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Instrumentation. and~:Bqulpment TSSR UDC 669.721 VIKHAREV, A. F., ZHUCYj V. P.t CHMOVSKlY. YE. N., and IBBEDEV, A. I. "Mastering the Continuous Refining of Kagnesium In a lUxer for the Titanium Industry" Moscowp Tsvetnyye metally, No 6, 1077-t pp 44-" Abstracts The mixer is divided into tijo sections and filled uith electrolyte (chloride salts). The magnesium is puxifted by ~passing it:through a layer of alfactrolyte under the vertical divider from one section to the other. The sludge is collected at the bottom of the mixer# whickis inclined at 450 in each section. A special automatics grab, bucket facilitates sludge removal. The mixer is lined vith graphite and magnesite In ordttr to withstand high temperatures. Pipe heaters containing molten salts (k, Ila, J~gv Ca chlorides) are used to heat the mixer. The nagnesiua is transpoxted to and from the mixer by a vacuum ladle equipped.ulth onaor two,,tap~holes. The magnesium ls,,protectecl from oxidation by a flux mixture spraye& pinto tho mixer by comp-ressed argan for 5m-10 ea conds after 'each. teaming aml evacuatlQn of -the MZ408iUm. Analysin Of the xaxer sludgo showed that niv?,Vnealwa lossee- amounted to only 0.22% in 1970; It varied-from 0.1 to Oo3%# deponding on the frequa~ncy 1/2 . . . I - . . T ! 1; -, '! , , . !~ I .. ;.1- -. , - ~~ : ": - - I -- F - USSR uDc 669-721-372 'YEGOROV, P. ZHU~OV, V. V., CHUKALSKIY, -BkRANNIK, I. A., YASTREBOVA, Z. V YE. N... BOGDANOV, A. P. "Industrial Investigation of the Influence of Titanium Impurities or- the Electrolysis of Magnesium Chloride" Tsvetnye Metally, No 8, 1971, pp W-42 Abstract: Results are uresented from a chemical analysis of the presence of titanium in the raw material and prod-acts of electrolysis. I-4aterial balances with respect to titanitmi are calculated for several comnercial,electrolyvers. -is demonstrated that regrardless of the content of fluorine in the eiec- t U I troirtei -the decrease in the yield of magnesium per current may reach 5-224, when lower titanium chlorides are added to the, electro.14p;er.~: The influence of an-analys -titani= is zignificantl, is of al, i~at harmful;_tp, ' Y- --;--, 6i -6t anium on:~ rol, i~:A-37Ad scusse UNCLA SSI Fll PROCES51NG. DATE- 13,Nr)V7 0 --HETEPf-jCYCLfC NITRO CO~ POUNDS. V. I Nl'TR0,5iALKGXY AND _~~l TLE t14~:THYLi 3 v -1 S., STA MAR ENKO V. YA. E L. I., PEVNER, f CCUi',lTJRY OF fNFL-J--USSR "1 15, SoURCE--KHIM. GETEROTSKfKL. SUEDIN, 97 0 :(51) 702-4 ~DATE PUBLISHE-0 ------- 70 --CHEMISTRY :_SUBJECT AREAS ~._TOPIC TAGS--flETr_R(jCY.C_L IC ill T R OG F NCOMPOUND, LIIRGAMIC~ i.q tR 0COMPOWN0, ORG ANI C AZOLE COMPOUNG, K`_TUNE, ORGANIC '_SYN.THE-S IS CIN TR 0 L.;MAl_-"KllNG--N0 RESTRICTIONS 00CUM;_:;--JT, CLASS--UNICLASSIFIED RFEL/FPAME-_3006/1027 ST~P Nt)--UR /0409/ 7,01000 /00:-,/07rj2/(j7O4 ,P ROXY C-1 P, CA CC E S S I ON j`.,0--AP0134 739 LF','C AS, ~D. L 1 1~ 1. ":2/2- -015 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE-13NOV70 _SSION ,%4l3--AP013-,'f39 '-.~C.IRC A CC E . A BSTPACT/EXTRACT--cull GP-0- AbSTRACT. T SUB3 N (1.6 ML') WAS ADDED TO 2 G-~ I tME THYL t 3 t 5 10 1 N I TRO t I , 2, 4, TR I AZIJLE I [N 50 Ml_:~ MEOH AT 500EGREES AND MIXTO HEATED 2 MR Af ~)G-'ToibLGKE-E_S T 0 G 1, V E 7 1 P LE it C E N T 1,11KYL 1 ?,-'.,fFTHYLi 3 v N.1 TRfj t 5 1 ALKU XY, 1 , 2., 4 , TR f AZOLE (I I EOUALS ME) (111), _'~M.. 1460- -L51!ET AND PR)r M. GPEES (ETIJH~. SPItfLARLY? 11 (ALKYL EQUA REES li) .75DEG 38DEGREES ( P E T k fi- L E UM ETHER), ~i-ESP., wEIRE PREPL), I .(ETDH), AN -iL OIG ME -1 L -40 1'.09 G-PHOH IN' 4 ML DIOXANE -12: G) IN 15 ix 4, AND 3 H SUB2 0 A t WAS HEATED .3 HR AT 65-70DEEGREES TO GIVE :51P~ERCEINT' IF (ALKYL EQUALS PH)t IA.-124.5DEGREES (CCL FUM ETHER) S03/t PETROL. SIMILARLY,' 72,lEk.CENT 11 'ALY YL,EQUALS M AND P iJ SUB2. NC ~ 5 W ~6: ~H 'S,U 6.10 r M. 154.50EGREES, AND :173DEGREES. (BOTH 'FROM C SUB2 14 SUB4 CL SlMi ET SUB2: G),~RESP., wERE PREPO. Ill TREATED,WITH HEIR IN ACOH GAVE.25PERCENT I 14E THYL9 3 1 BROM0 v 1? 2 14 1 TP, I AZ 0L 5 t ONE M;., 22:5DFGREES K SU32 V1 SUB4 CL IGR [NST. IM. LE'.)SOVETA, -SU321. FACILITY: L EN I AD. JEKK"10L. LEN NGRAD, USSR. UN STUDY OF SOME PSYC"11C FLNGTIONS OF AQUAIJAUTS UVRLjU TO INC;ZASED PRESS'=E (Article by V.A. Mcd-Zcv~ -A,5.- Ye m2y and jg ~'akqv,-t~z; morcow. 7;o T7 -- --A 5c suhwitted bLjrc!~ llzTZ~ pp or-niquiiet-,of -tlia- d'o-p'ths'-of the wo rld-oces.-I ;;nd th-!! rallat- 464 need for the projoz~;od pj~joonae of rqua.-tauts under izcr.~npcd -hov* icade I-, nacea&ary to raise tVo qutiatioz. of =03 prevoure. i~ corraziponding possiblllti4a of adaptotlon_=d In p-artletear, ~the: po~~ibiizltF of las. ratibfien of Mental performance. 7he number of inveat-Igatioas devoted to, thle problem to relatively small. rievertheloss, on tbe boali of data availablo~ 14a ~ttka! lit- tht::Sitst~6'ct the ,10 oan~ for- fi car.tain. id payabic -fuzictioiiA In.mayi- o~Mosad to Ineroaood. proamuro. in par- ticulart It followa~from th"6 detn. that man cot% adapt-r.0 p-66- mue -at -great' dop' LhA duo_'zo.prollrzinary reoaat~od brlaf.-dlTes, --the povblbili:f~__6f prolonged multiday provencoundar proes ure :to six atmoaphero3. during the breathing or .,.4. belluat-oqrgoa tclx- turo (HOK) , as well as :the S~dvrintase of ~ bollum-onsart rii-xturas ovor nitroran-ozygon. mixtures J%0M) at depthe from 30.5 -a or nors. However, the data cited in the literature.conea:rtit=g non'" p a'yenic: activity c4n aca*rcely bo con2idered oxhauttl_v6s. Yor exG=p_1o, It does not contain Information chsrac-rrizing the dyna~lca of the state. of menle psychic functio= in the CoMa of his multid&7 prom ,once at depth; there to also na in- formation. conearnizv, the aftorafteet of man's presence at grant pri3sura on his psyche. Also unclaririod ~ra tho oncee In Y.3rt'3 adoptive apipabilities in relation to diCriare:=u3 Is 1, age, sor, work.and rest rcglmo during the parlod of praaance at depth, Otc. The puir?ose of our invostigation.3 woo an -avalua- tion ol the otota of mLnla psychic If functions loth darl~ a par- iod of prolon;,-od (uP to 30 da-yo) presonce at a dpt h3 up, to "160 = during the lbrenthin~; olf nltrogan-o7~7j;an end hallujo-ox1goz mixtures And afeer vmarrgaace at the surface. 4 1 MOOD AS A FACTOR IN AN G?ZRATOR'S PEU0101ANCE [Articla bv randidatc of rrycbo1c,&-.'ca1 Sciancer A.-S. ".';Ary 'Tho term C0nmC-pt;.-" that a subject haia t~o', read (itclL-Ir"tion) for a kind or method- of parception and ovaluatiom ot 31tu-. ation due to -.; h I hie bla bahm. or..Lz direoltod, z1ong 11 ~-avounly PrAparz.-I rw-.h.' The, rcg'.u)Lat1n;, Imflu=6 of nood on the affem- tivoneve of activity is 8:.-?r~)3aed In the lmplemo=otlon of a bahaviorul pro;-.ram npozifici3a-T tbem~perzonvs Ime~-~. i corresponding t to a partIcultr stuoti -on'ana 'which la rurtber'dividg~d into two pr*Zrams: ac- a _ 'tL ' '' Ion (nature, duratto is _a c- I - r, tote t ii! '8130 ~ xm&r I (I - apport a.- ez- it, rm of .,autonomic, e~ner& 3 Tho principal varleti ca of the action proL,,rg:m vith which the risoprebor --eu-pt deal In-evalu'ating . ,the parror-mence of oub~- jacte dJ.P.'Pr pririar'.17 ln~ thoart "Points" ttt whica tho princ1pall indi'ectorn or tha &.-pectod f1mal effelct of th.)~ ocvlon ore re. U, c I c) to--otLrr with For examilo psycho- di*tingulsa, ec-callui molor And aenjorv.typ-~~a ';'f aenzomat~.' riucLioz%3. eapio-%~:Ing,on u1not reaction inditetor Iz dominint- mpood or Dif.arencau in thn dl- oction Q., at'.)nLion of tiao e ubjoct (Ir, or~a cose to th.3 .4DeQ of =70=0--t' and In anothar to tha Z~36quacy, relitionohlp to crIllot Of ntl_m_ ultia action) --re im an Unlike rato 0' Ac- cording to shcztolll r1966), thQ -.i:zc of the motor re4;C'Ic.1 can bo ~':'Oatar 5'Z tl-ar. th.; ccnmory tl~zzd. 7-~a !,a- sis rol. thl- ir P'010~1-31.y lUl.;i crGatica 0.1 th2s of =.Ost Ip1mmetcirt to at"Oln, Z!'- ";i;tor za~;k a=d tha louat rm7ora!~'s for Oth.).-J. In to data from our lnvest';4cLona L) L -7-77~ 7 -77 USSR YEGOROV, A. S., Order of Lenin Rod.Banner Militai-j-Medical -Aeademy imeni S. M. Kirov "Psychological Aspects of Fatigue.!'. Moscow, TeoriXa i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kulitury, No 1971, pp 32-3k Abstract: From the psychologicallpoint of view, the level of WUHTetiF achievement and ability to oombat fttigueTis largely a matter of motivation. Performance declines as a result of: (a).satisfaction of the need to,act-in reach a Dredeter- mined goal, (b) development of an'extremely uilfavorablo situation that makes reaching the goal -possible, or (c) subjectively*im appearance of other and more urgent needs:whose satisfaction presupposes a different form of activity conflicting with the original need. The record~of a~well-known Ruasian.mavathon runner is described to illustrate the,role played by motivation im enabling an individual to perform at his best. 75 gist j V 9-0455 pare 23 UDC: t,17.H')-U72.85 TMICTING THE RELUBILITY OF THE WORK OF All OPERATOR ILASM ON INDICES OF THE FUNCTIONAL CONDITIM; OF !FM DODY I tl~divul Service, _.