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--020CT70 :2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE C I RC ACCESSION NO-A110111501 ABSTRACT/FXTRACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT. POLY(ETHYLEt"IE TEREPHTHALATE) (1) FILMS AND -PJLYfTETRAFLUORflETHYLE4E) (111 FILMS WtRE POLA;~IZEO BY HFATING TO 1100EGREES ANO 135DEGREESt RESP., IN POLARIZING FIELDS FOR SIMILAR TO I HR AND~THEN BY ALLOWING THEM TO COOL IN THESE FIELDS TO ROOM TEMP. ~:THF-PULARIZATIONt MEASURED BY THE RATIO OF THE INDUCED TO THE ORIGINAL CHARGE.0 r PERSISTED FOR LARGER THAN.OR EQUAL TO:B MONTHS AND LASTEr) LONGER F;R 11 THAN FOR I FILMS. THE POLARIZAT104 AND ITS DURABILITY INCREASED WITH THE FILM THICKNESS AND THE POLARIZING FIELD STRENGTH. WEAK.HETEROCHARGING (SIMILAR TO 10 PRIME*NEGATIVE10 COULOMB-CM PPLIME21 WAS OBSO.-ONLY'IN THE CASE OF I FILMS AT SMALLER'THAN OR EQUAL TO 150 FIEL.D;~ STRENGTHS. IN THE CASE OF IUTHE FILMS HAD ONLY CHARGES OF THE-SAME SIGN. THE NEW EXPTL. AND THE LlTERATURE DATAv GIVEN FOR OTHER -CTR E T S- AR'E:'DrSCUSSEO' IN" T`ERMS~'OF'THF: SWAN' GU KIN TIE RY. LE a E USSR UDC 547.446+547.447+541.651 and AREN, A. K., Riga Polytechnic Institute "2-(y-Amino-$-Hydroxypropy1- and O-Oxopropyl)-2-Subst:Ltuted-1,3-Indandiones" Klga, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Latviiskoi SSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, No 4, 1970, pp 462-466 Abstract: The Prevot reaction with 2-allyl-2-substituted 1,3-indandiones leads to the formation of 2-(-y-iodo-a-acetoxypropyl)-2substituted 1,3-in- dandiones, which react with amines to form 2-(y-amin6-a-hydroxypropyl)2- -substituted 1,3-indandiones. The latter by chromic oxide to the corresponding 2-(y-amino-O-oxopropyl)-2-substituted derivatives. The infrared spectra of these compounds.are the absorption bands of B-dicarboxylic, groups in the 1748-1700 arrf-I region and by the absorption bands of hydroxyl groups in the 3305-3210 curl range. Acetylation of 2- -(-y-amino-0-hydroxypropyl)-2-aubutituted 1,3-indandiones with p-toluoene- sulfochloride led to the corresponding tosylate. Theivecoad4ry hydroxyl group in the 0-hydro,xypropyl easily converted into a keto group* USSR UDC 547.446+547.447+541.651 ZITSMANIS, A. Kh. and Q!N, A....K., Riga Polytechnic Institute "2-(y-Amino-a-Hydroxypropyl- and O-Oxopropyl)-2-Substituted-1,3-Indandiones'I ..Riga, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Latvilskoi SSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, No 4, 1970, pp 462-466 Abstract: The Prevot reaction with 2-allyl-2-oubstituted 1,3-indandiones leads to the formation of 2-(y-iodo-B-acetoxypropyl)-2substituted 1,3-in- dandiones, which react with amines toform 2-(y-amino-O-hydroxypropyl)2- -substituted 1,3-indandiones. The latter can be oxidized by chromic oxide to the corresponding 2-(y-amino-o-oxopropyl)-2-substituted derivatives. The infrared spectra of these compounds are characterized by the absorption bands of B-dicarboxylic groups in the 1748-1700 cm7l region and by the absorption bands of hydroxyl groups in the 3305-3210 ct-l range. Acetylation of 2- -(y-amino-B-hydroxypropyl)-2-substituted 1,3-indandiones with p-toluoene- sulfochloride led to the corresponding tosylate. The secondary hydroxyl group in the 0-hydroxypropyl derivatives is easily converted into a keto group. 66~a87.~2 USSR 1MC XUZIETSOV, L. X., Candidate of Technical Sciences$ TULIN, V.. A.# Candidate of Technical Sciences, ZHAVORONKOV, K. P.o Engineer, L&BU11OVICH, 0. A-, Engineer, and ZINUROV, 1. YU., Engineor "Working Experience of a 100-ton Electx1c Furnace Ath -Uprated Transformer and Improved Short Mains" Boscow, Stall, No 31 Mar ?3, pp 236-238 Abstractz TrarsforMers of 29, 15 and 32 1,1v-amp up-rated non-inal power, pen, itting t-emporazy overloading up to 45 My-a-mp, were inst:alied on two 100-ton electric furnaces at the Chelyabinsk 1-',etallurgical Plant. Mo6crni~~a- tion of short mains cnsund a more unifo'rm power distribution by phases wA decreascd induction losse-.. The conditions of rialtin-~ stainlp.::5 and !;tructurall steels are discussed. For greater effectiveness, furtbc~r modernization measures must be carried out. One figure, four bibliographic referencea. USSR UDC 533.92:621.039.61 ALEKSIN, V. F., BIRYUKOV, 0. V.,:VISUNEVETSKIY, V. N. ,qF~RGIYEVS-KIY, A. V., .GROT, Yu. I., DIKIY, A G., ZISER, V. Ye. KITAYEVSKIY, L.'KH., KONOTOP, P POGOZHEV, D. P.: PEUVrT�=7V-.G., sr,,RGEYEV, Yu. F., SMNOV, V: G., SUPRUNMKO, V. A., TOLOK, , V. T., and TARAN, V.~ M. Development and Synthesis of the "Uragan" Stellarator and Investigation of Magnetic Surfaces of High Shear" Kiev, Fizika Plasmy i Problemy Upravlyayemogo Termoyadernogo Sinteza (Plasma Physics and Problems in Controlled Thermonuclear Synthesis collection of works) "Naukova dumka," No 3. 1972, pp 73-112 Abstract: After an initial section devoted to a review of the literature an the magnetic surfaces of toroidal stellarators and the principles of .stellarators in general, the authors andlyze. the "Uragan" specifically. In particular, this paper is concerned with the problems involved in choosing the parameters of the magnetic syp.tem for the racetrack stel- larator to obtain magnetic surfaces with high shear. This last term is .defined as the extent of crossing of the magnetic lines of force. The synthesis and adjustment of the magnetic system are also examined, and 1/2 USSR ALEKSIN, V. F., et al., Fizika Plasmyi Problemy Upra7,rlyayemogo Termoyadernogo Sinteza, "Naukova dumka," No 3, 1972, pp 73-112 the results are given of an investigationInto the instrument's magnetic surfaces. Computations worked out electronic,computer for the design of the magnetic system are described, and differences between the "Uragan" and the "Sirius" stellarators are indicated. A comparative table of the parameters for various types of.stellarator is given; it shows that the "Uragan" is one of the more powerfulithermonuclear machines, with a high shear value for its substantial 10 koersted magnetic.field intensity. berally illustrated with photographs and line drawings 'This article is li has.a bibliography of 51 titles. tnd ; 2/2 65 USSR uDc: 621-396.6 FELIDMAN, N. B. , TYULYAY-EVA, N. G., ZIVZAKH, R. M., KU2NETSOVA, G. A. "Effect Which Grain Orientation has on.the Parameters of TsTS-22 Piezoceramic" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. Radiokomponenty (Electronic Technology. Scientific and Technical Collect.Lon.. Radio Components), 19TO, vyp. 5, pp 96-99 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 71, Abstract:No 5V387) Translation: The authors study the effect of TsTS-22 ceramic grain size on fun.darvental paran ters and the temperature coefficient of the resonance fre- quency. . It is shown that an increase in grain size,entails an increase in the permittivity and piezoelectric activity of the ceramic. 157-- USSR UDC: 519.2:621-391 R.,,,G., SEMENOV, V. S. "Statistical Approach to Signal Detection in F1 aw Detection" Tr. Sib. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta T)ri Tomsk. un-te (Works of the Siberian Physicotechnical Institute Affiliated With Tomsk University), 1970, vyP. 51, pp 202-208 (from RZh-Kibernetika. iTo 9, SeP 71:, :Abstr*act No 9V296) Translation: It is noted thatIthe part of the statistical tbeory of communications which deals with signal detection is fully applicable to the purposes of radioscopy. For this reason, the article contains a brief exposition of the well known principles of signal- detection theorl. The class of topics covered is izidicated by the section titles: If floptir, "Average Risk and Plalroibility, Relatiork um Fl'ecei,,rer for a One- -Dimensional Random Quantity", "Optimum Re.ceiver f1or a Signal Given as Function of Time. , "optimum Receiver for the Case' of Nonadditive Interference". Ya. Kogan.~ USSPI UDC 621,351 -YNOV, K. YU. RO"HANOV V. V., internal Resistance of Cnemical Current Sources" Vch. zap. A7erb. in-t nefti i khirii (Scientific Reportb of the Azerb~~,,elzhan Petroleui-ii and CheniEtry Institute), ~197li series 9, ~.-Tci 6, -013 ~,91-92 (fro,-..I P,21,1- 0- Khir Uva, o 6 (11), Jun 72, Abstract ro;6L223) Translation: As a result of analyzin,t- the laws of chun_ge in ne interilal resistance of chemical current sourcer. it was, establisited 'Clat the- internal ro- sis tances deten:iinod for any CUrr(!nt,strcn[,,th arf;! unauitable for calculations for oth--~r values of the discharge current. The measurement:s sholj OwL differ- ent chemical current sources have a different nature of internal resistance X,-ith respect to alternating currents. Along with the, active component, the iiiLeri-~Al resistance alwavs ccitains a reactive component. The total internal resist,-ITICO as a function of frequency can have a capacitive-indLicLive, purely inductivL, or purely capacitive nature. USSR ABIDOVt A. A. t Professor, ZAUROV, N. A.. Gandidato of la-d1cal Sciences and C"44=1110V S ~Laboratoxy of Genetics.of Vaccinal Strains, Tashkent Om b.-b-z" Scleatme tesearc~ Institute of Vacein:es arA Sera "Characteristics of Auxotrophic Mutants of Enteropathogenic H. coli Sorotypes" Tashkentt Meditsinskly Zhurnal Uzbekistanaw.No 29 19?1# pp 62-65 Abstracts Autotrophic mutants were isolated from three stxuims of pathopnic serotypee. of B. coli -OjjjsB4jH2, o5,5tB5tH6#.and 026tj;-6tH1l .. under the influonco of ultravioL'et radiation or li-mot*l-ll~Lnitro-li-iiitr)soguanidina (the more potent mutagen). The various anino acid requiremonts for growth of the mutants on a minimum medium were identified:and Ubulated. None of the autants differed from the original strains in morpholo4cal, cultux-alp or -biochemical. properties. Study of the mutants in the agglutination reaction with homologous coll sera showed that most of the aut=ta retained the serological properties of the original. strains. - A feir lost them and in some the SerologicalL properties were Intensified# L especially those induced by H- nitrosoguanidine. .Ace. Nr: AP0051938- Ref. Code: ORMY PRIZeU,RY SOURCE: Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologii i I Irl , pp j1.6-112. i4editsiny, 1970, Vol4j , N ISOLATION OF AUXOTROPHIC MUTANTS FROINI THE CULTURES Or- PATHOGENIC SEROTYPE 0111:B4:1-12 OF B. COLI TREATED WITH N-,NIETHYL- N~-NITRO-N-NITROSOGUANIDIN Institute of Vaccines and Sera, Alinistry.of Health of the USSR, Tashkent The authors isolated 55 auxotrophic mutants from the cultilres of pathogenic serotype 0111:B4:H2 of E. coli treated with N-mellil.,I-N'-iiitro-N-iiitrosoguaridin. Investigation of the food requirements of the. mutants isolnl~,d inuicates that 27 of them ,are mono- and 13 are polyauxotrophic. In 15 mutants, requiremenis :or individual food factors failed to be established. In some mutants, biochemical characteristics (capability to fernitzritate maltose) also changed compared to the initial strain. Investigation of serological characteristics allowed to es.tablish that one grout) of mutants retained some antigens of the initial strain while 4he other completely lost them. Thus, nitroso- guanidin exerts considerable mutagenic action ~ on bacteria of pathogenic serotype 0111 B4 H2 of B. coli, especiqlly~on theirantigehic structum REEL/FRAME 19820421 LGSR LOC 632-95 Zjj&)K1L_A. A., OTRO5HCMNKO, 0. S., SADYKOVj A. S.t TOLFACREVA, G. A., AHBAROV, XH7-W.