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USSR UDC 621.372,5 SHEIN, A. G.,,, ~STA O~EM,00-' V. 'IStudy of Coupled Transmission Lines with Identical Phase Propagation Constants and Different Damping Constants" Radiotekhnika. Resp. mezhved. nauchno-tek-bn. sb (Radio Engineering. Republic Interdepartmental Scientific and Technical Collection), 1970, vyl). 15, pp 111- 114 (from M-Radiotekhnika, No 4, Apr 71, Abstract No 4A149) Translation: nle method of associated waves is used to study coupled trans- mission lines with identical phase propagation constanta and different damping constants. Analysis shows that for certain values of t4e line parameters, complete transfer of power from one line to the other is possible. The experi- mental resulv~ can be useful whan analyvin'S processes occurring, In traveling wave tubes, !_-ackward wave tubesp directional couplers, c6upled spirals, and so on. There are 2 illustrations and a 5-entry blblingrapliy. 1/1 112 037 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE-20NOV70 _'ETL& --THEf~VJUYNAMICS CF A HIGHLY NCI,4[D,gA:L PLASMA -U- ALTH0R-(02)-,N.GQ.MAh, G.E., STARG~~Tlllqr ;.No CCut,;TRY UF fNFU--USSR SOURCE--TEPLOFIZ. VY5. TE,',IP.,'-1970, 8(2), 413-33 DATE PU13L ISHEG --- - -- 70 A Z.U3JECT AREAS-PHYSICS -7CPIC TAG_S--EQU_;',Tl0N OF STATE, COMPUTER APPLUCATI.-iNe 3HERP-ODYNAMICS1 ''MOUEL, LCW TEMPERATURE PLASMAr NONUNIFORA PLASMA -~CUITRCL MARKING-740 iZESTRICTION$ OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PAOXY REEL/FRAME--3005/14i2 STEP ~,'O--UR/02(34/70/()~'8)'002/0413/04313 -CIRC- ACrPSCTCN NG--APQ13336_4 ui-.L_ LA-51'2-L-A`~ I-E-B A S S 212 037 UNCL14 I F I ED: PROCESSING DATE-201NOV70 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0133364 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A SURVEY !S GIVEi'll TO ANALYZE CRIT. AND SYSTEMATICALLY THE AVAILABLE APPROXNS. ON DENSE PLA.~MAI wITH EMPHASIS CN LLW TEMP. PLASPIA (10 PRIME3-10 PRIME50,CGIREESK). THE SIMPLER MGDEL APPRCXNS. ARE EVALUATED TO STUDY STRONGLY INIERA(JING (;OULGMS PARTICLE SYSI-EMS. THE GENERAL FORM OF THERMODYNIAXIC, WINANTI TIES IS CONSIDEkEi), 6HICH FGLLDhS FROM THf-: UNIFICRM CGULJMd POTENTIAL IN 'CLASSICAL AND ULIANTUM STAIISTICS. THE APPLICABLE CHARACTfRISTICS OF THEkMCbYNAM[C FUNCFIGNS IN A WEAKLY NION40EAL PLASMA;IARE TREATED. THERI4CDYNAVIC INSTAbILITIES, 80TH FAST AP40 SLOWo QUANTUM FFFECTS IN FREE CHARGE INTER-ACTIONS, EQUATIONS OF STATE AND THE POS-SIbILITY OF LAYER SPEN. OF DENSE PLASMA INTO PHASES, T~-,E PHASE DEAGRAIMS9 ME EXISTENCE OF -CRIT. PCINTS, THE POSSIBLIITY OF THE OVERCOOLED METASTA8LE STATE CF DENSE PLASMAt CUMPUTER TREATMENTS OF STRL-14G INrERAC7ION-OF COULOMB SYSTEMS AND NONIDEAL PLASMA, REGICNS OF. APPLICABILVTY OF VARIOUS -APPROXNS. AND CALCN. METHODS IN DENSE PLASMA THEORY~, AND THE RESULTS OF EQUArION OF~ STATE OF A '4il-,H~Y NONIDEAL ..EXPTL. INVESTIGATION GF THC :PLA-SMA ARE DISCUSSED. 108 REFS. FACILITY: INST. VYS. TE14P.v ~:MUSCUWt USSR* JPRS 57080 2 January 1973 'Art, j-:1- 1,y M-1-er of th,~ AS IISiii Ye. P. Vi I L 0. jli~, v Pb- C (1, 1 it s v L-3 1~ v f i. z I "'nkv Lh'- -~akillg Qf tll,! of I -'o,l ot ioi('il po.crkiL i-izi,tion srous-;;~s je-tjj--~ r.attar, [3,41) to-ormittl crv~tinr. ti- pr,,rt!ipi -1 i t f:n car the now or vol tmue d ischirCit , Ilowev,,or, i- witl such a ~!iscft;irg .,e proves to bo abIt,- I k- t i 1, tat, I t i t Y 1- ~ fort i. rlt,- t i "g i ,,, i,~ L i0" , '. 1- t-.v T I ha 3 twin aw, 11 C I ~Ii th ov~-t,;Iet to bLationtiry t1i f- "'e 5 . t 4~ to x t tcrq~t . a v moric to an. t yzir , bu.h lot . t tv -I tf~ r-, "; t. j?'lile't votla-. di scl%iqges. * Irl th.ot c-, ty- ector--.1y tho sysLc. of hydr ... 1)~w,,,iv .... ..... I,zt c-Oitio't, .,ttoto tile. tlm,i, oV 'I"velopm-'t et ( i~v i o-4 it I I i t Y i s L ~ -, timm thi,i o: L~w qf estauti odmi?n t of ttw s t.,- t I Y 4 C.. t .- . vh I 'h i -4 de O.-Lilea toy this thor-% L ~ itrut'l'. t,~Y w t or tt- (!;Is. rs,krh juqtifie,j in Lh~ --. of di L'Jll- "~- 1~-,M atloltYrold tlic It , cI cof on .L~rnal ionizatim, 11 il ril-W -41~11 tim --;t 1, 1 Own 1. 1 - h, j, t iaj~ t j!-~ . 1.1,r u,t fil,,%mayntary fluttuutiart of' Lite pit ra I e I to att L cc t ric fir te. uhi Ch i13 A59URIOd to bl! cxollstavt~ L-t the (Awltacteristic dimqnsicool of inhomogrvineity satAlry th~** c ond i ti anto (Ij 11 USSR LI JPRS 59474 10 Ju IY 1973 THEORY OF STREAM BRFAKWWI; Nr~ A, V, R,ijn~ Y L~t Ru5sian, No 11 1973, signed to press 24 July 3972, pp 56 65] the tb-or- -~af a gas requires examin-at ion .-of 'tra,nspor t of the -one f*ionizatio-q in the di rection of unionized gas in an electric field, drpcnding an the furm uf stre=er, which is governed, in turn, %y the transport mochanifilbs 11-31. In such forn this problem is very complex, and 0m theory proceed% wiong the ~Vath of analysis of various qualitative streamer modcls [41. It is assuried in 14] thAt the velocities of the styenmers travelin e. ae anode and cathodezrc deter=ired by the drift rate of-electre# tower is. The M.041.1kA of prop4gatioN or an node-boutid siteamer is considered to be the 4~-.,elo;n~nt of an avAfanchc from the Icadink edge of a electrons travqlinj to~ar4 the anode. On 'the cathod.-side electrons aye forfted ahead of the liont of the cathoda-bound strea"t, because of transfer of emission from the ionized zone [1). It is shoten in IS] that direct photoicnizatian is ineffective because of the short path of the quanta, and a mechartism of development of a cathoda-bound streamer, related to associative Ionization of excited atoms, is proposed. , These atoms are formed by far-travaling re5onaticr photons from the Wings of the spectral line. A linear relationshlp betueen the- velocity of streamers ond their length turncd out to be a very intrrrsting prediction of theory (4). This dependence was izonfirmed in experiments on streamer breakdown. Initiated at the center of the discharge gap in npark chambers 16. 71. At tln~ some t.04), the velocity of the "broakd-d wave" for streamers, developed from avalanches initiated at one of the tlectrodei,remsios consthin with Aat isfactory accuravy in intervals of length of the order of k a. A qualitative th"ry that permits computation of the Y"locity of 4n anode-bound streamer in the case when VvIotity does not depend an length , is formulated in this article. Sirce the diffusion coefficient of excitcd 1 11 USSIt LI 1/2 033 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--30OCT70 TITLE--PECULIARITIES OF THE INTERPRETATIGN OF X RAY P'HGTCGRAPHS OF AUSTLNITIC STEELS -U- AUTHOR-(0'l)-llOLGIY, A.-A.t VJLKOVj A.S., STAROSTIN, A.P., 141KITAS, A*P., -AOYL* PANLV9 COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~,'S0lUKCE--MUSL0*A, SVARCCHNjYE PROIZVL)rjSTVG, 140 3, 1970, PP 3ti-37 DATE PUBL ISHEC----70 ~suajr=CT AREAS-MATERIALS, MECH., IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TGRIC TAUS-ALSTENif-IC STEEL, BIbLI06RAPHYp WELL) DEFECT, X RAY TECHNIQUE9 ~_~_,RAGIOGkAPhIC JOINT INSPECTICINi RADIOGRAP.HY XGUTROL MARKING-NO RESTaICTIONS D.CCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED ~f ROXY REEL/FRAME--19449/1316 STEP NO--UR/0135/7010001003/0036/0037 IRC - ACCL S S VEIN- ltlb-APO 123Z7 5 .-.2/2 033 UNCLASSIFIED. PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 C 4CCESSI ~N Ni-AP012327 5 ZIP STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. IT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED THAT A B.Z 'APPAAENT DARKENING OF THE FILM OBSERVED UPON X RAYING OF wELDS IN, STEEL ARE FREOUENTLY A RESULT OF,THE OVERHEATING UF THE WELL) AND~ NOT THE PRESENCE'UF -DEFECTS: IN IT., USSR UDC 539-3 IEMIROVSKIY, YU. V. and STAROSTIN. G. I. (Novosibirsk) "Zero-Moment Coupling of Reinforced Shells of Rotation" Moscow, I-L-khanika Tyerdogo Tela, No 5, 1973, PP 73-86 Abstract, In this paper, axisyimaetric problems of thezealization of a zcro- moment stressed state in composite shells of rotation are dealt vith by effecting, changes in the rigidity of the shell as a result of stulection of the laws of reinforcement of each sector, or by selecting the lx~ws of distribution of the thickness at, sectors, as well as by means of selecting otiffaning r:Ln.-s and force factors acting upon them. The reasoning is illustrated by examplea. Problems. havixiE to do vith the realization of a zero-maneat state in coupled shells as a result of changing the configuration of the shell or by means of supplementary loads upon the surfacelof the choll am- to be dealt vith I~y the authors in sabsequent papers. 4 fisuxes- 3 tables. 7 reference6. USSR UDC 539-3 IZEMIROVSKIY, Yu. V., and.STA~OPT 1, G. 1.,-Ilovosibirsk "Momentless Reinforced Axisymwtrical S-hells" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Fekhanika Tverdogo Tela,: No 3, 1,hy-Jun 72, pp 82-91 Abstract: The general problem of realization of a momentless stressed condi- tion in axisym.-n-trically loaded and fixed reinforced shens of revolution is divided into four categories as follows. 1). Detemint-tion of the form of the meridian by which the mamentless condition in the shell is realized under the action of given forces and by known distrib%itian of the thickness of. the rh!ell and the assigned character of the axis.)Tmetrical anisotrdnll. 2). Deternina- tion of the t~~Te of load ef fecting, a momentless condition in the shell of revolution of given i,eo"tric form and by assipned thickmss distribution and character of reinforcement (anisotropy.and heterogenoity)- 3). D,4termiriation of the rule of thickmeso distribution by which the momentless streas cond-ition in the shell of revolution with riven axi&r,7.-m-r_-tricaI external loads and given reinforcenment rule is realized. 4). Search for the rule of ar-ditional rein- forcement guarant,eelip,g a rayrreatless. axis,,p-m!tricaI stressed condition for the she" of revolution of given georetric fom, loa~ded. "s--med aXiSIMIE!trical loads and possessing assif.-,ned rules of thickness, anisotxopy, and heterogeneity .1/2 USSR IONUROVSKIY, Yu. V. and STAROSTIN, G. I., Izvestiya Akadeirdi Vauk, Mekhanika Tverdogo Tela, No 3, Mlay-Jun 72, pp 82-91 changes. Some composite problems am, discussed, e.,f,,. the possession of a momentless condition in the shell at the,exDense of a Joint change of the shell geometry or thickness and the character of reinfore-2ment. Four illustr., ~thirty one formulas, fourteen biblio. refs. 22 'M W W WU~. W ~~74 I T I M. 11, IN' i i 01. h, II I .4 " U'Pi q, HNICAL TRANSLA710M T EC YSTCET-23-485-71 EINCLISk TITM AIUT034ATIC COMPOL Or FOMM POOMSSES rOMIM TITLZ: jLjrT(LmATjCL~_-cy_nyr tlp_IzAv ks -L .1,151qVg. ylzqTS S)L I A.~THORt A,.XA. Shaptala And 1. A. StmEaWn COURC91 Leningrad: lzdatal'stvo "mashinostroy*ntyall., 1969 t-4 7ronflated for YSTC by ACST e cont,enth of this publicattion have bzcn translated as incs~nted in tlie wigmA text. No "I :cmpt hxs been made to verify the accuracy of any m2tement containcd herein. This 11slation is published with a minimum of copy cdiin; and griplaics prcimration in order Ir., to cxperiitc the dissemination of information. krquvits for zZdifiunol copies of this hould be stc1dressed to Department A, National Ttchnkal Isiformation Service, pringfiald.Virginia 22151.Approvcd for publilcreleasr; distribution unlimited. Cr USSR UDC: 535-373.2 GROSS, Ye. F. (Deceased), STAROSTIN, N. V. 191PEPILOV, K. P. , and SEEKHMUIET YEV, R. I. "Spectroscopic Investigation of Energy Levels of Bielectrons or Biholes in a Bismuth Iodide Crystal-'I Moscow, Izvestiya A-kademii Nauk SSSR--Seriya Fizicheskaya, No 4, 1973, PP 885-890 Abstract: This article is the continuation of work begun in an earlier paper (Gross, Ye. F, et al, PisIma ZhBTF, 2.~, 1971, P 320) describing experimental research into exciton states in B'13 crys- tals j.n which a hydrogen-like series of resonance li-nes of radia- t on and absorption originating inthe shortwave rather than the i longwave spectral region was discovered. The results of further experimental vork -,long this line are discussed :Ln -the present paper. The authors assert that the basic results of the experi- mentation can be interpreted if it is assumed that this series of lines is connected with a special type of optical transition in semiconductors, a transition between two electron zones,or two hole zones; it can be considered as a direct interzone transition 1/2 IA;., Ifi i i r 1 i d11 1 v,, 1 N, -I i 111 10 4111 M ii 1 r I131"Y' 9 -4 041 IM 1~' M- USSR UDC: 535-373.2 ya Akademii Nauk'SSSR--Ser4va Fizi- GROSS, Ye. P., et 61, Izvest~ cheskqya~, No 4, 1973, pp 885-890 accompanying the formation of a bielectron or bihole by- analoCy with the formation of an exciton for thecase oi" ordinary zone- zone transitions between an upper valent zone and the conductivi'LLT zone. Absorption and luminescence spectra of,the inverse series in Bi13 crystals are shown. It is noted that, with better crystals and the use of a high-dispersion spectrometer, the terms of the in- verse absorption series a! temperatures of li6-4.20 K have doublet structures and a prediction made on the basis of~the theory has been exper- imentally verified. 