~ . C~1, oZ at U Col. of the Hsdit:41 Service, ~ ;.v. ad 11. W. Y4%",V.t% Predicting the reliability of -cork of a hu-ta operator In vnri-is con- trol ny5tems Is in iTpnetant and bq~lvollv atEforcaz ap. Ar. i"opazad.far zui-;Jnx tbi- t-~k .1th -he 1wip of, or,linory .911-k co~aa di;is~nostlc 'slynq '~r each SPV- logical one approach is to Wit - or, itt 1eqNt, more q1nnificant -- ~it.kt in th~ Activity of thc, fjj_qpvr&tor and to, Jttttt s-kch signs of th~ foncti-al condition of tht hoity th Cis is an iowr4aqjj~g, probatL11.-1 vi of wl4tai,4z. 1. of ihoq_~_ VajuAij,~v " A~proarhe' 'vive 4~)4t i-azi- b-iliq of err~neoum actions t; contaimd in 0w vory actlvLty of the h,,,,;%n a;ersLnr, whL0 datemines, buth Me rntitr~ if M4 too,rzttlim with the envirun. menr and alio the specifics of r1je en~jro=got which cme in the Cum of a certain toeal oltoosotut aignala mid 'Act 'particular. the degree of c".. plexity of the InterrrIationsbips with the tnviromMCMt ind the derrsv _nE ni.L- note of the xignals ilready to .4owe degvo dctcr=L" the dogree of probablItLy -ever, c,~itionx are required in order of, the occurrence,.of. errors. He% 4 ajlLvjjrio~,inthe candi. flat thrM to OC or. Tho =St siA tion ot a given function'al sy9tem (thin apparently ~shuuld Pmtctspass, inadc4uste aims, accardL-IS to V., M. Uzz"dize). and aj,so' a'devLatlaft of the activity realtaen d pariiieterr of frort the apt ic:,tm -which enrures. thc.obsuvaprg qf the asvillkne. offbetivent3s, of the activity, In addition. u"~shooj~ coUsid-jr the *16~tsj E training of the 01, er*Lor, hill ractivatiou, atul tucctional aspect" (perception. and -Stitox,of s. .0'racning of the, C'-tfo~oal ~'S.UtL.o of the hody f .1 hustan -per.4tor by no vana detvm1no th~ M_o.t Inai;- nv rsLjc~o of~ tho poltitblitty fnk~ reaQty it L4 neceqtary to V.~Ch Aq for the C6 f. have " co Incid:nc. in the time uf aQtfon of ihc,. bAuic Ia'Loc Na.1;Q, and the 4ppr r ."t one d It." j Inflot- op iatc co ditfunn. The pre-kic" A'I I tick ent f,r j,icH a Thu,. Cr,r "-le, A 11,,apy cwditfoh in A :truck driver cJn andoij6tedly Laad to Mi accident; hovevet-, If an' accident *Itu- .1tion does not kx1hL, 4 h1zhwoy crash ,ay t-L -~ecuk. i1i other words, khe appr,piiata InAtce. of the E'=Efonsif conditl^n of the body can 6 e0jence of only the preserite of the Internal tundlitiona which can f4cititato the occa~_ "11c .of er"Moun 4eklonl: thul, Olty c4h 014rAct0kitc t110 W-Wit at an Lri- creAse In the p"bability of occurrence at errors LwL tiot khtir Actudi oc- curranco. it shoold be noted that the poomfbillity of ptiedictUs Lho mocaunt of a 11~rrlh;l th reliability of klic f,Ancttott1t%g of the htenaft npotutor and the -4~ APPA .~Urdnco of non-ratadom errors ih closely connetttd with the possibility of 14, It4a 14 1 eal. e,",9~4 predicting the nature (1joality) of -ree-nS action-, Lhig I.$ elpt.ined by the inftimstional. rvflot:LLV~, reflQ4. and dctermio-t nature ttr tInychic MCCivitv and especially by the n%~ecjjtc aspectR of the ~kl~li (their nbjecti~e -lue, modality, ntructore. etc.). The p~rpone of the pre-t J-1-tig.ti,ono wan to HentlCy Oldicnin of the f lonal andition of a I an operotor, which li,dicate an incipitnt low,er. p I (tl:"n Ing "111norl, W)rkiDg to c ty e o"urr.otv of error.) . Ykiag pAtt in the .rprri~,nt~ varft 20 healthy males f-rformior, 23siRnOd (individually nolected~ work at a raxImum rate In adding and qu~)tracting xiople nwbers (the looellani 'Tent) . 'T'hc numb- hich were printed on A oetinuoQs tAr,!.wcra ~J- the help of a tachistoacoVe. through a wit?dov. The revuL ta of the arithmetic act.1- -re, gpo;'en by the tevc zubj'cr into a M.1crophone conee.rmi with a tape recorder and one of the channeli rf an electroencephalograph, Si-ItAox- O',ly with the recording of the, an allaatx~o-phalogran, wn- taken,__ A" left fe .... CDI 30d OH' 4 ~~41ysis.of the W;1; o~ pnrfoxcd with the heip or a it~tl-ory f.~q-oty anolyzer a.d 4-% tutcscatr. The 0.~Prinient lasted unril the test OqUbjeCtg rerosed cemplezely to work. Aflor thin they were 1-4cianed #,a to rhe raiiona fnr their mistaices and e-ift-Aionn iltiring zhe CbucAe of the test And On VeA:Icn f~rthrir raCusal to tzntit"40 the work. Analyalx of th. reaults which were obtained .-ado it N,nsibla t~ Aa tht por I tioguish the following par"o in the wrk of the test %tibJrvti. Of stable eack (practically no mLstekes), the period of, irterular watit (1so- rtan J'Prl lat-1 ri,~ta) .. ); the period of bInck w,,rk (a.clear alterna of oda of woyk And ~opzms with the letter, grnduAlly En,cr*"ing) and the Oriod or-coa- Vlete C-4f.11al to work. Doring the exporiment the follouing mistakes uere made-. , taiatak.s of acti,)n (Inc.crecc p,nrformance hE additi- or subtr4c atakei of selet- tlDs of action (subtraction in place nr 4-Mition). mistake* of t~ohfabulatlon (na;,inii aysX rn=~,or In order th rointain, thv~ terpo), ~wissico,e jindlOdonl' and In groups), a"d refral to conti-r voising. 111he baziq ol~. th4st mistakes con- fli~~rd of the folloving: waverink of attention at the moment of appostance of a -,!jer in the window, lta#~nLog of tl-~ diett"cLoe,. of perception of nu- ber%. failotr of short-term memory (forgetting t-he ptrctdinf; nuzbcr), operative v-evory failure (working with the resnIt of tho Vuevious actioe), falkte of long-term .7.enory (delay in extracting zhe ratult of the next action vith nnm_ ber3 from the long-term memory), and in~wdeqt;ate switching of attention (switch- ing . to talt") Analysis of the ettoneous attf,~nx and ~xpr:~A%tono; of the test subjetta in relatian to tile puSstble n&tjee of tb.~Jr mistakes made it pQvsibte to astab- linh the abnence of a uniform connection between the nature of the mistakes themselvem and their functional nature. F,.r exanple, at the baAls of an main. *son there CAL% be a wavering of attcntiou at the ooment of appejkrern~a at a USSR UDC: 621-383-98 ATWYANOV, G. A., S-U~FRWNOV, L N. , SAVICIIEV, 13. IA. ,U 11 R V414 "D "APbotoelectric Channel With Stabilization of the Rang'6 of Variation in thd,Outpirt Signal" Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, Ho 2, Mar/kor 72, pp 103-105 Abstract: The pkDer describes the circuit and gives the results of a laboratory check of the input section of a photoelectric channel which provides linear conversion and stabilizat-lon within the grange- of linearity of a monopulse light signal amlifi& vhcie the light signal varies over a wide power range. A block diagram of the photoreceiver and a schematic diagram of the input section of the.photoelectric channel are given as well as the aMlitude characteristic of the. photoreceiver channel and oscillograms of output signals. Four figuies, biblicgraphy of two titles. 117 USSR u,Dc 66,).o46-5 ANSMESY I. I., FEDOSEYEV, V. V., OYSK;I: G., N., SOROKIN S. P.1 TMMN, Ye. I., DPITILIN, V. I., S_-LrVANOV, V. M. Sn S., ZYRYANOV, Yu. Ye., and BALDAYEV, B. Ya. "Use of Electromagnetic Stirring in Vacuum Melting a Ladle" Moscow, V sb. "Sovremennyye problemy kachestva stalill (nisis), (collection "ems of Ste of Works. Modem Prob- e1 (Zuality) (Moscow InOtitute of Steel and Alloys), Izd-vo "Metallurgiya," No 61, 1970, pp 222-227 Translation of Abstract: Brief technical characteristics are given of the electromarnetic stirring of steel in a ladle# Dsita are presented on the effect of electromagnetic metal stirring on the uniform distribution of added deoxidizers and alloying elements, and also on the sic.;nificant increase in the duration of vacuum smelting. A new productionxechnology for the ShXhl5 -steel is presented in which completedeoxidation and:alloving is con- ducted in the ladle at the end of vacuum smelting. Vne suggested method is theoretically substantiated.. The results of,the. first experimental melts are presented- 3 tables. `ie s de s c r f b ezhe Ut- 2 C L 0. 0 .,Or! ZQG' _,Orti; b-:i Of 1. To ar t I c S & 2 ~.a on e t h t., t~.Scd to4,,e.~IN3r with a :31 c 14 A b tcrz is u!, whi iiiF Ol cl ap a.,,. !I":ULk2 thC lus t i o _nS b'614ograbhy titles. /7" USSR UDC "St .11 .033.1 GRANIKIN, V. K., MAKAROV, YTJ. S., ROI) NZHIN, 0. V., XOZYREPV S., and Y MORM A -"An Inforn-stion Display Device USSR Author*s Certi-ficate No filed 17 Seu 70, published 27 Apr 73 ('rom R, cn.% t i Vycl ishtelInaya Tekhnikm, 11o 11, Nov 73, abctract Na !I Translation: An aD7D--r;,tLs is nroimsed for informatIon display, containinr~, and current To Irn,)rove the relirabllit~, and vis4bili-i of'the apparatus, -i;.s indicator-s are in the Irom, of lin,~Itc-d -ed.,,es located alcr_~-, -the outline of z~eometrlc fieUrC-S, With the Mirrent conductvoxr~ at Lhe vertices, 'One Must ation. . . ............ ~.MOMV B., Cosmouaut, Candidate of ~Iedical Sciences "Research in Weightlessness" Moscav, Izvestiya, 27 Jun 70, P 3 Abstract: Weightlessness is discussed inconnection with A. G. Nikolayev and V. I. Sevast-yanov's spaceflight of almost 18 days aboard r3oy=.