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lit. K I(,,. K4 I S.rui,.# -d LTC Uritootr Tn. V~t imrVT-It Of -,-Ir-nl $z WOW" positions ton Bert 1~ r Ic l1 fd on ~m '. to of tho.-;:h and (Aotter -1yalo or the -Irtm-mi ,a and of V" vor~," 'ien. On the b-3 f U,' a -.Rta, -0.4,*e In the sq,$,of :11L.111M. WX f1,15- ~1.ct~ntc d" It.. r"rC"I"d ctr-tAtn poaltim4. VMS end tMI ffitudied end thtr0on1v an9l"Ad tbi"-=t~k Clc! PAq=t:!, of rV&lr & orAtiont, and awthoo. of abjxx O~16 6t:~ 4cezrt. or m"orirtoj~ poettinn at hgnj, The ~=!omstjon thus obtair.4 #tzt-.~.4 liato to Jttpcvv tha --ulp-nt, itstmWittd, 4nd ral:nt-nwe docttm 'a;, 4a,to Al. 'I n~k A, inm:" ink 2"rttrt dif- sontatim ~.-o.u sa -it" -it'. worker -.k4tA - Ural. of LtA W--wst toot a .? "-"t L7 -1 -c arl.: work currvealtn,cai, jood rj.-v 0t, trtbla to . Import"co In bryeMsIng Fp"I&I-Ijed l~rkirjg pILCIS a."Almod %4 squipplox the* .3actel doTt..4 And i-Imitenur Ur.'so u:. in.,tras high q~blity, officiant ",air -Ylcz. in ,for -XNVI., to the -t,re-.g position -bvr. ftrtna -ap=* are mpolroll addi%UU to 1ho Vork ~epch 0 "t~. vi~. bruth; A rv%4t&tI, ta"t and 6 pyrd,Ad voryi tnot.1164. Wwr.vs ." M-' oft the stand (til, 1) ~fwt .1igned I" a p7ro.ld. &p-,cia %nAmco" Goetr howat Wen prOvid&d. Wl" in-*& thint-.2 the &rmror tem vasily and rtne x4~ fnAt4i1.1vd1y1&.A1-pirtv. 5p"1-11 bradito 'laom Into -a for the ast"blF Of bArvy Co-LitAkto only "" or th. ttl,~,Ab of the ororw fl'AV* I,, V"ie" hFdr.u1st rI,q# ar# aaaltm,led (y1f. 2). Th. Wbile supo('rt M*tv it pqostblo .AA" t. r-4-e-r I- t-1, the 8A- h-ML~%: i. 4N4 -VLIv*t Plants and pczftm 41 90P *ptr.iions vJ0, %~ a' & btight -Nti. tv tK. mbir. 0*410 or the b.Aso am 1, ~i,.d two, a cr- 17" C, Past v.TI44.1y q~tm,.d 1. t1to .0.1=rked Ice tM "a-bly of -thanipw ~T rttt= (1It;.,)). In Mon to the dij-JAP p4dtatkl -rx 1-4b wtth ddjv~ts~lv thezi, Slt 4 mell on which Or* diepoood Vitro pUtittl t no-, toli c-.Istr," r4- trm,,.nCtliq tott Vt4r"O at the work tp*r. Of ho-of Parts, end & h;Actl~4. T.-IA fwt-bld units are dt-Liqored In sueh hand trucks to tnot akc"~aIT mr-rA. The matra prowls a- .46. In the for., Q., w-i- b.1.0 Wkth haAOIVO. 9QLIOws - rx"*-O r4 -S in tho,to pm.11 -c1r:1:tA9 to the 4-1-tt"t of the parts pIPrm4 up" tbom, both pxrtI* tt,.w roa-4 for SjrAtoorntt, Of Part. bVC4U.o It ran t. mlr~. froft t* otenw- in T?~Icft thaq MTV been filled Wnother Oil parts have t,*ors dt,1tmtrT-,s or hot to tt,,t woric area. Thn Vork area for the repair of optical In.trtmormia (Fig. L~ to equIpped Vtth 4 rot4ting stand on which are Placed flacks WA tylladdell, "Atatnero for such *a Polwents, totton ~Vtoj rrA "~.iaj InstrV"Uts, 66hind tosmh Olt the ripht t1mom 16 a%tarhod a Ot".om roqatived for timpectialt optical partmi dispom.d an the left an tha colltmoUrto which are seat! for theekt" hold adjusting optical imUlTmenta. At Ar A ~rk mm h&O &IbC bere QqulP-,rd rOv the mq~lFw$lt sftd eaJ..ting si,criAlist (Fig. 5~. L"I dAvicts Ald t~lf 4-tric power PArel- board or* ill"oned I. nich - sam" Wt Ah. ftrCt.liat Csn -1 uOlo vittimp. at t~,n t-rh. The trttrc~nlr triatlo Me. to "'Ko his "Adin with . onMcitntll RFI. d,?,r- r --cy. 1. perfecting the cork ar-a - get c%j- r,prort f-. tt~. jn-t~ and fficjrna7 uorto, 7heir 1mrpP.