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USSR MURAKOVSKIY, L. A. et al. Fizika i Tekhnika Polunrovodnikov. Vol 5, No 10, October 1971, pp 1917-1919 111c experimental results are explained under the -assumption that the con- ductance is of a discontinuous nature in the high frLquency,range In(] that equivalent schemes of the investigated diode structures:are different at lo,,,, and high frequencies. Graphs are presented for the capacitance of the Au-SbSl- Au diode structure as a function of the amplitude of the applied voltage taken at various frequencies. These relations.confirm that at low frequencies the capacitance of the diode structure mus.t depend on the injection level, that is, it must depend an the voltage amplitude and'increases vt~th aa increase in the latter, and at high frequency the relation is,, not observed since the charge capacitance does not depend on the amount.of,injec,ted,cbarge., 2/2 141 - ------- ---- i It'll nT =94WWl.. -Ml 'fiTT RUM "MM, MSR UDC 539.26 XORSUNSKIY, M. I., GENVall, YA. YEOJIPWRAKOVSUY,~ Mi-At-, and LIFSHITS, V. Go 11X-Ray L Band of Niobium and X Band of Carbon in the Compound NbC' Aliiia-Ata, Izvestiya. Akademii Nauk Kazakhskoy. ZR, Seriya. Fiziko-Matemati- chesiraya, No 4, Jul-Aug 72, pp 68-70 Abstracts The purpose of the article was to study tho L and K spectra of Nb ana C respectively in Nb-C system alloys and interpret them from the stand- point of the partial collectivization of,valence electrons. The L A. band of Kb and K,, band of C In niobium monocarbide are broken. down Into components subject to the rigid requirements of the C'LC model on the equ&lity of the general energy parameters of both bands, Ideas about cp1lective, locally bonding,and core electrons are used to interpret the em,ission bmids of niobium and carbons Band shape distortions are taken-into consideration and the parameters of the marts of these bands that reflect electron.states are de- termined. The widihs of the short-yave pArts!of the L4~,_ band of niobium and USSR =529.26 MUMMY, YEW. A. NWHPOH, V. S., BONDAREM, T. N.# and NIKITIN# V. P. , --ra-ifft-ute of-the Pi*~lems of Faterial Sciences, Acadeny of Sciences WaSSR NX-Ray Spectmal Investigationcf the Electron, Structure of Nort-stoichiometric Titaniumt Carbide" Kiev, Poroshkovaya Metallurglya, No 6(126)o4un 73p 75-79 Abstracts investigation results are presented of a detailed spectral Investigation of titanium carbide of limiting composition and ill the region of homogeneity# K-emission lines of titanium and carboA genetiimlly com- bined with the p-component (with admixture ai'd-states) of the valent zone of both atom in its occupied part , L 11 a m esion reflecting 111~-.In ~ of:.Utwaun e A basically d-aUtes of the valent of I ump wid'I-reglon of titanium zone exission reflecting p- and d-like conditions above the'Fexxtlevel. At the lower boundary of the homogeneity region-.ofthe III-line of emission, in Contrast to uther spectra# the parameters of whieb do not depend on the carbon COncentrations on the top of the L,11-line, an , additioral substTucture is ObServed which is interpreted as a. redistribution of d-a;tates In the abundance Of vacancies with respect to carbon6 Three figmres, ons table, twenty-three bibliographic references. 28 USSR uDe: 546.821'17:535.311 A- NIKITIN, L. V. find LYUTAYA, M.~D., Tnstitute for I ainian SSR le~ Sciencet Academy of Sc ences Ukr "X-Rwj Spectra and Electron Structure Of Titanium Nitrides of Limit Composition and Within the Homogeneity Re'ion" 9 MOSCOW, Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskiye materialy, V61 8, 4, Apr T2, pp 70&-713 Abstract; In addition to their great practical significance, titanium nitrides are of theoretical interest as compounds of variable composition with a wide homogeneity range. he ~exi.stenc.e of' such compounds in a number of systems has as yet not been satisfactorily explaimed and is anong the central problems of the physics and.chemistry of volids, 1his study concerns the x-ray K- and L emission spectra un(i K absorption spectra of titaniu;n in titanium nitrides of-critical.cozarosition and within the homogeneity region (Ti2.14 and TJNO.r.O~TY,11.0). For Pitriding, use was made of 99,8#' pure titanium powder with 4: maximum particle size of 40 v. 1/2 -41 USSR ZhURAKOVSKIY, Y.E. A., et al,, Izvestiya Akademii nauk. SSSR, Neorganicheskiye materialy, Vol 8, No 4, Apr 72, PP 708-713 The K-emission suectra were obtained by fluorescence using a modified DRUS unit. The optimum K-edge density of 5 mg/cm 2 was niaintained -constant over the entire series of homogenous nitrides Ti,- and Ti ~11. An RSM-500 unit. _X 2 was used to obtain ultra-soft L q4ission spectra of Ti in titanium nitrides. Based on the concentration-de'pendent changes of the fine spectral structure and on dalva of auantum-mechanical computations by Bilz and Er%n- Switendick, a chart is proposed for thexedistribution,of electron states of various symnietry in the spd-valence zone of TO crystals of' vaxiable x composition. The general nature of interactions in nitrides of critical composition of Ti N and TO is discussed, The electron stnicture is correlated with the properties of titanium, nitrides of'limit composition and within the homogeneity region., (1 illustration, 21tables, 24 biblio- graphic references). 212. EQUATIONS MR JIGMARY WC-M Os A. :)~OMURLE CONTOUR (Articl(l bl U., Leningrad, Iii-ev, Ruasian, He 7 ~~aul~nva: L-kllx'.'~ P;, The proble-.n Or themotien, of model Of an object in bydroblohi~cj,- iiI a, 719COUS fluid, 12 extremely 00'-VIOM. and ~cannot be solved tit the orceebt time. As- suming that a bouna~ry:ljyor exists during the- Movement or a de,rori~ablo body In a fluid Of low viscosity. this prob:Lon can Fl ba-divided Into '-WO partC.-,-,l the problem. of the. movsMart of a dePjri-nble body in a nonviscouc rluld' (potenrjal problem), the problem of a bou-ndkVy layer ol Oformablo body. LL# vo During the movement of a hydrobionic object the induced 'Iolo of fluid in three-dimonzional end the deformations or Its ;urface have the order of mngmitudo of the thiclaiana of the -%I~pdy. 7he correctness of the boundary. layer concept for than cond Itions evidently requires. experimental . confirmettion, 'How ever, for dofqrma'tIons of plane i)r axially symmetric bodies of Insirnificant~mor,-Atudo, which Is a:hiChly simple velitimntic repro santation of 'the movements of fiydrob1on1c.obJoct+n, thei lo~ boundary layer concept Is extremely probable. This I,) attrib-~- ~. Y, utablo to natisfactlon or the principal requirements of this concept: low viscosity of the fluid (movement with large Itay-. olda numbanl and the of,.ttachriont on a wall. I)n-. -ing.tlila schematic rop Ir6nantatlon Lo is posulbla to note alome 77 USSR UDC 620.172.173-174 KASHPERSKIY, V. S., SKVORTSOVAJ, N. V., andZJMI~Li A. Ye., Kiev "Mechanical Properties of Sitall in Flexure, Extensiow and Compression" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 4, Apr 71, pp 80-83 Abstract: A method and results are presented of experimental investigation of the elasticity characteristics (Young, Modulus, Poisson, coefficient in ex- tension,, compression, and flexure) and the.ultimate strength of cast sitall OUCOMPosition number 23 in extension and.compression.. Measurement of de- formation was performed using tensores-istors., A brief,description is pre- d of the characteristic forms. of. ruptur,6. with v.Liious types of loading. 7~ 0 USSR uDc 6_?o-1,31;539,374;543-74-75 LEVITf 7. 1., ni. P., Sm-mixCV, 'rz. N., and ZHURMLI, L. V., lnr~'Iitute of Physics of Metals, Academy of Sciences USSR "Aging of 1ChNT(7TYuR Alloy After Plastic Flow" Sverdlovsk FiziRa 1,~etallov i Yetallovedeniye, Vol 29, No 6 Tu r, 70, 1193-2203 Abstract: A study is madc, usint, m--thods of electrical rer~istaance i~nd t-ans.-I-zs- sion electroz microscopy, of the procesces of decay of a st-turated i~oiid salutior, loca in the- -TZ-,N77'TYt-_R alloY with different dis. -tion rtllacturez m_,cdoced by dc!" tion at different termerattures. For esti:mtipc -the effect, of diztlribut~lon of cds~- 0 locations on the processes of subsequent aginZ th Se.Lde-rees of:deffoi-,~.-ation at 20 0 and 10.90 C Xere selected, which. in till deformed ~specijr?-,_xnii a yield point of Chanoes in rx~chatUcal pm-pertico and stru6tlu- in tho rocer- 0,:, 44-417 agfn,,~r. co,.,e detf,,_mLintA- III* is ohmm that thelliifhel, after z~rcijild' to 1;!-Iv i7, ",a_- of tc.~-,*eratu,-c tiierao.,, clianicrOu t-reatmi(mt, are duL emissions of the intermetallide ~-, I-phase. ln:additdon, the fol".r.1 ol boundaries of Gr=Ins and the separation, of carbidL-s on suc.A boi.