-q. ae clianges observed iu the human organism as a result of space flights to date., the naturee of the adap- tive responses to weightlessness--weakening of bone~a and muscles, lessening of blood circulation., and so on -- my pose difficulties in returning.from prolonged spaceflights.. Short spaceflights, however, pose no serious problems. The effects of medium-duration weightlessneas can be avoided by.creating:artificial gravity (technically cumbersome) or by physiological means~ which are currently being studied. These would include physical training., the use of pharmacological prepa, orations, and the use of a special low- oxygen atmoohere ir t1ja cabin. People can a paceflights., A brief period adapt sufficiently to function -well dtu-ing prol ng6d a of readaptation to terrestrial conditions~j indbiding reintro~.Wtion of lost miner- alo to the organism).building up boneo and.mus ulatitiv,, and, x~eactivation of the lo-eascular system, vould ensure safe return! :6ard 1A . 1", ; ~ 1 1 Is Ilal, 1-,' -, - - I'll; L ~ ~! " -, a.- ir-4 'i. ~ I ~ TIT USSR -YEGOROV VITULSKAYA, X. V., VOL'f, L. A.$ GILLER, S. A., KOTETSKII V. V., PLOTKIN, L. L., and YANOVSKAYA, Nt~ B., Leningrad Institute of Textile and Light Industry imeni S. 11. Kirov;,Institute of Organic Synthesis, Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR "New Fibers for Medical Use" a, Flziologicheski i Opticheski Aktivnyye Polimeruyys kig !~.Veshchestva, "Zinatne," 1971, pp 145-149 Abstract: In order to increase the X-rray.contrasteffe t of surgical suture materials, film and fibers were preparedift alutions, of pqlyv ny om;aqupous.~ s )hol--.(PVA).-.vith-.-add-ition~.o 1*i' ,qtr;kt ons d 4 7441-" W 01) a.0. -'-, 10--i 6 :-T 171 desire reault6. 4 utu era'.prep fr VW wi rma -dred CM ture of polyfo Idehyde, BaS04, barium chloride, and collargol. Me prepared fibers ifere thermos tabili zed at 220% for 10 min and, acetylated in water bath containing 20% 6-(5-nitra- furyl-2)-acrolein and 20% H2504 2t 70'.C for 2 hrs. The ready to use fibers were mechanically strong, stable in hot water~boilinglor I hr produced only 10Z shrinkage), and possessed high antimicrobial properties, e'specially toward 1/2 LISOR tmc: 621-3T4.335 VAVILOV, Ye. N. YEGOROV, Bi.111.4 LANTSZV V.: S., '-POTSEfKO, V. G. "Synthesis of Circuits Based on Threshold Elementstt Sintez skhem na. norogovykh elementakh (ef~English above), VsDscow, "Sov. radio", A970,, 368 pp,, ill. 1 r. 5Tk. (from Kh-Radiotekhnika, No 1~ Jan 71, Abstract -No IG203 K) Translation: The authors consider.conditions for redizability of a sivitch- ing function by one threshold element. Methods axe outlined for synthe- sizing logic circuits and automata based,on threshold elements. The dif- ferent kinds of threshold elements are d6scriIbed. A number of stendard discrete-action units and circuits based on threshold elements are con- sidered. Methods are given for synthesizing circuits based or-, threshold -,elements with regard to reliability- requirements. ',A table of threshold functions of six variables is -Presented. Methods. of s3iithesis are reduced to algoeLthms which are convenient tor usein engineering, practice, and illustrative examples are given. Bibliography of 29 titles. Annotation. 14 USSR UDC:681'.325.65:512.932 ITSEV, V. S." )rAVIWVj Ye. N-, YEGOP.OV B 14 LAN TOTSENKO, V. 6. "Synthesis of Systems Using Threshold Llements". Sintez Skhem na Porogov'vkh Elementakh [English:vcrsion above], Moscow, Sovetskove Radio Press, 1970, 368 pp Annotation: Conditions are analyzed under which a switching function can be -,realized by one threshold element. Methods::are presented'for synthesis of logic- circuits and auto-mata based on threshold elements. ~Varf_cties of threshold elements are described. A nuniber of standard unlt:3 and (Ii screte ci rcuits based h threshold clements are analyzed. Methods are presentc',d for synthesis of Circuits biased on threshold elements. Methods are present.ed for synthesis of ''Ci * ts based on threshold clements.consid rin ~Ahe`requi~rements of reliability. rcu.1 g A table of threshold functions of six variables is presentod. 17he methods of synthesis are reduced to II 11 gbrithms convenic-.nt for use in engineering practice and are illustrated with examples. 116 tables; 92 figures; 29 biblio. refs.. MI USSR -.-'YAV1-L0V, Ye. N. et al., Sintez Skhem na Porogoml-,h Elementakh, Moscow, Sovetskove Radio Press, 1970, 368 pp TABLE OF CONTENTS' Forevord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CHAPTER 1. 'Logic,Circuits and Automata 1.1. General Information on Boolean Functions~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Specifics of Discrete Circuits. . . . . . . . . . 5 'Certain.Properties of Switching Functions~. .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 'Switching Functions of One and Two,ATguments. . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Switching J7U11Cti0ni . . . . . . . .2.1 Functionally Complete Systems of Functionally Complete Sets of Elements~ .. . . . . . . . . . . . :Five Classes of Switching Pun6tions . . . . . . . . . 12 Theorum of Functional Completeness . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 1. 3-For. M 4 im as.of Representation of Switching Functions and Their In ization Formulas of Boolean.Algebra. 15 Complete Disjunctive Normal Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 17 Reduced Disjunctive Normal Fo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Dead-End and Minimal Disjunctive X o r m1Forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 96 2/9 USSR VAVI LOV Ye. N . et al., Sintez Skhem na Porogovykh Elevientakh,: Moscow, Sovetskoye Radio Press, 1970, 368 pp conjunctive Normal Forms. . . . . . . . . . 27 1.4.' f Switching Functions . . . . . . -Further Problems of Minimization 0 . 32 minimization of Switching Functions Using.Veitcb Diagrams . . . . . . . 32 Minimization of Incompletely Defined Switching Functions . . . . . . . 38 Minimization of Monotonic Switching Fuhetions . . . . . ... . . . . . 43 I.S. General1nformation on Discrete Automata . .. . . . . . ... . . . . . 48 Definition-of a Discrete Automaton. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Methods of Determination of Discrete A~tomata . . . . . . . so 'Statement. of Problem of Synthesis of Automata . . . 54 1.6~ -Structurally Complete Systems1of Automata 55 'on Theorem of Structural C pletcness.:: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 . Elementary Automata with One Input . . . . . . . . . 57 . ,Ebamentary Automata with Two and,Three Inputs 58 Matrix Method of Determination of Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 1.7. Nfethods,.of, Structural Synthesis of Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Brief Characteristics of SyFtems of Discrote Autom3ca . . . . . . . . 64 Primary Stages of Smictural Symhosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 ~Fxanlple of Structural Syrithc_,is of-an Automator, . . . . . . 3/9 % USSR VAVILOV, Ye. N. et al., Sintez Skhem na Porogovykh Elemeniakh, Moscow, Sovdtskoye Radio Press, 1970, 368 pp CHAPTER 2. Otis Threshold Elements and.Threshold Functi 2.1....General Information on Threshol&Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 ~Definition of Threshold Element.and Threshold Function . . . . . . . . 72 Varieties of Threshold Elements .. . . . . . . . 75 Maj ority Elements . . . . . . . 78 Properties of Threshold. Functions . . . 80 :Realizability of Switching Functions with One Threshold Element 80 Homogeneous Switching Functions... . . . . . . 81 k-Monotonic~Switching Functions . . . . . . . 87 Tabular Method of Recognition,of Threshold Functions . . . . . . . . 94 Types.of Switching Functions. . . . . . . . . 99 2.3. Systems of Threshold Elements (TE). . ... . . . . . . . 102 Ferrite-Core TE . ... . . . . . . 102 Transistor TC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Parametron TF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Tt-,nncl Node TF I . . . . . . USSR VAVILOV, Ye. N. et al., Sintez Skhem na P6rogovykh Elementakh, Moscow, Sovetskoye Radio Press, 1970, 368 pp CHAPTER 3. Synthesis of Discrete Circuits Using Threshold Elements . . . ... . . . . . . . . 3.1 Synthesis of a Thrcs.hold Element. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . .. . . Statement.of Problem. Algoritlija for Synthesis of Tfireshold,Element. Inmrovement of TE Synthesis 'Algorithm:. .; .. . . . . 3.2. synthesis of Threshold Elements Rpali zing Incompletely Defined Functions. Table of Threshold Functions.. Synthesis of TE Realizing Function- Redefined to Positive:~ -Spithesis of TE,Realizing Arbitrary$!Incompletely Defined Funclion -u Table of.Representatilves of T)I)es, of:Threshold F nctions . . . . 