2/2 UDC: None GROSS, Ye. P. (Deceased), RO -S Slr_~IIPILOV, 1,11.P an d SIMM-W-JETIYEV, R. I. "Fine Sti-acture of the BnerEy Levels of a Bielectron or Bihole in a B'13 Crystal" LenIngrad, Plzika r_rverdogo Tela,, vol 14, No 7, :1972, pp 1942--1947 Abstract: From the exDerimental discovery of an inverted series of hydrogen-like lines in BiI crysUala, it has beea concluded t-hat the phenomenon was caused ~y the formation of a~ biellectrOn a sys- tem of twin charged particles, electrons, or holes, uith antiplaral- lel sDi-ns. Further exrerimentation ,,as conducte(I by tlle men ramed above4 and the results of 11-hat, experimontation are given in this paper. Included also are theoretical investiga-tionn into the spectroscopic characteristics of the two types of twin -jarticle5 in poorly. sypmetrical BiI3 crystals. Experiraent all-, it uas found that in a DFS-13 spectroscope writh a dispersion of about 21-An the Bi13 sPectrur'l bad a fine struct-ure and som of ita lines vere doublets, the distancc between ni?. ts the doublet componerts "ryinir lxiverw-ly as thf qmzitiin, i*,wrifta. he cyPQ im-4,n~, 2/2 USSR GROSS Ye. F. (deceased), et al., Fizika Tverdogo Tela.) vol 14, NO 7, 1972, pp,1942-194-7 of the present paper also used more perfect crystals. 1'n t1w. theoretictil Fart of the paper, the authors obtain an expression for the of the doublet cor-Tonents vhich lndic~ates that the dcruble-t splittin-o- of the d-bielectron r bihole decreases vith increasing line number. accordir~-, to th~, relation 1/n . This agrees with the experimentally observed variatioa4 The authors, members of the A. A. Uidanov State University of LenIngrad and tht, A. F. lof fe Phys- co- Tecbnical Institute of Leningrrad, express their tLY N. Drugov-aj who participat d in the wxperimnts AL BID MY Agriculture WSR STAROSTINt S. G., VNM1SKhSPGA, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences "Technology and Effectiveness of Aerial Spraying!' Hoscow, Zashchita fLasteniyj I No 4, 1971, PP 30-32 Itanslatione Airplanes anO, helicopters are among the most Important machines used in the Soviet Union to donfxol crop pastsp diseases 'and weedis, Their use has grown especially during the mst 10 years, For erzmple, 38,000,000 hectares were treated froja the air In. !965: compared with 48, 000 p 000 hectates in 19'10. This amounted to about 5V% of all the efforts Piwie in the WSIR to control pestst diseases, and weeds, Aerial spraying is the principal nethod employed aAd it nou accounts for over 751Z of the work done in this field, Its popularity is due to several its high aad stable effec- advantages that it has over duat4l1g, Speei tiveness. The established rules nust be followed if th-a spraying is to be safe (observance of the proper height and speed of flight, clear sienaling among those engaged in theevork, maintenance. of th-_ correst rates of di,,qp3r_-,a]L of the pesticide and working liquid, proper width of area,to be treated, arA such agroteebUcal considerations az time- of treatmonto z4ize of &rops, dtmity with which the plant ourfaces axe to be oovored, forth). 1/8 Jit USSR STAROSTIN, S. G., Zashchita Rastenly, No 4,: 1971, PP 30-32 The technology of aerial spraying Is pretty much the same whether it is done from an airplane or helicopter. The spiaying is donD close to the ground to 6 m above the crops). The air space :between the nachine and rround complicates the transport of the drops and fine particles of the pesticide to the crops, especially in the layer next to the Ground. More =- pid settling is promoted by the aerodyna-mic forces created by the flient of a plane and especially a helicopter, whose lifting rotor drives doirnlarge masses of air et aeonsiderable volocityi thereby facilitating the transyort of the drops of pesticide to the crops being treated. The'average volocity of such a stnam frora. Soviet agricultural helicopters uben hovering ranges from 6 to 11 ra/sec, with t1m r1gyrinu-m 20 =/see (from an airplane only 3.5 to 6 ia/sea). If the horizontal velocity of the helicopter is increasedt:the rate oS descent of the air masses and angle of slope of the strearvto the groxxd surface decrease. Tha angle of slope of the dust-air stream from an K1-4-s helicopter moving at 10 to 15 ku/hour is 75 to 800, 43 to 50 0 at 20 to 30 km/hour' 15 to 20 0 at 60 km/hourt arri 50 at 120 kn/hour, i.e., the same az fror. an AN-2 plane. The air currents formed behind a moving plaae ox helicopter can regarded as a "blasV' that d1rocts the stream of pesticide drops and improves their transport to and penetration of plantinga and c'x*op*. The height of the 2/ USSR STAROSTIN, S. G. j Zashchita Rastenlyp Vo 4l 1971t PP 30-32 flight is very important. The optimum distance between the spraying deyices and the crops to be sprayed is 5 m. This height ensures an adequate swath, un' orm distribution of the pesticidep and minimwt waste, When the plane or helicopter is closer to the ground, the drop3. are not everOy distributed and the swath is narrower. When the plane or helicopter is higher up, the quality of the spraying is poorer and more of the pesticide is loni. Thus, accoxding to the State Research Institute of Civil Aviation, in apzityinglan orchard from an AN-2 Dlane# changing the height of the flight from 5 to 10 r. results In an almost 26% loss of pesticide and marked decrease in the effectiveness of treat- Mont. When a holicopter is used, tho intonsity of the action of the stram of air end liquid on the crops depends on both tho hoight and velocity of the flight. Whon orchards and vineyards are sprayed froa I11-1. end U-15 holi- copters, the height shoula be 5 m, and the velocity ?_5 to IU kx/hourz and in the case of field crops 5 m and 60 km/hour. With an bil-Z or U-26, bo-th of which have a large flight weight aW arive the air dounwaxd at V1;Te!at speod, the sane effect is achieved from a height of ? to 6 M#-but at 5 m the speed can be increased. The great range of helicopter velocities.and powerful air stream help 3/8 USSR SITAROSTUp S. G., Zashchita Usteniyo No 4, 19710 PP 30-32 to satisfy the increased agrotechnical demands made on spraying. For example, any of the Soviet helicopters can easily create a stream. of air and liquid of 5 to 6 m/sec at the tree crowns. Since the sprayed liquid covers a distance of 5 m or more before reach- ing the ground and th6 drODS eze affectod by the turbulence arising during flight, the total width of the suat.1i covered by Soviet airplanes and helicopters is 60 to ?0 or even 100 m. To ensure more uni orm distribution of the pesti- cide, the field Is usually sprayed 2 or 3 tines over a suath 30 to 40 m wide# When a potato crop, for example, is sprayed from an AN-2 plane covering a swath of 30 M, the variational factor characterising the wffo=dtty of di:s- tribution of the pesticide on the field ordinarily does not exceed 35,'V". Agrotechnical demands on spraying were worked out in goneral fo= Ion.- ago. Only a few additions and.cor.-tations. have been made sinca then to take into account the variety of working conditions and latest techrology. The quality of spraying is characterized by the 81.ze and. number of drops sprayed per unit of volume and after settling per unit of area. A fine spray ensur6s a thicker and more unifora covering of the surfacts. Large drops use too nuch of the liquid, quickly run off the plants and if trapped on the leaves may buni them. USSR STAROSTIN, S. G., Zashchita Rasteniys No 4, 197-1, PP 30-32 According to the present classification (adopted by the. Scientific and Technical Council of the Hinistry of Agriculture USSR ih~ 1963), there is small-drop sprzVing (average di'aneter of the drop 50 to 156 microns), neditu-1-drop or in,,- (over 300 ordinary spraying (151 to 300 microns), and large-drop spray , microns). In an aerosol the drops are .5maller than 50 id.crons, I-odern airrlanes and helicopters can spray drops 6f any size to control crop, pests, diseases, and weeds. The prescribeed drop size P-rid rate of consumption of the liquid in the spraying apparatus are regulated by changing the size of the openLwls and the number of sprayers functioning. Sprayers with small operLings axe used to obtain a fine spray. For example, with a battery of spra-Yers 5 X 5 I= in cross cec- tion a:'. the mountinG rods of an AN-2 plane, the average vol"me diameter of drops of water is 290 micronst while vith the same nuraber o-L~ sp:L-ayers I x 5 rm, in cross section the diameter of the drops is 140 microns. In a KA-26 helicopter when the openings of the sprayern P-re 1 = In diameter, tli~, av(,-:rago diane-'Cr'r of the d=ps, 15 4Z5 micronal uh-on they, are 5 rm, in dianaUr, it, is 212 micr-ons. In the case of sprayors of small cro-sr, section, the conswmption of woz;-drg -liquid docrcra;3c,,s considerably jhile the number of droinz; fo.=ed itcreases. The fineness of a spray to deteivined not only by ~he size of the 5A USSR STAROSTIV, S. G., Zashchita Rasteniyo No 4, 1971, PP 30-32 openings in the spxayers but by change in pressure in the pump and bars. If the number of functionin.- sprayers is decreased, the pressure rises and the liquid is more finely divided. For example, in spraying the common beet rest with polych-lorpinene at a rate, off consumption of the woP;ing licLuid of 25 I/ha usiing 28 sprayers 1 x 25 in cross sectionp the dla-moter of the drops averaps 117 microns. The surface teonsionsofthe liquidlis amother inportant. factor. A fine spxvy increases the thickness of the network of drops and. ensures their better retention on the plants. It is stated in the literature that the pesticide solution remains three times longer on the surface of leaves after the spraying of sr,.L11 drops (albout 100 microns In diameter) than after. the spraying of larger drops (about 500 microns in dianeter). Low-volume small-drop aerial 4praying (25 to 50 1/ka) is reco=,ended in the great majority of canses to control orop peste and diseases. It provides a fairly thick network of drops and a high degree of effe,ctiveness. Large- drop spraying is usrA to apply fungicides to crops. It hzis long been known that there is a xelatlonship betveen the thick- noon of tho doponit of pesticide ( or density of tho netvoi* o1' dxopB on the p1wita) mid tho affootivoneas of the procediuv, Xn xewn~ timan thia relation- 6/8 ~3 - T .... ....... .. .... USSR STARCS17Nj S. G. I Zashchita Rasteniy, No 4, 19711 pp 30-32 ship was made iiore concrete for a great nany pests so that tile posrnible effectiveness of a apmying can be estizated froa the extent to which the drops cover the suxf,-.ce. Accoxding to the data of theAll Union Institute of Plant Protection, the State Research institute of Civil Aviation, aneL V:;_71SKhSZPG:'," effeo-tive aerial spi-aying of wheat with chlorophos or Dietaphon to control chinch bugs and larvae requires a network of at least 4-0, ~Lrropv per cm2 ulth an average drop dianeter of about 100 microns. Approxinately the sane rietvork, according to the data of the Ukrainian Institute of Plaat- Protection$ is needed when sprayirg polychlorpinene to control the cori4m-ori beet bug, When there were fewer than 20 drops per cr,2, no:aore than 3T%, of the bugs d-ted. When spraying is done fron an.MI-2 plane or ICA-15, I-a-Z, or KA-26 helicopter at the -rate of Z5 1/ha, an even thickor network of drops (up to 90 to 100 per cm2) can be achieved. Besides the above technical conLitions which guaxnentee the high effec- tiveness of aerial spraying, observance of the proper techziolot3r is aiso of great impor-Lance. Above all, spraying should be done at the rAGht tine (i.e. froz the agrotechrdcal point of view) and when:the veathpw corditions aiv favorable (permissible irind velo-city no nore than 4 ml'sec,ardl absence of ascending air current-5), The plane or helicopter should fly at the lowest permissible height (5 to 6 z) arA strictly follow sipgmls from the ground. 7/8 USSR STAROSTIN, S. G., Zashchita Hasteniyj No 4# 1971, pp 30-32 Particular attention should be paid to the preparation and caxef ul filtering of the working solutions in order to prevent-the sprayers from be-coning clogged. Very high quality work requires low-volume spraying, All these con- ditions are well known. In organizing cherdcal treatment of crops and plantings, one must take into account the possibility of using other machines along with planes. Only the proper cozbination of aviation.and ground-technology:plus careful treat- ment of each infested plot, inclix1ing its edges# can ensure the highg stable ohnicalt and economic effectiveness of chemical control of =,op pestat diseasest and weeds. 