~iclarics il:~-pcdc tilo interCraia disintegration and enmire adequate ductility. r,:1,, tilamic 71. A. mp -v,., nducting, tests on traelhanical p-0 erties, R. R. i:),-=. ova Ko,,ineytsc for help in coz p nd R - A. K-~rai~haziyan f r "help in preparix~",- -and ~ChecIzing of t':111 f0i", gzd S. "I. a _PWova for valuable su_e~s_restions during k1iscussion. I uDc 61z.ol4.42 Z- 1;?A T I -ar-d TULKU~`:;OV, B. F., Laboratory of Comparativ,.i Physiology of thr; Central Nervous Systom, institute of Evolutionary P)_yniol~lgy axed BJ~ochamistry imeniii. 1-1. Sechenov, Academy of Sciences USSR,, Leni~ngrad'~ "Use of Amplitudo Analyzers for Time Analysis of theImpulse A tivity of Neurons" *4o 6. Leningrad, Fiziologicheskdy Zhurnal SSSR imeni I.. M. Sech6nova,,Vol 56, 1 j un 70, pp 932-935 W.-tract: Apparatus was devisod for use in the time anal3isis of neuroa impulse activity. An amplituc-le analyzer is used in which the principle.of direct control of. the regulatixriZ arrangement of a pulse: ancilyzer 4r.meansi of a~ cloak and an ex- ternal clearing pulse is used. A control assep~lywa~s de~lgned for this apparatus which shap s courting pulses from neuron.discharges And shapes Olearing pix1ses. -T _-j -777 --- 7- USSR -UDG 669.71.472 ZMTRAVIN D Mro 4ow, Economy During Aluminum d ct- 0. materialov Vses. saminara energletikov predpriyatly tsveln. po elcon. elektroenergii (All-Uniott Seminar- of Ejec- trical Engineers of the Enterproseg of Non-ferrGus Wetallurg, on the Question of Economizing on Elect-rical Power - collection of transactions), Moscow, 1970, pp~73-'771(from RZh-Miet"allurg-ya, -11 Nov 70, Abstract No IL G121):~ o N ti f n, ea_sure~s implemented at TransLa -on: A description is given o '6vokuznetsk Aluminum PI -umption the N ant for.. reduciqg porver cow- -41 the pLant- 4urin'g the Production of electrolytic Lt. Curren y, it~, amqng the leaders in its low coa~vniptiom of povrez,. Thir, wan. ~~..'2%ieved as the result of a 6eries of cons "'.-ructive u-eazures: _%ncreased SectIon of the anodes of ele6trolyticireduction celLs; sw-Itchihif of electrolytic reductioriz cells with oide current in- pat to piac 0.9--l.1 m Itong instead of, 0.75 m, 4i, fact which re- duced anode volta~:-e to 60 mv; arid red ezji.6-n iz; gr oJI bot-to-ma, leada and.other Qcaourea. Technological Eoeasure4i car4n"ied out incLade ~-2/2 027 UK L A S-S I F I E D PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 C~MC ACCESSION' N(J--AP0054879 GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE UNIT CELL PAIRAMETERS OF THE :STABILIZED CUBIC LATTICE OF ZR SUSI MINUS X-CA SUB~K,0 SU92 MINUS X SOLID SOLNS. IN THE PRESE14CE Or- 6 SUB2 0 SUB3 AND OF Tli-E~,140NOCLINIC PHASE FORMING DURING DESTABILIZATION WERE MEASURED. SAMPLES W11THOUT ANY 3 :-E WITH THE PARAME'rER A ".-PRESENT ARE REPRESENTED ONLY ASTHE CUBIC PHA, E ~&RCENT BETNG CONSTo FOR ALL FIRING TEMPS, IN SAMPLES CON1 .G. 0.3 MOL c CAD AND IN SAMPLES CONTG. 5 AND ANNEALEb AT 600 AN(~ 800DEGREES, THE PARAMETER OF THE CUBIC PHASE IS CONST..:WITHIN THEISAME LIM(Ts. AFTER FIRING~AT 1000 AND 1200DEGREES, THE*SAMPLES ARE A MIXT.~OF THE CUBIC AMD MONOCLINIC PHASES, WHICH PREVENTS,AN-ACCURATE DETN.- OF LATTICE -PARAMETERS. THE A PARAMETER OF THE CUBIC PHASE REMAINS.CONST. WITHIN TH& EXPTL, ERROR-OF. PLUS. OR MINUS ~!0.00,2- ANGSTROKI.. WHICH CORRESPONDS TO .-.,.caNST. CHEM. COMPN. OF PLUS OR MMUS~2 MOLE;. ~ PERCENT;..CALI THE LATTICE OF- THE-MONOCLINIC PHASE ARE CONST., IN AL~ CASES WITHIN EXPTL. ::ERROR AND ARE CLOSE TO THE-PARAMETERS OF PURE ZRO ~SUB2; THE CA CONTE14T ISJNSIGNIFICANT. DESTABILIZATION OF CUBIC~ZR. SUBI +VINUSX CA SUBX 0 SUB2 MINUS X SOLID SCLNS. IS ASSOCD. WITH A LOSS.OF.LA., .,THE MONOCLINIC PHASE FORMING DURING. THE DESTABILIZATION... IS PRACTICALLY PURE IRO SUB2 AND THE CA CONTENT IN THE REMAINLNG CUBICPHASE,REMAINS CONST. WITHIN THE LIMITS 'OF -12-- PLUS, OR 14INUS 2 MOLE PERCENTlCAO. UNC L A S S I F I E USSR Professor and. Doctor of Biological Sciences, and GUMM, A., "Vernal Water" Moscow, Sell skaya Zh1zn 1 Apr 73, P Abstract; iiispir-edby eqpirical observations mcle in liollar regions, scientists at the T=sk Me-;Ucall Lnstitute used thav, irater in er-ceriments, arsd the crops arA anlzml s fed this water by far excelled t4e controls in growth rate, health, and productivity. By combining the fact that thaw vater retains, for a while, the dodecahedx--l molecular stracture of ice.,irith the fact that intra- cellu3az, -water a-so forms a dodecahedral lattice in which proteir., lipii, anq carbohy&rate molecules are incorporated, the explan-ation vas for.-n.Llated that thav vater absorbed into tissue facilitates or6anization of biological riale- CUIes ky which it then is firmly held. 74us, dehyftratI6,n is pr-L-vented, healthy tisuue proliferettee and the individtial orgAno amd the urhole organism NO explanation is offerk as to how the dodecahedral remin Uglily eunctional. 4 structure is -arese-zied Waile the ingested thaw water is in the gastrointestins.1 tract. It is- conjectured thwt hypothervia). treatzrant ray some day be used to postpone aging. Caution is exDressed that bathing in and drirding pure thaw water, though highly beneficial to some individuals, iv likely to caiire pathol- Ogy In untrained and sick parnonst J/ 21 010 ING - OAT E-- 2 7NOV 7 0 TITLE--SOME RESULTS OF COMPLEX TUNING AND.~START UP 01 IHEP 70 G~':V THF PROTON SYNCHROTRON -U- AUTHOR-03)-A002 YU.M., LHURAVLEV A.A., L0GUN0V,,A,.A. ,.-COUNTRY 0 F INFO--USSR 7' '-S,0UqCE--AT. ENERG. [USSR),. 23: 132-8 (FEB:1970). ~:.DATE PUBLISHED ------ 70 ;,--SUBJECT AREAS -PHYSICS TASS'--PROTON ACCELERATOR, PARTICLE :PHYSICS, SYNCHR0T.RJN/(U)fHEP -~-`PROTO% ACCELERATOR 1,~ CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS MENT _DOCUI -CLASS--UtNCLASSlFlFD -755 -P NO R~OX Y, REELIFRAME-3004/01 ST- -011100 591 TO/ 0) *1 0010/ 0 13 ~l CIRC ACC E S S I GN NO--AP 0 13 13 5 0 0 L A, S S IF 212 010 UNCLASSI FIED PiROCESS ING QATE-27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0131350 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-1U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PROCESS A1140 CHARACTER OF WORKS M CQMPLEX WINING AND START UP OF THE ACCELERATOR:~ARE DESCRIBEG. AND METHODS OF TUNI~NG OF THE MAIN ACCELERATOR SYSTEMS ARE L7 - SYSI'Etig (RING E-LECTROMAGNETt'POWER, SUPP iY CORRECr[ON ..:SYSTEMP INJECTION SYSTE14i VACUUM SYSTEM, 'AND RADIOSECFINICAL SYSTEMS THE J.4AIN RESULTS 05TAINED DURING THE ACCELERAWR 3!JNIN(,~1 ARE REPORTED. FACILITY: INST. OF THEORETICAL 06 ;EXPERI MENIAL PHYSICS, MOSCOW. -Ul!CLAS S-I E D LI'S S'i U"'UV ADO, YU ZHU.-,AVLEV A,., LOGUNOV 1 m Y;i E L ROCOZINSKIY, V. G., TUJhABRA 1~1 5 EVIL!, K. A. 6hzv, 1. F., Z.t SHIUK~IYLOI N. YE. G. V. STOLOV A. M., TITOV, V. A., VQDO.? Yi~NUIV* F. IN3K1Y, S. lit., U;VJLHOV A., GUTNER, V'. F., MINITS, i~. L., mUBCH V B'i 14.1 ZALMANZON2 Ve B-, ?ROK0?'1YLV11A- I., and TLITUN; JR S. "Some Results of the Overall Adjustment and Start,.-up:of the 70-Gev -f agh en gy Physics" Proton Synchrotron of tile Institute o er Mos cow, Atomnaya iZergiya, Vol 28, No 2, Feb 70P: ja P 132-138 lbstract: The physical part of the plan f Or tile 70-Gev p.roton syn- chrotron was executed by the 1ristitMe of Theure~ical and -Experimental hysics. The electromagnet with.feed system, the racuun criambex, and the injection devices were developed, at, the Saicintif ic he,5earch Insti- tute.of Lelectrophysical Apparatus1mlent.1). V. :(4ifremov. The radio- er-ion of electron!-c systems for acceleration ~process control and gen 577777777 USSR -ADO$ YU M., et. al.~ Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 28, tjo 2P Feb 70, PP 132- 138 the accelerazing fields as well as the radio-echnical measurement and beam observation systems,were developed by tile ftadiotechrlical insti- tute ol" the Academy of ScienceslUSSR. IlTyazitprom. elektroproyekt" he Planning of Ele'etrical Equipment CState Planning Institute for t, A (_3 he general-purpose',electrotechnicaI de- for Heavy Industryj designed ti vices and cable connections. The plan for the construction complex of the accelerator was developed by the.5tate All-Union. Planning In- stitutes The construction of the accelerator wazcj under the general supervision of the State Committee for the Use of imomic Energy USSR. ....'rhe'-adjustment of individual ,systems :and the overall adjustment and start-up of.the accelerator wera carried:out~ by-the Int5titute of High-ene rgy Physics and the devj.-loper~ of,7the. acOelerator systems. A The basic~beam work was done byl-Ville Ins.titute of.". High- energy Physics with the participation of.the Radiotechnical InsItitute. The con- struction of the accelerator was bevnIn 1960, Lind all the basic construction and asse.