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Data on Conversion Electrons of Long-Lived Isotopes of Lutetium."
report submitted frr All-Union Conf Oh Nuclear Spectroscopy, Tbilisi, 14-22
Feb 64.
1YaF AN KaZSSR (Inst Nuclear Physics, AS KazSSR)
"Methods of Automatic Observation and Measurement of Spectra of Conversion
U,~ectrons in Magnetic Spectrometers."
report-submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroaccpy, Tbilisi, -~~4-22
Feb 64.
IYaF. AN KazSSR (last Nuclear Physics, AS KazIW)
"Apparatus for the Investigation of Beta-G Coincidences with Applica-
on of a Large Beta Spectrometer with Double Focussing.!'
report,submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear SpectrOSCOPY, Tbilisi, !4-22
Feb 64.
IYaF AN KazSSR (Inst Nuclear Physics, AS KazSSR)
Buz =I'.
Zharnovo7, Aleksandr-1vanovich; LetyshevIGeordy Dmitriy qb~
ftelear wenetic resoa " in contimuous-flaw I idk (YAdernyy mgnitny7
resonans v protochnoy shift-asti)p Moscowt Atomizdat, 1964, 252 p. illus.0
biblio. Emsta slip inserted, 2,600 copies printed.
--TOPIC TAGSt nu Iparmagnetic resonance. liquid flw
LMOSE. AND A-pres'ent ther7e are several books vhicb consider
'bystematically the tham7 and application of nuclear Ymgnetie resonance in mobile
Madia, The phenomenon of nualear resonance in a flowing liquid is treated only
rdiln prooessssq measuraimt and atabilization of veak vagnetic fields; etc,
:.- 9 to intended for researchers, graduate students, engineers, and studerts
speoializing In the practical use of ruclear resonances
&d,:-- 2
26tion m. 3
p F66twes of- nuclear magnetic reconance in liquid flatr.
Treliminary polarization of a continuous-flow liquid - !h
*I;,jnvw.3ion__of ___ the -magnatization,; of~mqcl -f1vWt%'-_Iiquid 27
--"I-I ' 'L, -d -.---_br,-4dth, 6f*,aF. twu ifinals: it ~i, ~conttnuous
r d.
_VI. Ui 6 an
Chi IWO 4ilpmant and radiation effects 109
_,.jort,2, Use of nuclear magnetic resonance in a continuous flow liquid.
.---Ch..Vw lbasurement and stabilization of week ragnatic fields
Ch -: V.1 tsur4ment of nonhomogeneous wgnetic fields - 131
of liquid aonsuMtion fton the sipal amplitude of -nucleor
resonance 314
,Ch* VIII* Absolute masurawnt of liquid fIvv rato using magnetic mrks of
STOLYAROVA, Yeka-lu-erina LukinichnaL!~~~~-~yademik, red.;
CHUGASOV, A.A., red.
(Applied spectrometry of ionirsing radiations] Prikladnaia.
spektrometriia ioniziraiushchikh izluchenii. Moskvay
Atomizdat, 1964. 422 p. (MIRA 18:1)
1. Akademiya nauk Kaz.SSR (for Latyshev).
i66 C- df
vith ~UO~-M&W bfi~
xmp-,ar1sbjv-- tb
skc. ose i a -s ron -:,L.ndrance.,-o.. tioW to the ground
vv4tei- -,tbose: -indicAting tbat-Yb.- -Is-a-strong
-173 1!~--Ideformed nucleus
d--t ----- --ijor, 7 ype~- r
trans t s are of -- ----- 7-6 ig. art.
IATYSHEV, G.D,, akademik
Colloquium on Low-energy Nuclear Physics. Vest. All SSSR 34
no. 1:80-81 Ja 164. (MIRA 17-5)
1. AN Kazakhskoy SSSR.
0AM14147 is Wn I _-9
i --J 7_~
New data- -on thp -conver&ion electrons from the lonknaliyed isotopes i- the
24tetlum fraction from proton bombarded tantaltua lffeport, Idth Annual 'o -ence
rd e z
'on Nuclear
_Rhysicq held in Tbilisi 14-22 Feb 19647
-SOURCE, AN SSSR. 1--vestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v,20, no.1, 1965, 159-162
in, t e-- r n-a 1:
iq~- rhfidi-tidii- -nblt- Ia.' 'utetiqzi- haf
~;-iji ntal bobbar~me
~-Pkoton na
_tA UM
ADS, CT. The internnI conversion electrons from the .1-utetium fraction of a tap,:ta-
lum target bombarded lor 10 hours with 660 Mell protons were observed aver
range from 400 to 2200 Oe cm with a large double-focusing magnetic P spectri.i:-'
ihaving a motaent= resolt-tion of 0.2% and a trftnsmission factor of 0.65% -of 4-~
sources, both Prepared by electroly.91s, wern omployed, and the measurenient s Ir-
zz?gun 9 mnonthv after n duuhAlv iieparation of lutotill1r, rrc~
mulated rare uarth5. Seventeen con-ver.~IoD lines were identified with 12
IA*ty6hev-'~ G. D.
AUT4&- Plvovarov, S.P. Ryabikin,_ Yj.A--, Zhernovoy,
TITLE: Equipment for stabilization of inhomogeneous ic fie s, based an
electron paramagnetic resonance Aeport, 14th Annual Conference on Nuclear
i Aheld~ in Tbilisi 14-22 Ps-b 1964/
AN SSSR. rzveatiya. Seriya fizicheakays, v.29, no.1, IM , 166-167
~i~hamoganeous magnetic- field -_'.mamet1c -1191&,-lwasurement., electron
resonance, nuclear paramagnetle resonance
ABSTRACT: Appax-atur. is briefly described with which .1 stabilization factor off 10r,
was achieved in the stabilization of a 165 Oe magnetic -field with inhomogeneit'
of the order of 2 to 10% per cm by the use of an electron paramagnetic resonpnr e
head, the linear dImsn-clons of which did not exceed 2 mm. The stabilization a~~h.
