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USSR UDC 622-24.053.6 14EWHIKOVe V. I. g ZZHIDOVTJEVj 14. A.j WOREW, A. T., STARKOV, V. IT., '-r-l'--and PODMUIYYi I. Fe -DFI-ICHUX, M. 11.1 KOVALTIM, "Test Results of a Wave Reflector" Moscow, Bu---niye -- Referativnyy ffauchno-!-Tekhnicheskiy SbornLk (Drilling Scientific and Technical Reference Collection of Wot1m), No 1. 1973, pp 7-11 Abstracti Results are presented of tests conducted on a special arrangement of the bottom part of a drilling columnp which possesses the capacity of reflecting the vibratory energy generated by the cutting bit. This arrange- ment, which constitutes an independent structure* is called a superbit wave reflector. The basic configurations of the design and operat-ion of the reflector axe descrit-ed. The existence.of the theoretically calculated resonance regime and entiresonwice regite was conPirmed experimentally. Results of operational testz demonstrated an: Imporroyement, ol'. drilling para- meters in hard rock as a result of application of the refleotor, 3 figures, 1-table, 2 references. 'A 66 -I/z'*- 017-- , - . ~,. 1, :UNGL S'SlfIED'; PROCESSING DATE-300C170 41TLE-LUdRICATING ADDITIVE FOR WASHING'LIQUIDS -U-~ AUTHUR-(05J-YAROVj.A.N., KHARCHENKOv L*S-t.KENDISt H,SH.i GORDASHa YuoT.Q ZHIDDVTSEV# N.A. Ccummf: NF&--USSR 2669988 _,R EFER ENCF_--;-L).TXRYT I YA r, IZOBRETow PROM. OSRAZTSYr TOVARNYE ZNAKI, 19702 ~DATE. PUBLISHED-OLAPR70 UBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS TOPIC TAGS-LUBRICAY-ING OlLv CHEMICAL PATENTI LUBRICANT AODITIVEr INDUSTRIAL WASTE CGNTRoL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3003/1804 STEP NO-UR/0482/70/000/000/0000/00-JO CIRC ACCESSION NC--AA0130637 UNCLASSIFIED UM wc: 678.ol:677-52+539.4 F I TSMU11 A. 14.1 SHOMIUMt YE. A. ISM, IOVI L L., GRIGORIYEV, V. T. SHAFRU40VICH, B. G. t WMRUl T.; 1. , and YARTSEV, V. - A. , State Sclentific- Research Institute of Chemistry and the Te(;hnology of Elementoorganic Compounds, Hoscow %fechanical Properties of Boron Fibersv RUal KeJtbanika Polioerovi No 4# Jul-Aug 731 PP 641-647 Abstract: The authors study the strength distribution of boron fibers. The study is based on a large &mount of experimental material. The results show that the strength of boron fibers can be sufficiently accurately described by the Weibull or normal rules of distribution, The parameters of these distributions are deter- mined* The typical defects in boron fiber.macrostructure'are isolated and described, Mean strength as a function of tested Siber length-is studied.experimentaUyo 1A Organometallic,Compounds USSR UDC 547,244.245 waoxov, V. F., GIRGOS, V. I., PECVURINA, S. YA., and ZHICACH, A. F. "Synthesis of a Pew Class of Silicon Containing Carboranes" laningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey KhWi, Vol 42(104), Vyp 11, 1972, p 2583 Abstractj Up to now, it has been possible to prepare only the C-substituted silicon.carboranes. However, the:vinylehlorosilanes a~d the cinylalkyl chlorosilanes may be added to o-f m-l and D carboranes ~ ard their derivatives in the presence of aluminum chloride. As shown below,. this occurs at the B-H,bond of the carborane nucleus with the formation of new-B-substituted silicon-contaAning carboranes. 3 1, 2, 3. Structures were confirmed by IR and IM spectra in mass apeatroscopic data. IA C CAISSIFIE PitOCEStMG DATE ---30CITO 01AGRAM OF tk, ~4 1 f~4 vt A.MM"t IA SYSTEM -U- -.~~A!IJTH0R-104)-SVITSYjNm R-A.v ZHIGACH, X.F., SORUKINP P. Z. DSUK I N? A. ~.crou.NT RY OF INFCr--USSR ~~OUJRC. E--Z H. NEORG. KHIM- 1970, 1513), 8'9-5 1 j)ATE PUBLISHED- -70 ~S.UBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY GPIC. TAGS P IHA S EDIAGRAM, AMMONIA,: ORGA~NUBORON COMPOUND, EUTECTIC CU14TROL MARJKlr-,G--N0 RESTRICTIONS :'VOCUMENT CLA 5 5--UNC L A S S I F I E 0 PROXY RLEL/FkAME--199Z/1867 SfEP N07--UR/007:i/7i)/015/t~03/Odi9/0'3-51 -CIRC ACCESSION N0--AP0Iizt;zt7 ___WN_( L_l !ic _11-1 E-D-_ -ESS PIG DATE-09COCT70 UL9 P R.-O C 1 L% NC--AP:'~ I 2~4 7 -CIRC Acr ss T,:'k A C T PHAS E 01 AGRAPI OF :,~L- SLJB3 f3WH ~11:33 Gi UENTLY ;,,,L,..T ING T41E SYSTERI I-GRMS C' lzu-b3 S F E A S 5 bN H SU*a3.3l'iH SU-33 I 11.) (M. MINNS S0,41?EGREES) A."iD ME SJ63 B."A -Z 33 4 -S '171, 3 D t',-t R E: E1 A i'D INC04GRUE.14TLY ~'tELTVIIG ML SU33 3 ok-li-4 s "'.6 3 M I N:J L53 tH. MINUS 1~7.80JEGREESI .11 FORAS: AN EUrECTIC WITH I Af NH . S Ub 3 Nii S 7 -!~T INUS, 0.80EGREES. PEKCEs%T I AND M. M t Li 4 1/2 023 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING 0ATE-040EC70 DIAGRAM OF HYDRALItIETRIMETHYLSOROti.PYRIDINF- -AND -M~CTHYL4..41tiETCLIMF-THYLBORON PYRIDINE ~SYSTEM!i -U- _lR-(05)-SVjTSYN* P.A., LHIGAC AurH0 Ht_ A.F *I ~$O.R OK I N, P., ZPETROVA yE4I's 4.40 ~CGUNTRY OF I.NFO--USSR SVURGE---ZH. NEORG. KHIM. 1970, 1.5 (4 113 1~'3: '0ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 _'_SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY 114 COAPPONDr PY R I D l,',1 F- o -TCO.1 CTAftS-PHASE 01A(SPAM, LORGANDOM01 HYDRAZ 11"1E "COMWO"t 0#, AWNEr COI~PLEX COMPOUND 'ING-142 RESYRICTIONS VMiTRjC-_ HARK '.:06tUHENT CLASS-UN CC Lt, S S, I F I -c D :-"-PROXY RZE-LIFRAME-3007/1145 STEP 113L) 1133 CIRIC ACCESS 1101"i '316 50 , ~' ~ , '. o - ~,. -7 -~ r -~j -_~- Z - ~~ i- ~, -7 '. ~i 7 ;, - ; - : : ; i , I I:- :lF,:T 'I Im'. uiik III I i ~v I I mn--T, :I I ill:,,I ~; I R I it j I, I I.; , -k f 1 1 1.~ I I : 1',:: 17 i , -,- I I I I . ; - . ~ F E --I , " . I I USSR UVG 621.396.614.13:621.374.4 TAIGACRI, V. P. "Calculating the Frequency Division Region for.a Single-Ld-op Circuit Using a Diode with a Thin Base" 'Materialv nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii. Leningr. e1ektrot-!k11--1. in-t svva--,i Vyp~ 1 (Materials of the Scientific and Technical Confer~.nce. I.eningrad Electrotechnical Co-imunications Institute.; ~Vyp. 1), Leningrad, 1970, pp -167-170 (from RZI.-L-Radiotekhnil", No.9, Sep. 70,: Abstract No 9D23) Translation: Formulas are obtained which dete rmine the 'boundaries of the sion ior-a single loop divider mide of a semicon- region of frequency divi ductor diode with a thin base and a:noninjeircting, ohmic contact. -------- ------- ------- ------ MUM USSR UDC 591.1.15 PIKULEV, A. T., GURKO, A. V., KHRITCRENKO, I. P., and CHERNO=OV, V. M. "On the Mechanism of the Action of Ionizing Radiation om the Activity of te Rats". Aminotransferase in the Brain of Whi Rauch. dokl. yyssh. shkoly. Biol. n. (Scientific Papers of the University. Biological Sciences), 1971, No 9, pp 43-48.(from M-Biologicheskaya Khimiya, No 2. 25 Jan 72, Abstract No.2F272) Translation: The rate of transamination processes catalyzed by the alanine- aud asparta te-ami no trans f erw-, e enzyme system is disrupted in rat brain under the effect of X-radiation in a doae~of 700 roentgens. This is, due to a change of In the activity of the giv,.,n uuymolfi In Indivi,dual subcil tranosmimition uystem whieli id the brain, and also to discoordination In.ther especially pronounced on the first andLseventh days after: exposure to radia- tion. R6SUM26. 007 UNCLASSI FIED, PROCESSING OATE--040EC70 -CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0135798 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. UNF I L.TER ED r- iisr, Toit YIST, SATN. JUICE OF HIGH ALKY. (0. 10-0. 12PF-RCENT CAOY WAS: GRACIIJALLY SATD. WITH Co SU82 IN A LAS. SATURAMR AT 80-50EGREES: TO ALKY. 0i!05PLRCENT CAO. A SERIES OF SAMPLES (70G-800 ML) WAS TAKEN:f ON WHICH THE hLKY., FILTRATEEON CO.EFF., RATE OF SETTLING, AND RATIO OF HEIGHT OF THE PPr, TO THE HEIGHT K ~. PRO9 :0.10 TO ~OF JUICE TAKEN' WERE DETD. A CHANGE10F AL y 0.06-0.065PERCENT HAD LITTLE EFFECT ON THE.RATE OF iSETYLING OR 0,14 FILTRATION OF THE PPT.; FURTHER REDN. OF ACKY. TO 0.05PERCENT WAS :SATISFACTORY ONLY DURING PROCESSING BEE TS OF POOR QLUALETY, WHEN IT JNCREASEO THE-.RATE OF SEDIME r -NTATION, BUT; HAD LITTLE lFFECT ON THE COEFF. -CF,lFILTRATION. DURING PROCESSING OF B.EETS:UF GOOD 'AND MEDIUM OUALITY, --.PRESATN ~:DID NOTI- IMPROVE r ED 1 14 Qw. ENTATION OR F.ILTRATI LINCLASSIFIEr) Pii-OCESSING OATE--30OCT70 -I/Zl 01T UNCLASSIFIED. JITLE--EFFECT OF SOME PHARMACOLOGICAL-SUBSTANCES AND~PHYSICAL FACTORS ON THE B.ILE EXCRETORY FUNCTION IN HEALTHY~INDIVIDUALS AND IN PATIENTS NITH :--AUTHP A.S.y TASHL-VP:T.t GRYUNCHAROVP V*02HIGALOVAP M*F* jR-(04)-BELOUSOVv ",:CCUNTRY OF lNFO--USSR 00 E-TERA,PEVTICHESKIY ARKHIVP VOL 42v NR 4:07PP 54-61 PUBLISHED----70 _SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL,SCIENCES ;--,--TOPIC TAGS--BILE, SECRETION, ATROPINE, DUODENUM, DRUG EFFECT MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS '.':0OCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~PRUXY PEEL/FRAME--1996/0439 STEP NU--UR/0501i,/7010421004/005410061 CIRC ACCESSION NfJ--AP0117675 "212 017 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 :~-t.IkC ACCESSION NO--AP0117675 AB '. STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TRE~AUTHORS SUGGEST 4 NEW METHOD OF STUDYING-B[LE SECRETION AND BILE EXrRETION IN HUMAN BEINGS, ETS ADVANTAGES AS COMPARED TO OTHER METHODS ARE SHOWN.: MATEmAL CONCEkINING THE EFFECT OF PHARMACOLOGICAL SUBSTANCES (ATROPtNEr MYCERIN) ON BILE 'S DRAW THE EXCRETION IN TO THE DUODENAL REGION IS GIVEN. THE AUTHOR ~-.--READER$S ATTENTION TO AN UNTOWARD EFFECT OF ATROPINE 014 THE BILE SECRETORY FUNCTION IN THE TREATMENT-CFIPATIENTS WITH PEPTIC ULCER. THEREFORE, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT COLAGOGUE MEANS: 4PICDICINAL, DYGESTIVE SHO-ULD-BE INCLUDE D-INTO THE COURSE OF TREATMENT WITH ATROPINE AND ATROPINE LIKE AGENTS. FACILITY: KAFEDRA :..-RASTROENTEROLOGII I OLYETOTERAPIL TSENTRALIN,OGO INSTITUrA -.--'-US0-VERSHENSTV0VANIYA VRACHEYI MOSCOW. FACILITY; KAFEDRA -RASTROENTEROLGGII ISULI SOFIA. UDC: 681.3.001:51 YAIMPOL'SKIY, V. Z., POGREBNOY, V. K., ZHI "'Algorithmic Planning and Opt;mization of the Use of a Unified Set of Units for Fixed Class of Circuits" Dokl. K VI Nauchno-Tekhn. Konf. Po Vopy. Avtomatiz. Proizva. T. 4 [Reports of the -Sixth Scientific and Technical Conference onA)roblems of Automation of Production, Vol 4) Tomsk University Press, 1969,~pp 247-2SS (translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telemekhanika I Vychislitel.1naya Teknika, No 3, 1971, Abstract p No 3 HSO by V. R.) Translation: The task of planning a standardized set of units is studied for a fixed class of circuits, considering the requirements of "functional completencss," the minimum number of types of units, and the maximum filling of the units with logic elements, It is suggested that planning1be performed on the basis of the data of Statistical analysis of a representative sam.ple.of circuit-, of the class in question. The statistical analysis consists of separation of frequently rapeated, logically coupled elements -- standard structures. The process of solution of the problem is divided into the following stages: composition of initial:inflormation, analysis of functional circuits, formation of blocks in theset, estimition of the effectiveness of the set and its adjustment. The apparatus of graph thegry is used to produce a :formalized description of each stageof planning, allowing the planninp algorithm to 1/2 69 USSR UDC 624.07:534.1 ZHIGALOVSKIL.