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1/2 036 UNCLASSIFIED PROtESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--THERMODYNARIC AND SPECTRAL PROPERTIES OF P.-NITAGPHENOL IN AQUEOUS ELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS -V- AUTHOR-,(04)-N)KOL5KIYv 6.P.r YUDOVICH: YEoYE,,# PA:j,CHEV!SKIYv V&V.t SPEVAK# COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR S,OURCE-ZH* FIZ. KHIM. 1970, 44(3), 7Q9-11 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY _~!TOPIC TAGS--THER-MODYNA.41C CHARACTERISTIC, SPECTRUMv PHENDL9 ORGANIC NITRO COMPOUND, ELECTROLYTEt ENTHALPY, ENTROPY ~..CONTROL~ MARKING--NO RE'STRICTIONS ~,.,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED '-PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0723 STEP t4O--UR/0076/,70/0441003/0709/0711 ACCESSION NO--AP0119630 UNCLASSIF IE0 lalf, ~,-Mi~l Ff M" 036 UNCWS IF Il E'D,:; PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119630 :ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U).GP-0- ABSTRACT. PARTIAL ENTHALPY AND ENTROPY OF .DISSOLN. OF P-0 SUB2 NC SUab H SU84 0~i DECREASED WITH INCREASINO CONCiN. OF ELECTROLYTE. THE DECREASE OF THE END0THERMIC!CONTRlbJl'ICN TO DELTAH DEPENDED ON THE ELeCTROLYTEt KBR GREATFR THAN K(;l. GkEiuER THAN NACL GREATEa THAN LICL. THUS, THE DECREASE-WAS LARGEk THE LESS HYDkAIED THE IONS OF THE ELECTROLYTES. THE ENERGY UF THE LST ELECTRONIC TRAN51TION DECREASED WITH INCREASING CONCN, OF. ELECTROLYTE AND THE EFFECT OF ~CREASED WITH. INCREASING CONCN. OF ELECTROLYTE AND THE: EFFECT OF -.ELECTROLYTE$ ON THE ENERGY.VARIEO MTHE ABOVE ORDER. FACILITY: ENINGRAD. GOS. UNIV. IM. ZHUANOVA, LENINGRAD, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED Circuit'Thbory USSR uDc: 62i-373-00l'.A:6211.372.41 KARACHENTTSEV, A. Ya., SPEVAK, V. V. nInvestigation of the Free Oscillatory Process in a Parallel Tank Circuit With Varistor". Elektron. tekhnika. Nauch.-teldin. sb. Radiodetali ();_'1r-_-ctronic Technolou, Scientific and Technical Collection.- Radio Components), 19T0, vyp. 4(2.1), PP 95-107 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, 110 5, MaY 71, Abstract Ito 5D'489 Translation: The paper gives a qualitative mialysis of the conditions of the fre illatory process in a parall~,l twiR ciredt vitli varistor. It is found that under certain conditions this is an oscillatut~r-qpe-riodic process. Functions are found which approximate the aperiodic seUment of the process, and relationships are determined which can be used for technical calculation of the most irmortant electrical pararieters of a number of cir- cuits vith varistors. Eleven illustrations,, bibliogr4hy of thirteen titles. ResurA. t= USSR AFM- YEVSYJY, M. G., BOCIT011, N. G., S.11VAK M YAP PARD11MV, G. V and MMINIKOV, R. M. "The Effect of Vanadium., Titanium., and Boron Modification on the Sti-tict-ure) Stee!" Magnetic Properties, and Aging of Electric Unalloyed Dnepropetrovsk, Metallurgicheoltaya i Cornorudmaya PTomysh-10nnost" ~-To 1(79) Jan/Feb 73, PP 36-33 Abstract: In order to preverit E071GO-B0300 electric steels fro.-il aging, which telces place primarily on account of nitro~an, an at"tum)t was rade to nDdify these steels with vanadiu-ni, titanlu-n, ancI baron. 1-lar,-n-atic propeities, aCing coefficient, and microstructure of' ,.-.odified steels wcre studied after 200 hours of tic-at treatillent. at 12-0 C. i'idditic~n of Ti (a5 ferrotituniux.1) to molten naL;neti(7 aCiiiS whibu !,tic;! iriagnatio revorsal lwnoi.-s I'l Elf---her W:"Ouilts (0.04~,,D) of tituaniimi decreased consid~lra:bly th~~ r;ize of :brains. The aging of steel was completely suppressed with t-he additio-,-, of V (as fer-rova-riadditui) but the rz-gnetie reversal 9 ',-Vyf~ - Higli mat, Otic ruvers'al lossei, in tbis-Qane tire attil:):ifted to t~-ixall f%.!rr:;1C- grains foriiled in stcel (10-9 XVIjitive wlit-f;~ Control ~~-q rul'tti,vu USSR AMAN"ff:VSKIY, M. C', et- al., Metallurgicheskaya i Gorno-n-,dnaya Promyshiennost',. No l(79), Jan/Feb 73, PP 36-38 Boron in amount 0.0021,-0-003% was ineffective wit-b respect to n_-Enetic p1werties of steel, wzUlle it -",de the steel structure nonunifo-,i;i. Me concen- tration of nitrogen in steel increased vith increasing conci!ntration oi, Ti end V. For practical purposes the use.of Ti as a modifier is xeconLended. USSR tiDOI YU. 11.1 MM_IiIVIL-V, A. MYAL E. iian,:OV, A., Gnu, i,. A , h As, PISARLMAKly, V. n., .;I.OGUZINS41Y, V. G.1 Z., SHUKUYLO, I- A-, BUYKQ, S. U., KOMAR, YB. G., V., 1141(INOSZON, R. -L6VSKI A., MOZA Y, I. it., 5;-6VAXQVA STOLOVI A. M., TITOV, V. A. , VQDU?tYtROV, F. A. KUZ ' " MiN~ V. F-I MINTS A. L-, RUBCHINSKIY, S. I P I.I., UMOV V. A., G6TNFR' 3 31 B. M., ZA11,WiZON, V. B-, ?hUKO?'UVI A4 I ., and ThVIKIN, A. S. "Some Results of the Overall Adjustment and Start-up of the 70-Gev ?roton Synchrotron of the inatitute of High-energy ?hysics" Moscow, Atomnaya Lnergiya, Vol 28, No 2, Feb 76, PP 132-138 0 Abstract; The physical part of the plan for the 70-Gev proton syn- the TnStitute chrotron was executed by .6 of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, The electromagnet with feed systaii, the W.cuum chamber,and Rosearch Insti- the injection devices were developed at.the Scienr,:Uic tute of Electrophysical Apparatus imeni. D. V. Yefremov. The radio electronic systems for acceleration process control, and generation of 1/4 USSR ADOO YU. M., et al., Atomnaya Lnergiyat Vol 28, No 2, Feb 70, pp 132- 138 the accelerating field, as well as the radioLechriic,:tl measurement and beam observation systems,were developed by the Radtotecludical Insti- tute ofthe Academy of Sciences USSi. 11Tyazhprome1aktrop_-oyekt" CState Planning Institute for the Planninj; of Electrical _Ec~uipmenr' X-or Heavy Industry3 designed the general-purpose e'ectro~,echnical de- vices and cable connections. The plan for the cons;;ruction complex of the accelerator was the,State All-Union ?lanning In- stitute. The construction of the accelerator was under th,, general supervision of the State Committee for the Use of ivtomic Energy USSR. The adjustment of individual systems and the overall adjastment and start-up of the accelerator were carriled out b:r theLyn5titUte of H'igh-energy Physics and the developers of the accelerator systems. I The basic beam work was done b the Institute of high-energy Physics with the participation of the Kadiotechnical Inztitute- The con- struction of the accelerator was begun:in 1960, and all the basic construction and assembly work was com~letlled at the beginning of 2A USSR ADO, YU. M., et al., Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 28, No 2, Feb 70, PP ~32- 1-38 1967. At the initial stage of construction, before the formation of the Institute of High-energy Physics in 1963, the work was coordinate-i by the Institute of Theoretical and BXperimenLal Physic3. T~,e linear accelerator injector was started on 28 July 196'1, the operation of the individual systems was adjusted by September 1967, aind the physical start-up of the accelerator was accomplished on 14 October. A description is given of the work done to adjusl~ 1;rie annular electromagnet (including the electrozaL;nei~ cooling, and feed ZysLems), the injection system (consisting of matching channel and injection de- vice), the vacuum system, the radioelectronic system (including the accelerating field generation system, the acceleration grocess control system,and the radiotechnical measurement system), and the beam ob- servation system (which provides for beam observztiDn in the first revolution and during acceleration). In the physical start-up of the accelerator the main efforts were directed towards obtaining accelor- ated protons of the planned energy, and the problem.,of obtaining high 3/4 USSR ADO, YU. M., et al., Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 28, No 2, Feb 70, PP 132- -)38 intensity of the accelerated proton was not raised, The article gives a listing of the principal, paraniaLers of Ldu I the proton synchrotron, as well as a schedule of t-11 indivL a- stages of the start-up of the accelerator. ?hotographs include a .view of the part of the ring hall in the beam injection area and a general vIew of the hall of ignitron rectifiers, USSR UDC 621.317.761(088.8) BOGDAN-011, S. YE., SPICHENKOV, M. P., REMIK, L. YE.. BOTVINNIKOV, V. 1. "Device for Neasuring the Carrier Frequencies of Shoi.-twave V1 Signals" 0 : . ~ . I USSR Author's Certilicate 111o 275223, Filed 16 Dec 68, Published 13 Oct 70 (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4A.289P)~ Translation: A device containing a professional supexheterodyne receiver and an electronic cotLiter is proposed fo-- ineasuring t-he carrier frequencies of ribort%mzwe AM signals. It is distiziGuished. by the fact that for autoration and- improverant of the operation of the ipea$ureinent proc-tiss the heterodyne outputs, Ue second initernediate-frequency amplifter of the receiver and one of the out- puts of the stvndard osciUator are connected to the frequency conversion unit. The seccnd output of the oncillator is connected to the autairatic control unit by a counter co=rizzd of a control cireuit, divider, mud valve, to the second input of which the sipal is fed froni the frequency ewiversion unit* USSR LOC 577-153.3 'TUKHOV, V. B., FUTIOV, V. B.o SPIKKII BOIDYREV, A. A.j PIE NA! G. D. and TKAULZ A* "Role of Acetylcholine and Imidazole-Contaiaing Dipeptides in the Control of Cation Transport Through 'Euzcle 15ambranes" Wa-ainskiy Biolhiniches1kiy Zhurnal, Vol 43t Vo 1, 1971t pp 125-.135 Abstrac,13A Acetylcholine in the neuromuscular apparatus has ar- PAditional function to its syrwptic effectt it acts art tho enzyrz"Uc protperties of extrasynaptic muscular ne,,~branes, tarcolemna ani sarcoplaI5,i,.atIO Teticulm,. The effect of acetylcholine in combination with Imidazole-contaij)Lng co.-.-- POUPAS -wras stwied. in r-artic-mlax, exp4rizental data were co2lecied on the effect of imida ole on contr"Lotile act.-ivity arA the end plate potential of a nerve-muscle preparation from a frog, during rhythrde stimulation of a. nerve. L ~perinents were conducted to determine the depomlence of ATP-ase activity of heart muscle sarcolemm in a rabbit on the Nlit i e ratio, the effect of addition of Ca-U2 ai:d ECTA Z_othyIaneg1ycol-bis(,-*"'* -wincethyl- ether I 'J'II_tet=acete.P_7c.,i the hydrol~,,sis ralue ot" ATP ard acetyl phosrhate~ of cardiac sarcolemm, and the skeletal muscle; the depenlence of inhibition Of Ca2+ -ATF activity on the concentration of acot~ylcholine or buffer /2 USSR BOIDYPIEV A A., et al., 19711, PP 1;~-135 Ukrainskiy Biokhtmicheakiy Zhuriml, Vol 43, No 1, solution-,-and the effect of acetylcholine on Ca;* tr=po:vt in a prep3xation of sareoplasmatic reticulum of a rabbit in the.presence al acety1choline. Fatigue or blocking of neuromuscular transmission by com~pting toxins is reduced and elininated by imidazole-containing dipeptides. As a result, an increase in amplitiAe of the end plate potential is observed and its trans- fo=ation into an action potential is facilitated. Int(ansified, spontaneous bioelectrical activrity at the r7oneural junction. Enzo-matic activity of sar- calemna and sarcoDlasratic reticulwa transport ATP-asa is inhibited by acetylcholine but enhanced by Uddazole and its derimativas. Thc synergistic effect of both dipeptides and acetylcholine is a more conplete Inhibition of active ion transDort. ExDerinental data are reported on a-ome wvchalliums- fo- the tramfer of sacolemma excitation to the contraction pmeess, Under the effect of acetylcholine) there my be a change in cation -Lmnsfer, It is assured that acetylcholine in combination trith izidazole-containing dipeptides regulates the intensity and direction of cati.on.transport ~hrouggh muscular 2/2 A USSR UDC 669.245.018.44(088.8) V I., VOF)'.