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:'TOPIC TAGS--THALLIUM9 ALKALls,HALIDEj POTASSIUM -CRYSTALi LUMINBCENCE, AOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0924 STEP NO---VR/0051170/028/004/072810736 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121526 ITE-30OCT70 Zf2 021 UNCLASSIFIED KOCESS ING' 0. c- IRC, ACCESSION NO-AP012-1526 ,-A5STRACT/=-XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ITL PRIME POSITIVE) SUB-2 CEINTERS 12Ni -KI-TLI, RBI-TLIt C-SI-I'Ll, AND -KCL-TLCL :PHOSPHORS . WERE I NV EST I GAT ED. TLM CONCN. VARIE0 FROM 10 PRIME NEGATIVE3-1 14GLE P.I:RcEi~a. THE STUUY INDICATED THAT THE PRIMARY E?i[TTERS OF THE (TL PRIME-PUSITLVE) SUB2. A MODEL WAS PROPOSEOt CENTERS ARE ORIENTED ALL-NIG THE C. SU04 AXIS. COINS IST ING OF A TL-X-TL (X EQVALS HALIDE) comaINATION IN t*RYSTALS WITH A NACL LATTICE, AIND TL PRIME PJSITIVE TL PRIME POSITIVE: PATR.', IN CRYSTALS 'WITH A CSCL LATTICE. POLAR I EAT ION AND LIFETIME OF tHE EXCITED STATE IN THE.INVESTIGATED PHOSPHURS RESEMBLE0 tHOSE IN K8R:-P8:AN0:KCL-8L ~UYSTALSi AND WAS.EXPLAINED BY THE FORMATION QF,PART9ALLY COVALENT BONDS AND THE HALIDEACN~is U,,4rLASSIFLED 0 26 UNCLASStFUD iPROO'~SlNr. DATE--I-RSEP70 14TLE"EUROPAUM (1) CENTERS IN POTASS TUM IODIDE -U- 4TI40R-400~-VARENKOf G#D.t AVDUNIN#.V:*Pov, ZAZUBOVICtit: S.G., PLACHENOV, :B T 0 TRY OF INFO_-USSR :~SOORCE--OPT. SPEKTROSK. 1970v 28( 2),t 284-8 'DATE- PUGL'ISHED ------- 70 --.SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, PHYSICS JQPIC -TAG, S--S I NGL ECRYSTALs LUMINESCENCEv EUROPIUM, 'CRYSTAL LATTICE --'STRUCTURE* BETA IRRADIATION, POTASsium 1001 DE .CPINTROL A49KING--Nn RESTRICT(ONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY AEEL/FRAME-19~4/0087 $TEP t4O--LIR/005.t/70/0231002/023to/~1288 C!qC ACCESSIOIQ N0--AP0054814 WCLASSIFIED SEEM 026 UNCL A~ S I FI Eo PROCESS1,NG DAT-E-IBSEP70 t.:ilZC.ACCFSStrjN NO-AP0054884 A6$TqACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. LUMINESCENCE OF KI SINGLE CRYSTALS -'CONTG. EUll SUB3 WAS INVESTIGATED, THESE CRYSTALS EAHIBIT A 'WEAK B4ND AT 4RO NIM, IN ADON. TO THE MAIN BAND AT 428, WHEN: THE CONGPI. OF EU 'OES N'DT EXCEED 10 PRIME NEGATIVE4 MOLE PERCENT.. CONVERSION OF I BAN10 INTO AIIJOTHER WAS INVESTIGATED AS A. FUNCTION OF THE CON01. OF THE F CUJERS, TEMP., AND aETA IRRADN. POLARIZATTON CHARACTERISTiCS OF THE LUMINESCENCE WAS ALSO DErD. THE 480 INM LUMINESC ENCE IS~ DUE TO J.HE PRESENCE OF EU( 1) FN TH.E.LATTICE. AND -15 ASSOGD.- WITH POIN,T 6EFECTSv ~PROBABLY AN10t,11C ANC I ES. POLARIZATION STUDIESANDICATE 'THAT' DEFECTS ARE IN THE 7.DI-RECTION OF THE C SU84 GRYST. AXISS -UNCLASSIFIED 1/2 028 UNCLASSIFIED. 'PROCL-SSING DATE--04DEC70 T ITLE--PREPARAT ION FIBERS FROslt A MIXTURF OF POLYACRYLONITRILE WITH POLYMETHYL 4ETHACi~YLATE -U- -.AUTHOR-(03)-KRASOVSKAYAt SOB.t Z A, ZrA. KNOK IN A.Ao OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-KHfM. VOLOKNA L970, (2), 19-22 ~DATE PU8LISHED------7O SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TAIGS--POLYACRYLONITRILE FlMv: POLYNE,THYLMEMACRYLATEr WEAR RESiSTAW,,Et TENSILE STRENG7)4 C0,11TROL MARKING--NO RESTRiCTIONS D OC UMf N TCLASS--UNCLASSIFIEC) PROXY REEL/FqAME--3005/0045 S TIE PN 0- -VR 0.18 3 IT 0 /0 (".0 /0 02 019 0 022 C,IRC ACCESSION NO--APO,132340 UN, C 1. A 5 S I F I E D USSR UDC 535-853:535-14 STANVIGH, A. YMI 4MLVORKA, 1.~ V.,, POLUMN,~YU. Ii, and RUDYAVSKAYA, 1. G., Candidates of Teabnical Seiences'~.: "A Spectrophotometer for the Long-Wave Infrared Region" Leningrad, Optiko-Mekhanicheskaya Promyshlonnost', Ho 6, Jun 73, pp 32-37 Abstract; A description is given of the first domestically produced two-beam SP-143 spectrrDhotometer for the 20-500.micron.regicn, and results of tests on an experimental model are presented. The instrumentils designated for automatic recording of the absorption spectra of.solid, liquid, and gaseous objects at -various temperatures, as well as reflection spectra of solid specimens. Spectra of atmospheric vater vaporj recorded during single-beam and two- beam operation of the instrument are presented. The spectral resolution of 1 -1 the instrument is 0.5-1.0 am7.., the.precision is to.~i.thin~+ 0.5 cm , the photometric exactness is to within 1-2%j and the purity of the spectra is, as a rule, not less than 99%. 3 figureo.1 table..6 rei-erences. 132 - Ref Code: Acc. Nr: #PO04409S.. q *7 ~J~edjtsiia, 1970 Vol 48, pRL..My SOURCE; Klinichesk-aya n Nr CAI ELUMS RADIOISOTOPE.sCANNIJNG OF TH., V. S. Afanas yeva,. T. A. Fitakera, A.W. Zb L3. Yu. V. Balabanoo, Surnma'ry Scannintz opens up new vistas in the diagnosis of circulatory in disease's of The lungs. Tile! report is baO on an analyses of invLitictatitim carried out in 109 patients sufferirq irom different disi~a~es of the lunq,szlrernboii~rn of the pulfrom;i.y artery, pulwon3rv tuberiCulosis, rnaligmant tumors). Aliter irve5tig .10n scanning of the lungs was performed 5- 10 inintites after intmvenous introduction ai 2CO-300 uC of radio- .0 iodine-labelled inacroazzreqate albumin. The uintigr2rns reflected tht Jegree of vasculariza- tion of the pulrrGnarv ti5sue znd enabied to c:Ftablish the volurne of disturbances by the pre- sence,of. -silent* zones and reduction of the radioactivity. The technique is simple and safe for the patients. 19771433 TIF- lug USSR UDGi 632,954+631.8 insci cute of P.Lmt Pr,-3toction, Scietitific Tashkent. "Effectiveness of -2entachloronitroben,,cme (PCNB) and Against Cotton 'lilt" MAraiya Sal'skom .-a)azyaystve, tie 11, Nov 70 )p 30--34 Ma s cw Abstract: A study is presentcd of the pffectiveness, f th u f ua pen tachlo ranit robenz cne (KIJ13), used with a cbraplete mfiv!ral f,.~i:tilizar, a~nitroganons fertL zer (in the fornz of zmminium, form~-Id,-~Iiydv, ferrilizc-, It was obse-vi--d that Alertilizers orior Lo or during the planting 6.-- cotuoi-i on alell- with ?CS;3, inhibitad the ser-dlil-vt iu t1le infestatien of 'p-laats 3-; t."11t. A ~KJZ FC-M Tctltin~,- po~,d~-r am)-licd ia doses of 100-4010 kg~ha 10 days prior to c0tton plaatiiq oa(j by hir -r dwws of Ili. L fVYVj1,i74U`i fAiI31J1,'1LL.d 1,:61:MAnaLion, rwduced Ow. injury but- fallcd to 10~.-er --,'*LL~ over-all infesLaLiot~ Of the plinit by 1/2 USSR -Iih-tiya v Sel'skon E.11ozyaystze, no LI, Nov vo, pp 30-34 wilt. The same compound auplied at doses of 100 1, L11C f5il Wiz~l ~N200PI(101'30 -"as found to lowor the ovor-all WiIL inf.- Of Cotton, increasin, the crop of raw coLtoa,'by 10. 6 inet ric ceR(~6.ers 7~Lr jj~-,. (.(j:ll- mercial-grade PC-, "B applied at "D kg/'aia iii'Lhe fall cr at 50 k~z/~ia ia both ttia fall aud th2 sprin- wit!, hi~riarr pror~ortioiis of mi cral-fvrv-ilizers redLICed the over-all wilt irifestaLion of cot-ton azid the 2 extent of danage by t4e disease and prowot'e'd: an increase in the crop or raw-cotLon by 32'. 2/2 NUCLEASES OV SALIVA AND SALIVARY CLANDS UNDU, NOMIAL AND PATHOLOGICAL MIND171101: tArticl aby L.B._Z1o,%z:-% -y- L.F. Adistaey, (-,Air of Medical ntoe;-miutry. Centra: Tn4tlt.ul~ fb-r-Me Advanced T-r-n1`Ti1-Ti-y,, Physici=s, ".,--ow; 14" of SS15R, Rassian, No 11, 11971. rp 3-131 S-Iliv2n,' au"-I&os can play a substantial role in P!Ictp-r r I mz-tbL vf~pathaganr or varlo-ms iniaE-Zloui or the p*ulmo,nnry* qnd di~etktivq,,sy9LeM thrau3h the mouth. of the nctivity. "~ then. enzymes In die pr-ienee of gastrointestinal p3rholory could be u"ful f-r lnveatigati;~n or itr p4thogenevir and for diAgncstics. However. there is Un1v 1 the publiahQd York. b-,, Eichal at, al. on thia: s'ubjcct - which shewn that acid ' and alkaline ribenucleanes are present in secretions and mixed . saliva. Ribonucleasa, (XFjen=;ra clansifientio,. Xc, of sali.v.rv OAnds and deoxyr-lbonur: leane (KT 3. 1. 4. 5,' of aal.Eva". t . gland mtxed saliva of umn have not been,' ;invocrigated.- It has been, cutablished that there are changes In activity-of cnzy~~ . ' of Salivary- $land scrrPtions and-inixed -2aliva in &'.pTesenco of a number of diaeasLt of the digosttve %yotem, and this cauld be used in clinical prnc_ tice to diagnose and monttor-the course of these 7athological, states (~;ep.,- mann 3nd Solborger; G.F. Milyushkevich- Naujok et ".; V.G. Tkachenko; Chornick~ et al.; Myslynska~ Kato et al.; N. Daragan at, al., Kaufmann and Stibitz; K.N. Ruzaeva and V.G. TCzchcnko, 147f, and others).* Ccnsiderable data have also been, accumulated dealing so I.d witki the propaTCieS of the CnZyMd4 c.C liVar-Y ;L searetionr. and mixed saliva, And with c". affe& of diverse,factors on the level of their activity. Regulta of this type can be Interpreted only If it Is 'Known u-nere a given, eatyrmi In proJuced, and this was not always taVen into tnnsivitcatlot' in tNq thi', Above-mentioned inveetigations. For, Zhis zeason, alonip, witli prisentaOcn of experimental data, wo have tried to report 4cme features characterizing thel localization of production of nuclenses and other enzymes of saliva. Nucleases -ore studied in mixed saliva from 193 People, in r, he recretiot ~r,~ of the parocid gland of 48 people, as well as In experiments on two d.,;s with Isolated salivary gland ducts, A comparative assay of nucloase activity was made on saliva. other biological fluids. and in hcatogenates of some organs. 4- IC- t!Q o0. jr :1Nr. v 71 JX It 02L UNCL ASS IF I ED! PROCESS IN13 DATE--20,14OV7C RC AC.CESSICN' NO-AT0133576 WRAC,l/E;(T'r'lAf:T--(U) GP-0- ABSTRA'CT. THE RESPIRATORY ACTIVITY OF ASOLATE.0 1-,'UCL4`-l GF RAT LLVEk CELLS WAS TABULATED 1.~Vrri ANU t-111THOUT A 0 7! E: CYTGCHRGi";F- Ct INADH, AND AUP AS WELL AS GLUTANAFE, WCCINATE, AND CM 'PP LIME NEG1,11-TIVE. THE '.~ESZULTS THAT o / I ri ii F- ISYSTE-MS ARE PRESE%J 1-fli 7HE CELLS OF LIVER STRUCTURE AiNO SPECIFICALLY IN THE 1"'UCLE-I ""a'- T t- i El S E- ELL' CELLS S(i THAT NUCLEAR OX[DATIGN PROCEEDS JN VARIOUS ~C'- S A-"10 IS N(Ji LIKITED TG- LYMPHJIDAL TISSUES fjNLY. THE, NUCLEA.", t-lE.8V0,RANE A`ID 1-ILICLE1 PIER ACTIVELY USE NADH AS THE 0XID",11. SUBSTRATE; A: LES5 liNTE,"llS (VE STI'VULATICN CF RESPIRATIGN '6Y INADPH AND A' CCNSIDERAB'1-1~- IN"CRFASE OF Trl 15 NUTE IS 0xIr'lzLl-) E~FFECT BY ADGED-NAD ;-,ERE -D. THIS [NOICIArES THAT, VtAINLY.BY A lkAiNSHYVkC!GENASEA,,,lD SUBSEQUENT DEHYDRDGENIATIO;N OF NADH, THE ABSENCE OF A PKONOUNCE0 EFFECT OF ADDED ~SUCCIXATI~- Ci',.' 0 SU~2 UPTAKE AGREED 'filTH THE LACK CF SUCCINATE 0EhYURQGEN'ASE V, Tli;~ NUCLC--Ai~ STRUClUkES OF fliti-SE CELLS. ADOED ADP DID'NOT STIMULATE RESPifkA'rfo,*,j. HENCE EXCGENCUS AUP EVIDENTLY 010 NOT PLAY k'POLE ASi,PHGSPHATE ACCEPTOR l:N-.JF[ SE SYSTEMS. FACILITY: INST~. 