-, wnd KFGDZHAYEVAO T. A. ','A Method of Making -DI-fpiperidyl-2- (or 1-Methylpiperidyl-2) _7 Disodium- -Dihydrodipyridyl Caxbamate' USSR Author's Certificate INO 343975P filed 13 Jul 70, published 14 Aug 72 (from RZh-KhimIyaj No 10, May 73, Abstract No 10P.614P by N. Y. Lebedeva) Translationi /~, d'~..Di-(piperidyl-2)-disodium-Y's Y --dih.,Arodipyridyj carbamate (I) and 'a 0 /3 '-di-(I-methylpiperidjl-2)-disodium- Y dihydrodipyridyl caxbamato (n) are synth6sized by reacting anabasino (IM or 11-methylanabi-sine (IV) respectively with dispersed metal-lie sodium In an organic solvent in a molecular nitrogen atmosphere at 50-600C. LIxamplej 50 g of III or TV arc added to a susponsion, of 10 g of Ila in PhMe, the reaction mass is agitated In a atream of 11 at 50-600C until the sodium dianolves, 2 and treated with CO The resultant ma-gs Is evaporated, the residue Is washed with n-hexane and ffitered givigg.compound I or II with a yield of 9W,, the melting point og I is above 400 C, molecular weight 458; the melting point of Il Is above 400 Cp moleculax weight 44%. The values of R f are given for I and II as well as IR-spectral data. I and Il can be uBed as herbicides, and 1/2 USSR UDC: 547-94-4/945 ZIYA)Z. R., ABDUSAMATOV, A., YUNUSOVt S. Yu., "Order of the Red Banner of Labor'l Institute of the Chemistry of.Plant Materials U bek:SSR Academy of ~Sciences -Tulipif6rall "Lirinin a new Alkaloid From Liriodendron Tashkent, Khimiya Prirodnykh Soyedineniy, No 1, 1973, pp 67 72 Abstract: A new alkaloid which the authors have named;"Iirinin" was isolated from the alkaloid sum (chloroform extraction) of leaves of the tulip tree tulipifera) with empirical formula C102102~, melting point 152- 154PC (alcohol), Za&_722 550C (c 0.089, chloroform). Analysis of UV, IR, MIR D and.mass spectra shows that lirinin has the-structure of 5-hydroxy-2,6- -dimethoxyaporphine GGH 3 H3C0 - &71 USSR UDC 547.944/945 OV, A., YUNUSOV,.S. YU., Order of the Red Banner of Lab-or _ZLYAYEV, R., ABDUSAMAT Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substancesof the Uzbek SSR Academy of Sciences "Alkaloids of Verbascum Songoricue' Tashkent, Khimiya Prirodnyk-h-Soyedineniy, No 6, 1971,,pp 853-854 Abstract: A study was made of Verbascum songoricum Shrenk. (Scrophulariaceae family) gathered at Chimgan of Tashkent Oblast during various periods of vege- tation and each organ separately. The totitl alkaloida in percent by weight of the dry plant are presented for each of:the:organxj. 111traviolet, infrared and mass spectrographic data show that anabasin,.plan,tagonin, acetamide and a base with a melting point of 195-196*.were isolated. This'is the first time anabasin was isolated from Scrophulariaceae4 USSR ZIYAYEVA, Z. T. "The Problem of Optimization in Estimation of Probability Density" -blat. N. [News:of Academy of'Sciences, UzSSR, Physics- Izv. AN UzSSR. Ser. Fiz. .;Mathematical Sciences Series], 1973, No 1,-~p 310-35 (Trwislatcd from %Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No WHO, by the author) Translation: Suppose x,, x x is a stable Markov process, the stable 2Y ... 1 n and initial distributions coincide; f(x) is the initial probability density of va.lues of the process. defined-relativo to the I cbe!,guo me,~. t rFor estimate of f (x), a study is made of the form K h (n) K x-- x/ 1/2 USSR IlDc 615.616-24-003.656.6 FEYGIN, B. G. , KID-MITOVA, V.Z ZIZANGI.ROVA, "Problem of the Effect of Titanium* Admixture in Quartz on the 'Development of Silicosis" Tr. NII krayev. patol. KazSSR (Works of the Scientific Research Institute of Marginal Pathology of the Kazakh SSR), IM, No 23, PP 147-151 (from RZh--Farmakologiya, Khindoterapeyticheskiye Sredstva. Toksikologiya, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3.54-893) Translation: A dose of O.S ml of suspension containing 25 m eof Ti and 25 mg of quartz (first Irroup) or 30 mrr of quartz (second group) was administered daily intratracheally-to iiiale rats for 12 months. After one month, fine-focal inflammatory alterations of the interstitial typo with round-celle& and histocytic infiltration of the alveolar septa were obsevved. in- the lunrl-s of -the animals of the first group. After six months:the inflarnm6tory alterations -it of lar-e centers in the lungs were accompanied by the developinet of cellular proliferation, nodular and perivascular cellular accumulations. After 9 and 12 monthsY attenuation of the inflawma- tory process was noted with normalization of the histologic picture 1/2 USSR FEYCIN, B. G., et al., Tr. NII krayev. patol. KazSSR, 1972, No 23, PP 147-151 of the lungs. In the animals of the second group, the development of the typical silicosis picture was observed:~ infiltrative- proliferative part in the septum inter-alveolarium, then individ- ual silicotic nodes of the lymphocytes, epithelial.ce"7-ls, com- pressed vessels and bronchi, then generalization of the process with partial deterioration.of.the 1ung,tissue, It is considered that T! does not �ntensify the silicosogenic properties of S1. 2/2 USSR UDG 627-824-33:624. LOMIZE, G. M., Doctor of Tecbnical Sciences, IVASHCHEMKO, I. N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, ISAKHANOV, YE. A., 72 _V Engineers "The Deformability, Strength and Creep of Clayey Sails in Cores of,High Head Water Dams" Moscow, Gidrotekhnichesk27a Stroitel tstvo, No 11, No%r 70, 26-31 P P Kbstract: The article gives a general f ormulat Ion of the question of calculation of the cores' of high head water dams and the problem of research on the initial:equations of the stress- deformed state in the regions before and after- the lirait. It is shown that the stress-deformed state urast be evaluated for various load trajectories, and that the influence of creep processes in various load regimes within tize=ast alsolbe studied. Res 'ults of experimental study of the deformability of clayey soils under conditions of sinple and oorplex (according to 111yushin) loading with a stationar7 position of the axis, of the Min atresses and 1/2 L12 OIL UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--300CT70 JlTLE-EFFECT OF SULFHYDRYL GROUPS AND DISULFIDE BONDS ON THE QUALITY OF ,7~ 'd -THE- FLOUR FROM DIFFERENT STKAINS~13F. WHEAT .- U- ~~"AUTHOR-(02)-LKAHAROVA,:S.A.v KAZAKOV9 -YE*Dw, CCUNT RY, - UF INFO-USSR ,~-SOURCE-PRIKL. BIOKHIM. )41KROBIOL. 1970v 6(2)t 127-32 DA.TE PUKISHED-70 SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND M ED IC AL SCIENCES .-:,:TOPIC TAGS-WHEAT, BPROCESSED PLANT-PRODUCT, PROTEIN, FOOD TECHNOLOGY ;".~Ct-,NTRGL MARKING-INO RESTRICTIONS ,:'DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED n-:,IPRGXY REEL/FRAME--3001/1997 STEP NO-UR/0411/701006/0021012710132 oll UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--APOi27392 --ABSTRACTIEXTRAGT-(U) GP-O ABSTRACT. FLOUR ISOLATED FROM STRONG -(BEZOSTAYA 1) AND WEAK (ALBIDUM 43) WHEAT KERNELS IN L967 WAS TREATED BY VARIOUS HYDROTHERFAL PROCEDURES fliEAT;INGI COOLING# AND STEAM). THE MIXING ABILITY OF FLOUR FROM STRONG WHEAT GRAINS ITHE'ABILIFY TO INCREASE BAKING STRAIN OF THE FLOUR FRUML WEAK WHEAT) DEPENDED DIRECTLY ON THE RATIO OF SS TO SH GROUPS AND NOT ON THE TOTAL AMY.. OF THESE GROUPS I-N THE FLOUR FROM STRONG WHEAT STRAINS. DIRECT HYDROTHERMAL TREATMENT OF THE KERNELS BEFORE MILLING INCREASED THE BAKING VALUE OF THE.FLOUR IN BOTH TYPES OF WHEAT. NO ADDITIVE PROPERTIES WERE OBSO. DURING MIXING OF FLOUR FROM BOTH WEAK AND STRONG;WHEAr KLRN~ELS. THE HYDRATION CAPACITY OF GLUTEN FROM ALBIDUM 43 WHEAT FLOUR INCREASED DURING HYDROTHERMAL TREATMENT. GLUTEN ELASTICITY MEASURED ON THE PEK 3A SCALE DECREASED IN ALL WHEAT STRAINS.DURING HYDROTHERAIC TREATMENT. -OWl, USSR. FACILITYz MUSK. TEKHNOL. INST. FOOD MOSIG CLA, avacIFIED USSR -oz c 62 1. 311.25: c-62l. 3062:538. 4j.00.1. 2 ajOIE',1, 71_ATTI* D. A. PETPO-14, Yu. A.. M,*'M, S, A. Vesign and Construction of Electric Flowt!r Plants With Generators" _r. Vses. uroyektn. in-ta "Teploclektroproyekt" (Works of the All-Union State Insti- tute for the Desi&n and Planning of Electrical Equipment for 11--t -E'rigincering Instal- lations), 1970, *vyp. 9, PP 95-110 (from RM-ElektroLekhnilta i ene-.rLcLtika, No 9, Sep Abstract No 9A119) TraT~slation. A brief exposition is given of the characteristics of practical utili- zation of the MHD method of energy conversion. Possible technological diagrams of electric Dower plants with MHD generators are described as well as methods for further developments abmg these lines. Consideration is given to the planning of new non- standard equIpment, a brief description.of the characteri-4tics oV systems for control, autor-ation-and protection of equipment,~as well.~as basic solutions for pu:tting to- geth&r the main building. Four illustrations, bibliography of four titles. UNCLASS I FIE-D ~ORC)CtStIVG DATF-020CT70 klF SULFUitlC ACID IN. THE PRODUCTION OF AMMONIU4 SULFATE AUTHOR-(05)~-Z ATIN, L.YF. TRONDINA, G.I.v ARTAMONOV9 YL).P,, SHErEYN-, ;A. L. YUKHN V Yu.D. _C-OUINTRY, OF I1N'F0_.USSR ~',~SOURC E-KOKS KHIM. 1970. (3), 45-7, P_ ED------7() E PU LISH -~~UBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY T.Op 11C TAGS-- INDUSTR IAL PRODUCTIGNtAMMONIUM SULFATEs NITRObE-WENES COKE, GASP' (JREAt SULFURIC ACIDt UENITRATION XONTROL HARKING-INO RESTRICTIONS OUCUMW CIASS NCLASSIFIFD ~_.-PRUXY REEL/Fl(AME-1990/1386 STEP NU--tlR/006~3/70/UOO/003/0'~)q5/0(,)47 _-CIR-C ACCESSION NO--AP0109455 1INCLASS IFTEO 7_1;.1 i:: 2.16111 UNCLAS :S I F I IE!D PROCESS ING DATE--020CT70 ~:CJRC ACCESSI.GN NO--AP0109455 WHEN THE SPENT H SUB' SO SUB4, :-ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TAKEN FRUN PHNO SU62 PRODUCTION FOR (NH S084) SUG2 S3 SUB4 'AA'4JF. IN COKE-CHEM. PLANTS, IS CONTAMINATED WITH N OXIDES,. IT CONTAMINATES THE -COKE GAS~ANO THE USE OF THIS GAS FOR!NH SUB3 SYNTHESIS IS PREVENTED. THE N OXIDES IN THE-COKE GAS FOR THIS SYNTHESIS SHOULD BE SMALLER THAN 8 CM PRIME3-M PRIME39 AND THE GAS CANNOT BE USEG IF IT CONTAfNS LARGER OR EQUAL TO 10-12 CM PRIME 3 OXIDES-M PRIME3* LAB. DENITRATION OF ..THE ACID WITH VREA REDUCED THE N OXIDES HARPLY BY THE REACT104: 2HNO SUB2-PLUS .(NH SUB2) SUB2 CO YIELDS 3H SUB2 0 PLUS CO SUB2 PLUS 2N SU82. 82 PLANTSt THIS REACTION WAS SLOW. SINCE THE SPENT H SUB2 IN PHNO.SU %, SO SUB4, OF 72-PERCENT STRENGTH, CONTAINED OTHER.KNOWN,COMPDS., SYNTHETIC WERE PREPD. TO DET. THE EFFECT OF EACH OFTHESE: ON DEAITRATION. -R-IOD AND IN T2.;41-Z-.6PERC.ENT H SUB2 SO SLIB4. THE DURING'A 17 HR~PE DENITRATION WAS SATISFACTORY IN;THE PRESENCE OF THE H:SUF2 SO SUB4, HNO :~SUB3_o ANO:rTHE- N OXIDES. THE PHNJ SU62:.CONTENT WAS 0.3PEPCENT 3F THE H SUB2 SO:SUB4 AND THE PROCESS WAS COMPLETE EVEN AT: HIGHER HNO SUB3 AND IT, THE SPENT H SUB2 SO THE H:SUBZ SO SUB4 CONCNSs IN THE P.HNO.SUB2 PLAN SUB4,AND THE UREA WERE INTRODUCED SIMULTANEOUSLY 'AND COMPRESSED AIR WAS USED FOR.MIXING. THE FORCED AIR ALSO.REMOVED THE N FORMED FROM THE H SO-SUB4 TREATMENT, THUS ACCELERATING.THE REACTION. SULFATE SEPN. FROM THE_DENITRATED ACID DID NOT INCREASE THE N:,OXIDES IN THE COKE GAS. :TH E UP-+-A ~-,WHICH DID NOT REACT WITH THE~ 0)(IDES BUT~ ENTERED THE MOTHER LIQUOR Wt,.TiH THE.ACID WAS BENEFI.C.IAL# SINCE IT IMPROVED THE PARTICLE SIZE CUMPNO OF*TiiE (NH SUB41 SUB2 SO SU64. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 612.826.4 ZLATIN, R. S. "Physiological Characteristics of Chemoreceptors of the Posterior Hypothalamus" Kiev, Fiziologichniy Zhurnal, No.5, 1973, pp 586-592 Translation of abstract: Changes in electrical activity of the motor cortex, motor response threshold, and respiratory rate were studied in chronic exper- iments on five rabbits with electrostimulation of structures of the posterior hypothalamus against a background of preliminary subcutaneous injection of chlorpromazine (5 mg/kg) or scopolamine (0.5 mg/kg) and in experiments on 12 rabbits with injection of carbachol-or norepineDhrine,(100 pg) into structures of the posterior hypothalamus through chronically implanted chemitrodes (as modified by the author). The ascending influences of the posterior hypothala mus on the electrical activity of the motor cortex were found to be determined mainly by cholinergic mechanisms, while the influences on the motor componc-nt of the orientin-- reflex are chiefly adrenergic in nature. -The author draws the general conclusion that the structures of the posterior hypothalamus are heterogeneous with respect to function.and chemoreception and that this heterogeneity is manifested in bothascending and descending influences. 