-tims contritto 0 intremied verlt ou ;~t, ~.,dcrvizatlom of P-c~mtml and better (I.altty -int.n-ce ,r -rove ."I ?Y -ay or uamlo, Cnt, A. Griolye" ezrri- 171" C"41,-psd a work. "res -tivr, SN, m-lairenenta for t.Nv t#phir of rti 1'ry #I:".- by el."rin; It with 4 end i,.mtn.mtA. ;t. Ivor -loyro of tm So7-eA, Arrr, rroporre * -,I~i for S vork am,& for th repair of optics and InItm."Ctf. 4tcrdibr t~ 1--t. exp*ri*nC*S. the coots for t&Mizy 0~% Ur** vorioui ~A with the -L"Llfit crewttatim of lol*or are meall, vlltlt s. M the Wvct. thry proO,44 1. 41il, ki. f1pot, h~jf or 19~O jjj only a reV i4aj"tenknC, =144 A~~Wtcd " tonp or of mbl". raperlence h~o ot~vn that ~rk rpac,es In asinters-co unita s J.0%,d to cw~ltsvt *no This "rk sh"Id t. pl~Af~d me %ho w-evine. ard -N.Cring ~ntml or t1h. ~-nd sd I'krty "d Komo-1 se- E~j rA Abstractii :Serv - 'Ref. Code: Acc. ng, ,c 4531 0- CHEMICAL ABST. 4LR 0 40a 0 9225sz Electriml, tonduc V1 Vagshalf ti of ser 'U (U NOW. Lai. Teuit. GreoL Unr. Sverdlo sk R --Akad- Nauk SSSRJ he was 6 uring verfi~ai zoning in,:distributiQfi of resiAiiitk Nvas 6 vertical elec. probing. elec. logging',-and 4d of Oh~s'~& rtfias in holes drilled m1chrysotile-antig-OFilpes, CTItites Of4lie' lag6- i tes "' a1o~ resistiv- clatskauelPervornaiskma if -Se ow sm s- rpen '--36 'AbnYe~ihis l6rel, tht~ resisti.4- ity(20-100ohm)at, -1,50rn.. ity increased -20 tivats'and then deci4~sed again to imiiial vaWe directly below the surface, Anabr;~~tihcimeinp~f,"depths;of 30-150 m was accompanied b~ a d&reasij of magnki~ suscefiti- bility reflecting the changes in content of. rnagnetim~ z;'The Jim- zm of high resistivity: is considered. as'an indepenl6t -zorte: of serpentinite weathering situated ati'the base ofmeathe~ing'profi!L below the disintegration tone.1-It difTered from:unaltered ser- Wtinites mosilyin a partial- decothpn.,of magjietito.,*~ The sepn. of the of partial deco~npn. of magnetite at. the baize of we'ath- ering profile provides'for Indinj of initial stwspf ~)ettcr undcrstwi development of weathering Piorj6;0n, szrpenfinitdi, BLIR:, REEL/FRAME Y, 197 1 234 028 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-04DEC70 1_TLE,~-EFFECT OF COMPLEX SATURATION WITH BORON AND COPPER 0 NTHE SrRENGTH "-'-.-'-:CftARACTERlSTICS -AND WEAR RESISTANCE OF CARBON STEEL -U- AUTHOR- ('05 I-POKHMURSKY, V.I., ~~R.G., 'GRJBOVSKY, Y'A.Sy ZAMIKHOVSKYt T ABI,NSKYt K*P. ,tOUNTRY OF INFO-.-USSR -21 --SQURCE-FIZ.