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UDC 551.509.31k,551.557 114-IFE UH-EK tallosrimn STF.tICTL [Article by Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences C Te tl _A~L~. Fj3Mrutd1.nova, X_nzan' State UnivarzIty; X"co-, pp AL study wan =Ade of the-boriaontal structural function at altitudes of 80-100 km In the.scale range of 5;-200 km with reopc!~t radio, rflf lee tlons, I rom, =teor..trailr obcatno#l on a radar with an angle gage. The maxinuun horizontal scale of the turbulence was ;(1740 %m, the.onisotropy of the structural, was eotablished,relative to tho.,mean,wind.direction. One of the,most Impottant propertiii of, the radiomteor method of a Ud 09 , itmoijbir_ic,2664cmants,14 -comparison with- other. methods to the possibil- t Y ity of_ investigating large-scale, turbulence. - In - this gaver's ~study is -twda of the properties of'th't spatial structural function D ZZ (r) for them medium and large a colas Dit jfj I L', (x);,. wher- Vj f-4r I. t!l ~.rj are the projections of the wind velocity in the horizontal ploas in the direction of the radar at POIntM,With a relative distance r. Knowing the CDOTdinate of the reilvctina points, it is possible co dt- ter.Aine r by the formula In, r Ifl, $JA ZA t0$ ji - (R, $in A. On-. Ill f it,% sm Z,wt A, - where R. A, Z are the range, azimuth, and =aaith angle of the reflection points, Vs, V or a th tproje ctians of the mean velocity in thr, northe ly anti tonta-.iy ddect-lon:i. D5 ten-nas USSR UDC: 621-396.969:551-508-85 TEPTIN, G. 11. the Effect of Aotcnna Radiation Fattems in Determining the Parameters of Atmospheric MovemOnts". V sb. Meteorn. ras e pat atibn of Radio Wavf~r sprostr. radiovoln (Met oric Pro collection of worksi, vyp. 7., Kazaal,lkazjuil UnivernIty, 1970, pp 108- -115 (from Di:ta vacLolli 12G59 Tra nslation: The author demonstrates the necessity of~ accounting for horizontal anisotropy.of turbulence when :caldulatinp; the distortions in the parameters of atmospiieria,motions resulting from th effect of radla~ -,tion patterns whon the-se rv;tions are determined by the inetho(i of radar location of meteors; the procedure~bf accounting for this anisoti ipy is ,-outlined. Corrections are calciLLated.foxi a -_three-elerLOit and a five-element antenna of the "wave channel'. type. Two illustrations,Ibibliography of two-titles. N. S. 10r Acc. Nr. _00042562- Ref . Code: (0 ~-_-2_ Spectra of Wi%d VeloQt 'y at Altitudes 80-100 kin (Abstract: "Characteristics of W-Lnd Velocity Spectra at Altitudes 80-100 km, " by ~Q. B. Pokrov.5ki and G. M. jSj"16,AQ an' Scate Univer-sity: Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR,'*MTra_Atmosfery i Okeana, Vol.VI, No 2, 1970, pp 127-133) The spectra of atmospheric movements at altitudes 80-100 km, com- puted in overlapping intervals with periods from 3 hours to 28 months, reveal a number of peculiarities. On the,;one hand, there is a similarity to circulation ir.* the lower atmosphere. There is a ciearly expressed maximum which is also observed for ionospheric.~movements. The degree of expression of this maximum is of the same order of magnitude as In the sur(ace layer. Other periadicities are observed which are similir to variations in the lower atmosphere (annual, quasisem.1annual, an(I others). On the other hand, differences are also noted. In place of a inesometeoro- logical minimum in the spectm-a at meteor, altitudes there are strongly ex- pressed.variations with periods of 12, 24 and 6 hours, caused by the solai tidal effect. In the spectrum of circulation wish large periods, in the zonal component of the wind the decisive variation has a Reel/Frame' e o '4 PAifte~rfi R'd gn_~tion informatiqnMe6ry -USSR -TER-ARUTYUNOV, G. M., N)GTIKOV, A. N., ANISIMOV, V. V. I'Device for Input of Information From a.Photograpbic Information Carrier" Otkrytiya. Izobretmeniy.a Promyshlonnye Obraztsy Tavarnyye Znaki, No 35, 1972, Patent No 359672 Translation: A device for input of information from a photographic information carrier containing a photosensitive.matrix and connected to a convertor.which is, in turn, connected to an inpittr register:and a pulst, gerierator, differing Wthat in order tv increase the. reliab W ty ~ of countitig, ainarker PL116e ahaper containing a seriwi-connected dif f erentiating. circuit, OR circuit, first Kipp relay, first sha2er, second Kipp relay.and4 second Nhaper are connected to the input register zero-setting unitj contlainin.