1/1 'USSR ux 6.L2-8-015-1 MAKARCHEMO, A. F., ROYTRJB, B. A., ZLA lyal..Av S. CTENIS, Ye. D., and IMSTYUK, 0. 1., Institute of Physiol(O" t~ehi A. Bogomolets, Academy of -Sciences Ukrainian SSE, Kiev I'Acety1cholinesterase Activity in Hypothalamic and Cortical Stru:--tures During the.Action of Pharmacological Ageiits" Kiev, Neyrofiziologiya, Vol 5, No 1, Jan/Feb 75.1 pP 47-53 Abstract: Acetyleholinesterase (AChE) activity in rat brain was recorded con- tinuously by the automated electrometric.method. In intact ra-ts aged 1 month, ACbE activity is highest in the sensory and motor cortex, while various lower levels are assumed in the posterior hypothalamus, anterior hypothalamus, and hippocampus. With advancing age (6, 12, and 24 months),the center of AChE activity is shifted to the posturior bypothalamus, and,there is a general decrease in AChE activity per gram of tiasue.: Adrenaline, Wected sub- cutaneously in a dose of 300 mcglkg, redistributes AMR activity within 15 min, -shifting the maximum to the anterior bypothalants. An identical dose of chloral hydrate reduces AChF, activity and equalizes it- I in L11 these structures The histochemical method, though grood for determining the location of AChE in cell organelles, in unable to detect small. variations in ACIZ activity. Since 1/2 USSR. uDc 6l2.8~6+612-822.3 ZLATDI S. and KULDCOV, M. A., Department of the Physiology of the Dience'- phalon and Laboratory of Statistical,Analysis and of Modeling Physiological Processes :Inst-4tute of Physiology imeni- A,.:'A.: Bogomolets Academy of Sciences SSR, Kiev ges in-Electrical Activity of-Posterior Hypotbalamis and Motor Cortex in tha-Presence of Various Pharmacolodical Agents Leningrad, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal SSSR imeni I. M. Sechenov, Vol 59, No 1, 1973, pp 16-27 .-Abstract: In rabbits, certain neurotropic drugs induce significant changes in adiatiorvof the br-~in. Name: -1 hydrate the pm~er of the elect7onagnetic.r., y, chlor, u 'P, -a; s in t _100 In 1jr -he posterior h-.-pothalamus and (60 rectally) reduces bet wave intensifies delta waves and reduces alpha waves in the motor cortex. Aminazirie (5 ngPx,,,, subcutaneously) intensifies delta,waves andireduces beta waves in the motor cortex. Sconolamine -(0.4-0..5 rg/kg, subeutaneousi-) reO-mces beta Lraves and Intensifies deita waves in the motor cortex. And carbacho~'-.ine (0-03 mdkg, subcutaneously) reduces delta.waves.and intensifies alpha unaves in the poster- and --a waves ior. hypothal-amus, and reduces delta and gauma waves, es. be to in the motor-cortex. However, as far as.the.freqaen0,:spectn, are concerned, ~the:shifts induced by any one. compound are much:smR316r and proceed in the same USSR R. S. and KULIKOV, M. A. FiziologichesIdy Zhurnal SSE imeni I. M. Sedhe ;pp i6-2 nov, Vol 59,:No -1, 1973, direction in both areas. It is therefore: Concluded; viat the p. mrmacological A!~Ilts_ applied. do not..disr6pt'~tbjd functional CorreliLtion ex,istLng bet-veen the smotor cortex,: '.Posta_ or: hypothalamus and the W USSR UDC 612.826-014.423:615.473.2 ZLATIN R S Department of Physiology of the Diencepbalon, Institute of -i~ytiolog ~;;en~ 0. 0. Bogomolets, Acade of Sciences' McrainiEn SSR, Kiev MY "'A New Modification of Cannula Electrodes. Chemitrodes) for Implantation Into h ubcortex of the Rabbit Brain"- t e S Kiev, Fiziologicheskiy Zhurnal, No 5, 102, p0 698-700: Abstract: A new modification of a "chemitrode" based on the "needle to needle" principle is proposed. The chemitrode consists of a guide cannula and an in- jection cannula contained in a Plexiglas,joint. The:two cannulas form parts of., a coaxial electrode with the electrodes 0.5 mm apart. The dE:vice can be used in a chronic experiment to supply the biain structure under study with a-micro .quantity of some pharmadologidagent~.inia minute volume of solution -ankit: -the -dame--time, derivei structure in~ bi- -fashion ar USSR UDC 61l-8034.612.1 'ALEKSANDROV, L. N., DYSKIN, YE. A. Tlq'TqVAYA M- N. N, I. F. DEV, ~-Ia: Di 9'.TVai0IfOVA9 L. P. j FITATOV# A*-I~ ~ ands R. U.p Department of ozay, Milttary-Medical Academy imeni S. 14. ;Kirov Normal Anat "Condition of Some Nerve Structures After Exposure to Powerful. Shock Waves" -Leningradl Arkhiv Anatomii, Gistologii i Imbriologiii No 10, 19711 PP 12-20 Abstracti Cats weje exposed to a powerful shock wave with an excess pressure o 10 kg/cm lasting about 0.1 see. The effe6t was not lethal and of 0.1 t after the experiment the animals,were externaLly indistinguishable from normal cats. They were sacrificed at various times duringlt,he 30.days fouowing exposure to the shock wave and the nerves in the walls of the vena cavao diges- tive organs, dura and pia mater of the brain an4 spinal cord, pancreas, and tWoid uore hintologically excuttined The 'modullated, fibors arid preterminal pottions of tho receptoxt undorwont thf)':most dintinot charigon. flie axial cylbiders were swollen and the contours uneven. Along the coume of the f1berts were.solitary or multiple varicosities, These reactive change3 were largely reversible. However, some of the nerve elementa proviod to be raite resistant to the shock wavep notably the nonmedullated:fibers':some afferent structures diffuse receptors), and encapsulated:6912 bodie,sd 1/2 038 UNCLASSIFIED: DATE--160CT70 tITLE--THE VIBRATIONAL SPECTRUM, THE OPTICAL CONSTANTSs AND THE IONICITY OF THE BOND OF COGEAS SUB2 IN CRYSTAL~AND A14ORPHOUS PHASES BY IR _c:_AlJTHOR-(04)-ZLATKI LeB*v MARKOV? YU-F-i STEKHANOVj Aql*t SHURi MoS. Nj --L- -,:,.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE.-I PHYS. CHEM. SOLIDS 1970# 31(3)p 567-71 DATE PUBL ISHED------70 AREAS--MATERIALS9 PHYSICS ~!~'TOPIC TAGS--VIBRATION SPECTRUMIAPTIC YROPERTY1 IR;SPECTRUM9 CHEMICAL 1;~v~~`.',,JV',-~~-, BONDING CRYST.AL STRUCTUREi :CAD:MlUpl COMPOUNDi. CEkMANIUM COMPOUND, CRYSTAL LATT I CE:'~.S TRUc' TORE ll_-l.CG.RTkOL. MARKiNG.-NO RESTRICTIONS 'CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED DOCUMENT -TAOXY- REELfFRAME"-1989/1396 STEP.NO-..-US/0000170/031/003/0567/0571 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107869 UNCLASSIFIED. 22 038 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-15OCT70 C I RC ACCESSION NO-AP0107869 GP-0- AUSTRACT4 THE IR REFLECTIVITY IS INVESTIGATEU IN THL FREQUENCY REGION FROM 2 TO 75 mi) FOR T EQUALS 295DEGREESK. CHANGES OF THE VIBKATIONAL SPECTRUM TA.K.E PLACE IN THE REGION OF THE LATTICE REFLECTION WHILE CLEAR CORRELATION EXIST-5 fN THE REGIONS OF SMALL (SMALLER THAN 25 MU) AND LARGE IGREATER THAN 60 MU) WAVELENGTHS BETWEEN THE OPTICAL CONSTS.'OF COGEAS SUB2 IN THE CRYSTAL AND AMORPHOUS PHASES. THE DISPERSION OF N AND THE OIELEC. CONST. WERE '0 CALCU* BY KRAIMERS KRONIG AND DISPERSION AiNAL-At. THE VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCIES DETD. THE QUAL. AND.WUANTs PAPAMETERS OF THE IONICITY OF m) HAVE BEEN ESTD. THE CHEM. BOND IN~CDGEAS SU112 IS IONIC THE Bo, COVALENT WI.TH LARGER DEGREE OFZOVALENT::PART. FACILITY; A. F. _._-lOFFE PHYS. TECH. INST.p LENINGRAD, USSR.~ UNCLAS-S t-F-I ED----.-- USSR upc 669-15-194-2:620.171:519-272 MMTMV, As L., and MAMM, L. Z... Omsk " of chemical Composition on the Mechanical Properties of 32Kh06L Steel" Moscov, Izvestiya Akademii Mauk SSSR, Yetally, No 3,:bhY-Jun 71, PP 143-147 Abstract: The effect of the chemical ~ composition of 32KhO6L steel (GOST 7823-65) an its nechanical properties was investigated on club-shared -0amples (GOST 977- 58) vhich were improved by tempexIng in water from 9000+2~PC)i, The im-aact strength was determined on 10 x 10-=n.notched samples. A correlation dependence between the indices of mechanical properties and chemical coLlmosition was estab- 11shed on,the basis of mathematical processing of data on 500 industrial rceits. Uie results obtained (regression equations, coi-xelaiion coefficients, authen- ticity of the dependence) show that tensile strength, yield pcint, irapact strength, and hardness have an authent ic correlation.,depeadence on the majority af~the chemical elements ofthe 3M06L steel. An analysis of the regression equations and dependencies of mechanical properties on C, Nh, Cr, Ni, and P shows that chemical elements affeez differently -- in terms of intensity -- the mechanical properties of steels. Carbon has the -greatest influence on hanical properties,, followed -by Mn and Or, and thea hydrogen. Equations of multiple correlation are also derived, Vhich; rakee it possible to obtain for actual cases the optimal mechanical charact--ristics. -391 USSR UDC: 518-5:681.3.06 ZLATKIS, V. M., KUCHGATIOV, V. N. F "On a Method of Precognition of Complex Imagesif ~V sb. Av-tomat. ustroystva ucheta i kontrolva (Automatic Devices for Com- putation and Checking--collection of works), vyp. 6, Izhevsk, 1970, pp 89-101 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 7, Jul 71, Abstract No TV782) Translation: This paper deals with one method of preprocessing and rough recognition of complex images. The essence of the method is il- lustrated by analyzing portraits of people. The problem is to indicate on the portrait the region of the eyebrows, eyes, nose and muth, and to find certain characteristic pointe on these features. Knowled(;,e of stage -- the location of such points enables speeding up the folloving Of aCC,:2 lacy., final recognition and improvement ur An kgorithm for isolat- ing a skeleton silhouette is described:in:~detail. V. Mikheyev. 83 USSR UDC Sl.i155.001.57:681.3.06 ZLATKIS V. M i"Construction of DescrOtion of Halftone Images" Avtomat. Ustroystva Ucheta I Kontrolya, [Automatic Accounting and Control Devices-- Collection of Works], No 6, Izhevsk, 1970z pp 175-185, (Translated from Refera tivnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 53, 1971, Abstract No. SV679 by V. Mikheyev). Translation: One possible method of using structural methods for construction of.the description of halftone images is presented. In the first stage, the problem is stated of reducing the redundancy of the initial description and related separation and input of contour elements of halftone images to a digital computer. A method is suggested for separating a contour by digital computer, thecorresponding program is described and the sequence.of its performance on the Minsk-1 computer is presented, In the second stage, a convenient and eco- nomical method of describing contour images is presented, consisting in approxi- mation of the contour by sectors of identical length and representation of the contour as a graph, the lines of which correspond to these sectors. In order to eliminate redundancy in the graph, chains are separated, corresponding to sectors of constant curvature of the contour image. Relationships between individual contours of the image of the objectiare taken into consideration. Ij, USSR UDCSI:155.001.57:681.3.06 ZLATKIS, V. M., KAZAKOV, V. S., KUCHUGANOV. V. N., LOSEV, I. R., MOCHENOV, S. V. "Image Input-Output Device for Minsk-I Computer" Avtomat. Ustroystva Ucheta I Kontrolya, [Automatic Accounting and Control Devices--Collection of Works], No 6, Izh6vsk, 1970, pp 164-174, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 5, 1971., Abstract No. SV682). Translation: Problems are studied of creating and operating image input-output devices for small computers. The device is based on the FTA-PINI phototelegraph apparatus with slight modifications and practically no modifications to the Minsk-l computer. The input of an image is performed from a sheet 220 mm in width with unlimited length, and the output in onto electrochemical paper. The resolving capacity of the apparatus is 3~4 lines per mm, the operating speed is 120 lines per minute. Operation is performed at a carrier frequency of 1,900 Hz. Input and output of the image is performed by sectors 64 x 7 mm or 128 x 14 mm in size with resolution into 250 x 31 elements, with brightness quantized to [single-digit number eligible--Er) levels. A block diagram and functional diagram of the device are presented and the operation of the indi- vidual units is described. It is noted that this device has been used for successful operation of algorithms for recognition of printed characteristics, algorithms for classification of complex images according to their skeletal outline have been studied, a method of probabilistic coding of halftone images z, has been test-ed and experiments have been performed on. the separation of con- u, I ~am 7 112' 015 UNCLAS~ 101ED PROCESSING DATE--0Z(:,_ -.Tj,TLF--P.ECHANISt40 THE ACTION OF SALTS DURING THE SYNTHESIS DF APJMATIC SALT SYSTEMIS ~-U- fjPOLYAMIOL-S IN A 14 1 D ~AUTHQIIR-04)-FEDUPOY, A.A., SOKOLOV# L.B.v ZLATQ G'ECHIS'lKIN't I ..,.