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USSR UDc.- 629-78-015-076.8 VOYEYKOV, V. V. , Y A "Determining the Amplitude of OscillAtions of~an Axisy-mr, tric Space Vehicle During Uncontrolled Descent in.th6 Atmosphere" Uch. zaD. Tsentr. e-ero-gidrodinam. in;,-ts- (Sciertifi,~ Notes of the Central Aerohydrod:.mammic institute), 1970, 1,~ No- Ij, p rp 4 5 - 5 5` (from R.Zh-Raketostro- yenlye, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 17-4i-77) Lranslation: The authors consider the -peculiarities of uncontrolled motion of a sDace vehicle about its center of mass during atmospheric descent. Particaar attention is given to determining the possible. a=litudes of i oscillations and transverse loads on the descent trajectony for small initial angular velocities. Formulas and grqphs,are given fb:~ dete-rmning the indicated pararneters. Seven illustrations, bibliography of eight titles, ReSUM6. 36 LUL-, 035 UNr L A'S S I F I Eb PkOCESSINIG 0ATE-27NOV70 C I PC ACCESSION NO--AT0135273 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. HYPERBOL.IC ENTRY 1'. AJE TORIES 0 LIFTING SPACE VEHICLES ARE C(INSIDERED. THE PROBLE-11 OF THE EXISTIENCE ES C114 REEN Y V L C TY ANO DEPTH OF THE ENTRY CORRIDOR FOR GIVEN V AL U C LIFT DRAG RATIO AND FEASIBLE ACCELERATUON I.S STUDI,~_(). THE APPROXIMArE .,.,:FORMULAE ARE OBTAINED WHICH DETER14INE THE ENTRY CORRI001t DEPTH AND ~-_ZRITICAL ENTRY SPEED AT WH[Cfl-f THIS- DEPTH. VANISHES. IT! ES ASSUMED THAT :~JHE TRAJECTORY CONTROL 15 BASED-ON THE TERMINAL MIS~S PREDICTION AND ANGLE V."'RIATIOt,11. LONG RANGE TRAJECTOP(le.S THE ''INTERMEDIATE PORTION OF THE SKIP OUT OF. THE, ATMOSPHERE )LRE EtIPHASIZED, THE MOST DIFFICULT PROBLEM, IS C(3,NTROL DURING THE FLRST SINK INTO THE ATMOSPHERE. IN SELECTING POSSIBLE TRAJECTORIES ALLOWANCES MUST BE -%tADE FOR THE LIMITATIONS ON THE FEASIBLE VALUE Or- ACCELE,~ -RATION AS WELL AS FOR THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE MINIMUM EFFECT OF PC-RTUREmTtfl)NS *010 INSTRUMENTAL INC ERRORS ON THE LANDI , POINT MISS. SRECIFICALLYt MIP,11MIZATION OF THE INSTRUMEINTAL ERROR EFFECT IS EQUIVALENT To T*HE ~SKIP~OUT :ANGLE IMINIM11ATION FOR A GIVEN LIMITATT1061 ON THE FEASIBLF~ ACCELFRATION. . THE STRUCTURE VARIES WITH REENTRY, CONDITIONSP FIRlSr OF ALL, WITH rl*_-,~ DUMMY PERMENTER ALTITUDE. SIMPLE -PELATIONS WHECH PERMIT TIHE ESTIMATION OF THE, EFFECT OF INSTRU,'.I.ENTAL! ERRORS: ON-THE ACCURACY OF ~l THE EFFECT 1-040ING OR LAUNCHING INTO A PLANETARY ORB4T:,ARE. OBTAINED. OF-; AT-40SPHEqE. DENSITY DEVIATIONS 01"I THE, CONTROLLED 'MOT1011 IS CONSIDERED. IN PARTICULAR, Mc' DEVIATIOPIS ~WHICH VARY~ ALONG THE FLIGHT -TRAJECTORY. -ARE STUDIED. a USSR UDC 629.19:533.6 VOYEYKOV, V. V., YAROSHEVSKIY,.V..A. "On the Probability of the Stabilization',of a Body of Rotation at Large Angles of Attack Upon Descent in the Atm6sphe ere Uch. zaD. Tsentr. aero-aidrodinami.-in ta (Scie ntif ic. Notes of the Central Aerohydrodynan c.Institute pp 94-101 (from RZh- 1972, Vol. 3, No.~2, -t No H460) Mekhanika,_Ilo 8, Aug 72, Abstrac Translation., The proble;i of determining the probability ~ tabil -zation of s- of a body off rotation at large or small angles of attack during uncon- -trolled descent in the atmosphere is discussed. The morment characteris- tics of the body of rotation ensure stable balancincr at la :- 0. and 180". Two limiting cases are considered- . small: initial angular velOcitics (where the solution is trivial) and large.dngaler velocities * The results of the study are comDared with the results of, ntunevical icalculations f or- plane motion. Resume. USSR UDC 620.193.4 j STUMOGOV, G. A.0 BEKIt J., Kiev Y SHIIISKIX&4" ligher Aviation Engineer- AUOIPE#tary School "Method