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IATIU B Energy of the crystalline not In the process of incongruent fusion of the silicates In the forning of new ollicateo. Studii chim Timisoam 7 no.3/4-335-340 JJ-D 160. (EM 10:9/10) (Silicates) (Crystallization) (Fusion) ,cUTIU# Be; GICOARH~ Lucia Some considerations on the structure of alkali silicates. Studii mat Timisoara 7 no.1/2:49-59 Ja-Je 960. - (FYAI 10:4) (Lithium silicates) (Potassium silicates) (Sodium silicates) LATIU, E.; MAIq Fr.; CICOARE, Lucia .Research bn the bentonite of the Tomesti-Faget area. Studii =at Timisoara 7 no.1/2:179-192 Ja-Je 160. (EEAI 10:4) (Rumania--Bentonite) LATIU , E. Ion deformations in the lattices of insular silicates depending on their crystalline structure. Studii mat TimiBoara 7 no.l/2s22-r%-236 Ja-Je 160. (EW 10t4) (ions) (Lattice theory) (Silicates) (Borium silicates) (Kaynite) Mosite) (Sarcolite) (Donbassite) LATIU., E.; CICOARB,. Lucia The change adaurpt on of the indigenous tuffs, bentoniteo, and diatomites. Studii chi= Timisoara 7 no 3A:341-345 JI-D 160. iEKAI 3.0:9/3.0) (Rumania-Volcanic ash, tuff, etc.) (R=ania-Bentonite) (Rmmni&-9i-eeelguhr) - LATIU, E,; MIHAI, F.; GICOARE, Lucia Studies on some ben,Dnitic soils of the regions of Banat and Fzmedoara. Studii chim Timisoara 8 no.1/2:171-180 Ja-Je (61. (Rumania-Soils) (Bentonite) -010 see o a 0 o 0 *so 900004 a L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 111, 0 0 0 0 all 3 1 4 a 0 is 11 a if M It u $I it " 11 R12 D 36 25 N 12 A A AD JII 1) 3) M 15 id P X PF W 4) A! 1) &1 0 Y-1-AA *-CC ;p Ut - it., 1 vot'l s PlIt(111ts OW _90 PIrtMIgenstic Ftndy of bastalt with cuteaus indullms of qua" at RxZ,;iW de jc!v~ ? juditUl TOUTS Man in RWXMnLL- 1crG4 N. LAnu. Ax=r.1*OCPrvLRvWAXS" V _ ).-The basalt at Rstmr(W~UW&Mvd, from all analoo"is oc- cuncoces, to be in the mostadvwwed degme of mineralintion. Aparticulucharach-risfic of this bassit is the unijorwity of its Campo, wh" coughts 01 oli%riIW MW at-Site in equal amits. Exotenous indusions of quartz am common in most ol them hasslut. The ottatru shows alrundant ra-6-miq irw1t14cmR, G. T. MoroK 0 ZOO 60 zoo -00 ze 0 z00 is V Z:Oo C L W? IC Al 10% S L A ire 0 10- j-1 m I U S; AV .0 it! It At a p tv tv to DIP At if HIO A I ft e 00 4 a of of 0 0 Too I ASO 01 0' *aA 1 00 it to is it it 1. 1, is 1. 10 p vis M is w11w 4: r0 ~A 1- If r U 4 11 - VV I-A A.A-AA a tc Ma4s & 00, .6mitlis O`OIPI.f'$~ do mkMazatk assily of Im ores at Obe3arjudetulflunedoals,lRounmia. ViLmm -90 A vibar. joist gftl. R&wdowiri 13, 27-42(MM-The qklx-lts are distrilmW -4 of 40 X 70 &q. ktu. The (Wa MOW mainly Cot slIkrite. The brown aWrile. -0 which contains a Ovall nit, o1 viil"tc% has a d, - 3.711-1.0. while Wderite with more silk-mr hiss a d. - 3-.30 3 Ir.. The lititnitite om xtv not unitorittly Ivnetratrd by the pilicat". their d. 1whig 3W C78. T. hl4lvlx so .3 IN Joe At' it A-11A11Vr6K4t MISAURE ftA11WIC4TI** f I _.Oe 0u WX r. U IS &W 4% it It 44 N I( it at f( is AA i Is (W 0 W I V 14 144 U it w 0 1 sib -ilea-0-0-0-0 0 V 0 0 00 00000 4 0 0 41 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 go go 0000 0 4 0 minfretraphic stul of spowsolitic minstill fall"Ation at th* 5 1 1"S"abw -1m N. u mios . ~ a tesion). Vit go I- iu pau. wi. &.4 4. ri"al,wra 10,-3(jj~rj-- C". ZfW. IO&Z, with 4r1#;nt1tt and rRIentnite, had go barl Vlrl% hrr 60 to 0 ZOO UVOG" W1041VAR c4AMPICA11" AS% $1 .11. IC. , -'I, TV It to n it to mK ft it a tt n u cc mw n I x4 An s v ?W 0 1 V -M 9 t) 0 009 *so 0 *be - -Q-- " ,LATIU -'JU Scl LATIU, --,'ICTG.~ 1". CristaloF-rafia fizica ('Lizica cristalelor). Bucuresti, kditura Tehnica, 19~-F- 34~ P. 11 iNT Ilot in DIC Monthly List of East European Accessions (RIA ) LC. Vol. F, "'o. S, :3 k~kw 1959, Unclass. LATIIJ, V.; ABRAMOVICI, R.; CRISTEA, V.; CICOARE, L.; PASCU, E. Study of Obreja quartizite in view of its utilization far silica refractory manufacturing. Bul St 9i Tehn Tim 9 no.2-. .)55-359 il-D 164. - L P..'ll ! ~ '12 . Hil -c -.%-a or k-'---, ; !!~--,:y -2 T , -. -~, , ~ .:, V-1 " 'r. .. 1. 1 ; .. . .,ZFll:m , -It!2-pi ,.t - I no . 2 -. 14 11tv . L S!tata Yubl.lshing T-loine of ratirrc, Pratisl;vva. LATKA, Jan Determination of the enuatorial po2i-.ions of artificial sa-~eilli-,C-s oA the basis of measiirements olf' photoplates and utilizing the spherical angles. Good i kart 13 no.41297-309 164. UTKA, J, K. An artificial FArth satellite for geodetic measurements. Postep~r astronom 10 no./+:365-308 O-D 162. ' GICHUdICZ, Ludoolaw; ~~!I.IAYazlmlerz 4..A geodetic, geophysical, and astronomical earth .,he oatenites. Przegl geod 35 no.1:4,-6 Ja 163. LATKA, K. A conference on satellites In X'ascow. Posteepy aEtronom -12 no.2: 151-152 164. LATYA, S. 4ccelqrpt2np turnover in the Polish Stnte R-iilroarls. D. 181. (M-ECIjIT, Y(,LEJr,---,rl 01- ~, No- 5. MaY 1954, I.-I,,rszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of 'European Access!