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2/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PRUESSING OATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0137295 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT* A PD CATALYST~WAS PREP01 BY IMPREGNATION OF A SPECIAL CLAY WITH AN ALC. SOLN. OFIPOCL SUB2. THE CLAY WAS FINELY GROUNDo DRIED, AND CALCINED AT 60001*--GREES FOR 5 HR. REON. OF CATALYST WAS DONE AS FOLLOWS: DRYING FOR'l HR AT 105DEGREESD GRADUAL INCREASE OF TEMPs FOR I HR TO MDEGREESt Altll) REON. AT 230DEGREES FOR 35 MIN. SOYBEAN OIL WAS HYDROGENATEP TO !AN I NO. OF 65-80 AT 180-240DEGREES.. THE MAX. RATE OF HYDROGENATION WAS OBTAINED WITH O.I.PERCENT PD ON CLAY. ANAL. OF THE HYDROGENATED PRODUCT SHOWED A GOOD SELECTIVITY& FACILITY.' KHABAROVSK. PEQAGDG* INSTop ~KHABAROVSK, USSR. N f ir I f 1-i USSR UDC 595.425(574-4) -HLUCER, Ye. G., and HEL'SKAYA, G. S., Institute of Zoology, Academy of ',Tuikm~n S SR "New Finds of Trombiculid Mites (Acariformes, Trombiculidae) on Birds of Turkmenia (Report 1) 11 Ashkhabad, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoy SSR, Seriya Biologicheskikh Nauk, No 1, 1972, pp 65-70 Abstract: New species of Trumbiculid mites are described, and species found for the first time on birds of Turkmenia (the mountains and foothills of central and western Kopet Dag, Malyy Balkhan, Badkyz and the route of the Karakum Canal from Kerki to Izgant) in the period from 1962 and 1968 are redescribed. Neoschoengastia lucida Schluger et Belskaja, N. aurata Schluger et Belskaja and Neotrombicula turkmenica Schlulter et Belskaj collected from birds of Turkmenia, are new species for science. Hypogastia meshedeasis Vercammen-Grandjean at al. , and Ornithogasti meropq Vercamen- Grandjean et al., are new species for the fauna of the USSR. Heotrombicula rosickyi Daniel et Zanina is redescribed in Turkmenia. Birds are their new hosts. 39 F nces 71)C '71 C, 6 T Ye S and "Scientific ar."' Tec-Iiiii"cal ConEerence, C"- Souie 0' th, u~ U. Of Ylataiworkiri- by Pr~,-ssure" Voscow, Proizvodstvo, No 7, Jul 70, ~p (j8-49 Sciamti,:ic and. Tachn-`ull C0ljf(!I-eIICC On ThCo,-f-,- Ziii-; Abstract: The I I Practice of "let alworlli~in,- b1, P-ressuro was : ~ioasored by the Tula institute Jointly With zine Tull-, Ci-iapter of the Scienz-J.fic and 'fcchn--'cal Scc--*E~t-y the Machinery in-dustry. T',,e conferonce was attendielal by of 0 I 16 insr- ~Utions oi~ lcla~-O.:Ilg0 S CC y, T L%, Twmsk, Clr-ics, 10 scienLific resc~arcli and '-)y represenciatives ol' plants, 10SCOW, Nlilkoiayi~..V, elsewhere. The 54 r,-5ports p~:cscilLed ac the conference vroblezqs of the th(,ory Of plaLtic working of meLals, on 0 V mn ddil zh e d e v e 1 omi ctLnd in't-duct.-On 0, n(~I-,, t~l!clmolo r.0 The coni~el.;-7-nce was conductc~d I.-, -,-)Ienarv sessions and secr.*;Onl: 0:-. ti;,i C CeL loczLd imiprc3c ioa di;-- ~-argin,,. ,knong tl~e topici; stamping ana C - - - ~ * the followin : e~- a -fec;~ of anisotropy oin the process o~ plzisti-c (S. P. Yakoviev, V. :-*. Kuzin, V. M. Lyalin), of -ratic-.wl. geome!--ric. C. 1/3 USSR LEP IER, P. S. , ct al, Kuznechno-s' Prolzvo(.Isz~vo, ','e 7, fu 1 70, pp 48-49 rammeters o~ r_ooi ~s iiaz` cn, (S. A. VaL v -v. a I'ic!rorl p inhomo~zeneic~, o~ ch '--'dun o~ L Flenne , N. I. Do D 1-1 ov, A. Broy"zo) i-low in a:d"v-,IT 0-.-~~._-~.tll. (S. P. Yakoviev.. extrusion (M. 5,jT)jO.,j 7 C -n Y,, yudi Elie wall P. Rennc_ V. 1-. 7 ird' n P. Lorner~ ,:cast: da-_: C-4 L7 ino box-cvoe o~~: (V. P. problei oi: _-_-i reserve of pl~::;ticit:y of tlari2riaiS (V. T . 1~CjljjjogoroV _tf. sokwiov, X.". S. PILI'hotin); ~;Z:Udy c)L' d&~fomnaauiLon V. A~. Ogorodnikov, F. Kh. Tomj._Io*v) ; Ckia str,,~ss-strain statt~ iu. of bc"14Lef, G.. Sokolov; S. 0. "./WIX-tirsa, V. 1 i.y) Of and cxpur!.,Jiui~~:A. ''Ludy c-1.7 ( :mv,~rt-c deup ..7 p ~;-e diuci n I t 111 c ne U,. A 13 rl s , I) - 'N 0 V. Chul.,11-5vaj; a_xp~_.r*~ 'C, ;;,--at al eXLrusion '-,I L L; -.!I 3 2/1, 7 U 5- S R -n tile tech,nology or surarp-lascic-Lity Its use L Iv pressure 3/3 WSR UDCi 658,562~533 LEVIN G. I., BARSUKOV, G. Ye. "A Device for Automatic Monitoring of Operations" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, ProiWshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Znaki, No 9, Bar 72, Author's Certificate No 331393, Division G, filed 22 Dec 69, published 7 Mar 72, p 154 Translation: Ifnis Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A device for auto- matic monitoring of operations given by a time schedule. The device con- tains a display unit axd a control unit which is connected to the inputs off a decoder, elapsed time indicator, printout module,and attlached printer, and also to the controlling input of a shift register. Af, a distinguishing feature of the patent, the visibility and efficacy of mon-itorins -)xe im- proved b, y adding a time interval distributor, a module for determining de'ri- ations, a modulle for visualizing the schedide to be mcnitared, end a module for oiztput of deviations. The inputs of the module for determining devia- tions are connected to the outputs of the module for visuelizing the schedule to be monitored, the decoder, and the time interval distributor. Ille out- puts of tbe mzdulc for dotermining deviations -are connected throuj~h the module 1/2 uss~ LEVIN, G. 1. et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 331393 for output of deviations to one of the inputs of the indicator and of the printout module. The controlling input of the module for output of devia- tions is connected to the controlling output of the tire interval distribu- tor whose second output is connected to the controlling input. of the display unit, while the input of the time interval distributor is connected to the output of the elapsed time indicator. 2. A modification of this device distinguished by the fact that the module for determining deviations con- tains coincidence circuits which are connected by their two inputs in the diagonal of a matrix whose vertical lines are connected to the owtputs of the corresponding delay elements, while the horizontal lines.are connected through NOT gates to the corresponding mewry elements ', The out-puts of the delay elements are connected through an OR logic gate to the set terminals of the memory elements. 2/2 Hill R. tit I MMV! Iii . n 014- UNCLASSIFIED PRO~ESSPIG !)ATE--11SEP70 --SHORT HANDBOOK ON STEAM TURBINE PLANYS -U- M.L. 'AUTH9R--SHLYAKHIN9 P.N,l BERSHADSKIY, I -fit COUMTRY OF INFO--USSR -:SOURCE--SHORT HANDBOOK ON STEAM TU P31PIE PLANTS (KRATKIIY SPAAVOCHNIK PQ PAROTURBINNYM USTANOVKAM) 2N0 ED., MOSCOW, ENERGIYAi 1970, 214 PP OATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AqEAS--ENERGY CONVERSION (NOV-PROPULSIVE) TOPIC TAGS--STEAM TURBINE, ELECTRIC GENERATOR, VAPOP CONDENSATION, THERMOLECTRIC POWER PLANT 'nNTROL MARKING--N-j RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--U,"ICL4SSIFTED PROXY REEL/FRAMP---1987/0025 s'rEP NO--UR/0000170/1)00/0,0')/'))Ll~l/~).~~llf CIRC ACCESSION ND--AM0103713 UNCLASSIFIED pRorESSINS DATE--ljSEP70 014 UNCLASSIFIED ;--CIRC ACZESSION NO--AM0103713 ABS-IPACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TABLE OF CONTENTS-. PREFACE TO THE SE COND EDITION 3. INTRODUCTION 4. CHAPTER f STE AM TURBINES 7. 11 EXPERIMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TURBINES 102. 111 CCNDE~JSATION DEVICES 105. TV TURBOGENERATORS. 150. V DEAERATORS, REGENERATIVE HEATERS, EVAPORATIVE AND STEAM CONVERTING DEVICES: 165. VI OIL SUPPLY OF TURRO UNIT 179. VII TURBINE MAINTENANCE. ECONOMIC If-iDICATO'RS OF WORK OF TURBINE PLANT AND TURBINE WORKS 192. V111 SOME INFORMATION OF VAR 'IABLE OPERATING CONDITIONS OF TURBINE 200. APPENDIX 205. L T NIT CAI. DATA` ON' STEAM TGRATURE 211- JHE HANDBOOK CONTAINS-TECH I TUPBINIES, ELECTRIC GENERATORS, CONDENSATION DEVICES AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT OF STEAM TURBINE PLANTS OF THERMOELECTRIC POWER. STATIONS. THE HANDBOOK WAS INTENDED FOR HEAT ENGINEERS, nCCUPIED WITH THE D-SIGN AND OPERATION.',.-OF TURBINE PLANTS OF THERMOELECTRIClPOWER STATIONS, AND -FnR STUDENTS OF POWER SPECIALTIES.. USSR uDc 616 -981-51-036.22 (1rT8.9),1i946-l97o,, I~YAKH~Ov, and PRISAKAR', V. I., Kishinev Medical Institute, Kishinev "Epidemiological Characteristics of Anthrax In the Moldavian SSR Over a Period of 25 Years (1946-1970)" Moscow,, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Imatnobiologii, No 8, Aug 73, PP 15-18 Abstract: As a result of planned ve-terinary, sanitary, and medical meas-.ires that were taken in 1946-1970, the Jncidence of Anth= atang hmans and waimals decrtased in the Moldavian SSR.,_A3i._incidOnce:amonS hul~ns per,100,WO -,f the 0 1951-1,78, an- population was 5.4-2o-7, 1.6-4-5 'and .184.39 in 1946-50, '959-70, respectively. The frequency of the occurrence of the diraat!c tanong humans cor- responded to the intensity of epizootics among farm animz,~U and -was at a mayii,wn (714 of the total inupber of' ii-.ifectJ,ori2,) in the sumiler. ilumu-, Infectiorl ",Ms clue in 25,2% of clloea to Contact ~rith dircn=1 aninalz an(f. in '~(# OV cucur; to Incorrect handlixi,,~ of the carcasnes of anima, In VuLt had be,,en dILwac!,L. The infection was most, frequent (62%) of caaes in 1946-70) kolkhoz workcrt;, including those having privately lywned cattle. It decreased anong kolkhoz workers (from 71-5 to 52.5% of total cases) and workers in the: leather and fur 1/2 USSR SHLYAKHOV.1 E. N., and PRISAKAR', V. I.J Zhurnal Rik-robiologii, Epideniologii i Immunobiologii, No 8, Aug 73, PP 15-18 industriesl while increasing ar-ong aniiial breeders and Yeterimrians. The incidence among humans and anir;tls vas highest in the north-moldavian forest- steppe zone with typical, pod2olized, and leached chernozem soils and grey forest soils; lower -in the central zone of Moldavia with predoulnunt Grey and brown forest soils that are more acid than chernozem; and lowest in the southern zone with ordinary, calcareous, dusty, and southern chernozems. The incidence had a tendency to increase in years v:Lth a dry and hot suimer.' 2/2 20 USSR ux 616.56i.51--036.21--081~.4(1,,78.9 SHLYAKROY E~ N. and PRISAK1,11' V. I.., Kishinev Medical Institute "Anthrax, Prophylaxis in Moldavia" Moccov, Zhurml Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i Imatnobiologii, flo 9, 3.973, PP 221- 125 Abstract: Prior to Soviet rule Moldavia had cne of the highest of With the advent of Saviet m1a definitive measures vare takta-ri to cate anthrax as far as possible. They included soil and carcass (Usi)-ifect-ion and active immmization of cattle, as well as ho-SpitallZatiOn a--U J..M~IltiOll Of patients, and trcatmnent with antibiotics, and antisera. AG a result of such intense and dililgent efforts the incidence of anth--ax decrea-ced 215-fold from th~- 1945-1950 Pericd to the 1959-1970 period. Diagnosis USSR uDc 616.981.5i-o7843 SHLYAKROV.. E. N., WARTS, S. A., GfUZO Ye. V., and KATKRANMA, T. N., Moldavian XnTnTbate~*�,-.Hygiene and Epidemiology "Immuno-Allergic Diagnosis of Anthrax in Man with Anthraxin" Moscow, Zhurnal Mikrobiologii, Epidemiologii i I=nmdbiologii, Vol 47, No 6, Jun 7 PP 79-83 Abstract: Data frorn 1,152 cases were evaluated in an effort to ancertain the rate of development and duration of okin-allergic reactions, the effectiveness of anth.