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7PROCES~SING DATE-21OCT-70 UNCL .1RC ACCESSION RO-AP0124705' -fASSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE SPECTRAL ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION N (FReAl A WATER COOLED, WATER t,13DERATE REACTUR) REFLECTED FROiM fkLt D T! AND. POLYETHYLENE ARE PRESENTED. I N THE ENERGY 'PANrF-- G;"f~ATED, THAN 2-3 MEV THE REFLECTED SPECTR~ (FROM ALL THOSE t-!AMtl;ALS AND GRAPHITE~ ARE N -MUCH SOFTER THAN THE INClOv- ENT N SPEMA, AND AT ENERGIES SMALLER THAN 5U ..KEV THE SHAPE OF THE SPECTRA APPROACHE&THAT OF THE 1-i- SPECTRUM. THE MAJOR CONTRIBOTION TO THE REFLECTED N SPEC-TRA' IS MAIDE BY N WITH ENERGIES -FLECTE0 FROJI-1 TI GREATER THAN 0.1 MEV. THE INTEGRATED DOSE ALBED003F N RE I 1S SATISFACTORILY DESCR16ED BY THE EIIP~RICAL EQUATJON OF FPENCH. (1964). j UNCLASSEFEED, 9EEMEMENEMIll lima. OF mlllpmw . P 711;,"I'Mr~F III CA !,t,7!,--,-.-,.,-;-.& iq., ~:-TOPIG TAGS-THERMUDYNAMIC PROPERTYt -HYMOGEN 80NDINQ, TERTIARY A41NE, :PyFIDVJ-t MORK WILINEt TRIETHYLAMINE, I RSPECTRUM, ZUTAN Lt PHE ~~CKU,PINATEV AROMATIC COMPOUND NTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS --L)OCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED OXY RLEL/FRAME--1989/C~604 STEP NO--k)R/0076/7~)104~o/O;r)1/0223/()"25 'ACCESSION NO--APOIC-7346 _t: ti c A& Serv'i Ret. Codet Abs ra cc. IN0049777. CHEMICAL IAUT.-~"-O, /00/ 101972k Detennination of acyl groups in 'COUWO~O aceth butyrates. Aliranov D. P.,, G PQgOSGVj~ Yu. S PIwI. Mass-~ 197G (Tru;=57 MUSS I he total content at acy! P.Toups in cell~'Iose acetatebix(yrate~ (1) was detd. by sapor,'irhereas the contint of FrCO groap~ was detd. by ir spectroscopy at 2970 cm-t. Thug; I ivas placed lp a. conicZI flask and mixed with NW21CO and siei aside for 30-Wt~nin. The ruixt. was 5haken, and D.5NaqAAeOI4 soln. of added; the mixt. was refluxed at- 65? for 3 ihi. thei;apond. iiample;was neutralized with 0,5NUCI And fltiated with 0.69xTi. O.Pti- cald.ofLwastneasuredat-2 i"cm-tiiWofa'sid.Otii43OcTij-1. voups 'was The content of PrCO ldetd~ Iron the iaiio D2970/ D1470 and from. the Corroponding adsorption'coeftp.~ The ~on- tent of Ac groups was caled. from a generil e~ivitjoq.':~ CKJIZ -J REEL/FRAME rR_ of USSR UDC: 57 11 S AYMMO A. Institute of Medical USSR Y ence.3, Academy of Yedi nsk. "Investigation of Heterogeneity of Nuclear: RNA: of the Liver in Irradiated Hats by the E'ethod of DMA.-MA Hybridization',. Moscows Biokhimiya, Vol 36, 1 Uri -550 '10 3, MaYP ?19 -~P 545 Abstract.-, Since exposure of animals to Ionizing raBiation stillu.71--tes the in- corporation.of precursors into RRA in liver cells, the author-. undertook to elucidate the causes of this altered~metabolism, It vias 6specially Importwit -to establish whether irradiation modifies MIA chains or ductions-thereof, resulting in the formation of new messenger RHA molecules. Thev, study was per- formed on intact Wistar rats and ra.ts exposed to 51000 r of gammia irradiation delivered at a rate of 60 r/sec. The total amount and the conposition of BiR 6yntliesized in the liver of these i-ats were. determined by the L.Thl-R!,A -hybridi- zation method on nitrocellulose filters, PrelWnary saturation of DNA with nonlalbeled MiA obtP, ned fron. the liver of intact rats mar.ked-ly inhibited ttr_ hybridization of Pj -labeled nuclear RNA 1n:t1,e,liv&_- of intact and Irradiated Mts, The degree of ialbition uas the same~in both grourin. The results into IMIA In the liver of suggest that the enhanced incorporation of precursora q 1/2 29- .18 P CIESSING DATE--160CT70 0 UNCLASSM.El) Ru '.CJRC ACCESSION NO-AA0112238 `,A8STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THISAUTHORIS,CERTIFICATE NTRO.DUCES A MET HOO OF MEASLIRING THE VELOCI.TY OF,CHAJIGED~PARTICLES.WHICH -PASS ING THE CHARGED PARTICLES TkRQUG.H A MUDE'RATPIG STRUCTURE, C'LOCITY)* W11TH A KNOYIN DISPERSION [PHASE V THE UR I T 01 F F C RBt:CAUSE IT lS.DESIG,14ED:FGR IMPROVED ACCURACTY AND SIMPLIFIED MEASURi~MENT. THE 140 EFFECT.* MODE IS SET BY SELECTING THE FREQUENCY OF THE;~ HIGH FREQUENCY APPLIED TO THE MODULATING STRUCTURE. THfS MObE rs CHARACTERIZED BY','THE A3SEA%CF OF INTERAcr.,oN BETWEEN THE MOVIING FLU.'X f, THE CHARGED F .::,PARTl.CLF_S AND THE MODERATED ELECTROMAGNET IC:,WAVE ANU~ BY -,,::QUALITY FO THE VEL.O.ClITIES AND THE. PHASE VELOCITY OF THE WAVE. IHEN THE:PHA E "VE L 0 C 0 ~;ITY ~OF JHE: WAVE ON THE GIVEN FREQUENCY: IS DETER1411 E AS EQUAL TO -'.f_H_E,':-'MEA'SURED 'PARTI'CLE VELOCITY. UNCLASS,IFIED .USSR UDC 621-385.6.083.9 DLUTRIYEV, S. S., ZHARKOV, Yu. D., RACHKOV, V. A. "A Method of Measuring the Velocity.of Cilarged Particles" Moscow. Otkrytiya, Izebreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Zaaki, No,7, 4 Feb 70, p.62, Patent No 263047,~ Filed,14'jan 67 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a method of measuring the velocity of charged particles which involves:passing the charged particles through a moderating structure with a known dispersion (phase' velocity). The unit differs because it is designed for improved accurA-,,y and simplifted mLa- surement. The no-effect mode is set by selecting the frequency of the high- frequency signal applied to the modulat ng st .ructure. !rnis zode is character- by t5le absence of interaction between the moving f 11.ux of.. the charged particles and the moderated electromignetic wave and by':,equality of the particle velocities and the phase velocit~,of.i the wave-. Thent the phase velocity of the wave on the given f. 4 ldet~rmin as equal to the requeng s measured particle-velocity. usbR 62i.31T.3 RACHKOV, V. A., ZHARKOV Yu. D. DNITFJYEV, ~B S. On the Effect Which the Input Signal Level~has on the'Results of Electron Probe Measurements of the Dispersion and Resistance of'Coupling of Decel- erating Systems" Elektron. te-khni-ka. Nauchno-tekhn. sb. Kontrollno-izmerit. L3:i,-ara+ura (Elec- tronic Technolo&y. Scientific and Technical Collectioh. Mani- oring and tlfea- suring-Equipment), 1970, vyp. 2 (20) PP'27-33 (from Krti-Rad5otekhnika, NO 1, Jan 711, Abstract No IA302) c' -out signal level Translation: The authors analyze the effect vh~ n the in- has on.measuring the coupling resistance~and dispersion. of decelerating systems by using an electron probe. A. relationship iz foLmd,wftich can be used -to evaluate the input signal power at. -which ielatibnshi-ns of linear -theory may.still be used. Resume. USSR UDC 62,1.382.2 BILENZYK 0, D. 1. 11. W%ST-NA,, YE. I., Saratov State University iEeni H. G. C v hernyshe s "Transmission of Infrared Radiation by Diodes Based oh~Silibon Alloyed with Cold" Lenhi2rad, Fizika i Tekhnika Poluprovodnikov, Vol 6, No 5, 1972, pp 948-950 Abstract-. A study was made of the results observed whell Passing infrared radia- tion to diodes manufactured from n-type silicon alloyed~with oT~d wiSh a speci- f ic. resistance of -104 ohms-cn. ind an au. .concentration of -10 cni- . Cohe r- ent radiation With a wave length of 1.15, 3.39 znd 10.6 microns was used. P. study was made of the effect of a magnet:kc.field parallel to the infrared radiation and perpendicular to the current: lines on thni relative variation of the diode transmission. For currents lar&r than the cutoff current, the mag- netic field essentially changes the nature of transmission of the infrared 0 radiation at each point of the specimen. Therefore,the,observed optical in- homogeneity of the diodes can,be connected ~with the effect of the free charge carriers. On the other hand, measurements of. the current, functions of trans- iaission of the infrared radiation witil ji decrease- in the specimen size in L;iu 1/2 USSR UDC 621.382.2 BIMIKO, D. I., et al., Fizika i Teklmika Poluvrevodnikov, Vol 6, No 5, 1972, :948-950 P p direction-of displacemnt of the light probe demonstrated that the dependence of 6T on the position of the infrared ptcb,e for identical current.0 is fully re- tainer; for the given section of the specimen. Tile observed decrease in trans- mission