-ns, (SEAL), T-C, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. - - i! -.1"'IMP - -,I. - - OZOGILMY ': GEOUGY LATKA, V, Charco-A burning in illinsko near Snina. P. 5-111 Vol. 6, no. 6, 19;58 1 1 M onthly Tndex rf East Europ~:an Accessiclis (E-FAI) IC, T~I. S, No. L, ~Pril 1959 5(21 AUTHORS: Sayun,M.G., Tsyb,P.?,, Latkher, K.,Eh. SOV/32-24-12-7/45, TITLE: Separation of Zinc From Indium Using Electrolysis With a 1,"ercury Mectrode (Otdaleniye tsinka ot indiya elektrolizom a rtutnym elek- trodom) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol 24,1Nr 12, PP 1436-1439 (USSR) ABSTFACT: The-possibility of applying the amalgam method in the separation of'-zinc from indiu.m is shown. This method is widely used analytical- ly and has been applied to the analysis of several metals (Ref 1). In the experiments reported here the experimental apparatus (Tablel) included a mercury or amalgam elect~,,ode and a platinum spiral as the second electrode. The electrodes -were separated by a distance of 3 cm and the electrolyte volume was 80 ml. The zinc determination was ca.rried.out using the volumetric ferrooyanide method and the radiomeItric method using radioactive ZJ5 isotopes with a half-life periods of 250 days. Indium was determined polarographically. A MS-7 counter was used in the radiometric determination. Several polaro- grams (Fig 2) are given to explain the possibility of separating zinc from indium electrolytically as in the present experiments. Card 1/2 Prom the experimental results obtained it mAy be concluded that a SOV132-24-12-1145 Separation of Zinc From Indium. Using Electrolysis With a Mercury Electrode separation of zinc from indium is possible in an anodic polarizati.:;. decomposition. A table of experimental results shows.that at 200 8.1y-of the 9?-of zinc in the amalgam goes into solution after 5 minutes, while with an increase in temperature to 600 the 'entire amount of zinc present goea into solution. An in- crease in the indium concentration in the amalgam makes the zinc dissolution more difticult. An analytical procedure was worked out according to the results of the studies made,- There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Gorno-metallurgic'heskiy institut tevetnykh metallov (Mining-Metallurgical Institute for Nonferrous Metals) Card 2/2 HISHIN, I.A., kandidat tekhnichaskA~h nauk; 147E redaktor; EWAA-A" TURIN, A.A., redaktor; VOEILAGINA, S.D., tekhnicheekly redaktor EMIetal a'mtting in agricultural machinery repair] CYbrabotka metallov razanlem v seliskokhozlalstvennom remontnow proizvodetvas Moskva, Goa. Izd-vo selkhos. lit-ry, 1953. 182 P- (Microfilm] (HM 7:10) (metal cutting) (Agricultural machinery-Repairing) MORAYETO Valat dotaent, kwAidat takhnicheskikh nauk; LMIN, Aelle,' redaktor [deceased]; TSYRIN, A.A., redaktor; takhnichoskly redaktor [Electric equIpment for tractors 9Xd automobiles] 33-ekirooboradoranie traktorov i avtomobilai. rzd- 3., perer. I dop. Moskva, Goo. Izd-vo seMoz. lit-ry. 1954. 360 p. (MLRA 7:10) (Automobiles-Ilectric equipment) (Tractors-glectric equipment) Old/P120/0120 ------------------ 0l R --.-AP,5ol6787 3.-2- r. V. MASUKOV. P.. (g. Gorlkiy); ABRLMM, S.; MUHAGHEV. I., predsedatell soveta -radlokluba; KOGHZUWV, N.0 nachallnik radiolduba; LA IN, V., predse- datell soveta radio)duba; SHISHUKOV, Pot rukovodits-r"E-on-ifr"n'ktorskoy saktsii kluba; BARBIN. G.~ chleja radiokluba; BUDUMOV, V., predoeda- tell soveta radiokluba; GOWHOV, V., nachallnik radiokluba; TETBM. Provide parts for radio amatourB. Radio no.12:14-17 D 153. (MLRAL 6:12) 1. Naohalluik radiokluba Voesoyuznogo dobrovollnogo obshchestva sodey- stviya armii, aviataii I flotu (for Baskakov). 2. Nachallnik Villnyus- skogo'radiokluba Voesoyasnogo dobrovollnogo obehchestva sodeystviya armit, aviataii i flotu. (for Tevelev). (Radio--Apparatus and supplies) TIMSHEVA, N.S.; PROKHOROVA, A.A.; YIWINOTA-SYAKINA, S.M.; PARASHCHOKO, S.F., kand.istor.nank, red.; TRUBITSYNA, iamaastor.nauk, red.; PLM11IKOV, A.M., red.; KELOOMOV, V.I., (Collectivization of agriculture on the Kuban; collection of documents and materials] Kollektivisateiia sel'skogo khoziaistva na Xubani; sbornik aokumentov i materialov. Krasnodar, Krasno- aarskoe knizhnoe izd-vo. Vol.l. 1918-1927 99. 1959. 201 P. (MM 13:3) 1. Kommunistichaskaya partiya Sovetakogo Soymza. Krasnodarskiy krayevoy komitet. Partiynyy arkhiv. (Kuba-n--Agriculture, Cooperative) UNINAt O.A.; TOPCHYEVAq 0.1. Significance of a cytological method in the detection of early stages of cancer of the cervix uteri at a gynecological consulta- tion center. Akush, i gin. 36 no 3t47-50 My-Je '60. (MIRA 13:12) (UTF.RUS-4ANCEK5 IATKO, T.D.; MATAYEV, G.A.; IZMAYLDV, L.B. Geological structures in connection with the tapping of fractured carbonate layers and the completion of wells. Geol. nefti i gaza 4 no.3:42-4~ My 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Dagestanakiy sovaarkhoz. (Petroleum geology) JATKO -T.D-;- IZIIAYIDVs L.G.; MATAYEV, G.A. Causes of caning breakdown and collapse. Neftianik 6 no.3:12-13 Yx 161. (14MA 14:10) 1. Sotradniki TSentrallnoy nauchno,-issledovateliskoy laboratorii. (Oil well casiog.) ; MTKOV N.M.