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in- -- - -- - - - - - - -,,':" - - _-i ----i ---. -- - --I----- - --I.-- - - - , J m - - - - -=-- - Z-A UDC: 621-387.41 U SS R AITTSIFEROV, V. V., PIVTSOV, V. S., VGOZIMYBV, V. and FOLIII, K. G. ."Some Problems in the Dynamics of Solid-State Laser Oscillation" Novosibirsk, Avtometriya,.No 5, 1972, pp 98-105 Abstract: An explanation is given of the wiconti,olled, unatterra- ated pulsations 01 a Soiid-state laser, and ail erpref3sion is ob- tained for the coefficient of amplification as a function of the mode number. 'his Is followed by,,a discussion Of the thermal and L mechanical perturbations in t-he active solid-state rod -Cor which a resonator with plane tuirrors is much more critical thl-,n one i-iith spherical md;.rrors. T'he authors preselit -".-he~ resalts of ex- -hey performed uith a ruby.laser havin[~; plane mirrors, periments 4V in which oscillation in TEMC)O~ modes,was oIjtain(:*!d with the i:,.Ee of two.diap. mm in diamo. hragms 1. 4 ter on.both sides-of an active rod .7 mm in diameter by 120 mm. long ifith sapplai-ve term-' -alo, measuring III q7ams of I og -lie kine- -in a resonator more than 150 cm.long Oscili- LI ties of -the laser radiation.are shoy.'n togethe_r t.-ith:the radiation spectre.. The results obtained in tliese experiments are compared 1/2, OptiLcs Spec-ttoscopy UDC 621-373 5.351 s 548.0 ANTSIFEROV, V. V.-, PIVT'SOV, V, S.Pjamftm' V. D.,.and FOIjN, K. G. IoNonspiking Generation of Thiby Laser With Frequency Selection and Tuning" Leningrad, Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol 32, No 6, Jun 172, PP 1159-1162 Abstractj The authors report that they are the first to obtain a partially regular mode, stable over a wide pumping range and close to single-frequenc.-t for the generation of a ruby laser with a frequency ohich is practically constant throughout the lasing time (_10-3 see.) and with frequency tuning. The stable and reproducible mode is obtained by the CDzipensated phase modula- tion method, with the use of series-produced ruby rods 120 mm long and 7 ram In d1aneter and a geometric cavity length of L -:~150 ~,m. To smooth transient spiking, a KS-14 filter i& placed in the cavity to provide Weak negative, passive feedback. The Fabry-Perot etalon is used forJroquency selection and tuning. The half-intensity.width ofAhe integral,apect-rUM does not ex- 0 0 ceed 0-003 A, and the tuning U in the 5-A ranges The generation mode is ,stably reproduced over a wide pumpi Ing range,(up -to four times above the 1/2 ........ ..... ......-........ .. NSR ANTSIMOV, V, V.0 et alo, Optika i Spektroakopiya,.761 )2-Y No 6, Jun 72l pp 1159-1162 threshold). Half-in tensity, divargence:does not exceed 3-5' (diffraction divergence 1.8'). Thus, the authors obtained a nonspiking ruby laser with close-to -diffraction divergence and a spectral iridth irhichiis compa-rable to a He-Ne laser but considerably exceeds it in the tuning range and the possible spectral radiation.density valueo The authors thank G. V. OIVOSHCkFKDV for his Interest in the work and A. S. XUCH'.Y.ViOV and N. H. DERZ-HI,foi thair assi4anae, in the experiment, 2/2 1151 R 1/2 035 UNCLASSE FTED. P90CESSING UATE-20 NOV70 TITLE-TRAOsSIENT PRGCESS AND STATISTic-AL:PHENUMENA .1N. AN HE-NE LASER NEAR ~THE EXCITATIC;v THRESHCLO -U- AUTHGR-(03)-TELEGINt-G.G.v UGOZHAYEV, V. 1). FOLIN, ~K.G4 CCOTRY OF INFO--U55R S(;URCE-GPTIKA ISPEKTRCSK-jP[IA VOL. :26 FEB.: 19"0t P. 353-356 DATE PUBL ISHEE;-----70 SUBJEcr AREAS-PHYS Ics TOPIC TAGS-HELIUM INEON LASER, LASER EXCITATION, LASER 0SC. ILLAT EQN, S IN GL E MODE- LASER C CNTR G LPARKING-NO R t:'S r R I r, T I ON S DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSLFIED PROXY REELIHAME-1992/1479 STEP ;,'40--UR/Oo5l/7G/028/000/0353/0356 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP(-;112473:- 2/2 035 UNCLASSIF150, PROCESSlING DATE-20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSIGN NO-APOIL2473 A8STRACT/EXTKA'-.-,T--(U) GP-0- ABSTkACT.~ E X P E R 1.4 EIN f A 11 PIVESTIGATIJN OF THE STATISTICAL r;iARACTERISTICS OF THE TkAf4Sl'E:NT PROLESS.IN A ',-iELllJM-NE0fJ LASER UPEKAT~N'G AT A WAVELENGTH OF 6'323 A NEA.R fliE EXCLI'ATION TIARESHOLDvl UND E. I if WHERE 1-iilE RISE TIME Or' THE LIGHT WA'E FIELD IN THE RESONATOK i-X-r'Ej% i I t -IENCES PtUNUUNCED OSCILLATIONS. FILOCI(ING PULSFS OF A UUr',ATI(-i,,%.' b!~: 30 1-1 [CRUSKJNUS WIT.14 A STEEP. T.R, %ILI-NG EDGE WLRE APPL111) To AN ELECTROUPTICAL SWITCII. 0SCILLOGRAMS OF THE TkA.N3JE,LTT LASI14%'; PROCESS WERE GSTAiNEL) FOR SAINGLE MODE AW 14U~Tli'-100E OPERAT1104,11. THE STATISTICAL C.H~IRACTEkl SfICS OF Thi~ TRA'NSIENT PRO.CESS.-ARl'i. q'.0.M?i%RErj. WITti VALUES CALCULATED FROM., FORMULAS FOR 7HE MEANiRf5ETIME. A114D MEAN SQUARE DEVIATION PkGPQSEU BY 8AKLANOV ET AL# (1969). 'UNC UAT S I FTE D- USSR tJDC 621.311.21.001.1:551.48.003.13 UGRENIPV, Gl._N~.-- "Savings from Using Water Content Forecasts when Planning the Generation of Electric Power at Hydroelectric Power, Piants". Sb. rabot LeniA~~r. i Petrozavodsk.r .eteorol. observ. (Collected t--'orks of the Leningrad and PetrozavodskltydrometeorologicaI Observatories), No 7, 1970, pp 226-243 (from.RZh-Elektrotekbnika t"Energetika, No 2, Feb 71, Abstract No 2 D56) Translation: This article contains a-discussion of method of determining the savings from forecasting water content,. An exam"Ole of 3pecific Cal- culation of usefulness of planning fore.rasts of the Nrvra~River runoff -- the Navra Hydroelectric Power Plant,-- is presented. The theory of statistical solutions is adopted as the basicmethpd of investig4ittion. UVC 551.463.6(251) tARCr-SCAU rLuCrUATMIS or r4f SWAT= SURMCr Ttynuim is '.n NoRni AnANTIC At Dkrticlo by Candidate Of Ceographic Sciences lk. 1. U v. 6SEL Ilvdirometao- rol Slical Scientific Knoearth Center;, tCe-"Z'M_t _-~: 7T. --PP li-a Rullosian, No 5_1973, itubritt*d 20 Bo ;r~ 13,11 the best.,% at ..SlYzIng the dsta of nine wilather Ships In the Atlantic Dzean, Interral charattertatIca were proposed For the water surface temperature anomaly field. , A zzatle- tical analysis w4s,=aell of --hasa charaetWristIcs, and some tonclus lo" Ile to drava with rompatt to the mochaniasa of for- motion large-scale therzol anomalies to the Ocean. At this time :x.zrtat. deal f attention hsa,tweli given to the inveoti-,, tation, of the interaction of the ocean mad atlecephara ax well as, the possible fetters to the forwation. of -When -atudying thi projonxad wtather anomalies. thermal elfatt of -the ~cein on thC..Atmasphorlt eirculatte'n for prolonged port- Oda. of. time, a" at the jiaxaf~is method* of Investigation turns out to b4, joint statistical analysis o~ the temperature fields in the ocean and pressure In the Atmosphere- The specific nature at the statistical studLes: on th~to ored. Zquires the dtocription of. the analyifli'lialds. by, a small set of 'ral ~~b oracto cis tics. inte r The time aeries compiled from then are twed. to obtain the cortelattorts between the fluctuations of the thermal state of the Ocean and ch, stmottliharic rtirc~ lotion., Vic. boA Ic forms of. integral chszKccartstics of tho atmospheric ctircu- IstLan introduced into research orattice in the Itst 10-20 years hove received wide imcarnitioni , these are the 4ifforent tlidexts, systems of circulation types, typonsion coefficients of the pressure fields with reaptct to periodic functims, and.** on. The justification for using th." lifts not only found procticAl tonfirmAtiono but It is also thearet4cally wall feunded. It m"t be that the listed characteristics evaluate the Intansit- and the form of staospharit circulation over great explemses, and therefore they reflect the large-scale characteristics of the processes. The "Alculation of the integral characteristics of the temperature field of the ocean's surface eccountors cermid difficulties caused by the specific noturig of the ocean circulation. 12 USSR UDC 632-9541547 DWISMIKOVA, R. Y., BABIN, V. V. and TA P.,- Northern Caucasus Scientific Research Institute of Phytope#91-o ~"Phytotoxicity of the Derivatives of Aryloxyalkylcarboxylic Acids" Moscow, Xhim!Lya v Sellskom Khozyaystvej Vol 10, Ho 9(119)v 1973P PP 54-58 Abstracti Herbicidal activity of a series of substituted isopropyl, t -thio- cyanoethyl. esters of aryloxyalkylearboxylic acids, tin.contai~ing aryloxy- acylates and bis-(aryloxyacetyl)-PropYloneglycola-is3 has been investigated on leaf mustard and on the winter crop wheat. From the data on leaf mustard no clearcut structure-activity relationship could be ettablished, although the phenoxylaopropyl radical appeared to have some effect. Among the thio- cyanogens only the P -thiocyanoethyl eater of 2,4-D;was more active than the standard control. Tin containing derivatives of 2t4,3-T and 2,4,5-TP were less active than the butyl eatars. Among the.propylene gly;ol derivatives, sub- stitution of 2,4-D and 214-4h gave stronger agents, but 2,4,5-T -- a weaker one, Since most of the herbicides studied on wheat dil not lower the yield of grain, it is suggestible that they could. be: used as selectiVe herbicides. 1A UTO-Trz9F ~.. USSR UDC 6211.374.324:621.382.32 MSAYEV, A. Kh., and Ug Roy Ye. P. "Analogue Store Using MIS Transistors", V sb. Elektronnava tekhuika v avtomatike (Electronics Techniques In Auto- matfoa--Callection of Works), Moscow, lzd-vo "S vetskove Radio," No 2, 1971, pp 27-34 Abstract: An analogue store is described in which an increase of the precision and the itorage time of voltage in the capacity is attained by the use of metal- invulator-aamiconductor (MIS) transistors. The proceases of recording and ator- age of the voltage are analyzed, with the form of the currnnt-voltage character- istice of HIS transistors and their parameters taken into account. The results are presented of an experimental check of an analogue:istora using MIS transistors. Functional and detailed circuits are shown of a cloaaa storo. Almost 611 the indices of the circuit described exceed:data known from the literature. All the elements of'tha circuit with the exception of the stoTe capacity can be fulfilled In an integrated version*: USSR UDC;681.325.65 MLYRSAYEV. A.Kh., UGRMMOV. Ye.P. "A Transistor SWjtChF1 USSR Author's Certificate No. 271570, Field 28/04/69, Published 15/09/70 (Trans- lated-from Referativnyry Zhurnal Avtomatika,.TelamePliaiiika,,I. Vychialftel'naya. Tekh- nika, No. 4, 1971, Abstract 1b. 4BI80P). Translation.- Transistor switch dynamic, control circuits In which the source of the control signal contains a transformer are lmown.