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Frde- Raai cals USSR UDC: 541.15:542.631, A. A. and SAVEL YR V, YU. "Radical Formation in Low-Tempelrature.Radiolysis of TxIbutyl Phosphate and Some Other.Organaphospborus Extracting Agents" Leningrad, Radiokhimiya, Vol 12, No Ip 1970, pp 121 - 17 Abstract; The authors used the EPR meUiod to study thc free radicals formed in the gamma irradiation of tributyl~phosphate and some other neutral organ- ophosphorus extracting agents, as well as radical -format-ion in irradiated mixtures of tributyl phosphate with nitric acid and with iiaert diluenzs. Itmas fotmd that in extracting agents irradiated in air 0., radicals Zre formed in the release of radical-elactron traps. In froz(--,n mixtures of tributyl phosphate with benzene Ian d d.Ocane the fornation of radicals of the extracting agent and diluent is governed by additive law with variations in the component concentration. An exception are Li.-Lx4ures of tributyl phos- phate with carbon tetrachloridee, which display strwig cl('Viation additi.- vity in the formation of radicals of dIA. -ations in `rs conc - vrith IiZr4 ell tration. In irradiated mixtures of tributyl phosph.3.Ae with 97 percent lfll~,03 itto ~-__ USSR VASMM, A. A., and SAVEL'YFIV YU. 1~ Radiokhimi,~a, Vol 12, No 1, 1970, -17 pp 12 the.BPR spectra belong to 40 'and N'03.xadicals forted in the xadio'iysis of 2 concentrated nitric acid, as well as A radicals of the s:!xtract:Lna -Acent. The N02 and k radicals are f orm-ed additively. Th ikO3 :radicals are eiec- e tron traps, and their BPR signal begins to appear only Jn tho region of lo%q concentrations of tributyl~phospha e. Radiatirn-chemical reactions of t the formation of final radiolysis products of~tributyl phosphate are dis- cussed. 2/2 USSR UDC 546~732-386.03+546.742-386.03 VERSHCHAGMA, T. Ya., VASH14AN A. "Spectroscopic, Magnetochemical and Relaxation Measuzements of Coll and NiII Complexes with Organophosphorus Ligands!' Moscow, Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khimii, Vol XVIII, No 1, 1973, pp 162-168 Abstract: The methods of electron spectroscopy, magnetlc suspension and spin echo in the phosphorus nuclei were used to study complexes of the nitrates of CoII and Nill with tributyl phosphate, tributyl phosph~.nate and tributyl- phosphine oxide. The nature of the metal-ligand chemical bonds in the com- plOtes formed during the process of extraction in aqueous solutions of organophosphorus compounds is discussed.~ The increasing order of degree of donor-acceptor iretal-ligand bonding pliosphate-phospliinate-pht)spliine oxLde coincides with the increase in the extractive capacity~of the extractants. However, water molecules are preferable coordinating ligands in mixed sol- vents. 1/2 035 UNCLA I F I'ED',! PROCESS'NG-DATE--04DEC70 ,TITLE --PIG IRON CONTAINING BORON AND.ALPAINUM _U_ iAUTHOR-02)-KRESTYANOV, V.I'l VASHUKOVI -.i.A ~,.CCUNTRY:OF INFO--USSR S OURC E---:7 GER OFFEN. 11804f690 1) AT EPUBLISHED--09JUN70 --SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS TOP I CTAGS--PIG IRON, BORON ALlOYi,;ALU14INUH ALLOY, CIHEMICAL PATEN'Tr WEAR ,-:.R,ESI'STANCEj NICKEL ALLOYi IMECHANICAL STRENGTHi CHROM I U?#l ALLOY, SILICON -4LLOY,~MANGANESE ALLOY .CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY*REEL,r'FRAME NO --300311790 STEP --GY/0000/6~/000/000/0000/0000 .CIRC ACCESSION t4O--AA01306?3 (JIN(A. ASS I fA ED- 2/2 035 UNCLASSIFIED I-'R0CFS5lNG DATE-04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AA01306?3 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE WEAR R'riSISTANCE TO SLIDJ~4G FRICTION OF PIG IRON W'AS INCREASED BY ADDING PERCENT 8 AND 0. 02-0.15PERCENT AL. THUSs F-EPROBORAL CONTG. 9~14P&KENT e. ANID SIMILAR TOJOPERCENT AL PLUS N1 WAS ADDED CONTINW33USLY AND SIMUCTANEOUSLY TO PlG IRON IN A CUPOLA FURNACE TO G'IVE.GRAY,PlG tRoN, S! 1.6-,2.01 M-N 0.6-0.91 CR 0.2-0.41 NI 0.4-0.6, 8 0~.025-0.05, AND AL O.Gl-0.03, S SMALLER THAN O.L2, AND P SMALL ER THAN 0~16PERCENT. THIS ~!ATERIAL HAD PEARLITE STRUCTUREt 190-ZZO 'FiARDNESS~,NO.-,. I-AR(;!ER THAN ~fS KG-MM PRIME2 6ENDING STREN'GTH, LARGER'THAN 28 KG-AIM PK[mE2 BREAKING STRENGTHt AND A 3 FOLD HIGHER WEAR RES1,STANCE TO-SLIDIN(; FRICTION THAN A COMMON PtG IRON. FACILITY., EFREMOV.s A, 14t TYAZHSTANK OG I DROP RE SS PLANT'S UNCLASSIFIED Elm USSR BARYKIN, N. P., POYUROVSKIY, Yu~ V., NIKOLAYEV V. A., VA$HURIN, A. M., PLEKHOV, V. A. "Calculation of Thermoelastic-Stresses'During Coolin~ of Stavips at Various Rates" Tr. Ufim. Aviats. In-t. (Works of Ufim Aviation rnsti~tute], 1971, No 25, PP 111-119, (Translated from Referativn),y Zhurnal, Melchanika, No 10, 1972, Abstract No 10 V43, by N. Ti Glazunova)~.. Translation: This article pres6nts results of theoretical and e-knerimental 11 ders studies of the.stress field in heated, hollow, thickwall, long cN'in cooled in various media. Axisymmetrical distribution of temperature in the cross section is assume&, The temperature field along the cylinder is assumed constant. linder these conditions, the temperature and corresponding stress field in the body in the radial direction are described by certain logarithmic rules. For long bodies of rectangular cro-is section, the author's recommend that the actual contour be an equivalent cylinder, with the condition of equality~of areas of sid-- surfaces. The results of the study are illustrated by graphs of terriperature stresses in cylindrical starmps of type SKIM steel, cooled in oil ahil in air. 8 Biblio, Refs. -77777777777177 USSR um 629.1.054.6 VASHURMI, Yu. V., SHUIN, V. V. MATVEYEV, V. G. "A Device for Correcting a Gyroscopic Angle-Data Transmitter" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobrpteniya, Proqrshlennyye Obraztsy, Toyarnyye Znmki, No 10, Apr 72, Author's Certificate No 332323, Division~G, filed 25 Sep 68, published 14 Mar 72, p 157 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for correct- ing a gyroscopic angle-date-transmitter. The device contains.a gyroscope in a Cardan suspension, a contact pickup of the angle of' misalignment of the suspension frames, a relay, and a torque pickup. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the accuracy~and reliability of the device are im- proved by adding a delay unit for the relay release time', and by making the contact pickup of the angle of misalignment in the form of two brush contacts which are fixed to the outer frame and spaced by a gap in which a contact connected to the inner frame of tile Cardan suspension of the gyroscopeslides freely. 137 4) C Tor 1XC-L loo v -nd UEINY- -0 Uu.q'-!00 six-% ~LIL:'ds Of X-F-V analiVl (A)-Pa3:'clt~-15 from 190-9, ~pp 20 -2C9 .1 ab v T 1,q) r,7o k s ri 5 Ila or 5. 5 7by-. jr~n i ye, a in tc.~ object b('i13G CT is Of 5i~ t 110 coljrxhict -g-j-ay~ ne Cro;' .' I ". 1."ne "4- 'CQ f L-r~tj! ef~ '"th c. -%Ccti've e- Of' s of an 0'00 no r".si -her v 0:1 t7 I e-_qd '~O place, e1- Vita - - -j,-,r p, ~, I 1, 0 V 4L :~P-- ij; Or; IL"O. T -;40n 0- ob~ecti-4 tives 'and C- jC';E.)r - :~ the for a- M~ on ; ~ in t~se -pi,re soc OT e VC-Cww bav. -place without i.::T~!;L~" ler~3 fo-lo 0 L bo-xd Oe h I - * ; '~'- 5 -and ho-. objective iS ISO oju:~:Loj ve is The of 013jecT.1 vith F- absorbed cl=011t- I'~'E$i Xe illed -by a Scherle i3 -~ty in measaTing er is fulf f6asib _ - ---1 ele gpeatrOmet jejjg-~n of 6.5 vjt-a a focal A.II 7 USSR VALSICHEV B. 2 --tura i metod~j --liza 1919, P? 2001-2GO afro!-, 70, Abstract A o =Lww 5A211 9) fix-ed dl'st-amce fro-m the crystal to the radiation sou:~(:C.' 1:2 7 0"m) - Tae de t e cor ur 'NI -,he szectrom-ter: moves in an are. Fo , crystals axe muntedon the of i three lithi-,zz fluorine cx-ystals with diffax-eat -adii of c:u.-.ratura, and a mica crystall. C~iann-Sa of the crystal is conducted will-hout of t1ae vacuu'm' The npcctroznt~~r is enclosed in a cylindrical hermeetic hG-~xri-IF of len,~th a-f 220 =,, and di=-ater of 240 rm. The reCi6tration cove~,s ale-;Li~rfts irith ato,-Ac I 'Aucted of 'th- T,6.rformance o-~" an nurilbers f rr,~~ 3 to 92 Ain immstigation is com -Lm -b k' Idi -s~-t r of -a~--d on the intensity of radiation and 4,14' a , e sonae. g A table is given shouing the results of vwaswte,wntB of, -~au abtolutle response of the attach~---nt. S. 2/2 1/2 013 UNCLASSI FLED REPROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-HIGHLY LOCAL X RAY MICROANALYZER'.-U- AUTHOP,-(05)-VASICHEV, V.N.t VERESHCHAG[Nv*~y ~E-N., DERSHVARTS, G.V., T 'KAPLICHhYY./0Tff., klSE:L,. G.O. COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR- SCURCE-PRI13. TEKH. EKSP. 1970t It 21,Tr2C DATE PU13L ISHED---70 ;_SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS ..:-TOPIC TAGS-ELECTRON MICROSCOPE, XAAY VECTROMETER, Mir-RoccliEfur-AL ANALYSIS NTROL HARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS .,...DCCUMENT CLASS--U#NCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--1988/1476 STEP NO--UR/OLZO/70/001/000/02!7/0220 -:CIRC ACCESSICU NC--APGIG&232 UNCLASSIFIED 212 013 UNC LAS s I rlto P140CESSING CATE-30OCT70 ~CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0106232 .ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* AN ELECTRON MICROSCOPE X RAY MICROANALYZER IS DESCRIBE[) kHICH MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO CONDUCT AN X RAY SPECTRUM ANAL. OF AREAS WITH A DIAM.,SIMILAR TO-OR LESS THAN 500 ANGSTROM. RESULTS OF TESTING Or THE LIGHTING SCHEME OF THE DEVICE AND ITSINCNOISPERSICN SYSTEM GF.REGISTRAT~IICN OF CHARACTERISTIC SPECTRA ARE PUBLISHED. LINES OF THE CHARACTERISTIC-SPECTRUM CAN 8E REGISTERED If THE WT..QF THE PART OF THE 14ATERIAL UNDER STUDY EQUALS 1.7 TIMES 10 PRIME.NEGATIVE17 G. UNCLASSIFIfil). USSR UDC 582-264:576-809-33-- TUBAYEV., T. T. VASIGOV., T.,_RAKE111VIOV, A.,,and YAKUBOV, Kh.F., Division of Microbiology, Uzbek: SSR. "Mass Cultivation of ScenedesmuB Underthe Open Sky". Tashkent., Uzbekskiy Biologicheskiy Zhurnal, voi 16, No 3, 1972, PP 43-4-1, Abstract: Experiments vere conducted on the,cultivation on a larGe scale under the open sky of the local mesothermal strain UA-2-6 of the alga Scenedeamus obliquus (Turp.) Kuetz-, which had been isolated from the soil of irrigated fields in the vicinity of Tashkent. Cultivation was caTried out on an experi- mental plot of the Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences Uzbek SSR. The algae were grown on installations of a type developed at- Teningrad State Uni- versity. The layer thickness was 8-10 cms The inor6anic nutrient medium 04 (cf. Ye. 1. Milogradova and A. M. Muzafarov, p 9, in the; symposium 0 Proizvodstvennoy Kullture Odnok1,etochnykh~Vodorosley - The Cultivation of Single-Cell Al,-:,ae on a Production Scale Fano Tashkent) was used. CO was purn. The average daily yield of '~liquus fed in by me-ans of a centrifugal S. a fromMay to Sep corresponded to 18.47.g dry matter per sq. m. vs - 17.2 g for s contained 7 Chlorella vulgaris .13eyer 157. The biomass of S. oblicuu 50.2 mglkz 1/2 USSR TURA)MVP T. T., et al, Uzbekskiy Biologiche-skiy Zhurnal, Vol 16, 110 3, 1972, PP 43-44 carotene and crude i3rotein 55-9, crude ~jat 10.4, ash 10-17, monosaccharides 0-13, maltose 1.2, dextrins 1.9, starch 2.02, hemicellulose 0.49, and cellulose 0-54. As far as the yield and the chemical compositiou of the biomass are con- cerned, S. obliqlaus is not inferior to Chlorella, Furthermore, it surpasses Chlorells. vith respect to some useful properties. S. olbliqwus contains chondrillasterone (0.23% of dry matter), vhich can be used as a starting mater- ial,for the synthesis of cortisone. On the basis of the resu'lts obtained, the cultivation of S. obliquus under the open's S;ky looks very promising. 