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USSR ZOZ, N. N.,"and RAPOPORT, I. A., Teoriy'a Khimichesko'go:putageneza (Theory of Chemical Mutagenesis), Moscow, "Nauka," 1�71 and biochemical mutations. Special articles in this collection are devoted to these mutations. Works dealing with the nature of induced mutations are of great interest. The collection includes articles summarizing theoretical and practical ques- -tions in experimental mutagenesis, which:preseftt the most interesting problems of mutagenesis on the most important agricultural plants and show the practi- cal achievements of utilizing mutagenetic falctors in breeding. 'rhe co'Ll.action incliades materials :of the fourth All Union Conference on Chemical Mutagenesis which took~plaee at th'a Ordc~,r-of-~~ieniii.!-Institute.of Chemical Physics of the USSR Academy of :Sciences in Miirch 1,969. Translation: Annotation: This collection is devoted-to questions about the mechanism of the action of chemical mutagens on molecular an6 cellular levels, the mechanism of the genesis of mutagens, work methodology, cytogenetic study of mutagens, the development of the,most:effective methods.of influencing mutagens in relation to a substance. 2/8 - 94 USSR ZOZ, H. N.,-and RAPOPORT, I. A., Teoriya Khimicheskogo mutageneza (Theory of Chemical Mutagenesis), Moscow, "Nauka," 1971 is of interest to geneticists, breeders and biologists working in the field of experimental mutagenesis, teachers and students of the biological faculties of agricultural vu"zes. Page Introduction 5 Roman.ova, N. B., and Rapoport, I. A. A Mutation Model f,or the ''Investigation of Nitrocompounds as Protective Agents From Ultraviolet Irradiation 7 Romanova, N. B., and Rapoport, I. A. The Mutagenic Effect of N-ilitrosopropylurea and N-Nitiosoisobutylurea and Their Protective Effects on Actinomycetes Spores With Respect to Ultraviolet Rays Rapoport, 1. A., and Parnes, V. A. A Modification Mechanism and Possible Role in Oncogendsis 18 Organesyant. M. G. Adenine Residues of DNA as a Possible Component in the Yfutagenic Reaction of Xlk~lating Agents 30 Kono-nova, S. D, The Mutagenic Effect of.Nit.rate Ester.s 34 3/8 USSR z0z' X. N., and RAPOPORT, I. A., Teoriya Khimicheskogo mutage-6eza (Theory of Chemical Mutagenesis) , Moscow, "Nauka 1971 Page Arkadyeva, Z. A., Baranova, N. A., Trusova, Z. X., and~Rapoport, ~I~. A. The Use of Some Chemical Mutagens in Selective Breeding of.the Propionibacterium shermanii Which Produces V~tamin:B 36 12 va, Ye. M., Shevchenko, V. V. and Grigoryeva', G. A. Protop6po -Modification of the Effect of Chemical Mut ens; Unde' the Influence of Cellular Metabolites, 43 Grinikhi L. I. The Influence of the Treatment Conditions on the Effectiveness of the Mutagenic.Action 0; fEthyl-Methanesulfonate in Crepis capillaris 48 Tarasneko, N. D., and Maykevich,.G. S. Synchronization of Cell Populations in Plant Seedlings by Means of Reduced Temperature 55 and 5-Aminouracil Diasamidze, A. 0. The Cytogenetic Effect of Nitrosomethylurea on Citrus Plants 58 Gostimskiy, S. A. Cytogenetic Analysis:of Chlorophyll Mutants in-:- Peas 64 Fan-Fay The Effect of Nutagens on the Early Developmental S tage 4/, 8of Nigella damascena L. 69 95 T- USSR ZDZ N. N., and RAPOPORT, I. A., Teoriya Khimicheskogo mutageneza (Theory of Che'mical,Mutagenesis), Moscow, "Nauka," 1971 Page Shestakov, S. V., Bozhukova, Ye. Ye.,,and Zhevner, V. D4 The Effect of Some Chemical Mutagens on the.Blue-Green.Alga Aftacystis nidulans 75 Slepyan, E. I.' Structural Mutations in Plant in the AspecVof s . Teiatology 81 Akhund-zade, V. 1. Small Mutations and.Their Utilization in Selective. Breeding 94 Xh*bstovAj',N...,V.,- Zo,zi N. N. Mozh4yeva,:,V.;. S. and Chlrnyy, 1. V. -I~Aticed'Mutagenesis in Wheat~l,,'..,-.1-~.-,:,.'.,;:':. l 106 ii,6rococcoidal Mutants ~'Ifidu cedlith, Zoi N.; N. e Chemicil M~tagene Sp in Soft Wheat Triticum adstivu.'n t. 122 'Sal'nikova, T. V.,,Zoz, N. N.1 and*Abramov, V. 1. Signs of Chimerism in Chemical Mutagenesis-, 125 Priylinn, 0. Ya. Inheritance of,Changes' Identified in Summer Wheat M, and M~ After Exposure to N-Nitrosoalkylurea 136 Ionov, E. F., and Kosov, IT. P.- The Effects of N-Nitrosoethylurea on Nitrogen Metabolism In Winter Wheat 140 5/8 USSR ZOZ, N. N., and RAPOPORT, I. A., Teoriya Khimicheskogo zutageneza (Theory of Chemical Mutagenesis), Moscow, "Nauka," 1971- Page Pyl'nev, V. M., and Orlyuk, A. P. The Effects of N-Nitkosoethyl- urea on Hybrid M, Plants and Winter Wheat:Strains Under Various Growth Conditions 141 Siaorova, K. K., and.Khvostova, V.. V. An Ecological Study of the -:MUtant Gene 147 Yenken, V. B. The Effect of the Hereditary P.ropei:tiea ~af the Initial Strains on Induced Mutational;Variability 154 stigation Mal'chenko,.V. V., Yenken, V. B., and2oz,:N.''N. Inve of Experimental Ifutagenesis in ~Soybea.ns 167 Alai A..Ya.,, and Yenken, V. B. Inheritan6e of Some Qu6ntitative Properties in Soybeans Under the Aciion of Mutagen&. 178 Shyfrin, Yu. F., and Zoz, N. N. InVestigation of the Effects of Various Doses of N-Nitrosoethylurea on Peis 181 Mat-4iyenko, L. N.. The Mutagenic Activit of N-Nitroseethylurea in Y Various Strains of Peas 186 Matviyenko, L. N., and Savel'yeva, M. N. Deformation of Pea Strains Induced by N-Nitrosomethylurea 192 6/8 96 USSR ZOZ, N. N., and RAPOPORT, I. A., Teoriya Khimicheskogo:mutageneza (Theory of Chemical Mutagenesis), Moscow, "Nauka," ~1971 Page Beysenbayev, S. B. Investigation of the Effectiveness of Chemical Mutagens on Peas 197 Azovtseva, A. P. Investigation of the Effects of Chemical Mutagens on the First and Second:Oat:Grain's 201 Goncharov, Yu. P. The Variability. of Oats in Ml After~Treatment of Various Embryological Age With Chemical,11utagens 203 -Muk-ymov, K., and Kurbangel'diyev,.S. The.Changeability of Cotton Plants Grown From the Seeds From Separate Mj, Boxes 208 G Kremnina, A. N. Stimulation of rowth Processes in Perennial Grains in MI by Means of Chemical Mutagens: 211 Pavlova, A. .G., and Zoz, N. N.: A Method.of.Affecting. Plants With Chemical Mutagens in the Gaseous Phafle% 216 Ul' anov, A. N., Sin.kova, N. P,,'Shaber'din R. S., 'and Kovalenko, Y A. P.' Tentative Results of-Using Chemical Mutagen~ in the Breeding of Sheep 220 Rapoport, I. A., Chkheidze, M. I., Sokolovskaya, I. I.-, Bronskaya, A. V., and Reshetnikova, N. M. Induction of Chemical Mutations in Rabbits 226 7/8 It IMP-11,14 WHIMM HIM .1, Muff"ONNN:4 ":1NM1J'.11..:0-... - vi - - -- :v, z-: ;~ - - w j, -j ; j. --. .; , ~ Z ~ -'. , ~ 1 1 : m . , . . . ; , . . ~ , , t ;IF . I . ., 71 1 1 . -- 1 6 "Irill. `6 '16 L "ilAW'. '16 6UIA696 I. . j! t I ! Refxiactori- Materials USSR UDc 546.623'2i+546-71~'21)t541-123.2 GAVRT-SH, A. M., ANSIMOVA, T. A., PITAK, N. V., axA KAMM, L. L# Ukrainian SCRInk. ifoo-search Inst,itute of Rafracitory Materials "Processes, Taking Place In the A3ZO -NiO System During Heating in Oxidizing 3 and Reducing Media" Moscowg Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSRI Neorganicheskiye Plateria.lyt Vol 8, No 61 Jun ?2-p PP 1175-1177 Abstracti An investigation was made of the change of phase composition of the carrier during beating in oxidizing and reducing media in the presence of a nickel catalyst. Tha specimens were~prepared from,the principal components of the carrierl electrocorundum (with 9'8.8,-% AlZO grain size < 50,1,e 3P technical alumina (98.6% Al203 grain size < 50..~41 and nickel nitrate (X'(NO3)2 -6H20). The corundum and alumina epee .imans had additions of 1, 10, 23, and 5VA nickel nitrate. With an increasing concrtration of nickel the spinel nitratej there are only weak lines of spinal at 1~00,Cj at 10fv develops at 12000C, and at 25% it develops,at 900 C. According to findings of other authors, the development of spinal was observed at 7000C and up to 15000C. The behavior of corundum and alumina specim6na in the pro-ass of USSR Ann, USSR GERASIMENKO, Ye. P., ZHELEVICB_JL_~_ "Parallel Algorithms for Construction of Sections, Projections and Cross Sections in Digital Computers Using Receptor Matrices" AN BSSR, Ser. Fiz.-Tckhn. N. [News of Academy of Sciences, BSSIZ, Physics- Technical Sciences Series], 1972, No 4, pp 84-88 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No 4V680, by the authors). Translation: In intiltiple-terminal automated pLanning systems utilizing the man-machine dialogue principle, the time required by the computer to perform operations shotild be as short as possible. Therefore, in addition to increas- in the speed of the computer, new principles foi- problem solving must be sought, leading to effective algorithms and "fast" programs. 'Mis article suggests methods for approximate solution of the primary problems of graphic 7analysis,-making it possible to construct algorithms with a high degree of parallelism of calculatiOn5 and short object programs. USSR UDC: z 0 z lulC M. AlConcerning a Rational Structure for Mathematical Objects in Computer.Processing of Geometric Information" 1~chisl. tekhn. v mashinosty. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. (Computer Technology in Machine BuilUing.~ Scientilic ancFTechnical Collection), 1970, Dec, pp 3-16.(from RZh-Kibernetika, No 8,-Aug 72, Abstract No 8V65l)- Translation: The author analyze*s the basic:stages of com- puter EanUling of geometric information with automatic or semiautomatic input, programmed analysis and synthesis, and output to display devices. The paper-propos,es a system of two- and three-dimensional objects on which~software is con- structed for procedures ofInput:, processin~,and.output of -information as applied to problems 0l machine building design. Author's abstract. USSR UDC: 8.74 Z0ZUUVICH D. M., MAKSIMOVA, L. G, "Com puter Execution of Certain Operations With Three-Dimen- sional Piecewise-Specified Objects.1' Vychisl. tekhn. v mashinostr. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. (Computer Technology in Machine BuilUing. Scientific End -Technical Collection), 1970, Dec, pp~75-84 (from RZh.-kibernetika, No 8, Aug 72, Abstract No 8V652) Translation: Methods are considered for analyzing the inci- dence of i-point of the surface or interior of a geometric object specified by a set of oriented faces and edges. Inci- dence procedures are also used for solving the metric problem computing the overall dimensions;of the object in a given direction. Programming of all procedures i.