydrite also have been established. (PnGeol, No 6, 1955) SO; Sum-No 787, 12 Jan 56 L i A P, E Iq K, 0, `~c ( - LAZAR MWO, YE. K.; LAZ I KO, 17-P. M.; REZVOY, D. P.; VIKMR ARSEN IYEVICH NIKOLAYEV; Y?,k OV) N. P.1 K0ZV?ENK0) V. N. "On the Occasion of His 60th Birthday and 35th Year of Scientific Activity," Minerlog. sb. Llvovsk. geol. o-vaj No 7, 330-332p 1953 V. A.Nikoleyev, a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences USSR, is one of the greatest speoialAsts in the field of stratigraphy, vulcanism, and tectonics of Central Asia. He established the sharp tectonic boundary between the northern and southern zones of the Tlien- Shan Mountains, the so-called "most important structural line of the Tfien-Shan,," or "line of Nikolayev," In recent years, Nikolayev has been occupied with working out the general problems of physicochemical petrology and the problems of the application of thermodynamics to the processes of magmatic crystallization and metamorphism. Especially important are his theoretical investigations into the field of systems with volatile components of the rock-forming 51licate-water type. Study of theternary systems gives an understanding of the processes governing the formation of hydrothermal and pneumatolite solutions. RZhGeol, No 1, 1955 LAZARENKO, Ys.K. -t., Origin of copper and zinc deposits in the Central Urals. Nauk.zap. L'bib.un. 234 5~-28_-~053. (MLRA 10:3) CVi~a~)Iountains--Copper orps) (Ural Mountains--Zinc ores) ~M~ ZiEl Vzt~ A'K _.A Ptocrystaltine 6phalerite from Truskavets., Muir- tcaz ' Franko, Statc Uuiv., Lvov).' CiAst .. X K-'L V. jDAkay-Att, Mau ~ftft. 00, 87&-8(l."53);,d. Lcbc-- dev, C-4. 48,13MM~ln bituminous, typsuin-contg. salt I dqWts cry tocryst. Zu ores ne Observed, -p-.IaUy 4, f, . ) gaksef"-wai thsonite and sphalerite. In white, earthy ag gregates ("brunckite" frota Cercaptiquio. Peru. Cf. 11cricn- borg, C.A. 33. W724). , Chem. analysis showed, Za 60.10; Fe 0.53; Cd 0.70*. Nin 0.07; S 30.&';:Pb 3.03; QL0 0.90, SO, 1'. 11; HtO 002; insal 0.69%. _ Evidently, gypsum a; galera are coutanduations. The x-ray powder diagra= is identical with that of, sphaleritr.% . .0bLracterisLic is the oMki.. structure of tht aggregat",with gypsum or clay pear ticies in thf. centers, The are is a !Ypl e_ with a high degree of porosity (d. only 2.78 to 3.06, CrOt.~'~ sphWerite hu 4.10) and a relativelY low mech. strength- The microscopic examn* shows the "collomarphic" iona structure of brunckite,'with rhythruic banding in -vd-Y lcite and dalo- formations of.galtna and smithsonite. Ca mite are asSOcd. in the upper horizons Of the Oposits; they rt:ph= gypsum which prevails in thadeeper layers. W. Hiqcl LAZARIEKO, Te.K. Mineralogy of sedimentary formatiom Top. min. osad. obr. 1:3-15 154. .1 (NIRL 11.-4) (Rocks, Sedimentary) P7 -1 tr, 4- _,; ~ --l ;~, -;r~ M. l._Ulr%_ -. , LA I . p -A Discovery of barite in quartz-carbonate Veins Of the NAgOl'W ridge of the Donets Basin. 155. (KERA 9:9) l.Llvov. GosudArstvennyy universitet Imeni Ivana. Frnnko. (Donets Basin--Barite) LAZA 0, YO.K. % UMLIEY;~ 1, Pstr Kikolaevich Chirvinskii. '55. (KMA 9:9) I.Llvt3v. Gosudarstvannyy universitst Imeni Ivan& Frank*. (Chirvinskil, Pstr Nikolaevich, 1880-1955) LAZARNNKO, Te.K. . __ . .Nomnetallic minerals in pyrite deposits of the Central Urals. Nauk. sap.Llviv un. 310-61 154 [I.d.' '531 (MLRA 10:3) (Ural Mountains--Mineralogy) (Ural Mountains--Pyrites) MFIRIYEV, Vladimir Borisovich; GRIDIRG, Iona Volikovich; IA.DTZEMSKIY, Nikolay Romanovich; GAIABUTSYAYA, Takaterina Latonovna; LLMSI:I]*, Viktor Filippovich, SVARICHUSKIY, Iqudomir Vladimirovich; IAZARINKO YeA.. otvetstvennyy redaktor; LISXNBART. D.K., redaklor INA, N.F., -tekhnicheskiy redaktor (Kenilite ahale, a source for Industrial building materials] Keailitovye slantey - syrle dlia promyshlennosti stroitellnykh materialov. Kiev. Izd-vo Akademii nauk USSR. 1956. 