- However, circuits uith transformers cannot be made as integrated circuits. The purpose of this suggestion is to elimin- ate this shortcoming. The transistor switch suggested differs from knolm switches In that.the dynamic control unit contains a'periodic HF voltage generator controlled by an:internal signal with a-paraphase which the control electrodes of the switch transistors are connected through.a rectifier and:filtar. 3-iigs. 21 USSR UDG:632.95 BABIN, V. V., DENISENKOVA, R. N., UGRYUMOV, YR. P., SILCHEGLOV, YU. V., BLIZNYUK, N. K., STREL-1TSOV, R. V and KOLOMIYETS, A. F., Northern Caucasus Scientific:Research Institute of Phytopathologyj All-union .13cientific Research Institute of Ph topathology, Moscow, y Ministry of Agriculture USSR "Herbicide" USSR Authors' C--.rtificate No.250603, filed 14 ~jun 68, published 26 Jan 70, (fromi RZh-Khimiya, No .2. 0, (111), 25,Oct 70, Abstract No 20 N601P by N, B. VSEVOLOZHSKAYA) Translation; Compounds of the general formula /ZT-Cl-2r%CG-1q,OG1: C (0)07 SnBu M (R = Cl or Me) are not inferioF in herbici )da ~2 -ity t02 act3-v bu-tyl esters of the carrespondiq ,-tryloxyalkylcarboxylic acids. For example, mustard plants in the six-leaf phase were sprayed with aqueous solutions of1 in a does of 50, 100, 250 and 500 g/ha (calculated in acid equiv:alent). The dose at which the weight of aboveground portions-of.the plant declines 501 was 53 g/ha for I (R.- Cl),'w4ereas'that for the.butyl.ester of 2,4-D was 617g/ha. p 112 029 UNCLASSIFIED.' ROCESSVIG DATE--20NOV70 :,. rITLE-A' DEVICE FOR MULTIPLYING- AND. DIVIDING W I OT HMODULATED SIGNALS -U- -At;THGR-(0Z)-SP*CL0Vv V.b., UGRYUPOV*t YE.P's -.CCUNTRY OF INFO-USSR ,"SOURCE-PATENT NO 2602SO, FILED 8~ DEC 66' REFERENC E--MG SCOW v , OTKRYT IYA IIZOBRETENIYA,,~ PROMKSPIL~NNYYE OBRAZYSY, --DATE PU6L ISHEV-~------70 -ELECTRONICS AN :ELECTRICAL 'ENGR. ,SU_BJECT AREAS D TGPIC TAGS-PATENT, PULSE WIDTH MODULATION SIGNAL ANALYSI~ ~cr,NTROL MARK I NG_NQ RESTRICTIONS CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED .,PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/0733 STEP NfJ--IJR/Olt-,~~2/7t'/OOCIjLDOO/0000/0000 -CIRC ACGFo-S I CIN NO-PA0126442 'DL ,'I 4~117-11 '4-,4 1,4 2/2 028 UN.CLASSIFI-e-6 PROCESSIriNG JATE-----'Oi'qOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-AA0126442 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- Ai3srRACT. THIS AUTkOROS CER-~IF'~:ATG INTRUbUCES A DEVICE FOR MULTIPLYiNG AND DIVIDING -ii!L)T,,-i "01)ULArr:j, SIGINALS. T1 -E UNIT CCNTAINS A BALANCEC BR:IDGE wlYh AUfiD;"-!C PROC-SSING OF. THE RESULT. AS A DISTINGUISHING FEATURE C-F THL- PAT-;::NiT, THE "iORKING KANGE OF THE DEVICE IS EXTENDED 6Y MAKING. EACH AR'll, OF rHE .".RIDGED IN THE FORY 6F A SIAITCH AiND RESISTCR CCtNINECTED. IN SERIESt~ ANIO: CONNECTING A PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR INTO THE CIRCUIT FOR PRCCESSING JHE RESULT THROUGH -GTED TO A DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER. THE OUTPUTAF THE MODWATOR~ 15 CONNtl. THE-Swl,Tali M CNE OF THE AR11-IS OF THE ORIDGE. FAC I L ITY: LENINGRADSKIY ELEKTROTEKHNICHESKLY I NS T I T [IT IM.V1. UL-M-40VA I.ENINA. USSR UDC G81.32:;3.5 S'MOLOV, V. 3 jGRY(JI:!,IOZ,_Y4...P.vN Leningrad Electxica Engineering Q meni yano n institute V. Cueni "A Device for '.Multiplying and Dividing, 1j,"idth-Maclulated Signals" Moscow', Otlkrytiya, Izobretena-ya, PromyShlenn5rye Obrazt-sy, Tovarnyye Znaki, '.,,'o 3, 1970, p 130,.patent No~260290, fil S De-c 68 A!,,s-ract: This Author's Gertificat6 int_-oduce3~a device for multi- plyin,- and d-' viding width-modulated signals The unii- contains a Cii S_ balanced briQge wi-h auto;;Iaric processing -,E the result A S -j -n-wshing featur,, of the patent,, t v ~.4. -_ - 1~ tic orleirig: o~ thc~ 41,;ivice i:; extended by making each:axn, of the bridge in thl_i~ forta of a switcli and resistor connected in series, and c6nnecting a palse width modulator into the circuit for processing the.result thr~-)ugh a differeatial. amplifier. The output of the modul* connected to the s-oritch in one of the arms of the bridle.- 1/2 007 UNC,LASSIJflED PROCESSING DATE--04DECfO TITLE-"1,2vDlHALOACROLElNS -U7-~o: V.Z.v, UGRY.UMOVA,tf ~G'. S AUTHOR-402)-ANNENKOVAl COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--U.S.S.P. 264,391 REFEkENCE--OTKRYTIYA? HOBRET., PROM. OBRAITSYs TOVARNYE ZNAKIt 1970 DAT-E PUBLISHED--03MAR70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--ACROLEIN, HALOGENATED.ORGAI',41C COMPOUNI)i CHI:MICAL PATENT CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT C L A S S - - W j C L A S~ S I F I GO PROXY REEL/FRAME-3007/0357 S TE 1) N 0- tm 04 62 7 o0 00 f) 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 N TJ - - AA 0 13!) R CA CC F S S I OiN 0 J_CT~ 16 L:AsstFl I'll SING DATV SEP70 t f14 C T ITLE--.0,E.TERMfNATION OF THE CONSTANTS (IF. BROROACROL E I N.COPOLIME.RIZATI,)N W1Trff`,V1'NYLRUTYL E-THF-;Z AND AML~EIN ~U_t~ AOTHOR--SHOSTAKOVSKIYP M.For ANNENKOVA,~:Y.A., UGRYU40VAP, 'G.S. 'COUNTRY (3 FINFO--USSR "SOURCE--IZVESTIYA SISIRSKOGO OTDELENIYA.'A~KADEM11 NAUK SSSR, NO 2, SERTYA NAUK, 1970t NR I v~ PP 166-168 I)ATE -PUBLISHED -----70 ~SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY 1OP_IC- TAGS--CnPOLYMERIZATIONr BROMINATED' ORGANIC COMPOLIPJ09 ALDEHYDET ETti0tv REDOX REACTION 'CGNT.Rot MARK I NG--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSfFIED PROXY REELIFRAME--198-141764 STE P N ACCESSION NO--AP0100344 CIRC UNLLASSIFIED 19830480 fflri:V7ij~,.sl ii6ili.1; IF, [A. HA NW.Ar i irill li-A USSR uDc, 621.'396.6.019-3 POPOV, 11. Fz CHUKALM, V. 11. UGRYW40VA I. A. "Algorithm for Designing Radio En gineerIng, Devi c~s 1,qth Regard to Meeting Reliabilit-y Requirements" -rent Dokl. Vses. nauchno-teldin. k.on ff. xii:po ..!fE'_2n_ wn. T. 3 (lie- T. _1ZH ports of the All-Union Scientific tuid Tbelinical Gonl',,,!~r:nce oit Padio (:n[Ti- neerinfi., 14(~fwureiae!r tci. Vol. 3), Navosilvl:-, i1k, J-970, i)p 11C, Urrin BZh- _11ad-Lotekfaffla, Ho 12, Dee 0 , tai s t r a c L14 o 1,2 V'26" r Translation: Existing systems of requirements which r!,laarantee high qiiality of production output (the Saratov system., the flawless; yield system, -tile Gorlkiy KMIARSPI system, etc.) include special jobs tcj assure reliability acturi - stag which are perfora-,ed in the develop-ment or manuf n p., es, but do not account for the de-,lelopmental. process itself. This: dxewrback is eliminated in the proposed system. The.paper te176 of an algorithm worked out for development of equipment with rege_-~'d to. reliability re'quireitents. This algorithm -was used in developbig equipment vith a lar~,,e number of elements and excellent reliability indices. N. S.~ USSR UDO 5~4.2~2.46-8 UGRYUMOVA, M.A., AITAN11YEVA, A.A., "Ferroelectric" USSR Author's CertificateiNo 2010 d ublished 4 June 70 (from file 22 Nov 68, 33 -M--glektroniks i yo e primeneniye, No 1, January 1971, Abstract No IA~40P) Translation: A ferroolectric is proposed for electroacausti;;al tranaducare, with mproved dielectric rind piezoelectric propertiee,.in the composition of which is Introduced a solid solution on the~baois.of niobate of,lead barium with supple- mentery.uce of zirconate of lead.barium. The initial ingredients of the mixture are taken in the following proportions (percent by weight): load oxide, 26-52; barium carbonate, 21.3--14; niobium pentoxide, 48.2_54;~zirconium dioxide, 5-0.5. The ceramic obtained has practically zero~open parouit and dj�fers from the two component compoeition of the system (Pb Be )Nb2QA by the inoroseadvalues of the piezoelectric modulus d C;4 3.8 X 10-6 ' 1116SE a6d the dielectric constant un, L.K. Organ6m;ftstalli~~Com'pounds USSR UDC 546.26'11 GICAURI, R. D., CHACRAVA, G. M., CHERNOKAL'SKIY, B. D., aad.y2tj~~,!j. M..,, Tbilisi State University and Kazan' Chemical Technolo6ical;Institute Imeni S. M. Kirov "Synthesis of Diphenylmethylalkylarsonium Perchlorater," Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, Vol 43 (105), No 4, Apr 73, pp 835-836 Abstract: To a solution of 2.0 g of diphenylmethylamylarsonium iodide in a 1:1 mixture of acetone and distilled water, aqueous solution of 2.2 g of magnesium perchlorate was:.added. The reaction mixture was left standing for 24 hrs at room temperature precipitating: diphenylamylarsonium perchlorate which after washing, drying and recrystpIligation, fror.; ethanol melted at 59-60% A series of homologous, compounds:,wa synthesized by. this reaction. PPfnM1Pqta.tIiP.: pompouncts USSR UDC 547.20'.119 MMAY, G. lqll., - * GIGAURI, R. D. , IIATD.ZHIYA, M. A., 'Tt CHA CFA G. 11. , I iwswiaMae Uni ersit VA W V y "Some Esters of Arsenous Acid" Tbilisi, Soobshcheniya Akademii, Naulc Gruzinskoy SS Vol 61, No 1, Jan_717-p-p-51---6~ Abstract.: The authors studied the reaction of some secondary a coFols and arsenic trioxide, as well as -oro-oarties of the resultant esters. Heating:of an arsenic triox-;de susDansion in an alcohol-octane mixture gives tri-sec.-alkyl,prsenites. The latter react with acetic anhydride,to r7,ive diallox-yarsino- acetates and two esters of acetic acid. Tri-soc.-alkyl arsenites react with acetyl chloride.toigive~acid chlorides of di-sec.- alkylarsenous acid. The article lists.p.-operties of the resultant compounds. Organ6mOtalliq,~Cdmpounds USSR UDC 547.26aig KAYAAY., G. Kh0UGULAVA 14. M GIGAURI, R. D., INDZHIYA, M. A., CHACHABA, G. N., Tbilisi State Univeraty "Concerning Some Esters of Arsenous Acid!' Tbilisi Soobshcheniya Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoy SSR, Vol 61, No 1, 1971, PP-61-6~ Abstract: The tri-sec-alk-y! esters of arsenous acid, as prepaxed from. arsenous !icid anhydride and secondary alcohols, were investigated,. A suspension of a arsenous acid anhydride in a n&xture of the secondary n-octane ,ms heated. The resulting tri-sec-allWlarsenites 1--hen react vith acetic acid anhydride to form dialkoxyarsinoacetates. Tri-v~c-allWlarcenites also react 'with acetyl chloride. Di-sec-alkoxy-arsinoacetates and especially di-aec- alkylarsinous acid chloride are vesitants.~ Me phy-sicaL constants of eight -compounds are presented. Organome talic ds USSR UDC: 547.26.119 GIGAURI, R. D., and. UGULAVA, M. X. "The Problem of the Synthesis of Arsenous Acid Esters" Tbilisi, Soobshchaniya Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoy SSR,.Vol 60.1 No 3, Dec 70, P 587 Abstract: To determine optimal conditions for the synthasis of arsenous acid esters the azeotropic rectification method was appliedlusing n-actane and n-decane. An appro>dmately 90% gainin the yield was 6btaineed-. For the first tine -Che following esters were 0 tri-(2- -synthesized-.I-,tri!7 -metlwl,-2~-butyl .-anWl)-3 tri-(n-heptyl)-, and tt-i-~(2vvheptyl.)