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The Kinetic -ene rgy-of-f low Coefficient (cont.
The quantity k has a value of 0. 1 in the case of smooth pipes, a value of
0. 15 - 0. 20 in the case of pipes with moderate roughness, and 0. 25- 0. 3 in
the case of pipes with substantial roughness.
Yu. M. Savvin
1. Fluid flow--Theory 2. Pipes--Hydrodynamic.
Card 2/2
Calculating velocity increase and specific consumption in
the compressed cross sections of narrow cbamels. Vauch.dokl.
vys.sbkoly; energ. no.2:167-178 '59- (MIR& 13:1)
1. VsesoyuzWy nauabno-isoledovatellskiy institut vodoonab-
zheniya, kanalizateii. gidrotakhnicheskikh sooruzheniy i inzhener-
noy gicliogeologii.
LIM MAN, ii.M., kand.tekhn.nauk
Problems of steam bydraulics in artificially compressed channels.
Trudy Gidrav.lab.VODGBD no-7:125-182 '59. (MIU 13:8)
IA&TYSIDMOV, A.M. kand.tekbn.nauk
Studying two types of cbute spillways of the Mozhaysk bydroelectric
power dam. Trudy Gidrav.lab.VODGEO no-7:183-199 '59.
(MIRA 13:8)
(Mozhaysk Hydroelectric Power Station--Spillways)
LATYMEKOV, A.&,- MUROHOY, V.S., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk, nauchnyy red.;
SKIRROVA, A.P., red,izd-vB; SHEMNUA, N.V., takhn,red.
(Problems in the hydraulics of artificially contracted channels]
Voprosy gidravlild islaisstvanno szhatykh rusel. Hoskva, Gos.izd-vo
lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1960. 214 p.
(MLU 14:1)
NMIGA, V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk. Prinimala uchastiye SKAGINA. A.Te., starshiy
takhnik. LATTSHMOV- A-M- - Imnd.teklm.nauk, nauclin" red.; smHoys
P.V., -red.isd-va; TXKKM, Te.L.,
(Conjugating Bections of concrete dame] -Sopriagaiushchie ustroistva
betonny" plotin. Moskv~, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit-., arkhit. i
stroit.mterialam, 1960. 278 P. (MIRA 13:10)
PMAKO. Rikolay Alekseyevich; MAYZELI, RX, prof., doktor tekhn.neuk,
reteenzent; LATTSHMOT A N., dotsent, kand.tekbn.nauk;
-"W-- NARIN. K.T.,
[Fundamentals of hydraulics and hydraulic machinery] Onnovy
gidravliki i gidravlicheekie mashiny. Moskva, Ixd-vo nauchno-tekhn.
lit-ry RSrSR, ig6o. 427 P. (MIRA 14:1)
(Hydraulics) (Hydraulic machinery)
LATYSHENKOV, A,M., kand. tekhn. nauk; YAROTSKIYj V.A., inzh.
laboratory hydraulic Btudies of a hydraulic complex. Trudy
Gidrav. lab. VODGEO no.10:237-246 163, (MIRA 17:8)
LATYSHENIKOV, A.M., kand. teldm. nauk
Rewalts of full-bcale hydraulic -ptudies ol-f ,jater sIpply
channels. Trady Gidrav. lab. VODGEC no.10-,247-254 i63.
(IIIIIA 17.8)
Reliable support of trade-union organizations. Sov.profsoiuzY 3
no.8:34-36 Ag'55- (MMA 8:10)
1. Sekretarl Stavropollskogo krayevogo komiteta profsovuza ra-
bochikh i shuzhashchikh aellskogo khozyaystva i 2agOtOVok
(Starropol'--Trade unions)
Work experience of 'NoomolokD* enterprise. Sur. torg. no.4:31-35
Alp 10. (MM 11:4)
1. Direktor torga Mosmoloko.
(Dairy produate-Narketing)
Improving the specialized milk trade.
J1 '56.
Sov. torg. no.7:14-17
(MLRA 9: 10 )
1. Direktor torga "Mosmoloko.1.1
(Milk trade).
nual for a salesman(OHilk, butter, and egg nroducts and
i~i me
animal fats" by V.G.Krutov and others. Reviewed by A. Latyahov. L.
Lovachav). Sov. torg. no. 7:5D-51 Jl 158. OURA 11:7)
1. Direktor torga Moamoloio(for Iatyshev). 2. Starshiy prepodavatell
Hoakovskogo institute narodnogo khozyayntva im. G.V.Plakha nova (for
(Animal producta-Marketing)
"A Typical Diesel-Electric Power Station for MTS Workshops" (Tipovaya
dizel'naya elektrostantsiya d1ya masterskikh pri MIS), Sel'khozproyekt, Ydnistry
of Agriculture USSR, 1949, 29 pp. of text and 4 pp of sketches.
-- ---- LATYSHevt A* A.
NAn Aluainum Asphalt.-Bitumen Paint" (Alyuminiyeveya Aafallto-bitumnaya Krasket)"
. : At A. Wyshev and h. D. Starkovaj edited by B. R, Hirenskiy., Gookbimizdato
Moscow/Leningrad, 19/+9., 40 pages, 2 mbles.
Description of the paint Al= 277.
SO.- UsSlekhi KWjW, Vol 18, #6, 1949; Vol 19, #1, 1950 (W-10083)
Scraper hoists with remote control. Gor. zhur. 122 no.234-35
7 148. (HLHA 8:9)
(Mine hoisting) (Remote control)
.-- LATYSHWI A. F., Eng.
Mine Ha ulage
Present-day shunting devices at loading points. Ugoll 28, No. 4, 1953.
Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified.
DOBRICH, Adallbert [Dobri6, Adalbert]; ALIKHODZHIGH, Asim (translator];
PISARKT, I.Yu., prof., red.; KABACHNIK, Yaj., red.,-.LATY-SHRT-.,
A.1j, red.; VINOGRAWYA, V.A.,
[Jnd4ptrial sta.ii6ticel.,.Promyshlennaia*statistika. Pod red.
I.-IU.Pisareva. Moskva. Gos.stat.izd-vo, 1959. 291 p.