2/2 oil ~77. USSR TJDC: 550.834 ..SLUTS-KOVSKIY, A. I., NIKIFOROV, S. V., BEREZA, G. V. "A Device for Recording Seismic Time Pro~iles in the Form of Triangles and Trapezoids Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Pronysh-jennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 8, Mar 72, Author's Gertificete ~No 33040,. Divis ioln G, filed 10 Nov 69, published 24 Feb 72, p :L43 Translation.- This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A device for record- ing seismic time profiles in. the form of triangles and trapezoids. The de- vice contains an optimizer, a modulator ezid a scanning system. As a dis- tinKilishing feature of the patent, It-be effectiveness of processing se5smic data is improved by connecting high-frequency square-wave sources through integrating circuits and amplifiers to the inputs of the balaaced modulattor vhose output is connected through an amplifier-to a diod"i bilaterol clipper with controllable threshold. The second. input of the clipper is connected to a pulse amplifier of extremm vajuc!s of r~eismic signris, and the clipper output is connected through an amplifier and half-wave rectifier to the am- plifier of the vertical deflecting system of a cathode ray tube. 2. A modi- 1/2 165 SLUTSKOVSKIY, A. 1. et al., USSR Author's, Certificate N( 330410 fication of this device distinguished by the fact that the stability of scanning triangular and trapezoidal images on the screen of the CRT is im- proved by connecting the high-frequency square-wave source with twice the frequency of the low-frequency sources through a differentiating circuit to the controlling input-of a switch connected in parallel with the input of an amplifier and a capacitor. The capacitor is coanected through a re- sistor to a DC voltage source, an& the output of the amplifier is connected to the horizontal deflecting system of the. cathode ray tube. 2/2 --USSR 621-315-592 MOMN, V. N.,_Y YEV, A. I., ,AUL_s,, 0. 1., SKRIPKINA, P. A., ASE PETROSYAN, V. I., STENIN, S. I.1 and TAVGER, 15~.. A.i Institute of Semiconductor 11hysics, Novosibirsk "Connections of the Blectrophysical.Characteristies:and Structure of.Dimension-Quantized InSb Leningrad, Pizika i tekhnika olu-orovodnikov, No 8, 1972, pp 1447- __P 1451 Abstract: The purpose of this.paDer is to establish a connection between the structure and the electrical characteristics of InSb -films with quantum dimensional effects. In the form of wedges, the specimens were prepared by pulse.sputtering in a vacuum of lo-5 mm Hg on mica sheets measuring.10X80 mm. The specimens viere given two types of structure by two modes of annealing. A photo- f these structures is reproduced, and curves axe plotted graph o.&. for the mobility as a function of the thickness of the In3b fi1ms for the two structural types and for nonetoichionetric films with excess Sb, for the mobility as.a function of the polycrystalline film temperatuze and the lt$-extured film temperature. The authors express their gratitude to B. 1. Dagman,and L. M. Rodnikova for their assistance. Ila USSR UDC 620.172.253.05 S., CHERNYAVSKIY, L. L.-t,'ROMWOV, V. S., aild MARVYANOV, N. S., Noscow "The VRD-300,Installation for Strength Testing of High Speed Turbine Disks" Kiev, Problemy prochnosti, No 1, 1971, pp 97-100 Abstract: The VRD-300 installarion, planned and constructed at the Central Scientific Research institute for Reavy Machine Building in 1965, is designed for strength testing of turbine 'Wheels up to 300 mm in diameter weighing 15 kg at rotating speeds up to 75,000 rpm and temperatures up to 900% under conditions approaching actual.operating conditions. The machine is similar to the VRD-500 machine designed for larger, heavier and slower turbine wheels; the krRD-300 is driven by a centripetal air turbine and rides an bearings using copper inserts~between the bibbit and steel bushing. Drawings of the device and a description of its principal characteristics are preseneed. J/1 81 USSR uDc 621.165-521.539.4 VASIL'CIMMO, C-. INITERINOV, G. N., KUZLIT-qKIY, A.. S., Central scientific Re--se`a`r_r%__I_nsiTt~te of Technology and Machine Building,, Moscow anics of Fracture to Evaluating 'he IApplication. of the Theory of Linear Mech' Strength of Turbine Rotors" Kiev, Problenrj Prochnosti, No 9, Sep 72,~Pp 22-26 Abstract: The authors apply the theory of linear mechanics of fracture to analysis of the maximum strength of the, K~220-44 welded-turbi-ne rotor made from 34kauk% steel. Lines-- mechanics of fracture can be used to find the mathematical relation between the geametry of a part, the dimensions of a crack or equivalent defect, the properties of thc~materip_!, the stress dis- tribution and the so called critical coefficient ot stre4is intensity. Thls coefficient can be used to find the stresces which leed to brittle fracture of the rotor in the cage of a crack or similar flaw of a certain site, or to solve the inverse problem -- -to determine the dimensiox,~~ of tht! eraci~ which will produce bril, 4- lp fracture of the~rotor,~at a given apeed. The critical coefficient of stre5s intensity is experimentally determined, and a numerical formula. is derived which gives this coefficient in terms of the geometry of 1/2 USSR VASIL'=.TKO, G. S. et al. , Problemy Prochnosti, Nlo9 Sep 72, -pp 22-26 the part and the weakening defect, and the rotational velocilty at fracture. The applicability of the mc-~thod is e~~perimentally confirmed.. It is found that the working speed of the K-.220-44,r~mator can be exceeded by 25% without danger of brittle fracture from inertiaL and. cyclic lotids. USSR VASILICMIKO, G. V. NUIPOVICHt N. B. T 'eth Electrochemical I-I 0d "Device -Measurement of Flow Velocities of Tr. Koordinats. Soveshchaniy Po Gidrotekhn [Works of Coordin-Ition Conference on Hydraulic Engineering], No. 51, l969'*'pp 94-100 (tramsiated from Rererativnyy Zhurnal Metrologiya. 1 lzmeritellmaya Taklulika. No. 4, 1970, Abstract No. 4.~2.904, -ansigned) Translation; This device is designed for laboratory wasure-ment of instantane- ous local flow velocities offluids in both laminar ani turbulent raodes. Opera- tion. (about three years) has demonstrated that the device provides stable measurement (betwoen calibrations) for several hours. ,this requires that the material in the circulation installation not,oxidize ana.not be broken down by the solution of the.ele--trolyte. One illotration, three biblio. refs. r.-__0 17 ROCEiSISING DATE--IISEPTO UNCLASSI FIED ~~P TITLE--INVESTIGATIO%, OF THE STRESS STRAIN STATE O.F~A SHORT CYLINDER BY A THREE DIMENSIONAL PHOTOELASTIC.-TEC4NtOUE -U- AUTVIOR--VASILCHENKO, I.P. WA-M-. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ,SOURCE--PRIKLADNATA MEKHANIKA# VOL. 6t FEB.19709 P,118-119 ~DATE PU8LISHED------70 AREAS--MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR .JOPIC TAGS--STPr:SS STRAIN DIAGRAMt EPOXY~RESINt LIGHT POLARIZATIONs :,~_PHOTOELASTICITY, POISSON COEFFICIENT ';:.C0NTROL. MAPKlNG--Nl RESTRICTIONS UMENT-CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED --1988/1330 r -UR/0198/70/006/000/01IR/olig _91koXY cEEL/FRA4E STEP NO '~CIRC.ACCESSION ND--AP0106107 UNCLASSIFIED 2 - 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATc---l'.S!-=P70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0106107 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--101 GP-0- ~AOSTRACT. APPLICATION OF.A POLARIZ4TION OPTTCAL,TECH*4I0Ue TO THE INVESTIGATION OF THE STRESS STRAIN STATE OFA ST-TUATED IN A CENTRIFUGAL FORCE FIELD. T14E 'THREE DIMENSIONAL STATE.-DF STRE-SS IS ANALYZEn BY FROCHTIS (1949) "STRAIN FREEZING" METHODS THE-MATERI-AL STUDIED IS AN EPOXY RESIN WITH A'"FREEZING" TEMPERATURE OF 413 DEG K. THE CYLINDEP IS 39.~Mm.TN DIAMETER ANO:78 MM LONG, A GRAPHIC COMPARISON OF THE STRESS STRAIN CURVES~,QBTAMFD BY THIS TECHNIQUE WITH CURVES.CALCULATED FOR POISSON RATIOS OV0.5 AND O~33 SHOWS THAt THE :T1-CHNIQ -EMPLOYED I S SUI TAB(E- FOR DETF-041 NING THE. STRE'tS' tTRAIN STATE OF THICK WALLED STRUCTURES, THE AXIAL STRESS~S OBTAINED FOR A POISSON RATIO Of: 0.5 WERE FOUND TO EXCEED-BY.12.T0.14PERCEP.lT THE AXIAL STRESSES AT A PoissbN RATJO OF 0.33. UNCLASSIFlfP' Not - - - - - - - ---- PAUCES SING DATE--IlSEP70 2/2 UNCLASSIFIED ciRC ACCESSION NO--AP0106107 ,-A_BSTRACT/EXTRAq-T--(fJ) GP-0- ABSTRACT,. APPLICATION OF A POLARIZATION, OPTICALTECMIGUE TO THE INVESTIGATIOINt OF, THE STRESS STRAIN STATE OF A CYLINDIER SITUATED IN A CENTRIFUGAL FORCE FIELD. THE THREE DIMENSIONAL F STRESS IS ANALYZED BY FR-OCHTIS (1948) "ISTRAIN FREEZING" METHOD. STATE.0 I THE MATERTAL STUDIED IS AN EPOXY RESINWITH A "FREEZING" TEMPERATURE OF 411DEG'K. THE CYLINDER IS 39 MM,fN DIAMETER AND '78 MM LONG* A GRAPHIC COMPARISON.AlF T14E STRESS STRAIN CURVES OBTAINED BY THIS TECHNIQUE WITH .CURVES CALCULATED FOR POISSON RATIOS OF 0 5 AND 0.33 SHkliS THAT THE TECHN f QUE *bM PLOY ED fS SUITABCE- FOR DETERMINING THE~iSTRE**SS- STRAIN- STATE OF THICK WALLED STRUCTUqES. THE AXIAL STRESSE~S OBTAINED FOR A POISSON' RATIO OF 0 -5 WERE FOUND TO EXCEED BY 12!TTG'14PERCER-T THE AXIAL STRESSES :AT- A- POISSON RATIO OF 0933. UNCLASS'IFIED UNCL~A S S I PI ED pkottSS INS DATE--18SEP70 TITLE--DIFFUSION AND AUTOLOCALIZATION Of EXCITONS IN NACL AND AG CRYSTALS _U_ AUTHOR-(03)-VASILCHENKO, YE.A.s L?SHQHI,K- i-IN.YE., LUSHCHIKv CH.B. tOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ._S_0URCE-_FIZ* TVERD* TELA 1970t: -tt 211-1.5 DATE PUBLISHED ---- ~---70 -SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, PHYSfCS _j_oPIC TAGS--SODIUM CHLORIDE, LUMINESCENCE.* SILVER, CRYSTAL, EXCITUN -c-ONTROL MARKING--!40 RESTRICTIO!IS .~.&XWM E N TCLASS--UNCLASSIFIED .~PRQXY REEL/FRAME--1984/0224 STEP NO--UP,10181/70/012/0()1/0211/0215 :,c,lRC 'ACCESSION NO--AP0055020 UNCLASSIFIED 212 ozi UNCLASSIFIED ~PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0055020 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0-~ ABSTRACT. FAST (TAU SfIALLER THAN I SEC) LUMINESCENCE OF AG PRIME POSITIVE CEN .TERS WAS INVESTIGATED IN NACL-AG CRYST4LS-WHE-N EXCITONS ARE CREATED BY.THF LIGHT QUANT Of- 3.1. EV. AT 295DEGREES K THE EFFICIENCY,OF THE EXCITON MECHA;NiSM dF EXCITATION OF AG PRIME POSITIVE CENTERS ETA SUBEX VARIES FROM 0.62 TO 0.0!