-mbly work 'Was completed at the beginning of 2/4 KDO, YU M., et al*., Atonnaya Ene rgiya, Vol 28, No 2, Feb 70, PP 132- 138 1967. At the initial stage of construction, before the formation of the Institute of high-energy Phy,sics in 1963, the-nork was coordinated ~by the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics. The linear 28 July 1967 -;~Ie operation of the accelerator injector was started on n di dual systems was adjusted by September 1967, and the physical in ivi start-up of the accelerator was accomplisIed on 111. Oct.ober. A description is -,iven of the work done to,adjust the anaular electromagnet (including the electromagiet, cooling and feed sysi;ems), the injection system (consisting of matching. channel and injection de- vice), the vacuum system, the radioelectronic system (including the accelerating field generat-ion. system, the accelera~tion process control systemand the radiotechnical measurement system), and tha beam ob servation system (which provides.for beam observation in the first revolution and during acceleration). In the physical start-up of the accelerator the main efforts were directed towards obtaining accelar- ated protons of the planned energy,.and the problem of obtaining high 'USSR UDC 539-126 TERNOV, 1. M., MLILOV, V. R., ZHURAVIEW, A. F., and GHIZHOV, G. A., Moscow State University imeni 1-1. V. Lomonosov' "On the Effect of a Strong Radiation Field on- an Electron I-loving in a Plane Electromagnetic Wave" Tomsk, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenly Fizika, No 1, 1973, PP ?-l? Abstract: Iet there be a charged particlel(electron),which is simultaneously acted an by the field of a monochromatic.plane elect;comagnetic wave (first wave) and a second wave of arbitrary spectral composition (external radiation field). The first wave is considered to~be.moro,intense, and hBnee the motion of the electron is mainly due to Interaction with it :'The axticle considers the action of the second wave on the electron, as wel1as the question of variations in the mean energy of the electron during Its interaction with the radiation field. Conditions are fow-id whereby the acdoleration of the elec- tron by the external field compensates for-intrinsic electronic energy losses. 50 USSR UDC: 621-39i-8:519-2T GOMMOV, V. T. ,ZHURAVLEV,., A., G. TIKHONOV, V. 1. Examples and Problems in. Statistical Radi'6~lagineeiiiig-. A. Textbook for 'Couege Students Majoring in Radio Engineering Primery i zadachi Do statisticheskoy radiotekbnike.. Udhebn. nosobiye d-1ya stud. radiotekhn. sgetsiallnostcLr vuzov (cf.. English. ibove), 1140,;Cow, "Sov. 7 radio 1970, 597 pp, ill. 1 r. 35 k. (from'. kh-_Hadio'~ekhnika. No 1, Jan act.-No 1A4' K) .71,, Abstr Mranslation: The book is written on the basis of practical classes on sta- tistical raddo engineering with istuaentsi: i~- T4e fifteen~ichapters of the book cover -all the fundamatal are,,as of, statfSAiciil radio eiftneetring. In ad- dition to problema, each chapter cqntaiw~,the necLi~ssary., theoretical data and an analysis of the procedure for solution bas~_,d on typical examples. The book contains 120 eXW,'Dles and~670 problens in a11.1, selected from Soviet- and ncn-Soviet sources and also formulated by t~e authors- Reference tables are provided. The book is written chlefly for vi~dergraduate and graduate students majoring in the field evgia-.6-ring,and automatior. ------ ---- -- - ~tw;!V,11,-![,~ FTO:_ IF USSR UDC 669.271 KOLOBOV, G. A., MAKSIII~ZNKO, V. M., ZHUFAVLEV, A. I., 'VAZHE NLN' S. F., and DOBRUNTOV, Yu. V. "U f Titanium Equipment in Magnesium ProducLi i se 0 01 Moscow, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 6, Jun 70, pp 39-40 Abstract: An account is given nf investigations conducted jointly by the Magnesium Plant and the Titanium Institute on the use of titan-luirl Solikamsk ~alloys in equipment intended for magnesium proda'etion. The corrosion re- -avestigated. The sistance of the WI, VT14, and VT5-1 titaniura alloys was A tests conducted at chlorine and electiolysis plants are presenc,_~d results, of in a table. The VEL alloy wa'-.; found to be moTa corrosion7resistart Lhin L110 V..C14 and V11!')-l alloys. A brief history of the use of equipmwnt madu of Li- tanium alloys at the Solikamsk plant is giver.. Ar. invento-ry Of :-Var--ous equip- filent, such as valves, pullips, ga,'i-pumpaj, CAld ri7~j tOr5 , gaU 15C 1:U'Ll 4,,2 41 S , e t C I'S presented, and.the planned installation of new titanlum 41~Loy equiptien", e uipme t i ;.,Ian described. It is stated that 11he use. of suc -n' the has a'_ ready resulted in savings of 60,000 rubles. Biochemist ry USSR UDC 535-37-577-15 V Zh Institute of Balneology and Physica.L Maerapy, Idnistry of Health- USSR S r.-Meak Luminescence and Enzymes" upe Moscow., Uspekhi Savremennoy Biologii., vol 6-9. No 3, MaY/Jun 70, T,P 398-40-3 Abstract: The connection with the initial work by Zhuravler, B. N. Tarusov, et al on super-weak luminescence of biosifa-b-txates and livinG organisras, the kypotbesis -,fas advanced that lizdnescence is produced by ent!rgv evolvvd in auto-o~,idation processes accomanied by the for-mation of free radicals, principally the auto- The free radicals combine trith t e e o -,n of f r e en -,11y, oxidation of lipids. 11h tr luti c ei f:, which -Droduces Ituninescence. The viev was subscquently e."re-G-sed by D. N. Ouccu. et al that super-weeak luminescence is due to enzyruitic pro,~esscs. work conducted since then indicated ' Uhat the association of su-r;cr-,,reak were involved ~was cence with enzymatic procesnes in cases In w.Uch 'the latter ly incideen~; 11.1---inescpnce was due to 4,01,~Ec oxidal-ion and -,m.5 not pro(Weed tivzvtion of eaz,*p!),2!s:w;Wh hawry lons by.the action of enz,,r.~es- Thus, -Mac L did not suppress 1wainescenec. Tlie problem was fitudied- monji; thorow.,,hly in corurvac- -mlar w; hat tion with luminescence accurapanying, the actiqn of cut 0. D. %s 13110"(11 't. luminescence of a biosubstrate being oxidized wit1i increarsed rather than 2 USSR ZHURAVLEV, A.!., Uspekhi Sovremennoy Biologii, Val 69, To N Ya,%,/Jun 70, PP 398- 408 decreased after all enzymes had been destroyed, while the of I'_0 2 proceeded at a much lower rate in tiie -,Jboe,~cl~ which is activated by catalase, of enzym~,-s. Dentruction of the enzywies in:the substrate, (li%rer tissu-) wa~' on extract of Vae !Z~izsue. An ~n- 'ished by boiling an aqueous salt soluti crease in I=Lnescence during oxidation of a oalt-solutio-~,i tistsue extract with H~O 2also occurred in exDerimnents on.rats after the animalv, had. been irrad-4ated Vith ganina-rays in a dose of 800 r (G. A. Popov, 1964). . Lur-daescence increased with an increacing degree of autolysis of the tissue extrr:;.C'k, (Increasing the lenGth of time before 1~& was added). On the basis of these resulto, it was proposed that a test balea bn measurownt of the intensity of cherd;luminesceace tipon addi- ti on of H-0 be used for the determination of the biologi ss and cal soundne viability o~ damaged tissue. USSR UDC 615-837-3.015.45t612M2 ZHUBAVLEV, A-I-o and FEVNEVA, H. F., Biophysics Laboratory, Experimental Institute for health Resorts and. Physiotherapy, Hoscou "The Efficacy of the Physico-Chemical Actionof Continuous and Pulsed (Generator WJC-1) Ultrasound on the Blood Serum of Man" Moscow, Vo-prosy Xurorttologii Fizioterapii. I Lachebnoy Fizicheskoy Kullturyp No 3, 197Z; IT,- 2OZ-207 Abstracti The intensity of luminescence (electron excitation) of hu:,nan seran samples. during ir=diation with ultrasound waves i me -usod as an index of the anount of acoustic enera absorbed. Accoxding to the reqults r irradiation Intensity is divided into ttzee mriggesi 1) 0.1-0.4 vatts/cm a I-ange In which the cum-ula-11-ive lum-Inescence and the unit effect incrcan;e with 1no-reasing Irradiation; 2) 0.5-0.7 watts/cmz , - In ithich the C11mu]-,'VL:iva of fect incivases but the unit offect decreasas with Increasing irradiationj"),0.8 watts/=2 and more, in which both the cumulative and unit effects. decx-,.uase Ath increasing irradiation. It is balieved that~the first mcnge.induces mainly reversible c' hanges and t1he tbird~ range zainl3r, (lestructiyie changes. Pulsed irradiation is less destiietive thAn-contInuious:irradiallon.* The Intensity rang6 of 0.2-0.-3 watts/ca St fo'r th"peutia is recommendq&ast.tbe-bs purposes, .1 n tu A USSR VDC 666.117.2 FAVLUSHKIN, N. M., and ZHURAVLEV, A. K. "Legkoplavkiye Stekla" (Low-4~aMngnra_?Es), Moscow, Izd-vo "Ener-iya, 1970, 144 p' P Translation of Annotation: A summary is given of the results of studies on production of low melting glasses, methods of investigating them, and areas of their application carried out in the USSR and elsewhere. Theoretical concepts regarding the structure of low melting glass are presented and methods and results of investigations on oxide, oNygen-free, and o".chal- cogenide glasses are discussed. Data on the application of low-meiting and as solders for various;electronic devices glasses as scaling coatings, Oro- Presented. The book is intended for sciotitifte and ongineor I ng concc.-rned wLdi the study and development of low-melting glasses and thair applications. Table of Contents Introduction 4 Types of Low-11elting Calasses and Methods of Producing Them 9 113, ION USSR PAVLUSHKIN, N. M., and ZHURAVLKV, A. K., "Legkoplavkiye Stekla" (Low-Melting Glasses), Moscow, Izd-vo ."Energ:Lya," 197U 144 pp -Lead-containing glasses Borate.