- ray-in tests in comparison -with bacteriolopical studies, an(i the problem of whether the indices of anthraxin tents depend on the tont periods or the Im'!gInning of a specific cure. It was found that with the anthraxin skin tent, a dia6,no6is co-Lad be reliably confirmed 2-5 times more effectively than by the bacteriological method. Anthraxin akin tests are the only method of retrospective diaqnosia of anthrax. In 93% to 73% of cases, it was possible to estiiblish anthrax, ;w:Lny years, or some- times even decades, after its occurrence. 1/2 012 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSM DATE--27NOV70 T;lTLE--IMMUNO ALLERGIC DIAGNOSIS OF ANTHRAX IN MAN WITH THE AID OF -U- A,UTH0R-(04)-SHLYAKHOV, E.N., SHVARTS, S.A., GRUZt YE,V. KATKHANOVAr T.M. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR S.OURCE--ZHURNAL M[KROBIOLOGI-f-,~'rPIC)EMIOLOGII I IMMUNDMOLOG11, 1970, NR 6, PP 79-83 -DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AND MEDIC4L SCIENCES SU151JECY AkEAS TAGS--ANTHRAX, MAN, SKIN' TEST, Dr.A4NOSTIC MEDIC.INE CONTROL MARKING--NO REMICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--300110409 STEP NO--UR/0016/70/000/006/0079/0083 Sr CIRC ACCE .310N NO--AP0126162 UNCLASSIFIE0 IG 27,N0V7 0 2/2 012 UNCLASSIFIED P RGC E 5 S It DATE CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0126162 E 'MC E ABSTRACTiEXTRACT-W) G13-0- All STRACT MANY YFAR E X, ; R I EI T H E APPLICATION OF ANTHRAXIN I'OR THE DIAGNOSIS OF ANTHRAX A'N THE SOVIET UNION :AND ABROAD DEMONSTRATE,) ITS HIGH SPECIFICITY AND Er-FICACY. W I TH THE AID OF ANTHRAXIIN SKIN fE:ST ANTHRAX DIAGNOSIS WAS 'X~.LIABLY C0.'iFIR,1EG m P-10 AND A HALF TIMES MORE FREQUFINITLY (IN 92PERCENr. OF THE CASES) THAN BY BACTERmLOGICAL EXAMINATION, AT PRESENT SKIN TEST WITH ANTHRAXI~i f~> THE ONLY METHOD WHICH PERNITS TO FSTABLISH RETROSPLCTIVE 01AGNOSIS OF ANTHRAX MANY YEARS AFTER AIN ATTACK OF THIS DISEASE" I f:RDIA 93 TO 73PE"ICENT OF THF CASES). EAPLY SPECIFIC TREATMENT.OF ANTHRAX RE,DUCED THE 11401CES OF DAIGGNOSTIC TESTS ,4ITH ANTHRAXIN A LITTLE. FACILITY: MOLDAVSKIY INSTI.TUT GIGIYENY I EPIDEMibLOGII. UNCLASSIFIED ms, ~- Publications WSR VDO 355-77 YEGOROV, F. T., _~l .g~YAM A., and AIABIN N. 1. Grazhdanskaya Oborona (Civil Defense)# MOSCOW 'TYsshaYa Swcola"t 1970, 544' pp r L'imaislation: In the textbook information is given on the tasks, measures, and organization of civil defense, the effect of weapons of Tiazs destruction On hiLmns# bulldings# and structures, means of protocting the population from weapons of rasa destructiong tho planning of ci-dl derfensep fulfillnent of emergency restoration work, and the orgeiiizmtion of public tx-&ining on the problems of civil defense. The book is intended for students of higher educational institutions. Forewordi Taking into account the aqZressive policy carriod out by imperial- ist states and the armts race, the Commuitist Party and the Soviet Goverment show u:Slagging concern for strengthening the nations clefensive ii-aght and improving civil defense. Civil defense is a system of statewide dofense masuras aimed at pro- tection of the population, creation of the conditions necesaaxy for stable operation of national econo:dc projects in tine of itarp andl In case of the use of weapons of naz3 destruction by the enemy, at tho caX.Vying out of rescue and imediato emergenoy restoration work. I/ Based on this premise, tho basic tasks of instruction In highpr educa- USSR YEGOROV, P. T., et al., Civil Defenses Hoscow, "Vyssh-aya Shkola," 1970, 544 pp tional institutions in the "Civil. Defense" course consist of teaching the students - future specialists - nothods of protection from nuclear weapoqsj and of teaching them how practically to in-plement civil defense measures both in Deacetina and waxtimep and to fulfill the duties of co-mincaidem of fo =tions for their instructioral Drafi*lo. The present textbook vras itritten in accordiance with the training progxwa for students of higher educational institutions in the "Civil Defense" course and is intended for students of the nation's technical engineering and huma~.- ties educational institutions. Beoides thist it can also be uz-od by Students of the other higher educational institutions if the genera.1 course of this program Is studied. Participating in the compilation of the textbook wero teachers of the civil defense coirr-ge at the hoscow State All-Union Institute, Candidate of of Hilitary Sciences Docent P. T. Yegorov (chapters It 2 fsections 1 and g, 6, 8, and 11) and I. A. Shyyakhov (chapters 2 fSectiona 3 and !9, 3s 4P 5P 9, and 10, zxd Docent 11. 1. Alabinp teacher at the k-3orpcow Technolog-1cal Institute of Light Industrf and Candidat3 of MLUtaxy Sciences (chaDters 7 and 12). Division Director of the USSR Kinistry of Mgher arA Secww=7 SpeeW Education G. A. Karpov, provided general supervision. USSR YEGOROV, P. T., et al., Civil Defenses Moscoirs "VY'Ss]. :aYa S,Mcola, 1970, 544 pp Table of Contents Page Foreward .3 Int=ductlon 5 Chapter I Civil Defense in Nuclear Hissile Warfare 7 1. Nature of a possible futuxe war 7 2. Tasks of Civil Defense 14 3. Organizational Structure of Civil Defense 21 Chapter 2 Characteristics of Nuclear Weapons (from MaLeritras of Foreign Press) 44 1. Nuclear Arms 44 2. Foci of Nuclear Destruction and Padioactively Contcuiinated Areas 83 3. Chemical Weapons 90 4. Biological Ifeapons 100 Chapter 3 Dispersion and Evacuation Methods of Pro-tecting the Population log 1. CTSanization and Planning of Dispersion and Ey-jeuation log 2# Ensurin.- Dispersion and Evacuation 121 Implementing Dispersion and Evacuation 3/7 129 USSR YEGOROV, P. T., et al., Civil Defensep Moscow,, "Vy-ssJ1%-, Shkala," 70, 544, pp ra 19 Chapter 4 Individual Means of Protection 133 1, Methods of Protecting Respiratory Organs 133 2. Methods of Protecting the $kin 168 Chapter 5 Protective Structures for Civil Defense 17? 1. Designation and Classification of Protective StructtLves 177 2. Shelters, Their JaTanmgment and Equipment. 178 3. Radiationproaf Shelters, Their Arrangement and Equipment 2o6 4. Use of Nines and Mineshafts for Shelter 220 5. Rules for Using Shelters 223 Chapter 6 -Engineering and Technical Civil Defense Heasimes Incroaz- Ing the Stability of Omration of. Vational Economic Projects 234 1. The concept of Zones of Foaaible~Destruction in a Nucleax 2-35 2. Plwining and Building Cities ardIndustrial Regions With Considexation for Civil Defense. Requirements 238 3. Ev2luation of t'he Stability of Operation of Lationall Econorde Projects with Respect to Destructive Factors cif a Nuclear Explosion 245 4/7 USSR YECOROV, P. T.t et al. 0 Civil Defensep I-Wsc*w# "Vysshaya SM-,Ola,," 1970,, 544- pp 4. Engineering and Technical Measures Inplemented at National Economic Projects 259 .5. Planning Engineering and Technical Heasures 282 Chapter 7 Planning Civil Defense. -. Princlples of Planning Civil 284 Defense at a National Economic Project.. 1. Designation of a Civil Defense Plan at National Economic Projec-ts 285 2. I-hin Requirements Made on the Civil Defense Maki of a. Fational Economic Project 286 3. Ini-ti4a Data for Working Out the Divil Def eme TI,an of a National Economic Frojoct 288 Procedure for 11oriting Out# Approvingp and Co2.Te?lting the Civil Deferwe Plan of a National Econo-nio. Project 289 "a+ aic 5, Documents of the Civil Defonse 113zn of a I. -Lonal Econo, Ytoject and Thai= Storage 290 MaIrter 8 Public Action Under Threat of Maemy At-Lwk and on Civil Defense Signalz 2-97 1. Public Action Under Threat of Enemy Attack 298 2. Public Action on Civil Defenso Signals 308 5/7 USSR YEWROV, P. T., et al., CivJ-l Deferiset Yoscow "Vys-shaya Shkola," 1970 , 541L PP Chapter 9 Instruments for Radiation and Chemical ReconnaisBance and Dosimetric Loritowing 327 1. Designation, Calssification, and Principle of:Omexetlon of Dosimeters 327 2. Instnments for Radiation ReconnaJ sance of Terrain 330 3. Dosineters 341 4, Chemical Reconnaissance Listrwraents 353 Chapter 20 Organization and Caxrying.Out of Reconnairu-,ance off a National Economic Froject in a Focus of, bass DestructLoa 367 1. Tasks and Kinds of Reconnaissance, 367 2. Organizing and Conducting Reconnaissance 3?2 3- Reconnaissance Of SPaciallY Designated Fatvations (Special Reconnaissance) 378 4. Hm~ Contaminated Sectors on the Terxuin 393 Chapter 11 Rescue and I=ediate Emergency Restoration Work 396 1, Pe=onnel I HaterLal and. Their Groupingm in Starting A-mas 396 2. Ensuring the Can:yi%- Cut 0 Rescue WoiJ,, 402 3. The Work of the Project's Civil Defense Director and Read- quarters in Organizing and Ca=-ying Out Fu9scue Work 408 6/? 104 USSR YEGOROV; P. T., et al., Civil Defense, Moscow "Vy-sshaya Shkolag" 1970j 544 PP 4. Methods of Caxrying Out Rescue Work 419 5. Organization of Party Political Work 447 Chapter 12 Teaching Civil Defense to the Fublic 454 :1. Taejm and Goals of Civil Defense~lnstxuction at National Economic Projects 454 2. Civil Defense Training Programs 460 3. Requirements Made of Instruction 461 4. Organizing and Planning:Instruction 464 5. Preparing the Teacher for Studies and Working Out Educational haterials 467 6, Hethods and Fo=s of Instrixtion 468 7* Spreading Informtion Abou~ Civil Defense 477 AppendIxes 479 fill I _7= -------------- USSR UDC 539.3 SHLYANHOV S. 11. "Stressed State of a 11alfplane with a 'Nonuniformly Heated Pound Hole" V sb. NekotoryVe zadachi 1)rikl. teorii upru.~.os (Sonic Frobletas of Applied Elasticity Theory--collection of works), Saratov, 1971, pp 25-31 (from RZh- Mekhanika, No 11, Nov 71, Abstract No 11V53) Translation: The problem of linear thermoelasticity is solved in bipolar cc- ordinates. The solution of the equation of thermal conductivity is represented by a hyperbolic trigonometric series. The stress function contains six arbitrary constants determined from the condition of equality of the corresponding stresses to zero at the hole outline and the halfplane boundary and also the conditions of uniqueness of the displacements obtained by the method of thermal dislo- cacions. The final formulas for the stresses in general form aad also on the hole outline and at the halfplanQ boundary are presented. The numerical cal- culations of the stresses at the boundaries of the region are performed for two cases of the temperature field. 112 018 UNCLASSIFIEU PROCES3 ING 0A_rE--0,;DEC70 T.ITLE--USE OF SODIUM HYDROSULFITE DURING ACRY LAM I DE POLYmERIZATTW4 Folt -...ELECTROPHORESIS -U- ~_:-AUTHUR-07-1-SHLYAKHOVENK0, V.A., SMIRNOVAt I*Af C.(3UNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~i_SOURCE-LAB. DELO 1970, (5), 3111;--"' PUBLISHED ------- 70 AT SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--ELECTROPHORESISv ACRYLAMIDEr POLYMERIZATIONt CATALYSTf SODIUM COMPOUND -CONTROL HARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY FICHE NO ---- F070/605015/001 STEP NU--UR/9099/7(J/C-O(,','()05./031L/031: ,CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140S87 2/2 OL3 UNCLASSI FIED P R Cl C F SS I N G- 3 A T Ei:- ~CIRC, ACCESSION NO--AP0140587 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP--O- t3 s'r iz 14; C TAC R Y L AM IE METVYLENEBIS(AGRYLAMIDE), AND CYMt0GLJM$ /,-I i'REM. W11:11E lN PRESENCE OF L.7 TIMES 10 PPAM'-, INEGAUVC-3 M, K SUB2 SUR2 SUi~l IN D I TH7 0~-- THL TIMES 10 PRIME W:GATIVE3 -' NA SA2 51 SUB,2 J E C A TA L Y S T A N D D E C 0 IMP N . P.R101 D U C TS 'ri E R E R E Al 0 V E 0 B Y P'A S) 5 1 M G I -- L,CC. U R R EI' THROUGH THE GEL PRIOR TO ELECIROPHDRESUS. F, iSj-- I L I TY ,LAIJ. LEIK0ZQVv KIEV* NAUCH. ISSLED~ INST. EK5P. KLIN. CINKOL. t AIEVf USSR. -112 019 lJNCI_ AS S I F I ED .-TITLE--CLINICJ EPIDE*,11'-_)L0GIr_AL CHARA'-TERASTICS UF HF P AT I T I S _u_ .,-&,UTti3P,--(C'3)-SHLYAK"TENKO* L.I,,t KANEVSKAYA*.