-l`HEN THE CONCNo OF ACTIVATOR DECREASES FROM-1 TO 0.005 MOLE PERCENT IN THE CRYSTAL. COOLING OF THE CRYSTALS TO 160DEGREES K LEADS TO A DECR~ASE IN ETA SUBEX TO AS MUCH AS Or4E TWELFTH THAT AT 295DEGgEESIK. AT 160-80.DE-GREES Ki THE MAGNITUDE OF ETA SUBEX IS, INOEPENDE'w OF TEmP. IN CRYSTALS OF NACL-AG, 2 EXCITON MECHANISMS OF EXCITATION OF THE IMPURITY -CENTERS ARE REALIZEDt THE LOW TEMP. MEtHANISM IS RELATED TO MIGRATION OF HOT EXCITIONS OVER SEVERAL.UNIJ CELL. LENGTHS. AN '0THE HIGH TEMP. MECHANISM, WITH THE TEMP. OF THE 6IFFUSION OF AXIALLY RELAXED EXCITONS. RELAXING E-XCTrONS ARE AUTOLOCALIZED AT~T LESS THAN 170DEGREES K APPROX. -WHERE THE RELAXING HOLES ARE PRESENT. UNCLASSIFIED, USSR UDC 533.916 LUTSENKO, Ye. L, FAYNBERG, Ya.' B., VkSILICHUK, V.A., and SHEPELEV, N. P. Interaction of an Incense Electron Beam With Uniform and Nonuniform Plasmas" Kiev, Fizika Plasmy I Problemy Upravlyiyemogo Termoyidernogo Sinteza (Plasma Physics and Problems in Controlled.Thermonuclear Synthesis -- collection of works) No 3, "Naukova duaka," 1972, pp 5-15 Abstract: Since the method of obtaining,intense electron beams by accelerat- ing plasma electrons with an external magnetic field is a difficult one, the authors have investigated the problem of obtaining such a beam in plasmas which are uniform or nonuniform along their lengths, and they have developed a e device and a description -device for attaining that aim. A diagram of th of its component parts are given, together with details of its calibration. Experiments were performed with It for both uniform and nonuniform plasmas; among their results are oscillograms of the plasma radiation and of the electron beam current at various voltagesd~ The experiments showed that there is a limited amount of electron emission from the cold cathode, but this disappears at plasma concentrations of less than . 163 2/cm3. The beam current attains a value of 1000 amp at a 40 kv level, although beams of much higher -power can be obtained. USSR UDC 533.916 LUTSENKO, Ye. I., FAYNBERG, Ya.~B., r., SHEPELEV, N. P. "Interaction of an Intense Electron Beam With a Homogeneous and Nonhomo- geneous Plasma" Piz.-P! zmy I probl. upravl. termovader. sinteza. Resp. mez'hved. sb. (Plasma Physics and Problems of the Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion. Republic Interdepartmental Collection) , 1972, No. 3, pp 5-15 (from RM-Fizikv, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11G249) Translation: The roblem of produ cing.ahlintense electron beam in a plasma -at, adensity of lJ1 - 1013 cm-3 b accelerating electrons in it with an external electric field of 500-1000 v/cm of 0.5. usec duration produced by an induction accelerator is investigated. An electron beam with a current above 1000 a and an energy close to the applied voltage was obtained with a particle concentration in the beam of nj 101,1 cm-3. The beam is produced In the precathode layer of plasma of tbickness less than 2 cm,,dbere the entire voltage applied to it is redistributed.' As the beam passes through the plasma,about 1/3 of the beam current is lost as.a real.ilt of beam instabi- lity with a frequency Li P.,and the -energy spectrum of, the Ailectrun Is dif- fused. Stabilization of the instability is.achieved by rhe application of a plasma that is nonhomogeneous along. the length. 51 USSR VASIIEWAYTIS V., Candidixte of Medical Sciences, Central Scientific Research Institute of Sanitary E&xatim "Technology in the Serv-ice of Health" Frunze Sovetskaya KirgizUa, 6 Mar 73, p 4, Translation: Medicine utilizes extensively, boldly, apd, creatively the latest advancements in science and technology., - and-in ~,hundreds bif labL ",orins. engineers,, mathematicians,. chiiAi 't h a~d spe ya cialiats :~n electronics nsil~ and. cybernetics- am creating~ o:elgin~l i Mments and devices. Presently in jli6i~a-thaj-4,,000 art, Lcles axe being produced -which pertain to therapeu- UC36- It is enough to visit a cardiology clinic,- for ex=-,ple, to appreciate how far we have come In the las-*- few.years.. . In~ tl-.e operating room there is an to artificial miaroclinate, with the eirculationAwthe organism rmintained by an instrument for artificial circulationl~ a miniature device , Rholod," cools the brain 'of a patient during ,urgical intervention, and artificial valves replace malfuncti(raing natural heart valves. The struggle for the life of a patient is not limited, of course, by the walls of the operating room; in a number of lesions of the cardiovascular system., especially those involving daragye to the coronary arteries, the phyai- C ans are assisted by the intensive care units where the patient Is constantly 1 3 ~ 29 USSR VASIIEWxCAYM) V., Sovetskaya Kirgiziya, 6 liar 73, P 4 monitored, and the physician receives constant data on the state of the patient and any deviations from the-norm., Many patients die from acute heart *failure following rvocardia). infarc- tion. In such cases the life of the patient ray be saved by an instrument which can "support" the hear, or, for limited~periods of time, replace it. The rested, recovered heart may then function for many years. In the Soviet Union many instrutuents are also being develdped to assist the circulator-y sys- tem, such as an elastic bulb that may be Inserted into the aorta and contracts synchronously with the weakened heart, therebyassisting the heart in hand-ling the increased load. Studiesare also beingconducted in the USSR on the con- struction of a mechanical heart. Electrical stimulation is gaining ever wider use in severe heart arrhythmias, as well as in resuscitation following clinical death. Not even the most ad vanced instrume&tation can replace a physician with his clinical acumen, experience, and intuition. However, the voluminous Itmemox-2' of a computer ijo very- helpful in the diagnosis of heart diseases. Of spdcial value in this respect is the method developed by Soviet scientists of transmitting electrocardiograms along common:telephone vires frM patients with suspected myocardial infa-rctions to consultation.-centers. 2/3 USSR VASnEENMMS.1 V... Sovetskaya Kirgiziya, 6 ~hr 73, p.4 Thus far we have discussed cardi ologic institutions; however, they do not constitute an exceptional case. For example, a modern oncology clinic is also characterized by highly advanced equipment, and at present it is dif- ficult to distinguish them from laboratories dealing -4th nuclear investigations. Here one finds powerful irradiation.units, advanced isotopic techniques, and sources of curative rays -- betatrons., A genuine revolution in the diag-nosis of certain internal diseases is connected with fiber optics. When introduced into flexible catheters, this type of optics makes it possible for.the physician to exanine the moGt inacces- sible regions and cavities of the human ~organisni- It is,. reasible, for instance, to introduce an elaotic catheter into the stormch and conduct a detailed examination of the mucous membrane. The first attlempta have been made to transmit such color "pictures" on,a television screen. Roentgenologic instruments have been constructed which -yield a color irrage. Ifl.-,'-,h the aid of this p(rwerful.medical technology the physicinns are attacking ever more aggres- sively the bastions of cancer. The promise of further successes in public healtia, based on the realiza- tion of humane principles, is aided ~by the enlistment of the latest advancemnts and technology in the struggle against a multitude of diseases. 3/3 30 USSR UDC;621,791,92,05'1.001.5;669.15-194:62-418 PAVLOV, I. V., LESHCHINSKIY, L. K., VASILENKO, Zhdanov Metallurgical Institute tiPeculiarities of the Structure of the fusion Zone Produced During Surfacing With a Thin Austenitic Strip on Type 45.,Steel" Moscow, Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, No 12, Dec 73, pp .33-35 Abstract: This work studies the possibility of act! ng on the structure and properties of the transit' duced (luring surfacing of type ion zone pro 45 steel with a thin austenitic strip by-changing the,ishape and dimensions of the electrode, with a low content of alloying elements in the electrode. The decrease in the participation of the base metal in the built-up sur- face metal characteristic for thin electrode strips (0.1-0.2 mm thick) allows a surfaced metal to be produced with higher austenite reserve which, in turn, can produce a na.Trower martensite layer between the base metal and the surfaced metal. Reduction of the temperature of the tail portion of the bath achieved by the use of a thin electrode strip allows .,the base-metal inclusions in the surfaced metal to be retained primarily unmelted. USSR UDC 539.3 GRIGGERIKOO YA. X.r and VASILENKOO A. T.t (Kiev)l Institute of Mechanics, Ukrainian SSR "Concerning the Solution of Problems of Axisymmetric Deformation of Anisotropic Shells of Revolution" Xiev, Prikladnaya Makhanika, Vol 7, No 8, 1971, pp 3-8 Abstracte In the article im set forth an approach to a numerical solution of problems of the statica of axially syametrical lancled shells of --evolu- tion, composed of anisotropic layers of, gonerally speaking,varlable rigidity. It is assumed that the laye:cs of the shell are deformed jointly uithout slipping and. sepaxation and that for the entire packet of tho aholl the hypothoulia of undeforned normals Is on tho vrhole valid.: At each Ivint of tba ahe:1 there Is but a single plane of elastic sy=- stry that in paxalloL to the coordinate sul- face. The elastic and thermophysical characteristics do not change along the paralleL The derived solving system of ordinaxy differential equations Is integrated by means of a numerical algorithm on an electronic digital com- puter for aYbitrary boundary corAitions and loads. Solved an an example is a problem conoexuing the stromed state of an anistroplal ellipsoidal shell of variable t1dekilens. Two fif-pron, ow table, eight, refoj,~oncev. IA 1/2 02Z 'U %CLASSP=*I~D PROCESSING OF-EQUILIBRIUM FOR HULTILAYER I TLF-, DEDUCT ION OF EQUATIONS OF, VARIABLE THICKNESS -u-': AUTHOR--VASILENKO, A.T., PRIGORENKOj, YA Me '~~.C DUN, RY: OF-INFO--USSR T ~_-SOURCE-AKADEMIIA NIAUK UKRAINSIKOI RSRv.DOPOVIDII SERTIA At FIZI 'K9, TEKHNICHNI I MATEMATICHNI NAUKIP VOL. 32,.FES. 1970, P. 155-158 '~-DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAME--1990/0291 STEP,ND--UR/0441/7C)/032/000/0155/0153 NO--AT01085a9 DATE--l'ISEP70 SHELLS WITH ___Z_Zzzzzzz zzzz UNCILASS I F I ED 7S ~rllrllrllqll~TF~51 irrimbfil ~ml 112 025 UNC LAS si r-iEri PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 ~"TITLE--THE NEChANISM UF PLASMA LUSSES WA STELLARATOR -,U- P.YA. VASILENK-0, ~B.Tvp VOLKOV, Y.E.D.t PAVLICHENKO, ,:.-:-G~S -PEiT-,PEN-K0r j V.A. CCUNTRY -CF INFG-USSR ,.~,-'-'SCURCE---MQSCCA* ATCMNAYA ENERGIYAt-VOL 28# NO 2v FEVIOt PP L26-129 DATE PLBL I SI.-ED-----7C SU3JECT AKEAS-PHYSICS TEPIC-TAGS-PLASMA OSCILLATIONs LOW:FREQUENCYt STELLARATOR GUMCL MIARK I hG-NO itESTR ICTIONS QGCUMENT~CLASS--UNCLASS[FIED :.PROXY REEL/f-RAi-s[---19991L481 STEP NO--UR/0069/70/02$/002/0126/0129 CIRC ALCESS[Ci`4 NG----AP0l23384 212 025 UINICL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATE-2CNOV70 c LRC- ACCESSICN NO-AP0123384 At3STRACT/ti,XTPACT--lU) G~-C- ABSTRACT. A STUDY WAS MADE OF THE EQUILI&RIUM C'UN"GITIONS AND SPECTRAL PROPEIRITIES OF~LDW FPEQUENCY 0SCILLATIENS OF PLASPA OF OHMIC HEATING IK A STELLARATOR. IT IS SHOWN JHAT EQUIL16RIUM IS DISRUPTED AT A IMAGNITUCE SETAif-,UALS 8 PI NKT DIVIDED &~ H SU30 PRIME2 HIGHER THAN' $OME CRITICAL. BETA SIJ6E. ON THE 3ASIS OF STUDIES CF LOW Ff(ECUENCY OSCILLATIONS COINOUCTED AT BETA LESS THAN 6ETA SUBC, A DEOUCTICIN. CAN BE MADE, THAT DRIf-1 TYPE INSTABILITIES (DRIFT.