3.3. Synthesis of Logic Networks of,Thteshold,-Elements . . . . . . q Statement of problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Synthesis of Networki; Constructed.Using Minimal Forms . . . . . ,Synthesis of Threshold-Disjunctive andThreshold-Unjunctive Wts _.thesis of Nets Realizing. Symmetrical Functlotis Syn Synthesis,of Nets Re-cidizing Charactetistic. Switcliing Functions . 5.4. -Synthesis of Automata Usi'ng Threshold, Elements . . ... . . . . . 121 . . . . . . . . 121 . . . . 123 . . . . 134 Switching 143 143 . . . 153 . . . . 156 . 161 . 161 . . . . 162 164 173 . . . . 181 . . . . 186 USSR VAVILOV, Ye. N. et al., Sintez Skhem Tia Porogy yykh Elementakh, Moscow, Sovetskoye Radio Press, 1.970, 368 pp,, Standard Elementary Automata Using Threshold Elements . . . . . . . . . 186 Elementary Automata Using Individual' Threshold Elements . . . . . . . . 189 Structural Synthesis of Automata~Using Threshold Elements . . . . . . . 195 ~CHAPTER-4. e- en StandardVnits and System Using Threshold El' m ts 4. L ~Binary, Adders Using-Threshold Element . . . . . . . . 207 Single-Digit Adders . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 -Di Multi- git Adders . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 214 . 4.2. Decoders Using ThresViold Elements . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . 223 Decoders- of First:Tyl)e. . . . . . . . . 223 Decoders of Second Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 ~4.3. Converters Using Threshold Elements . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . 230 'Code Converter. . . . .. . . . . . 230 ..Functional Converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 4.4.-Special Circuits Using Threshold Elements . . . . . . . . ... . 247 'Ones Counting Circuit . . . . . . I . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 247 Ilk" of !In" Type Logic Processing Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 6/9 98 USSR VAVILOV, Ye. N. et al., S;ntez Skhem na Poro govykh Elem6ntakh, IMoscow, -Sovqtskoya Radio Press, 1970, 368 pp - CHAPTER 5. Synthesis of Reliable Circuits of Threshold Elements S;J. -:Statement of Problem of Synthesis of Reliable Logic Circuits Usina Threshold Elements . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ircuits 'Factors Influencing Reliability of T,EC . . . . . . Analysis Of Effects'of Destabilizing Factors. on Parameters of TE Hade Using Magnetic Cores . . .. . . . . . . Synthesis of TEi Stable to'Changes in Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . 5.2. Synthesis of Tlireshold Elements. Stable to,Effects of Destabilizing Factors . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Permissible Changes in TE PaTameters Expansion of Limits of Permissible C.hanges i nTE Parameters. Synthesis of TE Having Mayinium: Stab i1 i ty, to Changas in. Parameters. Synthesis of TE Allowing Changes in:Parameters Ovdr Fixed Ranges . . 5.3. Synthesis of Redundapt Nets of Serids-PaTallel Type Using Threshold Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simple -Redundant Net . . . . . . . . . 'Redundant Net of Arbitrary Complexity., . . . . . . . . . . . . 7/9 . 260 . 260 . 262 . 266 . 267 2 67 27~ 276 . 279 . 284 . 284 . 294 USSR VAVILOV, Ye. N, et al., Sintez Skhem na Porog6vy~h. Elementakh, LMoscow, Sovetskoye Radio Press, 1970, 368 pp Stability of Net of Arbitrary Complexity . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Consideration of Recuirements:of Integral Nature~of Parameters of in Me t. . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . l~ . . . . . . . 302 RedundantNet Synthesis Algorithms . . . . 305 S.A. Synthesis of Redundant Nets of. Paral ielType Usin Threshold Elements. 315 Principle of Construction of Redu~idantNet of Parallel Type . . . . . . 315 Calculation of Parameters of Threshold Element TE (mj . . . 318 coin Stabilitv of a Net of Arbitrary Cemplexity . . . *. . . I . . . . . . 323 Algorithm for Synthesis of RedundantNets. Absolute Changes in N a Modulus of Tliresholds Independent of Their omi;P4 I Values . . . . . . 325 ChaTiges in Algorithm for SyntheiLs of Redundant:Nets. Relative Modulus of Thresholds Independent of Their ~Nondniil Values . . . . . . 329 Evaluation of Parallel and Series Redupdant TE-Nets . . . . . . . . . . 332 S.S. Synthesis of Logic Nas, Resistant to Fluctuation and PaTameters and Aging of Parts of TL- Circuits . . . 333 Analy5is of Influenca of Variation In Pviramotars and Ag.fiig of Parts in TE Circuits on Parameters of TE.. . . . . . . . . . . 333 819 99 USSR IJDC: 516.21!548 NDRA' - d IJIDUN, I. IT., 111cscow YMMI-B.-E., KO. ':KOV, V. I., an "Studyina t lie Thermal Conductivity and the Coefficient of Limear anpcuision of the Single Cmystals of Synthetic Mea (Fluorophlogopite) wid 1,1-itural Phylooopit-11 ifosco -a, Teplof, zika Vysokikh Temperatur V61 10, No 1: Jan-Feb 1972, pin 82-86 Abstract: Th e authors present the results f rom stuc~ylrk-! the anliotropy of the thern"al conductivity of the Single crystals of spith tic rdua. (fluorci in the /-ooi7/, K r--c 502~, fo.-Ji, and ffi!i~ orientations and witi-An the and of the ;3inCle ci~;rstals of n-.tjral mica (phlogopite Fnd jwimmrite) i. ri the cleavage plane within the 300--6060K range. ,The i~oaffir;j.,~ntu of linear w-,pan--ion of fluomphlogopite is studied in t z1 and 'LOI;(; ..7 orll~ntatlonz; withLn the 3YJ- .11000Y, rwiga. S'everal posmiblo exnl~natlona are offemr, to:em1a!.n the fact thit of fluoropYLlog6pite risea a6m ?D0oIK and that rV phlogopite rises :tbove 600 K. Dhemal concbetiv 3 :)l 0. !xplain the frequent- ity anisotropy make it posall e t c ly. encountered rhambif om cr-jstals of fluorophlopopite* Original article: one three fo.-imalas, tIn-ee figures, and,]I~.bibl' rphic entries. table log a .22 021 UNCL ASS I I E6 PRO C E SIS1 N GDATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSIC NO- A P 0 12 86 9 ABSTRACT/~XfRACT--(U) ABSTRACT. TPiE: PL-R-14FAIMATY Of cP(?XY Chl-'-,i~GSULFC,14A T- I) POLYEThYLENE- COIJINGS, AND PCLYS TYR ENE,;'11-Vt 0 ~CUAT I gigs T Uj MU f 'ti A T Ei~ T E STE Dwi rH :A N~E* WT~YPE-- ~ OF COATINGS WE:kE APPLIEG fill f1i C END OF AN C0Nba!PJSE.-`,- PIL~~ CONSISI-ING CU AND F1* PLATE-S SLP0, BY PAPER IMPkIEGNATED WITI BAKE ':L [TE WHEI N MOISIORk PILNETRATEO THC ICJ~ATING,) A CURRENT. STNUED r0 fj.Cl~% bFTWEEN C-L) AND FE (ANUOE~40. THE AMT.. Of- CUARENT ;fN01ChTEI) li,'F- PELATIVE PER.MEAT IGN , kATES. A SUPERIMPOSE0 STEAUY~CURRENT~6.RQP 1,iAS CAUSEV BY THE FORVA1TJCN 0 F AN OXIDE FILA ON FE u INCLA l -5 -1 -1 77= 034' UNIC L A-S S I F ltb RR C' C E S S 1 N GDAT E-- I 3NOV7 0 F ..TITLE--ACTUAL SPECIFIC HiAT AND THERMIAL~ FUS[Virv; J POLYMERS STUDIED BY DJABAHC METHOD -U- PUL S ED A UTHOR-1 0Z)-YEGGk0V, KILFSSOP V.S C OUNT Ry bF INFO- USSR SOURCE-7PLAST, MASSY 1970, (6), ?Z-3 0ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJE~T AREA.S-CHEMISTRY, 'MATPRIALS TOPIC TAGS--40IABATIC PkOCESSI SVE( IF IC tHE'AT THERMAL DIFFUSIONP POLYTETRAFLUORETHYLENE, I)OLYf,IF-T~iYL,4ETH,6CRYLATI:-;, TESI METHOD, Pl)LYAMIL)E ~_.e ~COAVOUIIDp POLYETHYLENE# VOLYPROPYLENErl POLYI-SOBUTYLENE' .-CONTIF 0 L M.A R K I N) GN 0RESTRIC Q N S _00MMENT. CLA5S--UNCLASS 1~ H-0 PROXY R E E.L/ FRAME__3036/1003 STEP~tN',]--U'Z/OL91/70/QOJ/006/0072rk)073 CIRG ACCESSION NO--AP01347.10 at= 2- _040 10 T70 / W." ~_LAS 3 1 F I EO "13C E S S 14 G DA T .. 1 Ekr I V I T Y 0 1- F JL%E. F I E AED 4T L L S R A S E 0 ~3 L I \1 A 11 BASiLl- F18E'S -U- UTH Kl).;D,~ATENKOVI vlo I -,j S SR NT PY OF I j7 T E P L L' I Z V Y .51 T P 1 7(), 8( 1). 200-11 PUL OATE ~L I SHIF D------ 7 0 -SULijFr.T, REAS--MATER IALS T,QP I TAGS- T H ER MA L C L;,% OUC T I v i Y K AO L I IN 1 N S U L A T I IN C, M A 1~ EI A L C F q A M I C -T TEMPERATURE DEPENDENU C 04 1 F IL NAPKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUlt E r CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE.D Rf;fL/Pk,4ME--199Z/1493, STE-P i%O--UR/0294,t~'70/)(.,'j/iL)01/0?~)9/r,i'n 11 C M ACCF SSPM~ NCI-001124971 ljNCLA'SS FIE.") -2 P12 UNCLAS S:1 F I ED., ~rRnC&SSIMG DATE--,12~JCT70 -C-IRC ACI-ESSIOIN' N0-4PO112,~67 ~.-ABSTK -.GT/EXTqA-CT--fU) -0- P 4BSTRACT. THE RECENTC? D;-SCCH-FD 'N'iETHODS IF. 190-') WAS Us~:o FC;--~ MEASURING THE TEMP. Oi:PENOFNCE OF C`CFFS. 13l- 0 -THFi:,:AL CUI 01 PAP9:qS AT N' . OF KAtILIN A-N~D 3ASALT I FJSU LA T I 14G e-. ARDS 0 10i-7GCVE-GPEE-S. St-t-'PLI--S 3ASED 0N KAOLTiN AND R,4qALT I- IF:Z r> .4 F ~! F TR E A T BY 0KGANOSILICON BINDER K-60 AND WEREANNEALED FdR io pt\i 4T ?oooE:,,REFq THE- --',1cASURFMF?4T. R E 5 UL T S ,P R E S E, T.-D 1 jG,-:-4PJH1C FORM, P,4L.11C~TE-9 THE THERMAL CONH). OF MINERAL i33AkDs Ali,0 PAPI--c's IN THE C U P .1 S Gi WITH A T"El:NV AL CO ..).'OF CERAMM. FIBERS WITH A 13JLK D. X-G~-M MIME3 WHILE TLJ' CHARA.CTIER CT TEM.P.. GEPENIDENU Of CCIEFFS. .,JF THEk-,~!AL COND. WAS RET41NEO. THE.. COEFFS. OF THERM'JIL CON19. OF DAJLI'4 -80ARDS WEFE IDENTICAL FOR BOTH STUDIED BULK OS.: (260 -INO 353 K3--.M N, 400DEGREES KAOLIN BJA;20.S IWITH -P.:Z1V'31 UP TO 400DEGi~EES. AT LARGER T kA I - UILK 0. OF 260 KG-M PRIME3 EXHIBITED HIGHER- THE-IRMI'll Ct~ND. IN THE -'PAR I SON WITH KAOLIN' BOARDS.41TH-A CLOSER S TVKtU:,~~E GM C L __112 024 UNCL ASS I FIED ~,PRQCESSING DATE--230CT70 TlTLE--,4-P?