- DROZDOV, N.G. - V Improvement of technological processes in stamping bicycle gears. From.energ. 18 no.1:11 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Gear cutting) LATKOIIC., Iv~n, dr.; CECUK, Ljubol dr.; SIMONOVIC, Ivanp dr.; RADOSEVIC~ Zdenko,-dr. Scintigraphy of the kidney. Lijecn. vjesn. 87 no.8:879-886 Ag 18~. 1. Iz Interne klinike i Kirurske klinike, Medicln!!!:og fakulteta Sveucilis'La u Zagrebu. LATKOVICSO G.S "Remarks about Iwo Gorog's article Organization and Territorial Placing of Field Brigades In Production Cooperatives in Connoction with the Introduction of Grassy Crop Rotation" P. :L59 (AGRARTUDOMM Y, Vol. 5P Nol 5# Mw 1953j. Budspests, Hungary) SO: Hohthly List of East European Accessions, L.C., Vol. 2, No. 7, July 1953, Uncl. 10B=MD, [DebrecenipDoIj DEBMSENY,,B. [Debrecen ip B. I., LATKOVICH,D. RaimUs of some ccmqug~ve tests In c(abined mineral ferti- 1;z9~%,In Hungary. Zemljiste biljka 11 no.V3481.04 162. 1. Nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut pochvovedeniya i agro- khemii AN Vengrii, OWeleniye udol:weniy,, g. Badapesht. LATKOVICH,I. [Latkovics, 1.1; IMIM, [Gyorgynel Effect of fertilizers on the metabolism of the Ihmgarian Martonvasar 5 hybrid maize- &mljiste -biljka 11 no.1/3t 349-351 162 1, Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut pichvovedeniya i agro- khimii AN Vengriis g. Budapesht. LATKOVICS, Gyorgyne Data on the fertilization of corn(mize). 111. Effect of the fertili- zation on the nutritious substances of the MY-5 hybrid corn(maize). Agrokem talaJtan 10 no.4:451-464 D 161& 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia '.alajtani so Agrokemiai Kutato Intezete, Budapest. LATKOVIGS, Gyorgyne ."Agricultural chemistry" by A. G. Shestakov. Reviewed by Mrs. Gyorgy -'latkovics. Agrokem talajtan 10 no./+:575-576 D 161. 1 SZABOLCS., Istvanj IATKOVES. Gyorgyne - - - - FertiLization of Hungaryls alkali soils. Is The effect of fertilization on the yield of oats grown on solonets-type meadow aoils.' Agrokem talajtan 2 no.1:73-80 Mr 162. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Talajtani ea Agrokemiai Hutato Intezete, Budapest. 2. "Agrokemia ea Talajtan" eoszerkesztoje (for Szabolcs). IATKOVMS, Gyorgyne Fertilization of Hungarylo alka31 soils. U. Changes in the vutrient content and nntrient circulation of oats as affected by fertiliiatione Agrokem talajtan, 2 no.1:81-88 Mr 162. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Ta3.ajtarA en Agrokemiai Kutato Intezete, Budapest, Laxoms . Gyorgyne- 1~ - Data on the fertilization of maize. IV. Agrokem tr-lajtan 3-1 no.2tl85-190 Je 162. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Talajtwni es Agrokemiai Kutato Intezete, Budapest* IATKOVICS, Gyorgyne Data on the fertilization of corn (maize). II. Agrolmn talajtan 9 no.4:479-490 160, I. Magyar Tudomanyos Aingdemia, Talajtani es Agrokemiai Kutato Intezet, Badapest. LATKOVIGS, Gyorgyne I Data on the problems of the use of phosphorus fertilizers. I. Agrokem talajtan 12 no.1:3-10 Mr 163. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Talajtani es Agrokemiai Kutato Intezeste, Budapest. LATKOVICS, Gyorgyne; MATE, Ferenc Testing the effect of various nitrogen fertilizers on acid and alkali soils in pot experiments. Agrokem talajtan 12 no.3:397-406 o 63. App3*uation of radioactive isotopes in the determination of the availability of phosphorus nutrients. Pte&,2. -439-450 1. lk%gyar Tudomanyos Akademia Talajtani es Agrdicemiai Kutato Intezete, Budapest. 'ATKO111,73 Gyorgyne; MkTIJ', Frrarx - -1.1-- 9.-- - Data on the nu+.r-"-2nt sf yovrig -a ~ -- 4. llalaJtan 142 no.4 ~ zl-f~8 ~'- 16 3 s 1. Research Iratituto of Soil Sclen-z5 an-A Hungarian Aoride-my of S'rA.-m mn, F-110z:%i i-it. SZABOLCS, Istvan, dr.; LATKOVICS, Gyorgyne Application in small amounts of calcillm and nitrogen contair-inj? ameliorating substances on irrigated alkali sods. Agrokem talajtan 13 no.1/2:73-84 J1 '64. 1. Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Hungarian Acadew '7 of Sciences, Budapest. 2. Chief Editor, "Agrokemia es Talajtan" (for Szaboles). KRAJERP M.; LATKOVICS, 1. Questions of applying fertilizers to winter wheat groving 'in the mo3t important soil types of Hungary. Agroksm talajtan 13 Suppl.:101-108 Ky 164. 1. Research Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. LATKOVICS, 1. Questions of applyinF fortilizors to maize growi--v ir t1ha- most important soil typos of Ifung&ry. Agrokem talajtan 13 Suppl.:117-122 MV 164. 1. Research Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. GULBIS M.G.; IATKOVSKA .1 Xeroderma pigmentosum. Pediatriia 42 no.l.'76-79 U163. O-MU -16.