-arseuatest ---------- USMI UDC 547-26'119 GIGAURI, R. D., XXNAY, G. Kh. (deceased), and UGULAVI, rl. A., Kazan' Chemical Technological Institate imeni S. 1-1. Kirov and *"?M. NVAIIIII18f *T~Iversity 'Synthesis of Tri-sec-Allvjl Arsenites and Their Reactions I%Iith Acetic Anhy- dride" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey 4himii, Vol 411 (103), No 2, Feb '?I, PP 336-3-37 Abstract: Tri-sec-alkyl arsenites are formed j_n good 3dolds in the reaction of, arsanic trLod i *de with correspor-iing alcohols, the ~mtor formed being re- moved azeotropically. A miyture of Z5.4 of arsenic~tl-ioxide, !Go g 4-octanol and 30 ml of octane was heated for 6-? hris in a flask equipped with a Dean- Stark trap yieidin.g t'ri 4-octyj arsenite (1) after 6.2. q of water had boen col- lected in the trap. Reaction of (1) withlacetic anhydride gave dialko~Warsinyl USSR UDC 632.95.024.4 -MCITTAVA. N. A., an KHUBUTIYA, R. A., Georgian Scientific Research Institute Protection ,"Phytotoxic Reactions of Perennial Plants:Caused by Diur0ne and Atrazine" Moscow, Agro,chimiya, No 1, 1972, pp 114-117 Abstract: Application of 8, 10, 13.5 kg/ha of diurone or atrazine around tea bushes, grape vines, tangerine,.apple~ and peach trees caused chlorosis in these plants by reducing sharply the.aniount.of chlorophyll.a. in leaves two months after application. Atrazine was more toxic in doses of 10-13 kg/ha, while the effect of diurone was cumulative in smaller closes L:nd lasted much longer. Among plants tested, tangerine treei3 were. the most resistanti and two-year old apple trees.were the most sensitive to both compounds- Analysis of the carbohydrate content showed,~:hat it was only slightly influenced by large doses of,these herbicides (13-16,kg/ha). Sensitiveness of perennial plants to these herbicides de.pends,on their !age, variety, and type. mc 547,.,61 119 GIGAUq:, R. D CHM-MAXA, G. If. ,CURNOK&L'SIM, -13. D. t& QQQI", Tbilisi State Uaiverziltyj Xam=' Inatituto of Chemic-al Tochrmlou imeni '3. M'. "Synthesis of DiphenylalkyLa--sines" Leningrad, Zhurmal Clizlichey KDhiall, Vol 42 (104), ITO 7,. ~"Ul 72, Y-,P 1537~4540 Abstra-atg The effect of Grl""Imad"s reagent an diphenylaxuine oxide was studled. It vas fol-ml that this reaction in low yieldn. P'ner"vir-njaesium tronitle i-eatuA Ath arzcmotz~.zi acdd u-i~hydrld':! to give in hiCh y1cld after dic-sociatieja zjiith a-xcec-s hydrochlox-ile acid, GrIgmmile xmgumt acUd On the ThO L-t3OW Ztmicl of tari calculated, it im..u fourA tititt In theac compourds A%Ac 12,10. 1A if2 021 UNCLASSIPIED ..PROCESSING DATE-160CT70,~ T-ITLE--POSSIBLE ORBITAL MAGNETISM -U-~' .4WTHUR-_f02)-POKROVSKIY, V.L., UIMINv Moll COUMTRY OF INFO--USSR EKSP. TEOR. FIZ.. 1970t.11(311,. 2-06-9 ;_~OATE PU8LlSHE0------7Q "~:SUBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS ~.:'TOPIC TAGS--HAMILTONIANt ORBIT MOMENTUM'~MAGNETIC MVMENT, ANTIFERROMAGNETISM, PARAMAGNETI.SMi MAGNET.IC.TRANSFORMATION, SPIN SYSTEM, CONDUCTIOWBAND CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ;:kROXY- REEL/FRAME-- 198710143 STEP NO--UR/0386/7010111003/0206iO2Q9 ACCESSION NO--AP0103027 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 021 UNCLASSI FIED PACCESSING DATE--L&OCT70 -'IRC ACCESSIUN NO--AP0103827 ;NBSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. AN EQUATION FOR THE EFFEcrivE HAMILTONJANt H SU8EFFv WAS DEVELOPED ON THE BASIS OF THE HAMILTONIAN SUGGESTED BY HUBBARD (1963). 114 THELSYSTEM DESCI,',IBED BY H SUB:EFF, THE COMPLETE ORBITAL MOMENT, SPIN, ANU PROJECTIUN ARE CONSERVED. SINCE SPIN ORDERING IS DESTROYED AT LOWER TEMP. THAN OkBITAI * ORDERING# THE DESCRIBED SYSTEM PASSES IST INTO THE iANTI FERROMAGNET IC STATE AND THEN INTO THE PARAMAGNETIC. EXPTL. CONFIRMATION OF OR.HITAL MAGNETISM SHOULD B&FOUND IN METALS WITH A NARROW.CONaucriON BANO OR IN A FEARUOIEL~EC. -COMPI). WITH A HIGH TRANSITION~TEMP. FACILITV: INSTO TEOR. FIL. IM. LANOAUt MOSCOWt USSR.. USSR UDC 550.42 V and PCHELIMIPSEVA9 N. F. 1nstitute of Geochemistry and Analy- .-Paphe ~.rv imeni V. 1. Vornadrkiy, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Kos 04 State University c "Gold Content of Peridotite and Ealogite Inclusions in the Obnazhennaya Kimberlite Pipe of Northern Yakutia!' Moscow..Gookhimiyap Akad. Hauk SSSRI No Fab 72, p 247 Abstracti Fantle xenolites of kimberlite pipes are of great interest in connection with the inert behavior of gold~during magmatic differentiation, but very little information has been,coll~cted-on this sLbject. The authors analyzed spectrochemically:25 ultrabasic inclusions; from the Obnazhennaya, pipe. Only insignificant secondary alt6rationo, and unexpec- tedly low gold content, were found in the samples. The lowest Au content was that of the lowest-lying, high-magn"ium rocksp the granItic pWroxenites (av. 1.2 1 1o-7 %) and granitic pyroxenites (av. 1-55 - jo-7 %); the eclo ites shoved relatively high (but strongly~varlablc) content (iax. kf5 * 10-7 %5. There uas-an evIdent positive corivlation between gold.content~,and vanadium content. USSR UDC 532-53:535-14 MOW) 'YE. V. and FILIPPOV, 0. K. "The Optical Properties of a Xenon Are in the Far-IR Illeffion of the S-pect- rum" Leningrad, Optiko-MekhanicheskAya Promyshlennost', -'~Jo0 ~, Feb 73, pp 27-29 Abstract: Experinents on a xenon are in a !arm) with a metal housin- and a w:Lndov outlet for lon-wave IR radiation. are presented. All spectral measure- ments were rzde vith a DIYS-3 long-wave 1R speetrophotoneter. r1easurements on the plasna brightness temperature by comparison wit'i the PIa-4 and globular lamps previousIT calibrated showed that frCM 50 to 120 microm the tertmerature- rt 120 nicrom increases sharply,, with increasing iweleng h, but abovc it changes very little. Measure-ments of plas-ra transmission using an image of the -101bar larV projected on the .-.enon are, larip showed that- the transnission decreased -,-dt-h an increase in current strength or wwvelongth. Me datit made possible the cal- culation of the true mean pInsma teMperature, found to I)e 5100, 5500 and 53000K for 60., ~O and 90 microm respectively. 27 USSR UDC 535.891:621.34 W U22.0v.6.n. V TAGANOV, 0. K., FILIPPOV, 0. K., Candidate of Sciences "Gas Discharge Source of Long-Wave IR-Radiation" Leningrad, Optiko-mckhanichoskaya promyshlennost', No. 7, Jul 71, pp 31-33 Abstract: The design of an arc lamp witha metal shell, the internal surface of which is in the form of an ellipsoid of rotation, iG de.-Iscribed and results of spectral experL-aents are given. It is shown that the brightness of the long- wave IR-radiation of this tube is three tines higher thml that of a globar. The brightness of the radiation in.the spectral region .50-200 jj of the gas discharge tube with the metal-lie shell exceeded the PRK-4 tube and a globar. The increased brightness of this tube is explained by the fact that its design makes it possible to apply windows for the',release of radiation that have good transmission in the working region of the' spectruta. in, this case the window is made of -low-pressure polyethylene witb'a thickness oi- mm. The experiment 2.5 showed that a window of polymer material can be used for, tens of hours and is easily replaced. The fabrilcation of the tube does not roquire camplex electro- vacutn operatioas, such as welding eleotr6das to quartz or glass and it can be 1/2 USSR UKHAKOV, Y.E. V. et al.' Optiko~'a -el~aaicheskayq, promyshlenhost No. 7, Jul 71, pp- 31-33 produced in a laboratox~r shop. It is 'hoped that with its Lnproved characteris- -ties the tmbe will find application in long-wave inf~,ared spectral devices and as a weakly selective soLmce for other, studies in the far-infrared region. -.1/2 018 UNCLASSIFIED:- PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 REFRACTION IN CDSNAS' SU82-' U- __f%UTHOR-(03)~KARYMSHAKOVj R.K.t UKHANOVv,YU.I.t SHMARTSEV, YU.V. ~4.: COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE- FIZ. TEKH. POLUPROV* 1970, 4(9)s 362-5 DATE, PUBLISHED ------- 701 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS CRYSTAL PROPERTY# ARSENIDE, TIN COMPOUND, CADMIUM COMPOUNDt LIGHT REFRACTIONt. REFRACTIVE WINDEX# TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE ~.,CONTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ;,"~~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~:~-~PROXY'.REEL/FRAf4E--1988/0087 STEP NO--UR/0449/70/004/002/0362/0365 C I RC ACCESSION ND--AP0105173 UNCLASSIFIED 212 ols 'UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATP---230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105173 ,,ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DIFFFRENCF f3ETWFEN THE REFRACTION COEFFS* OF ORDINARY AND EXTRAORDINAPY,~RAYSr DELTA Nt A NON ORIENTATED SINGLE CRYSTAL OF CDSNAS SUB2 CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE STUDY OF DOUBLE REFRACTION. THE-RELATIONS.FOR CALCN. OF DELTA N ARE GIVEN. DOUBLE REFRACTION IS STUDIED ON PAIRS OF CDSNAS SU82 PLATES AT .10-300DEGREESK. DELTA N IS CALCO. FR:OM EXPTL. DATA ON TRANSPARENCY OF THE PLATES IN LINEARLY POLARIZED LIGHT IN THE WAVE LENGTH REGION 4-14 MU. WITH DECREASING TEMP. DELTA N DECREASESt HOWEVERv THE DISPERSION DEPENDENCE IS PERSERVED. TKE METHOD IS APPLICABLE FOR ALL CRYSTALS BEL-ONGING TO THE BAR 421-41 POINT-.GROUP.-~. FACILITY: LENINGRAD. INST. IM. KALININA, LENtNGRADi.USSR, UNCLASS IF IED 'USSR UDC 532.517.4 -"Study of Three-Dimensional Satellite Flow.Behind a Cylinder of Finite Length" Uch. zap. Tsentr. aero-gidrDdinam. iw-ta (ScientificNotes of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute),-1971, Vol., 2, No. 6. pp 93-97 (from RZh- Mekbanika, No 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 6B951) Translation; The experimental Characteristics of three-dimensional turbulent tracks behind cylinders of elongation 5-22 in a transverse flow in the Reynolds number range (6.3-42)-103 are presented., The average and pulsation charac- teristics of the flow are examined in detail in a number of.transverse cross sections: isotacbs, lines of equal valu e5 of the three components of the pulsation velocity and also of equal Values of the coefficient-, for the three- dimensional correlation between longitudinal velocity pulsations. It is shmm that at a certain distance from the cylinder, depending upon its elonga- tion, there occurs a flattening of.the turbulent trac~,,~I.e., if the isotachs are elongated close to the cylinder along'.itz axis,in the transverse cross sections of the track, after flattening tbe~ isotachs are elongated in a direc- tion perpendicular to the ~Znitial. direction. Deformation of the lines of 112 iiW.'W USSR UKHANOVA, L. N., Ucb. zap. T-;entr. aero--7gidrodinm. in-ta, 1971, Vol. 2, No. 6, pp 93-97 equal values of the velocity pulsations and the isocorrelates similarly occurs. It is pointed out that a similar phenoaenon is observed in an experimental study of submerged turbulent jets coming from rectangular openings. A. S, Ginevskiy. 