-L. V. "Rotational Oscillations of Rigid Beams,on an Elastic Mass Layer" Soprotivl. materialov i teoriya sooruzh.: Resp. mezhved. nauch.-telkhn. sb. (Resistance of Materials and the Theory of Structures-Republic Interde- partmental Scientific-Technical Collection), .1972, No.* 18, pp 82-87 .(from RZh-Mekhanika, No 3, Mar 73~ Abstract No 3V251) TrAnslatiou: The steady-state vibrations of a rigid beam (beam plate) with a uniformly distributed mass caused by a.harmonic momen *t are discussed. Formulas are obtained for the angle of rotation and the dynamicity coeffi- cient. The parameters entering into these formulas were.calculated for nine layers of different thickness and a half-plane for the Poisson coefficient 0,15. 5 ref.~I.Author's abstract. I RONNIE lw~~, 1/2 011 UNCLASSIFfED' ~PROCtSSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--ACTION OF CHLORINE ON' 0 AND M,CAR6%3RANYLMAGNESIUM HALIDES -U- AUTHOR- 103) -ZAKHARK IN L.I.i ZHIGAR.EVAt. G&G.t PODV.IS0TSKAYAo L.S. F INFO--USSR COUNTRY 0 --IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR# SER :KHIMO: :1970 j, (214 461-3 'DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--CHFMISTRY JOPIC TAGS--CARBORANE,.CHLORINEt ORG4NOMAGNESIUN COMPOUNDt BROMIDE _10DIDEv ETHANE MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 013CURENT C L A S S--UN C LA S S I F I ED PROXY REEL/FRA,"IE--1997/0842 STEP NO--UR/0062/70/000/OOZ/0461/0463 CJRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119746 UNCLASSIFIED wf .4 W~_ Mfg = rg "-A&lq N mm wim wi mg u a I 8a I I 7--2/2 011 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7C CIRC ACCESSION %10--APOL19746 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TREATING 0 OR M,CARBORANES WITH ETMGCLi ETMGVRP OR ET14GI IN THF GAVE C SUB2 H SUB6 ANU AFTER RE140VAL OF MUCH OF THE SOLVENT AND REPLACEMENT OF IT 13Y C SLIJ16 H SIJB6,. THE lyT.0 COOLED TO-5-100EGREESt WAS TREATED WITH ORY CL TQ::YIELD MAINLY CvBRGM0 OR CPIODOCARBORANESo THUS, CHLORI.NATION:OF OyCARL.1-9RANYLMAGNESIUM BROMIDE GAVE 6PERCENT 1,CHLORO,O,CARBORANE-At?D 941~ERCENT I#BROMO,OiCARBORANE, WHILE lyMEHTYLt2fBROz'4OMAG~lE~SIUMtOtCARBORANE GAVE 5PERCENT 1, MFTHYL 21,CHLOROIOICARBDI-,,ANE-AND 95PERCENT ltMETHYLt2rBROMO,O, CARBORANE; 0, CARBQRANYL MAGNESIUM IODIDE GAVE 5PERCENT 1,CHLORO,O,CARBORANE; OPCARBORANYLfMAGNESIUM IODIDE GAVE .5PERCENT 1,CHLDRO,0,CARB0RANE AND 95PERCENT 1110DOvO,CARBORANE, WHILE liMETHYLt2,IODDMAGNESIUM,O,CARBORAME GAVE 6PERCEN'T I,METHYL,2,CHLUROIO,CARBORANE AND 94PERCENT 1,METHYL,2,10DJ,O,CAR8OR-ANE. FOR PREPN. OF THE C,CHLORO DERIVS. IT IS NECESSARY TO USE RMGCL FOR REACTIONS. THE RESULTS WERE,THE SAM,EI;FO RH,~CARBORANE ANALOGS. FACILITY: INST. LEMENTOORGS S0EOIN*,#-MOSCOWr U&SR.: UNCLASSIFIED 1-12 cl, If 'PMCE~SING UNCLASSI F I N) r--A)-EC) Uj.l LITHIV4 DER I VA"TT I VES OF P LAki3'0RA,,,lE- 1-1., KAL I NI N, V N. ZHIGA'REVA, G.G. e',- ~,CPUNTRY L;Fl UNFC-USSR ~750URCE -IZV. AKAG. i"WUK SSSRP SER KFI I V, 100 D A T E P W3 L I Sf ;E 13 - - - - - - -7 0 'SljbJECT AKE,~~S--CHEMISTRY :-TC-PIG TAGS--Cf-EMICAL SY14TI 'E OAGANOLIT.HIUM LOD I .',,,,AT E U ~-'MGANIC COMilutiND, CARBOXYLIC :A Ci b. CA I.-,'B 0 k A N C T I ulf i S RESTI~IC L.) 912"14 DATE -20NOV70 -U- '-R CAP TAIN C 0,M P 1) U. M D 14 E cHL OR IbE At-IINE 00CUMENT P A X' Y REELlf-RAM~-300;6/ L.34,6 STEP ACCESSILCi-; 111C L AS S I F I EO~ VqGCESSINCo DATE-201"OV70 CT, f G 1 14' L vri-Iw:,;, P, PRL-Pi)- FkC- L G P-GARt,:~ANt I- C `U~ 6 H SUB6, AND fl & F~ I X I - KEPF 3f' i'~IN [C .61Vt 96P_`:;-.RCENT. M. I ~~ I) C- LE CE S S I ;~`; I L A L A C f I ~!N W I I If S "AVE 6 CE E E 'S PA~_~Ici'_l S`~ &U62 INTO A SUL.N. 0F. ri s k~ 6 R XYL I C A C I T~~C;ITING P A R 6~~. ,V'. iz z"i I J" A,7-- 0 'v. I TH PCL SUB-5 CIAV L THE: AC, I L) tHICH 'A I T-h ALCL SLJ33 fit! C ~(W6 h 504~1 O;N 20 ;,i I N H E Al, f 1% G 6 A V E ". G of I E L 0 Ol F I ., I VO f.;tb E I'l ZAL-J YL ~v I ~j , C A C. R, A I I M . FlwiEO FROM 6YJ.RQATJNG Wlfli tQCL AT 0 Ot: G E F S . _; S kj,,, , c- E_- ir, I rN L I A L F T S V 13 2 O't T 0 1 6 S- Olf, i, Z *YL OXY I jo P U K ANE lt 'LGREFS. A E. A r I i~,J G 1 1 w I TH E T -1;'> Z A N D P C ,I Iwo it'll-C Ium S I IL ARLY GAVE filf: LATTEC- AN;) OZL-.~,. I I ;':-ID iMEHG(J. 114 il' SUI,2 Oil, Wd6 H U36 HFATED I HK GAVI., 1.92-.3DEGREES. I I M HiEXANE HIM u ~'ITH iN-CL ET SIJ-32 1 -6 _F 3 FIR, U AT Mt NUS GA \4 C , A F 11 It 4 LOA YILLJ il& LiNI WE( AAN El i 11 7 4 -o; -,A S C A Ki7,UR.1,N;_C A,' t_~UXYI_ IC ~Clij -~.HLJFU0E.r PREPO., IN OR`4, L St f~~b if SUB6 W1 TH -PC! 51W35P -4 115) _TREAT4D. I f ii N A W 5 U 83 ~: I N A tfi~; s j d CO 1-0 Y I ELD ~5. R86kAIN f CAR, 60 X YL I C AC I D A Ei M. 74!-EIDEGREES HEATC'D ~IITH ONCO.t ~H st)az so stibe, A V E_ i'A'AL-401 p C AA al3k W,I 3 7JEGRH-_S. 'FAC IL I T 1NS T. 5 CIE'r; i N . f MO SC CW us si,!~ ONG L A S ST F 1:F 1) 7i S! ~;'C: 51-1-133+ -4,C)'; V 5, Y, YU. L "ai i'd nstitu~e ol" GeneraI and 1-nor-gr-In-ic C"-~'emmistrr' Acadt =-y of: n SSR "7orna- -ri Chloride 11,1,elts" -ion of Slirre on an A, -ni~m, Aziode Moscow, zaz~-ch-'ta Metal-10. o. J- 1! Abstracz.: ZrIe electrodeposition of al-;Lnin= froin a 2A_'C_*_-TiaC11 bait --lixture it waz ob'se~-ted th-at the surface of the soluble altzninull anode, u-de-- con- t-i-~U01;LS Se.-Vice, bec=e coat-eldi. with. a heavy iy e r o f 'o' a a 1, s ~i' -,-,t! arcae ls~ excec gas bubbles.: 'I"ia Of t h'-~' s., c -;:-- r ez. ~ y I -ded 100"r libera'~irj study -:;o --h-e causes o~.. slime, forpatior as t-,ell "s 4_Tus Qffuct on y4 C,1 d. 11,1, rosco, , eyanination of' the s.'"ze c lie-ct the Cat'hode c. piL e,4 with alcohol revealed a mass o~f' purricles, Aorz the anode e~nd rins bazically In a chlor-ide mel:t the ancde current die.,,:Sity is governing factor. At I azip/dm 0 the azode,current yield recalculated to ton ~13+ exceeds 100,15 and the mean 4 valence ;-A' aluninux. comouted frCM loss in weight of the anode is below tL-e . e. The ari6de dXaolyes evenly, 112 YU X ---t al. Zashchita Metallov, Vol 6, No. 4, Jul-A,,43 ?0, P 59 the sliie is finely dinperse. In this case, the deviation fram law is due to Al'~' formation. Am entirely diffta-ent picture waa Obsrwved c,~ nn 2. -o- wder on the anode is abwndani, anode current densizy of 15 amp/dm The 0 the ancde current yield hardljr exceeds the theoretical, and the mean calculated valeace of aluminum is close to three. , The slime structvre is cleaxly defined. The anode dissolves unevenly,, and its sIL-face aeros",on is~ si:_- r to 4, terg-rana-dar failure. As for the effect of anodic current density on the cathodic ck~rrent yield,it is suggested that in electrodeposition of:a1uniinm from chloride melts care must be exercised in selecting along with the temberature, cathode current density.and inter-electrode spacei also the proper:anoftcurrem density: it 'ram tr-e optimum, catbod ' current density. must differ little i e w 2/2 .112 024 UNCLASSIFIED kdCESiSING DATE--230CT70 TI-TLE--R.40101SOTOPE INVESTIGATION OF THE LIVER CONDI;TION:IN PERSONS HAVING SUSTAINED VIRAL HEPATITIS -U- 7AUTHOR-(,03)-SOSKIN, A.M.r LATSINIK# G.YE:.. Z~l OF INFO--USSR '~'S0UR.CE--TERAPEVTICHESKIY ARKHIV, 19709 VOL 421 NR St PP 22-26 ATE PUBLISHED---- -70 -SUBJECT,AREA-S--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCtENCES ~.-fdPICITAGS--14EPATITISt RADIORIOLOGY#, RADIBACTIVE. ISOTOPEs IODINE ISOTOPE -CCWTP --NO RESTRICTIONS 01. MARKING CLASS--UNCLASSIF:IED -RA-M --1999/1182 --UR/0504/70/042/005/0022/0026 -PROXY REEL/f E STEP NO ACCESSION NO-;--AP0123159 UNCLASS IFIED -h Waff ju q ~2/2- 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230C T70 t-IRC, ACCESSION NO--AP0123159 ,,.-Ai35TRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. WHEN EXAMINING 54 PATIENTS HAVING SUSTAINED VIRAL HEPATITIS DURING THE PERIODS FROM a~MONTHS TO 3 YEARS AFTER RECONVALESCENCEt AS WELL AS 48 PATIENTS WITH LIVER CIRRHOSIS AT THE TERNINATION OF BUTKIN'5 DISEASE TH8,AUTHORS USED THE METHODS OF RADIOISOTOPE DIAGNOSISt HEPATOGRAPHY AND SCANNING. THE,RESULTS OF ~-HEPATOGRAPHY WITH BENGAL ROSE LABELLED I PRIME131 SHOWED THAT A DROP IN THE ASSORBTIVE FUNCTION OF THE LIVER.WAS PERSISTENT IN 70PERCENT OF THE PATfENTSj AND CIRRHOTIC CHANGES WERE REVEALED IN 4APERCENT. SCANNING :WITH RADIOACTIVE' AU PRIMr-198 IS OF GREAT INTEREST IN CATAMNESTIC EXAMINATION OF PATIENTS WITH VIRAL HEPATITIS, FACILITY: KAFEDRA !INFEDTSIONNYKH BOLEZNEY TSENTRALINOGO INST!TUTA USOVERSHENSTVOVANIYA .-,-VRACHEY AND LABORATORTYA RADIOIZOTOPNOYIDXAGNOSTfK], MOSKOVSKOGO N-1 RENTGENO-RADIOLOGICHESKOGO INST,; NV USSR UDC 576.858.81582. K'SKOVM, S. N., IMIMMUL, 1-1. 1. ZHIGIR, V. V., NTSM ROVA, 14. V., and MILI; 0. S., Institute of I-Itcrobioloey of Sciences Ukminian 55R# Kiev "Yorphology of the Ly-tic Agent of Chlorella pyrenoldo0a, PringW' Moscowq Voprosy Virusologill No 11 Jan/Fab -J00 pp Abstracts The norphology of the virus producing breakdown of a laboratory cultuxe of Chlorella pyrencidosa strain 82 vas studied. Purified lyr-ate products of C. pyrenoidosa were found to.contain pha&-like particles which were uniform, in sham and size. They consisted of an,lisometric capsicle 4.80 R and a shortt tail-like appendage of 110 R langth arAl 94 R width. The appendage had a transverse striation, ind the shape appeared to be a clearly defined octahedral structure. On a solid medium, the ttlgophage produced negative colonies typical for phap-tYN r1xWes- Within 5-7.days, these colonies had.a dianeter of 2-3 =4 1A Precision -cai t ~C~a Ycchaxii and'Opi us SR UDC 535.417 MnGLINSXIY, A. G., and FUTILIN, E. S. "Formation of a Wave Front by Means of Interference Coatings" Leningrad, Optika. I Spektroskopiya, Vol 32P No 6, Jun~72, pp 1176-1179 Abstracts The article considers the question of gi,~irig Interference dielec- tric coatings additional functions involving the formation of a light wave front without impairing the reflecting properties of the coatings. A solu- tion Is found for the problen of forming.a flat -wave surface by means of an interference coating applied to a substrate whose surface possesses axial is suggested that the flat vave su:rface,be formed by applying symmetry. It a quarter-uave mirror with a thiclmess of variable radius. The relation be- tween the -thicknesses of the mirror layers does not depend on the radius, butAhe thickness of the layers themselvea does. Calculations are outlined for Yariations In the shape of the wave front.during reflection by the . quarter-wave mirror. Such mirrors are obtained in a device analogous to the one described by K. KREBS with Urotation of the substrate. , 1he geometry of th,e evaporator defrice is calculated -i As n example ~'of the formation of . I .