51.OL, RAZVot JAIDS COW, USSR. f U-NC LASS 11: 1 E 0) MIMES 010 M. Ate Nr t wi C06: OJT. 0 ~0 PP605428 ekulyarnaya Biologiya, 1970, Vol 4, Nr ot PRU4ARY SOUELCE: Hol PP ON DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE CONDENSED -AND DIFFUSE CHROMATIN OF NORMAL AND MALIGNANT.CELLS A. BERMAN, N. P. LEBKOY V. A. AJ and f. B. ZAIARSKIf, !L YA RTAMONOVA, Advanced Training Institute for Physicians, and Institute _ot Epidemiology and. f0-7re7f-cal Science Microbiology, Acadenitt r, ~S, USSR; Jwoscow Diffuse chromatin of both normal and malignant- mouse, tissues contains much more. poly4nions (RNA. non-histene protejns) than the;condensed chrorhatin. I-or liver it was shown that 25S-methionine was incorporated 20-30 per cent faster Into histones and40- 50 per cent faster into non-histone proteins of the diffuse chronixtin as compared with the same fractions of the condensed chromatin. -Similar results were obtained in the case of hepatoma chromatin fractions. Experiments.involvffig DNA"kNA hybridization re- vealed that in the liver the DNA of the diffuse chromaLin was more' active in mRNA syn- er the c.ondensed% chrom part of thesis than that of the condensed one. In liv atin contains a DNA cistrons that are dempressed in hepatoma.- REEL/FME. -21Z 019 UNCLAS:STFIEO,~ --040EC70 PROCESSING DATE :CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0139813 -ABSTRACT/EXTRAC.T--(U) GP-0- ABSTPACT. THE SPECIFIC MONOAMINE OXIDASE ACTIVITY IN' RAIT LIVER COMPONENTS WAS THE HIGHEST 1+1 NUCLEAR M~1113RANES AND RELATIVELY LOW IN FIOMOGENATFS AND NUCLEI PROPEJ~; IS ASCITES HEPATOMA ~'T WAS ALMOST LACKING. IT WAS ALSO SUBSTANTIALLYA11SENT IN HOMOGENATES AND NUCLEI OF 014ER TUMORS SUCH AS NOUSE CARCINOIKkAND:JENSEN SARCOMA. 80 AT CONcN. USED FOR ISOLATION OF NIUCLEI 011) NOT LOWER THE -ACTIVITY OF THIS ENZYME IN HOMOGENA.TES I 13R. NUCL E I4Pl HEAL,rtiy PA TS -IL-ITY: INST. USSR*- F AC BTOL. MED* KHIMI MOSCOWi - UNCLASSIFIED ......... .. USSIR UDC 6-29.78-05-52 3OFNER I V. A. AIM-CUMEX, K. B., d Z3ARa.EIY,- "Syn'hesis of the Pro,-r -ter 0 u am, u e d nsi nal Cohtrol of a Spaco Turning 1--l-aneuver" Kazan' Izvestiyp- V~ysshildi Uchebn2rkh.Z?,-vedeniy, Avi--tsioi, aya Tek!Lnika, _Nro 2,. 1973, pp 5-11 Abstract: The syn'thesis of I'die syster. o f th e, nro-rai-~~.iccl e, tcr-,- sional cont--ol io 7-nall-y%:,ed on the basis of Poll tu jy,*,.,viy, S princiDle. The dif--cren*-i,~_1 ecua~ionz o-" -he rotary 1~otiwl a' a COM-) C apparatus. au,.j-,)Jo-%,!ented by bowidary cohr'litJoils, arp, ured in the 3.,-rn t 172 e s i s .Thu anallyzed problem of e ~Iattjr conolsto r q-f the ch!~-n- of i r-L the dot-extaLar-ation o-f the 1.,en-oorall nro the a7,--Oaratus along moments Led +0 boluld a,--e s nd enolzr4-ir-,. -'-he ~ 1 1 .61 .1 .1 ~ T -e2-2-ization o cribed 'ii-lnn a~L 1110 Yl,eo -'llill the minirntn nossible uc. -:pre*~,,-o-.,As -~r2e ,~e- - ed --ro-;id4-l,- a Presen-ttatio-n of +.h-- cliaracter of t-lle oontxol f7omcnto i!i t-ime -e-nd detei-min-in- tlae inT)ut. 'Pho -,qd U dard control sy-ste= are co, )ared. The cslcu-l~:Aion -,-.lE---,thod is -i1 JUSt2,p4-ed ,_ a_ on --0 ul t .70 pl-iic re-Fe- eX2.L~.Ie. TT,.,,Cive -Lorm as, t, bibliOi-ra rences. 16 USSR UDC: 629.78.05-52 BODNER, V. A., ALFKSEYEV~ K. B. and ZBARSKIv I S OTheory of the Extensive Control of Orientation" FAzan' Izvestiya Vyssbikh,Uchebnykh Zavedenly, Aviatsionna-ya Tekhnika, No 1, 1973, pp 5-11 Abstract: The authors study a method for changing the orientation of an air- craft by means of a single turn about a Euler axis. Kine=tic relationships are given which are used in selecting the 6ontrol moments necessary for the rotation of the craft. Differential equations are derived for the craft motion which characterize its dynamic properties durbIg extensive control. It is.a.second order differential.equat.ion with its right side being a known time function. 3-A Oil UNCLASSIFIED'': PROCESSING DATE--160%-IT70 T,,TTLE--PHQT0C0L0R1METRIC DETERMINATION OF MENTHOL -U- _40THOR-(02)-SEMENYCHEVAt A-A.t Z.BARSKIYP V.D. C_0UNTRY.OF INFO--USSR jil :SOURCE-FARMATSIYA,(MOSCOW) 1970t 19tl)i .46-9 SPATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 -SU-BJEC-T AREAS--CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGGECAL -AND 'M*EDI CAL -SC VE~NCES: IOPI-C-TAGS--CYCLIC ALCOHOL, CHEMICALANALYSIS, PHOTQ,14F:T1RY/(U)FEK56 ER _C-.q4T_R0L MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -I)OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PRDXY-.R,EEL/FRA,'AE--i-996/0674 STEP NO--UR/0466/70/019/001/0046/0049 CJRC__.ACCESS10N NO--AP0117899 UNCLASSIFIED I MIN I ---------- ~p oll~ UNCLASSIFIED RorESSING DATE--16OCT7C ,&IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117899 -ABSTRACT/t-XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE DETN. OF mENrHOL (1) IS BASED OR REACTION (LAM13DA SUBMAX. 597 NM) NILIN' ([I) IN H ON ITS COL, WITH VAt .,SUB2 SO SUB4 SOLN. TO DET. I IN PURE PREPNS. DISSOLVE 0.15 G IN LOO ML ...ETOHt AND DIL,. A 5 ML ALIQUOT TO 50 ML WITH ET0H. TO 2 ML OF FRESH IN H SUB2 50 SU84r ADD 0.4 ML: OF THE SOLN., PREPD. IPERCENT 11 .1 SAMPLE CKVX AND ADD 2 ML WATER. MEASURE THE ABSORBANCE AFTER 15-20 MIN IN A 0.5 .-C.M..CUVETTE ON THE.PHOTOM-ETER FEK 56 (FILT 'ER 7'N0. 8) AGAINST A BLANK SOLN. :CALC. THE RESULTS BY USING E PRIMEI PERCENT SUBICM. ;,EQUALS 555.3p ESTD. ,4_-,0N.jHE ABOVE PHOTOMETER. BEERS LAW,HOLDS.FOR 0.06-00~23 MG I-ML. THE I S- 'STABLE F-Ok 1.5-2 HR FACILITY., TSENT. AP7ECH. USSR. NAUCHO ISSLED. INST., MOSCOW, UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSMG DATE--30OCT70 z 018 UNCLASSIFIED' .-.--.TITLE-REACTIVITY OF AN ACTIVATED. sqET.HYL GROUP IN NITRO C01"WOUNDS. 11. NITRO COMPOUNDS IN THE.~. VILISME,fER HAACK REACTION -U- UTHOR :(G3)-ZBARSKIYt V.L.i BORISENKOt A.* G-RLOVAv ~YE.YU. "A .-COUNTRY OF INFO_-USSR SOURCE--ZH. ORGs KHIM. 19709 6(319 520-5 17, DATE PUBLISHED ----- -70 :,~-.SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--AROMATIC--NITRO COMPOUNDo XYL ENEP PERCHLORATE1 ORGANIC AZO -1 COMP.OUNDt ACROLE-INt TOLUENE# BENUNE; UERIVALTIVEt E&TER 'MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CGINTROL. 0OCUMENT C LA S S--UNC LA SS I F I ED -~-~_.TROX.Y REEL/FRAME--1992/1685 STEP NO--UR/0366/170.10061003/0520/0525 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0112679 -UNCLASSI-FIED: -2/21 018 UNCLASSI Fl ED PROCESStNG 0ATE--300CTT0 C IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0112679 -~-ABSTkACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0-- ABsrRACT.. THE V ILSME I Fk~ HAACK REACTION OF Zi4t6tTRINITROXYLENE WITH HCONME SU32 GAVE: .1,3,BIS(2,(DIMETHYLA-141NO),IYFORmYLVINYL)923-4,6,TRINJTRfiBEt4ZENE. THE REACTIG,"4 OF 214t6tTRINITROCRESOL WITH HCONME SUB2 IN THE PRESENCE OF ROCL SUB3 FOLLOWED BY THE TREATMENT:WITH HC:LO SU84~GAVE A MIXT. OF -,4y(2t4i,6tTRINITRGt3,CHLOROPHENYL)12t,690IM-ET.HYLr2tAZAt6tAZOtNIA,3s,5tHEPTAD [ENE PERCHLORATE AND 4 (293,DICHLORG,4#6,DINITROPHENYL),2,6tDIMETHYLtZvAZAt6t,ALON[Ai3p5tH't:PTA DIENE PERCHLORATE, IN THE CASE OF 296,DINITRO*P,TOLUIC,ACID (1) THE :,ONL YISOLATED PRODUCT WAS 2,(2#6,DINITRG,4,CARBOXYPHENYL),3,DIMETkYL,AMINOACRfJLEIN. THE ATTEMPTS TO SUBJECT 294,DINITROTOLUENEP 4tCHLOROt2,4,DINITROr0LUENE9 -2oCHLOROv4t6iDINITRGT0LUENEi I ET-ESTERf OR Z,Z*,6,TRINITRUETHYLBENZENE q'i'i-I TO VILSMEIER HAACK REACTIONWERE NOT SU~CESSFULI FACILITY. -~MOSK* KHlM,-TEKHN0L# INSTo IM, MENDELEEVA,,.9QSC.OW, USSR* Lj" TDc 681.326 V_ M. CHL 7. WW" PIATIC TK, A. A., NESUMIM., B. B.,~~and PAM-HISH.U.11, V. I. IOR Institute-of %tiferatics, AcadeW of.Scien'es:Ulcraimian. "Device for Controlling the Structure of a Comp, tit er Jvjedi~m" USSR Authors' Certificate No 3122733 Cl. G,o6 9 7/46, filed 7 Apr 70, published. 7 Cct 71 Urom ltzh-Aytormt:Uia, Telemekhanika iNychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 5, ~~,y 72, Abstract No 5B221P) Translation: 7he invention has to do urith coiZouter devices used to control the structure of an optron analog network in the solution of plirtial differential equations. Special-pta-pose devices for solving partial differential equations by the modeling rethorl are- vell Immm: for exwq)1e, thie and tile "Vef~a," whi6i use a network of resistors as the analog piediiun. Hmrover., the 116MI-I net- work rm-del doen not pe-i-mit control of the network, structure at sufficient V speed: i.e., changing of the resistances of. the resistors, according to the necessary law. The automated Vega network model permits U,,e z,ooistances of the resistors const~4tuti_nG the netuorks to be chanGed aute,maticully according to a given progmm as an equation is solved., is domi~ by C911necting to the -vork a resonator of the requisitQ rating; from an av~;Uable n0; by izT.;ans of n et an electroragnetic relay. Such a principle of controULL-iLt the structuxe of -SSR A, 3 73 MOY-SHEVSKIY, V. K., et al., U athorr, Certificate V 122 -e ene of the medium rakes the entire device owmbersome and requires tLe yr S 0 1 a 7, large number of precision resistors tith various ratings. lie pwT~.ose of the L invention is to develop a device for electronicall setti!ag nuid control I ing the structure of a conTpater mediwm (analog network) that in; based an optron8. ice i~akes I possil-.Ie to seta the resist q values of the The proposed dev anc otoresistors of the optrons automatically according to a iVe-n and pro6 a ing the s6luUan of an equa- to change thern according to the requisite, laic dur ti by changing the filwent current of the optron bight tources according on to the corresponding laur. 2/2 UDd Zib~OibqB.396.332.083-1 YEFSHOV, F. I., GAYSKTOM. V. S., YISELENt 0. 14, -ZAMITIA, 0. V., MISHIM9 L. K.t URYVt.Yz-.V ,L. V. p NEYFA-1-0i t S. A', IrAt tute of Virology imcni D. I. Dwiovskiy, US S R A (=c 1~ V, 01 "ciencest Moscow, Institute of Experimental Modicinet USSR AcaAevi of Medical "Replication of Infectious Vira.1 MIA in Isoli~ted Kitochondria. Report II: of Viral- FJU in Mitochondria wA.Characteristlas of the Firal Troduct" Hoscon, ioprozy Virusologiip 110 3; May/Jun 711 PP 274-280! Abstracti I~ .ias of to establish whether isolated mi~ochondxia could --c-plimte viruz RRA, that is whether "bacterial" ril.-o-somes could Synthesi-ze the fimetior-My active PMA,poly-laeraze, and whether the final Product of vi-rus-."Docillic Synthosis has infectiom properties, 113-RILI iscla-'Ced from purified Venszuei,~m ecuLie encephU-,itis vitus, was =6. to study the func.. tior, of lu"A emcrging in rL14.