#"~ATUS FOR, DETERXINING,JHE SPECIFIC HEAT, OF LIQUID SUBSTANCES BY A PULSED AQlABATil'X' METHOD _U_: ~:,AUTHGR-t041-YEGOROV, B.N.t KILESSOt Yo S. KCY.ARO'V A.G.v SLEP.CHENKO, V.I. --COUNTRY OF tNFO -USSR E-T EPL 0 EN ER GET I KA 1'970t 17A), 84-6~' 0 AT S PUSLIS4ED ------- 70 _!_SUBJECT' ARE-AS-PHYSICS TAGS--CALORIIMETER, THERMAL ANAL.YSL&r,~SPUCIFTC 44EAT t HEATINGr ABATIC-I.PROCESS MAKKING-1-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED XY~' REEL/FRAME---:1.992/0367 STEP NO--UR/0096/70/1)17/003/00841008,5 ~,C I RC ACC E S S ION NO--AP0111580 UNCLASSIFIED 024 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ACCESSION NO--AP0111580 -ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. APULSE ADIABATIC CALORIMETER CONCEPTS 11968) OAS CONSTRUCTED FOP MEASURIIIG FOL L OVI I NG THE AUTHORS' ~~HEAT CAPACITIES C SUBP AND C SU3V Or LLOS., AT'80-6000ECIREESK AND IS THAN eR EQUAL TO 300 ATM* THE INNER PART. THE CALORIMETER NSISTS OF-SEVERAL CELLS WHICH ARE SIMULTANEOUSLY;HEAT,ED FOR SIMILAR TO -COj 1*1 ;SEC AND THE TEMP . IT) (IF THE CENTRAL C -LL JS C. RDED. A SINGLE RUN L-ASTS IS SIMILAR TO 20 SE~. TH-E. MAX. POSS:IBLE-. ERROR WkS ESTD. AS PLUS MINUS 1-5PERCENT. THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUAT 11314S: FOR DETG. THE TIME ~DEPENDENCE OF-T WRE SOLVED* UNCLASSIFIED 1 11 -.. I ~ I USSR UDC 517.51 D. F. .11sequences of Measurable Functions" Moscow, Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk-, Vol 26, No 5, Sep-Oct 1971, pp 207-208 (x) be a sequence of measurable functions Abstract: Let fl(x), f2(%), ... fn which,. we shall assume to be convergent toward the limiting function f(X) at all points x of the interval AB, with the possible exception of points of the set of zero degree. It is known that this sequence, at,tbe same time, converges in measure; that is, thelollowing equality ~4,s valid: n where m(n, c) is the measure of the set of those points for which jf(x) fn(x)1 is greater than the given, arbitrarilysmall positive number c. Lebesgue expresses a sim"Jar opinion pertaining to the measure ;j(n, E:) of the set En of those points for -tihich at least one of~the d if f e rences f(X) fm(x), beginning with ra n,, is greater than or equal to e in 1/6 USSR YEGOROV, D. F., Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk, Vol 26, No 5, Sep-Oct 1971, pp,207-208 absolute value. This &ssumption is a simple ccrollary of the preceding assumption with respect: to the sequence of functions R V I 1M, -ff?(X), x),..., the idea of introducing which I borrowed firom the memoirs of Weyl and which are determined under the condition that for'.each value of x-the function j~n(x) is equal to the upper limit-of the seauence of positive numbers (2) If(x) fn(x)ll lf(x' fn+l( If(x) f,~~P At all points of the interval AB,'we,obviousl have, RI(x) > R2(x) > ... Rn P'n+1 (K) (3) jf(x) fm(x) for m'-n a+l, At all points- of the conVergence of the sequence fl, f f ... the 49! t 2 sequence Rl, RP Rnt'... a1mconverges and for hese points we have 1/6 FE-7 USSR YEGOROV,.D. F., Uspalkhii N'atemtatich.,_,skidii *N'auk3 Vol 26, No 5, Sep-Oct 1971, lith R W, 0. n n The set of En points, about which we'are~ spdaking, is obviously a set of such points for which R,(xNj T,(x) 0: e, and consequently, the measure 14(n, e) of this set tends tcr,;ard zero when n increases without limit.. Now let el, r-2, En' be a sequence of diminisbing I;oaitive numbers such that lim rn 0; an the other hand, lot r)l + r12 + n3 + + Tjn+ be a convurgent series with pos.Mve, ms. Let us exaiitne the set of ter points for which R FM ej. The mL~asure p(n, ei) of this set tends n n 3/6 USSR YEGOROV, D. F., Uspekhi Matematicheskikh.Nauk, Vol 26, No 5, Sep-Oct 1971, pp 207-208 toward zero if n increases without limit; consequentl for each ci we can Y select such a value of ni that p(n,, Ei) ni. Let us examine the sequence of sets E(1) 1,;(2) E(i), and the sum E~i of the sets EM, E(1_ +1) nl) ni ni n n2 of this sequence, beginning with a certain value,of i. The measure of the set E does not exceed the sum of the measures ei) + + and, consequently, is less than the remainders "i+1 + ni+2 + of series (5). If.we.take the value of i sufficiently large, we will bave a set Ei of the measure n as small as we wish. For all points of the, :interval AB, not be- longing to Ei, the sequence f 1, f2, f c~onve rges uniformly. n In fact, for all these points we have R (x) ei, R W Ci+lX r. r i+1 4/6 --- ----------- USSR YEGOROV, D. F. ? _~ii Mateaaticheskikh Nauk, Vol 6~ llo 5, Sep-Oct 1971, pp 207-208 f f < ci for m ni m +p +p If we take p sufficiently large, we can make all the differences f fm) beginning with m = ni+., in absolute value smaller than any number F_ we may desire, because th~a sequence e1, CZ, C3' converges toward zero. Thus, we have proved the following theorem. Theorem. If we have a sequence of measurable functions which convergt~ at all points of the intzrval AB, with the possiblotexcep.tion of the points of the set of zero degret,, then it is always possible t -nter- o :r~nove from the i val AB a set with as small a degree of i) as we.desire such that on the sup- n) uniformll. plemental set (measures m(AB) this sequencewill converge I We can state that each sequence which converges in the interval will gen- erally converge uniformly (wesent'lich gle-ichmHssio aLmost uniformly according to Weyl) in the interval. 5/6 H r -___ F, USSR UDC 517.51 YEGQR0 D. F. stint ctions" egration of Measurable Fun Moscow, Uspekhj. Matertiaticheskikh. Nauk, Vol 26, No 5, Sep-Oct 1971, pp 209-210 Abstract: N. N. Luzin recently solved the problem of seeking primitive functions for all measurable furctions after finding a'mean~ for construct- ing a,continuous function F(x) having algiven measurable function f(x) everywhere as the derivative, with the exception of the points of the set of zero degree. Essentially, the given function f(x) is represented by a farLily of primitive functions F(x), any two functions of this family being different for the continuous function with a derivative everywhere equal to zero except for the points of the set of zero degree. On the other hand, bearing In mind that thenu latter in'Verttiptions Oil the problem of integradon have sub:suriatially e;,,rj,-aded 0~e clacks of intcgrabl.e functions (functions Lhat: are integrable In the sanse of, Rleiriann, stimmable functions, totalizable ftinctions), one should remember that the problem USSR YEGOROV, D. F., Uspekhi 111atematicheskikh Nauk, Vol 26,, No 5, Sep-Oct 1971, pp 209-210 o s lved by N. N. Luzin may not be resolve'd in all generality by any of the integration methods generalizing the methods;:of Riemanx-li and Lebesgue. In, fact it is obvious that two properties c b b f,+ f I a C a .2 f f(x)dx >, 0 (f(x) 0 f or a < x b a are possessed by all generalized integrals wbi,ch are obtained by different limiting transitions, proceeding from sums~composed of Values of functions multiplied by positive quantities (lengths of the intenials, measures of the sets). Hwever, let f(x) be a poiAtive function (or at least a tion-negative function) in the given interval. S:;nce 2/4. 26-- USSR ikh Nauk, Vol 26 NO 5, Sep-Oct 1971, YEGOROV, D. F., Uspekhi Matematichesk.L pp:209-210 xth X xth f f(x)dx f f(x)dx f f(x)dx a a X then the integral of f(x) is an ascending (or at least a non-diminishing) function in the examined interval. Since the arbitrary function f(x) is the difference of two no-a-negative functionsi f(IC) +f(x)], (A) 2 then the generalzied inte!gral is always ajunction with a bounded change. And the function with the bounded change iias~a:finite and sutmioble deriva- tive, with the, exception of the points,of.the:set of zero degree. Hence we can conclude that generalized.integration with respect to a positive non-summable function would give only infinity.,as a resulc. nus we see that no inte-ration process possessing the properties 1* and 2' is capable of solving in all generality the.problem of finding the primitive 3/4 F, IM1110 USSR YEGOROV, D. F., Uspekhi '~!atematicheskikh Nauk, Vol 26,,No 5, Sep-Oct 1.971, pp-209-210 function solved by N. N. Luzin; this process may lead to this result (if we do uot speak,,of-summable functions) only for a rather. narrow class of functions-bounded neither from above nor from bel(ywr; the integral of such a::f unction -is so to spe~ak,,..the true value of the~undetermin6d expression I shall conclude with the following comment: Representing an arbitrary function f(x) in the form of the difference (A) of two fu-ictions, increased by an arbitrary positive constant, leads us directly toji.the following result- the-primitive functions of N. N. I'Lizin are the differan(!es of continuous functions increasing evorywhere, with the exception of~the set of zero degree. 