~ done in the FORTRAN language. Authorsl~abstractl 71 T; 7T T7 - -~, -~7 7777- J;' J!r~J; USSR UDC 0-81.32.06-744:621 "Theory of CoTTuteilzed Construction of. a 1-kchanical Drawing" Vychisl. telchn. v mashinostr. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. (Computer Engineering in Machine Building. Scientific and Tebhnical Collection) , 1970., Septedber,. pp 78-86 Ifrom -PZh--Avtomatilza, Telemek-hanika. i vychislitel'naya teklinika., No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No 4A619) Translation: The concept of piece assignment of a three-dimensional geometric object in a digital conTuter Twmory is introduced. The basic relations re- quired for algorithtlie construction of the object is~ a geneTal position plane are derived. A study was made of the implementation. of the. method for the problem of constructing the cross. sections of machine parts on a digital comm- puter. There are 4 illustrations and a:4-entry bibliography. mvn, tnmu [22ml 11 5 I~t ~~m 6i USSR GERASIMENKO, Ye. P. ZDZIUILEY-100- _M~_ "Minimization of the-Computational Process Involved in Solution of Geometric Problems by Receptor Matrices" Vychisl. Tekhn. v Mashinostr. N, auch-tekhn. Fb. [Computer Technology and Machine Building, Scientific and Technical Collection), June, 1970, pp 26-40, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal,.Kibernetika, NO,3, 1972, Abstract No 3 V523 by the author's). Translation: An interpolation method of formation of receptor matrices des- cribing curves or limited areas is studied., Tile realization of the method allows the number of computational and-logic:operation,, to be reduced in c.omparison with the method of scanning. ~A diagram of.a homogeneous, built- in device is suggested, ailowing the time.of solution of the basic geometric problems to be reduced by two orders of magnitude. USSR UDC: 8.74 I D. M. and DMBIMOVA, L. G. "Performing Operations With Three-Dimensional, Piecewise-Specified Objects on An Electronic.~Compute V (ComDuter Tech- ychisl. tekhn. v mashinostr, Nauch.-tekhn.;sb. C niques in 11,1achine Design, Scientific-Technical Collection) Dec. 1970, pp 75-84 (from RZh--Matematika, No 8,~1972, Abstract No 8V652 Translation: Methods are considered'for analyzing the incidence of a point or- the surface or in the interior of a geometric ob- JO-ot specified by the totality of the oriented facets and edges. With the help of incidence procedures, the metric problem of com- puting the dimensions of the a specified direction is solved. All the procedures are programmed irL.th6 FORTRAN language. Authors' abstract USSR UDC: 8.74 ZOZULEVM., _J. One Method of Coding Of Geometric Objects" ~--Vychisl. Tekhn. v Mashinostr. Nauch.-Tekzhn. Sb. JComputer Equipnent and Machine ::Building, Scientific and Technical Collectioii) , 1971, pp 3-15 (TranElated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 11, 19723 Abstract No 1111598) b~ the autors cial sl-eletal method is suggested for coJing of flat ob ects, -Translation: A spe, -rd performa;ice of analysis of images during th oriented -towa P process of Plaarillf, ~of machines. The relal Lio-,,ship beti,,een the skeleton and them circulor coverago of: an area J-s established, ti he existence and uniquermss of the- skel eton are proven and the form, of skeletal graphs of areas topological]), equivalent to a circle i:i *fined. USSR uDo: 669.14-621.785:62oa DORONIN, I. V., ZOZULYAJ._PLr_&-y MAKMV, :Ye- B., KHAPOV., V. A., and CHERNUMA, A. 1. "Method for Estimating the Mechanical Characteristics of Steals Subjected to a t Thermomechanical Treatment" Moscow, Zavodskaya laboratoriya No- 5, 1971 6o6-6o7 pp Abstract: A relatively simple method is described for modeling the themo- mechanical treatment process ia high-alloy steels of the austenite and transi- tional austenite-martensite classes characterized by hiF 11 d -phase stabtlity. The diBadvantage of the w thod is the low deformtion mto, which prevents it from completely imitating the conventional thermomechanilcal treatment process. The method has been successfully tested in processing steels of.the Khl7N5~2, KhIMM3, and Kh21N5T types. 1/1 USSR UD C 621.317.784 ZHENDUBAYEV, V. N., KUKUSH., Ar. D., "A Transmitted Power Meter With Mixed Inductance-Capacitance Coupling" Radiotekhnika. Resp. mezhved. temat. nauch. tehhn. sb. (Radio Engineering. Republic Thematic InterdepartmOhtal Sciintific and,Technical Collection), 19,71,~vyp .17, pp. 47-53 (from RZh- -Radiotekhnika, No 3, Mar 72, Abstr,a~t No 3A336) Translation: The paper describes an instrument for measuring power transmission in waveguide channels with arbitrary load (according to VSWR) The operating principle of tbe instrument is based on multiplication of microw Iave signols proportional to the transverse component of the electrOIRILgnetic field. Th c operating principle of the instrufflent is described and the re- sults of studies are presented. It is conclLided that the njeter is feasible for uso as a monitoring and measurement device in waveguide channels of radio devices. Five illustrations, bib- liography of eight titles. 1/1 USSR ZOZULYA, Yu. I., CHERVOV, V, G. "Model of the Neuron Network of a Visual Analyzer" Probl. Bioniki. Resp. Mezhved. Temat. Nauch.-Tekhn. Sb. [Problems of Bionics. Republic Interdepartmental Thematic Scientificand Technical Collection], 1M No 9, pp 28-36 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 4, 1973: Abstract No 4V727, by the-.authoii). Translation: A generalized mathematical model of a nouron network of a visual analyzer is suggested, then used to study processes of preliminary analysis,.coding and synthesis of.signals in the visual analyzer-s. 116 Apm OZ4 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--! BSF:P 70 ~TJTLE-PRINCIPLES OF THE GROWTH OF THIN,SINGLE.CRYS:TAL LEAD CHALCOGENIDE _FILMS- -U- AUtHGR-.(03)-PALATNIK, L.S.'j SOROKIN, V.K.9 ZOZULYA L*Po ,.CbUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .~.,~SOURCE-IZV. AKAO. NAUK SSSRr NEORG., MATER. 1970t 612), 224-9 PUBLISHED ------- 70 ..,S,UBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY. PHYSICS .' TOPIC TAGS--LEAD SULFIDE, SINGLE CRYSTAL# SELENIUM COMPOUNDP TELLURIUM SODIUM CHLORIDE# POTASSIUM CHLORIOEr SEMICONDUCTOR MATERIAL, -,CRYSTAL DEFORMATION, CRYSTAL STRUCTURE CONDENSAtIlON REACTION '~~C ONTROL MARKING-Ng RESTRICTIONS ItOOCUMENT-CLASS -ONCLASSIFfED REEL/FRAM"---.-1988/0557 STEP NO--UR/0363/701006/0'2/0224/0229 NO--AP0105542 UNCLASSIFIED 2 024 UNCL ASS IF I ED: PROCESSING DATE--IBSEP7C C-TR CACCESSION NO--AP0105542 'ARSTRACTtEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EARLY STAGE OF: GROWTH OF S[NGLE CRYSTAL THIN FILMS OF THE PB CHALCOGCNIDES WAS STUDIEf). Pas, PBSEt AND.-PBTF- WERE CONDENSED ON NACL AND KCL SINGLE CRYSTALS UNOER VACUUM AT SU BSTRATE TEMPS. OF 90-200DEGREES:ANi) CONOE~JSATION RATES OF 0.7-13 ANGSTROM-SEC, A NEW TYPE OF COMPA(T EPITAXIAL FILM WAS FOUND, AT THE EARLY STAGE OF WHICH THERE APPEARS A GIDISPERSED STRUCTURE CONSISTING OF SMALL CRYSTALLITES 141TH AN EOU-IL. FACETING AND RATHER THIN -.11.SLETS.IWITH ROUGH EDGES. 'THE SHAPE OF-THE CONDENSATE PARTICLES IS DET0. BY. -THE RAT 10. BETWEEN THE RATE OF FACET ING AND.- THE . GROWTH RATE I N THE -:~-;PLANE OF THE SUBSTRATE. THE APPEARANcE.OF THE;.1310[SPERSEO STRUCTURE IS ". EXPLAINED BY THE SPEED-ING UP OF THE GRowrH OF THE ISLETS WITH ROUGH 1DGES -ANDS A SL(JW'FNG D`OW`N FOR" F"ART'TCLES'.W:fTH~.-*EQLJI L. 'FACEITING. DURING THE _._,_%FORMATION.OF THE COMPACT EPITAXIAL FILMS HALVING A 6tDISPERSED STRUCTURE, DEFORMATION ARISES, w.HicH CAN SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE THE OF THE CURRENT CARRIERS -IN THE SEMICONDUCTOR SIN(,LE CRYSTAL IED UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 018 IN EPITAXIAL FILAS OF LEAD CHALCOGENIDES -U- ~~.'"AUTHOR-(03)-PALATNIKP L.S., SOR0KINs V*Ko'v IOZULYA, L.P. ~~,--',XOUNTkY b FINFO--USSR UkE--~_IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, NEORG. MATER, 1970, 6(3)v 441-6 T PUBLISHEO-----70 -'~-."SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, MATERIALS -TOPIC TAGS_-CRYSTAL LATTICE UEFECT, CRYSTALLIZATION, LEAD CUMPOUND, MECHANISM, ANISUTRUPY MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ':':6&CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,.";PR(IXY,P.EELIFRAME--1994/1899 STEP NU--UR/0363/70/0061003/0441/01*.46 -".:ZIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115718 UNCLASSIFIED W2 018 UNCCASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 !~-CMC ACCESSIUN N(3--APO 115 718 ..AdS.TRACT/EXTllACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PRESE,%ir WORK CONSTITUTES A SY5TEMATIC UNVESTIGATICjN OF THE COALESCENCE IN THIN EPITAXIAL FILMS OF P6 CHALCOGEINIDES. THREE FORMS OF COALESCENCE WERE ESTA8LISHED: LIQ. LIKE C01,,FLUENCE WITH THE BREAK AWAY OF. PARTICLES, FROM THE SUBSTRATE; CUNI-LUENCE WfTH RECRYSTN.; AIN10 SINTERINGo NOT AFFECTING THE SHAPEl AND DISORIENTATION OF THE PARTICLES41. T14E SHAPE OF THE -CONFLUENCE OF rHE PARTICLE5 ATTESTS TO THE SIGN[FICANT kDLE OF SUi~FACE DIFFUSION.AND SELF DIFFUSION. THE PROPOSITION I~ EXPUUNJf_-o U.14 THAT THE EXPTL. ObSD. ANISOTROPY IN THE SINTERING IS PRODUCED BY THE HIGHER-RATE OFMASS TRANSFER DURING SURFACE DIFFUSION ALONG THE STEPS OF THE -,SUBSTRATE.AIND THE STEPS AT THE SURFACE Orr'THE PARTICLES. THE FORMER CAUSE CONFLUENCE ALONG THE STEPS OF THE SUBSTRATEe AND THE LATTER IN THE U110) 1DIRECTION: BETWEEN, THE ANGLES.~ OF RlECTTANGUL*R~~ ISLETS,. THE, DISLOCATION MODEL OF DIRECTED MASS TRANSFER, CAUSING THE INTENSE -COALESCENCE, SINTERINGt AND SEALING Of THE METASTAdLE CANALS, IS EXAMD. IT IS SHOWNJHAT EACH OF THE ABOVE EXAMO. COALESCENCE MECHANISMS BRINGS FtJRT-H.ITS_OWN SP. DEFECT STRUCTURE. FACILITY: KHAR'KOV. JLITEKH, -INSI. IM. LENINA-9 KHARKOV* USSR. UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED.' PROCFSSING DATE-20NOV70 T UTLE-FORPI, T 104% GF THL ST.-,IJCTkJRE OF LEAD; CHALCOGENIDE EPITAXIAL FILMS li~ ~XICA, -U-, (05 )'-KOS EV fci-. V.A., PALATN[Kr LvSvr ZOLUI AA..L. P . Ztll ULYA, L V . R C&IN V.K. i W ~~C CUN T Y Cj F IlNi~C--USSR 1). ll;,70, 1215) 1363-73'~, 4.