- DISSIPArICN OR. THEEF;MGFORCE) APOE-AP. IN THE COLLUSiON PLASiMA IN THF STELLARATC-R. THE AUTHORS THANK V. -F. 'ALEKSIN AND~S. S. MOISEYEV FOR VALUABLE REMARKS1 AND A. I ..:,ZHDAN0V ~F,Ofq HELP WIT.1i,THE:CORRELATION TECHNICUE. 4,j 14 ifL a IF-I E UNCL ASS IF I EG PPCCESSING CATE--C3JUL7C TIT LE--PY.- V,' 1174L [~JLUENCES GiN 1-NTEFt%EU;',C".S s FINAL PEFLEX A',%N-S IN C~"T ALTHC 2 t CCI-~C Z FNYY A X vas I L_Evjr_~. A KCSTYUK7 P.G. ~.~~CCLXT.'_Y CF 1-'-125 SIC L. Ci--NEY!-lCflLi(LCClYt,197C, VCL 2 NP. .11 F P ~:_.DATE PLELISI~El - - - - - - -7C ~,5UWECT APEAS--EICUCICAL .1NU l1E.Cl.C*,ftL_ S,C-IEN(;ES ;jUiC TAGS--CAT, CERE13RAL CCR.TEXt'kEFtF)(v EL'ECTRCCE ~___'Cil_~ITRCL YPFKIl~C--hC 'PESTRIMCNS, OCCUP ['s TCLAS..~--UN (LASS IF IfL' SrEp NC--[)R/C66C/70/002/001/9017/0025 XY P~UUFRA-PE-1977/C57cs ACCESSICIN. NC--APOC44106 U&CLtSSIFIEC �R IMMIMPMAI "Will I:, I A :j Ref. Code:6 r Acc. N P0044106- A ?RmkRY SOURCE:. Neyrofiziologiyallk 1970, Vol 2, Nr PYRAMIDAL INFLUENCES ON INTE .RNEURONS OF SPINAL -REFLEX ARCS IN CAT~ A- G. Zadorozhn ko, P. :G. Kostyuk Y D. A. Vasilen The -A. A. Bogoin Ins't'ituter- nf.-Physiblogy, oletz 'AcaaemY WSC(ences, Ckrainr4it SSM, J~tav - Summary j. interrieurons Alicroelectrode investigOinns of effects pr6duced in lumbir se~gmentar% by eiectrical stimulation of sensorimotor cortex ivere performed in cats. Interneurons activated by FRA-received excitatory iction. from corlex-. Corticofurtal iniluences were also predominantly excitatory in interneurons activated exclusivelv either b,; high thre- shold muscle or high thie-shold cutaneous afferents., but in few units pure inhibitor-%- and mixed reactions we.-,,e observed. Intern"eurons excited only by low threshoid muscle or cutanecus afferents received. %,cry: w6k pyr3midal irfluences or were out. of them. Molt 1h 1 1 lip; i IR IBM . . .... AP0044106 Mean latencies of corticaly evoked EPSP's and spik-es were calculated for the zbove-mentioned :zroups of interneurons. Thty were 11.8=t2.6 msec and 20.,I:�:1.8 msec in FRA neurons. msec a nd msec for neurons activated only by 100 fteshold muscle afferents; msec:and ~ 18-3 1.4 rniec for units activated ont'v by high threshold cutantous-afkrents. Possible pathways of corticoftigal influences an spinal interneurons and function it significance of such influencqs: are. d6cussM.' 19770580 MIT 1/ 2 .009 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 _---),ITLE--A STUDY OF THE INITIA!L,STAGES OF SUCROSE DECOMPOSITION BY THE ~,__~~_STRAlNS OF CLADOSPORIUM SP _U_ ~AUTHOR7(03)-NOVIKOVA, S.I., FlON0ARCHUK# A.A.* G.D. ZOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ..S'OURCE---41KROBIOLOGLYA, 1970, VOL 319, NR: PP 35-41 :-6ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES "TOPIC T,AGS--SUCROSEt SACCHARIDE, HYOROLYSIS ;.CONTROL 4ARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED STEP NO--UR/0220/70/039/001/0035/0041 .CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117719 2/2 009 JJNCL ASS I Fi' ED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 !~~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0117719 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--IU) GP-0- A85TRACT. SUCROSE PHOSPHOROLYSIS WAS NOT c, 0 R FOUND DURING THE INITIAL STAGES OF SUCROSE DECOMPOSITION BY CLAMAP IUM SP.t STRAINS 1622, AND 5143. THE STRAINS DECOMPOSED SUCROSE BY HYDROLYSIS~FOLLOWEO WITH TRANSHEXOZILATION RESULTING IN OLIGOSACCHARIDES WITH DIFFERENT VALUES OF R SUBGL. THESE OLIGOSACCHARIOES WERE PROVED TO.BE-MAINLY TRANSFRUrTOZILATION PRODUCTS. HYDROLYTIC AND TRANSHEXOSILASE ACTIVITIES VARY.IN DIFFERENT STRAINS AND DEPEND ON THE CULTURAL AGE. UNCLASSIFIED VDc 621-791.052,620.19',t669.29~ BLASPORUX, V. YE.# Biligineer, GUILEVICH, S. 1-1. tDoctor of Technac,-J Sciences, Bh'EU.'Ji-KO'V,- G. 11., i-In,gineor, Electric Ilelding Institi-ite Ivieni Ye. 0. Paton; IY.ACRqtILQ I. N., Candidate of Technica-~Sciemcest V~A! 3 T L E N ~KO 1. , Candioiv~te of Technical Sciences, LIS,~M-VICHI 1. YU.1 Engineer, ZIL~IIYIOIf.'J#Ix.Y, YU. M., Engineer, ISAYELVA, I.I. M., Engineer, and R. K., En'sincer, Physico- mechanical Inutitute of the Ac-,vdez:Qr of Sciences U!C-,.SSR "The Tendency of AT3 Titanium Alloy Welde!i joints to blachanical Corrosion Failure" Moscov# Svarochnoya Proizvoistvo, No 0171), Jan 741 Pn 39-40 Abstract t A study was r.-Ae of the tendency of AT3 tit~ium allo,-, ~~-J i-?--s iTcloccl Joints to bmakdown at inezva-sed tan-paxatura and PrOSSUZ13 in ~!t M,,5' Solution of 11 SOI~, as apDlicalble to the working conditions of hyd.,,.-olytic c-p-~wxatu;3. 2 So-olnews, of AT3 alloy were clit from 21s..,=--thick hat-rolled oihoot, 'fha f,~-Alijja of Ile)-ded joints took pl ce at stre sea ex La S cceding the yit' Id lii~-it of the aaicg. The condltior.~ lii,~its of the corrosion-fatigue axial load wit-h ayrinetric tension and compression of AT3-41o:f and its inanua,111~, - wolded joints are closo. AutozaticcLULy welded Jointa showt in COPIpari.,-011 with AT3 allozt, 1/2 52 ----------------------- 77-7-777~ USSR BIASHCHUX, V. M. ot al. 5varochnoye Froizvodstvo, No 1(4-21) jan ?4, pp 39-40 some decreaze in strength a:t stresses exceeding the conditional UrAt of corrosion-fatigue strength. . The AT3 alloy and its weld'ed joints show =cti- cally the same durability ~.t cyclic to=ion. AT3 allOY is r~comzienaea for the production of welded cxverimont.3.1 hydrolytie apparattiz. Four fiGures, one table, eight bibliogm]~hic reforences,. 2/2 USSR UDC 620.194:621.?85-? KHITARISHVILI, ~1. G., DIKIYI I. I., ZYUBRIK, A. I. Physicomechanical Institute P Academy of Sciences, Ukranian SSR, LIvov "An Investigation of Corrosive Cracking of High-Strength Steels in Some riledial' Kiev, Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Nlekhanikuq Materialov, Vol 7, No 4, 1971, pp 19-23 Abstract: The present article is a continuation of i-esearch dealing with the cracking of high-strength hardened UM carbon steel JM acid and neutral media. The development of a crack in a sample: undergoing tei;ting for.corrosive crack- ing brings about a gradual decrease of cross section. Therefore, if equally loaded samples are preliminarily held in the medil= for different lengths of time, and are then tested ~or short-tii~e strength in air, this short-time strength must continually decrease with increase of the Uzie the sample is hold in the medium. The indicated nature of the cht,,nge between the 1hort- term strength of the sani-Ples and.the kinetics of crack development has a specific relationship; various sectors,of the curves corresponi to various stages of corrosive crack development. These stages of crack development are explained from t'he point of view of. the electroch=ical theory of corrosive cracking. 5 fi4;ures. 2L tables... 3 references.: US S R LID C620. 1~3-37 S MELEKHOV, R. K., SHUIVIE, A. Yu. KALINNII(OV, Ye. S., Physicomechanical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Ula-ainian SSR. L'vov; Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Meta-Ilurgy imeni 1. P. Bardin, Moscow "Increasing the Strength of Steel 17G15 Against Corrosive.Cracking by Refining It With Synthetic Slag" Kiev, Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Mekhanika Materialov, Vol 7, No 4, 1971, PP 31-33 Abstract: The tendency of carbon steei'toward corro~vive m-acking is deter- mined to a considerable degree by the quantity and sizes of microstructural defects, which are foci of corrosive mechanical crack5. Therefore the re- fining of steel by liquid synthetic slag in a crucible, which provides purif-i- cation from harmful admixtures,-nonmetallic inclusions, ard an increase in density, should decrease its sensitivity to corrosive cracking. A study was made of the influence of this means of refining upon the stability of low- alloy steel 17GIS against cracking ixian Alkaline electrolyte and a nitrate electrolyte. One batch of steelwas produced by the:eonventional open-hearth technology, and the other was refined.:w-ith synthetic slag in a crucible. It 1/2 MMM, ;'nn T, 7 -i USSR VASILT-INKO, 1. 1., et al, Fiziko-Khimi6heskaya Mokhanika Materialov, Vol no 4. 1971, pp 31-33 was established that the refining of low-alloy steel by synthetic slag con- siderably increases its resistance against corrosive an alkalina solution-and in a nitrate solution. The greater tendency of the steel melted by the conventional open-hearth method~to corrosive,crackIng is caused prin- cipally by the presence of a large quantity of considerably large nonmetallic inclusions. I figure. 3 tables. 5 references4 2/2 Corr6sidri USSR uDc: 62o.196 ITMEMOV) P. K.~- ZL11r_,,MVO11.$ S. 'A., `,~t.ASTMj,,T-t amd YUSLITSYTY, A. B., Academy of Sciences of the Ukraini~ icomechanical Institute "Me Effect of the Type of-11onmetallic Inclusions on the Sensitivity of 20 Grade Steel to Corrosion Cracking" Moscow, Zashchita Metallov, Vol 7, No,3,jl 15q1., i)p 327-329 Abstract: The authors study the effect'of the type of nonmetallic inclusions (the plastic silicates, alumina, silica,~ and the nitrides of titanium) on resistance of grade 20 steel to corrosioncracking. Metal TArith the follovinG composition of elements vas used for spec:bnnens: 0.19-0-21% C, 0-21-0-27-~tSi 0-35-0-36% Mn, 0.1% Cr, 0.16% Ifi, O.Oli-0.014% S, and 0'.010-0-012% P. -T*'he' metal uras produced by progr-mmed contamination in an induction furnace. The corrosion cracking tests were conducted using cylindrical specimens (heat 0) treatment: quenching in oil at 8500 with subsequent two hour tempering at 150 in a boiling 50% NIH4110 solution on the Zst 3/3 i6esting strength machine. A 3 test base of 50 hr. was used. The relative sensitivity of steel. to corrosion cracking in an alkaline meditua was also (leternined. It is sho,.M that in test- ing specimens in air at a stretching rate in the order~of lo-3mm1min., their USSR MULEKHOV, P. K., et al., Zashchita MettL1107, Vol 7, WO 3, 1971, PP 327-329 plasticity memains the same as tested on standard tensile testing machines. In testing in boiling ?ffhN'O,, the inclusion of titanium nitride seems least detrimental. Titanium nitride also seems to have the least harmful effect on the plasticity and strength of'steel during testing in an alkaline solution. The type of nonmetallic inclusions notably affect the-plasticity and strength of a metal, but not isotropy. The least ha-rmful effec t of the nitrides of titanium on the resistance of steel to corrosion cracking can be explained primarily by the fact that the nitrides of titanium are finely divided and that they are relatively uniformly distributed in a dde. This results in the reduc- tion of the local concentration.of stresses in the metal. The second reason is the insignificant degree of electrochemical heterogeneiV of the metal sur- face. The latter results in an increased incubation period1for the develop- ment of'corrosion-cracking.,, Original 4itiele, Wo tables, tvo f igurets, and -seven bibllogmphic entries* 8 Irv ---------- 026 UNCLA$S'IFkO :PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 TITLE--INCREASING THE RESISTANCE OF CAR80N STEEL WELDS TO CORROSION CRACKING ON REDUCING THE RESIDUAL WELDING STRESSES BY'WORKING -U- .AUTH.OR-(05)-ZYUBRIKt A.1.9 VASILENKOr V.1. EKHt~~ 0.1,t DIKyi 1.1*-# KARPENKO, G.V. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ::~'_S0URCE--FIZ,-KHIM. MEKHAN* MAT. 1970, +21 42-4.5 PUBL ISHED ------- 70 "SUBJECT AREAS--MECH., IND., CIVILrAND MARINE,ENGRt-KATERIALS TAGS--CORROSI,ONJ CRACKING1 CARBON STEEL, STEFEL WELDING, RESIDUAL ~ST RESS ELECTROCHEMICAL PROPERTYi. PLASTIC 011FORMATioN CONTROL MARKING--tNO RESTRICTIONS ,,DOCUMENT,CLASS--UtICLA.5SIFIED, 'PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/0216 STEP NQ:--UR/0369/70/0061002/0042/0045 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129472 UNCLASS[FIED Now=; 2/2 .026 UNCLASSIFIED PPOCESSING DATE--040EC70 ~~CIRC, ACCESSION NO--APOL29472 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- AWRACT.:~~THE EFFECT OF PLASTIC DEFORMATION (WORKING) ON (1) THE RESIDUAL STRESSES ARISING IN THE NEIGHBOURHOoD OF .WELDS IN C STEEL PARTS, (11),THE ELEG,TROCHEMICAL~PPOPLRTIES OF THE WELD METALt AND flil) THE RESISTANCE OF THE. WHOLE.TO CORROSION CRACKING WAS STUDIED. THERE WAS A SHARP FALL IN RESIDUAL STRESSES.OiN SUBJECTING TO i-2PERCENT DEFORMATION; THE ELECTROCHEMICAL HETERbGENEITY OF THE METAL ALSO DIMINISHEOr AND THE RESISTANCE OF-.THE WELDS TO CORROSION CRACKING IN BOILING ALKALI. AND NITRATE SOLUTIONS INCREASEO~SUBSTANTIALLY. UNCLASSIFIr-.0 Coitin USSIR UDC 620-1941-4 ZIUBRIK, A. 1., HUBEMSHIEEM11 G. I.I., and of P,'ii-.ico .1 14--chanics Academy of Sciences Tkrainialn- SSR LIvov; 3-or-oslovskiy Plant "Metallized Coatings to Protec -t Welds from~ Corrosion Crackirz" -hanik No 3, - LIvovJI FizEko-n-imichesi-aya Me% a Materialrov, 14 1-Iay-j,,aie 70, pp 22-24 Abstract: 'Welded sw7,,,)Ics of St- 3 steel measuri 300 x 500 x T --, and 250 ). 500 x 4 mn. ~with a seam len~,-th of 500 mm and with a residual stress of IUI-Le sear:s t~ corrosion cracking approaching t1ne yield point of the base zntal were sifb~ected, with the r-70nllcation of an externa- 1 load. A -portion of, the plates. ,;ere cu-- tm- ns- verse to %the ireld sQam to produce samplOs n-nS-UriT,9,3N, X 30 X 7 and 250 x 20 X Irl which ...rere subjected to a bend load to the yield point (ono,befo:i-c coatin-, the other after coatinf). Both types of samplqs were sandblat;ted to clean and :~ou[,?hen -2-aplated -,rL-*-h rzic%e-, their sun aces. Tae surfaces of the samples were elect -1 co-nmel-, zInc 1;--,~on or 1Kil8NI?,T steel usin- Current at St - 3 si;4-~el, t dc 25 v. Coatin,-- thickness ra"Sed from 0 - 1 to. 1.2 ma to periia -termdna "lion of the oDtimm. thickness which would provide the best coatimt-,-~Ibace metal bonding; and the most- reliable Protection of 'he surface from~corrosive me(lia, rand whLch -would allow the metill sa-mole to be strainecL irithout rupture of ~he ccmtin,~;- of ltZilF)N9T --tainless steel. 'Mme best results were produced with a coating Ott of 10 samples coated with this steel, not. one ruplk-lureel. 7in-Ls ~,as tn-ie whether USS ZYUBRIKI A. I., et al., Fiziko-Khimicheskaya Eekhanika Vaterialcot, -3, June 70, pp 22-24 ution),or alhali (Nao-11-40F' the corrosive med-ilum was anitrate (rH4k'03750'P so! solution), where the corrosiom rate was 0.8 ar.1- 0.9. respectively. Opti- =m coating taickness was 0.4 ,xr,,, where the time to, crackdilg was close to 100 hours in the nitrate solution. The authors sIate that additional protection against.corrosion crackin', my be achieved by using resins and lacquers. I I fill F W, C I I'V 1, ,---I I' ~~ 110 ~1!11I JSSII UDC: 621.- 372-833088-88) VASH3114i.0, I. Ya. and SHwTUVIY, V. 11. ction Usang a Thin Ribbon Line" Avt. sv. OjS-R (!$.uthorI-- kiertifica'lUe US,3.,",) 2'a", 73 (H Ol-, J- 5/08), ~,Ii-o. 273~08, 29,07.61-`., Pub.I:',.(,,A,,A(In 15.09.70 -3, '..arch 71, I.,bsj;r,-,ct 3BIS,6P) .Lranslati-on., The preposed junction consists of a cco-xial line i,,,hose center conductor ends in the loop cf '12-44e termiinantin,- de- -1o -he nurDose o-O reducina vice. r t - - ~L Z3 the criticalness in nriq,~ch4n:~- the junction looD, the width is increased compared to the ,,.idth of the ribbon line. USSR UDC 624.07:534.1 DEBRIVNYY, 1. Ye., VASILENKO, "Torsional Vibrations of a Rod Considering Viscous and Amplitude-Nonlinear Friction" V sb. Rasseyaniye energ~i pri kolebaniyakh mekh. sistem*(Energy Scattering Under Oscillaucions of Mechanical Systems -- Collection of Works), Kiev, "Nauk. dumka", 1972, pp 68-72 (from RZh-Mekhanika, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3V266) -Translation: The problem of forced torsional vibrations of a rod under a harmonic external effect is discussed. Nonlinear friction corresponding to an elliptical hysteresis loop with a skeletal line in the form of an in- clined straight line is taken into account along with viscous friction. The Bubnov method is applied with respect to the coordinate and the Krylov- Bogolyubov method is applied with respect: to tine. A numerical example is d1scussed. 5 ref. Yu. N. Novichkov. 5 Elffi M111911011"IIIIIIIIAr IRIT USSR UDC 53.9. 412. 1 CORODETSKIY, V. N., KOZLOV, 1. A.,.gj"- 1~0, j- P., Kiev "The Question of the StTen-th of Diski with Inclined Rim" 0 Problemy Prochnosti, No 3, 1972,pp 28-30. -xperi- Abstract: Results are presented from L mental tosts of two methods of designing inclined disks. The actual influence of thl~!,area of contact between rim and hub on the stycss~ statc- of the disk is demons t rated. Values of coefficients describing the increase:in true st-resses in the dangerous area of inclined disks are prewntod. US19R mc 6zi.373.535 (2o6.3) BAGAYEV, S. N., VA-ZIN99 IUTYLrIN,, YU. A., IMMM-WYEV, V. H., TRMEDI, B. I., ii d I P. n "Some Ressults of a Study of +-he Generation Fxequency Stability of Gas Iasers on the 0.63, 1.51 3.3% and 9. 6 mcron Vavelengtlmll- Zeningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 32t No 4p APr 72, J)D 802-808 Abs-tract; no article gives a brief descri n of the principal xwults of the az,,,thox--* st-miy of the fre4uency staIAlI.z,,;Ucn of gpz lasor.5 on the 0.63, 1-5, 3-39,V-nd 9.6-micron wavelangdlbs. Varlaua 2requempy stabili.,ztion meth- ods were used: vl.z.,a stabilization netliod bw3ed on that. L-1,.ib d1p, s-tabiliza- tion mmihod--- accorcft,-, to the pmk in the output rarlUxion Pawar (a la-'er with on internal absorption caU-) and with ~m extei-nal gas al~sarjjtion cell In a variablo iaa~Vxetic field. 7he mJ-%m. -rmrpose of this vror5t vmz to show that high frequenej nf-ahllity values can be attained in varlou3 lase3m by various methods. The e/psx-buental setup ancl t1ho measitTement Droceduren. used by the au-Whomr az vell,az the research,resullts irill be described in separate 2./. 1 USSR. UDC 53 T1. N. NOTKIN G. YE., and CFEBOTifflr"V, Z. SITIEUKU, T I., LISITSYN, ve- P., of the 21P and 2 "Disintegration P Levels of he .4. na G'ow Discharge" Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 28, No.6, Jun 70, pp 1085-1093 Abstract: The article describes results of a study of the cross-sec- ti ons for the disintegration of the 21P and 2 3P levels of helium 4-n a dc disckrarge by atomic collisions.- The purpose was to ascertain the channel over which excitation transfer from singlet levels to triplet .levels occurs. The study was based on the mer,11iod of selective optical excitation. It was found that the levels 2 P and 23111 of ~ie have a -16 cross-section for disintegration by lateratcmic collisions of < 10 sq cm. A study of -4e miagrniiGude and,sign for tiie modulation of the population of a number of levels, resulting, from, selective op-.icall ex- citation of the level 21P, indicates the following general pattern for the excitation of helium levels: USSR GERASTMOV, F. et al., Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 28, No 6, Jun 70, pp 1196-1203 a diffe.-enti-al. During testa of Lhe ruling erigine abou-c 40 diffrac-\ tion gratings were smde with 600, 300,and 200 lines/mra. In most cases the gratings,,when studied by the interference method,d-isplayed~ straight interference frinaes~and gave high-quCality spectral lines in the spectral unit. 2/2 USSR: UDO 6P-1.382.323-416 VASILENKO, L.S., DVORNIKOV, V. I., OExparimental Study Of Silicon Or Metal-insulator-Serdconductor Transistor With Induced p-Type Channel At.T 770 Elektron.tekhnika. Nauch.-tekhn.ob.Kriogen.elektronika (Electronics Tecbnology. Scientific-Technical Collection. Cyrogehic Electronic6),19-11, Isbue 10),Pp 35-45 (from RZh:Elektronika i yeye primeneniye, No 10, Oct 1972,Abstrret No 10B191) Tranal'ation: The paper describes a JIT~~tranBietor with an insulated gate which has a high input resistance (lOlZ--1;1 Ohm) in a wide. temperature range in, ~dependent of the magnitude and polarity of the voltage at the gate. An account is given of the basic physical principles and peculiarities of operation of a MIS transistor under conditions'of deep freezing* The static. volt-ampere characteristics and the amplifying and noise paramete're of a transistor with a p-type channel during cooling to 770 X are' analyzed- Till. 11 ref. N.K. T. USSR I ma 615-311 547.564.g. 009 VOLODC-HENXO, V. A., HAXONTECHIM, A. A., and SADQXF-k, YE. R., PERWk =cology Laboratory, Kharkov Scientific Research Institute of Labor 11ygiene and Occupational Diseases "Comparative Toxicological Evaluation of Tpa-,--Phenetidine a-nd Cyanoethyl-para- Phanetidine" Moscow, Farmak-ologiya I Toksikologiya, Vol 35, No 3, Play/Jun 72, pp 367-3169 Abstracti Albino rats and rabbits were~used In the tosts. Para-phenetidine was injected as a 5tc-f emulsion arA cyanosthyl-p-phenetidlne m p- 25,0,f. suspension in a 3.9 staxch gel. Subacute toxicity was biduced by Injection of the material into the stomach with 0.1 LDP six -times a week for one month. No cumulative effects were obsorved~ The emoglobin content, the exyt-hrocyte, -reticulocyte, and leukocyte content and leukocyte formula were dete=inedi The HeJ-n-- bodies were also calculated. At the and of the tests the aniia~as were sacrificed and the weight coefficient of the internal organs detei-a-Ined. Methemoglobin and sulfhemoglobir. contents were also determined. The high toxicity of para- phenetidine is due to its high methemoglobin-forming activity. The introdue- tion of the cyanoethyl group weakens this activity# but doeu.not exclude the 1/2 USSR _j_ __s 7_ -USSR UDC:615-917:51r(.587 VASEZEITKO, N. M., VOLODCHEE NKOY V. A., and LABUIISKTY,, V. V., Kharkov Institute cTMS~i_i6:~a_lal Hygiene and'Of--cupational Diseases' "Correlation Between I'Ghe Chemical Structure of Mono-Y Bi-, and Trinuclear Qvinones and Their Toxiciti' Gigiyena i Sanitariya, Dio 6, 1972,P 113 Abstract: There are mono-, di-, and trinualear quinones henzoquinonos (B,),), naphthoquinones (jNiq), -and anthraquinones (AQ) - depen(iing an the number of benzene rings in the molecule. AQ derivatives containing various radicals in the, r!ain nucleus are more tvAic than the AQ themselves. BQ are -the least toxic among the amino AQ derivatives, the diamines are more toxic than the monaini,ies. Airnng the AQ sulfonic acids, the most aggressive is th~ disodiuim salt of !,A,- sulfonic acid. The presence of mathoxy,~ ethyww, and amino -groiips arid especi- ally com-binetions of them in the AQ molecule. are the Tost danflerOUS. Yntroduc- tion into the IP~ molecule of 2 atoms of chlorine (2,3-('-iclilora-1,4-narhtlio- quinone) -or 2 atoms of bromine. combined 'with amiro, byfl-roxy, and imino C.,ro-ups (5-ELynino-8-kvdrOXY-3,7-dibromb-1,4-naphthoTiinonimine;),mitii,,ltes the toxic and irritating effects of the compound. 