8/8 VDC: 611.73.014.477-064-019 STRUCTURAL AND CYTOCHMtICAL OtA'q);TS L4 TH? RAT'S SKELETAL MUSCLES ASSOCIATED WIT11 RESTRICTED MOBILITY jArticia by~V_V _Eor;Uralqvj Vq_.I, ll'ina-Kakuyeva $urostln. of Savik; bmt-It'ati of Dave SalancLs, Moscow, Ewbri-lu-,ii, ztr . Ari~111V AnUtOM1.1 'irto oti -luvai;U1. So 11, 1971. submitted 19 jAnuary I pp 82-,ff The p 1. roblem of hypokInesia aud hypodynamla now goes far beyond the Framework of spec"I Issues in cosmiahautics and clinical practice. In the last decade it has la-Wed broad social significance. Indeed, with the dcvc- lop=nt of technology and mchanization of Industry the working and living e r conditions for large groups of people In developed nations or _hanging ap!reciably. There. are fewer ard fewer applications for the muscular compo- Me-t in M=-,* ande-iavors. Diminished on3scular activIty leads to a large number of cluinges in ays.te= thar do not ap-,Azr to be releted to locomnter functions. There In a changr in synthesis of catecawlazInes, aldooterone, olectro lyto balance Is impaired, wtc. Restricted muscular activlty of man related to prolonged ir=b!lJ.:at.icn or strIct t:e~ rest. is asnotiated with Je~elormont of ,trophy of skeletal muscles and 4e=ineralization of bone tin~uo. Clinicians ~ra well aware of the fact that suict bFd rLst loads to changes in cardiac functlon~ dovelopmant, of orthootatic hypocansions it, is instrumental in ~Avelap=cnt of vatacus thZ.-th-mais, chronic pneumonia, pulmonary embol f smt - thologicAl conAir I1~n~. L'a ilaolcmmathat In ur~lithLaaiti. and m-myctlier ~a the caAe of hypokina6sa arid hy~podyra=ia there in prcvalenc~ 01 inhi!>imry proc-scas over excitatary ones in 'he central nervous byHtem, CLC. Thus, 4vor; a zero list:!=r, ct the efiects of limited motor ~ct;,,LLY al-t tlu:L it in im;rortant to imaint"n waii'fi w-tor act1vizy at a =pccific level in order to keep many of the body's functions within normal. range. The objective of tee present investigation wan to determine the nature of structural and cytocheciical changes in sow skeletal muscleu; of the hind legs an related to different durations of hypokinesia and hypodynamia. 100 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE--CHANGES IN TMe MUSCLE F113ERS OF THE SOLEUS AUSCLE DURING -U- '.AUTH0a-(03)-5TARQSTIN, V.147 PORIUGALOV, V.V., ILIPIAKAKUYEVA, YE.J. COUNTRY OF INFO_-USSR _':..~SQURCE--DOKL. AKAD. NAUK SSSR 1970# 190t$), 1215-17 DATE PUBLISHED - ----- 70 SUBJECT.AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEOICAL SCJENCES ~~TOPIC TAGS--HYPODYNAMIA, MUSCLE PHYSIOLOGY, HISTOCHEAISTRY, A0ENOSLNE TRIPHOSPHATEv ENZYME ACTIVITYr GLYCOGEN CIONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ~.,~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1998/0706 STEP NO--UR/0020/70/190/005/1215/1217 -CIRC, ACCESSION NU--AT0121365 UNCLASS[FMD 212 027 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0121365 ~AIaSTRACT/EXTRACT--IU) GP-0- ABSTRACT* IN EXPTS. W[ Th MATURE MALI RATS SUBJECTED HYPOKINESIS OY CAGING IN 3 DIRECTIONS 11 rJAS SHQv4N THAT THE SOLEUS MUSCLE CHANGES IN THE COURSE Of 15-60 DAYS SO THAT FIBERS FORM IN IT THAT ARE SIMILAR TO THE TARGET FIBERS OESCRIBEO BY RESNIC AND ENGEL (1967)-. THESE CHANGES ARE NOT TYPICAL OF THE FAST MUSCLES SUCH AS IN THE LEG CALF. EVIDENTLY THE PECULIARITY OF STPUCTURE OF THE SOLEUS MUSCLE IS LARGELY RESPUNSIBLE FOR THIS RESULT. THE F18ERS LOSE THEIR POLYHEORAL FORM ANO INCREASE IN VOL. AND ON THE HISTOCHEM. OETECTION OF OXIOIZING ENZYMES IN THESE FIBERS A VOLUMINOUS PPT. OF DIFORMAZAN IS 'OBSERVED. IN THESE FIBER REGIONS THE ACTIVITY OF ATPASE IS BELOW NORMAL AND GLYCOGEN DISAPPEARS FROM SUCH FIBERS. THE PPT, CF D[FORMAZAN IS ASCRIBED TO ACCUMULATION OF MITOCHONORIAL MATTER IN THESE FIBERS.ALONG -WITH SUDANDPHILIC MATERIALS. FACILITYz INST. MED.-BIOL, PROBL., MOSCOWv USSR. f)NCLASSIF(E0 i Will stamEjum USSR Physiol6gy VDC 591.862 + 576.343 S;A8Q&NV, V. I., PORTUGALOV, V. V., and IL'INA-KAICUIZJN~k, E,. I., Institute of Medical-Biological Problems, Moscow, (Reported by the Academician V. D. Timakov) "Changes in Muscle Fibers of the Soleus Muscle During Hypokinesia" Moscow, Doklady AN SSSR, Vol 190, No 5, 1970, pp 1,215-1,217 Abstract; Inmature male rats were placed in special cages designed to limit their mobility for 15, 30, and 60 day,,,. After 15 days, the cross sectious showed considerable enlargement of muscle fibers, vhich had lost their polygonal form. Diformazan precipitated during determination. of oxidative enzymes in the central zone of many fibers, the inyofibrillar apparatus became "diffuse," and glycogen disappeared from the fibers. At later sLitges the muscle fibers di-minished. Around the 30-day period glycogen in the IA.bers increased, con- centralling in the central zone. Concurrently the actLjrLty cif: glycogensynthe Lase increased and that of ph6sphorylase A and B decreased. The area of form-azan precipitation diminished and even disappeared. Towardii 60 days, some reversal of the above proces5es took place, Some muscle fibers trere destroyed -_ they showed no enzy-,,.~e activity and no glycogen, The atrophy and the sclerotic pro- cesses in the muscles colitinued to progress. The authors ccn-clude that restric- tion of movement leads to the formation of a type of "target-fibers" in Soleus muscle, similar to those occurring during myopathy of dtverse etiology. Vi" :-USSR, UDC 678.643.01,53 LI, P. Z., STAROSTIN, V. N., FILIPPENKO, D. in I,:1ARASQ)VO YE. V... and GORBUNOV, "Glass-Textolite Based on Compositions Containing 4-Vinyl-1,2-epoxy- cyclohexane" Moscow, Plasticheskiya Massy, No 10, 1970, PP 14-15 Abstracti In an attempt to develop materials capable of prolonge(Al exposure to high temperatures# compositions containing 4-vinyl-1,2- epoxycyclohexane (VECH), dioxide of the dicyclopentadiene (DODCP), ED-5 resin and maleic anhydride (YA),were studied,, The materials were subjected to a ahort and long term exposure to high temperatures. Data on thermomechanical properties# weight loas.on heatingp dielectric permeability and maximum strength on static bendbig are reported gra- phically, On the basis of experimental resulta~materials composed of 12.1,VECH + 48.3 DODCP + )9*6 14A or 9,3 VECH + 2,1,2 DCfDCP + 23.2 ED-5 + 43.3 MA can be used for prolonged periods at, 2500C!temperature, while the composition consisting of 16.2 VECH +:48.9 ED-5 + 34,9 MA can be used at 2000C for extended periods.; 105 -maw 025 UNCLASSIFIEG PAOCESSING DATE--30OCT70' ---.T.ITLE-HOMOLYTIC DECOMPOSITION OF PERGXYDISUCCINIC'ACID~-U- ~,,.AUTFQR-(03)-NIKISHIN, G.1.1 KDRITSKIYo STAROSTINt YE.K. ~~t:CCUNTRY (IF INFG-USSR SOURC E- I LV. AKAD. NAUK SSSK# SER* KHIMIP 1970, r 586-91 DATE PUBLISHED--70 ~SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS-CHEMICAL-DECOMPOSITION, SUCCINIC ACID, ACETIC ACID? BENZENEV .-PROPANOLt ESTER, EPR SPECTRUMv UV LIGHTP CHEMICAL KINETICS, CHEMICAL REACTICN MECHANISM NTROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS .C(4 CLAS$-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY RE-EL/FRAME--2000/0731 STEP NO-UP,/0062/70/000~003/0586/0591 CIRC ACCESSICIN NO-AP0124401 UNCLASSiFUO ffillBli RORIE 2/2 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 tIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124401 w 1. .:.,A8STRAC,T/EXTRACT-fU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. KINETIC DATA WERE PRESENTED FOR THE DECOMPN. OF THE TITLE ACID III RUN IN THE TEIMP. RANGE 67-900EGREES EITHER ALONE OF WITH ADDITIVES SUCH AS ACOH, C SU86 li SUB6, ISO-PRrjH, 0R I DI-ME ESTER. IN ACOH THE RATE CONST. FOP, DEC0j4PN. OF I HAD THE FOLLOWING VALUES (K TIMES 10 PRIMENEGATIVE5 SEC PRIMENEGATIVEl): 75DEGREES 3.98, 80DEGREES 7.23t 85DEGREES 10.87y 90DEGREES 22.5; ITS 01-ME ESTER GAVE THE VALUES OF 3.7, 7-13s -r AND 22.48 UNDER THESE CONDITICNS AND ITS RATE OF DECOMPN. WAS APPRECIA6LY LOWER IN r SUB6 H SUB6. EPR SPECTRA WERE SHOWN FOR TbE SPECIMEP45 OF I SUBJECTED TO UV ILLUMINATION AT LOW TEMPS. ALONE OR IN ACOH. DECCMPN. OF I BY THE THERMAL ROUTE IN ACOH OR C SU86 H 5UB6 WAS FIRST QRDER IN RESPECT TO THE PEROXIDE. IN UV LIGHT THE RADICAL NATURE Or Tli&REACTION WAS CONFIRMED. REACTION SCHEMES WERE PROPOSED. FACILITY: INST. ..ORG*,KHIM. IM. ZELINSKOGOv.MPSC0W. USSR.~ UNCLASSIFIE0 USSR UDC 62L.391:519.27 STAROSTINj YU. M. Off-g-nal/Noise Ratio Estimate of the Quality of Wide-Baad Communications Systems with Noiselike Signals" Radioelektronika v nar. kh-ve SSSR. Ch.1- V sb-(Radio Electronics in the National Economy. of the USSR. Part 1 - collection of works) , Kuybyshev, 1970, pp 112-123 (from RZh-Radiotekh nika, No 4, Apr 71,,Abstract No 4A43) Translation: When calculating the "deviation criterion" it was demonstrated that the signal/noise ratio at the receiver input > 11 'at the outPzAt of the autocorrelationvide-band signal receiver coincides~~lith an accuracy of up to 10-15 percent with the ratio for the autocorrelation na-vrov band SiRnal receiver, This ratio is 3 decibels higher at the coherent receiver output band at the autocorrelation receiver output. If an additive mixture of wide- band signals, white noise and sinusoidal noise is fed to the autocorrelation receiver input at h2 > 1.0 and h 2 . const, the communications systems for wide n bani signals give a gain in the sigma/noise ratio relative to narrow bard signal sYstems- There is 1 illustxation and a 6-entry blbliogxaphy. 1-22- - USSR UDC: 573-953+5'14.917 KLYASHCHITSKIY, B. A., STAROSTINA, A. K.jj_ SHVETS, V. lo, and YBVSTIGNEi-rVA, R. F., Moscow Institute-arrlfi;~dr,d ech.nology imeni M. V. Lomonosov "Study of the Synth6tic Routes of Polyphosphoinositidelt Moscow, Doklady Akademii Nauk- SSSR, Vol 195~ No 4, Dec 70, Pi) 848-850 Abstract-: Synthesis of polyphosphoinositides -- the mo.3t. imPortant represent- atives of inosite phosphatides -- is tied closely to the resolution of optic- ally active di-O-cycloheVlidenera:roinasites imto optical antinodes. One such -5p6-di-O-c,lrclohaiylidenevoino- possibility in described for the caBe of 1j2, I site which yielded opticalay active antipodes through diastereameric q,~~40_ acetates of D"mwmose: 1, 2:5,6 -di-0--ryeloboxy-lidexte-sa-iWoino site 0 -7.4 and its enantiomer 2,3:4,5-di-O-eyeloheVlidene-a-DWo.Lr,,os e, o -1-7.5 both melting at 130-140PC- FUNIMPT, USSR UDC: 548.5:535.37 KUZ'MINA, I. P., LOBACHEV, A. N., PREDTECRENSKIY, B. S., STAROSTINA..L.__S., STOPACHINSKIY, V. B., KHAYDUKOV, N. M., Institute of Academy of Sciences of the USSR "Luminescent Crystals of Cuprous Oxidell Moscow, Kristallografiya, Vol 18, No 3$ May/Jun 73, pp 635-637 Abstract: The paper describes a method of growing large perfect crystals Of Gu20 to study bright narrow luminescence lines of recombination of free excitons. A polycrystal like specimen of Cu20 is treated by zone melting with an electron beam. The resultant specimen usually consists of 2-3 crystals. A single crystal is grown, using one of these crystals as a seed. The result is a transparent cylindrical rod up to 10 mm in diameter and 100 mm long. These large crystals can be used to study many new properties of excitons -- interaction be,t-.qeen excitons and the feasibility of making lasers based on cuprous, oxide crystals. 7 112 017 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OATE--23OCT70 TITLE--GAS CHROMATOGRAPHIC DETERMINATION OF HEATS 01F ADSORPTION -U- ,,.AUTHOR-(05)-8EREZKIlNq V.G., NIKITINA, Nos.f FATEYEVAI V.M., STAROSTINA, __Njju..,.STARO8INETSr L.L.- ICM. NTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--IZV..AKAD. NAUX SSSRj, SER. KHIM. 1970e (I)t 19-21 ~~'DATE PUBLISHEO ------- 70 ":SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--GAS CHRWATIOGRAPHY, ALKANE, UNSATURATED HYDROCARBON, ADSORPTIONt HEAT OF SOLUTION -..:'-CONTROL NAPKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CL.ASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FFAME--1997/0642 STEP NO--UR/0062/70/OC)0/001/0019/OCZL CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0119554 UNCLASSIFIED Pilo J2 017 UNCLASSIFIED CESSING DATE--230CT70 ~'CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0119554 :'A BSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE DIRECT GAS LIQ- CHROMATOGRAPHIC METHOD MAY BE USED TO DET. THE HEAT r)F ADSORPTION FROM 'AN IMMOBILE LIQ. PHASE TO A SOLID CARRIER SURFACE. THE HEAT OF SOLN. AND ADSORPTION OF ALKANES AND ALKYNES ON AREIZON K SUPPORTED BY THE CARRIER-INZ-600 WAS OETD. ALKY14ES GAVE HEATS OF ADSIORPTION THAT ARE 5-8 KCAL-MOLE GREATER THAN THOSE FOR ALKANES, EXPLAINED BY SPECIFIC INTERACTION OF THE TRIPLE BOND WITH THE SUPPORT SURFACE. THE RESULTS FOR HEXANE, 1,HEXYNE, HEPrANE, AND 2,HEPTYNE ARE TAf~ULATED. THE RETHOD JS BASED ON THE DETN. OF THE RETENTION VOL. RELATIVE TO THE AMT. OF DEPOSITEO LIQ- PHASEt FROM WHICH THE DISTR.