~ a series- connected third Kipp relay and third shaker, a switch connected to the first Kipp.relay, a marker pulse shapeir unit, and a pulse generator, the output of-the.second shaper being connected to.the interrogation wire, and the marker pulse shaper unit being the inputs of them register. USSR UDC; 53-088.3 A_Method of Defonaing the Characteristic of a Nonlinear Device Leningrad, PrLborostroyeniyO No Z, 1972, pp 37 40 Abstract: A method is proposed, in-this theoretical article, for taking into account the effect of higher hamonics dz the harmonic linearization of piecewise.continuous functiono whoue second de- rivatives do not vanish. The caselin which thp use.of nonlinear control laws require harmonic linearization of one -and two-valued piecowise linear fun-.tions is discussed together with on example. The aixthor considers another app-roach-to the problen, b~~qed on an ex-amination of the change in the fund=6ital which occiirs as -the result of distortion of the nonlinear characteriai tic by small- amplitude high-frequency the input of the nonlinear device. It was foimd that computations for several practical ex- amplesp made in accordance with this'method$ produce,results which agree completely vith those -of modeliiig.: The ai.4thor. is associated with the S. Oi-dzhonikidze Hoscow Aviation 111stitute. USSR UDC 577-391076-345 TER-AVLMSYAN, A. T., Radiobiolo&r Sector, 141nistry of Public Health, Armenian "The Effect of X-Rays and Various'Combinations of C.Ytotoxio.Substances on Tissue' Incompatibility in,Rats",_'.~ Zhurnal Armenii,'Vol 24, No 12t Dee 71, pp, 68-71 Biologicheski. Abstractt The project was conducted in order to prolong th-9 retention periods of a-homologous skin transplant, on. the, new,: hosts. by, meatis of lohizing radiation Inconjunction with vari"Lous cytostatic c,,)mpounds. In his last report, the author showed that the-use. of various combinations of ihmunosup- pressants decreases to a considerable degree the reactive potentialities both of the recipient and of the homologous tr-twsplant..', In the prasent paper it is isbown that the combinei use of X-ray irmdtiitlon ud immunosup- pressants sharply reducen Inmunobiological procqsaus InAhe animal orguism this, in turn, in reflected in bloaniemical and mor .1 6har pholQLr~ca ges, as well as in prolongation of the retention periods of a.homologious transplant fron the new host. In other words, the reactive potentialitiesp 1~oth of the recipient and of the donorp are weakenedo~ USSR UDC 577-391:611.81/82 M-AVETIS= 7q) V. Yu., Radiobiology Sector, YAnistry of T., and KOGIL ffe~frh ~~;exdan. SSR "Combined Effect of X-Ray Irradiation and 1=1nodepressants on Morphological Changes of Blood and Bone Marrow'Cells Yerevan, Biologicheskiy Zhurnal Armenii., Vol 25; No 9j' 19721 PP 54-58 Abstract: White mice and rats were irradiated and given combinations of cyto- static drugs (antilymphocytic serum., trimitan,, thioph6aphamide, and three other drugs) to test the combined,effect of~such treatmelit on blood-forming Cells. Results were similar in rats and mice. In peripheral blood, quantita- tive changes included an overall reduction of leukocytet~s toa minin=. by the 4th day after treatment, and variable re Icovery ti.mes fx'om 30 to 90 days after 4 b - n treatment, lymphocytes taking longer than granulocytes' ymThopeaia vas oted for a short time in some groupe. 'Hyperse'pentation of'neutrophils -was obsezved. In the bone marrow the percentage content.of hemocytoblasts and myeloblasts decreased nomeAiat in all groups, mature neutrophils itirreased somewhatI. and lymphocytes and monocytes disappeared-altogether. Pecovery occurred within 30 days. Combination of inz=odepreunnts- a33d irradlatian~t caused more profound changes in this case. In general, changes in bone marr6l~ cells were reflected 1/2 66 2 /P- USSR UDC 539.104 TrR-A_V=JjW,..A.,.T and ALAVERDYM, M. I., Radiobiology Sector, IMinistry of-Health,, Armenian SSR "The Effects of X-Rays and of Some Immun:osuppressants on the Immunobiologi- ~~cal,.Characteristics of the Organisd' -115 Yerevan, Biologicheskiy Zhurnal Armenii, Vol 24, No 3, Mar 71, pp 112 Abstract: Rats were irradiated with x-rays in a dose of 300 r. Twenty-four hours later, antilymphocyte serum, thiophosphamide, or trimatin in doses of 0.3 ml, 3 mg/kg, and 2 mglkg,.respectively were injected. Antilymphocyte serum was obtained by iimiunizing rats with mouse spleen:,cells. Administra- tion of immunosuppressants (cytotox1ic agents),was repeated twice per week for:four weeks. Combinations of,zptilymphocyte serum with trimetin, anti- lymphocyte serum with thiophosphamide, and thiophosphaw-ide with trimetin weye used in the same manner. As shown by tests on, cont-rol rats that had been irradiated but not treated with immunos).zppressants,,irradiation resulted in a,gradual decrease of the content of gamma-globulins in theblood serum during the next four weeks. The effect oflboth~irradiatlor. and immuno- suppressants resulted in a much greater decrease of the gan-aa-globulin cuatent. The decrease was generally greatest during the third1week of USSR TER-AVETISYAN, A. T., and AIAVERDYAN,,M. I., Biologiclieskiy Zhurnal Arinenii, Vol 24 No 3, Mar 71, pp 112-115 radiation sickness, with the content of gamma-globulins dropping to zero or close to zero in some instances., The level.of alpha- and beta-globulins was-affected similarly, while tbat~of aAumins rose to:some extent. The most.pronounced post-irradiation hypoglobulinemia,was produced by combi- nations of immunosuppressants.