4- Acc. Nr: Ref.-Code:VRo*15 AP0054284 PRIMARY SOURCE: HolAullyarnaya Biologiya, 1970, Vol 4, Nr PP FRACTIONATION OF VALINE BOACCEPTUR tRNAs FROM BAKER'S YEAST V. 084VKHOVA, V, E~ POD F. D[,ff,1rVVA. -OORNry 7T Sn R Institute of Organic Chemisfrg, Sibeiltin'Brapich of the Academ'Uf Sci`cfs, US~a, Nbv~l~ A new method for the chromatography of isoacceptor tRNAsv-d from bak-er's veast is described. The chromatography is carried out on TEAE-cellulosc coloinns at 38-401 in solution of 7 M urea and 0.1 Al CH3COOH, it, NaC11 linear gradient from 0,35 to 0,5M. Me- ions and EDTA in concentrat ions 0,005-0,01 41 have a marked influence oil the fractionation, WNAVal Nvas. fractionated into a''few isoacceptor fractions. Structural dif- ference of these fractions was confirmed by the analysis of guanylo-ribonuclease digests of 14C-valyl-[RNA on TEAE-cellulose columns. in linear ~gradient of HCOOH and NaCl in 7 Al urea. The final purification of. tRNA Val, was performed by the chemical method of periodate oxidation. REFEL/MME USSR UDC: 8.74 VASILENKO, V. A., KOSSOV, B. B. "Recognition Algorithms and Perception Psychology" Moscow, Izbr. tr. Vses. mezhvuz. simpoz. po prikl. met. i kibernet., Gor'kiy, 1967 (Selected Works of the fill-Union Intercollegiate Symposium on Applied MAthematics ard Cybernetics,.Gor,i-.iy, 1967), "Nauka", 1973, pp 242-244 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 7, JuI73, abstract 110 7V685 by the authors) Translation: The paper deals with the question of human selection of a system of features and their evaluation in image classification. A new method is proposed for doing psychological experiments on determining the subjective distances between different visual.objects. A series of psycholog-ical eyperiments is done on the method of ranktng and the method of.pairedintervals, and the coefficients of rank correlation are computed for these methods. rn -1L- UDC: 362.147(049.3) CONCEPUTN". YA.I. DREYESYLAS'S ARTICLE EFTITLI-A) ~'SCIM DEBATABLE TSSUES PERTA=-1V-. TO ~%TIIOUS OF EVALUAT1,110 THE rmanmEss OF ntsmNSABIr CARE" JArticl&oby P.V. Xhomenak .~~ candidate of medical sciences, and V,A. VastlS, k ChaI7 ;I S6-ci-0M1y-aine ;,nd orpnizzatio, of ?ublic Health viertrv-Dy 1~rcleff~ sor T.D. )Zhorosh), )Uev Madicnl In-,ttruto; ~Joscow, Scvatskoye 2drAvookhrane-, No S. 1971, sobmitted I December 1970, pp 45-473 In aux article published in the jot~nt&l, Sovetskove Zdravoakhranqniv*, (1970. No 9)~ Va.l. Draycr=n voiced a aumbor of debatAble proposals d"llng a With M. tl!-O;!S-Of 6Y4t;3ring the CffCCCiVCnS,;;1J Of d1'ptn34ry care. We shvire 61s author's vi "., that to date the nur~ber of patients under Mspem~ary cite does not averapo more thAn 60-80 per physician it many t:A*ra,"=z%c Institutions, and 20-30 per physician In a n a r r a w !Pecialty (surpeoa. neuropathologtat. and Others). However. we CAnnot agree that om of the ra.;n cau,;es ot the relatively Inadequate coverage of the -OPulatlotl w-ch diapeasary care Is that doctors are overIcaded in the o~atpatienr service. With tCI&Y'S load and rtOPC-, organizatlQn of work. one- doctor can render satisfactory diAper-,sary care to M-200 panolt per year. If be scov 2-~! people outo(.6z tzri,! u der dl~pensary ch e "th, n 4=-. !%A 14iii. ree~lv. 'about 50 vi%itti per no%~ :nd about 500 per year, It N,e patient tu~6er dispensary care makes thre visits on an average, the .oetor will be able ca cake care of 166 people per year. 7n =cil,hl ins-titutle"s where .less than 100-15ft people Are und-r dis- care by Lac doctor, th, quality of orRanization of his work In and dispmrisary service in pArticul,%r Is poor. Witt) such a wo7l. loA,A, nccardlne to csti~iaLes, about 30 percent of the entire population is CoVered br d1sp-3ary core. Further Increr,6" In number of Individuals subject to dispensary care In directly related to A dacrLame in the doctor's tctal load. It wc--ld be expedient to Analyze dispensary services with d%~L tonsi- *Putlish,i-i for the purliose of discussion. - 60 - _M UDC 8.74 USSR VASILENKO V. A., PIRUMOV, R. N., ROMOV, A. N. "Some Problems of Training Pattern Recognition Machines" sb. Avtomat. upr. i wchisl. tekhn. (Automatic Control and Computer Engineer- ing Ilection of works) Vyp. 101 Moscowo'Mashinostroyeniye Press, 1972, pp 74-103 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep. 72, Abstract No 9V661) Translation: A study was made of the probleos of traiiiing automata to recog- nize comple;-, three-dimensional figures by their two-dinnnsional projections. Special attention was given to the procedure for learning recognition in the presence of noise. Studi(-- were made of various principles of data processing during input and output from the trained automaton. It,was. deronqtrated that the best results have bee. a achieved as a result of Lhe differentiating transfor- mation of the brightness function of the image scannin~.:row and the transition to description of input situations in the space. of, the I)roperties realized in the process of feeding the images to the, digital computor. Or.. the basis of -I.- _t-_J--J L_ -~_ --------- J-j --- --- I USSR UDC 8.74 VASILENKO, V. A., PIRMOV, R. N., ROMMOV, A. N. "On Certain Problems in Teachirg a Machine to Recognize Images" V sb. Avtomat. upr. i vvehisl. tekhn. (Automatic Control and Computer Tech- nology -- Collection of Works), No.-10, Moscow, '%,ashinostroveniye", 1972, pp 74-103 (from RZh4latematika, No 9, Sep 72, Absttact No 9V661) Translation: The article discusses problems of,teaching an automaton to recognize complex three-dimensional figures on- the bas;is of their plane projections. Particular attention is gIven to a technique for teaching recognition in,the presence of;;noise. Various princioles for the processing of Isoinformation during its input and output from the learning automaton are Investigated. It is shown that the~best results acre achieved through differentiating conversion of the~function ffor the clarity of the line of separation of the image and the,transition to the description of input situa- tions in the space of properties that is,achieved during input of images into the computer. Certain practical recommendations are made on the basis of results obtained by the authors. 16,ref.~ Authors abstract, 1/1 1/2 013 UNC.LASSI.P.I.M pflocriSSING DATE--18SEP70 TITLE-UTILIZATWN OF THERMOLUMINESCENCEMETHOD FOR THE STUDY OF MAGMATIC ROCKS CONTACTS EXEMPLIFIED BY T.UCHINSKMASSIF -.U- AUTHOR-(03)-VASILENKOt V.Bt LITVINOVSKlYt B.A.*~KHOLOOOVA, L.D. COUNTRY OF --USSR INFO '--SCURCE-GEOLOGIYA I GEOFIZIKAII 1970, NR 2 PP 57-63 ~''OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ,''SUBlECT AkEAS--EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY -.,-.TOPIC TAGS-MAGMA, GRANITE, THERMOLUMINESCENCE --NO RESTRICTIONS NTROL MARKING ,-DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED i~~:PROXY REEL/FRAM1-1986/1229 STEP NO--U R/0210170/000/002/0057/0063 ClIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0103117 UNCLASSIFIED -------- ------- olow -7 212 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP010311T ~ABSTRACT./EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AT THE STUDY OF ALKALINE AND SYENITES CONTACTS WITH PALEOZOIC GRANI TOIDS USING THE METHOD OF THERMOLUMINESCENCE IS ESTABLISHEDlTHAT THERMOLUMINESCENCE PAR4METERS OF SYENITES AND THEIR FELSPARS 'ARE UNOERRATED COMPARATIVELY WITH THOSE "NORMAL" AND INDICATE THE TEMPERING OF THESE RD,(;)(S, THE DEGREE OF THE H REMOVAL FROM~CONTAt~V~WITH GRANITES. BASED TEMPERING IS DECREASED WIT. UPONTHESE DATA THE MOVEMENT OF,THE HEAT FLOW FROM GRANITES UP TO SYENITES IS SUGGESTED. UNCLASSIFIED USSR U00 639~.16.07.669:65.011.56 SMOLYAK, V. A., UZLYUK, V. N.t Candidates of Technical Sciences, VASILENKO, V. I., ZELENIN, V. M., YASHIN, YU. F~., Engineers "Gamma-Relay Level Gage for Automatic Dosage Control" Moscow, Mekhanizatsiya i Avtomatizatsiya Proizvodstva, No 57 1970, pp 38-39 Translation: Volume dosage was applied to a rebuilt furnace of a metallurgical plant since, under the prevalent.technical conditions, it was impossible to use a complex of typical equipment and mechaa- isms for assembling and dosing the coke in mass. Based on a GR-7 radioisotope gamma relay, a system for automatic regulation of colce volume dosage controlling a roUer disc screen for sifting coke particles and a main skip hoist (see drawing) was developed. 1/5 USSR SMOLYAK, V. A., et. al., Moscow, Mekhanizatsiya i Avtomatizatsiva Proizvodstva, No 5, 1970, pp 38-39 1) coke bunker; 2) disc screen; 3) cQ!:e hopper; 4) gate; 5) skip; 6) radiation detector; 7) nozzle for adjusting input,coke masG; 8).sensor; 9) electronic relay block;.. 10) control block The radiation source is in a cast iron collimator container outside the weight hopper 3. at its'side -walL.. The container pro- vides safety from radiation and forms a gamma radiation beam directed toward the detector 6, which uses a S122G counte .r in a~protective. tube 200 mm in diameter and with a Vall thicknes ,a of two MM in the up P of the per part of the interior:of-the hop er 3.. The~placemenf_ detector inside the object measured, where the radiation by 30-401 /0 the activity of the source and thus reduces the danger of radiation to pers.onnel operating the loading mechanism., To prevent false operation oLthe gamma relay and to improve the coke dosage automatic control syqtem, a radi6metric pair 3/5 USSR SMOLYAX, V. A., etal, Moscow, Mekhanizats'iya i. 4wmnacizatsiya Proizvodstva, No 5, 1970,.pp 38-39, (source and detector) was placed so that the gamma beam, parpendi- ,cular to the longitudinal axis of the screen, is not interrupted by.the flow until the moment the,hopper ir. filled with a specified amount of coke and its top is.hit by the gamma beam. To adjust the system i.e.,,to change the specified mass C) within the limits of 100-200 kg -- the pouring nozzle 7 -A*.s shifted by 200-300 trim and pulls the top away ~ -from the gamma beam to the screen opposite the wall of the hopper, so that the latter is 'filled with a large quantity of the coke before the screen is switched off. And, conversely, the sideward approach of the top to the vertical plane passing through the gaiama beam leads to an,earlier intersection of the I atter by the top of the coke mass. Cons6quently, the control the coke mass within the technical range depends on which of ts the gamma.beam. the top of the poured coke the follow ng nterrupl- %. mass or the Side slcpe.ascending~to the top. In the latter case, the top is higher than the Level at which the gaallta beam is per- Mitted to pass. 4/5 USSR SMOLYAK, V. A., Et al., Moscow, Mckhanizatsiya.i. Avtaniatizatsiya Proizvodstva, No 5, 1970, pp 38-39 This control system also contains a sensor, an electz-onic relay block, and a control block, as.well as a iow-current control or the electric-feed network of the disc screen. The control signal frora the sensor is applied to the relay of the electron relay block operating-in the positive (triggered) 'f4ed amount o-O position. VrneQ the hopper is filled.with the spt~'ci I L. L coke, the gamma beam intensity is weakened to one-third its former level, and contacts IREB of the switch are opened. The coil of IRB is deenergized, the closed contacts IRB in the coil o' the linear contactor LIK open, and the motor 14 of the disc screen is switched off- The screen is once more switched on after tlie gate 4 ir, opened (motor 1,12) and the colce is poured from the hoppar~into the skip 5. 