-KHIM. MEKHAN* MAT., 1970t 61(2), 18 PUBLISHED ------- 70 OBJECT, AREAS-MATERIALS -140PIC TAGS--WEAR RESISTANCE, COPPER ALLOY, BORIDEr CARBON STEEL, IMPACT STRENGTHi :FATIGUE STRENGTH MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-U14CLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3003/0213 STEP NIO--IJR/0369/701006/00210018/0021 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129469 UtICLASS IF lE0 qliuammmw--- ~~jNc, OATE--040EC7.0 UNCW~, :F,~:. q, 't 15" PROC~SSING DATE--30OCT70 St IEW:11" E--SPECTROSCOP.IC STUDY OF THE-ADSORPTION OF' SODIUM:0LEATE ON MINERALS -(02)-VAtNSHENKER, I.A., KRIVELEVA, E.O. R 0 COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~:_SOURCE-IZH, FIZ* KHIM. 1970, 44(3), 790-2 _,_bArE PU13L ISHEO------70 ,_:SU8JECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY PIC TAGS--SPECTROkOPY, SODIUM COMPOUND, CALCIUM FLUORIDEt ADSORPTION CGNTROL t4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .PR0XY,REEL/FRAME--199&/1895 STEP NO--UR/0076/70/044/00310790/0792 CIRC ACCESSICIN ND--AP0118857 UNCLA-551FIED Y" Ch J.=,UtUte cliloro- ts - 01-1S ~Of to incl0l"-~ Aza pj,U]3as lic) C.Cl' T- Ab S 6 c"110'rO-i ~S'_s -rcL~uj of, Oyin f ro m t1 c' Fjy se of the at 'b0 red tlw de 1, 1/2 ly ner L's5ft 0 y c rot"S J_ lie _'2_:j et J - L producus 769-79" the cu!- ly. to Tron" ~2_ (ANCL AsSf F leol p ESS':NG DATE-13NOV70 -E CR"EP IN LEAD -u- TITLE FFECT OF THE SUPERCOINDUCT. ING;:, lRANS I TJ ON C NTH I A 'AT13V, V.P. 'VAIN8LAT AUTHOR-t03)-SQLL STARTSEVt V.L, T.T: ~'CUUNTRY OF INFO-USSR j URCE P"HYSICA STATUS SOLID[, 19700 VOL ~37t NR I , P11 47-51 SO DATE PUBL ISHE-9--'70 SUBJECT ARE'AS-MECH. IND. CIViL :AND V.ARlNr_ ENGR -T,OPIC TAGS-LEAD, METAL CREEP, CREEP MECHARISMv SUPER CONDUCTIVITY C GNTR OL MARK I NG--~-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-1989/0634 ~STEPING-GE/Of)3Of7O/D37/001/0047/0051 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0107231. C L A ~SS. 1 F ~11' ll"~4 2/2 018 UNCLASSIFIM PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0107231 -AaSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT OF THE SUPERCONDUCTING TRANSITION ON THE VELOCITY OF CREEP IN LEAD HAS BEEN INVESTIGATED ANO FOUND TO INCREASE 5HARPLY AT THE, TRAN.Sl::TION To THEiSUPERCO.40UCTING :STATE- TtiE-',VALUE OF THE JU.4P,OF CAEEF -VELOCITY DEPLNDS ON THE SAMPLE PU- ct'l TY THE MAGNETIC FIELD DCES,~lNOT EFFECT' THE Cllf:':EP VELOCITY, THE POSSIBLE CAUSES (CHANGE OF INTERAtTlOWSETWEEN ELE,(TRONS ANO bF-TERMINING TH MOB 1, DISLOCATICNSI CHANGE OF SARRLERS E LETY OF DISLUCATIONS ATTHE SUPERCONDUCT I,NG.: T.RANS-1 T I ON) OF; THE EFFECT OBSERVED A R ISCUSSED E 0 SS I FIED 0 1,01 C T 70 /2 018 UNCLA PROCES51k~G DATE HTLE-Ef-FECTS DF Fk,'JIL DJRATION PRIOR TO, CAPPING Atli) OF 75PERCENT ffkROSILICON PARTICLE SIZE -~;N THE SILICON ENRICHMENT jr- THE TOP Of- THE ._.auTHnR_f05)-KC;N0AASHoVt M,.M., SABYEV, M.P., L A S H C 'i E V V.YA., TE-RZIYAN, P.G. (IF INFO--USSR ~_SOURCE-METALLURG (MOISCOW), 1970t, 15( 1) 21-3, ::~,::-bATE PUbLISHED ----- -70 .:..SUBJECT APEAS--MATERIALS 4QPIC_.TAGS--ING0T CASTINGP FERRUSILICONI.PARTICLE SILF, VISTAIBUTION STEEL:.PRODUCTION:. COEFF ICIRiTtSILICON, C 04 T-9 OL MARKING-ING RFSTRICTMINS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RCCL/~-RAME-1989/1933 STFP NO--UR/0130/~(0/015/0,0t/O')21/0~')23 CC E 5 S I ON N0-00 I OR2 62 C I R