of Separating the Anode Film from. the. Surface of Aluminum Alloy" rdev, Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanikallaterialov, Vol 8 No 2, 1972, pp 112-114 Abstract: A study was made of the affect of ethyl bromide on the corrosion cracking of.D16AT alloy. A method and a device are descr4bed for separating the thin-layer anodic film fron the~surface of this, alloys The anodic filir, entirely located in the pure aluminum cladding layer 60-62 microns thick was -5eparated in a glass device. The specimed 'Was droppedi itI a M-250 mZ cylinder the ends of which were free of metat containing 1.00-120 m.2. of ethyl bromide. The alloy begins to experience noticeable corrosive solution alter 20-22 hours of heating (not exceeding 40'. C in vievT of the boiling point of ethyl bromide), and it dissolves completely after 30-38 hours. Tht! corr4njioa products are atored for later une of the cataly,-,t whicb* reducrs the ad!paration time to 12- 16hours, Mix; 60-80 microns tbick vilth an area of 20 ~31 vure vaparared, Tile Inct1joll is applicable for separation. of ~ thick-layer anudic TI.Ims f rom the Surfaces of DlAK6, WiTs, and MIG alurlinum alloys. 55 -- --------- L L h Novosibirsk, Fizika Coreniya i-V2ryva Vol. 6, No. 3, Sep 70, pp. 390-400 Abstract: A transducer is suggested for local measurement of the ionization current in a turbulent flame. The signal of-the transducerdepends linearly on the concentration of ions at the boundary layer of the measuring element of the transducer. The magnitude ofth6sigiial depends,ton the velocity of movement of the gas and the temperature Iof the measi* ing vlement. Analy- q sis of the natunof the signal produced in a homogeneou's laminar flame, a turbulent flame and the deep zone of a turbulertflame.,~Indicates that where the flame is actually turbulent, the,method is qualitative in nature. The method is suitable for study of the flaine front inia stable flow when the measuring element of the not:heated,!~and pressure pulsa- tions are slight. 4011- USSR UDC 77 LYLIKOV, K. S., GOVORKOV,.L. P. "Certain Features of the Stabilization. of ATranonialess High-Dspersion Emulsions" Uspekhi nauchn. fotogr. (Advances --m Scientific Photography), 1970, Vol. 14, pp 97-103 (from RZh-Fizika, No 12(l), Dec~70, Abstract No 12D1328) Translatio In the development of.especially.high dispersion, homogeneous am- monialess emulsions of the EVR-1000 type (d 0.03 v), there 4rose the question of its stabilization. A basic difficulty,in the stabilization. of such an emul- sion is in preventing the recry--jtallization of the emulsion and the appearance of hidispersion of microcrystals associated with it. In ithe absence of sta-salt the m-ist considerable concentration of bromide (pBr = 6.11) in thermostatically controlled aging of the emulsion was sufficient for the g,jse of bidispersion, and its rise was accompanied by a sharp changed in the photographic properties (a gamm;~ and a rise in light se i Ivit ns t y). The introduction of 2,61-10 mole of sta-salt per liter of emulsion fully stopped riemlstallization even for a considerable concentration of bromidei Tho.concentration of bromide that is 1/2 USSR J-9605 109 LMI 612098.13ifOY-616.21 Carkudato of Yodical Sciencos, Lioutetumt-Callonel of the PodIcal to, ' -'_ Seryi A. P; 1-M ' 0. N 'Tno?ur. Chzmee3 in tho protein rr.' . _717t.1-1 diva=ea, TO utudy tht z1huzin rractionz in the blood of patlent5 =fferlml: rrom QtorlxlnO",,o!-jgical dl:!evo3,wv dLtcrc`.ned their p~,Orarr=3 evith the aid or th* ceneraUy =coptd r-ot!=d or .3' -tr-_phvrO;;!s an p "r) t4th before wid arter treatment. Accepted an -he avorapo nomal -.u" were tot-a prrtclM 6 - a rrlr:orcentt 1.6 ;'JrCLnt' 6.5 :L 1.9 permnt. 