(A*G.v UlklT- R.Y- OF :IN, Pt,~'nussJNG DATE--0?3CT70 THE SEQUELAE '?F EPIDEMIC PESHERSTNYAK, T.B. a :'.S_0UkCE--Z4URNAL MIKiki)3 IULOGI IEP IDEV, IGLOGI III MMUNOB I OL L)G 11 147,0, NP. 3, PP_ 55-60 DATE PUBLISHED-----70 .'~SUBJECT AREAS-BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--EPIDEMIULOGY9 HEPATITIS COhTRGL MARKING-NO RESTqICTIONS -DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED JPROXY REEL/fRAME-1990/14H6 STEP NO--UR/OOt6/70/)00/003/0055/0060 CIRC ACtESSION NG--AP0109546 UNLr L. ASSIFIEf) __212 01.9 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--OZOCT70 ACCESSION NO--AP0109546 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-M GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE AUTHORS PRESTENT THE RESULTS OF CLINI-Cfj EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDY OF 388 HEPATITIS CONVALESCENTS WHO WERE OBSERVED.LINIA DISPENSARY LEVEL IN THE bFFICES OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES AT POLYCLINICS. THE MINIMAL 6 MONTli PERIOD DISPENSARIZATION OF PERSONS WHO RECOVERED FROM HEPATITIS WAS ADEQUATE FOR 44.7PERCENT OF CONVALESCENTS; THE REST RE~UIRED MORE PROLONGED OBSERVATION PROTRACTED FORM OF HEPATITIS (JN SPECIFIC SYMPTOMS OF THE DISEASE PER$ISTED UP TO 6 MONTHS) 'WAS DETECTED IN 7.2PERCENT OF THE PATIENTS, CHRONIC tWI.TH THE DURATION ~OF THE DISEASE 3 YEARS9 WHICH WAS THE OBSERVATION.PERIOD) fN 4o .6PERCENTa PATIENTS SUFFERING FROM PROTRACTED AND CHRONIC FORMS OF -HEPATITIS CAN SERVE AS ACTIVE SOURCES OF INFECTION. OBSERVATION ON A _-.DISPEN,SARY LEVEL OF PERSONS WHO IUSTAINED,HEPATITII NOT DNLY P "E vENTED N, I.C 0 _T ITS CHANGE T 13 CHROl FORM.,.. aLIT, ALSO LIMITED THE.- SPREAD F INFEC ION. 'T'--~"412 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 OF THE FIELD EMISSION OF P GERMANIUM -U- ,-,AUTHOR-(02)-FURSEY, G.N., SHLYAKHTENKOI P.G. '.._COUNTaY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE-FIZ. TVERD. TELA 1970v 12(2)p 645-7 DATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS TAGS--FIELD EMISSIONt GERMANIUM SEMICONDUCTOR, VOLT A14PERE CHARACTERISTICy DIRECT CURRENTv PERIODIC PULSE C02114TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ~,'._DOCUMFNT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1987/1973 STEP NO--(IR/0181/70101Z/002/0645/0647 ACCESSION NG--AP0105047 UNCLASSIFIE D 2/2 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ~-CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0105047' ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul GP-0- ABSTRACT. AN INVESTIGATION WAS CARRIED OUT 'OF-THE KINETICS OF FIELD EMISSION 141TH THE USE Or- HIGH VOLTAGE 10.5-10 KV) RECTANGULAR PULSES OF VOLTAGe OF NEG, PLARITY APPLIED TO THE CATHODE. EMITTERS WERE USED FILLED WITH P-GE ORIENTED IN THE OIRECTIUN (0111. THE VACUUM IN THE APP. WAS 10 PRIME NEGATIVE9 MM FIG. IN THOSE REGIONS OF CURRENT VOLTAGE CHARACTERISTICSt WHERE DEVIATION FROM THE STRAIGHT LINE IS OBSU., THE EMISSION CURRENT VARIES WITH TIME AT CONST. VOLTAGE IN THE PULSE. IN THE INITIAL STAGE, TIMIE DEPENDENCE OF CURRENT IS ABSENT AND SQUARE PULSES OF VOLTAGE CORRESPONDS A SQUARE PULSE OF c CURRENT* FACILITY: LENINGRAD. GOS. UNIV. lm. ZHDANOVAt LENINGRADt USSR. USSR UDC 681.327.11 ANTONOVA, T. N., BABKIN, V. YA., 1OFFE, M. G., KO1HEVOT L., SHLYAKHTIER, D. N. "A Device for Recording Information" Moscow, Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, PromZshlenn)2e Ohraztsx, Toyarnme Znaki, No 23, 1970, Author's Certificate No 276514 Filed 18 Har 69, p 137 Abstract: This author's certificate introduces a device for recording infor.- mation and contains memory units, distributors, a master oscillator, an electronic clock, a control module, a printout and logic circuits. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, speed is increased and relia7bility is improved by introducing an inhibitor connected between the master osci.-Llator and the distributor counter. One of the inputs of this counter is connected to the outputs of the flip-flops in the cells of the memory units, Vni-le its other input is connected through an OR gate to the outputs of the coincidence circuits of these cells. Also incorporated in the device is a printouL con- trol module which contains a coincidence whose inputs are conr4ected to the outputs of the coincidence circuits in the memory units and to one, of the inputs of the coincidence circTjits of the control module. A flip-flop is also added with its input connected to the output of cite coincidence circuit 1/2 USSR AYEONOVA, T. N., et al., Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Prolryshlennyye Obraztsy_, Tovarpyye Znaki, No 23, 1970, Author's Certificate No 276514 Filed 18 Mar 69, p 137 and its output connected to one of the inputs of the other coincidence cir- cuits in the control module, which are 6onnected through OR circuits to the output amplifiers, USSR uDc: 621-373.531(o88.8) SHLYAKHTIN,_A. Ye. "A Pulse Generator With Inde-Dendent Regulation of Pulse Fronts" USSR Author's Certificate No 266822, filed 8 Dee 6-8, publi*hed Jul TO (from Eh-RadioteMlinika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract No 1OW9 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a pulse generator with independent control of pulse fronts. The device cont-,drs a transistorized switch, a controllable RC time-mark. netvork and a diode limiter. To in- crease the ratio of a shallow pulse front to a ste-ID front, the output of the stage vni(en shapes the leading edge of the pulse is connected through the RC ne,wcrk to a stage based on a transistor in a common-collector circuit. Connected to the emitter of this transistor are a second storage ckuaci-tor ar-d -- resistor circuit for controlling the troiling edge of the pulse. 1/z 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATE-30OCT70 TITLE-DEVELOPMENT CF SENSORY INNERVATION OF THE HUMAN RECTUM IN PRENATAL UNTOGENESIS -U- AUTHOR-SHLYAKHTIN, G*V. .,-.COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SGURCE-APKh AN-AT GISTOL FMBRIOL 5811).- 56-64. ILLUS. 1970 DATE PUBLISHEC-----70 SU8JECT AREAr5%--6lOL0GlCAL ANO MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC. TAGS-EMBRYCLOGY, FETUS, LARGE INTESTINEt NEAVOUS sysrEM, 'ANGLION, CELL PHYSIGLOGY ,.CCNTRGL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3002/1089 STEP NO--UR/9076/70/056/001/0056/0064 CIRC ACCESSICN NO--AP0128516 UNC L A S S I FED 2/2 019 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 ',CERC ACCESSION NO--AP012-85L6 '"ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. INGROWTH OF AFFERENT FIBERS INTO THE RECTAL WALL WAS REVEALED BY THE END OF EMBRYONAL OR 6EGINNING OF THE FETAL PERIUD. CONCENTRATION OF NEUR08LASTS OCCURS AT POINTS OF INTERSECTION OF THESE FIBERS. THE SENSORY TUFTS APPEAR BY 12-14 WK. INCAPSULATED VATER-PACINIAN CORPUSCLES AND GLOMERULAR RECEPTORS DEVELOP AT 14-17 WK. SENSORY ENDINGS WITHIN GANGLIA OF AUERBACHIS PLEXUS APPEAR IN FETUSES AGED 14-16 WK AND BY 17-18 WK DIRECT CONNECTIONS BECOME ESTABLISHED BETWEEN AFFERENT NERVE FIBERS OF THE CNS AND GANGLIONIC NEUTRONS OF RECTAL INTRAMURAL PLEXUSES. IN THE ZNO HALF OF THE FETAL PERIOD GROWTH OF THE NUMBER OF SENSORY ENDINGS CONTINUES. AT TERM AFFERENT FORMATIONS OF THE HUMAN RECTUM APPEAR TO~BE FUNCTIONALLY EFFECTIVE CN MORPHOLOGIC EVIDENCEv ALTHOUGH DIFFER.ENTIATION OF OCCASIONAL RECEPTOR ENDINGS CUNTINUES IN THE POSTNATAL PERIOD. FACILITY: LAB. MURPHOL.w I* P. PAVLOV,INST, PHYSIOL-9 ACAD. SCI. USSRt LENINGRAD, USSR. -lz r5' i TIM USSR UDC 681.325.54.042 SMMOV, L. N., SH Y KRYLOV, Yu. D., PANC)V, V. P., and PARAHONOV, K. C! "A Reversible Binary Counter" USSR Authorts Certificate No 280542, Filed 12 Dec 68, Published 9 Dec 70 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal -- Avtomatika, Telemekhanika, i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 8, 1971, Abstract No 8B188 P) Translatiou: The purpose of this invention is to ensure stable operation of a counter, given a significant level of noise. This is achieved by hav- ing each digit position of the counter consist of two "memory" cells con- nected in series via an AND cell, while a NOT inverter is connected to the input of the first position. The binary reversible counter includes an inverter, which is meant to control the counter the change in potential; delay lines consisting of logical "memoryit elements; logic circuits consisting of AND cells; and memory elements consisting of logical "memory" elements. 34 USSR UDC: 681.327.2 SUFMOV, L. N., SHLYAKHTIN V. T., KRYLOV, Yu. D., PANOV, V. P., P-ARAMONOV, K. G. "A Reversible Binary Counter" Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promysblennyye Obraztsy, Tovarny3re Z118hi, Ho 28, 1970, Soviet Patent No 280542, Clas3 21, filed 12 Dec 68, p 4o Abstract: This Author's Certificate introduces a reversible binary counter which contains digital places on "memory cells, AND cells, and a control bus. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, operational.stability is ensured in the presence of an appreciable level of Industri&I interference by making each digital place of the counter in the lorm of two "memory" cells connected in series through an AND cell, and connecting a NOT inverter to the inputiof the first digital place. 95 J112 . .023 UNC L A S! ESS I'NG DAY i 'M 'LS OF THE FISSION OF -,F_--7RES",%AN'CE INTEG-PRA PLUTONIUM* AND -U- K.A.t B;%K, M.A., PETROV, YU.G,p RUMARICVv YU.F., :'SHLYA MATRY OF INFO-USSR ~GUR.CE-AT. ENERG. 1970, 29(CT), 359-60 ~_AT_E_ PU3LlSHED------7n ;UBJECT AREAS-PHYSICS, NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY roplC T4G5--NU"_L.EAR F&TSSIGN, NUCLEAR RESONANCE, INTEGRAL FUNClIONT 'i '_ NIUAI AMERICIUM '4 i ...URAr NUM, PLUTO. I FISSION CROSS SECTIOu MTROL MARKING--iLO RESTRICTIONS L., )QCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED IROXY REEL,/FRAME--3007/1066 STEP NO--UR/0089/70/028/000/0359/0360 IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0136486 W.11CLASSIFIE0 ~112 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOVTO rl;rC'-ACCESSION ~'110--AP011.36486 %BSTRAt'T/E^-TRACTl--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE FISSION RESONANCE INTEGRALS ACERE DUD. TO BE PRIME233 U 650 PLUS Oil MINUS 90, P'l rME239 PI) 330 PLUS OR MINUS 30, PRIME241 PU 550 PLUS OR MINUS 40# AND PRIAE241 All 21 PLUS OR MINUS 2 BAq.%'S. THE FlSSjrjN RESONANCE. 1,NTEGRAC FOR PRIME235 U WAS TAKEN AS 274 PLUS OR MINUS 11 IN THE CALCNS* UN-C LAS S ---7 7~1 112 0;~ I UiNC-11 ASS 1 F LED p F; r! S ~l I _'C3"JCTIW, T HE TITLF--THC,,_Wf*',-?2-J j r R U,-i 1-i-ADIATION OF P.~~GTACTIINIU:4-231 YU.I. KRIVOKHArs&ty, A.S. , SHLYe0,ll,,'l,, E.ik.* .AuDilJR_(04)-6AKt A. , BARANUV rGUNTRY OF -V'JF0--USSt! --:>CIJRCE--AT .ENERG. 1970, 23(3), 234 D"ATE PUBL ISHED ------- 70 ..SU8JECT AREAS--NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ~TOPIC TAGS--NIcUTR0N-8ClMaARDMENT, SLOW INEVTRONt PROACI'INIUM ISOTOPE, FISSIONAtILE IMATEt~IAL, UkANIUM ISUTOPEt THORIUM ISOTOPE I -CONTROL MARK I NG--N0 RESTRICTIONS -ME?iT CLASS-ft"CL'S"FIED -)CCU .3 L c PROXY REEL/ FC~ A;*16--,l 996/0056 STEP IRC ACCESISIGIN 1140--AP0120-66 EHI, ffilltj 109, r 2/2 021 UNCL ASS IF! ED PROC ES S I NG D,~ r F--- I 3,NIUV7 0 ~:IRC ACCESSION NO-AP0120756 'ACT--(Ul GP-0- I TH 48STRACT/EXTIN AnST~ACT. IN THE IkRADN. OF P.-, -~-IE2~!L ;:,tk v F PRIME2 TO 40PERCENT Of- THE SLOW M, THE MAX. ACCU.MULATION Ci 32 U (SIMILAR a STARTING Amr. OF VMME231 PA) I S OBTAINEO OY PRAGN. F~;R I . 