(MIRA 13:3)
(Industrial statistics)
MIKHALI, I [1-Uhalik, Jozef I; SMIN, M.Ya., doktor ekon. nauk,
- red.; ZAYTSEV, II.F., red.;-LAITYSHEY, A.I., red.
(Planning the reproduction of trained labor force;
problems of theory and practice) Planirovanie vosproiz-
vodstva kvalifiJkatsirovannoi rabochel sily; voprosy teorli
i praktiki. Moskva, Fro,~Ilre.,:sj 19(ifi. 35b p. Translated
fron the Slovak. ('111Y. 17:8)
reuktor; KOLCHANOYAg O.P.p redaktor; SUKOINNOT, P.G., redaktor;
VEM, V.A., redaktor; LATYSHIT, As e. redaktor: X&GANOTA, A.A.,
vedushchiy redaktor; BUNIKUY --rn-, .. rodaktqr; SMAX, D.K..
tekhuiqhpsk1y redaktor
[A collection of recipes for-labor reserve student dining rooms]
Sbornik refseptur blind Me pitaniia uchashohikheis uchebnykh
savedenit trudovykh reservovo Honkva, Uos, izd-vo torgovoi lit-ry
1956. 358 P. (MIRA 10:15
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Hinisterstvo torgovli.
Effect of some factors-on the fine structure centers in the
absorption spectra of thin metallic layers. Sbor.nauch.rab.
asp. VGU no.2:23-28 162.
('JRA 18: _U,)
AO.52/A 10 1
AUTHOR: Latyshev. A. 14.
TITLE. E'ffect of ceraln factors on fine structure centers in absorptlon
spectrFL Of thin metal layers
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, VietallurgJya, no. 11, 1962, 15,
abstract 111115 ("Sb. nauch. rabot aspirantov Voronezhsk.
un-ta", no, 2, 1962, 23 - 28)
TEXT- The fine structiire of absorption spectra of thin Ag layers
(10- _/cm2) in the visible spectrum rapge (450 -700 m 4) was studied. Ag
layers were produce(] in a vacuun of 10-1 mm mercur-j column. It is found that
absorption spectra on inica do not (Ifffer noticeably from Ag absorption spectra
on quartz. Layers produced by spraying Ap, on an oxide layer have higher fine
structure maxima. -Muchanical processing or the backing does not affect ab-
sorption spectra. When the backing is heated the height of mayitna, J n creases.
Atmospheric oxygen (Joe.,3 not affect noticeably the fine structure centersi.
N. Penkina
FAbstracter's note: Complete translationl
Card 1/1
Somd problems concerning the formation.of fine structure
silver layers in the absorption spectrum. Zbur. nauch. i
.-Prikl. fot. i kin. 8 no*6:454-459 N-D t63.
(MIRA 17' 1)
1. Gosudarstvannyy universitet, Voronezh.
ACCESSION NO:: AP4013972 SA077/64/009/001/0018/0021
AUTRORs Laty*shev, A. X.
'kTiEt The effect of aging of silver layers on the fine,s'truoture of absorption
SOUqCE:. Zhurnal nauchnoy i prikladnoy fotografii i kinematografii, v. 9, no, 1,
1964, 16-21
TOPIC TAGS: silver halide, aging silver halide, absorption spectra, fine structure,
maximums of fine structuret wave lengthp absorption curve, optical density, center
mABSTRACT: The effect of prolonged exposure to air of silver layers on the fine
structure of their absorption spectra has been investigated. These effects are
believad to be similar to those described by Ye. A. Kirillov and Ye. A.
Nesterovskaya (Zh. nauchn. i prikl. fotogr. i kinematogr-, 1958, 3, 4) on the
destructive effect of monochromatic light on centers in silver halide layers
(responsible for the spectral peaks). The methods of,preparing the samples and the
description-of the regiatering apparatus are given in an earlier publication by the
author (Zh. nauchn..i. prikl. fotogr. i kinematogr., 1963, 8, 454). The thickness
-7 2
'of the.silver layers in the films varied between 3 x 1071, and 10 ,gm/cm
Measurements of absorption spectra were made within the 400-670 millimicron range
at various.time intervals following exposure of the samples to air for periods up
to 60 hours. As can be seen from the absorption spectra shown on Fig.' I of the
Enclosure, during the first hours of exposure to air all of the maximums of the
..fine structure above the 600 millimicron region began to disappear at once. This
was'extended within one day to the maximums of the 600-510 millimioron region, and
*thin several more days the same phenomenon was observed in the region of a wave
..length less than 510 millimicrons. The period of complete disappearance of the
maximms varied with vr--ious samples. The author assumes that the maximums of each
group belong to the same type of centers, representing its spectrum. On exposure
to pir these centers disappear with various speeds. Orig. art. has; 2 charts.
;ASSbCIATION: Voronezhakiy gosudarstvanrq*y universitet (Voronezh State University)
-3UB)UTMs 22Sej62 ..DATE ACQt 14Feb64 ENCL: 02
Sd CODEs PG' NO REP Soirl 00.3 OTIMR: 000
card 214
structure of the absorption spectra of the thin metallic layers of
thallium. 2hur.nauch. i prikl.fot. i kin. 9 no.218l-83 Yx-Ap
164. (MIRA 17W
1. Voroneahskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet.
Photccheiical destr-uc-iort Cf the centera rea-o-,Dibla Oc?- 4~.e 4~-f-
u r --
utructure of the admixed absorption spectrum of silver halide. Zhur.
nauch. i prikl.fot, I kin, 9 no-4t263-266 J:L-Ag 164.
(MIRA !7:10)
1. Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy un.1-versitet.
4 11
Methodology, for measuring the absozp-.-~om spectra o" '6h-- thin
struoture of some objects and the ni,chaniam of thin structure
formation. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. i kin. 10 no.W49-151
Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:5)
.. T.A.; 4TYSItEV,_A
Spectra of light attenuation by small colloidal particles
of silver and gold. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. i kin. 9
no.3s2C3-205 MY-Je 164. (MM 18..11)
1. Nauchno-isaledovatel'Bkiy institut fiziki Odesskogo gosu-
darstvennogo universiteta i Voronezhskiy gosudarstvennyy
universitet. Submitted November 18., 1963P
AUTHOR: Latyshev, D. G.