of the diodes cannot be explained,by nonselectilre absorption by free carriers since the studies perfor-a-ed.did. not der"onStrat"6 the dependence on wave 'lengths characteristic of this type, of infrared ab orption. rhe increise. in transLAtted pow-er c:~nnot be connected with recotbination radiation,for tile effect 'of the latter was entirely e%cluded under the experimntal condiLioris. The iimt probable explanation of the observed!, phenomena can be nonuniform vaxltition of-the fraction index of the, semi cbnductor, niate ri al with deep irr- 'puritles- on pas;sage of the current. r 2 P1 Hii USSR UDC: 154:44+532-7831-533 _ZHARKOVAj G. M., KAPUSTIN, A. P., Institute of Theoretical and Applied Departmenti Academy of~Scietaces~qf the:USSR "Characteristics of Some Liquid Crystals for Aeroaywoic Research" Novosibirsk,, Izvestiya, SO All SSSR, Ser. tekhn. uauk, Ho 13, (178)., VYP, 3, Oat 70, Pp 65-66 Abstract: The authors d1scuss the use of liquid crystals for studying temper- sture distribution and heat flux on tbe'surface of an,aL %rodynanda model. The proposed mithod can be used for experir4nts at tF-h mPerttures , from 40 to 60,0. Two types of mixtures were used: 1) 90%~cholesteryl nola=oate and 101% cholesteryl chloride; 2) 80% cholest6ryl noranoate and.20Fu` cholesteryl pro- picnate. A coLTarison of the experimental dataon the color of these mixtures as a function of te--De-mture with,the data in the literature shovs that the ma-Alwim deviation for the first mixtuxei6 4%, and for;the second -- 1~ at 9 vayelengths of 63oo-457() 4%. Freliminary,experiments, in win& tu=els show satisfactory results. 79 a USSR UDC: 539.4:624.012 ZUWOVA, N. N. "Bendable Structures Made From Concrete on6 Carbonate76ilicide Binder" Tr. Dallnevost'. -nolitekhn. in-ta Works of the Par Eastern Polyechnical Institute) , 1971, 72, No 2, PP 76-86 (from RM-Mekhanika, No 9, SeD 72, Abstract No 9V759) Translation: The zaDer presents the results of an experimental study of the st ength and deformation prop rties of bendable eiementl-s,made of con- crete based on a carbonate-silic-ide binder with PI-operties s-;*MiIP-- te those of silicate b.-P-ders. Tbree series of girder-q~with thrde giraers in each girders d'-:' red witi, res-.)ect to '.-he series were tested. 77he ser4es of - 3.1 fe grade of concrete and the percent of reinforcement. Caticrete comuosition: 30A"' car) onate ci de binder and 70% sand filler. The'.load uas applied in tb=--4- o.L he span. Me experimental studies showed. 1) 'lie, iexperimental- P cirten at i, - fy the.require-ments for strertg-th, rigidity and cracking.xesiste-nee, the actual breating load being =are t1an 9551V of the theoretical Value, the ac- tual flexure coinciding satisfactorily with the theoretical -value, and the WIN Off "I USSR ZHARKOVA, N. N., Tr. Dal'nevost. politekbn. in-ta, 19',rl, -2, No 2, PP 76-86 vieth of opening of a crack being less than:the limiting value (0.2 and amounting to 0.1-0.11 rr.,q; 2) the reinforcemeht aft-eres with sufficient reliability to the concrete; 3) concrete:o-h'a cartonate-silicide binder can be used for producing bendable structures vith high ca.rryine; capacity, rigidity and crack resistance; 4) bendable elements of concrete on carbo- nate-silicide binder operate similarly to structural.eelements of silicate concrete; 5) the,calculation and design of.such structures nay be done in conformity with the norms for silicete concrete. Z. L. GilIgur. USSR Uric: 621-385.6 Y'RARg" ZAFYfiROV2 V. P. POPOV, A. N., MARTYJ~ V. P, 'A Magn etron Converter Which Changes Microwave Power to~DC Power" Moscow, Otk-rvtiya, Izobreteniya, Promysblenny-ye Obraztsk, 'Tovarnyye Znaki, No 17, Jun 72, Author's Certificate. No 328805, Vivision:,H, filed 7 Jan 70, published 24 May 72, p 249 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A miagnetron con- verter vbieb changes microwave power to DC power. The device contains an electron source, end an interaction space,which is clomd, in the az--iffalthal ~g a4- direction and houses a positive electrodc~ ~ Az! a distinAJI-lish-ir fe cure of the patent, in order to improve the efficiency. of microtiave energy con- versim, the source of electrons is closed with respectjo the azimutli, *de the inteyaction spAce coaxial_lyi-iith the central and is Iscreated crutai electrode. 2. A modif ication of the coxiverter~ distinguished by the fact that the electron source is made in the form pf a magnetion end gun of inverted design- 3. A modificatim of -the converter described in point I -distinguished by the fact that the e2ectron source is made in the fom of tv6 mgtietron end gunn of inverted design USSR UDC (621.311.25-621.039)47+57' BORONn, L. X., and 2 "USSR Atomic Electric Pouer Development During the Ninth Five-Year Plan" Energ., str-vo (Electric Power Facility Construction), No 10-11 (124-125) Moscow, 1971, pp 56-60 (from RZh; Elektrateklefta Lve,,~jy I.TejLaniye, No 3, Harch 1972, Abstract No 3U24) Translation: This item discusses USSR atomic electric power station (AES) constxtiction from 1971 through 1975. AES are,able to compete economically with.TES fThermal Electric Power Stations) which operate on costly imported extractive fuels. Each newly operationalAES reduces the overall reserve of nuclear fuel (Uranium), as a consequence of which a more,efficient utilization nuclear fuel has become one of the most important tasj~s of the atomic power industry. 4 ill., 2 ref. USSR UDC 595-771-1.9 !YMARO~V -,-Institute of Medical Par-asitoloMr and Tropical NLdicine imeni 0. inovskiy, 14inistry of Health USSR, bloscov ia:~t ',The Geographic Distribution of the Mosouitoes Aedes vcj:ans Reigen (Diptera.- Culicidae)" Moscowl-Meditsinskaya Parazi-L'ologiya i Parazitarn,~-je Polezni, Vol 42, No 1. Jan/Feb 13, PP 11-10 Abstract: On the basis of data given in the literature, a mp showin_r tte world distr-ibution. of the three known subspecies of Aedas veiiins 14eigen (Aedes pponii Meob.., atad Ae. vexnns nocturnus vexans vexans Heig., Ae. vexans ni- Theob.) has been compiled. It is pointed out t;hat thq. territory on which Ac. vexans nipponii occurs coincides to a considerable extertt: with that on, which *Ae. v. vexans is present, so that the conditions recpire--d- by these tvo sub- species for their existence must be. sirdlar. However, - tlle data on the ddstri- bution of Ae-~ v. nipponii are uncertain, because one hem, berglm only rather recently to differentiate this st~bspeeies from Ae. v. vex~tns. A photc~,ia-pl of the tergite pattern of tbe abdorainal part.of an Ae. vexans, female Ixublishad by W. J. Crans and L. J. Grandek (Yosquito lievs,: Vol- '28, P ',~35, 1-963) Gi,'es reelsons 1/2 USSR ZMMVJ A. A.j' Meaditsinskaya Parazitologiya i Parazitarn,,rre B-olezni, Vol 42, lid 1 Jan/Feb 73) PP 11-16 to believe, in the opinion of the author of the preseut artivIc, that Ae. nipponii also occurs in the eastern US and consequently has a riuch. wider d~s- tribution than had been assumed hitherto. Tlie distribution of Ae. v. nocturnus (230N-2030S, 115-155,02) ir. different from' that of the other two subspecies, so that the conditions required for~its survival must differ. Ae. arabiensis, Ae. dentatus, and Ae. stenoetrus, which have been regarded as separate species, resemble Ae. vexans in their raorpholouical characteristics to such an extent that they will presumably be clasnifled av fjubsp,;.-ciec, ~Of the latter in the future. 