8 Yk AT THE UPT PIUM FLUX OF 10 PR I MF14. Pit I ME2-~-SEC THE MP:( . Y I ELD CDIF PR fMF228 TH IS 0,9PERCENT, iiY IRRMN. FOR 16.5; YR AT A FLUX 'CF 10 PRPJV-~L3 1114-1CM PR 1.14EZ-SEC THE AMT OF PR11-IE223 TH IN EwUtL. 'rilTH I G OF PRIML-232 U UNCLASSIFIEU BAK, A., B.ULA~;OV, YU. I., S., and 3*Hi~Y,'.1-'_7,~-i, E. A. 223 113uoc4al Features of t-he -Orcduction of Th an U232 Irradiation of Nau: 0 D 2111, ,Ioscow, AkademiyaI k SSSR, Atomnaya Enargiya, Vol 23, -No 7 Abstract; A calc-aation -vas macle -~, the 032 ri .3,~u:-u2_qt,'Fn by :~rrad_;a- tion of Pa?:j-l by sim-T neutroll ~Cluxas ill the 101-5 r_*C-U_t'r'O;l/c!!*.- dcnsity range. Abo-et 40"01 of the initial quantity of Pa: 31 Was i-L MAICL.1111.1111 oi, U"Z attaIned durin g the opt-:L-,,c_a irradiation ti:-,e c.C I, t'h 1.0 2 * 300 neutron/Cill '-kcal ol-atron flax dcr%,,ALy. 4 to 0.9,~ at a 101) neutron/c-,,- - see flux dens_-ty four 16 yoa;:,~-,. '4e 61-;` yield, equal to -about 6~ gained in ono yez-~r 'by the oo.-,tinuous extra~tioia of can be att. U232 from, the irradiated volu;nc of Pa231, irradiatlei in a loop by a 103 see f1u7_ For comarison, gn!Y 3,5~' Is att-aineal by protacrinitzi 'J'! irr d~ irradiation vander the same cmiditiows. The -accumulation of L232 by Pa2'. a ation by various slow neutron fluxes is sho-,m in a table, Orj~j. art. has: I table. USSR UDC 620.17:669.71"5'721:620.176.251.1 BARANOV, N. S., KALININA, A. P., STEPANOV, G. A., and SILLI.~~IaE 1. A. "Dependence of Mechanical Properties of Alloys in the System AI-Zn-Mg on Aging Modes" M~ascow, Metallovedeniye i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No 10, 1970, pp 32-34 Abstract: Results are presented from an investigation of the influence of heat treatment and preliminary natural aging modes before artificial aging on the mechanical properties of alloys in the Al-Zn-Mg system at 20* and -196*C. It is concluded that the heat treatment modes for ailloys in the Al-Zn-Mg system which will be used at low temperatureE can be selected so as to provide satisfactory properties at +200C, since the properties at -196*C vary directly with the properties at +20*C. Artificial aging at 100*C for four hours followed by 7-9 hours at 150*C, wish subsequent natural aging for 24 hours or more results in rather hIgh strength properties and satisfactory plastic properties at -196%. 1/1 USSR uDc 669-973:669-14-018.8 STEPANOV, 0. A., GRUDZINSKIY, B. V., and SHLYAMNEVA, I. k. "Properties of Kh18MOT and Kh2lN-5AG7 Steels under Load at -1960c" Moscow, Metallovedeniye I termicheakaya obrabotka xetaUor, No 6, 1970, PP 13-16 Abstract: The results of an investigation of the properties of Kha-82NIOT and Eh2lN5AG7 steels under prolon6ed (up to 2000 hours) load at -1960C are presented. Test procedures are briefly described. The mechanical propertAes are presented in a t:~Ible. The effect of prolonged loading on the mechanioal properties, plastic defornmation, and stress relaxation of steels in service vas determined. It Wa-s established that plastic deformation of h123115AG7 steel during prolonged tests does not increase with time. The relaxation of this steel is substantially higher than that of Kh18NlOT steel. 1Ci2lN3A:GG7 steel appears to be an A!-ffective oubsti- tute for MiIBMOT steel in structures subjected to negative teMeratures, and also has higher strength properties than the latter. Time var#ttiow) of the plastic deformation of MaUIOT steel are 6hown In a graph, 21 figures, 2 referencea. Vi "6 USSR UDC 621.318.576 TLEMNEE, M. I., PWTELEYEV, V. N., RYMINSMY, A. G- - ts"OWL'i'l'i "Digital Display Device" USSR Author's Certificate No 10:fIL01) filed 27 igov 69, publisbed 29 Jul 71 (from BZh--Avt(j,-ati1-m, vychislitellnara teLdini~ka, NO 4, AP-r 72, t 1to ~74P) Abstract Ito translation: A &gital display device is priposed which contains a counting decade, a decoder, switches, a display tifoe,and switch transistors, the base outputs of which are connected via resistors to-the otitputs of the low-order flip-flop of the counting decade. In order to use low-voltzq.,e elem~cnts requir- ing a feed voltage which is positive witil respect to the comon point to con- trol the indicator Ltibe, Lhe anodes of the indicator tJ)e are connected via series- conne cte d reoistors und diodes to the pover supplv and via Capacitors to the collectors of the switch transistors connected via resistors to the power supply, and the bases of the transistorg are connected via resistors to the control pulse Source. There is 1 illusLration. USSR UDC: 621.3.083.721 PANTELEYE V, V. 1-1. , RYZMVSKIY, A. G. , and "Shape of the Scanning Voltage in Time-Pulse Converters" Novosibirsk, Avtometriya, 140 5, 1971, PP 97-1-04 Abstract: Since the available literature offers no means of gene- ralizing the choice of scannin.g voltage shape. in analog-di-ital. converters used for time-pulse conversion, the. purpose of the au- thors is to develop such an approach. A possible application of the approach is to fjjj(j new areas for the utilization of the time-jTaloe converter. Two types of possible equipLent for gene- rating the proper scanning voltage shape are shovia in the form of block diagrams. It is shoim that the shape is determined by the type of conversion parameter and by the conversion characteri2tic, and a general equation is obtained for the scanning voltage. From this equation, an expres-sion for the voltage as applied to a par- ticular type of coaversion parameter can be foixnd for a specified conversion ch-p-acteris'ic. USTIR UDC 621.3.083.8 IEL'NIKOV. A. A., RYZHEVSK1Y, A. G., TRIFONOV11 YE. F., MS11 ,~Y,"Djlj 1.~~ IM N.~ _~ Penza "Some Means of Constructing Ifigh-Speed rrequency-to-Code Converters with Simu- lation of the Inverse Function" Novosibirsk, Avtometriy.~j, No 2, 1972, pp 40-46 Abstract: A study was nade of possible means of inplementing the structures of high speed analog-to-digital frequency converters idth simulation of the in- verse function. The basic problem in implementing thin. inventigated converters is developrent of the fuuctional. gcnerator which in C.0jinection with its pur- pone is called a squarc-law function generator. The construction of th~~ Square law function generator frc= binary multipliers and bintiry dividers is dificurised in detail. Inasnuch as the conversion re~,ult in tlic discussed devices is proportional to the frequency of the investigated signal and the conversion time is equal to one period of the signal, they are characterized by the proper- ties of both digital frequency meters and period rieters. Their advantager. in- clude limiting high speed characteristic of the MUterS Wid proportionality of the results of the conversicn to the frequency of the investigated signal characteri-Ptic of frequency meters. The disadvantages include the presence of errors in shaping the time interval characteristic of period neters and an in- crease in the relative conversion error at the beginning , of the range character- istic. of frcauency meters. Tiio. introduction of a conver.,;Lon di-itali-,atior 1/2 72 USSR MEL'NIKOV, A. A., et al,, Avtometriya, No 2, 1972, pit 40-46 switch in the described devices permits the counter to contain the code result proportional to the frequency of the investigated signal with an error not ex- ceeding the given error for the time of I period of the investigated signal. A model frequency to code converter was developed fori the frequency range from I to 1,024 hertz. An error on the order~of +0.2% was,obtained in the indicated frequency range. 212 USSR UDC: 621-317-32 SHAKHOV, B. K., TELEGIN, S. M., and WU ,a V. D1. .4"f mumbilankm "Digital Measurement of A-C Effective Volta&!," Leningrad, I-Iriborostroveniye, No 5, 1972, Pp 17-21 Abstract- A method for the highly accurate measure of the effective values oi a-c voltages in the low and infrared frequency ranges is described. The rethod uses intermediate signal trw:isformation to a frequency permitting a digital count of the effective value of a voltage of arbitrary shape independent of the latter's frequency. The block diagram of one instmment for e:nploying this method is given together with a verbal and mathematical explanation of its performance, and reasons for the superiority of this method over conventional ones are Iresented. An account of the practical check of the method is also given. The authors are associated with the renza Polytechnical Institute, USSR UDc 621-325.5 BYZHEVSKAYA, T. H. , RYZHEVSKIY, A, G. , SMCHOV, F. K . Penza. PolytecImic-al Institute "A Percentage Time-Pulse Converter" 'Oscow, ;a rom -v NO 5, Feb 72, Author's Certificate No 327601, Division H, filed 27 liov 610, published 26 Jan 1'2, p 169 Translation: '11"his AuLhor's Certificate introduces a Fallse-,-ime converter uhich conta;nn- a control nodule, voltage cornpar3-imi moaul-s, a linearly varying voltage generator, a count pulse gen!_,rator, coinclidence circuits, OB circuits, a frequency divider, a switch, a. digital pulse counter, pulse number counters. As a distinguishing fr~aature of the patent, conversi on accuracy is inproved by adding another pulse cminter. The out- puts of the corVarisor- modules are connected through the coincidence cir- cuits to the counters, whose code outputs are connecti--d. to the inputF, of the coincidence circuits. The other inputs of the cofncid_~mcc circuitrS are connected to the cVje outputs of the addillimil cc)nwler. of the coincidence cimlits are connected through the OR circuiti; to t-1;(; digital comtf,r and Le) tli(! uency divider. IA iti %lai! fflkiMi:1 i,lkil USSR UDC 681.355 BELYAKOV, V. M., BLINKOV, Yu. B., LOMTEV, Ye. A., and SHLYANDIN V. M. "Time Interval-to-Digital Code Converter" USSR Author's Certificate No 262514, Filed 1/07/68, Published 2/11/70 (Translated from Referativ-ayy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Telemek,hanika i Vych:Lslitel'naya Tekhnika, No 5, 1971, Abstract No 5B485P) Translation: A time interval-to-digital code converter is suggested, con- taining forming flip-flops, a collector circuit, digital memory registers, and a delay line with taps. The outputs of the delay line are connected to the inputs of the collector circuit; the outputs of the~collactors circuit are connected to the first input ofthe forming flip-flop, the second input of which is connected to the last delay line output; the inputs of the digital memory registers are connected to the outputs of the delay line. In order to simplify the converter, it contains coincidence circuits, a pulse expander, and a shift register. The input of the delay line is connected to the input of the shift register and the output of the coin- cidence circuit; the input of the coincidence circuit is connected to the output of the forming flip-flop, one input of which is connected to the 19clear" terminal, while the other is connected to the input of the delay 1/2 gggp =11411. ON= USSR BELYAKOV, V. H., et al., USSR Author's Certificate No 262514, Filed 1/07/68, Published 2/11/70 (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Avtomatika, Tele- mel-dianika i Vych-islitel'naya, Tek-hnika, No 5, 1971, Abstract No 5B485P) line. The enabling inputs of the memory registers are connected to the first inputs of the digital coincidence circuits. The outputs of the coincidence circuits of the digits are connected to the output of the forming flip-flop of the collection circuit; the second inputs of the digital coincidence circuits are connected to the outputs of the shift register, while the input of the forming flip-flop of the collecting circuit is connected to the iziput of the pulse expander, the output,of which is connected to the first input of the coincidence circuit. The second input of the coincidence circuit is connected to the last output of the shift register, and the outpuIt of the coincidence circuit is connected to the input of the delay line- 2 figs. 2/2 TOO IN M. Instr4imints and Nlaawu-rements USSR UDC 621.317.79! IvA.Nov, G. yZ., KIRIN, YU. P. , ItYZEEVS-KILY, A.. G. , IRYZHEVSKAYA, T. N'. , 54U~~~. x. U. "Procedure for Measuring Passive Parameters of Moscow, OckrIltiva, lzobreteniva, Pro,-.Yshlennvy:~~~. Tova=vve Zna*,zi, No 17, 12 May 70, p 55, Patent No 270861, Filed 11 Feb 69 Translation: This Author's certificate introduces a Drocedura for nonsuri'n- iga:- .1 o~- tht-- the passive parameters of electric circuits based on ~nvas-'-* .