-glasses 20 Phosphate glasses 27 Bismith-containing glasses 33 ThaUfum- containing glasses 37 Vanadium-containing glasses 38 Tellurium-containing, glasses 41 Germaaium-containing glasses 46 Zinc~-cantaining glasses 47. Antimony oxide-containing glasses. 48 Arsenic oxide-containIng glisses' 50 Molybdenuar-and tungsteri-cantaining- Slasses 52 Fluorine- containing glasses 54 Nitrate and other aut, %vd ~&Izsses 57 Chalmgenide glasses 60 Oxychalcogenide glasses 65 I PA (Low-Melting 68 68 76 82 88 105 107 107 117 124 130 134 1/2 025 UNCLASSiFlErY PROCESSING OATE--04DEC70 TITLE--PAINT AND V4-RNISH COATINGS APPLIED 3Y ELECTRODEPOSITION -U- AUTH0R-(05)-TIKHONOVAi R.M.p TSYRLINt. M, I ZHURAVLEVv A.K., ROIND, L.I., KISTANOVA, G.A& COUNTRY-OF INFO--USSR PROM. 19701 36(4)ir 39-41 ~~.DATE PUBLISHED~ ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS T~OPIC TAGS--ELECTRODEPOSITION# PAIINTi VARNISHI TEST METHOD, AUTOMOBILE, COPROSION RESISTANCE -CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ..DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME--3007!0773 STEP.NO--UR/0113/70/036/00410039/0041 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136210 UNCLASS TF-IED~ 025 UNCLASSIFItO PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136210 'J WAS D'VELOPEO FOR ABSTRACTIEXTRACT---(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A TF S T I NG [It, E T H 0, OETG. THE CORROSION RESISTANCE OF AUTOMOTIVF COATIINGS. THE SAMPLES WERE 11EES IN A SPECIAL EXPOSED TO A SPRAY OF 3PERCENT blACL S%N.~ A T 40. 5.10DEG CHAMBER. SINGLE ENAMEL LAYERS DEPOSIT.ED ON PHOSPHATIL..0 MErAL BY THE -ELECTROSTATIC.MF-THOD WERE CORRODED:FASTER THAN THE COATINGS OBTAIINED BY THE CONVENTIONAL SPRAYING~OF A:.GROUNDCOA'T FOLLOII~D BY~AN ENAMEL. FACILITY: GORK. AVTOZAVOO, GORKI# R.;;%~ UNCLASS IFIEO Uul"mnmmflmnmlmm~ rlH .212 014 UNCL ASS IF, I W !PROCESSING DATE-131NOV70 ~CIRC ACCl- S 5 ION Nfj---APO 123 916 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) (;P-0- ABSTRACT.~ STUDY OF THE TRANSIENT STRENGTH OF :A PYROCERAMIC AS MEASURED ON CYLIN' RICAL AIND PA 1:SMATIC SAMPLES SU34ECTED 0 TO STATIC 3ENDING. THE RGLATIONSHIPS 13FTWEEN THE STPENGTH OF THk PYROCERAMIC ON THE ONE HAND ANO rHE SHAPE: ANU U(MENSICINS OF THE SAMPLE9 ~ 10 TYPE (IF TESTING ON THE GTHERt''ARE ESTAbLISHE, Q. aUALITArIVE AND A QUANTITATIVE ESTIMATION FS MADE OF,-THE GBSERVEO DISPERSION OF STREINGTH YALUES WITH RESPECT TO A NORMA.L. VALIJE* FlhC I L FT'e AKADEMIIA NAUK UKQAINSKOI SSR, INSTITUT PROBL;EM PROCIII40STI KlEys UKRAINIAN SSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR uDc 612.822-3 SUDAKOV K. V. ZHURAVIZV,,kV., and 1,MV, A. V.., C41air of Norrn! Physiology., Y First Nbscow Medical Institute imeni 1.~ M. Sechenov "Neurophysiological Mechanisms of Sensory Satiation" :Moscow, Zhurnal V~rsshey Nermoy Dayatellnosti imeni 1. P. Pavlov, Vol 23, Vyp 1, Jan/Feb 73, pp 24-33 Abstract: Liquid food (niLk or carrot Juice) was gently spi-ayed over the oral MUCosa and, through a gastric tubing, injected into the stomach of hungry, anesthetized cats and rabbits while EEG's vere beinil Tecoyyled from the cerebral .1 C, louv -halamic areas. cortex and va-r. , 'hypot On the basis 61' the results obtained, ~h y_r-. ha the followiner theory was formulated- Inthe~hungry state, ' e lateral. h ot lamus is active end discharges impulses to the rrotor a-~(! renaory cortex and the sensitivity of these to the ventromedial hypothal=dc nucleus, increasing structures to afferent impulses froin oral and gastric receptors. When sti-ru- lated by food., these receptors discharee afferent irrpaloes prillarily to the ventromedial nucleus, whose activity thus Gradually incr-eRses with the intake of food. At the same time progressive inhibition takes place in the laters! hypothalamus and brain cortex. Eventi-ially, excitation of the ventro-:i~cdial Jon of tho ltitet- 1, nucleus, whieh fxtnctions rta the satiation center, 1wd Iiihildi, hypothalarms, which Amc-tiona at; the hun&,'r Center, crd,!P~te a 13t( of senSO17y --- ---- USSR ZHURAVLEV, D. A., MUICHENKO, 0, 1)., _Z11VOROSTU101IN,~ I. A. "Algorithm for Determination of the Stress State when a Spherical Indentor is Pressed into an Elastic-Plastic Half Space" Mosk. Aviats. Tekhnol. Tn-t [Moscow Institute of Aviation Technology], MoscoX, -ial Mckh nila, No 5, 1973, 1972, 14 pp (Trahslated from Referativuyy.~ Zhun a Abstract No 5V411, by the autho-rs). Translation: The stress state of a material is studied when a hard spherical indentor is pressed into the flat surface of all cla~tic-plastic body and is moved along this surface. The three -di mens ional vector elastic fietd of displacements resulting from deformatIon of tho body considering the forces of surface friction is studied in a cylindrical systom of coordinates. The equations produced reyiresent a. system,of quasilincar equations with second order partial dcrivatives:and three unknown functions. The solu- tion of the equations in analytic forn is not possiblo. Therefore, numerical methods of solution are used, in parti 'cular the grids inethod. In order to simplify the probloni, several assumptiions~werc made the propcrties of the material of the body. In addition ~to deteTmination, of the instantaneous 1/2 USSR UDC- 8-T4 VMAVLFV,---D. A. , 14ARChMO, 0. D. , KHVOROSTUKEIN, L. A., Ifoscwr Aviation Technolou Institute "Solution of a Special System of Second-Order Partial Differential Ecua- tions by the Method of Successive Approximatians~',Ai-~. Hascav, Resheniye spetsial'noy sistemy nelineynykh differentsial'nykb 'uravneniy Y chastrrrk-h proizvcdnykh vtorogo po-yTadka =etadam posledovatel'- itykh priblizheniy (cf. English above), 1972, 10 pp, bibl. 2 titles (manu- script deposited in VINITI 6 Feb 73, NO*5459-zr3 DepJ (from 'Kh-Kiber- netika No 7, Jul 73, abstract No 7V6660 Dep. by the authors) Translation: An algorit thm is presented for solving system of two non- linear differential equations with linear boundary cemditions in dif- --ferential form. The problem in solved by reducinv, zolu'lion of the initisl nroblem to seauential solution of a system ol' secona-order litzear differential equations. The number of successP;e steps depends on the rate of convergence of the iteration process, and also on the required accur-acy of the calculations. In analysist the problem reduces to solution of a system of linear algebraic.equations in which the un- knowns are the sought functions at grid intersecticns.. USSR ZHURAVLEV, D. A., WNRCHENKO, 0. D., mvoizos'runm, L. A. ItAlgoritlim for Determination of the Stress State when a Spherical Indentor is Pressed into an Elastic-Plastic Half Space". Mask. Aviats. Teklinol. In-t [Moscow Institute of Aviation Technology], Moscow, .1972, 14 pp (translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal MC~Ikhanika, No 5, 1973, Abstract No SV411, by the authors). Translation: The stress state of a material is studied when a hard sphorical indentor is pressed into the flat surface of an elastiic-plasvic body and is moved along this surface. The three-dimensional voctor elastic field of displacements resulting front deformation of .tho body~ considering the forces of surface friction is studied in a cylindrical systen) of coordinates, Tho equations produced reprosent a system of quasilinear differential equations with second order partial derivatives and three unknown functions. The solu- -ukalytic form is, tat possible. Therefore, nu-icrical tion of the equations in methods of -solution arc used, in partiCLIlar the grids Method. Jn order to simplify the problem, several assumptions.were made, concerriing the properties of the material of the bad),. In additi-on to determination of the instantaneous 1/2 I q - n -, m V'-d ~ ff -4 f -Ref- Coele: LMMe dihydro- and YJ' mt~~Rcl j1)-. isotherms of Sep HUJR Acc. Nr Abstracting.Service: Ref. Code! hPO03.4224_ CHalICAL ABST.! r.71198t Solubility. of solid phas6s. in.,cerim 11) nitrate- hy water-aniline ater drazine nitrate an ccnu]31(Ul) ~UltMt6 w . . ~ "\~ 1 r stems, Nfininkoy, ~_ u :Jkuravlev_~~ uitrate sy - ;~ _ - 7'1- Fiz. rhim., LrUmeW. Fobtekh.: Inst., _670 - A~ Zh. rg. Khtr4. 1970, 15(l), 205-10:(R&;s).. -~Sbly. diaKrams Neo (25 and 50' isot ierms -o s o and y5tems ce(N j, 3'NTOt-HIO (Syst p,) are 01 ce(NO43-PhIN-11 em I- -structe postdly d. Congruently sol. OeWOOONiHsl~O sup n- a: rn (N214- J)j[Ce(NQvhJ,. form i Si PIC tutonic systern. -a strong saltin Ce(NO3)2.6;4,,O has :0 ect for PhNHsNO3. Soly. data and im of II sblns. at 50* e builated'. HMJR REELIMV4H Ace. Ur: Abstracting Service: -lef. Code: 407 CHR-111CAL ABST.' 7" f NO. 71172e wu~l YV iSO H ~Systqm- IL Bill -22-~i U tuW le ~wstejn was. det .at, 5W- th it, S t -A) bare construct q tahulattd and dia04*nlis'. for Oam,i. ed. by C qd'otlglaseritc soly. wasd m mt-astiretuents , ry.