^G6RCE--FIL. f~EF TEL' UIL ishE r -------- 70 ATE- Pl, p ~:~.SLBjEC T AREJ*%'j`--P,'lYSICS, 'EN TAT (ON, TC-PIC TAGS--f--,[CAs EPHAXIAL GROWTH, CRYSTALLIZATION, ,,,RysrAL URL :ELECTRCK I- iCROSCUPY, LtAi~ CGiMPOUNOt TELLURIDE-i SELENIDE1 NUCLEATION, P.OLYCkYSTALLINE PILM -ICUNTRCL P~ARII( I NG--N0 A E.'~ f R I r- T I GiN S 00CUMENT CL S S-UNCLAS 5 1 F I E D STEP NDI--U.R/Cl,~1/70/012/("105/t363/137'3 'Cli~C ALUESSTC:i NC--AP0L3L443 2/3 030 U N C L. S 5 1 F I E 0 PROCESSING UAfE--20N0V70 ACCESSICi NG--APCI~1445 .4bSJKAC WE RA(-J---1UJ ik35TR,`CT. BY T H; N S IcSf(IN EU~ E T! Al' -CTRUN' -ICIR'~SCC;PY E Ti i L DO oir (-vTATI01`., TYPE C F G ku,, w r H 4!,,1 c AG(,1' EGAT ION OF ISULATEG PAt%'*TICLES AS ',BELL iis rHE DEFFEC.1 STRUCTURE. wl-kE' sruot~--u OF '14TINUCLS 6.)ITAXIAL If: I L i`i SCF ANC PBSE, UN MICA. WHEN H E 1 6 "K, P T E r SJ ST' AT~ IS A 1 * 15(.-4~)J[ -S T P S -)EGREF -E F:![-'lS JNUCLEATE UN MICA C,1-1YS1rALS IN 2 ORIC -TIC -i: 1 111 j 110 A (Go!) (11c) (001) Uo IN'T i N' -41) 40) GF 1-41CA. M pl~lr~~ F I LM S U.:, I TA T 1 C! (0 1) 110) AP, T N L A R S G N L Y A'f I'$ i F4-'M P . U F S U b P GREATEM- THAN, 2800EGREE'~ 3~ lk-f[CLES WIrh 0-,RIU4TAr1.0N (111) A(;(1 -UIRE Gi,-00 'FACES S TA'11 T I NG I T H T H LL.- 'CA-RLIES f STAGES bF. CUNDENSA:r iot,~ tki,%iD i'McF.FASE PRIVA.-ALY PA,,,i1CLLS rfTli 001) ARE HE ILLR I E- N TA T 1,014 1 f-LA I' E , T H 1 P-11 PCSSESS AT JHE I ~... 1 T D i: 04 -AND IAL STAGES OF Ct, NSATIO' ROUGH CONURh MiL) A :~LARGE NO. UF I.NTER;~,NIL VOIDS. 0 1 N I N G 1.'ji: T H I- S E PA RJ I C L E S 0 1 r H T H F- P LA N i: S (0.0 1 J ~( IT T i- C PLXNE !~IF C L E A V A CA I c L UF MICA 1001) TAAL-,!' PLA(- BY MEANS (;F DIscU-&oR*;1 1y ")ISLOCAf I U-,%c .*i J. I P&SE A~%L'l. PUTE ON I I hKA VAR[UU-) CASES ARF PMiSUJ!LE GF A-~GRLEGAFI,-~,i df- ISULATFL) PlkTICLES 0EPEN4.'ING ON MEIR SHAPE AND LC(--`T1C" VELATIVE- To THE D1kECr[(--N (010) 13F MICA. AGGkt-3ATION TAKES PLALE W11H THE F 0 R V~-'t I I - N; (iF PLP,.'--.S THE CONTACT BOUMDAkY. PORES ARE LOCATE-0 AT THLSE Pb111.TS OF 'lilt OISTCRTII-L) LATTICE AT 14.1i I C11 , uN FURTI-111:~ Tfif- 'SLOWING D(III-111) Gf- -AGG,~EIIATIGI~l 14AS C33S.E-kVL-G i)Y DtL- f- j R I tE D'.~.HEN ~JISU.R'HMTE) EP ITAXI `1- i 1 11 -) A RT (C L i_- S J 0 1 h .1 T b L f-Lkll, !'-f T H 6- -j f: tj S El, I S3 IN IFF SNIUCTUIjIf.' (J- Ci"N 1'1'%.1'J F f L. , S GF:-PW)E itf-,~A) PbTE ON MRE 2 DII'likv,51ONAL DEfECTS OF THE WE OF TIN I N*'4 1 N G, b G t J -N 0 A R I E 5 112 iN 0 R Mil, L T 0 T ff E P L A:)N 0 F T 4 1'f M. -C LA 1 F I i:- USSR 546-815122:539-238 PA1AV1-K,, L. S., SOROXIDI, V. K. and ZOZULYA L. P. Mm-r'kov Polyteelmic Institute imen-i V. 1. Lenin WWWWO "Rep-DAritier. in the Growth of Thin Single. -Crystal Lead Chalco6enide Fil--G" Inoscaw., Neorganicheskiye M_aterialy, Vol 6,. No. 2, Feb 70,'PP 224-229 Abstract: This paper presents the results of a systeniatic study of epitoaxial growth at initial stages in PbS films. A new,_--~_thod hasibeen devised for pro- ducinc a co=aat eDitaxial filmn. With this.method,,a bidisperse structure emerges in the initial stagee of growth.. The structure~consisbs of ci7;stalline particles, with balanceck. f aceting and vuch f iner islets th rougner edges. 7ne shaDe of the condensate particles is determined by the co-rela~ion between facet- "on of g and growth rates in the substrate plane. The bypot hesis on the form.. ati in the bi&isnerse structure is based on a higher growth rate of islets with rou-'01 facetinz and , a lower growth rate of particles vith balanced faceting. 7he formation of the ccmpact epitaxial film Trom the bidisperse structure is followed by elastic defor-mations which may considerably increase the dispersal of current carriers in the semiconductor single-crystal film. Figures in the original article illustrate the epitaxial growth of PbSe on NaCl &t.160 and 1-800C and given rates, fformation of a bidisoerse str-ucture in FbSe fllmns on NaCl at 2000C ita - nd given rates,ez xia: i1rowth of FuSe on %T'1 at 2000C and given rates and a defective structure of an exAtaxial PbSe film~on AN'&Cl. 82 USSR UDC 612. ZOMMA, H. D., Chair of Normal PhysioloMr, Kiev Medical Institute "Seaxeb for an Optimum Regimen.of Work by Fluscles on.the Basis of Temperature Dynamics produced by MusmIar. Activity" Kiev, FiziologichrW Zhurnall Vol 17, No 5, SeP/Oct 711 pp 615-621 Abstracti Rabbits 1.8-?-.5 1% In ualght under anesthesia, of 0.5%0 solution of cocaine were used to cteter=ne the optimum regimen or muscu.Lax perrormance? and the relationship between temperature and muscle voek capacity under condi- tions of repeated loading, The exposed sciatic nerve or its peripheral terainus was placed on plexiglass connected by silver electrodes -,dth an electronic stimulator. Muscle temperature Generated I)Ormuacttlar &ctivity wao thermo- olectrically determined, and ita dynamics rocordecl by an automatic electronic potentiometer In the form of a graduated curve. 1,11usculo eontxaction was Pyographically recorded, calculated in argograms, and expressed in percentages The excitation force used in the experiments was 13 v, repetition frequency Has 120 inpulses a rd-Inute weight of load - 400 grans; c~~nd duration of excita- tion 5 minutes. Five regimns were testedl , wilth the power capacity and total work performed in the first regimen accepted as W",, and the other four 1/2 75 MMMMK~M I.- USSR zo -)ZUrLY-A-.V- 1~-- and CHERANOVSKIY, 0. R.t Khar'kov Aviation Institute 11C ontrol of Laminar Flow Around a Wing in Free Flight'~' 'Kiev, Gidromekhanika, No 20x 19721 pp 3-7 Abstract: Despite the marked advance which laminar flow-around control would bring to aviation technology, many underlying problela$l . in this area remain unsolved. 110 systematic research it, being conducted an the effects of im- portant factors such as atmosplWric turbulence, design vibrations, acoustic influences, and so an; iAiile some. accepted data tire erroncous, GUch as L. F Kozlov's figure for initial atmospheric turbulence (IM) (the true figure is significantly smaller). The authors obtained experimebtal verification of E. B. Schubauer and H. K. Skramstad's thesis that with aufficiently J.rAr turbulence (about 0.08%) the so-called uoper*critical Reynolds number comes into play for conditions of free atmosphere. Tests were run on the wing of a pilotless flying laboratory, wing profile at the slotted portion being chosen. in accordance with: laminar profile models for slot blawring. Flights were made durinp- morning hours, with almost no wind or updraft. 1/2 USSR 110 5, .9ep/Oct 71v PP ZMULy,&l M. D., FiziolOgichnYY Zhurnal, Vol 17 regimens expressed in percentages with relation to the first. An analysis the optimum regimen.from the point of the:data. obtained establizhed that of - the s the first and of total work perTormed view of poner capacity i ca grenerated by Fluo-cular s assumed also that temperature dynami fifth.: It i the muscles to cz=Ty on information about the:.readinessl.of ivity carry act 0 an(i are correlated ions in w0rkl~capaioity aXO Ue vorkp and.variat subseque nt place in the.working7m,4BO16-0 .,withthe changes taking J USSR ZOZULYA, V. B. and CHERANGVSKIY, 0. R., Cidromekhanika, No 20, 1972, pp 3--7 With sphere blowing in flight of the laboratory, a Reynolds number of Red 385,000-401,000 was obtained for.the sphere, corresponding to flow turbulence of about 0.03%. With enclosed suction sy.,~tein and assigned suction Intensity, laminar-turbulent transition was.602' of the chord, and profile drag dropped from 0.0070 t6,0.0042. Some disparity was found between flight data and tunnel data, explained by the lower flow turbulence Iti the case of the former. 2/2 UNCL ASS I F I ED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 412, 025 T lTLE_-.COMPARISON STUDY OF IRON FLUORIDE MATERIAL$:[N AIR 'kNO VACUUM -U- R-~w(04),-ZOZULYA, V.D.v tAINOSHNIKOV, V.N.v FEDORCHENKOP I.M., SHEVCHUKi Cou -OF INFO--USSR NTRY -KHIMICHESKAIA MEKHANIKA MATERI ALOVI :VOL.~ 6t NO. 21 1970, P. .__so -~E7-FIZIK&.. ~R Z'T-t T4 TE. PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~S-UBJ EC TAREAS--t4ATERIALSP Cfi',',IISTRY .-.TOPIC TAGS--CAST IRON, WEAR RESISTANCE, CALCIUM FLUORIDE, CHROmium ALLOYr NICKEL CONTAINfiNG ALLDYj IRON COIMPOUND, IRON ALLOY ._.t-0NTROL RESTRICTIONS U N C L A S S I FE 0 .oorUMENT CLASS ,-PROXY REEL/FRA,14E--3001/0060 STEP ~10--UR/0369/70/006/002/0071/0074 CIRC ACCESSION INO-AP01251395 7- 025 UNCL ASS IF LED, PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 r-, I JIC ACCESSION NO--AP0125895 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. STUDY OF I HE A NNT i FR [c,r ION ASED MATERIALS W[TH ALC'11*1~ "IS PROPERTIES OF WHITE CAST IRON, AND 1. R 0 N B T-1) -1- icricm OF C, CR, NI, AND CAF2. THE TESTS ')4 F. R ECARRIED OUT AA i- SLIDING RATE OF 0.18 RANGI-~,10, 4:RO-M T-l") 25 KG-';o CM. M-SEC AND PRESSURES --.CERTAIN TEC4NIQUES FOR UNCREASiNG. THE WEAR RESISI'ANICE OF MATERIALS ARE -'EXAt FACILITY: AKADEM LI ANAUK UKAWIISKOI. SSR, INSTITUT -1 IN E D. UKR A SSR. -PROBLEM MATERIALOVEDENIIA, KicV, A 1: N I A. p 1/2 042 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING OATE--27NOV70 I TLE-FORMAT ION OF INDIVIDUAL REGIO-NS OF, DAMAGE ON THE SURFACE, OF A MET-AL AS A~RESULT OF THE COLLAPSE OF CAVITATION BUBBLES -0- AUTHQR~_(02)-GAVRANEK, V.V., ZOOLYAl V*F. c-OUNTRY OF INFb--usSR ~SOURCE-FIZ. KHIM. MEKHAN. MAT*t 19709 6 (1)t 46-49 DATE PUBLISHEO ------- 70 PHYSICS TOPIC TAGI~- METAL SURFACE PROPERTYY CAVITATION, ULrRASONIC V WRATIONP EIROS ION CONTROL P, A RK TING -N0 R E'S T R I C T 10 N S D ri CIUM G N T C L A SS - - U i`,'C L A S S I F I C 1) PROXY REELIFRAME-3002/1817 STE PNO--UR/036~)~70/006/,')01/00tt6/(1049 A r A r I (I ~ 1-A 0 19 1 5 2/2 642 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-27NOV70 :CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129185 ABSTRACT/EYTf-,lACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT OF COLLAPSING CAVITATIO;*,4 BUBBLES ON THE SURFACE OF A ME,rAL I'S. DISCUSSES WITH SPECIAL REF:. TO THE CASE IN wHICH T HE CAVITATION IN THE LIQUI-0 MEDIUM IS PRODUCED BY ULTRASONIC V.8kArIONS. :THE-COLLAPSE OF THE C4.VITATION BULLBES TAKES PLACE IN SEVERAL STAGES, Aflil) EACli.:0F THESE LlJAjj THE SURFACE OF T14E METAL IN A CHARACTER ISTfC MANNER ' 'ND CREATE LOCAL REGIONS OF DAMAGE. THE ACTUAL FORM OF THE DAMAGE IS VERY CUMPL I CATED ANi) DEPENDS ON THE POSITIiN OF THE CAVITATION BUBBLE RELATIVE TO THE SURFACE OF THE METAL AT THE INSTANT OF ZOLLAPSE. [ING1. ASS I F I(;0 ---------------- -- Wag UDC 51:155.001.57:612.82 ZOZULYA, Yu. I., CHERNOV, V. G., BUGAY, Yu. P. 