-PYINTRY CF, I -NlFC--USSR ,~~U~RCF-VYSOKOMOL.. SGEDIN. SER. 13 '1970, 1213), 205-BiL E)A T EPUELISHED------70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY .'TOPIC TAGS-CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS, POLYAMIDE COMPOUNDl MOLECULAR WEIGHT, NMR* 'LITHIUM COMPOUND, MAGNESIUM CHLORIDEt ALUMLNUM CHL~G,R I OF. v Z I NIC CHLOV I DE, STRourlum CHLORIDE, CADMIUM CHLORIDE, ELECTRONEGATIVITY, A410E, HYDqOGEN .80NDIN PROTON. MAPKING-NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEd ~.P.ROXY*REEL/FRAME--1992/0316 STEP Nig--UR/0460170/012/003/0205/0208 .CIRC ACCCSSIC.Ii NU--AP0111510 UIN C. L A S S I F I E 0 4J~ 212 015 U NCL ASSIFIE D PIROCE:SSING DATE--029CT7C CIRC- ACCESSION NJ-AP0111510 ~,ABSTVACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE INTERACTIONS OF THE METAL ~SALTS LICLv LIBR, LlIw LINO SUb3v LISCN, MGCL SUB2, ALCL SU33v SPCL SU82#'Z?4CL SUB2, AND COCL SU62 AND HCL W[TWOENIANILIOF (1) IN ACN;MF ~SU132 SOLN5. AND THE INFLUENCE OF THE,SALTS (IN THE MOL& WT. IF -POLY(P,PHENYLENETEREPHTHALAMIOE) (it) SYNTHESIZED IN ACNME SUB2 SOLNs. WERE STUDIED BY A HIGH RESOLUTION NMR METHODo CHEM. SHIFT 14-REMENTS OF I AblIDE PROTONS DECREASED IN THE ORDER OF DECREASING ELFCTRONFGATIVIVIY OF THE LI SALT ANIONS TO 0 AND THEN INCREASED IN-THE ORDER jF IN'REASING :~,-_:"ELECTRONEGATIVITY OF THE CATIONS OF THE OTHER SALTS~ DECREASES IN I SOLY. FOLLOWED THE SAME ORDER OF DECREASING LI SALT ANION' ELECTRONEGATIV -ITY. APPARENTLY, THE :STRONGER THE H BONDS BETWEEN SALT AND AMIDE GROUP PROTONS-p THE GREATER IS I SOLY. AND THE FARTHER DOWNF I-E*LD- THE- AM I DE'_ VROTON_ -STGNAU. -rHE'*-SI'ZE' OF7 THE CHEM* SHIFT- 9F THE AMIDE PROTONS CAUSED BY DIFFERENT SALTS INCREASED LINEARLY WITH :JNCREASING MOL. WT. OF 11 SYNTHESIZED.44ACOME SUB2 IN THE PRESENCE :-'-.THESE SALTS. PRESUMABLY, INCREASMINTERACTION BETWEEN SOLVENT AND MER PROMOTED HIGHER MOL. WTS.:- POLY. rLASS-11 FEED UN N, USSR Z. ZLATOPQT~,~ 11kdvance Against Cancer" Riga, Sovetskaya Latvia, 4 Dee 70, p 4 Abstract: In an interview Professor S. A. Giller, Director of the Institute of Organic Synthesis, Academy of Sciences, Latvian SSR, and Candidate of Medical Sciences V. M. BrambergAiscussed preparations synthesized at the Institute and used in the fight against cancer. Among these is Fluorafur, an original Soviet preparation for use in the treatment of several types of malignant neoplasms. The preparation lids been clinically tested in the USSR and abroad and I-as been approved by the Pharmacological Com"ittee of the Ministry of Health USSR. A permit forits production on an industrial scale has been granted. Manufacture of the preparation is now being or- ganized in the USSR and a number of foreign countries. Other original preparations include: Furagin (Furazidin) and Solafur; imiphos, for treatment of erythema; and methynidione, for treatment of epilepsy. Steps arc being taken to organizethe production of thiophosphamide (ThioTepa) and Cyclophosphane, drugs widely u9ed in oncological practice. 1/2 USSR ZIATOLPOL'SKIY, Z.,.Jametskaya Latvia, 4 Dec 70, p 4 The achievements already made in research on cancer inake It possible to hope that solution of the problem is near. Important work on cancer is being carried out at the Scientific Research Institute of Eyperimental and Clini- cal. 'Medicine, Ministry of Health Latvian SSR. Studies have established that Do single preparation can be relied upon to produce similar results when applied to all cases of cancer. Prior to the administration of an anti- cancer preparation it is essential to determine the form, type, and stage of the disease, its localization, the histological structure of the tumor, and the indications and contraindications for the use of the drug. Latvian chemists are doing their utmost~to develop'::and~produce now preparations which can be successfully applied to control the didease.: 2/2 USSR UDC 629.7.017:658.562.001.24 ZAGRUTDINOV, G. M., and ZDATO "On One Method for Increasing Instrumental Confidence in the Results of Automated Controls" Kazan', Tr. Kazan. aviats. in-ta (Tx:.:insactions of the Kazan' Aviation Institute) Vyp~146, 1972, pp 45-54 (from Referati-4nyy,Zhurnal--Metrologiya I Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No 1, 1973, Abstract No 1.32.111) Translation: A system of automated control is considered, the reliability of which is characterized by thii probability of the appearance! of accurate re- aults. A method for increasj'Aig the confidence in the results of control using multiple measurci,.ients is analyzed. For the system of attl-omated con- trol, the probability of malf unctions of. which does not 2qual the authors propose a processing of partial results of multiple measurements, on the basis of majority lugic with subsequent averaging, by excluding the influence of malfunctions and random errors in the final result. The increase in the probability of accuracy of. the final result using multiple measurement is computed for different coefficients of variation oi the controlled para- meter. The possibility of solving several types.of problems which will be encountered in the projected system of automated control is indicated with the aid of graphs and a table. (2 tables; 3 illustrations; 5 bibliographic entries) r,7.,7:T USSR UDC 629.78.017:658.562.001.24 ZAGRUTDINOV, G. M., ~LALOUaff S. V. "Calculation of Instrumental Reliability of Results of Automatic'Testing" Tr. Kazan. Aviats. In-ta (Works of Kazan Aviation ln~titute], No 134, 1971, pp 72-78, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhu-rnal, Raketostroyeniye, No 2, 1972, Abstract No 2.41.160 from the Resume). Translation: For tested parameters with various coefficients of formation of tolerances (z) and with various ratios ofmeasurement error to tolerance for the parameter (d 16 the basic components of instrumental relia- meas . par bility of the results of automatic testing are calculated -- the probability of false "useable" mid "unuseable" decision's (P and p respectively), result- 1 0 ing from random errors in the measurement channels of the automatic testing systems. The graphic dependence of probabilities P 0 and p I on z and 6 meas/ 6par is established. The possibility is shown of solving certain typical problems encountered in the stage of development of automatic control systems using the graphic dependences presented is demonstrated. 4 Figures; I Table; 3 Biblio. Refs. USSR UDC: 68i.332.6c YdMROV, R. M. , Kazan' Aviation Institute "A Method of Producing a Pulse Train" USSR Author's Certificate Ito 2850h6, filed 2 Dec 68, piAilished 30 Dcc 70 (from M-Avtorati-ka Telemekhanika.i Vychislitel,naya Tekhnika, No 10, Oct 71, Abstract No 1OB222 P) Translation: In conventional methods of obtaining sequences of pulses with random durations having a controllable distribution function, use is ordi- narily made of the controllability of the distribution of a random nurnber sequence. However, it is difficult to orient the.use of probability-con- trollable random number sequences to the-predeterinined probebility of the selected duration of the random-duration pulse sequence because of the strong conditional dependence of the probability-of appearance of &specific dura- tion or the finiteness of the sEnipling tire. In the method of obtainilig a random.-duration -oulse train as introduced by this patent, the --wn of Saw- tooth and noise voltages in compared vith the suxi~ of DC. and noise voltages, after which the absolute value of the random error for the tirne duration of 1/2 -------212 UDC: 621.316-84 :ZL--,CU3TOV, 3. V., 0-s-IROVA, S. 0., and ASADULLIEU, R. Measuring Current Noise in Quality Control 0~ Th`n-Pilm Resistors" 'Vol Kiev, Izvestiya TJZ P-adioelekt--onika 13, No. 9, '970, pp 1124-1128 'bs-crac-: In view of the fact tlaz resistors com-Pr'se a--.out 31 4W., o all -the components in mo st:electron-ic circuitr1i and that U.-,.ey are growing smaller with advances in miniaturizatian, zhei-- quality coritrol is important. Thiz article gives the results of experiments perforated to ~find a relationship bGt,..:een the current noise level of thin-film resistoors and their quality, and 1,41-,F-ther use o--f' current noise level as ar. index to the reliability of -re- sistors is just-L A. ~,Jfied. A block diagrarn of the :noise meter circuit is showa, This version iu--d to be u3ed in plaoe of avandard equip- 1~or -easur4ng resistor noise since standard equi,ment has in- U p sufficient sensitivity for resistors with such, low power ratings. 1/2 ad 17jrjC)USTOV1 S.V., et al, 12vestiy,~L Vuz - R., joelektxe~nika, Vol 13, No 9, 1970, pp 13-24-11 PUB -hors' analys-s of the results of -Lment showed a The aut the expe high correlation be-Ween resistor noise and'qual-ity, wi-'Ch the noisiest resistors exhibiting the 'poorest qun-iity, to the exteatu ,that the reliabil4ty of resistors can be predicted on the bas.~- Of the"ir showing inthis test. In these experime~ats, Lhe noise level was measured in microvolts.Der volt of~applied voltage in a band of 10 k4"z. The authors conclude that IW~" control can be attained in control automation using.the modulation nolse meter thzy propose in thin-film resistor assembly line manufacture. USSR ZLMO, A. A., PROKHOROV, A. M., SYCHUGOV, V. A. "A Thin-Film Laser With Magnitude-Modulated,, Distributed Feedback" Moscow,.Pis'ma v Zhurnal Fksperfinentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol 18, No 3, 5 Aug 73, PP 156-160 Abstract: A method is proposed for tuning the emission frequency of a -ial w thin-film laser with distributed feedback by using spat odulation of the amount of feedback in the film. The amount of distributive feedback iB determined by the amplitude of the periodic variations in the effective index of refraction or amplification factor. If these amplitudes are spatially modulated with period P:~,A, then lattices vith periods An= A(l� nA/A') vill be formed in the film along with the lattice of period A, where n= 1, 2, 3'... If the wavelength of the emission determined by .these lattices falls into the amplification band of the film, then emis- sion should be stimulated on this wavelength with the corresponding purqD- ing. Thus the emission frequency could be tuned by varying the period A'. This principle of modulation is experimentally demonstrated by a setup with a rotatable wire grid. USSR UDO: None ZLEX"Ico Z_ A.: A. A PROKHOROVY A. M., SYCHUGOV., VA., and SHIPULO, G. P. "Exciting LaF -DTd3+ Crystals -with Monochromztic Iight" 3 MOSCOWY Zhurnal VAsnerimentallnoy i Teoretichesk2X Fiziki Vol 59, WO 9; 1970, PP 785-7a9_ :Abstract; n~he relaxation time of the particles from t-e 0-53u ab- nd of NO+ ions at -he 4F3/2 level is and sorption ba v -- '%.he transverse cross section of. the induced radiation -in crystals is measured in lasers pumped with mono chrorna,~. J~ c liL,-;At. The determination of this time is.important since:it has a dQfiLite effect on the op~-,-I;ion of the laser. The resulta of a ri*umerical ec 'n solution oI the prob_ i of exciting, laser osaillationj i a four- level system with t~W rQlaxation tim- taken into accoL~nt, pwripLrd I a light- nulse 'a~,ting 50 ns, are obtained. Tla(..3r, ai-i., from a curve showing the laser radiatIon as a Punction f found me, througii ~h,~! use of a computer. F6=ullas are derivf.!d de- -Lme Irom fat-, -er ter-rairie til%L~ asturements of the tim,~, int, %,-al first lk;,wo pe, ks a hu CU- 'e ~Ll bet,,!o(~n thu lacier radi. PUMD11IL" PI-AL-C. Th-z authors expross their gratitude Ive truk and i;o V. V. Lsilko for the LaP3-JN'd3+ crystals, an~d -~o YQ. IIA'. 