~tu. o 'It' te~*~bncrz. widetted with incrm:,;j,~k wmp, and 6 ri IVpatently Na and K. nittites Stabilize. gfa.seritc-'- ANIJR ME REEL/TM 15710720~ 197.10876, ~ :1 i- - i . I UDC: 8.74 'USSR ZHURAVELI, N. M., A? "Sequential Grouping Based on Qualitative Features" Novosibirsk, Raspoznavaniye obrazov i regressi on. analiz v ekon. issled.--sbornik (Pattern Recognition and Regression Analysis in Economic Research--collection ofl,works), 1972, pp-4S-59 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 5,,May 73,~ abstract No SV836 by E. Vagner) Translation: In economic, sociological and biological re- search there is an urgent problem of distinguishing quali- tatively homogeneous groups among,the totalit~rof investi- gated-objects. The traditional methods of simple and com- bination grouping are not especially suitable in a number of instances, in particular whe n the volume of an aggregate is limited and there is a considerable selection of qualitative features with various degrees of significance from the stand- point of research goals and mutual dependence between quali- tative features. USSR ZHURAVEL', N. M., ZHURAVEL',. F. A Raspomavaniye obrazov -regression. ana 'd.~;1972, pp 45-59 liz v ekon. issle The c-onventional multistep procedure pernits a breakdo,4m in accordance with any single feature on each~step. In this connection, complexity consists in:choice of the group feature for breakdown on each step. As a formal criterion for select- ing such a parameter we can take the coefficient of quali- tative variation which reflects the complete.number of dif- ferences in the qaalities of all objects of an aggregate. However, in real cases the formalcriterion must be supple- 'the specific mented by a number of limitations relating to! probl.em. A complex approach;to solution of the grouping suggested, and a program written in the ALPHA algorithmic language is described for:the M-220 computer. 2/2 un rriugg- 71M-UM.Fiffi 1~;NMAl Wiflik It'~~ll,~lijl;q~~ll,"Viin-~~Wii&llil~-iiii-ili~iAI A 11 11 1 h il 1 ~Q -_~'025 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSXNG DATE--04DEC70 :::TATLE--STRENGTH AND MINERALOGICAL-COMPOSITION OF PELLETS, FROM SOKOLOVO-SARBAI BENEFICIATLNG:.COM8fNE:IN -RELATION: TO FIRING CONDITIONS -.-.:'~-'AOTH.OR-10,4)-CHERNYSHEVP A.M.9 MALlSHEVAo YA . t~ MOREYEVAP G.P., lHURAVLEV, '~"~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-STALI 1970, 30(4), 293-8 1~1,__.Z".;~,D"ATE PUBL ISHED_.~ ------ 70 SUBJECT AR EAS -4 AT ER I ALS EARTH SCI ENCES AND OCEAN0t*;RAPHY .j.OPIC TAGS--PELLETIZATIONt IRON OREr SLAG, CERAMIC RIINDER, TEMPERATURE STRENGTH CALCIUA :OXIdE, MAGNES[IJ,'61 OXIDEs ALUMINAt SILICA ~'~'CDITROL -MARKING--NO RESTRICT[ONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED '~-'-PR(JXY.REEL/FRA.ME--3007/1275 STEP NO--UR/0133/~70/030/004/029310298 cl. CACCESSION NO--AP0136681 U.'4CLf,'lS_S_lF[C0 2/2 025 UNCLASSIFIED i PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 ~.'CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0136681 :--ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EFFECT OF TIME AND TEMP. AT DI,FFERENT STAGES OF FIRING FLUXED FE ORE.PALLETS WAS INVESTIGATED _--~_'_RINERALOGKALLY~ AND -BY CRIISHING--:~S.T-.RENGTH.-:DtTN. At! HIGH TEMPS. COMPLEX SILICOFERRITES-CONTG. LESS THAN OR EQUAL':TO $PEA C L'.4 r(CAO PLUS MGO PLUS ~AL, SUB2 0 SUB3 PLUS SIG SUB2) HAVING A, MAX. GRIT.,; STRENGTH TEMP. SERVE -HERE AS A BOND WHICH HAS A LESSER kEDUC15ILITY TH~N HEMATITE AND AND REMAINS SUCH UP TO THE REDN. OF FE :TO METAL. A MAX. RANGE OF.650-700DEGREES OF.CRlTs STRENGTH WAS'RECORDED wim A STRUCTURE OF IINTERMESHEO HEMATITE AND FERRITES. AODN'OF DOLOMITE TO THE CHARGE CAN B ERECOMMENDED IN THIS LIGHT.. S_ff--rr-D- Rai Abstracting Se'r'v ic~e' 'Ief Code: Aec. Nr: AV CjJFjjjCAL~ ABSTi. 7 99 /U I- 71215w Mechaxtism, of caAmium iodide, extinction by tri- butyl phosphate. Kol'tsov. Yu. t i N - M lhurav- Kuz nvu_~ ),7 at (j~uiss)~xtn. of UT2 by,Bt~po# from satd. aq.,soJns' of Cd, in the presence or.without lil* was studied by it- spectroscopy. Bu%PO,.Cdl2 is extd . ~s solvaie. *The ir specirt~ indicite that extd. species art 3Bu3~.0j.Cd(Cdl,jj!j0 4 M~VIC4.2Cdl,M20, 2BU3PO4.Cdl2, and Bu'pot.14:9.`U13. Cbarged ~ldccies ~form in die presence of HI. ll&iF the equil. shifts Loward formation of Cdl2+.=-, wbere.x OF 1, 2,3F 4- H11JR EEL/ FRA~IE -'Acc. Nr. V004039�,~10--- Ref Code: 19 USSR UDC 621.375.4:621.382.3 WIN. V. A., DIMIIRAKI PN and. t[QRW A P , eriuntal Investigation of Semiconductor Diodes Designed for Pulse ET Brigge. ements" Moscow, Radiotekhnika, Vol 25, No 1, Jan 70, pp 84-88 An rimenral investigation of semiconductor diodes inten- atyact: S 1r e or pul e bexr?dge elements was ca iedout, to detv.-t-mine their for- e ward*current voltage characteristics::and the vaWes of the differen- tial resistance of certain types of diodes. Thiis data is necessary for determinin- the stability of pulse bridge eliemaitt. Two se'ts (~O each) of diodes of different origin were.tested Lat -600C + 250 C, and -+750C for germanium diodes and at -60OG'? +250C, band 4-1206C for silicon diodes, the tech-noLogical spread of their parameters wa!; investigated. The.results are presented in the form of.current voltage and resistance ,,characteristics. The characteristics of the maximum. and minimum tech- nological spread and the dependence:of the diff(srential resistance -of Reel/F rame 19741847 A -USSR UDC 621.375.4:621.382.:3 IWIN V. A.,i DIMITRAKI P. N., MMAVLEV,11. G., and NOREKYAN, P. -A. ve'. tigation of S6mic on duct or Diode:s Designed for Pulse erimtal In s _...:--:Br3_Rge ements" Moscow, Radiotekhrvika, Vol 25, No 1, Jan 70, pp 84-88 investigation of semi6onducvor diodes inten- n experimental Mmtf~o,? t -, ui~s r Led~:. buts, :1determine their for- ~-p e, b id-ge, ellements:vas,;carg. 'Oltage characterist-ic~ An&. e:'value"; of th~~ differen- tial resistance oftcertain types of djode's~ Thi~ifdata is nec'ssar~ b -.i4ge eL for'detterminihg, the stability..of.pulso, r Ofnents. Two sets (20 -of diodhs of' e,'tl sted ai- -600C + 2jo C, -and different origin w r . a - (1-: i ~ 6 germanium diodes S +75OC: for.' an at 4% .+2159C, ahd +3120 C for ilicon ~_-diodes, the t6chnc~logical spread-of tbexr-~Paramx~t~~rs was inves~tipt,ed. .-,The results are presented in the of ~ cjirrenti ~roltage and resilstance characteristits. - he characteristics36f,'t4e d minin~um te'ch- T maximum an -esistance~of nological spread a~nd: the.dependence of theidiffdrientidil r the diode setiat each experimental te~peira~ure. lwe~.;e plotted oa, the sia:of experime0al data An.-:'anaL~Sis,:6f: th Sul.--s show.9 that: b a e "re, are L3, ept The ailicion junction p4lse 4 ib d e-,i 'h b' suited for,,Puls~ 1/2 USSR nc 62o.i.81:669.1 SHMYNBERG, M. M.), MIRZAYEV, D. A. and G. Chelyabinsk Poly- technic Institute "Fl6atures of Martensite Transformationlin.Iron and Its Alloys" ~Ybscow, 14etallovedeniye, No 9, Sep 72, pp ~1-~-29, Abstract: This article is primarily a discussion of i~artensite transfoi-nation pr,)cesses based an other literature solarces'. - Particular attention is given to a comparison of steels Ehl8NlOT and OOOKUWT12. The greatest strenFthening effect was observed for these two steels when they were deforned 25-30% at -1000C and then aged for one hour at 4oo-450 C: The steels then had the following mechanical properties: KUMOTI 000Kh18N12 Yield strength, kgf/.2 199' 139 2 Tensile strength, kgf/xm~ 200 14.0 12 Elongation, % 6 Reduction in area, % 69 Impact strength., kgf-M/CM2 5 After deforming 25-4Yp at -40 to -1000c, aging at 400-4500C, and brief heating somewhat above the A temperature, they had,the following properties: C 1/2 mm"G qlltaniiLm' USSR uDc 66.9.:295.r., KOLACWvr, B. A.) Ln"VIOVY V. A. and MUIRAVLEV, L. V. (1143ricov) On the Selection of the Composition of Titanim Alloys u. a a Negligible Tendency toward Hydro-en Brittleness" Moscowil Izvestiya AN SSSR, IMetally, No 3, XaY-Jun 70, P.P!158-16L Abstract: The authors classify 'hydrogen bzrittleress Of titanitz, alloys into two major groups. The first is determined by causes existing-, in the initial reta-11 due to hiah 'hyarogen content. 'Me second is determine(i by so~irces developin- in W t,,Y luring, plastic deforirmtian~ T:-,t,- tendency and metal ~, i a hirh en cortent, QA tile t;oInIlitiviv or (A-and al,'Loya -to hydro!,! n are inveGtijatod, The i!lfluence P-phase (vant-Ity on m~Ml-,-IlIxTI, 11"Iefrui;(-n )a-110, he dcvelopmentu of both br. tionr, in P, yr. irt ittlenean as-pects in analyzed on the basis of available data. An exprescion is derivoi for, tile avcr.~~:-C hyrlroi~&_n conCentration. In tIhe,( a+13) alloy at which the A-phaw~ becomas brittle. stabillzzin3 effect of alloyilr,,-~, matalo is, considered. it is state'A in conclusion that: 1) the tendency of 6y,-alloys to hyd-rogen.brittleness can be reduc,,---,' by increasing the aluminum content, which increases the solubility of hydrides in the -phase; 2) the sensitivity of 1A + /_5 )a1loys to hydrogen brittleness can be reduced by Mcreasing the 8-phase share., :by increasing z7he critical hydroUen con- _,O-phanse, a7oove which the embrittlement becins and by reducing centration in the 3 J CD USSR UDC 621.397:621,396.61 ZHURAVLEIVI it. I. "Economical Synchrogenerator for a Portable Television Camera" Vopr. radioelektroniki. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Tekhn. telivideniya (Problems L of Radio Electronics. Scientific and Technical Colle--tion. Television Equipment), 1970, vyp. 1, pp 64-7.1 (from.RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9G130) Translation: This article contains an investigation of a schematic for a synchrogenerator made of tunnel diodes and transistors with an intake of no more than 150 milliwatts. Data are presented from,experimental testing of.individual assemblies of the synchrogenerator.both;!for normal ambient temperature and in the temperature range, from -60 tot+700 C.I~ USSR UDC: 8. 74 ZHURAVEL' N. M., ZHURAVEL", F. -A. "Sequential Grouping Based on Qualitative Features" Novosibirsk, Raspoznavaniye,ODrazov,~.i regres.sion, analiz v ~ekon-. issled.--sbornik (Pattern Recognition-~nd Re res n -ear, tio Analysis in Economic Res ch Cblle:c n of; isrorks 197Z, VP-45-59 (from RZh-KibeTnetika, No 5, May 73~. abstract No SV836 by E. Vagner) Translation: In economic, sociological amd biological re- search there is an Urgent problem of distinguishing iluali- tatively homogeneous groups~among the totality of investi- gated objects. The traditional methods of sx~ple~and com- bination grouping are not especially suitable in a number of instances, in particular when *the volume of an aggregate is limited and there is a considerable.selection of qualitative features with various degrees of'significance from the stand- point of research goals and mutual, dependence between quali- ~tative features. 1/2 USSR ZHURAVEL's N. M.1 ZHURAVEL, F. A., Raspoznavaniye obrazov 3L regression. analiz v ekon. issled.,.1972, Vp 45-59 The conventional multistep procedure permits a breakdown in accordance with any single fetltMe.on each step, In this connection, complexity consists in choice ofthe group feature for breakdown on each step.. As a formal criteTion for select- ing such a parameter we can take the~coefficient of quali- -tative variation which reflects the complete,number of dif- ferences in the qualities of-all objects of-an aggregate. However, in real cases the formal criterion must,be supple- mented by a number of limitations relating to the specific problem. A complex approach to solution, of the grouping problem is suggested, and a program written in the ALPHA algoTI for the M-220 computer. ithmic language is described 212 112 GIs UNCLASSI F IED PROCESSING DATE--a30CT70 rITLE--X-RAY DIFFRACTION STUDY OF PLATINUM BARIUM ANID PALLADIUM aArlIUM SU135 0 t%! ALLOYS IN T14E REGIO.N OF PT BA AND PD SUB5 BA:CoMPOSITI S -U- .-"-t-kUTfiD,R-(G3),-Zl4UilAVLEV, N.N., YESAULOV,.N.PO', RALLY:: I.V. --USSR ,~_Z OUN T RY 0 FINFO 19701 15(2)v 374-'6 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~'.SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSY CHEMISTRY, P14YSICS TAGS--X RAY DIFFRACTION, PLA.TIN'UM:ALLOYv PALLAUIUM ALLOY, BARIUM -ALLOY X RAY, EM I SS I ON MICROSCOPY ALLUYv BARIUM:CEMPOUNDt _C_ Ol NTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -.PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0320 STEP NO--UR/0070/70/015/002/0374/0376 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119307 ---'-'Nf LASS 212 016 UNCLASSIFItl) PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 -4 %-;--AP0119307 CIRC.ACCESSIO.' NP ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PT-BA AND PD-BA ALLOYS THAT ARE .RICH IN PT AND PD HAVE EMISSIVE PRi ALLOY CC I T OPERTIES, AN 1,RQESPO."JDI NG 0 -THE PT SUB5 RA COMPN. WAS HOMOGENIZED AT 1320DEGREES IN A PROTECTIVE ATM. c OF AR FOR 50 HR AND THEN 4NNEALE0 AT 1300DEGREES FOR 30 HR AND AT 700DEGREES FOk 50 HR. INTENSITIES WERE MEASUkED:~.-)ITH A --'JFFRACT04ETER BY USING mic7oscepic CONTROLLED IMICROSECTIONS PROTECTED WITH PARAFFIN WAX. THE compo. 16 IS STA13LE It THE ASOVE TEIMP. RANGE, DESPITE PREVIOUS DATA IT. HEUMANN, CA 45:6451G)i AND IT PRESERVES.THE STRUCTURE OF THE CACU SU85 TYPE WITH A EQUALS 5.505 PLUS OR MINUS 0.006 AND C EQUALS 4.337 PLUS OR MINUS 0.0009 ANGSTROH.~ THE DIFFERENT DIFFRACTOGRAMS REVEALED DIFFERENT INTENSITIES, WHICH MIGHT BE DUE TO VARIOUS DEGREES OF OECOMPN. OF PT ~SUB5 BA ON THE MICROSECITION SURFACE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THE ATM-. PO SUB5 BA WITH A EOUALS 5.54 PLUS OR MINUS 0.01 AND C, EQUALS 4.33 PLUS OR MINUS 0.02 ANGSTR.OM IS FSOMORPHIC WITH PT SUB5 BA. FACILITY: MOSK. GOS. UNIV. IM. 10MONOSOVAi MOSCOWP USSR. U+"4C-j_ AS IZ 1-FlE D USSR UDC 681.332.05 VOSTOKIN, Ye. A., YERSHOV, L. I., ZRURAVLEV' P. A., LEHEDEV, M. P., NOVIKOV, A. I., and,TSYBIN, Yu. B. I'Device for Linking a Computer With a Communication Channel" USSR Authors' Certificate No 341054,,Cl.. G 06J 3/00, filed 4 May 70, published 5 Jun 72 (from Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy~, Tovamyye Znaki, No 18, 5 Jun 72, p 186) Abstract: The device contains an electronic. telegraph receiver and transmitter, a block of keys, and delay circuit flip-flops. For simplification the outputs of the computer are connected to the inputs of the block of keys, whose outputs are connected to the inputs of-the electronic transmit Iter; and the inputs of the control circuits of the block:of ke3~s are connected to the outputs of a flip-flop, one input of which is. connected. to,the "trlIger" output of the computer; the other, to the transmitter.output; the outputs of the electronic receiver are coanected to the inputs of:the flip-flops~, whose outputs are connected to the inputs of the computer, and the "trigger" 6utput of the electronic receiver is connected through the.delay circuit to the "clear" .inputs of the flip-flops. I I SP 7 0 2/2 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSIN! DATE _,~C'TRC~ ACCESSION NO--AP0104445 ,-',.AflSTRAC T/EXTR ACT-- LU) rvP-0- ABSTRACT. TWO FORMULAT102NS WERE DEVELOPED ~Fr)R THE: PRODUCTON OF FURNITURE ENAMELS.: THE IST~ METHOn WAS TO BL--ND PIGMENT (ZN0 OR TIO SUF32) 25v CAMPHORIC. OIL (CAMPHOR:40, ET0H 46, PHmE 1, TERPENE HYDROCARBONS 13PERGENT) 259 AND LACOUER NTS-224 (PYROXYLIN Illf BUOAC 10, _ET SUB.2 0 321 ROSIN 6t BUI ISUB2 0 l0v ET-04C 91 XYLENE 10, OX.IDIZED TERPENE OIL 10, TERPENt SOLVENT- 2PERCENt) 51) PA-RTS. THE 2ND NETHOD WAS TO PREP. A PASTE*CON:TG. PIGMENT 19.5-60.5t DI BU PHTHALATE 14-24-T AND PYROXYLIN 25.5-57.5PERCENT AND BLE.ND t5 DARTS OF THE PASTE ~~_'~WITH_'ETOAC 10, CAOPHORIC OIL -10i AND- LkC40ER NTS-22465PARTS. V -Fist _LJ N n L LM: S-f USSR UDC: 629.783.015.076.6 ZHURAVLEV, S. G. "The Analytic Theory of Motion of a Stationary Satellite. Part 2. Secular, Long-Period and Short-Period Perturbations" Probl. Mekh. Upravlyayemogo Dvizheniya (Problems of the Mechanics of Controlled Motion --. Collection of Works], No 1:, Perin',, 1972, pp 85-99 (Translated from Referativny)r Zhurnal Raketostroyeniye, No 7Y Moscow, Abstract No 7.41.78, from the Resume). Translation: In the preceding work (see Abstract No 7.41.77), the problem was stated and analytic formulas ivere produced, describi'ng the intermediate orbit of a stationary satellite moving:in orbits of low eccentricity and low inclin- ation to the Earths equatorial plane. , The purpose of the Present work is to -is describing the,secular, Ion* -1)eriod and short- produce analytic formul, period perturbations not considered in thc:interi cdinto orbit. 4 figures. USSR UDC: 629.783.015.076.6 ZHURAVLEV, S. G. "Analytic Theory of Motion of a Stationary Satellitc, Part 1. Intermediate Orbit" Probl. Hekh, Upravlyayemogo Dvi.zheniya [Prolblems of the Mechanics of Controlled Motion -- Collection of Works], No 1, Perm', 1972,.I)p 68-84 (Translated froln Referativnyy Zhurnal RaketostToyeniye, No 7., Moscow, 1973i Abstract No 7.41.77, from the Resume) Translation: The orbit of a stationary satellite is in the area of outer space (about 36,000 km over the surface of the Earth) , in which the perturba- tions resulting from the polar compression of the Farth on the one hand .in(] the influence of the moon and sun on t *he other hand 4are quantities of the sa-me order of magnitude and must be defined together. Earlier, these liorturbat ions were defined independently of each other. FUTthermore, in determining various perturbations, different sy.,;tems of elements and differont planes of reference were used. Naturally, this makes the use of analytic. formulas produced earlier for investigation of the notion of a st.ationary satellite:difficult. The pur- pose of the p-;.,csent work iq to. construct mi analytic. theory of motion of a 1/2 ii iG 6 1'6~6i i. A USSR ZMMVLv-V, S. G., Probl. Mekh. UpravIyayemogo Dvizh6niya, No 1, Perm', 1972, pp, 68- 84. stationary satellite, in which the porturbations generated by the Polar coin- pression of the Earth and the influence of the, moonland the. sun are considered together and a single system of elements in a single plane ofreforciice (the equatorial plane of the Earth) are used in.determining the individual purtur- bations. The most important orbits f rom the point of view of practical utilization, those with slight inclination of the satellite, are studied. 