4/4 27-- Ref. Code Ation vulcanij 91295a Ra& ation i dt p6lyisobtitylei -d.MnvlbepzcnP. presence of p im,*,,Fii..' Cberhogolovk~ M. Vys. Eneq_._,19FO,4 8Fv~! (Russ); ~~-Tha~ irruTt 1,-ObutAene il)-jaAn Inylbe -ie6e (11); blends- with -1-ri Or"Ifting0flo 11 which res -]is in: the I~rtnkion 61'a 3A at - lattice. : Then was an Inmase ~i ~ thin ~Sv, inal. v bknd, as detd. by'viscorfii6y7and. decie~siit ~swelling irk: ane, chang-~s in the ir k h i tfi6f~ All 11 ruse ..Pect:714M.5 processis equiv.: to,,%,,Wc 6ijai" n 6f a 10 1, The maxi. cont fiaction was attained with 75.,26 I-IfWend'at 2~4 me TAdn. dose. Larger doses be ~ _i :degrs~deth~~mbbir. gall -0 in the 1W of get arads ir~ ~' PJR USSR UDG, 629. 78. 017. 2 YBOOROV, (1, Ao Programmed Motions "On Stabilization of of a Solid Body With a Fixed Point by Means of Gyroscopic Actuators" Tr. Kazan. aviats. in-ta (Transactions of Kazan Aviation Institute) 1971, vyp 138, pp 74-81 (f rom Referativnyy: Zhurnal -Raketostroyeniye, No 7, 1972, Abstract No 7.41.165) Translation: Equations of motion of a system consisting of a solid body with a fixed point and with gyroscopic. type act*uatorb located on the body are presented. The program curve is,prescribed with respect to the phase.coordinates of the solid body, which is the 'control 'object. The program curve is assumed to.represent the undisturbed motion. Its remaining components are determined. The stabilUationability condi- tionsof the programmed motion with respect to the object's phase 1/2 . .. " I i, ~ 1: J1 I f;; I i:' .I i :1:1 F77 USSR uDc: 621-384.2 LYUTE714-0, V. F., Yakutsk Affiliate of the Institute of Ybysical Space Research and Aeronomy, Siberian Department, AcadeuV of Sciences of the USSR "A Device for Measuring the Summation Current of Signals" Wscov, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, ProEyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovanyve Znaki, Wo 17, Mar 72), Author's Certificate No 329487, Division G, filed 21 Jul, 70, published 9 Feb 72, p 182 Translation: This Author'i3 Certificate introduces a device for measruing the sit =-ation current of signals. Me device contains a pickup, a storage capacitor, a discharge resistor, a discriminator and R prograr; device. As a d-Astingttish-Ing feature o:r the patelit, linearity of swmiation Is ensured by connecting the pickup to the input of a,voltage repeatex whbse output in connected to. the diserininator and the input, of it commutator. Another input of the co=nitator is comiected to, the program device, mid the commu- tator output is connected through the discharge resistor to the voltage ~repeater. V, 125 I'Ll! IV `J 1h.11 !V]JI, USSIR YEGOROV, G. A. 0'"rtYb-ilization of a Solid With a Fixed, Point by Means of Dual Gyroscopes" Tr. Kazan. aviats. in-ta (Works of Kuzan' Aviation Institute),:1970, vyp. :121 pp 67-75 (from RZh-blekhanika, No 1 Jan 71i Abstract; -No IA124 by S. Ya. Stepanov) Translation: The article considers a solid on ~Aiich- thre~e pairs of connected single-gimbal balanced gyroscopes are mounted-iThe connections compel the to turn at equal angles in opposed directions.. The center of 'gravity of the system is fixed. By the application of controlling moments to the cases neutral equilibrium is stabilized,in first approximation to asymptotic stability. On this point,the author follows the article by N. N. ' Kiasovskiy (Prikl. matem. i mekhan. [Applied Mathematics and Mechanics), 1963, 27, No 4, pp 641-663 -- RZh-Mekhanika,!1964,.Abstract No 3AI-02). Then, on the lbs-sis of the Lyapunov theorem regarding a special critical case of stability the author drmqs a conclusior- regarding asymp totic stability by virtue of a complete system of equations. USSR UDC: 531-55:521.1 YEGOROVS G. A. "On,the Use of Gyroscopic ActUatuing Devices to: Stabilize Prcgrammed Motions of a Solid With a Stationary Point" Tr. Kazan. aviats.. in-ta Nlorks of. Kazan I, Aviatlion Institute), 1971, vyp. 138, pp 74-81 (from RZh-MeRhanika, No:7,:,Tul T2, Abstract No 7A87) Translation: Eauations of motion are given for a systen made up of a supporting solici with a stationary point carrying actuators of the gyro- scopic type. The prcgramned curve is given on.1y with r0spect to the phase coordinates of the body which is,an.obj!ect of control. The pro- grammed cin*ve is taken as undisturbed motion..; , Supplementary definitions of the remaining components of motion are: given. The conditions of stabilizability of programmed motion with reBpect to tht~ pha:;-f-- coordi- nates of the object to asymptotic stability, land the conditions of boundedness of displacements of -the gyroscopic. actuators, are formulated as:tvo theorems. The same Cyroscopic actuators are used both for main- taining raotion along the predetermined cwrve,,and for damping out devi- ations from the curve. Control is.accomplished both bysetting up a J.1 ----------------------- I- 112 0Z8 UNCLAS_Slrl'ED ~PROUSSING OATE--23OCT70 ~TlTLE--RADIATIOJN,CHEf-11CAL OXIDATION. AND, NITRATION OF AN ALIPHATIC DILUENT IN TWO PHASE AQUEOUSORGANIC .::_.;AUTHCR-(03)-KERSULIS# V-t YEGOROVvGo F~ ,tz.ZAGORETSti P.A, OIL '~,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE KH 1. AVYS* ENERIG- 1970s, .4t29-172.03 bAT E PUBL I SHED------ TO -~SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRV, PHYSICS __''TOPIC-.TAGS--OXlDATlON# NITRATION, RADIOLYStSt ELECTRON RAf)IATIONv AMMONIUM COMPOUND, NITRATE, BENZENE DERIVATIVEP CARBONYL CqmpoulN0j CARBOXYLIC -:ACID UMTROL -MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS, _00CUMENT CLAS S--UNC LA SS I F I ED -,.:PROXY REEL/FfZAME--1997/0760 STEP NO--UR/0456,F'T()/004/002/0172/0173 NO--AP0119667 UNCLASSIFIEO 212 028 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119667 ~:ABSTRACVEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. T14E R AD I OLYS I S8Y FAST ELEe-TRONS WAS STUDIEU OF THE 0.2M SOLNS. OF ALKYLAMMONIUM. NITRATES IN THE MIXT. CON-TG* 70 WT. PERCENT N,C SUB8 H SUD18 AND 30 WT,~. PERCENT NvC SU88,H '41.LAR TO 1*4 TIMES 10. PRIME18 ~V-CM SUB17 OHi AT A DOSE RATE SI., PRIHE2,SEC. THE ALKYLAMMONIUM. CATIONS WERE.THOSE OF U[NONYLANILINE, ~DIBENZYLUODECYLAMINEi AND BENZYLOINONYLAMI-NEt AND~JHE..'WN RAoIOLYSIS _~PRODUCTS WERE CARBOXYLIC ACJDS CARBON~L~~.COM~DS.*J*~ AND liOCTYL NITRITE. 111TROUCTANESP SEC POCTANOL~Sv AND A vO.CTyLmvTRATE WF~E FORMED IN LOWER Y'l ELDS:o: THE PRESENCE- OF.~O SUBZ HAD, INSIGNIFICANT EFFECT OWTHE :,RADIOLYSIS YIELOS~ AND IT',; ONLY~- INPORTANT,'EFFECT WAS THE LOWERING OF THE -NITRATES RAT I OS OF.T.HE NITRITE YIELDS TO.THOSE ~OF FACILITY: _:~_:JNST. ELEKTROKHIM.t MOSCOW, USSR# UNCLASSIF160 Acc., Nr: Ab 'stract'ing~'.: Ref. Code: :~Service: Aft49986" CHEMICAL-.. AB9T. 1:5176 0 O-P e /'95265p Radiolpis f yla. ink afnine aqut-ous-organic Isyste s. Kmtffls:, 'V.; Egarov. I G. F.; m.w. e - r nst ini.:Mendelecva, Zagorets, P. A..(MosL 'hi' go 2"10i). ~ Alum.; I~Y.S. Efterg~, 1970,-4(17; -R this). so S. ~of 0.12AI PIIMNOW4jj)~- (I); CijHuN(CffzPli)~ (11)' , or PhN(CoHn), (M) in~BuPh or'ti'-CiHis c0 Vt. % iz_.Crlf~ OH (IV), with and ivithout:Xp.i~t6l vot. otaq. 2M HNOj"j.were jrra- diated U A X 1015 ev Ini ~71) by~ fast Oectrons (--~5 Afelr) in the presence or absence'of'O~'i'and thepioducts wue; a'nalyieNd. The presence, of 0'; did nbt-iufl~euce the rate of. radiolysis. Decompri. yields in the a cc- of HNOi are (su ance, -G- I:Yseh bst values in ts-Cslfis, -G-values: in Bu'Ph, given): 1, 3.3 3.6 U, 2A, 3.1; M, 1.0, 2.9. (Pqp;~ 4 X eV MI -' SeC7~). In the preRnce of HNOs the, resp. values am: L C1, 2.6 3.4 2.6- U1, 13, 96. J. chart REEL/FRAME 19801924 USSR UDO 621.517.3t62i.~.oB4 (ow.8) UMLOVAA-949-, KALININ, li.N., LUK 'YANENKO, A.I., MESV MIN, YA. I., SHUBIN, L.V. Device For Investigation Of Electron Strasma USSR Author's Certificate No,26575~ filed 22 Apr 66, published 24 June 70 (from RZh--Vlektronika i yeys p;r1menenlye, No 2, February 1971, Abstract No 2A127P) Tran5lation: The device troposed for investi6ation of ai eleo-tron stream contains a vacuu= chamber with an electron gun, an6 differs from known deivicau of! this type by the fact that the viicuum cluimbor lo combinod with additionul vacuum chambers* Thlo eviouroa identical vacuum oonditions in the process: of. meanuremont of one and the same electron stream bit vurioua measuring olementa. %io alectron gun can tArn around the axis of the vaca= chumbare for Guadoosiva settings as compared to the roopoctive additional vacuum chambers, and it can also move along the axio.of the additional vacuum chambers with thi aid or alspecial dsvic~e. 2'Alls G.B. 9y USSR um 6P-1-311-12(5110) K ON AOLOVA, G. S., TRIFOITOV, E. N., and YEGOROV. 