2/2 21-2 028 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0054601 ARSTiZACT/E~XTRACT--(Ul GP-G- ABSTRACT. AVERAGE MGNTHLY FALLJUT DENSITIES OF RADIOCATIVE FISSION PRODUCTS WERE ANALYZED AN'D RESULTS All'~E TABULATED STUDIES WERE CONDUCTED ON DIRECT CONTAMINATIOiN' OF PLANTS BY RADIOACTIV; FALLOUT AND ASSIMILATI&N BY THE ROOT SYYJEM OF *-'AOIOISOTOPES IN 7HE SOIL. TAbLES ARE PRLSENTED TO SHOW.RA013ACTIVITY OF PRIME144 CE, PRIME137 CS, PRIME106 RU, PRIME90 SP,:AND PRIME95 ZR IN HERBACEOUS -PLANTS, GREEN WHEAT, 1,44EAT GRAINt SUG.AR.BEETS, A140 ROCT VEGETABLES. IT WAS CONCLUDED THAT DIRECT CONTAMINATION OF VAKIbUS TYPES OF AGRICULTURAL PLANTS BY RADIOACTIVE FALLOUT ARISES FROM THE INITIAL:HOLDING AND TTS SUBSEQUENT REMOVAL UNDER THE EFFECT or ENVIRUNMENTAL PACTORS. FACILITY: GUSUDARSTVENNYI KOMITtT POASPOLIZOVANIYU ATOMN01 ENERGII SSSR, MOSCOW. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 53S.242.2 LAZAREV, V. P., OKHANOVA Z. 1. "'Ibe FM-99 Photometer Attachment" Leningrad, Optiko Mekhanicheskaya Promyshlennost', Nb 3, 1972, pp 21-23. Abstract: The new FM-99 photometer attachment is described. This device has greater sensitivity in the ultraviolet area of the specturm than the older FINI-59 photometer attachment, and allows measurvment of integral re- flection factors by the absolute r"ethod (without corrqtaxison standards). A photograph, diagram of the. optical system of the p4otometor and curves of the spoctral sensit`-Lvity~ of the devite are P-I~esentod. Tests hx~e shot-im that the reDroducibility of measurements*-is tl%jabs.). The device weighs .4-5 kg,and is 0.5 m long,.making4t,easily portable. CSOs 1861- W -MIMI 112 015 UNC'C1,,SS1,F.1ED PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 TITLE--PRIMARY STAGES OF VISCOSE FlOtWFORMATtON -U- -1041-eV ANOVA Z.V., PROZOROVAs tG.YE.v ANTIPOVAI, R.V., PAPKOVI S.P. AUTHOR --,:COUNTRY OF INFO- USSR "SOURCE KH1m* VOLOKNA 1970v (Ill 32-.4 DATE ~PUBLISHED -------- to SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS 10PIC-TAG$--RAYON# ELONGATION ` r, al T R 0 LMARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'REEL/FRAME--1984/1824 STEP NO-~fJR/018.31701:000/001/0032/0034 :.~~_CIRC~ ACCESSION NO--AP0100398 UNCLASS IF LED 2/2 015 U14CLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE--18SEP70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0100398 ABSTRACT/EXTRAC-T--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE FORCED,SYNERESIS nF RAYON (1) FIBERS [U., ET. AL.t 1968) FORMED IN PPTN. SATHS CONTG, H SUB2 SO SUB4 809 NA SUB2 SO SUE14 120? AND Zo"M SU34 0-150 G-L" WAS STUDIED. MAX . FORCED SYNERESIS RATE WAS REACHED WHEN THE STIRETCHLNG RATIO WAS 1*25-1.6 (DEPENDING ON BATH COMPN.I. THE TOTAL~ AMT. OF H~'ISU82-0 SEPD. FROM THE FIBERS DUE TO NATURAL SYNERSIS WAS~CGNST*, THE STPF-NGYH'OF THE I YARN FORMED DURING ORI-ENTATIONAL-ELONGATION'WAS ESSENTIALLY INDEPENDENT OF THE COMPIN. 00 THE BATH. THUSt THE PRIMARY STAGES,~IOF FORMATION OF I YARN PREVIOUSLY DISCUSSED WERE IN AGREEMEINIT :WITH THE EX,PTL. DATA. u Ass UPIE-0 ?ROCESSING OAT 230CT70- r2 on TITLE--LOW T&WERATURE IRRADIATION OF GERMANIUM BY'. 28-MEV ELECTRONS -U- AUTHOR-(02)-ABIYEV, A*K.i UKHINt N.A. :--COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--F IZ. TEKH. POLUPROV. 1970*~ 4t IJ 4- 7 -PUBLISHED..! ------ 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS IP.RADIATIGNt..ELECTRON ",-.cbNTROL MARK I NG--NO, RESTR ICT IONS POCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED '"PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/1726 STEP NU--UR/0449-/70/t~Oet/O(J3/0484/0487 ~:CfRC ACCESSION NO--AP0120438 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT7C CI.RC ACCESSION NG--AP0120438 ABSTRIACTIEXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE HALL EMF. ANO THE COND. OF N TYPE GE (RESISTIVITY 0.1-14.0 OHM CM) ;DURING THE IRRAON. BY 38-MEV ELECTRONS, WERE MEASURED AT 88DEGREESKo. THE EXPTL. RESULTS ARE EXPLAINED BY THE FORMATIDN OF DI~ORDCERED REGIONS-, TO CALC- PARAMETEPS OF THESE REGIONSt THE GOSSICK MODEL 1195-9:).*WAS USED, THE~MOST PROBABLY MEAN VALUES,.~- ARE GIVEN: THE RADIUS OF THE.REGION L35-900 ANGSTROm, THE CQNCN. OF ACCEPTORS 10 PRIMt 17-3 TImES.:10.pRviEtq-.r-m PRIME3, ANO THE THRESH0LO,ENEPGY OrP THE FORMATIOWOF:REGIONS 15-1-9.7 KEV. -INST. FIZ.9 BAKU FACILITY: usskft~ UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 621.782.2 D011"EV-5KIY, D.B., LIBOV9 L.D.j LIMNOV, V.L., LICIMAX0, -NOVOSELOY, RkVICH, Y.N., VACHEV, V.D. IN 24 .-A. BEfroct Of Radiation On Galli= Fhosphida P-117 Junctions" Tab. Radiate. fiz. nemtt. kristallov. Tj. Ch.2. (BadiatiOn Pl-.~ylAcB Of Noft- o n tallic Cr.;stals. Port 2-Go-11cetion Qf Works), Viev, 'Eauk-du=1"a,' :55 (from RZI---Mektronika i yveye:ZLi 1971 PP 50-5 _=entnxi o, :111o 12, Doe 1971, IF y_ Abstract No 12B5~4) -n junc-1 ions vere obtained lt~v the mothed of liquid opitwxy with n-(;a.P. ',~bi apitaxial p-reGion wus doped with OP ana Zn. Irradiation was don-- witi rvaotor n4utrona- and, also electrons vii-th 28 21'ev anorgy at temparatures above 5 0. 7e s char3cteric tics ana the fl.,,-ctroluminoscant apactra vero investi:, teel at rco= and nitrogen ta=pcr~kt,-ir,-. A2f4!-,r 1-radintion, U ~3 L-r-anch of tho c~irnan"- voltRio character4atics in oh',fted to th5 rag-Ion of imall~~r valta--rua (tha lLfotino of zinority carri,-3re 1-3 docromw.d) and boo-maon11Y ar, of the flux to t!')e sz.'1q& 0~'# t`--t, lor~or vollnc-es L (ikicr~!aee o:' th~ reaisti%i4y of tho initial =atarial), kftar irradiation tho intensity of all tho apactral bands of ale atroltL-nino oconca iiro d-iiercasod. Via, USSR D0,111-NIEVSK11", 1). S., et al., Radiats. f4z. nemet. kristallov, T.3. Ch.2. (Radiation Phvs-ics Of Nonmetallic Crystals. Vol. 3, Paxt 2-Collection Of Works), Kiev, "Nauk. dumka," 1971, pp 30-53 (C from M-Elek"ronika i ve-~e prim-enenive, No 12, Dec 1971, Abstract No 12B534) int a na it-y of -tho rcd b--nd with a flux dacresaad approxLmatcly 1.5 Itl-Aas more slow-ly that, thn green. -Ira opectral composition of the radiation changrad after irradiatica. The rt!e-,ilte prenenttd indica'te that th5 chanr-e of the electrice! and opticnl characteristics of GaP p-n junctiow) after irradi.3"tion have the sa=o cvmractar as in ithe co5o of GaAc p-n junct ;Iione. 3 -111. 11 tab. r5r. 2/2 95 USSR UDQ 621.782.2.002:535-376 Wo V.L., IOMSE-MV, 1.7-.ACL7~V, V.D uOptical Ana Electrical Fropertiee Of Irradiated Gwks Diodoe (A~nnealing)` V ob. TtRdiatc. Aliz. nenut. kristallov (Radiation Fhyalcs Of Xon=etallic Crystals--Collection O-f 'iorke), Vol 3, Part 2, Kiev, ~'_Naukduc:ka," 1c) 1, pp 57 -ordikaiye',",e nrimcnaniye 44-49 ("rom No 10, October 1971, Abstract No 10 u4c~5) Translation;- Th~ cfloct wr.!i iwzostigatea of icochronolls ennoaling-on the spectra of rodi tive rcco=bination of n-Gahs p-n junctiono irradiated by faet reactor nc_utronn. An aralyoie of the revulto obtEiined --kons it po-suible to conclude th~~t 4uring nc,,itron irradiation) the decrease of lifetime is deter- mined- by tha r.-Eicns ct' di,-oz-6cr li;hich are effective centere of nonradiative rac-:).~Unaiion. ~ ill. 6 ref. E.S. USSR 621.382.21 DOWMKIY, D. S., LIMINOV, V. L., LOMAKO, V. M., SAMILGA~ V. P., TKACEEV, % F-in, Xdnsk V. D.1 UMIN, N. A.. Belorussian State, University im"'nul"V71"M ni IlRadiation Changes in the Voltage-Current Characteris~ics of Heavily Doped Gallium Arsenide PN Junctions" Leningrad, Fizika i Tekhaika Poluprovodhikov, Vol 4, No 8, Aug'70, pp 1425- 1431 Abstract; An investigation is made into the change in electrical character- istics of heavily doped gallium arsenide~PN Junctions under the effect of irradiation in a mixed (neutron-gamma) field of a reactor and fast electrons with an energy of 28 MO. In many specimens~tunnel transitions are detected in the initial state wit-h the participation of.defect levels in the forbidder. band. Emission brIngs about an increase in excess current due to the intro- duction of radiation defects which produce closely situated levels througaouc the entire forbidden band. An increase was,observed inthe density of states in the tails of the bands due to activation of the-electrically inactive Dart of the dopants under the effect of radiation.-. In the case of.high radiaclon intensities, there is an increase in excess current in narrow PN Junctions due to the disordered regions which appear. in the junctio.ra. 'USSR UDO:~~ 621-382 -2 LB. Mt 'OV, V. L., LOIIL4KO~, V. ~1., UWIC, V, V. D., and UMM4, N. A. lit" Al. -at W! "Recombination Radiation Meehanism, in Strongly Alloyed GaAs p-n Junctions" Leningrad,, Fizika i tekhnilka polu2rovodnikov, Vol 40 No -12) 1970, pp 2236-2240 Abstract: Mere are two explanations of the nature of the motrable band observed in strongly alloyed p-n junctions under the application of small bias voltages: one is the model of diagonal tunneling; the other the model of filled zones. The authors investigate these two possible meahauisms:by estimating their contribution through the use of their different deTbendence on the life time of the current carriers. in the experInients descril~ed, two types of p-n junction were investigated. The first wais developed by. the diffusion of zinc in n-type GaAs alloyed with Te; the seconcl by mltktig tirA Into! p-type Gaj~s alloyed irith Zri. Volt-ampere characteristics and mcombl=tion radiation spectra of the two types were measured and plotted at 80,and 3000 K before and after irradiation by high-speed neutrons. Inmovable landz sometims ob- served simultaneously were also studied. TUe authors express their gratitude to V. P. Smilg for his useful connents. USSR uDc 621.382.oi6.35 ZARUDSKIY, V. F. , LI-EVITSIM, K. B., MU114BT-KC, V. 3. Ufl -~Ilq 11. A. "Comparative Results of Neutron Irradiation of Med-'UM-Pwwer High-Frequency 1PN co Diffusion and Diffusion-Ion 14 Sili n,Transistors!" 'Moscow, PoluDrovodnikoywe Pribory idkh Pr1MgngnjZV~, N 2h, Izd-vo "Sovet- 0 skoye Radio", 1970, PP 2T-30 Abstract: The authors study neutron irradiation o--f' NPN silicon transistors ~iade by double diffusion of dopants into an epitaxial layer, and by single diffusion of boron with subsequent ion injection of phos-plorus to Produce the.emitter junction. it is shovn thattbe radiation resistance of both types of transistors is determined by the radiation t1roperties of the ma- terial of the base layer and is independent of the technological procedure used to make the einnitter junction. Th6,,results also show that ion doping ra has considerable promise as a technological proced-t-re for making . nsistors fith optimum radiation resistance. One~figure, one table, bibliography of four titles. j; qjc~t m~.JILX. "Z4% %W74s"do oul in W".1044.1 -AW414ni jo) Palle.;J* %a- 'es'sualsAl uQ%%tsuQju% RUTIV21446-.1 in votoa4 pw4sallfte btu - -psognottp aat c"J., I Iddf,142 TI.Vid TJ OUI PUO a t.pow j0 *WQ%949~ otqlttod twjoafv~ I-pow mr% -Dwojul IM1440, IN44 40,94117olt- PQV vrkOjj*4 jo U*jj,*juosa4d rJoll -vjQdO:jo U.S.4.4wouclu; j0 %%41%6 * in in uollowzaLsoo 'WjUowft2Qp jo Uoll4outzo Pvu&Tjvjsd*~ P044,ataw 643 J0,201.40pg.