13 biblio. refs. USSR UDC 6l4.?-(-22)(4?):'L-33'B:9II .1a AYE~', E. R., SACHOV, A. X., and~ZHWLVLEV, 'S. M. 'Yroblezrs of the Regionalization of the USSR Territories Ln PI::-~nning of -Rural Public hea"lth" vloscow, Z-dravoo~L~raneniya Rossiyskoy Federatsii, No 1970. P. Abstrac'; Consi--arable diff*erences exist in t" he organii*,;~'tioa- of medical. aLl to f econa, ural populations duo to the complex background of .41C and geoi3rapnica: Con- dit-ions. Central and ever, some municipal, bodies reapop..4;ible for this f ialA are slow and lick ina-ination in develoning a ~ differential approach to thiz problem. This is due mostly to the lack le o,' good ocientific reaooriLn -Vor planninj~' t h e madical aid. The authors report on thoir,attOmpts to solva, the. p~Vobie:-i by regionalizin't.- the countrj on the basis of.oconozmic and a.-aag--aphical factors. .~o actual data, tables or graphs are reportad, 'cut tho work. waich went into t 1h, 1D ~~tudy is enumeratc-d. Faczors considered inc.IiLde tiae densit'v pf rural and uroan trarispo.-~,,zllon net'o'or;e. scattering of population' ;-,~ntGrs, distarces from ft-s~-aid sra-Jons to medJcal cent Tt wai coacl,,ziel -.hat L "rs, organization of rural modical -aid should be b1sed On viLAG-a rojrion:~, since t;aey already are discrete administrative units. ism USSR UDC 615.31:547.869.2].012.1 GRITSENKO, A. N., YERM~,OVA, Z. I., ZHURAVLEV S V., VIKHLYAYEV, Yu. I., and KLYGUL', T. A., Institute of.~~a~cqogy USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Moscow "Synthesis in the Phenthiazine Series. XM. 10-y~Alkylamlnopropyi and 10-8-Alkylaminopropionyl Derivatives of Substituted Phenthiazines" Moscow, Khimiko Farmatsevticheskiy Zhurnal, No 7, Vol 5, July 1971, pp 10-14 Abstract: A study was rLade of the synthesis of a series of 10-y-alkylaminopro- --I and 10-6-alkylam-inapropianyl derivati ro, It-nitro, 1-bromo a-rid j of 1-nit p 1,3-dibromophenthiazines, and their phamacological characteristics were com- pared. In order to obtain the aminoalkyl chain in pygition 10 of the Phenthia- zine, y-din:etliylami~nopropylc~'~-,Ioride and:R-methyl-lil-(y-chloropropyl)piperazine were used. The 10-(S-chloropropionyl).derivati,.res were obtained by interaction of the phenthiazine with a-chloropro.pionylchloride. All the investigated com- pounds had a clear sedative effect and were active irith reopect to all tests. The piperazinyl derivativer, trere, as it rule, more active -than the compounds With dialkylLurdnoalkyl 5ubutltutionz ir, potsitioii. 10, lia-oilenation of the phenthiazine ring with respect to positions 1, 3 and 4 leads to weakening of the activity of the compounda by comparison vith the unsubstituted analogs and with compounds having similar position 2. Halogenat-ion 1with 1/2 ..; DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED _mPROXY REEL/FRAME-3002/0073 STEP,NU,--UK/0000/70/000/000/0000/0000 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO--AA0127700 M 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 .-CIRC ACCESSION NO-AA0127700 -:A BSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TITLE COMPI). (I ~, HAVWNG PSYCHCTaLPIC PKOPERTIES, WAS PREPD. BY 1TREATHENT OF 2 TRI,,--L..'~ORCKETHYLPr.EtiOTfilAZINE WITH CLr-h SUB2 CH ~SUB2 CULL, AND CONYERTING THE RESULTING 10 (BETA CHLOROPROPIONYL)--Z.TitIFLUDI(OMETHYLPHENOrHIAZINE WITH hHET SUB2 iNTQ 1. FACILITY: INSTIrUTE OF PHARMACOLOGY AND .,:,-.,.,.,CHEiKGTHERftPY, ACACEMY OF MEDICAL SC UENCES U..S:.S~*?R. JUNCLAS-S-1-F LEW-- .112 012 UNCLASSI FIE0 .!PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 -TITLE--DERIVATIVES OF IMIOAZOv 4l5,1,KL., PHVl0THIA?.INE-U- AUTHOR-(03)-,GRITSENKOv A.N., YERMAKOV4 I ZHURAVLG.Vp S.V. COUNTRY OF.INFO--USSR -SOURCE--U.S.S.R. 264#395 --OTKRYTIYAt*IZOBRET.j. PR REFERENCE GM 'OBR A ITRY pTQVARNVE ZNAKIP 1970 47 DATE- PUBLISHED--03MAR7%) ~'S UBJ ECT AREAS--CklEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-CHEMICAL PATENT, IMIOAZOLE, ORGANIC SULFUR COMPOUND, ORGANIC AZINE COMPOUNDI AMINEr FORMIC ACID, ACETIC ACIDv CHEMICAL SYNTHESIS CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIF IFD PROXY REEL/FRAHC-3007/0853 5 T E 11,; 14 0 - - UR 04 8 2 17 0 cl 0 00 a 0 11) 06 C f?, CACCES-SION' N,9--AA013b2Q_T ut:flL-lA-5-S~_lFlEtj- - - '' ~l - ~ - I . UNCLASSIFIED, I . - I - 1. - . Ii 1 1. . - ~ :. I MOCESSING DATE-30OCT70 T, IT.L.E-IsKERC APT01 MIDAZO 4151ploNoW PHENGThIAZINE -U.~.. ~.-..-AUTHOR-t 03 I-GR 17 T SENKO iAwNev YERMAKOVAv. Zolot ZHURAVLEV# SeV, ft*" -CGUNTRY-OF INFEI--USSR (JRCiE---!-USSR 265#111 AEFEREXCE-OTKRYTLYA, IZOBRET.., PRom. osAAzTSY* TOVARNYE ZNAKI 1970, -09MAR70 ]PUBUISHEC mSUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY ....--.T-GPIC TAGS-AERCAPTAN, V410AZOLEt -ORGANIC SULFUR COMPOUND, ORGANIC AZmE COMPOW0, ChEMICAL PATENTt ORGANIC SYNTHESIS* _'COl -NO RESTRICTIONS 14TROL MARKING DOCUXENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~Pk.,3XY REEL/FRAME-3002/1458 STEP NCI---UR/CI482/70/000/000/0000/0000 0--AA0128857 CIAC ACCESSIC~ N 'LASSIFIED [rail lifiza-1frilmruffal Wiffillifliff9binvimm m. : I-- --- pROCESSfNG 1),-.TE--30UCT70 026 UNCLASSIV.. ~~.._Tll LE-- AA PH 16 1 A NOF THE 2UTH CENTURY L THO R-- Z HU k A V L EV V- ...CCUNTRY OF INFU-USSR LitsrAYA 14NOUSTRIYA, JULY 261 ~9709 P 4t COLS 1-5 SOUKE-SCTSIALISTic. ,--DATE PUBLISHEO-26JUL70 SU8JECr AREAS-PIECH., Pvd-t CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR, ~AEAONAvrics TOP fC TAGS-HOVEACRAFTi, PHUTOGRAPI-If AM~.H[610US. P E It ON N 1: 1. CAPRIER C0%TKCL PARAING-NO ;zEST.,~ICTLGNS DIG-cull"EiV CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED p 6 0' XY S T E PNU--UR/053.3/; CIRC ACCEliSlikuk f;,, G - - A12 P, 0 kT IN AND u ,AUTHORS-- V LAI) IM I V I NEER CORRESPONDEINT TITLE--- THE MAGIC LASER BEA14 WSPAPER-- SOTSIALI JANUARY .1 F, 19 70, P LSTICHESKAYA INDUSTRIYA, ~ABSTRACT- THE AARTIC-I.F REVIEWS IN VERY P 0 P UL AIR T K P P1 S T H E S TA T.~ Cl F TME LASER ART 1N T,17 SOVIET UNIO'N. - IWTHF, SEEARCH, .017 T!F_ INFOPMATTO.N, -1 _-S E N. Il' I STR 0 V T14E AUTHOR VISITED OilZ-1 OF PiE 4R_v_c,;;_'ARCH IN8TITUT* T,11' .4 ELECTRONIC INDUSTWll u. S. Sz R, WHOSE RESPONIS11ILIT1 is To nv-zi,u ,ilEw LASER SYSTEMS, A PHOTO""'Al If Is ALSO GIVEN WHICH SI'O!vJ*S CANDIDATE OF ~'! ix SC-l-ENCES YE. P. MARKIN OFERMING A IGAS LASER 1.T :JHE LABORATORY OF QUANTUM RADIOPHYSICS.OF~THE PHYSITCAL INSTITUTi: 1~iF_NI ~LEBEDZV. IT 15 CLAIMED THAT THIS LASER CAN BE USED TO DE-VELOP AN4 A. i,~ T 0 - .-.MATIC P-ILOTO bXPER I, E~,~;T' 1- USI-1 IASERS AS DRILLING TOOLS A R. E t"'ONDt"CTED AT A H_Poiff A. L, "XVANT-9' OF, ABRASIVES AND DTA,'4011-u TOOLS 11) ROSLAVL% A LASYR T 0 11-AS REMITLY BEEN INSTALLED AT THE PLANT. IS571520 AN0012626 j'ASER TE 1, Mil 0 N ELINES ARE OPERATING TODAY BETWEEWTHE ~IDSCO%l STATE UNIVERSITY AND THE CENITRAL TELEPHONE EXCHANG, MOStOW AND LYRASMOGORSK A,'.Ifj Yr-REVAN AND" BYURAKAN. 0 ,7)1 LABORATORY Of C, BASOV HAS DEVEL PED SE ACADEMICIAN N M I OplDUc R LASERS USED IN IOMPUTEIR LOGICAL.ELEMENTS,. HE, LEN ING cel - D OFTICAL-M' ;IANICAL CORPORATION T-OME" KAS PUT lNT0 . 1~ .9 -SERIAL 'F-~RODUCTION LASER SYST;,M,' TO BE USED a~ CHEAUSTS', PHysicEi,rs DOCTORS Ai'Q BIOLOGISTS. U S SR VEDUTA, N. I., MURAVIEV, V_ A. "Optimization of the Structure of a Consumer Product by Distribution of Expenditures in Proportion to Equilibrium: Prices" Ekanomika i ma-,. metody [Economics and Mathematical MethcKls), 1973, 9, No 2, PP 1-98-309 (Translated from Referatiynyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 8, 1973, Abstract No 8 V533 from the introduction) Translation: A dynamic model is constructed of the production of consumer products when equilibrium prices are available. The.problem of conversion of increasing Volume Of production of consumer products to a structure optimal in some sense is solved. The asymptotic result produced for the model studied can be related to main-line theorems, except that the depen- dence of the output of consumer products is tonstructed in this case using differential equations. These equations.contain control vector k(t), free for selection at each moment in time, which has the s6nse of the vector of capital investments per unit of product produced-at time t. Furthermore, the model includes the vector of cost of a unit of production c(t), changing FIN 1: USSR VEDUTA, N.