TITLE: Role of Disturbancesin Northwestern Direction in the
Distribution of Mineralization in the Khrustalfnyy Tin ore
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geologiya i razvedka,
1960, No. 6, PP- 56 - 63
TEXT: On the basis of findings from 1959 (Ref. 2), the mineral veins of
the Khrustalinyy tin ore deposit, lying in highly dislocated sedimentary
strata, have been ascribed to the Norian stage of the Upper Triassic.
This deposit communicates with the west side of the anticlinal fold,
whose axis has a submeridional course. Findings by V. N. Dubrovskiy
(Ref 1) are confirmed by the authorb own data. It may be assumed on
thei; basis that within the anticlinal fold there is a series of folds
of higher orders, and that the principal veins of the deposit communicate
with their axial region (Volkovskaya vein, Glavnaya vein, Tretlya DTsMR
Card 1/3
Role of Disturbances in Northwestern Direc- S/15 60/000/006/001/001
tion in the Distribution of Mineralization B012YB060
in the Khrustallnyy Tin Ore Deposit
vein, Ydiloritovaya vein, et al.). The disturbances oontaining these veirs
are characterized by an almost meridional course (0 - 200) and a drop
toward north-west at an angle of 60 - 750. Apart from the above-mentioned
disturbances there are still such with a north-west course. According to
V. N. Dubrovskiy and V. P. Polokhov (Ref. 2) these disturbances are
cracks of a fracture communicating with the submeridional disturbances.
In 1957, V. N. Dubrovskiy established in the Khrustallnyy deposit four
stages of mineralization with a regular decrease of tin in the direction
of the stages coming next. A further northwestern fracture with a rich
quartz-oassiterite vein, which later was named Diagonalinaya vein,was un-
covered late in 1957. This called for a review of traditional notions on
the genesis and the opportunity of an exploitation of the northwestern
disturbances. The following results were established with a new explora-
tion: 1) Together with a crumpling of rocks into the anticlinal folds,
shear disturbances of the submeridional (0 - 200) direction have appeared
in the Khrustallnyy deposit. These disturbances coincide with the spread
Card 2/3
Role of Disturbances in Northwestern Direc- S/151/60/000/006/001/001
tion in the Distribution of Mineralization B012/BO60
in the Khrustallnyy Tin Ore Deposit
of foldings and the discontinuous northwest disturbances (320 - 3400). They
are relatei to the formation of the fold structure. 2) The northwestern
disturban,3es were renewed during the post-mineralization period and acquixed
a "shear-Like" character. Several submeridional veins were dislocated in
the proceBs. 3) The northwestern disturbances were filled up by sub-
meridional disturbances. For this reason the latter exhibit no quartz-
cassiterite mineralization at the northern flanks. The richest tin-
containin,j ores are found in the northwest veins which cut the principal
submeridi,,nal veins in their central parts. The poor ores are found in the
northwestern veins which cut the submeridional veins at the flanks. There
are 2 figtres and 2 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATEV: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut minem1hpSoqir,YA
(All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Mineral Raw
Card 3/3
R,le of the northwestern dislocations in the mineral distribu-
tn'.= in the EhrustALI'nyy tin deposit. Izv. v7s. ucheb zav ,
gcole i razv, 3 no.6:58-63 Je 161. (MiU 14:~i
It Voesoyumyy nau-.hno-issledovateliskiy institut minerallnogo
(Khxustallnyy- Tin ores)
KISLYAJDV~ Ya.14.; LATYSI~~,.R--~!,-,.
Practice in using a camera for recording mining data. Geol.
~A.Mestorozh. 5 -4:101-102 Jl-Ag 163, (MIU 16:9)
I, Veesoyuznyy natzhno-issledovatel'skiy institut minerallnogo
(Photographic surveying) (Mining geology)
LRTYSHPIT, D.I.; GURWV, A.S., agronom po zeshebite rastenty.
On the "TeDlidhnyiw State Farm. Zashch. rpst. ot vred. i bol.
.3 no.1:38-40 Ja-7 158. (MIRA 11:3)
1. Glavnyv agronom eovkhozn "Teplichny7" (for latysbov).
(Gireenhouse management)
assistant; - BUNAKOV, A.. assistant; 14CHRDIOV-MTROS~M _0.,.
prof.; DUNIK, F., nauchnyy sotrudnik; GORWN, S., kand. takhn.
Using substandard send in making concretes. Stroi. mat. 2 no.10:
25-28 0 156. (HIRA 12:3)
1,Yuzhnyy nauchno-isaledavatellskiy institut, Dnepropetrovsk (for
(Sand) (Concrete)
"The Thermodynamic Investigation of Cement Vibro-Activation."
report presented at the Section on Colloid Chemistry, VIII Mendeleyev Conf-'erence of
General and Applied Chemistry, Moscow, 16-23 March 1959-
(Koll. Zhur. v. 21, No. 4, PP- 509-511)
F-A-11 SMUKOTA, I.$.
Thermographical investigations of the effect of vibrating
on cement mixes. SlIlkaty, no.2:67-69 159. (MMA 13:6)
(Cement) (Vibration)
Choosing automated manufacturing techniques for large structural
articles. Stroi.mat. 7 no.8:16-28 Ag 161. -(MM 14:8)
(Precast concrete)
LATTSHEVt F.Ire. mashinist-instruktor
Locomotive engineer-instructor F.F. Latyshev shares his ex-
perience, Blek. i tepl. tiaga 2 .110,5:36-37 '58- (KIRA 12:4)
1. Depo Verkhniy Baskunchak, Privolzhokaya doroga.
(Diessl locomotives--Zlectric equipment)
Solar therapy during the cold season on the southern shore of the
Crimea. Vop. kaii. fizioter. i'lecho' kiz. kui,it, 25 no. 3:268--ftl
xy~" 1 60. (kM 14W
1. Iz Yaltinskogo santoriya Ministerstva oborony SSSR (nach. Ye.I.
I:ET ~YSIHWEV~.(Yal ta)
Calculation and measurement of the heat flow passing through the
skin in sudden cooling.. Vop. kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kul't,
26 67 161. (MIRA, 14:5)
LATYSHEV., G.D. - ..