5 - il.4 *. 1.7 yaracnt. =d y - 16.2' i 2.6 percent. of 60 patiollt!l were !a t11. tvt of:15 0.1 thcz, acutt.zinuoWy wo =-,n"-6. i? had chroAila 7 =*::.Ial~d~Tr= a mrul=t _'raa Cr.-tiii id&4 tar, and 21 IvO chron-4- tamai3aitim. The nout dcp6ndible (fron 5 to 23 parcant) in s.rwt Protein ='I be found in the eare of pAtionts with parulence of the acco=ory vinuacs of the pono. Tlvw~ b7 a IOL;*rL - of the 4alt, nr -dn tractttn and an Iritmart !z the slrbulia fractions. rn cann3 or acute alnu:itln, 'it to, rnnerary arly tl= a - clOxlim. -ra4tion vUc1% '_-=ro=oG (on the zvvrag., by from 4 to 66 percent). uttle, .1m, thronle emixnItin t~~ro iq a,2 to 5 perceat -irwie~e in' ;ZA a' 'id This.lact "-. be uned Ign dirforential diaCacDiv to.distbieuith chronic sinuzitio rrom it= ncuto'farm. S.-w71nnt.'cn of the rAicreCram of patlezttz with chronic tomatilitis abowed a lwer=C or th,; albumini content CtT 6 to 0 t~erecmt), if. !ncrozae in v-C_oUalns ~r= 4 to 7 percent, and a zlt_,lit lzore&se Im a?,: and ev;Pqci:C-Y - ilt or. clabulln's Um I to 3 I.-~M-0- ":t nhould loo noted 'Mt the a, tnd y - clobolin cerlont rvmz!zod hirh ov~,) eter Unrillecto.-7. while, the ,cnpral protrin doricit w= rcdaced. In alth a ahronic purulent at the mider-C ear, the phor*rr=s nhow very inciCnilflaxit chanUe* conctliting or mtm lowarin-,, of the 41b=L,%a content Umn 2 W 6 p4rcent) =,A, in a. n=tAr a: c=srl an inr-rQ=a in a,. or~ hnd v- Clobulizo (from I to 2 rortont). Recolved in October 1969. R Fg f rk A ZwO Fli ZIP, Orr c~ u tr USSR uDc: 621-391.2 YAROSLAVSKIY. L. P. 'Precision and Reliability in Yeasuringwthe Position of a I'wo-Dimensional Object on a Plane" Moscow, Radiotekhnika 1 Elektronika, Vol 17, No 4. Apr 72, pp V-4-720 Abstract. The author considers the problem of determining the planar po- sition of a two-dimensional object observed against a background of ex- traneous objects and Gaussian interference. : A criterion is formulated for the weighted mean-square measurement error together with an optimum rule of measurement. Relations are deriv~ed for calculating the weighted meen- -square error uthen the spectrum of the object is known as well as the in- tensity of interference. Relations are found for the probability of false identification of some object with an extraneous object. For,.special cases where the number of extraneous objects is ~ great:, conditions axe formulated which must be satisfied to keep this.probability low. 167 USSR KRONROD, M. A., 14FRZLYAKOV, N. S., and YAROSLAVSKIY 1~ P Experiment in Hologram Reproduction Using. Computers ~t lenin -Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki,-No 2, 1972, pp 419-420 grad, Zhurnal Abstract: The authors, members of IPPI (Institute of.Information Transmission Problems) of the USSR Academy of Sciences, conducted an, experiment on the Minsk-22 digital computer for the purpose of-reproducing the-image of an. object from its hologram developed from a Fourier.system. The,results of this exper- iment, described as the first step in the use.of a computer for this purpose, are given in the present paper. A hologram made in the4*~A. F. loffe Physico- technical Institute was used in the experiment for the purpose of investigating the~possibility of transmitting holograms over a photo to legraphi c channel. The basic stages of the experiment are outlined, and three photographs showing an original hologram, its reproduction through the use of the computer, and its reproduction by laser are obtained. The authors note that the whole reprodue- tion procedureusing the computer takes about six hours of machine time on the Kinsk-22. USSR UDC 621-391-828:621.397.62 ATAKHONOV, R. M., MEBEDEVj D. S., and "Pulse Noise Su.ppression