*o, transient process in a measuring circuit contninir.;; active an-,L r,~activa c-*c!- ments, In order to wi4en the Weasurement limits, inprove L"-Je accuracy o~ the be-inrdn- of the measurement range and decrea-se the t Ower d-isspated i-n the.investigated element, a linearly varyin.- voltage is fed simultaneously the measuring circuit and the resistive voltage divider. The point at whic~-4 the voltages at the midpoints of the measuri-ng circuit and the divider ara equal Is determined, and the time interval proportional to the measured paraza- ter is isolated. 1/1 _t M7. i- -~Hijz 'i'i iiii ' ie flHEHii6ifili fiH~.;HHTk'RHB fli H FNtffi UR 0482 0 044297- Souiet Inventions Illustrated, Section II Electrical, Derwent, 243732 NWHERICAL MSURING EQUIPMEUX OF ELECTRICJ~L FARAIJE XERS in which impulse kenerator it associated tN~ough gating circuits'with two counters one of which is connected to a code-voltage converter, The gating circuits are connected to a measuring; bridge the output from which is compared with the code-voltage converter. The equipment measures sequentially electrical parametere of a component. 15.1.68 as 1210521/18-IO.V-.H.SHLIANDIN et al. PENZA POLYTHCHNICAL (30.9.69) Bul 17114.5.69.ClaBs 21e. Int.Cl.G 01r. AUTHORS: Shlyandin, V. M., RXzhevskiy, A. G., Kirin, Yu. P. Penzenskiv Politekhnicheskiy--Institut USSR UDC: 622-375.122 LYADOV, B. N., BLIMWOV, Yu. V., LOMTEV, Ye. A., Penza Polytechnical Institute A Multistage Amplifier" q Moscow, Otkrytiya, Izobreteniya, Promyshlennyye Obraztsy, Tovarnyye Maki, No 11, Apr 72, Author's Certificate No 333675, Division H, filed 3 Aug 70, published 21 Mar 72, p 220 Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a-mulmistage amplifier for AC signals btised on transistors connected in a coLmon-(;!Titter circuit. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, the operat-Ing stability of the amplifier is impruved with respect to direct current tlnd the device is sim- plified by Joining together the emitters of all transilators in the (-vdd stages and the emitters of all transistors in even stages, and connecting them to the comon line of the amplifier through RC bias networks -which are ccm-an for the joined transistors. The collector of the transistor in each pre- ceding stage is connected to the base of the transistcl-31 in each following stage through a resistive divider. N IN 1MR-Mil III N PlIff, Holeaular~ Bi6lofL- USSR U-r, C576,658.6 SF.LYAIMVICH, H. A., Jr,---titute of ExD-eximental Pxd Clinica-1 Oncology, Fedical Sciences USSR "Molecular Genetic 1,11cchanisms for the Integration of Virus DRA Into the Cell Genome During, Oncog-enesis" Moscow, Uspekhi Soyremennoy Biologil, Val 7.3, Vyp 2, 19721 pp 192-208 Abstract: Par.-ars are reviewed that deal with t1le ircor o=.tion of thc- vi~-al genome for soie oneogenic viruzes that have cyclic Dl~lj the most inteni~-N,ely stu-;Iied of which aiv. polyertin, and 5V-1W. A discussion of the *nachzuii.,;,m of virall reconbination includts the roles of br-t~aks in the Chaint O-C ho)- '01o-01:5 portlons of sin-le-atrand ploces of D11A, of cleavz,,7-0 ZI-na ZeT-xL~-r ~tys~-Dl~s of enzr-,,es, of t'i-- acce--~.ibility of protions of the D'in to, and of specific ard nonsiy2cif-ic enzymes. These points 4vve then usoc.1 as backgrourial for the reviall 011, infornation on the recol-Ilb-Int,11,1011 =,d IrcorPora."At"11 of tomperature bacteriophages into E, coli Poi:,sibt-!~t rzechanis.,~3 of Incorporation of onco-Pnic DPA vilruzes axe diaci~sso The relation Ix-tween recombination and the izLitiation of replAcation is discv,ssed in ter,.;s of the Jacob-Monod model. Enzyne zyBtc~rs involved in a necessary early atep -- cleavage of the viral DNA -- a-j,~e discussed With a review of work on tem],--rature-sensitive mutants of the polycma virus. The USSR Sh-LYA10MVICH, 14. A., UspekU Sovremennoy Biologoij., Vol 73, Vyp 2,1972F pp 192-208 possibility is analyzed that a Virus-specific em.~,we 'IrEcoc,:ni~es" specific loci on the vlral DRA. This involves considleration of con*.~`i- o - I 1~ na fomis of the viral DNA, of tl-.,e ability to transfor.,i colls j)c-rsi:j'Le111L,1y, of T-antigans, and of DINA Induction of in thu host cell DNA is them discussed, with consideration of th-e tbat viral ,xwoducts are involved. The roles of an.L of rvar~,,Joz,.-, of in vims and host DINA, the relation of cellul-rx ])I'li% replir ard replicatio-, processes to virus irrorporation, ana tho possible xo16 of che.,dc,7.1 and phynical argents in facilitating virus incoxpomtion -ve reviewed. 2/2 Ott TFW45110PMATION OP A NOILHAL DIPVM:NTEATXD Cr-L OF THE ADULT ORGANISM INDUCED 11'r WI;ION M: TVIIS (:Y.LL WMI AN0111YA NOWMAI. Cr.LL OF TIM SAHV 0.'J.AN%5M Wr WITH DIFFERENT ORG&RIC OR T19SULAR SPECIFICITY y'. ~j u 4 1 '1 1p'- M [Article by L.15, Mcklor, O.B. Drite, I.V Osechinskiv SR. ca ln,,titute Mxp_erim1ntjI_~d MxnMl 4 ovxy,, , Akidetnti MeditstaskWt.-Nauk S%SR, Russian, Sciences, Moscow; !A;osvow, Vortnik No 4. April. 19 71_pp 75-66-1 Ilic central position of the theory of oncogenesl.s expounded by one of the present authors (L.B. Mekler, 1968, 1969, 1970) states that a normal cell bacomes malignant, i.e, tcquireo tte ability of an:1=1o4s growth and repro- duction, invanion, =t4atJ�5e9, and progression only when, by virtue cf some causes or other (L.B. Meklar, 1966. 1969s 1970) cA its surface appear organ- specific or tisaut,-upecific antigemn inherent to calls of other tissues or organs of the 4q= orkanism. According to this theory, suzh a chanze in antigenic topogrnphy of a normal cell mvrfa~e in sufficient, an the one hand. this cell. from tbe,rontral or adjacent similar normol cells, and, T to re"~ovc on the other Mind. to render it cap,,ble of effecting specific contacts with adjacent or distant cells of another tissue or organ. This munt result in less bv the altered call of qensitivlty to concoct inhibiltion and acquidLcian of the'cnpaclty to invade and metastasize precisely the tissues or organs whose greciric anttgem4 this cell acquired. 'Mis approach to interpretation of the causes of tranSformation of nomal cell into a maLigntnt onv it; basically different from the conventional Uj 11 views of the cause of this phenumenon which consider appearance ion the surface I t1e, t no4fortacd cal's of antigens foreign to the organSsm Induced by Sen~t'-' surcli as virunce or chemical carcinogens (L,A. Zil'ber; Koprowski et &I.) : to be the bo'2111 of malltmant trztnaformation of the cell (referring first of all, to malignent transformation induced by viruses or certinaganic chemical substAnce%). Although the literature describes a number of factors indirectly can- fiming the above theory, there is no question but that direct evidence is needed to test its validity. 1 117 USSR UDC 616-006/U92.9-02:576.858.7'- (Sendai).097.5 J _-xx,vO- . i"'EXLEIZ,1. 13., and SHEWLYAGIN, V. Yjt SHLYANKEVICH, I.-A. A , I U - 1 8'rT2TYer1Mt-ff79l and Eiinical Oncology, Acadea~y 'of 1.*edical Sciences USSR, and institute of Epidemiology,and Microbiology imeni N. F. Gamal-eya, AcadeMly oji-2 Madical. Sciences USSR "Functioti oil the Genome- of Inactivated Saudai V.-Lrus in the Formation, of Artificial Heterokaryons" Leningrad, Voprosy Onkologii, No 1, 1970, pp 5S-.62 ~stract: Using the immunoflurescence mathod, !~~ha authors found ti-,at I t L, -1 -:10 cells and du"ing -he formation oi" he-erokaryons obta4ned :rom H chick fibroblasts, Sencal virus inactivated by W, travlOlet irradiatioR or t-reatment with batapropiolactoQe Stimulated the. productio-ii of T- antifgent alone. Tiiere was no biosynthesis olf vira-1 compo-nen-'s (V- antigen, hemag-lutinins, riboi-tucleoproteinz.) oz Of. the complete in- fective Virua. A. -antig-,a was Afound in ordinary cclls-s ar,,& het,!xolkaryons for a brief Period of ticae, disappegiring, after, $-7 day&. T-arit-i-en occurred only in the cytoplasm, not on the cell~4urCace. Physical Properties USSR UDC 669.018.5:538.21 LIVSHITS, B. G., SUMIN, V. I., LILEYEV, A. S., and SHLYAPIN, A. D., Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys "The Effect of Cubic Crystalline Anisotropy on the Magnetic Properties of the YuNDK35T5 Alloy" Moscow, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebuykh Zavedeniy Cherftaya Metallurgiya, No 11, 1970, pp 122-125 Abstract: Temperatur!~~ dependences of the saturation magnetization coercivity, the constant of uniaxial anisotropy, and the constant of the cubic crystalline anisotropy were investigated on- the YuNDK 35T5 alloy (35% Co; 13-14% Ni; 7.5% Al; 5% Ti; 3.5% Cu; the rest Fe) after isothermal treatment. A comparison of experimental and theoretical data led to the conclusion that other anisotropy types in the YuNDK35T5 alloy should be investigated. On the basis of the Stoner-Wohlfartt formula the angular dependences of the coercivity for a single-domain anisotropic-form particle with a cubic crystalline anisotropy were established. Cube crystalline anisotropy was shmi to have a con~ider- able effect on the remagnetization mechanism of the alloy. It also explains the greatly increased coercivity in tempering. USSR UDC: 533-652/.661.oi3 E ERESHCHAGIH, 1. F. , MEMM, V. V_ V "Equations of Motion of an Aircraft With Nozzle in a Cardan Suspension" Uch. zau. Perm. Lm-1. NIc 230 t (Scientific Notes of Per=' University), 1971, PP 85-103 (from RM-i4ekhanika, No 7, Jul 71, abstract No ',"B339) Translation: Equations of motion (rotational motion and displacement of ---the center of mass) are derived for an aircraft consisting of tvo parts a rigid bull within which a solid fuel charge is located, and a nozzle held in a Cardan suspension vith two degrees of fre6dor, a,-!lative to the hull. Effects due to displacement of the center of mass and the geometric characteristics of the vebicle are taken into consideration-. After deri- vation of the complete system of equations, simplifications are made for the case where the center of mass of the nozzle coincides with the center of suspension, and the hull is axisyrz,,etric, and the,equations are also linearized- The equations of motion of the center ot mass are cons4 'dtred in localized, velocity, and absolute systems of coordinates. It J's recom- mended that the velocity system be used in the -Dresence of aerodynavdc forces, and that the others be used in the absence of such forces. G. S. Aronin. USSR UDC: 533.652/-661-013 VEMMUIG-1-11, 1. F. , MALANIN, V. V. , "~btion of an Aircraft With Nozzle in a Cardan Suspensionif -Uch.. zaij. Per--. un-t (Scientific Notes of Perm' University), 1971, No 2:~~, pp 104-129 (from RZh-Mekhandka, I'To 7, Jul- 71, Abstra,-,t No 73340) Translation: On the basis of previously derived eauations of motion \See abstract 7B339), an investigation is made Gf the notion of ar aircraft with nozzle in a Cardan suspension. In integration of thd linearized equations of rotational- m--tions, progra=-.ed rotation of the vehicle relative to the longitudinal axis is predeterredned. The condition,, oC stability of th4s- motion are considered in the absence of rotations relative to the other s and when the nozzle is in the neutral position. D~inpinjj, of the w-,gu- lar velocity is also considered in two xod-Ifications, az well --, redl-iction of the rotation of the vehicle to a single axis and ztabilizaLion of the position of the vertical hull of the vehicle. The equations of motion of the center of mass are integrated for one special case horizontai fiij~1)111 with regard to atm-spheric drag. G. S. Aron-in. 34- UNCLASSI Fit ED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 TITLE--MULTIPLE SCATTERING MATRIX WITH ENERGY LOSSES -U- -AUTHOR-102)-MANYUKOV, S.A., SHLYAPNIKOV, P.V,,,-,, CO UNTRY UF INFLI--USSR SUURCE-Y AUER N. FIZ.; 11: 605-l' (MAR 19701 DATE PUBLISHED-MAR70 AREAS-PHYSICS ~: .TOPIC TAGS-SCATTERING MATRIX, MULTIPLE.SCATTERING ~..',C,CNTROL MARKiNG-NO RESTRICTIONS REEL/FRAME--3001/2218 STEP NO--UR/0367/70/OIL/00010605/0607 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0127580 UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED ~PROCESSTNG f)ATE--30OCT70 CIR C ACCFSSION ND-APOL27580 Ai3-.STRACTlEXlRA%CT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. 