'Wathematical Models of Detectors in the.Frog Retina" PTobl. Bioniki. Resp. Mezhved. Nauchno-tekh-n. Sb. [Problems of Bionics, Republic 'Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Collection), No 4, 1-970, pp 16-22, (Translated from Referativnyy ZbuTnal, Kibernetika, No 6, 19,171, Abstract No 6 V675 by the authors). Translation: The construction and analysis ofl.a%statistical Model of the detector -for long-term contra-st (contour d6tettor).1are studied.; USSR uDc: 62i.396-6-002-7-i'(0881.8) SAVCHENKO, 1. D., ~OZULIYA, V. P., KASIYANENKO, A. T. "A Device for Straightening and Shaping the,Axial Le.-Oz of.Radio Elements" USSR Author s Certificate No 265200, filed'5 Feb 693 ~published 23 Jun 70 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 1~ Jan 71, Abstract.Ffo 1V1336 P) Translation: A device is proposed which contains a jig, a locator and a reciprocating slider. As a distinguishing feature cf 'Uhe patent. the slider is equipped with symetrically located cpatchers made in the form of crescent-shaned fingers which rest-on the lateral g,urfaces of the jig, and with rollers which have square grooves along the, perimeter, and also with a spring-loaded locator which holds' the, bases of-the leads against the bosses of the jig. I 27 Stress Analysis and Stability 3tudios USSR wc 539-377 BURAKI YA. I., Physicomechanical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR. L!vov) "Extrarzal Temperature Fields and Stresses in the Case of Local Heating of a Spherical Shell" Kiev, Prikladnaya Melchanika, Vol 6, No 12, Dee 70, Pp 74-81 Abstract: The article deals with the problem of determination, Tn a c7osed spherical shell, of the optlinal tezkoarature fleld.3 which, within the limits of given conditions ofaxisymmetrical local hea'Ging, provide a comparatively low level 01., tel~,Perature stresses. The condition of the.minimin, of the-functional of the elastic energy of the shell is adopted as. the criterion of optim- ality. The optimal temperature fields and the.temperatixre stresses corresponding to them are studied in order to find the nimplost form of the conditions of loeal,hoatiz* of the aqua- torial region. 3 figures, 5 bibliographic entries, MiscelTaneous USSR UDC 539.377 PIDSTIRYCACH, Ya. S., Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the UkrSSR, BURAK, Ya. Y., ZOZULYAK. Yu. D.. Physicomechanical Institute, Academy of ITc-lences of'- th~ &iS'9R "on Determining the Optimum Force Load for the Case of Localized Heating of lilt a Cylindrical She Kiev -Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi RSR:: Seriya A3 Fizyko-Tekhnichni ta. Hatematychni Nauki, No 11, Nov 72, pp 1024-1028 Abstract: The authors formulate and solve the problem of determining the optimum external normal load for the case of axisymmetric localized heating of an infinite cylindrical shell. The condition of minimum elastic energy of the shell is taken as the functional criterion of optimality. The ef- fectivelness of the resultant solution is illustrated by a specific example. Plant Pathology USSR UDC 632.4:582.285.2:633.11:581.14 LESOVOY, M. P., and ZRAZHBIVSKAY Ukrainian Research Institute for ~A~T. _G Plant Protection, Kiev .'%istologic Features of the Development of Puccinia triticina Eriks. Strain 77 in Wheats Differing in Resistance" Leningrad, Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya, Vol 7, No 4, 1973, pp 322-327 Abstract: Studies were conducted on the development of the fungus Puccinia triticina 77 cn susceptible and resistant wheats. While the initial stages of,infection in both cases were similar, histologic studies,showed that with the development of haustoria there were differences in the resistant and susceptible wheat variants. In the former the cells died and formed a barrier around the pathogen, although living hyphae were found on careful examination 5 to 7 days after infection. The haustoria formed in the re- sistaat wheat cells are largely underdeveloped and defective, and in the resistant wheat the fungus is unable to form reproductive organs. A sig- nificant difference in the resistant wheat cells is irtegular thickening of the cell wall on the 8 to 10th.postinfection day; such areas of thicken- ing may range from 2 to 30 and vary in size from 1.7 to 30 V. Such cells are most frequently encountered in mesophilic tissues and their significance has not been sati5factorily explained. USSR UDC 582-285.2:581.14 ZPAZHEVSKAYA T. G.,- Ukrainian Institute of Plant Protection, Kiev "A Technique for Studying the Germination of Rust Fungus Uredos-.-)o--es on Leaf Surfaces" Leningrad, -Mikologiya i Fitapatologiya, No 4, 1972., P- 365 Abstract: A suspension of uredospores is applied to the leaf blade which is kept in a moist chamber for a day or two.. A 0.4 to 0.5~ solution of collodim in ether is then quickly, thinly, and evenly spread over the entire surface of the leaf. The resulting film is removed and stained. On the film is an im- pression ot the leaf blade with clearly visible epiderwIl cells, rows of stomata, uredospores and appressoria. The technique can be used to datex-nine the total number of spores per unit of leaf surface, percentage Germinatin,-, number of appressoria formed etc. and to study other matters relating. to the initial stage of development of the fungus. It can also be used to study the germination of spores of other phytopathogenic fungi directly:on leaf surfaces in situ. 60 USSR UD~ 62i.396.678 A. G. ZRAKOVSKIY "An Antenna E q u i va i e n t Mosco-v, Otkr~tiya, lzobreteniya, PromyshlennTle Obraztsy. Tovarr~,-Nre ZnP-Ir-.1 No 5, Feb. 72, Author's Certificate No 3275411, Division Ii f--ed 3 Mar 69, -published 26 jan 72, 156 Translation; This Author's Certificatc introduces Lin w2tei-ni oquivalent containing a hIernetic-ally sealed cabinet. equipped Tedith ventilation holes. The cabinet holds electrical coupling elements, a closed evaporative cooi- ing zyntpm vith heRt exclituiger and condenaer tiibing, Pn tiii, cooling a power dissipation meter, and;an interlock mochunizin for the cabiret of the doors. As a dictingmshing: feature,' the rell. ~6n -~(Iueed by including, device is izaproveUand its ove~all'dijhons s are x separators in the heat-exchanger~ eircuit 1rhicli are, 6onnected to the fol- ~loving stage of the heat exchanger by: a steam tube, and to the condenser line,by a water seal- con-riected to. a vent tube.* , 'I i V! H I . . I I.- HiM USSR TJDC 621-373.826:53 AGAIMEEMU-T, K. A., ZRAZHEVSXIY, A. Yu., KOLOSOV, 1,1. A., SO-1-OLOV, A. V. "Absorption of Suboillimeter Radiation in Pure, Vater Vapor" 1-4oscoi-,r, V sb. X Vses. honf. po rasprostr. radiovoln. Tezis~y dokl. (Tenth All-Union Conference -on the Propagation of Radio 1,avies; Report Theses--collection of works) "Nauka," 1972 P 35-398 (from RZh--Radiotehhnika, No 10, 1972, Abstract No 1OD362~ Translation: Results are given of the calculation on a computer of a fuliction the absorption in the submillimeter wavelength rang ,e a:, of pure water vapor pressure.- Comparison of the resul-'-Is of the calculation wit-h the experimental data in the transpart~ncy windows of 0.73, 0.45, 0 .36, and 0.29, mm shous that the computod values are below the measured ones. One illustration one:table, biblio- graphy of seven. A. L. IMP11". HIM M. M "MI.M.", M."MMITIM USSR UDC: 532-526 GOBLIN, S. M., ZRAZHEVSKI-- 1. M." Moscow "Effect of F---ternal Flcw Tuz'bulence on Flow:in a Boundary Layer" Moscov, Izv. AN SSSR: N`ekh~mika Zhidkostii Gaza, No Jul/Aug 72, pp 52-57 Abstract: Ex-nerimertal data are analyzed to derive a universal relation for the turbulence in a boundarylayer on a plate -as a function. of the distance to -"-he plate. Uie relation is called the law of pulsEtion ve- locity co-m-monent- defect by analogy with the. law of aire-rage velc city defect. -s -were conducted in wind tunnel A-6,at the Irstitutte of Special experiment MechanIcs of Mosco-w StL-te University to obtain data cy.i the distribution ofIvelocityand ener&y of turbulence in aboundary le3rer for verJous do- grees of.turbulence of the externa2 flov. :The ar eters of t~.e wind p tumel. are given. UNCLAS-SIFI~O, PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 -LE MAT IT Y AND COMPi-ISITION OV: THE N MELS, AT SOLIO PHASE~ L 'EMPEkATURES BELOW ODEGREES -U, ' AuTkupt- (o 2) - ZRELOV V IN. t 60Y KO t LV., NTRY~ OF INFO--USSR ~C CU. NEFT' (MOSCOW) 19701:.: Ws 22-3 -,DATE: PUBLISHEU ------- 70 -SUBJECT AREAS--PRUPULSION AND FU ELS ~.-TORIC TAGS--KERLISENE, blESE-1. FIJEL LOW LFFECT CATALYTIC 1EMPERATURE CHEMICAL UjiMPOSITON RA C K I N G . CWTPOL MAPK I RESTR ICT IONS DOCUMEINT CLASS--U'NCLASSIFiE0 I ~PROXY PEEL/FRAME--3005/1940 STEP PiU--UR/0316/70/000/004/OOZZ/0023 :___C,I.RC__AC(;F_-SS in~j',JG--A:,ln__)33784 !A-mu ~'_'_TOPIC TAGS--CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, HYDROCARBON FUEL,I.ETHER, FUEL ST9RAGE NTROL MARKING--N!l PESTRICTIONS _,`.-DocumENT CLASS--UNCLASSIF IED ~._'IPRGXY REEL/ FRARE-- 1990 /2034 STEP NO--UR/0065/70/015/'-),"i2/0053/0056 CIPC ACCCESSION NO--AP0109966 UINICL A S 5 1 F I E 0 ~-Z/2 -330 UNC L 1% S S 11: 1 E 0 PROCE jIi,lG f)A'l -20NOV70 -C I RC ACCESSICN NG--AA0132095 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M (;P-G- AS S TRAC r TO 0 OTA I NAN ALUMi.,AA FIREPROOF -ES, "ACLI',14 1~, R IZ006EGREE S AATERI.AL LFFECTIVE TC; 'L95,)0EGP.C i\ OAillEO AT tO5O FOR 1-3 h1k. THE il'E~)UM%G PR, 0 0- U C TIS TREATED 01TH AN-Al-K. SOLN. UF 100-40 G I.A SU02 G'--L. AT 95-LMEGREES~ FOR LARGER THAN 30 A.Pill AND NT 0 F At-KALI ES SMALLER T Vi A~',4 19 ER, C bN T WASHED UJIL THE RESIGUAL CCNIE1 USSR UM 613.6li5-07:612.822-3.0~)-i.L!21 .7 IMMIDELE-TiCH D. 111.) a~~ Kjj~p 1A G. A., Kazan Hediza- Inst.-Ltwt-e "EEG Cianges Persons 'Eork-ing 'L~ider Low-:11ntensl I ity Ped Light ard Ln Complete D~Imess,, Kosoov, Gigiyma 2,ruda i R-oPesaionO lrr4-yeh Zmbolevardi yi, 7111o PP 13-16 Abstract: c-f Lhe brair. --.,s tudivi in t2evcrnl groups of .7 fenaless -worialig an a uhulographic and moti= mctiwe fj~lp. fzmtory- undcar lcT~,,-inten~- ity red light- or L-i cLmplete darImess. Tie FSEGIS of worI-ji1c, Mac-1, 1-ed liglat vere in M_-S-t onzes ch~naracte~-_ized by aa irregul;~x :Jpha Iocalfzed J &Ziafly- in the accip ta~ and p=r- til regizms4 The anp` i-e Htuie fvc.rz ~~j to 30 kiv and the frecraency w~;Ls Let~..4eon 8.5 to 12 o-c/sec. JL11 the subivct~- e:dn'Lbitc..