2/2 TOP I CTAGS--CEMENTi CALCIUM CHLORIDE, COHESION STRENGTH --NO RESTRICTIONS ONTROL MARKING .,:IjOCUMENT CLA5S--UNCLASSIFIED ~-PROXY-REFL/FRAME--199V1478 STEP NU"-Ullf'0635/701000/001/0031/0032 '~C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116915 UNCLASSIFIED 007 -UNCLASSIFIED OROCESSING, DATt--230CT70 ~:J R CACCESSION NQ--AP0116915 'A.8,&TRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SETTING PROCESS, IS EXPLAINFL) IN TER MS- OF THE.SHAPE OF THE LETA POTENTIAL CURVES. AmIN. OF SMALL AMr-S. C~ACL SUBZ CAUSES SHARP DROP I NLETA POTENTIAL,' INDICATING COMPiRESslm OF, ~OF ELEC. DOUBLE LAYER AND LPvitTED 41GRATION OF NE'G. CFIAkGEU OH AND CL ~J'QNIS-_ RISE IN ZErA POTENTIAL WITH INCREASING ADON. OF CACL SUB2 I DIFFUSION REGION OF ELECi -1 -INCREASCS IN DOUBLE LAYER OF NEG. CHARGED kH 'AN10 CL. IONS AND ACCEI ERATION IN SETTING. C Q 4 E S I DIN% FORCES RISE AND _,-STREN'TH INCREASES. UNCLASSIFIED Turbin`ei USSR UDC:621.43S-71.001.5 ZHAR G,, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, VENTSYMIS, L. S., KHOV, G.,~Candidates of Technical Sciences T TU U I V "Promising System for Cooling High Temperature Gas Turbines" ~~'Leningrad, Energomasliinost-royeniye, No 8, 19710,. pp 10-13 ~thod of cooling the Abstract: A relatively simple, reliable and economical me -tressed parts off gas turbines is the use of a closed systerit of air cooling (With the cooling mediun exhausted away from the turbine).~T An analysis of the cooling conditions of a turbine with this~~typo of cooling system is pre- sented. Blade designs suitablefor this type of turbine4te described, and the.temperature distribution around the profiles of three types, of blades with this type of cooling are noted. On thebasis of the calvolated analysis of temperature around the profile of a cooled blade, it is concluded that the temperature difference with a constant clearance. for passage of,cooling air ith an initial gas temperature of 1200*C will Dot exceed,'80-100'C, even as W the cooling air flow is varied from I to 4%:of.the gas flow. The blade edges are-at-the same.temperature level as the 6entral portion of the, blade, with a 1/2 1. .1.21 w , , ~ 17 lWhY SCTFNCE-0T-'SflE11CE' As PECTS. Or '810CHEXISTRY (Article by Ye! Al;aee ii nodiLsina~tikh 197.2, pp,~60-611 I The mighty scientific an d is.ta$~Irsg place -in out times hnn no t,~~ial in the "history of human society w:ith . rtopact to the depth and-o-ropL of socloccvu vm1c changes that it is causiot. The inpon!"s prediction of Marx. that sc-lence.vill ~,be- transtforttied into a direct. Oroductive forte of society hss new become the banier.of rtivntiric-tachnolofii,~Al pr-~Crc5s. 3161ogicnl sti ence is utdiergoing profound chan#es;, in the- woriin- -of M.V. 7W.1dysh. "with tbt.- trarisltion to re-warch an itie molecular lovel, 'it is experLpnciag "just.," profound a revolution as OtIft, to c~- leg when N'UdY of implecolor structure ond phvs. it penetra"J into,the iteLccure of-tbe scom, th~ atomle nuelcuo. zzd elementarit particles. Pfacovury of twit genetir code, dorercinaUc.-i of t1ye cozplore chemical st;ructure anti Op'3tta, c-onfiguration of rLiny proteins. artifIcial synthosid of onzymoo. and. finally, the recently corplered cunjlate synthesis of the gene are among the greate-t chlevg=nts In world rclence. Them,? 1.16coverlea have the greatest philo%c-phical importance znd will leave a dzep Impres3lon on many,appecta of practical The aignifice-ice of philoscinhical and general ton thado logical prtnc1p1vs Incrtnues in pirtads ot rcvolutiona~y breakthrowh nod di,,tinctLve "criszs" in 17cience. The. recently observed 150th oanlvensary or On-, birthd*y'of EngeLa stimulated tho interest of ?Ittlasophvre and natural tints in the process of tdialactiantion a! natural science, In recognition of the patterns of -Neevejopm,nt 0f ocience aa a specific inte.?rat systomt sAtria Is particularly needed by the set of txtdico!Aologtcul sciences MI. Teareacradtiam and P.V. > lacksoyev) . Theoretical appreaclies on the. plane of to one of the youngest and mo,4t revolutionary sciencoo, are 10 dimiatshin;t In the ennrmous mass of Om 1 0 piri, :41, data.' Th %~is n t3 random *X.V. KtIdyah, lx--~estiya. 21 rebrunry,14?0, p5. --j - I-, ;~ wi 6'9.617:5"-' .23.9-3 UDC -0 USSIR, 1111 S- 1,'~CIIURL z -A G VJZII am* n C op 1) t, al Ato-,nz -L,IL Vacancieu' with Dislocations Si -1e ystai- Cr, zildu i. atcT-011,1~ V i3b. Inte~-~~~ Dislocations, anti inipurity Atorws'iri Met:.tIs alil jUloys--: action between f wo TulR, 19' ) 114 3~O No 1, Jan 70, collection 0 rks 09 - from. tract No 11177) 'haro deterza-ne +he activalion ener~,iEn5 -~'or 7d.,',rat~oel o' Translation; The au point defects tmard dislocations. It is shovn,'that Various ant-ealing stapas e nined by the uaiGratuion of interstitial atoms' ezd. ~iracan7ies' which detem cause m ns bv settling on: ther'Zo ~Authul;rsl u~jstract. Joing -' dislocat~o - ------------ Acc. Nr. Abstracting Servic e. Ref. Code C117t-fICAL ABST. Y 115392h Thertnod ynamics, of multicompor systems. X. *ent hetero eous Vartanc trwwformati e. Paltially closed systems Withclemical ons. .-Storonkin.: A.. lvlarini6ev, v (Leninerad. I. nding the no. of degrees: df I freedo UI-e or In' (V-Iiiince) in;the t itle systems isf k - 2 r, where ~ i d :~Y - ap r are the, nos. of Components, IinL arly independent reversible cilicM,jeacti6ps, and Of Phas" PrMilt it, t1tv syst~~"j. anV411W Londitions litniting th,e c1lang4l of k + 2 - where'd is thello. of r . ita. Thcse equ4tiovj att' diKusiWd' f4 :varioui ~yptn (j f "e""Odynarnic t'(Iuil. including thexaiw,of M'ilterw i3qa:il)T~J. J~ PIEEL/FP%AM. 1:984:1237: 7 T 77-- 77- 7--g""" USSR UDC $77.17:576.8.+582.20 P-i L -OVA, L. Y. , SHENCE&NMO, N. S, and ZYMPIOVA, L H., Institute of Microbiology and Virology, Academy S$R AIE.16fect o-E the Products of Life Processes of Accomp .anying Bacteria on. the Growth of Some Chlorzlla~Strainsll Kiev, MlLkrobiolochichnyy Zhurnal, Vol 32, No ll~ Jan/Feb 70, pp 111-115 Abstrac-: "he effect of 417 associated s tra i n of- ac -% e r i aon L Chlorella vvi-varis strains 62, 9 and P G was iftv e S t F:r;a t ed. ~, 1 o so JC the associated bacteria had no effect on aLg!ae :growLh. Soiniia st, aln~3 had a stimu.1atimy effect 241,,, and 4-014 with tr-espa!ct to ~Izairs 62, 9 and P13G and some an inhibiting effect. norie, 3!IIrCI ar~r-', 9"" respectively. The W.OSL. active stimulators of algae a e: Ba 6.ri= candicans, A~ r 0 ~~- - C 1-10 ir, Bact. nitr-~~-+Ucana,.Bact. centro-sport3s, NIU'ro, cus LuueGs, Pseud:orr-onas Liquefaciens, Pa. ainuosa, 'Ps.. vlre~ cons, Scjrcipl~ nobc -lava, 5a.-cina lutea, Bacillus nat-ans, a"d Chrooobactveiriuu auranti~.icum- 3, at: ter iu,"I caadlcans aad Bact. iu-n-if"icans were also the s~.troro~ezt bacterial an- tagonists. it was noted 'Uluat ackme bacteria are' capvble of undergoing .6--Z~orat-orry mut.-a-Zion, so that some sitimulators los e I:heir property, L'.4 thc --nizagonista may t-vaa be in to' atiwulaL-4, ~ ~j;rovtk 1/2 035 UNCLASSIFFEO~~ PROC UfSSING DATE--300CT70 ,.TITLE--P0WER PLANT USE OF SULFUR.:COi NG PETROLEUM RESIDUES -U- ..._.~AUTHOR-(05)-KOLO0lYEVAt YE-V.t KUROCHKII N v'A. IvZHAROVA, M.N., KASHUR ICHEV.I-, A.P.', CHUKHANOV, Z.F. --USSR COUNTRY.OF. INFO OURC E-- I Z V. AKAD. NAUK SSSRP ENERG. TRANSP 1.970,v'~ (1)p B5-93 7 -;,DATE PUBLISHED ------ 70 ~:~,_SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALSr PROPULSION AND' FUELS, EARTH SCIENCES AND ~OCEANOGRAPHY ''TOP-f:C TAGS--PYROLYSIS, PETROLEUM DEPOSIT, GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION, CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, ECONOMICSt FUEL CONSUMPTIONt- STEAM BQILERt BENZENE, TOLUENE, NAPHTHALENE9 ETHYLENEs COKE, :SULFURi POWER PLANT ONTROL-MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS A~DC UMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED "OROXY AE-EL/FRAME-- STEP NO--UR/0281/'tO/Ooo/001/0085/0093 ~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP011.8527 UNCLASSFF I r: D 777~ t PROCESSING DATE-- Z/2 035 UNCLASSIFIED 30OCT70 C-IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118527 -:-,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. POWER PLANT PYROLYSIS OF S CONTG. MAZUT 7(PETROLEU,4 RESIDUES) FROM ROMANSHKINO AND ARLANSK (;RUDE OILS AT RATES OF 1.3-4.7 G-SEC YIELDED AZCOROI-NG TO CALCNS. BASED ON A SINGLE ,,PYROLYSIS CYCLE 57-78 AND 55-78PERCENr;GAS AND 3L-.40 ANO 27-38PERCENT PRODUCTS, OF WHICH 7-11 AND 9-12PERCENT 8. SAALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO ~230DEGREES WERE RECOVERED BEFORE,:RECYCLING*; OPTIAAL CONDITIONS FOR MAX. AND: I 7..5PlERQ'lENT) WjERE-0 02,'AND.0.08 SEC AT _SUB4 Y I ELDS ( 22. 