6d was actually limited by the frequency stability of the oscillator employed -Ir'
Could be increased by employing, a more stable oscillator. The theory of
Aabilizatift is discuffsed briofly. The advantage of electron parav!,,.---
tib resonance wer nuclear paramagnetic resonance for this application is due to
1- 328333,15
g- c- a t e r ma gne t i cmoment of the Plectron, Orig.artt.has: 6 formulas and 1 f I
1j) -A
-SOURM AN SSSR. Tzvestiya. Seriya fizicheaknya, v.29, no.1, 1965, 177-180
-beta spectroscopy, gamma s- ctrometer coincidence counting, internal
xv _S f Mri-hed. rag iD
'd -by ~O~D
dkCW:a K"t ~jv (Pri-
hory i tekhnilza eksperimenta The radius of the equilibrium orbit Is
50 cm, tho pulse resolution is 0.25% and the transmission is 0.7% of 4,t. Two Ge_i-
ger-Muel-ler counters in coincidence were employed to record electrons -with ener-
gies below 100 kcVj and a plastic scintillator was employed to record higher encr-
gy electrons. The y channel employs a 2 x 3 =2 NaI(TI) crystal scintillator
SION VR; AP5004546
I nos by less than 0.2%. The instrumcnt
77do-Mofidatift field 41ppinced convorsion i
was tested by recording the X conversion spectrtLm of Gd146, and the curves ob-
1-tained are shown. The setup ir, currently being employed to identify K x ray,
observing their coincidenca with conversion electrons of different energies.
C0=1usion? the authors thank V.P.Burmistrav for discussing the results of tnf~-
Construction of the ~)--7 coincidence setup and for the method of Identifying K D7-. -
version lines."! 3 figures.
SMMITM: 00/-Jan66 ENCL: 00 StM COD----
NR REF SOV, 004 GIBER: 005
~-.-_tpjyk C)
KR; AP5DO5959 SA048/65/029/002/0306/0310
On: Andreyev,yu.A-. Deskrovnyy, 1. M. Dragomoshcherikc,L. 1. Latyshev G... D.
ment of conversion electr2g /Report, 14th Annual
,TITIZ: Automatic measure. 22=,fl/
'--Con-ference on Nuclear Spectroscopy held in Tbilisi,14-22 Fab 19647
t, 1) - I P;,Fy,,-z;4FV, G.D. ; LCIM"MENK0, G.j... ; NOV J K(AT, V.P.
,,YCjiiy,OV, KOVIRIGIN, 0. -, -. - I 1 .1
Sp--ctrum of convers2un ele-::trc--s rf lt-e j.rldJ-x--
L i n o . -1 -- "10' 2-- 16 6 J a ' 6- 6.
Tzv. ~N SSSIR. Ser."JIzz. 30 (14TE11; Ia.-,)
Medical eyaluation of the weather; Index of the weather and the
reactions of patients. Vop. kur,, fj-.zioter. I le~h,, fiz. kul't.
30 no.4045-351 JI-Ag 165. (MIRA 18?9~/
1. Yaltinskiy sanatoriy Ministerstva oborony SSSR.
Automatic measurement of conversion electron spectra. Tzv. S,:~SR
Ser. fiz. 29 no,2:306-310 F 165. (M~M .18:3)
Uss-of-mea=ements of heat emission dux-ing -sudden cooling in
the evaluation of the state of thermoregulAting machaniEms.
Vop.-.kur., fizioter. i leoh. fiz. kul't. no.6:510-516 163.
(MIELA 17 t 8)
1, Iz Yaltinakogo sanatoriya MiniBterstva oborony SSSR.
L 07156-67 - EW4m)/ q) JD/JG
KC-C-T-R-i -=700102 SOULICLI--coDv,-~-uR/oozi8/66/o3o/oof/oi6g/ol66-
G. 1! #kWqlNj . D. p g LONDAMOl 0. Asp and
I'Conversion Electron Spectrum of an Irldium Fraction" (Paper presented at
the 2nd,A13..~-Union-Symposium,-on-_th-e-Physic-o-.of.-Thin-Ferromagnotic Films;
Irkutsk., 10-15 July 1964)
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Scriya Fizicheakaiya (Bulletin of the Acadenq
of Sciences USSR: Physics Series)p Vol 30p No 1., Jan 19662 pp 162-166
I ~
Abstract: A large double-focussing magietic beta spectrometer was used to
study the iridium fraction of a gold target irradiated with 660 Hev protons
at the Joint Instit,~ite of Nuclear Studies. The energies and relative intenr.-
sities of the conversion lines of Ir189 and IrI90 are tabulated. Linea were
observed for Iram, IP189, >190, and IrI93 but not for Irl~2..: which fact
is explained as due to-the weakness of the source. The effects on the
spectrum of traces of'RoIS3 anT"!PtI88 are discussed. The sultipolarity of
transitions 180*5j, 147.0s, 185-9., 197a apd .233.5 kev was,determined.
in xener4 agree with available data,.'Orig, art, has*. 4 figures and 4 tables*
OMS: 35,43Y
TOPIC TAGS: conversion electron apectrump iridium
SUB CODFt: 20,18 / SU194 DATE: none / ORIG REFt 004 0M REP: 002
LATYSHEV G G glav. red.j--STARKOV., N.Ye., otv. za vypusk;
GRON A.A.j tekbn. red.
(Economy of Sverdlovsk Province; statistical abstract]
Narodnoe khoziaistvo Sverdlovskoi oblasti; statiatiche-
skii sbornik, Sverdlovsk, Gosstatizdat, 1962. 230 p.
(MIRA 16:11)
1. Nachallnik statisticheskogo upravleniya Sverdlovskoy
oblasti (for Latyahev).
(Sverdlovsk Province-Statistics)
Designing rubber shock absorbers for the suspeLsion of an
automobile engine. kvt. prom. 30 no.7:26-29 J1 164.
(MIRA 17:9)
1. TSentrallnyy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni nauchno-
issledovatellskiy avtomobiltnyy i avtomotornyy institut.
Seminar on the reduction of noise and vibration of motor vehicles.
Avt.prom. 31 no.4t47-48 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5)
1. TSentralinyy ordens, Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni nauchno-issledo-
vatellskiy avtomobillnyy i avtomotornyy institut.
ic, ~
DG Volpeculae. Per.svezd. 10 no.2:132-133 Je '54. (NLn 8:9)
1. Hookovskiy ordena Lenina gosudarstvennyy universitet 1meni
(Stars. Variable)
AUTHORi Lyubarskiy, K.A. and Latyahev, I.N. 26-12-36/49
TITLEj The Green Light of Venus (Zelenyy luch Venery)
PERIODICAL: Prirodat 1957, # 12, P 114 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The green light of Venus is a phenomenon which was observed
only twice in the province of Ashkhabad. The author gives an
account of the observations he made at the astronomical station
of the Institute of Physics and Geophysics of the AN of the
Turkmen SSR. Beginning with 27 June 1957, the green light
could be seen until 7 July 1957. It was visible through bin-
oculars and even with the naked eye as a bright dbt shifting
from sky blue to yellowish green. These observations were
possible owing to exceptional atmospheric conditions in the
region of Kopet-Dag.
