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Zh.' Abs, 5B 2-80 from omveoUve cloudq Reigi to ot a ra&r investiption of the riones of reflecuou M-D -Tr . Voes. soveshchmiva vo aWvn. M!Ld unnagrad.RLq!gesqX. SA bud -,-- - -- -1 1 - ~tlv T ed on, -convec e c oud, r is ec Th etedrolo'gicAl radar, ita rafteTtaectivity ;4k!!iA TI" paper describes the results of radar investigations of convective 'V CS -the Vyeokogornyy geofUtchesidy inatitut mountain hvsics to) In momitainous regionb of Kabardino-B ~refle7____ iom convective oloudB were stud-led by visual inspec:tion of a circular-scan oscil](, screon and an itutomatic photogmphic survey in the infrared region, The motbod ~f I cross secUow was used. In this comection, a speoW method was developed 2stracUoir of isobypses and modds for obtainin aome idea conaerning the real SION ~NRI --mml 4439 The stL.*:iijdYA*-d both -26netir: bf --reftecum developing cloudis and from clouds which bad bem Objected to modification, -2-4-8- A.'-- --.- - .-A _;_ 6ftd-voiticta~prdfiles- b( the: hag ionb *6fe ii 'A--bv a-consideTable alope in the direction of movement of the cloud. In the rear part af t)AO cloud there to a zone of failing of precipitation, while In the forward part there is a :;*ne of rowth of hail. The temperature characteristics of the upper boundary of the rad, r g_ be used for locating hail centers. As a result, the author proposes two racdhods for determining the form of precipitation generated in a cloud: on the basis of the temperature fha rarinr Prho mid on the basis of the strendh of the reflected mi- _ i.-. - -- V ~- z.- - ~ UPC V F6 J, U L A K If"- I J !';/~ NG.F.1 I r rmet,~od of &teiminine Freclp-l md hElfl' .1 3' 4i 1. "A 4 dr(A. no. 5. 36- llysokogornyy geofizichealdy inntitut. SULIAVELIDIZI, Georg-ly KonBtantlnovich; BIBILASHVILI, Nodarl Sha'I-vovicb, W&CFEVA. Valentina FedoruMa ZHDANOVA, L.P., red." -'---';' -- -" __; [Formation of precipitation s-nd hail control] Obrazovanie osadkov i vozdeistvie na grado-vye protsessy. Leningrad, Gidrometeorizdat, 1965. 264 p. (MIIU- 18:1Z) 34106-60 EAT(l)/Fu; o~-j ACC NR: AP6009789 SOURCE CODE: UR/0050/65/000/012/0045/0049 AUTHOR: -Sul 'q_jiAz e K (Professor); Bibilashvilp, N, Sh.; LUC4~~ V. F. ORG: VvsokoLrorn33E Geophysical Institute (Vysokogornyy geofizicheskiy institut) TITLE: Method and physical principles of influencing l4til formation in clouds SOURCE: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, no. 12, 1965, 45-49 TOPIC TAGS: hail, cloud formation. cl_~-ud physics, atmospheric oloud, weather control i research ABSTRACT: This article is a review of investigations at the Vysolzogornyy Geophysical Institute (Vysokogoinyy geofizicheskiy institut) concerning processes of the formation of rain and hail, performed between 1956 and 1963. An analysis of the data showed that at the initial stage of development of the convective cloud, the rise of air masses is accom- plished as individual thermals. Upon farther development of the cloud the number of thermals. increases, they merge in the central part, forming an updraft. In large convec- tive clouds, beginning approximately from the cloud base, the velocity of the updraft in- i creases almost linearly with height and reaches a maximal value at about the middle part of the cloud, after which, toward the top of the cloud, the velocity again begins to decrease, also linearly. The maximal value of the updraft velocity is reached in the camulus-rain Card 1/3 UDC 551.509.616 (047) L 34106-66 ACC NR: AP6009789 stage of the development of the cloud and amounts to 25-30 m/sec. The appearance of descending motions in the cloud is associated with the start of precipitation. With the course of time the updrafts are replaced by downdrafts. The change in time of the velocity, ---i of the updrafts at the period of maximal development of the cloud Is insignificant. On examining the process of the formation of showers falling from convective clouds, a calcu-' lation of the change of velocity of the updraft with respect to height led to qualitatively new results. It became possible to explain such important characteristics of the process of the formation and precipitation -as the brevity and great intensity of the showers, rainfall from warm clouds, the role of giant crystallization nuclei in the formation of showers, etc. These factors were not fully satisfactorily explained by existing theories. The formation I Of showers is associated with the coagulation growth of individual large drops formed on giant condensation