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Approved For Rase 2001/03/06: Central Intelligence Agency f `aS LIG 4;C Washington, D.C. 20505 (703) 351-7676 Herbert E. Hetu Assistant for Public Affairs 27 February 1978 STATINTL Thanks for the information. Looks like good show. Couldn't agree more that "PR" image should be avoided. 00 23-9 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86B00985R00030015pa 23-9 t)FFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS A ,p For F ase 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86Bi 985R00G30015 P?TEro,.I CT.OTINITI ?1 . ID Routine Info Action \i 'fa1 Date Remarks: Approved For Release 2001/03/06?: CIA-R.DP86:B00985RO0030015 00 23-9 00 23-9 Approved For Rel?.Q 2O/006 MEMORANDUM FOR: See Distribution 5R0(00150023-9 FROM . Associate Coordinator for Academic Relations and External Analytical Support SUBJECT : University Presidents' Visit 1. Presidents Jerome Wiesner of MIT, Martin Woodin of Louisiana State University, Henry K. Stanford of the University of Miami, and John Hogness of the University of Washington have accepted Admiral Turner's invitation to visit the Agency on March 10. In letters to them and the presidents of four other leading universities (the latter four are unable to participate on March 10, but have asked to be included if subsequent visits are scheduled), the DCI said that one of his principal objectives "is to restore a high degree of mutual- respect and understanding between the intelligence and academic communities." A sample letter is attached. 2. The DCI has approved the outline of a schedule for the day (copy attached) that includes several meetings with him, presentations by senior Agency officials and discussions about CIA activities, personalized briefings suited to the particular interests of each visitor, and informal meetings with representative alumni from each university. It may be possible to conduct some of the briefings at the Secret level. I would appreciate your comments and suggestions for additional or alternative activities and participation. Admiral Turner has confirmed his participation as presented in the proposed schedule, but the remainder is still flexible and tentative. 3. The four presidents or -their universities will pay their travel and other expenses, and each is coming to Washington expressly to accept the DCI's invitation. In discussions with DCD field repre- sentatives, they have indicated a high degree of interest and curiosity. President Wiesner dealt intimately with the intelligence community in previous positions, but the other three visitors have had little or no contact with us. (Rios attached) Although the four are We-?,*4-K I W G. Co P\f Approved For Release 2Q01/03/96 : CI -RDP$6 009 JR000300150023-9 unn? #EYGxJ d{3 tfs Approved For Rele6-! ;R0000150023-9 SUBJECT: University Presidents' Visit not known as public critics of the Agency, each most likely will reflect, at least to a certain extent, prevailing attitudes on his campus, At MIT a faculty committee is in the process of drafting. guidelines to govern relations- between the university and the intelligence community, and at the University of Washington, faculty and student opinion is still believed to be strongly critical of CIA, 4. We should most likely expect the visitors to be wary, dis- cerning, and perhaps suspicious of our intentions. While they are obviously interested in hearing our side of the many issues that h.aye boiled about us these last few years, they will probably be unsympathetic if they thought we were doing this primarily for public relations pur- poses, Candor, directness, and a willingness to discuss a broad range of intelligence activities will tend to refute any thoughts that by these efforts the Agency is going through the act of putting a mask on, or of taking one off. STATINT Attachments: As Stated Approved For Release 00,1/Q3/06 : CIA-RDP86B00985R000300150023-9 s err>. ,: x IF ?i ~i~9iu sG' c;~C, u1 :t 1iIr11 s : A-R;DP86BOO985RO 00150023-9 Approved For Releases20Qa,1/03/06 CI SUBJECT: University Presidents' Visit Distribution: 1 DDCI 1 DDA 1 DDO 1 ADDO 1 C/DCD 1 DDS&T 1 ADDS&T 1 D/NPIC 1 D/ORD 1 D/NFAC 1 - DD/NFAC 1 - AD-M/NFAC 1 - AD-SS/NFAC 1 D/OER 1 - D/OSR 1 - D/OGCR 1 - A/DCI/PA 1 - D/OP I NFAC/CAR 1 - NFAC/CAR Chrono 1 xn~ I Approved For Releas &"/ 70 - [ ' B~Ob98 00300150023-9 The Director /V/=09C 9 FEB 1978 Dear President Woodin: r E J 1978 Since its inception the Central Intelligence Agency has sought