77 UDC 623-396.622 U_ n L U ZLENTSO V. ~CHAKHALKIN, V. N. SHEVTSOV, 'E. A. A utfon o' Opti? Counl`ng W4th, ~he Resonator in a C'unverter" Tr. Yos':~. ele1r:trotekhn. in-ta swrazi (Work5 of 'tile Moscow 'n--4--uf;e of Conzriunications Engineering), 1970, V~a) _Dj) 10-15 (from Get 70, Abstract No 1OD3061' Translation: The authors consider the circuit of a Converter 'Cased -iode located in a resonator which is one of the Icad~ of a baiw-ced wave- n a guide bridge. TIne optimun couplirg of the waveguide resonato-, with a:-. arm 0'* Lhe .aveguid,:! brldge is calculated. The curve for the change. in dt,-tector p oi -e r-as a funct,4;on of the am-ant of coupling has a max-irium close to critical couplAri,,-'. it is recr,=-ended that the coupling, coefficients be selected acnewha-t cueater thwin I or, -to-r -to-, -se lt,,vei !_- determ, ned by the basis of the signal oise ratio. The signal no- t h econverted frequency fluctuations of the klystron oscillatcr. T~je naximlra signal- -;mce of -to-noi3e ratio is observed at a rather small imbal, the bridge. A. ?Z. 1.12 027 UNCLA.SSI FIED PIROCESSING DATE--160CT70 TITLE--THE OPERATION OF STEAM LINES MADEFROM 12MKH~AND 15 KHM STEELS AT ;.-HIGH PRESSURE ELECTRIC POWER STATIONS AFTER A STANDARD SERVICE-LIF~ -U- AUTHOR-(05)- V.F., MAZEL, R.YE.j KRUTASOVA, iE.I., ZAKHAROVA, A.I., N.P. OUNTIRY OF INFO--USSR -S OURCE-MOSCOW, TEPLOENERGETIKAj NO. 2, 1970, PIP 55-58 .'PAT E_ PUBL ISHED ------- 70 _UBJEC TAKEAS--MATERIALSt MECH.t IND., -C-IVIL MARINE ENGR TOPIC-TAG")--LOW ALLOY STEEL# ELECTRIC POWER PLANT, THERMOELECTRIC POWER ;~.'PLANT, STEAM BOILER, STEAM TUR81NE, ~STEEL PIPE, PIPE LINEi CHROMIUM STEELt MOLYBOENUM STEELt RESEARCH FACILI.TYv ALLOY 0E5.IGNATIClN/(U)12,'-lKH _LOW ALLOY STEEL, (U)15KHM LOW ALLOY STEEL ,PCNTR,OL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS POCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PRbXY.REEL/FRAME--1996/0355 STEP NO"-UR/0096/70/000/OD2/0055/0058 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117592 UNCLASSIFIED p w 2/2 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 IR-C ACCESSION NO--AP0117592 ,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT BASED ON PROLONGED TESTS, ~~.-CONDITIQNS WERE ESTABLISHED UNDER WHICH STEAM LINES MADE FROM 12MKH AND --15KHM STEELS, WHICH HAD OPERATED 100,000 HOURSt COULD BE AUTHORIZED FOR .-~FURTHER OPERATION. ONE TABLE, SEEVEN ILLUSTRATIONS, 0[3t.IDGkAPHY CONTAINS THREE CITATIONS. FACILITY.:. ALL U14ION JINSTITUTE OF HEAT AND THE EASTERN BRANCH OF THE-ALL.UNION INSTITUTE OF HEAT ENG.1 NEER ING. UNCLASSIFIED C, N L I IttlED ~PROCESSING DATE--11SEP70 U .-TlTLE--CRlTERIA OF OPERATIONAL DEP-ENOABILITY OF THE 12KHlMF STFEL -U-.- _AUTHOR--ZLEPKOv V*F*9 ZAKHAROVA,.A.I. C- OUN TRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--MOSCOWs ELEKTRICHESKIYE STANTSIlt NR 4, 1970, PP 32-34 DATE: PUBL ISHED ------- 70 ....SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, MECH.9 IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR '-T.bPIC:TAGS_-LOW ALLOY STEEL, ALLOY DESIGNATIONt STEEL PIPE, STEAM SOILERt ~,-,RELTABILITY/(U)12KH1?* LOW 4LLOY STEEL ~~.,'C-QNTROL M ARK I NG--NG RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ":~PP.DXY"REEL/FRAME--1987/1412 STEP 140--UR/0104/70/000/004/0132/0134 ACCESSION NO--AP0104726 UNCLASSIFIED 113 Oil UNCLASSIFIED'~ PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 j:ITLE--ALL UNION CONGRESS OF-VOLCANOLOGISTS -U- COUNTRY GpF.INF(J--USSR URC'~-VOSCOW ZEMLYA I VSELENNAYA, NO I ,1970, PP 79081 PUbLISHEO-----70 1-ISUB.JECT AREAS--EARTH SCIFNCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY, BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCLEINCES --VOLCANOLOGYt GEOCHEMISTRY, MAGMAY VOLCANIC ROCK, EARTH CORE, .JUPIC TAGS GEOLYGIC CONFERENCE ~;IPNTRGL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS, ~`__~"WjCOMENV CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~:PROXY*REEL/FRAME--1990/0044 STEP NO--UR/0384170/3001001/0079/0081 .-CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106421 UNCLASSIFIED SSING DATE--020CT70 UNCLASSIFIED PROCE 313 Oil tj.--~C ACCESSION No--AP0108421 OWEVER, SOME SPEAKERS EXPRESSED A DIFFERE\4T -3PINIDN'- ,,,'---4t3STRACT/EXTRACT--H AVAS SATURATED 6:5-75 PERCENT WITH ~VOLCANTC LAVAS (PARTICULARLY ACIDIC L ED AS A RESULT OF MELTING UF ANCIENT RO~KS OF THE S I L I CA) WERE FORM +ARTHIS CRUST* CONVINCING VATERIALS WERE PRESENTED AT THE CONFERENCE -w1i1CH-SH0n THAT KAMCHATKA, THE KURILE.ISLANOS, ARRE41A AND TRANSCARPATHIA ARE PARTICULARLY RICH IN CONSTRUCTION, CERA41C AND OF VOLCANIC 'ORIGIN- MUCH ATTENT10%1 WAS GIVEN TO :.-CHEMICAL RAW MATERIALS T.-HEwUSE OF~ THERMAL WATERS ANU SUPER14EATED STEAM; MANY OF THE SPEAKERS EL THAT.-:THEY ORIGINATE AT DEPTHS IN THE EARTH.WHERE MAG'44 IS F3RMED. ZIA oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS14G oArE--020CT70 -'CIRC ACCESSION N3--AP0108421 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE THIRD ALL UNION ZONGRFSS OF VOLCANCLOGISTS MET ON 26 MAY 1969 AT LVOV; IT WAS CARGANIZED RY THE ACADEMY OF SC-1ENCES USSR, THE INSTITUTE OF VOLCAN't)LOGISTS SIBC-RIA-14 DEPARTMENT ACADEMY OF SCIENCES USSR, INSTITUTE OF GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES ACADEMY OF SCIENCES UKRAINIAN SSR AND LIVOV STATE UNIVERS[TY. FIVE YEARS HAVE ELAPSED SINCE THE LAST CONGRESS. THE MANY REPORTS DEALT dITH THE GENEPAL.PROBLEMS OF VOLGANISM AND ITS RELATIONSHiP Ta THE EARTHIS INTERIOR, INVESTIGATIONS IN THE FIELD OF PETROLOGY AND GEOCHEMISTRY OF VOLCANIC PRODUCTS# FORMATION AND USE OF ORE MINERAL[ZAT19-N AND THER.M4L WATERS IN VOLCANIC REGIONS AND SPECIFIC MATERIALS ON THE GEOLOGY OF REGIONS WITH RECENT STRONG VZILCANISA (KAMCHATKA, KURILE ISLANDS, ARMENIA, CAUCASUS, CRIMEA, CARPATHIANS). MANY REPORTS DEALT WITH THE POSS19L E- DE--PLT-HS- OF- MAGMA, BENEATH MOOERN VOLCANOE-S.~ IT WAS FOUND THAT IN SUCH-AN ACTIVE VOLCANIC PROVINCE AS THE KURILE KAMCHATKA REGION, THE FOCI GF VOLCANOES IN MOST CASES ARE AT DEPTHS FROM 40 TO ILO KM. ~ASEISVIC. REGIONS, WHICH EVIDENTLY ARE A REFLECTION OF A MOLTEN STATE OF MATTER, ARF SITUATED DIRECTLY BENEATH T14E ACTIVE VOLCANOES OF KA%iCHArKA AND REACH:A DEPTH AS GREAT AS 13D KM. IF IT IS TAKEN INTO ACCOU-14T THAT THE THICKNESS OF THE EARTH'S CRUST FOR THE KURILE KAMCHATKA PROVINCE IS NOT GREAtER--THAN 10-35 KM, THE MAGNETIC ORIGIN OF LAVAS IS OBVIOUS. THIS CONCLUSION 15 CONFIRMEO BY GEOCHEMICA4:QATA ON,THE WSTRIBUTION AND IRAtIO UF SOME RARE ELEMENTS IN VOLCANIC ROCKS, AS WELL A~ THE Isoripic -.~.~-~COMPOSITION OF ELEMENI'S IN THE GASES ACCOMPANYING THE EJL-CfED MWER. UNCLASSIFIED Ace. Nr. f'-'W')0043696 Ref. Code: UR 0050' PRIHaY SOURCE.* Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i T,,eoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1970, Vol,58, Nr., 3, p'p 47rp- '7'& EFFECT OF QUANT11ZED MAGNETIC FIELD: OIN IINTER-ELECTRON COLLISIONS W SEMICONIJUMRS 'EXR GALVANOMAGNUIC PHENOMENA AND NONLIN 'm in a scmicoufl~ctor loeat:~d in crw~nd sl~rong elect- An expressioll for the com ric and quantized magrietic fi-Ads is found by the deqs.ity artatrix tpehpi(jue IDY talkil)-, into account ehictron-c-lectron collisions. It is sbown that tho effic;ency of hiler-elect- ran collisions strongly decreasuls on quanli-mlion of thia cyclotron orbiti. A condition. of applicability of the effective electroa te~mperatuze concept is d6rived. 'Ilia necessity of taking into account the field (if: it is present in the problem) iu the energy balance is mentioned. 70100 USSR UDC 553.697 ZLOBIN, V. Its W dy of a Jet System in a Transverse Flow in a Channel" Tallin, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Estonskoy SSR Fizilta-Matematika, Vol 20, No 1, 1971, pp 66-76 Abstract: This article contains a discussion of results of an experimental study of the development of a system of circular isothermal jets flowing out all normal to the.uniform flow in a rectangular channel. .of holes in a thin wn 7 A study of a similar flowWith high vallies of :the hydrodynamic parameter qJJ > 50, had been made earlier, but for appLlicatiort to problems encountered in engineering the results obtained had to be extended to smaller values of the hydrodynamic parameter and relative step size. In this, paper the develop- ment of the jet system was studied in the range of variation of q = 4-36 and 2.0-. An effort is made to determine the affect of the relitViction crea- ted by the opposite (with respect to the plane of expansion of the jet) wall of the channel on the development of the jet system. The;velocity and tenpera- ture axes of the iets are studied and compared. It is ftmonstrated that the difference between them is especially significant in the case of flow of a 1/3 '-r 7 t USSR ZLOBIN, V., Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Estonskoy SSR.-- Fizika-Matematika, Vol 20, No 1, 1971, pp 66-76 system of jets and for small values of the hydrodynamic parameter. A study of the development and blending of a jet is also performed. It is noted that in.the experiment the temperature and velocity axes were measured simul- -taneously. The measurements were performed in cross sections normal to the velocity axis of the jet, and in the system of jets, with the exception of the adjustment experiments) the measurements of:the,axes were performed on the jet in the center of the channels. For purposes of the experiment the velocity e axis was the line in the midplane:of.tha j or temperatur et alon- the flow CM which the values of the corresponding variables were maximal. The development of thf; jet system was studied for three fixed values of tep sizos 2.0, 4.0, and 8. 1. With a q Z 4, 16,and 36 -And for relatives -decrease in relative step size from - to 4 the rate of or- currence of. the jets decreases mono tonically; however, irith a decrease in the reLative step size to 2.0, a sharp increase in thle rate of occurrence is observed. The mechanism, o.~ this effect is explained. 'rhe study of the development of the temperature axes of the jet systems demonstrated that beginning with some point, they 2/3 59 USSR "ZLOBIN, V., Izvestiya Akademii 111auk Estonskoy SSR Fizika-Matematila, Vol 20, No 1, 1971, pp 66-76 flatten out sharply along the direction of flow, and in some cases they tend to drop as a result of the stable eddy in the rear of the jet. From the corresponding measurements of the velocity axis, this eddy does not encompass the active part of the jetwhich continues to rise monotonically. It is noted that it is possible to consider that the velocity axis deternines pril-.1arily the aerodynamics of the flow, and the position~of the temperature axis is affected by the size of the circulation zones whichi in turn, is determined by the magnitude of the relative step aim in the hydrodynamic parameter. 3/3 USSR uDc 621.372-632.8 ~SHUKMO,, YU. A. and ZLOBIN, V. A. Vetermining the Thermal Stressed'State of the Ferrite Element of a Phase Circu- lator" Bleli~tron. tekhnika. Nauch.-tekhn. Ab. Ferrit. tekhn.. (Electronics Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection of Artieles.'Ferrite Technology), 1971., vYp-4 .