-ocfiondrJa.q' Contact between n1tochordria ard MU was 310 abratea C-OL, 000. After this, the mitochondria imre Jn,,;ub-nted under aerobic condlitions for 2 J,oux-s at 37UC, Aftor tern-ination of the inculation 'A wan sepax-atod by the phenol deproto~nizing nethod and analyzed. in period, R1. a sucrose density gr---rUant (5-3G%). ?eaks. itere found In the 110,35 and 26-203 a x - to - ^nu- xc-,glen. Tho 403 arva corrosponds to RIIA-ase.wid the 26-2 ea rib, 1/2 YEMISHVII, F 1. , et al. , vc~'--Ot'-- Vim-O'Sologii, No 3, May/Jun 71, pp 274-280 rate-ial, thoc rarlicative forn of viz-U,,PM. The data obtained dica-Le that the p=,;z-do,.dJn---t portion of viral MIA ap n pearing 4 n mitocho,-4z-ia i -he does not rnrticitk%te in t process and i. lehydration produ- shmi up in tha top zone of the gradIent. No radioactive :products of rato- chonc3xial YCIA, ti-cuislation were detected, which,can be explained by the effective concontr-ation of actinonycin D. As the newly synthesized P.-ItA, forms complexes with protoinz, infectious activity increases. ::The comple es formed have -subcollular, structures and are ~sepamted from Ihfected cells, 20 - 1/1 USSR UDC 621.373.826 MOROVSKIY, YU. A~. ZBOROVSKIY, A. A., SKO, ."Nonlinear Distortions when Filtering the Radiation of Semiconductor Lasers by Optical Filters" V sb. Poluprovodn..pribory v tekhn. elektrosvyazi (SemiconductDr Devices in Electrocommunications Engineering--collection of works), vyp. 9, Moscow, Svyaz', 1972, pp 9-12 (from RZh-Radiotekhnik--, No 5, May 72, Abstract No 5D205) Translation- A study was made of the nonlinear distortions occurring on filter- in& the radiation of a semiconductor laser by means of optical interference filters. The magnitude of the nonlinear distortions is determined as a func- tion of the.fill-er parameters auld also the characteristics of the semiconduc- tor laser and the signals modulating the radiation. There are 2 illustrations and a 3-ent-ty bibliography. '47 I 'I.] P USSR UDC 621.373.826 ZBOROVSKIY,A,, A., SKOMOROVSKIY, YU. A. "Reception of Binary Optical Signals of Semiconductor Lasers under Turbulent Atmospheric Conditions" V sb. PoluDrovodn. priborv v tekhn. elektrosvyazi (Semiconductor Devices in Electrocommunications tnaineering--collection of works),~vyp. 9, Moscow, Svyaz', 1972, pp 4-8 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 72, Abstract No 5D198) Translation: A study is made of the noiseproofness of the reception of optical binary signals in OLS with semiconductor lasers under turbulent atmospheric conditions with automatic regulation of the threshold fevel. The total error probability at the exit from the thre.0iold;device is defined as a function of the.parnmeters of the fluctuating medium and the background level. Results -are presented f rom. an experimental. study of, the noiseproofness. of the re- ception of the optical binary signals In the OLS with a tienicoriductor laser for two reception schemes: with a constant and,with a fillow threshold. There are 2 illustrations and a 4-entry.bibliography. -USSR uDc 669.o46.5 RABITIOVEH Ye. I., VORON0, A. Ye., and ZBO "Effect of Convective Mlixing of the on: Oxide Impurities Distribution, Along the Height of a Killed Steel Ingot" Moscow, V sb. "Sovrerennyye problerry kachestva ztaii" (Mlsis) (Collection of Works. Modern Problems of Steel Quality) (Yosco-,r Inttitute of Steel and Alloys) Izd-vo "Metallurgiya," No 61, 1970, PP 54-571 Translation of Abstract: Results are presented -of a ratheratical analysis of the:formation of nonmetallic imDurities..andAheir s1fosequent. refining in steel in solidification in a mold. The nature of-molten steel convective ndxing dur- Ing solidification and the distribution of oxides along tbe height of' the killed steel ingot are described4 2 figuresi 8, ~referencwl USSR UDC 669.14-41:620.186.5 VOSTRIKOV, A. A., GUBCHhVSKIY, V, P. jWJZ~"YA. A. NEMKINA, E. D., RADAM, G. D. "Ultrasonic 11-lethod of Studying Recrystallization of Shcet Steel" Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, Xo 3, 1971, pp 302-304. ABSTRACT; Specimens of Type 08 kp steel I mm thick, annealed at SOOC inter- vals- in the 100-1,2000C -range, were used to study the dependence of attenua- tion of ultrasound (inclination of piezoelement 40*, frequency 2.5 1111z) on angle of beam deflection in relationship to the rolling direction. Parallel x-ray~structural studies of the process of rocrystallization Gf these speci- mens confirmed the possibility of determining the temperatures of beginning And ending of recrystallization on the basis.of approximate attenuation curves of ultrasound, and also of studying the kinetics of the proceSs of recrystal- lization of 0 Table; 2:~Hiblio.~ Refs. sheets of this steel.. 3,Figur~s; I iA USSR U DG 620.793 ZBQMAYA, 0. M., and SHATT14SKIY, V. F., Physicomechanical Institute, ApAdemy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Llvov "Producing Diffusion Coatings With the Aid of Isothermal Mass Transfer in Molten 1,1,etals" Llvov, Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika Viaterialov, Vol 90 No 4, 1973, pp 43-48 Abstract: This work was conducted to establish the possibility of producing mass transfer in molten metals and diffusion coatings by means of isothermal to investigate the processes which control impregnation by the same method. Samples of armco iron were subjected to impregnation in melts of Ca, Li* Na, 3 Bi Fd and Cd containing 5 ut% diffusing elements of Be B, Al, V, Or, Ga, Ge, Ni, Nb, Mo, W, and Pt. The impregnation process was carried out at 10000C for ~100 hours. On the basis of test results it was possible to conclude that the use of an intermediate makes it possible to produce a wide serie S of CCa4,jjj Also, isothermal transfer, production of coatings, and imprognation kinetics are determined by the difference in the chemical potentials of the impre,-rnated and impregnating components between the phases and. their adsorption activity at the interphane boundary. Phase componition and structlire of a coatillfr can be controlled by ineans of transport relt and impreirnatkin mode seloction. A 1/2 .... ...... 7 Coatings USSR uDc 62o.191:6el-793:669.o17 STIATIVSKIYY V. F. ~P institute Of Faysico Iflec'.hanics, Academy of Sciences UkrSSR, LIvov "Saturation of lkhlSN9T Steel W ith Beryllium- and Corrosion Resistance of Coatings in a Lithium Melt" 'ka Materialov, Vol 8, No S, 1972, pp 59-62. Kiev, Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhan, Abstract: In order to increase the heat:resi,stance and oxidation resistance of steel products, their surfaces are sometines satura-1:ed with beryllium. This work is dedicated to the study of the possiblity of producing beryllium coatings on IMISOT steel in a liquid metal,bath intermediate trans- port melt of Ca, and also the study of the kinetics and establishment of opti- mal modes of saturation by this method; the corrosion. 3-csis-tancc of beryllium coatings in a lithium, melt was also determined. The mt~thodwas found to pro- duce good coatings, protecting IKhl8N9T steel, from co,TTosion in lithium; how- ever, the structure of the coatings was un-sttible, resulting in variations in properties (microhardness, surface, smoothness) and 'Ire absorption" with time. M [ME MINOR .USSR 1JDC 519.2:62-19 VAGIER I. V. ZARENIN, YU. G., ZBYRKO H. D. "'Accident-Free Operation of an Aggrega'te:With a Double Safety System" V Sb. Teoriya tochn. i nadezhn. kibernet. sistem. Tr. Seminara. 1,~p. 2 (Theory of Precision and Reliable Cybernetic Systems. Works of the Seminar. No. 2 -- Callec- tion.of Works), Kiev, 1969, pp 114-127 Urom.R'Zfi-Matematik~, No 10, Oct 70, A stract No 1OV181) b Translation: The operation of aggregates having double safety systems is considered. It is proposed that preventive maintenance be planned individually for each of the units., Formulas are derived for the probability of acci&nt-free operation of the aggregate for different periodicities of-the preventive chocks of the safety units under the assumption of exponential distributions for the~time:of failure-f-ree -gate and safety units. Further, fo2, given probabilities of opf--ration of the aggre accident-free and failure-fee -operation of the:aggregatel! and failure-free operation of the safety units the authors solve of detemining thoi:optimum periodicity -.Of preventive cbecks of the safety: units. The. 6ptimizat4-on criterion is -the mini- Mum expenditure of conducting ther preventive cbe&s Ye.~~, Barzilovich. Man=== -liz, 020. UNCLASSIFIED NG DATE--;-160CT70 -ITJTLE--I SOTCPGHYDROGEN EXCHANGE- OF ARENECHROMIUM TAICARSONILS IN AN ACID -U- .._:.AQlrH0R- t G51 - KURSANOV o.sN. sE,rKj NA,, V*N.9 BARANETSK.AYAi N.K.# ZDANOVICH? 'No 1 4 v AINI S IMO.Vt K.N. "COUNTRY OF 1NFQ--USSR 'SOUP CE--DCKL. AKA0. NAUK SSSR 1970,: 190f5l, A103-5 ~:DATE 9 USL IS HEO ------- 70 -SUBJECT- AREAS-~--CHEMISTRY "TOPIC TAGS-IS"TOPE EXCHANGE, CHRomium compouND, CAR80NYL C01"POUND, _.BENZENE~ ORGANOCHROMIUM COMPOUND, ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS CORP01,K), rJEUTERIUM CHEMICAL REACTION RATE- ~CONTROL MAkKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS 66CU-9ENT: CLASS-UNCLASSIFrED _,PRoXY::REEL/FRAME--1993/0497 STEP %*40--UPIZOOZO/70/L,-~O/oo5/110311105 "CIRC ACCESSION NO--ATJ113388 UNCLASS IF IED 77-7-7 020 UNCLASSIFtED PROCESS ING DATE--160CT70 cj-R~C ACCESSION INO-AT0113388 .A-BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. RATE CONSTS. Or: THE 1SOTOPIC EXCHANGE OF ARIENIECIlle,0MIUM CARBONYLS IN ACED MEDiA 4RE -AMESTIGAITED. THE EXCHANGES OF C S U1336 HSV661 GSif86 H,5U36 CRICOi ~SUS 3, ME SUB3 CSUB6 H SUB3 CR(GU) SU831.~ C*SUB6 H, S-IJ86, CRIC-01 SU62? PPH SU53, ME SUB3 C SUB& H SU83 CR(CO) SUB2 PPH SUB3, ~ 4i N L) -M i7--.'C)C SUBt) H SUB5 CR(CO) SU32 PPH SU83 IN CF SUS3 CO SU3Z D APE ST1)01'--'D. THE RATE CGPI~STS. ALL ARE FOUND TO BE ON :THE Gk'D,-'R OF .10 PRIME N;17--~~ATIVE 6 TO 10 rUjpj)S. PRIME NEGA T I v7 wITH THE EXCEPTION Of- C; SUB6 li SUBb WHICH.IS 10 PRIME7 -T-1 14E SFASTER. FACILITY: INSTo ELEMENTOORG SOEDIN.r AOSCD~, -U.S SR. UNCLASSIFIED --~212 009 OATE UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING --230CT70 ~7-~,CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119754 ~'ABSTRACTEX TP ACT-- I U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. HYDROG'-NATION OF A SUBSTITUTED ACETYLENES WITH ET SUB3 SIH-CF SUB3 CO-SU82 H OVER 3-It DAYS AT R00,11 TEMP. GAVE THE FOLLOWIPG PERCENT Y I ELDS OF PRODUCTS OF COMPLETE HYDROGENATION OF THE TRIPLE BOj")D,: PHC: CH30; P-M2C SiJB6 H SU64 C: CH P-MEOC SUB6 H SUB4 C1. CH,20; PHC.