ASSOCIATION: Institute of Physics and Geophysics of the AN of the Turkmen
SSR, Ashkhabad (Institut fiziki i geofiziki Akademii nauk
Turkmenskoy SSR, Ashkhabad)
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
LATY . 6r ~-, , 1-1 -
e'"' Discovex7 of the comet 19~7f in Ashkhabad. Aotron. tsir. no-187:
2-3 D 157. (MMA 11:6)
1,1;-6 0 SOV/35-59-8-6257
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, 1959,
Nr 8, p 22
AUTHOR: Latyshev, I.N.
TITLE- The Study of Blazhko's Effect
PERIODICAL: Astron. tsirkulyar, 1958, May 26, Nr 192, p 24
ABSTRACT: The short-perio&_S�Rheid SX Phe was studied. The change in the
shape of the luminosity curve (Blazhko's effect) is similar in
its nature to the manifestation of this effect in other short-
period cepheids: the luminosity in the minimum is hardly chwged
in distinction from the luminosity in the maximum; the curve of
radial velocities changes with the beat period. The reason for
the presence of Blazhkols effect in short-period cepheids must be
sought for in the physical processes taking place in the stars,
The analysis of the luminosity curves by Vesselinkts method has
shown that the pulsation of the atmosphere lags behind the pulsa-
tion of the photosphere with a period of O.P3 (on the average),
Card 1/1 N.P.K.
-comet 1957 ron, tair, no,188:12 -Ta 158,
~ =beer~vations of the f. ABt*
(mm n!'6)
1, Astrofizicheekaya observatoriya. Vhunovskoye, #shkhabad.
Studying the Blathko effect. Astron.toir. no.192:24 Ky '58.
(MIRA 11:10)
1,Astrofizicheakaya laboratoriya, Ashkhabad, Vannovskoys.
(Stars, Variable)
Semiampirical methods for testing the pulsation theory.
Astron. tair. no.194:22-23 Ag 158. (MRA 12:12)
l.Institut fiziki i geofiziki AN Tadzh. SSII., Ashl-habad.
3M sov/165-59-5-20/21
AUTHORS: Lyubarskiy, K.A., Latyshev, I.N.
TITLE. The Activity of Telescopicl~T-e-b`rtlturing the Period of MGG (IGY)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk Turkmenskoy SSR, 1959, Nr 5, PP 97-98
ABSTRACT: The authors describe observations of telescopic meteors carried
out during the MGG (International Geophysical Year). The ob-
servations were conducted by the "Astrofizicheskaya laboratoriya
Instituts. fiziki i geofiziki Akademii nauk Turkmenskoy SSR (As-
trophysical Laboratory of the Institute for Physics and Geo-
physics, AS Turkmenskays, SSR) from the observatory in Vannov-
skiy, where "Asembill type binocular telescopes with a 3.03 range
were used. The correction of time is given. They differ slight-_
1y from data obtained by the observatory Skal1nate Pleso LRef 1_/.
Card 112 There are 1 table and 1 Soviet reference.
The Activity of Telescopic Meteors During the Period of MGG (IGY)
ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki i geofiziki, AN Turkmenskoy SSR (Institute for -
Physics and Geophysics, AS Turkmenskaya SSR).
SUBMITTED: June 27, 1959
1 .Card 2/9
A Delphini. LN.Latyahey. Astron.teir. no-208:23 Ja l6o.
(YML 13:11)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut, Ashkhabad.
(Stars, Variable)
- LkffBHEV, I.N.; TRUTTSE, Yu.L.
Observations of nova Herculis 1960 in Ashkhabad. ABtron.tsir.
no. 211:9-11 Ily 160. (MIRA 13:10)
X.-Astrofizichaskaya laboratoriya, Ashkhabad.
(Stars, N8W)
IMUTTISS, . Tn. L.; N.
Photographic observations of nova Herculis. Astron.teir. no-212:3
je l6o. (MIU 13: 10)
1, Fisiko-tekhnioheskly inutitut AN Turkmenekoy SSR,
(Stare, New)
Unusual fluctuation in the peroid of AL Virginis. Aston.tair. no.212.,
lei-l6 je 16o. (MIR& 13:10)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN Turkm.SSR.
AUTHOR; Latyshev, I..N.
TITLE- The distribution of meteor material in the solar system
PERIODICALS. Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizikag no. 10, 1961, 69
abstract IOG32 (Izv. AN TurkmSSR, Ser. fiz.-takhn.,
khim. i geol. n., no. 1, 1961, 119-120)
TEXT; According to the photographs of Harvard Observatory, all meteors
are subdivided into 2 groups. Meteor bodies of the first group twith
large semiaxes of < 3 astronomic units, direct orbital movement., and smal
angles of inclination to the ecliptic) have an aphelion distance of a"bout
5 astronomic unitsp which corresponds to -the radius of Jupiter's orbit.
and do.not enter into the orbit of Mercury (there are practically no
meteors with a perihelion distance of less than 0.1 astronomic units).
Thus, a zone devoid of meteoric matter exists around the sun. The ougges.-
tion is expressed that this group of meteor bodies is also related 'Co the
Card 1/2
The dis tributi on of D228/D304 Z11",
asteroids in their origin. The second group of meteor bodies with diver5r_
orbits, in which meteor bodies with direct movement also prevaj.1, ha,~e
orbital limits beyond Pluto's orbit. According to the data of Harvard
Observatory., the meteor nu-mber brows with -the increase of Pon-entric-ii.1,;
to ().98,2 ~ after which 1A. f a] ls Abstracter's note; Complete,rary!~ -
lati ox,
0- ax d 2 /"2
InTestigating the HLashko effect. Per.zvesdy 13 no.2:112-119
N 160. VfM 14: 10)
1. Astrofizicheskaya laboratoriya ImUtuta fiziki i geofiziki
All Turkmenskoy $SR.
(Stars, Variable)
AUTHORSs Gul'medov, Kh.D., Lyubarskiy, K.A., Latyshev, I.N.
TITLE: Relationship between altitudes of meteors and solar activity
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal., Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no, 10, 1961, 6919 ab-
stract,loA491 ("izv'- AN TurkmSSR,,Ser. fizi-tekhn. khim. I geol.
n.1', 196o, no. 6, 141)
TMI The authors make an attempt to discover a relation between the al-
titude H of meteors and solar activity (Wolf number). It was found from photo-
graphic observations at Ashkhabad that on the averagel
W< 100 H, = 59 km + 0.82 V g km (n - 10)
ca >150 HI = 57 km + 0-77 V 9 -km (n - 14).