-.10) 1. 1z kafedry detakikh bolezney (zav. M.D.Kurbatova) Rizh- skogo meditsinBkogo instituta i Rizhskoy detskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach T.R.Chems) (SKIN-DISEASES) (CHIIDREN~-DISEASES) LATKOWSKI., Bozydar Abscesses of the tongue. FbI. tyg. lek. 18 no-41:1529-1532 70 163. 1. Z Klinild Oto2aryngologicznej AM w lodzi; kierownik: prof. dr m3ld. A. Radziminald (TONGUE) ~ABSCESS) (PENICILLIN) (VACCINE THERAPY) LATKOWSKI, Bo~ar Views on the role of Paranasal. sinuses* Pol, tyge leke 19 no.31.-1206-4209 3 Ag'64' 1. 3 Klinlkl Oto-lar-yngologicznej Akaden. ii Medycznej v Lodwl.,, kierownik: prof. dr. med. L Raftl-minsk'-. LATKOW, X-j .13qz ar; PlIZIO, Stanislav yd Studies on the mechanical endurance of human skull bonea. Pat, Pol. 16 no.3a331-Y217 JI-S u 65. 1. Z KlIniki Otolaryngologictnoj AM w Lodzi (KJ.eravmlk"~ prof. 1, A.- Radziminaki) -1 % P(147i-ilu Glovrrp- Mprharika ;-4iRladii Chemicuego YDorutaRl w Zgierzu,,_(Xiorpwniks IS. - Puzio)., ,IJITKOWSKI, Bozydar yr.g. Po". 18 no-11 Nasal tamponade with rubber bulbs. Otolar, 161-162 164, 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologiemej AkademAi Medycznej w Lodzi 0 (Kierownik,., prof. dr med. A. Rudziminski). LATKOWSKI, Bozydar; OYOI,.,, Janusm Somestatistical data on malignant neoplasms of the laryjax in Poland during the years 1956-1961. Otolaryng. Pol. 19 no.DI19-124 165. 1. Z Kliniki Dtolaryngologicznej M, cademii Medycznej w Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr. med. A. Radziminski). LATKOWSKI., Bozyder On the mechanism of rupturing of the posUrior waU of the frontal sinus in trauma. Otolaryng. Pol. 19 zio.21201,:-208 165. 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej Akademii Medycznej w Lodzi (Kierownikz prof. dr. med. A Radziminski). LATKOWSKI, Joze.f. mgr ~nz. Cooling stores and freezing plants for fruits. Przegl techn 1. no,46.9,, 12 18 N 162o 1. Gentrdlny Osrodek Chlodnictwa, Krakow. I.IOMN, V.G. [L'ovkin, V.H.I; IATMAN, M.Ye. [Latmant M.B.] Hoisting machine for the transport of shoes. Leh. prom. ho.2: 62-63 Ap-Je, 163. (MIRA 16;7) 1. Nikolayevskiy kozhevenno-obuvnoy kombinat. (Shoe industry) (Conveying machinery) 50iVMMV, A. 1. KMROV, V. P.; NUMMWV, V. S. I AMMAN, M& A*) IVANOVi No F. zfmznlxovp F. 0.; FDMP 1. P1.1 zJkRLMKAU" 0. R.) IVIEVV I. V. IATMAWISOVA, G. M. and GERASIMOV8 Ve Pe Current injector for *-Strong Focuseed Idnaco report:~revented at the Intl* Conf. on High Energy Accelerators, Dubnap August 19630 UT1X,1IW',.T 1.1'.V. The Co=ittee on Stalin Prizes (Of thO Co=--U of Ministara USSR) in the fielda of votenc* and inventions antpumen that the fOllOvin-I scientific -morks., pWalw- scjE~a- tifle books, and texxtbooks have, been submitted for competition for Stalin Prin-as for the yeaze 1952 and 1953. (Sovetakaya Kultura, Moscov,, Vo. 22-4o, 2o reb tpr iqV~) Name Title of Work Nominated by Koslbenko, MI.P. "An Bloc ~rodynanic 11-.'odel Institu'ue of Automatic:; and Latra-anizov K. V. of a Po-~~ter Syr- .111 Teleri-mchanics, Acadlemy of Urusov, I.D. j 3cicnces Ivanov, V.I. Ryzhov, P.I. tn Sokolov, T.N. Semenov V.V. P Zberabin, F.I. J so: w-3o6o4, 7 JU1Y 1954 VIVOGRADOV., Rikolay Vladimirovicb; 1ATMANIZOVI- L,.-V-.J- dots., retsenzent; V 0 k 0-1 .-1 R-, - K TIWKHOA, V.I.9 red.; tekhn. red. (MaImfacture of electric machinery) Proizvodetvo elektrichaskilch mauhin, Moskva., Goo.energ.izd-vop 1961. 319 p. (MIRA 15:2) 1, ioeningradeldy politekhnicheskiy institut in. M.I.Kalinina (for Latmanizov). (Electric machinery-Design and construction) PEI L, 59Z41-65 EWT(m)/EPA(w)-2/SVA(m)-2 Pt-7 IJP(c) GS ACCESSION HR.- ATS007937 S/0000/64/0000,000/0507/OS12 AUTHORT Abroyan, M. A.1 Gerssimov, V. P;; Zheleznikov~ r. G.; Z IvIev, A. L. I V. I Ymarov, Kuzneteov, V. S. La!mmWrA,_QJW Royf a- - I K. ; 95By-9 f No-v, A. I ......... TITLE: High-current injector of a linear accelerator with strong focusing SOURCE: International Conference on High Energy Acc*l store. Dubna. 1963. Trudy. Hoscow. Atomizdat. 1964, S07-S12 TOPIC TAGS: linear accelerator, strong focusing accelerator, electron optics ABSTRACT: Conditions governing injection in linear proton accel'erators determined the requirements on the ion beam, which were of the following orderl energy, 700 kev-, bean current, 400 mill1ampereal'beam diamater, 10 millivaters v pulse duration, 3.0-15 microseconds; energy stability; 0.5%j angular divergence, 45,10-3 radian:The p7nclpal difficulties occur in the developbent of a system for producing and forMr- in,3 an Ion bean with.a large current frou a powerful stabilized high-voltage DOW09 rov particle energy iof 700 kov, a variation of the open sachine Is chosen which eh- sure* good operational characteristics. In the case of large currentsi the dffoot ~of the bean's spatLal, charge WsubstantLal and nst be taken Into saomt6 It cwd 1/8 L 59241-65 AOCESSION NR: AT5007937 considerably complic-ates the design