37 P. (MLRA 9:7) 1, rhl.n-lr~~,--pondent AF USSR (for Lazarenke) (Shale) VBDMBMVA, N.Ys. [deceased]; VIKULOVA, H.F.; LAMENKO Xj~ , prof. v; GAZER9 S.L., red.; 6JRANMI T., tekhred. [Using the method of staining in investigating clay minerals; spectrophotometric analyaisj Metod isaledovaniia glinistykh mineralov s pomoshchliu krasitelei; spektrofotometricheakii analiz. LIvov, Izd-vo Llvovskogo gos.univ., 1956. 91 p. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Lazarenko). (Spectrophotometry) (Clay--Analysis) L&ZARFM Te.K redaktor; LISMART, D.K., redaktor; KRYWVSKAYA, N.S., ~; ~'--Ncheskijy redaktor. (Problems in the theory of the origin and migration of petroleum] Toprosy teorii proiakhozhdaniia i migratait nefti. Kiev, 1956. 95 p. 1.Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiyev. Institut geologii karyanykh kapalyn. 2.Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Lazarenks). (Petroleum geology) PWIRIYBV, V.B.. otvetstvennyy redaktor; LADYMNSKIY, N.R., kandidat geologo-minerelogicheakikh nauk, redaktor; IAZARWI-KO,.Te.,X., redaktor; GURZHIY, D.Y., kandidat 'redaktor; ZAVIRYUKHIM , T.H., redi~ktor; ZHUKOVSKIY, A.D., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Papers on the problem of the origin and migration of petroleum] Haterialy diskusaii po problems protekhozhdeniia i migrat8ii nefti. Kiev, 1956. 366 p. (MLRA 10:3) 1. kkademiya nauk URSR, Kiyev. Llvivslqi filial. Instytut geologii korysnykh kopalyn. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademil nauk USSR (for Profirlyev, Iazarenko) (Petroleum geology) LAZARIKO, Te.K.,; BOBROVNIZ, D.P., prof., doktor geologo- mineral.nauk, samestitell; TARTANOVA. N.S.. kand. goologo-mineral.nauk. red.; TASINSEATA, A.A., dotsento kand. goologo-mineral.nauk. red.; GAZER. S.L., redi; SARAN=. T.Y., tekhred. [Mineralogy of sedimentary formations] Voprosy mineralogii osadochnykh obrazovanii. LIvov. Books 3 and 4. 1956. 673 p. (KIRA 13:7) l.L'yov. Universitet. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Lazarenko). (Kineralogy, Determinative) (Rocks, Sedimentary) 15-57-2-1709 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 2, p 81 (USSR) AUTHOR: Lazarenko, Ye. K. TITLE: The Nomenclature and Classification of Glauconite (Voprosy nomenklatury i klassifikatsii glaukonita) PERIODICAL: Vopr. mineralogii osadoch. obrazovaniy. Books 3-4. L'vov, L'vovsk. un-t, 1956, pp 345-379 ABSTRACT: The term glauconite is used for the most widespread minerals of sedimentary rocks having the most vari- able petrographic composition. In these rocks glauco- nite occurs as a sedimentary mineral, a product of diagenesis, and a result of weathering. This mineral is of considerable interest to mineralogists, geolo- gists, chemists, and technologists, because Fe and Mn ore deposits are associated wi;th it in a number of Card 1/4 places. The association of glauconitic rocks and 15-57-2-1709 The Nomenclature and Classification of Glauconite (Cont.) phosphoritic