nuclei. Radar investigations of the process of the formation and falling of showers and hail show that the zone of hail growth Is situated in the front of the cloud and usually occupies a much smaller volume than the volume of the cloud itself. The authors describe a method which permits, on the basis of aerial synoptic data, to deter- mine the presence in the atmosphere of favorable conditions for the formation of large con- vective clouds and the accumulation of large reserves of supercooled moisture needed for the formation and growth of hailstones. The possibility of the accumulation of moisture in a cloud in a supercooled form is determined by the magnitude and character of the energy distribution of vertical atmospheric instability. The changes of stratification of the atmos- Card2/3-,-- ACC NR: AP6009789 phere as a consequence of advection of air masses and the melting of hailstones upon their falling from the level of the zero Isotherm to the earth's surface are taken Into account when forecasting hail processes. The method of forecasting hail phenomena was checked under field conditions to prevent hail damage and the method proved to be quite. reliable. D, V. Y%Irvukhin, Docent of LzAagLQq_VniyersI participated in developing the method and physical principles of influencing hail processes. OrIg. art. has: 5 formulas and I figure. SUB CODE: 08 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 005 OTH REF: 003 Card 3/3 L 093o5-67 Ei.,,r ACC Mi AT6027422 GW SOURCE CODE: UR/3213/66/000/003/0164/0190 AUTHOR: La-ocheva.- V. F.. ORG: 7W r%4- TITIZ: Radar methods for determining hail source areas and hail size in the cloud and upon reaching the earth's surface SOURCE: _Le4:Ln&r A4.-_Iirsokogornyy_geofizicheskiy_j4~_qti~xkt. Trudy, no, 3(5). 1966. Mekhanizm obrazovaniya i vypadeniy~ji~ad.e__(~_echanism of the.formation and precipi- tation of hail), 164-190 TOPIC TAGS: cloud physics, rain, haillAradar ra=W=ion ABSTRACT: The results of radar investigation of zones of reflections from hail and rain clouds are cited. The investigations were made in the northern Caucasus bet- w_eei~_I~_66_and 1964. The results of the investigations are used to suggest methods for determining the hail content of a cloud, the site of hail origin in the cloud, methods for evaluating hail size and the type of precipitation which will reach the earth's surface, taking into consideration the molting of hail stones below the zero isotherm. Orig. art. has: 11 formulas, 6 tables, 8 figures and a bibliography of 29 titles. SUB CODE; 04, 17 / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REFt 020 / OTH REF: 009 Cord 1/1,,! 1'-' T., CC-'-kR, AM5012226) Monograph URI Sulp-Welidze,, Georgiy Konstantinavicb; Bibilaskvillp Nodarl. Shalvovicb- Lapcheva., Valentina F-edorwm---- Formation of precipitation and the effect upon hail processes (0brazovaniye osadkc%r i vozdc7stviye na, gradovyye protsessy),, iRningrad,, Gidrometeoizdat, 1965, 264 p. illus.j, biblio. (At head ef title: Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeorolopi -cheskoy sluzhby pri Sovete Mrdstrov SSSR. Vysokogorrrj7 geofizicheskiy institut) 850 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: WGICaj, cloud formation., hail., storm, meteorologic radar, ek linn rF PUIPOSE MID COaRAGE: This book presents data frora theoretical rainfall and ex- perimental studies of the process of formation and precipitation of from convection 'clouds., as well as new ideas on the mechanics of hail formation in convection clouds Mthods are shown for radar detection of hail centers and the determination of the size of hail vitMn conrection clouds. The book gives the method of control of hail processes developed from 1960-1962 and used in 1963 for the protection of agricul- tural crops against damagee by hail, The results of these studies are given as 'well as an out Lime of their organIzation. TABLE (W COMMM (ebridged): Introduction -- 3 Card 1/2 UDG: 551,578,7+551,509,6 NRa A16012226 Ch. I. Vertical flow In-convection clouds -- 10 Ch. II. Growth of drops mid formation of the zone of accumulation in convection clouds -- 88 Ch. 111. Process of the formtion and growth of hail -- 129 Ch. IV, Results of radar studies of clouds and precipitation 157 Ch. V. Method and results of the effect upon hail ]processes 203 Conclusion - 255 Bibliograp1w - 259 SM CICDE: /suBm DATE: i8sep6.s/cm ms o76/am Pm:. 04.7 Role certain minerals In the correlation of magmatic rocIm. Min. abor. no,.5:311-316 151. 