'A MULTINJi: SCATTIE P. I XG M. A I R I X ,-, H I C I i TAKES INTC ACCi~UNT PNEERGY Lfi-SSES OF THE PARTICLE IS OBTAINED lelll'HIIN NE VALIDITY OF THE FERMI DisrRiBuTION. FACVLITY~* INST. FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH, DUBNA, USSR. 1/2 013 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 TITLE--PROGRAM FOR CALCULATING THE KINEMATIC PARAMETERS OF ELECTRON TRACKS ,IN BUBBLE CHAMBERS, AND RESULTS OF STATISTICAL TESTING -U- AUTHOR-(03)-GERDYUKOV, L.N., MANYUKOV, BVA.~ SHLYAPNIKOY9 P*V* OF INFO--USSR ~.SOURCE-PRIB. TEKH. EKSP* 1970, t2)t 255-6 ..DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS --JOPIC TAGS--ELECTRONs BUBBLE CHAMBER, PARTICLE TRACK ~_COINTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--3008/2_010 STEP NO--UR/0120/70/0001002/0t'-"55/0256 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0138864 Ur,,r LASS I F- I EO z/2 013 UNCL ASS IF I ED PROCESSING DATE--27NOV70 CIRC ACCESSIDIN NO--AP0138864 .,ABSTRACTI.EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT, THE PROGRJOI ISELEKTRON" IS DESCU.BED FOR CALCG* THE KINEMATIC PARAMETERS 01* '' E rRACKS IN BUBBLE CHAMBERS WITH HEAVY LIQS.t SUCH AS C;SUB3 H SUa8y C SUB2 F SUB5 CL. FACILITY: OB#EDIRR. INST. YAD. ISSLED.i DUBNAt USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR BUDAGOV, YU. A., Vjnou--IzAr~ov, V. B., VOLOWK0, A. R " C; TL_ V- -UGRYUMOV, V. G., KLADNITSKIY, V. S., KUZNETSOV, A. A., LONAKIN, YU. F., MEL'NIKOVA, N. N., POINOSOV, A. K., FLYAGIIN, V. MARTINSK,~, G.W, BOLDEA, V. (2), MTKIWL, A. (2), MUMUYANU, D. (2), PONTA, T. (2), FELEA, S. (2), and CHADRAk, B. (3), Joint Institute of Nuclear Research; (1) University imeni P. I. Shafarlik, Koshitse, Czechoslovak SSR; (2) Institute of Atomic Physics, Bucharest, Romania; (3) Physics institute of the Academy of Sciences Mongolian People's Repub- lic, Ulan-Bator "Study of the Mass Spectrum of a AK-System in v p-Interacticns at 1; and 5_1 Gev/c" Moscow, Pis1ma v Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, Vol. 11, No. 1, 5 Jan 70, pp 31-35 Abstract: The results of a study ol the spectrum of the effective masses of a AX-system are reported. The spectrum was obtained in investigating 7 p-interactions ~n a 24-liter and a 1-meter propane bubble chamber irradiated in i-meaon beams of the proton synchrotron of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Resoarch with pulses of 4 and 5.1 Gev/c, respectively, An investigation of the structure of the effective mass spectrum of a AZ-system was of interest from the viewpoint of observing new 1/2 USSR BUDAGOV, YU. A., et al, Pis'ma v Zhurnal Eksperimental'nay i Tooreticheskoy Fi--iki, Vol. 11, No. 1, 5 jan 70, pp 31-35 resonances with zero strangeness and the decays of di,-fferent isobars via the chan- nel N* - A + A", to determine the relative probabilities of these decays. Approxi- mately 230,000 photographs were analyzed for each bubble chamber, The effective mass spectra of JUO combinations for events in which the decays of a A-hyperon and a KO-meson were simultaneously recorded in the chamber are graphed. The graphs show a considerable excess in the number of events above the background in the mass region 1.61-1.96 Gev/C2. it is shown that this anomaly is not associated with the reflection of known resonances Y* (1385) and K* (890) in the AKO-sDectrum. The total excess in the number of events over the background in the mass interval- 1.611- -1.96 Gev/~2 was 114 !: 13. The experimental data.verify the existence of two resc'- nances with masses about IL685 and 1935 Mev/c2 an&widths of the order of 150 Mev/c2. _t is concluded that the anomaly observed in the effective mass spectrun, of AK can be explained only by -he decay of the isobar 51, (1710), P11 (1750) via the channel A + X or by the existence of a new resonance with mass about 1685 Mev/c2, as the data of R. Erbe et al indicate. 1/2 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING OAT'-';--30OCTTO TITLE-SOLUBILITY OF ANTIOXIDANTS IN CRYSTALLINE POLYETHYLENE -U- '_AUTHOR-(04)-GROMOVt B.A.v KORDUNER, N.YE*t MILLERv V.B., SHLYAPNIKOVr _~'- IYU.A. :~-COWMY OF INFO-USSR SOURCE-OOKL. AKAD. NAUK SSSR 1970t 190(6), 1341-2 tPHYS CHEM) DATE PUBLISHED 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY ~.-'.TOPIC TAGS-SOLUBILITY, POLYETHYLENE, ANTIC XIDANT ADDITIVE, ANILINE, o.,AMINEr BENZENE DERIVATIVE, CRYSTAL,, IR SPECTROSCOPY RESTRICTIONS clDGCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-ZOOO/0710 STEP NO-IJR/OO2Ol7Oi'L9O/L)0611381/1382 CIRC ACCESSION NO-AT0124380 UNGLA S &I F'IED - UNCLASSI FLED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 CIRC, ACCESSION NO-AT0124380 ASSTRACTIEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT.. THE SOLY. OF PH SUBZ 141f, PHENYL98ETAi NAPHTYLAMINEs. AND CYCLOHEXYLBENZENE (USED AS A MODEL COhPD.) IN' POLYRYHYLENE (1) CO'NTG. VARIOUS AMTSo OF CRYST. PHASE (DETO. BY IR SPECTROSCOPY) 30ES NOT DEPEND,~rm ITS CRYSTALLINITY, EXCEPT THAT WHEN THE CRYSTALLINITY APPROACHES 10'OPERCENT, THERE IS A LOWERING OF SOLY. THE SOLY. OF ANTIOXIDANTS IN THE CRYST. PHASE IS PROBABLY DUE TO 14 THE MICROFISSURES, THERE IS A SOLY. INCREASE WITH 11TEMP. a 30-60DEGREES RANGE. FACILITY: INST. KH114. FIZ-v MOSCOW, USSR. UNCLASSIFIEO UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--30OCT70 -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0116668 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CARBON BLACK (1) CAUSES THE DECOMPN. (OR RECOMBINATIONI OF PEROXY FREE RAOIC~ALS Ak-)t ~IHEN USED AS A FILLER IN HIGH-0. POLYETHYLENE, IT ACTS AS ANTIOXVDANT ESP. AT HIGH CONCNS. OF HYDROPEROXY RADICALS (YA. P. KAPACAUSkIENE ET AL.t 1967). HOWEVER, I ALSO CATALYZES THE OXION. OF ANTIOAXIDANTS, SUCH AS LONOL oR METHYLPHENYL)IMETHANE. AN ATTEMPT TO BLOCK BIS(2,HYDROXY,3,TERr,BUTYL,5o THE CATALYTIC ACTIVITY OF I BY REPLACING SOME OF 0H GROUPS ON ITS SURFACE BY OSIME SUB3 GROUPS (BY 24 HR IM14ERSION OF 1 IN O.IPERCENT ME SUB3 SICL SOLN. IN BENZENE) WAS UNSUCCESSFUL. rl-fE A14TIOXIDATIVE A14D CATALYTIC PROPERTIES OF I WERE RELATED TO ITS GRAPHITE TYPE STRUCTURE, FACILITY: INST. KHIM* KHIM* TEKHNOL., VILNIUS, USSR. UNCLASSIFIED USSR UDC 543.424t547.414.8 LEVIN, A. A., KHUrORMKIY, V. M., OX=BSTINA, L. V., and..U"= I Institute of Organic Chemistry imen! N. D, Zelinskiyj Acadeay OF Sciences USSR "Haman Spectra of Folynitro- and. ~-Wogenopolynitroalkanea" Moscowt Izvestiya kkademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Xhimicheskaya, No 11, Nov 71, py 2575-257? Abstracti The article gives the first results of a study of the intensities of a number of Raman spectral lines of polynitro- and c~ -halogenopolyni- troalkanes and previously unpublished Razan spectra for IC(1102) FC (1102) 3 3# CH3CH(NOj)q, OICH(NOZ)2, FCH(NOZ)rZ, intensities were measured for lines of the symmetric stretching and deforzation vibrations of C-HO 2 AToups. Analysis of the results shows that In the considered series of compounds the line Idensities vary within rather a wide range. It is suggested that interaction of the nitro groups with halogen atoms leads to significant changes in the electronic properties of 4-halogenopolynitroalkane molecules, An increase In Intensities is mainly due to a decrease in the electron-acceptor properties of the substituent and the degree of its polarizability. 63 - PRO(;ESSING DATE-30OCT70 ~1.12 020 UNCLASSIFIED . 'j-ITLE-REACTICN OF CARENE IN THE PRESENCEOF.DIATOMITE, -U- ~,'AUTHOR-(031-BARDYSHEVt 1.1.t BAZYLCHIKP V*Vo* SHLYASHKNSKIY, R.G. ~tCUNTRY OF INFQ--USSR fsCURCE-ZH. 08SHCh. KHIM. 1970s 4013), 672-6 oil -,DATE PUBLISHED-70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY :TOPIC TAGS-PONCYERt POLYMER, TERPENE, AROMATIC HYDPOCARBONt ISOMER M41FOL MARKINC-tiQ RESTRICTIOtIS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIE0 PRGXY ACCESSICN tv~---AJ0124589 SrEP 5, F I E 11) 2/-2 020 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-30OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION N&-APOIZ&,589 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. PASSING 3,CAREN~- OVER DIATOMITE AT 250DEGREES WITH 4.5 SEC CONTACT TIME GAVE 86.7PERCENr MONOME'RIC PRODUCTS AND 12.BPERCENT POLYMERS. THE FOLLOWING WERE IDENTIFLED CHROMATOGRAPHICALLY AND -SPECIROSCOPICALLY: 14,11ENTHPLIENEr PvMENTN,3,ENE, PIMENTHilsENEt DELTA PRLME4vCAR(ENE, DELTA PRIME3tCARENEI Ltl,4,TRIMETHY7LCYCLOthEPTADIENEv CIStISOLIMONENE, L,PrMENTHA72,?t,DlENlE, MrIv3pMENTHADIENE AND TERPINENE, GAMMA,TERPINENEr SYLVESIRENEv P,C~MFNEP AND LtP#MENTHAp318,0IENE.- THUS THE 3,CARENE UNDERGOES ISOMERIZATION INTO THE 411SOMER AND RUPTURE OF THE 13 MEMBERED RANG EN ALL POSSIBLE DIRECTIONS. FACILITY.* INST. FIL. ORG. KHEM.s, MINSKv USSR. USSR UDC 621-3574.033.2t669.587 TrRIINA L. M. SARXIS'YANTS, N. A., and SBjXGj4j_&,_j. "The Rate of Electroprecipitation and Electrodeposition Reactions on a Zinc Electrode" English Version Above. Topic Books from the Dallnevost Universityt Vlad- ivostok, 1972, pp ?5-73 (from Referativnyy 14hurnal - Xhirdyap 11o, 8(11), 1973, Abstract No 8L302 by V. V. GrImina) Translationi As an example of the reaction of electroprecipitation and electrosolution of zinc in ZnSOb solutions, a study was made of the velocity of the electrochemical reaction"s in the metal ion systams in solution. A study was carried out using methods of stationary and impid method stripping polarization curves. 14C is probable that duxIng an increase in the polariza- tion during the procenses of electrodeposition. and eleotrosolution of Lino a change in the limiting rate of the steps occurxed., IT- USSR UDC 621-35-035.2-001-11 �HLYGIVo At I. "The Theoretical Bases Ifor Electroda Processes" Nekotor, probl. kinetiki elektrod. processes (Some Problems in the Kinetics of Electrode Processes), Topic Books From the Dal'nevost University, Vlad- ivostok, 1972, PP 3-8 (from Referativnyy Zhurnal - Xhiniyaj No 8(11), 1973, Abstract Ho 81211 by L. S. YAnevskiy) Translationt Quantitative equations are presented describing the relation- ship between the basic values characterizing the nature and specifissity of electrod processes (current exchange, over voltage, work functions). The accuracy of these relationships is documented by a oxtxnple of the hydrogen (iron - platinwa)electrode for which sufficient orperimental data are known. The problemn in using the above equa;tionp for studying different oxidation reduction oyatems axe also discussed, i i iii i i ii i: Ii;iii iRR Un-le U. i;, -.1 It i; i 4 i-Ii i9l 11 4.4 61 i "1 1; Z; Z ai -_1/2 ~023 UNCLASSIFIED, PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 TITLE--LEUKOPOIETINS IN ASEPTIC INFLAMMATION -U- ._4UTHOR-(04)-KAKHETELTOZEv M.G,p SHLYGI.N., A.N., DOLGINAt Z.M., DUBROVSKAYA, R.M. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SOURCE--PATOLOGICHESKAYA FIZIOLOGIYA 1. EKSPERIMENTAL'NAYA TERAPIYA, 1970, VOL 14v NR 2, PP 79-83 ..-DATE- PUBLISHED ------- 70 CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRA'iE--1988/0022 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC TAGS--BLOOD SERUMP DOGr HORSE, HYDROCARBON, PROCESSED PLANT PRODUCT, LEUKOPOIESIS STEP NO--URJIJ3()4,/70JO14/0021007910033 CIRC ACCESSWiN Nn--AP0105121 .L-f 2/2 023 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP01051ZI' ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CHA14GES OF LEUKOPOIETIC ACTIVITY OF THE BLOI-10 SERIV4 OF DOGS AND HORSES WERE STUDiED IN ASEPTIC INFLAMMATION CAUSED BY TURPENTINE. BLOOD PROVED TO BECOME ENIRICHED WITH LEUKOPOIETINS, wHICH IN INTACT ANIMALS STIMULATED DIFFEkEiNiTIATION OF STEM CELLS IN THE DIRECTION OF GRANULOCYTOPOTESIS, PROLIFERATIVE ACTIVITY OF GRANULOCYTES, THEIR MATURATION AND t[BERATION INTO THE PERIPHERAL BLeOD. ACCUMULATION OF LEUKOPOIETINS WAS PHASIC IN CHARACTER; THEIR MiAXIMAL AMOUNT WAS REVEALEP IN YHE BLOOD 3 TO 7 DAYS AFTER ADMINISTRATION OF TURPENTINE. LEUKOPENINS DEPRESSING THE PROLIFERATIVE ACTIVITY OF GRANULOCYTES AND L113ERATION OF MATURE GRANULOCYTES FROM THE BONE.MARROW INTO THE PERIPHERAL BLOOD WERE REVEALED IN SOME OF THE SERUM SAMPLES. FACILITY: PAT(rFILIOLOG-ICHESK-AYA LABGRATOR'IYA TSENTRAL'NOGO-INSTITUTA GEMATOLOGII I PERELIVANIYA KROVI MINISTERSTVA ZORAVOOKHRAINENIYA SSSRt MOSKVA. FACILITY: LABORATORIYA FIZIOLOGII Vr--ESOYUZ?iOGO NAUCHNO ISSLEDOVATELtSKOGO INSTITUTA KONEVODSTVAr MOSCOW.. f'f ED- - -1/2 015 UNCLASSIFlED PROCESSING DAIE--23OCT70 SECRETION OF THE LIVEVIN DEFICIENCY OF POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS -U- G.K.t POIMERANTSEVAp I.I. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR .-SOURCE-PATOLOGICHESKAYA FIZIOLOGIYA I EKSPERIMENTALINAYA TERAPIYA, 1970, VOL 147 NR 21 PP 54-59 PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TOPIC.TAGS--LIVER. FUNCTION, 0IEfj PHOSPHOLIPIO CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1988/0027 FAT,, MALNUTRITION, LIPID, FATTY ACID, STEP NO--UP,/03-36/70/014/002/0054/0059 CIRC ACUSSIGN NO-APOW5120 F7, 21 '2 015 UNCLASSIFIt-0 PROCESSING DATE--2~OCT70 CIRC ACCESSION N-0--APO 105126' 48STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. EXPER IMENTS WERE PEkFORMED ON PATS WHICH WERE GIVEN SYNTHETIC DIET DEVOID OF FAT FOP A NUMBER OF Ml.-JNTHS. SURGICAL CANNULATION OF COMMON AND L08AR BILE DUCTS WliS ACCOMPLISHED IN THESE ANIMALS IN HALF, ONE AND A HALF THREE, A'NO FIVE HONTHS. EVEN AT THE STAGE OF MARKED FAT DEFICIENCY THE SECRETION:OF THE PRINCIPAL BlLr- COMPONENTSv LIPID COMPLEX, FATTY ACIDS, AND PHOSPHOLIPIDS PROVED r0 6 E ON A HIGH LEVEL. IN THIS ?ROCESS A VERY IMPORTANT k'(-')LE IS PLAYED BY THE HEPATG INTESTINAL CIRCULATICN.OF SUBSTANSES: ITS DISTURBANCE UNDER THE MENTIONED CONDITIONSt LEADS TO DERANGEMENT OF THE EXTERNAL SECRETION OF THE LIVER. THE RESULTS OBTAINED ARE REGARDED AS A MANIFESTATION OF ACTIVE ADAPTATION OF THE LIVER MAINTAINING THE COURSE OF METABOLISM -[!ITY: UNDER CONDITIONS OF INADEQUACY OF ESSENTIAL COMPOUNDS. FAG I PATOLOG*11''PI'SHCHEVARE141YA INSTITUTA PITANIYA LABORArCRTY AMH SSSR, MOSKVA. UN C LAS S T F I E 0 71/2 026 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--023CT70 .:TITLE--THE EFFECT OF CASEIN HYDROLYSA TElNTROD UCED PAREINTERALLY ON THE EXCREJORY FUNCTION OF THE PANCREAS -U- AUTHOR-(0Z)-SHLYGIN,j3*K*j VOROBYEVAt T..V* COUNTRY OF INFO.--USSR SOURCE--BYULLETENI EKSPERIM ENTALINOY BlOLOGII I MEDITSINY, 1970, VOL 69, NR~ 4, PP 36-39 DATE PUBLISHED------70 :SUBJECT AREAS--BIOLOGICAL A NO MEDICAL SCIENCES TAGS--PANCREAS# OC;(Ip SECRETI ON, ENZYME, PROTE[,"J, I:IBRI%I, HYDROLYSIS, PEPTIDE -4 Tt_'L -14'_ K 1 V I I C T 1 17S D 'U"i tN T C L A S S --U N'C L A SI F I PR~JXY REEL/FRAMF-193~JI593 STEP rf,;r' ACCFS_fr".~ 212 0 2 UNCL ASS I F I ED v,;i3 oArE--n2(-!','T7C :CIPC ACCE-SSION NO--AP0106331) ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-W) GP-0- A3srRACT. p IN EXPERI!A~ENTS 3N Du-S A CHRONIC FISTULA OF THF PANICRFATIC OUCT THE AUTHORS OtMrj~JSTRATF THAT CASEIN HYUROLYSATE, OBTAINED 6Y ACID HYDROLYSISt UPON AD7~1'41ST:IATIUN lNTO THE BLOOD IS ENDOWED WITH A SHARPLY PRONOUNCED CAPACITY TO STIMULATE THE SECRETION OF THE PANCREATIC JUICE. T14E SECRETED JUICE IS CHARACTERIZED BY A RELATIVELY LOW CONTENT OF ENZYNHES AND TijTAL PROTEfr4. A PREPARATIdN DERIVED BY MEARS OF-ENZYMATIC HYD[WLYSIS POSSESSES THIS CAPACITY TO A SIGNIFICANTLY LESSER DEGREE. FIBRIN HYDROLYSATE AND A OF OTHER HYDROLYSATES OBTAINED FROM THE BLOOD 00 NOT 'CAUSE AN INTENSIVE SECRETION OF THE PANCREATIC JUICE. A4 01314ION IS SET FORTH THAT CASEIN HYDROLYSATE CONTAINS SOME FRAGMENTS Of- ITS MOLEGLF, WHJCH IN 'THE QRGANISM ARE CONVERTED INTO PEPTIDE WITH SECRETIN LIKE ACT V TY. UN C, L AS S- [-F I E 0 USSR UDC 621-373,531(058.8) SHLYKOV, N. A., NEMIROVSKIY, B. V. , KLYUKIN, L. P. TSELVOVISM, 0. i7. "A Pulse Generator" USSR Author's Certificate Ila 258377, r-iled 14 mar 66, Piblished 24 Apr TD 1'c1% M-Radioteklinika, 110 10, Oct 70, Abstract Ila IOG168 P) Translation: The time-mark circuit in the proposed puli;s, generator ic between tne negative pole of the auxiliary po,.rer supply a_nd the callvctor olf* a... auxiliary transistor which is connected i n turn to the base of the main trwn:-Jistor through a caDacitor in the time-mark circuit and the feedback vinding of, the trans- former; -the base of the auxiliary transistor is connected "a the collector of t-1,e main transistor through a feedback resistor; the emitte-i-q. of the main and transistors arQ connected to the negative, and positive Poles if Lhe auxili~_-ry and main power supply sources. The circuit may be uued over a wide frequency ranEe since provision is made for svitching the capacitance of the time-mark capacitor and for continuous control, of the time-mark resistor. N. S. 137 ;H-a 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE-230CIT70 -TITLE--HEAT TRANSFEk CRISIS DURING BOILING WITH SUBCOOLED WATER MOVING IN ~-.~P,IPES AT HIGH SPEEDS AND AT LOW PRESSURE -U- AUTHOR-(03) LEONGARDTp A.D., POTAPOV, A.P. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -SOURCE--TEPLOENERGETIKA 19701 17(3)9-63-5 ,DATE PUBLISHED ------- 7~3 ~SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS 'TOPIC TAGS--BOILINGr HEAT TRANSFER RATE, STAINLESS STEEL TUBEY WATER, FLOW -VELOCITY ~CdNTROL MARKrNG--N0 RESTRICTIONS .DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED 'PROXY REEL/FRAME--1989/1054 STEP NO--UR/0096/70/017/003/0063/0065 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107563 UNIC L-A S S I F 1 E 0 -2/2 030 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--23DCT70 ;C'IRC ACCESSION NO--AP0107563 ~ ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. CRIT. HEAT FLOW (Q Sj8rR) EXPTS. WERE CONDUCTED IN 3.6-MM INSIDE DIAM., STAINLESS STEEL TUBES ON FLOWING (16-25 M-SEC) DEAERAT6D H-SU62 0 SUBCOOLED (DELTAT SUBSC) 15-85DEGREES BELOW THE SATN. TEMP.; THE PRESSURE OF Q SUBCK VARIED FROM 0.5 TO 3.0 KG-CM PRIME2. EXPTL. DETD. 0 SUBCR IN W-M PRIME2 AGREED TO PLUS OR MINUS 20PERCENT WITH RESULTS CALCD. FRO14 THE A. P. ORNATSKII (19,60) Q SUBCR EQUATION. AGREEMENT BETTER THAN PLUS OR MINUS IOPERCENT WAS OBSO. WITH LITERATURE DATA IN WHICH THE Q SUBCR APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO F(DELTAT) AT THE LOW PRESSURES WAS SIMILAR TO 10 KG-CM PRIME2o THE Q -SUBCR REMAINED UNAFFECTED AT DELTAT IS SMALLER THAN 30DEGREES. FACILITY: INST. TEOR, EKSP* FIZ., MOSCOW, USSR. --!7 Z 7 Al 0 1 USSR SHLYKOV, Yu. P., KOBLYAKOV, A. N. "Heat Transfer with Forced Turbulent Flow of a Fluid at Supercritical Parameters" Teplo. i Massoperenos. T. 2, Ch. I [Ifeat and Mass Transfer, Vol 2, Part I Collection,of Works], Minsk, 1972, pp 3-15, (Translated from Reforativn),y Zhurnal, Mekhanika, No 10, 1972, Abstract No 10 B808, by V. D. Vilenskiy). Translation: Results are presented from a theoretical StUdy of heat trans- fer as a fluid with supercritical state parameters flows through a pipe. The integral expression for the Nusselt number in the area of heat exchange stabilized over the length is used in the calculations. Th-, turbulent transferfactor is describe(! by Reichardt dependencesA into which the di- mensionless distance from the wall is introduced as dy Y C where y is the distance from the wall, v, v are the local vdlue and vaILIe c at the wall of kinematic viscosity factor, V* is the dyna.-.iic velocity. 1/2 C A USSR SHLYKOV, Yu. P., KOBLYAKOV, A. N., Teplo. i Massopereuos. 1'. 2, Ch. 1, Minsk, 1972, pp 3-15. Calculations are performed for the flow of water in a pipe 10 mm in diameter with.a. pressure of 245 bar and various values of mass velocity. The results show that for certaip modes, heat transfer worsens. An analysis of the re- suits produced is presented. An empirical dependence is presented, sum- marizing the results of calculations and certain experimental data. 2/2 USSR SHLYKOXF, Yu. P. "General Rule of Turbulent Friction for Channels with Noncircular Cross Section" Teplo. i Massoperenos. T. 1. Ch. 3 (Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 1, Part 3 -- Collection of Works], Minsk, 1972, pp 80-87, (Translated from Refera- tivny-y Zhurnal, I'lekhanika, No 10, 1972, Abstract No 10 B594 by A. D. AlItshull). Translation: The following formula is suggested for determination of the coefficient of hydraulic friction X of channels With complex cross-sec- tio nal shape: where p is the form factor, determining tlv~ hydrodynamc char~icteristics of the section (see Shl'Rov, 1. P., Tsarevskly-Dvakin, S. N., Teplo- energetika, 1966, No 12, MiMeLn', 1967, 7B6,16). A uh1v of,the values of form factor found experimentally for certain cross sections is presented. 7 Biblio, Refs. USSR UDC 616 .988.751.-!107 -.616 .1-07 EVS.KAYA.,, V.. V..,. amul- SHLYKOV Chair~ of Infectious NEPY SfflN -1 11 L Y P-V h. Medicaf Institute, Voronezh,,aad 12th 'Diseases,. Voronez Infectious Disease, Voronezh "Changes in. the Cardiovascular System in Influenza" "fas-Cow 82 85 Sovetskaya Moditsina, No 2, Peb 71, p Abstract:! Changes in. th e. cardiovascular system were studied on 133 patients with. Lnfluenza caused by the- virus A., (Hong Kong) 68~ Th.e principal clinical- manifestations of: these Ehanges, were muteness of cardiac tones, a functional Systolic noise above the heart tip,. alteration,o,f the frequency of cardiac contractions, and a drop in arterkal- pres.sure. The most pronounced changes in the E-KG wrere disrupted, rhythin, reduced voltage of the P, R, and T waves,- displacement.oLf the RS-T segment with rell 'eTcnce to the isoelectr-ic-line,. a lengthening of.the electric-systole, and an increase., in the systol1c index. At the heigh,t of.the disease 90.21 of tita pationt- axiiibited arterial hypo:xemia. I'lle decrease in tb~e degree of saturation of the blood with 0. 