8 .945 AND 930DEGREES WITH ST-EAMj NAZUT RATIOS B'OF 0.66 AND 0.49 KG-KGl, RESP., FOR ARLAN MAZUT-C SUB6 H:SUB69:PHMEt ME SU82 C ~SUBb H SUB4 PLUS PHET, AND NAPHTHALENE,, YIELDS Wj=-RE MAX. 16*Ot 1,6v 0.2-1 AND 1.4PERCENTP RESP.).AT AN C SUB2 4 SU84 YIELD OF l3o8PERCENT Wl,iEN THE CONDITIONS WERE SEC AT 960DEGREES WITH 8 EQUALS 0.51, WHEREAS THESE YIELDS WERE 2 11 0.5, AND 0.5PERCENT AT AN CL SU137- H SU64 YIELD OF 17,5PERCENT WHEN T~E CONDITIONS WERE 0.07-0.09 SEC AT 920-50oEr5REES WITH B EQUALS Oo5 AND THE FRACTION OF THE ORIGINAL S !LEFT IN THE, COKE wAS SIMILAR TO 30PEPCENT.. THIS FRACTION dAS MIN. (StMILAP TO ll.~ANS 25PERCENT) AND C 'RCENT) wilUl THE RESP. SUB2 14 SU134 YIELDS WER~ HIGH (27*6 AND 17.611f. 'MAZUTS WERE PYROLYZED FOR 0.03:AND 0.06 SEC A'r 915 AND 945DEGREES WITH 3 EQUALS 0.75 AND 1.01 BUT AROMATIC ~ HYDROCARBON' YIELDS WERE REDUCED BY LIENCY'BY S1141LAR TO 3.5-4.OPERCENT, SIMILAR TO 33PERCENT AND POWER EFFIC LN COMPARISON WITH SEP. PRODUCTION OF POWER AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTSO POWER PLANT PYROLYSIS UNDER OPTIMAL CO(NDITIONS REaUCED BOILER FUEL ...~:'~CONSUMPTION BY SIMILAR TO 20PERCENT AUD POWER:COSTS.BY SIMILAR TO Z.50PERCENT. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 62~.981:621.595 E. OD DMZHINISHY, I.V.1 ZIMOIL IKO, V.P.,: FG.'40A, I.P., FJR:,:;J,-V, N.A RL :A.V "Deep-Water Nine-Channel System Of flydrophonee, Tr. Akust. in-ta (Works Of The institute Of Acoustics), 1971, No 16, Do 5-lr- Tfrom K7h:Elektronika L_ye yg. primaneniye, No 1, Jan 72, Abstract No 1A641) Tranolationt A deep-water eystem of hydrophones ic deccribod which assures simultaneous reception of scoustic signals at nine levels at depths up to -i a dynamic ranc-e of ' 0 m in the frequency range fron 2 hz to 6 Vhz witi db. With the object of increasing the reliability arid simplifying the trans- mitting device, a syetn~~ of' freq-tioncy aodulation io used with an uncontrolled center band. Autrimat-ic frecuency cont Irol of the oscill9tore Is incornorated in the rocoiving Cevico. Tho lovioring devioes *are d~stlngulxhod only by the 'central frequencics and the froquoncies:of the.remote control o!~' the aitenuat- hydrophone of barium titinate ore. ; nondiractional cylindrical. with, self-- 4 L capacitance of 680 picoferad and i senBitivily oP 80.microvolt/bar is used as the signal source. Connection of the s-gnal sourcee is accomplished by a Len- erf:tor circuit. . The noise level In the li'Ae because~ of disccntinuities cioes -Ah t ~permiesiblt.-:,I' tb3m~-of_-~hydrb d ~ a n. :P~Ones~ a tYP8 i-14L-7 T oy Ti;~o cab1-e.-;hw,;ser _i:~ used whic'n h66 three r"wen a), I cores -iith a wave impedance of 1,T, ohm and four insulated steel hawsers. 6 ill. 4 ref. L.K. USSR, UDC 616.988.6-097 GURTSEVICH, V. E., MAZURENKO. 14. P., z ilyk R PROBATOVA, N. A., -and STEPANOVA, G. N., Laboratory of t rlrmo",W~gy, of Leucosesp. Laboratory of Systemic -Blood Diseases, and Division of Pathological Anatomy of Iluman Tumors, Institute of Experimental and Clinical Oncology, Academy of Scienc~!s USSR, Moscow "Specific Surface Leukosis antigen and Cellular 'Malignancy in -11lice of tile CC57BR Line Infected with Mazurenko Virus". Moscow, Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologii.ii Meditsiny, No 3, 1-970, pp 100-104 Abstract: Mice of the CC57RB line were injected With 'Ma4urenko virus. The time needed.for appearance of specific antigen in cells of various organs and tissues was compared with the appearance of malignant cell transformation, detected morphologically and by transplantation. Using the irm-aunofluorescence method, specific surface antigen was detected before the histololytical diagnosis of leukemia was made and before the cells became transplantable. This antigen was found in spleen, thymus, lymph nodes, and bone marrow at about the same time. A direct relationship was detected between the quantity of fluorescent cells and the degree of morphological change. 7!1 A Acc', Nr: Re'A, Code; A051972 PRIMARY SOURCE: Byulleten' Eks~ierirnental'. odly Biologf-i i Meditsiny, 19705 Vol Nr.3 pp 1,o6-1j91 SPECIFIC SURF-ACE LEUKEMIC ANTIGEN AND CELLULAR ALALIGNIZATION IN MICE OF THE CC577BR LINE INFECTED WITWMAZURENKO'S VIRUS Y. E. Gurtsev Ch A. P. Af al-M-! ten ko. % 1, Zhigova, N. Al. Erqbq!~ _ua., G~.LV. St ova lite of E enja! ~a d, C idir'al he Aca demy jU of t' Of Jmerlvil Sciences; 'of (the U�~~qw. A specific surface andgen, detected by,menns of immunollucrescence in mice of the CC57BR line infected with Alazurenko'svirus,'~.%,as revealed before establishing the cytohisto- logical diagnosis of leukemia and before the " ells acquired the capacity to transplantation. The referred to antigen wis determined in In cted mice approximately at the same periods in the spleen, thyrnu-, lymph nodes and bom learrow, this may be interpreted in favor of the autochthonous origin of the leukemia studied. There was established a direct -relation between increase of the quantity of fluorescent cells in he organ investigated and intensification the. rein of morphological changes accompanied, bf,- tho, &velopml~imt of leukemia. P r, 77- t b 6 1 : 5: 3 P~l va nc - .21 f~-! Cle 0 V. p era t ur -C 10 0 -,f i'001 ing a adt !p 0 u r i z c: -d -~a 7 0i 7 2 3 7 3 1,:", 0, 1:: -IC c---c LL C"'L - a--ag to o I': 1' 'la 0 c: c -I t ------ ----- A '85.623.4 USSR IDG 621.1 ORISOV,.L.M., ZAKHAROVA, A.N., YEV7JSHEXKOj M_ IIJIMAN, G*M.# FETPOV, D.M., SAMOROM, G.A. "Experimental Television Klystron With M& Ef f leiency" Elektron. tekhnika. Nauchno-tekhn. ob. Elektron*. SVCh (Elactronie. Technology. Scientific-Technical Collection. Microwave EloctranIce), 1970, No 7, pp 160-162 (from H""h-Elektronika i ye, No IIA126) ye, prl~n ni e~, No 11, November 1970, Abstrdct 'Translationt The development is reported of an experimentiiiI klyntron, the purametare of which were optimized for a specified current and voltasta with the aid of an elec- tronic computer. The electronic efficiency ~of the klystron produced amounts to 70 percent. 'dith an amplificution band of 1.3 percent and a nhift of' the wiiximuci smplitude-f requency: characteristic to the. lo.4-frequoncy . sWe, %ho maximum of f ic ioncy -(with respectu power in the load) exceeds:60;parcant with an,amplification factor of 40 db.,.Summary. Ref 'code; A.,C, Nr: UR 0239 AP0044212- PRDIARY SOURCE: Fizialogicbeskiy hurnal, 1970, Vol 565 Jz Nr 1, pp ON THE ROLE OF ANTERIOR IN THERMOREGULATION UNDER COOLING AND HYPOTHERMIA IN RATS Karlov A:.; semenov, P. P. Maystra~b, 'Ye V Zh~=ShMa Prom the Departni. of Cliaioal_~athology S. M. Kirov'Postgraduate Medical lm~4ute, Experiments in rats applying the method of electrolytic lesions, histological and histo-chemical study of nuclei of the anterior hypothalamus revealed their participation in the thermoregulating reaction under'coolbF and hypotliermia o( un-anaesthetized animals. A comparatively weak, regulating. in lwhce of this r area upon the processes maintaining temperature homeostasis and participation. of jhb medial, nucleus of-the preoptle. zeklon into Viis reaction. dur the 0.6riddjothypothermal Wf-restoration, have W9 been wtablished. '717 REELORME. .1/2 016 UNGLASSI FIED PROC.ESSING DATE--090CT70 :.'.-iITLE--l5EHAVIOR UF CHLORINE IN THE: ELECTROLYSIS UF COPPER AfqO v4SOLURLE -'4iqobEs AND AGITATION OF THE ELECTROLYTE:, AT HIGH CURRENT DENSITIES ~.-~AUTHO'4- (05+-~HVZHL NSKAYA, A.V.v HIGINA* ~A. 1,* 'ZHA TK 114A T.F.r MIKHAYLOVAY ~~CQUNT RY 0 F- I N FQ~- U-S, SR Z E-EILEKTROKHIMIYA IWO, 6(3), 315-17 miitci DATE PUBLISHED 70 -,,-.SUB.JECT AREAS-MATERIALS ic TAGS-COPPER ELECTRULYTIC RF-FINI.14G,l ELECTROLYTE., ELI.