[BUTION rbEFF. AT VARIOUS TEMPS--MAY BE CALCD.; THE CONTRIBUTION OF ADSORPTION TO THE RETENTION VOL. IS THEN ESTD. FACILITY: INSTv. NEFTEKH114. SIN. 114. -1 E-V A TOPCH MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED Nr. stracting:'S- - i Ref.'Code Acc.- Ab erv ce: 4tOOO53762 CHEMICAL ABST.' rII0967q PURCylalkyl(aryl) cArbonatesi V111, Reactirms of some aryloxy radieMs witbL carb6n tettlitchlorlde. k=u_'U", G. A - ;5,tarosti-nq,,~~'!.;, Dodon4y~ V~ A. (Cyor'k. Cr4s. Umv. im. UP Mo. Mr 1, ulbbK); n. Org, Ent 4. MIT 29-1-4o 5~U's-'s"r-ml-e -tream-aWaecompn. of BzOOC02R or AcO- OCOR Wis iso-Pr, Me. or e~lofictyl) at 60*'in CCIj gives ROCO-, BzO- and Aco. which~iok Cot to giveiRO-, Ph-, or Me-. R0-. react with CC14 to give HC1, aceto 'me (RCjiO or cyclohexanone) and ChC-. C13'CO reacts further %0th HCHO to give HCC4. CO, and HCl. CPJR .7 JbE~JFMME 30825 Acc. Nr- Abstracting Service: Ref. Code: A70048316- CHMICAL - ABr. If e ic -2 104446C Isotoplc.ezchauge~ of oxygen 'on MM .M of sUver and r ,,,d ,,y,. St r *;-Khisin. A. %; B skov,.q._&; Plvasova. U1 ftgarzed, It P. tAL.. Novosibirsk, _X . TOT. AW. N-auk YS-SR 1'970, 190J9), 394--i-TPhy_0Ch_em_1 '(Russ). In their relation to 0, Ag and An differ greatly. Where 'as 0 is readfiv adsorbed on Ag at room temp. and at 200' there is per- cepti6le mctli6n of homomolecu'lar isotopic 0 excliange 13etween the- adsorbed and gase-ous 0, 0. is no t adsorbed. oh~ An at room temp. and no perceptible is~otopic exchange oc6urs at, 4000. Adsorption of 0 was studied on' a series of Ag-AuiWoys. On a Ag Alloy with up to'W-8.01% Uzi the iate of isotor);~~O exchange increases. Beyond this An content, the rate ii s to ~ drop. st trt The max. rate of. exch"ge on the inoys is, . . tj 'greater than mq, on Ag alone. -Inclusion, of upto 60% An in Iloy does not the,a materially affect the a~&atioa energy... oof hn~uio ecular I ex. change and it rerriaitis the same as.~6fi ptire Ag, I, kcal/Mole. In auoys with 60-W% An, the activij~on drops t .o 1 17 mole. The quantity of 0 on alloys dec~czses with a decrease of Ag cOntent. For pure AS it is -2.7 monolayers, Is for auoy,s with 33, 63, and 89% An, it is. 1.9, 1.1, and 0.4 inanolayen, r"P_ U. Ho*h /FRW- vq&0,0018 9 rrt Z UNCLASSIF160::; P06CESONG DATE--30OCT70 ~.TITLE-PENICILLIN SENSITIVITY OF.,GONOCOCtl AND ITS ROLE IN CLINICS ANo :_-'~THERAPY OF WCMAN GONORRHEA -U-. _~~AUTHOR_(03)-CHASTIKGVAt A.V.v STARGSTINAr Z.O.9 KUNTS;EVICHw L*Da .:~4EUNTPY (3r-.INFC--USSR .,-~SOURCE-ANTISIOTIKI, 1970, VOL 15, NR 6,;PP 561-564 DATE PUBLISHED-----70 SUBJECT AREAS---BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS-VENEREAL 01~EASE, GYNECOLCGY, PENICILLIN,, DRUG SENSITIVITYi ANTIBIOTIC,.DRUG RESISTANCEt STREPTOMYCIN, TETRACYCLINE, LEVOMYGETIN ~tCNTROL MAkKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~-DGCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIVIED ::-PROXY REEL/FRAME--3001/0999 STEP CIqC ACCISSICN NO--AP0126641 tANCLASSIFIF 0, 022 UNCLASSIFIED' PROCESSING 0ATE-30OCT70 ~CIRC ACCESSIGN NO--AP0126641 ~ABSTRACWEXTRACT--[U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. SENSITIVITY OF GUNDCUCICI TO lU S OF PENI-CILLIN WAS STUDIED ON 252 FEMALE CASES WITH VARIQU- I'D M _D W. GONORRHEA. GGINOCOCCAL SUSCEPTIBILITY TO PENICILLIN WAS ESTIMATF fTH THE METHGO OF SERIAL DILUTIGINIS AIND THAT TO PENICILLANO LEVUMYCETINI STREPTOMYCIN, CHLURTETRACYCLINE AND OXYTETRACYCLINE 6Y I'HE MiETHGO OF ~PAPER DISCS. IN 1966 TO 1969 STRAINS WITH DECREASED SENSIrIVITY To PENICILLIN' (AT LEAST 0.1 UNITS) WERE ISOLATED FROM 14.7 PERCENT OF FE14ALE CASES SUFFERING FROM GONORRHEA. NO CORRELA TION 13E-ri4EEN THE SENSITIVITY LEVELS OF GCNOCOCCI TO PENICILLINs, THE STAGE OF THE L'ISEASE 'R EAS ED AND-.ITS PROGRESSION WAS FOUNDo HOVEVER, STRAINS hITH DEC SEP45ITIVITY WERE ISOLATED FROM CASES WITH ASCE1401FIG PRUCEssEs r,.I,i.'E AS FREQUENTERt THAN I-ROM CASES WITH.GONORRHEA OF THE Ll"'dER PART OF FHE UROGENITAL ORGANS. IT V.AS S14ONN THAT OLVELOPMENT OF RE:',ISTANcE rj) PENICILLIN IN GCNCCOCCI WAS LARGELY DUE. TO PkEVIOUS [PLATI-IE'Nl OF THE DISEASE WITH INSUFFICIENI' DOSES OF THE ORUG. THE Rl---SULIS OF THE TREATMENT DEPENDED ON THE HOST REACTIVITY AND Tt-,E SE14SI11VITY LE14ELS OF :GONCCOCCI TO THE ANTIBIOTICS. COMPARISON OF THE GATA Of I'HE GONOCOCCAL SENSITIVITY TO PENICILLIN OBTAINED WITH rHE TWO METHODS, THAT IS SERIAL DILUTIONS AND PAPER DISCS SHOWED FREQUENT DEVIATIONS. THE METHOD OF SERIAL DILUTIONS 15 SUPPOSED TU BE MIOST EXPEDIENT FOR DETC-11MINATION OF GONOCCCCAL SENSITIVITY TO PENICILLIN. FACILEFY: GORKY INSTITUTE FOR SKIN AND VENERIAL INFECTIONS, MZ RSFSR. USSR UDC 615.31,547.7511.012.1 LIB:,v S. PREOBRJAZHENSKAYA, M. N., ORLOVA, Z. G., SWININA, G. P., and SUVOROV, -N. N., All Union Scientific Research Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry imeni S. Ordzhonikidze, Moscow "Synthesis and Investigation of the Pharmacological Activity of 1-(Iildolyl-3')- 2-alkylaminoethanols" Moscow, nimiko-farmatsevticheskiy zhurnal, Vol 4, No 10, Oct 70, pp 5-9 Abstract: 1-(Indolyl-3')-2-alklaminoethanols were synthesized by hydrogenating the corresponding N- substituted 3-aminoacetylindoles, using Raney nickel as a catalyst. T41e resultant amino alcohols were saLts (chlorohy- drates or adipinates') which were pharmacologically studied. The iuitial 3- alkylairunoacetylindoles were produced by interacting 3-chloroacetylindole or 3-bromoacetylindole with primary or secondary amines. ThiL- phy-tticochelaical properties of the 3-alkylaminoacetylindoles -and l-(indolyl-3')-2-alkylamino- ethanols are tabulated. It was found that all amino alcohols containin- the secondary amino group have sympathomimetic properties; they increase arterial blood pressure in rats and cats under anesthesia, caune contraction of the ~nictitating membrane, and con3trict the peripheral vesselji. This effect is 1/2 USSR PREOBRAZHEN,-SKAYA, M. N., P~t Khimiko-farniatsevticheskiy zhurnal, Vol 4, No 10, Oct 70, pp 5-9 attributed to excitation of the a-adrenoreactive systems. The most active of all compounds studied was 1-(indolyl-3')-2-mp-thylaminoethanol. This alcohol has only 1/10-1/20 the activity of adrenalin, but its -effect is longer-acting. Amino alcohols containing the tertiary alUno group did not cause contraction of the nictitating membrane,,they,reduced blood pressure and relaxed the peripheral vessels. 2/2 Powder Metallurgy LISSR UDC: 669.245126:621."162 BELOV, A. F. , FATKULLIN, 0. Kh. , POPOV, 1). S. , STAROSVETSKI.Y., D. I. Moscow "Degassing of Nickel-Chromium-Based Alloys Made by Powder Metallurgy Methods" Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, No 6, 1973, pp 101-105. Abstract: This work studies one problem in the area of improvement of pro- cesses of powder metallurgy of nickel-chromium-based alloys -- the gas content of the materials produced from various types of charge (alloyed Powders and mixtures of powders of the Individual alloy components) , and the influence of certain technological parameters on the final gass content in the powders. The temperature dependences were produced for the liberati.on of gasses in a vacuum from powder materials composed of individual components and produced by atomizing, used as the charge for nickel-based alloys. The gas content of various fractions of Dowders, produced by atomizing of a -melt into water has an extreme. Ille extremal nature of the gas content of viirious powder frac- tions is explained by the influence of changes in the total stirface of the powders and the number of pores in the particles. Ffi3jft ......... .............. .- - - - - -... ..... ... Acc. Xr: A90049022 ode: 1-4N Ref . C PRL'IARY SOURCE: Vestnik OtorinoA~~,, gii, 1970,N-A, PP THE SURGICAL TREATMENT OF CHRONIC HIGHMORITIS IN WMENTS NVITH DIABETES WELLITUS Professor_ye, ff. Afanydov, Candidate of Medi"I Sciences V- A. Starosvelsk (Moscow) Summary During the examinat;on -of 1600 patients sufferInV frorn diabetes mellitus chronic highmorilis was revea!ed in 38 (2.4%) cases. It wz!s alablished that exacerbations of chronic highmorit;s aggravate the course of diabetes rualhWs. A radical OpLrazlon was performed in 21 diabetic patients with chronic hignaoritis. Out of the latler 19 patients hid a produc~live form and 2-an exaL tive-suppura live forin, In the- preoperative period all the patieWs were subjected to insulin therapy (crystallic*insu'in nrid protainine zinc- insulin) for the compensation of metabolic processes, Tli(~ operation was carr-ed out without the use of adrenaline. On the day of the operation and in the postoperative period RE EL F RAJ,-IE 19800798 7- AP0049022 the patients received an artidiabetic diet and individually selected dose of insulin. The do- sa -iorrespondingly Wih. the d3fly indications of laboratory I= of insulin was altered C. Yestigations for the s' content of the blood.and urine. The ap5ratian and pGsto era- tive period ran a quite satisfactory course. Decompensation of dlabeti~s meNitus dTnot o=ur in a single case. After the operation in 14 patients the ind'ces of met&bollc processes anifested by redurtion of hyperglycemia cz decre3sed requirement Improved. this being m. . of exogeaic insulin. Follow-up studies (up to three years) revealed no relapses of hignio-% MIS, 19800,4719 , 4111IM-MART"N' MM"i I MT13=1141- 1/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 TITLE-REASONS FOR DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS AND AN IMPRULEMENT IN QUALITY -CONTRCL FOR DIELECTRIC RUBBER FOOTWEAR -U- AUTHOR-(03)-8ERLIlEVt O.K., PAVLOV* A*A.*,STAROV, I..M. CCUNTRY CF INFO--USSR ----SIOURCE-KAUCH. REZINA 1970p 29(3)s 42-31 :-DATE PUBLISHED--70 ..~-SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALSP MILITARY SCIENCES 7TOPIC TAGS-FOOTGEARv ELASTOMER, DIELECTRIC PROPERTY, ELECTRIC STRENGTH _-~i_CCWROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS :00CUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -PRO. XY REELIFRAME--2000/0835 SIEP NU--UR/0138170YO29,1003/0042/0043 CIRC ACCESSIGN NIG--AP0124502 UNCLASSIFIEO 2/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PkOCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0124502~ .A8STRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ^,AUSI--S FOR 'LIEFEC TS 114 RULZBER, FOOTWEAR.WEIRE TRACED TO IMPROPER PREPN, OF XUB861 BLENDS A,10 FoRmaftw4 OF AIR GAPS IN THE 6GNDED SEAM. ELASTOMER SHEETS,USEU FOR THE -31AANUF0 OF GtELEC. FOOTWEAR HAO ADEQUATE ELEC..STRENIGTH. A METHUD WAS DEVELG-PED FOR TESTING THE BREAKDOWN VLLTAGE:OF RUBaER FCMIEAR. FACILITY'- :MGSK.: MST. KHIM. MASHINOSTR., IMOSCOWt USSR. UNCLASSIFIE0 USSR UDO 621.~82,7) KIRIYANOY.A, V.M., 1MCVIY, A.Y. FRAVDINAo M., STARWj,._Ytq., FURSOV, V.V., SH,GHEVEIEV, M.I. ITo The Problem Cf The Physical Interconnection Of The Drift CT Certain Parameters Of Silicon Drift Transistorati Sb.Tr.po poluprovodni~-ovyir mterialam, priboram i kh primeneniyu (Collection Of Works On Semicanducto r Materials, Devi-Ices,,And Their Applicaticn),Vororezh,1971, PP 75-80 (from RZh:Elektronike. i yeffe primenen4e, No 11, Nov11972, Abstract No 118255) Translat'ion:- Using two types of silicon drift transistore as an example, the dependence in Etudied of the electrical Parameters on the dislocation dencity, the content of 02 and the resictivity of the initial 5i, and the correlation be- tween the valties of the parametere end their changes in the procecs of current aging. I tab. 2 ref V. B. L/3 015 UNCL A S5 I F I E 0 PRG,`CESS~tNG r)ATE,--13NOV70 --RELATlCNS'illP MAGNETIC FIELD AN 1) 5 1) n- R 410 TITLE IC i.' LAYER .,AUTHOR-( 03)-KOL ESN I KOYA, T.V., SQ.PJlV.AJ_0Vv A*A.v f:JL.0NJVAj L.D. CCUNTRY OF -INF&--US-SR 'soURCE-;iCSCOWj Gt_0MAG-`,iETlZM I AERONOMIYAr -VOL Xv NO 2, 19701 PP 358--359 'DATE PUBLISHEO-70 I'SUBJECT A.REAS--ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCESy EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY _~GEQMAGNETIC F I ELI) coRRELATIGN ~A~4ALY S IS JOPIC TAGS-E LAYER, 'Cr-%TROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS ~OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,~PROXY REEL/FRAME--1990/0016 STEP NQ--UR/0203J'70/()10!00?f0358/0359 CIRG ACCESSICN NO-AP0108408 F UNC L A S,,5 f rl E-D -.W3 015* UNCLASSIFIEb P-qi)CESSiNG DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0108403 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-W) GP-01- t4B ST R ACT .MANY STUDEES HA V C BEEN MADE OF TH.': ~RELAJIONSHIF BETWEEN THC- EARTWS M.AGNETIC FIELD AND THE SPORI.ADEC E LAYER. HOWEVER, THE RESULTS HAVE BEEN Alrl~IGUOUS.. THI'S SFUDY WAS AAOF 9N THE BASIS OF DATA FG'R 1964, 1965, AND 1966 FOR A'LXA~-IkTA STATIC't. ITT WAS- POSSIBLE TO DETERMINE THE DEVIATIGNS OF Tt---'E M.Eflli H.'G*J~".LY F SUSO G SUBS VALUES FROM THE MEAN MONTHLY VALUE Akklt) THE DE04. r-: Su~(J E SUBS VARIATIONS WER_ AVERAGED BY SEASON5. THE DELTA HJGA-4,Mill VALUES WERE ALSC DETERMINED FOR IHE H-COMPONIENT OF THE F.Awrtils m AGM: i, 1 1,11 FIELO. THE .DIURNAL VARIATIONS DELTA H AND DELTA F,SUBO _EiSOC,~, WERE UETERM[NED. IN SUMMER _"-ND AT TIIIHE EQUINGX THE CHANGES -Rr"F THESE PARAf,"FETERS ARE IN ANTIPHASE; IN WINTER THE CORRELATION 15 POSITIYE. IN !)'UM--.ER AND AT THE EOUINOX, WHEN E SUBS O~ TYPES C_ AND H IS MOST CJiMMONLY 08SERVED, THE CORRELATIGN bETWEEN F SU80 E SUBS AND H IS NEGATfVE0 3UT IN WINTE.:R' ImEN TYPES L AND F PREVAILv THE CORRELATIGN IS -POSITIVE. sotoc'rimEs rHE E SUBS SCREENLING FREQUENCIES EXPERIENCE BRIEF -BUT SIGNIFICANT CHANGES DURING THE DAY. DURING 1966 THERE WER&ABOUT 220 F SUB(I E SUBS BURSTS. DURING SU44MER THESE BURSTS ARE USUALLY OBSERVED DURKNQ' THE DAYTIME AND FOR THE POST PART BELONG TC E SU95 l'YPE-:C. THEIV OURATION OOFS NOT .