- -~: ~: : - WH!i!~ - 1 1 -1 :1 1. - 1- -1, m'-, ., - 1, 1 . i I USSR UDC 543.42.ool.4 BOSMMK, B. M., ZHIGLINSKIY, A. G.J* and.P.REMMMA, P. "Investigation of a Pulse Light Source WithA Hollow Cathode" V Sb "VII Ural'sk. Konf. po Spektroskopii, 1971. Vyp. 1" (In the Collection "Seventh Ural Conference on Spectroscopy, 1971. No 1".], Sverdlovsk, 1971, pp,19-21 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal, 110 10 1 'Oct 72. 32. Metrologiya i Izmeritel'- naya Tlekhnika. Single Issue. Abstract No 10-32.991 by V. S. K.) Translation: The installation diagram vith a pulsed hollov cathode is presented and the conditions of the separation by time of the adinission processes into the discharge of atoms of the cathode naterial and their excitations are determined. The optical part of the installation consists of the ISP-51 monochroTator crossed vith the Fabry-Perotetalon. The registration of the emission is carried .out photoelectrically by means of synchronous detection, Me Jilvesti6ation of the separation of tte *processes of excitation and adAis;sion of atoms into the discharge was carried out on the CU 1 578-2. mm line, emittect by plasma in t :,ie cooled-copper hollov cathode. Spectrally PU .re mm 11~' pressure van bused Las discharge carrier. Two illust-r., four biblio. refs. 7 USSR UDC 539.234:669.231 ZRIGLINSKIY A. G., Candidate of Sciences, PUrILIN, E. S. "Optimal Conditions for the Formation of Homogeneous Thin Films" Leningrad, Optiko-mekhanicheskaya promysblennost', No. 9, Sep 71, pp 46-49 Abstract: The method for obtaining thin films by evaporation of material in a vacuum. on a substrate subjected to a double rotation is. discussed. Such homo- geneous ithin film, are widely used in laser resonators, intefference filters, and interferometers. Op-.imal conditions ara:found for obtaining, filmr, that are homogeneous in thickness under double rotation. It is ~,hown that the optinol geometry of evaporating devices for single and double rotation is different. It was calculated that the area of the homogeneous coating should be approximately an order of.magnitude greater under double.rotation than under single rotation. Experimental.results are presented'to support this. Measuring'. Test qa ibratirig~ USSR uDc 621-391-832.4 ROSTOVTSEV, Yu. G., MASLOV, A. Ya., DOLGALEV, S. D., ZIIIGORA, P. P. "A Device for Measuring Edge Distortions of:pujses Mscov, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Fromyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Ziiaki, No 2, Jan 73, Author's Certificate 110 362501, Division 11, filed 5 Apr 71, published 13 Dec 72, p 142 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A device for mea- suring edge distortions of pulses in telegraph communications channels. At the Input of "he installation is an advancing pulse;gener,ator with de- coder. One output of the decoder is connected through a switch to a display, and the output of the di,.splay is: connected to- the generator and to the decoder. As a distinguishing.feature: of the paient j measurements can be made withoutinterrupting communications.. For -,~Ilis purpose the input of the deviceis connected to a second input of 'the suitch thrvu" ~h an additional switch- with delay in series with a pulse.;duration measure- ment device. The second output of the decoder is connected to a second in put of the additional switch with delay. 2. A modification of this de- vice distinguished by the fact that the outputs of allsix digi'all place3 3/2 iith USSR UDC 547-75-071543-51 ZHIGUIEVO K. K.j KH]EVNITSKIY, R.. A., GRMBERGo I. L, and VYSOrSKIY, V-.-1-.,-Fd-sc_d-W Agricultural Academy imeni X. A. Ti&iryasev "Indoles. MII. Mass-sDectrometry of Com unds with Eserine and Homoe- serine Skeletons" Riga, Khimiya GeterotslUicheskikh Soyedineniyj No Bf Aug 72, pp 1065-1069 Abstracti Mass-spectroscopical data on 12 derivatives of dino-rdesoxy-9- --methyleseroline (I) and dinoxdesoxy-10-methylhomoeseroline (II) have been reported. The derivatives of (I) are Somewhat more stable toward electronic bombardment than (11). Introduction of,a methyl or n6thoxy group onto the ring or N -position increased.theastability of th-se molecular ion. (a) The pyrolidine or piperidine rings are the first to widergo:fragmentationg so that the stability OfLmolecular ions; xust'i be conne0ted with the localiza- tion of the charge ,?n the N(b) nitrogen atom, float probably the praclpal dissociation involves the breakdoim of the ring, splifting off the methyl g=up forn' ng lons with a mass of 30. Th Coat Interslye peaks obtained ~TOra L*5;aativo Ionization correspond toe.the forn. ation of pseudomolect, lar ions of 2,3-dimethylindole derivatives., A mecharLjsm.o:V tho formation Oy re&ouped pseudnaolecular ions RC6H410112 has been propOsed. USSR VDC 513.88:513.83 ZIL'BERBERG, N. and ZHIGULEV L. A.- "O.n the Theory of Cones in F-Spaces" Uch. zap. Leningr. gos. ped. in-t im. A. I. Gertsena (Scientific Notes of the Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute imeni A. 1. Itertzen), No 464, 1970, pp 161-166 (from Referativnyv Zhurnal Matematika, No 7, July 71, Abstract No 7B663, by L. Labsker) Translation: Folluaing the terminology of M. G. Kreyn and M. A. Rutman (Uspekhi inatem. nauk [Advances in Mathematical Scienc"-), Vol 3, No 1, 1948, pp 3-95) and '.-I. A. Krasnosel.'skiy (Referativnvy!Zhurnal -- 1-fatelylatika, -1963, Abstract No 8B422K), the zuthors~'gixwdefinitiotls of a cone, solid cone,,circular cone,t, and right circular cone in'an.F-space;and prove several statements about these that~are similar to sta~temen~s in Banach ~space. 1/1 UNCLA-iStFfEO 0146CESSM, OATE--IISEP70 l'TJTLE--EFFECT OF THE CONFIGURATION, OF THE CONTACT SURFACE OF THE LARGE -.-BELL-ON THE OPERATION OF A BLAST FURNACE --U- R;_:EL/FRAMr'--19f37/.0142 STEP NO--UR/0133/70/0301~)OI/0012/qOI5 CIRC A MCCESSION NO--AP01038?1 W~ U%-,rLjbSS I r- I ED --!I SEP-70 2/2 009 i~ROCEISSING DATE ACCESSION-Mr-t-AP0103821 -A-BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(lJ) GP-0- ABSTRACT.i SHnRTENED LIFE OF LARGE bFLLS ~.CAUSED BY EXCESSIVE LEAKAGE WHEN THE TOP. PRESSURE IS SIMILAR TO I ATM SUGGESTED REPLACING THE CUNICAL.CONTACT SURFACE OF A 53DEGREES LARGE BELL -WITH A SPHERICAL Ol"IE. THE POSSIBILITY WAS INVESTIGATED ONI A 1:25 -SCALE TRANSPARENT FURNACE TOP MIODELt ;ANDS NEW BELLS WERE rNSTALLED ON 2 FURNACES. THEIR PERFORMANCE IS DESCRI~BED A-SPHERICAL CONTACT SURFACE LEADS TO A -TIGHTER J-31 NT AND, THEREFGRE~ TO A LONGER LIFE, RENDERS THE CHARGE TRAJECTORYSTEEPERt LOWERING f:TS TMPAtT POINT ON THE THROAT ARMOR BY 300~-320 AhD TENDS TO 17NCPEASE-T,HE.'PERIPHER.AL-GAS*'STREA,4. USSR UDC: 51.621-391 ZHIGULIN, L. F., ZYABLOV, V. V. "Ebc~onential Function of Error Probability in a System Vith Feedback When Cascade Code is Used" Probl. peredachi inform., 1973 3-10 (from RZh-Kibernetika, 2, Nol, pp No 7, Jul 73, abstract No W41~8 from the &uthors' r4s UMO Translation: The ?~)asic purpose of this article is to obtain an upper estimate of the probability of error in a system with feedback when, cascade code is used with it definite decoding algorithm. The result of the work shows that when cascade code is used in a system with feedback where the farvard cliamel ts a bl.=7 symme-tric channel without memory with probability' of I error. per, nymbol 0 < E < 0 5, and the feedback channel is a channel witho%A interference and without delay, the error probability vith, an~ increase in the mean length of a cascade code combination n decreases according to an exponential function, and is estimated from above by the e3.mression Per< eXP(-nE '(R))' I 112 USSR MOULIN, L. F., ZYABLOV, V. V., Probl. peredachi inform., 1973, 9, No 1, 3-10 P P 'where Elo(R) is the lower estimate of the exponential function of error probability which is a function of the-average transmitting rate R, E:LO(R) being positive for all positive::.R less than-C.~ Estimate (1) is obtained for a system vhich has ideal synchroni- zation with respect to binary symbols. The basic advantage of the given method of transmission with the use of cascade code combined vrith'ideal feedback is the relatively low complexity of decoding, limited maximum delay of a message during trans- mission, and an exponential decrease in error probability with unbounded increase in the length of the cascade code for all average transmitting rates less than the throughput. No other known nystemvith feedback has all three of the properties mentioned aliove simultanecrasly. The given system has the mentioned advantages vhen extremely long codes are used. The question remains open as,to the advantages of the system for channels with memory when very long codes ai*e used in it. 2/2 IMM USSR UDIC 577.4 ZYiURAVSYIY, YU. I., 1111GULIll L. F. "Possibility of Block Synchronization with Respect to Request Combinations in Systems with Blocking" V sb. Peredacha. diskret. soobs'lich. vo kanalam s V oshibkami ..aruppl (Transmission of Digital Messaj-,,es over Channels wi th G-roup 1:1-rors collec- tion of works), Moscow, Nauka Press,. 