* CPH 3; PKC: C.14E- 7; BUC: CH 0; 'ETC: CET.0; AND ISO PRC: CH 5PERCE :THUS THE REACTION FUNCTIONS N T.~ ONLY FOR ACETYLENES WITH A FREE C ti TERMINATIONt.41TH A TRIPLE BONO ACTIVATED BY AN AUTOMATIC RING* FACILITY;, [NST. LEMENTOORG. MOSCOW, USSR, I-CED '24 USSR UDC S19. ZDANOVICR, V. V. "The Use of Shepard Corrections to Consider the Influence of Level quantization on the Accuracy and Representatilon:of.the Signal with,a RZandom Componlent" Elementy Tsifr. Sistem Upr. [Elements'of Digital Control Systems -- Collection of Works], Leningrad, Nauka Press, 1971". pp 50-581 (Translated from Refcra- tivnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 10, 1971, Abstract No 10 V383 by the author). Translation: Level discretization.of a random process is studied and an esti- mate of the discretization errors,.is produced. It is demonstrated under which conditions the noise introduced.-by distretization can be considered Tioncorre.- lated with the initial process and the: autocorr,elatit)n dependences within quantization noise can be ignored. 777:77 a; MC 541-423'.71 _A. IR and TIMSMENW, YU. X. ,Kazan' State University "Polythermal Evaporation of Sea Water Concentrate at Boiling Temperatures" Moscow, 2burnal Reorgamicheskoy Khimli, Vol 17j No 11, Jan 72, pp 259-261 Abstracti Evaporation of concentrated sea type brine o.btained after separation of bromine and most of NaCl was studied in basin type evaporation. The start- Ing.materials; was prepared from chemically pure reagents p ancL it bad the f ollow- ing compOsitiont N&SO4 - 7,,,-,Vvo M9C12 - 10.45,%o Kal - 2623%, NaCi - 9.99%. Evaporation was carried out in a three naf* flask equipped with a mechanical 'stirrer and a thermometer, its rate being about 150 g of. water from 1 kg of solutlon per hour. The starting solution begins to boil, around 1080 Co the first arystals appearing at 112 C.~ In the I I li2-114.40C the only pro- nterval duct precipitating is the halite,.above 114.4 C a concurrent precipitation of Wite, langbeinite (KSO4-2WO4).and kieserite (MgSO~-.H20).1 The entire evaporation process Is metastable, The quantities~of ptacipitating salts were Calculated by the method of material balance. Plotting these values against the boiU4 temperature showed that precipitation of all of the salts increases ralddly in the early stages, evantually,rehChing a:plateau. END - um . ......... - FC-9 93 RESTh-1 LIECTRO?;1C r(-'r'E'N1..FA*VE K-PE&TER Q; Zda*-vuk-' M ncG~, Ve,i;j i'k LArricla by t,. A. 5b'Leyio coo d 0 Ruas. No rr-,-WjY-Z"a'ci_1972. pp -2 -24 7j 'an, The 24th PArtv Cc L., the tatit ~_of =i~ ina.. zh.4 _nt ca L Love I and improvim the quality of. aLl '14ta. Scientific orranizatior:3 are Cc tmprov6'tha icationd equiptient and.enhAncto its reliabikity on a jolanncd bm3i3. RISTA~l cle-Itrcale. ve$eiker'xti~d repeatei ,.1q &vzl~ oped at KOM'.$ fUg too r; of tic Coe it S.S~&nr e of.Cc4=u ~01)2 m Q to prove Lt7 P" r'- ~alegrajohs. It is d6stped Lot use in t1ha form of a .aattacliatent -for the'. tale- typewritora; of any type and any vtrsi:ont,STA-2HPs STA-' 6 ITTA-60, T-63 and admi tironypo,,rLtera.. TrJaL oparatior. or *tic MSTA-1 showed that with its Use the dietottions of the telegraph stgnals tLoo trao4mission,declined to 4-5 percent, the r4i;ibllity of comunication considerably creased and the dme~for ilia AdPs:tmmnt.:Qnd testing botla of tbo telegraphs and of ~b* a wh6la.aharply dettreased. RFSTA-l has boon serli$~P reduced s iticie, 197 1. reual%ty om] Rcliabillky 37;~, rigurc I 28 IV) jm V-16. STRUCTURE OF THE POLYCRYSTAUINE SILICON FILMS S-MISIZED IN A LAN" PRESSURE REACTOR lArticlo by F. L. Zdel'mall' V~ V. vockaboymika., t~-.kqtfi. Neyesibir"-; -L luv po Proteaftlath Hosts I ShAr- Pol Hovvvibiralc' rriatallav I, ~0- 67J The grouth processes in the structural characteristics of 0a p~lyrtyotal- lins WICOO films -btsin-4 by -YrOITALS of ==6LIAnA In rreva--Za a I a reactor dracrIb d. T,h 2;:;Iizd -z= Z%A aurta4fj,of, an a=rphous layal ad of *ilican-nirrids up to 2007 A thick eyntSailt In thesame cycl. on (111) and (100) 3111con. 'rvo r6fl.wa are 4"*lyx94.fmT obtaining the polycryatalline *Lllcou; high (1) and lo,w (I Inteusitylof the molecular home. It to do~onstrated that lit made 1. two stages of the formation of a* structure are possible: the lulttaJ. Islet proirch (primarily to 900'C).azd lndtrieuxl caq-ti. vlth..the formation of textures. It%* *Lma-twpailstii fulictious of thr number of aluters and the Vain ftrowtb rate are Presented, , The ALctivation-sawrp? it defined 06 the ordev~of. 1-.2-1.7 w4lat.' 200-1100*C and tisso of Analogous func t ions. West, studied for made tz at t"Versturas nf I'00-12OVC and vLtfi a pyroJysis time of 5-120 seconds. The 4tructure of the films ratalood, the i"Ift nature wh*ra, 146glualng idth 9001C. the texturing to noted AWith large sxpQaurat). IZ00% tattut*v, ar* observed Ottv 10 second* froo Thai beginning of, pyrolysIs. 'I.Th*ra to a ialation bommou the orientation of ties .Wcoo-subotm,* and t*-A.ttx=m- 3. A. Joyto, at *I.. Phil*@. LUA.. No 14. 219, 301. 19661 me 15, us?. 11671 V. 17, 1161, 1166 1 go .9. i0=3,40. WARM P' /2 025' UNCLASS[HED. WOCESSING DATE--160CT70 -.Tl'lLE--0N DESIGN AND CONTROL OF AUTOMATAC UNITS FOR-EXPLORATION OF PLANET SURFACE -U- -KATY S, G.P., IIINSKIY, V.M., MELNICHENKO, 10., Z1)(lRt S.-E OF li,4FG--USSPt FRANCE ATION OF AUTOMATIC CUINTROLi SYM-POSIUM ON .SOURCE-INTCRNATIONAL FEDER- ~_'_~~-'--AUTOMAT,IC CG;NTROL, 3PD3, TOULOUSE v, -FRANCE MAR. 2-16, 1,970, PAPER. 27 P. ,~~-,GXTE~ PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~_~~suaj EC TAREAS--ELECTRONICS AND ,ELECTR ICAL ENGR..., MECH., .1 ND. C I VL A 14,1) ~_MAR I NE ENGRi ASTRONOINYtASTROPHYSICS .~JOPIC TAGS--PLANETARY SURFACEi AUTOMATIC CONTkOlL Ew.411PMENT, LUNAR SURFACE I CL E, PROGRAMMED AUTOMATIC CONTROL r-ONT R 0 LMAKKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 0 OC U11M E N TCLASS-UINCLASSIFIED "PROXY REELIFRAME--199b/0006 STEP -CIRC ACCESSION NQ--AT0117308 UNr i S S I F i:-- WON=- .-.;2/2 025 UNCLASWIED MOCESSING DATE--160CT70 -CIRC ACCESSION NO-AT0117306 '~P-0- PABSTRACT4 DISCUSSION OF THE BASIC 'ISTICS ON: U~N-ANINEO VeHICLES WHOSC- C G"T - d L: S y S H-i"S 5 E S E L F CH A RAC T Fk Cl:'CJI~S. TH' PAIRAMETEP 0 1 S T~ If Llll~-N ADJUSTING E SOLVE:" t3Y THE VEHlC(,zS A R I:-- X, SCLISSED. PROBLEMS vM11CH-1 '!N 3 THE ~10COMQTIG` ; Tr-_CHN'IiUeS �r F T H El. V E H I C L tz SARE, E XAIM I NEJ~.: THE Pi~OGRA:fNING OF IH E kXNNINIG AND ANALYZING -T-HE MG-11b.4 15 CO-NISIDERED TAKING I NTO A~(;CIVN T 'ISTICS GF THE CRAFT J;H AR ACT ER U Pli C L A 5 -S I F T E-0- USSR uDe 681-3151 ICATYSt G. F. gZDOR, S. YE., and SHIROXOV, V. B. ............ "Optimal Structures of Optoelectronic Retrieval and Recognition Systems" Moscow, Taifrovaya Vychislitel*naya Tekhnika I Prograrm'iro,6'anlye, No 7, 1972, -PP 172-181 Abstracts The axticle considers the question of the 6ptimal synthesis of op- toelectranic retrieval and recognition systems frora the standFoint of the construction of rational structures optimized acoordin~g to certain inform.- tion criteria. information on radiation fields can be'.obtained by parallel and serial methods. Both methods can be combined into. one, in which the field scanning over many parallel.channels is, accompanied by the simultaneous scanning by these channels, thus permitting a significrtnt expansior. of re- trieval system capabilities. If there is a priori Information, a possible approach to optimization of radiation field scanning Uvolvea. the compilation of some optimal program. The lack of such data on the,field,being scanned makes it necezsary to introduce self-tuning or lwarnIng, consisting in the use of the intermediate scan result s t'o correct the search or recognition proce- dure. The article discusses questiors in that.developmelit, of,scanning programs and self-tuning algorithms in retrieval and recognition" cystem=~4 -1 /2 c t~ U Id"' L A S S I F E 0, PRGf- 1:SS I N C DA T E-- I I DE C 7 0 - I-CCH 1;OLO 'Y 1~,, Tkif- GY OF I T~ It GOW -LJ- I b. Ptj(,Hrl:qAt L .'E. Z DO RU V A EoPo-t dEl R. YU. K s L i y I -,T;y METAL. L3 7 0 4~i(3) 70-41 A T F p U. L C T A T E R I A L S Ti~P I L T;'. G S H-Y D P. Cl;4 T A L LUR GY G IGN C-;X*C H AN G E rk EXA-RACT f VE R, X--TALLURGYl(LU)APZ ANION EXCIHANGE C- C S T. ~,j ~,G-~--NO RE STR I CT I ONS U UNCLAS C 4 E IV T C Lh S S I F I E 1) /('03/0070/0074 PFi,.;XY RLE.L/FRAME-.3001/1407 Sl CP NQ-- UR G 136' IRC ACLESSIGN ~N(J--AP012'6945 .MI 1111- USSR A,-; UDC 62a-342:54i.1'83-12 FRIMMIN, 1. D., POCHMA, L. -M, P., B-9C,. It. 11J., MASMYp A. I.., WA RMISHKO 0. -A., POCHIVj=p I. If yaff 154AF17= L.I 66 "Ion-Exchange Technology in Gold Hydromett urgy Moscow, Tsvet-nyye YletallY, 110 3, Yar 70, pp, 70.~-74 Abstract: Ion-exchange technology permits the use of filter-free systems, thus eliminating both costly equipmentland cumbersome operations -- filtration of pulp and washing of precipitates as well ad precipitatiou of Au from solutions. Sorption leaching, which is more complete in dissolving Au from ore and reduces the loss of dissolved gold in the dump.pulp, offers mucb, better conditions for -tor results, the new tech hipher Au extraction. In order to,provide satisfail r:. ze e use of anionites, which are selective with respect to Au, and nology quires th also have high kinetic, _rry-achanical, and regeneration properties. The selectiveness -i of the AP-2 anionite, synthesized at.the Kemerov Scienti '1' c-Research institute for the Chemical Industry, was found to be a--2.5 and ita capacity -- 1-3--l-5 times that of similar anionites. The eaiciAte was tented on a Bemi-ind3_istrial unit using a counter-current system. Uw high d0soxption capiwity ~of the biNuctional AP-2 anionite with respec t to metal impurities ~wkes it J)onsible to simplify the regene)~ation process and reduce the nurber of required elemen-6s. The process Ira~ USSR FRMNIAN, 1. D., et al, Tsvetarle Metally, NO. 3., Mar 70, PP 70-74 include s the follwing phases: desorptio:n of CN, Znj a,.tid Ni vith HNIO 3 (r H2S04 solutions; desorption of Au, k7,, and Cu~by chloride and sulfide solutions of thio;.- urea during electroelution) and disorptio,n,of.Fe by IM1110 8.umlive solwtuions at 50--550C. The high desorption capacity~of the AP-2 anilo2te (Wterniiws the i:-ela- Ox and Ni tively short duration of the regeneration process: des:-ption of CN, Zn 5 hrs; desorption of Au, Ag. Cu during electroelutioLl 3--5 hrs; desorption of Fe--5 hrs. The complete procedural flowchart is given in the original,article. 2/2 26. SIR USSR UDC 547. 