1. A., Institkite of Biochemistr-,, imeni A. N. Bakh, AcadeRy of Sciences USSR, Moscow lrstr~Ct'ural Changes in DIM Isolated From'Tinaues of CEunma-Irradiated Animals" ?,bscov, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 208, No 1, 1973, pr) 248-250 Abstract: Investigations were conducted on the effects of whole-body EF.=Tm irradiation on the DNA in different tissues. The experiments were rerfol-nmed on sixty 202-250 9 mle Wistar rats, the experimental group Of which was sed ')Co at a rate of 200 r/min f0 f 650 r (the equivalent e)To. L to r a total dose o of an LD 50 dose). Following irradiation, the anirmls were decapitated at dif- ferent periods of time, the tlWras, liver, and spleen were reroved and the DNIA extracted in both control and experimental animals. 'Me laolesc ar woiqht of the iaolated MA in both roups of animals was about 'J-wjt) x 10 Analynis of D'M by the formaldehyde k1netic MatIloa L 611OWed that in the case of thymus DNA, there were 1-3� 0.4 structural.defects perLI0.000 nucleotide pairs 15 win after ir~radiation. This figure retrained relatively constant for ahout one hour, and by 3 ILr increased to 6.1 + 0.3 per 1010-00 nucleatide paira and remined rela- tively unch-"_ged for the next 15 hrs. In the apleen and1ilter, the number of defects in secondary DNA structure was 4-5~and 1.6, respectively, per 1-0,W0 Oil UNCLASSIFIED SSI~~G DATE--2-),ioV7a 212 'C:MC ABSTRACT/ EXTt"AC T-- NO Ab STRACT G El FiLTRATI U-N A SEPILIACE G-ICO X C C L U M,,i 1'.*A SUSLD TG SEP. THE FIRA(~TIONS OF R I 610PI U C UFA -S E ' A F T E --R I L L UA INA T I G M w! T H UV L ) G H f 1LLUv1i",AT1(.'N TO THE VOIN'f UF 15PERCEMIT JNCitCTLVAfI0'N -1 1- SECC-NOARY PEAK ON T PRO CUC E U HE CHR OoMIA TOG R Atli Ii,1 "WHICH THL EiNZYMIL AICTIVITY ,-,AS TUIALLY FURFI-tER. 11NACTIVATibN LED TO ENHANINGEMENT OF THIS PEAKv HI'LLU"ED itY 0EVELOPMENT 01 1: YET.ANOTHER hbi-: PEAK IiHICH HAS SOmE ENM'4111' ACTIVITY. FVIDENTLY fiN THE EARLY STAGE ~3F ILMMINATION AN - ( 7 T h'-; - SS f3C~.'O IS RUPTUkEO At,;) f "', c~ DC-NfATUAAT[v-f',;AL C11ANGES LIN TF11c ENZY.11.,E A,.-ZE I NOT ~ACC6,',,PA,,.,1EU BY 6PE;10;ra 0,F uri-tuz ss: av.u)GEF). ri-a- TOTAL SH CONTENTS Ui -NATURAL JW,03 ILLUMINATLO f. C I 'm L- N T ~TO M Fih)AL. 111L L 1.) S S J'ROVO" Acriviiy cAt.Nor 8F ASI(If;',IL~41J) TU VENIATURATION PER q1:-- OF ALL ENZYME MULS. -.LY UF SPECIFIC N~RIS GE THESE. 'FAC I I TY:' ~'AaUT Ct INST. 51riKH1111. I M. BAKHAY M 0 S C 0 1 USSR. UNLLAS G I F I E USSR UDC 577.15 KOYMOLOVA, G. S., YERYGINI, G. D., VASIL'YEVA, T. B. and Institute of Biochemistry imeni A. N. Bakh, Academy 0f,$ g,,scow "Effect of a Constant Magnetic Field of High Intensity on the Enzymatic Uydrolysis of Nucleic Acids" Mosccw, Doldady Ak-ademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 204, No 4, 1972, pp 995-997 Abstract: DNA (S r-J25) and RINA Were subjected to the action of MA-ase and respectively at 25'C for 1.5 hr tinder the effec~t of a magnetic field. The reaction Tqixtures were circulated contintiously through a:tube. The change in the enzyme activity due to the action of the magnetic field was determined spectrophotomiatrically on the basis of the increase of extinction in the acid-soluble fraction at X - 260 mp. The concautration of: the enzyme at which the reaction began was 0.6 'd/ml .(enzyme - substrate ratio 1:5000) for MNA-ase and 3 VM1 tor DNA-ase (enzyme substrate, ratio 1:50), respective- 1- . in "he experiments with DNA DNA-as.e, the activity: of DINA-a-se was in- creased as a result of the act-loa of the riiagnetic field by 30, 16, and MI.' at intensities of the magpetic field equal to 3,2 X 10.3, 1~2 X 103, and 0.8 X 103 0a, respectivoly, The effect of the magnetic field can be ascribed to -c -orientation of VIA molcculcz. Th e activit of RNA-asj! wa3 not yet increased at- 3.2 X 103 00. One may asstutte that much- highar intenMities of the magnetic .112 UNCLASSIFIE0 PROCESSING DATE-13NOV70 IR C ACCESSICN NO--AT011i'LO7 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP_0- ABSTRACT THE TITLE IATERIAL I-ROM FOSSILIZED SKELETAL RE. M A 1 NS W'AS EXAMD. BY PAPER C HR OMA TOG. AFT E R ~ C C! N 1v E NT I ON A L HYDPOLY.SIS. THE FOLLUJI411JIG 9 hl 1 N 0 AGMS WERE IGE.INTIFIED: ARGININE, I S T I.E.) I N E ,TH4'ECIIN'TNE, VAL INE , PHENYLA'LAN I NE OTHERS W FR E NOT I DENT I F IA~~LE. THE FREE AMINO AGIDS PRIOR TH HYDR!CLYSIS wERE THESE: -EON1,N4'i PHENYLALANINE AND LY I ARGININE, VALINE, rHR ~S I NE AS '#-.ELL AS I SPOT THAT WAS NTOT IDENTIFIED,, WHEN T'HE RESIDUE AFTER C 'ETECTION F THE FREE -'I NQ AC IL so 9 I DS WAS SUBJECTEO TO HYDROLYSJS VAME AT LY, 'H A VE PADOUCTS C"OfULD BE FOUND,, KJ!" If- THE FK EC- , 'AIA I NO ACI 0 S W&ZE SEPD~ FIRST, THE RE&IME GAW-t AFTER HYUROLYS.15t THE ;SPOT$ Or GNLY~APGININE,~ :'T HR E 0 N I ilE , LEUCINE, AND PHENYLALANINE.~ FACIL[TY: INST. 810KHIM. 11 M., BAKHA. MOSCOWi USSR. LUNC LA 1~.S I J E LIPC 6:2. 373. 7~45. 1 .0 1 DNA CATAWLISM IN THE ORGMS OF RATS V--~U THY. OF DIUMED ACCUL 7" (Articl" hy r. I A 7 , 6 ,."wgrowt ~;,, 01 1,6rber-OctZcr f(iii, 14-1.. -,It V 1, 1 - - pu~-!! 2 Au&unt 197.1~1 Al'"tr-iki ExV.Aur" of 174174 1; I'm n ti ~'Vra turn 25 g, InpArto-1 for sly. minutcx, rv-iL;ltx4 ill 1 2C1.' 4,~rcz,s, in the IM, content in ;hclr apltkfuk And eaut~d nu in li-icr Irttt., t:arrant'. '7116 Brvitlit 6uut V,? v~r-- Ilona in D.SAaaa activity in tizaui~ lwv~f#n4t&4 or their supornatants, . Iloucvtrs the octal activity iii tho free and uuun4 -eltzy%ea in th. aitrr .X,;100 uAs .17% Ux44r in, tl- mental animals than in tho congtrilt. Ttse plgzicccht~~'Lal prooerclus of DNA -(miilkulilt to acctl oritl~juno remained unalrored in cortiftariMra with norm! vans It Is known that t VM-1�4 a Crel-11'at-Luna C,liunq funC;tL==', Ical and hitichisical, nhLfta In* ~114 b64y, Tho!re, i:~ . d C it structural tulpatments.jaA14 itiLotht-luir a1. chat:4;u-.,, Jr. L', jjrctad to high (, of aulmuls sub I. AdA=c,,v and 1. J Anittailo exhibit a decrousa tri oxyl list, c-crnali Critloil In 01v raftulvo In a ducreatio in the lvvul' at 4.olt witl~ of hypatlta (A. S. at .1, 190~, A qhnrtpiL" of tteV4, Lauofy 94 Impalmont ill furiettonillF, of r;411 w.GlibrAntiti. llatj Moorek, and Driioly lihow that duviliq Uvir h1paxta th~rc In n tnd 4 In ;,,i, "i, !;;z;ii* 'Lsi ~;;v It 141 n1rai known that an oxygeri liliuv:agm In ttist tlp*ucq membranan of with 4n In tho ability (D4! Duvo, 1959, 1960; Accordinply. atcularat tort in ".n?. It,,, J`4A(t;:Vv ca;~Qhl~~ ef labl" the trimbr4ijer. at oubcalloltir at-tioture 1,. I . 1.6hillIgAtIcri E ly.:*~- nom* Moribratialp is uttually anctimpani4d by rha darting fr~q of anm~~O* f--- r-CTqC ACCFSSI(IN ND--AP0102721~ mect of the Oncentratiost of Empurines on tddmium density variations. duriAg. thermocyclic treatnient. SdW*ii 4it k-iL (Sib. Fir.-Tek -Wff~ A. P,;A korovLj., h. Fn ir~. KU2"AW, TOMW. Uss 9 I U, 131:1), 79-84'(Phiss). , The effects'df'BtwPb, Zn,!'In, and Rg additives were studied eiptl. The- Sol. eutt!6itc additii~es, as '~',cazi icrei~i i i0 well as the slightly.s6l gidditions, -d eAbie d- f C-1 if the uOper temp. limit. of the thtrmb4clk treatment falls widlin the regicia of,'solid-Hil.-State of the'q5teii. If i4nificant soly. in thi so[~4, -is exhibited bj. tht euteak iidditivt, bands along-the-grain &4~daiiis of Cd' a'p-~~d-uriug-tJ'te,thertnocyclic treaftnewt. HMJR AT REEL/FRAME, 1979il34 Acc. Nr: Abstracting. Service: Ref Code: "47568 cHEMI.CAL S'r.''i. 92773t Effed of the ncentr&tjOn Of iMpUfifift On tAdMIUM density variations. d therinocyclic treattient. $dW*fi wigg 3 A. (Sib. Fiz.,ITekh7 kh. mt. ~,n,. A ,orov I &,7,,5ki"i 1, '~Sib. ~Fi-je~ USSR uDc: 681-33 :371.69 32 YEGOROV, I. P., "Order of Lenin" Institute of Problems of Control (Automation "A Device for Modeling Finite automata" Moscow, Otkry-tiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshiennyye Obraztry. Tevarnyye Znaki, No 30, Oct 72, Author's Certificate Ho 3544il, Class G,.j-il.ed 27 Oct 70, published 9 Oct 72, p 145 Translation: This Authar'r. Certificate introduces a device for modeling finite automata. The device containe-a control unit,.4 matrix, of one-place registers, logic circuit:5, multifunctional switching elements, and k-place registers. As a distinguishing feature of the device, it is simplified by connecting the first and second outputs of each of registers in the matrix to the inputs of tlie-adjacent,6ne-place registers located in the line and column of the matrix respectively. The third output of each one-place register is connected to the input of the k-~-place register through a coincidence gate rhich is connected by~its second ii~put to the control ~unit. The outputs of the k-place register are connected to 'he inputs of the multifunctional switching element, whose second inprats are connected 1/2 USSR UDC.'