1972, pp 68-74 (from F'/,h,-Yibernetika, No 7, Jul 72, Abstract No 7V458) Translation: An al orithm is presented for.the operation of a system with blockin.,; in the sy,nchronization mode. It :Ls. proposed ithat synchronization be -realized with respect to request combination in the 151.ockinr; zone of the master station receiver. A study was also made of the choice. of the request combination, in particular, therequirements.imposed ovi the autocorrelation function of the request combination. COMP 6-site- 1111terials USSR UDC 61?81519.3*539.4 TAMOPOLISKIlf, YU. M., PO.LIAAUV, V. A., and ZaGu4jr 1. G., Institute of Mechanics of Polymers of the Acitdoay of Sciences Latvian SSR, Riga "Composite i1bterials Reinforced by a System of Three Stz=ight Orthogonal Reciprocal Fibers." Part Ono. Calculation of ElasticAbaracteristics. Riga, 1?16~~nijta Polimerov, No 5s SeP/Oct 73, PP 853-860 Abstracti Previously developed methods of the theory of veinf orced media for laminated or fibl-jus Piterials are used for the study of the effective- ness of a trivariate reinforcement. The suggested methoilm for the co-1cula- tion of elastic charactaristics a= Lnsed on thc3 roductibn of a three-dimen- sional structure to a two- or one-dimpnalonal structure by means of intro- duction of'a modified matrix. The, properties of the mat:rAx axii dutormilled by the modulus of elasticity of the bonding apnt and the reinforcement coefficient in one of the threo directionso Expressions are derived for the approximate estimate of elasticity characteristics of mtLteriaLs with high- nodule reinforcement. An essential. increase of the transversal modulus of dl=tl,~,ity, if compa-zed uith tho shcar. modulus vas diz~closed even at wi Insignificant coefficient of reinforcement In the third.direction, The 1/2 MC 67895.061539.3+539.4 CMffAyEV, G. M., ZHIGUNM 1. G., SOMA, T. G and MUShIrf, V. A. , All-Union ______1Tff6--6f-Avi&tion M&;;r1alsv,Ndscowj Institute of Scientific Research Inst Mechanics of Polymexs,of the Academy of Sciences Latvlan Soviot Socialist Republic# Riga Shearing Strength of Composites.Based on Whiskered Flber6" un Mekhatika Polimerovp No 3, iftY4 73 pp 492401 Abstracti A study was made of the elastic and strength chaamcteristic3 of unidirectional carbon plastics based on carbon fiberalwhiskared by silicon nitrlda filazent crystals fiva the gassous.phase and titanitua dioxide from aerosol. The advantages in bending properties of these conposites are shown. For an approximate evaluation of the'elastic properties of uni- directional conposite based on whiskered fiberap summation formulas can be used which take into account the characteristics of tho ruggedization of the filamentaxy crystals of the anisotropic Mstrix, Ught figures" five tableal thirteen bibliographic 1/2 .019 PROCESSING DATE--11SE-111-fo UNCLASSIFIED ION OF FORMALDEHYDE AND HYDROGEN PEROXIDE IN ACID SOLUTIONS u .'-AUTH0R--8ARANCHIKt G.N., ZHIGUNOV, I., KOROLEVAI.G.N.t eETRAYEV, G.N.- :"...C OUNTRY OF'INFD--USSR ,-.`S0URCE--VESTSI AKAD. NAVUK BELARUS. SSR9 SER* KHIM.~ NAVUK 1970, (1), PUBLISHED ------- 70 .6ATE -SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTFIY ~10PIC-TAGS-CHFMICAL REACTION MECHANISM CHEMICAL DECOMPOSfTION, CHEIMICAL .-REACTION KINETICS, FORMALDEHYDEP HYDROGENiPEROXIDE ROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS. MENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .-.-.'PRCIXY -REEL/FRAME--1987/1075 STEP NO--UR/04L9/70/000,/001/0119/0121 ~-_CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0104473 UNC,LAS-S I r~l DATE-11SEP70 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSINU C.J R CACCESSTON NO--AP0104473 ~~ABSTPACT/EXTRACT-kUl GP-0- ABSTPACT. OECOMPN. OF CH SU32 2 IN AQ. H SUB2 9 SUF32 WAS fST ORDER IN RESPECT TO.BOTH REACTANTS IN THE TEMP. INTERVAL 20-60DECREESt WHILE THE OEC04PN, OF lq ~SUB2 0 SUB2 IS ZERO n_;~()E:R IN RESPECT TO CH SUB2 01 AND 2ND ORDER :IN PEspec,r ro H SU52 0 SU82 IN THE.20-,~ODEGREES INTFRVAL, BUT IST ORDER AT 60DEGRE~S. THUSt THE REACTION I.NVOLVES THE OXION. OF!CH SU82 0 BY IMOLE H SUB2 0 StJ92 r 9 RM H -::.SUB2 0 AND 41CD-SUB2 H, AND DECo~jPN. -OF 2H SUB2 0 SUB2 T9 YIELD 2H wcu 0 AND 0 AS SIMULTANFOUS REACTIONSV~ THE ZERO ORDER IN RESPECT TO CH SU82 0 __~.ANDICAIES A4_-,_I_NTER14EDI.ATE-CGMPlLE-X FORMAT] ON*,I,kl - WHICH CH SU52 0-0 PROaASLY UNDERGO A REARRANGEMENT THAT RESULTS'PROBABLY IN PERFORMIC -,ACID,VHI"H THEN DECOMPS. TO EITHER NCO SUB2 H OR CO SUB2 PLUS H SU82 0. K I NETC DATA ON THE: REACTION: WERE: TASULATIED. UNCLASS IF TED USSR UDC 539.3 ARTMI'YEV, V. P., YEFRDIOV, ~G. M. ZFj&Uj.FV, F. K. "Results of Experimental Studies of Doubly.Convex Rectangular Shells of Standard Plane Elements" V sb. Prostranstv. konstruktsii v Krasno-yarsk. krave (17hree-Dimensional Structures in the Krasnoyarsk Region -- Collection of.Works), Krasnoyarsk, 1972, pp 141-154 (from RZh-Mekbanika, No 3 14ar73, Abstract No 3V162) Translation: The structural characteristics and test'data for a reinforced concrete model of a shell of positive curvature constructed from standard plane elements are presented. The stress -def ormat ion state of the shell is analyzed as a function of the deformability of the contour structures Un der the action of uniformly distributed and concentrated loads. Authors' abstract. 38 i q USSR UD%C 51~1 2j '6,791.6 YEFINOV, A. N ZHIK~ -V, M.' I and ZHIRNOV, YU. F.. ARE "Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium in t~he'.System at Pressures o1L 18o, 360, and 720 mm jig" 40 5, 1970, pi) 166-768 Leningrad, 11adiokhImiya, Vol 12, IN Abstract: The ~cjuilibrlum was studied by -the recycling methoI on a specially designed apparatus in which's the pn--_,sgurk_i was (naintained tiy means of s. 100 1 receiver. Equilibrium %,,,as reaCh"Od U.:11,111211Y in 40 min. In.order not to change the liquid composition during the ex~wriment, acid was added in concentrations close to that of thellp-quilAbrium compo- sition, and -'Che volume of the solution-: correIsponded to the capa- !city- -of the trap. It was shown that joviering of the pressure .~nt -- y -- in equilibrium vao-- at Small y values; lowers the acid cont 01 54 the effi~ct- of pLressure is the ~ opposite. This relationship when Y >1 15', is quite 'Linear in Othme-r coordinatesi perimitting" interpolation for fechnolozicall purposes. The addit,.Lon of uranyl nitrate to the binary sys- t e,-. irlcrea3e3 the contenz of ni-tric acid,in _tuilibriui'. vapor, the salt 11salts, out," the aoid into the vapor phase, salting.--oul effect of uranyl nitrate increaser,, with higher ,;avt comaentration and with lower acid concentration, USSR RADIATION CLEAHt;'N-~ IT WASTC WATER F'ROM 07.R~,ANTC POLLUTANT5 (Article V Inntitutto ct 1,113-sicall Chemistry meni Sci. U~~P.; Mov, T.Phn-vpiv~. kij~-Ivl. No i!- 11173 tc prv-z because of the tht-cot of contlnujng ptAlqtio%~ of Lite anvLr=ron,~ 11 r le I und A ~,--vlc waztr,~-. in Tr=-nr yoai,r, ~ttentlori 16v !~--n focused on Improving Iivl"trial proluctirvii find the of wart" It Is vapeclally inportant'ito seerch for ~..thcds of c.leansin& waste water- of ~--~ane -,uring the Past as and.bioloacally oondograda:ala Au. a -result or th- dovelop"nt ~,r stonlc en thii:c:'reiitic-ij 'if Isotropic '~ourcea of raiiiiit~cin wid 'el"'tron accelerators!, t1;, i-,'ent fc.-, of irviazt1gatorz has :).or, focur4d on ~,'ie of the =in.F 2 iouilting radiatiorm for cloansimp This aur,rey in Ievoied to an of ,Ublish,4 data czncern!ng. the effect of. Icn!-jnA radiation on -he oxi-Intito-and of water. soluble, Organic 1.,,orirIQm in woqie We ha-te rcnPra1-'=vj,,,,hn eesuj*,J~of in"gM ationf,.cmccroing chanpq.- In !:he. c" 'tics of Unqto water coritaintrin orran!c, rol ltutantr- -- -.he cli~mlc+ I 'j;-, of oxyren (CAq Or oxid"zot,111ty) ant! thr C=9117~ptiOn Of Owylttn (TICO); an -,,imtnation W13 nine mxtc of effect Of riij i,~ I I on cn tli~ In blodtigradsible, prcip~-rtlpii or ol-oni6 In-uritlen. , An analvsis V-1i, ~,-Idle Of economic cvaluaticns of t6a radiitSon ew,.tN-J of cl"nninp. qs well a., eurthtir vays to Intensify it. Radiation prcce"Ing Is c,~,-~nr. int., use for oxidizing (xnp~,- nentis of waste vater: iterilLt-Ing; ncdify~nir, the bio.oFically orr,anic Impurities; chinill-jr, the colloid pvoperti-n (the off~ct of -tijlation on the rote of setiLmentation of particles and the concentration of hard subttance-4 In 6% rata and deg-.,ee of sludge dehydration under filtration). 0 4 USSR 628-331'36+541.15 VYSOTSKAYA, N. A. and ZHIKHAREV, V. S., rnstitute of Physical Chemistry imeni L. V. Pisarzhevskogo, Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR "Radiation Purification of Polluted Waters From Organic Impurities" Kiev, Khimicheskaya Tekhnologiya, No 6, Nov/Dee 73, pp,145-50 Abstract: Radiation treatment was used for the oxidation of the organic coin- pouents of polluted water, for the sterilization and the modification of the biologically stable assembly of organisms, and for thelalteration of colloidal properties. The mechanisms for the effect of the radiation in aqueouc solutions, involving species such as H0, E20-1 JHC~, and 02-, as ve3l as OH, are discussed and the effect of 1 millirad in calculated. Femnn6ar&te, dichromate and other oxidizing agents can be used to determine the "oxidizabllity" of polluted waters, the value of wbich in characteristic of a particular i~ater. Twenty individual compounds, such as phenols, nucleotides.ahd glucose are considered relatilve to their susceptibility to and their required conditions for oxidation by radiation. The generation of ozone during the radiation and its effects during the purifica- tion of water are presented.separately. An economic evaluation is also included. 15 mdiatid~n. Chemistry UDd 628._543.661.7 TSUTSAM, V. V., 13YALMVSIaY, N. N., YATSMI, V. V. and MOTSKAYA, 11. A.$ Institute of Physical Chemistry, A S!Ay~Woc enl&es Lqa*SSE, Chemical-Pharmacautical Plant limeni. Lomonosov "Changes in the Oxidizeability of Aqueous Solutions of Some Organic Haterials Due to the Action of Radiatiore' -Kievp Kh1micheskaya Tekhnologiya, No 3 (57) MAY-J Un 71, PP 12-15 Abstracti Oxidizeability characterizes total content of the reducing agents in water. It is expressed bythe amount of-oxygen nebaed for the oxidation of organic material contained in I i ofsolution to:00, and water. Changes of this oxidizeability in waste waters of tile Kiev Chenical-Pharmacoutical Plant taking place upin ~-irradiation with a co6o souTee were studied. These waters contain about 30 inorganic.impurities and 70 of the organic nature. In addition,model systems containing methanalp isopropyl alcohol, phenol# metacrylic acid, and their mixtures were,wimst~gated, Irradiation wu lower the oxidizeabilltyo leading oacasioiU13ly to fo=ation of precipitates. The t~odel system showed more pronounced,lowering of the oxidizeability than natural iwte waters, because-the .1atter most probably contained many admixtures capable of oxygen~consumption. Heat 1'reki~nt USSR UDC 669. ZHIKHAREV, V. V., YEVSEYEVA, 1. A., CHUPRIKOV, A. V., ROMANOVA, N. A., PAVLISHINA, taty, V. B. "Influence of Heat Treatment on Special Properties of Titanium Foil" Nauchn. Tr. N-i. i Provektn. In-t Redko met. Prom-sti [Scientific Works of Scienti- fic Research and Planning Institute for the Rare Metals~lndustryj, 1971, Vol. 32, pp. 83-87. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abs- tract No. 5 1695 by the authors). Translation: The influence of heat treatment on the special properties of Ti foil designed for the production of solid electrolytic condensers is studied. 3 figs; I table, 4 biblio refs. USSR 669. ZHIKHAREV, Yu. V., KOVALEV, K. S., NOVIKOVA, S. 14., ROMANOVA, N. A., CHUPRIKOV, -"Study of the Possibility of Replacing Tantalum FOiLU5ed for Manufacture of Dry Electrolytic Condensers With Tantalum-Niobium Alloy Foil" Nauchn. Tr. N-i. i Proyektn. In-t Redkomet...Prom-sti [Scientific 11,1orks of Scienti- fic Research and Planning Institute for the Rare Metals Industry], 1971, Vol. 32, pp. 66-70. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Meta-llurgiya, No. 5, 1971, Abstract No. 5 1788 by the authors). Translation: The permissible content of Nb in Ta which does not worsen the sppcial characteristics of condenser foil is. determined. A possible area of application of foil of Ta-Mi alloys in condensers. of various capacities is indicated., The basic electrical characteristics of dry condensers of various capacities made of Ta-Nl) alloys are presented. 2 figs 4 ta:bJes; 3 biblio Ter-S. USSR UDC:. 621-319.4 MMAIEV, Yu. V., KOVALEV, K. S.1 NOVIKOVA, S. M., RMMOVA, N. A. CHUPRI- "Investigation of the Possibility of Substituting Tantalum-11iobium Alloy Foil for the Tantalum Foil Used in Making Dry Blectrolytic:.Capacitors" Nauchn. tr. N.-i. i prryektn. in-t redkomet. Drom-sti (Scientific Works of the Scientific Research and Design Institute of the Rare 14irtals 'Industry), 1971, 32, pp 66-70 (from RM-Radioteldiniia, No 5, May 71, Abstract No 5V328) Translation: The authors consider the possibility of ubs'ituti 6 ng tantalum- -niobium alloys for the tantalum used in making capacitor foil. An in-ves- tigation is made of the effect which the niobium content in tantalum has on the special electrical properties of capacitor foil.. It is shown how the heat treatment temperature affects the properties of foil made from tantalum- -niobium alloys. The permissible concentration of niob ium in -tantalum is determined which does not have an adverse affect on theispecial character- istics of capacitor foil. The potential field of appli6ation of foil made from niobium-tarit alum alloys in capacitors. of various ratings is indicated. The basic.electrical characteristics.are given for dry capacitors of various ratings made from tantalum-ni-obium alloy tail. Two illustrations, four tables. Re ume. s 15? USSR UDC: 621-319.4 KOVALT.", K. S. , ZHIEHARE NOVIKOVA, S. M. ERLUM, E A. "Increasing Cold Resistance in Foil Tantalum Capacitor-s- With a Working ''Voltage of 6 and 15 Volts" Nauch. tr. N.-i. i proyektn. in-tredkomet. prom-sti (Scientific Works of the Scientific Research and Design Institute.of the Rare Meltals Industry), 1971, 32, pp 76-83 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May 71, Abstract No 5V327) Translation: The authors investigate factors which have a considerable influence or, the electrical characteristics of tantalum foiil~caDacitors with a working voltage of 6 and 15 volts. A new grade of paper is selected for the liners. The optimum coefficient4 for the paper andits thickness are determined. The tantalum foil oxidation voltage and geometric dimensions of the plates are more precisely determined. Two illustrations, bibliography of five titles. Resume'. USSR uDc: 621-319.4 KOVALEEV, K. S., ZHIKHAREV, YU. V., VINOGRADOV, V. V., YEENSEYEVA, I. A., ROMANOVA, P. A.,--MMSHITTW-,-17. M. nSom Singularities of Heat Treatment imthe Production of Capacitor Foil From Tantali&' Nauchn. tr. IT.-i. i Proyektn. in-t redk-omet. prom-sti (Scientific Works of the Scientific Research and Design Institute~of the Rare ~Ietals Industry), 19T19 32, PP 71-76 (from RZh-Rad--;ote-khnika, No 5, b%Y 71, Abstract'NO 5V329) Translation: An Investigation is made into the heat treatment of thin foils in connection with solution of the problem of making h'e;h-quality capacitor foil from tantalum. Three illustrations~ one table, bibliography of three titles. Resum&. .USSR, UDC: 533-951 TUZWUv-ZV, G. K., ZHIIUU=, IA. T. V. and IAZOIrSYJLYA, V. R. "Kinetics of the Physico-Cherucal Processes in:a Shock Llave of Mercury Vapor: Part 2, the Relaxation Zone; Initial Ionization Region" Leningrad, Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy f iziki, No 3~,~1973, pp 579-587 Abstract: The fir-st part of this article appeared iii the journal naraed above (vol 16, 1971, 1) '1986). In the. seoond part, Given in the present paper, an analysis is made of the kinetics of excita- tion and ionization of mercury atomn in the relaxation zone of the shock wave. p,,,-iih through jaercury vapor. The basis of this analysis is provided by experimental data obtaiiied by the authors in an ear- lier paper (G. K. Tumakayev, et ai, in the collection Aerofiziche- skiye iss.ledovaniya sverkhzvWco-qkl~ techeniy -- Aerophys]-ce:1, In- 4eatiGations of rUizrasonic Cttrrenta -- edited `~77 Yu. A. Du-na-ev, C) and e.-.cited mer- 1111auka," 1-967) on theMstribution of normal JS tron con-entration cury atoms in states PO 1 2 and on the block, 4~ the SAL~c,k wave. It ir-, fouxO that, for Rach behind the front of riumbers~butwoen 7 naid 15, the population of the block of 63PO 1 2 staten in the whole region of initicil. ionization is the result 1/2 lf2 050 UNCLASSilFI;ED 1PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 T.ITLE.--KINETICS OF THE BEGINNING EONIZA-T.IUN OF A MdNAT0141C GAS BEHIND THE SHOCK. WAVE FRONT -U- ~:~A_UTHOR-102)-ZHIKHAREVA, T.V,, TPMAKEYEV.t G*K. -.COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR VYSOKIKH TEMPERATURv VOL, 8# JAN.-FE8. 1970, P. 40-45 :DATE..PUBLISHED ------- 70 _~SUBJECT AREAS-PHY.SICS T.OPIC TAGS---SHOCK WAVE FRONTt GAS IONIZA TtONt GAS DENSITYt IONIZATION CRGS SSECTION, EXCITATION CROSS SECTION't MERCURY# .'ARGON, XENON ~..C.ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -.DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED J~ P-ROXY REEL/FRAME--t99Z/0398 STE P NU--U,R/0294/70/00(l/000100(tO/0045 ::C LRC ACCESSION NO--AP 0 111591 UNCLASSIFIED 11N 11 050 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CI,RC ACCESSION NIO--AP0111591 -A,BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U),GP-0- ABSTRACT. THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF THE ~:,CHARACTERISTICS, OF THE FIRST IONIZATION PHASE OF AR, XE AND HG ATOMS BEHIND THE SHOCK WAVE FRONT FOR A CONCENTRATION OF ROUGHLY 100,OOOT -NORMAL ATOMS PER CC AT TEMPERATURES FROW9000 TO IB,000 DEG K. THE EFFECT OF RESONANCE RADIATION ON 'THE IONIZATION KINETICS IS FOUND TO BE ',INSIGNIFICANT wHILE THE STEPWISE IONIZATION 0UkING.ATOM ATOM COLLISIONS AP.PEARS TOBE DOMINANT DURING THE INITIAL PHASE OF IONIZATION* CROSS SECTIONS AND EXCITATI ON,10NIZATION CROSS SECTIONS AR,E' 'lM:E-XPERtMENTAL DATA FOR ,OBTAINED FOR HG DURING ATOM ATOM COLLISIONS FRL ..THE DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRONS AND NORMAL AND EXCITED HG ATOMS IN THE RELAXATION ZONE OF THE FLOWo -FACILIlYi AKAbEMEIA NAUK SSSRt FIZIKO TEKKNICHESKII INSTITUTt.~LENINGRA0,v,.~,'M SS 4 UNCLASSIFIED~ I- I -lit '7A66. Nr e: Rell a' Code: Abstractifig, S er, v, AP00437GG cHEHICAL ABST.~~-70 ev";P/ r 101291n Effect of the niolecular-weight distribution of sus- pension poly(vinyl chloride) on the technological properties of rigid oompositions., Manulh n,-V-I.-. Balashova T. Si.~ IW,111,1- va, L. G ; hakova V A.,- Miklvre~,icti. ff B~~ (LUSSPI .77ast. ;9--T 1k.&O distri- tem-vf4te moL NvI -fli " Mass 1970 TT T , . . y , bution of suspension poly(vinvI cbloride)~~(I) (3 imp6ftM and 2 21 1 Soviet brands) on its ext,tudabhity were studied, ~ The pr6cmsabil- ' s evaluated from tk melt'i6dex and ity of rigid I comptis. wa the behavior of I during procissing. Differential dist:6_ bution curves indicated that I ~rocessabfliiv could nor bei proper- ly evaluated from Finketscher const., but..afio required an evalua- tion of mat. wt. dist.ribution, Fractional 6mpn. ol I and its stn. tistical distribution width indicated 6. rela"tion 6etweeh .~he melt index and the heterogeneity factor (Mchiracterizing thq statisti- cal distribution width.of. L. Two rogresii~h' eqi~ation~ Ivere do- rived by statistical treatment of U wid:iho inftx. The 1equations indicated that I extrudability CoUld. be quant', evalu; ayd from U_ CKJR REEL/FRX43 19801684 j USSR UDC 539. 384:669 -41 SEVERDENKO, V. P. and:ZHIKIN.1-3'U.' D. "Effect of Neutral Surface Curvature:on the Bending Moment in the Case of Pure Bending of Metal Bandst' Minsk, Vestsi Akedemii Navulc BSSR, Seryya Pizi ka -Tekhnichnykh Navuk, No 3, 1971, pp 9-12 Abstract: In the case of bending of wide flat bands' the longitudinal elongation of the fibers is accompanied by radial contraction. If the latter is restricted it results in radial tension. The difference between the two stresses is a function oUthe longitudinal strain, which is proportional to the curvature. Therefore it is'possible to express the bending moment as a function of curvature, Equation .(6) gives the relation for both.,the. elasticand plastic deformations. The b e '~on fo ending moment calculated by tile abov _equat4 x a steel ...-.-band 100 r-nm wide and 8 rn -isi shown-o* -ph as a function _m tbick W a: CT-t -a Of-ciarvature !T1 `L I H 11111 j1,1111! J~j ili.i ~J: .Ul! 'EHLTA131:01,11:1 '4M.Will '19:616.981.42+616, gal 51-08447:636.~2/.*~B LPD C USSIR 0 c GRYAMi V. !., Professor, SALII KOV, F. Ye. (Do eased), i~k~.LRUVWY, L. D., N 1: "Ta M-T Junior A Candidatez; of Veterinary ScJoncos, and ZHU-11 M, Ye" r75cientific.Associate Kazakh Scientific Resoa ch Veto Muf g viratz r r "Study of a Combined Vaccine Against Brucallosis and Anthrax in Sa e~ c p loscow, Vaterinariya, No 7. 