3341 LUTSEMKO, 1. FO NOVIKOVA, Z. S., &RQgQ4A,j &I A& "Esters of Silicon-Substituted.Benzylphosphanic Acids" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol XLII (CIV), No 1, 1972, pp 112-117 Abstract: In order to synthesize the silyl-substituted berizylphosphonates, Arbuzov and Mikhaelis-Bekker reactions were performed with a-lialogenbenzylsil- anes. Direct silylation of trialkylhalogensilane diethylbanzylphosphonate was. also carried out. As a result of the reactions,, d ie tlivl--,rA- t rime thyls i lyl-, 1enzylphosphonate (1) and diethyl~-a-triethyl~enzylplios;r.-bona ,te (11) were ob- -tained; (C 11 0) P + R SiChC H (C H 0) PCH-C 11 + C H Br 2 5 3 3 6 5 2 5 2 6 5 .2 5 Br SiR 3 loll By silyllation of diethylbenzylphosphonate of trialkylclilorometliyl~,ilAnes, 0-silicon-substituted phosphonates were synthesized. : The mobility of the trial- kylsilyl radical in these compounds under the effect of nucleophilic reagents was investigated. A study of the properties of the synthesized compounds -112. 33 -.- :-,~ , ~ , - s! , :~ I , i;, ;~. !~ UNCLA:~,~[Fl. C DATE--~--17JUL7C l.TLE--;t P. 1, Y I IN V E 5 11 G A T kP-;g' C FP Ctl L Y 6 0 E h L t' -A NE N I C K E LlplptArl i4 TFO I Tj- H~l lim V.P., 20ORVTSEV#iv G.C., TRCYAN, V.A.j~ V.S. CF ENFC--LSSR --S C FIZICt D-UR&AL, VCL -U f? C E N I 1 15* JAN. IS70, P 135-13S .~:W EFLELISHEC - - - - - - -7C tRJECT Ar4EAS--FFYSICS CPIC- TAGS--X RAY CIFFRACTION ANALYSISP IvCLY.aCENLP,~NICKEL, IGN -.:.-RCl48ARDMFKT -CPYSTAL LATIICE DFFORMATICNo ALLQY AN'JAEAUING PARKIAG--NC RESTRic,r ICNS -,-OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEC ~.PAGXY F'.EEL/FR-4?,E--lS78/2CC5 STEP 1 -1 CACCESSUN NE-tFOG4668S LNCLASSIFIEC Acc. N Abstracting.Service-z ~.Sljo Ref. Code: P004GG89 INTERNAT. AEROSPACE ABST. A70-231197 X-ray' inv*a"stigatflan of molybdenum and nickel irradiated with helium, tons 1, (Rentgenografichni Aoslidzhennia roolibilenu ta'nik-eIiu.,op(6minW')ikh 1 i 96(iiu). M. Bikov, G. G. Zdorb~tieva, V. A". Troian,and V. S: Khairnovid Moskovskii Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Institut; Ob,ninsk__.,, USSR) Ukrainsltfi Fizichnd Zhurjai, vol. 15, Jan. .1970, p. 7 35 5 Teft. In Ukrainian. Investigation of the changes, in Polycrystalline~,': Mo and Ni y He ion.bombardment with ri.~jy of 60 keV specimen�_caused b an enii (irradiation dctse'of 10 to the 15thlo ~10 to the 20th particles~- The D-pattern of the. irradiated specimens proved to :bO assentiaNy different from that for reference 'specimens, some firia being split; These changes depend.upon the integral irradiation dose. It apNors tc result from the tEtragOnal distOrtiOn oFthe fatticw form. Tht~ chanos decrease in annealing and disappow- compliliely at a ttmperatura at 4bout 400,C, (Author) REEL/FRME 19782005 UDC USSR 6:L2.0171 ZDRODOVSKIYY P. F., GURVICH, G. A. ....................... Fiziologicheskiye osnovy inmmogeneza iyego regalyatsiya (Physiological Prin- eJples of lumiunogenesis and Its Regulation), Moscow, Yeditsina, 1972, 88 pp Abstract The book presents the most important, data of world literature and in par- ticular the findings of many years of research by the atit-hors an the problem of immunogenesis and. its regulation as reflected in the formation of protective antibodies. The authors view the protective -inununological processes as a com-, plex of biological reactions in the whole organism, that are dependent on reneral physiological patterns. In particular there patterns are unquestionably associated with specific cb-anges (increases) in the reactivity of i=iune cells of lymphatic tissue. In turn the aforementioned predetermines the diSC10Bure of the-patterns of increased and decreased immimological activity of an or8ranism in the production of antibodies, a point -which is exhau6tively examined in the book together with the effect of applying; these patterna in the -Droduction of horse serum. Also presented is an experimental substaiatiation of the neuro- humoral regulation of immnogenesis as reflected in the forantion of antibodies. The book. also presents new data concerning the unquestionable dependence of immunagenesis on the h~,pot,1ja_jwjs. In ve condense form the present wo sents and eynerimentallv sub- stantiatesqhe physiological prijiciples ofIfFarzoganesis; including the 3. 6 SEt USSR ZDRODOVSKIY., P. F. GURVICH, G. A., MedItsina, 1972, 88 Pp n eu ro-horm-on-el regulation of ir--d-nogenesis. Key points of this concept that have been presented in journal articles and monographs: are su nnarized berginning vith the year 1937. -The idea of the necessary integration of irmunolo-ical psitterns with general physiological patterns was first formulated back in 1937 in an article entitled "The 'Pime Factor in the. Dynamics of Im.,mity anct the Significance of Intervals BeUreen Vaccinations" (F. F. Zdxo--Iovskiy, Mich. biol. nauk, Leningrad, Vol-68, 1937). In this article, after analyzing the peAoLlic change of increase and decrease in inziunological reactivity of an: organilsm..folloving repeated antieen stirulation (a series of experiMents coinducted da GWnea piCs by M. Roshkovskaya) -- a phenoz,.icnon ascertained by a laboratory of the AMEM (All Union. Institute of Experimental Medicine], we noted that these observations "vhile building a bridige between the patterns of iimminolo,- ~y and General physiology" simultaneously indicate: that "it will hardly be possible to dis- cover patterns controlling iTamunogenetic phenomena in isolation frora physioior,,r" (p. 124). Ultimately, on the basis of ntunerous: iinnunological:ztudies condticted under the direction of,P. F. Zdrodovskiy associates of the epiderrdological sector of the AUIEM (1934-1938) and later: associates of the d:;Wision of' 216 J32 USSR ZDRODOVSKIY, P. F., (RJRVICH~, G. A., Meditaina', 1972, 88-pp experimental pathology and irrm;iunology of infection of the institute of Exper- imental Medicine of the USSR Acade--V of Medical Sciences (1945-19)0) fors-a- lated the fundamental proposition that notwithstanding- their p1m unique features, immunogenesis and antibody foiTation in the -Whole organism are subordInate to general physiological stimd1ation -inhibition and su=tionpl -patterns discovered for the nervous, system,by I * 14. Seebenov, IT, Ye. Vvedenskiy and - 1 - P. Pavlov and simultane6usly~ recognized as having general biological significance (N. Ye. Vvedenskiy', 190.31; 1. P. Bazenkov, et al., (1934-1937) In addition to Selye's teaching on stress and the neuro-honnonal regula- tion of-protective and adaptive processes, in.1956 we formulated the second baste proposition which was as fo.Uows: "Evidently the re(ralation of arti- body production like the rer_nAation of protective reactions in general are performed in the organism by the liypothalamo-hypop,-iyso-arlrenocortica1 system which plays a universal homeostatic role vis-a-vis Claude- Berxm-rd, s I internal medium' P. F. Zd-rodovskiy, "The Current State of. The6retical InmnLnology and Its Immediate Tasks, " Vestnik A101 SSSH, 1956, 3,- 48; P. ~. Zdrodovskiy, "Problems of Infectious PatholoCy and Immdno&nesi$,",Ver;.tnik A1,91 SSSRj 1958) 1, 24; T, F. Zdrodovskiy, "Concerning the Adotive and Protective Mechanisms 316 ~77 ~7~ 777-r ZDIRODOVSKIY, P. F., GURVICH, G. A.j Meditsina,:1972, 68~pp _R, 196o, of the Organism," Vestnik AMI SS& 2 ?~ 133, which iras subsequently cor, firmed (ig6o) in experiments an rats by G.:A. Giuvich [P. F. 7,drodovskiy, "Cellular Bases and Neuro-Hormonal Regulation of 1=unogCnesia. Paner Presented at a Conference of the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 1~hy 1960. 1961, 1, 31 Based on -,-,he aforementioned experiments of G. A. Gurbich (1.960), as "working hypothesis" the neuro-hormonal regulation of immniogenesis has acquired the validity of the theory of neuro-hormonal regulation of imiLriogerlesis within thelframework of the universal significance of the hypothalama -hy poph yso - adrenocortical system of homeostasis [ P. F. Zdrodovskiy, "On the Physiological Aspects of lr--=ogenesis and Its Regulatiop," Vestnik A1,21 SSS.R, 1972, 12) in the most recent studies by G. A. Gurvicb, ard - Ye. A. Kabanova, (1971/1972). Thus the concepts of the phyT-ioloa and regulation of irriunogenesi3 that develope d over a sPace of 35 years are -concisely presented in the present book. Contents Introduction. On the physiological aspects of lmmogenpsis .............. 5 Significance of lymphoid tissue eel-Is in fonmtioa of a~iibodies .......... 9 On- the imr=ological significance of the thymus ...... ........... 12 On the fate of the aetigen in the organism ........... 13 4/6 113 i'. F~ -USSR ZDRODOVSKIY, P. F., WiVICH, G. A., Heditsina '19721, 88, 11;- ...... ................................... On antigen information ............. 14 . Basic patterns of immmogenesis as reflected in antibody formation ........ 17( Patterns of heightened immunological reactivity ........................ 19 ~Remote revaccination ................ ................................. 20 Effectiveness and universality of the-effect of revaccination ....... 21 Dynamics.of formation of antibodies after initial ittaunization and revaccination ................... .................. 26 Resume .......... I.................... ........... .................. 28 Problem of superficial antigens ..! ....... $.........: ........................ 30 Conditions and patterns of inhibition of immunological activity ........... 32 On the use of physiological patterns of irmunogenesis in, production Cytokinetics of immmogenesis in the light of,im=ologtpal patterns ...... 46 Theory of antibody formation ......... ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Preliminary remarks concerning antibodies ................. -1 ......... 52 Ehrlich.'s side-chain theory .......................................... 55 Jerne's natural selection theory ................................. 56 B=etls clonal.selection. theory ......................... ........ *.. 56 Jk-urowitz-hwllng "dIrect matrix" thoory 58 33urnet-Fenner "indirect matrix" theory ............. ........... 56 5/6 Matrix-genetic theory .......... ...................................... 59 f 1F I-M, ~i I fq USSR UDC 576.B51-7i-~6i6-9BI-71 ZMDCVSKIY, P. F. and GOLMVICH, Ye. M. Vcheniye'o Riklcetsiyakh i Rilhketsiozakh (Studies an Rickettsiae and ~Rirakettsial Diseases), 3rd ed.,:Mbscov, 1972, 496;pp Translation: Contents Foreword to the third edition.. 