7he radioisotope automatIn coke dosage regPlation systems are based on both coke-loading mechanisms. The aznual saving to the economy amounts to 42 thousand rubles'. E y ASW PROCLStING DAf'---300CTI0 TOJLE~-THE PIROBLEN CONCERNED w I tuv- N~ - T INAE L Y- DIAGNOSI'S 0 CANI;ER Or- tmt- STOMACH -U- AUTHUR-(05)-VASi'j~LKqII KH.s SQKULIJV* L.K.t RAPOPORTt S4142 TSUDIKOVt Go B*Ga, va tSmat CCUNTRY bF I.NPG-UssR ~.,SOURGC~KLIINIGHESKAYA ME01tSINAj 1910t VCL 48t NR 3# pp 9-20 ..-DAIE PUBLISHED--10 SuBitCT AR~AS-1310LGGICAL AND MCDICAL SCIENUS Jopic-tAGS-DIGESTIV~ SYMR OBW9t CANCERt RAVIDGRAPHYi Btupsyj OIAGNOSTIC MEDICINE# STOMACH ~~-~,CLNTRCL MARKING-NO Rt-STRICtIONS OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIEQ w'PROXY~RE.EL/FRAME--3001/0915 STEP NU--UR/0497170/0,'til/003/0009/OOZO CIRC ACCESSIGN P40--AP0126574 UNCLASSIFIED ~ MIR, _R~ ~wi 212 UNGLASSIPAD DATE-30OCT70 rCJRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0126574 AaS T.RACTIEXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. COMPLEX EXAMMiAlION (ROENTGENOLOGICAL, GASIROSCOPY, AINED GASTRO61OPSY ANO CYtfjLO(-.Y) PERFORMED IN 475 PATIENTS SUti;ERING FRO.". GAStRl(; OISEASE-S PAEGPER4'f IVELY REVEALED CANCER IN 62 OUT OP 65 CASES* 1HE AVTHOi~!S RE-1110,Rt ON 12 CASES OF EARLY PREGPERAYI'VE REC0&NIT*'QN OP CANCER OF TH~ STOMACH IHANKS TO VIE p USE OF AIMED' GAStRO61OPSY AND CYtOLOGY. IT 15 DEEMED,EXPEOIENt t0 INTRODUCE NEW PRINICIPLES IN TH~ APPROACH TO THt~ PROBLEM OF RECOGNITION OF EARLY CANCER* IN W14ICH DEtl.~IVE SHOULD 6E BIOPSY INVEStIGAtION ObTAINED DURING AIMED GASTROSCOPY; HOWEVER AT FHE,.SJ'~ME tLME CLINICAL DATA IN TfiE DIAGNOSIS OF EARLY': CANCER ':ARE RARELY PRACT I CAL. FACILITY.- VSESGYUZNYY NAUCHNG~ISSLLD* INISTITUI GASTRUENTEROLOGIlt MIVIISTERSTVA IDRAVOOKHRANENIYAt SSSR# MUSKVAo, UNGLA5SI-F160 R ra -Will - --------- UNCLASSIF IJM 'PROC4SSIUG DATE --20NOV70 TITLE--ACUIL 6AST,~CCIUUO~NAL E 0 S I U 114 S~4NU~ ULU.'s -u- AUTHGR-(G3)-VASILf*NKGj V. KFI. I 14ATVEYEV, N.K., INIKULAYH, N.U. CC UN T R YCf I 'N FG--U S SR 70,~ VO L, 48-s' NR 41 PO 33-ItO SGURCE-KLIf,,jLLiE8KAYA f~t-UITSINA, 19 DATE. FUL ISHF U ------- 70 '6JELT AhEAS-OlUrGICAL ANU MEDICAL SC f ENCE S :.,'TCPIC TAGS-Gl lGrSr IVE SYS rEiM 0 1 SEASE, r, tj 6, p E iq u mLESION, PATHOGF NF S I -S, PROFM Lil X I C I AGNM S T I f, M ED I C I N E:,, NTRCL7.111,ARK lN`--NG -"LSTR ICT ION' N:il,:--;C Ci _i3-"CUmElj T C L;~ S UNN C L;~ f PkQXY REEL/f f~AME-30-04/C746 STEP tNO--Ui~/0497/7O/Ott8/OO4/0033/0040 CIR~C ACCESSIC,i% N-,J--APGI3134t J 212 C25 LINCLASS IF I ED. PROCiESSING DATE-20;NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NC -AP013L341 A 6STRACT/ EXT~, A C f-- ( U ) (;p-C- t~ 6SIRACT. THE AUTHOAS MIQ-11T TU PAPER LITB%ATU~~E ~IATA AiNf, AN A;'~4ALYSLS OF THE CASE HISTGAIES OF 264 PATIE,\,rS ',i"-Ih ACtJt'-- G;-STRGLU6Ub'AL EkOSWNS A iN, DULCERS. ~ " .1 C i ~SPCC[AL ATrENTMN IS 14 -'T OR, 0 F, 01 E V E L 1 11 A L- A' 14 -MviN TC Thi:-- CAUSES 11 ztl PAlH(JGEf,iFSIL, OF ACUTE ULCEkS, CL 1,0CAL, PICTUKL Ai'liD DIAGNOSIS, AS WELL IA.S THE PROPHYLAXIS OF THL-SE COMPLICATiCNS. FAC ILITY: 'V:~E.SOY.(114NYY IN-1 INWITUT GAS TRCENJE i,CLUGI I MZ SSSRt MOSG-01,4. L A 5 1 1 E D USSR UDc 621. 37 3. h 3 GEL'FA.qDBFr,T, Ya. A., VASIM, TF,0 V M, "A Complex Signal Oscillator" Mosevi, 9 -ry-jy obreteniva, Prom_vshler~n r~L Obra~jt -raw~e Z:,a7--,i -n,- Tava t z~, 17 No 5, Feb 72, AuthorIE Certificate No 327564, ra-pisicn H, filed 119 1-1wr '(0, published 206 Jail 72, p !60 Translation: This Author's Certificatte introduces a complex signal oscil- lator -which contains a imit( signal generator end an adder. As a distin- guishing feature of the patent, the device is &.~s-igprjed to heep "he f,c- quency, anplitude and phase of the signal qonponents llldepr~-ndent of' the frequency, &=Iitude and phase of the rip-in signal.. The output of the unit -P -ibra , h signal generator is connected to the intits of linear-i tors throi~g parallel-connected voltage dividers vlth. corresponding division coef- ficients. The outputs of the vibrators - are connected through the corre- to the correspohding inpL,,t,% of the adder. .sponding phase sh -7 USSR uDc 669-295-48 SORTM., I. P., VASILVINKO V.. P. A.."V. -J "Recovery of Titanium and Rare Metals Into Chloride Solution from Hydrolysis Products of Chloride Wastes of Titanium IndustrY" Sb.-tr. Yses. n.-i, i proyektn. in-t titana (Collection of 'Works of the All- Union Scientific Eesearch Institute of Titanium), 1970, PP 99-105 (from RZH- Netallurgiya Nov 70, Abstract No 12.G157) i No 11, 1 Translation: Results are presented of experiments iavolving the leaching of Ti, ThY Kb, and Zr with HC1 solut-I n from their moist concentrate-hydrolysis -0 prodluct., of the spent melt of furnace for processing chloride pulp of the composition (in '110~ 39-0, IFO 0 2 %0 0 299, and ZrO2 7.9. A 2 5 5 study is zade of different parameters 6nd-optinal conditions of the process: 15-20% solution of HC1, ratio T: Zh = 1:4,.temperature'80-1000 and duration 30 min with continuous mixing. One-phane leaching of freshly.precipitated, moist concentrate with 15-2G~A HCI solution allows recovery in solution (in d"): Ti up to 75, Zr up to 99, Nb up to 84, and Ta up to 66.~ 6 tables, 6 bibl. entries. Authors' abstract -'50 USSR 543-25t,669-017-i SHMTS T. M., M'NIMMO, Z. 14., IVAITOVA, L. YU., and TIATANSON, E. M., lmtitute of Colloidal ChemisTiptd Watcr Chemistry, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSJJ "Effect of Additives on the Blectrodeposi.tion of lroil-Coba1t-Niclzel Ternary Alloysip YLieVe Poroshkovaya retallurglya, no 3t 1972* pp 12-17 Abstrac, : Citea are ti, 6-,,-perjr of a L,:r t11C: Cffr_.C.~,Z; C)f various additives (bot-h inert and wixface-c-r-tive compolincl,-) 01) t C_ . , C, lio Icc k*,", depasiticn of hi,~dy dazqw~rzc_d Of FO-CO-11i tOAX)ys, their st-ruCCAlre. and thc-., size a-lid sbap~- of the particletj ro,-rjed in Qic, MeasuxCriv---rits Of the Inagw-tic propertie:3 o:~ the alloy p:)wdr-:Z~-; pr(YIw--od In the preornue W' aiddii j force to bc Icn;ur in vI], f.-unes.; the j duu to din hitw)l nund-the mark(.f! an5c-11-ropy -U-C, shap_a. Ti--, ntudy f~hows iYuLential changes, in tjw-f~trucLu:ri,.! 6c.,Tx_-At 1:3 J_~ function of one; c1c.-ctradelosition additiv Q, c, n zlnothey-.~ (2 J.3-hu,"Urations., 2 tablez; b5bliu r~!.~L~rehc_les) USSR UDC 621.762.2(088.8) SHVETS, T. M., VASILENI~O_V. P., NATANSON, E. M. "Method of Production of Metal Rawdersll USSR Author's Certificate No. 308094, filed 3/04/69, published 23/08/71. (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Nietallurgiya, No 2, 1972, Abstract No. 2G374P). Translation: A nethod is suggested for production of metal powders by elec- trolysis of aqueous solutions.of salts using an oscillating cathode. III order to increase the degree of dispersion,and homogeneity~of the powders of the -colloid metals and alloys, theprocess of electrolysis is performed in a 2- layer bath, consisting of an aqueous solution of the carresponding salts of the metals and an organic fluid, as ultrasonic oscillations are fed to the cathode. 1/2 047 UNCLASSI FIED 'PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 TITLE--ELECTRON HICRJSCOPE STUOY OF HIGHLY DISPERSED COBALT -U- AUTHOR-(04)-SHVETS, T.M.t vj~LENk P. v. ZHEL180' YE.P., NATANSONs E.M. Ov COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~,SOURCE--UKRAINY KHIMt ZIIUR.t APR. 1970#:. :36Y (41, 3:~5-339 DATE PUBLISHED----APR70 S.UBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS, CHEMISTRY -TOPIC.TAGS--,ELECTRON MICROSCOPY, COBALT '4LLOY, METAL POWDERt POWDER METALP ~~METAL FIBERY ELECTRODEPOSITION, ELECTRULYTE, CHLORIDE CONTROL MARKING--NG RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIeD PROXY REEL/FRAME--3006/0343 STEP NO--Ult/00'73/7 P/0361004/0335,r'0339 _~CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0 137447 UNCLASSIFIED, 212 047 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0137447 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT.:, THE SHAPEAND SIZE OF HIGHLY DISPERSED CO PARTICLES OBTIANED BY ELECTRODEPOSULON.UNDER DIFFERENT CONOITICNS WERE STUDIED IN THE TRANSMISSION ELECTRON'MICROSCOPE. CHANGING THE ELECTROLYTE CONCENTRATION FROM 100 'TO 400 G-L. COCL SUB2 .6H SUB2 0 LED TO A SHARP INCREASE IN PARTICLE SEZE AND A GREATER DEGREE OF OENORtTE FORMATION; RAISING THE C#THO0IC,C.D~.,:FROM 4 TO 40 A-DM PRIME2 GAVE PARTICLES IN THE FORM OF'JHE, FINE FIBRES. CHANGING THE ELECTROLYTE ACIDITY FROM PH 5 TO.PH I HAD LITTLE1~EFFECT ON THE.SHAPE OF THE CO PARTICLES* UNCLASSIF IED. USSR UDC: 8.74 SIRODZHA, I. B., SALYGA, V. I., MYSHKO, Ye.-I., VASIIMTKO, Yu. A., KARTA- --KIY, A. M., KUZDJINAi 0.1 1. SHOV, L. N., PRYANITS "Modeling the Process of TeachingTattern Recognitiwby the:Method of R-Functions With the Use -of.. a-Dig-4 tal-~.Coi '. ti- p#er., Tibbl. bioniki. ResD. mezhved. ~temat. nauch.-tekhn. sb. (Problems of Bionics. Republic Interdepartmental Thematic Scientifkc~and Technical Collection), 1971, vy-P. 7, pp iM-i.12 (fro"i RM-Kibernetika, No 4, Apr .72, Abstract No 4V582) Translation: The paper deals with a,math6matical model of instruction- whose basis is a developed learning.algorithm of patterr-recognition distinguished by the use of a fundamentally; new procedurt,., of predicative ~description of arbitrary geometria-fibrms in multidimensional spaces with the aid of H-functions. Authors! abstracts USSR VASILENKO, Yu. A., KAKURIN, N. Ya. ."One Canonical Form of Representation of the Functioms of k-Valued Logic" Mnogoyustoych. Elementy i ikh Primeneniye [Multistable Elements and Their Applications -- Collection of Works), Moscow, Sov. Ra~dio Press, 1971, pp 102-105, (Translated front Referativnyy Zhurnal, Kibernetika, No 3, 1972, Abstract No 3 V348 by G. Gavrilov). Translation: The author's have introduced so-called (i., j)-continuous func- tions of k-valued lo ic. Function f(xl,~ x ) from"P is called (i, j) 9 n k continuous if for any two sets Zi and 0 of values of variables satisfying the condition la 6 1 !. i, m n, the following relationship is ful- m m filled: If(&) f(W ~.j- It is proven that where ;. > j, the class of all (i, j)-continuous functions is closed, while where 0 < 1. < j < k - 1 it is not closed (to the operation of superposition). Thon, a fonn of the Tepre- sonation of (i, j)-continuous functions is_pre.