1970, pp 38-40 Abstract: combLned dry vaccine against brucellosis and anthrax was prepared Lath from standard strains Ko. 19 and STI-I of Brucella and B. racis, respectively. Guinea pigs and sheep were Immunized with vaccine contaLndr~; tho.ti.;o alIL: .Lgens .LIII a ratio corresponding to tha`~-. which would ba used in separate ac_LlLnistratio"n of -ion wit agaL ty to ir-roc' monovaccines . nst the two diseases. Dit mive i=,-uni t, h -its i aLI;nf, a virule. n ab- -k-rains of Br. riel-itensis ar-,I B. anthracis devoloubd, ind c 0 nce o" mutual interforonco botw*een. the two antigens- IL&Linistvat of the e. S Combined vacc. o :hacq) produced immunity to anthrax tlmit Lasted. 'or moro, tha-ri ine T A. :Z years and izzaunity to brucollosis for.up to 17 itonths. 14 UDC 54~. 26,118 USSR PINCHUKt A. X., and ZHILA, S. I#@ Institute of Organic Chenistryp Academy of Sclencep UkxSSR "The Reaction of the 11-chloro-H-methylamines of Dialkylphosphoric Acids with Compouncls of Trivalent Phosphorus" 104), Vyp 11, 19?2. p 2582 Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimlip Vol 42( Abstractt The title reaction occurs easily for phospborus compounds such as trichlorophosphorus, triaxylphosphines, i3m7ldichlorophosphines, and other compounds not containing the alkoxy group. For dialkoxy chlorophosphines, howevar, a reaction occurs not only with the nitrogeh-chlorine bond bwb also Idth the dialkoxyphosphonyl group. Thusp the title reaction using triphenylphoaphine occurs in a solutiow. of boiling beilzene or caxbon tetra- chloride with the formation alkyl chlorides%and the f(irmation of phosphoni midaphosphates. However, if trichlorophosphine and pl.~e~nyldichlorophosphine are:used as a solvent, the a3-kylchloride aeparates as~;'bsfore but bis- phosphoralated alkyjamines are forzed#.Ihis-reaction~ may be used to synthesize new phosphorus compounds and,also,those wh6iq synthesis is difficult by current methods. USSR UDC 547.241 FESHCHENKO, N. G. ,MAZEPA, I. K., and KIRSAINOV, A. V., q Institute of Organic Chemistry, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences "Hexaalkyliodobiphosphonium Pentaiodides" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obschey Khimii, Vol 41, No 11, Nov,1971, pp 2,375-2,378 Abstract* The highly reactive hexaalkyliodobiphosphonitun pentadioxides (1), formed during alkylation of phosphorus diiodide or of Ted phosphorus in the presence of iodine, are not well. known. The authors msted the reactions of 'compounds (1) with a number of substances: water, a1cphols, phenetole, diisopropyl and dibutyl ethers, tetrahydrofuran,:and tricyclohexylphosphine. It,was.concluded that compounds (1)_are very, reactive both toward electro- -(sulfur) and with nucleophilic (metals~- water. lialcohols, trialkyl- Philic phiries) agents. phos USSR UDC 539.1.074.3- ~BORISOV, A. A., BUGORSKIY, A. P., BUS11NIN, Yu..A., DEREVSHCHIKOV, A. A DUNANTSEV, A. F., ZUL'CHENYOV, VD., HATULENKO, Yu. A., MESHCHANIN, A. P., MIKHAYLOV, Yu. V., NURUSHEV, S. B., SENIKO, A., SMIMNOV, V. V., SMIRNOV, -Ye V.,: SISKIN, V. V., SOLOV'YEV, L.'F., and SOLOV'YANOV,'! V. L., Institute Vf Righ-Energy Physics, Serpuk-hov "A Hodoscopic Installation for Investigation of-the.Elastic Scattering of High7Energy Particles" Soscow, Pribory'i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 3, ~Iay/Jun 73, pp 49-53 Abstract: A description is given of a hodoscopic installation developed at the-Institute of High-Energy Physics' for investigation of- the elastic seat- tering of high-energy particles within the :pulse range of'30-60 gigaelectron volts/sec. The range of dispersion angles covered by the' installation is 0-29 millirads with an angular resolution of +.0.17 millirad. The total solid angle is 39 microsteres. The pulse is determined to within + 0.22%. The resolving time is 35 nanosec. The dead tive is. 50 mibrosec. The pulse pass band of the spectrometer is 8%. The s tati,s tics -setup is Lip to 106 per .hour. The installation is electrically coupled to a "~Iinsk-22" computer, which stores and processes the information during the experiment. The 1/2 "Jill4iii1f di; -1 1- -1 x , I -- - ~-- - .. ~-- .- - W7-,Tm-~ 1-1 .11-1.1-, - , 1 if 'ji-I. . d, 1 .1, ". Iz.:. -.-I -.. . . ~ ~ I ~ --~ -17:3-7 U i :~ 1: : 97, - 11 i USSR UDC 518:517.25 VIA -quations" pproximate Solution of an Overdetermined System of Linear E Tr, Tadzh. Dolitekhn. in-ta (Transactions of the Tadzhik Politechnic Insti- tute), No 7, 1971, pp 120-124 (from ReferatLMyy Zhurnal Hatematika, NoJ,.July 1971, Abstract No 7B905, by 1~.:Shelikhova) Translation: An aDP:COXiMatiO-,l method of solving overdetermined systems of linear equations using an orthogonal-vertical or horizontal matrix of co- efficients often encountered in equalizing geodesic calculations is pre- sented. The approximation vectorL., the orthogonal projection of.the measurement vector in a subspace span ad by some'vector c is n defined as a result of solving the.error.equation, given the suitable condition of orthogonality. it is shown that in the construction of the vector Lo (by simple combinations) the matTix of the initial equations does not undergo any deformavions. Formulas for converting from Lo to the equalizing vector are derived. 33 i777,~::: i "Lie C. o .0 S C 0 I'a o: u:-L15 E, " L L -. L al - V;a co -a cl i u, I J ab 3 - s -ion ~7 I C- S F -Lc scow, 10 p p L S~, -7 t -rid Tviu al wa -ZI.a ty s c i--,o VrL 'C accent a s 0 OWS D r el a t 10 1- 1 ? W?as COMM0171 to all th C S p C CI,2 'S ar s UIDC 616.0.6 and L. N. SHIRINK INA., Institute of Microbiology imeni -Avgust.Kirkhenshteyn, Academy of Sciences,, L~tvia~h SSE'! "Matagenic Effect of Moloney Sarcoma Virus on Wistar RA Cells" Riga, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Latviyskoy SSE, No 7, 1971, pp 62-a Abstract: Exposure of a culture of rat (Wistar) embryo fibroblasts to Moloney sarcoma virus produced a substantial number of cells with chromosome aberrations, including chromatid and isochromatid bre0s. The injuries were random since different chromosomes wern affected. InIvivo utudy of tumors Induced by Moloney sarcoma virus In young Wistar rats r4wvealnd a substantial number of numrical rather than structural aberratione'tin the chromooomes. la a third series of experiments, spleewcells from tumor-carrying rats were found-to havea higher number.of aneuploid cellsthan -the control, although Ahe.tuzor cells vare diploid. 2/3. USSR U 4 OV:576-8 .29: DC -582 268 ~097 A.,: N. Orenburg State.Yedical Insti- KENIXAj, Sh. M., OLIFSONp L. Ye.j, and ZHZIN, ~tute' ?'Fat-Splitting Capacity and Toxicity of Fu sarim sporotricbiella I Leningrad, Mikologiya i Fitopatologiya, No 3, 1970, pp 247-250 Abstract. Five strains of F. sDorotrichiella var. sporotrichioides and four strains of F. sporotrichiella var.-poae were cultured on a mLnera). mediuacontaining sun:- flower oil in order to determine whether there is a relationship between the lipo- lytic ability of the fungi and their toxicity. All strains:igrew well, but the acid numbers of the eunflower oil (indicating the lipolytic actitity of -the fungi) differed. Vneat kernelt; were then infected with the variouz funqal otrains and either fed to pigeons or applied to the skit of rabbits. Aicomparlson of the acid ~~.-nuzbers of the infected sunflower oil with the toxicity or'f~he fungri oa wheat ker- -to sho- nela failed~ v any correlatim. For examplep,. strains ~319 apd 2,009, fa,=d to be no. ntoxic according :IA numbers than the toxic to both biodssayel hwe highmr ac strains .2~005 and-5,,253- IM USSR uDc:, :621-317.6 ZHItTj~ S. STJPIYAJI, V. Ya. iethod of Determining the Amplitude-Phase Characteristics of Attenualors" A IM Itute T :hn. (Works of the Tor,-k inst; r. mskoEo in-ta radioelektron. i elektron tek of Radio Electronics and Electronic Techn,olo&O :1970, 16, pl), (fron, RZh- -Radiotekhnika, Ho 7, Ju.1 70, Abstract No 7A224) a self oscillator synchronized by an external signal tion: The voltage oL I- Transle ~-contains information on the phase of this external signal. To deterrL, ne the atimll tude--ohase characteristics of an attenuator, use may be made of the principle oil -nchronizing signal to the out-put voltage transferring the initial phase of the sy k, - -the oscillator, since the amplitude of this voltage under certai n condi-ions .of -oenddent of 'he amplitude of the synchrosignal. This mukes it possible to is inde- eliminate the amolitude-phase errors introduced by the phase neasuring device. A schematic diagram is given as well as a brief theory of an -installation for determining the amplitu&!-phase characteristics of attenuator6. Bibliography of ~dne titole. Z. L. ~J 'USSR UD.C: 621.317-373 ZHILDN. N. "The Influence of Transit Effects on the Tube Insertion Phase Shift Wlien There is "a Change in the Amplitude of the Input Signal ~,~Tr. TomskoFo in-ta rad-ioelektron. i elektron. tekhn. (Works of tbe Torask institute of Radio Electronics and Electronic Technology), 1970, 16, pp 14-19 (fror. RZh- Radiotekhnika, No 7, Jul 70, Abstract No 7A18t), 'T Translation: On the basis of analysis of tube operation in.1he SH, r~ln-e it is agle whon thero is a chanre shown that, a change in the average electron transit & -e diff rence due in the amplitude of the input signal causes an error in the 'ohas f e -to a change in the phase of the induced current as well as the input paruneters of the tube and nonlinear distortions of the signal. The formulas which are derived ~:W be select the necessary tube type.'tor~phase met6ring equipment. E. L. 121 im 61- Orto) 091) A. P. AKSY11111K, A. F., 15:;YLMIS,GA., V L.., GU-1r, U. T. , V -'M 711ILIN) P. N.., 111071KET, Ye. L.,, PAL'=V, Yu. P., and Oll BOV G. G. "Coping Wit-l-i Current Health Problems: in the RSF SB" Mo-cow, Gigiyena i Sanit~-xiya, No 12, 1972, pp B-16 Abstract: Health T.,--,obleTz:s ..'ere amajor concern of", the cmriuniist aft---~r the revolution iho ormnizcCt agelicic, cud -sC-2-vjOOf,, 4,C) ~Je! 1 eT)idemics and fma-riec. As these were broujut und~!r Con'rol. li.~--al--Lti o -dnj-, d(~sign and buildin,.- of llo-'13C5; etc. beenmo.involvcd in city p1= increasin,-f 'empo of n led the authoritics, by t, -'a v atm, iric -n! nicip and J P. dz-, st r ia 1sc-,ra-ll le dis stuk pollution and I. ~posal of w al don and suitable ui~-, of I-Tattar polbut I WaTer raSOUrCOS -,,02.e 2:-IIJ01- the 10940's. Follo-vin- 'Une v'ar inlartrial hygicne t--.nd long with food poisoi Jnf-s becore the cent--~?r of atte-ntion, In 'Alita 10601-s. a facusad an the pro"n1w:ls cre"i-c-d by the chcm D-L -1 -rlfl."l research v, L' -?e~ i1 -- -tf cular. ne: afZILC4- ture -3 u s, c o fmsLici- 91 ], az ~s of e, s -:pos-,trz~ tc ultrc~ Mind) ra'aiatioll, and other teelinololgical adhaincon aa--z! no-,, unlui r~tudy. Ifuch flt'-f-'s5-' is "Avcnad on with frc-mle)-ji; -ima o Vth,~ i-,o tiwi, -'arLicalarly cliildrim wi(A -)l T""c' pulix J 1, ' I I ~~ ~i-,~-~~:;~,-*.