3 GENERAL PART Chapter I. :.Pathogenic Rickettsiae.,) General Characteristics, and Classification of Rickettsial Diseases.,.. Chapter 11. Morphology and Morplhogenesl s.. of : RickettsieCe 18 Chapter..M.BialoV and Variability of. Rickettsiae;.,. 36 Chaptdr.M.-Rickettsial Diseases. inB1oodo'u'C1dng Azthrojlods.4~4 W Diseases~ in Anitrals... Chapter V. Exp".imental Forms of Rickettsial- 63 . Ch-~qter V1. Culturing.of Rickettsiae.4-a 81 Chamter VII.Reaction of Riclrettsiae~ to Physical ancl Chendcal Agents and 7heir Stxrvivabil ity in V.,e ~Envlronzent.',. 103 Chapter VIII.Serology and Serodiarmosis 1 of Rickettsial Mseas 109 Chapter.W. Principal Methods ol~'Working with ~Pdckettsiab... 141 SPECIAL PART Chapter I.- Epidemic Typhus and Brill-Zinsser's Disease.. 171 -Endemic or Murine Typhus... gapter 11. 231 /2 - ---- ----- USSR ZDRODWSKIYj ikke-tsiyakh i P. F. and GOLUMVICH, Ye. M.., Ucheniye o R. cetsiozaM RM 3rd ecl, 1972~p 496 pD. Chapter III. Rocky 114oun tain Spatted Feverv-~,. 252 Chapter IV., Marseil I es (Boutonneiise) Fever... 264 -pter V. C ha- ickborne Rickettsiosis or Xort;h Asian Tickborne Typ*, 79 Chapteer V1. Other. Tickborne (Lcoaid) Ri elkettsioses. 300 Chanter VII. Rickettsialpox... 3o6 Chapter Vl= .Scrub Typhus 318 Chapter IX. - Q Fever... 333 Chapter X. Tickborne.Paroxysmal Riekettsiosis... 376 Chapter XI. Trench Fever... Chapter XII. Chemotherapy of Rickettsial DiseaSeS 390 Chapter. XIII .Pathomorpholo~~ and Pathology of ~.Ricketts~-l Diseases... 398 Chapter XIV. Vaccinal Prevention of Rickettsial Diseases... 424 99-- USSR UDC 51 USSR UDC: S 1 :6 21. 391 ZDROK, A.,,G "Calculation of Circuits by Linear Programmiiing NI o, thoc~s Mascot,-, Raschet skhen metodami lineynogo prograilimirovaniva (Cf. -English above) , "Energiya", 1972, 80 pp, ill. 21 ~k. (from 12h- No 10, Oct 72 abstract. No 10V602Y): Trans.1 at i on Chapter 1. General Propositions. Ch;iptl~c-r 11. P,,)r- ticulars o^ Calculating Electroi~ic Circu~ r its by Lincar~progl n~ ing Methods. Chapter III-Examples of Practic..I~ Use o-, Lineai Trogramming Methods for Calculating Electronic Circuits. 4 3 L12 021 UNCLASSIFI~P PROCESSING TITLE--- ELECTR GMAGNET I C PROCESSES IN THE ;AUTUEXCITATLON SYSTEM GE3ERATOFS WITH MAGNETIC AMPLIFIERS -U- G :APTHOR-(03)-ZDROKl A.G., SALYUTIN*-A#A.j~ V.6 --USSR COUNTRY OF INIF01 ELEKTRICHESTVOt NO .3,:.19704 ~P P47-52 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 OATE--27NOV70 OF SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS, ELECTRONICS. AND ELECTRICAL lc:!' IG RENERGY ~...'COMVIERS ION (NON-PROPULSIVE) ~'~:-TQPIC,-TAGS-ELECTRIC GENERATOR, ELECTROMAGNET IC 'EFFU~ *Yt MAGNETIC AMPLIFIER UUt-UMV111 k.LA,*)Zi--UN%,LA:~,~jlt-ltL) P.ROXY REEL/FRA!F:--3006/17ft8 STEP NO C I R(; ACCESSIOM' NO--Af-'Q 1. 3 5319 _-.__l_-_. 0-00. V2 021 UNCLASSIFIED PR-0-r-ESS ING DATE--27iqoV70 C-f RC ACCESSION 11110-AP0135319 &BSTRACTfEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- At"CTRACT. THE ARTICLE F ~ L SAlITH 0IF~l'_'Rl-_jNT 'E SELF EXCITAT1W SYSTEMS (IF THRI PHIASE! GFNEWWRS WIT14J, SINIGLE PriA"-- A N 0 T irl 0 1 P H A S E ASSYMETRICAL VOLTAGE SUPPLY. ELECTROPAG~A.ETIC PROCESSES IN THE SELF EXCITATION CERCUIT WITH A MEDIAN POINT U'NDF_-R c0t,01TION's OF ITS SUPPLY WITH ASSYMETRIC TWO PHASE VOLTAGF OF THE SO:URCE IS DISrUSSED. .THE ANALYSIS letA.-j A, CARRIED OUT WITH USE OF APPROXIM fICIN OF THF MAGNETIZATION CURVE OF THE CORC -S OF MACNETIC AMPLIFVER. We T'Vin LINES 1S DISCUSSED. ANALYTICAL EXPRFSSIONS '?lERE.0i;:RlVE0 OF VOLI-AGES AND CURRENTS FOR COMfRUTATION AND EXTRA COMIAUTA.TTON WeElt.Ario: OF VALVES 'WHICH ,MADE IT POSSIBLE TO DETERMINE CHAI THE CONTREL OF -AG-11-Tjc RACTEAISTICS r) r o trl .:AMPLIFIER. RESULTS OF THE ANALYS(S HAVE 6EEN CONF f RME0- BY, EXPER IMENTAL -INVESTIGATIONS. --Usk%. 112 012 UNCLASSIFtED ;PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE--RATE OF THE PHOSPHORIC ACID DECOMPOSITION 0 P, MAG14ESIUM CONTAiNING PHOSPHORITES -U- AUTHOR-103):-NABIYEV, M.N., VISHNYAKOVA*~ AQA0 ?t,~Q A To ~:_COIJNTRY,OF INFO--USSR POW, UZB. KHIM. ZH. 19701 1442) t 7-8: -PUBLISHED - ----- 70 DATE. ~SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYt EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEAN06RAPHY TOPIC TAGS-PHOSPHATEl PHOSPHORIC AC10f CHEMICAL DECOMPO$31TIONt ROCK, :MAGNESIUM.COMPOUND CGNTROL'MARKING--NO RESTRICT113NS -''.OOCUMENT-CLASS--UNCLASSLFIEO PROXY REEL/FRAME-_3008/0321 STEP NO-.-L)R/0291)70/01,'i/i')02/000710008 ~:CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137426 UNCLASSIFIEG 2/2 012 UNCLASSIFTEO, PROCESSING OATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137426 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-Q- ABSTRACT. 13ETTER UTILIZATIGN OF THE RAW MATERIAL IN THE PRODUCTION CF DOUBLE..SLIPERPHOSPHATE BY TR[-ATEMTN OF MG CGNTG. PHOSPHATE ROCK CONCS. WITh- H SUB3 PO SUB4,WAS STUDIED TO TRY TO ENqANCE THE RATE OF DECOMPN, UNDER MANUFG. CONDITIOjiliS THE DECOMON. OF THE MG CONTG. SECONDARY PHOSPHATE WAS 1SIMALLER THAN 70-PERCENT AND THE REACTION RATE WAS NEGLIGIBLY TIME DEPE NOENT. EQUIL.-DECOMPN. IS ACHIEVED 114 2-5 MIN AND THEN THE PROCUESS. IS RAP[D LY SLOWED BY REACTION PRODUCTS FORMING, PROBABLY- IMPENETRABLE: FILMS ON:l.THE OHOSPHATE GRAINS. THE DESIRED INTENSIFICATION OF DECOMPN. CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED BY AN INCREASE OF THE LIQ. TO SOLID PHASE RATIO WHICH? ~~HOWENIERP ALTERS THE PRODUCTION SCHEME IN PRINCIPLE. THEREFORE, MTR60UCTION OF NO SUB3 'PRIME. NEGATIVE INTO THE SYSTEM. IS PREFERABLE. FOR PROMOTING OF THE PROCESS RATE. FACILITY:. INST. KlilM., T~SIHKNEI USSR* UNCLASSIFIEO UDC 621.3-035.2 PEREVEMENTSEV, V. P., ZHUNDA, A. N. , ZEBEEMW A G 4und SINTLONIKOVA, L. V. ujsl~I - 2 "On the Utilization of Graphites as Hateria1r, for Alu,-vinum Evaporators" Moscotri Tsvetnyye Rete-Ily, No 7, Jul 71)'pp 40-43 Abstracts Graphites possess the most satisfactory conbination of properties for use as materials for aluminum evaporators. The usefulness of three brands of graphite with different porosities, GRZ, RPG6, and V-2(2), the two first produced by electrode technology, the last by the:xmornechanica,.l processing of the charge, was expezinentally investigate d. It iias found that snall boats Of graphites with porosities< 1c7", like graphiten of the type 11-2(2), are close to industrial sn&ll boats of titianium diboride in; their performancess, but Y a hiGher utili7ation factor.: The, ase of graphitoa of the type V-2(2rwithout caatinG is recomanended for paiia Norking In the atmo.,phere ofA1 YaDors but not having a direct contact with Al, e.g., for heaters. For evaporative paxts, graphites of the type Y-2(2) with carbide coatings are recommended. Four illustrations, three tables-, Tourteen bibliographic references. US,9 R 16,21-35-(-7:669-5371:669-872 AM.,*,PTOV T. Z. TOYBAYEV B. K. I and ZEBW VAP A. I. zi ell "Cementation of Indivural and Antimony by an Amalgam of ri Izv. byssh. uc-heb. zavedniy. Ehinliya i khim. tekhol. (Bulletin of the Institute of Higher Learning. Chemistry and Chemical Tbchnolo,~y), 15, ~TO 10i 1_972j PP 1570-1573 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal Xhimiya, JPTO 7, 1973, Abstract IvTo 7L330 by 1. G. Abidov) TraxnsL%tion: A raaiocham-Leal method was used to sl-,.UcLy tho believior of Tii (III) "C in the -r- llowing solutions: and Sb (IIII durirg wralgar, eementation (AC) at 24" -0 41'a-2SO4, 3M TIM, and 314 KOJI- 0.1M, KtTaO~111~06. Sb was cemonted in the AC in all the nolutiolls exal1111ed. III this (!Roe, part- ae the Zn wao boiu"A tip witli tho 8b in the interme"allic structuxe. ThG- In was cemented in the AC only from the HCI mid alkali colutions. If thare were no frae Zn in tIa amalITam aud if Sb were L eGent in the soluticn, then. In earlter in the AO cemeriied the Sb. In this case, In. my ag-ain almost coiTnIetely -come, into solxx4ion- ut the Zn bound up with the Sb remains in the airalgam. Placwt tilmLogammommal M 112 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 TITLE A14 AQUQ 1-THERALICHPOPIlf- PRDPERTY OF -TETKACHl.fJRe,) COMPLEX OF COBALT -U-- P.V., GMRISINICI, D.A..j 41DELASHVII.Tv YE.N. CCI~NJRY OF INFO--USSR -'s, oit~C E-SG06SHCH. NAUK GRUZ. SSR 1.9 7 G, 5741)v '161-3; ___70 E P'U C-1 L I S H 2 D 'SUaJECT A E; A SC H E Pt I S T R Y '.TCPIC TAGS--COBALT COMPLEXP CRYSTALv THERMAL EFFECTt~C0LfJRi. CHLORIDE 11AAK I NG--NQ RESTRICTIONS Dt;CUME NT Cl,ASS-_U.NCl.ASS IFIED ~."PAOXY REEL/FRAME--3002/1235 S TE pN()_-t)R/025;,1/70,(G57 /001 /006110063 tlK ACCESSICN NO--AP0128651 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0123651 l~ -ABS-TRACT/EXTRACT-0) GP-0- A65TRACT. A SOLN. OF GLIANAGENE HYDRG-(:H.L0kI0E-- ~:AND COCL SU82.6H SUB2 0 1'..j A 2:1 MOLAR RATIO WAS EV~APD. ON A H SUB2 0 -3ATho WASHEI; WfTH ET SU62 (3, -DRIED, AND. SEALER: IN AMPULS. THE CPYSTALS WERE PINA AT SMALLER THAiN 30-5DEGREES AN:D 8LUE AT G~REATER THAN ~30-50EGREES. THE PRGCESS WAS REVERSIBLE. :THE:F(lR,%l,LlLA OF THE PINI~ FORN WAS (GUH) SUbZ CGCL SU84.5H SUB2 0, WHERE FUH IS CN:l SU6.-i H S U B 6 PR I M, E ~ OSS IN WT. POSITIVE. DRYING IT OVER CONCD. H SUB2 sb.SUE14, L i3.43PERCENr, GAVE THE BLUE FORM, IN VACUO THE 6LU:= FOI-I~M LOS-# ITS REVERSIBILITY. BUT EXPOSURE TO H sui32 b VAPORIRESTIJ11ED ' THE PI iN K F 0 1), Ml 'AND ThE THERMOCHRCM11C CHARACTER I STJ C-. AT .300E.GREES.' THER.E IS NO LOSS IN WT. BUT THE CRYSTALS ARE BLUE. Af_.690EGREES 3:MOLS~. OF H. SUB2 0 WERE OFF. APPARENTLY AN LNTERMEOIATE' COMPO.. (GUH) SUB2 (COCL SUB4 FACILITY`: INST. FIZ. ORG* J2ki SUB2 G)J.3H SUB2 0, 15 FORMED.- Ktiltl.t TBILISI* USSR. UNCLASSIFTED- NNW 6 01o& USSR UDC 61642-018-3-001.29-091 ZEDGE14IDZE G. A. MODYAYET, V P., GULYAYEVp V. Ao t04~d ANKIRA t H. A. j dical Radiology, Academy of Sciencos U8$R "Structural Changoe In Artiqulax Gartilagp After IrradIrttion" Moscow, Neditsinskaya Radiologiya, No 3P.49720 PP 3-10 a Abstracti Electron-microscopic and histochermica-1 study of ax-11cu. r caxtilage In rabbits revealled ~-. greater heterogeneity of strp~,tvre tbail lDxpacted, Of I zones distinrrulshod:(aaellulax, suiffacel, transitional, the seven structura 0 Isogenous groups, colimns, hypertraphic cellst and prinmax-jr e~J.Cification)l thosla OIL' thQ traripjitional and iaogpnous proups provei to be thf", most riensitive r~ -o (90" rail) Of local t;aiala Withlira da of oxp :u -, to EL ain I'l do ; 0 A. Y 0~ r ppearid in -these two cells of diffoixint 51zea and alapos quid empty lacimae w .;. zones. Vacuolization or trrinkling of the cytoplafim, 1r:voguliix distribution of chronatin 11r, th'a nuclei# rund variotm. stageo of kAryopyk!=ir3 cuad karyolysis were characteristic. These changos became inci-eaningly.