Ck;-I U C I F I E 9 212 018 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSUNG DATE--020CT70 -CIRC ACCESSION %10--AP0108262 W- T/rExTF-ACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. USE OF 75PERCENT 10-29 Mli PARTICLE STRAC 4 SIZE FE;'%'RQS.IL ICON AIDS li'll THE UNIFORM ~O I S TR I 60T I ON OF THF SI. THE BlIL TIPIE CiF THE METAL IN THE INGOT BEFORE CAPPING HAS A GREATER FFFECT ON THE SI DISTRIBUTION IN THE TOP OF THE INGOT THAN TfiF 75PERCENT FESI PARTICLE SIZE FRACTION. THE OPT.IMUM BOIL TIME FOR THE. STEEL IN THE MOLD .DEPENOrNG ON THE INTENSITY Of THEPROCESS SHOULD BE CONSWERED AS 1.5-3 MIN THE OPTIMUM 75PERCENT FESI PARTICLE SIZE FRACTIJ,,,,, IS 10-30 M4. PLANTS WORK I t4G IN SIMILAR CONDITIONS DATA OBTAINED CAN BE USED FOR OTHER_ AS THE~KOMMUMARSK PLANT WHERE- THE~WORVWAS DONE.: 89 USSR SKIRKEVIdIUS, A., and VAITKEVI&EN~. G., Institute of Zoology and .-Parasitology, Lithuanian SS,R Academy of Sciences "Behwrioral Mechanism of Honeybees Under the Influence of Pheromones" Vilnius, Trudy Akademii Nauk Litovskoy SSR, Seriya V, Vol 2(62), 1973, pp 181-184 Abstract: Studies were conducted on worker bees (Apis mellifica nellifica) to establish a correlation.betveen the histograms representing the nature of their stay in the vicinity of filter paper impregnated with a pheromone (geraniol), and the electrophysiologicalactivity of sensory cells in the antenna and the deutocerebrum. On the assumption that neuronal activity determines subjective assimilation of the chemical stimulus by the bee and, hence, its behavior with respect to the stimulus, it would appear that decreased neuronal activity would have a negative effect on the bee's attraction to the che-mical stimulus and.could therefore be correlated vith the beefs departure from.the filter paper. `.PROXY REEL/FRAME--300111945 STEP NO--UR/0475/7;('1000/00510056/0(-58 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0127346 UNICILASSIFIED ow, a ! m, m, , M!" `70 21/2. 015 UNCLASSIFfED PAOCFS'SING DATE----3(.)0Cl CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP01273ti6 ~ABSTRAGTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IT 15 SUGGESTED THAT A STUDY Oi-- -'T G THE DYINAMICS OFF PARTTAL SECRETION IN CHRONIC DIS lSES OF T,4E S -MhCH AIRE OF SICNIFICANCE 1114 THE DIAGNOSIS AN 0 EVALUATIO14 --r'l' I'H;--' EFFICIENCY OF TREATMEW. DETAILS ARE PRESENTED OF-USING EXAMINATION OF riii- :roapsics OF PARTIAL SECRETION IN 94 PATIENYS~R8CEIVING TREAI-M-E-14'1 1t',41 COIN')[TIONS OF 'S AND `lUD THE MORSHIN !-.EALTH RESORT* MGRSHIN MINERAL WATER,, 1XI I N IRA. L5ATH APPLIr!.- OF RESULTED IN A SIGNIF ICANT~; I.MPROVEMENT THE PATIENTS' CONDITION. FACILITY::- K'.'AFE,DRA.'FA,KiJL'I*ETSI((:)Y TERAPI It IVANG-FRANKOYSKOGO 14EU-ITSINSKOGO: INSTITUTA. UNCLASSIFIED----- USSR uDc: 681.3 KORSHUVOV, Yu. M., STEPASHFUH, A. I., WEARM,j. A., IGFA, A. L., YDLCHADSKIY, L. I., STEMMO, V. H. 'A~. "A Digital Spectral Analyzee Tr. Ryazan. radiotekhn. in-ta (Works ~of the Ryazan Radio, Engineering Institute) . 