1'rom tile average level for- healthy parsons varied with the saverity of the USSR NE-PY-SIIN-EVSKAYA,. V.. V., ands SHLYKOVA, S. I.,, Sovetskaya Meditsina, Vol 34, No Z, Feb TL, pp- 82,--85 disease. The majority of patients showed an increased peTmeabil- ity of capillaries and a decreased resistance of capillary walls. At the time of conval.'esconce the cardiovascular functions had not yet returned to normal in most patients. The changes in these functions that were observed indicated diffuse dystrophic alterations in the myo,aardium and in a numbe,r.of;cases inflamma- tory alterations in- the- Latter. 2/2 If2 021 UNCLASSIFIEU PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 TITLE-STRENGTH OF THE FIELD OF RADJU WAVES IN THE RANGE 150-1,500 KC-SEC .-PROPAGATING OVER GaEAT DISTANCES FROM A TRANSIMITTERo FIELD STRENGTH OF AUTHUR-(03)-VILENSKIYt I.M., UDALTS0Vv,A.N~.t SHLYU,GERo I.S. OF INFO--USSR SUURCE-GLUMAGNETILM I AERONDMIYA, VOL X, NO 2t 1970t PP 262-267 DATE PUBLISHED--70 ,~.~SUB.JECIT AREAS-N.AVIGATIONs PHYSLCS TOPIC TAGS-RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION, IONOSPERIC PROPAGATION, LONG RANGE ~_~S I GNAL RADIO COMMUNICATION CGUTRUL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS .-DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REELIFRAME-199111440 STEP 14U--UR/(JZ03/70/010/002/0262/0267 CIRL ACCESSION NLI---AP0110938 UNCLASSIFIL-D 212 021 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--090CT70 CIRC ACCESSION N"O-AP011-0938 Af3STRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. A PRECISE SIUDY IvAS MADE TO CONSTRUCT ACCUkATE CURVES FuR PRUPAGATIw4 OF RADIO WAVES IN THE RANGE 150-1,500 KC-SEC TO CHECK ON THOSE RECOMMENDED BV THE INTERNATIONAL CONSULTATIVE CUMMISSIUN ON kADIU COMMUNICATIONS FOR COAPUTING THE FIELD STRENGTH OF THE IONOSPHERIC WAVE IN THE EUROPEAN ZONE OF RADIO BROADCASTING. IT WAS FOUND THAT FOR PATHS UP TO 2,000 KM IN LENGTH T14ERE IS A GOOD CURRESPONVENCE TO THE MEASURED VALUES kECOMMENDED BY THE COMMISSION. FOR LONGER PATHS A CORRESPONDENCE 15 OBSERVED ONLY AT LOW FREQUENCIES. FOR HIGHER FREQUENCIES THE MEASUREMENT RESULT-S DEVIATE ~FROM-THE PROPAGATION CURVE FOR THE CORRESP914DING FREQUENCY AND APPROACH THE LOW FREQUENCY CURVES. AN INCREASE IN ATTENUATION AT HIGH ~ FREQUENCIESOVER THE TERRITORY OF THE USSR IS P40T CONFIRMED, AT LEAST FOR PATHS OF A LATITUDINAL DIRECTION. THE MAGNETIC 114CLINATION CORRECTION CURVES AGREE WELL FOR PATHS UP TO 2v2OO K)i IN LENGTH. FOR LUNGER PATHS IT IS PREFERABLE TO DETERMINE THE CQRREC1'1ON SEPARATELY FOR EALH HUR AND AUO THE RESULTS. THE UISTkIBUTION UF HJURLY MEDIANS JS CLOSE TO LOG NORMAL. DEVIATION OF THE QUASIMAXIMUN VALUE FROM iRE ANNUAL MEDIAN IS PLUS 6 OB. DEVIATION OF THE QUASIMINE14UM VALUE IS 8 DB. THE SEASONAL VARIATION HAS TWO MAXIMA (MARCH APIQ.OCTUBER) AND TWO MINIMA (SHALLOW IN JANUARY AND DEEPER IN MAY-JUNE). ~ FACILITY: INSTITUTE OF.GLDLGGY.AND GEOPHYSICSt SIBERIAN DEPARTMENT ACADEMY OF SCIENCES USSR. FACILITY: NOVOSIBIRSK ELECTRICAL ENGINEER114G COMMUNICATIONS INSTITUTE. USSR UDC 621.762.001 BONDARENKO, V. P., CHEPUNYAK, L. V., and _S1 Ya. "Alloying of Lanthanum Hexaboride With 11afnium" Vestn. Kiyev. politekhn. in-ta. Ser. mashinostr. (Herald of Kiev Polytechnic Institute: Machine-Building Series), 1971, No 8, pp 178-180 (English summary) (from RZh-Metallurgiya, No 1, Jan 72, Abstract No 1G246 by authors) Translation of Abstract: The authors studied the cori-Auction of La20 and Hf02 by boron in vacuum. An alloy was obtained containing a solid solution of Hf in LaB6 and HfB2 and possessing elevated thermostability as compared with pure LaB6. One table. Bibliography with four titles. 112 037 UNCLAS S I FI E 1) --230CT70 PROCESSING DATE TITLE--PROPERTIES OF CRY-STALLINE A,4,'.IONIU'4 NITRITE -U- AUTHOR -(04)-SHIDLOVSKlYr A.A#r POPOVICH, A.S., S"MAGINo L.F.., ROGGZHNIKOV# v.m. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -6 SOURCE--ZH. PRIKL. KHIM. LENINGRAD 1970, 43(2)s 434 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS--CliEMISTRY,, PROPULSION AND FUELSt ORDNANCE TOPIC TAGS--AMMONIUM NITRITE, COMBUST101 RATE, DETONATION7 EXPLOSIVE THERMAL SHOCK CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--19q7/0724 STEP NO--()R/0080170/04,~/002/0434/0436 CIRC ACCESSION l,'.)--APQII963I I:j I~A 037 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING 0ATE--230CT7C CIRC ACCESSION ND--AP0119631 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) (;P-0- ABSTRACT, D,v LOSS OF WT, ON STORAGE, FLASH POINTt SENSITIVITY TO SHOCK AND FRICTION, RATE AIND CRIT. DIAM. OF COMBUSTION AT ATIM. PRESSURE, AND EFFECT ON COMBUSTION RATE OF INH SUB4 NC SUB2 AFTER ADDN. OF VARIJUS SUBSTANCES WERE STUDIED ALONG WITH EXPLOSIVE PROPERTIES, SUCH AS THE RATE OF CRIT. DIAM. OF DETONATION. CRYST. NH SUH4 NO SUBZ 15 AN EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCE OF AV. FORCE (ON THE ORDER OF TETRYL), BUT ITS PRACTICAL USE IS HARDLY POSSIBLE DUE TO ITS POOR CHEM. STABILITY AND ITS HIGH SENSITIVITY TO MEHC. AND THERMAL SHOCR. FACILITY: MOSK. INST. KHIM* MASHINL)STR*v MOSCOWr USSR. AAC043506~ UR 0482 u, Soviet Inventions.IllustratedI.Section I Chemical, Der-we"nt, F226L55 STEREO-REMIAR POL)RMS are pIrepared by the poly=eri.*ation~of-di-olefLas,using a bi- functional polymeric redidal catalyst having, organo-setalgroups at both ends, the metal combinations being gp. I and-11, 0r.1 ind 11%, or 11, or 111. -The previous method utili**ed as Catalyst transicion. metals and alkyls ind aLkyl- halides of aluminium wbich were very unstable in the atmosphere. In an le, 370 ml'.hexane, 95 ml Lao-prene, 0.75 & complex bi-functional organo- metal (NaAIR ) (C H and 0.6 ml TiC14 ar(t J02 Polymerisad r 39 gri. in-an autoclavo At 260C. The polymer is precipita. Ited,with'ethan6l to' give 67% yield (mol. wt 320,000) of which 90% is cis- 1,4-polymer. .2.11.64, as 927914/23-~5,~?M.OV, C. N. at a!. S.V. Lebedev Synthetic Rubber Res..Inst. (22.8.69) But. 28/5.9.68. Class 39c, Int. Cl. C 08d. 197G1.906 " L- Ili, USSR LJDC 691.142.624:506.2 B. N., SHMA K. "Instrument for Automatic ComDutation of the Distribution Density Function of Microscopic Objects in Terms of Their Diameter" Patent No. 327470 (1334551/26-25 from 3 June 1969), Class G06f 5/00 announced by the Special Design Bureau of Biological Instrument Building (from Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, No. 5, 1972, p 138) Abstract: A device for the automatic calculation of the distribution density function of microscopic objects in terms of their diameter which contains a scanning microscope, a delay line,and a scheme for determining thle end of the microscopic object is described. The device is diStingLished by the fact- that it includes a multichannel.counter to increase the accuracy of the calcu- lations and give greater clarity to the result-,i and also includes a second delay line Zind a circuit for the comparison of Vie durall-ions of the video pulses, where two inputs of the multichannel ccunter are connected respectively with the output of the first delay Une t'~!Dd the output of -the comparison circultwhich i;7, cannocted wfth tho inj'J]Jt'll ~Md t-he OLItpUt Of the necond t1clay lino;and to the Input and the ouiput of I:h,:-. firot delay lAric there is connected a circuit for the compar..f.son of tbr.,, durations of the videc, ulses, the output of which is connected with the control circuit. 77- Composite Materials USSR 'UDC 669.73-178213 KOVAL!, A. D., NATHOV, YE. B., LEZHETIKO, G. G., ~IE)q!. __V~I., SHBGIY9 A. A., and SHMAKOV, A. M , Zaporozhtye Machine Building Institute, Department of 11hysical Metallurgy "Molybdenum and Tungsten Fibers as a Strengthener of a Beat-Resistant Composite" Ordzhonikddze, Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenly-Chernaya Metallurgiya, 110 4, 1973, pp 153-155 Abstract. This work was conducted to study certain mechanical properties of e vire, made at the Uzbek Refractory and Ifeat-Resistant Materials Combin (UHHic, and the ;-merican alloy TZII, and to explain the poosibilities of reali7ing the strength of molybdenum wire in a composite. 14aterials for this study vere molybdenum and tungsten wires grades MCh and 14K, made at URIIIIT-2, experimental vire ChZM, and tungsten wire grade VA. A matrix of alloy E1435 was used with filler vire 0.5 rm in diameter. VoliLme content of wire In the alloy vas 24%. Rezults of determining tons4le strength showed that wire MrCh bad the lowest mechanical properties at 800-120010C. Experimental allpy ChZV surpasses the .1 short-time strength of nolybden-un alloys TZM, ~I^h~ NX and ChZI, (not, heat treated) after heat troatment. Tensile strength of EI435+330% M'Ch at 11 )OOOC in the initial. state and after annealing for 500 hours 11-14 kg/IrTI The 1/2 USSR KOVALI, A. D., et al., Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zabedeniy--Chernaya Metallurgiya, No 4, 1973, pp 153-155 following table shows the tensile strengths and short-t-ime-streng-ths of E1435 -with different combinations of vire filler: TS(11000C) STS(12000C) E1435+30% HCh 1.3.6 kg/mm2 --- EI435+24% VA 19 16.4 kg/Ir-12 K1435+24% ChZM 22.2 17 Thus, the composite E1435+24% ChZM has the best properties above 11000C and shows the best prospects as a filler wire reinforcing material. 2 figures, I tablet 3 bibliographic references, 2/2 4 sot apgs .1 LMC: 616.89-OOB.48 IRE PPObLER 0FPATVOL0GY REF=?~Aatx, -,t3 wIL.. IN 717'. LIGUT OF THE THEORY OF 'Ar E -icle h A V ov (Mosww) 1 'to6ccw, Ventillk Akadpmli tfed1tainakikh Nduk ESSA, .a. 4- April- 1971. P7 Ili-221 .1%.e theory of reflection degcrl~ed In the huok by V *I ' Lenin, Hateri- an zi En~ I r! i!;rl tl cf- , and in -he "Philcsophicsl Not1b..ka," w~n further devtzloped In,harmist philnsc-phv (T. ['Avlov), psycholapCr (S,I,. Rubin- shtcyn) , rourophysiology (F.K. and other branchem of science. ~tudvm science dealing with higher mental pracesmen and, In particular, will, is ba--dd on the bantariali6tic ca&c~1-inr of .1jt, Sachenov and I.r, Pavlov "Mch vtt4~ t1l" h--=.n PAYthe as a dererm-ined and ccmple~ synte. of conditioned rt-..~.x activity, 7ne .evelt)pnent of rzcurophysio1oi,,y (P.K. Anakhin and others) ..nd o! -curop.4vChology (A.R, Luriya ~n~ ot%-jr~) in -the ln,,t decade haa expanded .j1d dtod~wned cur kn,-ledgc atout c1he reflective acLIvity of the humAtal brain undtr -vn"al cendition4 and in the p"~ienf:t uf. some nwirt:Psychic 41ft,,-heo. the S=C LIM#, invvnt~,gatlonr, wire b~run.frcm Ow pc--itlra~q of the rofleCLio,i thaory,of n~- ft,cl*ne~~ Ci:.K. I'latiltim-, G.Mk. Slattrarov), ~,"tl VlAtono,:; %.V, ~hmmkzv), ~ well at, of tho. mechunisma of fomn- L.'cn of dtlirlm (0.V. Yerbl~ov; h.A. Lebudev, and others). It is Interest- 'r., ~or uu to con~'ee7 the prablem ot vilL in r1w light: of tfi~ theory or r~'Icz-oo m, to in ne, 1c, pa~ti,ular, Psychiatry. !ec t4--' ot po..,ibte, i~. in--tit~t:ng uillll h. , form of ref3.ction' to -rot-d frr'm Df tl,e Positicns 4.n P.Y. Anolkhln'r con.-t-pttan with rt!gard to antLcipati-d reflectiN% anti =~,e, tntr-~,rat~ve cnnc~pt of a dynamic Nfictional Ryit- as che c~-ntral-pevlpherod mjtc-ri~l titrucrure. .~s wr know. In t1le course of evolu~!(vn anticip,lLory rerlectlan has crf,vellt,d a llun4 roaJ and. at the hi,-h-t ~tcp ,[ itF davclopm,:nt it was tvanA- 1~t- Lh. capacity of the hw~a-.i bra!n cnR,~(-,iuu~Ly ~n,' purpormfutly r,titct. t4e Ann phenome-~a In zi, world. Van, who IN In a sociobiologic:!1 tInvircinmunt, ~nd Oil,-nicts with it t)v m~,~-ns of racopcorto v.~.ual, and ach-!ri.), mmqr-atly wxpevionce3 ~1.1'e t~-j (matortal =d qpLritual vie~d-j). Noeds, which at., .%t-Ar-II and