~T~Tj PAIIASYUK, 1. 0. BRUSILOVSKIY, B. S. I VIIAMvt C. 'YEGOKOV, YE., YE., YELK12'.., I. S., 1,11MIOV, L. YA., KOVROVA YE. 11. LYUBINSKAYA, ~1. A.5 RILK, NINA, YE. G., ZIMUYLOV, I. A., MMAYEV, YE. I., SIROMIN'$ A. 1.31 SOLDATCIIEIIKOI V. A., SHAPIRO, S. M. "Ilickel-Chromium Base Alloy" USSR Author's Certificate No 276418, Filed 2 Jun 69, Published 16 Oct 70 (from RM-Metallurgiva, No 4, Anr 71, Abstract No 41766P) Translation: Illp hent-resisLant alloy has the following compositloji (in C 0.03-0.1, Cr 30-40, 1,11 3-5.5, No 2-4, Ti 0.5-3-5, Al 0.5-1.5, Nb 0.5-1.5, Ce 0.01-0.3, B 0.003-0.008, Ni, the rest, Ilie alloy has increased heat re- sistance and also the follovitir mechanical and physical- chemi cat oroperties 0- 3 kg/rz-2 6 65Z, a I kg/m-12, coccfj at 1,100*: stress-rup e cient of tur linear expansion 15-10 -6 deg -1 increase in wei,.-ht after 100 hours of heating, at 1,200' ill tl,-.e air 0.6. ~-, I'm 21t is corrosion-resistant ill a :-;oist at=s7,herc under tror.4-cal condlicinns, -n seat-rater, and inthe products of conbustion of highly sulfurous fuel, USSR U DC. 534.222.2 ANISIMOV, S. I. and S PINER, 0. M., Moscow "Motion of Nearly-Ideal Gas With Strong Spot Explosion" Moscow, Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika, Vol.36, Vyp 5, 1972, pp 935-938 Abstract: The problem of spot explosion in i: nearly -mideal gas is invi~stigated. The virial expansion of pararneter (molecule volunie times gas density) is used as tlc equation of state. The e.-c-terlsion to the case of an ideal gas is analyzed. It is sbown that for an adiabatic motion there is near the center of explosion a region of radius in which the nondimensional velocity profile differs from the one for an ideal gas. It is also shown that in a lie at -conducting gas thittxe is a gradual transition to the case of an ideal gas rather'than an adi~Lbatic motion. 71 USSR jan/leb 72, PP FESENK0, ye- G, et al., KristallOg~_ ~fl q~ 153-1S7 less than 20 deg/Om for deFjhr for the Cooling rate, and Lpproximate -ratio Of 20 gradierit I-jith an I cr.)rstal gion of laninar the Vertical temperature t hase diagram. 1:1 between these parame ers. Theire by ~he shaded PoTt oil on the P tions gives growth is shown 005-ervation of Optimum C()ndi esses fTOM It was found that Icm 2) with thicl," rystals rystals (up to 1-S ructures of the c fairly large c The in st n 11yich correspond 10-15 v to 1-1 .5 mm. doma, are show monodomain E hing figures to large classified. tc . I as Well as are , configurations, omains in the surface layer. -to lgoo domain -iparallel-d ~ition are discussed. ons with stable ant )hase trans regi lars of the.1 some of the particu bibliography Of eighteen tit Jes. Four figul 2/3 68 JJDC ioll 6stov X. vo Pj-L.YPC T B G GAV ,YEVA, Ye, A Their -~e- -pIGO atiOll Of Investi?~ TYNFNiY1o I State UnI -versity crys tals all it anate b 72, PP .153- 0f Lead T 11GTOwth ucturell 17, NO 11 .,jar Pb-riO- Domain Str a V03. 1. aT11 I - Of a r af I I rowing esul-ts the Y _~O cr lbed for g and the I thod alld. 5 oil go 5 C OW I tcm, al- -,11e v r 1-Ment -hod 's B,203 Sys the O'Ptic a le' Ct*. - PbO~TiO2 ttIve b)r nulne'r0s t lea( 1-,tTle r a - the I stTtIc ,Tjte * . I Ill f OuI16 t -0+ P kY- ~121L~IS' 3-11 dolliail -e dI it trang-VaTe-, - S t 0 - -re V was 1%ents f the i System I f or f Cr study 0 f etching 'thj.5 the -X5 on In, face. a 0 1 r& 1. ael)en' ToWill e5 01 T a ~Z, melt, 11jetho, r rc_, r the crystal 9 -fect 10 Y e-i a I t in ess than 'r 'ect I 5 late$ vith a PC ect 0 t 115 I*rc 'nate eld Of Tesp 11jel P nt Wi Tau% c 0 pqLT,4e(j that the Y" die ti ZT3 The 0 S t,nFeT 'fate. the the C001 alld. USSR FESEN'KO, Ye. G. et al., Kristallografiya, Jan/Feb 72, pp 153-157 "ru, Phase diagram of the.PbO-B203-TiO2 system and the region of laminar crysta.] growth (shaded area) 3/3 --04DEC70 'UNCLA F1 1) PROCESSING DATE POLARIZATION AND COEkCIVE-FIELD OF LEA0 TITANATE -U- ...,.AUTHOR-(04)-GAVRILYACHENKOt V.G-, SPINKO R.I.t MARSYNENKO, M.A.r FESENKO, YE. G. COUNTRY OF !NFO--USSR SOURCE-FIZ. TVERD. TELA 1970t 1215)t 1531-4 .DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS "TOPIC TAGS--LEAD COMPOUNDt TITANAIEt ELECT RODE, CURIE POINT MARKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS ~,DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 ,PROXY REEL/FRAME--3003/0161 STEP ~10--VR/0181/70/012/005/1532/1534 CIRC ACCESSMN N0--AP0129,ftl7 RICL A S 54 F f t: 0: 2/2 -015 UNCL.AISSIFIIED PROCESSING DATE---040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0129417 A13STR.ACT/F-XTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ~PIGNTANEGUS POLARIZATIONt P SUBS EQUALS 75 MICRUCOULONBS-CM PRIME2 AND THE C0h--'fZCIV!,-- FlIEL01 E SU31) EQUALS 6*75 KV-CM. ON REPOLARIZATION IN STRO14G FIELDSp ALPH,", DOMAINS ARE FORMED, WHICH SPREAD PRfIGRESSIVELY OVER FHE ENTIRE SURFACE OF THE 10 E N r 0-4 ': H--l-I s-f ELCTRODE. THE TEMP. DEPEN E OF SPONTANEOUS POLARIZATI THA 'WITH INCREASING HEATINGr P SUBS DECREASES MONOTONICALLY TO S1,111! AR TO 50PERCENT.OF ITS VALUE AT lROOP-1 TEMP.,~ AND AT THE CURD. POINT THE J(J,,iP IS .40'-MlCROCOULO-MBS-CM PRIMEZ, FACILiry: RClSTOY;.-NA-OONU GGS. UNIV*,,-ROSTOVON DONp U-SSR.- ON C L A S S I F I E .- D LISSR SIVERS, M. A., SPIRIDEN.0 -V, A. Ye. ii. SERGEYE "A Wide-Band Transistorized Power Amplifier" uDc: 621.375.4 Kiev, Izvestiya VTJZov, Radicelektronika, Vol 15, No 1, Jftn 72, Pp 99-102 Abstract: 'roe authors exardine the operation of a vide-Land transistorized transformer Dower UM14 fier free of the nonlinear dJstorLions cauqed by the scattering inductance of the load transformer. These zionlinear distor- tions are completely eliminated by ensuring current fllo-,., continuously through the transistors. In order to ~keep the efficiene-Y of the anipli- a -V E a fier high, operating conditions are 6osen in such - , y th t each trln- sistor.operalues in the saturation region during half th(; period of hi[~I frequency oscillations, and in a mode corresponding to Uae act'ive region of the current-voltage curve of the device during I;he othner half. Conmon- -emItter &nd comcon-b_-se versions of such a circuit are given. Me pro- posed circuit ensu.-res an efficiency equivalent to that of a power azipli- fier for class LI o"eration. An experimntal check of tb~, coir-putatiorea-I procedure showed excellent agreer&ntl The ccnclus~-Oris of the research a-re applicable to vacuuL--tube ar-rplifiers as vell., 71'... bibliography of tvo titles. 1/1 USSR ULC 539.Y/3.81546.79i G-IOZYSi, GYi E. 10,2SO 8.j SAZ'~U,N t and 6 PI S. 0, Yr Pr ~ati on of the Fission i oductc, of Uraniici lrrad.iated by A"*.ccelerated Argon Ions"- LenLigrad, Vol 12, 1'7o 4, 1970, pp 612-617 iJustr--ct; The cutqoz,:; deterrained the yiolcls of variocis of of nucle-aG i;i-Lit Z = 110 fi-aa the cc-_ci~ed st 4, ale fbrmed as a resull of interaction of uranium-233 with argon-40 (U238+Ar :.:LlQ -:. f). An wtt..mpt was also n.1do to evaluate certain characteristics of the fission proce5s for this case. Uranium was irradiated on the inner beam of a riultiple-chargo ion cyclotron at the Joint Institute of A'-'Uclear Research. The targot iras U 08 on an alumiiium sub- t;trata. Dambarthront urith ilons at, 270 4",av varied 1rc-i ~ to 12 houxs, M*tor il,radiation the targot was diorolved in nitric a -ad containinc, (,-arriers of Ag, To, Ba, 1,a, T1) Au, Tho zolu'vion -,ra:; thon trea'-d rOtjUOj1tL:% to extract the 5ilver, barium, raro earth el-;m'Olits, anid tolluriu;-1. TLie -he e`em,~nts was detornined by or chemical Yield of 't P) J Juc ts I and the rosult's were used to calcualte =ss Yields oJ' the fi.,;sion It, -uas fa=d that the exparimontal data conforn ratit;facL.,r:1.Jy to Gnussian diatri:uutioiia Tho half~,pxialc %ridth or -thir. distribilti,11,on ii, apprcminataly 60 rLass wiits, Tho maxliriuia fission product yield lc, 9,3titULtfld at apprcodiriataly 1/2 USSR" GVOZD--,V, B. A., et al., Radiokhimiya, Vol 12, Po 4, 1970, pp 612-617 20 mb. A comip-nxison of the results with the mass distribution of uraniun fission products yielded by irradiation -with noon ions shows a somewhat wider mass distribution for argon than for noon. In conclusion the authors thank G,- N. FIEROV for formulating the prolblem, 1. ZVARE and YU. TS. CGAUNE5YAN for ion of the results, band also: Z , SiEUMM and 1. 1. constructive discuss ChTBURKOVA for assistance in carrying out the experineintso 2/2 If2 044 UNCLAS S I F I E 0 TITLE--,%ATUftE CF THE BREAKDC~iN OF THIN METALLIC LAYERS 6Y L,~-t~EF. RA-J"ArIUN _u_ AUTHOR-(Gld-8CNCH3Rl,YlrVICfi# A-M.t IMASI YA.A,v LL&ENS,(JNj M.N's. SPIRIDONOV, CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOUP%CE__zHLKNAL TEKHNICHESKOI FIZIKIr VOL. 40t MAR. 1970,, P. 656, 659 PU6L ISHED---70 AREAS-PHYSICSv MAT ER IALS JO PIC. TAGS--METAL FILM* ALUMUNUA, LASER'RADIATIGN MiTRUL MAPKING--N0 RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLAS$IFIED PROXY AEkL/FRAME--I99,'#/1255 STEP,tJG--UR/0057/'10/040/00~,'/0658/0659 E 5 5 1N NU-- A P 0 11552 72 LAS S-I F IED 212 044 UNCLASSIFIED ~FROCESSLNG OATE--ZONOVTC C IRC ACCESSICUN NO-AP0115272 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- A85TRACT. RESULTS OF THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF THE THRESHOO VALUES Of BREAKOOWN INOUCING LIGHT FLUX DENSITIES DURING THE ACTION OF'LASER RAMAVION rJ:t THIN METALLIC FILMS. AN EQUATION IS DERIVED FOR THE THRESHOLD DEUSITY CORRESPONDING TU THE INITIATLGN OF BREAKDOWN, I.E;, HEATING 01~ THE SURFACE TO -MATERIAL'S 8GILING POINT AT ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. AT THIS TEMPERATUREy THIN LAYERS ARE TOTALLY DESTROYED ANO THICK LAYERS IRREVERSIBLY LOSE THEIR REFLECTIVE PROPERTIES, CALCULATIZNS.ARE: C014PARED WITH, MEASURED GATA FOR AN ALUMLNU44 LAYER DEPOSITED 0WA GLAS ISUB STRA TE. UAii ROZDIR, 1. A., et al, Izvestiya Akadem)i nauk SSSR, Neorgenicheskiye materialy, Vol 7, No 10, Oct 71, PP 1798-1600 anisotropic with an index of refraction >1.76. After having been fired for 3 lars, In TiO will not dissolve in 25'11F HNO but almost totally decomposes 2 5 3 in HU (1:1) with In going into the solution and Ti remaining in the precip- There are no analogs for the In 0 -TiO systeia in reference litera- 2 3 2 ture. (3 illustrations, 3 bibliographic references). 2/2 --20NOV70 ~::L/Z 027 UNCLASSIFI.ED PROCESSING DATE :TITLE--HAFNIUM DIOXIDE,'- ERBIUM SESQUIOXIDE SYSTEM -U- AUlrliGR--:(02J- KE)MISSAROVAt-LoN. ~~CCUNTRY CF INFO-USSR .~SOURCE ZH. NEORG. KHIV.. -r�-7--Gt 1513)f 8715 OATE PUBL ISHEG ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TAGS--X RAY ANALYSIS, THERMAL ANALYSIS, PflAsr: DIAGRAP-1, CRYSTAL STRUCTURks SOLID SOLUTION, HAFNIUM DX!Df:,t' ERBIUM:COMPOUND C C&q T RLM~Af~'K IING-NO RES rR ICT IONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FkAME-11~9q/L724 STE P NO--UR/0078'/70)'1)15/0(~)3/OP,75/0878 CIRC. ACCESSIEN N0--AP0ll'j553 IS, -LED ON-CL-A __ ~ff I'll I ~19 19.1 1 ....... . 