~pronomiced until day 14 when all the zones weiN_- affected. Yost of -the chaziGos rever-,ible and signs of re-storation(proliferation of cells) begarn to appenT about day 17 in the upper part of the cexdlara. T'he iogene.rativs prc~oejjs vas com- pletod by dav 30 and the articu]Ar'cartiliige, remained uiichar.~,ed thezeaSter, but it looked "older" than the tissue of the control anlmals.~ USSR ZEDGINIME I G. and DEMURISHVILI, Z. N. "Change in Levels of Factors and Linear Drift in F~ator Plans and Plans in aSimplex" Tr. Problem. Lav. Avtomatiki i Vychisl. Tekhn. Gruz. Politekhn. In-r- [Works of the Problems Laboratory of Autoruation Lind Computer Teciinojogy, Georgian Polytechnical Institute], 1972,-Nlo 3, pp 15,~-177.(Translatcd from Referativiiyy Zhurnal Kibernetikg,:No 1,0, i973,~ Abstract No 1OV179) Translation: The following model is studied: f(xl, XY+ ~(t) +,E, n where y is the observation at point x X f (x) X n n is a polynomial of fixed order with un~nowri (to be estimated) coeffi- cients, ~(t) is the linear drift based-onthe observations and E is the measurement error. The area of measurements, it is aSSUMed, is a lat- tice either on a h)Tercube or on a simplex, The problem of unbiased estimation of the unknown parameters by~means of known experimental plans Iffactor plans and plans on a sImplex) is studied. 1he order of conduct' Of the experiments is selected so that the number of changes in values of certain variables from xi, ...,.x during the process of n conduct of all experiments is not great, V. Brodskj.y 23 Z -E BU M I UZ E Sh. S., ZEDGINID_ Itcerta-in Specific Plans for Studying the Properties of Mixtures" Tr. XV Nauchno-teklin. Konferentsii Prof. -pre-podavat., Sost~tva i Nauchn. Raibi~tn. SCje,-.t4 CiC Frob-1. i Otrasl. Labor. G-uZ. llolitekhn. In-t. V-,-~ 17 [W rks ):F th taff and Scientific Workers -47rom Problems nd-TechnicalConference of Teaching S Laboratory Branch of Georgian Polytechnical Institute, No 171, Tbilis-;, 15i 6, 1971, ;':)Stract pp 64-69, (Translated from Pefe",tivnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 'No 6 VI-.,'-') by V. Granovskiy) . Translation: 7-he problem of plaiming regression experimenfs in study of the pro- perties of mixtures depending only an the concentration of mixtirrc- compWientS is studied. As we knvK, the factor space. in this case is, a 1).-dimonsiollat simplex. xI + XI) + + x each pDint of which corresponds to a def inite p mixture. There are various experimental plans for, estjmzLtion of the coefficients of the polynomial describing the properties of the mixture... All of thlesc plans contain a certain nuimber of points on the f in. lex. Since each cuch 'aces of the si p ~point'corrasponds to a mixture containing certain components tvith zero propor- tions, at these points the properties of the mixture are no-(~ fulty Ibis work studies, plans fox- second order polyijiomi'411 regression containing'points with non zoro poportions x OIL all compmentS ?SYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF IAYOLrt OF MAN-OCCUPIM OWAPTHERrS [ArLicli bj V zarell,~ And LP Salmanov; Moscow, Koomich Moditstna. N__ o T,-, W2. o-&M-l Attract: lhis;pdpor described ApRiouches to the layout in future pacecraft*;on the bagis humau'visoal and motor Of the~VpdtlAl parameters of the fialtim. It discusses the effectivenes 9~ of difEerent lay- outs at illuetrat9d by various Unitad',S,tatWepace vehicles" misoth. the 5*7ict 4nd toreign,litetaturt the problems related to Lbe layout of the =on-occu;ted. part of future In'terpionetory spaciship- 4'U*0#4 for the most part from the,ongLit~erlas And design point ~if vitv, This is not 96r rising.. sloce It Is precisely engineers and designers who creete ollch ema'bla us to nor r beyund tsm earth's limits and i~% per. tba vahl s; up form (11414i to distant pl4nacs, However_ In their rocommendat ton# pertain. Ing to configuration and olaot the total munbor and,ralative of compArtmonvo, m4n's psychophystalogical peculiarities, especially the tpe~-tf natorQ ot hin motor ActIvity, art not alv4ya taken into accoutit . Accordingly, IL it desire b1t to determine the spatial porotwateriL of maltner cocpArtmonts of folture interplanctory ships by first dqcId1nA on thr 14yout of the to=* AITUIL. t1teir relative position. In order to create the abceA- nary carivotiLance and twke rational use,of working time the awlected cLoaw stunt be brokvii down into 41fferont functional groups tostbined on tht, bast& Of the ouillatity,iif work performed (operations, 1%6~sekeeping, etc.; rig..I); t~&tw4~ekl the FunWinial. groups and the individual roomi withlit each Smq~.It Is w*.tes- -%jary I~to* i4roblish theJlneo for bAsic,'intorLccn~mun.icAtion. trann;iart for.mwl 4 ol*)iteg P, visual and dimm.verbal. Tj~b flu~cional groups of ro,=% are nrraligstd In four compartwouto (storins) Due to the Creat. hataht of th* hall e 1,10,1va exercise* It to arranged (vertically) it% %iArt=t%t% (stnrip") for P1 i two long I to, Perinete and othar Nams, functionally: related. to it ea . arri6jej a (Fig. I 14) , The remitinios roomn tit the Culktienal groups (sea Vin, 1) 4xre armq" to the other zVo, mnpgrtments (stori*s). Thd~.Ainjrams gEvtA be- a, 102 - kCES~ ENG !)A-TE--300(_T70 UNCLASS IFib p .3 STIJOVES. V1 . CONF(30ATIONS OF 2 S uIll 5, T I T UT ED STIUDIED &Y AN h"MR VlET%4G0.:-U- ThE T R A FY D -KHTYAkt N*14* -UNTIRY GF ll\FG_-USSlZ _CZ ~~SGP,RCE-Z'14. GRG. KFIM. 1",70, 614)v 86 3-5 -0-ATE PUBL I SHEL-- 7G ,5V3jElCT AR~'~~--CHEMMRY fS! P ILA ~TG-Plr, TAGS--SI::RaCC~-Pll Y, HEURUUCLIC OXYGI-N MO L F C L LA RS T RI'ki MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ENT.CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED o cw ~'PROXY...REELIFRAME--2000/2085 STEP ND---U.-~/0366/7011)06/00-~~/,)863/OB65 :~c IRC ACCES S IGN NG--AP0125672 UNIC LA SS I F I-E 0 U.,%,,C LASS E F I Eb J'."A T E3 0C TC G I RACCESS 1 EN.("A" SW 0 12 56 7 2 GP-0- ABSTRACT,~ THE NIM RS P C- c T."', 10 s c 01 iC -71 -'T E-' X I I L A 1 N D I NSUPP02T CF, THE FREDIJIMINAINTLYA i Al. PRE SO T 'QUALS i~I:SU--i3o ~iJ, OR -JERT 8U100) AND OF THE EQUATURJAIL CCNFORMATION G' F i'N I J A L 'S C i A X 1 ~ ; i J., U- IS a P 13 U. G, 4fAbOUl BY Ti 4c-- 11 L -~-o IL' IN I ~;~- C ND 1 'NOMr FAC IL ITY: Mu S K6" 0, S. t,~4!v- 11-1. X N I Ek IC A 4 - EFFECT MCNOSUVA, USSR. LASS I FIED 7 7 77, UNCLASSIFIED ~'PROCESSING DATE--30OCT7( TITLE--ADDITIGN REACTICNS OCCURRING AT THE DOUBL~ 13OND OF DELTA PRIMEZ DIHYDROTHIOPYRAN -U- AUTHOR~-.to4)-BLAGGVSSHCHeMSKIYP V.S., KAZ,IIMIRCHIK,~ I.V., IVANOVA, M.I.f 7-EF,IRG%f I -N.S. cr-DVrWTF INFO--USSR -SDURCE-ZH. ORG. KHIM. 19701 6(4), 877-9 ~DATE.PUBLISHED--70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEKISTRY, BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES -.-:TGPIC TA.GS-CCNDENSATIG.-4 REACTION, THICLs H ET EROC YCL I COXYGEN CUMPOUNDs PHOSPHORUS SULFIDE# ORGANIC SYNTHESIS, ORGANIC SULFUR-COMPOUND, ORGANIC PHOSPHORUS COMPOUND, PESTICIDE -NU RESTRICTIONS CCNTRCL PARKING DCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED b./004/0877,(0879 --PROXY REEL/fRAME-200012067 STEP W-uR/0366/10/00 ACCESS10-i tic--AP0125654 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30ocm 212- -019 UNCLASSIFIED,- CIRC :ACCESSICti t-10--AP0125654 .'.ABSTRACT/ EXTRACT- U) C-P-0- ABSTRACT.- CONOENSATJON 0~ DELTA PRIME2 N E ITG. HCL GAVE 2(OR WHYDRUTHIGPYRAN RJ WITH ALCS., Il T SUB210 SO04. CU9% 3),R,SUBSTITUTE0,TETRAt HYDROPYRANS. (11). (Rt IS (JAE, ON). SIMILARLY, TREATING I hITN BUSH GAVE 11 MEQUALS SBU). ii WITH DIALKYL OfThIGPHOSPHATES GAVE-II M 15 SPt:S)[OME) SU82 OR SPI~'SHOET) SUB2). THE: REACTIONS OF I WITH TETRA-ET BISThlrjPHOSPJiAl,..GAVl: 2,4,3,R PRIME1,01, SUBSTITUTED, TETRAHYDROPYRA,N (111) WAIND R P.RIMEI ARE SH.-G)IOETYSU82). SMILARLYr 1, REACTED WITH HG10AC) SUB2 IN MECH TO GIVE III fR EQUALS CiME, R PRIME1 EQUALS~HGOACJ, 'AHICH WAS CUNVERTED INTO (R EQUALSOME, R PRIMEI EQUALS HGCL) 11 AND .111 ARE POTENTIAL PFSTICIDES. FACILITY: MOSK..GOS. UNIV. 114. LOMONOSOVA, MOSCOW, ~USSR. UNCLASSIFIED If Z 021 UN.CLASSFFTE6'1~ PROCESSING DATE-30OCTTO TITLE-CONFURMATICNAL AN,A%LYS!S OF 4tCYCLOHEXENES VSING~ HETERONUCLEAR DOUBLE RESUNANCE -U- SI-EFIRGVs, NY S.a SE9.GEyEV,AvMv C.4EK?JLAiyEVAj V.N., GURVICHP -..AUTHOR-~404)-' C-CUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -DQKL. AKAD. N:UK SSSR 1970, 190C21.9 3 45-7 DATE-PUBLISHED 70 UBJECT AREAS C14EMISTRY TAGS-C,CLOSEXENE, PROTON, NMR SPECTRUM, CHEMICAL SUBSTITUENT, ORGANIC NITRO COMPOUND, BUTADIENE, NITRILE, ACRYLATEi ORGANIC SYNTHESIS T".:CCNTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS OCUMENT- CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/1081 STEP t4O-UR/0020/7Q/l9QfOO2/0345/0347 ACCESSION NO-AT0124738 UNtLA-SSIFIED -u1 UNCXASSIk*ED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSHN NO-AT0124738 -(U) GP~(','-- ABSTRACT. FROM PROTGN NPIR SPECTRA OF CL -CY 0HEXENE IxITH CHO, CO SU32 ME, CN AND AC SITiSTITUENTS IT WIA S CONCLUDED T4AT 3,CY(;LCHE~^;-:i%E,I,iCAP,130YALFJEKYDE HA.,, 701-c-ftcEt,T ND THAT -SPUNV 1. (X EQUALS ChO), A, YHE CORRE ING CV,'tl50MET 1~)XY Ctlnlr-G. HAZI L' -N I ( X EQUALS Ca $V82 i1;: I . 1 95PERCENT "CiNFORMATIC KEEPfNG 0 SUB2 i NCH CHCN h 1 TH BU TAO I ENE v 1 IN THE PRESEP41CE C HYDROQUINONE 3 DAYS GAVE TOPERCENT I'RANS,ItNl-fRO,Z,C.YANO*4,CYCLOHEXEi))Ev 313161610 SUB42 M.. I93-~-5DEGREES; THE 4ME TRANSpZvACETYLl4tCYCLOHEXENEtlpf-ARBOXYLATEP 3,3 6,~6sD SUB4, 5 SUBI 124-6DEGREESt M. PRIME20 SUK) 1.4-170 WAS PFEPO. ~FROA TPE DIENE AND ME ACETYLACKYLATE IN-15 HR AT 1.00DEGREES IN MEPH, FACILITY: MOSK. GOS. UNIV, J Ma LOMONDSOVA, USSR. UNCLASS IFIEQ UDC 0 21. 391. 14 -;~'T-OV, Vi Ye. "Analyzing the Complex Spectra of Pu-ls*e Signa1c,," No pp 25-28 M., o scow, Radio-eklanijka. Vol. 25, Z 11, '970, A-!~StnF'Ct: method of, analyzing complex Spec tra J.s civen this articl- whicn is no's subject to the defects of simultane-ous and successive ana.1y"tical --ethads. T n this method, th. '-.,,-,sic one t rr the com-),,onents c-' -he arriDlitul-4e and nhaoe on. for aetE;rmining al involves. sumjratio~. of~' voctors ~t wh-;ch ;,"e juz 21 In r 4anal is transformed. Tho autho-a o "ar two variants o 'L a D,) r u s fo r roalizing tlae specTrux, ana-lysis w!.th osCELIographs usini-~- circular scanning. The ck diagrams of both setus are ?-Lo t,roe of -ure giver, together it -i t h illustrative diagrams of g ,.qese sys-.ems yield and their int . erpretat ion. MII,wh lle,,;s o r k i involved in the methods suggres'ved - by the- article th~~ '0 a S i comyut""~.',.