-.- a distinct bc a ifiy1uhm off d-iferent oscillatJon fvequemzieo md The EEG's of the wmun who worlr,~d in darlmeaa i1yoro chat, xtiDrizod -vi hrd.f Lho c,,j,,C!o by a pronounued wid rogular alpha mythm (~vith mi werage implitude cf 11- 20 1,-,.r) U. C in the central aund temporal regiona. In casoor uhere thn alpha ii:ytivin, J_nvdi S - tinot Qr abso-it, Uio boui -tiyt1uq w.:u; dominmti The ro,'mIt"; of u, ac ic 11111 ti! 'I L_., with opuiLnz- zwnd closing- of tiia ayes confilMed' the decrou-so iii levi~]. ef act . ......... qFrra 020 UNCLASSIF!"E) PWCESS ING DATE-13NOM) 'FEET OF SUP:A!~t._ILECULAR STRUCTURE 15~7-.~ 'HE S T I, EN G T'i 6 F S IN E F IS ITLE VISCUSc RAYON C'MjiZt) -U- -:,_ALr1H0R-(03)-_SERK-1V, A.T., ZUBAKHINA, N-L-v. GGRIBACHEVA V.0. OF UNFO-USSR C K.NA 1970, (2), 60-1 V L (A ~DATE PUBL ISHEO ------- 70 AREAS-MATFRIALS MDLECUL'tt STkUCTUkE, P OKUS I I Y141~r_HANKAL STi4LiNuIll TOPIC.: T A G S R -L MARo( "NO-N"' a-STRICTIONS C (INT, DCCU41ENT CLILSS--UNCLA SS I F I ED c_`L/FRAMF-- 10 STEP [j0- -UR/01,~31,ro/oc~l)/oo2/o~.)60,/~),061 PROXY R7 c CURC ACCESSION O-ZLI UXACLASS'l FIED Or-DCIESS [113 9ATE-113NOV70 CIRC A CC -;-- S S I ON N-- --P 0 12 5 5 9 8 Ai3STRACr/',-:XTf'ACT--( III (;P-0- A*'~STKACT THE S WE L L I MG 0 F R AYU~'i F I BRS I N N A 0 i M4S .5 P E 1'~ C, ETAt-i-C A!,! Sli ii A S A T IN - f UNcril. Tflz~: HAX. IS CQNSTDER-~,BLY lil~~HER FICIR til6- STRENGTH F I BER S. L. S --D 3 TR C AG E R F 16 F-.- R S i i A V E LOWER JISSOLUTIUN RATES IN C0t,.CD-NAGH SUNS. AN110 HIG1111--R LIGIII ~FiLErjr~ 6 1 E H INDE-XES. THF f~ 16 E-R ~STA.ENGTH DEPENDS NGT ONLY 01\1 THE 3GR, -POROS I TV~ AND TH' PRESENCE OF DEIzECI-S, 8UT ALSO ON THE FIBER ORIE. NT4TION. ~112 030 UNCLASSI:FIEQ PROCESSING DATC--27NOV70 '!-~zj-f.TtE--tRON NICKEL PHOSPHORUS IMAGNETIC F I L.41, SOBTAINri-D av C. i-;. E mc A'~ ~REDUCTJGN -U- ~~.-AUTHOR-(03)-MALOYEV, N.YA., ARNOLDs O.P., ZUBAKIN, A.M ,,~~-.`:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR !-,~'::..SOURC,E- 17-V. VYSSH. UCHEB. ZAVEO., FIZ. 19701 13(3)~: 135'. 6 ZATE' PUBLISHED -- ---- 70 UBJECT 'AREAS--CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS9 PHYSICS S TO P I CTAGS-- MAGN ET IC 14ATEPIAL7 METAL FILMP IRON ALLPY, NICKEL ALLOY, ALLOY, CHEMICAL REDUCTION, MAGNETIC COERCIVE FORCEt MAGNETIC ~,.HYSTERES IS MARKING,-.-NO RESTRICTIONS GOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASS[FIE0 PFvoXY REEL/FRAME--1998/1031 STE P -~i(J--UR/bl39/'7.1)/013/003/OL35/OL36 CIRC ACCESSION N-0--AT0121627 W2 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DAtE-27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION ND--AT0121627 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT MAGN'TIC ANISOTROPY OF FILMS OBTAINED BY REUN. OF SOLNS. CONTG. FESO,SUB4. 7H,SU112 0 20 N[SO SU34. 78 SUB2 0-30# KNAC SUB4 H SU84 0 SUB6. 4H SU82 0 50, ANO NAH SUB2 PO SUB4. H SUB2 0 G7L. WAS STUDIED WITH FILMS PPTO, ON ROUND 1.1LASS DISKS COATCD WITH 500 ANGSTRO14 THICK CU AND ACTIVATED IN 0.1PERCENT POCL SU82 AT PH 9 AND 750EGREES. IN WEAK FIELDS, H IS~SMALLER THAM H SUBC EQUALS 13 OE, THE CURVE OF MAGNETIC MOMENTS VS. H EXHI&ITED 2 ~Pl PERIODS lilt THE INTERVAL OF 1*91-19.3 0E. TfIE.CURVES. IN FOI~WARD AND IRFVFRSE DIRECTIONS INTERSECTEDo ROTATIONAL 14YSTERE:SIS.,LOSSES~WERE:ASCRIBEO TO IRREVERSIBLE STRUCTURAL CHANGE5, :AT H GREAUR THAN.A.., SUKj: J~4E PERIODICITY VAWSHED AND-ROTAT ING - mDM&-rS i4ERE CONSTO -THIS AtqD THE ABSENICE OF TEXTURE THAT ROTATIONAL ANIST.ROPY WAS ABSEN*r.. suci-I FILMS Wf_:RE '_DESi.rNATED AS HIGH COERCIVE 1SOTR0PJr,_FJLMS. FACILITY: GOSPEDINST., KRASNOYARSK,- USSRO UN C L A 5 S I F I h 0 ""C I I ND-wAvE SrECIRUm A,r THt ME OF THE ICE ~jc to 14! Rescar 1 j:z!~tArticle by. a ZI -Tenter, Hoit-J., 11" 1 Rtzaqin. So 5, 197), submitted .,,9 J"- 1972. oil the basis of tile "Per'"al of the strut- tura wa= =i,14 of the experl- =CM41-rcaultis in the'vicinity of,the,o,lee of the Ice. The contribution of the lotin-wave cemronenta arriving frun the ratified it. t thu total Vocrr'. in the open -at. r has been d Lace,vered. A pruvs!dure ta,, becri proposed for calculAILIng tile wave height It, tile Vicinity of the edre or the Ice In Rituntlona Analasees to tile exper Inient per forried. tot reeceir- yerril, a nuatticiraItmpe'r,i 1, ive ar"'We"I d"bt(!J Lo the Inter- net Io" or rir:i.-tty. waves with tile Ice c.tioi,of tile st~jr nd aconnit. Along ultil the th-retical. studies (3. 9. 13. 151, some experimental tudicri Vo,e W!en tile (A. 11 ' 1.2, 14), in which tile authors present tile re-ults 01' in- yeatigating the freet and forced oscillitiona of the ice cover in the ArCLiC~ and Antarctic. The Instrument.survoya or he wave action performed by G. Robin an drift Itc.J14) are nf especial interest. A survey of the thcoreti- eel and irptrimcutal. pnrara Is presented in quite sove detail In tho paper, by U. Ye, khrygin 191. In all tit" llst~) experim ental rillicro. a study wits naJo of situations lu're tile wind ""rkml from the open Water 940, In this paper 0 study Is mido of the Appciatte problom huro the wind "iork." (ran tile qdra lot,, tile ora and Is qult-P %table In tivis culd direction. The chevrvrtc4l stodJes 191 and tile ri.1ta from,thip Ice air survc~ti Indicate that herveco, the ire of gre t d nsit~ and the open uater therit atL al.ayo in prattien stripo of brash with torte -3 compnction. Here In the natting ice carulitLoeta Arise for the -.development of waves under tile effect of virld. The ohort .4ves obviouttly r:sviltingulalied by the Ice cakes, and tit* waves tbP lerSth of which 1* ,44 r ter than the dimensions of the Ice cakes reach the op" water vithout any 'ab '4t aiUcs. Consequently, the sailing ice is it natural filter which pas"es -joag-wavis campatnerits,of the wind-driven wave spectrum and Victinguishes the bort-wave components. Be Refractory.,NL-te-rials USSR uDc 666.,764.62 ALITONOV, G. I. and YtV,11SHEIA, A. P., Ukrainian Scientific Research institute of Refracto-ries, and.Z.L*IWVj~4 . and 1EVZHMIR:k, ~F~ 14., Institute of %Iletal- lurgy and Ore DressiT of the Alca'd7emy of Sciences Km-zOh SSR "Periclase-Spinel Refractories Made of Natural-Brine ~1agnesium Oxide and Concentrated Chromite" Moscow, Ogne-upory, No 9, 1971, PT-),35-4o Abstract: Periclase-spinel refractories made of pure rbliterials (br-i?-- =-r:nes4_-=_ oxide and kimpersayukiy chromite) are compared with the corresDord-in-1- refrac- torie3 made of ordinary-grade magnesium oxide and chramite. Exrerii-er.-.a! articles fabricated in the test comparison were 2,:,0 x 2,15 x 65 r!!r, in ze and were molded an a hydraulic pressat a pressur6 of 120O.-kg/en.2. For ar-.icles made from ordinary grade mterials, silicateimpurities vere fotnd " iee-r I y cl affect compaction. In contrast, a high temperature for'L-1he onset of delfor=aticn under load (upwards of 17500) wa-s found to characterize ,art-icles mad-= of magnesium oxide and concentra-led kimpersayskiy chromiil~,e. TLese -ar-.,icies showed less linear (at a load of 2 k.-/cm2) and les3 additiorel (10 h-r a-_ from r-_-re 17500 exposure) shrin-vage. The microstxacture of articles made material's showed a sizable fraction of periclase bonds not across silio-ates, but across secondary spinel. T~-7o illustrations: six tables. USSR ZLIBAKOV, V. D. "Approximate Solution of Statistical Games Arising in thei Games Class- ification of Signals" Teoriya lg-- (Games Theory Collection of Works), Yerevan, 1973, pp 173-180 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kbernetika, No 10, 1973, !Abstract No IOV438) Translation: Approximate solutions are found for a number of statisti- cal games arisin in the games classification of signals, by replacement 9 of set S of the equivalent S-game with a finite number of points, allow- ing approximate reduction of a statistical game to a fAiij-.e (matrix) game. me Resu USSR, UDC ~21-396.967 A. S. OUCHEE111MISKIY, V. Z. ,MOLCWOV, A. It., ZUBj N M. A. Doppler Shift Imitator on an irtermediate Frequency -Tr. Novosib.-elektrotekhn. in-ta (Works of the Novosibirsk Electrical Engineering jnstitute), 1970, vyp. 2, kn. 1, -p 39-47 (fro kiinika, No Jun 'TO, p m RZh"Rediote Abstract No 6G406) Translation: The authors consider a method of simulating the Doppler shift on In- e r, mediate frequencies by means of phase-variable circuits. Me signa-1 spectrum zt the output of the imitator is determined by the amplitude, of the phase shift ~~-.during the sawtooth voltage period. The minimum phase lead for obtaininG a mono- chromatic signal is equal to 21T. The propoBed,method permits variation of the .~Doppler frequency over a broad range without disrupting ai6aa. monochromaticity. -Five Illustrations, bibliography.of two iitles~ A. M. 2/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESS114G OATE--30OCT70 -.11JkC ACCESSION NO-AP0118950 -,:ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. COM. TECHNOLOGY FOR CONTINUOUS PRODUCTION OF TA3LEWARE ARTICLES 14ADE FROM LEAD CRYSTAL 14AS WORKED OUT FOk THE IST TIME. A BRIEF HISTORYOF THE PROBLEM AT HAND IS PRESENTED4 AN ATTEMPT WAS ALSO MADE TO OBTAIN.THE NECESSARYDATA FOR DESIGNING FUTURE FURNACES WITH A LARGER CAPACITY. THE BOUNOARY CGNDITIONS WERE FOR THE CASE OF "EATING THIN AND MASSIVE BODIES SIMULTANEOUSLY BY RADIATION AND CONVECTION. THE COMPLEX HEAT TRANSFER IN THE UPPER CHAMBER WAS ALSO INVESTIGATED. PB OXIDE LOOSES FROM THE MELT ARE :DECREASED BY- USING AIR PREHEATED AND SATD. 13Y. VOLATILE C04PONENTS IN A REGENERATIVE HEAT EXCHANGER. THIS METHOD ALSO IMPROVES THE HEAT '_'_~-TRANSFER IN THE FURNACE. FURTHERMORE ' 'SUCH A PPObUCTIQN f 'GETUP IS MUCH -MORE ECONOMICAL. FACILITY:. UPR. VL ADIMIRSTEKO, VALIDIMIR, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED mm V-- 77 USSR UDC 669. ZUBAREVi A. G. "Intensification of Electric Smelting" Intensifikatsiya Elektroplavki [English Version Abovej,,Moscow, Metallurgiya Press, 1972, 208 pages. Translation of Introduction: One characteristic peculiarity of the past few decades is the sharp increase in the production of steel. For example, in 1920 some 74,000,000 tons of steel were'produced in ingots, while in 1967 the figure reached 498.7 million tonsjl).