- ulnil4t lou*l**40do jo UoTloolas OtJ3 MaPRIJOUT tMA-4cxv uo%.4v~ojul,p 019;1CUS TV0130TW44im W," ..Ssr!~4no pul VlAddT Aow,nTn 3tutu OdAZ-~, '(9 odlf'41 Pv~stevzo at X~tq 44" A0.1,11 D41 11 lly _1440-p-AIM10.2; j0! Vktn." M'41 U*Aj P4~6.4vp ft.jj*~U* rj- ~J*oow voilwwaoJul us jo moo jq Oj"%;.4cuOo ruol-alumma AT.41 !*jZJjD,wlAQ Wqj JU% brjtM ;&I. Ova v k,:pQjvQjpu;. %I MTIV444.. ..W3 -GIV "ll Ul skut tug"rAjoJul 3ur!L*W* XQ vujj%j~7%lAVAj ON ' xvl>m pajoloa 11 %jolqA ASjA;jvlk Injazodind jo %;U0,041% .14-1 in buo I 1%403uoo CRA u,O PAUNq we otopow vot.4asuo4u; ot%0140A ;*fw;auoO al 4TqT%lvd ;I 9)km qolqm o4volq ulvw swq% oa owng4. aqvin in jupw4otsop p4; u1 patn #a* tivon puv gj"Aom uollipwojul voij paujilqo wisp 14914d I Isuo %okV4oA.jj* Itm ^a lootas, all ous tuoTluado JO aoue"As GTTtoodt in Isn"m vw4vumu ul"qQ oil aMeml Oft4l at it 'UQllvaU%JQ24x4UF 41641 u1 CUMNI.Vmfl.044 JO.uvllvjvv;vuoo aql v4irm Ipault"Va. liv 4,4,4014 ouAtm in SUD14*U74-3. V,n*7;41& $1%t 'A!kjA;jbV UOIIVWQJUT ;);Jll -U*T~g JO'UOS-414800 IMOTAIPUl 4%nouga t4ojqA uxootq so .4ag a JO iluvIrtouca .&%At i Y#Xdwo a sf F.'Utwg)ro it 0.11,tt u6flow0jul, oqs -OWN%240 tailuou palQualnu jo UgJJ046do 041 21093ja CI;22jv RP14R A37AT20V ucl%ftmaj .'it SuTimadsj j0 *uodtv%d aqj a% a1941tus, 110TO .ot*WUQIQ Od 1116T 'a Ox.It *11-Abg *AW4%*4*lu4*r4-Ouipnvx ftoosc% vtopog tvinotwAv j0 v!vAtouy oq~ UO go3off, doollA2 U*T'4*ouojuz sqLatepa in Po4ts3cr* Wrpo*51rool Do MTS4 '09 ow "g. ~ol 4"iUl., !CJ USSR UDC.' 669.765'75:548.5 VIGDOROVICH, V. N., UKHLI DOLINS)AYA, N. Yu., HARYCHEV, V. V., Moscw* I'Study.of Conditions of Production of Single! Crystals of bismuth and bismuth- antimony alloys" Moscow, 12vestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, No 6, 1973, pp 57-63. Abstract: The process of growth of single crystals of bismuth and bismuth- antimony alloys has a number of peculiarities which make it difficult to pro- duce them reliably and to achieve structural perfection, It is particularly difficult to prevent curvature of the crystal relative to the growth direction, the appearance of parasitic blocks on.oad side of the single crystal and the formation of structural defects such as twins, dislocaOons, etc. Changing of external conditions does not eliminate these diffiCUltiVS, indicating that they result from the crystallochemical nature of bismuth and antimony. '171c authors recommend use of the most favorable orientatiom, of sceds to a~swre reproducible growth of single crystals. Optimal growth directions are recommended to provide the best structure.during growth of single crystals. The optimal directions are those for which. tho shear pl4ines (111) and (11T) 112 2/2 35 T Acc. r Raf,,Godc: UR 0297 *0034405 V~i 14 r 2, PP 99-/6a IDRD URCE A tiki, 1970, =Y SOU A NEW OFMICROINIONOSRORA PRODIVCING SlDbsTREPTOMYCIN auze, G. F. Brazhnikova, M. ~G.;,Sveshnikova, M. tkholin Nechayevai N. a, R. S.i Institute for New Ant ib;r, tics, Academy of Ale-dical Sciences a f the USSP, Moscow Two cultures (15-10 nod 1-575) of Alleromrnaspora were .isola led from~ ,.I sil"Itille 4)~ tropical soil. The stains are described as a new species designatedias Mi pallida sp. ro,,. M. pailida differs froin other species by the absL,,,,--e of -,zhe myCe um coloration and an ability to forat well developed non-sporulating iii2riai mycelium o--n cqrtaln media. Antibiotic' r-nannosidostreptorPycin wasizolated krom the -.Lnilture fluid - of strain 1575. -19711065 9,;1 (),1 X-6b APPLICATION OF HXCIRLMI SOV74DING MICHOMIMASIS TO IN%T.Sll(:A,7T. SUMCCIN- DUCT;R SOLID SOLUTIO.M1. OUTAINMI Al TIM; WJ401) OF CAPACITIVE V.1-17A.'rf ..v [Artlctv by T. A. Mhor4knyd' T, A. Ginel'farb, L 4. poir! III Simpariu~ po rmte%enq A Moscow I No~os '; in i Si to", Poluprv-d- niko-kh grtitnilov L Vlenck, R"slan, I.-I) June 191.1, was u4g4 t." tv-2' f~rc~ pe-cul-tart tion. of. the 01itribution of the-banic compon-intis Y1t1',,r*MF-i thickn,-,ms secil conductj nit A-J.1d --lutf-a ~( A 0 -A I And A ... OY-A"EIV' obtained 1,y the mthod of liquid epLtaxy (C&M-AtAs. Lzr-c&r, GoAsv-ZnSv, and so. oa).: Thu pxo4a41ur*I p"91bilities of the local X-rev Ar.c, trAl And* mtcroctit1hods luminescence anAlvae. for atudyinr the gr-th -.rr~crs~ of Remiconisuctor crystals and filrA vere demonstrated. The tvvTarvtn~rv fu--- tionn an the votrintion of the dt.arrtbuts-n cc-mrients of, the ccop--*"m~ be- twacn..Lhe nolU 01 e the re-%ulta or m-m-raT spe,- ''Pha*6: 4"4 31411Aid c. tval and . thode, luminescence measurements *agree w. 11 ith the 'thiartzical, virves. , The. sImul,taAeous -Tecor41ng of ihe:.x-rsy~ and optical sit.- 'j v616~sgun'kho'cirdeif of 0t-v*rsI-r4cVRnx 3,.Oriaitted investlRattaq at tN* -I of %4rfitf6ri 6r-thi-pliiiiiii Paramaterst In particular, tht width of t~r.T.' I bidden zona aloug'With the distributIcon lave of the campp Onto in Lise. "tt.~ 141 layers. Hech'anical Properties uDc: 669.7.ol6 AFANASIYEV, V. K., UKHOV, V. L., Krasnoyarsk Institute of Nonferrous Metals "Influence of Tensile Strain Pate and Temorature on Some Properties of Binary Alloys in the Al-Mg System!' Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 4, APr 7311 PP:105-109 Abstract: An investigation is made'of the effect of stradn rate and tem- perature factors on the mechanical properties, microstruz.t-ure and type of finwture in aluminum alloys containing 1.12-11.5% magnesium. The tests were:done at temperatures of 20-3500C and tensile strain rates of 10-3_102 =a/min. The results reveal intervals of strain rates and tekneratiares vhere the investigated alloys have low ductility. The drop in ductility cm-responds to the development of porosity, in, the microtstructu-re. In this case, fracture is mixed, and chiefly trans crystallite. Increasing the mag- nesium content and reducing the tens'Lle strain rate broaden the temperature range of law ductility, and reduce the absolute values of.ductility charac- teristics in this interval. At high test temperatures, the nature of frac- t=e changes from mtyed (at points of accumulation of decwy products and "microporosity", and partly along grain boundaries) to intlergranular. The USSR UDG 621..~14.58 (088.8) .1-PITSIN, V.V AKODIS, M.M., -DROBISMA, T.YA.' V.SAO: LUral'sk politekhn. in-t~--Ural Polytechnical Inatitute ''uFrequency Converter Using Controlled Rectifiers" USSR Authorl.sCertificate No 26776 filed 16 Jan 68, publinhed,9 JulY 70 (ftom 'butract No 2B5 5P) Zh-Elektranika i yeye prime-i e R 2p~iygj, No 2, F bruary 1971, Translst;ion- In order to increase the affectivenessand reliabil'ty of thyristor 'fro -uaturable~re:actors, itfis propoeed in uhunting 'quency c,onverters which contain thyristorized netqor;ca to connect a. a6miconductor diode a4d a resistor in parallel nd- to inaludis a capacitor in nerion'with thom.: 1 ill., I.R. i/3'. USSR UDC 615-217.4-015 KUZIMSKIY, B. B., AKM-M, A. A., UKROVA. L. I., YARXIEIN, A. P.~ and BIUWVA, G. V., Minsk Medical InatAdte- 'REW'Thstitute'; of Physical and Organic Chemistry, Academy of Scienceel, SSR "Pharmacological Properties of Stereoisomeric. 4-Vinyl~sthynyl- and 4-j3u4.yi- Substituted Decahydro-4-quinololds" Moscow, Farukakoloaiya i Toksikologiya, No 6, 1972, pp 665-668 Abstract: 7he spectrum of neurotropic activity of several new decahydraquinoline derivatives (2-methyl- and 1,2-direthyl-l~--Nriaiylethynyl(lecahydToouinololes-4 and 2-methyl- and 1,2--dimethyl-lp-butAdecahydroquirololes-4) was studied in eToeri- ments on mice. rats,, and cats. The compotaids were found to have Fanf.,lion- blocking and antinicotiulc activity. , They inhibited. the trr:-,nsirj.r-,;ion o1' excita- tion mainly in the parasympathetic ganglia, of the hearth, had little effi!ct on the-superior cervical i!anF n, and did noV significani;ly alter the of the M-cholinoreceDtors or noncholinergic neurons. The ganglion-blocking and antinicotinic activity of the compounds varies vith their chemical and spatial structure. Lan- ge doses intensify. the central action of' amphVt!wine sulfate, prolonging ster-ectypic navements in the rat. The 2a~e isomer, a tertiary amino alcohol, is the most active. There is no correlation botween 21-choline-Iblocking tiv~ty and toxicity when the configuration of the compounds is changed. USSR UD" 5 4' + 51, 7 - 59, 5 j( ij~, T "'C""' % -. ' U7 IL V.A L -nc - A A. 1j;L OVA ~i., i n s k 3 t' I L. E. aite ',edical inst, F; In ."'u~e ol Academy o Sr-itnces SIR,, and Instit Cute of N. D. Ze' nsk-Y icad Ll am-Y of ~;ciences USSR "Conformational Bff-ects of 1,2,4-Substitlv~ed Decatlydroquincloi-4. Deri- vatives or, Their Biologic -11 Activity" 1,10SCOVI, Izvestiva Akadenii Nauki, Set r FA Kh im i ch e C.; X.- ___j ava No 7, Jul ?0, PP 9 Abstract- Cholinoly-tlc activL 1-y depends or, the hyd-zocarbon -Eu -b s t i7, -ue n n o o on 4-. Th mi o -- t active-- a"e with an ethy- nyl ~3o with a vinyl, 4~'rld le al-rl~ a1A-1 those, wlth, an ethyl or acetyl substituento, As far ris: the of s-Paci-:-d orien- tation. is conceimed, com-Dounds with the methyl and alk-yl Eroups in 2-axial, 4-r-.quatorial conformation are mor"t activel, Ithos(t-- 2e4a-oriented are less actLva, and 2e'le substituted ones are lea,.i)t actlive. Toxicilk-ly of this type of compounds th.c, opposite direction; the leai~t Toxic are those of the SFar,'.1r;'S* followed by 2e.4,a and 2e4e compounds in-increasin- order of toxic-it Y UNrLASSIPIED PROCESSING 04TE--040EC70 2/Z Oil 2 '? CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0134665 CIRC A CC A ACC T ~fi ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PASSING HCL INTO MIXED ISOMERS OF B STP F ilz,DIMETHYLDECAliYDROt4tQLIINOLONES (T) IN ET SU62 0 (,AVE A MIXT. OF HCL SALTS, WHICH WERE SEPD. INTO A SALT IM Vl.tI68-!~gDEGREES AND A SALT (IIJ) M. 146-7DEGREES; TREATMENT-OF THE !FILTRATE:~ FROK THIS WITH PICRIC ACID GAVE A PiCRATE (IV) M. 193-4DEGPEES AND'A P KRATE,(V) M, 173-4DEGREES. 11 TREATED 141TH K SUB2~CO'SUB3 GAYE AN ISOMER (VI) OF 1, B'SUBI TIMES 5 85-7DEGREESt N PRIME20 SUBD 1.4956; ALSO FORMEO FROM V. I I I GAVE AN ISOMER (VT 1 ) OF B SUBI TIMES, 5 87-80[-QREE'-Sv 14. 