of the ion-optical system. Experimental test- ing of the selected version of the optical system for a proton beam with a current of the order of 0.5 ampere confirmed the correctness of the theoretical conclusions and indicated the possibility of producing a proton injector with the above para- meters. The author discusses the following topics: design of a system for form- ing the beaml the experimental setup (injector power-mply, high-voltage stabilizel power supply circuit, ion source, and current charact r stics); the results of the measurements (e.g. current density distribution over tube cross-section). "In con- clusion, the author thanks Z, F. Xglyahey,for his.constant interest and cooperation during the work, and also R. Pi'Zsyteeva for doing the computer calculatione.ft Orll, art, has, 8 f4urel ASSOCIATIONe Nauebno-iseledovatellAly inetitut slaktrofisicbeekby apparatury imenL D. V, Yefre GYM- SSSR (Scientific-Research Institute of Electroftsical- Equipment, GM SSSR)' 218 -------------- 17. L 59241-65, A=SSION NRI IAT50070317 ENCLI 00 so cotic 1 97 RSIUMDs 26ft64 No Imr Govi 00 (=RI .00 LATMANIZOVA, . Vvedenakiils Principles governing the electrical activity of excitable units. Vest. IDU 2 no.4:135-138 Ap 147. (MIRA 12:9) (NMOUS SYSTEM) (BLICCTROPHYSIOIDGY) LA M NIZOVA, L.B., doktor biol. nauk Current status of the theor7 of accomodation. Vest. IM 2 no.6:63-86 Je 147. . (MIRA 12:9) (Blectrophysiology) I I LATMMZOVA, L V. doktor biologicheakikh nauk. Action of cancerogenic substances on nerves. Hauch. biul.Len.un. no.24:36-40 149. WaA 10:3) 1. Fiziologichealdy institut im. akadamika R.A. Whtomakogo. (CARC:-IOGF,US) (NERVES) LATMANIZOVA IL,V,~~-- Role of a stationar7 co=ponent in a single attack of excitation. UCb. zap. Lon. tin. no.99:58-87 149. (Mmu 10;2) 1. 1z Laboratoril fiziologil nermo-mysbeebnoy sistemy Fiziologlebaskogo instituts, Laningradskogo goeudaretvannogo univeraiteta. (NMVES) (=C TROPHY SIOID GY) LATMMIZOVAs L.V. .-mpm~ 04 low, Multiple activity of single nervous fibers. Izv.Akad. nauk SSSP. Ser. biol.. Moskva No-3:110-119 May-June 50. (CLML 19:4) 1. Laboratox7 of the PlWsiology of the Neuro-Ifuscular System of the P17siological Institute, Leningrad State University. LATNANIZOVA, L. V. . Physiological mechanism of tatanized isolated contraction. Fix1ol. zh. SSSR 38 no. 2:235-246 Mar-Apr 1932. (GLHL 22:3) 1. Department of Physiology and. AnatovW. Leningrad Pedagogic Institute imeni M. N. Pokroveldy. 1ATKAHIZOVA L.V.- RAKOV, A.I..; IVANOV, G.G.; MELINIKOV, R.A.; MONOSOVA,F.Ye. Pbysiological study of functional peculiarities of tne human nervous system in cancer of the stomach. Biul.akep.biol. i med. 41 no-3: 18-22 Mr 156. (HLIUL 9:7) 1. Iz kafedry fiziologii i auatomii (zav.-prof. L,V.Latmani-;.ova) Pedagogicheakogo instituta, 2-go MA-ru-r-g-IA-esk-ogo otdeleaiya (zav.-prof. A.I.Rakov) I klinichaskoy laboratorli (zav. G.G.Ivanov) Instituta onkologii AM SSSR, Leningrad. Predstavlena deystvitellnym chlenom AM SSSR N.N.Patrovym. '(STOMACH, neoplasms electrocorticograpby in) (BLEMORNGEPHALOGRAPHT, in various die. eiectrocorticography in cancer of stomach) 9 I&TRANIZOVA, Lyudmila Vladimirovne [Method for the- Btu-dy -,- o.f thIa-accommodation of Irritable tissues] Metodika issledavaniia okkomodatsii vozbudimykh tkanei. Lenin- grad, Medgis. 1959. 81 P. (MIRA 13:7) (TISSUES) IATH"IZOVA. L.V. Intra-zelbilar potentials of epithelial tissue. , Pisiol.zhur. 45 no.6:710-715 J& '59. (14111 12: 8) 1. From the department of phyoiolo&v atd anatoTV, A.I.Herzen Paedagogical Institute, Leningrad. (MTHELIUM intracellular potentials of epithelial tissue (RUB)) BMMZINAv Mariya Pavlovna; VASILEVSKAYAp Igatallya Yefimovna; AVERBAKH,, Mikhail Solomonovich; VEMKOVv Ivan Alekseyovichy doto.; GOLIWV# Nikolay Va- sillyevich; GULYAYEV9 Pavel Ivanovich; ZHUKOV9 Yevgraf Konstantinovich; T-ATMLUIZOU,-IZmdmJla-Vludimir-cmp~,i MAKAROV, Pqtr Osipovich; NIKITINA, 'iya Pavlovna,- SPEWSKAYA, Yekaterina Nikolayevna; VASILIYEVq L&Lepprof4p rod.; FEREDELISKAYA, N.M.9 red.; PARSADANOVA9,Koosg red,. izd-va; GRIGOR, CHUKp L.A.p tekbne red* [Comprehensive laboratory manual of Inman and animal pbysiology) Bol'shoi praktilnm po tiziologii cheloveka i zhivotrk)ch. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Mo- skva, Goo. izd-vo OVyihaia shkolap" 1961. 67/+ p. (MIRA 24:8) (PHYSIOLXIA.-LAWRATORY MMUALS) IADWIIZOVA, L7udmila Vladimirovna, prof.; CELRKASOVA, V.I., red. izd- -----V-a;-y ~ZHOVA~,L-.L.-,-I~e, red. [Rwsiological mechanism of malignant tumor growth; micro- electropbysiblogical studies of epithelial tissue] Fiziologi- cheskie mekhanizmy zlokachestVannogo opukholevogo ro.-ta; mikro- elektrofiziologicheskie issledovaniia epiteliallnoi tkani. Mo- skva, Gos. izd-vo "Vysshaia. sbkola.," 1962. 77 p. WIRA 15:5) (ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY) (EPITHELIUM) (CMICER) BALABANOVA, T.Ye.; LATMANIZOVA, L.V., prof., nauchnyy rukovoditell raboty Problem of waveless spatial effects. Uch. zap. Ped. inst. Gerts. 