.51:621,391 some Logic ets of Homogeneous Structures". ''Sovrem., Probl. Kibernet. [Mod,~.rn Problems C)rbernetics Collection of Works] s - 01 ratiynyy Zhurnal M o cow, Nauka Press, 1970, pp 338-344,,(Translated from'/Refe -No 3 V319:by:the author). Kibe,rnetika, No 3, 1971, Abstract .:Translation: Two probleins are analyzed, arisi,ng whenmagnatic toroidal cores are used as analog memory elements with nondestructive reutout. It is demonstrated that the principal difficulty involved in using:toroidal c:res is the production 9. of a linear dependence between the write signal and the output signal. Methods are demonstrated for solving this problem.*andlthe-ar6a of.application of elements -.of analog memory based on toroidal cores is indicated~ 14 January 19i2 AEROKrMDYWIC CHAMCL IMCS OF bpokbY, !Crodinanika bystrok hodnykh % [Chaoier 53 from the I . rossaIIs." , secena Edy.;Ion: k f c"n the asrohydrodynamic Res *artu, M th: t0ec o the Water, a characteristics ofvarrier surfaces zovEng,over t"...wzter iurfaca to as valuable for vessels 4sina underwater fins arid Ali cushions as it is, rpe- cifically# for screea-plsai ships-using them biiiiiiiial effect of the surface ChaxacteristiC3 of 3upersurfacie vizgs. Herco~ un &hall. interface on tfie " cons ider, a series of problems of the motion of * vizqg: close. to the. interface separating, media of dlffirenl.~.'Idenvlties. jj:~jt of these is the problem ' surfeLed. of the motlon.of a wing of iriftnite spC ead - ove r A %later PP Fig. 232. Statement of Problem 1. Suppose a vin es with of V ,a of infinite. spread mov cl f d! ff j i 1A , a o er close to the interface,betueen tvo med . v& I ' we must fin1j. the po tentIal (Fig. 232). To determine the forces acting on, It* To of the V~Iocities in the tedium with t]4* ~ density of '. This. potential should satisfy theliplace equation, the nonjeakaCe c nd tiont the attenuation, co.,dlzion of the induced yelocities far from tho.baWy# and the limiting c,..,.dLr,L6n on the interface. The list, is obtained fro t a c6ntinuLty candi- tion,for the pressure and, the normal veloci ty cozoponint in he trans ition, &no limi4, throu&h.the.interf P. 4,- si-I [I ~"7. USSR ~_Gj Marinie,:a.d'A ip "I' in F1 USSR 532-528 BOOKS U~ GOROV I SAMINY11OV, Yu. 1- 1- . J, 11111T) 1. 1.,, j3x~,- 1111: Ii.A I'm A Y.A.11-TTATSIDi (Artificial~ Cavitation), lenin,-rad 115udostro~. eriiye" 63 pp illus, fom. ul biblios, copies 'printed 1971, 2 ae, Results are given of e ch supercavitction, witural and artificial res ar 3m ventilation of varimis The book does not pretmad to be a full fresearch in t~_-iis area of hydrome6hanics, but contains trinaril 'he survey 0 data obtained in recent years by- the alAunors. It is intended for use by scirntifi associat-es and technicians i,,,orking in the ~desj.f.-n offi.~ces End scientific resear-h organilzatbions in the skij:-building ii~cbistry., but can -,also. be useful to staident s dn, the higher technical schools--majoring ir hydrome6h,,mics and marine en,-,J.neer-_J=. Contents Y'aces Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Chapter 1. Yhysical I eeuliaritieE; of Patural and Jxiih.cial On-Vitation ( 'written by 1. T. Ye,-,orov) Describes'and Vlzssifics cavi- tation i,!;emrntenaj I. roslective r~,,-plications~ of artificial cavitatlon, L.-.eneral problem and theoreti c--L: anal~ si s of t' e L J of plro&ucing artificial Cas cavities phencriena, imd m3thlodj on surfaces 5-22 1/2t U 5 SR )T:GOROV . 1.T., et al, ISNUSSTVV11- IYA ~krtificial Cavitaticn FjX1TATS ), Leningrad 1971- Chapter 11. flatural and lztificial Ca-eLtation of Uydrofoils (vrit t,cm by 1-1. A. Easin) discusses )Wdromeclhan:-Lcs~of stiucrea-viltating ;-id vc;---tf-lated . . . . 23-5-6 Char-ter III. Controlling the I&A of C~vita,tjng Foil' Vrntilation of Bodies 1"raring Int;erpet-d.on.-With ther, Free 5urfP'-.o of the Water (-trritten b,-,, 1. T. Yegororv) Diseussies methods of regulating the cavitating~ czavi-by in ordv+-,r to vary the hydrodynairde charpcteristics of liftinirlisurfaces, and -touches upon certain fonas of natAral and artificial ventilation of bodies during interiattion -f,,ith the free surface of tdie vater 9o-156 Chapter IV. Artificial Cav:Lt ti6n During hytion of a Body 11ear the- Free Surface of the Water (imitten by I. J. I -.*iyev) Gives remilts of theoretical and em~eriiilcwtal research on the nubjectu 0 6 a 0 0 P 157-224 Chapter V. i~ydrotnamio Char-rcteristics of 1111opellcra Dur~flg j'..rti- :U cial C' on (written bv Yu. Y. i Scdo%inikov) Con-a- ns matcrial, on research on artificial cavitation of F-ro- pel-Icirs and on the interection. of proroll(~rs, qr-rating -under these cond~.t--ons in conjunction wi:4h the :1ifting eleme-nts of hydrofoil t3hips+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225-2fS1 q 4 Al TECHNICAL MANSLATION' MUM TItUt chctaical Reinrorct=eni or souo, in Airrizild ard Road Vonrtructior FOREICY TITM Mimicheakoire Lrkreplenl7c Gruntov V Aerodrotstion I Dorothrioll Stroitellstva 110, AUTHDRI. 4. r.w Ilichehanko, fl. M. gaw, ILI.Azz=kayt I-J-10TAL-0 and V. A. Filatov SOURCE3 Chemical, Stabilization of Soil in Airfleld and Road Constructio 1967, 21 r' PELgCS Translated for FSTC by ACS1 T Ji NOTICE The contents of tii% publication have been translated as presented in thic original text. No Atter"rt has been made to verify the accuracy of any statement contained herein. This tran0ation it publahcd with a minimum of copy editing and graphics preparation in order to cxf,cilitc %hir dissrmination of infiiinnition. Requests for additional copies of this document shmild be addressed to Department A, National Technical Information Scr%ricc, Springfield. Virginia 22151. Appro~cd for public telease; distribution unlimited. UDC 532.596+551.46.06.8 USSR LEMMA X 96- IfTheory f Ice Field Drift in a Porizon tally Nonuniform Vind Field" 0 V. sb. Probl. Arktiki i Antarktiki. ~~M~34 (Probl(Ims of the Arctic and Antarctic. Vvp. 34 -- Collection of Works), Leningrad, Gidrometeoiz- dat Press, 1970, pp 71-79 (frow RZh4lekhanika, Noil.0, Oct 70, Abstract No 10 B483) Translation; This article contains a study of the nonstationary problem of ice drift considering the interactioniof ide floes. The Laplace transfornation is applied to the initial equation. 'Yor re--presenting the complex velocity, an inhomogeneous second-order differential equation is obtained the solution of which was obtained by M.~!. Ruzin (see Tr. Arkt. i Antarkt. n.-i. iii-ta [U*orks of the Arctic and Antarctic Scien- tific. Research Institute], 1959, NO 226, pp 123-135).. By inversion arid separating the real and imaginary part of~tliis solution, the author obtains the drift velocity components of the ice. 0~fisidering that the drift velocity is basically determined~by.the wind effect, the author 1/2 M I ON MMEMMMM-0-0-ft -mart wamsim OWN -0-2 f.1 UNCLA5SIFIED DATE I--02LDCT70 -TITLE-MUIDEL. OF A BAROTROPIC *OCEAN 11THOR-W31-YEGOUkOV, K.L. f LAYKHTIMANT D~o L RADIKEVICH, V.M. GUNTkY UF INFO--'Ussq 5 00 RC E- -G K I A N 0 L 0 G I Y A 1970, V YL10, NR 2, OP 2 49 - 2 55 -------DATE: PUSL ISHED ------- 70 SU6JEc r ARFAS-ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES, EAqTl4 ~SCIENCES. AND DICE4NOGRAPHY PIC JAGS-OCEMUCURRENT, SURFACE APEA, MODELY TURBULENT FLOWo JE0S_TRGPHIC- WIND,, ATMOSPHERIC WIND FIELD MARKING-NO PEST? ICTIONS .70MUMENT CLASS--U NCLASSIFIED REEL/fRAME--Iq90/I2J5 'STEP fqt",--()P/0213/*?O/)L,1/002/02lt9/0255 CIRCE ACCESSION NO--APU1093bq 212 028 UNC L A SS I Pt .Ells P ROCESSrNG DATE--02OCT70 ~1,--CIRC ACCESSIUN-NO-AP0109369 .ABSTPACT/EXTRACT-1U). GP-0- Af'iSTkACT.. METHODS FOR GO"A PUTT k4G VERTrCAL 1)ISTRIBUTION' OF THE SEA CURRENT VEOUG I TIES 1AND PA~AMETEP~S ARE SUGGESTED FOR A HAROTP,0fljC, OCEAN, THE (;EOSfl?,0Pf-i[C 141\10 FIELL) 1S USED AT THE INITIAL DATA. THE CDMPUTATIONS ARE: M h D E 1: U: R .4 C LO E D UL A it BASIN. T A N G EiN T I A L R EC I Atq( 41N0 STRIESS AT Tlir.'. JCEA% SUIFACE. IF) A FUNCTION OF COORDINATES TAU SWAY EQVAL TAU 02tAX BOUAL TAU S)(JR9 TIMES COS Y DIVIDED ~YAI, I'l I I A P1 W OBTAINED UUAN Y 14TFVE~ RESULTS ARE IN ACC 01(l): W I TH THE KNOWN ORDERS- OF MAGNITUDES WH IA ES PJSS LE TO jCf.i ~FACT M < R ASSUME THAT THE SUGGESTFD MODEL -CAN 'GIVE, A CORI~,ECY DYNAMICAL F"ACf .-OESCki-PTION OF- THE PROCESSES- IN :~A ~8 kGTR0P-(C,i,Ot 11TY: -Tf, --T-.,- __0Y*-,ANj LOG I, I Im. P.:-P~-,,Ak -TtJ FAC ILLTjY.' UtHa -G Kogi--p ROLOGK-Hf.-S; tER-1-N, RUMETc UN%.".LASSlflE0 '-'~'212 028 UNCLASS.IFIED PROCESSING DATE--020CT70 C~l R*C ACCESSION-NO-AP0109369 --A-35TR ACT/ EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AR S T R A CT METHODS FOR CO.A.PUTING VERTICAL 0ISTR-IBAJTIONS OF THE SEA CUPRENT VEOLCITIES AND, -.TUR5ULF%'l-.E PARAMETERS AqESUGGESTEO FOR A BAROTItC)PIC OCEAN.: T.H E GEOST~.-',OPHIC WINED FIELD IS USED AT THE INITIAL DATA. THE CJMPUTATIONS ARE MADE FOR A CLOSED RECTANGULAR BASIN. TANGENTIAL WIND STRESS AT THE JCEA%. SU:kFACE IS 4 FUNCTION OF COORDINATES TAU SWAY EQUAL 0; TAU SUBAX EQUAL TAU SU,1~9 TIMES COS PI.,-Y. DIVIDED FiY B. THE OBTAINED QUANTITATIVE RESULTS ARE I-'l ACCURV WITH THE KNOWN ORDERS OF MAGNITUOES, WHICH FAcr MA