Controlled cold bathing. Vop.kur., fizioter.i lech.fiz.kullt. 27
no.2:117-12,3 Mr-Ap 162. (MMA 15:11)
1. Iz Yaltinskogo sanatoriya Ministerstva oborony SSSR.
Methodology of dosimetry and dosage in heliotherapy. 4op.1n=..,
fizioter.i lech.fiz.kullt, 28 no.1:79-80 163. (NMA 16:4)
1. 1z Yaltinskogo sanatoriya Ministerstva oborony SSSR.
1:27204-W EWT WT m WN--
!Ijp C)
ACC NRs #6 SOL URM6;/65/ODO/002/0035/00401
Z -2-
LAYS evi, G. D.'
A.; Beskr6vnyy,, I H. h
ORG: one
-TITLE. for. automation-of,physieal' magnetic-beta-iF2ctr
..-AZOURCM.,.AN W58R. Izvestiyat Seriyai fiziko-matematicbeekikh nauk# no, 2, 1965P
JOPIC,TAGS; spectrometer, automation, magnetic circuit# automation equipment,,
electronic rectifier
:ABSTRACT nut ma o 'n spe6-',
eview of"the' advantages of. o* ti n I
'A brief r
itrometers 'and Inadequacies in currently_proposed~methods ofimple-~
uch automation I tiole.
menting a make:up a arge portion of this ar
&nerai diagram of an*automated speotrometerks presentedt along~
!with.Pome suggestions f6i the construction 517various elements.
',.The artioloooncludes with the suggestion that an automated spoo-
have two basic components --~ a universal control block
~1 containing the timing., prograval and. rleoording bl6oks; and a block
L 4. speolall.
.; 1~- V Constructed,for each typa:of sp otrometer consisting ofj,~
-a regulator . a magnetio f Ield stabilizerp - and a high voltage reo-,
--tifier or a high voltage bias rootifier, Undoubtedly, of great-,
-.Valu --bibliography of. current'works* in this ar
st - e., is the es,
:-l figures JFRS
art'. has. L
SUB CODE. SUBMDATEi Oc t64.-',/ -.(RIG REF 014 OM, MW 005 -
- ------------
'04 *0*0~_00*00*0*410*0 0 00.0 W-JOW"W 90 0 0 a
5 6 1 1 1, 14 11 11 11 W Is It I? IS pt A 21 U 23 )d is Ji V X J9 At 11 v u 14 a k is it M 41 it 11 4$ no
-AD 0
ot Collisim of the sacmd kind between el"trons and activated atoms of memory.
00 ic, G..D~L4=wtxVANtPA. LLIELPLINK)[11. J. Regis. Pkys. -Chem. Soc, Phys. 14,62, U41-
71'1106M *-!-A wAlegigi for =&asurement of electronic inipicts of the rAvand kind was
devised. Collkitins of The w-vnd kind were found in the collision l?vteVvTo rl.,ctr,,n% ~v
fig atoms perwat in wrtastabk ctndition "Pa Theab5.-.-alueforthemAA,ptWutnlicv
-0 to
.4 impacts nt the armad order was 0.7 TV. -00
ses 0
we 0
0 114
it 100061 Kit 1110 it a it It 01 An I % 9
A New Method of Measuring the Spin-Spin Relaxation Time of Liquids
If T < 0,01 sec and if too small a volume V is requir;~d T can
2 !~> 2
be determined from the dependence of the amplitude of the
nutation signal on the consumption of liouid (as in Ref 5).
In this case only one of the oscillating fields is used.
There are 5 references, I of wnich is Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transports.
im. V. N. Obraztsova (Leningrad Institute of Railroad Transport
Engineers imeni V. N. Obraztsoy)
Card 3/3
-21 (7-)
AUTHORS: Sergeyev~ Ac G... Voroblyev, V, D,, SOV/56-35,2-6/60
Remennyy, A. S,; Kollchinskaya, T. 1,,
Latyshey, G. D,, Yegorov, Yu,. S.
TITLE. -;;~ ~ercised by Finite Dimensions of
Nuclei Upon the Relative Coefficients of Internal
Conversion in L-Subshells (Vliyaniye konechnykh
razmerov yadra na otnositellnyye koeffitsiyenty
vnuirenney konveraii v L-podobolochkakh)
PERIODICAL: Zharnal eksperimenta!4noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki,, 1958,
Vol 35~ Nr 2, PP 348-554 (USSR)
ABSTR&CT. As the experimental and theoretical values of conversion
coefficients agree only very badly,(Refs I - 10), the
authors undertook the task of finding out to what extent the
finite dimensions of nuclei influence these values. The
present paper contains a report on the experimental
investigations concerning this influence which is exercised
on the relative conversion coefficients in L-subBhells
for pure W-transitions The following traiisitions wore
Card 1/3 investigated:
The Influence Exercised by Finite Dimensions of SOV/56-35-2-6/60
Buclei Upon the Relative Coefficients of Internal
Conversion in L-Subshells
46,,5 keV - decay, RaD 210
RaE (BiB~
115.,! keV ThB _2~ThC (M212)
238,6 keV ThB._4ThC (Bi212)
The following was found for the ratio L L L
100 ~4 Oj6 -f M) 0,93 � M5
100 1074 O~2) ~0'88 + 0,10
100 .10,4 0.,2) (0,74 + 0,05~
For the first and for the 3. tran~it_ion results obtained by
Bashilov, Dzhelepov,, Chervinakaya., and those r)f references
10, 11, 16, 17 have already been publishedi they are
compared in this paper with the results obtained by the
authors~ Furthermorethe relative conversion coefficient
for the 277?3 keV - I -transition (Y11) between two excited
levels in Pb 208 was investigated, viz, for the levels
Card 2/3 3474,8 keV W) and 3197,5 keV W). Here a E2~admixture
The Influence Exercised by Finite Dimensions of SOV/56-35-2-6/60
Nuclei Upon the Relative Coefficients of Internal
Conversion in L-Subshells
is possible. Result;
K:L I =6~15,�0,3; LI ,L IiL 100:(12q5�0,6);(1.