1970, vyP . 29, P-P 158-168 (from RM-Kibiernetika, No 9 Sep 71, Abstract Ito 9V554) Translation: The paper describes a model of a sDecialized digital com- puter device designed for studying the frequency make-up of random signals. Expression-. are presented for estimating the basic parameters of the device under various operating conditions. Authors' abstract. 53 USSR UDC: .3.o6 5 155-001-57:681 VAK=I, I. A. "Discrete Smoothing Filters With Automatically Variable Order of Astaticism!' Tr..Ryazan. radiotekhn'rin-ta (Works of the Ryazan Radio Engineering Institute), 1970, vyp. 29, pp 85-95 (from. RZh~-Kibernetika, No 9v SeD 71, Abstract No 9V632) Translation: The paper deals w-ith a method for automatically changing the order of astaticism of a discrete smoothing filter. The useful' component of the input signal ofthis filter consists of alternating segments of polynomials of different degrees. 'The n'ethod is based on determining the probability of -appearance of positive, vallb!s of the ~difference between the input and'output signals of the filter, Author's abstract. 11 1 i" 11It 111 iii1111A H, i Ai iik ii iii d H ~~ri ii _112, 009 UNCLASSIPIED PROCESSING DATE--230CTIO TITLE--,ISOLATION OF AGAROSE AND GRANULATION OF AGAR AND AGAROSE GFL -U- A.UTHOR-(03)-EGOROVt APM.t VAKHABOV, A.KH*v CHERNYAKt V.YA. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--J, CHROMATOGR. 1970t,,46(21# 143- ~v _DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--AGAR, GEL, MECHANICA L' SEPARATION ,.~._CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED "PROXY REEL/FRAME--1996/0495 STEP 144 0 - - N E0 0 0 0 /7 00600 20 14 30 L 4 8 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117729 UNCLASS IF lErj 2/2 009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESS10N NO--AP0117729 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U] GP-0- ABSTRACT. AGAROSE WAS ISOLATED FROM DIFCO BACTAGAR BY FRACTIONATION WITH.tNH SUB4)SUB2 SO SUB'i- AND ME SUB2 CO. A MODIFICATION OF THE METHOD OF L. PHILIPSON ANO.S. BENGrSSGN (196/') -.4AS USED FOR GRANULATION OF AGAR:AND AGAROSE. A SPRAYER HAVING REMOVABLE DISKS WAS DESCRIBED WHICH PERMITTED.F)REPN. OF BEAD SHAPED GRANULES OF ANY SIZE AT GEL CONCNS. OF 2-7PERCENT. SINCE THE SPRAYING OF Lle OF AGAR REQUIRED IS LESS THANOR.EOUAL TO 2 MIN., NO COOLING OF THE WATER ETHER MIXT. WAS. NECESSARY AND THE GEL~Dll) NOT CONGEAL IN THE SPRAYER. ALSO,. THE N PRESSURE USED FOP SPkAYING.HAD LESS.EFFECT ON THE GRAmULE SIZE THAN SQUEEZING THE. SOLN. THROUGH.,kNEEDLE0 . FACILITY: LAB. BLOORG. CHEM., MOSCOW STATE UNII,~!MOSCOW* USSR- UN C L A S S I F I E D a USSR UDC: 519-21 On Gaussian Random Sequences" Tr. Thilis. un-ta Works of Tbilisi University), 1971, A10.37), pp 103-109 Tf-rom PZh-Kibernetika, No. 11, Nov 71, Abstract 11o 11V145) Translation: It is proved for a Gaussian sequence of random quantities ;c 2.....) with average w__Jai) and .'ovaria:tion matrix. s=1s,,j) that with probability 1: 1) HmC,=o, if jimaj o and p(a)="!"V;-J'exp(-ejsjj)0; 2) sup~,