-CTROI)EPOSI T ION, P M , XTRACTIVE METALLURGYY CHLORINE ,C(JNTR0L'MAkKING--NU RESTRICTIONS 'D0tUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PRGXY REEL/FKAML---1995/1382 STEP NO--UR/0364/70/006/003/UIL5/03it CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116831 --UNCLASSIFIC0 ;- _ ! . , ~ 212 016. UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-09OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NG--AP0lt633l --,ABSTRACT/ EXTRACT- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IN THE ELECTROLYSIS OF A SOLN. ~-(:O;i T G. ~GU 45-50# H SUB?. SU SU~34,9Q-100v' NIS10 SUB4 SMALLER THAN 00. EQUAL TO 20, -AND -CL NEGATIVE (AS NACL) 50-500, G-DM PRIME3..AT -50DEGREES, THE 'ELECTROLYTE WAS AGITATEO BY AN AIR.FLOW UF :10 L.-Cf-I PRIME2 OF INTERELECTRUDL CROSS SECTION PER HR. THE.RATIO OF CL IN THE ATM. TO JHAT IN SULN. DOES NOT CHANGE WHEN THE C-04 IS:' INCA'EASEO FROM 1000 TO -:? -14~VRLME2. A CONCU. OF 0.5-1.5 G FECL SU63-014 POME3 15 500. A ~SUFFILIENT IN THE HYDROMETALLUPGICALi TREATMENT; OF:C'EMENY -CU AND SUB S~QUENT:: ELECTRODEPOS IT ION OF~CU. FRCH.-SOLNO FACILITY: GOS. AUO.,.- ISSLE-0- INST. TSVET. METALLIJI MOS COW Al _USSR. UNCLASSIFIED -1/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PRCCESSING DATE--090CTTO ITLE-BEHAV I OR OF CHLORINE IN THE ELECTROLYSIS OF COPPER. AND INSOLUBLE ANODES ANU T % A Ilk' AGI iATIGN OF THE ELECTVOLYTE AT HIGH CURRENT DENSITIES -~-:A.UYHUR-:105)~-LiUZf4i~t~4SK11YAl A.V.v MIGINA A.[.! ZHATK f I INA TrF., MIKHAYLOVA, 'OUhT-RY-OF: INFO USSR E~--ELEKTROKHIMIYA 1970p 6 (3):, .3157- 17,:* ,''DATE -PUBLISHED-70 ~.,MBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS '-'.TOP-IC: TAGS-GOPPEP. ELECTRULYTIC REFINING#:ELECTRGLYTE, ELECTRODEPOSITION ,.PRGXY.REEL/FkAME--1995/1382 STEP NO--UR/0364/70/006/003/0315/0311 C R CACCESSION NO-AP01116831 21.2- 016 UNCLAS s IF I ED PkCCESSING 0ArE--09f."CT70 C-:I,-,c Am- Ss I rxi ING-AP 0 L 16 a31 GP-no- ABSTkACT. IN THE ELEr'TRULYSIS OF A SCLN. .:-~.CONTG. GU 45-5U* H SU62 SU SU~54 90-100, NtSU SUB4 SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO 20jr AND CL NEGATIVE (AS &ACL 50-500 Gl"DM PRIM43 A-r. 50DEGREES, THE -ELECTROLYTE WAS AGITATED BY AN AIR FLUW OF 10 PRIPIE2 OF INITERELECTROWE CROSS SECTION PER HR. JHE RArto OF CL IN THE ATM. TO -THAT IN SUN. DGES t4OT CHANGE I;HEN THE C.O. 15 INCREASE0 Fp'0M 1()00 TO 2500 A-ti PRIPE2. A CbriCIN. OF 005-1.5 :G FECL SUG3_lilD,*ll Pill-ME3 IS :SUFFICIENT IN THE HYDROMETALLURGICAL TikEATMENT OF ~CEMEIJ CU AND JENTELEC-TROOEPOSITION OF W FROM' SOLN.~ FACILITY: GOS. ISSLED. INST. TSVET. METAL. MOSCOWs- USSR.: Veterinary IbdiciTie USSR uct 6.1,9,614-94:612.0iL.464 sk~ V6terinary Tristitute AB1?MV, So S.. and MWIENK0. V. I., Viteb: "&feet of ff,-droaeroions on Aerial mcron dingull ora 12a Fam Buil Mosecro_, Veterinariya, No 2, 1971, PP 34-35 Abstract: Pbtri dishes were a-mused in stalla where sick mimls i-p-re lo~mt and in a passageway betweezi the stp-hs. The dip,'hes wf--e then subjocted to hydroaero= ionizatiol f 30 idmitim (the cOII(.QrItMtiOr. CAI' i'VOIn 150,105 Ox '0 25C). 1 -Dlic microflora iicre inoculated orit o a- mij ~,(,-ries -,f dishes E,-qd trans- t ferred one hour after ik-~-a3eroionitmtion to stUl motheir seri,es c-f dishov, Jr- 6 -M utwve after a cub ted at 37 for 24 hours, and Impt for h8 =~~e. hourrvi in ch~ to; per- Rtdch . he calonies ware coun'ad . Me number r. ~ m T -Icj,oorm4 ism.' (mainly S.'albus, citreus, 1r -ii"Un oteus w06guricq, E. colii Bunicil Isperg',ilIvs) in tlc oir zdroacl-0ionizaticn, dec,~ LK-at~ed move t! cif the stalls after 30 mLnute-s' Iz An hour. I-ater the numb~-,r Lncreas~~d but was 1e&:-. than beffore emcsure. TIt e passagemy betTeai the stalls, t1he changes u, er ~ Lh less pronotuiced because of the 'greater ve-1-ocity of the air f1ow and.Wcause, the-con-centration of h~d-roaeroions was nuc-)i low-er. 2-12 Oil UNCL ASS I FIED P11"OCESSING DATE---18SEP70 C4R'C' ACCESSION NO--AP00541944 .ABISTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- A8STRACT. IN THE COMPD$, CA SUB32 TA SUB2 COO SU89 AND CA SUB3 TA SUB2 CAO SUB9 (CA SU64 TA-SUB2~O SUB9)t A NE TYP~: ::1 -UF~ PEROVSKITE LATTICEE DISTORTION -WAS QBSD. ~ IN CONTRAST: *rO THE KINOWN' -TRICLINIC DISTORTION, THE PE-POVSKrTE LATTICE OF THESE C014PDS. 15 OaTAINED FROM -~A SUPPLEMENTARY MONOCLINIC DISPLACEMENT ALONG THE LONG -f.~..:-DIAGONAL OF THE BASE. NOV UDC: fiI&,)3-O36,lZ-O36.ZI(47Oj) =MOWZC rROGRESSM, LURr. DISWI k As k RECIONAL PIMOLOGY IN SOM NORTH-EASTERN PARTS OP. T)EFUSSR [Article loy R I Barsovz~ -L Y' Ut'jinnik A.A. Zhavorchkxnr E.E. v1_1 V, S. I ~.;p Vescnik Ak de,'tft MeAit4tit.kilch Nauk _197j,,pp, 3-141 At the presto t time, the attention of -pathologist .1 d cIInIcIon4 is a , n balag 41W.,A moie~ and more to chrortic piagr6al;ie diparlies of the ltmsw resultto& In fibroals and'emphysema... ~P=.Macly years.,61afly in Frialand. they w. ia 6411,_ 'd cf%F'quic bronchitis which I'sin~e tho clibili 'of Bodhoice (1806), 'pr~actically.a. trade t.. been 6n.tderd itlonal EnjUsh.diserme.. It is not by chance that Stakes, (1837) in his' classical textbook an thoracic patnoloyy devoted much v-ure attention to it than to tuberculapia. English recoarchfiro have authoiad many works dealing with'the eympcomaitology.,x-ray diagnosticoe and posolblo otialogy of chronic bronchitis. Its traditional link with tfie, --Nhumid climate of the British Isles. exacerbation of the diatiitmo cluxing the Cold BeAdOft have become firmly fixed in the.constiouiness of many physicteno. A comprehensive monograph dealing with chronic branchitin has bees ;~jb- .110hed by a te&-u of Englirli physicians azz4'aaized by (tavald (j958). ibis author thntons t rated.. in purticular, that in England and Walval 30,000 people Idled of bronchitis in 051, which constitutes 7 percent of till causes of dvath. To this wo should add 21;000 deaths due to prietimattia. 2,000 deaths due to bronchlectonla, and 13,000 deaths becuia-Ae of asthma, It is chance that we c9t*uro these indices, since bvonchitti, isithma, )iranchittthsia, as we-It as kmphysems. are ct iten comb ined, and it Is only che ~ chl of ' -linical syndramo that zmak.. it possible to separate them into different cateptcrted. Thu Incidence of chronic. bronchitis is clescribed in concradletory wdys. However. there Is no doubt that, under specific cllmot6 conditions. this dinsarie could ba cite of the,.chief couses of disability. I LVIdently. the sickness begins at .%i% earlj.ote '(20-30 yaar0, but meet ditatha ate vatarable to tho. and aKed (Os%~ald). Amorig, its vLci~ma theiro'li pire'valen .cerij Individuals C-pkittataiCiria" bUt, Majellcir ''in* Spedirl i1cal'. transpertiti communications IaIn warkars ate stricken'partieuiarly often.. In Lngland,hrionchitis doon not spars igrAcultuial workers, unskilled 10aters and repreianiatives of other -0c5upatio,141 groups, -A "j UNC L A S S, I F I F0. PR'(k2SfrNG TITLE-ill- T!4-:: HISTG?A-.~,'L illiDLGIGI CAL CKARACTZERIZST ICS L) FS CME 1,N(: R -,k YGLANDS -Z; e- RAT S11-1 ~JLLWR Nl- Plf JX ICA T10 iN U A.-I. 00 V.A* CIGUNTRY~ OF INFG--USSR SGURCE-BYlJLLE'-T"t:N' EKSPER.11ENTA0NOY BIOLOG11, 1~ ~MED13-51NY, L970, VOL 49, NR 6 ~,PP 1.07-110 DATE PUBLISHED--- SUBJECT APEAS-- BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICA L SCI ENCE S, TOP I C. TAGS-SUDIUM CUMMUNO FLUOR WE FLUOROSrXS, THYRO i D GLAND, PAR4THYROID G L AN 0 CONTROL ~MARKIN-G-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT C L A S Sy- - ON C LA fS I F IF) EL/FRAMF--3004/0573 STEP i~40--UR/02L9~70/041?/006/0107/0110 PROXY REC CIRAC- A C C,~~w S 3 1 F) IN, NO A P 0 13 t 1 -4 b L-ASSI-F-I 6 C E 5 ING DATE--13NOV70 -02z UN G -~ 5 ~S I G N AS-AP01,31.196 B& JRA T/ EX TP -AC T ~(U) G P - 0 ABSTRACT. A 5 0 L U T 10 'OF S~~JIDIIJA FLUORIDE IN s E 5 v~'i= -1i o. l A- ;-4 C) 100 0 f 'L1" -3 Y liEl'iff 16AS `;DAILY iNTI.ROLIUCED SU3CUTANEU11SLY T 0 179 A Lfil NO RATS ; AS. COiNTRUL SE,PZVEJ 26 ;BATS TO ~010M A S 01 L 'J, T I Llii 0 i: SO b I U -A FLUGr~10L- WAS 'N'Of INTKODUCED. 1, H ',:' AUTll0qS INVESTIGATED THE- THYROID AND PARA THYRO I D ..GL ANDS rH-L-: PERfOD 13F TAT'N !CAT i ON UP TO 206- uAYS IN THE FIRST TWO GRGUOS AND IJP TO 60 DAYS, I'-; Ti E THIRD G R P AFTE-il THE SOLUTION AV'lENlSTt-.ATT();l-J UP T 0. TIH E 3 5 T H A -N D -1231RO DAY IN GRG~A'15. IT '4A$ ESTABLISH~f.") THAT FLJ041NE 1S t lou Wt u , ',i I TH A ki I NS I GN I F I CA N T L Y 4K K E t) TH.Yk0S TA T 1.