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--20NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO-,-AP0115553 ASSTRACT'EXTRACT-1U) GP-G- ABSTRACT.; INTERACTIONS IN HFO SU62~ER SU82 0 --."-SUB3 SYSTEM WERE STUDIED BY---THERMAL AN0.X RAY PHASE ANAL. : THE PHASE DIAGRAM CF THE SYSTEM WAS CCNSTRUCTED. WIDE F-I.Ef-i"S QF CUBIC SOILID SOLNS. OF THE SYSTEM ARE SEPD. BY A NARRow REGION OF :fhi',lISCf6ILITY. HEXAGGNAL ER SUB6 HFO SUB11, WHICH EXISTS AT SMA,LLEP, THAN I-00DEGREES, TRANSFORMS TO A SCLID SOLN. OF A CUBIC STRUCTURE A THIGHER TNIPS. THIS TRANSITIGN IS OF THE ORDER-01SORDER TYPE., USSR BASKAKOV, V. V., KALACHENKO, A. A., SPIRIDONOV, N. G. "Algorithm and Program for One-Dimensional *Trend witli Estimation of Regression Line and Construction of Confidence Boundaries" Mat. Metody v Geol. [Mathematical Methods in Geology -- Collection of works], No 2, Alma-Ata, 1971, pp 137-152 (Translated from Referativny), Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V703, by A. Doroshcnko), Translation: An algorithm is described and a program is presented for regres- sion analysis of the results of measurement of a ccrtain quantity Y as a one- dimensional function of X. Based on the set of N measurements by the method of least squares, a smoothing polynomial of power n is constructed. Statis- tical analysis detemines the adequacy of representation of the function by the power n polynomial. To do this, the regularity of alternation of the rules of deviation of experimental values of the dependent variable of the corresponding calculation curve is studied. The basic criterion used to check the hypothesis of proper selection of the hypo"hetical cul-ve is the difference between the calculated and tabular values of pi-obabilitics 11(u) that there will be u jimips in the random sequence of ri, positive dci,iations and nI negative deviations. One stipplementar), criterion is the ratio of USSR Baskakov, V. V., Kalachenko, A. A., Spiridonov, N. G., Mat. Metody v Geol., No 2, Alma-Ata, 1971, pp 137-152. L dispersions of the corresonding quantities. A program written for the Ural-2 computer allows the arithmetic mean, sample dispersions, mean square devia- tions, variation factor and axea between indicated pairs of regression curves to be calculated, and also allows estimation of the.reliability of the results produced and calculation of confidence intervals. The program Occupies 21348 locations of machine memory. 2/2- USSR GENDLER, V. Ye-, KALkCHENKO, A. A., SPIRIDONOV, N. G. "Algorithm and Program for Separation of a Sample wLith Normal Distribution" Mat. Metody v Geol. [Mathematical Methods of Geology --- Collection of Works], No 2, Alma-Ata, 1971, pp 190-196 (Translated from Roferativnyy Zhurnal Kibernetika, No 6, 1973, Abstract No 6V702, by A. Doroshenko). Translation: A program is described, allowing screening of elements of a sample distorting the normal distribution on the basis of tile condition of normality with respect to asymmetry and excess, Points are screened out which do not fall into the interval i�3. The statement of tile problem is as follows. For each of n samples of N points each,.the statistics are defined up to the fourth moment inclusively. Tile normality of the distribu- tion rule of the sample is the a- I;-mmetry and excess from tile condition of fulfillment of inequalities JAIV'6jl_~j , 3jE/2/6_F1Nj < 3. If the sample does not correspond tothenormal distribution, the -point with the greatest distance from the interval x�3s is eliminated and the condition of normality is tested once more for the remaining elements of the sample. The process continues until the condition of normality of the distribution rule is fulfilled. The program is written for the Ural-2 computer, occupying 610 memory locations and permitting up to 1100 sample points. T. USSR uDc: 621-382 "Carrier Transit Time and Maximum Amplification Frequency of a Drift Tran- sistor" Kiev, Izvestiya VUZov, Radioelektronika, Vol 15, No 1, Jan 72, pp 22-28 Abstract: The author examines the effect which the section of the re- tarding field in the base has on the frequency properties of a drift transistor. Formulas are derived for the transit time and maxinium fre- quency of current gain assuming exponential distribution of impurities on the sections of the retarding and accelerating fields In the base region. It. is assumed that the mobility of the ninority carriers is independent of the irrpurii - ceritration. lbe calculatiDns sbcm that con the section of the retarding field bas a strong ., effect on the frequency properties of drift transistors. The transit time of the minority car- riers can be increased several times over throuf)ri the seclAon of the re- tarding field. However, the question to whether sections of the re- tarding field in the base are to be avoided requires-SDecial study since the width of the base_- region has the greatest effect on frequency proper- ties. Four figures, three tables, bibliography of s1.3- titles. ISO USSR UDC 669.14.018.8+621.787.4 SPIRIDONOV, V. B., KUZ'DaTSXAYA, L. N., GORDEYEV, YU. P., "Strengthening of cr-lil Steels with Unsta-blo Austez-Alte" Moscow, 1-ietallovedeniye i Termicheskaya O'brabot1ra Metallov, No 41 APr 73, pp 2-9 Abstractj A study was made of the effect of several &actoxz promoting the foxnation of a high-strength state, n-axielys the =xtensita transformation, defoxnation of =,tonsite and austenitei as irell as "funherita-4ce" of the defect, atructure of deforred austenite with the marteiv,31te lct.~ing formed, KIA81,9 and n16N6 steels were used. Deformation of austenite id-Uiout :rarziation of martensite,)causes increw-sed strength properties with mi imbensity of 0," 0.9 kEf/nn,- per 1~-z) strain. Maximmm yiela - and tersi-.Le str_-nqths achicvled for XM8119 steel were (for 30,:, strain) 45 and 85 W/jwi2-, xespectively (for initial valuea Of 25 arid 60 kgf/rm?f respectively), Drufects of tbe de- formed austenit-o are inherited by tho martextsite foxi-if"at upoll :,ubsequent cooling to low temperatures at degrees of strain up -to 8-10,1,% Above the Indica --:i de,=r_:,cs of strain the doterrJ-ning factor for stren-thening is stablIA-zation of the austemite, i.e.# less temdenqy tc, the foria:tion of Partmisite. Deformation of the austenite by rollir;,-3 ;it srial (13.06rees 0J." strain stabilizes the austenite to a large degree. 1,~irtormita tram-form, tion of XhI6R6 ateel (cooling down to -10,60C) causes ei_n inerease in the amour-t 1/2 1 6 USSR SPIRIDONOV, V. D. , et, al 1.,etallovedeniye i Tonnicheskaya Obrabotka Hetallovj iNo 4, Apr 73, pp 2-9 of rarteneite from 10 to 70~o' and leads to a growth An the tonnile strangth bY 30 R-Cf/=~ and ta-r-sile strength by 55;-4:. Tensile otmin to 4-6;'o ar.1 defornation, by rolling of steel 'Ath a predomin.-mtAy riox-tensito afructuro, leads to the fonmation of an additional amoxit c-r jr.,,~xtenzitc, up to 20-25%o4 and to increassed tensile Lftengths, by 10 j:of Ltv_ , (for tension) a!,-d 40 kgf/nm~ (by rollin ) =1 yield strengths by 80-90 h, -rin?. T~e -,,wie values of strength properties can be achieved at defformation by tension and 20,',' defor-tiation by rollin.,. The mui-L-ensito tran~Wormafion anLi sub- sequent cold workInC of mart-elllite 'ITG~the deten.IIIIiIi8 factorz in the for- mation of a high-&-tx=Gth atate in C2:,-Fi steels uith,ua:5taible ai)ster-Ate, Seven figures# two tables, thirteen bibli%raphic xe-PexcnceEi. 2/2 3,j USSR uDc 669.14.018.2,621-78 aThe Fwdening Mechanism of Steels Containing Chromium 1Lnd Nickel and Hartensitic-Aging Nickel Steels" Moscow, Metallovedeniye i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No 4, 1971, 2-6 Abstract: Modern methods making it possible directly oz, indirectly to expose the character of the reaction of alloying.additions with dislocations and also to obtain data on phases separating out by aging were used for investi- gating the hardening mechanism by againg of carbon-free alloys Fe - Ni, Fe - Ki - Gr, and Fe - Hi - Co. A formulation of the concept. of the hardening mchanismcf the mentioned steels was established on the basis of an analysis of experimental. It was found that in the first stage af aging the hardening is combined with a "drift" of atoms of alloying elements to dislocations in their stress field and in the second stage with a thyte-dimensionall growth. Four aphic nucleation and its illustrations, one table, eleven bibliog= references. _ltz:- '020 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 T:ITLE--THE CAUSES OF BULGING OF GAS PIPELINE SECTIONS BUILT IN CENTRAL ~ASI A-U- V.V., AYNBINDERy A.Be vwwm COUNTRY, OF INFO--USSR o 15 __SQURCE--MOSCOWj STROITELISTVO TRUSOPROWDOV, NO Zj FEB TOr pp 14:-15 DATE PUBL [SHED---- FEB 70 ~-SVBJECT AREAS--MECH.v IND.t CIVIL ANO MARINE ENGRP MATERIALS TAGS--NATURAL GASs PIPELINE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMr TENSILE STRENGTH MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCIMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED U PROXY REEL/FRAME--1997/0381 STEP NO--UR/0095170/000/002/OOL4~/0015 ___cfp~C ACCESSIO N NO--A PO 119332 212 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0119332 ~ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THIS ARTICLE PRESENTS AND INVF~STIGATION OF CAUSES OF BULGING ON 1020 MM GAS PIPELING IN CERTAIN REGIONS OF CENTRAL ASIAi WHERE THE LAkGF PART OF: IT IS LAID IN SANDY SOILS9 THE CHARACTERISTIC PROPERTIES (IF:WHICH AR.E: 1) A NEARLY TOTAL NCE OF BONDS; 2) A SMALL ANGLE OF tNTER,14AL F RICTION (Y 15 LESS THAN ABSE, 150EGREES); AND 3) LOW HUMIDITY (UP TO 5PERCENT IN SUMMER). THE CONSTRUCTION AND AREA CHARACTERISTICS ARE DE-SCRI13ED. THE BULGING OCCURRED ON THREE SECTIONSt LOCATED AT 9, 12', AND L9KM FROM A COMPRESSOR STATION, AND WAS PROCEEDED BY A CHANGE IN OPERAT[ON CONDITIONS AT THE COMPRESSOR STATION, WHERE THE GAS TEAPERATURE AT THE OUTPUT ArTAInEo 52DEGREESC AT 55KG-CM PRIME? PRESSURE* CRIMPS OF 150i%V! HEIGHT WERE OBSERVE0 IN THE COMPRESSED ZONE OF THE PtPE SECTEON. THIS INUMATEB THAT METAL DEFORMATIONS TURNED INra PLASTIC OEFORAiAriON AS A RESULT OF LARGE- LONGITUDINAL COMPRESSIVE FORCES' AND LARGE TRANiIIERSE TENSILE STRESSES. PHOT06RAPHS 01: THE BULGING PIPELINE S:ECTLON ANO A COMPRESSED PIPE SECTION COVERED BY CRIMPSt AND ALSO A PH(OTOGRAPH, SHOW ING THE TRANSLATION OF PIPE ENDS ARE PRESENTED., A GEODESIC SURVEY WAS CONOUCTED BEFORE AND AFTER THE ELIMINATION OF BULGED SECTIONS IN ORDER TO DETERMINE THE STRAIN STATE OF THE AREA. A SERLE5; OF RECOMNIENDATLONS AaE PRESENTED FOR IMPROVING THE RELIABILITY oF rAS PIPELINE OPERATIONs. ORIG. A4 T. HIAS: 3 FIGURES. UNIC L AtS S I F, fE 1) 212 064 UNCLASS(HED pqorES~'NG L)Arc---;;O OV 7 0 NO-AP0121661 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-0j) CP-0- ABSTRtAC r THE: TIME REFRACTIVE LNOEX QURIkG PHUITUDISSGCI,~TIGM IS 3'~ THE S SHCWN THAT A SH11"K iiAVI' APPEARS U-4 TH' INTEM-EkCeILTER fECIUNIOUE. IT 1, 5- SUBSTANCE CC;1STAMINATED WITH THE PI-110TO-DISSOGIATIOIN ill,160UCTS. kf~ WAVE iS DUE TO EVAPORATICIN (RESULTING FROM ASSOR?TION Or" THE PLu"IPING i.iGHT) OF MOLECULAR TOUINE DEPOSITED ON FHE CUVEYTE WALLS. 11 JS FHAT THc- TIME UELAY BETWEEN GENERATION AND TFE PUMPING PULSE 'ifli-AKLY 'DEPENOS ON THE PRESSURE (AT HIG14 VALUE.5 OF THE LAT'YER). THI'S EFFECT IS ASCRIBED TO INCREASE OF THE SPONTANEOUS EMISSION LINE WIDTfl ~JJND iiA7'JqALL'f !