- I., ZWJR&VLEV, V. A., Ekonomika i mat. metody, 1973, 9, No 2, pp 298-309 as a function of capital investments. It is pToven that if capital invest- ments are selected as a function of equilibrium prices of the product and its cost so that the summary expenditures for each product making up a set are at all times proportional to the equilibrium prices, the structure of the products produced and the optimal structure of.consumption will converge. 2/2 212 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATL----L6ocT7G CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105140 ~.-.4aSTRACTIEXTRACT"(U) ABSTRACT AN ANALYSIS OF 137 VIEPATECTOMIES INCLUDING 39 HEMIHEPATECTUMIES AND EXTENS.IVE NEMIHEPATECTOMIESi, 20 L08ECTUMIESP 41 BISEGMENT AND SEGMENTECTOMIES ANU 3-1 ATYPICAL OPERATIONS GIVEN IN THE LIGHT OF SELECTION OF VARIOUS METHODS AND TECHNICS OF RESECTION OF THE LIVER. ONLY EXTREMELY GRAVELY ILL PATIENTS WEKE 'OPFRATIED UPON UNDER CONDITIONS OF HYPOTHERMIA.WITH LIGATION OFTHE HEPATIC PEDICLE*- THE POSTOPERATIVE MOP TALI TY, WA:S~: 13.1 PERCENT (18 PAT I ENTS ---U-NCLASS 5_ SIF I E~ USSR UuC 62l.3.029.6+6l3.646]:6i6-o22.q Z=.AvT.Ev v. A. EeE f f e ~at of a MLcrowave.Field and Unfavorable Hicroclimate on the :Y;oscov, Voyenno-bleditsinskiy Zhurnal, No 3, 1973, pp 64-67 Abstract: A stady was made to establish the complex effect of ntLcroiravez of nonthermal intensities and combinations of individual factors of the micro- c-11trnte encountered under real conditions. The.studies~were performed on young fewale rats. Data (ire pre-oanted for the control group and the group .subjected to the effects those microwaves and the unfavorable ndcroclimate indicating that the combination leads to expressed funciional shifts in the organism of the animals and also to an increase in the.degr2e of dystrophic alterations of certain organs. This is indicated by antIncrease in the erythro- -ion in the catalase activity and blood cyten and hemoglobin and a sharp reduct viscosity. When examining the reproduction function, the number of offspring of the rats receiving the combination treatment was appreciably lower than in those only subjected to microwaves and those-subjectedito.neither effect. 76 Acc Nr: Abstracting Service: Ref. Code:..i l'i A02940 cu-.mica ABST. 70 ~11/1 40 of 113225g Determination of the temperature, field of the work- V n wall of a crystallizer., Z , ~V~ Kitaev E M.; g sov, A. .A list., C JtR). Skyort (GiIr'k. ~P; tt nst., G4)rki, M-r3qN- 1(3~34 (Russ). V-ssh. b cheb. Zaved., Ch"n. Hit- 10 Math. (A) andelec. analog (B) methods Were developed for caleg. and -measuring temp. pr6files of irte ally water-cooled crystallizer walls. . Lothervial lines (90-120,'), detd. by A and B showed good agfeement-for a cii-stallizer mbdO (with a shallow water channel over.70% of its surface) opera4ing ata heat flow (q) = 680M0 kcai/m~- hr, ~beat-rtrander Codf. W = 25,000 kcal/ml lir degn kcal/m hr degree. therinal- con& 320 The math. equatioil*' caLn' b~ iised to cale. q,v4lues from known crystallizer wall tenips. DPJR REEL/FRAE., $61006 USSR UDC 621.391.19 QWUYj&,bv. F.,laILKOROV, I -and'.M0 M~ Minsk Radio Engineering 'ROZ e cognition" "Method of Forming Similarity Measures in:1tattern. Re icate No '163105, 01. G 06k 9/00, 'filed 9 Max 71, pub- USSR.Authors' Certif Ushed 20 Dee 72 (from Otkrytiya, Izobxeteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovaxnyye Znaki, No 3, 1973, P 101). Abstracts The niethod.-- based on the conversion of physical characteristics Into electric signals, a comparison of them:with refem.ence signals,and the accumulation of the difference signals obtained from a comparison of them with a threshold signal-- is uniqve in that to reduce the recognition r.-Xror probability, after the signals are compaxed with the reference signals, the difference signals are compared with oach.other, the renultant signals of the excess aro summed according to the K-th attribute ~.or the reference sig- nals of each class,and the resultant sumsi are'accumulated for a subsequent COmparlaon of them with the th-reshold:signal. USSR UDC 531-1 ZEMVLEV, (ISOSCOW) 'Ihe Movement of a Free Gyroscope in the Presence of Tater7jal Disturbances" Moscovj, Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela, No 5; 1973., pp i4-21 Abstract: A study is made of the movement of a free gyroacape, the rotor of Vhich rotates in elastic, nouideal ball bearIngs. Ibis gyro~scope has eight degrees of-freedom: six of them are possessed by the rartor with respect to the inner ring, and each of the rings has a degree of freedom. Equations are,obtained forthe vibration of the gyroscope, and formulas are derived for the frequencies of the free oscillations of the gyroscope; the "drift" of the gyroscope, determined by the imperfection of the bearing3, is computed. 2 figures- 5 references.. Vi TIM USSR UDC 621-373.B20':550.3 GBOW-12 A. 1. SHMAKOVSK"Dr, G. Ye., CHAYMOVA, E. A., GJLYfYEV, G. A., MMMEV, V. F., ZAICITOVA, T. M. , an& MTYjYZ "In:~restigating the Effec-tt of the Atmosphere on the Propagation of Coherent Radiation I;Iit, Jav th the 1-1 elength of =:10.6 Microns Moscow, V sb. X Vses. konf. po rasDrdstr. radiovoln. TP7.-isy dohl. (Tenth Al!-Union Conference on the Tropagation of Radio ilaves; Report Theses-collection of:works)_ "ITaukal" 1.972, T)P 179-183 (fro;-.I RZh--i Radiote'diniha, No 10, 1972, Abstract No 1OD301) experiments on the determination Translation: Results are given of of the coefficient of attenuation in coherent measurements (wave of 10.6 microns) as it passes over,the uniform Ground surface in a range of about 8 Im. The radiati U ion source irasia stabilized laser on an OZG-15 bace, operating in single mode -.-ith an output po,-.~er of 1.2-1.5 w. The radiation was mo.duldted with a 1080 F_- freouen- cy. A diagr_-= of the relative angular distribution o"' the radia- tion,was given, which permitted the, divergence angle of the radi- ation and the zone of maximum- siGnal:Ievel to be determined. All 1/2 NVII :`-7 7 USSR &F"., A. I., et al., V sb. X Wes. konf. po rasprostr. radiovoln. Tezisy dokl., "Nauka," 1972, pp 179-183 further neasuremen-Ls were made in this zone. The value of tho at tenuation factor is i,.,ithin the limita of 0.03-0.08 lm-' for clear I weather, in the intervai of 0.08-0,.2 1 im-- for light fog alld driz- 'he rc-Lnec Of 0.5-0.6 km.for lie awy. doirnpours The pro- zles, and in- U posed method for relative measurements.of them. attenuation factor gives a measurement error one-half~that obtaiiied in: tho, absolute method. 2/2 77 I.a! I I H. :2f'2 033 Uflq.CL ASS IF IED PRO'CrISS ING DATE-04DEC-70' '-)~JRC Art--SSIO~4 NO-AP0139603 :ABSTRACT/EXTRAC.T--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TR I T I Usit OX 13 C I T -S UIR 2 0) -G DOSES TO 001,15 c IJJ3ED INTRODUCED I.P. lN 0.15 AND 0*3.MCI _4 TA T 10, N' 0 F -RADIATION SICKNESS WITH MARKED HP,10 RR 14 AG I CSYNDRIONC- AN-a Pi THE CENTRAL NE-RVOUS M , OF TH,E~ CER'-IIAUM SYTEM. HtSTOL- EXA, .. _~ 1 1. -\j I- P. 'rHESI;~ A~ A -NO OF:,NEIJ OGL f A' DIFFUSE TO'IC DAMAGE 0' NEURONS A DIFFERENT FROM THOSE CAUSED BY EQUAL ousES 0 Fl, 1014.11. 1 NG R~`~DIATIOM FIOM AN EXTERoNIAL' SOURCE. DISTRIBUTION OF T SEEMEO. TO BE ~INIFIIRM TH_~01JG;Hf)(j'r ALL PRGANS: INCLUDING THE BRAIN TISSUE. TH LS S POSS111LE THE DEM. OF IIINATHON BASED ON JRRAON. DOSES AND OF THE KINETICS OF T. SU'82 0 ELP ~f CHANGES'I'4 THE BLOOD LEVEL~ FAC I L IT Y: I PIST. BYOFIZ., MOSCO'4# USSR. UNCLASS I Flit- 0 USSR we 534.o14 ZHMVLEV, V. F. "Statistical Yvaluations of the Overall Level of the Axial Vibration of Gyro Nwcovt Kashinovedeniye, No 6, brov-Dec'72# Tp 21-24' Abstxacti There is derived the zolati onship between the quality of the sur- faces of a bearingp detexnined by, some of tha-ir statioltical chaxacteristics, and. the overall level of axia., Considered, as the model of a gyro I vibration. motor is an absolutely rigid rotor rotating in geometrica2ly nonideal ball bearlngs, assembled with axLU tightness,, "This mlat,~onship permits deter- Aination of the litits within which lies:ths -IJalUe of 'the overall le-vel of vibration of the avv motor when the quality of the rolling. surfaces of its bearings is given. Since all them values linked by th6 relationship axe subject to control in production# this relationship pexmlts~the overall vibration level of the gyro motor, to lba estimted priol-r to Its manufacture, namely :in the pl.-onning stage. I xeferences. UDC 621.391:519.2 USSR 'ZHURAVTLEV V. BONCH-BRUYEVICH, A. 211. `N~oiseproofness of the Quasisynchronous Method of Receiving Signals with Pseudonoise Modulation" Mos cow Electrotechnical Tr. Mosk. elektrotelthn. in-ta svyazi (Works of ', Cammunications Institute), 1970, vyp. l,'pp 13-17, (iroa RZh-'_Radiotekhnika, No 9, Sep 70, Abstract No 9A31) Translation: This article contains an analysis ol' the-joint effect cf accuracy or operation of time and phase synchroni;tation. chantiels with act-Ave matched filtration of signals withipseudonoise.Modulation. There -.are two illustrations and a three-entry 4ibliograohy- ;I 1"'M YR 111IM; W ffff IN till