-EXCEED AN HOUR. VALUES OF THE li-, Z- AND 0- COMPONEN'T's WERE DETERMINED -FROM THE MAGNETOGRAMS AT TIMES OF F SUBB E SUBS bUl*-!STS AND DURING ADJACENT TIME PERIODS. IT WAS FOUND THAT F SUBB CAUBS BURSTS ARE USUALLY ACCOMPANIED BY MAR-KED H-o 1- AND D-COMPI)NEN9 CHANGES. AN INCREASE IN F SUBB I SUBS WAS JACCOMPANIE '0 WITH EQUAL PIWOABILITY BY AN INCPEASE OR DECREASE IN THE 11-- CJMPONENf. U11111 o 1.5 UNCLASSIFIE6 P.RQCES$tNG GATE-1314OV70 ~~~CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0103408 :ABSTRACT/ExTRACT-IN UNLY 39PERCENI OF THE CONSIDERr:1) CASES DID MIAGNETIC' ~1~ FIELD CHANGES TRANSPIRE SYNCHRONOUSLY WITH F SUBB V SUBS FOR THE H-COMPONENT, IN 43PEi~CENT OF THE CASES Mt THE 17-COMPONENT AND IN 27PERCEsNT OF THE CASES FG;. THE a-COMPONENT. CHANGI-S IN' ELEMENTS OF THE EARTH'S MAGNETIC FIELD r OR S0,4111,i I - EITHt~R LAG S13-Me'v4HA 'ViHAT ONSTRIP THE F SU313 E SUBS CHANGCS.. THIL TIME DIFFERENCE BEIN-t; A30UT 15 MINUTES. THE E -SUBS LAYER TYPE C CAfv -,,E ACC!14PANIED BY THE APPEARANCF OF #1 LOCAL CURRENT SYSTEM WHOSE FlIELD IS EITHER COMBINED )llfli THE CURRENT SYSTEM lN THE NC'~MAL E REGION Ok IS SUBTRACTED FRON1 IT. ACCORDINGLYv THERE Cl.-N aE AN TINC-PEASE OR DECPEASE IN THE H- AND Z-C0liPoNENT5* VARfATICNS CF THE D-VSCT,9R aECOXE UNDERSTANDABLE IF IT IS POSTULATED 'WITH THE kAfGNETIC FIELD OF THE REG ICINAL. CUR;zEuT SY,STEm MAY NOT CQ[NrIDE 91TH 'THE DIRECTION OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD VECTOR OF CURRENTS ":LOW ING IN -THE E PEGIGN. UNCLASSIFIED ----------- -- USSR' UDC 541-183 TA M., Tomsk VA, G., L. KIROVSKAY.!,,, I. A., LOBAITO state University imeni V. V. -'Kuybyshe-v~ "Adsorption of i-Tater Vapor on Gallium Axsenide" Moscow, Zhurnal Fizichesloy Khimii, 101 45, No 9, 1971, p 2374 Abstract: Adsorrtion of vater va-oor on finely groLl-nd po~,rder of n---PncT i)-r-allium arsenide sinclle crystals was detenTlined in a static vacuum azDaratus at 0-2000C, and 2.25-k* 1o-3 run Hg Dressure. The amount. of adsorDtion on both n- and -p-type samples was of tho same order of magnitude (10-:) a imnol/sq.m.) and adsorption isobars indicated reversibility of the nroces3. Feats of adsorption, calculated for the cited ranges of tei-woerature and pressure, were in the 0.31-6.IL !,.cal/mol range and. approximr- tely for n- end n.-type sanrles. The conca7e adaorn,~ion eaual at; a sm, all covera7e are described by the Langnuir equatilon with adsorption constants in the 60-1500C range equal to (1.6-7.2) - 1o-4 and (2-4o) - lo-4 for n- and p-galliun. a-rsdnide, respectiveI7. The experimental data indicate a preferential adsorption of water 112 2~- -USSR KIROVSKAY ur n Fizichesl~oy Mhl~- Vol K IIA, I. A., et al, -7h No 9, 1007l.. p 2374 molecules by Ga atoms -,.Tith for"nation of H20+ and Ga-, hence a reversible chemisorntion., Also a bei-I-ter interpretation of the adsorption mechanism of hydrogen-oxygen mixture by gallium is made Dossible. 2/2 USSR -KIROVSKAYA, I. A., LOBANOVA, G. L., M. "Adsorption of Water Vapors on Gallium ~,Arsenidell Adsorbtsiya Parov Vody na Arsenide Galliya [English Version Above], Moscow, 1971, 8 pages (Translated from Referattivnyy Zhurnal, nimiya, No 3, 1972, Abstract No 3 B1488 Dep. by the author's). Translation: A volumetric-gravimetric method Ls used to study the adsorption of-water vapor on electron and hole specimens of GaAs in the 0-2000 tempera- 3 ture interval and 2.25-4.1-10 mm pressure interval. The adsorption isobars are descending curves, indicating the reversible nature of the process. With slight fillings, the adsorption isotherms follow the Lamngnuir equation and indicate that with increasing filling, tangential interactions occur in the adsorbed layer. The Clapeyron-Clausius and Bering-Serpinskiy equations are used to calculate the heats of adsorption, 0.3-6 kcal/mol in the temperature interval studied. A mechanism of adsorption of H 20 vapcrs is suggested, which agrees with statements made earlier on the nature,of adiiorption of mixtures of H2 and 02 or. gallium arsenide.. -7 7- tj USSR 7UDC 536).24 STAROVO =3-1 -0 and %IIMAYEV, B.N. Experimental Investigation of i .Bile Effect of Eccelltr,~ city On the Resistance and the Heat Exchan-e in an Annular Chdnnel at I-laiint,.r Motion Cond4 tions of the Meaium!' V Sb. "Tepio i 1-14assoperenos". fIn -the Collection "Hez-:,41- and ~hsr, Trans::'er"'t Technical information Minsk, .1.972, pp 2245-249 (from era ,.Jvny-j- Z~nar_rj~tl No 6, Jun -12. 34. Aviation and Rocke-A Eligines. Abotraqlt; No 6 - 34 .17) Translation-. Experimentall d;-,-tp- were obtained for the hydraulic reclstancc at laminar motion condition of water in Pn annular chai,,.nel (20 O> I (! / 5 ' 0 . R 7 C-0) in the region of stabilized flow and the initial --,cction. 'Fri thi-, case, the geometric paramf:-.ters varj-,~~d withiji tlie JjL,,ito 0; dp = 50 - 25 mm, wiiere d:L/d2 is tile r -atic eL -a cf i-be diameters of tubes forming tile and E=eccelitricity. The Presz-,Ire drops over the length of -b~ ~nves'igsia+ed sect-;on were measured by~help of a micro- manometer. Three -Lilustr., three biblio. refs. 4k ...... ..... W Acc. -14r: Abstracting Service:' Ref. Code:, AO CHEMICAL ABST. jr7 9"52a Magnetic prop erties ad gadolinlum, ne 04y1ni Prageodyinium alurnicates vdth Pawyokite structurdi. 0 0iiii. I.; nov (lust. Foluprov W Uninpad UM). Pit, qvd. the ;nea- surem V-1ts of th temp. depeitde~cts 4inveise suk~ptibiliuy in static fields and the -,ms9_netLwtj*n'cur~ris 'in pt~s~d fields of 9-;230 kOe at 4.2 and 1.7*K of single-~~tal alum6ates of-Gd, Nd, and Tr. GdAlO, _i: an antiferrom'agnet with;,NlerA temp. Ty - 3.87*K and the axis of antiUrrOm4gnetism diiected along the orthorhombic axis 10101 - Sata, of tht rnagnetiiation C~rvt of GdAlOj in a field *f 4") kOe at L'7,9K ~oryrspondi 0 ilisruOtion of an'tiferromagnetic ordming. Th e f.CqomAgn2tiC;,;n!oment of Gd31 is OZ7,uB. The magnetic su~lbilji ' a~t SO- Y of 300*K follows the Curie-Weiss law ind antiferlrom~g~etic orider- ingispresent, For PrAlOj, the susceptjbilityAepen4i on temp. in a complex manner. A.Liback-ij j EL/ FBME Bel%= USSR UDC: 519.2:54 BUYAMOVSKEY, L. A., L VOV, S. V. STAROVOYTOV, G. P., SHMSOV, A. S. ."Optimization of Processes Represented by Polynomial Models" Tr. Spets. ko ruro r fteverer0iotke 1. nefte- nstrukt. by o avtozatike v nef khimii (I-Iorks of the SDecial Design Office on'llutonation in Petroleum Refining and Pet.rocbem- pp 'L60-169,(from PZh-Kiber- istry), 1971, rip., 3, netika, No 9, Ser,71, Abstract No 9V270) Translation: Some models of search for the extremum points of techno- logical processes aru considered. The iteration steD method of search for the optim7j-m is a.,; follows. Uxe first step is it -totai or fractional ression) the factor experiment. From the resmltant data.111near re,-, gradient of the response function is determined, a shift is made in the estimated direction, a Tondel of linear regression is attain constructed in the nei&hborbood of the nev point uld um on. 16DU-om continues Until the localized behovvior of the rar.-ponse fwictl,)a awi Wadequately repre- sented by imans of 1.-ner-r- re-gression. An eytrcmum poillit is 'folild in the region where linear regression is inadequate. A pr)lync-nfal regres- 112 USSR BUYANOVSKIY, L. A. et al., Tr.' Si3ets. kanstrukt. byuro 6o avtomatike v neft22ererabotke i rrieftekhimii, 1971, vYp. 32 pp 160-1610 sion is constructed with a -Dredetermined, order to refine the response Amc-tion in this region. 1%e classical method of st2arch for the ex- tremim consists in varying only one parameter at each ste-o while the others are held constant. The random search ziethod involves conducting successive experiments at points lyin6 in a direction from. the giver-, point which is chosen att random. The shirt is made toward the new point or in the opposite direction dependin6 on the estimates of the response function at the new and given points. ~ A detailed comparison is made of -these three methods of search for the extremum. A nmfoer of advantages of the step nethod are set forth. Considerati6n is given to the problem of selecting the number of observations -dbich mininiiies the error in determination of the gradient. A study is also made of the mathematical expectation per observation for the increment in the response. A. Za- slavskiy. 2/2 USSR UDC: 519.2:54 BUYANOVSKIY, L. A., L'VOV, S. V., STAROVOYTOV, G-P., SHEIVTSOV, A. S. 1!~; I A "On the Problem of Constructing Nonlinear, Regression Models" Tr. Spets. konstrukt hy!~ro_ ro a tomatike v nefte7ne-rerabctke i ne fte- khimii (Uorks of the special Design Office on Authniation in Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry), 1971, vypi " 3, PP 150-1w from RZh-Kiber- netika, 1-to 9, Sep 71, Abstract No 9V269) Translation: In constructing statistical models of processes in chemi- cal technalo.7, it' quite frequently turns out that n. lineax regression model is inadequate. In this case, a~jolyncmial reFression Model is used. It is convenient for Polynomial regression to use rotatable plans for which the variance of the estimate for the respanse function depends only on the distance of a point of the phase space f,",-or- the coordinate origin, Tine plan matrix x.(x,j) is the set of coordinates of the i)oints of the factor space (columns of tbe matrix) at which observations should be made. 7he necessary and sufficient conditions ford the matrix X under '&ich a plan i:!, rotatable are discussed in detail, ln,.,e following defi- nitions of liector power and matrix,power are used. The p-th,power x(.0) 1/2 USSR BUYM1OVSK1Y, L. A. et al., Tr. Spets. konstrukt. by-uro 2o avtomatike v neftepererabotke i neftekhimii, 1971, vYP- 3, PP 150-180 of the vector x-(x,, xj, -, x&) is defined as the vector which contains Cf+,_, corponents equal, to all possible w-nomials in degree p of the variables with coefficients chosen Iin a special way. The coefficients are chosen in such a vV. that the scalar product X'(P)X(P) coincides with the p-th power of the scalar product xfx. The vector x(P) is uniquely defined with respect to the vector x accarate to the order of magnitude of the components., Let H be a matrix wl, transforyn vector x to the vector z = Hx, The p-th.pavalr 'H(jl) of matrix fl is de- fined as the matrix which transforms the vector: x(Pj to the'. vector VP) Examples are given and sotx- properties ot the operators introduced are analyzed. It is known that the, plan given. by matrix X is rotatable of order d if the equalit_y XX_ R,(d-pi(,XRd holds for any Qrthognnal matrix R. Formulas are presented for sample moments in rotatable planning of an experiment. Some properties of spherical distributkns a-re discussed as well as the properties of their corresponding eige qunctions and the, generating function of the moments in rotateble planning. N. Ze.4lavskiy. 2/2 7 UDC 51.801 BABKO, L. D., "An Algorithm for Syntactic monitoring of the Respdnges of Trainees" V sb. Itat. i inform. probl. Eroznozir. i upr. najLcoX.~Olfatbematical and Infor- mation Problems of Forecast:Wg and Control of Science - collection of works), Kiev, 1971, pp 173-183 (from_M-Kibern~etika, No 9, S4'1p 72, Abstract No 9V702) Translation: In this paper an algorithm is proposed for monitoring whether a belongs to a language generated by G by the given pair.0c, G) where a is a sentence (the monitored response) and G is a grammar. 