_EAL)s TO -AN INCREASE OF ThE GENEKATIGN THRE FIED - USSR UDC 669.721.042.6 GALKIN, M. N., KATS, E. L., SPIRIDONOV YE. V. "Effect of the Conditions of Formation on the ShrinIkage Porosity and Tight- ness of Castings made of Magnesium Alloys" Usadochn. Rrotessy v splavakh i oElivk akh - V sb. (Shrinkage processes in Alloys and Castin'-s -- collection ofworks), laev, Naukova Dum-ka Press, 1970, pp 296-301 (fronm Mh-Metallurgiya, 11,11o 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4-G223) Translation: The results of investigations of the temperature fields of castings during hardening were investigated in orde.- to analyze the process of formation and selection of the technological castin? parameters. A mathematical description is presented for the txio-dimensional temperature field of cylindrical cwstings during hardeninp , with correlation to the proper- ties and initial parameters of the.mold and c"t metal. The probability dependence of the casting tightness on theishrinkage porosity is presented. There are 6 illustrations. 1/1 USSR UDC 632.95 A.v HCHEMOV, YU. V. , SPIMONOVAI G. S. P MTESHEV, A. 1. , NM, H. K., AU-Union Scientific Reaeaxch Institute of Pkvtopathology "A Desiccaar USSR Author"s Certificate No 296345, filed 16 Oct 69, published 10 May 71 (fro& Mh-Khimiya, No I(II), Jan 72, Abstract No iN457,P) Translations Substances of the general formula ROC(S)1%,'.'H2COOBn(H') 3 (1), where R - C2-C -alkyll R' - C -CI,7alkyl or aryl are prol)osed as desiccants. When int=dUc2 into the soiPin a dose of 10 kg/ha before seeding, compourAs I have no noticeable effect on plantst but when the sans dose of the con- pounds is used for treatment in the vegetative stage, they case wilting or death. G. A. Belyayeva. Turbine and Engine Design USSR UDC'621.438:621.43.056 SPI OV Y ,A and TALANTOV, A. V. /010-.,Effect of Certain Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber Structural Parameters on Circular Irregularity of the Gas Temperature Field" Kazan', Tzvestiya VUZ, Aviatsionnaya Tekhnika, No 4, 1970, pp 80-86 Abstract: A study is reported on a generalization of the effect of separate structural parameters of the combustion chamber mixing region an circular irregularity of the temperature fteld. The dependence of the temperature field circular irregularity on the total surface of holes of equal diameter in a heating tube, with equal distance between.holes, is t'letermined under certain simplifying asstunptions and presented in graphs. Empirical formulas for determining the circular irregularity were established on the basis of the available experimental relations. Ar, analysis of the results shcr.,;s that: 1) for every value of total surface of the holes tkere exists an optimal equivalent diameter, at which the circular irregularity is minimum; 2) the minimum circular irregularity decreases with t:h-~ total surface of the holes; 3) there c.-&ists an optimal dependence of circular irregularity on Jistance between the holes. Recommendationa aTe ~,,,Lven on the design of USSR SPIRIDONOV, Yu. A., and TALANTOV, A. V.,'Izvestiya VUZ, Aviatsionnaya Telthnika, No 4, 1970, pp 80-86 combustion chamber mixing region and on the method of.equalizing the gas temperature fields along the circular irregularity. 4 formulas, 4 figures, 3 references. 2/2 USSR UDC 621.785:621-371-332:523.4 LUKIN, D. S., SPIRIDONOV, Yu. G., FaMIETYUH, S. I., and SID,'OL I ITIKOV, V. A. "Investigating Refraction, Doppler Frequency Shifts, Pield Inten- si-ty, and Caustics in the Radio Transmissibility of the Martio-n Atmosphere" Moscow, V sb. X Vses. konf . _-pp rasprostr. radiovoln. Te-zisy dol-ft. Sekts. -5 (Tenth All-Union Conference on the Propaeation, o1' Radio Waves; Report Th-eses; Section 3--collection of urorks) "Nauka, 1972 Dp 32-36 (from RZh--Radiotekhaika, No 10, 1972 p Abstr,~Lct No IOA428 Tranol-ticn: The refraction and field intonsity in th(,~ atmw~phe-re of Mars are computed over variour. traje~ctories WE tho, Nartitirl a -2200 1-1,1z. An artificial oate'llite-3 in the freque,noy ranGe o~ 100 empirical formula is obtained for the refraction in the. ionoophere as a function of the frequency. The :~;hift in- troduced by the ionosphere~and troposphere is gi-vcn in terno of" the position of the satellite. An. investigation is made of the 'ai effect of horizontal heterogeneities in the 114 rtian ionosphe-re on the accuracy of measurements of the elc'-ctron conceiitration from the data on the eclipsing of radio comunications. '-ive il.1-1).L;tUr-a- tions, bibliography o.L three. N. S. 62 USSR UDC 621-371:551-510-535 MKIN, D. S. and SPIRIDONOV, Yu. G. "Use of a Characteristic System for Modeling. t-he Propagation of Radio Waves in the Ionosphere and the 01perative Colv)utatiori of Shortwave Lines of Communication on Analog Hachines" Moscow, V sb. X Vses. konf. Ro_rasvyostr. radiavoln. Tezis .ri. y doL Sekts. 3 (Tenth fill-Union Conference on the Prapa6.-azion of Radio Naves; Re ort Theses; Section 3--collection of works) "INTauka," 1972 pp 61-64 ~from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 10, 1972,. Abstract 111o 10A364) Translation: On the basis of earlier papers re; ding broadened characteristics of systems determining the trajectory, phase, group delay, and field intensity of electromaenetic waves in a th-ree-dimensional nonuniform magnetoactive mediiiia, an algoritubla and a program are constructed in the "Algol" language for numeri- call'y solving th-ree-d-imenBional problenw, of radio wave propa6ation with real atmospheres taken into account (dependence of thie index of refraction on the coordinates and the magnetic field) on earth 1/2 6 4 Lt L I I:t Lt. -1 USSR UDC 51:621.391 SPIRIDONOVA. R..-P. "One Approach to the Determination of an Abstract Model 0' r a Continuum Automaton" Kiev, Kibernet. tekhnika--Sborni!~ (Cybernetic Equipment Collection of Works), No 8, 1970, pp 4-19 (from Re~erativnyy Zhurnal Matematika, No 6, June 71, Abstract No 6V431) Translation: An abstract model is..proposed for an automaton that. is defined both on a discrete set, 'and ai:ontiauum. UaSR UEIC 51:621.391 "Ovaw-MVIA-41 R. P. 110ne Approach to the Determination of an Abstract Model of a Continual Automaton' Kiberret. Tekhnika. vyp. 8 [Cybernetic Equipment, No 8 Collection of Works], Kiev,,1970, pp 4-19, (Translated from Referativ-nyy Zhurna-1, Kibernetika, No 6, 1971, Abstract No 6 V431). Translation! An abstract model of an automaton is sug.gested, defined both in a 'discrete and in a continual set. 26 USSR UDO 632,954t213.2 SPIFnONOV YU YA.j and GAGUAL, G. V.p Candidates of biological sciences, All- iaid~Rc_ en1iii6"Research Institute of Plazt Pathology, "Means of Increasirig the Effectivaness of Herbicides in Humid. Subtropical Conditionul' pp 44-4? Moscow# KhWya v Sellskom Kbozya"tye, Vol 10, No 9 (1D7), 19?2. Abstracti L~cperlments were conducted from 19056-1970 on coni crops of the AdEhametskaya white variety in moderately loamy soil in the southern part of the Xolkhid lowland of the Adzharskaya ASSR. In the fi_,,~st exl*riment the herbicide was aPPlied 2-5 days beforee sproutingi In thezecond one compound was applied 2-3 days before sprouting and another 45 days latA_r, in the 4/5 leaf stage of growth# which corresponds to the-time of appearance of miliary annual weeds. The standard was simazine in a dosage ofJO kg/ha. All the herbicides were applied in water auspenrsion at a rate of 500 I../ha. The ifeed nixture on the plots was typical for the region. in experiment i the nost effective mixtures aZainst =iliary weeds contained sinazine and either di%won or monuron. Mixtures of simazine with 2,4-D were less.effective than simazine alone, since monocotyledonous weedst resistance to 2j4-Dj predominate USSR SPIRMONOV YU* YA*s and GAGUA, G. V., Khimiya v Sel'skom Khozyaystvel Vol 10" No 9 (107)t 1972# pp 44-47 in the district. Grain harvests in several of the treated plots were four times those in the untreated control plots. The most effective mixtures were simazine, 2.5 kg./ha., and atrazinet 2-5kg/ha.1 simazine, 5 kg/ha., and diuron, 2.5 kg/ha.i and simazine, 5. kg/ha.p and monuron, 2.5 kg/ha. The author--- had shown in an earlier article that symm-triazines in a 5 kg/ha dosage pratically speaking lose their effectiveness by the second nonth after treat- ment. Experiment 2 showed that the best resultsp reducing iteed content 80- 90%, were obtained by using diuron or monuron at 5 kg/ha., then later treatinG with 2-5-5 kg/ha. of atrazine or simazine. Use of atrazine of nimiazine first in experiment 2 ratarded growth wid causedpartial lone of targoro consequently xeducing yields. The most effective variations were followed by a significant increase la grain yield of simazins alonep and nearly quadruple yields in comparison with the untreated control. 2/2 33 USSR UDC 632.954:631.58:632.51 ,EIWNOV, Yu. Ya., and SPIRIDONOVA, G. S., All-Union Scientific Research S Institut`e~ -M-nE Pathology, Moscow Oblast "The Effect of Systematic Application of Symmetrical Triazines on Agricultural Phytocenosis" Moscow, Agrokhimiya, No 2, 1973, pp 118-127 Abstract: Long term effectiveness of triazines was studied from 1965-1971 iu Kobuletskiy Rayon of the Adzharian ASSR. Plots of Adzhametskaya I%Thite corn were treated in test 1 with atrazine, cimazine, and propazine in annual dosages of 5, 10 and 20 kg/ha. Herbicides had not been used previously on the plots. In test 2 heebicides were applied on the same plots as the preceding year. Plots without hand cultivation and with hand cultivation repeated three times served as controls, The marsh moadow soil of moderate loam with average cultivation, 20-22 cm of top soil, p11 4.9, humus content 2,7-2.9%, and free for---s of nitrogen, phosphorus, and -potassium in respective quantitites of 10.1, 9.0 and 4.0 mg/100 g of soil. Water table depths was 60-90 cm. Weather conditions during the experimental period were normal, with average precipitation of 200-250 mm monthly, soil. temperature of 20-25 C degrees, and relative humidity 90-95%. Results were ineasured at harvesting USSR SPIRIDONOV, Yu. Ya., and SPIRIDONOVA, G. S., Agrokhimiya, No 2, 1973, pp 118-127 by weighing plant mass after dividing the corn from the weeds. It was de- termined that varying the type of herbicide was far more effective in con- trolliug weeds. Herbicide effectiveness diminished rapidly and resistant types.of weeds quickly replaced the ones killed. Rapidity of inactivation of the herbicides was in direct dependence on the weed content of the corn plantings, and a year after the conclusion of the 5 year tests, weed levels had returned to 75-90% of those on the uncultivated control plots. Subse- quent plantings of oats and soy beans 4nd1their treatment with the symmetrical. triazines showed no significant aftereffects of the herbicides. 2/2 6~ "H,; -A 11 -"1 J.-- ~~A'j Al 4 USSR UDC 632.954.631.46 SPIRIDONOV, Yu.,Ya., and SPIRIDONOVA, G. S., All Union Scientific Research InstMiie Phytopathology, Moskovskaya Oblast' "The Effect of Long Term Application of symm-Triazines on the Biological Activity of Soil" Moscow, Agrokhimiya, No 3, Mar 73, pp 122-131 Abstract: Systematic application of symm-triazines under field and laboratory conditions in humid, subtropical regions of Western Georgia did not result in any substantial changes in the amounts:of soil microflora and their activity. 