-'Lons are automated, and the- ~.;rduousness of point-by-point PIott`Lnv 1.3 avoided. The aut'hors assert- "Chat -vhe! mt~thod and ilus varianis may be used ir. the solution Q.-C pract.-Leal pzroblems in the Various branches of electronics. 1A 777 USSR UDC, 621-373.826:621.39G ZEGB E. P. ILVANOV, A. P., UTSEV, I. L.~, W RGIN B. A., --iW_'hhi0V, S. V. , and MIMUYLOV G A in Natural Disnersine Some Problems of Optical Palse Rad~- For mtions Moscow, V sb. X Vses. konf. po rasDrostr. radiovoln., Tezisy dolil. (21 f ropagation~ of Radio 1-7,,~~Ves enth All-Union Con-erence on the Pi Report Theses--collection' of. works) . IT uka, 11 1972,-Pp337-341 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 10, 1972, Abstract 110 101440) Translation: A me'hod is given f or c9raputing the, signal/noise ratio of an.optical radar system combining, receiver and trwismitter, under the condition that the oignalis, propagateO~ in v, medium char- acterized by 411-he probabi-Ii-by A of photon survival. With incroasing distance between the object zmd'the tran's ce ive r, the uignal/noiae ratio varies according to the law 4-T exp -,(+V where *r io the dist,,mce between the object vaid thtii radox tind ~3,0 ~the eieenvalue o- the characteristic oci ation. Biblioln7c..,phy of U .1 five. A. L. will USSR UDC 535.361 ZECE E. P., KATSEV, 1. L., MAKAREVICH, S. A. ol tharacteris ties of the Light Field in Weakly Absorbent ~,edia" ~.Minsk, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Spektroskopli, Vo) 12,, No 6, 1.970, pp 1137-1139 Abstract: This short mathematical article deals with formulas developed by G. V. Rozenberg for the brightness coefficient, the diffuse reflection, and the con- ductance of light in weakly absorbent layers of large optical thickness. Al- though the determination.of the paramerers of the equation can be done experi- ill mentally or through the proper computations,'the authors assert that there is no need for determining all these parameters experimentally. They then proceed to work out equations through which the parametert- can befound. The two sources they dite of information on the Rozenberg equations are a paper written by Razenberg for the collection SpektroskoRiya svetorasseivayu~hchikh sred (The Spectroscopy of Light-Dispersive Media), Minsk, 1963, p 5,.and a paper written by A. P. Ivanov and G. K. Wich for the journal named above!, (2, ~56, 1965). USSR. UDC 535-36 BUSM"OVA, 0. V.) and KATSEVIJ. L. "Asymptotic Foruralas for the Brightness Coefficients of Thick Layers of a Dispersive Msdium!' -,Minsk, Doklady Akademii Nauk BSSR, Vol 15) go 4, 1971j' PP 309-311 Abstract: livnis article concerns recent work done on the problem of obtaining brightness coefficients for thick layers,of a dispersivie medium with an arbitrary indicatri-x of dispersion. The~authors cite G. V. Rozenberg's approx- imation formulas, 6hich apply to low-absorption media and which have been used extensively to solve geophysical and spectroscopic problems, They explain the vays in uhich these formulas are related to the formulals developed by V. V. Soboley for brightness coefficients which hav e been averaged with respect to the azimuth and which apply to thecase of~arbitraxy absorption. They show that the two sets of formulas coincide to a specifled CWgree of accuracy when g(M)d/.4 - 1/3 (M is the cosine of the augle of di4'ersion of g(14) is the angular distribution of the brightness of,the li&t which has,pussed through a purely dispersive layer). Thia condition It fulfilled quite wall for a broad elara of indicatrixes. 1T~7 38 WW_ 9 1*3'551. UDC"- f 463.5-.535.36 ZEG:Ej_~j, P. and URVASH L. I. "Light Pield in the Depth Mode With Polarization Taken Into Account". Minsk, Zhurnal Prikladnoy Spektroskopii, vol 17, 116 5, 1972j pp 861-871 Abstract: The Droblem with which this paper iS, Concerned is that of finding the light field in the depth.of-An.optically thick or semi- -tering medi The paper infinite layer of an absorbing and scat examines the depth mode in a medium with scatte,ring centers of ar- bitrary dimensions a-rid form. In this, theoreticpi treatment it is assumed only that the medium is sy=et 'jical and tfie pa-rticles are chaotically oriented and tire uniformly distributed in the layer, an assumption that always holds true.:Ln real dicpersinE, media such -heir analysis with-the as seawater and clouds. The authors begin statement of a matrix which describes.the line~Pr transformation lair of the Stokes vector in a single scattering. A plane, semi- infinite medium whose boundary-is illuminated by.en i:nfiuitely wide r-p-ralle-1 light beam a stationarytang-ular 112 I USSR UDC: 548-733 ZEGE V. N. "Camera Adjunct to a Diffractometer" Minsk, Izvestiyaq Alzadernii Nauk BSBR--Seriya f izi-1-o-teldinicheskikh nauX, No 1, 1972, Pp 93-97 Abstract: Cameras added to diffractometers usually fall into two categories: one for operationin low.-iiemperaturos, the other for operation in high. Thus, one of each must be ubed in a broad range of temperatures, and conditions of the experiwnts are no longer identical for the two temperature areas. The camera de- scribed in this paper does not-suffer from this4efect. It is an evacuated device, with a limiting pressure of 5.10-5 nun Hg, and permits temperature measurements in the 77-11730 K range, the lowest temperature being that of liquid nitrogen. It is made to work with diffractometers of the DRON-1 and URS-50IM types, and can be set uD with GUR-3, GUR-4, and GUR-5 goniameters. A cross- Sectional diagram of the camera is provided and an explaimtion o-11' its oporation given. It was tested with the DRON-1 diffractometer and gave precise results. An additional advantage of the instru- ment is that it requires no temperature;control '~devioes in the 78-6200 K range. The author is connected i-,,ith the r-bysico- technical Institute of the Belorussian_Acaden;-y__o-f Sciences,, ~2/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0121387 _AB,STRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT* (IN THIS ABSTR. Z EQUALS PHCH SUB2 0 SUB2 - CAN D2,4,6t TRICHLOROPHENYL EQUALS.C SUB6 Ii SU82 CL SUB3. -.:ALANINE. AND GAMMA METHYLGLU TAMA TG ARE'1 NTHE L FOR14) AS PART OF A STUDY OF THE STRUCTURE OF SILK FIBROIN THE. PENTAPEPTIOE Z-GLY-AI_A-GLY-GLU(0ME)-GLY-0C SUB6 H SUBZ CL SUB3 (1) WAS PREPD. USING THE MIXED CARBOXYLIC CAR-SONIC ANHYDRIDE METHOO WAS PREPD. Z-ALA-GLY-OMEI M. 96DEGREES. REMOVAL OF THE Z GROUP IN TURIN YIELLDED H-ALA--GLY-0l-lE.HBR All), M. 160DEGREES. Z-GLY-ALA-GLY-0,4E (111), 14.1 114-15DEGREESt WAS -GLY-OH TO 11' 111 WAS crjmVERTE0 INTO THE PREPD. BY THE AQ0N. OF Z CORRESPONDING HYDRAZIDE (IV)p M-182DEGREES. THE~L GROUP WAS REMOVED :...FR0M.Z-GLY-OC SUB6 H SUB2 cL suB3 lf-1.1130EGREES),AND THE DEPROTECTEO ESTER COMBINED WITH Z-GLU(OMlE)-OH TO YIELD -THE FULLY PROTECTED OIPEPTIDE -:Z-GLU(OME)_GLY-0C SU86 H SU82. CL SU83 (Vh M. 118 EGREES. THE Z GROUP 0 'WAS REMO-VED: FROM V AND THE DIPEPTIDE ESTEA -160LATED AS' THE HBR SALT (VI JN THE FORM ~DF AN OIL. IV.AND Vl-,WERE: COMBINED SY,THE AZIDE METHOD TO YIELD 19- (ALPHAJ. PRIME-21 SOD MINUS,17;*60EGREES (OMF), FACILITY: :~TADZH. GOS. UNIV. IMo LENINAv DUSHAN13,E'r -USSRit UNCLASSIFIED Rafractorykhtezials: USSR 666.764:621.928-37 of-Refrac- MARANTS? A. G.$ GUTZ,'-,kN V. I.,'Ali-Union inst.-L LI "-'G Z,, A tjories; 2:11i(TOVA, B. Xg VASILIVITSKIY, A V.7 C4 ellt, KREYMM N All-Union fie llosea- 1~ 1. 1 in e; ind ,Ch? * -IOiI--IIJiOv3XIYt L. B-f Desi~;,- Institute of Pletall'u,-19-ical klachinerY, - tallurg-ical KOMIiI L. N., and KOSTYHY.11, Yu., :F.,: Dnepropetrovsk Me Institute "Prospects of the AT)plic--vtion of the, Cyclone for k~h Production of ldelto~l Refractori6sll.l Moscow, Opicupory, No 5, 1973, - bP 50-54 Abstract: Me process of cyclone melting was investigated with V. View to produce melted refractories of the jriagnesiw,~spinel and brazilite-colmindi.,-,.- types. Expqrinents were carried out at, the Institute of the PI-oblems of Material Science of the Academy of Sc-iences UkrSSII. The eiq),-~rinents indicated Ithe possibility of applying meltin(; cyclones with the use of' a onrichcd vIth oxygen -for the production of cast fused refractories viith a 1800-1(90,00C fusion tei-.ipe:Lature in which the vnielt aC,,pregates in thle vrarninl-- foreheartth for aft/-,rcs.-,t-ing into mobla. Ilia d-ast removal In cyc!4:~n~~ i.,elting dOeG not e.., charge ia chemical covxpositloi. 11he opt:Lrn= corntent lpf Wy~-,eji in the. obarit at an approximate natural L~as consumption '6f 1-5 nM3/,KIg charv~,, was deterflined. 1/2 MURZICH, Ye. V., ZEISNOVP L, S., PRONIKO, L. A., All-Union 'ific Solent Research Institute of Heat Engincer:Lng *eni.P. E. Dzerzh:Lnskiy "A Mathod of Controlling th 'Fuel-01 xidizer' Ratio Author-Certificate USSR, Class F 23n 1/02, No 2959L6, claimed 23-12.68, published 6.04-71 (from Referativn 'Zhurnal, Aviatsionnyye i Raket%'Ye yy, Dvigateli, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract Noll.34.70 P) 'Translation: There is patented a method for regulating the "fuel-oxidizer" ratio in the combustion chamber according'to a commani signal aharacterizin.g a monitored parameter that is linked to the combustion. The method is dis- tinguished by the fact that with the alm of increasing tho precision, re- liability, and response speed of regulation, use is IWe, ;as the comnand signal, of the temperature of one or several (according to the number of in- jectors) solid unshielded bodies with ri high thermaI conductivity, for 8=mple, metal bodies, which are placed at the base:aif the jet in the shear plane of the injector output nozzles. The method is distinguished by the fact that as a solid thermally conductive body,. use is made of design ele- ments of the combuztion chamber, for example, the injector output nozzle. I-figure. -SckG, DA 'ITNOV70 PROC T L 034 UNCLASSIF - TITLE-DETERMI.-f-vING THE CONT-4,CT ;-~,IGIDITY AN'I) ',-',.AsrjC!TY OF T~:~ S-U- Atr- L Ez-"-i U Ti4a P - I Ay u u,v v 1i Sl~ V3. P ZEGIHDA S.A. COUNTRY 1,,lFul--USSR ~-SDUR .1 C E-Lc~ 1~ GRADP HVESTIYA Illysslili0i UCHEBNY Mi z AvE 0 EN I Y . ~.:Pkii3ok-~STrIDYIE141YE N' 02, L970, PP 1021- 106! A ATE PUBL ~SUBJECTAREAS--MATERIALS, MECH. I ND, C I Vil LAND MAIR I i'i,E ENGR, PHYSICS ~T OPIC: TAGS--ACCFLERf-'METEi;., "tECHANICAL FASTENE;K, ELAST.I~CITYv 3UTT W~L.DING :-.CCNTROL. MARK 1 tt'G--NO RESTRICTIUNS .~OGCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -REE:L/FRAME--199'Y/1646 'J /OGO/002/0102/OiO6 ~PROXY TEP Ni --U-R/10146/70 -CIRC ACC 5 S I ON NO - -A TO 12 3 4 84