to maintain effective relationships with scholars and academic institutions throughout the United States, Over the years these relationships have been of inestimable value to the intelligence community. I hope and believe that the relationship has been of mutual benefit. In the wake of the considerable public criticism over the past several years of our nation's intelligence operations, this relationship has become somewhat tender. I would like to ask your help and advice in determining how best to restore a useful but proper connection between academia and the world of intelligence. Clearly there are limits beyond which we in the intelligence world should not go in dealing with members of the academic community. I do have very express rules with respect to that today, but how we are operating within these rules is not always clear to others. Today there are also many new opportunities to use unclassified information derived through the collection of intelligence for the benefit of academic research. I do not believe that we have the proper mechanisms today to insure the adequate provision of such information to academic institutions. Accordingly, I would like to ask you to join with several other university presidents and me here at the Central Intelligence Agency Headquarters on the 10th of March. The objective would be to have a free-flowing exchange of ideas on how to reestablish the academic- intelligence relationship on a sound and proper basis for mutual advantage. This will be a quiet, private meeting of ten to twelve of us, during which we will take the opportunity of asking you to visit our CIA facilities and meet with a variety of our Agency officers representing a diverse group of intellectual disciplines, My hope would be that in your spending a day with us our relationships might improve to our mutual benefit, taking into full account the problems of the past and the attitudes of the present. Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86B00985R000300150023-9 - Approved For Release 20W/03' *':''LiAuRbPS6BOO985ROOW0150023-9 Approved For Release 200*/03/06 : CIA-RDP86BOO985ROOW00150023-9 I would2 P1st grateful if you could I am asking to deliver till, a e can be available to dis- cuss my invitation further with you and help to make-arrangements if, as I hope, you are able to accept. Yours sincerely, j y Stares i e1d ' ~~ fi STANSFIELD TURNER Dr. Martin D. Woodin, President Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86B00985R000300150023-9 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86B00985R000300150023-9 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86B00985R000300150023-9 Approved For Release 2004/03/06 : CIA-RDP86BOO985ROG0800150023-9 WIESNER, JEROME BERT, tech. inst. pres.; b. Detroit, May 30, 1915; s. Joseph and Ida (Friedman) W.; B.S., U. Mich., 1937, M.S., 1938; Ph.D., 1950; m. Lana Wainger, Sept. 1, 1940; childreni --Stephen Jay, Zackary Kurt, Elisabeth Ann, Joshua A. Asso. dir. U. Mich. Broadcasting Service, 1937-40, chief engr. Acoustical Record Library, Library of Congress, 1940-42; staff Mass. Inst. Tech. Radiation Lab., 1942-45; staff U. of Cal. Los Alamos Lab., 1945-46; mem. faculty Mass. Inst. Tech., 1946-71, asso. dir. research lab. of electronics, 1952-61, head dept. elec. engring., 1959-60, dean of sci., 1964-66, provost, 1966-71, pres., 1971-; spl. asst. Pres. on sci. and tech., 1961-64. Dir. Celanese Corp., Damon Engring., Schlumberger Ltd. Chain. President's Sci. Adv Com., 1961-64; mem. electronics adv. group AEC; mem. Army sci. adv. , corn., 1956-61. Bd. goys, \Veizmann Inst. Sci.; trustee WGBH, Am. Found, for Blind; meni, corp. Mus. of Sci. in Boston. Fellow I.E.E.E., Am. Acad. Arts and Scis.; mem. Am. Philos. Soc., Am. Assn. U. Profs., Am. Geophys. Union, Am. Soc. Engring. Edn., Acoustical Soc. Am., Nat. Acad. Scis., Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi. Author: Where Science and Politics Meet, 1964. Home: 61 Shattuck Rd Watertown MA 02172 Office: Mass Inst Tech Cambridge MA 02139 WOODIN, MARTIN DWIGHT, cdnl. adminstr.; b. Sicily Island, La., July 7, 1915; s. Dwight E. and Gladys Ann (Martin) W.; B.S., La. State U., 1936; M.S., Cornell U., 1939, Ph.D., 1941; m. Virginia Johnson, Sept. 7, 1939 (d'ec.); children--Rebecca (Mrs. Albin S. Johnson), Pamela (Mrs. James Cangelosi), Linda (Mrs. Vernon Porter Middleton); in. 2d, Elisabeth Wachalik, Oct. 8, 1968. Faculty, La. State U., 1941 ---, prof. agrl. Icons., head dept., 1957-59, dir. resident instrn. Coll. Agr., 1959-60, dean La. State U. at Alexandria, 1960-62, exec. v.p. La. State U. System, Baton Rouge. 