7he activity of soil microorganisms depended to a great extent on the con- tamination of the experimental plots with weeds rather than on the nunber of soil treatments with herbicides. Under field conditions, five repeated treatments with symazin in doses of 5 and 10 kg/hectare resulted in an in- creased activity of the catalase and a temporary decrease in the activity of dehydrogenases and proteases in soil. The activity of dehydrogPnases and proteolytic enzymes was inhibited in the first 40-70 days after introduction of the herbicides into the soil, and then it became slightly higher than in the controls. In absence of higher plants, the enzyme activity underwent no significant changes even after ten repeated treatments of the soil with atrazin, symazin, and prometrin in doses of from 2 to 8 mg/lcg. USSR MC 632-95 SP=0NOV, YU. A., SHCFMLOV, YU. V., is MITESHEV, A. I., S UIP4 -EHOKHLOV f P. S. , BLIZIMX, M. K.,j All-Munt ScifiNZ lresea=h Institute of Pbytopathology "A USSR Author's Certificate No 296.545, filed 16 Oct 69j -published 10 MaY 71 (from M-Mayar No I(II), Jan 72v AbstraiA No lN457,.,. P) Translations Substances of the general formula ROC(S)$r-q2 00Wn(R1) 3 (1), where R - C -C. -a3Jcyl, R' a C -C -alkyl or aryl axe proposed as desic=its. uc;a into the soiP 4 'When ~troiz in a dose of 10 kg/ha b3:Vore seedingt compounds .1 have no noticeable effect on plants# but when the same dose of the coa- pounds is used for treatment in the vegetative stage, they caae wilting or deathe G. A. Bolyarva, USSR UDC 632.954:631.58:632.51 SPIRIDONOV, Yu. Ya., and SPIKU&NOVA,...q. S., All-Union Scieatific Research Institute of Plant Pathology, Moscow Ognas-t "The Effect of Systematic Application of Symmetrical Triazines on Agricultural Phytocenosis" Moscow, Agroklimiya, No 2, 1973, pp 118-127 Abstract: Long term effectiveness of triazines was studied from 1965-1971 in Kobuletskiy Rayon of the Adzharian ASSR. Plots of Adzhametskaya White corn were treated in test 1 with.atrazinal cimazine, and propazine in annual dosages of 5, 10 and 20 kg/ha. Herbicides had not been used previously on the plots. In test 2 herbicides were applied on the same plots as the preceding year. Plots without hand cultivation and with hand cultivation repeated three times served as controls. The marsh meadow soil of moderate loam with average cultivation, 20-22 cm of top soil, oll 4.9, humus content 2.7-2.9%, and free forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in respective quantitites of 10.1, 9.0 and 4.0 mg/100 g-of soil. Water table depths was 60-90 cm. Weather conditions during the experimental period were normal, with average precipitation of 200-250 mm monthly, soil temperature of 20-25 C degrees, and relative humidity 80-95%. Results were meaBured at harvesting mm~fll I Rim USSR SPIRIDONOV, Yu. Ya., and SPIRIDONOVA, G. S., Agrokbimiya, No 2, 1973, pp 118-127 by weighing plant mass after dividing the corn from the weeds, It was de- termined that varying the type of herbicide was far nore effective in con- trolling weeds. Herbicide effectiveness diminished rapidly and resistant types of weeds quickly replaced the ones killed. Rapidity of inactivation of the herbicides was in direct dependence on the weed content of the corn plantings, and a year after the conclusion of the 5 year tests, weed levels had returned to 75-90%.of those on the uncultivated control plots. Subse- Auent plantings of oats and soy beans and their treatmentuTith the symmetrical triaziues showed no significant aftereffects of the herbicides. 2/2 'W-i 1INA; 1-:_._~:11Hii:.:H !!I;. HN H!'-; ZL I EAW; IHAJ, U., 1 ;I_ 4!; USSR UDC 632.954.631.46 SPIRIDONOV, Yu. Ya., and SPLUMMo.9"t, All Union Scientific Research ,b! - Institute of Phytopathology, Hoskovskaya O&last' "The Effect of Long Term Application of sym-Triazines on the Biological Activity of Soil" Moscow, Agrokhimiya, No 3, Mar 73, pp-122-131 Abstract: Systematic application of symm-triazines under field and laboratory conditions in humid, subtropical regions of Western Georgia did not result in any substantial changes in the amounts of soil microflora and their activity. The activity of soil rdcroorganisms depended to a great extrant on the con- tamination of the experimental plots with weeds rather than on the number of soil treatments with herbicides. Under field conditions, five repeated treatments with symazin in. doses of 5 and 10 kg/hectare resulted in an in- creased activity of the catalase and a temporary decrease in the activity of dehydrogenases and proteases in soil.. The activity of dehydrogeneses and proteolytic enzymes was inhibited in 'the first 40-70 days after introduction of the herbicides into the soil, and then it became alighrly higher than in the controls. In absence of higher plants, the enzyme activity under4ent no significant changes even after ten repeated treatments of the soil with and prometrill in do~-m~~ of from 2 1:~:, 8 mg/kg- USSR UDC: 51 ZLOTHIK, S. G. , LAZEBRIK, A. I. ~PIRIDOWOV.A "Use of Linear Programming With Variable Coefficients for Optimizing the 'State of a Power Supply System With Regard to Restrictions on Reverse Currents" MateriLly Seminara po kibernet. All MoldSSR. Mold. territor. rruppa Nats. kom. SSSR po avtomat. upr. Materials of;the Moldavian Territorial Group of the National Commission of the USSR on Automatic Control)., 1971., vyp. ~35, PP 3-10 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 4, Apr,72, Abstract No hvh6o) Translation: An algorithm is considered for optimizing the load distri- bution in a thermal power supply,system which accounts fairly accurately for losses in the netvork and restrictions on reverse i'lows. The algorithm is based on using linear programming with variable coefricients. Authors' abstract. 24 VSSR uDc 389-6:Ceo-113:543.42 MATYUGINA, I. V., SPIRIDONOVA, M P., and SHIMAI EVA) T. V. "Standards for the Spectroscopic Determination of Hydrog-n and Oyygen in .P Titanium Alloys" Sverdlovsk, VII Uralsk. konf. po.spektroskopii (Eighth I 'oral Conference on Spectroscopy) Vyp. 1, 1971, PP 79-81 (froin ReferativRyy .Zhurna-1. -- 114;etrologiya i lzmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No 9, 1972, Ab'stra t No 9.322:11,;) Translation: It is reported that the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Standards, during the years 1965 to 1970 nut out standard sets 72, 72a and 72b for the determination of hydrogen in titanium alloy VT-14, and sets 52 and 1W for the determination of =7Uen in titanium alioys t.,Te V11-6 and titanbim W-1-1. Tile technclogy of the preparation of standards with a given hei concentration of abases and the results of inrestigationq of t, r homor-eneity were reported earlier (1-4). Data concernina the estO)lishi:en of the hYdrogen and oxygen concentrations in the latter sets of standards atd analysis of them by the spectroscopic neth,.A are reported in the present wor.k. Certificat-ion of the hidro.cen concentration of set 72-b van bazea or;. the data of seven laboratories, The methods used vere vacuum-heating, snectral-isotop./e, and spectrosco sets Pic (using set 72-a). Certification of the:,oxygen content ok 1/2 - 70 USSR MATYUGITIA, I. V., et al., VII Uralsk. konf. po spektroskopii, Vyp. 1, 1971, pp 79-81- 52 and .108 vas based on the data of eight laboratories. Methods used: vacuum-fusion, isoto-pe dilution of fast neutrons and impalse heating. Regres- sion analysis (5) of ~,et '12-b led to the results of the spectroscopic nethod with the photographic and photoelectric registration of the h2rdrogen liLes -- H 656.3nm. The regression line vas constructed vith the cmrainates Ioi',,arithm of hydrogen concentration versus width of the,hydroFen~absorption line. S '-for the photographic method of registration, the logarithm of the h-jdrof::en concen- was plotted versus the reading oia, the photoelectric. instnmient foto- toka N, proportional to the.lor-arithm of the hydrogen1ine lntensitY- (3 tAles; 6 biblicgraphic entries) 2/0 IN "I, IMPH"W" "MILIN MR 1111111f wailowl- Mwin.- T, 11 1-' 1 -N - tj Qrv ra ii (d Ls- Soviet T;.v s r o 0 T,-t clic 0 3 11 d I 1. .3 con~-uct',)F 1A S-, j1P _Y tor:3 oil I, C:7 14 b( TC ~v Alat Lc ij I C 24 1 vl)d Ai t Ill j~d t L f! iA, if L*~_, wirj3.i c.d "p, ~wj 80 TKI, currc.ri~::~ Flaw I nL 83 410 ;~rk`rh~':seti ,.I r r e n t sC-. bult C. -73 , , : Ii ~S r", th-e trarifirto . t e6; 5:! Ev 7t, LO :kI.,d. 11.1! 1.3 ci irr "voi int" Iij Iii,rder rkir", stap un i c t t ~ t fl_auils : till- ath-,; tne, iq; unR i ttcr . em p -&-.24 C, -1 1204121 . u C. as On! " ,j l 1 -. l e ~, t Aho,0360887 Iwo UR 0482 Soviet Inventions Illustrated, Section 11 Flectrical. Derwent, v4 232605 D&CORER. Improved de3ign from P Rt. No,. F 220M. Itcontatnig-,current parapriase switches 1-4 (with sqoare-loop ferrite cures 5-8, transistor triodes 9-12, rlesistors113-16~, input busbars 17 and 18,:4nd :transistor Oiodes 19-26, output units of decoder 27-36 (with ferr:ite rectan- gular hysteresis Loop co es ~31-34, triodes 35-38, and resistors 39-491 decoder:gating circuit 43, (with non-6quare loop ferrite core 44 and triode 45, binary counters 46-49:(with squareil, 00p fqrrice cores 50-53 1 and , triades~ 14-;4.7 1 counter f'gar In,,; circuit 58(with non-squbre loop terrttii core 51) and triode 60)., resistors~61-64, cermi'mit 65 for zero adjuntment, reading terminal 66, vetting pulse terminal 67, operation signal terild.nal ('8, and counting Input terminal, 69. 2.12.67. as 7200356/ NQ.VA (9,4.69.) Class 42m'. Int.Cl. G06f, 14 -W, AA9029779! !D~- 19720847 ,41.4 iRgaimm"Widi 112 .010 UNCLASSIFIIE0 PROCESISING DATE---30OCT70 HALOGENATION OF OL2FINS. V. KINETICS AND MECHAN1514 OF -,..,.BETA METHYLALLYL HALIDE CHLCRINATION -U- -.AUTHOR-(04).-8QDkI-K0V# I.V.t SPIRIDONOVAr~S*V.v SMOLYAN9 Z.S.s SUBBJTltlv CCUNTAY GF INFC-USSR 4-90 .~.SCURCE-ZH. OkG. KFIM. 1970t 6(4)s 68 .-DATE PUBL [SHED---70 .,.SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY ._T,0PTC TAGS--Ci4LORINATION# ELKENEv EXCHANGE REACTIONY.REACTION KINETICSv -CHEMICAL REACTION MECHANISM MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCU14ENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REELIERAME--ZOOO/1958 STEP NQ--UR/0366/70/OC6/004iOb8tf-/Cfj9O CIAC ACCESSION NG-AP0125547 212 010 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC. ACCESSLCN NO-AP0125547 ,ABSTRACI/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE CHLORINAT10N OF H SU82 C:CMECH SU5Z X 1) 1 X IS Us 6Rv OR 11 GIVES THE sussururiom PRODUCTS H SU!3Z .C-.CICH SU82- CL)Ch SUB2 X, CLCII SUB2 CME:CHXj AND THE ADD14. PROOUCTS CLCH SUB2 CMECLCF SUBZ X. THE REACTION RATE IS INCREASED BY HCLo WHICH IS LIBERATED IN THE COURSE OF THE REACTION. THE COINS.UMPTIGIN OF CL INCREASES IN THE FOLLOWlNG I SERIES IX GIVEN): I LARGER THAN BR I-ARGER THAN CL. THE SUBSTITUTION PRODUCTS ADbN. PRODUCTS RATIO INCREt.SES IN iTHE REVERSE ORDER. THE SU6STfTUrION PRODUCTS ARE FORMCD THROUGH THE 1,111TERMEGIATE CARBCNIUM ION AND THE AUDN. PRODUCTS THRUUGH A CYCLIC ...~.CAR.BONIUMION- FACILITY: GORIKS POLITEKH. INST., GORKIs USSR. u -Assl Irli, 0:-~ 112' 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING BATE--30OCT70 T:ITl.E--ELEC'fR0N MICROSCOP!C METHOD FOR. INVESTIGATION OF DISPERSE SYSTEMS WITH LIQUID PHASES -U- AUTHOR-(05)-KILPAKOVt L.V.t NIKITINA, S.A., TAUBMAN, A.B., SPIRIDONOVAl V.A*., CHALYKH, A.YEO '0t COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR '.~SOURCE--KOLLOIDNYY ZHURNAL, 1970, VOL~32't NR 21 PP 229-231 ~DATE PUBLISHED------70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALS, CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-ELECTRON MICROSCOPYt PROTECTIVE COATINGi PliYSICS LA60RATORY jNSTRUMENTv EMULSION CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS _:~DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED --~PROXY REELIFRAME--1992/1720 STEP NO--UR/0069170/032/002/0229/0231 CIRC-ACCESSION NO--APOlIZ714 UNCLASSIfFIED -'2/2' 026 UNCLASSIFIED: PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 --AP0112714 CIRC ACCESSION NO :~:ABSTRACWEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A DEVICE HAS BEEN DESIGNED AND A TECHNIQUE DEVELOPED FOR ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC STUOY,0F LIQUID SYSTEMS: EMULSIONS AND LATICES. BY MEANS OF, THIS METHOD ELECTRON PHOTOMICROGRAPHS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED OF STRUCTURIZE6 PROTECTIVE FILMS ',,-FROM MICROEMULSIONS STABILIZING.TtiE.MACROEMULSIONS~OF,Pt)RE LIQUEDS* IT ..,-,-,.-HAS :BEEN'SHOWN THAT ELECTRON PHOTOMICROGRAPHS OF LATICES CAN BE OBTAINED JN THE CASE OF INCOMPLETE MONOMER CONVERSION., UNCLASSIFIED %J1 Z) I r- L L) U N -AZ SECTION IV (U) Puring this quArterly weportIng period, two new *rticlpo wire located from the rrotein Research institute at rushchino. On the basis of o" of the articles, which dea3t with ercherlchla coll riborowea, it was; possible to msGociate one new person, N. 1. Smimov, wiLh the institute. (32). The o0i~r article, alsn oo evcberlchia coli, wis izzgu,~i jo-Jztly fr= the lzrrltutc of C~oeticr And Soo~'.tiao of Hinroorganisma. YAOcow, and Lh~i Protein Rasear~h Institute at Pushchino (33). 7~7~yioun articlar,,,by V. I, Pv=")gvr~ be .ve been the 40rlmer Institutu. Xo provious fecility araociation could be located for V. D. Vasil'yrvo but It, is likely that he repro"nts zlte latter ir~atitutc. This article probably representg soma joint worX betv*4n the Instituter. (U) Aa a ready source oi reference, eiven below is a pe~rsonalitiev identified with the Protein Rerearch institute to the present timel All Pti, sy Cbirrikdxe, Yu. M Rashe-vskaya, Ye. P. _Zedor~!, ~IA. Serdyuk. 1. .4. I ~In~QV slitcyn. ~AV- Smirnov, N. 1. ("linfikays, 0. V. Spirin, A. S. Lavrilova, L. P. Tlktopulo, Ye. 1. - - - - - - - - - -- I 11\10.1 AQ(ZT=71C-n USSR UDC 547.963.3 SPIRI4,.A. S., and GAVRILOVA, L. P ra w Ribosoma (The Ribasome), Moscoi-7, "Nauka, 1971, 256 ~P Translation: Annotation: The book reviews aspects of the structure and functioning of intracellular ribOnUCleD Drotein partleles -- ribosomes. A detailed treatment is presented of current views on the mcdlianism of vrotein synthesis in cells, the interaction of information 13211A and adaotor FNI 1."ith A ribosor-les during protein synthesis, and the.dynamic nature of work of tile ribosome particle. An objective presentation of modern views on a broad range of questioas re- lated to ribosones and biosvnthesis of proteins is iliven. A subjective logical analysis is also given of the whole body of experimental data u:4ad for formulating a large number of conceptions, hypothcscs, and problcms fcr further work. Therefore, tile book may be useful to a bron-d ran,~.;e of biolo- gists, physicists, and chemists interesced in probl(!ns of mol.ccular biolo,,,y as well as. to narr,7~7 sTec-'alists such as biochemists and blo- y ic s~s .) I ph S i working directly in the area of protein bio~;ynthesis arid t1he quaternary structure of biopolyziers. llierc,~ are sevcul tablt~-,s, 27 illustrations, and 32 palvei3 of CSO: 1840-!-" END Mon amowdommmu ASSIFIED S'S ING DATE--120NOV70 UNCL j!TLE-A ML6EL OF FUNCTIONING A[8OSGJRE:,L0CKING AND UNLOCKINGAF THE Rli3GSCME SU2PARTICLES -U-, AUIHUR~SPIPIN, A.Sg- F INFG--ussR CCUNTRY r ,.,SOURCE-IZVESTIYA AKAUEM11 NAUK SSSR, SERIYA t3ll'10~1(;HESKAY, 19110, NR 2, PP! -182 -DATE PUbL ISHED-----70 'SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLCGICAL AND MEOICAL SCUNCES :.JOPIC TAGS-RBUSGME, PCOEL, MA ,7PPNTRGL MARKING-NO RESIRICTIONS DGCWiEhT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED pROXY REELIFRAME-3C05/039Z SMP -,CIRC ACCESSICN NU--AP0132621 CLA &S IF tEl 0 WA UNCLASsItlED PROCtESSING DATE-- 201,10V 7 0 CIRC ACCCESSICN NU-AP0132621 AbSTRACT/EXlRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE FOLLOolING MODEL OF THE FUNCTIONING R130SCHE iS PkOPUSED: (1) THE A?iIN0ACYL*irRNA 6INDING SITE (A SITE1 A ND PEPTIOYL-TRNA brNOING SITE (P SITEI 4RE LGCALIZE3 CIN rH-iF- ADJACENT (CCNTACTING, FACING EACH OTHER). SUAFACE;S OF RIBOSOMAL SUBPARTICLESt THE 30 S A,"All 50 S RESPECTIVELY; C20. THE MRNA BF-ND1,NG SITE IS ALSG GN THE CCNTACTING SUk.FACE OF THI: 30. S SUM)ARrItLE, AND THE MRINA CHAIN CAN SLIDE ALONG IT, bEr-WEEIN THE 30 S ANO 5Q S SUBPAiiTICLES; (3) THt TILHT ASSUCIATION UP THE SUBPARTICLES ALLUwS THE REAMON (If TRANSFER LF THE PEPTI1jYL THE RNA RESIDUE JFlpEPYEl_'YL-TRNA,TO THE AMINOACYL kESIDUE OF ~",,MINUACYL-TRNA Vi' THE PEP f [111L- TRANSF ERASE CENTRE OF THE 5G 5; (zt) THE GTP DEPENDENT UNLCrKING, OF THE R16050ME (SLIGHT DRAWING APART OF THE SUbPARTICLES 13Y TURNING MOLLIND THE HINGE AXIS) LEADS TO TFE DRAWING OUT OF THE TRNA RESIDUE FROK~ THE A SITE WITH SUBSELMENT TRANSLOCATM~ INTO THE P SITE; THE TRNA RESIDUE OkmiS AFTER ITISELF MANA TRIPLET (7HE LONJUGATED TRANSLOCATI04 (IF ARNA BY A TRIPLET THE ASSOCIATED WITH IT# (5), THE PERIODICAL LOCKINC, AND UNLOCKING OF THE SU&PARTICLES IS THE CNLY URIVING MEChANISM CF THEJRANSLAT[oNi PROCESS. FACILITY: INSTITUTE LF PROTEIN.RESEAKH, Ai'~'.ADEMY OF SCIENCES FACI!LITV; A.': Pl. BACH INST ITUTE USSR9 POUSHChINC, MGSL0a REGION.. -ISTRY, -EMY UP SCIENCES USSR. OF bl[;CHEt; ALAb UNCLASS I FIED V'Z-- 018 UNCLASSIFIED !:PROCESSING DATE-~11' - t ULSE METHOD FOR STUDYING THE THERMAL ACTIVITY OF Tl E--~ DIELECTRIC T wins ~ -u- --Amop-spl G.G., POLYAKOV, YU.A*j SOLOMONOVt S.D. '.COUNTRY 'OF INFO--USSR ZH. 1970y 16(2)t 253-8 ATE--PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--MATERIALS JAGS--DIELECTRIC PROPERTYt HEAT CAPACITY9 ETHYL ALCOHOL, WATEP, Topit --,MATER I AL MIXING,, MEASUREMENT CL RARKING--NO RESTRKTIONS 00CUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED V PROX V-,REEL/FRAME--I989/0580 STEP *40--UR/0170/70/019/002/0253/)259 j".C.IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107177 UNCLASki F [ED 2/12 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-11SEP70 .~CIRC ACCESSION. NO--AP0107177 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ON IMMERSING A THIN PLATE*TEMP. SENSOR FORMED BY 'A METALLIC LAYER SUPPORTED BY A DIELF.C. PLATE INTO A DIELEC. LIQ.,,t A CONST, HEAT FLUX IS GENERATED AFTER INTRODUCTION OF A -RECTANGULAR CURRENT PULSE. RY KEEPIN`G T"E INTERVAL OF THE PULSE AT ~100-j00O.MUS'EC, THE HEAT CAPACITY OF THEBEARER PLATE CAN BE NEGLECTE13 .'AND, THE EQUATiTON OF THERMAL CONDUCTION CAN BE APPLIED AND SOLVED. THE -WIRING*DlAGR.AM OF THE MEASURING BRIDGE TS-GIVEN9~AS WELL AS THE CHANGE .:W. THERMAL -ACTIV ITY IN MIXING OF ETOK.AND H SUB2 U. -THE MEASUREMENT X 0WENDS 'aN'INPUT STJGNAL. AMPLITUDE; F -AMPLITUDES-OF 30-50 MM9, OR 2M.-WERt'SNT. UNCLASSIFIED USSR uDc.. 621.372.8 VLASOV, A. B., CHIRK-111, 'N. M. "Wide-Band Excitation of Hypersound. by Quasistatic Decelerating Systelm;" Kiev, IVUZ: Eadioelektronika, Vol 15, Ho 3, Mar. 72, liv 315-31.9 Abstract: The paper mialyzes the possibilities of i~islsta4 ic diz- U celemtingy systeias for e.~citaUon of hyperround in un acc~,-uqtic lin-- Tr.ade 'Up Of a Set Of PiCZ0el9_-Ct27_IC CryStalS, each crystal bc~nc, by thr~ corre-spandIng cell of the decelernting sy,,3-tm. It is that the btmd filter and lox-r-frequency filter types of decelerating syrtemt-. can lie uFcd for excitation of hypernonic oncillationg in a "discrat ac~ m~-Iic lin,:!, and that wide-bapil delay liner, can be madc- on this busiii. ............. USSR UDC: 621.347.5 VLASOV, A. B., SPIRIY, V. A., and CHIRXIN, N. DI. "Hypersonic Delay Lines for Ultra-Broadband Video Signals" Kiev, Izvestiya VUZ SSSR--Radioelektronika, No 10, 1972, pp 1298- 1300 Abstract: This brief communication is related to an earlier article (Vlasov, A. B., et al, 0 shirokorolosilor, vozbuzhdenii r_iDer_-vukG_ vykh voln v plyezokristallakh s pomoshchlyu kvazistaticheskikh --a- medlyaVushchin si-stem -- Broadband Excitation of Hyperoonic Waves in Piezoelectric Crystals Using, Quasi-Statistical Delay Systems -- Izv. AN BSSR, Seriya fiz.-tekhn. nauk, 110 4, 1970) which described quasi-stationary delay systems on the type of a low-frequency fil- ter for uniform hypersonic excitation in Li~;'b03 piezoelictric crys- tals. T-1he present communication describes expe:r1me-nts to check the possibility of passing broadband pulses differing in shape, dura- tion and rise time through the hypersonic delay line described in the earlier article. The functional diagram af the equipment used -for the experiments is given together with oscillograms of the pulses. The experimental results indicate that the delay line may be used as a solid-state delay for ultra-broadband video signals 1/2 . . . . . . . . . . .------ UDC: 621-347.5 VLASOV, A. B., et al, Izvestiya M SSSR-Radioele-ktronika., No 10, pp 1298-1300 or as functional nodes for fast-acting computer devices. 321 r MI, M I Th I M. M Tz, p, aq up, ~I wanniarm in, -sawl-m- USSR UDC 539.1-074.3 BELLE, YU. S., LEBEDEV, 0. V., SPIRIN V. D. "The Background of Scintillation Detectors and Ways of Decreasing it Kharlkov, Monokristalll,_Stsintill-yator i Oritaxiicheakiye Lvumino- forT -- Sbornik Monocrystals, scintillators, and Organic Luxiifi6~; phores Collection of Works), No 5, 1970, Pp 148-155 (from aeferatinU Zhurnal, Metrolo&&ja i lzmeritelIna'Ya Tokhnika, No 12, 19YOX Abstract No 12.32.1534) Translation: Research has been, conducted on them natilro and con- -Ion f Various background sources for a detector with an Hal ('A.1) crystal with dimensions of 150x100 am. ~On tho basis of measurements of the contents of potassium and ra(, in tile glass of photoelectric multiplier IB, ~photoeleetric m4ultiplier 23., photoelectric multiplier 49, photooloctria multiplier 52, and photoelectric multipliers 56 of various~yearsf m0dels~l it was establi4shed that the admi turs of radium in modium gliiss is responsible for 70-80% of the backgrd,und from thome phatoelectrio /21 112 Circul tTheory USSR UDC 621.396.621.33 TUZOV, G. Active Members of the Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Communications imeni A. S. Popov ttNonlinear Dynamics of a System of Filtration of a Pseudorandom Signal With Phase Keying" Moscow, Radiotekhnika, Vol 26, No 7, Jul 71, pp 79-82 Abstract: A method of numerical integration is used to determine the locking band of the phase AFC subsystem, in a tracking receiver as a function of the parameters of the system and the initial conditions. Classical determination of the lock-in band which characterizes the region of itaitial misalignments where a holding mode is maintained underlany initial conditions does not completely meet the specific requirements of the given system. In this system, there are regions of initiall frequency misalignments where signal lock-in may or may not take place, depending on the initial delay and phase. The ampli- fication factor of the delay-tracking system,affects the lock-in band and t rmined transient processes in the phase AFC tank circuit. Condicions are de e for increasing the lock-in band and shortening the time of establishing synchronous operation in the system for practically any initial delay and 1/2 USSR TUZOV, G. I., SPIRIN, V. V., Radiotekhnika, Vol 26, No 7, Jul 71, pp 79-82 phase. In the phase AFC subsystem, the lock-in band, as well as the nature and time of the transient process are considerably dependent on the true phase and on the initial mismatch with respect to truedelay. The extent of the lock-in band and the dynamics of the'system are independent of the sign of the initial mismatch in delay. 