9:12) l..Institut ge6logicheskikh nauk Akadesil nauk UM. liyev. (Ucks, I one) gme IA MlK, F.Te~ Now Information concerning Permian and Triassic deposits in the Dnieper-Donate lOwland.-lzv.AN SSER.Ser.gool.20 no.6:5949 N-D 155. (WaA 9:2) (Dnieper-Donets Lowlaind-Geology, Statigraphic) 15-57-4 -4126 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 4, p 12 (USSR) AUTHOR: Lapchik, F. Ye. TITLE: Triassic Deposits of the Dnepr-Donets Basin (Triasovyye otlozheniya Dneprovsko-Donetskoy vpadiny) PERIODICAL: V sb: Tr. Vses. soveshchaniya po razrabotke unifitsir. skhemy stratigr. mezozoyskikh otlozheniy Ras. platformy. Leningrad, 1956, pp 185-194. ABSTRACT: The author describes in detail the Permian and Triassic deposits, which reach a thickness of 700 m in the Dnepr- Donets basin. Up till 1951 these de osits were called the "variegated Permo-Triassic beds. The Permian rocks are divided into 'three formations: 1) argillaceous- calcareous-anhydrite, 2) argillaceous-silty, and 3) sandy-conglomeratic. The first and second formations are Lower Permian; the third is Upper Permian. These Card 1/3 rocks were described in detail in an earlier paper by 15-57-4-4126 Triassic Deposits of the.Dnepr-Donets Basin (Cont.) the author (Lapehik, F. E., Geologichniy zh., 1954, Vol 14, Nr 3). The Triassic deposits are divided into four. formations (from the base upward): 1) sandy-carbonate, 2) argillaceous red beds, 3) sandy, and 4) argillaceous. the first, resting on an erosion surface on Permian rocks~ and containing conglomerate at the base, is uniform in composition and has a thickness of 20 m to 40 m. Only in the region,lof Domanovichi, in the central part of the depression, is it apparently ~epl-aced by variegated clays with layers of siltstone, having a total thickness of 80 m. The sandy-carbonate formation grades into the argillace& us red beds, the thickness of which is 150 m to 190 m in the central part of the basin, but which decreases to 85 m at the borders and on the Romenskaya structura (structure). The overlying sandy formation is rather persistent along the strike, but variable in thickness (9 m to 25 m). The upper very character- istic argillaceous formation ranges up to 190 m in thickness in the central parts of the basin, but at the borders it is but 30 m. It is unconformably overlain by Jurassic deposits. These characteristic formations,, representing two sedimentational cycles, are referred by the-author to the Lower Triassico but or, his accompanying diagram Card 2/3 Z_lir~~Ll ilv F 15-57-7-9323 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, lir 7, p 84 (USSR) AUTHOR: Lapchik, F. Ye. TITLE: The Mineral -Associations of Permian and Triassic Rocks of the - Dnepl!-Donets Basin (0 mineralinykh assotsia- tsi,yakh permskikh i triasovykh otlozheniy Dneprovsko- Donetskoy vpadiny) PERIODICAL: V sbl. Vopr. mineralogii osadoch. obrazovaniy, Nr 3-4, Llvov, Llvovsk. un-t, 1956, pp 299-307 fiBSTRACT: A careful study of the minerology of the Permian and Triassic rocks of the 1-: i)nepr-Donets Basin, with con- sideration of fossil data and electric logs, has made it possible to divide them into a number of series and horizons. The Permian rocks are characterized, on the whole, by the high conbent (up to 50 to 90 percent) of black or minerals in the heavy mineral fraction. In addition, minerals that are invariably present are leu- Card 1/2 coxene, iron hydroxides (goethite 'and limonite), garnet, 15-57-7-9323 The Mineral Associations of Permian and Triassic (Cont.) zircon, and others. Besides strongly weathered feldspars, the light fraction is characterized by well-rounded fragments of siliceous quartz-mica, and clay shales, of quartzites, and of highly altered (effusive?) rocks. The Triassic rocks have a typically high content of garnet, which is generally more abun- dant than zircon. Epidote and ilmenite are present in many places. In comparison with the Permian rocks, the Triassic deposits are marked by a complete absence or by an insignifi- cantly small quantity of leucoxene. In both Permian and Trias- sic rocks, authigenic minerals observed are calcite, limonite, pyrite, and barite. Of these, limonite is the most abundant in the Upper Permian and the Upper Triassic deposits. The Lower Permian rocks are characterized by sulfates (anhydrite, gypsum, barite, and celestite) and carbonate (dolomite and calcite), which commonly occur as rock-forming minerals. A Table is given in the paper, showing the mineral associations in the series and horizons of the Permian and Triassic rocks of the region. Card 2/2 V. G. Rikhter LA?C 0)1