239:77-83 164. (MIRA 18:3' ) 1. Zaveduyushchaya kafedroy fiziologii i anatomii Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo instituta imeni Gertsena (for latmanizova). BARABANOVA, V.V.; UTIAANIZOVA, L IV., prof., nauchn3ri rukovoditell raboty ne effect cn th U 1. Microelectrophysiological analysis of ' e acetylcholi the skeletal muscle of frogs. Uch. zap. Ped. inst. Gerts. 239: 85-88 164'. (IAIIRA 18:3) Zaveduyushchaya ~Pfedroy fiziologii J anatomid Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo instituta imeni Gertsena (for Latinanizova). BARAROITA, L.V.; LENKOV, D.N.; UAII ~41,11.1 Z57,1i'. L.11. , nauchnvy raboty l-'~icroelectrophys4l-c;lo,-l-~, of the heart of a frog-. Min. zap. Pej. Gerts. 239:89-91 'r;4. 1. Zaveduyushchaya kaf(idroy fiv,10100i 1 111311tOMM LOW, W'~'Ld gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo institu'-i imeni GcrLsuna (for Latmanizova). Lh IZOVA. Lyudmila Vladimirovna; CHERKASOW, V.I., red. -- !-~ ~-- ~:~ - . - ~ ~ ~ ~.... I . [Lectures on the physiology of the -nervous system' T-,ektsii po fiziologii nervnoi sistemy. Moskva) Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 311 P. (MIRA 18:5) 052-66 ACC NRI - AP6018172 gbi= COM M/0239/65/051/006/0663/0"O -AUTHORt Latmanizova, OAGt --- Do rmen of ~Physiology and Anat!Dmy,,.PadaLoLical'lnstituto -fm. Gertsen .:16ningrad (Kafedra fiziologii.i anatomii.Feda&giChepkQSo instituta) w- r Thte&rblations- bet een call potentials~and phyaiologlml params e s of-: MOM - SOURCE: Fiiidlog ichaskiy zhurnal., V. 51,no. 6, 1~65, 663-669 TOPIC,zTAGS neurophysiology, muscle physiology..' call physiology ABSTRACT: resUts obtitinea.-oy the'author and co- ~'.Vork6rs'ln 'researol! conducted in 1949-1964 on,alteratibno in 'nerve-andausole fibeis-bf frogs produced-by X01 solutions of ed. It was established that Ivarlous concentrations are review Ach e.i anges in the call potential were assoeiated-with changes In th jm.~xlmllm and Tave stiloulations In the pa- optimum frequencies of ii accommodation, and In the threshold of rhythmie.wave ---excitation .~Furthermore, all of these changes.to6k place accord- _ng o re I t _ lations corresponding to the, theory of parabiosis. Il. brought out~thatthe cell potential constitutes a general -of ~: the- physiologica -oharaoterist',,ts and funotional--capa-_1 i,AeIty:-of:- living cells- which refle'ots changes in thevita Ity of .-Wells' d, an unetional differentiation-of tissues ocourring In,th L of ontogenesis. -and, phylogenesis, Orig. art. hae:5 figures#' YJAS, 7 SUB, CODE: 0 6/ Sum DATE.. o8jul64/ ORIG REF: oog/ am mw: oo5 1A' UWt - 612.815.24-612.813' Card UTOMSKI, T. Speeding up of the curing of concrete with the help of the electric current. f~R77- 7ZGLAD BUDO*v;IANY. '101- 28, no. 21 Feb. 19561 Vtarszawaj Poland) SO.' Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC- Vol. 6. No. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. sov/81-59-19-67470 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 19, p 84 (USSR) AUTHORS: Fedoseyev, V.0., Latonina, L.P. TITLE: The Problem of Stability of Aerosols PERIODICAL: Tr. Odessk. un-ta. Ser. fiz. n., 1958, Vol 146, Nr 6, pp 53 - 57 (Ukrainian) ABSTRACT: The effect of the weight concentration of an aerosol obtained by the subJ4 mation, of dry NH4Cl on its stability and the calculated concentration n ha, been investigated. n reaches a maximum ( -20,000 particles in 1 CA at m 10.5 mg/l. The stability of the aerosol in this case is also at a maximum. At greater m flocculation of the particles is observed with the formation of threads and intensified sedimentation of the particles. B. Kaplan Card 1/1 31298 S/124/61/000/010/P33/056 D251/D301 AUTHORS: Latonina, L.P., Fedoseyev, V.A. and Polishchuk, D.I. ------------ TITIE: Experimental investigation of the combustion of drops of certain fuels in a current of hot air PERIODICAL: Refe-:-ativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, no, 109 1961, 85, abstract 10 B606 (Pratsi Odes1k un-tu, Ser. fiz. n.9 Tr. Odessk. un-ta, Ser. fiz. n., 1960, 150, no. 7, 85-96) TEXT: The combustion of drops of benzene, kerosene, liquid T-P MR) and iso-octane of dimensions 1 - 2.5 mm is investigated by two methods: The kino-surveying of an enlarged drop, burning on a'thin-platinum support, and by creating "stationary drops". For the latter, a small porous ceramic sphere is used, onto which the necessary amount of fuel is continuously applied by means of a sy- ringe. In both cases particular attention is paid to the instant when the flame separates from the frontal point of the drop. The Card 112 31298 S/124/61/000/010/033/056 Experimental investigation... D251/U301 results obtained by both methods coincide. At a definite velocity of the air, the flame separates from the drop. For a further in- crease in velocity