(' L- - rt:(. r EXPLK 1;4FNTAL LUO~~,-DSIS 1,N RAI'~S IS 6Y SEGCt`DATY HM-MPAKATHYROSIS AND T N U17A f3 E q L L S: PkODUCING V ME LF SPEC I F I C LUC I D. THYI~0 I D~ ..-TH RE5EARCH INSfITUTE OF ~Y 11, C C A L C I T ON 1 N FACILITY~: SCIENTIFIC liiiu-Ah MORPHOLOGY 03 F THE ACADE';,M ff~ 1ME6 LCAL: S C~ I E'Nc 5 U F~* THE USSRt SSIFIED-: -1871 two, 660 102 L. K.j Candidate of Technic---' Sciences, TULIN, X. A., Candidate of K. F. Enggineer, IAD-UNOVICHO 0. A. I Engineer, Technical Sciences, ZHAXQ,'IQ,7if' and ZITNUOV, 1. YU. .7 Engineer "IforUng Enerience of a 100-ton Electxic: Furnace wi+,I) Upmted Transfor;nsr and improv Short ha~- Oa 10 Moscow, Stall', 17 3, liar 73, pp 236-238 Abstraztt I'mnsformners of 29, 15 Fund 32 Mv-amp u-prated no.-Anal powcr, Pe=ittin'- -tezro-razy over]-c-ading up to 45 kw-amp, on two 100-ton electric furnaces at the Chelyabinsk: Iiatall%=glaa! Plant. 1,110derniza- tion of short nains ansux-ed a more; uniform. Nwer distributio'ft by- phases and eacreased induction losses. The . conditions i of M- eItLig "Atmiriless and atructla-al tive' s furth6r. mm,~ernizatlor' steels are disemse.. For greater effee ne s =asures tust ba ca=,Aed out. One figum i four htbliez! hiit~ references, M-0 010 UNCLASSIFIED~ PRO~ESSII~IG DATE-020r"T70 N0----`AT0112S83 R tEXJR_ACT* (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CATALYTIC, PPOPERTIES [IF TYPE Y, Y a s-T ACT LBENZENE CRACKING AT 6ECATIONIZE~D ZEOLITES, USE[) IN IS'QPROPY _.~'_-280-450DEGPCEES WERE INVESTIGATED BY USING THE 14PUL$E METHOD. CAT I D'4 :~.DECATIONIZEP SAMPLESt CONTAINING VARIOUS PROPORTIONS OF Yv NAv ANO ERE GATA I NE D I N 2 WAYS: (1) THE: NA-NH SU84 F~)Rm DECATIONIZED RESIDUES, WE ~OF-..THE ZEDL1TE WAS TAKEN AND THEN Y WAS INTRODUCED~b)Y 10.11 EXCHANGE, (2) :THF:lNITIALFORM WAS NA-Y ZEOLITE, INTO WHICH NH S B4 la 15 WE E ---INTRODUCED.,. AN AMORPHOUS HOUDRY ALUMINOSILICATE WAS Al-50 EXAMD. FOR COMPARISON.- CELL PARAMETERS OF CRYST. SAMRLES WFRE`DFTD. BY USING X RAY HIiTl400S'_. i C-ELL PARAMETERS, REACTION RATE CONSTS-AT 4-OODEGREES, AND AC-TIVATION-ENERGIES FOR 8 CATALYSTS ARE TARVLATED.. THE RATES DIFFER CONSIDERABLY (BY A FACTOR Of 2G)f BUT ACTIVATION ENERGIES ARE SIMILM SIMILAR TO 17 KCAL MOLr:". FOR''A HIGH"'CATALY71C ACT'[ VITY qiT4E RATIO OF ALL.3 COMPONENTS# OECATIONIZED RESIDUES* INTRO OU C (7 D,: CAT 1;04, AND REMAINING NA, IS JMPORTANT. FOP, INCREASED ACTLVITYo,'THE LOWERING OF THE :'NA:-CONTENT aECAUSE OF AN INCREASE OF DECATIONIZ:Ek) PARTS 15 140RE EFRECTIVE THAN THAT BECAUSE OF AN INCREASE:.OF TRIVALI.ENT CATION. THE MPLE CONTAINED: THI, SMALLE.~T AMT. OF NA. THE -MOST CATALY:TFCALLY ACTIVE SA --tADER-OF INTRODUCTION OF CATIONS WAS-OF :GRE~AT IMPORT.ANCEFOR -,-.STABILIZATIQN OF THE ACT URE. OF THE~ CATALYS7: BETTER CATALYSTS IVE STRUCT WERE 65TAINED BY IST TAKING NA HOLITE, ~ I N rAODU C I Nf':;' ! 14 EI.RIVALE147 CATJON,: ANO:THEN REPLACING NA BY~~NH SUB419 X DECAnwitup ZEOLITES ARE HJGHLY EFFECTIVE CATALYSTS FOR TiE,' CRACKING: REACTION. A' COAPLEX ~'Z~,- INTERACTION OF. COMPONENTS WITH THE ~!ZEOL ITE* LATT.ICE: ACCOUNTS FOR THIS 16H AND STABLE:CATALYTic ACTIVITY, RP,0021954 14ARY SOURCE. EMS Daily Report, S;Jviet Utulon, I Feb 70,: 1 7N, N-, 7, 1? DI PRL VSSR M-SCOW,ACA-DEMY 0.7 SC;IENCES ~SETING ContUDES K3;cou TASS Int1*x-iAtional lepViCt! 4-1 Ft 6 - glish 1753 GMT F-~b 70,~ 1, [Text] Monow, February 6, TABn--Intensificatton'of'~ productLeim or, thtt Lasis of lIAteSt 2chievements of science ,ras the, topic of. discussion at ~'he S-titeral meqting Ilaking r4irt. of the.Academy~of Sciences of the IJSSR which anded.ItS Work Wflay, in.the discussion were scientists, and representatives of -the 11ndustry, e -I, p. advantagi-ails nf cap~tai "It is shovr be statistical data, sclarzen is th lnve3taents," a2id Aeadenleian Min T)NS4zM.k - inr jilm 'Ecomm' a _qr.. Analyt ,Mitt pro MoinAgemant And SotentIf'Lq-V;chnI(.aI. i;Z jie~x+ported tl-al;, the lnarcmt~tit. or t;hc Vational income from aAacationi, into 4clerice Iti se-veral-rold Ii.'gher I.Tian th:at received an a result ol' direut Investi4ent into pr,~Auctlon. Further tecbrical, Acadltmici2rl Boris Wt t,,, ri: be- 114 vt ,iffiipe-M3 in many re-speot.5 upon thi d-eieloprnenl~ -jf mitalli;'r-gy. i'~i-pite the v1pId Frowth of produ~tifa'- --ction material of syntheitic materials, metal will rezain tlze prin6lpal eonst'U In the-fareseeable futuxe," '.h* scien;ist taid atlb" mAnting.': AP0021954 S=ing up th-! results of the discussion. Acddamic.Lan Xikclal. Zhavorozikov ha.3 jatd that development of scientific foundatIons. of cht~aiaaf ir. one at- tile mo:5t important tasks of chemiz-, in part!F_ fie mcalled thati over. ()00 big G,, n~lftc and techniczI estizutes w~lre pit" into eff~tct Ii-i t~iO chtmical r-ndustry in the rrc-cnt decade. Academician, Nobel Prize wi-iner,, nikolai Basov belttves',It netit*3ar,,! to e5t;.blish. acientific laboratories at ail instltljtas~undcr- different bmOchLs Of Industry and Plants scientlatts are coop-erat4ng witli_ lie b~elieves th2tJithts wM spted up. introduction or,di.9coveries into Produc tiom The general meeting massed a decision on.the ta;S of the Ac*dO~ y or'. Uiancez of tht Its nical- progresa, n d .33134~ linked -with teciu _:The'-de~iiio prmiriesi prio.rLty vesearch P.0wor ansinearing'. itontrol arri autalwtion. Ta. CV!C ran e and tht, other sphcrm IS30091 USSIR UDC: 6-- -MNIEVIO, N. I. HOLOCHINIX V, YE. V. , 01 Id "ComparatIve Evaluation of 1.1'ethods for Gas Chrom-Lto phic Datermination of 9M Caxbamate Pesticide Residues" Tr. 2-go Vses. soveshch. po iseled. ostatkov pastitsidov i px.-,filakt. z_-x,-ryazn,3.-dya- iLii produktov pltarilya;, kormoir i vriashri.: sredy (Tran-sacti.o.'ris of the Second All-Union Conforence on the Study of Pe~iticidp 21"esidues and Prevention of Their Contanination of Food Products, Potider und the Fxternal Environzaent) , Tallirul, 1971, PP 77-80 (from nh-DIJ-Liya, Vo 13, 10 ulld 72, Abstract. Ila 13A44 by T. A. Belyayova) Translations Survey, Comparlsonlof VPC carlwmte doternination meth6ds, The most promising aiva is the detection 'ofl:carlaw'.to OGtlcides in the form of brominated. derivatives idth --tho u~e_ 6f'.~ atri eleictxon; ~6&ptuxe detector. 7a) USSR' UDC 543.8:632.93 CAnaidates of Biological Sciences MOLOMNIKOV, V. V., and ZHAVORON'KOV, N. I., ~Cdndidate uf Technological Sciences -POLYAKOVA, V. N. ., and%616aLov, All-=11nion Institute of Experimental Veterinary Sciences "Idvestigation of Solvents' Distillation Methods for the Purpose of Determin- ing_-Certain Pesticides With the Use of Gas Chromatogr4iphy 116scow, Doklady Vsesoyuznoy Ordena- Lenina Akademii SeVskokhazyaystvennykh Nduk imeni V. I. Lehin, No 7, Ju 101, ly pp! 32-33 Abstract: The ever increasing use of chemical pesticides ia agriculture necessitates the development of analytical methods which make it possible todetermine the residue content.of these chemicals in food products, water, soil., stock feed, and so on in quantities as small asA.001 to 1.000 micro- grams per kilogram. Anong such methods. is ~ gas chromatography. For this purpose processes which make it possible to distil and evaporate solvents containing the pesticides to lowest concentration volumes are required. The object of the investigations described in the article was to determine the..