There are 4 figures, 3 tables, and 26 references, 11 of which
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo
transporta (Leningrad Railroad Engineers Institute)
SUBUITTED: March 6. 1958 (initially) and July 9, 1958 (after revision)
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Arkhangellskiyp A.A., Voroblyevp I.V., and Latyshev,
IT.I..TLE; Experience of industrial application of photoresistors
for gamma-ray registration
PMIODICAL- Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronikat
no. 5, 1962, abstract 5-3-61 sh (Potoelektr.-i optich.
yavleniya. v poluprovodnikakh, Kievt AN UkrSSR, 1959,
TEXT: Preliminary experiments on gamma-ray detection by photoresis-
tors are.described) conducted in order to determine the possibili-
ties.of applications in defectoscopy, thickness control etc.-co6o -
gamma-rays.were directed upon a thallium activated Bodium or cesium
iodide crystal and the emitted light was focussed onto the p4otore-
sistor. The. photocurrent was recorded using a single-valve ampli-
fiero The dependence of the sensitivity of the method upon the thick-
ness of the absorbing material was investigated. Best results were
obtained using monocrystalline photoreSiBtors type (OCK-,Ml (PSK-YI)
C.ard .1/2
AUTHORS: Zhernovoy, A.I. and Latyshev, G.D.
TITLE: The Application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for
the Determination of the Actual Liquid Jet Volume
in the Part of a Piping System With Variable Section
PERIODICAL; Vestnik Akademii nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, 19,59, Nr 5,
pp 74 - 76 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The.article deals with the determination of the vo-
lume of a polarized liquid by means of nuclear
magnetic resonance. If a liquid passes through a
tube with a small section into another tube with a
large section at great velocity, the jet volume on-
ly occupies a part of the volume of the wider tube.
Let the length of the wider tube be b, and the sec-
tion and average velocity of the jet at a distance
x be congruent from its basis, the liquid is polar-
ized and the magnetic moment of the volume unit at
a distance x from the jet bases is Mlflx). The speci-
Card 1/4 fic magnetic moment in the liquid flowing out of
I ~r
The Application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for the Determina-
tion of the Actual Liquid Jet Volume in the Part of a Piping Sy-
stem With Variable Section
the wider tube is M(e). It results from nuclear
magnetic relaxation that disregarding the variation
of velocity at the jet section, the variation of the
polarization of nuclei is
dM(x) M(x)
Ti V(X)
where TI is the relaxation period of the liquid,
whence it follows that
M (4) Wit)
Card 2/4
The Application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for the Determina-
tion of the Actual Liquid Jet Volume in the Part of a Piping Sy-
stem With Variable Section
where M(O) is the specific magnetic moment of the
liquid flowing into the wider tube. Obviously,
V(X).S(X) = q,
where Q is the discharge of liquid in the system.
Hence it follows that
Vf V,
(t) 0), e of S (J
where v. is the volume of the liquid jet. The ratio
M(e) is equal to the ratio.of amplitudes of the
M(O) A
Card 3/4 nuclear resonance signals A given by the liquid
0 4_11'
The Application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for the Determina-
tion of the Actual Liquid Jet Volume in thePart of a Piping Sy-
3tem'qith Variable Section
entering the nuclear resonance transmitter. Thus,
The method is applied to guarantee an equal distrib-
ution of the liquid velocity in a section of any
volume. The scheme of the apparatus is given in
the diagram. There are 1 diagram and 12 references,
8 of which are Soviet and 4 unidentified.
Card 4/4
A. G. S-ergcycv, V. D. Vorobycv, A. S. Hem=4, T. 1. Xolmhin~skaya, G. D. Latirchov
anet lu. S. Yogorov
"Iru~lusnce of the Finite Diz--mions of the D2cleuz on the Relative Cowmraion
Coefflaients in tho L-Subshelle-~
'u-1car I
1:1hysics, 9, No. 3, Jan. 1959, 4,o8-5o8 Worth Honand Publishing co-,
*Pap--r read at the :53i&th ffimnuml Sykposi= on rimlear Speexxoscoyy of tb-- USSR
fizadeW of Sciences, January 1950; Lening
&struat: 11easuremento bave be-en made of thon relative internal con:version
coefficients in the L-subahells for three pure 10. trmsitionu; '110
46.5 ka in Bir Y
and 115.1 and 238.6 heV in BiWck It Is showra t1lat in orclzr to obtain E~-pve=nt
with the exXrimntal data, it is ncceswrj to take into consideration the, finite
dimnsions of the nucleus in the theoretical calculations of the L internn3 conversion
bleanuremnts have also been made of L_: 'Zi L., for the 2W-3 I;r-V M trvmsitim
in PbAOI.-
V. V. Obraztsov Institute of Railvv Engineering, Department of Physics, Leaivgrad
21(3) BOV/48-23-2-16/2o
AUTHORS: Yegorov, Yu. S., Seliverstov, D. M.,
Zhernovoy, A. I.
TITLE: Instrument for Measurement and Stabilization of the Magnetic
Field in Spectrometers (ustanovka dlya lzmereniya i stabili-
zatsii magnitnog'o polya v spektrometrakh)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya, Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheakaya,-1959,
Vol 23, Nr 2, pp 244-250 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In this paper's universal measuring-instrument and a stabilizer
of the magnetic field for spectrometers is designed. The in-
strument is based on the principle of measurement and Btabili-
zation of the magnetic field by magnetic nuclear resonance.
It permits the measurement of magnetic fields within the
range 3 - 2500 Oe and stabilization within the range 10-2500 Oe.
For good resolution of the lower limit the authors applied
the method of previous magnetization of water. (Fig 2, block
scheme of the instrument in figure 1), whereby the lower limit
of the field strengthto be measured can be reduced to 3 Oe.