-anted. It is a natural ex- tonsion to the case of (i, j"-continuous functions of the widely known repre- sentation of functions front P k in system ~0, 1,1..., k I, jo(x), min(x, y) max (x, y) (RZhNiat, 1959, 9704'. A system is presented ik-l(x)' 112 1H, WWI ffi 0111-sr III USSR VASIMKO, Yu. A., KAKURIN,.N. Ya., Mnogoyustoych. Elementy i ikh Primenenive, Moscow,-Sov. Radio Press, 1971, pp 102-105. consisting of four functiors which is complete in the class of (i, continuous functions. Abstractors Note. It is easy to see that the claeses of (i, j)- continuous functions are simple generalizations of the.classes U EV E 23 studied by S. V. Yablonskiy in the woTk.indicated above. Only instead E S k ofsome divisions of set E the covering of the set with various (special) systems of subsets must be ta-en. 2/2 USSR UDC 681.325.65:537.312.62 KM, Ya. S., BELYAVSKIY, V. L., STL and KAKURIN, N. Ya., Khar'kov Institute of Radioelectronics,~ :"A Multiple-Valued Logic Eiement", USSR Author's Certificate No-262954, Filed 25 Jun 68, Published 4 Jun 70 (from Referativayy Zhurnal - Avtomatika, Telemekhanika, i Vychislitel'naya Tekhaika, No 8, 1971, Abstract No.8B144 P) Translation: Multiple-value,d logic elements (MLE) who6e circuitry is based on amplitude, phase, and frequency'representation of data are well-known. A-common shortcoming of their circuits is that they are monofunctional and not sufficiently reliable in operation, especially when there is a large In number of input variables. . order to guarantee reliable operation an the part of an MLE that can perform a sufficiently large number of multiple- valued logic functions, it is suggested that the NLE be constructed in such a way that information can be coded spatially. This can be accomplished by using cryotrons as components of the MLE, since they makc it possible to use a purely geometric principle of information conversion. In the proposed logic element, Lhe cores of t1te cryotrons in each line are connected in series. The beginnings of thei cores,of-the odd cryotrons in an odd and 1/2 USSR KAN, Ya. S., et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 262954, Filed 25 Jun 68, Published 4 Jun 70 (from Referativwfy Zhurnal -- Avtomatika, Telemekhanika, i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 8, 1971,,Abstract No 8BI44 P) even line are interconnected. The ends of the cores are also intercon- nected. The windings of the, odd cryotro-as in the odd lines and the windings of the even cryotrans in the even lines are c6anected in series and joined to the unit outputs of the inverters' LThe unit inputs- of the inverters are connected with the sources,of the input Varjables xi. Ihe Vindings of the even cryotroas inL the 'odd lines and the`~windings of the odd cryotrons in thu even lines are connected in series~and joined to the JIJUStra zero.inputs of the inverters. I tion. 2/2 32 USSR ~UDC 681.327 KAKURIN, N. Ya., and VASILARO, Yu. A. "Methods of Constructing Multist6le Elpments" Pribory i sistemy avtomatiki. Resp. mezhved. nauch.-tekhn. sb. (Automation Instruments and Systems. Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and Tech nical Collection), 1970, vyp. 14,,pp 48--~51 (from,RZIL-eAvtomatika, Telemek- hanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 6:,,,,Jun 71, Abstract No 6 B187) Translation: A review of prospective areas in the creation of multistable system using different physical mthods~of data representation is presented. Adetailed study is made of pulserphase multistable elements and,ferro- accumulating counters. A co~iparative characteristic of~the elements is presented. There are 3 illustrations and,-a 3r-e ntry bibliography. USSR VASIIMIKO YU. A. nRecogaLzing the Symmetry ot Boolean Functions" Riga, Avtomatika i Vychislitellnwja Tekhnikca, November-December, 1971; pp 82-3 Abstract: An algorithm is suggested for recognizing the q.,nmehry of Boolean functions. It is based on presenting a given function in the form of sane graphic structure (logic treq). The proposed plgorithm~is on a par irith known algorithms in the quan-tity ot comparisons (2r-- 1), btkt it is superior to them in logical si-mplicity, gecmetrical visualization, and convenience of use. The algorithm can be generalized easily for k-yalued logic as wen as for multiple- output circuits. Two examplos illustrating the algoritlm, are, given. The article irr-ludes two figums., Figure I shows a logic tree for a func- tion of three arguments; Figure 2 shows a Jogic tree forla function of four arguments, There are 7 bibliographic references, 1V U - M-001110., '. "In "t. CONCERNINO A PROMISING TREND 14 COMYTER TECRNOLOCY pev AC.1 k r~d N jAxticle by LV_ T k RefPubl ~5,my'~y N ~etn:1270V, OM 0 No 2, 1970, p~, 82-a7l To a considorabl& extento the ae,~entjfic-tecbnic&I acbieye- ments of recent years bays been triggerod by the developmeAt of cc,mpu*er toobmology, comzunictMons oagino6ring and the 'm6thods. of dp.Z& pratGaaing. These trends.,have suppoitol the development of co_-alO= t6cI_-4cXI ZyStons, Howilver, Vith grow-th in the, tomtilex- ity 0.17"ho, ~Zoblrpa ~bain& solyed and an inereaae in the require- Moatz iMP036d on systems' clurlity, v. oontzaaictioa h4s arisen, be- 1*41'0z' 'tha i=do=*S datermiaize th; foasibiiity of building systems vitth comput*r cozplaxes, Ome zu~.h index is the reliability of operation. Tho provi- 340a of the z4tcasary level ot r;liability along with increased t;mploxity raqi4irc3 a. reduQtioa in intonaity of fftiluras in -the , ale-='.3 of a systam 1'Y -t'Wo ord~era of =."'mitudo :Vhirh econo=i6ally di~advuatagoou.'. Th.) rriaon for the anvelopment o1 now princi- =14t for tIa c;=3tructio~ of 3ystoms preserving -the c.pi:.-iting 7zli"bility at. ralrtiv,~ly loy =oliabllity of tha 'system's 4~. diver~Iance in thevaiuaf; c:V*t'he_-r p&Xam-olors, or evan the brerkd.~v-_ of O~ert"a number of elemcala. Modarn conputer syst=s lose their ability to function o%.-n,-~, to L.Izost =iy malfunction. An appreciable increase in the Q:! W;-.6= c&n lo&d to the -situation that mrlfunction3 vill ~,Qco=3 zoTo likely, vhile excessive miniaturization will only -Gpair zero "fficult or will m&Lo it, generally Ivpossiblo. .Ln betb. irazt-aces, -.he coath rol,%ted to -the correction of malfunc- rza Jncrer_ain~z. Naturally, the planner is interosted in the a; to vh~thar the cont3 related to 'the maltuactions will make & pie-nned system in&dvi4ablo. - 24 - Computerti: Programmin;~-& Ap plications USSR UDC: 681.32.001 VULMA6~- VSELYUBSKIY, A. 1. "Device for Determination of Reliability,of Characteris~ics of Computer Ele- ments and Units" Pribory i Sistemy Avtomatiki. Resp. Mezhved. Nauchno-Teklin. Sb. (Automation Devices and Systems. Republic lnterdepar~mental Scientific-Technical Col- lection), No 13, 1970, pp 62-67 (Translated. tram ReferatIvayy,Zhumal Avto- matika, Telemekhanika i Vych~Lslitel'naya Tekhnika.'No 10, 1970, Abstract No JOB82, by Yu. K.) Translation: A method is described for obtaining areas, in a system of coor- dinates of three parameters, in which the discrete functional elements tested operate with fixed reliability, mid a device- realizing the algorithm for.the method suggested is describedi The zethod'.consists of de~ftninr, cross sections in the two-dimensional space cif two parameters with fixedivalu" of the third parameter. The required number of cross sections with reupect to the fixed parameter determines the desired area in the system'of coP~rdinates of the three parameters. Block diagrwzs are presented and the operating principle of the device for automatic production of cross sections~u3ing an economical 1/2 IT USSR VASILENKO, Yu. A., VSELYUBSKIY, A. I., Pribary i Sistemy Avtomatiki. Resp. Hezhved. Nauchno-Tekhn. Sb. [Automation~'Devices and Systems. Republic.Inter- departmental Scientific-Tecbnical Collectioal, No 1311!1970,~pp 62-67 (Trans- lated from Re-ferativnyy Z6jrnal Avtomatika,.Telemiekhatika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 10, 1970, Abstract No 1OB82,.by Yu.~K,). algorithm is described in detail. The device described realizes the algorithm taking into consideration the confidence,:boundaries foi a fixed value of re- liability. Five illustrations;-ninetablesi three biblia. refs. 87 ------ NEI IIIIIMIINI III= USSR bDC: 681.325.5 Yu. A. XAKURIN, N. Ya., LAIILENKO "Single-Digit Decimal Adder" Pribory i Sistemy Avtomatiki,, Resp. Mezhved. Nauchno-T4khn. Sb. (Automation Devices and Systems. Repulic Interdepartmental Sclentiflc-Technical Col-, lection], No 13, 1970, pp 71-74 (Translated,.from Referat-,I.vnyy Zhurnal Av- tomatika, Telemekhanika i Vychislitel'naya'Tekhnika, Wo,10, 1970, Abstract No 10B213, by T. D.) Translation: The authors analyze a M'ethod~for coastructili)n of a combination adder yielding a savings of logic elements.. The second stage of the adder the sum correction section -- is changed. If this applied to adders based on cowbination-accumulating-elementsian even greate-,r. saving of equip- ment is produced due to the presence of inverted varlalbles~ An example of, construction of a decimal adder in 8421 codeis,presented. Two illustrations; two tables; four biblio. refs. ~q ue I o -,,ocLs s 4"46 7 u I T L E--MET-',-',3D C F DE T ERM, I N IING RES I DUA~.'. ',S. rR F SSE SI NTH -E AXIALLY 5Y,-MNErqIcAL HEATING OF THUN PLATES -U - AUTHOR-(03)-lH0A,%4':)V, I M. , KORZHT ifN V,-'% S I L-.1 y(), COUNTRY OF I,,NF0--USSR J, SOUqCE--ZAVOD- L48., 1970 36 2) 213-215 -~-OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 --PIAYSICSt MECH.v, IND., CIVIL7 AND MARIME ENGR SUSJECT AREAS STRESS, STRESS~ANAL t FLAT PALTEi IMETAL HEATINGY TOPIC TAGS THERMAL YS 15 STRAIN GAGE ,~.,-UNTROL -MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS "'LASSIFIED- oricumEnr CLASS--UN.- ,-,,---,,:PROXY~,REc-L/FRAME--300.310307 STEP Nd-~-UR/0032/70/036/rjO2/0213/0215 I R CACCESSION NO--AP0129539 UNCUSSfFIED /2 028 UNCLASSI HD 'iVROCESSING DArE--27NGVIO /2 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0129539 C' P_CACC AFISTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A8STRACT.~ A. METHOD STUDYING THE RESIDUAL AgRA ST STRCT STRESSES, IN THIN METAL PLATE-S-1AND-:t4ELIDS AR'l SING FROM,THE AXIALLY ES S ~j THO -SYMMETRICAL HEATIiNG OF THE LATTER IS: DESCRnED. THE fAE 11) IS BASED ON r THE USE OF A SPECIAL ANNULAR RESISTANCE WIRE WHICH RESPONDS DIRECTLY TO THI.PROCEDURE TO THE STRESSES IN THE MATERIAL AE A00PTED IN CALIBRATING THIS DEVICE IS 'D ICATEDO~ RESIDUAL STRESSES AT POINTS DEVIATING BY VARIOUS DISTANCES, FROM THE HEATINGIAXIS MAYBE DETERMINED BY DRILLING SMALL HOLES AT THE CORRES~.P,GNDING LOCATIONS.. UNCLASSIFIED