2/2 10 Comunications USSR 3 56 UDC: 621.382.2 BOIOK AKCHURIN, Eduard Aleksandrovich, RUDI, Viktor Vasillyevich, .qPTT?Tbl jLlaijimix Y a k n v I endi n h- TUNNELINYYE DIODY V TEKHNIKE SVYAZI (Tunnel Diodes in Communi- cations Engineering), Moscow, "Svyazl", 19,71, 137 pp, illus, biblio, 13 850 copies printed The book investigates basic tunnel diode devices used in communications technology (amplifiers, frequency converters, self-excited oscillators, etc.), giving particular attention to questions of stability of the characteristic$ of the devices. Written for engineers as well as gradilates and under- graduate upperclassmen in radio engineering.LL Content6 page Foreword .. . . . . . . . . . . . L. . . . . . . . . . 3 C h a p t e r 1. General Information on the Tunnel Diode L 1.1. Basic Properties ., . . . ... . . . . 5 1.2. Methods of Approximating a Current-Voltage Char- acteTistic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1/4 USSR E. A. et al., TUNNELINYYE DIODY V TEKHNIKE SVYAZI, Moscow, "Svyaz"', 1971 1.3. Characteristics and Methods of Studying Tunnel Diode Systems . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . 1.4. Operating Conditions of a Tunnel Diode Under a Load . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . I.S. Noise Prop;rtie-s of a Tunnel Diode . . . . . . 1.6. Measurement of the Parameters of a Tunnel Diode Chapter 2. Use of Tunnel Diodes in the Harmonic.Oscillation Mode 2.1. Devices With Harmonic Signals in Courpunications Engineering . . . . . . . . I. . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Tunnel Diode Parameters in the Case of Harmonic Excitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . o 2.3. Resonance Amplifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4. Wide-Band Amplifiers . . . . . . . . . 2.S. Amplitude Clippers . . . . . . . . . . . 2.6. Amplitude Detectors . . . . . . . . 2.7. Harmonic Oscillators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.8. Superregenerative Amplifiers and Detectors 2/4 -16 16 18 24 26 29 30 33 43 47 49 54 62 USSR AKCHURIN, E. A. et al., TUNNELINYYE DIODY V TEKHNIKE SVYAZI, Moscow, "Svyaz"', 1971 2.9. Frequency Converters . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.10. Frequency Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . C h a p t e r 3. Use of Tunnel Diodes in the Switching Mode 3.1. Tunnel Diode Pulse Devices in Communications En- gineering . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2. Flip-Flops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3. Multivibrators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4. Slave Multivibrators . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5. Threshold Devices . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6. Square Pulse Shapers . . . 3.7. Cascade Connection of Tunnel Diode Pulse Devices 3.8. Pulse Counters . . . . . . . . . 3.9. Logic Devices . . . . . i. . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 4. Stability of Oiaracteristics,of Tunnel Diode Devices 4.1. Stability of Tunnel Diode Parameters 4.2. Stability of Characteristics of Devices With Hai- monic Signals . . . . . . ... . . . 3/4 67 80 85 87 89 92 94 96 98 100 104 109 USSR mc- 621.396.622:62i~372.622 V. Ya. "Amplitude characteristic of a Frequency Converter Baxed on a Tunnel Diode" Tr. uchebn. in-tov sy-yazi. M~vo svyazi SSSR-(Works of Educational Tnstitutes of Communications. Ministry of C oxaaunications of the Uo~T), 1970, vyD. 49, PP 3C~-36 (from RZh-Radiotek-hnika, No 1, 'aan 71, Abstract N'o ID19) Translation: TIe author analyzes the relationship betveen the amplitude characteristic of a tunnel-diode frequency converter, gain, beterodyne voltage and the pcsi-tion of the operating point on the voltage-current curve of the tunnel diode. Resume. 23 USSR um 621-382-233(38) AKCHUR11N, E. A., RUD1, V. V., SPIRIN, V. Y6. "Tunnel Diodes in Communications Technoloall Tunpeltnae diody v tekhnike syyazi (cf. English above), Moscow, "Syjaz", 19T1, 137 pp, ill. 50 k. (from RM-Radiotekhnika, No 5, May Tl, Abstract No 5A10 K) Translation: The authors investigate fundamental tunnel-dioda devices used in commmications technology (amplifiers, frequency coa1;ertt--;trs, self-excited oscillators, etc.). Particular attention is given to proble'm of the sta- bility of the cbaracteristics of these devices. The book is written for engineers, graduato students and advanced.undergraduate students m-ajoring in radio engineering. There are 149 illustrations, 6 tabliBs, axid a biliography of 44 titles. Annotation. Radiation Chemistry USSR MC 678.6751126-019-3j538-16 FURWt YE. G.s ABRAXOVA, T. X., DAH'YEVAl S. P. I FOMNKO, A, "Radiation-Chemical Transformations of Polycaproamide la the Presence of Secondary Aromatic Azines" Xoscowj Flaeticheskiye Massy, NO I yJan ?2, pp 12-15 Abstracti The paper presents the results of a study of the effect which esters of 4-hydroxydiphenylanine and certain other secondary aronatuc anlilas, an well as aubztituted phenols have on process of xadiation anl radiation- oxidation dentruction of polycaproamide, Seventeen of tbese additives were studiod In quantities of 0.03 mole/kg. Studios were jna6a Of thD influerloo of the additives on accumulation of free radicals, gau relez-3ej fritementation of the polymer chain during radialy-sis and radiation oxi(tation (if polycaproamide, as won as their effect on accumulation of peroxide aad carboxyl con-pounds as a function of temperature and concentration of the admitive accompanying radUtion oxidation of the polymer. The elec-ron pamoagnatic resonance method was usea to aetermine the structure and stabillty of Qbe raiicals formed %then secondary aromatic amines Interact with the'peroxide radicals which arise during radiation oxidation ofthe-polycapronilide and its low- 1/2 USSR FURWO YE. G., et al., Plastichaskiye Massy, No I# Jan 72, pp 12-15 molecular anallog -- N-butylproplonamide. It is foLud that secondary arylazLines have a protective effect during radiation oxidation of polyamides, and that this effect is due to the interaction between paroxide radIcala and aminest -Tesulting in the breaking of chains and stable nitrate radicals instead of reactive peroxide radicals. The authors tl~ank S. 1. Burmistrov for furnishing some of the specimens. Five.figures, two'tables, bibliography of eleven titles. ... ..... ...... USSR UDC 621 643; ~-6-987 - 0041 KRUTASOVAt F. I., SPIRVIR, L. S. "Effect of Stress k, Concentrators Upon the Reli~abiiity of Stenm, Conduits Made of 15Khl"111F Steel" Chelyabihsk, V sb. "Osvoyeniye blokov moshchnnstlyu 300 MVt na Ekibastuzsk. ugle" (Colloction of 'Iorks - Assi)ziilation of 9110 .*w Power Units 5urnin~r the Ekiba2tuz"Pegion Co.:-.!) , 1972, ICE-1208 jIL R h (frorq ReferatLvriyy Zhurnal-T,:~pioenergeti' No 6, Jl~ne'72, Abstract Po 6 06) Abstracti ~Phe results of short and long-term tests of the stren.,,,th and plastic-properties of the 15KhjlIlF steel i0i-,%ved t s, a tha s t P,~ I i s s i- n c ;I. t iv e t o s, t, r c- s s, c o n c (* n t ra to r s- . T I i r.1, r. r c- s e n c e; o f a I spiral cut lowers t-he Iewl of Iar~tbir, n1as-tic2ty v-) to 3-Lr~~ pt 1/2 'Milt WIN, USSR KRUYASOVA, E.I., et al, Chelyabinsk, V. Sb. "Osvoyeniye -blokov moslachiloct',ru 300 Wt m Ekibastuzsk- -ugle", 1972, pp 198-208 D?O'C*, vhile the lastinastrength by 2~-4T;:'. Steam conduits -fro-ii said steel can be used reliably on. units, qf'ter eli'minati'D-1i of defects, acting as stress concentrators both Ln the base m-stal and in welded Junctions. In order to Cet rid of bri,ttle failure in the steaum conduits met-il dur;---~oT,,eration, it is necessary to change heat t1reatement conditions for-p-loes in,order to increase t~e defon-nation camcity of l5KhlM1-F steel- 5 J 3 tables. 3 M. RfR[Rr~kowr r 777' Abstracting, Servlce4l. Ref. Code: Acc-. Nr: P0047392 GEOPHYSICAL ABST. ~00 91892t Mass-spectrometric study of petroleum sulfides of / 0170-310' fractions of Arlan: petroleum. Khm!Fnitsk-ii R A - Brod-9kii, E. S.. C1,eTtkw.-q-Ya.-'R.-. USSR) 11 4 970, P 1 0-0 iss). The ATM)j. Tekknol. Topl. -Alizsel 161, a ~'c sulfides,were sepd. by selective extn. inith ~n~~aq- ITAS04 soln. (Chertkov, Va. B.; Spirkin~ V.:G.; Demishe"i", V. NZ., 1967). Their group compti. was detd. with a INIK]i-1-303 sptctrometer at an accelerating voltage of 6-kV. ioniziljg-electr~)n energy 50 el', ternp. of the ion source, analyzer, and inlet wsrein 2,50'. The main sulfide fraction containea thioa)kanes 6.4, a'glkyfthiocyclanes 45.0, alkyl-thiobicyclants 24.9, alkyltbiotricy alles 12,.3, alkyl- cycloalkylsuffides 0.7. thioplienci 3.8, pitr filinic-nuplithenic hydrok-arbons 4.3. and CoIls.1ndan, and Triet Jln dprim 62.5 mole 1/7e. The characteristics and compn. oJhf-~ sulfidts are tabulated. (' GJR j REEL/FRAME USSR UDO 620-197.6 TI140140VA, H. A., STOLYAROVA, L. N. , and SP.IRYAn111,, G~ 1.0 Stannating of Idagnesium Alloys" Moscow, Zashchita Netallov, Vol 7. No 5, 1971, pp 621-623 t4ngS Abstracti Coa ~ used to prevent contact corrosion -of magniesiun, can be deposited in a st,-jinate electrolyte. The starting material iras a soj_ution containing the stannate of an alkali metal. AdditivetB used In galvanic tin plating were tested. Ground specinens made of '15 nap;nesiu~m alloy were used. Stanrating was carried out an elevated temperature At room tem- perature no coatings are formed on magnesium and steel, and at 60-700 the adhesion to magnesium was low. In openings made in the center of the maignesium alloy strips, steel cylinders were placed. In the ranige of~concentrations tested (K2 Sn03 and Na4FZ07 UP to 100 g/literl HaOR up to Z5,01itoro ard NaC H 0 up to 20 g/liter), t~e a 2 ) 2 n greatest~effect an coating thickness was shown by the K.SnO and NaoH concentrationsi The tests led to the followina mcommendation for3the sol4tion to be used in stannating Wnesiua alloys (ML5,p 14LIO, ML12, and so on) (g/liter)l KgSnO 3 80-90; NaOH 7.15-10, NaC.H 3"2 8-12; and Ka 45-50. The stannating conditions are as followst tempera- 4~27 USSR TIMOROYA, M. A., et al., Zashchita Metallov, Vol 7, NO 5, 1971, pp 62i-623 ture 80-900 and duration 20-25 minutes. On the magnesium alloy the coating consisted of zagnesium utannate and magnesium bydroxide (26.~% Mg and 59.6% Sn) but pure tin was deposited on steel. The coating thic~zness or, the riagnesium alloY was 3-5, and on the Steals -- 5 microns. The gwowth in thickness of the coating slows down with time and practically ceases after 10 minutes. The adhesion of paint and lacquer cotaings to the stannate coating was tested for different drying conditions. It was found that the initial adhesion of paint or lacquer coatings -- both for hot and cold dz~ing conditions --,to stannated magnesium alloy is gaod. When moisture is i!ltrodaced into the envirorm-ent, the adhesion of the paint or,varnish coattng In the case of hot drying is reduced much less than for~cold drying. 