52-3DEGREESt WHICH WAS FORMED IN PART BY IVv ALONG WITH V1. C, SUBI! 11 SUB2 PASSED INTO NA IN LIQ. N14 SUG3 3 HRP THEN 7REATEO WITH V1 GAVE 56PERCENT l*2vDlMET114YLt4tETHYNYLDECAHYDROt4pQU MUM, M. 1-3A-50E':GkEESp WHILE THE Vr MOTHER LIQUOR GA c 429PERCENT ISOMER, M 1'115-160EGREES-t SIMILAR REACTION *dk, M- L334-3.50EGREES IN WITH VII GAVE 56PERCENT 4sQUINOLOL ISOM YIELD. THE PIPERIDONE WHICH,FORNS VI PRGBABLY HAS CIS RING JUNCTUREo VII EVIDENTLY IS CAPABLE OF REALTING 14ATH NAC TRIPLE.BOIND CH VERY STEREO-SELECTIVELY AND TO FORM ONLY THE ONE ~SOMEER OF THE,QUINGLOL WITH AN EQUATOPIAL ETHYNYL GROUP's.. FACILITY: INST, FIZ. ORG. KHIM., MOSCOWr USSR, UNCLASSIFIED USSR uDc 617.78ii-009.24-073.96-o92.9 UKMIL, B., NOVOTIPI, M., and POIAM, I., Clinic of E4r, Nose and Throat Dis- of Social I~Ldici ne, Purkiiije University, Brno "Objective Recordin.- of Postrotation Nystagmus in ExpeTimental Animals Floscow, Vestnik Otorinolaringolo ii., ~o 6, 197 pp 55-58 9 2 -Dig -ly designed chair at Abstract: Thirty guinea - s,were rotatOd in a specia.L different speeds from 8 to 1000/sec to de'termine the threshold of excitability of, the vestib,,Llar apparatus and- establish the relationship between individual values of the electronystaGmgram and the speed of rotation. None of the animals reacted to 80/sec, the lcrrest rate of rotation;'.1 did so to 10'3/sec,, 5 to 32 0/Isec, 16 to 11110/sec, and 24 to 16,11 sec. . Thus, in most of the anninals the threshold of excitability of the vesti~ular apparatus was in the 14 to 16'/ sec range. The relationship between the individ,-m! valLtes of the electro- nystagmogram,and rate of rotation,logaritbnis was found to be a at 1411/s linear one starting ec., .Radiob4dlogy USSR UDC 616.136.4+616.149.2l]-001.29-092.9-085.276-059:615,355:577.156.014 UKLONSKAYA_L, I , YUDRYAVTSEV, V. D.,;SUSIIKEVICH, L.1 N., and CHERKASOV, V. F., Department of Radiation Pathophysiology (Chief, Prof. V. P. Baluda), ~Scientific Research Institute of Medical Radiology, Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, Obninsk "The Effect of Antiphlogistic and Antiproteolytic Preparations on Vascular Disturbances of the Intestines of Animals Irradiated by Suoerlethal Doses" Moscow, Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Biologii I Meditsiny, Vol 76, No 8, Aug 73, pp 37-39 Abstract: In experiments couducted on rais irradiated with superlethal doses of C060 gamma-rays (900 and 1000 r), antiphlogistic (btatadion -- 5 mg/ktv, paracetamol -- 15 mg/kg, and rheopyrene --.3 mg/kg) and antiproteolytic (trasylol -- 7.5 CIU/kg in combination with E-aminocap~onic acid -- 200 mg/kg) preparations were injected intraperitoneal-Ly. 1~e functional con- dition of the vascular wall of the small:and large Intestines of rats was assessed 72 hours after irradiation by the Iappearance or Evatis blue in the Intestinal tissues. Butadioh, which considerably diminished the amount of stain in the tissue, vival period proved to be the most effective. It also,increased the sur 1/2, USSR UKLONSKAYA, L. I., et al., Byulleten' Eksperimental'noy Bialogii i 'Medit- siny, Vol 76, No 8, Aug 73, pp 37-39 of the irradiated animals; this permitted:the be made that vascular disturbance~i played a definite role in the pathogenesis of the intestinal 'form of radiation sickness., 2~figures- :13 references. 2/2 iji; ~m' 9 rfi4Aj 7 CA UDC; 616-053.2-082:362.11:005 OFICV11ZATIONAL AND KnIOMLOG1141 101 AT DONFTSKAYA 651AST HOSPITALS W1111 VXFEPXt,CF. TO MEDICAL CARE FOR CHILDREN '[Article by A. Lklo 11.1di,late of medical sciences, rol'dshtcyn, fie Research Institute of Social UYSieng -InS I ~IZIT-7're-dlkh Orgaiazation Iment N.A. Sair-anhito. Moscow; Donernkayo Oblast 17hildren's HOrPitAl; Donetakaya Oblast Central Clinical Hospital; Moscow, Sovctsk Kaye 'dravookhranenlye, Rusal4n~ No 2, 1972, submitted 28 September 19U. pp 12.161 There are three oblast hospitalt with distinct functions in Donotskaya. Oblabt. Oblast Hospital Imcni R.I. Kallnina Is the center for.therapeutle ~Ar_ conaultat1vt za wall as ortanizational ani'mattiodalogicat work reI4-tedto ni'dical care for the adult populationthc Oblast Children'$ Hospital takes care of the urban child population, and chawitilarit Central Clinical Hospital tAkes care.of the rural population, including children. Denstakaya Oblast 'Is. an Industrial area. The urhan population iti larzer. than the rural (76 and 24, respectl4cly). There are 257 thera licutic and prophylactic inutitutiont. with'1,579 pedi4r`r1C I -an's t'ak'in'g rare of the cbildrttn~ S7mcialtred'-dare im polyclinics i~ render~a 'by 39 ophthalmological, 42 otorhinolary-nSologicati, 12 surgical. 56 neurological and psychiatric 31 rbz=.rraIogIcal, and 13.cndocrinol~gical offices. The ob ,laat hospitals have 9,950 beds for children, including 2,543 In 19 chi ldreo's: therapeutic bn ,i4pitals. The Oblast Children ,a Hospital has a rapacity of 500 bedz and a Poly- C.Itnic that-can see 500*patlenta per day; cho latter services six pediatric of the city and, at the mace tir;e, offers consultaLionu; tho, itr=turc of the Oblast Children's Hospital Includes An organizaLional. and n~thodoloslcal office, laboratories with.departmcrit-p, not 0110, x-ray laboratory. Nrictional d1arnostic Uice, three phymiotherApy departments And three offices for dicrapautic physical culture, a pathoanatomical department with a li,101011iflt.ologi Cal, I"b0- ratory. Thare ate ten specialized departments In the hospital: throc therapeutic (160 beds), two infectious (120). two surgical (120) including it department - 13 - USSR UDC: 621-396.6.017.72 SEVEMM, V. V. MIDNSKIY, D. A. , VA`_RLJ1d4DVA, N. V. ,MINSKER, Ye. I. "Ifeat Conducting Organosilicon Materials" Obmen opytom.v radio-oron-sti (Experienc.e Pooling in.the Radio Industry), VYP- 10, Moscow, 101TO, pp 39-40 (from RM-Radio~lekhnika, No 2, Feb 71, Abstract No 2V320) Translation- The overall thermal conductivity of a g 1. -1 en device may drop appreciably as a result of an increasle in contact thermal resistance -when there are air gaps betwelen contaLting surfaces. . These resistances are re- duced by using heat conducting pa3tes, those vith an organosilicon base in particular. Among these are thirotropic pastes designed merely for filling; gaps and not for cerenting,- and pastes of the "Elasto,-il" type which harden after application and may also~act as cements or,sealalnts. Data on these pastes are given. Three tables. N. S. Translation: This Patent introduces a memory device which contains storage modules whose memory elements:are arranged in a circle and are connected to recording and readout mechanisms, The,device also includes a drive and a control unit. As a distinguishing fe'ature of the patent, the.operational reliability of the device is iMDroved by adding a track- :Lng screv couple. The screw of this tracking mecbai*_.ism is connected to a worm shaft in the readout mechanism while the nur is connected to a Vorm shaft in the recording mtechanism. Also added for operational- reliability are mechanisms for keyboard interlock and readout delay. Follow-xrp levers in these mec~hanisms. are: coupled to~ one of the tapered surfaces of the nut, in. the tradking screw couple e-rid also to the follow- up lever of the mechanism for actuating the clutch for the wozm shaft 1/2 USSR UDC 629.76/.78.015:533.6 PETROV, B. N., VLASOV, A. G., MITROSH114 E. I., UKOLOV T. S. Stochastic Optimal Control System Under Entry Into the Atmosphere With Second Cosmic Velocity" V sb. Upravlenive v kosmose. T. I (Control In Space. Vol 1 Collection of vorks), Moscow, "Nauka", 1972, pp 32-40 (from RZh4fekhanika, No 3, Mar 73, Abstract No 3B345) Translation: The problem of the optimal control of the perturbed motion of a descending space ship Is disclussed in the,stodhastic appro:~Imatioa. 6, ref . Authors- abstract. USSR UIC 620.78.062.2 ~"Processes of Adaptation in _Mrcraf t Control Systems". inform. Materialy.. Nauch. Sover po Kompleks, Probl. (Information Materials of the Scientific Council on Complex Problems.). "Kiberneatika." AN SSSR, No 6 (53), 1972, pp 5-19 (from Px-,ferativnyy Zhurnal, Yaketostroyeniye, No 5~ 1972, Abstract No 5.41,210 by L.A. Ye.) ticularity of adaptive (self-adjusting) sys- Translation: The principal paid, tems.congists in the fact that evaluating and analy%fng Lhe dynamic charac- teristic6 of the aircraft directly in the process, of flight, the system -reorganizes the parameters of the control circuit: in the necessary direction for providing the optiumil reserves of stability =d qu,:Ility,of I-lie control processr--s. ft has been shman by research, as,well on by opca-.,ttLng exnerience that the use of ,-elf-adjusting and automatic pilots providea: simplificat-Jon of the control systeiis due to the eliminatian of data unics and systems, previously, nece8sary for routine change of the transmi~!~sion ratios; an in- crease of operating reliability and. rafety.; contraction of the 6cope 'of stand and flight tescs by-one -or two. Orderp, of ma gni rude ', a decrease of s_ for replateimei:,,_ c p nents; ove of !the requirements for allawance o iap r ment 112 USSR UKOLOV, 1. S., Inform. Materialy. Nauch~. Sovet p0 Kai,~ipleks. Probi. "Kiber- netika." AN SSSI', No 6 (53), 1972, rip 5-19 (from EeEerativllyy Zhurnal, Plaketostroyeniye, No 5. 1972, Abstrnet Vo 5.41,210 by T. A. Ye.) the technical char act eris tics (controlability and stiability) under critical flight conditions, etc. The Dresent article deals with problems of adaptation of the dynamic conditions of an aircraft, the indicators of quality evaluation and identification in self-adjusting systems, the algorittinic epproach to the investigation and realization of adaptive systems, the ef-Fectiveness of adaptive systems, and the basic functional, problems. 10 references. 2/2 2 USSR UDC 629.78.015-076.8 VIK-TOROV, B. V. , OLEYNICII-ENKO, L. G. , and "Investigation of a System of Variable Structure for Controlling Descent in an Atmosphere With Account Taken- of Time Lag,in Processing the Control Co=aand" Inform. Materialy. Nauch. Sovet po Rompleks. Probl. (Itiformation Materials of the Scientific Council on Complex Problems). "Kibeinetika." Ali SSSR, aal, 'Oaketastroyeniye, No 6 (53), 1972, pp 47054 (from Refer.ativnyy,Zhuri No 5, 1972, Abstract No 5.41.1136 by T. A. ~'Ye.) Translation: In a preliminary investigation of descent contxol systems, the ordinai-j trajectory motion of the deseending,craft Is studied Separately from the motion of the descending craft in relatioa to the center of mass. However, 0 a Lag in processing the control comm-mid 6xerts a substlat4al influence upon the quality of the control process. There, is pointed cut. thga iiccessity for simultaneous consideration of the total motion of the descending craft, and for, the influence of comparatively r--pfd oscillations of the craf c in relation to the center of maf3s upon. the chareici:er of control of the' parnmeters of trajectory.notion. .5 flguras- 5 ref4!renCfl1;. 