Due to the ratio of signal noise obtained by this method it
Card 1/2 is possible to use the signal of nuclear resonance for stabiliz-
Instrument for Measurement and Stabilization of the Magnetic Field in
ing the field of the spectrometer also at a field strength
of 10 Oe. For the purpose of obtaining the. signals of nuclear
resonance the scheme of the Franklizi generator was applied,
as suggested by Pound (Ref 8). Reactive tubes of the type
6Zh5P were used for frequency stabi~izationf whereby a frequency
stability of the generator of 8.10- was obtained within a
vide range of frequency. There are 6 figures and 10 references,
7 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta
im. V. N. Obraztsova
(Leningrad Institute for Railroad Engineers imeni V. N.
Card 2/2
21(3) SOV/48-23-2-17/20
AUTHORS: Yegorov, Yu. S., 54liverstov, 1). M., Latyahev, G. D.
TITLE: Frequency Meter for Nuclear Resonance (Izmeritelt chastoty
dlya yadernogo rezonanea)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959,
Vol 23, Nr 2, pp 251-254 (USSR)
ILBSTRACT: For the use of nuclear resonance for the measurement and
stabilization of magnetic fields the accuracy of measurement
is of special importance. On the other hand, the accuracy of
the measurement of magnetic fields is determined by the ac-
curacy of the measurement of high-voltage frequencies. The
frequencies are measured by comparison with quartz frequencies.
A block scheme of the frequenay me-ter IM-3 is given in figure 1,
and the accurate scheme is contained in figure 2 * A precise
description of the apparatus is given. With subdivision of
the quartz-generator frequency into 10 kc each the difference
of the frequency to' be measured between two neighboring
hkrmonics of the multivibrator is found within the limits
of 0 and 5 kc. The error caused in the measurements amounts
to +(7-10) ~o. For the purpose of reducing the error an
Card 1/2 osililograph is applied whereby the frequencies can be measured
Frequency Yeter for Nuclear Resonance
according to Lissajous figures. The error ip then reduced
+ 2 cycles. In the case of frequency measurements above
4950 cycles the-multivibrator is divided into 20 kc each.
There are 4 figures and 2 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIOIT; Leningradskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo trans-
ports. im. V. N. Obraztsova
(Leningrad Institute for Railroad Engineers imeni V. N. Obraztsov)
Card 2/2
Krisyuk, FAuard biechislavovich, Aleksandr Sargeyevich Berge V--and C-orgiy
Aktivnyy osadok radiotoriya (Thorium Active Deposit) Alma-Ata, Izd-vo AN
Kazakhskoy MR, 196o. 2,450 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR. Institut yadernoy fiziki.
Ed.: D. M..Glazyrina; Tech. Ed.: V. P. Prokhorov.
PURPM: This booklet is intended for nuclear physicists.
COVERAO: The authors review the literature on radioactive-radiations and
decay for transition schemes of 212 212 208 212 isotopes in
Pb YJ Bi T1 and Po
the "thorium active deposit" and present quantum characteristics and con-
clusions on the nature of levels. They recomend 'the use of a.1pha and con-
version spectra for calibration and verification of the operation of spectro-
scopic equipment. Data on the half-lives of the isotopes, the conversion
~ ar
Thorium. Active Depopit SOV/4725
spectrum of the thorium active deposit, etc are presented in tabular fom.
No personalities are mentioned. Ther e are Z~1' references: 111 English',
28 Soviet, 18 German. 8 Svedish, 13 Prench, 10 Italian,, and 3 Polish.
Ch. 1. study of the Thorium Active Deposit 212
1. Half-lives and the coefficient of branching of Bi decay 5
2. Alpha-spectm 8
3- Beta-spectrum 12
4. Conve-rsion spectrum 16
5. Gamma radiation 27
Ch. IL Decay Scheme of the Thorium Active Deposit
1. Decay scheme of pb~-'Ix 33
2,i Decay scheme of B1212 a> Ti 208 42
3. Decay scheme of T1208 49
AUTHOR: Zhernovoy, A. 1. and Latyshev, G. D.
TITLE: Magnetic rate-of-flow meter for liquids
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk. lzmeritcl'noya teklinika, no. 2, 1962, 39-40,
abstract 32.2,273. "Tr. Tashkentsk. konfercritsii po mirn. ispol zovaniyu ato. n. cnergii.
v. 2". Tashkent, AS UzSSR, 1960, 17-19
TEkT: A flow-meter was developed in the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the AS of KzzSSR based on
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). This device is intended for measuring the rate of flow of I iquids containing
hydrogen, fluorine, lithium and other substances with a high gyromagnetic ratio (water, alcohol, gasoline,
petroleum and others).The device possesses the advantages of low incrtia and absence of any elements
within the pipe line. The flow meter is in the form of a branch-pipc made of nonmagnetic and non-
conducting material. The branch pipe is located in a strong magnetic field. At the outlet of the branch pipe
a coil is'wound which is connected by means of a cable with the NMR detector circuit. The liquid which
passesthrough the branchpipe after polarization is under action of a resonance H. F. field. An an3lyticexpres-
sion of the dependence of the NMR signal upon the rate-of-flow of the liquid is given together with a formula
for the deterniinatiori'of the theoretical upper measurement limit at which the characteristic is still linear.
Card 1/2
Magnetic rate-of-flow... S/263/6210001002100,1/009
A graph of an experimentally obtained dependence of the amplitude of the NMR signal upon the rate of flow
of water in a 15 CM3 branch tube is given; this dependence being linear for the rate-of-flow range between
0 and 70 cm3/sec. The measurement range in these experiments was 20 to 1. The sensitivity of the dcvic~ may
be increased at the price of reduced measurement range by moving away the NM R transducer from the ma-,net-
izing field and placing it between poles of an additional magnet. The device has the capacity to record
jumps in the rate of flow of 0.1 sec. duration. There are 3 figures and 10 references.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation.]
Card 212
Use of nuclear resonance for measurements in science and technology.
Vest.AN Kazakh-'SSR 16 no-5;33-41 My 160. (MIRA 13:7)
(imclear magnetic resonance)
.- N6M. C-
.- I. Measuring the lifetime of the 279 Kev level of Tl 203 by the delayed
coincidence method. Vest. AN Kazakh. SSR 16 no.9:72-78 S 160.