11he region of appiica- tion of the algorithm includes theset,of all context-free languages of practical importance. The version of the algorithm executed on the BESAI--6 c6mputdr permits a set of pairs (ai a 1q, gth of I'000 i6i 5,000 symbols G,) with a total.sentene" P to be monitored in one second-.11 Pover,~ Eng~ej Twbiiie, %-=P USSR UDC 697.644.1:621.577.001.4(47+57) STAROVOYTOV, N. G. ."Certain Results of an Experimental Study of the Opi'aation of a Heat Pump With P-142 Agent" Nauch. tr. Dal'nevost.__politekhn. in-t (Scientific Warks of Far Eastera Pplytechnical Institute), 1971, Vol. 75, pp 40-46 (from RZh-Teploenergetika, No.7, Jul 72, Abstract No 7S169) Translation: Studies of the overation~,of compression beat pumps based on the 4FU-60/30 refrigerator using F-12 and F-142 freon are. described. The low potentialheat source was water from. the Anur Gulf with a temperature from 0 to 20'C. The relationshiDs were obtained at a condensation temperature of 55'C. The energy characteristics of the F-12 freon heat pump were better. The conversion coefficient of the F-12 he-at,pump was:. %.3.0 at a water tem- perature of S*C, ^.3.4 at 1216C, %,3..B at 16%, 4.3 at 20%. It was concluded that the F-12 beat pump can be applied in radiz-nt pane--I beating systems. The F-12 heat pump can be feasibly used with a refrIgerator, based on ammonia, 5 ill., 3 ref. T. A. Avramenko. UNrLASSIFIED PROCESSING7 DATE--04DEC70 IT L E-'~-__ FFECT OF TW: TECW101LOGY OF MANUFACTURING ALLOYr STEELS ON THE LC,; CYCLE FATIGUE: It! 'liARl!J-1;3 MEDIA _U_ UTH3R-(051-KUSLlT')K,Y, KRIPYAKEVEr-H, R.I~, TKACHEVp V.I., KOKOTAYLO, :1.V. ~STARC 6U".'4t R Y OF INFO--USSR URCE-FIZ. KHIM. MEKHAN. MAT.t 97 1970 6 (Z) t 96- TE PUBLISHEU ------- 70 UBJECT AREAS--MATERIALS OPIC TAGS--STE-,L PRODUCTION, ALLOY MELTINGr VACUUM ARC FURNACE9 OPEN HEARTH FURNACC:t ELECTROSLAG MELTINGi IN DUCTIJN FURNACE, CHROMIUM tf(CKEL STEELt FATIGUE STRENGTH ONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS GCOMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ROXY REEL/FRAME-3002/1829 STEP NO--'UR/0369/70/006/002/0096/~097 _tkC ACCESSION NO--AP0129197 UNCLASSIFIED rl 2 025 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 IRC ~XCESSIQN 3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT OF THE TECHNOLOGY OF CRINI STEELS (OPEN' HEARTH, INDUCTION MELTINK;' VACLI(ft-1 ARCt AND ELECTROSLAG) ON THE LOW CYCLE FATIGUE OF TH7-: CORRESPOND 1"NG GRADES IN VARIOUS WORKING MEDIA (AIR, SALT SOLUTIONSt ETC.) ~,,AS STODIED. I IN) ----GE-\.IERALi VACUUM ARG AND 14okE PARTICULARLY EtECTROSLAG REMELTIriG GREATLY -INCREASED-THE FATIGUE LIFE OF THESE GRADES UNDER Sr-RVICE CONDIT10,111S. -UNCLASS j- USM UDC: 8.74 BELIKOVA, M. A., LYAPLIT?OV, A. A. STAR "Systems Approach to Mathematical Moaeling~ of -bbe Endocrine Sy-stem arid the Circu3xtory Sy-stem" V sb. Probl. kibernetiki (Problems of Cyberreties-collef.Ition of works), vyp. 25, Mosc(yif, "Nauka", 1972, Dp 205-215 (from RZh-Kib~~rnetikaz, No 6, Jun 72, Abstract No 6V589) Translation: The paper presents a certain surming up of factual ruateria.1 and outlines mathematical models of the pyroidal and ins-ular subsystems of the endocrine system. An approach to distribution of tbe blood in the or- ganism and transformation of the blood composition in various' organs is de- scribed. It is characteristic of these procems that they evolve on two levels. The upper level is the distribution of blood aviong the various organs, and the lower level is transformation of the bl6od caraposition in these organs, 67 777-_ 1:' USSR UDC 91L3.613.11 (98) SrAROVOYTOVA. M. I. 7Comparative Characteristics of the Functional Condition of the Nervous System During the Acclimatization Process in Eastern and Western Sections of European Arcticn V sb. Akk1imatiz. i krayev, 2atol, chelovaka na Severe (Accliratization and Regional Pathology of ~Ilan in the. Far North-col-leation of works). ArkhaDgel sic, 1970, pp 176-178 (from IRZh-36. Meditsinskaya Geografiya~ Ho 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1. 36. 46 by T. Koretskaya) Translation: Research was corAucted at two -.)olar point s-,.X*'X,-_ansk and the small settlement of Ariderma, vhich are very- ~ar from Lirtge popuiation centers, havo a small poptilation of their owa, and shaxe a very z;evare climaLe. The subjects were froz, 19-20 years of age; 4ad the same li7;Lng lt_~ nutritional con- ditions; ar4 had all come 1'rom the central zone of tho USSR. Ourl~_ng -..Ie babituation Deriod. some of the healthy; subject's developed uppleasant suojec- -tive sympto= (hesdaches,. cardialgia, dizziness' etc); work capacity decreased; sleep habits airere,-~ (dayLimmu sleepi-ness or a combination of daytime sleepiness and night insomnia); ard irrItabi2ity.:or depre5sive,lww spirits occured, 'which the subjects had not previously experiencei. The frequency and degree of thes e symptoms was greater for the subjects in ArAerma than for those livixig in Aurmansk. "Nam VISSR UDC 6Z.1.375.4 SAKHAPOV, Yu. S. STA%,)VOY--I9VA' V. e. M. "~~.aracteristic Fearures of Planntn& E-xtremal F-xperlments when investigat-ing Mletodv razrab. radioeiektron. zpparaturr. 'N-o I (Hethads ilf C~I'~elopitig ill-Id-Lo- 1. 1), M*scc.-w, 11970, pp 154-157 ~from r"'h-Radiot.ekhaika, N% 8, Aug 70. Mbstract Lo 8D:;2) .Trar-si.ation. It 4S demonstrated c11,1-t ept4MAzation of the functional asse"t-bly =a--'e of transistors cannot be achieved by selection or- thet, transistor itself since ia practice it is impossible to select the optimaltype of transistor for the given asseribly by the assigned technical specificationo; thzrefore, optimization is carried out with respect to the paramietem of thit., passive elements and the electrical conditions of the transi3tor. Methods of repre- sentatiorl of the transiator iiru compar"d when twarch-Ing Ot optima-I molutionn by au active experiment. The advantages of the generallziW pAttutteter method are presented, I/I USSR uDc 669-295.41 SETERRYAKOVA, A. V., LEBEIEV, G. N.J. STAMBENK0 ---V! I.., EAKMEVA, L. D. "Studies an Obtaining Titanium Tetra~goride~ Purified Pxom Vanadium" Tr. In-ta zetal-lurr-ji. Urallsk-c. fil. -0- SSR (Works of the Institute of Y4tallurgy. Urals Brwich of the IJSS.R Academy of Sciences), 1970, rjp. 22, PP 23-2? (from RM-!4etal.1 No 4,, Apr 71, Abst:Esc*~, No kG231 Translation: Purification of TiC14 with respect to V Es possible in a conden- sation system by introducing ff., S or ~2 and S simultaneously. Purification IB most complete with a S to H2 ratio close to stoichiometric for H2S. At a temperature of 2000, the interaction of VOC1, takes place with the formation Of VOCI., and at 5000, Vith the fo=ation of:VOCI. The article contains 1 illustrationj 4 tables, and an 8-entry b~Uiography- 5915 ..cso: l842 -,w j Ussg UDC 669.295.046.43 11, and LEBEDEV, G. N. STARSHENKO. V. I., VOLYNSKAYA, tion, of Titaniu-n Tetrachloride" Status of Analytic Testing of Purifica titAna, [Collectex, wor~.s of AII-I~nion Sb.: tr.. Vses n, -i proyektn, I scientific-R esearch and Plannin .g Institute for Titankuld, 6, 1970, 54-61, 'o 1, 19~1, Abstract (Translated from ReferativII)ly Zhurnal-i-fetallurgiya, IN No..I!GI80 by the authors) - are systematized. The inkluence Translation: Methods of analysis of TiCl 4 ated of impurities in TiCl 4 on the increasing hardness of Ti spon ge is estim 'ition of the sensitivitY for determin, on the basis of the limits of impurities. The analytic uncertainty factor in tile cDI'P05iti()n of purified TiCl,j exceeds the depth of purification- Th Ie impurities tested -Ificit'Lon, and in Purified Ticl 4 do not characterize the,quality of pkil the sensitivity of determination of the total content of 0, 11, C, S,,and 1-1 does not correspond to the requirements Ifor depth of ptj'I,ification of TiCI 4* "rity of the The required depth rf puriE~icatien and jimit of sensid lio. refs. (by mass). 3 tables; 13 bib determination of impurities is I 76~ Titanium USSR UDC 669.295.05 S LSHENKO V. I., VOLYNSKAYA, M. P., and LEBEDEV, G. N. "The State of Analytic Control in Cleaning Titanium Tetrachloride" Moscad, Metallurgiya i KhiriLiya Titana (Institut Titana), Metallurgiya Publishing House, Vol 6, 1970, pp 54-60 Translation: Methods of analyzing titanium tetrachloride are systematized. The limits of sensitivity in determining impurities in titanium tetrachloride are used to evaluate their effect on increasing the hardness of titanium sponge. It is shovm that the coefficient of analytical indeterminancy as to the composition of cleaned titanium tetrachloride increases tile depth of its cleaning. The controlled impurities in the cleaned titanium tetra- chloride do not characterize the qualities of cleaning, whiJe the sensitiv- ity in determining the total content of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, sulphur, and hydrogen does not meet requirements for depth of cleaning titanium tetrachloride. The necessary depth of cleaning and limit to sensitivity in defining impurities is 1-10-4 percent (by mass). Three tables and 13 bibliographical entries. 0 ~-_ TT in 018 UNCLASStFIED TITLE--CHANGE IN THE KINETIC' ENERGY OF T14E BLAST li-!UYERE-DIAMETER WHEN USING NATURAL GAS:: -U- AUTHOR'(02)-SENKO, G.YE., STARSHINOV, B.N. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR 1970t 30(2)v 107-10 -DATE PUBL I SHED------ 70 SUBJECT AREAS--MATERIALSi MECH.p PRI)CESSING DATE--30OCT70 AND ADJUSTMENT OF THE IND., CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR ~_~TQPIC TAGS--COKE. NAiURAL GAS, BLAST FURNACEv KINETIC ENERGY CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1994/1949 STEP NO--UR/0133/70/030/002/0107/0110 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115757 UNCLASSIFIED ols UNCLASSIFIED P90CESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115757 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- ABSTRACT, CALCNS. PERFORMED AND RESULTS OBTAINE0 ON BLAST FURNACES OPERATING WITH OR.iilTHOUT 0 ENRICHMENT OF THE :BLAS'r AND USING ?4ATUkAL GAS ADONS, TO THE 13LAST Slqb~iEi) VHAT BURNING OF THE LATTER IN THE TUYERES INCREASES KLNETIC ENERGY OF THE GAS BLAST MIXT. AND ACTIVATES THE CENTER OF THE FURNACE WHILE REDUCING THE PERIPHERAL EFFECT, THE ORIGINAL LEVEL OF THE K114rTl-- EUERGY CAN BE ReTAINED BY CORRESPONDINGLY INCREASING-THE TUYERE~DIAM. AN INCREASE FROM,180 TO 190 MM WITH A -SIMULTANEOUS INCREASE 01- BLASY VOL. FROM 3506 TO 3690 1*4 PRIMEZ-MIN LED TO IMPROVED OPERATING CONDITIONS, AN 8.51)ERCENT i -,PRODUCTION INCREASEI AND A 20 KG-TON LOWERING OF.THE COKE RATE; WHILE -INCREASING TUYERE- LIFE TO 30-5 DAYS& FACIOTY:. UKR. NAUCH. .-ISSLED., I.NST. METAL.v KHARKOV# USSR* w4CLASLI F UO UDC: 6'1. 311. 23.. 004 (232. FPTT?jjj1,C)V,F 1'01,OT, BOCINKIN A. F D. Engineers "On Condition o~ -'Kras ZS Dam ur*-,-,--i rirst Years L noyars3caya GE d of Operation' -.1 siz:ow, Na. 4, April, 10 ~,1971, pp 12-11a h4 gh. It has a t si-`? ,-c m i s 12 4 mt trialngi-illar v-r-'cal. It rCf3tS CM on a 11U!1,11~jcr OF C:--nc,-s on which is 4 4 years, aftnr L 1- of the-.1 11 z cl .20.,* indicated al slicifit oponing 0j: j0-;,.;,,-L- near the. ecl-go. USSR 197 pp The filling of the -n~aservoir: startccl in 1967 and was cw 1',169. Tenncrature of wa-cr E-At various mplcrcu, j,n WaS monito-'red. Seel"inq of %-.1ater was observed bE2cau.,::(,- :L~ s al-I i-Idica- Oh ti1c, Ilpstreim face. The seeping ~01 F~ F 17 C; i967 to :11i6f). -~i ne , ~ -~ , ita Vorti'-,'Iat , hor:'~?c .1 di.~;Azx L ~S of I poiji(-n C'~- UIC", ','oyc! t"- c fam-ulation oil, face of tflf-~C 1--0 MU:! WCAcjlit 1);. ,.1 -1r 15 fur -7Z USSR UDC 911.3-.616.34(575.1) SHMOV, 1. 1., POKROVSKAYA, M. P., KRASKINA, N. A., MkCIN, .1. 1., SKVORTSOV, V. V., KILESSO, V. A., BUNIN, K. V., NIKIFOROV, V.~ N., POKWVSKIY, V. I., and,S"AQj911".JA, flawrent. Status of Typhoid" V sb. Materia1v XV Vses. svezda enidemiologiv, imik-robiologovi infektsion- istov, Tezisv Dokl. C,,. I (Proceedings of the 15th All Union Conference of Epidemiologists, -Hicrobiologists,~ and Infectious Disease Specialists, 0 Theses Reports, Part I -- collection of works), qoscow,j 1970, pp 262-269 (from M-Meditsinskava Geografiva, No 3, Mar 71, Abstract No 3.36.258) Translation: During the last seven years, the incidence of typhoid has decreased each year by 6-7% on the average in this countt-,,. Maximum drops were observed in the Belorussian SSR, Kazakh SSR, Lithuanian SSR, Latvian SSR, Armenian SSR, and Estonian SSR; minimum drops were found in the Uzbek SSR and Kirghiz SSR. During the last two years, the incidence of typhoid was 102 higher a--ong rural residents than am6ng urban residents. In com- parison with 1964, a drop in incidence of approximately 40/1. was observed; in rural locations, the drop iras 23",.. The leading significance of the water factor in transfer and distribution of the agent of typhoid is UkSR SHATROV, 1. 