~ Together with the increase of the produrtion of steel, the process of improvemon't of technology also continues -- the share of production of- open hearth steel is being reduced as the share of oxygen-convertor and electric steel increases. The world capacity for production of oxygen-convertor steel was:over~180,,000,000 tons as -.of .1968.- It is assumed that, by--1972,it will-Ancrease to 310,000,000 tons. The broad development of the convertor method of steel production will probably lead to a sharp increase in the reserves of scrap, andelectric furnaces are ideal for processing of scrap. Therefore, the production of steel-is currently being expanded,by construction of shops with oxygen convertors and electric arc furnaces. 1/7 USSR ZUBAREV, A. G., Intensifikatsiya Elektroplavki, Moscow, Metallurgiya Press, :1972, 208 pages. Me outline below the primary advantages of the development of the electric melting of steel: 1. The electric furnace method, i.n contrast Mall other methods of melting of~-steel_- -allows- puree scamp~~to', be--iised,~' wi-th6ut the addition of, ~cast iron or liquid metal. ~2. Arc furnaces can melt steels of all types, includi,ig high-quality special steels, facilitating fine analysis and improving reproducibility of the melting process. 3. In comparison with all other processes for melting of steel, this method requires the lowest specific capital investments, particularly with a narrow range of steels mass produced and installation of units for con- tinuous casting. One of the main trends in the development of modern electric steel production is the continuous the capacity:and specific power of arc steelmaking furnaces. Recently,.arc electric furnaces have been constructed with capacities of 100-200 t with transformers operating at up to 80 mva and higher. This is explained primarily by the fact that as the capacity and specific power of arc furnaces increase, the primary technical and economic 2/7 USSR ZUBAREV, A. G., Intensifikatsiya Elektroplavki, Moscow, Metallurgiya Press, 1972, 208 pages. indicators of the production of electric steel improve significantly. In the USSR, the capacity and specific power of arc electric furnaces are being increased both by means of construction of new,large shops, and by reconstruction of operating shops at increased capacity and power. At the present time, large arc furnaces with capacities of 60, 100 and 200 t-are in operation in the USSR. Together with the increased capacity of are farnaces, various methods of intensification of the production of electric steel are being increasingly used; these methods can be divided into energetic, technological and organizational methods. The energetic methods (increases in the power of transformers, use of fuel-oxygen burpers, introduction of additional heat with liquid charge components) are of primary significance for reduction of the melting time; the technological methods (improvement of the technology of the oxidation and,reduction periods, refining of metal outside the furnace, etc.), are most important for reduction of the oxidation and reduction periods and ivprovement of the quality of the metal; organizational methods (improve- of design of furnaces, mechanization of production processes, improve- ment of working conditions, etc.) can reduce downtime, increase producti- of labor and reduce the number of personnel required, USSR UDC 621.438-226:536.24 YEFIMCHUK, I. A., ZILBARE P., BLYLIWIINX Ya. 1. "Experimental Study of Film Protection of Output Edges of Nozzle Apparatus Blades" Teplofiz. i Teplotekhnika, Resp. Mezhved. sb. [Heat Physics and Thermal Engineering, Republic Int,eTdepartmental Collection],~Illo 20, 1971, pp 116- 120, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal;Aviatsiyonnye i Raketnye Dvigateli, No .12, 1971, Abstract No 12.34.32, from.the Resume), Translation: Materials are presented from an experimental study of the effec.- tiveness ofthe film protection of the output edges of the blades in a gas turbine engine nozzle apparatus, as well aspcomparative study of various versions of air flow over the.protected surface. 117 USSR ZUBAREV, B. M., Deputy Minister of Geology RSFSR "The.Automated Administration System for Geological Exploratioi, of the Ministry of Geology, RSFSR" Moscow, Razvedka i Okhrana NEdr, No 3, Mar 73, pp 7-11 Abstract: The Ministry of Geology RSFSR has instituted an automated system for administration and information processing, as part of the system of the Iffnistry of Geology USSR, in order to increase the effectiveness of geoloc,L- cal exploration. Vie system is used for the, study of craw materials, long- range planning and to mechanize laborious tasks in all aspects of inforrivation. -ubsystems have been developed: geology, geophysics, marine geoloo Five s C'Y; administration and economics, and scientific and technical information. A flow diagram indicating the resources and equipment available on various organizational levels is presented. The system was developod in three stages. During the first stage, from 1967 to 1970, the first four separate computer centers were organized and utilization began. In the second stage, from 1971 to 1975, the network of computer centers was expanded (to 10 at the end of 1972), and important problems were solved with it. Nethodological 1/2 49 USSR ZUBAREV, B. 11., Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr, No 3, Mar 73, pp 7-11 studies were performed, training was conducted, and the problem's soluble under the admintstration and economics subsystem were listed. Practical solutions to problems of geology and geophysics began in 1973. Ahe third stage, from 1975 to 1980, will be complete automation and partial.modernizatiorr. As an example of the use of the present system a problem in the prospects for finding tin in northern Sikhote-A-line is considered. The computer system allowed the field of likely prospects to be considerably narrowed. 212 USSR TIDC: None Z"V, D. and YT10AIMUN., 'A. D. -"Method of Obtaining Normal Solutions to Kinetie Equations Usiag the Boundar,: Conditions'! Hoscow, Teoreticheskaya i Ratepatichoskaya Figika, Vol. 11, No 3, 1972, PPI 403-4,12 Abstract: The authora define normal solutions a-- di-.~,;tX_Jbu-Uion fwnc- tuions uhich are soWrht as functionals of 'suell Z meters as delusity, ave.vaga-naass velocity, LI -'AIJI-s C they pro-oz:e a nethod for f-;nd:Lq,-,- Such 0oluti.oris" 1rit" "'11 ap- ap r, p proach sitai la~- to that of earlier met~jods but vitIn cQrt,,-t.iv adva?,I- -the -h- , splutions ;are ob t a n e a tsZes ovea, V The equation for which is the Poltzniann kinetic equation. ~, The aqati: a ia put in the in- u a tee-ral forim, in, -.,hich tilie boundary condit'.Lons. -are talken into t,-c- count, to provide a selection of normal volutio= only. 'Zhia forci of, the equation is used to determine various approX2.1.-~_azion3 in -; r , e nori-,.Pa solutions as well as t- -, -1 co=-trj_ct._- -,7 th o solm- otl- r prob- lems in the kinetic theory of r-aseati As an example 01" h-G-T -;~-Ihis method - is applied, the transfer laws in a sing-le-coauponent SaS and.the distribution flllqctions in the first app~,roxilnatic~l for low gradients e_-re colsidered. :77777777 4.1 Ull;ir-LASSI F I Eb~ PR'DCESSING DATE-13NOV70 ~,CIRC ACCES-SION %C-AP 0 130066 G:-'-G- ABSTRACT. IT I SSHOWN THAT THE E U 7 AL13-iIUA STATISTICAL OP ~EkA T. OR I N" 5 0'viH I CH IS VALID FOR A ME S C R 1PTIGN OF A SYSTEM IF TIME INTI-RVALS Ak E LMUCH LARGER, fHAN THE -FOaGETT!NG TUR-E OF THE INITIAL DtST,",IiUTT0Nj CAN .&E. CONSTRUCTED AS THE '-INVAaIANT PART OF THE ,UASI t-:Q'JtL 113RIUJR: STATIST ICAL CPERAToR IN RELAT ION TO THE EV!:FLUTI--*",N OF A SYSTE14 WITH GIVEN HAMILTONIAN fl. GENERAL FORMULA ARE (36TAINEG FO: THIS Fi3R,'J, OF THE NSOP -H RELATE Tl HERMODYNAMIC POORDIUATES AND THERMODYi4AMIC F--"4RCES,' THE~GENERAL EXPRESSIUN FOR THE EiNTROPY PRODUCTION ANO GE.'4CRALIZED KINETIC Ew"UATIGNS DESCRIBING T14E TIME : -%LUTION W: THERADUY-NIM-411C VARIABLES 4RE ALSO OBTAAN EW, 0 IT IS SHOWN 'THAT TliIS SCH-c~iE OF 'rHE THEORETILAL OESC"PrIa"I OF:T NiDNEQUILIBRIUH ~P~RGCESSES I.S EQUIVALENT UP TO SECON0.01WER TER.M.S TO THE MErillou OF QUASI -IMTEr AUTHORSAII~ A-LS ~DF MOTION PROPUSED BY BONE ~OF:: THE FACILITY: "T~El%l 4T HE K I YI T T T STEKLOVA AKADE1411 NALIK SSSR. s I u I V. A .. .. .... C Ll P 110 C E 5.S I N G 0 A r a~ 112 024 27 NO V 7 0 T:lTLE--80UN0.'RY CG~!~JOTTIOIN'S FOR SrATISTICAL fj P a !'1 (1 N SIN' THE TH-:O~~Y OF N"IN c S~-40 QUASI AVERAGES -U~ E,MILIBRIUM N~OCESS '~~-CCIJNTRY OF VqFU--USSR E TEORETICHESKAYA I .1i,.TE~kIATIt)iE$KAYA'FIZ~IKAP::1970r V0L 3, NR 21 PP 34T.E PUaL ISHED ------- 70 SP5J'ZCT:ARFAS--MATHEi4ATlCAL SCfENCFS Tri P I CTAGS-- Qi-WNTUM 'IHEURY, 80UNDARY LAYE SCHROEW-4GER EQUATMN dua -A 0 L RESTRKTIGINS _DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 7 &/0;L -:PROXY REEL/ FRAAE-300 3/06 68 STEP N0--UR/0()46j C [PC ACCESSION' Nrl--AP0l?-9833 -212 -0?4 N LINCLA S S I F I ED PqUCESSING DAYE-2 OV70 ~~-,IRC ACCESSION NO-AP0129833 ~&aSTRACTICXTRACT--(U) GP--O- ABSTRACT. I T I SSHnW Ml THAT A, Y CON-DITIONS FOR THE NON E-QUIL113RIUM STATISTICAL OPERATORS CA"14 BE FOR-qULATED GY.MEANS OF INTKOEUCING INTO TH UATIO, FOA T~ HE E LIOUVILL6 EQ N 'GARITHM OF THE LATTER) OF [iNFlNlfE:51?,l.AL STATISTICA.1- OPERATOq MR THE I-0 SOURCES DESTROYING THE SVIMETRY UNDER THE TIME VIVERSION. THESE UNDARY CONDITIONS AR,':~ VERY SIMILARJO THOSE OF~ I'HE QUANTUM SCA,rTER**NG .:~~-JHEORY BY WHICH THE RFTARDED SOLUTIONS'OF SCH? 00 1 NGE It C-Q-1JA I I 0,N A R E --STMGLM OUT. FAC M I TY.