(j< 100 H2 - 63 km + o.-44 Vg km (n--.10)
0 > 150 H2 - 60 km + 0.36 V g km (n - 14)
where H, and H2 are wltitudes of flash and extihotion respectively. It is ob-
tained that-altitudes of meteors decrease with the rise of-solar activity. Pro-
Card 112
Relationship between altitudes ...
cessing of observations of telescopic meteors leads to the same conclusion.
R. Xhotinok
[Abstracter's notet
Complete translation]
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: L!~y~s~p . Truttse, Yu. L.
TITLE: Electrophotometric, photographic and visual observations of Nova
Herculis 1960
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Goodeziya, no. 3, 1962, 28,
abstract 3A216 ("Izv. AN TurkmSSR, Ser. fiz.-tekhn., khim. i geol.
n.", ig6i, no. 1, 19-25)
TEXT: Nova Herculis 1960 was observed during March-June 1960. Photo-
electrical observations were carried out with an A ~T-7 (AZT-7) elect-rophoto-
meter with feeding optics (D - 200 mm, F - 2,000 mm) through glass light filters
YO,C-3, C3(_" -11, GC -11 (UPS-3, SZS-11; OS-11) . The values of effective wave-
length are equal respectively to ~,!,385o, 44oo and 56oo. Photographic ob~serva-
tions were made with an VI-52 (1-52) astrograph with objective (D - 100 mm,
F - 500 mm). Kodak OaF plates were used. A fraction of observations were
carried out with filters C(-,-14, C21-C-11 and 11,~:-10 (SS-14, SZS-11 and KS-10);
effective wavelengths equal respectively to kX 3900, 4400 and 6350. visual
observations were made with field glasses 7 x 50. Individual luminosity curves
Card 1/2
Electrophotometric, photographic ...
in different bands of the spectrum are presented, plotted on the basis of all
observations. Nova Herculis belongs to slow Novae. The stage of initial
luminosity drop by 3-4m'lasts for three months and is characterized by non-
uniformity in luminosity changes.
M. Savellyeva
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
-3 !P- 41 z""o
Latyshev, I.N.
TITLE: On the distribution of meteoric matter in the solar sy2tem
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Turkmenskoy SSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-tekhniches-
kikh, khimicneskikh i geologicheskikh nauk, no. 1, 1961, 119 - 12D
TEXT: The author compares the conclusions raached by Cormick, Hawkins
and Southworth [Ref.-. 1: Harvard College Observatory, Progress Report no. 361
earlier papers by K.A. Lyubarskiy [Ffef. 2: "Funktsli svetimosti meteorov" (The
luminosity function-of meteors), Trudy Instituta fiziki i geofiziki, v, 5, 1958)
B.Yu.Levin [Ref. 3: "Fizicheskaya teoriya meteorov i meteornykh veshchestv v
solnechnoy sisteme" (Physical theory of meteors and meteoric matter in the solar
system) M., 19571 and Ya.F. Sadykov [Ref. 4: "Orbity meteorov po Ashkhabadskim
nablyudeniyam" (Meteor orbits according to Ashkhabad ovservations) Trudy Insti--
tuta fiziki i.geoliziki, v. 11, 1956]. The large number of orbits and uniformi
ty of material permitted statistical investigations which revealed that all
meteors can be divided in two distinctive groups: 1) meteors with great semi-
axes smaller than three astronomic units, fo rward movement and slight orbital
Card 1/ 3
On the distribution of meteoric matter ...
inclination (15-300) and 2) all other types of meteors. So far the findings of
Cormick Hawkins and Southworth (Ref. 1) coincide with the report by K.A. L-
barskiy As meteoric bodies whose orbit lies completely in or outside the
earth's orbit cannot meet the earth, meteors with defined great semiaxes can te
observed only at certain eccentricity values. Therefore any theory as to the
classification of meteors with given great semiaxes according to eccentricity,
is merely an assumption. It may be justifiably presumed that there are a great
number of meteors with near-circular orbits in the pre-Jupiter space. There are
no data on meteors of considerable eccentricity whose great semiaxes are smaller
than the earth's, although observation was possible. According to the aithor,
very few meteors have semiaxes smaller than or equal to tie Venus orbit; their
orbits are v6ry likely c Iircular. It seems that this group has a resemblance to
asteroides 'o whom they may be related by origin. A number of meteor streams be-
long to this,group and it is quite possible that the group consil3ts entirely Of
hitherto unknown str~lams, and there is no doubt as to its connection to numero%ls
ecaliptical radiants. According to B,Yu. Levin this particular group is rela-~eJ
to comets. The distinguishing.fea.ure of the second group is a great varie~,y of
or-bits; for-ward movement meteors predominate up to a = 5 atmospheric units but
the number of return movement meteors increases after a = 5, their expanzisn
ceases beyond the Pluto orbit. The graph demonstrating the relation between
Card 2/3
On the distribution of meteoric matter ... A1o4/A127
eccentricity and the number of meteors shows an increase of the latter corres-
ponding to growing eccentricity up to 0.98; beyond this point the number of
meteors decreases rapidly. Eight meteors (2% of the total) are stated to have
hyperbolic orbits; in six cases this statement was obviously due to errors
during observation, which factor also seems to apply to the remaining two mete-
ors (1.o6 and 1.o8), thus reducing the number of meteors with hypprbolic orbits-
if such exist - to a mere 0.5%. According to observations by Ya.F. Sadykov
there are supposed to be a great number of meteors with parabolic or hyperbolic
orbits whereas the classification has nothing in common with the method under
discussion. It is presumed that AAL data were distorted by malfunction of equip-
ment. It is evident that it cannot be stated beyond doubt that any of the mete-
ors have parabolic or hyperbolic orbits. There are 4 references: 3 Soviet-
bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. The English-language reference reads as follows:
Harvard College Observatory, Progress Report no. 36.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-technicheskiy institut AN Turkmenskoy SSR (Physical-Techni-
cal Institute of the Academy of Sciences Turkmenskaya SSR)
SUBMITTED: july 26, 1959
Card 313-
Visual observations of variable stars. Trudy Fiz.-tekh inst. All
Turk. SISJR 7066-170 161. R-RA 15:2)
(Stars, Variable)
LkTm3HEV I.N. (Ashkhabad-Vamovskoye)
. Two statistical dependences of the Blazhko effect. Astron.tsir.
no.218:11-13 F 161. (Stars, Variable) (MERA 14:7)
The anp#tude-assymetr7 relation for Capheids. Astron.tair.
no,.226:4~-5 0 161. (Cepheids) (KM.k 16 s 1)
Once more on two statistic regularities in the Blazbko effect,
Astron.tair. no.22625-6 0 161.",.' (MM 16:1)
(Starsp Variable)
Results of studying telescopic meteors in Turkmenistan
during the International Geophysical Year and'International
Geophysical Cooperation. Trudy fiz.-tekh. inst. AN Turk.