.I (MIU 13:9)
(Thallium--Isotopes) (Scintillation counters)
AUTHORSs Ostretsov, L.A., Kovrigin, O.D., IL~t shev,__G_D_.., Academician
of the Academy of Sciences KazSSR; Leonov, V.D.,Shirshov,N.M.
TITLE: Practical measurements of delay line parameters
PERIODICALt Vestnik Akademii nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, no. 1, 1961, 29-33
TEXT: Delay-lines are coming into extensive use in modern radio
engineering. The'authors used an alternating delay line for operation in
a quick-slow coincidence circuit tha was employed for measurement of time
intervals in the range of 10-7 1 10-10sec. A brief description of the
design and methods of measuring the wave resistance, delay and attenuation
in the line is presented in this article. The design is illustrated
(Fig. 1). Its main element is a hollow mobile brass drum with a surface
in the form of a square-section spiral of the type suggested by Bell (Ref.1).
The square is 18 x 18 mm. A copper conductor 4 mm in diameter is laid
along this spiral axis on rings from fluoroplastic. This conductor is the
inner conductor of a high-frequency cable. The spiral diameter is 220 mm.,
the turns number 22. The drum rotates on plain journal bearings on posts.
Card l/ 11
Practical measurements of ... A161/A129
Minimum and constant contact resistance of the mobile part with the station-
ary part is important. In this Gass it was 0.05 ohm. The transition from
the mobile part to the immobile part is also a coaxial line with the same
wave resistance. A slip collector takes the signal from the open cylinder
surface. The oollector is a cathode follower circuit with a diode. The
drum may be rotated by hand or by motor (a drive pulley is provided). The
wave resistance was determined in two ways (Fig. 2). Voltage from the out-
put of a 102 -0 (102-1) sweep generator is transmitted to the delay line,
the other end of which is loaded with alternating resistance (R). A reverse
reflected wave which can occur in the case of load mismatch is transmitted
to the generator input. As seen in the diagram, the direct wave from the
output arrives simultaneously. The carrier frequency is to be selected on
the most even portion of the frequency characteristic of the generator.
A maximum approach of the frequency characteristic watched on the screen to
the natural frequency of the generator is to be achieved gradually by
changing the resistance. The absence of reflections from the line end shows
that the line is loaded with wave resistance that can be determined by
measuring the resistance R. In our case it Was 95:tlO ohms. Wave resistance
Card 2/11
Practical measurements of ... A161/A129
can be measured in the same way with the use of an Onx-1 (IPKh-1) transi-
tion characteristic meter. The front of the n- pulse will be seen on the
screen. It grows in (1-5t 0.2)-lo-asec (Fig. 3,a). This oscillogram
appears at full match of the load and wave resistance. In the case of
disconnected line, the oscillogram will be as in Fig. 3-b , and in the case
of short-circuit as in Fig. 3c. The second method is more accurate, the
measured resistance was 100� 5 ohms. The double delay time may be deter-
mined by oscillograms (Fig, 3) using the time division marks on the IPKh-l.
In Fig. 3 it is indicated by 2,r, and it is in our case (10� 2)-10-8 see.
More accurate measurement is possible with the circuit in Fig. 4. A
signal from a r(-(--l (GSS-1) sinusoidal oscillator is modulated in amplitude
with 400 cycles frequency and fed to the line. The line is connected to
a high-ohmic measurement circuit and works nearly as in the case of a line
opened at the end. An 30-7 (EO-7) oscillograph is used as an indicator.
The work frequencies are reaching far beyond the pass band of the EO-7 and
a crystal diode amplitude detector must be used, then the senusoidal
oscillations of 400 cycles frequency will be seen on the EO-7 screen.
Measurements consist in the smooth variation of the generator carrier
frequency. When the generator frequency is such that an uneven number of
Card 3/11
Practical measurements of ... A161/A129
wave quarters can be placed on the line length, the voltage on the line
end will bulge. Obviously, there will be a maximum sinusoid amplitude
on the screen. This case is described by the formula
2n - 1 X 4
or, v =
4 2n - 1
where v is the wave propagation velocity in the line; t- the line length;
the generator wave length; f - generator frequency. Substituting a
23.1 megacycle frequency, and 14.2 m line lengtht
v = 2.63. 10-10 m/sec.
Knowing the line length and the signal propagation velocity the delay
time is found: -8
T del (5.40+- 0-15)-10 sec.
Measurement can also be carried out when the line is short-circuited at
the end. The oscillograph must then be connected through the detector to
the line input. Attenuation was determined by the following procedure:
Card 4A1
Practical measurements of ... Al6l/Al29
The Q-factor of the circuit with the line is measured by a Q-meter at
parallel and series resonance. The calculation formula is (Ref. 2)
4-Q, -~o Q2 -~o
where Otis the attenuation factor; Q1 the circuit quality at parallel
resonance, Q2 - at series resonance, - of circuit proper, t - line
length. The measured attenuation was '~0-004 decibel. A different method
can also be used. First, the resonance frequency in the line is calculatei
using the formula (Ref. 3)
f(megacycle) = 144(3
where tr - relative signal velocity in the line; line length in
ft- en the Q-factor and capacitance are determined with the Q-meter.
The-e value is determined by the formula
M 10-6
21r f(megacycle) C (pf)-'P(ohm)
Practical measurements of ... A161/A129
The S value is found from the graph in Ref. 3 and the line attenuation
will be found by the formula
N S decibel/100 ft.