- MATEMATMISFKM INSTI:TUT IM. V. A. AKADAAII NALIK SSSII*. -1- A-L et. L: UWR uDc 617-755.1:6l6-o5S-9:355.3:6i2.223.3 DASOVJP N. Ya. Major Madical Corps, ZLT~ M r4 F.,G., Lieutenant Colonel, )9adical Corps, and RU-BITELI, L. T., Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Corps "Adaptation DistiLrbances in Soldiers Due to Climatological Chztnges" Moscow, Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, No 4, 1973, pp 60-62 Abstract: PhysioloGical and psychological studies were con(lacted on 2 groups of soldiers, 200 men in all, transported from northern to wax-mer southern regions,, and back, during sumner (June-July) and autiLurin (October- November) months. Surm~,er air temperatures in the northern anti voiithern regions wore, roupeaLively, 10 to 150 (u)(1 28 tO 30". kttwmi tai:i1joratur"n vai-iud from -1 to 50 in the north and from 10 to 120 in the soixth. In t~p;. swrilcr, the rnean weight loss after 2 weeks in the south was 1-7 k90 aW I)ul'-?e rate vras accelerated throughout the ntey in the south> reaching P_ peak at- the encl of the 2d week (a rze~ Increase of 9 beats/min); vhile both systolic and diastolic blood pressures were decreased, the fall in the latter ir-as much nio:Le pronounced (P4 0.001). On orthostatic. tests the mean iacrea~ie ir_,-~he -allise rate was loo6/min (P/, moi). In addition,- memory-.and attention spans of' the soldiers :Uaproved during their stay in the south. Pollowin~, return to the northern regions, the weiUjit, pulse, and diastolic pressure did not i=ediately return 112 USSR DASOVJ N. Ya., et al., Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, lip 4j 1973; pp 6o-62 to previous levels. Tn autumn, the change to the southern climate was accom.- panied by a man weight increase of 1-5 kgj idUch was retained following return to.the northern region, as well as an insignificant increase in pulse rate; the rean increase in systolic and diastolic pressure was 4-5 mm 119 (P < 0-001)- On orthostatic, tests pulse frequency increased by Psychological tests revealed improvements simd-la-r to those observed during the uw=er trip. Daring the sumner excursion the soldiers complained of excessive perspiration, decreased work capacity, loss of appetite, and somnolence in the afternoon. Only individual complaints of thisnature occurred in autunn. The functional changes attendant to the transfer to the south were apparently due to the higher temperature in the southern climate, solar racliation, and hNpod~mamia due to inaction during the train ride. Daring the trip to the south the soldiers became deaccliratized to the conditions in the north and, for that reason, results of functional tests did not immediately return to former levels. Imptovements in memory and attention may have been duc to the fact that the soldiers became accustomed to the method of testir4-,. The fact that results of psychological tests did not change on return to the northern regions would suggest that the psyche is relatively resistant to climitological changes. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.375.32 ZUBAREVi I. G., MULIKOV, V. F. "Single-Frequency, Neodymium Glass Lasers in.Non-Spiking, Free Oscillation Hode and in the Mode with Modulated Q-factor" Vsb. Kvant. elektronika (Quantum Electronics--collection. of works), No 3, Moscow, Soviet Radio, 1972, pp 13-17 (from RZh-Fizika, No 12, Dec 72, Abstract No 12D915) Translation. Oscillation of a Nd-glass laser with a broad radiation line 4 5.10-3 cTa7l operati-ag in the non-spiking free oscillation mode with a pulse duration of - 700 microseconds was ob tained.. The ~ radiation energy wiO, a triple increase in pumping above the threshold v4ue is equal to ^;'30 joules. The radiation of this laser was used to capture the radiation of another Nd-glass laser with modulated Q-factor. The modulation of the Q-factor was realized by a rotating prism. Here, the second laser emitted single pulses with a duration.of 30.,nonoseconds, an energy of,0.4 joules, an&-a line width of 7.10-3 cm-1. 'The natural line width of the laser radiation with modulated Q-factor was -14 am-1. The bibliography has 9 entrIcs. 26 USSR U-L)C: 621-373.826 VOLKOV, V. N., ZUBAREV, I. G. "On an Mechanism of Formation of Excited Atorns oo Iodine in a Photodissociation Laser" Kratkiye soobshch. po fiz. (Brief Reports on Physics), 1972, No 6, go 21L-',~'q (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 12, Dee 72, abstract Ho 112D231 by A. K. Translation: E=erimertal research is done which confirms the hypo-Clne~,-I-s of a chemical reaction in the active medil= of a photodissociation laser resulting in the formation of iodine in.the 2P3, state.. It is shown that i 11 4 2P the effectiveness of the auxiliary process of iodine forL th e is greater than 15,2' relative to photodissociation. USSR UDC: 621.373:530-145.6 GRASYUK, A. Z., ZUBAREV, I. G., MUL.IKOV, V. F. stretching aGiant Pulse of a geodymium. Glass~Laser by Means of the Forced Raman.Scattering Effect in Liquid Nitrogen Kratkiye soobshch. no fiz. (Brief Reports an Physics), 19(l, No 2, pp 27-31 T-froF RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract,No 6D162) Translation: The authors report an use of the method of stretching a pulse of Q-svitched laser emission by introducing nonlinear losses into the cavity thanks to forced Raman scattering in a neodymi-um laser. Silicate and phosphate glass rods were used as the active medi~,i. Pulse stretching was achieved only for a phosphate glass laser, Vnich yields a considerably narrower emission spectrum. A comparison of experimental data showo that introducing a cell with liquid the cavity causes stretching of each of three initial pulses until they- merge intol:A single pulse, which is due to cessation of amplification in th e pulse peal- region as a consequence of nonlinear losses with continued amplificatiot of the pulse edges. A. K. USSR UDC 539.4 ZUBAREV, P. V.) DEMENT'YEV, L. N., Moscow "Influence of Type of Loading on High-Temperature Creep of "lirconium Carbide" Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 8, Aug 73, pp, 61-64. Abstract: The influence of the type of loading on creep of fine-grained zirconium carbide ZrC 0.940 0 0.005N0.003 at temperatures of 2150-2630' C and stresses of 0.2-2.0 kg/nm2 is studied. : It is demonstrated that, during extension, compression and bending, the creep curves agree with each other satisfactorily, with the exception of the section of accelerated creep. It is established that the form of loading has no influence on the mechanism of creep. it is assumed that creep is controlled by diffusion processes along grain boundaries. PER USSR UDC 669.01.-9.82.8+539-376.219 ZUBAREV PL. V. and DMETIENT YEV L N. Lloscow '.'The Relationship Between the Activation Ene;rp,7 of High-Tempe- rature CreeD and the Diffusion in Carbides of Transition Id lelalsit Kiyev, Problemy Prochnosti, No. 9, Sep 71, pp.47 -51 Abstract The cree-o rates and values of the creep activation energy for ZrJO.92 -and '7rCO 97 have been deter--dmed for tem-De- ratures higher than 0.5 of the fusing 'VemT)erature. Based on Jb--?Ie analysis of published creep. and diffusion data in inclusion 'oha- ses, it is demonstrated that the,creep activation energy of me- tals of the fourth 6-roup of the Periodic System and monocom- pounds of uranium, that is, of materials with a high binding energy Me - C , can be equal both, to the diffusion activati- on energy of the metal and the carbon activdtion,c_-icrrmj in cax7bides. In carbides of metals of tqe f if th:. group of th - e Pe riodic System of stoichiometric composition, where the bindin-o- energy Me - .151c increases, the creep acti-va-tion ener s equal U Y to the diffusion activation ener(,T,, of the metal in carbide. Three illustr., one table, 33 biblio, refs. USSR UDC.632.95 V, S. B., IGOSHEV, A. D., LUKASHFNGK, V. N., and SOBOLEV, A. S., aTFa lant "A Method for Separating 2,4-Dichlorophenol" USSR Author's Certificate No 250154,' filed 29 May 67, published 15 -70 (From RZh-Khimiya, No 22, 25 Nov 70,: Abstract No 22 N707 P an J by 1. M. Millshteyn) Translation:. A method is proposed for separating 2,4-dichlorophenol (I)IIa half-finished product.used in the manufacture of herbicides, from a mixture of chlorophenol.isomers involving the use of multistage alkaline extracttion in an organic solvent medium. The two-column system consists of two rotary-disk extractors possessing 27 and 22 diska rotating at 100 and 200 rpm, respectively. A NaOH solution ~is the extracting agent in both columns, 0.9 N for the first and 0.367 N for the second. A mixture of 4.13 N of commerical I is per- chloroethylene in supplied to the first column from above while the NaOH enters from below. The raffinate of the first column is 99.8% .1. 7-he.extract ipf the first column is acidified~with IICI acid. Commercial I is extracted with perchloroethylene, diluted to 0.745 N, supplied to thesecond column. The resulting, 91.1% '1 is returned 'to-the first column. 1/1 USSR uDc: 6 3 29:51 S. V SHITOVA, E. N., and KILLUMSKAY,A, I. N. IlSynthesis and Analysis of the Acaricide Benzylbenzoateft Dokl. Neftekhi--i. sektsiya. Bashkir. resp. Prayl. Vses. Jkftim.o-va in, . D. I. MendeleXeva (Reports of the Petrochemical Section. Bashkir Rupublic &tecuti-ve Committee of the All-Union Chemical Society im. D. I.:Aqndeleyev), 1969, vyp 5, pp, 98-100 (from RM-Khimiya, No 22, 25 Noiv 70, Abstract, No 22 14614 by G. V. Kuznetsova Translation: An economical irethod of preparing the aca:rLcide benzylbenzoate (1), which is suitable for medical purposes, iq describ~ed. It involves an eater interchange of PhCOOBu (instead.of the PhCOCM4e previously used) with PhGH OH. The mixture of PhCOO11 and BuOH (in a molar ratio of 1:1.5) is heated in t3e presence of 0.5% H2SO 4 until the water is no longer distilled off, After distillation of the e-ccess BuOH, the resulting PhOOOBu is neutralized with NICO and treated with 15% excess PhGH,OH with 1% Wa-00 for 10 hours at 180 to 0 with disti.1lation of the BuOH.fomed (at the Zi 4iih 100 to 150 mm). The Na CO is filtered from the. chilled mixturep producing I with a yield of 80%. Gas2W1?omatography was used for the analysis. USSR 'UDC 632.95 LEV, A. S., KALUZHSKAYA, I. N., andj? ItAuxiliary Chromatographic Method of Analyzingihe Butyl Ester of J'-~ 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid" ..Dokl.:Nef_tekhim. Sektsiya. Bashkir. reap. pravl. Vaes. khira. o-va D. I. Mendeleyeva (Reports of the Petrochemical Section. Bashkir Republic Executive Committee of the All-Union Chemical Scoiety im..D.:I. Mendeleyev), 1969, vyp 5, pp 242-245 (from RZh-Khimiya, No 22 25 Nov 70, Abstract No 22 N700 by I. A. Revellskiy) Translation: To determine the butyl eater of 2,4-D obtained grom pure-BuOH, 3 to 5 mlcf the commerical product is analyzed by gas chromatography with a detector from heat conduction in a stainless steel column (2 X 0.6 cm) filled with teflon with 15% silicone fluid, 1322/300 photometer, with the temperatures of the evaporator and column 240,and 1800, respectively. Under these.conditions it is -also possible to determine the content of chlorinated phenols in the finished product. 