-=,7f:71,-,-7f-:~~.--,-.-~-11~-'I~ ~J. , ~,,- ~l ll,;-!.~i !":4- 'V-Wtl.H,lFll 1 114, ::..; . !". - ~: . 1 !~rl 1-1:0 ; :, I -- - -, -11! ~. , - ~ it. I . ... t ~ !I! zzz 11 ;;;; i .19/,619/62/000/007/077/088 A154VA126 AUTHORS. Koshelev, A.A.; Zhilin, V.A.;, Os'.kin, N. M. Magid, Ya.D.; lies- terov, N.I. F"ITIZ; A broaching machine :P&RIODICAL: Byullten' izobre,e,-iiy, no. 7, 1962,:63 TE)2: Class 49e, 801. No. !46163 (74.2543/25 of Augnst 24, 1961). 1 A broaching machine for broaching complex holes into profiled shapes, provided r setting up the workpilece Is described. It is dis:,tin- witb beds (lozhementy) 0 -uished by the fact that, to broach parts -Ath a~ long-rItudinal curvature, the ma- chine has a device fox- preliminary stretching of the worlkplece. 2) A machine ari in 1, but dintlrigLiishad by the fact that the davi(36 for proliwin.,Wy 6trotxh- hydraulic 4ng of tho ~workpiece is made in the fortr, of nucct~ssively actuated lamps placed at the ends of the workpiece- 3) A machine as in I and 2, but dl'ztoinguished by zhe fact that the saddles of:.tlie, machine. can movo independent- ly- to . broach the I Inner cavity of a workpiece lying asyruiet:vdcally in respect to its outer surfa:ce. Card 1/1 USSR UDC 621.396.946 ZHILIN, V. A. arative Analysis of Methods of. Multist.ation Access to a Satellite Radio Relay with,Pulsed Data Transmission Procedures,: 'Tr. TsNII mor. flota (Works of the Central.Scientific. R6search Institute of the Maritime Fleet), 1970, vyp. 131, pp. 3-16 (f root RZh'-Rad~ote,'Ihnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4A193) Translation: A study was made of four methods of multistation access to a satellite radio relay,.nnd the p6ssibilitieslof their application in the radio communications system of the maritime fleet are determined. An estimate of each method is presented from point of vic-~.4. The restrictions imposed by the Doppler ef f ect and. the tuning I requency, in-3 tability of the transmitter and receiver are analyzed.. There are 2 illustrations, 4 tables and a 5-entry bibliography. USSR UDC,620.194.8:621.9.01 I N V A. Scientific Research Institute of Machinery Manufacturing Mai 0 0~ -or~-Don Te Ono ogy, ostovw 777- "Corrosion Failure of Hard Alloys Under Contact Loads" Kiev, Fiziko-khimicheskaya mekhanika materialov, Vol 8,,~No 1, 1972, pp 56-58 Abstract: The characteristics of corrosion failure of W-Co allalls (at room temperatures) in liquid media containing.sulfide compounds as well as the effect of contact stresses on this process were.studied. The materials involved were VK8, VK11V, and VK20K alloys of the W-Co group; the liquid medium was emulsol (a coolant-lubricant in metal cutting and.working). No traces of corrosion failure were observed under stresses up to 50 kg/mm2. As the pressures were increased to the order.of 100 k.-/MM2 and higher, the test pieces revealed distinct sections similar in appearance:to those of high-temperature oxides of W-Co alloys. The results of;the study indicate that emulsion components sueb as sulfides and free oxygen as well as high temperatures accelerate corrosion failure processes. Corroston-affected areas near the impressions of diamond indentors and diamond needle scratches are included In the ntudy. (3 illustrations, 5 bibllo. reforences) USSR UDC!: 62l-306.06.-621L.3�l'.l ZHILIN, V. A. a '~Fluctuation Errors in Automatic Tracking,of the Time Positian of a Periodic Pulse Sisnal" Tr. TsN!I Mor. flota Oforks of the Central:Sci6ntifia Research Institute of the, Maritime 1,,- 4:, p:3-14 (from HZh~Radiote khnika, ft-eet) 1 1970, VYP P O_i~-_ Dec 70, Abstract No 12G2 Translation: The author discusses tluctuation errors of pulse -tracking systems in radar and radio navigation devices caused by*noises which arrive at the tracking system input together with the useful signal., These errors depend not only on the sigiial-to-noise ratio in th,~, given frequency band, but alao on thc~ shape of the eignal and the notse churaoteriatics, and on the method of time diucrimination of the signtil. Formulm; aro derived for the most typical methods whAch can be used to..evaluate their resi.:Itance to interference and to determine the dispersilo.n q:r fluctuations.. Your i 1- 'lustrations, bibliography of two titlea. Si: o~ USSR UDC 620*~193,669.018.25 AP& DRUZHINU, V. N., Rostov: Scientific'Resea~rch Institute of '4 V* 4~51~e=n o of Machine Buildin 9 Investigation of the.Electrochemical Corrosion of Hard Allo~s" Kiev, Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No 8, Aug 70 pp 68-7i Abstract: Results are presented of an investigation of electrolytic corrosion of VK3, T15K6, and T30K4 hard alloys. Sulfuremulsions,,which are widely used for cooling in the process of cutting, se -rved,as the electrolytes. With an increase of curreut density from 0.;5 to 35 ma/CM2 the intensity of the cor- rosion of titanium-tungsten. hard alloys increased 60-fOld according to the parabolic law. The dependence of the corrosion,inten6ity on the current density of tungsten-cobalt alloys has an inflection in~the area of 10-12 =a/cm2 current density. -Up to the point of inflection the corrosion in- tensity of.tungsten-cobalt hard alloys is higher than~thiat of,titanium- tungsten-Cobalt, the current densiti.ea 66iug!eiquial. UUL.U,--lt:Nf uLAZkN--,UNLLANNtl-Lt:U PROXY REEL/FRAME-.-1996/1677 STEP ::C1RC ACCESSION NO--AP0118655 UNCLASSIFIED NO--UR/0226/70/010/002/0095/0097 -2/2 024+ UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 IC CIPC ACCESSION 1% --AP0118655 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACTo THE CORROSION AT ELEVATED TEMPS. WAS TESTED UNDER CONDITIONS AHICH SIMULATED HETAt; CUTTING WITH A HARD METAL CUTTING TOOL COOLED BY A COOLING,FLUID. AF:20-300DEGREES THE I WAS * 114 CURROS IOT., NEGL I G I SLE. ABOVE THLS~ TEMP. s CORRUSIOt INCREASED AND ATTAINED A MAX. AT 600-50DEGREES, AT 800-850DEGREES A VAPOR -JACKET WAS FORMIED AROUNDTHE SPEC[MEN, THERE,'lY BREAKING THE CONTAACT BETWEEN THE COOLING FLUID AND THE SPECUMEN; THE RATE OF CORROSION UNDER THES)i CONDITIONS DROPPEO,SHARPLYo~ CORROSION WAS 5-10 T,IMES HIGHER IN A SULFURIZED FLUID THAN IN WATER.~ OF THE 4 ALLOYS ~"]--~TESTED T30K4 CORRODED LEAST, T14K8 AND T15K6 CORRODED MOSTV WfiEREAS THE AS BETWEEN THE 2 EXTREME$* HARD;ALLOY VK8 W FACILITY: T -NA-DONU NAUCH.-ISSLED. INST. TEKHNOL. MASHINOSTR., -RDS ~GVO DONt.USSR* am t LA' S-14 F-LE 0, --- ------ 212 045 UNCLASS I F I ED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 IRC ACCESSICN NO-AP0133372 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GF-o- ABSTRACT. THE~EFFECT OF A LONGITUOtNAL -AAGNETI-C FIELD (1.1 WF13EKS-M PqIME2) ON~ THE TRANS III ION FROM LAIMINAR TO TURBULENT FLOW OF A CONLUCTIVE LI(J:. WAS STUDIED F Olt~ HG IN A STA' li,4LE Ss 'STEEL TUBE OF 5.1-11M DIAM. AND 710-M?J LENGTH BY TH~E PRESSURE DOP ..MEASURE ME hT METHOD. THE FRICTION FACTORS AND PRESSURE DISTRIBUTION ALUNG ThE JUIJE ARE PL6TTEU AS A FUNCTION Of: REYNOLDS NOS. (RE) FOR HG Jill'Th AND WITHUUTA MAGNETIC FIELO ANO: WITH,AND WI-FHOUT~A TURBULE14T FLOW -.4,14DUCING RING. A- TRANSITICA TO TUR8ULFNTm'FLCW BE6~04NIt4 AT RE --tAPPROXIMATELY: EGUAL TO 3COO-TO.RE [5:~GRE $000 WAS OBSD. IN THE ATER THAN' MAGNETIC F I ELO. FAC ILITY: INST., V,ys. TEMF:~11:r MOSCOW, USSR. -------- --UNCLASSI LED Aeronautical and Space USSR UDC 533.6.011 BURAKOV, I. I.,,ZHIL 11, YU. L. "Thin Bodies of Rotation with Minimum Wave Drag" Uch. zap. "'sentr. aerozaiLodina-rii. in-ta (Scientific Notes of the Central Aero- hydrodynamic Institute), 1970, Vol.1, No 6, pp 108-112~ (from RZh-11ekhanika No 11, Nov 71, Abstract No 11D193) Translation: The variation problem of constructing the generatrix of a thin body of.rotation (with and without a,channel) having minimum wave drag in a supersonic flow was investigated within the framework of linear theory, In addition to the coordinitca of the initial and, tei-minal points of thc body, the position. of an arbitrary nutnber of internal points through which the,de- sired contour must pass and also the voltime of tha body, can be given. The so- lution was found by the method of transfer to a control outline as a result of which the investigated problem reduces to-detemining the optimal potential distribution ~(r), urbere r is the distance from the axis of symmetry, in the characteristic of the second Bet bounding~the region of:deterriinancy of tile desired gencratrix on the right. For determination of the potential on the indicated characteristic, more correctly, for the distribution of the deriva- tive ~'(r), a finite formula is obtained. Utilization of the indicated 1/2 USSR BURAKOV, I. I., et al., Uch. zap. Tsentr. aero-gidrodinam. in-ta, 1970, Vol 1, No 6, pp 108-112 formula requires calculation of certain quadratures which are expressed in terms of elementary functions for a body.of rotation without a channel. Examples of optimal bodies with a channel are presented for the case where the generatrix of the desired body passes through three given points:~'two terminal points and one point in the middle cross section. The'indicated bodies are more "filled" than the combination of right and inverted truncated i6ones. Here, the gain with respect to the wave drag coefficient (by comparison with the body the out- Line of which is formed by a parabola passing through the same three points) is 16-24%. 2/2 71 Pj USSR uDc 616-ooS.922.1.04-07:6i6-o~)3-931:157'T.158.)~74.,q'17,8)-074 KINATUVA, YE. M.J' RUANOVA, N. A,, and MILINA, I. A., Chair of Biochemistry, Gorkiy Medical Institute IfThe Activity of ~bnozuninooxidase and Respiratory Chain Enz,=es in Acute Moscow, Voprosy Mbdi.tsirskoy Khimii, Vol 19, No 1, Jan/Peb 73) pp 3-5 Abstract: In rats suffering fron circulato ry hypoxia of the brain induced by ligation of one comon carotid artery, the activity of,monow.-iinooxidage (Y-40) in brain mitochondria decreases by 29% as compared with control animals (sha-'?2 surgery) and by W%, as compared vith intact animals, and this reduction per- .sists for at least 4 hrs. At the same tirpe, the activity of succinate dehydrogenase (SD) and NAD11-dehydrogenase.