it moves away still further becoming smaller all the time, although without vanishing completely. The velocity at which the flame_- separates from the drop increases with the increase in diameter of the drop and temperature, and depends on the type of fuel. Z7Abstracter's note: Complete translatio~2 Card 2/2 S/124/62/600/005/026/048 D251/D308 AUTHORS: Fedoseyevo V.A.', Polishchuk, D.I., ands ~.P. TITLE: The effect of the ignition conditions on the kinetic combustion of a drop of fuel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanikaj no- 5, 1962, 101p abstract 5B653 (Nauchn. Yezhegodnik, Odeask. un-t, Piz. matem. -~'ak. i. N. -i. in-t Piz. no. 2, Odessa, 1961, 191 - 195) TEXT; It was shown experimentally that the velocity of combustion of a drop with a current of air blowing round it depends on the means of ignition and the position of the flame front with respect to the drop. The ignition was studied with the aid of a burner and of an electric spark both with the drop completely enveloped by the flame and with it half-l-nveloped. In both cases the velocity of combustion was greater with ignition from the burner. 4 references.: [Abstractor's note; Complete translation]. Card 1/1 6xi- zhurna Ukx-ayinslkyy ffzf4~1 y 1, V. 8, no, -4, Apr,1963, MrSOD. S/185/63/008/004/0151015 A ~c ez..;-fic conference devoted to problems of evaporation, combustion, and gap dynamics of dis'persed systems was held at Odessa State University imeni I. 'Machinikov from 1 to 6 October AM-' _j bixty-rive papers were preaented, 24 of which dealt -WRN-th-CtNe5`r-y- -an-d-IS-racti-ce of production and stability of aerosols and the effect on these urocesses of various zhvalcochomical factnra! thp nflAp" Al ,%Porkincr processes in combustion chambers of varioua power plants. So e of'-- In the tities were "Investigating oxidation processes of high hydrogenous fuels b oxygen from compressed air, " S. S. Kramarenko; "Burning of metal sus- pension in hydrocarbon fuelo, " D. I. Polishchuk, L. P. Latonina, and V. L. Yankevich; and "Experimental investigation of two-phase flow in axially-sym- metrical nozzles. A. Komov, Included also were discussions of the meths i ods of solving equations of dissociating gas flow in ducts and gas dynamic calculations for jet engines, G. A, Varshavski , E. Ya; Cuber, and A. P, Kisellov; the formation.of plane shook waves in shock tubes and passage of shock waves through a flame front, 1). V. Pedoreyev, G. D. Sadamandr. and 1. X. Sevastlyanoi!a; experimental results on the flow of combustion products cfarrathane-oxygen mixture around cambered surfaces with diffraction of det- onation. waves, L. G. Gvozdloya-, the stability o Wateady;rstate- flame front S. K. Aslanov; the relationship between the flaine and the diameter �f a burn. ing drop, V. 0.. Fedoseyev; and theoretical and experimental investigation of. burning of spherical metal particles, by 1- A:: 1evachko. Cara .2/2. Vml Lq) Wb--10 JD D :A,PCkSSIO"N' NR: AT5004219 5/0000/64/000/000/01 -4/0159 5 L.' P,, Valikanova-Yankevic~, Pol D, I.: Latonina, TL t an I d 0 Q r p ~SO-URC.E'-* AW-UkrSM-. Ins.titut.:_tek*bAiche0oy toplof izikio Teplo- :A _-zik -J-~- teolp tekhnl~k'a- -~h&at, engi _geri n g). j Kiev, a _~Thermophysics, an&' n i 154-15 -k k - 19 Aau. ov~aAumka,, 9 ti fti i I ~Metal,~:Com-iu lurry ill"com usti-C ;,e Y -f V ~VW _ U I prepa red P-Py P.; s-; pe s.- yere .. ~ ,a -di'tiDM: -Vf`-,-2*77-3 ru blie:,A - P ly ~56bu-t c ---ct mb stion e a nd f, p o u hip c. were st d b; the -s n-ded-~iafo le t:,metlod. Drop- tli , . 'Y . I W~Re P. 5 mm I n ame"ter where suspe-ndia::on- a-clay sphere in an 5 di tl~tte am-.,h. ..Ve 5, up to up to I : ; A e fu :1-r-ozabustion t me, was measure a s f u n t i b n: of droplet c at r S _su-ita 4 I Ain e me - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ~ ~ Y~ T5004219 `4 relationships of S: vs t ware ~~Iinear -in s ome - ,7 1 V - B),-7 a n d - ions An kero- -determined slu~ipin-~ d t f 0 T A 1 27 , -. . '. _0 -iBooctane, metbanol, And eibandl or air as. :0 rip aii tura:.'i-,* A-. g-raph:;oU-dS/4t. vs- T is siven-f b r~-_ xuBpans. ions of 25% Ae-rio'sIne ~~i;,,SpspeilsionvL n.-I pe r ,o ~i ottn-6 ICUM several a tates; f irst~;. com~!)Uili6n:__bf -;-the liquid .u:tl --th-eir; combus t ion -of the -metal partIclesahd f-Inally -completion if --'Cj) M,bu S ti oil: "~ajj& ~CC4,ooling of the 'residue, The. f-low .'velocity had a sldix-a,b-Te~--eff --the- burning,.Veloci iy at-,- tesn"ratures -below y s ..'peg er-- empera-tures,. -enslons .tb `Ieffbct:- a I! i b I a sp, e i'll: I c.- b 'd I do i6 i -fastest urr -s -owes t- an vusp ns on a o als :exiplained by the fast enrabustib-a of the alcohol ku b':,e_J.4i4ctIon of metal particles from the suspension. The tempera- Y -, 4 d : , . - _ ~ _-, - :u-r-e,s-_ro h ., the individual staZes of combustion measured. _4q- ad L-suspension--of.. boron, in pe-troleum pxo.ducts,~aAd_in- alcohol gave tem- V o f ;IU -a~n,d -:2900-C a iuspets i .' n of alu mi 2900 and 3000C. a num Men a--r-e_: ur- I -thero- _reqVired-,--a: up num. suspe ion- s , T .,4 6-4tab -I-a IPVI -JAS, vers iet"Am. :J LS! S t A t'a U n iV 1-f 110 10163/0166 e osevev t UL on n an-airsLream AA (T4~eymo'h i heat Naiikova W y~,~f In-,d m466- LATONINOY~ L. P.