- Simultaneously.vitb the:reduction of globulin conteat, there were decreases in, leukocyte count, iienoglobin content, and the erythrocyte count during the~3-4 weeks:after irradiation in. rats, treated with ivanunosuppressaits. 2/2 -24 P lant Pathology_ uDc 632. 4: 633 -1-1: 582 .285.2 (1vT+47t Z~' I.-EDDROVA, V. A., SIBCOIENNO, V. I. TEMSHOK31,13KO B. LESwaf, I.I. P..$ A.) SHOPITIA V V. IBMG1114OV, G. R., MME DOV, S. A. ROGURVA ~rq_ ;:.w M MVA, A, N., r-E-FESYPICIR, V. F., BOYKO, Yu I. bf-EAVARINA, Z. A., 0, ; CHMMOV " A. Ye., YATE-IsENIKO, Z. 1., PAYCHAM, 10. V*,'~ and RLICHIRPMV., A. A.) All-Union Institute of Plant Protection,T Mrainian Inntitute of Plant Protection, Ukrainian Agricultural AcadeiTf.,~ Azerbaydzilan institute of Agricul- ture, Central Asian Institute of Plant P4thology, and.Kazar.1 Institute of Plant Protection, Georgian Ingtitute ofTlant Patholoe'x "Race Formation in Puccin;.a triticina Eriks. and P. striifonriis 'West. in the ussv T_,enlngrad, Mikologiya i Fitopatolo iya go 6 1972,- Rp 428-434 rur Abstract: Study of the causative ap;ents of orange leaf and strippe its of wheat in different Parts of the Soviet Union and some other EuroT)ean uouritvi-s showed that, despite trie greet. -variety of races, anly a few axc for epiphyttatics. The m.:Ln races are fair. v constant -from )tec r to y,,,,,. 1154i,; 4 staMlization is due to -the fact that tlw.:~'m6ra ViWi 9~Yb of all. the NtICAt Vallatiou in the U8,13 '*R are auseeptible to all races of the pathogens. 'Elie racial composition of the pathog-ens in the USSR to that occux-_,.n6- elsewhere in Europe because of the exchange of original fa.-T,,s and use of the 1/2 "nor UDC 669.i83.4t621.745.4 IMHCMKO. I. P., T3=HMG=.j_V.__T M&IRTYNOV, 0. V., TRAMMOVICH, V. I., and BORMTOV, D. V., Tula Branch of Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy, Novo-Tula hetallurgical Plant "Sponge Iron for Steel Malting Productich" Xoscow,.Metallurg# 110 7, Jul 731 pp 20-,w 22 Abstracts Investigations at. the Novo-Tula Metallurgical Plant has revealed tbat iron ore concentrates with~a maxiaum concentration degree must be used for the procluction of sponge iron suitable for remeltUg in steel melting aggregates. Factors which must be considered~ when using sponge iron in the capacity of raw material# burdan#.and substitute for~st6vl al pi are din- cussed. The increase of iron.content,irilttht "rom'ore concentrate at -- L . . I I -so of 98% 19*As to t Re maxinuA reduction de&z he,*growth of~ taWa iron in the -:aporNp according to 164Fe - A Femet= tinit %vhere Ak emet=:LnOreas e 9o5 67 USSR 1. P., et al. Metallurgs, No 7, Jul 73, pp 20-22 of concentration Of red-aced metallic iron in sponge (in and 42einit=inc-rease of iron.content in initial,,concentrate (in The iron sponge oy-idatIon dependence in storage on, the metalii- zation degree is characterized-by, &0=9.93-00094 mhere &O=oxi- dation concentration increase'in.spo. du--L- storage ( in '), nge iron P _P=--e-ta- zation degree of initial sponge ( in and Ili, - I k'). The Ag denen- dence on the storage time in open air is illustrated. Three fix,,,u- res, two tables. 21/2 USSR UDC 591-484 'TS TER-GAZARYAL jjE, T., and GEVORKYANO D. A., Optical Reception Labomtory, -X-a_-,Aemy of -B~~17e~ces Armenian SSR "Some Functional and Morphological Characteristics of the Action of Leser 'Radiation on the Retina of a Pigeon's Eye", Yerevanp Biologicheskiy Zhurnal Armenii, Vol 25, No It 19?2, PP 83-87 Abstracts Experiments were conducted to determine functiorial ch&nges In the retina following laser irradiation and their relation~,to morphological changes. The left eye was irradiated three times~at 3-day Intervals ky a defocused laser (wavelength-69439, pulse re~etltlon rate-2hzj enerMr-0.1 J/pulse, pulse duration-not more, than 35 nanosec4). An electroretinoGram waz used during and t after irra-Aiation to reGister retinal activity. Negative oscillations in ".he ERG of the pigeons dutAng direct ix-radiation' shows positive :retinal da iLr~k The ERG did not deviate from its usual form Oen subjected to a test flazh of light immediately following laser Irradiation. The.enucleated Pigeon eyes were treated and prepared in dyed$ 15 mircon sections : The following mor- phological changes were observeds The lelpt eyes show;ct acute edema and histiocytic infiltration in the area of the optic disc wid of the layer of nerve fiber* At the base of the PeCtenj 'with'aLbackaxomd of the edema, ture. infiltzation with depigmentation "d,destruction of tho,pecten tissue struc 10 USSR M. -GAZARTIAZInS YE. T., an&GEVOWAN, D. Biologicheskly Zhurnal Arrienii, Vol 25 No 1 1972, pp 83-87 In the pecten itself, acute vascular plethora with destniction of the pecten's piguent. structure# daeoraposition of pigment, with U3 converalon to a fine- grained structure-, 8wollen vascular endothella, the vascular tunic, structural dama~gej, retina-l- s#y,forpit~0n:, ves5el dilationg, and letdtocyte Poro a*oumulation. Hypertrophy and hom,ogenUation in the~vbzculax endothelia. Vascular pigment depleted or ab-sents Retinal pseling together with pignent epithelium as a result of hemorraha4li~-~nclildestrudt-,'ot,, ~,f figment epithelium. Edema of -,layer of nerve kite Iris pigment depleted Histolymphocytic 7infiltration of iris. Crystalline lens capsule peeling. In the corneap epithalial layers- uere shed, areas of desquametion an& discomplexation of epithelium. The right, unexposed retina~waa 'ruptured along the Digment epithelium and histiocytie infiltration in~Ahe a-xea of the outlei of the Wten was observed. USSR uw 616.94681.142 -TA 'A. A . A. Z., TEPLYMV, B. Ya., DROZDO TER-K PYAN 140MAKROVA) S. I., and TUMOVA', d.,--Central Scientific Research, institute of .~Hpide~dology, Ministry of Health, USSR, and Belorussian Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology "Centralized Processing of Materials on Infectious Diseasq's" Minsk, Zdravookhraneniye Belorussii,~ wo-6,-1970.,Tp 66-67 Abstract: The organization of data requires~,centralized'proce6sing of properly 'classified information whieh may be suitable for machine procesl3ing. For this pwr- ie, a new chart ,ms prepared by the Central Institute of 'r~,Adendology, designed por for epidemiological studies and provided with a separate shtlet containing 18 points considered essential for centralized processing. At the seMnars attended by all epidemiologists,.their aides, and all others working with t2fectious diseases, the difficulties concerning the particularAtems in the~mw chart. vere resolved. various Putting these new charts through the Miinsk-22! computer .provA~& accumte,, relialcle, and time-saving. USSR uDc 616.9436.2i_oB4.4 TER-KA RUNOVA, 0. A., asA YASMVA, 8, !,A#, Central Institute of OSCOW "Indices of Epidemiological Service,RenderOd to the Poplaation According to Re- ports of Sanitary-Epidemiological Stations~, Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidosdologil i Immunobiologii, Ito 7. Jul 70, pp 39-44 Abstract: Form 36, routinely filled out by a3l Soviet sanitary epidemiological stations. provides detailed information on a. great Variety~of infectious diseases, especially on trends over a period of years~ and in differ6tit parts of-the country. It is helpful in assessing the health statua-at a given tivie and in planning pro- vontive measures* Form 36 has three sets of imiices. The first applies to in- dividual patients and covers completeness of hospitalizati6n, timeliness of hospitalizati6n, laboratory tests. confirmation of diagnoses, etc. The secord set of indices eoncerns activity In epidemiefoci, includiog frequency of detect- ing a source of.infection, completeness of epidemiological inspection of foai, bacteriological examination of individuals who had eontact~with sick persons, etc. Thothird set involves systematic bacteriological:examinations o1 mandatory groups (food handlers, workers in central water supply installations, institutionalized USSR UDC 51 TER-KRIKOROV, A. M "Investigating Equations of Dynamic Balance With Dela y Moscow, V sb. Issled. operatsiy, Modeli,: siste2y, resheniya (Investigation of Operations: Models, Systems, and Solutions. -- collection of worL--.;), 1972, 58-63 (from RZh--Imatematika, No 10, 1972, Abstract No 1OV560) Translation: A system of equations.of dynamic balance of the Leont'yev type with delay is examined. It,is assumed wthat there is only one reserve-forming e equation of order n. branch. :The problem reduces to solving one differenc Conditions are found under which: balanced; increase isl possible, and an asymp- totIc'solution for large t is set up. :Author's.resume. -7-7711777 7777 P !NG ~DATE--tou-. 77777- UIJCLAS:�N~IED. b c CIRCIACCESSIGN NO--AP0105643 .~'-~~-ABSTRACTIEXTR4CT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TOTAL CROSS SECTIONS OF THE PRIMEPLUS OR MINUS, N, K PRIM-EPLUIS OR ~M:INUSt N AT F YIELDS PARTICLES PiI COULD BE EXPLAINED BY SH0qER FORMATION' IN THE F~RM OF ~~-RED ISPERSION AND INCREASE OF BRANCHINGf 'WITH, PP SRA.~CHING GIVING THE CON TR I BUT I ON. THE THEORETICAL MODELS.-FOR CASCADE AMPLIFICATION ARE 'EFFECTS WERE ALSO HYPOTHESI:ZED OF'A:CASCADE SC14EME FOR THE :GLAUBER,,CORRECTION OF SECTION DIFFERENCE: FOR THE 61 P AND PI PRIME -P POS ITI VE PARTICLES. UNCLASSIFIED ~JJDC' 62!~M9.491-416,029.'64 USSR VENDIK, 0. G. , LOOS, G. D. , TER-MARTIROSYAN L.