(31)p pp 325-119 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika. No 11j, Nov 72,, Abstract No 11 B151) Translation: 'The mthors present the calculations of the stress field in a fer-Ite elment. The calculations were conducte&on.:a capputer. Results of the calcula- ~.tions are, given in the form of graphs. Original: article three illustrations and live bibliographic entries. Resume. USSR UDC, 53.()7/.OB+53-001.5 KOLYADA, V. M., ZLOBIN All-Union Scientific Research institute of V. G. Analytical Inst:i~~imentbi-n ding "A Method of Meassuring the Transverse Distribution of Ion Beam Density" USSR Author's Certificate No 306591, Division 11, filed 22 Dee 70, published 21 Jill fl (from RZh-Fizika No 4 Apr 72, Abstract No.4A488 i,) Translation: A method is proposed for measuring the transverse distri- bution of ion beam density. The method is distinguished by higli resolution and is based on cathodic vaporization of atarget. Resolution is increased by aiming the ion beam at a single-crystal or amorphous target, measuring the profile of the vaporization spot by the interference rethod, and de- termining the distribution of beam density from the depth of individual sections in the vaporized riection. K. IT, Koroll. V_sb`.__A-v_t_om_at_. upr. i yyc-hi-s-l-.---t-e-k-h-n-.---(-A-u-tomatic Control and Computer Tech nology -- Collection of Works), No. 10., Moscow, "Mashinostroyeniye", 1972, pp 116-140 (from RZh4fatematika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract:No 9V671) Translation: Possible forms of noise in the input of iso-object information into a computer are analyzed. A critical review of several known methods of filtration is given. Single anisotropic. filtration of discrete images is investigated. A new form of a recurrent filter having many advantages over known anisotropic. filters was developed, and investigated. A procedure for measuring the intensity of noise and the automatic change depending on the value obtained for the filter aperture is proposed and investigated. A high-speed device was developed for measuring the intensity of noise in images of three-dimensional objects. ~A systematic study of the double fil- tration of images was conducted. The structureslof filters of the first and second stages were determined. Recommendations are made concerning the para- meters of a single smoothing device. 15 ref. Authars,abstract. 1/1 USSR VOLKOVYSKIY, V. L., ZLOBIN, V. K., KOROLEV, Ye. P. 'qhe Scale Conversion of Images" Tr. Ryazan. Radiotekhn. In-ta [Works of Ryazan Institute of Electronic Engineering], 1972, No 36, pp 184"191 (Translated fromileferativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 1, 1973, Abstract Rol V825 by.the authors). Translation: Problems of continuous scale conversions are studied as associated with output 6f images fr'om,digital computers. Progriun and apparatus methods of scaling aresuggest6d.z; USSR UDC 8. 74 ZLOBIN, V. K., ZLOBINA, N. V., KURGANOV, V. D. "Computer Modeling of the Automatic Scanning of Three-Dimensional Objects forRecognition Purposes" V sb.. Avtomat. upr. i vvchisl. tekhn. (Automatic Control and Computer Tech- nology --Collection of Works), No. 10, Moscow, "Mashiribstroyeniye", 1972, pp 221-228 (from RZh-Matematika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract,No 0675) 'Translation: A technique is described for the computer modeling of the auto- matic scanning of three-dimensional objects for recognition purposes. A block diagram is given for a subprogram for showing some object for recogni- tion with a given apriori probability, obtaining the angles of view of this object under the condition that the probabilities of their values are distributed according to a preassigned law, determining,the values of the properties of the projection of the object corresponding to these angles, etc. The necessity of solving this problem always arises in the abseiice of actual equipment for the input of information to the computer. Authors abstract. USSR UDC 8.74 CRIGOR'YEV, V. L., KURGANOV, V. D. "Filtration of Images in Pattern Recognition" V sb., Avtomat.- upr. i vychisl. tekhn. (Automatic ControL and Computer Engineer- ing - collection of works), Vyp. 10, Moscow,-Mashi-nostroveniye Press, 1972, pp 116-140 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9. Sep 72', Abstract.No 9V671) Translation: Possible forms of noise during input of is,o.iobjective information to a digital computer are analyzed. A critical analysis of some of the known filtration procedures is pre- sented. A study was made of single anisotropic filtration of digitalized patterns* A new type of recurrent filter.has been developed which has a number of advantages by comparison with the known anisotropic ones, and it is investi- gated. A procedure is proposed and investigated for measuring the intensity of noise and automatic variation as a function of the magnitude of the filter aperture obtained. ~A high-speed device was developed for measuring the noise intensity in the patterns of three-dimensional objects., A systematic study of double fil- tration of the patterns is presented. The structures~of the filters of the first and second stages are defined. - 84 - ------ USSR UDC 8.74 ZLOBINA, N. V., KURGANOV, V. D. "Digital Computer Simulation of the Process of Automatic Scanning of Three- Dimensional Objects During Recognition of:Them" V sb. Avtamat._upr_, I vychisl. tekhn. (Automatic Control and Computer Engineer- ing - collection of works), Vyp. 10, Moscow, Mashinostroyeniya Press, 1972, p 221-228 (from M-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep r ct No 9V675) P :7 2, Abs t a Translation: A procedure is described for digital computer simulation of the process of automatic scanning of three-dimensional objects during recognition of them. A block- diagram is presented for -a subprogram which permits presen- tation of the object for recognition with i.:given a priori probability, obtain- Ing of the scanning angles of die. object.under the condition that the proba- bilities.of their values are distributed by a law given in advance, determina- tion of the values of the properties of, the projectiou of the cbject corre- _spondi4g to these angles, and so on. :::,::The necessity :for solving ~:the investigated problem always arises in the d absence of real equipment for. at, input,~,,to.-'a- computer. 86 USSR uDc 681.32T.11 ZWBIN, Yu. P., KESSEL', Ye. L., State All-Union Central Scientific Research %bwtft'ffM"M'MITrge-Scale Automation "A Device for Recording and Reproducing:Informationtl Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, proqjshlennyye obraztsy, tovarryye znaki, 1970, No,36, Soviet Patent No 288.41.2, class.42, filed;1,4 Jan 69, published 3-Dec 70, p 154 Translation: This Authorts Certificate introduces a device for recording and reproducing information. The deviceicontains modules for recording and reading out cadence pulses and information sign,als, ccunterz, a coincidence circuit, a delay line, and an adder. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the accuracy of infcirmation reproduction is improved by combining the gkDs of the magnetic heads in the units for recording and reading out the cadence pulses and information signals on. a single --ds. !he outputs of the cadence -oulse readout units are connected to the reset inT)uts of the counters, and through a coincidence;circui'..and delay line to the Input ofan adder, and the outputs of the information signal readout units are-,conflected to the corresponditig counting-Inpubs o.fAhe coun-tem, the outputs of the counters being connected by~ digital place to thE Inputs ol' the adder. Acc. Nr: AP0038i16- Ref. Code: UR 0326 ,,PRDIARY SOURCE: Fiziologiya RaSZ5 Li 1970, Vol 17, Nkr 1, PP PROTOPLASM SEPARATION AND HECHT LINES AS A MEANS FOR DIAGNOZING FROST, RESISTANCE OF''WINTER WHEAT Kirov PedagogicaU institute Weakly frost resistant winter wheat plants (Gorkovehanka and Lutescence 116 varie- ties intermediate frost resistant (Eritrosperum 529:and Kirovskaya 2) and highly frost rieties (Gorkovskaya 52 and Zorka) -were grKmm injfeld cond,tioris during resistant va q 4965-66 and 196&--67. The degree of protoplasm separation and presence of Aasmadesma and Hecht lines were studied by phase contrast mic roscopy in transverse sections pre- pared from November to March from the tillering nodes. The number of cellis with sepa- rated protoplasm increased with decrease of temperature of the air and so I during the autumn and became smaller in the spring. Protoplasm separation was higher in highly frost ~ resistant varieties than in those, of intetmediatel or low resistivity. Protoplasm se- paration is clearly correlated to disappearance of'the,plasmodesmas and Hecht 1ines. It Is concluded that the number of cells with separated protoplashi may be a criterion for quantitative assessment of the degree of dormancy band frost resistivity of winter wheat plants. REEL/ FRA,%1E' 19731169 USSR UDC 8.74 ZLOBIN, V. K., ZLOBINA, N. V., KLJRGANOV, V. D. IsComputer Modeling of the AutonatIc Scanning of Three-Dimensional Objects for Recognition Purposes" V sb. Avtomat. upr. i vvchisl. tekhn. (Automatic Control and Computer Tech- nology -I- Collection- of Works)x No. 10, Moscow, '41ashinoEtroveniye", 1972, pp 221-228 (from RZh-Matematika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9V675) 'Translation: A technique is described for the computer modeling of the auto- matic scanning of three-dimensional objects for recognition purposes. A block diagram is given for a subprogram for showing some object for recogni- tion with a given apriori probability, obtaining the angles of view of this object under the condition that the probabilities of their values are distributed according to a preassigned law, determining the values of the properties of the projection of the object corresponding to these angles, etc. The necessity of solving this problva always arises in the absence of actual equipment for the input of information to the computer. Authors abstract. USSR UDC 8.74 ZLOBIN, V. K., ZLOBINA N V., KURGANOV, V. D. "Digital Computer Simulation of the Process of Automatic Scanning of Three- Dimensional Objects During Recognition of Thed' V sb. Avtomat. upr._ i vychisl. tekhn. (Automatic Control and Computer Engineer- ing - collection of works), Vyp.'10, Moscow, Rashino -niya Press, 1972, stroye pp 221-228 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 72, Abstract No 9V675) Translation: A procedure is described for digital computer simulation of the process of automatic scanning of three-dimensional objects (luring recognition of them. A block diagram is presented for a subprogram which permits presen- tation of the object for recognition iAth agiven a priori probability, obtain- ing of the scanning angles of the object under the con.ditiou that the proba- bilities of their values are distributed by a lav given in advance, determ-Ina- tion of the values of the properties-of the projection of the object corre- sponding to these angles, and so on. The necessity for solving the investigated problem always arises in the absence of real equipment for data input'to a computer. U-- --t F . kbCES;tANG 0ATE--27NOV70 oto UNCLASSI IED P 3I.-Tt E-- I NOUS TR I AL EQUIPMENT FOR DRYING JN A, FLUIDIZED BED -U- ~~":.AUTHOR-(02)-KAGANEVICHI YU.YA., ZLCBINSKIYP,A.G. TAGS-DEHYDRATION, FLUIDIZED.BEDP ORY.ING OVENO AUTOMATIC CONTROL -~'SYSTEM :--.C.0j%TROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 PAOXY REEL/FRAMr-3003/1719 STEP NO-IJ111000017,0100010001000 1/0174 CIRC ACCESSION P,10--AM0110579 IL- ~010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 C.IRC ACCESS ION NO--AM0130579 -A3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TABLE OF CONTENTS: PREFACE 3. ''CHAPTER 1. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF DRYING AND DEHYDRATION IN A ~FLUIDIZED BED 51. 11. INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT FOR DRYING AND DE9YDRATION -111. DESIGN AND CALCULATIOIN OF FLUIDIZED BED DRIERS 107. IV. DESIGN OF FLUIDIZED BED APPARATUS AND STANDARD CIRCUITS OF EQUIPMENT .144. V-. AUTOtAlAT IC CONIT-ROL OF DRYING IN FLUIDIZED BED APPAP'ATUs 163. THE BOOK DEALS WITH CERTAIN RULES OF THE ORYING PROCESS IN A FLUIDIZED ABED. GIVEN ARE METHODS 14 ENGINEERING CALCULATION AND FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION AND OESIGN.OF.INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT FOP DRYING IN A FLUIDIZED BED. THE BOOK WAS: WRITTEN FOR ENGINI::ERS, TECHNICIANS AND SCIENTISTS EMPLOYED BY THE CHEMICAL: 114OUSTRY :ANG RELATED INDUSTRIAL --B)kANCHESj AS WELL AS INORGANIC CHEM ISTRY-:~ STUDENTS i Pli CL A S~4 f-l F 1/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED P8riCESSING DATE-30OCT70 TITLE-SIULYING IHE RATE OF HAkDENING DF~BINDIN(j MATFAIALS USEU FOR MAKING -(;GREI*l :IN HEATED RIGS -U- _,;XUTH0R-(03)-GERGALOVA# L*M.t BORODYANSKlYs L*YE*t ZLI08INSKIYP B.A. :cCUNTRY OF INFO-LSSR SOUKCE-KIEV, TEKHNULOGIYA I UkGANIZATSIYA PIRUIZVOOSTVA, NO 11 19709 PP A)'ATE PU6L ISHEI;--70 :,SUBJECT AREAS--MECH.t IND.9 CIVIL ANO.MARINEENGRI MATERIALS JOPIC TAGS-81BLIOGRUPHYl FOUNJARY COREu METAL CASTING, ADHESIVE BINDER ;_tC*iTRGL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS. CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED '~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1999/1320 STEP NG--UR/OitlS/701000/001/0055/0057 .CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0123279 USSR UDC 534.833-524,546.3 ZLOBINSKIYL B M., and MMVIYEV, V. A.f Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys "Sonic Projection of Metals" Moscow, Metanovedeniye i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No 1, Jan 74i pp, 56-57 Abstracte The effect of physical and mechanical properties on sonic projection of a number of pure metals and alloys was studied. Data are presented for sonic pressure, modulus of.elasticity, damping rate, vibration amplitude, and inter- ati3mic distances of metals Al, Ni, V, Ta, 11h, Fe, Ti, 7-r, Co, and Cu and alloys TI-Zr, Nb-Ta and Fe-C-Si with particular attention given to Fe-C.-Si alloys with a perlitic or ferritic base. the sonic properties of tile alloys shoved that these variations are a function of the type ol" solid solutions or chemical compounds formed in the alloys. It was shown that in most case-- sonic pressure is directly proportional to.interatomic distance while the relationship,of.modulus of elasticity to interatomic distance Is sporadic. Three figures, two tables, two bibliographic referencesi USSR UDC: 669:613.6 ZLOBINSKIY, B. M., IOFFEP V. G.) ZLOBINSKIY V. B. ------------------- "Flammability and Toxicity of Metals and Alloyst' 1 Toksichnout I MetallOv- i SPlavO-,r,, M~-tallur~Siya Press, MOSCOW 1972) 264 pp. Translation of Foreword: Metal is the basis of our economy. Millions of workers are involved inthe production and processing of metals, and since metals have dangerous properties under certain conditionsi which Maya cause a fire or exDlosion or may be.toxic to the organism, the, problem of assurance of production safety is particularly significant. Many metals and alloys can bu rn. Some oxidize rapidly jn the presence of air or moisture,. generating sufficient heat to reach the combus- tion temperature, while others oxidize slowly and the heat liberated is insufficient for. combustion. Soiae metals, particularly magnesium, titanium, sodium, potassium, lithium, hafnium, arc considered fLa-maTablo,due to their, capability for Telatively easy ignition and maintenance of combustion. Some metals, usually not considered f1wrna-bie,do ignite and burn in the finely powdered state. Aerogels and aerosols of many metals may ignite or explode; destructive industrial explosions of metal powder have occurred. The effects of metals on workers have produced man), occupational diseases. The interest in assurance of production sifety has.spawned an interest in the evaluation of the flammableand toxic properties of metals, theIr allays and compounds. Studies in this area have been particalarly intensive in recent ears, with the progress of y 1/7 USSR Zlobinskiy, B. M., Ioffe, V. G., Zlobinskiy, V. B.,Nosplamenyayemost' i Toksichnest' 3letallov i Splavov, Metallurgiya Press, Moscow, 1972, 264~pp. nuclear and missile technology, powder metallurgy, pyrotechnics and other new branches of industry which utilize metals and various compounds of metals. Deeper studies of the combustion of metals have been required as metals are used in high ~temperature and corrosive media, in reaction.engines, as rocket fuels, etc. he develo ent of nuclear power engineering and:missile technolocyy- has required more PM complete explanation of the essence of the.processes of,high tempe-'ature oxidation, mechanisms of ignition and combustion'.of metals and'alldy�. There is particular interest in the study of metals as fuels. This possible use of metals was first suggested in connection with the problem of interplanetary travel by the Soviet scientists Yu. Kondratyuk (Zavoyevaniye Mezliplanetnvkh Prost-ranstIv [Conquering Interplanetary Space], NovosiFi 1929) an& F. Tsander (Problema. Poleta Pri Pomoshchi ReaktilnvU ~Xparatov [The Problem of Flight Pov;ered by Reactiop Engines'], ONTI Press, 1932).. These studies have been broadly developed only quite recently, in the last 20 to 30 years. Many metals and alloys, their aerogels and aerosols have been studied. This study and, production experience have accumulated a great deal of factual material and lead to valuable theoretical conclusions. The studies continue, since the data available are frequently COlItTadictory, ques- t'Ons remain unanswered, and certain metals and their alloys have not yet becil 6,2) U r USSR Zlobinskiy, B. M., loffe, V. G., Zlobinskiy, V. B., Vosplamenyayemost' i Toksichnost, Metallov i Splavov, Metallurgiya Press, Moscow, 1972, 264 pp. studied. Systematization of the accumulated data should help their practical use and the development of further studies in this. area. Section I of this monograph is dedicated to studies of the fllamTabilitY cf metals and alloys. Section 11 studies problems of the -flammbility of aerogels of metals and alloys, while Section III studies problems of the flamrability of aerosols c f rm r of metals and alloys. Sections Hand III:dis uss,the.studies, per o ed prima ily at the Moscow Order of Red F-innerjabor 'Ins tit ute of Steels and A31oys, based on the dissertation work performed under the leadership of B. Vi Zlobinsliy on the flal-a- bility of binary metals and alloys, including the work of Candidate of Technical Sciences N. V. Manuyev 'alloys of titanium'with aluminum manganese and silicon), of Candidate of Technical Sciences V. G. loffe (alloys of zirconium with titanium and silicon), of Candidate of Technical Sciences Kh. 1. Peyrik (alloys of nickel with titanium and aluminum), of Candidate of Technical Sciences V. G. Poyarkov (alloys of aluminum with magnesium), of Candidate of Technical Sciences Ye. 1. Popov (31 loys of magnesium with lithium and aluminum), of Candidate of Technical Sciences M. D-1. MAhametov (alloys of copper with aluminum and silicon), and of B. S. Fedotova (boron and borides). The Problem of assurance of production safety requlres- that the toxic Proper- ti.- of metals and alloys be studied as well. The dangerous properties of many 3/i USSR Zlobinskiy, B. M .1offe, V. G., Zlobinskiy, V. B., Vosplamenvayemost' i Tc~ksichnostl Metallov i Splavov, Metallurgiya Press, Moscow, 1972, 264 pp. metals have not yet been determined or studied sufficiently. Section IV studies ~general problems of the toxicity of metals -and their compounds and presentsthe infor- mation which the-engineer needs concerning the toxicity of metals and possible -estimation of their d anger. ::Section I of the book was ?rofessor B.~M. Zlobinshiy, Sections II and M. Zlobinskiy and Candidate of Technical-Sciencies V. G. loffe, Section IV-- ,by V. B. Slobinskiy. The authors are deeply grateful to Doctor. of Technical Sciences, Professor 1'. 1. Laynerj Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor L. A. ShVaTtsuian and Candidate of Medical Sciences R. A. Kucherskiy, who reviewed the man"cript and made valuable suggestions. TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section I PlammabilAty of Metals and AUoys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -Chapter 1. General Statements . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 2. Methods of Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4/7 S R -Zlobinskiy, B. M.., Ioffe, V. G., Zlobinskiy, V. B., VospTamenyayeriost i Toksichnost' Me.tallovJ Splavov, Metallurgiya Press, Mbs.cow, 1972, 26ikpp.: ',Chapter 3. Models of Ignition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ~Chapter.4. Pre-ignition Criteria 25 ',.Influence of the oxide film. Inducti on Period. Theoretical ignition teraperature.- Critical igniti6n,;p)~e~ssuro..!:-Surroundiiig medium. - Chapte r-5v , -Influence of Properfties~oiof Metals-z . . . . . . . . . . 45 Physi cal and chemical properties-"Hea p sical~prbperties. hy Chapter 6. Geometry and Surface of the Metal ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Chapter 7. Pyrophoric Properties-of Meta s and Alloys . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Adsorption.pyrophoric properties. Pyrophbric mechanism. Impact pyrophoric properties. Chapter 8.. Characteristics of Flammability of..Metals and Their Compounds 63 Bibliography Section II Fla=ability of Metal Aerogels 72 ~Chapter 1. General Statements . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Mapter 2. Methods of Investigation . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 82 Chapter 3. Investigation of kato-Ignition Temperature . . . . . . . . . . 90 Alloys for investigation. Experimental conditions.. Influence of dispersion of powder. Influence of oxidati,)TI Of powder and storage 5/7- ~r 1.1 7 ji:: I ;j A I; :I I 111 11 j I 11:1 USSR B., M., Ioffe, V. G., Zlobinskiy., V. B.,Xosplamenyayemostl i Toksichnost, Aetallov i Splavov, Metallurgiya Press, Moscow, 1972, 264' ~pp. time. Influence of powder production technology. Influence of C. powder moisture content and composition of surrounding medium. t4 Chapter 4. Deterinina on of Ignition Energy, . . . . . . . 104 5. Flammability of Mechahleal. Mixtures.! of Metal Powders . . . . .:Chapf.dr . . 106 apter- 6. Flarambility Diagrains. ~..Ch . . . . . 108 . . ~::.Chapter '7. Mechanism of Ignition, and :Combustion of llletaV Powders . . . . . 117 --Bibli graphy. - 0 Section III Flammability of Matal Aerosols . . . . . . . . . . . 127 1. General-Statements in apter 127 -Chapter 2. Methods of Investigation . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . 145 IbWar concentration limit of annimawlity. EXIAosim,presS,Ure. -1 ition energy and temperat gn ure F1 amp Aemperature:.-; , ChapterA. Study of Ignition and Combustion.of:Metal Aerosols . . . . . . . 170 ..Low.:concentration limit of ignition, Limiting content of oxygen in surrounding medium. Ignition energy and temperaturo.t F1 ame :'.temperature -Chanter 4. Explosion Pressure of Metal Aerosois . . . . . . ISO Of USSR Zlobinskiy, B. N1,, loffe, V. G., Zlobinskiy, V - B., vosplL.Pnienyayemostl i Toksichnost' ffetallov i Splavov, Metallurgiya Press, Nlos'cow, 1972, 2614 pp. Chapter S. .14echaiiism of Ignition and Combustion of Metal: Aerosols . . . . . . 191 Chapter -6., , Interrelationship Between Fla=-,r~vility Chai-acteristles of Metal Aerogels and Aerosols . . . . . . . . 196 Chapter 7. Interrelationship Betwee Pla-mability Characteristics Of n Me s tal Aerosol . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Biblio graphy Section IV Toxicity of Metals . . . . . . . . . . 204 'Chapter 1. General information on Toxicity . . . . . . . . . . 