in.a Televisicn~,Recd.iverll Moscow, Tekhni-ka kino iJelevideniya,, No. 7, 1971, pp 55-57 Abstract: The noise dealt with in.this article originates either in industrial appliances or in the receiver itselfi and is mani- fested,as chaotic pulses of random amplitude and of the duration of one scanning ulement. The aiithorslobtain an algorithm for the filtration of the noise on the basis of the radicaldifference be- tween the nature of the pulse,noise and of the image signal. This algorithm is found by using the theory,of statistical solutions if the a posteriori distribution of the.transmitted image and the form of the function for the losses, conaected with the difference betweea the transmitted and re produced~images are kno,,,Nn. The dis- tribution of the difference between'the,video signal for a given element of the image and its value predicte 'd for the surrounding 'bution v elements is taken as the a posteriori distr.1 alue. On the basis of the obtained algorithm, a filtration system is worked out and its block diagram given. It was.developed in 'ramsistorized form, in 20 stages, and tested; the results of the test are shown 'in the form of contrasted photographs of televisi,on images with and without the filter. 1 011. 1 MMOT. I I M" I OR MR MA USSR UDC: 621.391:621.3T6 YAROSLAVSKIY, L. P. "On One Possibility of Reducing the Threshold Signal-to-Noise Batio Wben Nonlinear Modulation Methods Are Used"' V 9b.- MetoL pomekhousto,~Lchivogq 2rivema MIR I M (1.1c"theidr, or Tntprference- 7-,-Moscow; ",Sov, radio", 1970, -Free F14 and PM Reception--collection of work pp 176-181 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 12, Dee TO,j Abstract No 12A94) Translation: The author considers thepossibility of reducing the threshold of FM 91 PTM and PCM demodulators by nonlinear filtration of anomalous errors. A filtration algorithm is derived which is~optimum with respect to the cri- terion of maximum a posteriori probability'.~ Data are gi~,-en from an experi- mental check on the effectiveness of the algorithm fortbe case of image transmission. Resumg. .. 7771-'; WN LASSI FHO P'~",QCESS G DATE-L3NOV70 C IR CACCESS 10-1. 33912 N o ABSTRACTjEXT~ TABLE "I F CP- ABSTRACT. CON'T ENT 5 PREFACE 3. ANTRODUCT ION 5. C HAPTE-~ I SJ E DEAS Or- CKYS'l "LLOGRA4,11y AND CRYSTAL PHYSICS 9. II ~IAJJR P14YSICAC RROPt;,RFIE:~ OF 'M Uit) C R Y S F A L L I N E wUARTZ . 76. 111 ~kESOJINXNJ' OSCILLATIONS OF, PUEZOELECTR41. 17FLEIMENTS 95. IV RADIOPHYSICAL CHARACTEAISTIC.S OF LISCI.LLATI:NG MJARU RESOIN-ATOkS 136. V MEASURING ELECTk [CAL PAkAMIETERS M-10 CHARACTERISTICS 0.z RESONA-rORS 301- ~JUA.DTZ fr"ESO.NATOR AS C'OMPONENT OF. ELECTRI~NIC SC:iEA1= 31 3 8 .vil OESIG~N OF PIEZOELECTRIC Colkip(JENT OF- QUARTZ RESJINAM~ 4 1. 3. LITERATURE ~482., ~ THE 800 WAS WAI TTEN FOR A WIDE IRCLL o t:, ~ c I Em;r i ENGUNEERS AW) TECHNICIANSY WORK ING. I'll TH. THE. PKEPA:4ATWN~ANO APPLICATIGN _GFOUARTZ INSTRUAE.ITS, AIND ALSO~ T EACHC-~RS' AN DST U D U NT S1jr- HIGHER EDUCTIONAL INSTI TUT IONS 71 U N C I AS!; I F, I I- f) ------- 7j UDC 0i. 3 1 ' 4 ~;'. ' !.~' 724-5 MSTYAYEV, V. A., IVANOV, A. D., ABRANDVICH, ~f. I. ,KLIZIY; V. T. , YAROSLAV- SKIY M L "Low-Frequencj Quartz Resonators With Vibrators Mounted~by the Pressure Welding Method With Indirect Pulse, fleatin Elektron. tek'hnika. Nauch.-tekbn. sb. Radiokomooren El.,ctronic Technology. tv Scientific and Technical. Collection., Radio Components), 1970, V-D. 5, pp 26-30 RZh-Radiotekhnika,,No 5, Maly 71, Abstract No 5V381) Translation:. The authors consider parameters of low-frequency quartz reso- nators'vith contour and bending vibrevibns in which the leads axe fastened -to the piezoelectric elemints by preasur~e welding with in