- T. "Planar Segnetoelectric Capacitors for Microwave Devices" Moscow,. Radiotekhnika i -171ektronika, Vol 170 No 101 1972, pp 2241-2243 Cs Abstract: Studies were made of the electric and thermal characteristi a' segnetoelectric capacitors for superhigh frequency devices at temperatures cor- responding to the paraelectric phase of the,segnetoelectr.ic. Planar capacitors of Ba (Ti, Zr)O ~Ba Sr)TiO and SrTiO films obtained by the method of 31 1 3 3 agpjomeration on Beo were investigated. For Chicknesses of the film of several microns the capacitors have high.tionlineariti. A decreasa in the initial capacitance of the capacitor with a decrease,-in the film.thickness confifirs ~the known laws of variation of c with thickness of the segnetoelectric layer (E. V. Hursian, et al, Fizika tverd6go tcld,.Vol 6, No 6, 181.8, 1964; St. Clucksman, et al- , Zesz. nauk. Wyzs?a szkola ped. Kato-vic"Ich" tic 60 71 19681. The nonlinearity of the fil= in the investigated thickness range of 3-40 rd- crons varied little. MgO can be recommended as the subr-trate material. The j capacitance and nonlinearity of planar capacitors with it substrate of 11-1.0 is lcwer than in the case of using-JW for.the same film thicknesse-& Satisfactory nortlinearity is not obtained on sapphire !'wi th film thicknesses than 5 ni- crons. Tite dielectric losses in the planar~capacitors::i .n the centimeter wave q 112 50 T5,11,~ -P USSR VENDIK, 0. C., et al., Radiotekhnika i Elekrronika, Vol 17, No 10, 1972, pp 2241-2243 range were defined by the resonator method. To measure the thermal delay con- stant the investigated capacitor was included in a superhigh frequency circuit to-whIch a weak measuring signal and.powerful:pulse*s,werr- fed.; The temperature dependence of the capacitance of a planar capacitor is c1haracterized by a highly diffuse peal, for film thicknesses less than 10 microns. ;Capacitors with a S TIO film applied by the agglomeration method.on a EeO substrate made it r i Possigle for the first time to.realize successful operation of a nondegenerate parametric amplifier in the 2 gigah6ftz range'in the c6ritinuous-mode. 2/2 Mf. Code: UR 0056 Ace.. Nr '#M38049 PRIMARY SOURCE: Zhurnal Eksperi e tallnoy i Teoreticheskiy m, n 58 Nr 1~ Fizikk, 1970, Vol 8 1 - PP RAYLEIGH ANVC61,81NATIONAX, SCATTERLNG IN TUB FIELD'OF'AN, INTENSE Alt.&Vg.: elvan.'M.-t xer.-Mikay -BMW Scattering of a light wave' by. an atom is considered *ithout assuming validity of perturbation theory with respect, to the scattered :field.' The scattered light frequency may be close to ca:!j which is the'frequency COITO-ponding to the energy difference of the two atomic levels. Relaxation of the'systeni is'nagleeted and it is assumed that the xtrength of the scattered wave field fs-much smaller Chan (lie chiractcristic alomic valties. It is shown that deviation froin the usual perturbation theory results depends on the- parainefor a (11), Scattedrig of light by a two-loyel system is first considered-, it is shown that bei!ides spontaneous u shiftad scattering (23), coinbiriational stiviula- pro ding 010 13 Mee for t~e sa- ted scattering %vith a frequency '(24) appears, . vi wa.rico j, turation effect, The magnitude of dils -$cattiering i-s defived by crosri sectioa (30). Mo. r in an intense I systom possouus an abSorplioa line. at tho reove field: A bko - JeNjej. frequency (25), the cross section being, (31). Tbei resulti's are exwaded W the case of REELMANE- 'AYOO 38049 a many-level system. The transition 1 2 is comsiderod by taking into account inter- madiate levels and nouresonance terms. Additional coherent spontauedds'scattering at a' double frequency with a cross section (M),appears in this piso. Noncohererit ttimu- fated combinational scattering at two additional -frequencies (40 and (42) defined by new the: cross sections (41) and (403) appears. -The:srstem will po.~5ess absorption at' additional frequencies; (45)- aul. (421): defille by i cr&q s; ~ecticlns:,(46) band (47). The - for- corree 0: b . Aheoey formulas, _UY describe th limitink Aransition 1,6. pertux atioi~ 191*10193 a -----3-04/0732 --UR /9 L I S/To/000 /005/005W0056 .P,,3cjxy fir LIFRA' f~ STEP f40 -jCIRC ACCMILVI NO-AP01,31 327 1-11 L I 1 7771,17777-7 77 F 77777-77-777 _t-,si M!~ 777777 -_SS ING DATE-27NOV70 P z ~020 UIINCUASSHJW~i ROC' CIRC- ACCES$IMN t',10--AP 0 13132 7 STRACT/EXTPACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. p 'A3. THE.' OBJECT oF !rHF AUTHOR CONSISTED IN THE,STUDY IN EXPERIMENT OF, THE EFFECT: OF.CURTISCRTIF .4 P WSOME MIETHOOS OF PRESERVATION ON THE PFSULTS OF TRANSPLANTATI0,M OF HETEROGENOUS ...