2/2 USSR UDC: 669.721.5.620.193 MUKHINA, 1. Yu., TIN50NOVA, M. A., SPIRYAKINA. G. N., Moscow "Influence of Phase Composition on Corrosion Behavior of Magnesium Alloys" Moscow, Izvestiya AR-ademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, No 6, 1973, pp 203-212. Abstract' The influence of aluminum and manganese on the corrosion behavior of magnesium has been studied extensively. The positive influence of the addition of manganese results from an increase in the hydrogen overvoltage on the alloy and the formation of a protective film. It is assumed that the phase Mg 17 Al 12 is an ineffective cathode.. The role of other phase components when aluminum, manganese and iron are present in alloys remains unclear. This work was intended to study the influence of phases formcd in the systems Mg-Al, Mg-,Mn, Mg-Al-Mn containing iron as an impurity on the corrosion an([ electro- chemical behavior of the alloys (containing from 0,42 to 9.31 Al, from 0 to 1.32% ~!n and from 0.001 to 0.03% Fe) in a,3% solution of sodium chloride and in mist air. The phases fall in the following order as to itable potential, 17 Al2< aRa < Mn5Al8 < Fe2Al 5' lbe cathode ef faaivemoss cr.)n.~equcntly USSR Mukhina, 1. Yu., Timonova, M. A., Spiryakina, G. N., Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, No 6, 1973, pp 208-212. increases in the same order. 1lie sharp reduction in corrosion resistance of Mg-Al alloys containing hundredths of one percent of iron resul ts from the formation of phases in the system Fe-Al (FeAl + Fe 2A15), which are effective cathodes. The increase in the corrosion, resistance of technical magnesium as manganese is introduced results from the inhibition of the cathode process upon formation of Fe-Nin solid solutions and the phase wil The increase in (Fe) the corrosion resistance of Mg-Al-NIn alloys containing hundredths of one percent of iron when up to one percent Nin is added results fTORI the supression of the formation of pha:es of aluminum with iron and the formation of a new phase which has a negative potential and high.hydrogen oyervoltage. Mn ---- - -- ------- 7/7 USSR UDC 669.24/. SPITCHENKO V. S., KARMULLIN, S. A., TSEFT, A. L.:0 ROMMITEYEV, Yu. 1. "Principles of Sulfuric Acid Leaching, of 0%idized Nickel Ores" Nauch. tr. Kaza~khsk. Politekhn. In-t. [Scientific Works of Kazakh Polytechni- cal Institute] , Alma-Ata, 1971, pp M-525, (Translated frora Referativiiyy Zhurnal, MetalluTgiya, No 5, 1972, Abstract No 5 G31~2 by G. SvodtsevL') Translation: Ni- and Co-containina minerals, a-kerolite, 5- kerolite, nontronite, and psilomelane were taken for investigation. The consumption of acid was significantly groater than the required quantity for dissolution Of all acid-soluble cumponents in the mineral. The dis~iollutioii of Nli and Ca froia the ore and its component minerals occurs in the kini~tic aTtla. The similaritY of the "alTarent" activation energies of dissolution of L'N-i from the ore (14,460 cal/mol) and ~-kcrolite (14,300 cal/mol) and Co from the ore (12,820 cal/mol) and psiloniclane (13,120 calf/piol) confirm the re-sults of mineralogical studies, which indicated that the basic mineral containin.,c) Ni in the ore is P-kerolite, while the baiie, mineral cootaining Co is psiloiaelane. Three figures, 4 biblio. reftrences. DA --30OCT70 1/2 016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING TE TITLE--PRINCIPLS FEATUaES OF THE ACTION OF RADIOMMETICS ON THE CONDENSATION AND PROPERTIES OF SUPERMOLECULAR UCOXYRISONUGLEOPROTEIN -~AUTHOR-(03)-MARTYNOVt E.V.t SPITKOVSKI;Yo, DoM..:j,,TsEYTLIN# P-1- ._~'COUNTRY Of: INrFO--USSR. _ZA) -.,..SOURCE--,kA0I0BlGLOGlYA 1970, 10(l) ,3-8"' '-,:-i)ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 .~SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--THYtlUS GLAND, NUCLOPROTEINt.:ORGNAIC PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDs "ORGANIC AC[Dr IMIDE, AMIOE, X RAY IRRADIATION -,`CQ%TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLAS'3--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY R-cEL/FRAME--1998/0476 STEP NO--UR/0205170/OLO/001/0003/0008 CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0121150 wl~ ~016 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--30OCT7G C.IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0121150 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-O- ABSTRACT. THE ACTION OF ElETHOXYCAFFEINE (1) AND PHOSPHAZIN(DI(ETHYLENEIMIDE)p2vPYRIMIDYLAMIDOPHOSP~IURIC ACID) 111) ON DEOXYRIBONUCLEOPROTEINS EXTO.,IN 0.7M NACL SOLN, FROM CALF THYMIUS HAS BEEN EVALUATED. NUCLEOPROTEIN GELS WERE INCUBATED WITH I AND (GRO 11 A0.001M SOLNS) FOR 24-26 HR AT 4DEGREES. THE LENGTH OF NUCLEOPROTEIN FIBERS FORMED FROM THE PREPNS. PRELIMINARY TREATE wirH ji WAS INCREASED BY 10-15PERCENTr WHILE IT WAS DECREASED BY 15-20RERCENT AFTER TREATMENf WITH ItIN COMPARISON WITH.CONTROL FIBERS (10 CP). THE TEAP. OF THE TRANSITION OF THE FIBERS FROM THE HIGHLY ELASTIC.INTO THE VISCOSE STATE WAS INCREASED TO 60-65DEGREES AFTER TREATMENT WITH I AND DECREASED TO 35-40DEGREES- AFTER TREATMENT WITH 11 ( 50-55DEGREES IN CONTROL F13ERS) THE EFFECT OF 11 WAS LESS INTENSIVE IN EXPTS. WITH DEPROTEINIZED DEOXYRIBONUCLEOPROTEINS (N-P RATIO OF 3.2-2.B). II.POSSESSED A RADIOM14ETIC ACTION WEAKENING INTERMOL. INTEPACTION IN SUPERMOL. DEOXYRIBONUCLEOPROTEIN SYSTEMS* THE PREPNS. DIG NOT CHANGE THE STRUCTURE OF INDIVIDUAL MOLS, OF DNA ANO DEOXYRI8Z)fqUCl.EOPRJTEIN ACTING IN LOCO WHERE WEAK INTERMOL. UONDS OCCURRED. SYNERGISM OF THE ACTION OF X. RAYS AND 11 WAS NOTED IN EXPTS. WITH DEOXYA13ONUCLEOPROTEINS TREATED -1 "R) 200 R. WITH AND 9L Il AND THEN X IRRA0IAffD,WITH A'D.O$E OF FACILITY. INST. EKSP. 510L. MOSCOW, uSSR. r~ - - n - . MLL Molectaar ~Biolbg'y U 6R UDC: 581 -10.23-037 L V. Yu. and Institute Of Plwit Physiolof7- irreni y -Y,,~- -v. Academy of Scicm-w-c-- W-OR, and in41titute of Medic-1 Genetics, I L , T im it zc 4 aaezrv of 1-1edic;:-~l Sciences USSR si!: of "ossible- Impalments of. Chrmosome St cturo in a Coriitant Marrrlet j- t'A-nvl,; tlu of Condensed.Submoleaular D-11P Syste_msfr Field in a 11cdell Ho.-cow, Fiziologiya Rasteniy, Vol 18, No 1, JimlFeb 71, pp 192-196 Abstract: nie location of mmzin.g, charged, .1ree inw-romclecules of high-molecular- weight ch-anges significantly in pov.,erful motgnotic fieIds. If such moleculeS ----e pait cf a sinEle suhmoleculzu, wjstem, the theologicb]. pr~:''zortie3 Z t"'le sho-j]-d differ fro;~~i those in a cont-rol. To test thit, assumption, nucleal, rmcleo- pro-u-c-i-ris fvcn cd'L thTmius -!ere exposoi to a heterogeneo,,zi nagnet-is- fi,~:ld od 12,U)D oe. -~'t relat,-Lonohip iias noted betwee.-P the natwe 31 the re-ctica and the J- - ~ U ~ protein content of the nucleoprotuin complex. At hIgh i):Urogen pro'.1'ein rtatioS (b.6 to L.9), the relative of DNP ztructives -Less th,-Ln in the "r01 (25 and 30.12"~ , re5p~;Ctively); at- lo-w ratios to it war, greater thDr, in the (),,'~,2 ands 1,54 dL~leter of a DIU' strand ,ias larg-c-r t-h-an :Iii the con"l-rol. It 'ioovlrj thus api:-2-ir th~at -4-.te- f'ereaco with structi)re fo.-mation in the nixleoproteili complex of &Xomosores is 112 USSR iyi STRMOVA, V. Yu. and SPITKOVSKIY, D. M., Fiziolog' a Rasteniy, Vol 1 Io 1, Jan/Feb 71, pp 192-196 one of the possible mechmus-!is of action of a maVieLic fiedd on mitosi.s. Th.D- mapetic field presumably orients them pncromoleculea and 'their segments per- pendicular to it, i.e., parallel to the &yis of the UNP utrarld, causing it to swell (increas-ing the diameter). 212 !P~ 025 q0CESSING DATE--27NOV70 :T.,ITLE--,liECHANISM OF ELECTRICAL~C-,ONL)ur.~IT,IVIETY INACES IUM IODIDE CRYSTAL -U- AUTHOR-(03)-PASHKOVSK IYt M.V. t SPITKOV-SK[Yt I M. o.i TKA(;HUKt A.D. C.011,4 TRY OF INFO--USSR ~,-SOURCE-FIZ. TVERD. TELA 100, 1?-(5),':1317-22 PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT NREAS---;~4ATERFALS, PHYSICS -TOPIC COiNDUCTIVITY, GESIUlMt IODIDEp CRYWALp CRYSTAL IMPURITY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-3003/1624 STEP _CIRC ACCESSION W-1--AP0130654 212 025 UNC LASS I: F rE D PRoiESSING DATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0130&54 AaSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE TP-1P DE-Pr-NOENCE WAS INVESTIGATED -OF ELEC. C0JN0. OF CS[ SINGLE CRYST&LS C(~:NfG. CGN-li-11NED CATIONIC AND ANTONIC VPUIRITIES, AS: VIELL AS THE EI:F-,-,CT OF HIGH TEMP. A;NNEALING IN VACUUM AND I N 0 ON THE ~ COND. 1) F C S1, W I I'll CAT I ON I c IMPURITIES, AtIO THERMAL CYCLE 0!14' SPECIMENS W[T-K 11,11PURITTES. T i i E RESULTS CAN BE WELL. EXPLATiNED IN TERMS OF AN ANIONIC MECHANISM OF CONID. r IN. CSI FACILITY: LIVOV. Cp(j)S. L)NIV.IM.' FRANKI), LVQV-j USSR. IJN D MCLASS IFIF CArza,., 19 1 So-. 3pres raiU5 OPTICAL MODELING OF Tim PA A~ JAON PATTERR '~X A VARIAWX PROFILE ANTENNA OPERATIVa IN TIIM~IZARI'TMA DIAPITRACH MODE 4 ;'"~orz avinr and v.n-A"' Lenintrad lArticle by,jq. '9 -e -r- USrR rranch r 4. _t ophy I &4;~ ry or uw Acadc-my or Sciences; Moscow Izvesti"'I ssh1kb--Uch.11)1!xKh C' 6, 'o-5, submittLd 31 (Ictob Pp 1-5C14i Methols of optirul modeling of wavelike procapqpa h&ve r"eived the widest dinnomination racontly~1-111. i-hr brnin or thea~ -ethods -- thp Inner (OKC) -- h;,n becotot, one of th" moot "p I ond widespread infitrumtntA of lotborrtory, pructice. Th a beam of coherent light which the Inner f~anerwtan hop *roved to be adequate in power to provide quantitntivo measuromints in AppnopriOte optical mortals. The extreetely unall ralptivp sjre of an axporlmantal faell Ity makes aptival mr,~.nodo Irreplace bj a when the d1r6ctivity properties or such nar-row-benm antennion '113 varimble-profila reflector rrd)otejascopa3 vrgft be atudied. The Large-Pulkovo Radiatelesco. and HATAV-60 rodlotele. ncepe. which Is beinr, built, are examples or such antenTu)s. Thanks to the atructurol. featurf-5 of such devices (the main arstqnna reflector in nectiormlized, wit~i three dearven of freedum or travel for anch sectlonj. which hmye been irivqn the "inme vprioble-prorlip ants.-nnu (APP). they ~~)Ij be 0 1yorated in various However. tKesa '1nOnntnndnrd" operating maden can be subjected to an ndequntely detn1lod preliminary study nly In optlcol models. since thr princip.,~l.APP time la devoted 0 "r1-- to ==king Ladio obseryntionn under the- antratinysten% progrom. In particular# study of' APP operation In the Wirtrinn diaphr:irm made Is of Interest when. during fintenn;t Init.11111- tion, the central portion Of th" vorigible profile rvfIc7crr at the source of rodlo-fraquency r diation Iv el Iminutod I r, 0. detemine the Position oi t1le this case It becomes possible.t 14 USSR um 621.396.67:621-317.743088.8) GEL'FREYKH G. B. SPITKOVSKIY V. M. ,MUZALEVSKIY, Tu. S. , Main Astronomic 'I 0ft-&f-eclences of the USSR Observato:y (PulkB'Vot, AZA "A Method of Determining the Position of the Focus inIjInidirectional. Antennas With an Aperture Wider Than 104 Wavelengths" USSR Author's Certificate No 261486, filed.23 Oct 68,,published 22 May 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 1*091 P) Translation: The proposed method, which is applicable in the centimeter and millimeter wavelength ranges, is a modification of the Eartmen method. As a distinguishing feature of the method, some of the reflecting elements are taken out of the central section of the reflector$ tralisit of a selected extraterrentrial source of radio emission through the,-radiation pattern of the antenna is registered for two positions-of.the reflector. One illustration. N. B.