SSR 8;325*74 162,, (MIRA 15:11)
~ ...
Luminosity of Cephei. Per. zvezdy 14 no.2:82-94 Je 162.
(MIRA 17:2)
1. Astrofizicheskaya laboratoriya Fiziko-tekhnicheskogo
inatituta AN Tarkmenskoy SSR.
laninosity of 11 Aquilae. Astran., zhur. 41 no-4:644-)51
Jl-Ag 164 (MIRA 17:8)
1. Gosudarstvennyy artronomicheskiy Institut im. P.K.Stanaborga.
TSKHOMARIYA, Boris Dmitriyevich; LATYSHEV, I.P., red.; KUKAREKA,
A.M., tekhn. red. ---~
[Lake Kardyvach]Ozero Kardyvach. Krasnodar.. Krasnodarskoe
knizhnoo izd-vo, 1962. 62 p. (miRk 16:1)
(Kardyvach Lake region-Guidebooks)
~v '4
IATYSHEVp IVan Pavlovich; BASMO, F.V., red.; MHNO, V Lp
tenne red.
[Thi-..asure coast of the CaucasualLazurnyi bereg Kavkaza.
Kraanodarp Krasnodarakoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 3.90. 2,83 p.
(MIM 16: 1)
(Caucamm-Seaside resorts--GuidebookB)
SKOHOFJ)MOV, L.B., (translator]; GUMM, A.&., redaktor; LATrSHEV, I9S., re-
laktor; GKWIMOVA, Ye.So, takhnicheskiv redairtor.-
[Indonesia now. Translation from the English by L.B.Skomorokhov]
Sovrem6nnaia Indonezi%. Perevod, a angliiskogo L.B.Skomorokhova.
'Redo i VBtUp. Statlia A.A.Gabera., Moskva, Izd-vo inostrannoi lit-ry,
1.955. 157 P. (MIRA 8:4)
(Indonesia-Description and travel)
MUMMY, A.A., aspirant; LATYSHEY,,blu. motor.
low varieties of warj~-knltfed jacquard weave. leg.prom. 14 no.4:44-"
AP '54. o (KLRA 7: 6)
(Jacquard weaviA-)
IVANO7, V.A.. kand. tekhn. nauk; LATYSHEV. I.V.
Making shoo laces on warp-knitting machines. Tekst. prom. 19
no.6:39-41 Je '59. (MIRA 12-9)
1.Master TSentrallnoy nauchno-issledovatellskey laboratorii
tekstillno-galantereyno.v promyshlennosti (for Istyshev).
(Knitting machines)
NESHAT&VE W, A.A., Irand.tekhn.nauk, propodavatel); LATYSHEV, I.V., master
gew type of patterns for the mamfacture of warp-knit fabrics.
rekstqromo 23 no,,1:60-63 -Ta 163. (MBA 16:2)
1. Kafedra spetskompozitsii Moskovskogo tekstillnogo
Instituta (MTI) Uor Ileshatayev). 2. Ivanteyevskaya
trikotazhnaya fabrika imeni Doerzhinskogo (for Latyshev).
(Knitting, Machine)
q, 3 2719 E192/E382
AUTHOR: Latyshev, I.Ya.
TITLE- Influence of the nonlinearity of the phase-frequency
characteristic on the distortion of frequency-
modulated signals
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly,
Radioteklinika, v. 4, no. 4, 1961, 459 - 467
TEXT: It is assumed that for the purpose of analysis the
phase characteristic of a solective filter can be approximated
by the Tollowing function (Ref. 2: S. Golldman, Harmonic
analysis, modulation and noise, pub. by In.lit-ry, 1951):
Y(W) = (W - W )t - b sin -rj(W - W
0 0
where the first term represents a straight line and the
second term gives the sinusoidal deviation of the characteristic
from the straight line. A characteristic of this type is
illustrated in Flg~ 2. In Eq. (1) to represents the slope
Card 1/5
Influence of the nonlinearity .... E192/E382
of the straight line, b is the amplitude of the sinusoldal
d ev:L at I on and 1/-j~ 1 = 2,t~6wn/2Tir is the period of the
sinusoid. The effect of such charactoristics on tho transient
distortion of the selective system can be investigated by the
method proposed by I.S. Gonorovskiy (Ref. 3 Radiotekhnika,
v. 1, no. 1, 20, 1946). The transient for a narrow-band
symmetrical system for b < 1 is given by
biw(t) A a(OC a(t) - Ba(t)D a(t) (2)
24 W t
C.4.9 K(t) + L(t)cos(2dw + 9) -2M(t)sin(24W t+(P)
Card 2/!5
Influence of the nonlinearity ... E192/E382
K(t) = A 2(t) + B2 W + C 2 (t) + D2 W
a a a a
L(t) = A'(t) _ B2(t) _ Cl(t) + D2 M
a a a a
M(t) = A a (t)BaM + C a(t)D a(t)
The transient functions A a , Bas Ca and D a in Eq. (2) can be
determined analytically for any g�ven frequencies w 1 and w 2
lying in the passband of the filter (see Fig. 2). Eq. (2)
permits calculation of the frequency transient response for any
W, and w. lying in the passband of the filter for any value
of b , provided b < 1 4 secondly, the phase characteristic
can have any number m of periods inside the passband.
Eq. (1) is employed to determine the frequency deviation
corresponding to small and large transient distortions and to
Card 3/5
Influence of the nonlinearity ... E192/E382
determine the region of permissible distortion. It is found
that for m = I , the phase distortions are low for the
following two cases: when the frequency deviation is equal
to the bandwidth of the system and when the frequency deviation
is very small. On the other hand, for m >,, 2 , low phase
distortion is obtained not.only for small frequency deviations
but also at large deviations, provided that the frequencies
W. and w. are situated at the points where sin "V 14mcpo- ~ 0
It is seen by analyzing Eq. (2) that cosine and sine factors
and the angle y lead to the appearance of overshoots on
the transient characteristic and these can be reduced for
T-2 A f = I i.e. for the case when the modulation
index Ym = I The distortion of a pair of pulses separated
by an interval equal to the duration of the pulses is also
investigated by employing Eq. (2) and it is found that a
frequency-deviation of where "t5 is the duration of a
pulse, ensures a satisfactory separation between the pulses and
a comparaitvely low distortion at the output of the filter, even
Card 4/5
S/ 111- 2/ 6 1/ o oli/o oLt./ Oi o/ol 8
Influence of the nonlinearity .... El 92/ r,,3 8 2
if the nonlinearity of the phase characteristic is substantial.