3 USSR UDC: 535.14 RE"MiTlYE17, V. A. and ZMUZEV 'T, "Gramm-ed 0;-eration in Sihgle-Dlode~Quantum Laaers Moscow, Dohlady Akademii Nhuj- SS vol 204, ~No 1, 1 'May 1972, ~pp 6--6~~ Abstract: Interest has been aroused in the antalysis of siugle- mode laser oDeral-ion in conmqec~ion.with the Publication 01, ex- peri-mental data indicating that the eondition'known as "craL=medll o I peration, an unstable state, may ari-se. So Tar, -ki-1heze e":rj-1T1- mental results have been given no theoretical explanation, an omission this article sets out to rectify by analyzing the ainele- mode equations of laser operation., Causis ting,.. of. a s-yoton, of three, these equations are given in torms o:V t1w, field, the Po- larization, the iaverse populatior-6f the material, the para-- meter characterizing the pumping poiv~r) tho efT',,~ctive &nwoity, and the frequency arid dipole moinent.of the tri-awition betwaen the operating levels of the active llui-AnaacenC6 centere. It ii~ ahom that craxaned operation may not be connected with in,;tabl- lities in the monochromatia lacer mode for-om-311 disturbtinceo,. Water Trwat "4n t WSR UDC 541-181538+54,8.51 ZUBAREVX.V. A., Chamistry Faculty, Moscow University OThe Role of Colloidal Ferric Hydroxide in the Process of Magnetic Water j Treatzent" Koscow, Kolloidnyy Zhurnal, Vol 33, No 4# Jul-Aug 71t PP 536-538 Abstractj On the basis of ai analysis of t~e literature dealing with the effect of a zagnetic filed on water azid It5 eolutions$,the article conside-rs the process of magnetic water treatment and subsequent,ahanges in water in heating devices, specifically the effect of the magnetic field on the kine- tics of ctrystalli7ation of carbonate salts from aqueous solutions contain- ing.1ron impurities. It Is shown that t~e question b6ils down to a study of transformations of.colladial nonequililbrium,syztems .under the effect of magnetic4nd possibly other fieldsi and no:hip6theses concerning changes ir the structure of the water need to be was done by,V. B TMOKINOV. The author thanks N. 1. KOBOIZETforvaluable comments in discussing the material of the article. _: ~_ ia , , , _~.. - ,,-i _'*'rTET__;M --7 . _i ~ I "', . ~. M!, :11 11i. amam W USSR UDC 615 477.24:616~32-089,2& SHUMAKOV, V. I., WGILEVSKIY, E. B., KROL., A. D., SHIRKINA. T. V., ani YUC-IN. A. A., Scientific Research Institute or Glini(~al and Experimental -surge , Moscow ry "Model of an Artificial Heart for Intraperi OardiAl Implatitation" Moscow, Heditsinskaya Tekhnika, No -5, Sep/oat 70. Pp, ~_10 Abstract; A model is presented of an implantable artificl-il heart which consists of two mirror halves (right arA left), each containing an artificial auricle and an artifical ventricle. The modian surfaces of. the vontriales- are flat so that they may be easily connected after implantation. The ovqrall dimensions of the unit and the vol=o of its cavities depend upon the heart dimensions of the arlimal for 'which the artificial heart is intonled. Information is providod concerning the design, dove Lopaent, and testing of the artificial he'Art =it. Stand tests of-implantable models developed by the authors.and of control systems for them have made it possible to determine their functional-par"i3ters and to select the optimal operating conditions. It has been determined that the modkils can 'Do used for experiments with total substitution of the:pump~funatlon of tho natural heart. Experiments on calves and dogs have been alroady.'initiatel. LRI 112 034 UNCLASSI P'TED PROCESSING' OATE--23OCT70 T%ITLE--MANOMETER FOR MEASURING THE DENSITY OF 11,0LECULAR BEAMS IN THE OGRA ~11 INSTALLATION -U- AUTHOR--ZUBARE-V, V.F. k_,:,.,-.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 0URCE--PRI8. TEKH. EKSP. 19701 li 168-70 ------- 70 ~..-_DATE. PUBLISHED ~.S UBJ ECT ADEAS--PHYSICS .JOPIC TAGS--MANOMETER; MOLECULAR BEAMt SPECIFIC DENSITYP ELECTRON GUNo .:PLASMA:MEASUREMENT/(U)OGRA 2 THERMONUCLEAR DEVICE, -L~-C'jUNTKOL` MARK ING--NO R ESTR ICT I ONS' C.UMENT CL A S S-- UN CL A S S I F I ED REEL/FRAF4E--1988/1479 STEP iNO--tJR/0120/70/001/000/0168/0170 CIRC -ACCESSION NO--AP0106235 UNCLASSIFIED 12 034 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ACCESSION NQ--AP0106235 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AN IONIZATION MANOMETER 15 DESCRIBED FOR MFASURING THE D. OF T14E MOL. FLOW OF GAS PASSING THROUGH THE.AREA OF PLASMA ACCUMULATION. THE MONOMETER CONSISTS OF AN ELECTRON GUN BLOCK AND A COLLECTOR BLOCK PLACED ON BOTH StDES OF THE PASSING -FLOW. THE MANOMETEk HAS LINEAR CHARACTERISTICS IN THE RANGE OF 10 PRIME NEGATIVE10 MINUS 10 PRIME NEGATIVE5 TORR WITH A SENSITIVITY OF 10 PRIME3-TORR. FACILITY: INST. ATOM. ENERG., MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED ------ USSR UDC 541.183:546.59+541.128.1 YAGODOVSKIY, V. D., STEPANOV, V. M., and ZUBARZV Yu A Patrice Lumumba Friendship University, Moscow "Effect Which the Adsorption and Catalytic Dissociation of Formic Acid Have an the Absorption Spectrum of Thin Gold Films" Moscow, Kinetika i Kataliz, Vol 12, No 4, Jul/Aug 71, pp 942-947 Abstract: A film of gold was produced by vapor deposition of gold wire onto the windm4 of a sealed quirtz cell at a residua1pressure of 1,10-6- 5,10-7 mm 11g.- The resultant films were thermally aged for 30 minutes at temperatures from 125 to 200% in a krypton atmosphere. The absorption spectrum was recorded on a ZMR-2 monochromator and the adsorption isotherms were determined by leakage through a capillary. The rate of dissociation of formic acid was measured from the change in hydrogen pressure (with periodic freezing of the reaction.mixturewith liquid nitrogen) in the interval from, 1-10-4-2.10-2 Hg-~ The hydrogen pressure was recorded by an LT-2 tube calibrated with respect to a ~IcLeod gage., In five films which were made, a broad peak was obser-Ved in the 5500-6700 A range, Aiich is evidence of the granular structure of theifilms. Achange in the ab- sorption spectra of the metal was observed in the case of strong adsorption 1/2 U-SSR YAGODOVSKIY, V. D., et~ al., Kinetika i Kataliz, Vol 12, No 4, Jul/Aug 71, pp 942-947 of formic acid on granular gold films, indicating An increase in the con- centration of the conduction electrons,of the metal. A study is made of the kinetics of dissociation of formic acid on these films with simultan- eous registration of the absorption spectrum of the:metal. The observed changes in the spectrum are interpreted with the aid of the theory of plasma vibrations of electrons. The reaction rate is compared with the rate of change in the number of conduction electrons during the reaction. 2/2 7 USSR UM -621.397.61 KATAYEV, S. I., MAKOVEYEV, V. G., ZUBAREV, Yu. B. M "On Some Technical Facilities for.Enrichment of Television Programs"' e V sb. Televizion. tekhnika (Television Technology--coll ction of works), Moscow, 11SvYazj1?, 253-265 (from M-Radiotekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, 1971, pp Abstract No 6G193) Translation: Data are given on a number of devices develored at the Moscow Electrical Engineering Institute of Communications for extending the possibilities of TV transmissions. Amongthe 'se.are: equipment for combining image and sowid signals, a converter of TV 4andardo, equip- ment Sor combining tin actorle inage with qrj extificial background, tuid it TV ftftme. stopper. Five illustrations., bibliography ofnineteen titles. K. S., U3 &R UJC: 621.397-2~`3 Y NOV, V. Ii. , ZUBA B., IM AO, PwO VV. V., G., :EV, S. T., UL'~A,, '; of Co=.unications eerinr, 1 n s CILTu-'t lloscorw Electrical Eagin "A Device for Transmitting a Television Image and Accompanying Audio Signals" Xoscaw, Otkr,,4iya,_Izobreteni_ya, Prumys"Ilenn7nie Obra?,tsv, Tovarnyyo Znaki, 11o 19, 1970, Aut-horts Certificate No 272354, filed 19 Nov 68, p 39 Abstract: This author's certificate. introduces a device -'Por transmit-Ling a tele- vision image and accompanjing audio signals within the limits of the video signal frequency spectrum. The unit contains a sound signal source, a pha5e shifter, ined. video signal shaper, a d two pulse modulators, a comb riven sels~n, and a special. synchromixture shaper. As a distinguishing feature of the device, combi- nation distortions are reduced by inserting a series-connected electronic key and memory element between the output of the sound signal source and the inp!~t of one of the nulso modulators, as well as inse *rting the same combination (serios- connected electronic key and mewry.element) betwoon tho input.of the other pulse modulator and the phase shifter. Voltage from a =1ence-pLIse generator is sent to both electronic keys. UNCLASSI PIED DATE-20NOV70 Tat TLE-HI STu~FEMICAL C14AAGES IN AURENA'L.GLANDS WkING PUTASSIUM OICHROMATE :A*,LrH0k--ZUEA'R EVA, L.A. Zoo- CCUN TRY, OF UlFG-LSSR SGUr RCE~FAM~AKCL. TOKSIK,"L ("4GSC0W) 1970t 3312) 2~4-6 C~A T EPU8L I ShE G----_---70 ,:.--3lj5JECT AREAS--BIOLLGICAL AND MEDICAL 8CIENCES TOP I CTAG S--f)ij TA 15 1 UM Cu'llf'oul'40 Cf-IR QIM I UM COMP GUND ~'row*iriv ADRENAL ~:GLAND I S T U-M II RY: z`CC%TRCL MflJllKIl%'G--N0 kESTRICTiCt-IS jb L~J~ U M EX TCLASS--UNCLASSIFIEL; PAOX YR EE: L/ I- R A M E-- 3 00 20 6 62 STEP NG--,JA/0390/70/033/002/0234/0236 CIAC ACCESSICN NO--- AP 0 13 127 i; i % L" LS, 3 11: 1 E D WRIM m 2,12 029 UNCLAS S I F11 ED. PROCESSING DATlE---20N'OV7C --AP01312b7 CIRC ACCESSION NO %3STl-%ACT/LXTRACT--(U)'GP-0- ABS-rRACT. GASTRIC DOSAGE '41rh K SUB2-CR SUB2 I DA,ILY FOR 7 DA 0 SUB7. !"A63ITS, 0.5 YS, S;,Tl;iULAfES AMPIAL ACTIVITY. PLR,'iEAi)ILIIY ~~F vASCULAR tijL'%LLS INCt~EXSFES; ACIL) MUCUPLLUSt~CCHARIDES AtWMULATE IN VESSEL WALL&.~ AT CONCoNS. OF LO PRIME NEGATIVEIG-IC PR11YE NEGATIVEW, K SUO? CR,'SU62 Q SUB7 ACTIVATES NONS -ECIFIC EST4ASES; AT i0 PRIkIE NEGAFIVE5-11) PRIME NEGAUVE3 IT -.[NHI61~TS. AT DIUNS. TO 10 PRIME NEGATIVt7, ir 04HIBETS FHE ACTIVITY OF SUCCINATE t;EhYURGGENASE. FACILLTY: AKTYkJBINSK, ME0. INST., SKTYU6INS-&p USSR1, UNC LA -S