~ POLIZ-WHW~3 D. I. and FEDOS=, V. A. (Institute o-f physics OP OdFEi'~7& State university) - "Investigation of combustion of droplets in air cu--rents". Report presented at the Section on Physics of Combustion, Scientifte Session, Council of Acad. Sci. Ukr SSR on High Temperature Physics, Kiev, 2-4 Apr 1963. Reported in Teplofizika Vysokikh temperatur, No. 2, Sep-Oct 1963, p. 321, JPRS 24,651. 19 May 1964. ACC NR: AT7000297 UR/3lh2/60/150/007/0085/005' SOURCE CODE: U AUTHOR: Lato edoseyev, V. A.; Polishchuk, D. 1. ORG: None 'TITLE: Experimental research on combustion of drops of various fuels in a hot air stream SOURCE: Odessa. Universitet. Trudy, v. 150. Seriya fizicheakikh nauk, no. 7, 19'0. 0 Voprosy ispareniya i goreniya v dispersnom vide (Problems of evaporation and corribus- tion in the dispersed state), 85-96 TOPIC TAGS: combustion kinetics, liquid fuel, fuel ignition, vaporization fim, rzcao ABSTRACT: The authors study "separation" of the flame from a drop of burning f'ucl in a moving air stream. Motion picture photography was used for studying the Ifiame separation phenomenon in the case of a drop with continuously decreasing diameter. The flow conditions (Reynolds number) change with a reduction in the size of the burn-~ ing drop when the velocity of the air stream remains constant, and the distance be- tween flame and drop increases with combustion. The "stationary drop unit" shown in the figure was used for measuring the velocities at which fading of the flame was ob- served on the frontal surface of the drop by vaporization from a sphere 2 of calcined clay fastened to the tip of a bypodermic syringe. The piston 4 of the syringe *16 con-,- Card 1/2 ACC NR: ATTOO029T nected by flexible cord 5 through a system of pulleys 6 to weight 7 which may be changed to vary the pressure on the liquid fuel 3 under thy piston and thus control the amount of fuel fed to the porous sphere. In this way, fuel supply may be maintained to give a steady burning rate. Provision was made for temperature varia- tion from room temperature to 8000C, and rate of air flow from zero to 15 um/sec. Combustion of kerosene and gasoline showed an increase in flame elongation and combustion instability with 'air stream velocity. The velocity at which flame separationtakes place increases linearly with the diameter of the sphere. The ratio , between separation velocity and diameter also increases linearly with temperature. Orig. art. has: 15 figureso 17 A2,r etrewn, SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: None/ OTH REF: C01 Card 212 'L I -~- " 11 ;~. /71 1 '-`x~,-;J~ VAIIISHSM, V. G.;LATONIM, To So "' ' '- ' '~- i "-- - Surgical therapy of old fracture-dialocationB of the ankle joint. Vast khir. Grekova, Ieningr- 71 no. 600-53 1951. (CLML 21:3) SHIRKOVSKIY, A.I.;,LATOIIOV, V.V.; SAKHAROVA, V.K. --- 1- -- . Effect of reservoir exploitation conditions on the d�ameter of a producing well (casing otring) and the gas transportation syt3teme Trudy MINKHiGP no,48-.207-2.17 164, (MIRA 18.3) I;Iuiu~,_ .; Gc;,,-LTjlc"i"-,YIJ ~d. !;~,~--hibitdori c'L irmnticrs an, -rcCrFs,- _JT3 Tr,-s----' "1 2 12y ~ - . 1- - , -i- - - - , - I (IATI; RL-LI-Yr B'U , Vol. 9, I'o. 11, 3-95!-, SO: I"onthly List of Fast TvroPe-ar, .1cce.--ic'ns (F-FUL), 3 C., vol, . /., I:o. -,, March 1955, Uncl - ODLANICKI-POCZOBUTT, Michal;_LkTq~,,Stanislaw; OGORZALEK, Jerzy; WAIZZEWSKI, Jacek ~ ~ - ~ - Mechanical and automatic construction of spatial area models. Geod i kart 13 no.2:145-157 164. ,I) p?rf.', 1 o 1 6 e o jo n'y is, MUREK., Henryk, inz.,- LATOS, Waclaw Increasing the thermal efficiency of a turbine by combining it thermal-ly witb a compressor. Gosp, paliw 11 Special issue no.(95);17-lLc Ja 163. 1. Kopalnia, Knurow, Knurow. 1 1. 1., tATOSH, N.I., BELOV, YE. S. Ketones Sliteriz hindrances in organomagnesium reactions. Part 13. Prepar-ation of ketones by inter-action of acyl halides with organomagnesium compounds. Zhur. ob. Iddm. 22 no. 8, 1952. Monthly ast of Russian Accessionsp.Library of Congress, November 1952, Unclassified. 7 D.I., kaind.biol.nauk, red.; TREGIjB=O, I.P.,,, red.; LATOSH, B.I., kand.khim.nauk, red,- (Complaxons; synthesis, properties, and applications in biology and medicine] Kompleksony; sintez, avoistva, primenenia v biologii i meditaino. Sverdlovsk, 1958. 166 p. (unu 130) 1. Akademiya uauk SSSR. Urallekiy filial. Sverdlovsk. 2. Labora- toriya biofiziki Urallskogo filiala AN SM, g.Sverdlovi3k (for Semenov, Tregubanko). 3. Institut khimii Urallskogo filiala Akade- m1i nauk 3= (for Latosh). (Complexone)