There are 5 figures and 3 Soviet-bloc references.
ASSOCIMON: Kafodra telegrafti LeningradshoLo elektro-
telchnicheskogo instituta im. A.M. Bonch-Bruyevicha
(Departx-~ient of 1~elegraphy of Leningrad Electro-
technical Institute in. A.M. Donch-Brtlyovich)
SUMMITTED: July 28, 1960 (initially)
January,13, 1961 (after revision)
Fig. 2:
Card 515
CHEPCHUROV, la.I.,--GANIN, Yu.V., inzh.; LATYSTEEV~-,4-ye"
Device for determining the acid numbers of the products of
paraffin oxidation.. Masl.-zhir. prom. 29 no.1007 0 -163.
(MIRA 16:12)
1. Voeeoyuznyy nauchno-issladovatellskiy i proyektnyy-inst-itut
sinteticheskikh zhirozameniteley.
ENCL, -00
Processing metals by high-speed cutting, Moskv, Transzheldorizdat, 1951.
Mont List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1952. UNCLASSIFIED.
C kz- L
ALBWOV, Nikolay Alsksandravich, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk;
YATYSMW,- Konotantin Vasil 'yerich, kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk;
inovich, kandidat te)&nicheakikh nauk;
YOKO, Mikhail Dmitriyevich, inzhener; YASEI?fSEV, Viktor Filippo-
vich. iuzhener; BRAYLOVSKIY.N.G., in2hener, redAktor; VERINA,G.P.,
tekhnicheskiy redaktor
[Blectropneumatic brakes) 31ektropnev-maticheBk:ie tormoza. Moskva,
Goo. transp. zhal-dor. izd-vo, 1955- 137 P. (MIRA 9:2)
, LAMM, X.T.,,,4ndidat takhnicheskikh nauk; SEWIMOVICH, T.S., kandidat
-7 fr I lkikh nauk.
Increasing brake efficiency and control of automatic brakes used on
freight cars. Takh.zhol.dor. 15 no&2:24-26 Mr 156. (MIRA 9:7)
SHISHLYAKOV, A.V., kandidat tekbniebookikh nauk: FOKIN, M.D., Inzhener;
TASINTSRV, V.F., inshener- LATTSHV X.V.. kandidat takhnichaskikh
imuk; AIBBGOV, N.A., kandidaff-t-67MMSK!Ilkh usuk.
The alectro-pneumatic brake, Zbel. dore transpe 38 no.oO;18-23
Ag 156. (MlaA 9: 10)
-MA RATSIN, F.D., iuzhener, redaktor;
di-ETUY-1 A.,--tek icheakiy redaktor
[Inspection and routine repair of freigl;t care] Oamotr -. tekusrcbii
remont vagonov. Izd. Z-oet ispr. I dop. Moskva, Gos.transp.zhel-
dor. izd-vo 1957. 295 P. (MIRA 10:11)
(Railroads-Cars-Haintenance and repair)
Increasing the efficiency and contrcl of autcmatic brakes an freif-ht trains. Tr.
from the Russina.
p. 63 (Zeleznicni Technike. Vol. 5, no. 3,, For. 1~57, Praha, Czechoslovakia)
Monthly Index of Ebst European Acces5dons (MIT) 1C. Vol. 7, no. 2,
February 195:8
DOMBARDIRDV, P.P.; LATYSHEV, K.V., Imnd.tekhn.nauk
Improving the performance of freigbt-car.axles. Zbel.dor.
transp. 40 no-11:55-58 N '58. (=A 11:12)
1. Starsbi7 inshener Glavnogo upravlentya, vagonnogo khozyaystva
(for Booarnrov).
(Gar axles)
AL GOV. Nikolay Aleksandrovich; YaRil!z~vich;
USPERSKIL Viktor Konstantinovich; VOKIN, Mikhail Dmitri7jv6vich;
YASM4TSEV, Viktor Filippovich; SARANSIV, Yu.S., red.; BOBROVA,
YO.N., tokhn.yed.
[Blectropneumatio brakes] glektropnevmaticheakis tormoza. 12d.2..
parer. i dop. Moskva, Vass.izdatellsko-poligr.ob"edinenie H-va
putei soobahcheniia, 1960. 207 P. (MIRA 13:9)
GROMOV,, Yu.V... tekhu. red.
(Repair and modernization of axle equipment with Journal bear-
ings] Remont i modernizatsiia buksovogo uzla s podshipnikami
skollzheniia. Mosk7a, Vses. izdatellsko-poligr. obledinenie
14-va putei soobshcheniia, 1961. 52 p. (MIRA 15:2)
(Car axles) (Bearings (Mael-dnery))
Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut Imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze
Voprosy rabochikh protsessov teplovykh mashin; sbornik statey (Problem in the
operation of Feet Engines; Collection of Articles) Moscow., Oborongizj, 1958,,
117 P. (Series: Its: Trudys rip. 95) No. of copies printed not given.
Ed. (Title page): Xvasnikovp A.V,., Professor;` Ed. (inside book): Pes*h'klnt M.A.,
Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of publishing House: Aidkina., M.S.;
Tech. Ed.: Zadakin, I.M.; Managing Ed.: Zaymovskayaj, A.S.j, Engineer.
PURPOSE: This compilation is Intended for engineers and technicians concerned
with the design and study of complete beat engines and hydraulic machines and
of their components. The data given mW be used by experimental and computing
groups of scientific research institutes and of special-design offices (01p).
COVERAGE: This collection contains three reports on problems connected with
modern heat engines and hydraulic machines. The papers have been excerpted
(and revised for publication) from several reports prepared in the Depart-
ment of Aircraft Engine Theory of the Moscow Aviation institute frcm 1948 -
Card 1/3
Problem in the Operation (Cont.) 1119
1955- 7he scientific supervisors vere Professor P..VXvasnikov and Docent
D.I.Agabov. %a first paper describes the develojment of a new method for
measuring rapidly cbs I pulsating temperatures as in the case of internal-
combustion engines) particularly in high-speed machines with poor pressure-
indicator accuracy. The method proposed by the authors uses a pickup with
obviously high thermal inertia which inaccurately records temperature with
respect to time. The second paper investigates the discharge of a gas from
nozzles in the turbo-compressors of compound engines, an.swering two rain
questions: a) The deflection of the flow in an oblique cross section of
single nozzles and narrowly-spaced nozzle lattices for supercritical condi-
tions; b) the critical flow regime in tvo-d-imensional nozzle lattices. The
third paper discusses the problem qf similating the operating conditions of
poverful turbo-machines by maintaining the origina3 shape and replacing the
fall-scale working parts by others with only a part of the original power.