-efficacy of different distillation methods when applied,for the USSR*. DIOLOCHNIKOV, V. V.,et al., Doklady Vsesoyuznoy Orderia. Lenina Akademii Sdl'skokhozyaystvennykh Nauk imeni V.::I. Lenin, No 7, July 1971, pp 32-33 preparation of four of the most widely used pesticides 4,4'-dichloroai- phenyltrichloroethane (DDT),, 4,4'-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethylene (DDE); trichlorometaphos-3 (TKhM-3); the gamma-isouler of hexachlorocyclohexane (lindane).for gas chromatography. One milliliter of a standard mixture Containing 10 micrograms of each of the pesticides u4as dissolved in 100 milliliters of a mixture of benzene and hexanein a'1ratio of 3:8. Distil- lAtion was carrie:d out in a 500 milliliter round-bottom retort (retort 1); 500 milliliter flat-bottom retort (retort.2);;120 mill'liter round-bottom retort (retort 3); Petri dish; and 25,0 milliliter round-bottoni retort on an;-IR-1 evanorator. The~contents of retorts 1, 2, and 3 were distilled as follows: on a boiling water bath for 12 minutes; on a water bativat 80 dogrees,Centigrade (C) for 40--760 minutes; on a water bath at 45-50 degrees C in an air current for 20--:40 minutes. The contents of retort 3,were also d-stilled on a water bat'i 2/3 ~A ItA 1-i USSR- MOLOCHNIKOV, V. V., et al., Doklady Vsesovuznoy Ordena~Lenina Akademii S61'skokhozvaystvennyk-h Nauk imeni V. I. Lenin, No 7, July 1971, pp 32-33 at:45-50 degrees under vacuum for 25-30 minutes; of Petri dish in an air current at room temperature for 45-50 minutes; of the 250 milliliter round- bottom retort on a water bath of an IR-1. evaporator at-a temperature of 45*~--50.- degrees C. Distillation. was continued., until volumes of .0.2-0.4 were obtained. The residue Was;washed with,10 milliliters of he"-~rane and analyzed.~ Optimal results we're obtained in:'distillation under vacuum at 45-50 degrees C. Only about 0.5 percent of the lindane was lost, wh-ile the other pesticides were determined-without los6. 3/3- USSR UDC 532.516 KIOLPAI OV, L. P. SHKADOV, V. Ya., MALYUSOV, V. A., ZHAVOROII~XOV, N. 1-1. "A Theoretical Study of Gravitational Runoff of Thin Layers of Liquid Under 7 Wave: Formation" V sb. TeDlO- i massoperenos, T. I(Heat and Mass Tranbfer. Vol. 1 -- Col- lection Works) , Minsk, 1972, pp.186-197 (from RZh4!",_1:hanika, No 8, Aug 72. Abstract No BB741) Translation: The Droblon of the flow of a thin liquids -Film over a vertical plane in the absence of gas f low and the analogous pralem of a film in~ the presence of a -gas flow washing the film are: solved in the nonliTlear approximation. To solve the first problem the flow fuziction and the variable thickness of- the f ilm arn- ex..pand6d in scries Ili tEa,ms of harmonics. Eauations for the eypansion coefficients obtained aftO, subzlitltuting exian- sions into the Navier-Stokes equations and the boundary conditions are solved bv corm-outers. Figirres, are given showing the lines of and the ratio of the rulf.'ace velocity to the, averape Nith ra--kc-L to the fik~l thickilens) for two valut.,_i Gf the Galileannu;~,ibo, G gh-Il'?, It is Pointed 1/2 MV NOLPANOV, L.-P., et al, Teplo- i.nassoperenos. T. 1 M in sk, 1972, pp -197 that the flrfa function and the tangential stress at the wall taRe on nega- tive values at the valleys of the waves for G > 45. The second pxx-ohlem of a film interacting with a gas is SOINed under the assumution of a parabolic velocity profile of the liquid: ln:the film (the Kapitsa assump- tion). The problem of the motion 'of the gas: is not solved -hut the inter- action of the-film with the gas is taken Into.account by assigning some -constant.tangential stress on the.surface'. The equation of the surface ~in this problem is also sought in the form of an expansion in terms of harmonics and the authors restrict themselves to the s(~_cond -approximation in terms of the amplitude. The,value of:' the square of ~ the -mDl-itude is given f or the ~case of downward f law d2 Rlg.(:J-T12) _I/il/2 + R116 -T, wherr e T-is the dimensionless tangential.stress~.;: 14,ref. L. 11. Maurin. 2/2 :4(:>N0RGAr4lC CHE:~=STRY AND FROGRESS OF 'r!;E CHEKICAL iNDUSTRY pronkov; 'Mvascow, Vo-:,,Ini;c Alv.~- [Report of Ac,),Nl,,.lcian Pl. M. Zhave .lz.,uk SSSR, Run:;i '1 .7 7, .6 L, mi I ;T,--vr 4T, wo m'-,"n4urt 19 1, P-,7 siFt in the fact- that it!F Progress d'-pemis I on tne development a! boric r-cientifir rei-arch to a qre~jter thgn in many c',:her branches. . M- p~rogre:~z of the ChC.Mlt-,41 Int!ustry, ~~h-~ch har, PjLr mitted cvc.-comaim; 4 z .2,t:; -~cht.nd -.achinc~'- ilcilln.g., al- it _u ', = 4az a -esult, of the eevelopment in chemistry of basic research co.-, ted with kn:),,.*Ic,dc;e of the clectronic structure of che=ical co-m- TOtAnds, the.nature of the chesnic&l 5ond, roactiv.-Ity, the inms, of~.various chemical. reactiona., etc. Of p6ramoun. importan,~o for thii us-~ of the achirrivinents Of chemical lndiiat*rial pr~aci~16i is '6mlinblo-.y -- the ~..zniencc-~'of the mont cconomicol methods and procennes for Pro- raw materialz into objects of con!~Umption and mrann of roduction.. iEll, Modern chemical angint-arlml, ur-inq th~ methods of che-ilr- try, pnynica, nothctwiticn and a n'umbrtt' of anyinect-1-1-4 alid ccano- ic ditcIplinov, out vri(l studle,-:t ii Le3kality of 0%ynic,41 -z-nd chemical pcoces.-~es and optimal pAha of Lheir and control in of varlouz,; pri~,dklcts "n- v~qqr concrete teclm'Lcal ind econutnit~ conditionz,. > The dovelo:ment of bacnic re5oarc:1% 111 the orea-, of axy i~nd chctilcol cn~;Inccirlnc: h..i:; bzK,r-, rv:,,ujt r.)f tho jic,.~-lvity ;f many qcnaration- 0f o' nporial prir,:.picicity e~nd I-r.-,U- Uor.* or,med ,.,izh brooo x;clentific knowlc~.:'.,jo. in tiln corttemrjara-ry rt:i~iu, bn,-..Ic renoorch in ltho orva-- o~ hcmi,it.ry and chumilcol enoincerilv... Intmr. )~,o intetvtlified In order ff" .1 .4 C a nts. .,7to insure the mure e~ Llkl.q Implvalont, Lion of th chiov,~me of ociumce in l.ndu.,:try and croatt, a vcinntific reserve for t~,,e UDC: 532.12 BABAK, V. N., XHOUANOV, L. P., MAITYUSOV, V. A., ""WORONKOV N. M. fts+ -a. Liquid-7Gas System UA de C teady-State Mass Exchange in r onditions of Laminar Opposed Motion of the Phases Tear. osnovy khim. tek-hnol. (Theoretic;~I Princinles cf Chenicall Technalo&v) .1971 5 No 2 -D-n I -0-186 (from RM-Mekhanika, No 7, Jul 71, Abstract No Translation: This naDer deals with the Droblem of redistribut-en of matter between'the gas and liquid phases in. the case of film run-off oi' a liquid along the valls ~of vertical plates -and_ar counterflow conditions. 'The equations of diffusion' in the .~iquidi and, gas, phases re- spectively are wrItten. in the fozin'. dc 17 -'D` She -homdary conditions a--e set im in the following nwiner: C~ =kCr. Ddc.,',6y=D,dc,,'dy on the nhase, interface, o r14~=O cn the,~ ads of the channel 1/2 _7 Teor. osnovy.khim. tekhnol., 0 B.A. B PUK ,V.Ne t al. 1971, 5, No 2, PP 179-18' formed by the vertical plateg Oc~lldy-a on the surface of the Dlates. CTre-ns- lator's note: the subscripts )H andr in these expreonions s t an dfor he concbntrdtion~ of tTansferred matter in liquid and gas respectively- - TL the gas phase at the time of gas input into~the syste :is co, while the 41 concentration of trrmsferred natter in the liquid phas-e at the time of liquid input into the system is zero. Por different values of the dimen- sionless rjarameters c and a2' assuming a flat velocity profile in the =C1.1 rw~va. e the average ve- liquid and gas rhases, viz. V, where al- locities of the gas and liquid phases,respectively,formules are derived for the average concentrations of licuid and gas at the out-out. it is shown that when the inequalitieS eA2,ci,:e~rll are simultaneously satisfied, resistence to mass transfer is concentrated only in thle liquid phase, and when the i are. sinulta-aeously satisfied, the inverse inequalities problem can be solved only in the gas I~hase,.assunin~ that the concentration nte 4thors' abstract.. is equal to zero on the nhase i rfacd. A 212 70 EISSING DATE--160CT70 ZHAVURONKOV -U- HEAVY wATER, -A fnto- 7 UNCL PikOCES~S IN-7 DATE--16OCT70 ~'.CIR-C ACCESSION NO--AP0112275 r~',ASSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PRESIDIUM OF THE USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES A ND PRESIDIUM OF THE CENTRAL BOARD OF:THE ALL UNION CHEMICAL SOCIETY IMENI 0. 1. MENEDELEYEV AWARDED THE 1-969 GOLD MEDAL IMENI o. 1. TO ACADEMICIAN NIKOLAY MIHKAYLOVICH ZHAVURONKOV IN RECOGNITION OF HIS INVESTIGATIONS IN THE FIELD OVTHE CHEMISTRY AND ~JECHNOLOGY OF STABLE ISUTOPES bF, LLGHT ECEMENTS (HYDROGEN, LITHIUM, __,BORONt:..CARBONv NITROGE%*qv OXYGENip AND OTHERS). IN A WHOLE SERIES OF -~.