deposits should be especially emphasized. Such deposits according to N. S. Shatskiy (cf. RzhGeo, 1956, 4186), supply no less than a third of the world's total reserves of P. In light of now observations, there should be a re-examination of the view of geolo- gist's that glauconite is a "mineral that is not only purely sedim. mentary, but forms at present and has formed in the past only in the sea and only in certain~definite marine environments," The author cites chemical, thermal, and optical studies on celadonite from the oxykeratophyres of Karadag and the Crimea and from the basalts of Berestovets and Yanovaya Dolina in Volynl(analytical data are supplied in the paper) and compares the results of these investi- gations with those of skolite and glauconite (analytical data are furnished for the latter mineral). These results show that the chemical-composition may be expressed by the general formula RIX(R111 R11)y(OH)2 (AlSi)4010-nH20, where RI is K, Na, Rb, Cs,.Ca, Ba, Sr,'and H30; x ranges from 1.00 to 0.56; R111 is Al, Fe, Cr, and, in part, T14+; Rit is Fe, Mg, and, in part, Li+; and y is 3 or 2. Card 2/4 15-57-2-1709 The Nomenclature and Classification of Glauconite (Cont.) Glauconite should be considered a group of minerals, the extreme members of which are celadonite and skolite. Skolite, the aluminous member of the group, has the formula R'x(Al,Fe"', Mg, Fe")2(OH)2 AlSi3010- Celadonite, the iron-bearing member, corresponds to Rlx(F6"t Al)(Mg,Fe") (OH)2 Si 010. The average statistical formula of glauco'nite may be represented by (KO.67MO.08CaO.04)(Fe"11.05 Mgo-41A1 0.40 Fe 0.17 )(OH)2S'3.66AlO.34010-nH20. Glauconite, skolite, and celadonite represent different stages of solidification and different degrees of recrystallization of a gel. They are in the nature of hydiomicas., The opinion, expressed by some investigators, that celadonite is the hydrothermal correlative of glauconite is not supported by the example of Berestovets and Yanovaya Dolina. In these localities the celadonite is formed also by weathering of basalt. The different types of glauconitic rocks, and also the coraposition, properties, and form of weathering of glauconite in individual deposits, are determined by the conditions of their Card 3/4 15-5?-2-1709 The Nomenclature and Classification of Glauconite (Cont.) formation. In this matter the oxidation-reduction boundary in relation to precipitation is of utmost importance. Card 4/4 L. N. B. LUARENKO, Te. K. ; KUDRIN, L. N. of glauconite in the western region of the Ukraine. Vop.min.osad.obr. 3/4:380-392 '56. (MLRA 9:11) 1. GosunftmaUet imeni Ivana Franko. Llvov. (Ukraine-Glauconite) LUARFJKO, - Ye. K. Tatrahedrites. Xin.abor. no.10:171-211 156. (MLR& 9:22) 1. Gosuniversitat imeni Ivana Franko, Llvov. (Tetrahedrita) t- /i z- 6 9 rz- NKo Yg, K , USSR/Cosmochemistry - Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, P369 Author : Lazarenko, Ye.K. : Lvo-7-GO-1-69re-Er-Society at the University Inst Title : Celadonite in Volynian Basalts. Orig Pub : Mineralog. sb. LIvovsk. geol. o-va pri un-te, 1956, NO 10, 352-356 Abst : In continuing the study of celadonite in Berestovets basalts (Komienski M., Bazalty wolynskie. Kosmos, 1929, 3-4; see also RZhaeol, 1957, 1709), the author pre- sents microphotographs of polished sections, electron microphotographs, a thermogram and roentgenogram of this mineral. From Komleaski analyses data has been calculated the crystallochemical formila: (KO-30WaO-PIC"O-07)0-38(MgO-65 FeO .22 2+Fel.063+Alo.29)- -2.22*(OH)2/A'0.2 Ti Si o.64 ~20' T 0-01 3-7201 Card 1/2 15-57-5-5713 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 5, p 4 (USSR) AUTHORS: Grigorlyev, D. P., Lazarenko, Ye.