7he report also presents experimental data vhich confirm the validity of
the method.
Card 2/3
problems in the operation (Cont.) 1119
IAtysheVj, L.A. and RUtovskiyp N.B. (Candidates of Technical Sciences) New
-Te-e"fiR1q-u-e-F6-r Measuring Rapidly Changing Temperatures of the Working Parts of
Internal-combustion Engines 5
Natalevich., A.S. (Candidate of Technical Sciences) Gas Flow in an Oblique
Cross Section of Single Nozzles and In Ttarbine Nozzles T7
Mikheyev., N.I. (Candidate of Technical Sciences) Similation of the Operation
of a CentriPjgal pump by -Use of Air 95
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
AUTHORt Latyshev, L.A-.
TITLEi Calculation of the
Liquid When Boiling
Temperature Field in an Under-Heated
Under Conditions of Free Convection
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniyo Aviatsionnaya
tekhnika, 1960, No-3, PP-74-79
TEXT: The problem is considered of heat transfertnside boilers
(or similar arrangements) filled with eas1Ty_1-o`"1'r1-hg liquids and
the temperature distribution in the liquid resulting from free
convection of heat is analysed. The usual approach to such
problems is to assume that the process is the result of laminar
free convection. This method is fairly reliable in the case of
long vessels with only relatively small heat-flow through the end
walls. The free convection produces then a circulation of the
whole volume of fluid and thus leads to a vigorous symmetrical or V
antisymmetrical current. The mathematical analysis of this
problem is best described in Ref.4, it is based on linearization
of differential equations and assumes the gradient of temperature
to be constant with height. Experiments carried out in MAI
vertical boilers heated
(Moscow Institute of
on one
Aviation on
Card 1/4
Calculation of the Temperature Field in an Under-Heated Liquid
When Boiling Under Conditions of Free Convection
side show that the process is not a laminar one. Detailed
analysis of the experimental data with boilers of rectangular tross-
section under the conditions of two-dimensional heat flow showed
that near the heating elements, liquid droplets do rise up and, on
reaching the free surface of the liquid, move towards the centre of
the boiler, the motion of the droplets along both heated sides
being essentially symmetrical with respect to the central line of
the cross-section of the boiler. This motion is clearly
turbulent and is diffusing as the free surface is approached. This
leads to the intensive formation of micro-vortices and to strong
mixing of the liquid near the free surface. As a result of this
the temperature of the liquid near the free surface is
substantially different from the temperature of the under-heated
core and is nearly equal to the saturation temperature for the
given pressure. It has been established that the micro-vortices
are formed on account of deflection of the currents from the free
surface (somewhat similar to deflection of a stream in a right-
angled corner) which is helped also by the instability of the
Card 2/4
Calculation of the Temperature Field in an Under-Heated Liquid
When Boiling Under Conditions of Free Convection
currents. Due to viscosity, these vortices lead to increased
temperature of the liquid. The approximate mathematical analysis
of this process is based on the idea of the continuous temperature
field as proposed in Ref-3~ assuming further that the micro-
vortices equalize the temperature in that portion of the area where
the micro-circulation is taking place. Since the micro-vortices
are continuously formed and disappearing in various parts of the
liquid, the temperature field is unstable; it varies with time
and the height of the field, as shown in Fig.1 (taken at the same
instant but at different sections). These graphs show that the
temperature field (except near the side walls) may be considered
as the potential field for which the following two conditions are
satisfIeds (a) there is a gradient of the scalar quantity
temperature; (b) the circulation of the temperature is equal to
zero,.since in the horizontal section the temperature is constant.
Thus, the problem is similar to that of the temperature field of
semi-�nfinite rod and can be solved as shown on PP-77 and 78.
Card 3/4
Calculation of the Temperature Field in an Under-Heated Liquid
When Boiling Under Conditions of Free Convection
The turbulent temperature conductivity aT must be determined
from experimental data of the temperature field. It will be
somewhat different for different points considered and has the
greatest value in the upper layers of the liquid where a 7-igorous
mixing Is taking place. Fig.2 shows graphs of instantaneous
temperature distributions along the vessel containing ethylalcohol
under the conditions when boiling takes place on one side of the
vessel, at different time intervals :, as computed by the above
theory with a mean value of aT = 0-1 m 2/hour. Experiments agree'X
very well with the theory. There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet
references (one translated from English).
ASSOCIATION% Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut Kafedra AD-2
(Moscow Aviation lnstitute,~ Chair AD-2)
SUBMITTEDt February 15, 196o
Card 4/4
AUTHORS: L,~i q_e_V -A_. andidate of Technical Sciences,
__tyji _L Cc
-Ral-6-v-sl Candidate of Technical Sciences and
Tikhonov,.-~Y--.~-..-'- Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE: Experimental investigation of the offect of pipe line
vibrations on the parameters of the liquid flowing
PERIODICAL:.Moscow. Aviatsionnyy ins.titut. Trudy, No.119, 196o.
ka-bochiye protsessy v teplovykh dvigatellnykh
ustanovkakh, pp.111-123
TEXT: Referring to G.W.Housner (Ref.2: Bending vibration of a
pipe line containing flowing fluids, Journal for Applied Mechanics,
1952, Vol.19, No.2), the equation of motion in a vibrating tube with
fluid is recited. Housner found that both internal and external
forces significantly affect the parameters'of the liquid flowing in
a vibrating,pipe line and that the pipe line can become dynamically.
unstable at.1a.rge rates of flow. Neither Housman nor later
Ame'rican investigators have treated the effect of mechanical
factors on the hydrodynamics of fluid flowlinside the vibrating
tube. A system of equations is added describing the non-
Card 1/3
Experimental investigation of E191/E481
stationary motion of' the fluid in the tube. Friction is ignored
having regard to the relatively short pipe linos in aircraft
power systems. In view of mathematical difficulties, a vibration
test rig was built with forcing frequencies of 25, 50, 75', 100, 125
and 175 cps, which are the resonance frequencies of cantilever
springs. The range of liquid flow was between 1 and 4 m/sec.
The vibrating tube which may be straight or coiled is connected by
two hose lengths to the hydraulic circuit, wherein the feeding and
collecting tanks both have free liquid surfaces so that the pipe
vibrations are not overshadowed by hydraulic circuit vibrations.
The general level of pressure is maintained by compressed air.