~C4PTILAGE. THE METHODS OF COOL INK-P AT THE- TEMPERATURE- OF PLUS 40GGREESCt .:FREEZING AT MINUS 70DEGREESC ANO-STORAGE -.IN PARAFFIN AT PLUS 40EGREESC -HAVE BEEN INVESTIGATED. TO STUDY-THE:EFFECT OF CO-RIVISON-Er THE EXPERIMENTAL GROUP OF ANIMALS RECEIVED INJECTIONS 01- THE, VPEPARATION BY .1 :THE DEVELOPED METHOD. MICROSCOPIC STUDIES AND QETJ,::RMlNATION OF TISSUE RESPIPATION OF GRAFTS AT VARIOUS PRIODS AFTER TRANSPLANTATION SERVED AS E TESTS1 DETERMINING THE VIABILITY OF THE, TRANSPLANTED CARTILAGE. THESE REVEALED THAT A041NISFRATION. OF. CORTISONE OURING TRANSPLANTATION rHE EXPERLIMENTS HAVE AL 0 SURVIVAL OF THE TRANSPLANTED GRAFTS., .,`Ei-.5T.A8LISHE0 1HE DEPENDENCE OF-T.klE,*RESU(T.:S OF TRA,"ISRLANTATION ON THE -CARTILAGE PRESERVATION. 'fz;ACILIlY:~ ERE-VAN. INSTITUTA I ORTOPEDII A. PETROSYANA.: UNCLASSH: lE0 USSR R T Candidate of Technical Sciences, boc4.-at, and MUKHIN, V. D,, LR- HITAR01. H. S. ER P Polytachnic Institute Arm "Laboratory Work Using Computers" Moscow, Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, No 10, Oct 70, pp 39-40 Abstract: The course "Principles of Computer Technology" at Perm' Polytechnic Institute employs a cycle of laboratory sessions in which:students become ac- quainted with the designs of individual calculatingAevices and acquire skill in using series computers. The.technical center for thoa~a seasions is the laboratory of the Chair of Computer Technology, which is equipped with a "Minsk-I" digital computer and M-7, MPT-9-3, EHU-8i ERU-7010 analog machines. The choice of subject for the analog machines varies accOrding to the students' specialization. As a rule, the students have no trouble'with the analog ma- chines, but do with the digital compu:er.i Therefore, the chair designed a series of laboratory stands for the exercisealn digital,computer technolbgy. One of the stands-is a table design, three-phase yolta$e. A base of series,logic elements. of the "Hir-1,11. systemls'used,. supplemented with aux- iliary elements. There are no'stand::~'excep4 for the power 1/2 .USSR d MUKRIN, v Ves,tai TER-MMITAROV, M. S., an k'~Tys~hey~ Ohkoly.., No 10, Oct 70, pp 39-4 circuits, with all inputs and outputs brougIhltout toa patchboard. The stand includes 86 logic elements, including AND-OR~,NOT, 3-. and 4-input AND, 3-1-nput OR, MD (pulse-Dotential), delay elements, (un'ivibrators),L~ YES elements (power amplifiers), binary signaling elements, and.6inary code transmitters. The subjects developed for the laboratory sessions in dig ital computer tech- nology were designed to give the students practical experience in the design and study of logic circuits, digital computing circuits, and computer compo- nents. The cycle of laboratory sessions culminates with teaching the students tovork directly with a "Minsk"L", :Students "Automation and Tele- methanics" are given 14 hours for this,~Wtthat least two hours to be spent at the consolei 2/2 90 77 U (7 SR, _g TER-MKRTCI G. "Equivalence with Respect to Dissipation,of Wo Systems of Random Quantities" T r. Gidrometeorol. 71-1. Tsentr. SSSR, [Works of USSIZ Hydrometeorological Scientific Research Center], 1970;, No 64,~ pp 140-145, (,Translated from Refera- tivnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 5, 1971, Abstract No. 511.1-55 by the author). Translation: The problem of equivalence with respect to dissipation of two sets of normally distributed random quantities is studied from the general standpoint. A new formula is produced for the equivalent nmnber of indepen- dent random quantities, A new proof is presented for: a formula produced earlier by the author by the me-flod of characteristic function5. T, USSR BALALAYEV, V_ A., DZHELEPOV, B. S MEDVEDEV A. I., T'k, IUSESYANTS V. YEIt,, M, I. F. , and S Cient-ILIVIC 'Ir"e'a-WInstitute UCMATK HESTOPALOVA, S.,: A.~A n Wes of Metrology imeni D. 1. Mendeleyev A0, Lul 6.9 Decay" 'i Nauk SSSR, Seriya,Fizicheskaya, Vol. 34, 'No. 1, Jan 70, Moscow, Izvestiya Akaderid pp 2-11 Abstract; The conversion electron spectrum of LuI69 was Measured on the NV2 ~-spec- ns i3j; 1180 900 kev.and 10100-1500 Rev. trometer of the T titutte in the energy range 169 occurring Several tens of new lines were observed.' A table of.rtransvtioni in Yb IG9 is C -surements and the data in-the decay of Lu ompiled on the basis.of these vnea of other authors and covers t--ansition ene ies.from 24 kev to 2300 kev. The tran- sition energies are given together with.the::mean-square error ,and also the inten- sities of. K-conversion electrons~ da'ta e-n th6 int-ensitierse.,of y-transitions, calcu- lated conversion coefficientsand the. multipola-~_'ty.; A d;:-cay scheme for 1,UI69 is iven-based on all the available data 9 ~on Yb i:Ievels. -i 7 L A ~S$ -I F- I ECI-----: 013 UNCLASSIFiEU. PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 IN-THULI:UM-169 DURING THE ..T-I-TLE--EXCITAT ION OF LEVELS OF ~~633.;:WqD.i ~~.