204 Chapter 2. Classification of Substances as,to Degree of Danger . . . . . . . . 209 Chapter-3. Peculiarities of Metal Toxicity . . . . . . . . . . 212 Chapter. 4. Characteristics of Metals:as to'Danger . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 226 Biblio graphy- -Appendix. Maximum permissible concentrat ions: oi harinful substances in the air 1 n -71) . . . . .. . . . . working areas (from 245 . . . . . . . . . . 261 7/7 U -"-'S R UDc: 669:613.6 ZLOBINSKIY, B. M., IOFFE) V. G.) ZLOBINSIMI, B. "Flammability and Toxicity of Matals and Alloys it Vospletmenyayemost' i ToIcsichnoot' Vietallov.1 Splavov, ~~e_tallurgiya Press, Moscov 1972, 264*pp. 'Translation of Foreword: Metal is the basis of our economy. Millions of workers are-involved inihe production and processing of metals,, and since metals have dangerous properties Linder certain conditions,.which may cause a Ji e or explosion or toxic to the organism, the problem of assurance of production safety is particularly significant. Many metals and alloys can bUTn. Some oxidize rapidly in the presence of air or moisture, generating sufficiemt heat to reach the combus- tion temperature, while others oxidize slowly and the heat liberated is insufficient for combustion. Some metals, particularly: magnesitun, titanium, sodium, pOtO_55iUM, -lithium, hafnium, are considered flamiabje,due to their. capability for relatively easy ignition and maintenance of combustion. Some titietals, usually not considered flannable,do ignite and burn in the finely powdered state. Ae-rogels and aerosols of many metals may ignite or explode; destructive industrial explosions of metal powder have occurred. The effects of metals on workers have produced man), occupational diseases. The interest in assurance of production safety:has spawned an interest in the evaluation of the flumnable and toxic properties of metals,~ their a] Loys and compounds. Studies in this area have been particularly intensive in recent years, with the progress of USSR Zlobinskiy, B. bl., Ioffe, V. G., Zlobinskiy, V. B., VosplamenyayeMDSt' i Toksichnost' Metallov i Splavov, Metallurgiya Press, Moscow, 1972, 264~pp. nuclear and missile technology, powder metallurgy, pyrotechnics other new branches of industry which utilize metals and various compounds of metals. Deeper studies of the combustion of metals have been required as,: metals are used in high temperature and corrosive media, in reactionen Igines, as rocket fuels, etc. The development of nuclear power engineering and. missile technology has required more Complete explanation of the essence.of the processes of'high temperature oxidation, mechanisms of ignition and combustion of metils and alloys. a There is particular interest in the study of metals, as fuels. This possible use of metals was first suggested in connection with the problem of interplanetarN. travel by the Soviet scientists Yu. KondTatyuk (Zavoyevaiiiye Mezhplanctilykh Prostranst'v .[Conquering Interplanetary Space], Novosibirsk, 1929) and:F. Tsander (Problena Poleta Pri Pomoshchi ~Rnratov [The Problem of Flight Pov;ered by Reaction -Enginesjs OINTI Press, 1932). These studies have.been broadly developed only quite recently, in the last 20 to 30 years. Many metals and alloys, their aerogels and aerosols have been studied. This study and production experience have accumulated a -great deal of factual material and lead-to valuable theOTI~tiCal conclusions. The Studies continue, sincc the data available are many ques- ''t,ons remain unanswered and certain mctals~and.their altoys have Pm yet beer, P7 135SR Zlobinskiy, B. M., Ioffe, V. G.1, Z.Iobinskiy, V. B., Vosplamenyayemost' i Toksichnost, Metallov i Splavov, Metallurgiya Press, Moscow 1972, 264 pp. studied. Systematization of the accumulated data should help their practical use and the development of further studies in this area. Section I of this monograph is dedicated to studies of the flam--a7bility of metals and.alloys. Section 11 studies problems of the f3m-limbility of aero~-els of metals and alloys, while Section III studies problems of the fla=ability of aerosols of metals and alloys. Sections II and III discuss the studies, performed primarily at the Moscow Order of Red Rar-nerj,--bor 'Institute of Steels and Alloys, based on the dissertation work performed under the leadership of B. V. Zloblns~iy on the I'lle.,:i-a- ~bility of binary metals and alloys, including the work of Candidate of Technical ~sciences N. V. Manuyev (alloys of titanium with alumintim, manganese and silicon), of Candidate of Technical Sciences V., G. loffe (alloys of zirconium with titanium and silicon), of Candidate of Technical Sciences Kh~. 1. Peyrik (alloys of nickel with titanium and aluminum), of Candidate of Technical Sciences V. G. Poyarkov (alloys of .aluminum with magnesium), of Candidate of Technical Sciences Yo. 1. Popov (alloys of magnesium with lithium and aluminum), of Candidate of Technical Sciences M. M. Mukhametov (alloys of copper with aluminum and silicon), and of B. S. Fedotova .(boron and borides). The problem Of assurance of production safety requires that the toxic proper- ti-pls of metals and alloys be studied as well. The dangerous properties of rnany 3/7. USSR Zlobinskiy, B. M,.1offe, V. G., Zlobinskiy, V. B., Vosplamenyayemost' i Toksichnost' Metallov i Splavov, Metallurgiya. Press, Moscow,1972, 264ilpp. metals have not yet been determined or studied sufficiently. Section IV studies general problems of the toxicity of metals and.their compolinds and present's the infor- riation which the engineer needs concerning the toxicity of metals and possible estimation of their danger. Section I of the book was written by Professor B. M. Zlobinskiy, Sections II and I!-,-by,B. M. Zlobinskiy and Candidate nf Technical Science~ V. G. Ioffe, Section IV-- by V. B. Slobinskiy. The authors are deeply grateful to Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V. 1. Layner, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor L. A. ShvaTtsman and Candidate of Medical Sciences It. A. Kucherskiy, who reviewed the manuscript and made valuable ..suggestions. TABLE OF'COINTENTS 'Foreword . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Section I Flammabili.ty of Metals and AUoys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 :-Chapter 1. General Statements . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 'Chapter 2. Methods of Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JO 4/7 USSR. Zlobinskiy, B. M., Ioffe, V. G., Zlobinskiy, V, B., Vosplamenyayemost' i Toksichnost* -Metallov i Splavov, Metallurgiya Press, Mos,cow, 19721 264ipp. -'-'Chapter-3. Models of Ignition 21 ~Chapter..4. Pre-ignition,Criteria . . ... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 25 Influence of the oxide film. Induction Period. Theoretical ignition temperature. Critical ignition pressure. 8urrounding' medium. Chapter'S. Influence of Properties of Metals . . . 4S Physical and chemical properties.. Heat physical properties. r 6. Geometry and Surface of the Metal Chapte . . . . . . . . . . . 49 -Chapter 7. -Pyrophoric Properties of Metals. and. Alloys . . . . . . . . . 55 Msorption pyrophoric properties. Pyrophoric mechanism. Impact pyrophoric properties. Chapter 8. Characteristics of Flammbility of Metals and 'Iheir Compounds . 63 -Bibliography :Section 11 FLammability of X4tal Acrogels . . . . . . 72 Cliapter, 1. General Statements . . . . . . . 72 . Chapter 2. Methods of Investigation . . . .. . . . . . . . 82 Chapter 3. Investigation of Aut, to-Ig~iition Temparature . . . . . . . . 90 Alloys for investigation. Experimental conditions. Influence of dispersion of powder. Influence of oxidation of powder and storage 5/7 W ii'llh'I'WA js -6~ USSR, ~zlobinskiy, B. M., loffe, V. G., Zlobinskiy, V. B., Vosplamenyayemost' i Toksichnost, Retallov,i Splavov, Nietallurgiya Press Moscow, 1972, 264 pp. time. Influence of powder production.tecfijlology. Influence of -powder moisture content and compositi8n of surroundiTig medium. Chapter 4. Determination of Ignition Energy . . . . . . . 104 Chapter S. Plannability of Mec_~exdcal.Mixbtres'of Metal Powders . . . . . . 106 Chapter 6. Fla=abili tty Diagrars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INS Chapter,7. Mechanism of Ignition and Combustion of MetaYPowders . . . . . 117 .Bibliography Section III F3.9-mTability of Metal. Aeros'ols . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Chapter 1. General Statements . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . 127 Chapter 2. Methods of Investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14S Lower concentration limit of fU.Trpjbjjjty Fixplosion. pressure. Ignition energy and temperature.: Plante teitiperature. Chapter 3. Study of Ignition and Combustion'of Metal Aerosols . . . . . . . 170 Low concentration limit of ignition. Limiting content of oxygen in surrounding-medium. Ignition energy and temperature.~, Plame temperature. CbaDter 4. Explosion Pressure of Metal Aerosols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISO 6fl USSR Zlobinskiy, B. M. , Ioffe, V. G., Zlobinskiy, V. B., Vosplanienyayemost' i Toksichnost' Metallov i Splavov, Ikletallurgiya Press, Moscow, 1.1972, 26if PP. Chapter-5. Mechanism of Ignition and Combustion of'Me at Aerosols . . t . . . . 191 -~Chapter 6. Interrelationship Between Fla=abi ty C c+ ristics f hara ta 6 Metal Aerogels and Aerosols . . . . . . . . . . 196 Chapter 7. Between F-1~--=Cb C Interrelationship ility Cha acte vi s of Metal Aerosols . . . . . . 200 ' Bibliography Section IV Toxicity of Metals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 . . . . Chapter 1. -mation on Toxicity General Infol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 204 Chapter 2. Classification of Substances as to Degree of Danger . . . . ... . 209 -,Chapter-3, Peculiarities of Metal Toxicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 -Chapter 4. Characteristics of Metals as~ to Danger . . . . . . . . . . 226 . . . . Bibliography Appendix. Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful slibstances in the air in .working areas (from 245-71) . . . . . . . . . . 261 L'14CLASS IF I Ec PR;CCESSING CATE--l7jUL70 I T'LE-- TFE CASIC PRINCIPLES CF CF OF THE PU ARY P.P T P YC FI N F C- - L S SIR sCURCE--KLl&lCFESKA,YA VEC I TS INA, 1970, VCL 48, NR 2, 'PP L37-143 C'A T EPLF-LISI--EC ------- 7C SC2JECT AREAS-f;1CLEGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES' JOIC, TAGS-EYBUiSlit PULMONARY B L 0 0 V E S S E, *L AR TtP, YD I AC f% C. S T I C VE T F CC S Cck-TRCL RESTkICTICNS (LASS--LN(f,,ASSIFl[C s I f pNc--UR/0497j7o/olf, L R.C, ACCESSUN i%C--4P0G44?328 Acc* Nr:APC-044828 Code: O*f 7 PRL "11ARY SOURCE; Klinichesicaya Maditsina, 1,970, Vol. 48, Nr pp THE BASIC! PRINCIPLES OF DIAGNOSIS OF THROMBOEMBOLIZATION OF:THE PULMONARY ARTERY Zloche,vskiy, P. M. S u min ar y Thromboembolization oi the pulmonarv.artery N a re?,atively frequent complii-.iFon which. contrary to Previous nctiorls, is commonly ~characjerixed by a con, paratively slow (subacute) course and initial -ifection of small,ptjlmiqn~,rv vestels. According 'to autop~v rn~- terials (1952-1967) of tile 11 C~ljqicat Ho-soital of (lie ~~,SR Ali Luh.2" Co I n - Ph-7-ptT;M"6'-nTr=v-arV'- esta tishe in ,er 4 ol posirnortcm c-zei, with -in incirej~-..M incidince durin- the last ycv:s. The author 3ni!v,",2d anextensive clinical niaterial involving the u~coi auxillArIl untirliodsof inve.4tigation te!.-Lctro- wd-iological, roe n Q!e noradio lomovaphic and laboratory). Thr&~i variantsof theclinic:ii cour-;,,: of tnrorAciemboliza-tion of the pulmonary artcry Were sinaled cut: acute, subacute and recur- rent; the author proposes a pathoacnetic svii&Me clas.-,ificatfon. 'The article describe.-, tF.2 abdominal -syndrorre (in riaht-sided involveiient. o[the diaphragmatic pleura) and the aller-,lic REEL/FP-AME 6