1., et al., Materialy XV Vses. syezda eDidemialogiv, mikro- biologov i infektsionistov, Tezisv Dokl. Ch. I (Proceedings of the 15th All Union Conference of Epidemiologists, Microbiologists, and Infectious D:Lsease Specialists, Theses Reports, Part.1 --- collection of works),, Moscow, 1970, pp .262-269 (from.M-Meditsinskava Geografiya, No 3, Mar 71, Abstract No 3.36.258) ecafirmed. Of decisive importance, particularly in recent years, is the Mutritional (milk) factor of typhoid transfer and di$tribution. 2/2 USSR UDC 547.241 KRASIL'NIKOVA, Ye. A., ZYKOVA, T. V., RAZUMOV, A. M., M., ORLOVA, G. V., and SALAKHUTDINOV, R. A., Kakan' Chemical-Technological Institute Imeni S. M. Kirov "Investigation of the Series of Phosphinic and Phosphinous Acid Derivatives. XC. Effect of the Structure of Alkyl Halide on the Reaction With Esters of Ethyl(Phe-nyl)dithiophosphonous Acid" Leningrad, Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, VolA3 (105), No 8~ Aug 73, pp 1701-1705 Abstract; The study included reactions of normal and branched alkyl halides with dipropyl esters of ethyl- and plienyldithiophosphonous acids. The normal alkyl halides react much faster in this reaction than the branched alkyl reagents. The reaction can be described by the equation RP(SC3H7)2 + RBr RR'P(S)(SC3H7) + RR2'P(S) + RP(S)(SC3H7)z + C3H7 Br + R'SC3H7 as supported by NI-M 31P data. It was shown that changing from normal alkyl halides to the branched isomers increases the tendency of this reaction to occur via the sulfur atom rather than through the phosphorus atom. USSR UDC: 543.812.2'547.312.2/.3 STARSHOVZ _L1_jN IVANOVA, G. Ya. "Determination of Small Quantities of Moisture (5-30 ppsi) in Ethylene and Propy-lenell Tr. Metrol. In-tov SSSR (Works of Metrological Institutes, USSR], 1972, No 136(196), pp 50-54 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal MetTOlogiya i lzmeTitellnaya Tekhnika, No 12, 1972, Abstract No 12.32.1160). Translation: Coniparative data are presented on the results of measurement of the moistwe content of ethylene by the method of Fischer and the method of -reaction gas chromatography. The mechanism of the interaction of calcium carbide with water is studied and it is established that,' with moisture con- tents of up to 25,10-6, the reaction of water with calctum carbide results in the formation of CaO, while with moisture-contents of oveT 25-10-6, Ca(011) 2is formed. The optimal mode of operation of a carbide reactor is experimentally determined: length 200 mm, diameter 15 mmV.flow rate of ethylene throu_ah reac- tor 60 ml/min. The content of noisture in the ethylenevas determined from the quantity of acetylene liberated. It is indicated that, on the basis of the studies performed, the nethod of reaction gas chromatography can be used ne with maisture contents of for analysis of the moisture content of ethyle 5,10-6 and higher. 4 figures, 2 tables, 6~bibiio.irefs. USSR U D '24 U~MIUOV' P. D., UARTSEV, G. A., SrAEALOV, V. V,, n,,-A NA3-'-RC""j Insti-,uto of, Ithe Fhysiology-Li;~n~p-~-- -SACS 04'. Plants, kkcade~~-f Of '4acizz-"k 33-4 -Dushaae "Mutagen-Ic Effects of Laser Irradiation of Oeeds of Arabi6DSil; tfWaliz-uia 'L. Ro5cov, DoWady Akademii ivauk 33SR, 'V01 193, -;(> 2. 197-3, 4 j ~--i5 Abstract: Since absorption of ia;;er rays; protljj-~.j3 and i-J4i- intensity electrical ficki it wa3 diuo-!-Jud to Llvo~italgixllu 11-nc pu-;t~iblw- t ivi tM2Y dovelop L'I plants aftor n'tich ixradi"Lt;';OtI. of thaliana (L.) doy,,-Li (Ev.~.hoin atrain) i,%-!re irradiiatt~(A~ modUaLcal (t x 10-~) seu) and freely gonaratod (t x IQ-'~ sec) rul)y -it: ap- propri--ta media. oth tae pproertage 0.1 ge-riaJil"ItIng t;ofxl"-~ LZ4, t1u, a4la viability of the --prouts ivera reduced, Ax a riasull-, of m,-,i-.ativvs in pi-mMt-:'Uon, the plants acquired a Pale green, yelalow, or whitish calor. EvIdenca ~;Lzgf~lro!;ts that.theso mutations were caused not orly by Lae b--,t alrri primarily'~ by nonlinear optical. prooesz;ez5. Since 1.60 of the jIbO irrad"a~,.d plant families claveloDed viable m7atanLs, lasor rap, may be iu; a new F.1.11.51cfl' agent that can 6 usod to produce mutations Jw Arabiciopaj.z Thalianz!. 7 7 A& Mr Abstracting Uiv~ce: Ref. Code '00050453 CAL CHLWI ABST.-b 4zol '7 r' 105523n Absorption spectrum. of strontium vapom 4n the vacu ultraviolet. Kozlov, M. G.; Startsev (USSR). 0m. SpeklrGsk. 1070,- P, I . r?#r strengths of spectral lines in the. range 1645-2177.1 AL aris' ng out of the autoionization of Sr (4 dnp) and &hverging"to ~Ihe limit Sr ii 2DII, s/2 have been measured by'the' xrethod of cot 1plete absorp- tion by using a 3-m.grating spearbgraph. rhe depend~:nce of pliotoionization cro% wtion on wavelength has been studied. Lifetimes of energy Oates corre'sp 6ding to simulUneous, exeita- tion of 2 electrons have been measurid. Ved Pralkash Gupta REELMAME k+ 1981043Z --- - --- ----- ........ .. ....... 77 --.D c Yu. V Ye . and U. ~Icw, z0:. KAZAKUVA, inGt,-tue "S-arface stjr.-~ E; "ith joron" Aiio-,r.~ of Steel Cp meta'LLurgiya, No !970l 3h;kh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy ChernaY;' ".10SCOW izveot~zya Vys P, 132!134 n rat "~d netlhod of sUrf cc- allov"n" of Steel V, 't, rr a nOILI ;s f;.L:3'c';7-9-( rxoces frorl dchydratcri 1)0-,2 's7 :)f or _e nec-an., ar ~a -11 C 4 ur. a rz e. r c T"It. red 1ju-.i jjILM, C, ftients t)f "-,or%x J n t c, reductLon COMI-riseo two zta7es. a -"ro.,*. bora-..~ n -,; - I--) reductf~on of iboron from Oxi'des. Eat,- fire on 2 c frcr. _51* rc-7uL,:.q of jr, title frt~e erL(!rj- 01, uI'Mr. Y I J dynan' cs qj,,d the studY of kI,,,,_Ajc!; -c- catc'lz, rLnu aiu~inlli--. to be t-le lrm;t e.-ficient reduclnr; 7'Q 7~eth~_d` of of IGr_ ;I-ental _---tc "os cy-In,: w-*h baron has been tcsted or, exper- - carb-On 1,13 di~mcnstrated 1-ts applicability undtr i'mu3trial t~-e Liurlp-ce of I'- castin2- -daz 0 . 5 !.o 0, anfl at a (le- th M- e boron content On 115 -Ar. about 0.008 to 0,009,14. 7he wear resistance of sur,'-%ce-alloyed -;arts -.;F-s 'round to be two to three t-imes that of ord-Lnary parts. USSR UDC: 621-741-3 V. A., and KA VA, 1. 1. SIDOF~,V, Yj- 1., UERUDIME-1, P. V-, S14aal, "Specifics of Physical-Cbemical Processes During. Surfac-a of Steel Castizl~ss with Vanadium" 12 Izv. IXZ, Cherna-ya eXetalluxgiya, 21o 6, 15W PP 12 5 -1 7 processes occurzim-Ir d-m-4nif-, Abstract: The physical and chemtcal of steel castings with vanadium, red7aced from by sillcon, calci=, and aluyinum, vere investiggated. Th-, incl,-Iced as part of a paiut applied to the surface of the casting m3ld. Fradu---~,Joz tests showed tbat ;he vanadium can penetrate 40 = into. the castimi, and can increase wear rei~-.~stance by 1-5 tilres- One illustration;.two tables; three bi1ol-Jo. refs. USSR UDC 620.172-251-1:669.14.018.8 .S= BELYAKOVA, K. A., IL' ICHEV, VjiYAj' I and TAVEP,, Physico -Technical Ins tu e' _TXR",~elwy ow em ratures, Academy of Sciences "Strength and Plasticity of VNS-17 Steel at Low Temperatures" Mnt~ailov7eOpnivp. i Termicheskaya Obrabotka bletallov, No 3, 1971, pp 7-9 Abstract: A study was made of the mechanical properties of VNS-17 martensitic arring steel in the U-Jelivered state (hot rolled - CJ products) and its welded joints at temperatures to -2690 C. In the hot-rolled state VDIS-17 steel has suf ificient plasticity and is insensitive to acute notching' at test temperatures krom room temperature to -2530 C. In structuraL elements welded without filler metal c-r with- ba-~Jic conposition wire, V'N'S-17 steal can be usied to -1960 c. In the pre-sence of an acute norch, the 'strength of the welded joints at -2'33~1 C nnd -26-9~" C fi; greoter than the strenftth of t~ic stectl at rooM tcaiPerature. The ct,emicaL co'.1iflosi- ~.,ras 0.0114:'o C, 0.0311;~ Mn tfon 0.:-. EiI2 i-', 1 0.17-1~ Si, 0_07-f j%1, 2.1", 1H.0 0.01" zr, U, It M1911TIM M USSR uDc 621-785.78.9:539.3,t6:6,0'9.1.4.ol8.8 IWICHEV, V. YA, 9 TARTz1_LV__.,Y1- and SHAPOVALOV, 1. A., Physicotechnical Institute for Low tures, Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR "Creep of Khl81NlOT Steel at Low Temperatures" Moscow, 14etallovedeniye i ternicheskeya obrabotka metallov, No 2, 1972, PP i5_i6 Abstract; The study on low-teraperature cree-D involved Fh18N1OT steel (0.1% C; 1.39' i4n; 0.67'0~ Si; 18.79,% Cr; 9.6% 'Ni; 0.7% Ti) at 77-.2 and 4.20K and various initial stresses. The creep curv8s at theabove'te.-pera- tures and stresses show three distinctive sections: initial deformation, non-steady state (transitory) deformation,and steady state of creep which proceeds at a fixed rate and is observed within h.2 to 77'K as a function of stress and temperature. The study included creep under stez)Ved loading conditions at 20 and 4.2'K. The stress increment was 6.8 kg1=4 and the 1.5 hr. 0 illustrationsp 1 bibl-lographic refe hold time rence). USSR UDC 539.4 IWICHEV, V. YA., SKIBINA, L. V., Physicatechnical Institute of Low Temperatures, Academy of Sciences Ukr6SR, Khm0kov "Change in the Mechanical Properties of Austenite Stainless Steels and Alloys e to.a Martensite Transformation at Low Temperaturvs" Kiev, Problemy prochnosti, No. 8, Aug 71, pp 74-77 Abstract: The results of a study of the effect of deformation an martensite transformations in certain austenite stainless steels are presented. It is noted that at Dresent there is no single viewpoint oil the triechanism and kinetics of martensite trans-ILormations although the tllieory of defects ;in the crystalline lattice developed in recent years more or less satisfactorily descrihes the mechanism for the generation of a new phase in the deformation of the material. Martensite transformations arid their effects on streng h and plasticity were studied in steels of the type KhIBN7, KhlSN10, Kh181115 and KhION20 at low temperatures and under various test conditions. it was s1loi-nn that the amount of martensite arising as a rssult of,the y * a-transformation under cooling and deformation essentially de ends an the composition of the p I I~f I I! fl !!Ii. ...... . I . . W I:W;HRR:;I . . . . . . IL'ICHEV, V. YA., et al, Problemy prochnosti, No. 8, Aug 71, pp 74-77 steel and or, the working conditions. The experiments showed that at a given temperature the amount of martensite depends only on the total degree of deformation and is independent of the time over which the d,~-formation is achieved. The creep velocity increases with a rise in the stress lev-:.!! al- though the rate of creep should decrease with a rise in the martensite con- tent since martensite plates are a preventative to the motion of dislocations and slow down creep. A comparison of steels Khl8N7 and KT-ISR10 shows that martensite formed in cold working and martensite gradually arising in the sample through low-temperatime deformation effect the mecha-Pical properties of these steels in different ways. It is hypothesized that at large stresses there may occur shifts in low-carbon martensite and as a result the rate of creep increases. It is noted that these experiments are only,a beginning and that further accumulation of experimental results is necessary. ?/2 1 11 tl I 1111111. J.I!- 1 1; , I USSR 1~ TV WVMVAj 1. G. LUMNEM S. V. ard STAIRM , V, I Phyvico Techadcall Institute of Low Temperatures j Academ~'Wflrftofi- 'R. "StWY of the Microstructure of KC1 Alks-11-Halide Single Oi7/stals by TAu4gls Kiev, fletallofizika, No 31, 1970, PP 132-139 T%anslationt It is shoirn that x-ray diffraction topograj;by as axplied to M all-a-li-halide single crystals idthout Impurity and alloyed b~~= and lead cations can give inport.-mt in-formation on tte dislocation structure in the volume of a specirien. The boundaries of low-angle blocks oriented to- ward the observation siurface in rarious irays ard dislocation networks eabad- ded in the volume of wA within the. blo6ks uare deive-tted Lry the Ling nethod, Individual case-- of a good contr-ast on individima cUslocations, the effect of the thickness of a crystal on the conlxnast of the itrcieefectiorz during a cb=kse of~-t "t- in the Interval 0.3-5-2.7, arA a chan-Se in contrezt in the points of intersection of orthogonal slip lines uvre xeyealed. The cbaracteris+icz of the mic=stxuature disclosed by x-ray diffraction topo graplw uere con-pared with the data obtaimA~d by neans, of etchInI51 by the polarization optical method, arA duxlng observation In ultrudcroscope. Bibllographyt 14 entries, 5 illustrations.. 