__"--'DATE:-.PUBLISHED --70 SUBJECT AREAS--NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY s-jQPl:C*. TAGS NUCLEAR ENERGY LEVEL*:: EXC ITED NUCLEUSt;THULIUM ISOTOPE, -ISOTOPE,-GAMM4 SPECTRUMv GAMMA'TRANSIT,I0Nt'.BETA DECAY# ..... YT.TERB.IUM 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--160CT70 :C.IRC ACCESSION NO--APOW5351 -~..'A8STRACT/EXTRAC T-- (U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. GA14MA SPECTRUM ANO CONVERSION E Of: PRIME169 Y8 WERE STUDIED IN THE:RANGE"OF:SPECTRA WHERE GAMMA rRANSITIONS OF THE K PKIMEPI EJUALS 3-2 PLUS WERE EXPECTED. FLECTkOJLYTICALLY DEPOSITED TA WAS IRRADIATED WITH 660-MF.V;RHD# AND;PRItlElo9 Yll 'WAS SEPD. -CHROMATOG. FROM THE TARGET LU FRACTION. -INTENSITI,ES OF 19 NEW 5 Y CONVERSION LINES WERE MEASURED AND TABULATED.. OF:JliESFt THE 370,86-KEV LINE WERE MZ, AND 494.15# 514.89#~5796*41t 600.21 AND 624.58 14ERE Mls THESE WERE INCLUDED IN THE REVISED DECAY SCHEME Of PRI44-169 YBb THE NATURE OF THE 571*0-KEV (3-2 PLUS) LEVEL IS DISCUSSED. IT IS 3-2 PLUS 141,11 YIELDS UP ALTHOUGH IT IS OF MIXED NATURE, THE WAVEFUNCTION CONTG. .m 'BOTH UNIPARTICLE AND COLLECTIVE COMPONENTS. zTHE 571.0-v 613.03-t 718.3-, AND 825.2-KEV LEVELS,OF PRIME169 TB WERE FILLED BY BETA NEGATIVE PROCESSES WITH RELATIVE. ABUNDANCES OF,LESS THAN I`TIMES 10 PRIME 3, -6, TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE NEGATIVE 1.1 TIMES 10 PRIME;NEGATIVE. 30 -3v~.ANDLESS THAN 6 TIMES 10 PRIME. NEGATIVE 4PERCENT, RESP. THE TOTAL TO~ BE 1100 PLUS OR MINUS -DISINTEGRATION ENERGY OF PRIME169 Y5 WAS- ESTD. -'i:-.2OO, -KEV* FACILI FY.* : VSES:. NAUCH'.-.ISSLED. METROL. IM. .!,t,::MENOELEEVA, LENINGRAD, USSR. _UWR- ze 691.3P-7SOMW ChAdi Vqq) IaY YAO 1'. ca esi t G ot "A i zlie;Lneer 47 I -i'z _J BOtan' SW 46V it, j Ar zagneti6ally. "..'004cm, 5:1 ti 'a~a~ hki~ 66~cret~ articles te nal Sciii ~kesearch-lnstitia 1-0, 1'6f the'State In6titute -Ior th'e Introduction af'-Advitmeed 0 Oporational, and Labor Method5 in Construction (of th6 MaLl :foi the Const;3~uction of industrial Establishuents: in the TasWcent. Region) revealed that:'one of the rabi chaxac- mliucs~_ : concrete mix_ L on- ~Ii ~_tlcilly i timated- vater is its pm pam ssing;: of ~ experl tmenttal prdpe data, a -400=ula for V ~,_lddl lib 60,11drete strength mith ~iomtl gi~wth magnetiaaUy troated wamor, depending o n -the cmposition of the nix, was developed, The change of rheologicalAndices of coij.0rate mb'enj axpmszed in the-demvaSed VibratIon Vic= Ity of, the mix )dth mpotioally treated water, me "'.".eistabllehe,-I, lkta: of the oot mum:~~ thod:.Of water treatment are given and KRIN A.- M.,,V1N)GRADDV,.G.~'~.:"PGNEV K. , 'KOMiQ.YETS;, G. G., arid E. D . N "High-Speed Rolling of Iron and Titanium Po-.-Iders" Mos-cowl, Mftallurgi,,-r-- i -Khimiya Titana (Institut Titana), Metallurgi.ya Publishing House, Vol 6, 1.970, pp,100-105 Translation- ilesults are given for research:,on conditions of rolling with forced fcedin- of ri-,.,~,tal po,,-,ders. An empirical dependency is astab~-Lished betwaen the thic',:-otess of~ C~e strip and the productivity of thR mill as a :-function of tile value 0:: t'he roll solution and piessur- of sup- port. It is do---oi)strated that the use of J.eeding -m-il-CS it possible to increase the rolliag speed t0:3.2 meters pIPr second and more, w 'ou, illu and to regulate the Jensity of the, strip: ithia a wide, range. 1, r s trz-ations, oi r, etable, and t,,:o bibliographic entries. USSR UDC 621.762 BRYINZA, A. P., OaU, R. K., IUNSMA, Y6 S. , PATTUIS1112EVA, J~. G., KOLOmOYETS, G., G., SOROKINA, Z. Ye., and TER;-~POGOSYAN, E. 1r.__ 'Tii iuin i ' 'Damp Atmosphere Containing "Corrosion of Powder Metallurg'y an n a Hydrogen Chloride and in Solutions~of Fydrochlorit Acid" "IDsco- j, fetall urgi va i 17U4 ;ya Tita na (Institut Titana), Metallurgiya Publlshins~ House, Vol 6, 1970,~ pp-:105-111 moss Traiaslatiod: ~tThe U..--rosion behavior of ~p'dwder~metallurgy titanium in gases. -xic id, i thin the temperati: re inter-.,al 20-80'C and soluLions of ry_*roc)1,1C ac W U is:1nvestigated. It is established.. that. at -a temperat6re of 20*c, atma- 'spheric. corrosio;t of p4mider metallurgy titanium above 3 and. 7% E olutions of hydrochloric acid is not observed- and in a solutiori of L/drochloric s observed after a acid with a concentration up to 10%, slight.corrosion i -certain induction period. At.-80%', :powder metallurgy titanium corrodes with all concentrations of hydrochloric acid that ware-studied- The effective energy for activ,?~ting the process of dissolving titanium speci- 0 mens:is 62.8-71.2 kilojoules per mole. .-Seven illustrat-lons, one table, and 11 bibliographic entries. USSR uDc 6~1.762=1.669-295 OGIEV, R. K., BRVMIN, V. G.., nE;P.~SYAN4.E KOL0140YETS, G. G., and PE1MVYAZKO, A. I. "Study of the Process of Oxidation of Cermet Titanium Specimens" Vses. n.