112 051 UNCUASSI:F.10 PkOCESS;ING OATE--160CT70 TITLE--STOCHASTIC OPTIMAL CONTROL SYSTEM:OF REENTRY:~AT SUPERCIRCULAR ---VELOCITY -U- AUTHOR-04)-PETROV, B.N., VLASOV, A.G., MITROSHINt E.I., UKOLOV, I.S. /A. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSRv FRANCE SOURCE- I.NTEkNAT IONAL FEDE8ATION OF, AUTOMATIC CEINTRIDLt SYMPOSIUM ON MAR. 2-6, 1970, PAPER. 17 AUTOMATIC CONTROL, 3RD, TOULOUSE FRANCE DATE -PUBLISHED ------- 70 JECT AREAS,--SPACE TECHIJOLOGYi NAVLGATION TA%GS--REENTRY T~ZAJCECTO'kyt SPACECRAFT REENTRY, SPACECRAFT CONTROL, TRAJ ECTORY OPTIMIZATION iCUNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED '-PROXY REEL/FRA.",E-1996/0002 STEP NO--FR/0000/'rU/000/00,')/0017/0017 _C R CACCESSION NO--AT0117302 UNC L A S S I F I E 212 051 UNCLAS-SIFIED PROCESSING QATE-160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0117302 ~ABS'TRACT/EXTI"-,~'t'~-T--'%U) GP-0- ABST?A-CT. TliEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF SPACECRAFT REENTRY TRAJECTORY CONTROL WI TH THE AID OF ACCELEk~ATORS MOU"JED O'N A GYROSTABILIZED PLATFORM AS FLIGHT INFORMATION SJUR-CES. aEENTkY TRAJECTORIES LATI-ERAL VELOC;1TIES BElt4G ONLY SMALL h-,ACTI0,NS OF LINEAR VELOCITIES ARE CONSI.O-KEO. EQVfATI,('NS ARE O~----~[VEO TO DESCOHL A STOCHASTIC C-PTIMAL REENTRY CONTROL SYSttM. ALSO ESTUMIATED IS THE ACCURACY ANDCOMPLETENESS Oi= REENTRY TRAJECTORY ONTA WITAINED WITH THE AID OF- A KALMAN FILTER. A COM.PUTER ALGORITHIM is DEVELOPED FOR SPAC,ECRAFT REENTRY, TRAJECTORY OPTIMIZATIONS UNCLASSIFIED Oncology:, UDC 616-006-052-9-02-615.847.8 USSR UOIDVA Mi. A., and KVAKDA, Ye. B., Rostov S~cientific Research Oncology Institute. bli RSR ~TM c Health RSr "The Effect of I-11agnetic Fields on Tumor Growth" Lenin.grad. Vaprosy Onkologili. Vol 16, No 2, 1970, pp 88-91 Abstract: A study was made of the Offa at of, a woa-k w-,gnot.1c field on tumors induced with 3,4-lbenzpy-eene (sarcomas) and on '.'irst generations of transplanted sarcona-sobtained from the induced ones. Experiments ware,conducteJ on 204 rats exposed to the action of a magnetic field after the tiziors' reached an average size of 0.41 t 0.06 cubic centimeters (the induced: ones -- ).5-.~ month:3 aftez, r..ill fir5t injection of carcinogen and tho trans lantod ones --- 7-10 dv'~ after f plantation). Somo of the rats roceivod an adretAlin injockion 1-n addition Lo the magnetic field exposure. Jv.xperlmant3 on rat:i with tranV!,~Intod llbenzpy~-enr," sarcoma showed t1hat the magnetic field caused aa inidb:'tL(.!n of 1,urmor d~nm to complete rosorpticr., both in dixact action on, the tumor and in actioa only on the head of the an:Lmal. The antjneaplastio:~ effoct of thw,ruagnet,--'!~ flold was in- tensiftea in animals receiving adrenalin. The intenasifylt!g, infwence of adronalin 1/2 USSR UKOLOIJA, 4,1. A., et al, Voprosy Onkologii, V101 16, No 2, 1970, PP 88-0/1 was also noted in experiments with animals where a. constaj-,~,. maGfietic fleld (not a rotatory one) with an intensitY Of 2500 gauss was used,:,which by itself -,,as not very effective. Two series of experinept-s were.condut"ted on rats with in- vuraors. In the first series, the magnetic fieldva,,% applJod on alternate duced days over the head and over the tu-mor. After one month , the arorage size of the tumor in exuerim-ental animals was 1Z :times smaller than In cont;rols. Then, re- ga.-dless of the continued, exposure, all the-turiors except,ono began .uo grow at a fast rate. Hovever, the experLmental animals lived 39-49 days, -while controls lived 25-32 days. In the second series of eimariments, t1io marne-tic field -was applied daily to two groups of rats, one group racelving the 3,,pQsure on thoir heads and the other group on their. tumors, :While t~,e tumors o;- a-11 the co;.,trol animals were di5tinguished by rapid growth, tu:-,Or de.velop.,,ont :!.~i expertmental. 'mar animals was inhibited. The tumors of five of the 12, expeO. ital aninals wore co=, lotely resorbod, four after magnetic field action on- the head --id one a f ter action on the tut-mor. At; a result of the o.4erimonts , candvated, it was determined ''that undor-tho action of.a magnotia fioldt *phiUtion of, 4;rcrerth down to coaplato resorption can be obtained both in transplayted.and in :U4uood Waors. USSR UDU 632-95 j-7, S. mu";aEov, v. Il. 1,,!. tj,,,, uj p. p. A_ G. li-, GOMSlIall, N. It. AB2LrZ'!-.5F;7, V. 1. L. Cu. 1-1ka 1-:1 NB . A. 'JVI;i A. Ii. S. 1. , ZLYNICA.., A. P. and TALIkSHI A. 1. "Polycarbazzin" V sb. Ehim. sicO_stva -11~shchity rast. (Cherl cail Plzunt co- -ii on Ue of, VOr~:S), vyp 1, 19,101 pp 0 104 (froa RU-IJ 55- A--AYzL, lio 131 i0 jL'l 72, Absti-act 11%.'a !3N5'__13 by T. A. Belyaycva) q Tmncilationt Tha offectivem-7s of palyc=b:-zin fT :a applej 5cab Fma grapc- vine mUdeir eqml.~j th.~t of tzlneb (r) ana polyzai--combl, whlli~ oa chcrPry- frult g=ay rot it- cquals Pordeaux liquid (111) (1 Tcr=nt.), but is ah~,,ud of I!. I equals 11 and Ill for Clastero-sporlur, Infect-ion. ,of chcrz- ard tomato The decisivc. factor vlAch the 1C.1luth of action of I is p-recipitation, which ;-ashes thepilo-mr-atior. off DlDnts, 61 ITS;: ........ ... . . 2-1--l-It W -_w - IMP mp LTSSR LMC 632.95 T S B. GOLUME-VA, V. A., AB-rM-,T~sr~, V, !. FM, 05EMKO, L. G. I'F,~;Wtk, V. 1. and 91W,,1.5F2F,3T0V, G# "Editone" Khim, sredstva zashchity rast,.(Chemical Ilearis of Protbetin,,; :Plants COM:ctlon of works), lt5sue 14", 1970, PP 129-i34'(Refa=,tivnyy Zhurnal Khimiya, Ho 10, (!1), 19-tZ., Abstract No 10H550 by T. A~ Bei~ayova) Traiislationt InvestiCa-11-ion of editone trahydro- (1) in La-norator~ con(.:',. t5l oils U Vitor showed thal I Is equivr-lent in fungicidal proporty to~Fb,ygon Loid offcrs rio threat to green plants. The effoctiveneSS, Of I In countering; n~pplc scab, gmrevine vlldew, che=y-plum Cla5terospqrilltaj mozillial bligilt, grey viold of chv----Ty treeB, and L-acrosporium in tovat ouo is e-qua). -t~o or. eYcaed,.-i 1-1he effectiveness of zineb and coppaz oxychlo~cid.~~ (coninentxation 0.25-0.125;-,,) and of, Bordeaux mixture in 1% concentration*- I Is not. offective in combatting powdery mildew. P, USSR UD C632-95 GOLYSM1,11-1. 14. 1 MOSEYENKO, LO GOI S UUENTSEV, V. 1, and SCWV'*fr;VA' G. V. "Use of a Combined Y'repa-i-ation of Goppor'Oxychloxide atbi " Mii,41d' V ob. Kn-in. aredstya :7-~~shchity xast, (Clio a-cal Agantn for Plimit Protection collection of Works), VyP 1, 1"'06001. 19701, PP 110-115 (fton P-.Zh-D)ijdya, No 11 , Jun 72, Atotract No 1VA-213) Translationt Rixtuies of coppzr oxvahlorlde and zine b J., .1 ra 41.05 of 111-5, ItIS effoctivcne-s and 41l freahly prep~xad innediately befote spraying had g in controlling apple tree mange and gTape mI.Idow than dV.1 the componorits applied sepnxatoly. The most effective was~u rdxtum, with a ratio of lel-5. A mixture prepared with the same ratio of cojaponentz a2. In Cuprotan Supoic D was. just &., effective bi field toots. aii~ the, latt 4"" 4 5 USSR UDC 535.211039.216.2 URAZALIYEV, U. S., UKRAIbSKIY* YU. H., GOW'KOVw L. Pl.o and GALKIN, B. D., Moscow "Crystal Structure and Chemical Composition of Thin Parmalloy Films Pro- dwAd by laser Radiation Fulsea in a - Free Generation 146de" Moscow# Fizika I Khiaiya Ubrabotki AKterlajov, No 4. Jul-Aug. 7), PP 151-152 Abatracts The crystal structure and chemicall com-posItlan of thin Permalloy filiant -,-oduced by laser pulse railation in the mode of free generation, were investigated for films made in a vacuum of 10-4 torz using a ruby laser with a pulse energy of approximately 4 joule and pulse tine of approximately 450 microseconds. The exceptionally high rate of deposition of the filva from laser radiation was noted and the crystal structu:xv of the film resulted trom the high kinetic energy of the vaporiied atoms and..heating of the sub- strata in the deposition process, It was.fouftd that the.. Yacuum efficiency was 1-2 orders higher in laser. radiation than in vacuum thermal vaporization and cathode, spraying4 Two bibliographic references, 42 - USSR uDo 621-923.o4 ORL071; P. if., WMI_ JA,_j-J, -Y GALKM 13. D. and SWOMLISOV, K. F. "The Character of the Surface Lm yer of Gallium Arsenide After Abrasive Grinding Moscov, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykdi Zavedeniy YhshInstroyeniye, No 4, 1973., PP 158-16-1 'Abstract: The influence of the process dynamics of the grinding used in preparing layers of gallium arsenide on the depth of the diotarbcd laver is considered. Using electron diffraction it ims concludod. that in order to increase productivity it is necessaa7 to use high speedi; and acceleration of the grinder on the foundation. On theother hand,.in order -to obtain a f minimal disturbed layer for fimal-polishing low speeds and minimal accelera- tion are required. These effects are.due to the influence of plastic deforma- tion on the process. 48 Thin Films USSR UDC 53.7-523.5':621-79 IVANOV, H. D., TIKHONOV, A. A., UKRAINSKIY9 :YU, M., and URAZRLIYEV, U. S., Moscow ."Microstructure, Phase.and Chemical Composition of Thin Permal- loy.Films As Affected by Cathbde-Pla!sma..Sputterixig'Conditions and Negative Space Charge on Substrate $u~rfacell: Moscow, Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki Materialov, No 5,:Sep-Oct ?0, pp 61-68 Abstract: The authors obtained films on both. flaz,.and cylin- drical substrates using an apparatus, based on the three-erectrode system principle, employing either a glow-discharge-cathode or a cathode-plasma sputtering regime. ?ermallo*y 791111M was used as the target, ultrapure xenon as the process gas.:: The structural properties and chemical composition~of the films were studied by ''electron microscopy (size of the crystallitesba the film sur- facel, electron diffraction (phase composition of on the aurface)s x-ray diffraction analysis (phase composition and lat- tice spacing of phase compolients ao,cording La the f ilm volume) 1/3 USSR- IVAN OV, R. D. , et al., Fizika i Khimiya Obrabotki Materialov, No 5, Sep-Oct 70, pp 61-68 and x-ray fluorescence analysis (overall content of alloy compo- nents in a multicomponent target and film)* An increase in 'khe target potential results in a sharp increase in the average crystallit6 size, as well as parti-ally oriented crystallization of the films. Gamma-phase.crystallites with J1101 planes are parallel tolthe substrate surface. In addition to the gamma phase, a constant impurity ini.the films under all cathode-plasma sputtering~conditions is antiferroirtag- NiO with a polycrystalline structure and:a more highly dispersed microstructure than ferromagnetic gacna-pha5e crys- tals. There is a quantitative increase in R04ituincreased target potential. There is a clearly pronounced tendency to- wardrincreased iron content with increased target Potential. Iron nrickLment of the ferrorragnetic-gamma.phase takes place, the enrichment be -ing more pronounced the more intensive the cathode-plasma sputtering regime. Thepressure, during the sput- 2/3 USSR IVANOV, Ft. D., et a"L., FizikaiKhimiya Obrabotki Materialov, No 5, Sep-Oct 70, pp 61-68 tering process nas a marked effect on tne film dispersity, viz. the lo-aer the pressure of the process gas and of the residual gases before letting in the process gas, the larger the crystal- lites. In cathode sputtering an iaevitable result of the sput- tering is a space charge on.the.surface of the isolated sub- strate. The charge potential was measured. It is shown that this charge reduces the rate of film depositio.nt affects the microstructure)-nd possibly promotes1ror. enrichment of the Permallo films. The presence of.oxide iriclusions:and tne in- y USSR UDC 621.