1/1 USSR UDC 620.3.72-251.1:669.14.018.8 BELYAKOVA, K. A., IL'ICHEV, V. YA., STARTSEV, V_ I., and TAVEP', e YE. I., Physico -Technical Institute "&f;-1-'bWT'mPeratures, Academy of Sciences "Strength and Plasticity of VN$-17 Steel at Low Temperatures" Moscow, Metallovedeniye i Termichask-aya Obrabotka Metallov, No 3, 1971, pp 7-9 Abstract; A study was made of the mechanica I properties of VNS-17 martensitic aging steel in the delivered state (hot rolled products) and its welded joints at temperatureii to -2690. C. In the hot-rotled state VNIS-L7 steel hats sufficient plasticity and st tp is insensitive to acute notching at tt mperatures from room tural elementi; welded wittiout temperature to -2530 C. In strucs. filler me-al or with basic composition vire, VUS-17 steel can be used to -1960 C. In the presence og an a6ute notch, the strength of the welded joints at -2530 C and -269C' C is greater than the strength of the steel at room temperature. The chemical co-alposi- tion of the investigated steel was 0.014% c, 0.08% Mn, 0.17';10 Si, 10.28% Cr, 9.55% 'Ni, 0.663o Ti, 0.07% Al, 2.1',Ia Mo, 0.01-75 Zr, n_ 6% - - C a_ -T00 0 7~1-,'- - - SZ -n d - - - - 0 ENV ;gfa tl~.[ D Mech4nital*~Prdpert ties USSR UDC 539.4.015 YUSHCHENNKO, K. A., STARTSEV 16 X. I;, IMICILEV, V. Ya., b1ON'KO, G. G., LIVSHITS, L. A., KAPLAN, L. I., STEPANOV, G'. A., and G1kUDZDNSKIY, B. V. Kiev, Institute of Electric Welding imeni Ye. 0. Paton'~ Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR "Low-Temperature Properties of Austenitic Steels" Kiev, Problemy Frochnosti, No 10, Oct 70, pp 113-115 Abstract: A study was made of the mechanical properties of some steels of industrial melts destined for use at temperaturea dovn to -269*C. A low carbon content was characteriatic for the ixivestigated stee.1s, and some were also alloyed with nitrogen. The 21-16-8-N type otable-austenitic steel had the beat strength properties iand,smallest reduction in plas- ticity and toughness at reduced temperatures. 1/1 1/2 047 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 DEFORMATION OF LEAD IN THE NORMAL AND SUPERCONDUCTING -U- a STATES :~AUTHOR-(03)-PUSTOVALOVi V.V.p STARTSEVP V-I.y FOMENKOt V.S. Wit _tOUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -,SOURCE:--PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI, 19709 VOL 37v.NR li PP 413-lf23 ~'.PATE PUBL ISHED-------70 MATERIALS 'TOPIC TAGS-LEAD# PLASTIC DEFORMATIONt SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, CRYSTAL CONDUCTION ELECTRON, STRESS.ANALYSISI DUCTILITY, SINGLE CRYSTAL PROPERTY ,_CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1989/1077 STEP NO--GE/0030/TO/037/001/0413/0423 CIRC -ACCESSIONNO--AP0107586- .212 047 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATE--30OCT70 ;`~IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107586 A13STRACI/EXTRACT--(U) G?-0- A35TRACT. THE RESULTS AaE GIVEN OF A .SYSTEMATIC INVESTIGATION OF THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE MACROSCOPIC CHARACTERISTICS OF PLASTICITY OF LEAD SINGLE AND POLYCRY.15TALS OF 99.9992 AND 99*9995PERCENT PURITY IN THE SUPERCONDUCTING STATE AND IN THE NORMAL STATE AT THE SAME TEMPERATURE* IN THE SUPC'RCO-NDUCTING STATE THE CRITICAL kESOLVED SHEAk STRESS OF SINGLE CRYSTALSo THE YJELO POINT OF POLYCRYSTALS, AND THE FLOW STRESS FOR DIFFLRENT STAGES OF UEFORMATION ARE-LOWER THAN IN THE NORMAL STATE. NEAP THE FRACTURE AND AT THE TENSILE STKENGTH NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE FLOW STRESS IN THE NORMAL AND SUPERCUNDUCTING STATE KAS OBSERVED. A TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF MACROSCOPIC PROPERTY CHANGES WAS NOT FOUND IN THE Ttl-iPEkATURE RANGE OF 1o8 TO 4,2DEGREESK, THE RESULTS OBTAINED REVEAL AN ESSENTIAL CONTR13UTION FROM THE DRAG DUE TO CONDUCTION ELECTRONS TO THE RESISTANCE TO DISLOCATION MOTION. THE ESSENTIAL INTER4CTION WITH CONDUCTION ELECTRONS I-4PLIES THAT IN PURE METALS THE GISLOCATLaNS MOVE WITH RATHER LARGE-VELOCITIES (10 Pr(1,14E-2 TO 10 PRIME5 CM-SVAT L-OW TEMPERATURES, --..FA%"ILITY: PHYSICO-TECHNICAL 14STITUTE:0F LOW TEomPERATURES. FACILITY: ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UkRAI NIAN SSR,p KHARKOV, i_. T IT 1/2 020 UNCLASSIFItO PItOCESSING DAT*E--230CT70 S AND TITLE--EXPFRIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE:EFFECT OFAMPURITY ATOM DISLOCATIONS OF X RAY DIFFUSE.SCATTERING.TNTENSITY -U- A UTHO,R- (0 2) - BIR AU DE I Set STARTSEVI V.If'p --USSR ~.COUNTRY OF INFO ...Am ZH. (RUSS# -iO, ~`~:SOURCE-UKR. FIZ, ED.) 19 15(2)., 224-7 "-JDATE PUBL.ISHED ------- 70 .',.:SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS ~...-TOPIC TAGS--ANGULAR DISTRIBUTIONp SINGLE CRYSTALYXRAY,SCATTERINGv ,r...--rCRYSTAL OISLOCAJION PHENOMENON --CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS OCCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY REEL/FRAt%lE--19q8/0550 STEP NO--UR/0185/70/OL5/002/0224/0227 _C la C A C C. E S-S ION NO--AP012 1222 2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23OCT70 ACCESSION NO--AP0121222 tACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE ANGULAR DISTRIBUTION OF THE ALBSTRACT/EXTq INTENSITY OF X RAY DIFFUSE SCATTERING BY SINGLE CRYSTALS OF NAI AND Tt. AND "PURE" NONANNEALED AND ANNEALED CRYSTALSy WASi MEASURED. THREE TYPES OF CHARACTERISTIC DEPENDENCES OF THE INTENSITY OF THE NAI SMAPLE WITH VARYING STRUCTURE WERE GBSD* AN INCREASE IN THE DISLOCATION D. TO THE ORDER OF 1.5 CAUSES AN INCREASE IN THC- INTENSITY BY A FACTOR OF 1.5. THE INTRODUCTJON OF IMPURITJES (EVEN'UP TO 0s1 WT. PERCENT TL) CAUSES AN INCREASE IN THE INTENSITY BY A FACTOR'COMPARABLE TO THAT OF THE "PURE" SAMPLES& FACILITY-.. Flz$-TEKN'*-.INST.v KHARKOVI USSR. 1/2 018 JITLE-EFFECT OF THE SW ~,AUTHOR-(03)-SOLVATOV, V,'.j :~(XUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-PHYSICA STATUS ~)LIDI, ~DATE PU8L ISHEC)----70 SUBJECT AREAS-MECH.9 -TAGS~LEAD, METAL ..-..TfJPIC. UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-13NOV70 5RCONDUCTING TRA14SITEON LIN THE CPEEP IN EAD -U--- A STARTSEVt V.:I.s VArNBLA :'T, T. I 19,701, VOLi'37, NR 11 PP 4T-51 CIVIL MARINE ENGR :REEP, CREEP MECHANISmt SUPER CONDUCTIVITY .212 018 UNCLASSIFiED PROCESSING DATE--13NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AP0107231 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE EFFECT (IF THE SUPERCONDUCTING TRANSITION ON THE VELOCITY OF CREEP IN LEAD HAS I;EEN INVESTIGATED AND FOUND TO INCREASE SHARPLY AT THE TRANSITION TO THE SUPERCONDUCTING STATE. THE VALUE OF THE jUMP OF CREEP VELOCITY 01:PENDS ON THE SAMPLE PURITY. THE MAGNETIC FIELD DOES NOT EFFECT.THE-(4REE?:VEL0CITY. THE POSSIBLECAUSES (CHANGE OF INTERACTION BETWEEN Ej~.ECTRONS AND DISLOCATIONSt CHANGE OF.BARRIERS DETERMINING THE.:140131LITY OF -DISLOCATIONS AT THE SUPERCONDUCTING TRANSETION) OF THE EFFECT OBSERVED :ARE DISCUSSED* Wl c 512 JA I Al? 007 USVC L A S S I F I ED Mr.)CESSING DATE--IlSE?70 TI-'7LS--:Q4QBILITY OF TWINNING DISLOCATIONS :IN CALCITE -,U- _.AUTHOR--SOLOATOV, V.P., STARTSEV, V.I., CHAYKOVSKAYA, N.M..., D4NILEVICH, _,,:,_c.0UNTRY OF INFO--USSR S -82 ~OURCEI FIZ. TVERD. TELA 19709 12(l) 79 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS :,TOPIC TAGS--CRYSTAL DISLOCATIONI CALCITE _''~CONTROL '~ARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--19ql/0638 STEP NO--UR/OlPil/70/01.2/001/007~)/-)Oi2 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105617 UNCLASS[FIED .7 2/2 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 04TE-11SEP70 -1-C AftESSION NO--AP0105617 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(,U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE METHODS OF SELECTIVE ETCHING AND IMPULSE LOAD 'OF THE CRYSTALS 'WERE IJSFf) TO INVESTIGAT-- THE MOBILITY OF TWINNING DISL9CATIONIS IN' CALCITE. THE VELrICITTES OF T14E TANGENTIAL MOVEMENTS OF T141NNING3 DISLOCATIONS ALONG THE TWINNING BOLINJDARY WERE MEASURED IN THE REGION OF SHEAR STRESS TAU 30-35 G-Mm PRIME2. IN THEI ABOVE INTERVAL OF STRESSES, THE TWINNING DISLOCATION VeLOCITY V CHANG;:S FROM 2 TIMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE4 TO 6*19 CM-SEC. THE MOBILITY Clj!~VE FOR T-HE TWINNING OISLOCATIONS IN CALCITE IN THE COORDINATE, LOG V VS TAU HAS LINE-AP (THEPMALLY -ACTIVATED BRANCH OF 'THE. MOBIL11 Y CURVE) AND NgNILINEtR (AT.HERMAL BRAINCH) SECTIONS, WITH THE I.NFLECTION POI-NT IN THF STkESS REGION OF 45 G-44.PRIME2. THE ACTIVATION VOL. CGAkl%iA) FOR THE LINEAR .SECTION OF THF V-GAMMA CURVE IS 2.8 TjMES 10 PRIME NEGATIVE19 CM PRI-ME2, -AND THE, (M) OF TO THE STRESS IS 15.,! I 'IC i A V C I t~ Iri USSR UDC 539.38M PODKUYKO, V. P. , PUSTOVALOV, V. V. , ROYTNIXN, L. U. , ST.IMSEY, V. 1. , (Kharlkov) 'Temperature Dependence of Critical Shear Stress.of Al-Mg, Single Crystals of Various Concentrations at Temperatures 6etween 1.6 and 300P Kiev, Problemy Prochnosti, No 8, 1972, p0 61-65. Abstract: This work studies the influence of various concentrations of magnesium on the critical shear stress (CSS) and temperature dependence of CSS over a broad range of low temperatures. Magnesiurconcentration was varied between 0 and 5.52 at.". The temperature- dependence of CSS was found to have three sectors: 1) between 300 and 120-1300K, the CSS is independent of temperature; 2) between 120 anJ 4.20K, the CSS incraa!;cs wi th decrcas ing temperature; 3) below 4~2'K the CSS decreases with dccrea s i rig. temperature. The value of CSS is propcrtional to /~ i.n I-Ate tcmj)eratu~-v intcrvals studicd and is satisfactorily described by the concepts of Fleischer concerning the interaction of edge diSlocations ~--,ith maximum elastic sti~ess fields and local changes in the shear modulus with concentration. Jlie absolute value of the dror, of CIS at temperatures below 4.,20K, inc-rcase-.t in rfroportion to the value of. Vc-, while the relative values are independent of ~~q concentra- tion in the alloy. I M wl - , ~-_ - Extraction~a~a'd` I USSR ~UDC 669.243 STARTSEV, V. N., BAKARDZI-11YEAU, T. P., STEPANOVA, L. N "Ion-exchainge Technology for Extraction pf Nickel lwoni CWmitun Producti on Solutions" Moscaa,, Tsvetnye Metally, No 11, Nov 72, pp 14-16. Abstract: This work presents the results of development of an ion-exchange technoloMr for extraction of nickel from the cadmium electrolyte using new ior, exchange materials -- ANKB-I md )WO-7 amphol)-tes. ANIKB-1 is based on AN-31 anionite; ANO-7 is based on. AV-16 anionite. Tl.*,--, technology is based on the significant difference in the affinity for ampholytes of nickel on the one hand and cadmiurt md zinc on the other. The technology assunnes elua- tion of the nickel with a sulfuric acid solution, follv~ied by removal of the H2S04 to correct the pH of the solution. Laboratory-scala. tests of the ncif technology indicated that either of the tivo ampholytei,s yields practically identical. results. USSR UDC'00~546.261:538.632:537-3 BORTIOGUCH, A. 0., GEL'Dj P. V., and aZQ24i"Lv~uye "Galvanomagnetic Characteristics of 1-Ionocarbides of the I'Va-Va Subgroup Transition Tomsk, Izvestiya VUZ--FiziL,,a, ITo 5, 1973, pp, 142-145 Abstract: This brief coiimunication discusses the rezu-Its of rneasnre- nent of the galvanonaagnettl�c characteristics olf monocarbides, -,.hich by composition are closely related to equiatoinic varieties. it is noted 1hat such an investigation, even in weak rarag-natic fL21ds i-n- which '-he ratio of the inean free r-ath to the radius of the cyclo- tron orbit is less than iriity, is important to establish a connec- tion between these characteristics and those a-Z' the electronic structure comnuted f or TiC, ZrC, and N This, in turn, opens t-p possibility of ou_-I itative into-pretation of auch 1dinctic behavior in monocarbides as the Hall.effect and reluctance. Ine experirmle,-~-_! data used by the authors for their analysis vao obtained in- research of the Hall effect and transverse reluctance in IL"iO0.99, ZrCo.aa, I&C1.0, and TaCO.98 specimens at 300 and 20.40,X teziperatures Lnd magnetlc flaldz uptoUkoemituls.An expl-e-qation i..r, found for the dif- ference in Hall coefficients and reluctance values for the~;c variouz specimens. 53 - 112 032 UNCLASSIFfE0 PR(lrESSl,'4G DATE-20NOV70 TITLE--GN` THE FERMI SURFACE IN IR-101UM -U- 'AU,TH(jR-(03)-VOLKENSHFEYN, N.V., NOVOSYCLOV# V.A., SrARTSEYP V.YE. CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-ZHURNAL rzl(SPERl,'-'-=NTAL'N0Y 1, 'Tc0R8TICHE5KQY 1:121K1 1970, VOL 58, -1611 NR 5v PP.1609 PUBLISHED---70 ~~USJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TUP t C. TA'GS--iliAGiNETORE:SisrA,,4cE-*, ANISOTROPY, HALL EFF EC, 1', "INGLE CRYSTAL, FERMI SURFACE, ELECTRON __CPENTRGL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT~CLASS-UNCLASS(FIED REELIFRAME---3002/0001 STEP N Q- - U RC 0 5 67/015 (D 0 5169 16 11 cIC Y C C, f 5 5 1P -4 N'101 P P 0 17 6 5 1 St, _9 U INC L "I'S