-_ART-ICLES, N. M. ZHAVORONKOV RROVIDEO THE ..CLASS IF ItATION AND A -~-TECHNICOECONOMIC COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT METHOD OF: STA LE ISOTOPES -:;:S E P AR AT-1 ON tAND ANALYZED THE BASIC.TREt%03-QF.JHE D~VELOPMENT OF THESE _~METHODS'* THESE ARTICLES WERE. OF PROGRAMMING SIGNI.FICANcE FOR THE ~.~_-.-DEVELOP~MENT.GF INVESTIGATIONS I.N: THE F I ELD OF: STABLE I.SOTDPES IN OUR -~',.CQUNTRY . AND* THE SELECTION-OF. MORE~~ECONONC_METHODS OF THEIR PRODUCTION, -THE PRODUCTION OF-HEAVY- ATER's -,PART I C.ULARL Y UNCLASSIFIED USSR UX 532-573 S. K.) YMOV, N. N., M.JYUSOVI V. A. A 14Y.ASN19COV, and ZHAVORqt1rtq ~Institute of General and 1norganic Chemi,strj Imeni Karnakov, Acad. Sc. USSR ,Ef. Lective Velocity of the Free~Surfaceofa Flowing liiquid Film" Moscow., Teoreticheskiye Osnovy MUmichesko Tekhnoldg#, voi 6, No 6, iiov-Dec 72, PP 093-899 Abstract: A method wa sdevelop ed for.the determination of the effective rate of movement of a- free surface of On:;the basis of the Ax~erimlental data obtained,- eqi~ations bave ~bcen derivt~d for the calculation of UL for four conditions of floiring: transitional flm- (35.< PeL:~ 80), f irst wave vaV -1: inar f 1.6 (280 -~- Ra 16m), and laminar flow (80, 16oo). It has been shown that the ratio of irL to the iquid velocity VT in the range of laminar fl6i," cond-.L%. n average is less thar 3/2. Mie velocit~,r m, the liqaid film surface has also,been determined in pres- ence of surface active materials and dilute.,aqueous solutions of polymers. USSR .35 uDc 621-3171 NKOV Y. 1. Oscillographie Recording of Microwave Oscillations in 8emiconductor Devices' Moscov,, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, Ho 3: May/Jun 72, pp 132-134 Abstract. The paper describes a method of high-speed cz.-cillographic record- ing on superhigh frequencies using the 10LOIODI. traveling-wave CRT. A ccm- bination-of high deflection sensitivity Capproximwtely 0.1 Vjmn), a broad frequency passband (several GHz) mid a high recording speed (more than 5-104 km1s) makes this method applicable for measuring isolated radio pulses from Gunn generators with a carrier the I Gliz:range. Examples exe presentea of photo-oscillogratts of the valieforms fraa Gunn Walso diodes, parametric diodes, and tunnel diodes., The: possibilitiim for further use of high-spead oscillographic recording in semiconductur microwave elec- tronics are discussed. In conclusion the author thanks V. S. Etkin, for -his advice and constant discussion in the,course of th6 experimental vork, as well as P. 1. Chimkir, and S. 1'. Zhavoronkov for assistanc.-e in preparirZ the oscillograph. 1/1 177 USS~R uDc: 621.375.1h6.6 I IZGAGIN, L. 11.1 SHVAIRTSIJ N. Z., Moscow.State Pedagogical Institutel- "A Transistorized 1,41icrowave Amplifier With 1-1000 MHz Vassband" Moscow, Fribory i 'Feklinika Eksperimenta, No 3, May/Jun 72, pp 134-135 Abstract: The article describes a transistorized microeave amplifier with a passband of 1-100C 14Hz and output amplitude of the oraer of several volts. A.schematic diagram of one staee is presented. The sta.--- contains a GT612 transistor connected in a comnor-emitter circuit, and also an interstage circuit for mfttcliipg the low input impedance of the transit3tor to the rele, tively higher output impedance, mid for leveling outthe tixplitrude-frequency resT>onse over a broad frequency range.: The, SV)R at input and output in- creasea w-th a i i -eduction in freLluency, v-1th a value no gren-ter th9n 3 throughout tht,,. Ims In "'2 -0jand. %'he jrtan of a fou_v-stage mny,-.IJSJ it- IB 'Vith nonuniformity of +1.5dB. The ranplifier has a 11near =,Dlitude charac- teristic tap to oi.%tput of 12 mW, az vell as phase response. 'Vc - av ir Combin ng the four-st-aSe amplifier wIth ~a t ge. hr~ 1; timplif lei creazes the gain to 33� 3 dB without narroving the passbapd. The described four-stage amplifier was used as a preamplifier for the vertical deflec- 1/2 I.. .--I. 2/2 UDC 621.376.5 USSR ZRAVORONNY -OV,V Ii. ,MXISUROV, N. A., IIANSUROV, Yu. A., SOKOLOV, A. V. lip owerful Ifigh-Voltage Pulse Modulator Made of Channelless Elaments" nd Elektrofiz. apparatura i eiektr. izolyatsiya (Electrophysics Hquipment a Electrical Insulation;t Moscow, Energiya Press, ~1970,,pp;75-82 (from RZh- ~Radiotekhnika, No 8, Aug 70, Abstract No 8*D298) Translation: This article contains a description of the.operating principle and schematic of a pulse modulator made of magnetic elements,. -aid thyristors. The modulator consist;s of an output pulse transformer, a shaping cascade and a pulse compression cascade, a step-up pulse "raiisformer,.a -reservoir capacitor, a switching device, a starting module, a charge:circuit:,'and a~power rectifier. A brief engineering description of the modulator is presented. The basic Para- meters of the modulator are the following: pulse power 5b megawatts with a pulse length of 1-10 microseconds, voltage amplitude to 50 kilovolts and pulse repetition rate of 1-200 hertz. The total'comuting currpnt passing through the switching device reaches 20 kIlo#mperes..- The mdulitor is fed directly from a three phase AC network via an.electr.omechanical co~ivertet. There are three illustrations and a five-entry bibliography. 2/2 OV UNCLASSfFlEo PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCE-S.SION NO-AP0139006 A2,STRACTfEXTRA-CT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT THE VULCAN I~ZAT [(_'~N OF- BuTi%olEi',iE .5TYRENE RUBBERS OR 8UTADIEINE NITRILE RUBBERS COWL. 50 WT. PARTS CARBON BLACK WITH P QUINONE DIOXIME M INST.E.AD:OF S GAYE. IMPROVED VUL C AN I Z A T E STHE TENSILE STRENGTH A:T: BREAK, (54(1*4~:MAI OF SUCH RU~iSERS [S SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TO 400 KG-C14 PRlMEZ. ANb THE ELONGATION AT BREAK (EPSILON) IS SMALLER THAN OR EQUAL TU 60OPERCENT.,~ WHILE-THE kUBBERS VULCIANILED WITH 5 HAVE SIGMA AND- EPSILON! 270:.KG-CM, PRIME.2 AND 550PERCENT -RESP.:. J,-TENDS. TO INCREASE -SC0ACfJING,, BUT; THEi ADQJ4. OF PHTHALIC SOFTENERS' ALLEVIATED-JHE-~ PROBL - .1 -ILITY: LENINGRAD. FAC .__~_FILIAL NAUCH.-ISSLED. INST. REZINO.PROM-1 :~LENING.90, CIS SR. USSR UDC 669.295.472* ~GOPIYENKO, V. G., PAVLOVA, L .A. , BAYMKOV Yu. V., .~IAYLY,6~ '.'Influence of Current Density and Temperature on AnoOe Dissolution of Metallic Titanium in Melts" Tr. Vses. N.-i. i Prockt. In-ta Alyumin. Magn. i Blektrod. Pro-m-sti [Works of All-Union Scientific Research and Planning Institute for the Aluminum, Magnesium and Electrode Industry),. No .7D,, -1571 pp:127-136, (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurtal, Metallurgiya No; 5, 1972 Abstxact. No 5 G262 by G. Svodtsevaj"l. nge of,temperatuv3s (150-750*) Translation: Studies performed over a broad ra- and electrolyte compositions.(NaCl-KO, NaCI-MgCI 21 NaCl-AlCl 3) have shown that in all cases., the anode yield per current decreases with increasing current density and decreasing temperature. The main factor:,deterinining the quantita- tive aspect of anodic dissolution of Ti is~the change in the tyTe of electrode reaction. Certain reasons for the deviation of anode yields per current frwi al quantitief~ are suggested. 6 Fifrdrel; 7 bliblio. Refs. +A 11 ju LOL- UM USSR UDC: 669.781.053.4-068 ZHAYMINA. R.Ye., FILIPPOVA, Z. 0-j MPNT, A. I. "Absoution of Boron by AV-17 and EDE-10 Anionites from Aqueous Salt Solutions" Tr. In-ta Khim. Nauk. An KazSSR [Works*of Listitute of Chetdcal Sciences, Academy, of Sciences, KazSSRI,. 1972, -No 36,. pp 76-91 (Translated from Referativnyy Z-hurnal Metallurgiya,. No 8,. 1973, Abstract No 8GI95, by the a hors). ut Translation: The influence of various salts on,the a4sorption of borate ions by the anionites AV-17 and EDE-16 is studied. The ircrease in the competing 2-1. < Czi2+ influence of ions,in..the sequence K4*.< Na"*~< Li+-::Ba, < Mg2+ and < CH COO- < C1 lated to the varying < NO Br-