1962-72, pres., 1972-. Cons. agr. and planning, Nicaragua, Taiwan, Thailand, Dep. dir. La. Civil Def. Agy., 1961-72; v.p., exec. coin. United Givers Baton Rouge; sec. La. State U. Found.; mein. La. Constn. Revision Cormmn.; mere. Arts and Humanities Council of Greater Baton Rouge, 1974-; mern. pres.'s council Am. Assn. State Univs., 1972----; mem. council of trustees Gulf' South Research Inst., 1972-; pres. Council So. Univs., 1975-76. Served with USNR, 1942-46; PTO. Mem. Am. Agrl. Econ: Assn., Am. Marketing Assn., Am. Legion (post corridr.), Internat. House, Sigma Xi, Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi (pres.), Beta Gamma Sigma, Phi Eta Sigma, Gamma Sigma Delta, Alpha Zeta, Pi Gamma Mu. Presbyn. Elk, Rotarian. Contbr. articles to profl. fours. Home: 2959 E Lakeshore Dr Baton Rouge LA 70808 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86B00985R000300150023-9 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86BOO985ROO0800150023-9 STANFORD, HENRY KING, coll. pres.; b. Atlanta, Apr. 22, 1916; s. Henry King and Annie Belle (Callaway) S.; A.B.. Emory U., 1936.. A.M., 1940, LL.D.. 1961; postgrad. U. Heidelberg, Germany, 1936-37; M.S. in govt. rngrnt. (Alfred P. Sloan Found. fellow 1941-43), U. Denver, 1943, LL.D.. 1962: Ph.D. (Tax Found. fellow 1943-44), N.Y. U., 1949; D.C.L., Jacksonville (Fla.) U.. 1963: LL.D., Loyola U., New Orleans. 1463. U. Akron, 1968. Kyung Hcc U., Seoul. Korea, 1968: D.H.L., Tampa, 1969: D. Litt., R.1., 1970; in. Laurie Ruth King, Sept. 19, 1936: children - Henry. Lowry, Rhoda, Peyton. Instr. Emory U.. 1937-40; asst. prof. Ga. Inst. Tech., 1940-41. instr. N.Y.U., 1943-46; prof. pub. administrn., also dir. sch. pub. administrn. J. Denver, 1946-48; pres. Ga. Southwestern Coil., Americus, Ga.. 1948-50; dir. U. Center in Ga., 1950-52: asst. chancellor U. System of Ga., 1952-53: pres. Ga. State Coil. for Women, Milledgeville, 1953-56; chict Of party N.Y.U.-Internat. Cooperation Adininstrn. Contract, Ankara, Turkey, 1956-57:, pres. Biriningharn-So. Coll., 1957-62, U. Miami (Fla.), 1962 . Research asst. Tax Found., N.Y.C., 1943-44; staff N.A.M. corn. exec.. 1944-46: dir. So. Bell Tel. & Tel. Chinn. Dade County Community Relations Bd., 1969-71. Decorated Star of Africa medal (Liberia); officer Order of Merit Fed. Republic Germany: recipient Eleanor Roosevelt-Israel Humanitarian award, 1965; Outstanding Civilian Service award U.S. Army, 1966; Silver Medallion Fla. Region Nat. Conf. Christians and Jews, 1968. Mein. Am. Soc. Pub. Administrn.. So. Assn. Coils. and Schs. (churn. comrnn. coils. 1960-62, pres. 1972-73), Delta Phi Alpha, Phi Beta Kappa, Omicron Delta Kappa, Phi Sigma Iota, Alpha Kappa Psi, Phi Mu Alpha, Phi Kappa ?hi. Methodist. Rotarian. Home: 8565 Old Cutler Rd South Miami FL 33143 Office: U Miami Coral Gables FL 33124 HOGNESS, JOHN RUSTEN, univ. pres.: b. Oakland, Cal., June 27 1922; s. Thorfin R. and Phoebe (Swenson) I1.: -student Havert'ord Coll., 1939-42, D.Sc. (hon.), 1973; B.S., I:. Chgo., 1943, M.D., 1946: D.Sc. (hon.), Mcd. Coll. Ohio at Toledo, 1972; LL.D., George Washington U., 1973; in. Katharine Rucnauver, Dec. 19, I94.1; children- .-Erik, Susan, Karen. David, Jody. Intern medicine Presbvrn Hosp., N.Y.C., 1946-47, asst. resident, 1949-50; chief resident Kirr_g County r,osp., Seattle, 1950-51; asst. U. Wash. Sch. Medicine:, 1950-52, Ain. Heart Assn. research fellow, 1951-52, mcm. faculty, 1954-71, prof. medicine, 1964-7 1, med. dir. univ hosp., 1958-63, dears Med. Sch.. chmn. bd. health scis., 1964-69, exec:. ',.p. univ., 1969-70. dir. Health Scis. Center, 1970-71; pres. Inst. Medicine, Nat. Acad. Scis., 1971-74; prof. medicine George Washington U., 1972-74; pres. U. Wash., Seattle, 1974--. Mem. commr.'s adv. corn. on exempt orgns. Internal. Revenue Service, 1969-71, adv. corn. for environmental scis. NSF, 1970-71, adv. corn. to dir. NIH, 1970-71: mcm. Nat. Cancer Adv. Bd., 1972- Trustee China Med. Bd. Served with AUS, 1943-46, 47-49. Recipient Distinguished Service award Med. Alumni Assn. U. Chgo., 1966: convocation Medalist Am. Coll. Cardiology, 1973. Diploinate Am. Bd. Internal Medicine. Fellow A.C.P.: mein. Assn. Am. Med. Coils. (exec. council, chinn.-elect council of deans 1968-69), A.M.A., Alpha Omega Alpha. Contbr. profl. jours. Home: 808 36th Av E Seattle WA 98112 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86B00985R000300150023-9