~2t539.23 MALYUKOV, B.A., UKRAINSKIY. YU.. KOROLEV, V.YE. nNonstandard Method For Determining The Thickness Of 0oatings With The Aid Of An X-Ray Fluorescent Spectrometer" Eloktron. tekhnika. Nauchno-te%hn. ob. Materialy (Electronic Technology. Scient- ific "Dechnic-al Collection. Materials), 1970, lBsue~~, pp, 120-121 (from RZh--Elektronika I yeye primeneniye, No 12 January 1971, Abstract No 1A54) Translation: Formulas are derived for computdtion of the thickness of coatings, by the intensity of fluorescence tinder the-effeat of r-roy radiation. Those formulae can be uned during x-ray spectroscopic analyeip 'Of Ono-component film without use of standards. The precision of the propoeaCrAonstandurd x-ray spectroscopic method was equal to ^_j 1.7% during arAlyeis.of thin films of tin deposited In a vacuum on pyroceramio,subetratee-with, rsq~,Dot t~ line SnKa end 4% during snalyale with reopect,to lln~ SnTA G., B--~ cc 52 JCP I C. TtGS~-YAC~- I ~ ETCCL, OETAL HARCENINCt SFCT CLASTING, COEALT IK-1 M; ALLCY9 ILNGSTEN CGNTAINJ~C ALLCYt. TC'CL STEEL CC.NTRCL- P A Ri, I NC---N' RESTRICTICNS fPjl CLAS~--LNCLASSIFJFC ,~PPCXY STE F NC- IjR C 122 7C/:",',C/ DO tC 0 32 /C035 IRC C( ESSICN i,.C - - A P C C66: Acc. -tr.: f. Code; USSR UDC 621.9.025.13:669.018.2.L7:621. 78 7.6 TMET. 0. L., Candidate of Technical Sciences and UKRAXNTSEV, Go- of 'Engineer A o."Impact Strengthening of Hard Alloy Tooils" Moscow, Vestnik Mashinostrayeniya, No 1, 1970, pp, 32-35 Abstract: The results of tests conducted for toollstrengthening by a blast of metal spheres of 0.1 mm in diameter;nind by~hydro- abrasion, are described. The te .sts were condacted.~witft 76.~2 x 19 x 1.27 mm plates of different alloys',.clamped in a special jaw, with a blast directed normally to,the,plates.. It was.:observed .that the pLate deflection under blast increased rapidly:with time, but after 1-2 minutes slowed down and after 3.5 M :,ceased com- pletely., Diagrams.of residual stress,-calculated from plates deflection, presented in a graRh show that residualicompression stresses are up to 60-80 kg/m%./- with-0.1 mm thickrAcas of hardened layer. It was established that substantial residual stresses Reel/Firame 7M.90 ____ AP0046869 a 'th various co- may be obtained by.blast-method on hard Iloys U1 ba,lt-contents. The single and double tungsten Ailloys are less susceptible to strengthening. In order to~*check the efficiency of surface,strengthening of hard alloy tools and to establish the rational domain of application of this method td indiistry, ex- tensive performance tests were conducted,by.different tool plants. Theirresults presented in a table show P that the strengthening of the entire tool is recommended for.rough,and 4semi-finish jobs. It is stated that the blast process for-strenr4thening is,.used, simultaneously for cleaning the tools':from scale6 and;solder. The economy obtained by the application,of this'6ethba to current production is emphasized. original article has 3'i fi&res and 2 tables. 1979011.91 USSR UDC 629.78-015.4 UKRAINTSEV, G. V., FROLOV, V. M. "Method for Optimizing the Force Design of a Wing fur,Rigidity Under Varia- tion by Distributien of the Re-lative Thickness of the.Wing Ucb. zap. Tsentr. aerogidrodinam. in-ta (Scientific Notes of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute), 1972, Vol. 3~ No. 4, pp 65-76 (from RZh- 41. Raketostroyeniye, No 11, Nav 72, Abstract No 11.41.126). Translation: A method is proposed for optJmizing the force des-Ign of a witig which produces a structure having- the. greateat beriding rigidity by variation of ithe relative thickness- of the wing and the greatest distribution function for thicknesses of the strengthening material under the condition of constant weight and satisf action of certa in aerodynamic 11mitations. 9 ill. Resume. 23 Ism'] -2/2 010 UNCLAS SIFIED PR*OCESSING DATE--18SEP70 .~:Clf~C ACCESSION NG--AP0054869 .ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE PRESENT WORK WAS UND- TAKEN T (3 STUDY THE PHASE COMP~4, OF GeS AND GeSE: AT 2-5-600DE6REES. SAMPLES OF STOICHOMETRIC COMM. WERE PkEPD* ! FROM~THE-ELEMENTS 13Y 4FLTINIG IN EVACUATED QUARTZ AMPULS AT lGQ00E'tkEES,'6Y USING VISRAT!01,1 AGITATION. THE LATTICE PARAMETERS WERE DETD, BY X RAY;DIFFRAC.TT0N;. UPON-HEATINIG TO 590DE-GREES THERMAL EXPANSION OF. THE CRY*STAL LATTICE OCCrJR5. HEXAGONAL PHASES.OF GES. AND GESE ARE STABLE.,AT TEMPS. GREATER THA IN590DEGReES. THESE HIGH TEMP. PHASES OF THE 2 COMPDS. BELONG TO:~SPAGI: GROUP, D PRIME6 SU B6-7- C6 SUB3 2. -,U-NCLAS.SIFI,E-D---. 112 015 UNCLASSIFIED 'PROCESSING OATE--160CT70 ,ITLE--IMPE0ANCE OF THE CHLORM ELECtRODE IN rUSED SALTS -U- AUTHOR-(03)-LEL)NOVAi L.S.i~UKSHE~_ YE A B_UKLIN N"G- COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--ELE-KTROKHIMIYA 1970, 6(2)t 249-52 tlATE PUBLISHED------70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-CHLORINEE, ELECTROGEt GRAPHITE -ELECTRODE, ELECTROLYTIC OXIDATIONt FUSED SALTt CHEMICAJ_ REACTION.MECHANISM C, ONTR 0 LM A RK I ING--- N 0RESTRICTIONS DOCUM ENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~,.-.PROXY REEL/FRAME-1989/0461 STEP NO--UR/0364/70/006100210249/0252 CIRC, ACCESSION NO--AP0107067 UNCLASSIFIED Oi5 UNCLASSIT'llEa PRO10-*ESS ING VATlE--Ibu-%'_T70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107067 Ai3STRACT/EXTRArT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE KINETICS OF THE ELECTROCHEM. OXION.:ON GRAPHITE ELECTRODES Of CL DI.SSOLVED INtPOLTEN SALTS WAS INVESTIGATED, THE IMPEDANCE OF A GRAPHITE ELECTRODE IN CL SATO. MELTS OF NACL* KCL, RBCLf AND CSCL. AND IN AN EQUIMULAR: NACL-KCL MIXT. WAS JMEASUkF0 AT TEMPS. FROM THE SALT M.P#;:TO 900DEGRELS. FREQUENCIES OF 500 HZ TO 50-90 KHZ WERE USED, rlXPTL. RESULTS AND UULCD. DATA WERE IN GOOD AGREEMENT. T14E CONCEINTRATIONAL IMPEDANCE DEPENDS EXCLUSIVELY ON THE DISSOLVED MIOL. CL DIFFUSION.~ THE,RES*ULTS OBTA1,11ED DO NOT CONTRADICT, -THE INHIRI UF ADSORBED CL 4 IN.PRINCIPLE, THE CONCEPT RELATIVE TO ATU! RECOMBINATION; HOWEVER# THEY CANNOT PROVIDE POS.~EVIDENCE OF SUCH A COURSE OF THE PROCESS MECHANISM. 'FACILITY.; INST- NOVYKH KHIM. PROBL., MOSCOWt USSR. UNCLASSIFIED ommmum -77 USSR uDc 669-15 716694-15-194.56 MNOVA, R. R., 1W USNImv. -it and BUY11011, N. H., Institute UVAROV, A. I. , ROr I of Physics of Metalso Ukrainian ANationalrCenter of tho Academy of Sciences USSR "influence of Low-Teaperature Aging Before Ifigh-Temperature Aging on the Mechanical Properties and the Structure of 4,DKh4G18F Steel" Sverdlov~kt Fizika Hetallov i Hetallovedeniye Vol 36, No 40 Oct ?3, pp 735-741 Abstracti The mechanical properties and-the structure of 4OXh4G18F steel were experimentally investigated after different methods of beat treatment, The results are discussed by reference to diagrams showing the dependences of ultinate strenqh, y1eld limit, relative elongations and relative narrowing at 650" and 700 at different aging conditions, and on the basin of isochronal hardness curves, hardness curves by isothormal aging at 1700-, and electron microphotograph after aging. The processing according t* the scheme hardening low-temperature aging - high-temperature aging was fourd to give rise to a substantial increase in strength of 4OKh4G18F steel andi in certain cases, also in plasticity, if compared with.only ono bigb-temperature agingi the dispersion of separations was also increasing. A prelimigaxy Joir-temperature aging before high-temPOrature aging influences effectively the increase of mechanical properties of steel, in which in,aging the priaiaxy n.Uclei of the 1/2 23 -M, ~- ;1,7171,1~1--Tl' UDC 620. J7:539, 45 EFFECT OF VARMS COMSIMATIONS OF ACING AND DEFORMATION ON 'I fir STRUCTURF. AND MMIANICAL PROPERTIES OF E1437B ALLOY ?j. '4, Bvnov, A. 1. Uuaro~, A, N. Uki;,j4oikv. ft. 11, Rcinano,,A' A. Qxydt4,,7~7~-tttute, ur 0- it Mt;Uila' 4n, US Ur&l.S.c,erWit Cer;t r ~'.i SR Arldeitty of Sci-c-'A. sub.itted to prep- 18 June 117 1; final vrrnsan. 19 Ft-bruary 1117Z p-ges 1251-1258 The rfl~ct of 4,-formatitin jIerfomj-J afte r Iow-(c-nnperature befere high - te mite rature agiAg on the structure. anti risech.tnical profirrtirs uf,;iilrjy F1457IYwas ~tudioti. Expert. mental,datap confirming the posxaiiil~ty of decreaAlng or t)rs-:nr4ng rectrorry in thit alir-y ljy nArans tA moderate deformation -bttweentlowr(emper~turo a)od hisch-ternperaturc aftin;t% 'iiivie ulitiiiniwr~ It;tablialied that the use of iritriltnt according to the following ncherrict hardeoing- low-lernfirratare 4ging-deformation (straining)-high- temperature aging leads to an essential increase of thr, rinechartical properties in comparison with aging without deformation, in rpf-ronce 111 Ow conclusion made rarlii-rjZ) that prelinil-lary low. temporaturr aging before high-lemperature iRlng must be. effectivo In indreaiiing the mechanical properties of alloys of the nitnonic type was experimentally confirmed. In theme alloys the initial nucl,:i of the precipitation phit- have an equinxialform and -ire capa4le of a tmticc.ble growth at low-tpmpcratur~ aging. Also. prolonged aging st low tt,pora. turps increases the Stability of the nuclei for the Guifinct-Tirriatin zone) and their larger quantity to prelierved In tItibacquent high- tempe rature aging. Such dwoble aging provides a large djapernivity of the precipitations and high strength properties in comparison with the dispersivity And siren th o( the alloy aged at an Increased tempirature. However, the minimum on iscithermic curves of hardness in high-temperature agivil testifies that a 18