-K. TITLE: Scientific Works of Professor I. I. Shafranovskiy (On His Fiftieth Birthday and the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of His Scientific and Pedagogical Activity) LI-Nauctinyye trudy professora I. I. Shafranovskogo (v svyazi s 50- letiyem so dnya rozhdeniya i 25-letiyem nauchnoy i pedagogicheskoy deyatellnosti)7 PERIODICAL: Mineralog. sb. L'vovsk. geol. o-vo pri un-te, 1956, Nr 10, pp 369-372. ABSTRACT: Scientific works of I. I. Shafranovskiy center mainly in the field of the morphology of crystals and minerals, and particularly in the problem of the correlations of the crystals with the conditions of their formation. Studying the allied questions of the morphology of crystals and of structural crystallography, he inferred Card 1/2 the existence of 1403 structurai crystallographic 15-57-5-5713 Scientific Works of Professor 1. 1. Shafranovskiy (Cont.) varieties of simple forms. I. I. Shafranovskiy worked extensively on the problems of crystalline morphology of zircon, quartz and diamond and uncovered a number of new laws in this field. On the basis of this research-he came to the conclusion that the "law of zones" (i.e., the law of great circles in crystallography, which plays a fundamental role in the geometry of polyhedrons of crystal growth) must be supplemented by the law of coniform surfaces (i.e., the law of small circles which appear mainly in the geometry of diffusion forms). A series of I. I. Shafranovskiy's published works is devoted to the history of crystallography and mineralogy, and especially to the evaluation of the scientific legacy of Ye. S. Feclerov. At present I. I. Shafranovskiy holds the Chair of Crystallography at the Leningrad Mining Institute. Card 2/2 D. I. G. LAZARENKO T cline of the general mineralogy, of Transcarpathia. 14in.sbor. no.11:102-121 157. OGRA 13:2) 1. Institut geologii polozrqkh iskopayamvkh AN USSR, LIvov. (Transcarpathia--Mineralogy) XARYAKIN, L.I.; LAZARENKO, Ye.K.; SHKABJiRA, M.N. Konstantin Mikolaevich Savich-Zablotskii; on his 1830th birth- day. Hin.abor. no-11:361-364 157- (MIRA 13:2) 1. Voesoyuznyy Institut ogneuporov, Xbarlkov (for Karyakin). 2. Gosunivernitat. Llvov (for IazarenkO.1 3. VeasoyuzzWy institut Llvov (for Lazaranko)- 3, Vaesovuzny7 inatitut shakhtnogo stroitelletva, Kharlkov (for Shkabara)a (Savich-Zablotakii, Konstantin Nikolaevich, 1877- ) IAZARENKO, Ye.K.; SLIVKO, M.M. E.Burkat's monograph "Moravian minerals and the literature about them" [in Czech and German]. Min.sbor. no-11:379-381 157. (14IRA 13:2) 1. Goaunive~sitst imeni Ivana Franko, Llvov. (Moravia-141neralogy) (Burkat1q.Zo) LAZARUNKO, Ye.K. ~-- - - 1 .". I - Acpdemiclan Frantiesk Slavik; obituary. Min.abor. no.11: 402-403 157. (MIRA 13:2) (Slavik, Frantiesk. 1876-1957) LAZA1UMO,,jq,&)~*,[Lazarenko, IE.K.], prof.; ShIVKO, M.M., dotsent,; FURMAN, X.P., red.izd-va; MALYAVKO, A.V., tekhred. CA course in mineralogy] Kura mineralogii. Vyd-vo L'vivelkaho Univ. Pt.1 CGeneral mineralogy] Zahaltna mineralogiia. 1958. 283 p. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Llvovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Ivana Franko. (mineralogy)