The vibrations are induced by an electromagnetic system. The
pressure is measured with a capacitive.pressure transmitter. The
fluid flow, the vibration frequency,:the vibration amplitude and the
fluctuations in the fluid pressure and its rate of flow were
continuously recorded during the experiments. Several results of
these tests are plotted and di.scussed.' The work is stated to be
proceeding and the numerical results described must be regarded
as significantly affected by the mechanical.features of the
installation rather than possessing a general validity. The only
Card 2/3
Experimental investigation of ... E191/E481
general feature shown up is the unquestionable major degree of
interaction between the fluid flow and the physical vibration of
the pipe line. For example, the vibration of the pipe has a
substantial effect on the liquid mass: flow. Conversely the rate
of flow has a substantial effect on the vibration amplitude, other
things being equal, Sh.L.Zlotnik ahd V.~j_.Ushakov are mentioned in
the paper. Ther-,. a : 4 Soviet and'
re 9 figures and'8 references
non-Soviet. Thv four references- to English language
publications read as follows:- Housner G.W., Journal for Appl.
Mechanics, 1952, Vol.19, No.2; Niordson F.J.H., Transactions of
the Roy.Inst. of Technology, Stockholm U.D.C. 534, 131, 2,1~953, No-73;
Handelman G.H., Quarterly of Appl. Mathematic, 1955, Vol.XIII, No-3;
Long R.H. Jr,, J, for Appl. Mechanics, 1955, Vol.22, No.l.
Card 3/3
AUTHOR. ILLatyshev, 4-A----CQndidate of Technical*Sciences
TITLE: Propagation of heat waves in an infinite cylinder with
a complex law of variation of ambient temperature
SOURCE: Rabochiye protsessy teplovykh dvigateley.
Ed. by M.S. Shtekher. Moscow, Obdrongiz, 1962.. 63-69.
TEXT: Solutions have been given-preViously for the heat wave
propagation when the ambient temperature varies periodically in
accordance with a single harmonic function. A complex periodic
function must be approximated by Fourier aeries. The analysis for
an infinitely long cylinder Is given when the thermal diffusivity
is independent of temperature and constant'in time. The heat
conduction equation is formulated and the boundary and initial.
conditions are stated. A modified Bessel equation results, the
solution of which contains a zero order modified Bessel function
~f the first kind. The Laplace transformation is applied to the
boundary condition at the cylinder surface. Finally, the
temperature as a function of the radius and the time is transformed
Card 1/2
Propagation of heat waves in an ... s/84i/62/000/000/002/002
into a harmonic function with a phase lag. To determine the lag
of the heat wave with the radiuss Bessel functions with an
imaginary argument are introduced, leading via Thompson functions
to an expansion into power series with rapid convergence in
practical cases, e.g. when ineasuring temperature by a tungsten
filament of 0.15 mm diameter in a piston engine with a 20 cps
temperature variation, the change of phase lag is quite
insignificant, so that simplified formulae can be used for the
heat flow.
Card 2/2
.3/17 62/005/009/003/010
AUTHORS:. Latyshev,.L. A., Xozhevnikov, N. I.
TITLE: Calculation of the- tomperature fiolds in the wall of a
bounded hollow cylinder for"non-uniforin boundary condit:Lons
PEAWD PAL: lu-nenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, v. 5, no. 9, 196", 44-52
TE X T The uuthors studied the temperature field of a bounded tube -,-ihe.-i
the he- t trarsf er f-t. m, the tube to its surrounding is'not uniform along
'the tub This proble-m involves solving a boundary value problem of the
X'(tT- + a2 T +I aT
at boundary cond-itions
C-~~d 11/~
S/17 62/005/009/003/010
CalculLtion of the temperature'fields... B108Y,3104
Z=O H Z=H, - 0,
r a, aT h,(T-Tj)_0 i=1 2# (2)f
r b, _C. q
initial conditions T= 0, T = T (V,Z) and conditions on the viall
T (a, z 0,-t) =- T (a, z + 0,%)
OT (a, z 0j) OT (a, zV+0.-c)
It is sho~m that for a given f low of heat as well as for a given heat transfer
ten8 ity the solutici, is obt&ined by superposing the solution of a
s ions. -uniform boundary conditions and on that of a
I ry problem with non
C rd 2/3
alculation of the temperature fields ... B108/B104
n n-stationary problem with uniform boundary'conditions:
r"z't = oi(r'z) + 02(r,z 9'C). The resulting'analytical expressions are
All suited for use in numerical computation.
ASSOCIATION: Aviatsionnyy institut imeni Sergo Ordznonikidze, g. Moskva-
(Avi4tion Institute imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Moscow)
'U B,',,,'I TT E DJuly 6,-1961
Card 3/3
ACCESSION NR-- AP4009650 S/0147/63/000/004/0112/0116
AUTHOR: Laty*shev, L.A.
TITLE: Temperature fields in an underheatod liquid during growth of vapor bubbles
SOURCE: Izvestiya vy*sshikh uchabny*kh z*avedenly. Aviatsionnayi tekhnika, no. 4, 1963,
TOPIC TAGS: underheated liquid, vapor bubble, vapor bubble growth, nucleate boiling,
heat flow formula, underheated liquid temperature field
ABSTRACT: The mechanism of vapor bubble growth in an underheated liquid is described
in terms of heat flow and transfer, mechanical mi7dng of the liquid by vapor bubbles and
the complex motion of liquid in the boundary layer. A mathematical model Is evolved for
the process and a final formula is derived in the form
q& + Iund
to describe heat flow through a wall; t - temperature, x - distance from the wall, S
thickness of boundary layer, Jt - heat conductivity of medium (due to turbulent mbdag),
Card 1/2
tund temperature of underheated liquid, q - heat flow through a wall. It Is considered
e.stablished that temperature in the boundary layer varies exponentially during nucleate
boiling in the presence of forced convection. In hmo convection, all heat entering the
undorheated liquid is expanded to heat the layer immediately adjacent to'ihe heating surface.
The feasibility of determining numerical values for turbulent heat conductivity and the
thickness of the boundary layer is demonstrated. Orig. art. has: 1 graph, 1 table and 11
SUBIW[T TED: 18Apr63 DATE ACQ: -i2Feb64 ENC L.. 00
-1"ITISiDIV, )~, It., o -
I-le 7~ :;- - -, ~ ~. , ~ rt f.- -7 -) -1
1 7 . -, ~4 - . . - r, ;~ - -4 f: f -, - ; b'r Ff
mi 'I i-nlz-. lzv~ i;-/ C~ uc" -J!, '. a ll~ , z -,r?.
- -. 6 no .I, ~ 1-, '? - I ~l 6; 63.