In our case it was 0-037� 0.004 decibel. The design. of the delay line
proved convenient in use, and the accuracy of measurements proved suffi-
cient,for the error in the determination of the excitation life time was
not exceeded. There are 4 figures and 3 references (2 in English langua-
ge and 1 a translation into Russian). The references are reading: (Ref.1)
Bell, Graham, Petch. Canadian J. of Physics, 1952, 30, 35; (Ref. 2) Termen
and Pettit (Russian spelling); "Measurement in electronics". lzdatellstvo
inostrannoy literatury, Moscow, 19551 (Ref. 3) Stewart, C.Z., Trans. AIEE,
1945, 64, 616, 938-
Oard 6/11
//s 1A 0) B108/11138
AUTHORS: Zhernovoy, A. I., Lalyshev, G_ D_
TITLE: Use of nV'dlear resonance for measurement and stabilization
of non-uniform weak magnetic fields
SOURCE: Tashkentskaya konfer~entsiya po mirnomy ispol'zovaniyu atomnoy
energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v. 1. Tashkent, 1961,
236 - 240
TEXT: The nuclear magnetic resonance amplitude in a uniform magnetic
field is proportional to the volume of the pickup and to the square of the
magnetic field strength. In a non-uniform field, the effective volume
of the resonance pickup is that fraction of the true geometric volume in
which the non-uniformity is less than the amplitude of the h.f.-field.
The pickup must be small, oAherwise only very slight non-uniformity will
be permissible (grad H 4 1 t d - pickup length). The overall error
max T
is-also proportional to d. In previous work (PTE, 1958, 5, 73) the
authors devised a pickup to satisfy these requirements. The dependence
Card 1/3
Use of nuclear resonance for... B108/B138
of the signal amplitude on the parameters of the Dickup was determined by
solving Blodh's equation for exact resonance. The results were checked by
measurements with pickups of various sizes. They showad that the
theoretical formula for the maximum signal amplitude for yH 1Tx> 1,
qT 2 h2T,2 +
A B e
' g 1/-- -2
Sh ITH If Tz - I
+ H2 T;..; .1 (3)
T, T2 I T,
is a satisfactory rendition of the experimental facts. B is a coefficient
which in first approximation is independent of the pickup parameters,
y-nuclear g-factor; T and T , respectively, are the longitudinal and
Card 2/3 1
Use of nuclear resonance for... ~108/B138
transverse relaxation times, V9 - working volume of pickup. The
theoretical considerations show that the maximum amplitude of the nuclear
resonance amplitude in a Dickup with a flowing polarized medium should
not decrease with the volume of the pickup. Therefore the amplitude of
the oscillating field must be increased when volume of the Dickup is
reduced. A signal-to-no se ratio of more than 10 had to be achieved with
a Dickup of only 0.03 cm~- In practice, pickups with a flowing medium
can be used up -6o field strengths of 500 - 1006 oersteds. There are 2
figures, I table, and 4 references: 2 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The
reference to the English-language publication'reads as follows: Brown R.
M. Phys. Rev., 78, 530, 1950.
ASSOCIATION- Institut yadernoy fiziki AN KazSSR (Institute of Nuclear
Physics AS Kazakhskaya SSR)
Card 3/3
V3 -6) C) fj / 4 B108/B138
AUTHORS: Zhernovoy, A. I.,L
TITLE. Nutation method of measuring direct current by nuclear
magnetic resonance
SOURCE: Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomy ispol'zovaniyu atomnoy
energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v, 1. Tashkent, 1961,
240 - 242
TEXT: A new method of measuring magnetic fields by nuclear magnetic
resonance has been developed, using a single-channel converter. It is free
from the common errors since it Drovides for direct measurement of the
dependence of field on current, and exact measurement of parasitic
magnetic fields, which figure can then be subtracted from the total field.
With this method, which uses only one pickup currents can be measured 1000
times weaker than was hitherto possible. They do not have to be modulated..
Passing through the measuring channel of the converter is a thin tube
through which flows the water polarized by a strong magnetic field
(10,000 oe), The nutation Dickup is at one end. Farther on, the water
Card 1/2
Nutation method of measuring... B108/B138
passes into the nuclear resonance pickup (single frequency) which is in a
oermanent uniform magnetic field of 20 - 30 oe. When the r.f. magnetic
field generated in the nutation pickup coil equals the proton precession
frequency, polarization of the flowing water will vanish or change its
sign, and so will the nuclear resonance signal in the detector. The
current in the converter is determined by I = K(f - fo), I = Kf-fo is the
nutation frequency at which the resonance signal vanishes when no current
flows throu gh the converter, f the signal when a current flows. The
converter constant K usually causes the principal error in the measurements.
This can be reduced by exact current measurement at a current of about 10a.
The result of this measurement can be used to determine the K value which
may then be employed in the entire ran ge of measurements. Details about
the optimum parameters of the arrangement can be found in earlier papers
by the authors (Inzh. fiz. zhurnal, 1958, 9, 123). There are 1 figure
and 6 references: 5 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki All KazSSR (Institute of Nuclear
Physics AS Xazakhakaya SSR)
Card 2/2
1K P4 3) BIOB/B138-
AUTHORS: Zhernovoy, A. I., Latyshev, G. D.
TITLE: Dependence of the frequency of a nuclear resonance maser on
the parameters of the arrangement
SOURCY: Tashkentskaya konferentsiya po mirnomy ispollzovaniyu
atomnoy energii. Tashkent, 1959. Trudy. v. 1. Tashkent,
1961, 242-248
TEXT: The authors calculated the effect of the parameters of an r.f.
oacillatory.circuit and of non-unifirmities of the magnetic field on
oscillations under radiative relaxation. The latter is due to magnetic
interaction between polarized nuclei and the resonance circuit oscillating
at a frequency which is near the Larmor precession of the nuclei. The
radiative relaxation signal can be used in measuring and stabilizing a
magnetic field. K. V. Vladimirskiy (ZhETF, 33, 532, 1957) established the
condition.-2nM 0l 7"%Q > 02 for radiative relaxation for the longitudinal
component of magnetization. MO is the longitudinal component of the
overall nuclear magnetic moment of the specimen,iL the space factor of the
Card 1/3
Dependence of the frequency ... B108/B138
pickup coil, Q quality factor, I - nuclear g-factor, T2 transverse
relaxation time. The oscillation frequency in this kind of circuit is
1-2n 1 2
V -T+ A% P2
where &_~j is the difference between frequency of the oscil 'lating field
and w., the resonance frequency of the nuclei, ri0is the resonance frequency
of the circuit. Where 80