(NOH-D) falls bly about 23,~ in sham- operated controls but returns to normal in the experimental animals. In rab- bits suffering from hypoxic hypoxia (air pressure in barochanber reduced to 310 -r-m H9i, WOH-D activity in brain mitochondria remains unchanged for 1. hr but.decreases by a factor of 2 in 4 brs. At the same time, SD activity ir-creases by 22% and then returps to normal, while MO activity fi~'st falls by 5Qf, and then rises toward the nomal level. Thus, hlTozia. Inducl-es nignificant chan,,-,es in respiratory enzyMe activity, and the almost mirror-inage chanFcs in mono- aminooxidase and succinate. debydroi~enase confirm the concept of a. initual 2*e~~U- 1 tory effect exerted by these tvo'enzymee. V 1 4' ) USSR uDc 616.~88-75-o6;0'16-~W-51-053-8-036 AlEMEYEEVA, A. A.) IM TILADZE, Ye. S.., IMAZEVA, L. D., V. F.) GRUSHITISKAYA, I. A., Z-TM.TTJA,_j1. N., and STAKHANOVA V.A.I., Clinical Departrzent, Institute of Virology imeni D. 1. Iyanovskiy, I Acadermy of Medical Sciences USSR -Disease Hos ital No $2, Moscow on the base of Clinical Infectious "The Course of Mixed Influenza-Aden6viral,lnfection in Adult E; Moscov, Klinicheskaya Meditsina, No 1, 19T3, PP 101 105' Abstract: Of 1055 patients,age 16 to 78 admitted to the authors' hosnital with respiratory symptoms during, the 'L969 and 1970 influenza:A2-Hongkow. epidemics, 158 (15%) were dia~;nosed a-;-ter physical eyamination and laboratory tests as having a mixed influenza-adenoviral infection. About one-third of' these had the c3,inical symptoms of adenoviral infection (toxicosis, headrache, head cold, pain in the throat, cough, pharyngitis) along,with. the usual sj,=toms of influ- enza. In the other ltwo-thirds, the disease proceeded asymptonatically in the form of a virus carrier state or subclinically.: The average duration of the above symptoms -wras r-ach longer than in those suffering, fron. influenza or adenoviral infection alone; pharyngitis persisted the ltnSest. Systematic foLlow-up (2 years) of the patients with chronic adenoviral infection exacer- bated by Influenza confirmed the continued presence of ldenoviruses even though the individ"als felt, well and exhibited no bigns of in-fliUmatlon oi' the respir-atoi-I tract. AN11-1, rl V.Pialu ;M~~ W111W.. MM ! USSR ZHILINSKAS, A. G., MOTSKUS, 1. B., TIMOFEYEV, L. L. "Bayes. Metlu.)d of Seeking Extreme with Limited Memory" Avtomatika. i Vychisl. Teklin. [Automation and Computer Teclnology], 1972, No 6, pp-37-42 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 4, 1973, Abstract No. 4V307, by the authors). Translation: As%wwing that t1lo functioll to bo Opt.111O.Vod is: a I-vali..,ation of' a Gaussi an boviogeneous isotrapic field, - a flayes met) il iod .; studied for socking the 141nimum with memory limi ted to, tivo experimental rCisults;. 37 MOM- ff" Zia USSR UDC.62-506:319.83 2blLINSKAS, A. G., IxXs OS, 1. B., And TII-IOFgYeV L.L.: "A Bayesian Method for Seeking an Extremum idth Limited Memory" Riga Avtomatika i Vychislitelinaya Tekhnika, No. 6, 72, PP 37-42 Abstract: The problem is to find the,minimm of areal function of many variables, assuming that at any step t in the solutionlonly two pr'evioutq results (f (i=1 t,) can be storad. The T-step method- of, searching for C is described by rules for planning ~ t (t~IT+I) and recording C t (t-2,T). The rule for storing result2 in this method cannot be expre2,-,_-d with the analytical simplicity po3sible in the case of a Bayesian method of search in %hich the memory is limited to one re3ult' asis dezeribed i)~r DtLlinskas and 14otskus in No. 4 of this Journal for 1972. In some ca.3.03, it may be expedient simply to postulate simple storage rules,and,find only the optimum rules of planning. Two quasi-optimal storage rules.are suggested. 74 USSR D 621.716-722.1 ~HILINSKAS, P. Yu. P. 'Inductarce In Polve Regulator Cr Steppai Up Cutput voltujo" Tekhn. kibornetika (Engineering, Cybernet--ce)', Y-tiunas, 197b, C RZh__wlektronika i yeye primereniye, No 1.0, Cctober. 1970,' Jibatra!~t Na Translation* In a pulse revulutor of d-c voltage, t~e outp-at vult~,;7e cun exceed of, 4-he: Co the permiseible collector-emitter voltaae ntrol tr.4n.9i8tor. To tii,~tj end, two sources are provided at the innut of the regulator. The f1ret source iv connect- ed between the collector of 8 transistor a nd: the cathode Gf.a semiconductor diode; -athode of a semiconductor diode And the common conduc+cr the second between the c L Of the regulator. k1hen the control tranelator conductD, at the.rogul,-;r output there is a voltage equal to the sum of the voltagea of the nource~- When the Gon- hing to the eec4ion trol traneistor blocks, the semiconductor diodeconducts, Lwitc. -P the firat eourca. An expression 4s derived for csIculat-on of ccilector-er-itter o- ~the magnitide of the inductance of a choke du."ing operation in 1, regi=c of Vontin- uous currents, which depends on the outnut. voltage, the lmd2 thn period a.." the Pulse repetitions and their relative duration, and the ratio of tlae r_~qn-ltude of -a Oira# en~- zecord scurces.:Tha graphic ~ependencas are plottod the voltazes of ~th of the magnitude of the 'nductance of the regulator choke iijt'- 6~~' rant ratios of ~the =sgnitude of "he voltages of the sources, as a function of the relLitive dur- ation of the pulses. 2 ill. 2 reA . V.Sh., USSR uDc: 621.317.1 DAUNORAS, I. I., ZHILINSKAS, R.-P. P. "Application of the Method of Signal-Flow Graphs to Solution of Some Nonlinear Problems Tr. nauch.-tekhn. konferentsii 1IRadio-elektropika" (Works'of the Scientific and Techni, cal Conference on Radio Electronics)., Vol.. 6, Kaunass, 1970, PP 324-328 (from RZh-Radiotekl-.nika,- No 6, Jun',71, Abstract tio, 6A294) Translation: The authors discuss the problem of using the method of graphs -wave measurement for analyzing some systems of complex structure such as micrL circuits with feedback. A microvave reflectometer which operates on the principle of automatic power control is, analyzed. The. block d1agram, the complete graph, and calculations are presented.. Bibliography of two titles. k~P USSR UDC:., 6214317.3-41.3.088:681.3 ZHILINSKAS. R. P.. BUOZHIS, S. S. 'Computer Modeling of Reflectometer Errors b the Monte-Carlo Method" Y Dokl. Wes. nauchno-tekhri. honfertmtsii po radiotek~in. izztereni~an. T. 2 (Re- ports of the All-Union Scientific and Teclihiedl Confere!nc:e on Radio Engineer- -30 B"h-1 Hadioteklinika, ing.:.Measurements. Vol. 2), Novosibirsk, 1970,'pp 27 No 12 2A-384) Dee 70 Abstract No 1 Translation: It is noted that in view of the complex n dture of relation- e. method, for; determining t1seir ships in SHF reflectometers, the most suit abl -outer modeling by a Monte-Carlo method. A brief expositiol) is errors is com- given of the.method used and its realization for actual ~:refle6tometers operating within the framework of the R2-35 instrumlenti'~ Typical histogram are g3.ven for errors, and practical..conclusions are draVa. Bibliography.of four titles E. L. 'USSR uDe.. 621.317.341 ZUJMSKAS R. P., SAYESHN-ILKOVA, 1. A. "On One Approach to the Design of Microwave Measuring Instruments" Dokl. Vses. nauchno-tekhn _. konferentsii': po radiotekhn. izmerenivam. T. 2 (Re- ports of the All-Union Scientific.and Technical Confe-Tence on Radio Engineer- om RM-Rad-~otekh- ing Measurements. Vol. 2), Novosibirsk,~ 1970, pp 31-35 (fr Rilka, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract.No lA389), Translation.: It is noted that the technologicalitendency to increase the precision of panorwaic measuring instruments,is nov beginning to diminish. On the other hand, increwsed precision has been achie-v~~_d in some new ir.- struments by.structural circuit changes (e. g. by cozinir:!ction -to a sj~ecial type of computer at the Hewlett-Packard Co. in the Uni'ed S'attes, etc.)' and by increasing the cost, but not through technology. it is noted that a similar trend is developirig in the Soviet iudustnj.~ ~ An azrially5is is given of 'a panoramic SWR mter which operates on- the reflect omete r principle on directional couplers; a table is given which. enumrratea types of errors with indication of ways to reduce them, and it is shorn that error reduc- tion can be achieved by circuit modifications, chiefly as a --result of per- fecting the- structural circuit of the indicator, Bibliography of 4 titles. dDC 621.317.7-5 USSR ZHILINSKAS, R. P., SVESIMIKOVA, I. A. ---------- "Prospects for Development of Automatic Standing Wave ILd tio 11-leters of Superhigh Frequency Channels" Dokl. Nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii.po radiotekhn. izmereniyam. T. 1 (Reports or the Scientific and Technical Conference on Radio Measure-ments. Vol 1) , 'Novosibirsk, 1969, jin, 71-77 (from RZh-Ra]diotekhnika, No 1, Jan 70, Abstract No IA343, E. L.), Translation: The general trends of automation have led to the creation of auto- matic. instruments (panoramic standing wave ratio and attenuation metL_,~rS), Tt is noted that automatic devices have still been.insufficRaitly introduced into pro- -!on for..acceptance, control.and testing of:microwaye devices although the duct- effect of application of these instruments (both technical and economic) greatest can be obtained in production. On the bhsisI:ofA investig ating.the erros and other arguments, the basic trends in prospective development.of automatic standing wave ated. ratio and attenuation measurements, reflectometers anG. so an are indic, USSR UD0.333-90348-561 -BULUW, V. V.# GOLANT# V. YE.t and Z=19"XIYO A. P. ."Instability of Decaying Plasma inza )~agnitie field!"~ i V Kinsk, Kolobaniya oiny v Plazme. ~',)scillations andlaves in a Plasma)j -Nauka I Tekhnika," 19711 pp 114-116 Atatractr Investigation of the diffusion of choxged,,paxticles In a decaying plasma across a ma,~netic field showed that the diffupion coefficient depends subutantial,ly on the transverse dimensions.of the plasma. The authors desaribe the expertmental set-up and their.investigations In containers of different dimensions in a uniform magne-rlu kield up.%6 ouuv ve at a helium pressure from 0.08 to 0.15 Tarr. The authors succeeded in establishing a strong dependence of the spectrum of thel.o4ell]AtionsTfrom I to 500 kHz on the diameter of the container, the magnitude of. the magnelic field. and the pressure, as well as the existence of aleritioal magnetic field below which they were unable to observe any further oscillations In the potential. In conclusion, the authors make the point that.Ahe growthAn amplitude of the oscillations when the diameter.of the container with the ulasms. is decreased corresponds qualitatively to an increase inthe coefficient,of anomalous 1/Z 92