-i- i proyektn. in-t titana,(Collection of worice of the All- Union taniur.), 1970, Scientific Research and Design Institute of Ti ppz 81,85.7 (krom, ~~-110 114- -11py 70. Abstract, No 11G307) es place. Tfranslation: Together with oxida.tion,,.compaction of:specimens tak The-rate of oxidation of porous Ti specimens at temperatures h.'ggher than (X-;zt 9 -trans-L-ormation of T:L is inhibited avd the,intensity of compaction inci6asafl- 3 ill- Author v abstract 7 USSR UDC 621.762:101:669,295 OGNEV, R. K., KOLOMOYETS, G. G. TER-POCOSYPON, E. D, ESTRAKH, L. M., MOMIN, V. M., and PERMAZYCO, "Influence of Technological Parameters on Properties of Structural Products Produced by Pressing Titanium Powders" Sb. tr. Vses. i proycktn. in-t titalla (Collected Works of All-Union Scientific-Research and Planning:Institute for Titaniun), 6, 1970, pp. 94-97, (Translated from Referativnyy.Zhurna,l-~letallurgiya, No. 1, 1971, Abstract No.1 G453 by the authors). Translation: The authors studied the influence of the properties of the initial powders and technological parameters in the manufacture of Structural products on their mechanical properties. With identical pressing pressures,~the density,of*products:of electj,*olytic powders is higher than that of similar products ot.hydride powders by. 4-7', although _~itment.. Ixicreas;ng the this difference is reduced.during heat tre. ..sintering temperature of metal ceramic TX causes an increa e in a and 6 b 5 kg/MM2, Wi th.A heat treatment temperature of 1360*0'a is $54 6 reaches b' 11%. 2 figures; I table.: USSR UDC 621.762:669-496.295 OGNEV, R. K. TER-POGOSYAN, E.-D., KOLOMOYETS, G. G.,~PEREVYAZKO, A. I., ESTRAKH, L. M. AN HIN, V.. me "'Metal Ceramic Filters of Titanium Wastes" S6. tr. Vses. n.-i. i proyektn. in-t titana.'~ [Collected works of All-JJnion 'te for Titanium], 6, 1970, Scientific-Research and Planning.Institu 97-99 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No. 1, pp :1971, Abstract No.1 G475 by the mxthors)._ Translation: The influence of technological parameters of the manufacture of initial Ti powder on Iroductivity of filters is sttidied. P Pressing of filters should be performed,at pressures u. to 2 t/cm2, P vity of filters sintering at temperatures of less.-than 11000. slie producti is determined for filtration offluids.; The dependence of:productivity on pressure,drop of up to 1 atmosphere and.on size and shape of initial powder particles is determined., The thT8ughput capacity fdr water of filters made of hydride Powder is threeitimes higher than the throughput 'capacity for filters made of ele trolyti~ c -Powder, 2 igures. MHH 7: UDC 621.762:669.462.295 USSR MSIKHIN, A. M., VINOGRADOV, G. A. OGNEV, R. K., KOLOMOYETS, G. G., and High-Speed Rolling of Iron and Titanium Powders" Sb. t~r. Vses. n.-i. i proyektn. ip-t titriha [Collected Works of All-Union Scientific-Research and Planning for Ti:taniui], 6: 1970, pp. 100-105, (Trans).ated from ReforativnXy Zhurnal-Metallurgiya, No. 1, tract No.1 G.474 by the authors),,- 1971, Abs Translation: The use of forced powder feed allows the. rolling. speed to be increased to 3.2 m/sec and higher, i.e.~, %Speeds higher than those 0 ordinarily used by several orders of magnitude. The density of the ra%q rolled product with forced feed can be adjusted over broad limits by changing the powder feed force. Increasing the height of the powder column in tile hopper over the mill With gravity powder feed cannot be used to replace forced powder feed, since it does not allow an increase in rolling speed and has no influence on the thickness aTid.densit), of the raw rolled product. ~4 figures. I WIN F USSR UDC 519.281 SERGIYEVSKIY, G. M. , TER-SAAKOV A. P. "Method for Accelerating a Miltldiin~nsionat. Stochastic Approximation" V sb. Nekotor. vopr. kibernet. (Certain Problems in (-)Fbetvnetics -- Collectlon of works), 110 1, Moscow, 1970, pp 92-100 (From.RZh-Matema#ka, No 10, Oct 70, Abstract No 1OV121) Translation: Lei: y(X) be a randcn, function of the argui,ient X X I x1n 'T with-the distribution F(ylX); M(X) = mfy(i)) f ydF(YIX6 is a regression func- tion with a single maximum at the,point X = 0. The stopbasti,-- approximation -.process. converging to e under certain conditions is determined by the relation- Z'. im en ID; a. co: where an > 0; ~rn > 0;:~.l (an)' < < It is proposed that the vector of the increments Z Ic be used with components n n SERC.!Yt-,VSKIY G. M., TER--SAAKG!I, A.: P., Nekotor. "pp. kibernet., No 1, Moscow, 1970, pp 92-100 b k determined from measurements of y En I, k 1, of t -tion y(X) he func k made at points different from X by the variations LxiFnl of the variables X., 1,2,...,m, k 1,2,...~N which scitisfy the relationships jAx~Cnll c I- n IV for any and i, Al VAX njAX'1*jnj=Oj i-kjj 'W and which thus determine a completely saturated orthogarina! plan of the factor exper3ment with the.number.of 4easurements M + I< N